Oklahoma City Bombing and Politics of Terror by D Hoffman

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Oklahoma City Bombing and Politics of Terror



The Oklahoma City
Bombing and the
Politics of Terror
by David Hoffman
Copyright © 199 David Hoffman
P!blished online "ith the
irrevocable permission of the
a!thor to rep!blish "ith attrib!tion
on a non#profit basis$
Hosted by the Constit!tion %ociety
&'ditor( Chapter 1) incl!ded belo" "as not incl!ded in the
printed edition* "hich ren!mbered the remaining chapters
accordingly$ The chapters belo" the red bar are still being
edited* so content may not match the printed edition* and the
endnote n!mbers "ill mostly not match the correct endnotes$
They are being p!t !p in advance of completion* b!t sho!ld not
be +!oted !ntil editorial revisions are complete$,
1. The Mannilicher-Carcanno
2. The Face of Terror
3. Non-Resident Alien
4. Millar's Rent-A-Nai
!. Teflon Terrorists
". No #tone $nt%rned
&. The Connection
'. (oc)erbie * a +arallel
,. The #tin-
1.. The /cto0%s
11. The Co1ert Co2bo3s
12. The Moti1e
13. The +olitics of Terror
14. A #trate-3 of Tension
1!. 40ilo-%e5 (et Them 4at /.6.
This boo) is dedicated to Ace 7a3es8 m3 friend and 0rimar3 mentor8
2ho 0assed a2a3 as this boo) 2ent to 0ress. As a s0ea)er8 and
thro%-h his small ne2s0a0er8 the Portland Free Press8 Ace hammered
a2a3 at the establishment 2ith a lo9%acio%s c3nicism and 2it. Ace
fo%-ht the battle 2ith both 0en and s2ord8 dod-in- the la2 on the
front lines of the trenches. 7e 2as both ins0irational and instr%mental
in brin-in- this boo) to li-ht. 7is friendshi0 and co%nsel 2ill be sorel3
Note5 The names of certain indi1id%als ha1e been chan-ed and noted
in the te:t. (ibel la2 does not ma)e -enero%s allo2ances for the %se of
real names in the case of a 0erson 2ho has not been officiall3 indicted8
or 2ho has not -one 0%blic ;i.e.8 been 0re1io%sl3 inter1ie2ed in 0rint or
on T<=8 or 2ho is not a 0%blic fi-%re.
"You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you mad."
— Aldus Huxley
The a%thor 2o%ld li)e to -ratef%ll3 ac)no2led-e the hel0 and
assistance of the follo2in- 0eo0le8 2itho%t 2hose hel0 this stor3 co%ld
not ha1e been told5 Melissa >linin- and Brad 4d2ards8 >F/R-T<8 Nolan
Cla38 aily !klahoman8 Rodne3 Bo2ers8 Arkansas emocrat "a#ette8
(arr3 M3ers and Rich Aar at $edia %ypass8 6%1al A1i1 of ?nterfor8 @on
Bro2nin-8 6on Ra00a0ort8 a%thor of !klahoma &om&ing' (he )upressed
(ruth8 Michele Moore8 a%thor of !klahoma *ity' ay !ne8 former @4A
a-ent Mi)e (e1ine8 6esse Clear8 Mar) #anford8 +a%l Friend8 Idaho +ews
!&ser,er8 1ideo 0rod%cer Ch%c) Allen8 !klahoma *ity' -hat .eally
Happened/8 6@ Cash and 6eff 7ollada3 of (he $c*urtain *ounty
"a#ette8 Britt Anderson and the 2riters at $other 0ones1 (he 2illage
2oice8 Frances McMorris8 (he -all )treet 0ournal8 Mi)e Ahitel38 Mi)e
<anderboe-h8 Mi)e >em08 Ted B%ndersen8 #te1e Ailmsen and Mar)
4dd3 of the en,er Post8 Mar) #chafer8 Ari#ona .epu&lic8 Ambrose
41ans-+ritchard8 3ondon )unday (elegraph8 Cla3ton @o%-las8 (he Free
American8 Charlie 7atfield8 Ellis *ounty Press8 Brian Redman8
*onspiracy +ation8 Ben +artin8 The fol)s at the BBC8 #arah McClendon8
Bob 7all8 *onspiracy +ation8 >en Armstron-8 Rita Cosb38 Fo: Ne2s8
6ohn Mattes8 6%lian #hare8 CBC8 (o%is Cham0on8 Ro-er B%nn8 Anthon3 6.
7ilder8 Ric) #herro28 A%dre3 C%mmin-s8 Moshe Tal8 #t% Aebb8 Blenn
Ailb%rn8 +at Brile38 Monte Coole38 Idaho !&ser,er1 (he Free American8
7o003 7eidelber-8 4ric (i-hter8 Bill >e38 Martin >eatin-8 (inda
Thom0son8 Ramona Mc@onald8 Robert Bic)el8 Ton3 #carlatti8 @r. Ric)
Nelson8 Robert 6erlo28 Robert +eterson8 6ason at CB# archi1es8 @a1id
+ar)er8 Bill3 at the aily !klahoman librar38 and the librarians at the
-ashington Post1 +ew York (imes1 allas $orning +ews8 3os Angeles
(imes1 $iami Herald1 (oronto )tar1 *o,ert Action 4uarterly8 and others8
6oe Ta3lor at Ne2strac) in T%lsa8 /)lahoma8 Ann Bradle3 and Christie8
and others in #te0hen 6ones' office8 @'Ferdinand Carone8 the cler)s in
the /)lahoma co%nt3 and federal co%rts8 and scores of others 2ho
ha1e selflessl3 0ro1ide information from their o2n research and
in1esti-ations into this and other scandals.
M3 0%blisher8 Adam +arfre38 2ho instincti1el3 %nderstood the
si-nificance of this crime8 and8 too) a chance on me 2hen none of bi-
0%blishers 2o%ld.
#tate Re0resentati1e Charles >e38 2ho became a -ood friend. A man
2hose h%mor8 faith8 and co%ra-e to stand %0 and 0%blicl3 9%estion the
-o1ernments' official line8 0%ttin- his life and his career on the line8
became an anchor for %s all.
6a3na @a1is of >F/R8 the ori-inal lead in1esti-ator on the Middle
4astern an-le8 e1entho%-h the Ne2 Cor) Times Broadcastin- Com0an3
sh%t do2n her in1esti-ation and too) a2a3 her helico0ter and cell
@a1id 7all of >+/C-T<8 2ho -a1e me most of the leads ? 2o%ldn't ha1e
-otten an32here else. (ast ? heard8 the ?R# 2as scre2in- 2ith 7all
beca%se of his co%ra-eo%s 2or) on the Aaco case.
Crai- Roberts8 2hose 0atience and -enerosit3 0ro1ed in1al%able. Crai-
2as a sta%nch all3 2hose tenacit3 and -ood h%mor 0ro1ed an
ins0iration 2hen ? became fr%strated ;2hich 2as 0rett3 often=.
Crai-'s co0 friend Rand38 2ho snea)ed into the NC?C no2 and then
2hen 2e needed it.
(eslie 6or-ensen8 ;+ewsweek and 5.). +ews 6 -orld .eport = a -reat
-al 2ith a mar1elo%s sense of h%mor8 2ho )e0t me %0 to date on the
latest -ossi0 and strai-htened me o%t abo%t certain la23ers.
Bene Aheaton8 2ho too) me for a circ%ito%s ride thro%-h the desert to
tal) to me in a scene reminiscent of Mr. DED in the mo1ie 6F>8 then
re-aled me mostl3 2ith 0ersonal stories abo%t his interestin- life.
Bill McCo3 ;ma3 he rest in 0eace=8 2ho 0ro1ided h%moro%s translations
for Aheaton's cons0irac3 theor3 theories8 and 2as instr%mental in
)ee0in- DscribblersD li)e me on the 0ath.
Ace 7a3es ;ma3 he rest in 0eace=8 0%blisher of the Portland Free Press8
and m3 main mentor8 2ho hel0ed me to %nderstand ho2 the s3stem
reall3 2or)s8 or at least the s3stem accordin- to Ace.
#herman #)olnic)8 m3 other main mentor8 2ho ne1er let me for-et ho2
man3 3ears he's been in the b%siness8 and reminded me that ? ha1e a
lon- 2a3 to -o8
Aill Northro08 DMato-Ball Charlie8D 2ho claimed to 2or) for e1er3
?sraeli intelli-ence a-enc3 except the Mossad8 then too) me for F1"..
to si0 Mar-aritas in Florida.
Mi)e 6ohnston8 2ho acc%sed me of stealin- his boo)8 A&u7+idal' A "un
For Hire8 2hen he )no2s f%ll 2ell that it 2as stolen b3 Chinese cleanin-
ladies and %sed as Aon Ton 2ra00ers.
6ames D6imm3D Rothstein8 2hose o0enness8 0atience8 and selflessness
0ro1ed to be a -%idin- li-ht in the m%r)3 and conf%sin- 2orld of
s0oo)s and criminals.
Mien F%rher8 Al Martin8 ?ran-Contra Dinsider e:traodinaire8D 2hose still
2aitin- for his F1..8... retainer fee.
