Suitts Center for Graduate Career Services: Daniels College of Business
V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1 O C T O B E R 2 0 0 9
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Success Story 2
Job Postings 2 Etiquette Corner 2
Announcements: Come Join Us!
GENERAL *DU Career and Internship Fair Oct. 28th 3-6pm , Driscoll Ballroom *5 for Friday-MBA Oct. 30th Presenting Employers: WBS Connect, IBM, BrownForman, Western Union, MBH Enterprises WORKSHOPS *Interviewing Oct. 20th 12-2pm, DCB 320 *Resume and Cover Letter Oct. 21st 12-2pm, DCB 320 *Case Interviews-Beginner Oct. 27nd 12-2pm, HRTM 229 *Case Interviews-Advanced Oct. 28th 12-2pm, HRTM 229 (Beginner recommended 1st.) INFORMATION SESSIONS *Davita: Oct. 22nd ON-CAMPUS RECRUITING *Hitachi Consulting: Oct. 22nd *FTI Consulting: Oct 29th 83:45pm *Davita: Redwoods Leadership Development Program: Nov. 4th *RSVP on Daniels Careers
Community 3 Events Profile of the 3 Month Inside Story Inside Story 3 4
Coming to Daniels:
Training the Street (TTS) banks, business schools, and colleges. Register at https:// regeister.trainingthestreet.com/ login/aspx CEO/Student Forum: Joe Rogers, CEO Waffle House Wednesday, October 21 12:30 p.m. Marcus Commons CEO/Student Forums bring the leaders of the most dynamic organizations right to your front door. Join your fellow students for an engagement with the, CEO of WafThe Investment Banking & Capital Markets Club (IBCM) is pleased to present TTS for an excel seminar. This workshop is designed to develop applied modeling skills through actual hands-on experience in Excel. Oct 24: 9-12:30pm DCB 205 Class Code 8916 Oct 25:1:30-5pm DCB 205 Class Code 1115 TTS is the world’s leading provider of instructor-lead courses in financial modeling and corporate valuation training to Wall Street, investment fle House. Mr. Rogers will share his experiences and views on leadership and entrepreneurship. Jon Schlegel, Co-Founder Snooze Restaurant Friday, October 23 10 a.m –12 p.m. Marcus Commons The founders of local breakfast restaurant Snooze will talk about how Daniels helped them build their busi-
RECM- A Taste of the Industry Nov. 5 11:30-1:30pm Marcus Commons RSVP to
[email protected] FREE LUNCH!
Job Postings
*Consultant: Hitachi Consulting Denver, CO Full Time *Entry Level Business Analyst (Intern to Hire): Global 360 Denver, CO Internship/Externship Full Time *Stockbroker Intern: Scottrade Inc. Cherry Creek, CO Internship/Externship *Audit Associate: GHP Horwath, P.C. Denver, CO Full Time *Sales Professionals: DISH Network Englewood, CO *Redwoods Summer Associate Program: Davita Inc. Nationwide, US Internship/Externship *Redwoods Leadership Development Program: Davita Inc. Nationwide, US Full time *Senior Consultant/ Corporate Finance/ Restructuring: FTI Consulting Denver, CO Full Time CHECK OUT MORE LISTINGS AT DANIELS CAREERS!!!
Success Story: Tanya Tousi
Tanya Tousi – Qwest
After meeting with Tanja Hinterstoisser our Associate Director of Career Management Services, Tanya Tousi was able to negotiate and accept a 46% increase from her previous position at Allstate, and is now a Lead Offer Management Analyst for Qwest. “I was so thrilled with the salary that I forgot about any hesitation and accepted.” -Tanya “Thanks for your advice. Your perceptive nature makes you great at giving guidance.” -Tanya Andrews Securities Internships: Marc Scordo, Dan Zhuang, , Jason Marshall, Kai Erspamer, Andrew Ray, Donovan McCain, Stephen Meyers, Lei Zhang Senior Analyst Vendor Relations Western Union: Alisha Morken
Congrats on Jobs & Internships!
Tanja Hinterstoisser Associate Director, Career Management Services
Etiquette Corner
Check out more at www.thejobexplorer.com AND attend one of our workshops!