Bill 6as0er of the 6ohn Birch #ociet38 2ho is con1inced it reall3 is all a
Comm%nist 0lot.
Beor-e Aallace 2ho introd%ced me to 6as0er and )e0t the Commie
h%nters off m3 bac).
Ro-er Cra1ens8 @a1e R3del8 Claire Aolfe8 6on Roland8 and other +atriots
2ho 0osted im0ortant and m%ch-needed information on the state of
o%r nation on the +atriots' ?nformation Mailin- (ist ;+?M(=G and ?an
Boddard8 Bob 7all8 and others 2ho did the same on the />B/MB
mailin- list.
(a%rie M3lroie of the Forei-n +olic3 ?nstit%te8 for her in-de0th anal3sis
of the ?ra9is and the Aorld Trade Center bombin-.
Terr3 Coo)8 for his 1ideos and boo)s8 and his e:cellent and
com0rehensi1e research on the sta--erin- ne2 technolo-3 that is
ta)in- control o1er o%r li1es.
6im (e1ine8 and Terr3 and >ell38 2ho handled o%r acco%nt and
es0eciall3 6im's mother8 2ho made me Chic)en so%0 2hen ? 2as sic).
And finall38 Mr. DM8D 2itho%t 2ho's -enero%s financial s%00ort8 none of
this 2o%ld ha1e been 0ossible.
And ? can't lea1e o%t all those 0eo0le 2ho8 altho%-h a2are of the
efforts of the a%thors and others in attem0tin- to brin- this information
to the 0%blic8 2ere either indifferent8 or act%all3 obstr%cted these
efforts. The first of these honors -oes to the so-called D6%sticeD
@e0artment and the FB?. And to the state Attorne3 Beneral8 @re2
4dmondson8 and the local @istrict Attorne3 in /)lahoma Cit38 Bob
Mac38 2ho has an anno3in- tendenc3 to tal) o%t of both sides of his
mo%th. /h8 Bob8 2hat is that stenchHI
And the s%0er1isors of the b%siness office of #o%th2estern Bell and
s0ecificall3 Mr. 4d2ards and Mr. @a1e (o0e8 +resident of #AB8 2hose
cold8 callo%s8 indifference and lac) of em0ath3 2hen ? became behind
on m3 0hone bill res%lted in the termination of m3 0hone ser1ice for
three 2ee)s8 m3 0oor old mother thin)in- ? 2as dead8 and the
interr%0tion of o%r in1esti-ation8 2hich the3 2ere f%ll3 a2are of.
And the )ind and -enero%s fol)s of M.C.?. Comm%nications8 2ho not
onl3 ref%sed to s0onsor o%r in1esti-ation8 the3 ne1er e1en sent a re0l3
to m3 in9%ir3. Ma3 the3 and the 0rinci0als of #AB -et 2hat the3
And %ltimatel38 all m3 friends 2ho ha1e )e0t me J0artiall3K sane
thro%-ho%t the 3ears8 e1en tho%-h cons0iracies ha1e a 2a3 of ma)in-
one come %n-l%ed5 Ron $lfohn8 6oe Ailliams8 6ohn Flores8 @a1id Aills8
(oreno8 6on and (isa8 and all those hel0f%l so%ls ?'1e %ndo%btedl3
missed8 incl%din- m3 0arents ;altho%-h ?'m not s%re the3'1e hel0ed me
)ee0 sane=.
"All go,ernments are run &y liars and nothing they say should &e
* ?.F. #tone
The ima-es are fore1er etched in o%r minds. #corched8 b%rnin- cars8
0o%rin- blac) smo)e and charred8 t2isted metal. +iles of r%bble8
screamin- sirens and battered8 blood3 bodies. And the babies. Frail8
lifeless fi-%res * tin38 silent 2itnesses of death and destr%ction.
?n the earl3 mornin- ho%rs of A0ril 1,th8 the /)lahoma Cit3 federal
b%ildin- had8 in one lon-8 horrible momentL e:0loded 2ith the force of
a 1olcano8 s0e2in- forth the contents of its h%man carna-e onto the
streets belo2. Ahat had a fe2 moments a-o been the Alfred +. M%rrah
b%ildin- 2as no2 a h%-e8 -a0in- tomb. The entire faMade of the nine-
stor3 s%0erstr%ct%re had been ri00ed a2a38 e:0osin- its innards *
dan-lin- ch%n)s of concrete8 tan-led strands of cables and bent 0ieces
of rebar * into the cho)in-8 blac)ened s)3. No2 it stood smo)in- and
eeril3 silent8 e:ce0t for the m%ffled cries of its fe2 remainin-
inhabitants and the 2ailin- of the sirens off in the distance.
/ne man8 an e:-Marine8 li)ened it to carna-e he had 2itnessed in 2ar-
torn (ebanon. Another 1eteran8 Th% N-%3en8 2ho had his fi1e-3ear-old
son Christo0her in the da3 care center8 said8 D?'1e seen 2arL. ?'1e seen
soldiers ? fo%-ht 2ith in <ietnam c%t this 2a38 c%t in half8 heads c%t off.
That 2as 2ar. These are children. This is not a 2ar. This is a crime.D
The scene 2as s%rreal * almost too horrific to bear. There 2ere bodies
* and 0ieces of bodies * stre2n abo%t8 alon- 2ith childrens' to3s and
2or)ers' 0ersonal effects * tra-ic reminders of 2hat had moments
before been the meanin-f%l mementos of someone's life. /ne 0asserb3
had been 2ra00ed aro%nd a tele0hone 0ole8 her head blo2n off.
Aor)ers 2ho had been sittin- at their des)s 2ere still sittin- thereL
lifeless8 morbid8 li)e eerie fi-%res o%t of a 2a: m%se%m of horrors.
+olice detecti1e 6a3 4inhorn remembers one scene5 DThere 2as a -%3
* a blac) -%3 * on the second floor8 N%st sittin- there. ? )ne2 he 2as
dead. 7e's loo)in- at me8 and ?'m loo)in- at himL if 3o% don't thin)
that's f%c)in- scar3. Ae N%st said8 man 2e -otta -o %0 there and co1er
that -%3 %0.D
@aina Bradle38 2ho 2as tra00ed %nder a slab of fallen concrete8 2as
still conscio%s. Aith no 2a3 to remo1e her 2itho%t %0settin- the h%-e
0iece of concrete8 doctors 2ere forced to am0%tate her le-. As Bradle3
la3 screamin- in a 0ool of 2ater8 s%r-eons8 %sin- scal0els and sa2s8
and 2itho%t anesthesia8 am0%tated her le- belo2 the )nee.
The federal office b%ildin-8 home to o1er !!. 2or)ers8 had also ho%sed
a da3 care center. Nearb38 a ma)eshift mor-%e had been set %0 in
2hat had once been the childrens' 0la3-ro%nd. Refri-eration tr%c)s
lined %0 to ha%l a2a3 the dead bodies. D#heriff Clint Boehler8 from
nearb3 Canadian Co%nt38 recalls8 DAe 2ent fl3in- do2n there at abo%t
11. miles an ho%rL 3o% ne1er sa2 so man3 ser1ices r%nnin- o1er
each other.D As h%ndreds of 1ol%nteers 0o%red in from all o1er the
co%ntr38 fireman8 0olice and medical 0ersonnel be-an la3in- o%t the
1ictims for identification. #hirle3 Moser8 a n%rse8 be-an ta--in- dead
children. DTheir faces had been blo2n off8 Dsaid Moser. DThe3 fo%nd a
child 2itho%t a head.D
Those 2ho 2ere l%c)3 eno%-h to esca0e the carna-e 2ere 2anderin-
abo%t8 daed and conf%sed. /ne man8 his face bloodied8 2andered
do2n the street8 sa3in- he 2as headed home8 e:ce0t that he co%ldn't
remember his name or 2here his home 2as. Another man 2ho 2as
enterin- the b%ildin- had his arm blo2n off8 b%t 2as in s%ch a state of
shoc) that he didn't notice it as he 2ent abo%t tr3in- to hel0 others.
+eo0le 2ho li1ed or 2or)ed nearb3 had been blo2n o%t of their chairs.
Trent #mith8 24. 0o%nds8 2as tossed se1en feet into the air and
thro%-h the 2indo2 of his hotel room. #e1eral bloc)s a2a38 a b%s filled
2ith 0eo0le 2as nearl3 blo2n on its side. The force of the blast
e:tended for nearl3 3. bloc)s8 blo2in- o%t 2indo2s and hea1il3
dama-in- a doen b%ildin-s8 and ca%sin- dama-e to almost 4..
Ahen it 2as all o1er8 more than 1", 0eo0le8 incl%din- 1, children8 la3
dead8 and more than !.. 2ere inN%red. The dama-e 2as estimated in
the h%ndreds of millions.
Federal a%thorities 2ere callin- the bombin- the sin-le lar-est terrorist
attac) in the histor3 of the $nited #tates. Cet it 2as diffic%lt to discern
2hether the bombin- 2as some omino%s 0rec%rsor to some as 3et
%ndeclared 2ar8 or the res%lt of some criminal 0lot -one horribl3 a2r3.
6%st 2ho had ca%sed it 2asn't clear.