Job interview techniques:
Present a concrete example: Saying you have a skill is not nearly as powerful as describing a situation in which you used it. Quantify: Whenever possible, use numbers to
provide the basis for what you did. For example, give the percent you exceeded quotas, dollar amounts you were responsible for, and number of new accounts generated. 3. Emphasize Results: Providing data regarding the positive results
achieved is important. For example, sales increased 3% over the previous quarter or profits were up 50% fro the previous year. 4. Link it up: Although your connection between your example and doing the job well is clear to you, make sure its’ clear
Community Events
The MillerCoors Urban Entrepreneurs Series Celebrating its 10th Anniversary, the MillerCoors Urban Entrepreneurs Series (MUES) proudly continues its unwavering commitment to fostering urban economic empowerment throughout the country. Started in 1999 as a means to advance entrepreneurship in urban communities, the MUES program continues to evolve and grow by incorporating more resources for you - the entrepreneur. https://millercoorsmues.com/
Do you want the latest information on a variety of international employment issues, education trends, legal requirements, work permit changes, cultural advice, and more!?
In uncertain times, while everyone is waiting to see what will happen, it's a great opportunity You can now simultaneously search all to enhance your value as an 400,000-plus Dept. of Labor visa applicaemployee or a jobtions based on company name, location, seeker. Several valuable projob title, industry, and/or wage. grams are now open for regisNew to the collection is the Canadian City tration. Find one that is right Career Guide series for Toronto, Montreal, for you and register today!
Vancouver, Ottawa, Edmonton and Calgary and Central American Country Career Guides for Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, and Guatemala.
Their Global Key Employer Directory listings now include more than 450,000 corporate profiles.
For more details on these programs, visit www.womensivion.org or call 303-470-7576
Profile of the Month
Student: Alexandra West Alexandra is in her second year of the MBA program at Daniels. Alumni: Alex Bjork Alex has jump-started his career by accepting a paid Research Internship at The World Wildlife Fund in Washington, D.C.. Previously a staff member at ILOP with Daniels and a Dual Degree student at Korbel, he has ...
Employer: FTI Consulting FTI Consulting is a global business advisory firm dedicated to helping organizations protect and enhance enterprise value and have over 3,500 professionals located in most major business centers in the world. Here at Daniels, they have generously volunteered their time to panels hosted by the Daniels Consulting and Strategy Group (DCSG). They also will be hosting an on-campus recruiting (OCR) session on October 29th. Sign up at Daniels Careers!
Hot Topic
Network, Network, Network !!!
Employers responding to NACE’s Job Outlook 2010 Fall Preview survey expect to hire approximately 7% fewer graduates from the Class of 2010 than they hired from the Class of 2009. In addition, they expect to trim career fair participation. Other highlights from the survey include: The largest group of employers (43%) plan to maintain their college hiring levels. The bulk of recruiting activity will be focused in the fall. There are signs of promise in certain industrial sectors (trade, construction, and the federal government) and geographic regions (Northwest and Midwest).
In terms of recruiting activity, employers expect to attend fewer career fairs, travel less, and put more emphasis on social networking in 2009-10 than they did in 2008-09. GET OUT THERE AND MARKET YOURSELF!
The Daniels College of Business at the University of Denver has a far reach across every discipline and is available for organizations and individuals at every level of their professional career. From Full-Time to Professional Masters Programs, Daniels is changing the way the world thinks about business. Additionally, the Part-Time and Executive MBA Programs have been nationally and internationally ranked, bringing the brand to a new high. Utilize your human capital and invest in your company's future by partnering with Daniels at The University of Denver. Through Daniels, there are various degree programs such as the Full-Time MBA, Full-Time Masters Degrees, Executive and Professional MBA Programs, Part-Time Masters Degrees, and a Certificate Program. Once at Daniels, the Suitts Center for Career Services will serve as you Career Asset Fund Manager helping you utilize all the essential tools and market yourself in today's competitive career landscape.
University of Denver
Daniels College of Business 2102 S. University Blvd. Denver, CO 80208 Phone: 303.871.4722
Changing the way the world thinks about business!!!.