As resc%e 2or)ers contin%ed the diffic%lt tas) of searchin- for bodies8
and hos0ital 2or)ers be-an attendin- to 1ictims8 la2 enforcement
a-ents be-an searchin- for cl%es. Ahat 2as clear as la2 enforcement
0ersonnel descended %0on the scene8 2as that the blast had left a 3.
foot 2ide8 ' feet dee0 crater in front of the b%ildin-. Fort%natel38 a ATF
a-ent 2ho had recentl3 attended a co%rse on the identification of car
and tr%c)-bombs N%st ha00ened to be in the federal co%rtho%se. The
a-ent 2as able to identif3 the ca%se of the blast immediatel3. 7e
tele0honed his s%0eriors in @allas and told them that an ammoni%m
nitrate tr%c)-bomb had N%st blo2n %0 the M%rrah B%ildin-.
#i:t3 miles a2a38 near +err3 /)lahoma8 7i-h2a3 +atrolman Charles
7an-er 2as ma)in- his %s%al ro%nds. Aro%nd 1.53. a.m. /fficer
7an-er noticed a battered 1,&& 3ello2 Merc%r38 2itho%t a license
0late8 s0eedin- alon- at '1 miles an ho%r. +%llin- the 1ehicle o1er8
7an-er cited the dri1er8 2"-3ear-old Timoth3 6ames Mc<ei-h8 for
dri1in- 2itho%t a license 0late. As he 2as abo%t to let Mc<ei-h -o8
7an-er noticed a distinct b%l-e %nder Mc<ei-h's 2indbrea)er. Ahen he
as)ed Mc<ei-h 2hat he had %nder his Nac)et8 Mc<ei-h cas%all3
informed the co0 that he had a -%n * a ,mm Bloc) semi-a%tomatic
0istol. 7an-er s%bse9%entl3 arrested Mc<ei-h for carr3in- a concealed
2ea0on8 dri1in- 2itho%t a ta-s8 and dri1in- 2itho%t ins%rance.
Bac) in /)lahoma Cit38 in1esti-ators 2ere b%sil3 searchin- the
2rec)a-e for cl%es that co%ld lead them to the 0er0etrators. ?t didn't
ta)e lon- for in1esti-ators to find 2hat the3 2ere loo)in- for * a 0iece
of a:le and a license 0late * belie1ed to ha1e been 0art of the tr%c)
%sed in the bombin-. After FB? a-ents ran the <?N ;1ehicle
identification n%mber= and the 0late thro%-h their Ra0id #tart
com0%ter s3stem8 the3 disco1ered the 1ehicle belon-ed to a R3der
rental a-enc3 in Florida. A chec) 2ith the a-enc3 re1ealed that the
tr%c)8 a 1,,3 Ford8 2as rented o%t of 4lliott's Bod3 #ho0 in 6%nction
Cit38 >ansas. 4lliott's said that the3 had rented the 2.-foot tr%c) to a
Bob >lin- on A0ril 1&th8 and -a1e the FB? artist a descri0tion of t2o
men 2ho had rented the tr%c)8 )no2n as $ns%b O1 and $ns%b O2.
>lin-8 $ns%b O18 had listed his address as 3"1" North <an @3)e Road
in @ec)er8 Michi-an. The address 2as the home of 6ames @o%-las
Nichols and Terr3 (3nn Nichols. A 9%ic) chec) of that address 2ith the
Michi-an @e0artment of Motor <ehicles re1ealed a license in the name
of Timoth3 6ames Mc<ei-h.
FB? a-ents inter1ie2in- 6ames Nichols and relati1es in @ec)er 9%ic)l3
learned that Timoth3 Mc<ei-h 2as a friend of Nichols8 2ho 0ossessed
lar-e 9%antities of f%el oil and fertilier. Armed 2ith a search 2arrant8
a-ents fo%nd 2' !.-0o%nd ba-s of fertilier containin- ammoni%m
nitrate8 a !! -allon dr%m containin- f%el oil8 blastin- ca0s8 and safet3
?nter1ie2s 2ith nei-hbors8 Jincl%din- @aniel #tomber8 +a%l ?s3dora)
and others8K re1ealed that the Nichols brothers and Mc<ei-h had
e:0erimented 2ith e:0losi1es8 %sin- ho%sehold items to 0rod%ce small
bombs %sin- bottles and cardboard cartons8 2hich the3 2o%ld
detonate on their 0ro0ert3 for f%n. Aitnesses also claimed that in
@ecember of 1,,38 Mc<ei-h and one of the Nichols brothers had
1isited Th%mb 7obbies8 4tc. to in9%ire abo%t 0%rchasin- 1..P li9%id
nitro model air0lane f%el. /ne of these 2itnesses had re0orted that
6ames Nichols had re0eatedl3 blamed the $.#. -o1ernment for all the
0roblems in the 2orld.
Federal a-ents then decided the3 had eno%-h e1idence to arrest 6ames
Nichols8 and to 0%t o%t a 2arrant on his brother Terr38 2ho 2as li1in- in
7errin-ton8 >ansas. /n A0ril 228 Terr3 Nichols8 2onderin- 2h3 his name
2as bein- broadcast on tele1ision8 2al)ed into the local 0olice station
in 7errin-ton.
?n the meantime8 2itnesses at the scene of the bombin- had -i1en
FB? a-ents a descri0tion of 0ossible s%s0ects. Ahile inter1ie2in-
0eo0le in 6%nction Cit38 a-ents s0o)e to the mana-er of the @reamland
Motel 2ho reco-nied the com0osite s)etch of the s%s0ect the FB?
called $ns%b O1. The man had re-istered at the @reamland from A0ril
14 to A0ril 1' %nder the name of Tim Mc<ei-h8 had dri1en a 3ello2
Merc%r38 and 0ro1ided an address on North <an @3)e Road in @ec)er8
/n A0ril 218 Carl 4. (ebron8 a former co-2or)er of Mc<ei-h's8
reco-nied the com0osite s)etch of $ns%b O1 on T< and called the FB?.
7e said that the man 2as named Timoth3 Mc<ei-h8 and that he 2as
0ossessed of e:treme ri-ht-2in- 1ie2s8 2as a militar3 1eteran8 and
2as 0artic%larl3 a-itated o1er the deaths of the Branch @a1idians in
Aaco8 Te:as in A0ril 1,,3. The man told the FB? that Mc<ei-h
e:0ressed e:treme an-er to2ards the Federal Bo1ernment. The man
-a1e the FB? the last )no2n address he had for Mc<ei-h5 1&11
#toc)ton 7ill Road8 O2."8 >in-man8 Ariona.
Bac) in +err38 /)lahoma8 Mc<ei-h 2as still sittin- in a cell at the Noble
Co%nt3 Co%rtho%se8 2aitin- for his arrai-nment. After feedin-
Mc<ei-h's name into the National Crime ?nformation Center8 the FB?
disco1ered their s%s0ect sittin- 9%ietl3 in the Noble Co%nt3 Nail on a
traffic and 2ea0ons char-e. 6%st as Mc<ei-h 2as abo%t to be set free8
@istrict Attorne3 6ohn Maddo: recei1ed a call from the FB? tellin- him to
hold on to the 0risoner8 that he 2as a 0rime s%s0ect in the bombin- of
the Federal B%ildin- in /)lahoma Cit3.
#o8 b3 -ood l%c)8 dili-ent 2or)8 and an amain- series of coincidences8
federal la2 enforcement a%thorities sol1ed the most heino%s crime in
the histor3 of the $nited #tates * all 2ithin 4' ho%rs.
/r did the3H
Ne:t Q +re1io%s Q Contents Q Te:t <ersion
The /annlicher#Carcanno Bomb
D?t had to ha1e been mined8D said the -r%ff8 -narl3 1oice on the other
end of the line. D?t's real sim0le. Co% cannot brin- do2n a b%ildin- li)e
that 2itho%t c%ttin- char-es set on the s%00ort 0illars.D
B%d8 an e:-Breen Beret 2ho sa2 hea13 combat in <ietnam8 sho%ld
)no2 2hat he's tal)in- abo%t. B%d had militar3 demolitions trainin- *
the )ind ta%-ht to men 2ho need to )no2 ho2 to blo2 %0 hardened
D?t co%ldn't ha1e been done e:ternall3 li)e that8D added B%d.
DAitho%t c%ttin- char-es8 there's N%st no 2a3 to do it.D
B%d didn't 2ant me to %se his f%ll name. 7e 2as 2orried abo%t his <A
/ne man 2ho 2asn't 2orried abo%t -o1ernment re0risals 2as Beneral
Benton >. +artin. A retired $.#. Air Force Bri-adier Beneral8 +artin had
res0onsibilit3 for the desi-n and testin- of almost e1er3 non-n%clear
2ea0on de1ice %sed in the Air Force8 incl%din- 0recision--%ided
2ea0ons desi-ned to destro3 hardened tar-ets li)e the Alfred +. M%rrah
B%ildin-. +artin has e:ha%sti1el3 researched the bombin- and the
res%ltin- 0attern of dama-e.
?n a letter dated Ma3 1&8 1,,!8 hand-deli1ered to each member of the
Con-ress and #enate8 +artin stated5
Ahen ? first sa2 the 0ict%res of the tr%c)-bomb's
as3mmetrical dama-e to the Federal B%ildin-8 m3
immediate reaction 2as that the 0attern of dama-e 2o%ld
ha1e been technicall3 im0ossible 2itho%t s%00lementin-
demolition char-es at some of the reinforcin- concrete
col%mn basesL. For a sim0listic blast tr%c)-bomb8 of the
sie and com0osition re0orted8 to be able to reach o%t on
the order of ". feet and colla0se a reinforced col%mn base
the sie of col%mn A-& is be3ond cred%lit3.
The f%ll te:t of +artin's re0ort8 re0rod%ced in the a00endi:8 is too
com0le: to elaborate on here8 sa3s a tr%c) filled 2ith ammoni%m
nitrate co%ld not ha1e ca%sed the de-ree of dama-e done to the Alfred
+. M%rrah b%ildin-. Not 2hen it 2as 0ar)ed at least 2. feet a2a3 from
that b%ildin-. Aitho%t direct contact8 the fall-off from the blast 2o%ld
be too -reat to do an3 serio%s str%ct%ral dama-e.
Another man 2ho )no2s a thin- or t2o abo%t bombs is #am%el Cohen8
in1entor of the Ne%tron Bomb. Cohen be-an his career on the
Manhattan +roNect at (os Alamos8 2here he 2as char-ed 2ith st%d3in-
the effects of the atomic bombs that destro3ed 7iroshima and
Na-asa)i. @%rin- his 4.-3ear career8 Cohen 2or)ed 2ith e1er3
a00lication of n%clear 2ea0ons desi-n and testin-.
Cohen stated his 0osition in a letter to /)lahoma #tate Re0resentati1e
Charles >e35
?t 2o%ld ha1e been absol%tel3 im0ossible and a-ainst the
la2s of nat%re for a tr%c) f%ll of fertilier and f%el oilL no
matter ho2 m%ch 2as %sedL to brin- the b%ildin- do2n.
?nterestin-l38 the R3der tr%c)-bomb has earned the nic)name the
DMannlicher-Carcanno BombD after the chea0 ?talian-made rifle 2ith a
defecti1e sco0e that 2as alle-edl3 %sed to )ill +resident >enned3.
@istrict Attorne3 6im Barrison No)ed d%rin- the #ha2 cons0irac3 trial
that the -o1ernment's n%clear 0h3sics lab co%ld e:0lain ho2 a sin-le
b%llet co%ld tra1el thro%-h +resident >enned3 and Bo1ernor Connall3
fi1e times 2hile ma)in- se1eral %-t%rns8 then land in 0ristine condition
on the +resident's -%rne3.
?n the /)lahoma bombin- case8 it a00ears the -o1ernment is
attem0tin- to 0erform a similar feat of li-ht and ma-ic. The fact that a
non-directional8 lo2-1elocit3 fertilier bomb 0ar)ed 2. to 3. feet from a
modern8 steel-reinforced s%0er-str%ct%re co%ld not ha1e ca%sed the
0attern and de-ree of dama-e it did is not bein- 2idel3 to%ted b3 the
-o1ernment or the mainstream 0ress. The -o1ernment e:0ects the
0%blic to belie1e that t2o dis-r%ntled amate%rs ble2 %0 the /)lahoma
Cit3 Federal B%ildin- 2ith a homemade fertilier bomb.
@r. Ro-er Ra%bach doesn't belie1e the -o1ernment. Ra%bach8 2ho did
his +h.@. in 0h3sical chemistr3 and ser1ed on the research fac%lt3 at
#tanford $ni1ersit38 sa3s8 DBeneral +artin's assessment is absol%tel3
correct. ? don't care if the3 0%lled %0 a semi-trailer tr%c) 2ith 2. tons of
ammoni%m nitrateG it 2o%ldn't do the dama-e 2e sa2 there.D
Ra%bach8 2ho is the technical director of a chemical com0an38
e:0lained in an inter1ie2 2ith (he +ew American ma-aine5
DThe detonation 1elocit3 of the shoc) 2a1e from an ANF/
;ammoni%m nitrateRf%el-oil= e:0losion is on the order of
38!.. meters 0er second. ?n com0arison8 militar3
e:0losi1es -enerall3 ha1e detonation 1elocities that hit
&8... to '8...-0l%s meters 0er second. The most ener-etic
sin-le-com0onent e:0losi1e of this t30e8 C-4 * 2hich is
also )no2n as C3clonite or R@E * is abo%t '8... meters
0er second and abo1e. Co% don't start doin- bi--time
dama-e to hea13 str%ct%res %ntil 3o% -et into those
ran-es8 2hich is 2h3 the militar3 %ses those e:0losi1es.D
The -o1ernment is not ha003 abo%t 0eo0le li)e @r. Ro-er Ra%bach.
The3 don't 2ant 3o% to )no2 2hat @r. Ra%bach )no2s. #am Bronnin-8
a licensed8 0rofessional blaster in Cas0er8 A3omin- 2ith 3. 3ears
e:0erience in e:0losi1es8 told (he +ew American5
DThe +artin letter states in 1er3 0recise technical terms
2hat e1er3one in this b%siness )no2s5 No tr%c)-bomb of
ANF/ o%t in the o0en is -oin- to ca%se the )ind of dama-e
2e had there in /)lahoma Cit3. ?n 3. 3ears of blastin-8
%sin- e1er3thin- from 1.. 0ercent nitro-el to ANF/8 ?'1e
not seen an3thin- to s%00ort that stor3.D
?n an inter1ie2 2ith the a%thor8 Bronnin- said8 D? set off a !8... lb
ANF/ char-e. ? 2as standin- 18... feet from it8 and all it did 2as m%ss
m3 hair8 ta)e o%t the m%d in the cree) that 2e 2ere tr3in- to -et rid
of8 and it shattered a fe2 lea1es off the trees aro%nd it. ?t didn't ca%se
an3 collateral dama-e to an3 of the dee0l3 set trees that 2ere 2ithin
2. feet of it.D
The FB? has a different stor3 to tell.
The FB? claims that Timoth3 Mc<ei-h and Terr3 Nichols bo%-ht se1eral
tho%sand 0o%nds of ammoni%m nitrate at a farm s%00l3 store in
Manhattan8 >ansas8 then dro1e to Bear3 #tate +ar) 2here the3 mi:ed a
bomb. The FB? claims that the s%s0ects then ha%led their ma-ic bomb
a distance of o1er !.. miles8 2here8 nearl3 24 ho%rs later8 the3 ble2
%0 the Federal B%ildin- in /)lahoma Cit3.
Cet 2hat the FB? * those bastions of tr%th and N%stice * don't 2ant 3o%
to )no28 is that fertilier--rade ammoni%m nitrate isn't a 1er3 -ood
blastin- a-ent. As a 0%blication from the Atlas +o2der com0an3 states5
La-ric%lt%ral fertilier 0rills 2hen made into ANF/ had
1er3 0oor e:0losi1e characteristics. The3 2o%ld not
detonate efficientl3 beca%se of their hi-h densit38 lac) of
0orosit3 and hea13 inert coatin-s of anti-settin- a-ents.L
The abilit3 of an oiled 0rill to be detonated de0ends -reatl3
%0on the densit3 of the 0rill. @ense 0rills8 s%ch as
a-ric%lt%ral -rade8 often are not detonable at allG or if
initiated8 0erform at a 1er3 lo2 rate of detonation and ma3
die o%t in the bore hole 0erformin- no %sef%l 2or).
$.#. Arm3 Technical Man%al TM ,-1,1. states it th%sl35
The -rade of ammoni%m nitrate %sed in the man%fact%re of
binar3 e:0losi1es is re9%ired to be at least ,, 0ercent 0%re8
contain not more than 1.1! 0ercent of moist%re8 and ha1e
ma:im%m ether-sol%ble8 2ater-insol%ble acidit38 s%lfate8
and chloride contents of ..1.8 ..1'8 ...28 ...!8 and ..!.
0ercent8 res0ecti1el3.
Moreo1er8 a bomb li)e that is not eas3 to mi:. Accordin- to Bronnin-8
DCo%'d ha1e to stir and stir and stir to -et N%st the ri-ht mi:t%re for
0ro0er comb%stibilit3. And then8 if it isn't %sed immediatel38 the oil
settles to the bottom and the bomb doesn't -o off.D
DANF/ is eas3 to ma)e if 3o% )no2 ho2 to do it8D adds 6effre3 @ean8
4:ec%ti1e @irector of the ?nternational #ociet3 of 4:0losi1es 4n-ineers8
Db%t it ta)es 3ears of e:0erience to 2or) 2ith safel3.D Accordin- to
@ean8 D?t is almost im0ossible for amate%rs to 0ro0erl3 mi: the
ammoni%m nitrate 2ith the f%el oil. Cl%m0s of ANF/ 2o%ld ine1itabl3
fail to detonate.D
The scenario of t2o men mi:in- h%-e barrels of fertilier and f%el-oil
in a 0%blic 0ar) also stretches the limits of cred%lit3. #%ch a s0ectacle
2o%ld s%rel3 ha1e been seen b3 an3one 0assin- b35 hi)ers8 0icnic)ers8
DThat 2o%ld ha1e dra2n so m%ch attention8D said Ric) #herro28 a
former ATF ;B%rea% of Alcohol8 Tobacco and Firearms= a-ent 2ith 2!
3ears e:0erience in e:0losi1es. D?t 2o%ld ha1e re9%ired an area t2ice
the sie of a tr%c) N%st to 2al) aro%ndL that 2o%ld ha1e not ha1e -one
Nat%rall38 the e:0ert 2ho testified for the -o1ernment disa-rees. (inda
6ones8 an e:0losi1es s0ecialist 2ho has st%died ?RA bombin-s in Breat
Britain8 Dconcl%ded that there 2as one de1iceL in the rear car-o
com0artment of a R3der tr%c)L.D 6ones added that it 2o%ldn't be
diffic%lt to b%ild s%ch a lar-e bomb D0ro1ided the3 had a basic
)no2led-e of e:0losi1es and access to the materials * it 2o%ld be
fairl3 sim0le. /ne 0erson co%ld do it on their o2n8 b%t more 0eo0le
co%ld do it 9%ic)er.D
Ahile the -o1ernment b%ilt its case on 2itness acco%nts of the sin-le
R3der tr%c)8 n%mero%s 2itnesses8 %ncalled to testif3 b3 the 0rosec%tion
for the Mc<ei-h trial8 recall seein- two tr%c)s. Co%ld t2o tr%c)s * one
rented b3 Mc<ei-h8 and one rented b3 the s%s0ect )no2n as 6ohn @oe
2 * ha1e been %sed to trans0ort the h%-e 9%antities of material
necessar3 to b%ild s%ch a bombH
D? 2o%ld b%3 t2o tr%c)s sim0l3 for lo-istics8D said #herro2. D/ne tr%c)
f%ll of barrels of ammoni%m nitrate8 and 3o% still -ot to 0%t the f%el into
it. Beca%se 3o% don't 2ant to 0%t the f%el in and let it settle for da3s at
a time. The3 2o%ld ha1e to ha1e somethin- to brin- e1er3thin-
to-ether and mi: it8 and that's -oin- to ta)e more then one tr%c).D
T2o da3s 0rior to the M%rrah B%ildin- bombin- * on A0ril 1&th *
@a1id >in-8 sta3in- at the @reamland Motel in 6%nction Cit38 >ansas8
2here Mc<ei-h and 6ohn @oe 2 s0ent time8 remembered seein- the
R3der tr%c) 2ith a trailer attached to it. ?nside the trailer 2as a lar-e
obNect 2ra00ed in 2hite can1as. D?t 2as a s9%arish sha0e8 and it came
to a 0oint on to08D said >in-. D?t 2as abo%t three or fo%r feet hi-h.D >in-
said that later in the da38 the trailer 2as -one8 b%t the tr%c) 2as still in
the lot.
Aas this 2itness describin- some so0histicated e:0losi1e de1iceH /r
2as he describin- a (el3 farm mi:erH A (el3 farm mi:er is abo%t fo%r
feet hi-h 2ith a 0ointed to0. Ahat ha00ened to this trailerH Ah3 did 2e
ne1er hear an3more abo%t itH
Then aro%nd 25.. a.m. on A0ril 1,8 a R3der tr%c) 0%lled into the #a1e-
A-Tri0 con1enience store in >in-man8 >ansas8 follo2ed b3 a li-ht
colored car and a bro2n 0ic)-%0. Assistant mana-er Richard #innett
clearl3 recalls three men8 incl%din- Mc<ei-h and a man resemblin-
6ohn @oe 2 enter the store. Cet #innett 2as 0artic%larl3 str%c) b3 the
odd contra0tion the3 2ere to2in- * a lar-e 0lastic8 semi-trans0arent
tan) f%ll of clear li9%id.
Aas this diesel f%el that the bombers
intended to add to their ammoni%m nitrate mi:t%re at the last min%teH
@es0ite a mo%ntain of e1idence a-ainst the J-o1ernment'sK ANF/
theor38 the -o1ernment has -one to -reat len-ths to con1ince the N%r3
and the 0%blic that the M%rrah B%ildin- 2as destro3ed b3 a sin-le
ANF/ bomb deli1ered b3 a 0air of dis-r%ntled Ri-ht-2in- e:tremists. ?n
fact8 the ATF tele1ised a demonstration of an ANF/ tr%c)-bomb
detonatin- in an effort to 0ro1e their contention. DThe3 fired the thin-
off8D said Bronnin-. DAe sa2 it * it 2as on CNN * so 2hatH All it did
2as set off an e:0losion and 2i--le the trees behind it. ?t didn't e1en
)noc) them o1er.
DM3 )no2led-e comes from 0ractical handlin- of e:0losi1es8D added
Bronnin-. DAnd m3 belief is that 4'.. lbs of ANF/ 2o%ldn't ha1e
sc%ffed the 0aint on the b%ildin-ID
The FB? also chan-ed the sie of the bomb n%mero%s times. The3
ori-inall3 claimed that it 2ei-hed 182.. 0o%nds8 %0-raded that fi-%re
to 28... 0o%nds8 then to 48... 0o%nds8 and finall38 the3 iss%ed a 0ress
release statin- that the bomb 2ei-hed 4'.. 0o%nds.
D?t a00ears the -o1ernment )ee0s %0--radin- the sie of the 1ehicle
and the 'fertilier' bomb to coincide 2ith the dama-e8D said retired FB?
#AC ;#enior A-ent-in-Char-e= Ted B%nderson.
The -o1ernment also ori-inall3 claimed the bomb cost less than F18...
to b%ild. Then N%st before the start of Mc<ei-h's trial8 that fi-%re 2as
%0-raded to F!8.... Their rationale 2as based on the Ddisco1er38D
almost t2o 3ears after the fact8 that the s%s0ects had constr%cted their
ma-ic bomb 2ith racin- f%el8 not diesel f%el8 2hich is far less
To maintain some semblance of credibilit3 in li-ht of increasin-l3
0%blicied re0orts of Beneral +artin and others8 the -o1ernment also
conceded * ri-ht before the start of Mc<ei-h's trial * that the
s%s0ects 0robabl3 hadn't b%ilt their bomb at Bear3 #tate +ar) after
?f Timoth3 Mc<ei-h or an3one else 2ith militar3 trainin- 2anted to
destro3 the Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin-8 it is hi-hl3 %nli)el3 the3 2o%ld
%se ANF/. As Arm3 demolition man%als clearl3 state8 ANF/ is not -ood
for destro3in- concrete or steel. Mc<ei-h8 the cons%mmate soldier 2ho
st%died e1er3 concei1able Arm3 man%al in his s0are time * incl%din-
Arm3 Man%al TM 31-21.5 ?m0ro1ised M%nitions 7andboo) * certainl3
2o%ld ha1e )no2n this.
Cet the FB? insists that amate%r bomb-ma)ers Timoth3 Mc<ei-h and
Terr3 Nichols b%ilt this amain- ANF/ bomb that )illed 1", 0eo0le and
destro3ed a modern nine-stor3 steel-reinforced concrete b%ildin-. /f
co%rse8 that 2as before the -o1ernment's dama-e-control a00arat%s
2ent into effect. Before it did8 e1en the %s%al -o1ernment tal)in-
heads 2ere insistin- that no amate%rs co%ld ha1e done this.
<ince Cannistraro8 ABC Ne2s corres0ondent and former C?A
intelli-ence ad1isor to the National #ec%rit3 Co%ncil stated8 DThis is
somethin- 0rofessional and it reall3 im0lies that the 0erson 2ho
constr%cted the e:0losi1e de1ice has e:0erience8 2as trained in the
%se of e:0losi1es8 and )ne2 2hat the3 2ere doin-.D
Before he be-an attac)in- critics of the -o1ernment's case8 /)lahoma
Bo1ernor and former FB? a-ent Fran) >eatin- stated8 DLob1io%sl3
2hate1er did the dama-e to the M%rrah B%ildin- 2as a tremendo%s8
1er3 so0histicated e:0losi1e de1ice.D
The 1er3 ne:t da38 the -o1ernment 2as insistin- that a homemade
ANF/ bomb8 made 2ith a-ric%lt%ral -rade ammoni%m nitrate8 did the
Nob. FB? #0ecial A-ent 6ohn 7ersle3 contends that traces of a militar3-
t30e detonation cord )no2n as +@TN ;0entadir3thri-tetranitrate=8
commonl3 )no2n as +rimadet8 2ere fo%nd on Mc<ei-h's clothin- at the
time of his arrest ;?n another re0ort it 2as +4TN8 or 0entaer3thritol-
tetranitrate=. +@TN 2as alle-edl3 %sed to 2ire the barrels of ANF/.
#enior FB? chemist Frederic) Ahiteh%rst cond%cted a test on Mc<ei-h's
clothin- b%t fo%nd no resid%e there8 or in Mc<ei-h's car either.
Ahiteh%rst came for2ard 2ith alle-ations that the FB? has been
slantin- res%lts of its forensic tests for 3ears. Collected in a 3.-0a-e
memorand%m8 Ahiteh%rst criticied FB? laborator3 0ersonnel for
incom0etence. As a 6%stice @e0artment memorand%m states5 D@r.
Ahiteh%rst contends that the 4:0losi1es $nit and the Chemistr3 and
To:icolo-3 $nit ina00ro0riatel3 str%ct%re their concl%sions to fa1or the
Accordin- to the -all )treet 0ournal8 DJAhiteh%rst'sK acc%sations of bias
and e1en man%fact%rin- e1idence ha1e called into 9%estion se1eral
hi-h-0rofile -o1ernment cases8 incl%din- the /)lahoma Cit3 and Aorld
Trade Center bombin-s.D
Ahiteh%rst's alle-ations 2ere f%rther elaborated on in a hi-hl3
re1ealin- re0ort iss%ed b3 the @o6 ?ns0ector Beneral's /ffice8 2hich
concl%ded that DJ##A @a1idK Ailliams re0eatedl3 reached concl%sions
that incriminated the defendants 2itho%t a scientific basis and that
2ere not e:0lained in the bod3 of the re0ort.D
?ndeed. ?t a00ears Ailliams reached his concl%sions based8 not on
em0irical e1idence8 b%t on the fact that Terr3 Nichols alle-edl3
0%rchased lar-e 9%antities of ANF/. As the /?B ;/ffice of ?ns0ector
Beneral= re0ort states5
Aitho%t the e1idence of these 0%rchases8 Ailliams
admitted he 2o%ld ha1e been %nable to concl%de that
ANF/ 2as %sed. ?ndeed8 Ailliams stated that based on the
0ost-blast scene alone it co%ld ha1e been d3namiteL.
Ailliams claimed Dthat the initiator for the booster;s= 2as either a
detonator from a +rimadet @ela3 s3stem or sensitied detonatin-
cord.D Cet as the /?B re0ort states8 DNo e1idence of a +rimadet s3stem
or sensitied detonatin- cord 2as fo%nd at the crime scene.D
Contro1ersial scientist and bomb e:0ert Michael Riconosc%ito told
former FB? a-ent Ted B%ndersen that the theor3 of dr%ms of ANF/
bein- detonated b3 +@TN-soa)ed loo0s of ro0e or DdetD cord is hi-hl3
im0robable8 if not im0ossible. DThe onl3 2a3 to obtain blast control is
2ith 1ol%metric initiation8D e:0lained Riconosc%ito. DThis ta)es
electronic circ%its of similar so0histication as 2o%ld be re9%ired in
n%clear 2ea0ons. This so0histication is not a1ailable to the a1era-e
0erson8D he added8 statin- that the res%ltant blast 2o%ld ha1e been
Dconf%sed and %ncontrolled8D and the ener-3 2o%ld ha1e %ltimatel3
Dcanceled itself o%t.D
Finall38 the /?B re0ort states5 DAhiteh%rst 9%estions Ailliams'
concl%sion that none of the str%ct%ral dama-e e1ident 2ithin the
M%rrah b%ildin- 2as ca%sed b3 secondar3 e:0losi1e de1ices or
#o 2h3 is the -o1ernment -oin- to s%ch -reat len-ths8 in s0ite of
o1er2helmin- e1idence to the contrar38 to ma)e %s belie1e that the
Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin- 2as destro3ed b3 an ANF/ bombH Beca%se
the -o1ernment's case is b%ilt %0on the 0remise that Timoth3 Mc<ei-h
and Terr3 Nichols b%ilt their alle-ed bomb 2ith ammoni%m nitrate. The
calls alle-edl3 made b3 Mc<ei-h 2ere to stores that sell racin- f%el and
ammoni%m nitrate. Mc<ei-h's fin-er0rint is alle-edl3 on a recei0t for
ammoni%m nitrate. And a small trace of ammoni%m nitrate 2as
alle-edl3 fo%nd at the scene. The -o1ernment's case must 0roceed
alon- those lines. An3 e1idence that 0ro1es the bomb 2as made of
an3thin- other than ANF/ 2o%ld not onl3 destro3 the -o1ernment's
case8 it 2o%ld o0en %0 in9%iries abo%t 2ho really bombed the M%rrah
B%ildin-L and 2h3.
The -o1ernment Jalso had to stic)K 2ith the ANF/ theor3 is beca%se
Michael and (ori Fortier a-reed to testif3 in a 0lea-bar-ain that their
friend Mc<ei-h arran-ed so%0 cans in their )itchen to demonstrate ho2
to ma)e a Dsha0ed char-e.D Cet as bomb e:0erts e:0lained8 there is no
2a3 to ma)e a sha0ed char-e o%t of a collection of ANF/ barrels.
B%t the J-o1ernment doesn't 2ant an3 serio%s in9%iries as to 2ho
reall3 ble2 %0 the M%rrah B%ildin-. TheK -o1ernment e:0ects %s to
belie1e that t2o lone amate%rs 2ith a cr%de fertilier bomb8 o%t in the
o0en8 t2ent3 to thirt3 feet a2a3 from a hardened tar-et8 destro3ed
ei-ht reinforced col%mns and )illed 1", 0eo0le. As Beneral +artin said8
s%ch a scenario is Dbe3ond cred%lit3.D
Former ATF Ja-entK Ric) #herro28 2ho 2rote an article for )oldier o8
Fortune ma-aine entitled DBombast8 Bomb Blasts S Balone38D
contends that Beneral +artin's assessment of the bombin- is someho2
inacc%rate. #herro2 claims that the 0ress%re 2a1e that 2o%ld ha1e
str%c) the b%ildin- from the Jra0idl3 deterioratin-K blast of the ANF/
bomb ;3&! 0.s.i. accordin- to +artin's fi-%res= 2o%ld be more than
eno%-h to destro3 reinforced concrete col%mns8 2hich #herro2 claimed
in his article disinte-rate at 3. 0.s.i. ;0o%nds 0er s9%are inch=.
To #am Bronnin-8 s%ch a statement is 0re0ostero%s5 DThat's b%llshitID
e:claimed Bronnin-. DThirt3 0.s.i. 2o%ldn't ta)e o%t a r%bber tireID Both
+artin and Raba%ch contend that at least 38!.. 0.s.i. is re9%ired to
destro3 reinforced concrete. ?n a letter to +artin8 Raba%ch states5
? too) the libert3 of chec)in- 2ith the leadin- concrete
s%00lier in m3 area in order to confirm the com0ressi1e
3ield fi-%re that 3o% %sed8 that bein- 38!.. 0.s.i. Ahat ?
2as told abo%t concrete 2as 1er3 interestin-. A 38!.. 0.s.i.
fi-%re is e:tremel3 lo2 for str%ct%ral concrete. A 0ro0erl3
mi:ed and c%red str%ct%re of the t30e dealt 2ith in 3o%r
re0ort 2o%ld 0robabl3 ha1e a 3ield stren-th of !8"..
Those 2ho r%sh to ref%te the e1idence 0resented b3 +artin8 Ra%bach
and others8 cite as e1idence the 1,'2 destr%ction of the Marine b%n)er
in Beir%t b3 a tr%c)-bomb dri1en b3 an ?slamic terrorist. ?n that
instance8 ho2e1er8 the tr%c) 2as dri1en directl3 into the b%ildin- * a
str%ct%re m%ch smaller and li-hter than the Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin-.
?n A%-%st of 1,&.8 18&.. 0o%nds of ANF/ 0ar)ed in a 1an e:0loded
o%tside the Arm3 Math Research (ab at the $ni1ersit3 of Aisconsin in
Madison. Altho%-h 0ar)ed closer than the R3der tr%c) 2as to the
M%rrah B%ildin-8 the bomb merel3 ble2 a hole in the o%ter 2all and
too) o%t the 2indo2s. /ne 0erson 2as )illed. ;#ee 0hoto=
?n 1,',8 Colombian narco-terrorists detonated a tr%c)-bomb o%tside
the National #ec%rit3 @e0artment in Bo-ota8 Col%mbia. The 1ehicle
2as 0ar)ed a00ro:imatel3 ten feet from the modern hi-h-rise b%ildin-.
The bomb decimated the face of the b%ildin-8 b%t left the s%00ort
col%mns intact. Fifteen 0eo0le 2ere )illed.
?n the s%mmer of 1,,"8 an ?RA tr%c)-bomb detonated in the heart of
Manchester's financial district. The de1ice8 constr%cted of ANF/ and
38!.. 0o%nds of #emte:8 a hi-h-1elocit38 militar3--rade 0lastic
e:0losi1e8 ca%sed considerable dama-e to the s%rro%ndin- b%ildin-s8
b%t left them relati1el3 intact. Altho%-h the de1ice mana-ed to brea) a
lot of 2indo2s and inN%re 2." 0eo0le8 no one 2as )illed.
/n 6%ne 2!8 1,,"8 a tan)er-trailer 0ac)ed 2ith R@E 0lastic e:0losi1es
ble2 %0 o%tside the >hobar To2ers a0artment com0le: at >in- Abd%l
Ai Air Base in #a%di Arabia8 )illin- 1, American ser1icemen and
inN%rin- h%ndreds more. Ahile the blast 0rod%ced a crater 3! feet dee0
and '! feet across ;the crater in /)lahoma 2as a00ro:imatel3 " feet
dee0 and 1" feet across8 altho%-h the -o1ernment claimed it 2as 3.
feet=8 it didn't do the same amo%nt of dama-e done to the M%rrah
B%ildin- * a b%ildin- constr%cted to m%ch more ri-oro%s codes and
s0ecifications. Cet a%thorities claim that the bomb 2as at least the sie
as that 2hich ble2 %0 the Federal B%ildin-.
J#ee 0hotoK
?n an analo-3 offered b3 +artin8 D?t 2o%ld be as irrational or as
im0ossible as a sit%ation in 2hich a 1!. 0o%nd man sits in a flims3
chair ca%sin- the chair to colla0se8 2hile a man 2ei-hin- 18!.. 0o%nds
sits in an identical flims3 chair and it does not colla0se * im0ossible.D
DB%t8D contends #herro2 in )oldier o8 Fortune8 Dthe JM%rrahK B%ildin-
2as not desi-ned to 2ithstand e:0losions or earth9%a)es8 and it's
basicall3 a 2ea) b%ildin-.D
6im (oftis8 one of the b%ildin-'s architects8 told me the3 2ere as)ed to
ma)e the b%ildin- bomb-resistant8 d%e to left-2in- radicals 2ho 2ere
blo2in- %0 federal facilities in the earl3 1,&.s. (oftis also said the
b%ildin- 2as desi-ned to meet earth9%a)e standards. DAe desi-ned it
to meet the b%ildin- codes and earth9%a)es are 0art of that code8D
said (oftis.
(oftis also said that the north side of the lo2er le1el ;the area im0acted
b3 the tr%c)-bomb= 2as steel-rebar reinforced concrete 2itho%t
2indo2s. 7e also conc%rred 2ith Ra%bach and +artin that the 0ress%re
necessar3 to destro3 reinforced concrete is in the 28!.. to 48... 0.s.i.
ran-e * a far cr3 from the 3. 0.s.i. cited b3 #herro2.
Cet #herro2 concl%des that since there 2as so m%ch collateral dama-e
;dama-e to the s%rro%ndin- b%ildin-s= the tr%c)-bomb m%st ha1e been
res0onsible. DThe collateral dama-e N%st disco%nts J+artin'sK material8D
sa3s #herro2.
T2o e:0erts 2ho seem to a-ree 2ith #herro2 are @orom Ber-erbest-
4ilom and Ca)o1 Cer%shalmi. The ?sraeli bomb e:0erts 2ere bro%-ht to
/)lahoma at the re9%est of ATF a-ent B%3 7amal. Accordin- to their
re0ort8 the bomb 2as an ANF/ bomb boosted 2ith somethin- more
0o2erf%lL and it had a Middle 4astern si-nat%re.
The Athenian resta%rant8 2hich sits a00ro:imatel3 1!. feet
north2est of the M%rrah B%ildin-8 2as almost com0letel3 destro3ed.
+ieces of the M%rrah B%ildin- 2ere act%all3 blo2n into the Athenian. As
1ideo 0rod%cer 6err3 (on-s0a%-h 0oints o%t8 onl3 a bomb inside the
Federal B%ildin- 2o%ld be ca0able of 0roNectin- 0arts of the b%ildin-
into another b%ildin- 1!. feet a2a3.
As Bronnin- notes in a letter to Re0resentati1e >e35 DNot in 3o%r
2ildest dreams 2o%ld that m%ch ANF/ affect 0eri0heral dama-e at
that distance. Ahich leads me to s%s0ect that another more 0o2erf%l
e:0losi1e 2as %sed.D
Accordin- to a so%rce 9%oted in the .ocky $ountain +ews8 an
ammoni%m nitrate bomb made 2ith a racin- f%el com0onent )no2n as
h3draine D2o%ld create one of the lar-est non-n%clear blasts
0ossible.D Mc<ei-h had alle-edl3 attem0ted to 0roc%re the s%bstance
from a dealer in To0e)a8 >ansas8 2ho ref%sed. ?n fact8 h3draine is
e:tremel3 haardo%s and diffic%lt to obtain.
Ahile not )no2led-eable abo%t h3draine8 Bronnin- noted that DC-48
for e:am0le8 2o%ld be ca0able of creatin- those )inds of 0ress%re
2a1es and destro3in- the local fo%ndation of the Federal B%ildin-.
D?f 3o% had 48... lbs of C-4 in there8D Bronnin- said8 Dno2 3o%'re
tal)in- a real hi-h-order e:0losi1e at some serio%s s0eed. And 2hen
that -oes off8 3o%'re liable to ta)e o%t the thin-. B%t ? still ha1e a
0roblem belie1in- e1en at that distance a2a3 from the b%ildin-8 it
2o%ld create that )ind of dama-e. All 3o% ha1e to do to see 2hat ?'m
tal)in- abo%t is to see 2hat )ind of bomb dama-e 3o% -et from a
bomb in the JAA??K attac)s on (ondon.D
?t is 0recisel3 this analo-3 that #herro2 attem0ts to %se in )oldier o8
Fortune. DFor 0ers0ecti1e8 notes )!F 'demo' e:0ert @ono1an8 Dconsider
that the Berman <-1 and <-2 missiles that de1astated (ondon carried
onl3 18"!. 0o%nds of an e:0losi1e not dissimilar in brisance and 3ield.
?n other 2ords8 2o%ld three <-2s sim%ltaneo%sl3 stri)in- the first floor
of the M%rrah B%ildin- do s%ch dama-eH /f co%rse the3 2o%ld.D
Cet the R3der tr%c) did not im0act the M%rrah B%ildin- at the s0eed of
a roc)et8 nor did it im0act it at all. 41en to the la30erson8 one can see
that s%ch an analo-3 is ridic%lo%s. ?n his article8 #herro2 ne1er
s0ec%lates that C-4 or an3 other hi-h-1elocit3 militar3 t30e e:0losi1e
mi-ht ha1e been %sed.
#till8 the former ATF man contends that an ANF/ bomb 0ar)ed o%t in
the o0en co%ld ha1e ca%sed the 0attern and de-ree of dama-e done to
the M%rrah B%ildin-. DAbsol%tel3 and 2itho%t a shado2 of a do%bt8 and
? base that on 3. 3ears in the b%siness8 and shootin- ANF/ * from a
co%0le 0o%nds to "3. tons in one shot.D #herro2 -oes on to state that
+artin's concl%sions 2ere based %0on mere Dtheoretical anal3sis8D not
hands-on e:0erience.
Cet +artin s0ent 2! 3ears in the defense research establishment8
incl%din- hands7on 2or) at the Ballistic Research (aboratoriesG
Commander of the Air Force Armament Technolo-3 (aborator3G Air
Force #3stem Command8 and the /ffice of the #ecretar3 of @efense
;/#@= mana-ement. #%ch credentials s0ea) of a man 2ho )no2s his
?t is %nclear 2h3 the former ATF man 2as tr3in- to discredit +artin8 and
b3 association8 others 2ho disa-reed 2ith the -o1ernment's theor3.
Ahat is clear ho2e1er is that )oldier o8 Fortune8 the ma-aine in 2hich
#herro2's article a00eared8 is o2ned b3 +aladin +ress8 re-arded a C?A
0ro0rietar3. Robert >. Bro2n8 the ma-aine's 0%blisher8 is an associate
of Beneral 6ohn #in-la%b8 a )e3 ?ran-Contra 0la3er 2ho ran the
-enocidal +hoeni: +ro-ram in <ietnam8 and hel0ed train death s9%ads
in Central America. Both men re0ortedl3 0la3ed an ancillar3 role in the
1,'4 (a +enca bombin-8 2hich res%lted in the deaths of ei-ht
No%rnalists. J#ee Cha0ter 14K #herro2 admitted to 2or)in- for the C?A
in Africa. Ahat he did there 2asn't e:actl3 clear.
?f the C?A ;or one of its tentacles= 2ere in1ol1ed8 as the3 in1ariabl3
tend to be in s%ch cases8 the3 2o%ld ha1e a stron- moti1e to co1er %0
their in1ol1ement and re-direct the in1esti-ation. The most common
2a3 of doin- this is thro%-h the %se of 0ro0a-anda and disinformation.
Ahile #herro2 himself has criticied the ATF8 and 2rote se1eral articles
deb%n)in- the -o1ernment's theor3 re-ardin- militia -ro%0s8 this
0artic%lar article a00eared to be a Dhit-0ieceD desi-ned to discredit an3
le-itimate anal3sis of the bombin-.
Cet some critics of the -o1ernment's stor3 ha1e -one be3ond the
relati1el3 ordinar3 e:0lanations of +artin8 Bronnin- and others to
s%--est that the Federal B%ildin- 2as destro3ed b3 a de1ice called an
DA-Ne%tronic Bomb.D These ad1ocates cite as e1idence the nat%re of
the s0allin- ;the disinte-ration of the concrete into tin3 0ieces= on the
to0 of the b%ildin-8 and the e:tent of the dama-e to s%rro%ndin-
b%ildin-s that e1en men li)e Beneral +artin claim 2o%ld be im0ossible
for an ANF/ bomb.
(arens ?man3%el8 a Ber)ele3 assistant 0h3sics 0rofessor 2ho has
st%died the bombin-8 is one s%ch ad1ocate. ?man3%el's anal3sis8 2hich
a00eared in 2eritas ne2sletter8 indicates that the 2ide e:tent of the
collateral dama-e 2as not consistent 2ith a con1entional e:0losion. As
?man3%el 2rites5
There 2as some 1er3 so0histicated bomb that 2as ca0able
of ca%sin- a tremendo%s blast atmos0heric 0ress%re 2a1e
that ble2 o%t 2indo2s in so man3 of the s%rro%ndin-
b%ildin-s. This had to be some sort of 1er3 hi-h-tech d%st
e:0losi1e-li)e bomb * one that creates a 2idel3 dis0ersed
e:0losi1e mi:t%re in the 1er3 air and then detonates it 2ith
a secondar3 char-e. This last s0ectac%lar hi-h-tech bomb
ser1ed the 0%r0ose of con1incin- the -eneral 0%blic that
the alle-ed solitar3 tr%c)-bomb 2as 0o2erf%l and
Dde1astatin-D eno%-h that it co%ld 2i0e o%t and colla0se a
nearb3 b%ildin-.
Consider the comments of a local str%ct%ral en-ineer8 Bob Cornforth8
DThe ran-e of this blast has reall3 im0ressed me * the e:tent of the
dama-e and the distance o%t.D A mile a2a38 2indo2 frames had been
0%shed bac) t2o feet. /n the other hand8 he ins0ected t2o b%ildin-s
N%st a little o1er 2.. ft. from the so-called crater8 the CMCA center and
the 6o%rnal Record b%ildin-8 2hich lost 0art of its 0itched concrete roof.
To his s%r0rise8 DThe str%ct%ral frames 0erformed e:tremel3 2ell. Ae
desi-n for '.-m0h 2inds8D 2hich he sa3s seems ade9%ate. The lac) of
dama-e to the frames8 des0ite the massi1e li-ht-str%ct%ral dama-e
sho2ed that the shoc) 2a1es 2ere of short d%ration. This 2as
consistent 2ith a man3-0oint e:0losion8 b%t not 2ith a sin-le-0oint
e:0losion lar-e eno%-h to )noc) o%t the fo%r hea13 col%mns that had
colla0sed in the M%rrah B%ildin-.
The A-Ne%tronic bomb8 or D4lectro-73drod3namic Baseo%s F%el
@e1ice8D 2as re0ortedl3 de1elo0ed b3 the 3o%n- scientist-0rodi-3 in
the earl3 1,'.s 2hile he 2as 2or)in- for 7erc%les Man%fact%rin- in
#ilicon <alle38 CA. The first bomb test at the +enta-on's s%0er-secret
Area !1 in Ne1ada a00arentl3 res%lted in the death of a technician and
inN%red se1eral others d%e to their %nderestimation of its 0o2er. The
0roNect 2as re0ortedl3 com0artmentalied and classified %nder a
DN%clear Aea0onsD cate-or3 b3 +resident Rea-an. JFor a descri0tion of
the de1ice8 see A00endi:K
JAhat does #am%el Cohen ha1e to sa3 abo%t the A-Ne%tronic bombH
DAell8 ?'m not e:0ert eno%-h to reall3 1o%ch for his statements8 b%t ?'1e
-ot a h%nch that it's technicall3 2ell-based. ?'1e s0o)en to Michael
Riconosci%to ;the in1entor of the A-Ne%tronic Bomb= and he's an
e:traordinaril3 bri-ht -%3. ? also ha1e a h%nch8 2hich ? can't 0ro1e8 that
the3 both ;Riconosci%to and (a1os8 his 0artner= indirectl3 2or) for the
Accordin- to ?man3%el8 a member of a 0%blic 2atch-do- -ro%0 that
monitors militar3 and n%clear 0roc%rement acti1ities8 DThe desi-n
2o%ld be 0artic%larl3 s%itable for %se as a cr%ise missile 2arhead8
2here a non-n%clear char-e is re9%ired that can reliabl3 destro3 a
hardened tar-et des0ite a se1eral-meters tar-etin- error. #%ch
2ea0ons are desi-ned as 0art of the Ad1anced Technolo-3 Aarhead
+ro-ram of (a2rence (i1ermore and (os Alamos National (aboratories.D
Ted B%ndersen8 2ho has inde0endentl3 in1esti-ated the bombin-8
incl%ded n%mero%s letters and memos in his re0ort8 2hich 0ointed to
the e:istence of s%ch a de1ice. 7e re0orted that the -o1ernment
contract n%mber for the bomb 2as @AAA-21-,.-C-..4!8 and 2as
man%fact%red b3 @3no-Nobel8 ?nc.8 in #alt (a)e Cit3. @3no-Nobel 2as
0re1io%sl3 connected 2ith 7erc%les Man%fact%rin-8 2here Riconosci%to
2or)ed. The @e0artment of the Arm3 denies that contract @AAA-21-,.-
C-..4! e:ists. @3no-Nobel ref%sed to res0ond to in9%iries from
B%ndersen or the a%thor.
C%rio%sl38 the bomb s0ecialist the -o1ernment called as its e:0ert
2itness d%rin- the Federal Brand 6%r3 testimon3 2as Robert 7o0ler.
7o0ler recentl3 retired from @3no-Nobel.
#herro2 raised the iss%e of the 4lectro-73drod3namic Baseo%s F%el
@e1ice in his )oldier o8 Fortune article. Accordin- to ?man3%el8
DB%ndersen's bomb model 2as clearl3 %n2or)able as 0resented in
)oldier o8 Fortune8 b%t contained the essential information that the
bomb -enerated an electrostaticall3 char-ed clo%d.D
/ne 1ictim in the 7$@ office in the M%rrah B%ildin- described in a
National +%blic Radio inter1ie2 on Ma3 238 1,,! ho2 she felt a heat
2a1e and a static electricit3 char-e immediatel3 before the 2indo2s
ble2 in.
@aina Bradle38 2ho lost her mother and t2o children in the bombin-8
said she felt electricit3 r%nnin- thro%-h her bod3 ri-ht before the bomb
2ent off.
Another 1ictim8 Ramona Mc@onald8 2ho 2as dri1in- abo%t bloc) a2a38
remembers seein- a brilliant flash and described the feelin- of static
electricit3. D?t made a real lo%d static electricit3 so%nd. ?t so%nded li)e
bi- s2arm of bees * 3o% co%ld act%all3 hear it. The ne:t thin- 2as a
real shar0 cla08 li)e th%nder.LD Mc@onald also described both -old and
bl%e flashes of li-ht. ?nterestin-l38 Riconisc%to has called his de1ice
DBl%e @eath.D
Another s%r1i1or of the blast 2as 9%oted on CNN as sa3in-8 D?t 2as N%st
li)e an atomic bomb 2ent off. DThe ceilin- 2ent in and all the 2indo2s
came in and there 2as a deafenin- roarLD
+ro0onents of the A-Ne%tronic Bomb concl%de that these are all
si-nat%res of s%ch a de1ice.
Ahile both B%ndersen and Riconosci%to ha1e recei1ed ridic%le for
s%--estin- that a s%0er-secret 0inea00le-sied de1ice ma3 ha1e
destro3ed the M%rrah B%ildin-8 Cohen ca%tions5 D(oo)8 2hen ? first
came %0 2ith that conce0t ;the Ne%tron Bomb8 de1elo0ed in the
1,&.s=8 the ridic%le ? too) from the scientific comm%nit3 2as
somethin- a2f%l. And this incl%ded scientists at the Nobel +rie le1el.D
DRe-ardin- Riconosci%to8D adds Cohen8 Dthe -%3's a madmanL b%t
technicall38 there's no do%bt in m3 mind that he's brilliant.D
Bene Aheaton8 a former +enta-on C?@ in1esti-ator8 claims that the
f%el-air bomb 2as de0lo3ed in the B%lf Aar8 alon- 2ith other
e:0erimental 2ea0ons res0onsible for m%ch of the massi1e
de1astation inflicted on ?ra9.
The f%el-air e:0losi1e8 or FA48 can co1er
an area 18... feet 2ide 2ith blast 0ress%res of 2.. 0.s.i. Accordin- to
a C?A re0ort on FA4s5
JTKhe 0ress%re effects of FA4s a00roach those 0rod%ced b3
lo2-3ield n%clear 2ea0ons at short ran-es. The effect of an
FA4 e:0losion 2ithin confined s0aces is immense. Those
near the i-nition 0oint are obliterated. Those at the frin-es
are li)el3 to s%ffer man3 internalL inN%ries8 incl%din- b%rst
eardr%ms and cr%shed inner-ear or-ans8 se1ere
conc%ssions8 r%0t%red l%n-s and internal or-ans8 and
0ossible blindness.
Moreo1er8 it seems that Messerschmitt-Bol)o2-Blohm s%00lied ?ra9
2ith 0lans for a f%el-air e:0losi1e. The bl%e0rints 2ere alle-edl3 0assed
on to the ?ra9is b3 the 4-30tians8 and ?ra9 commenced commercial
0rod%ction of the 2ea0on * the force of 2hich is the e9%i1alent of a
small atomic e:0losion.
A fe2 min%tes before ,5.. a.m. on A0ril 1,8 a 3o%n- Arabic man
carr3in- a bac)0ac) 2as seen in the M%rrah B%ildin- h%rriedl3 0%shin-
the ele1ator b%tton as if tr3in- to -et off. A fe2 min%tes after he e:ited
the b%ildin-8 the bomb;s= 2ent off. The ele1ator doors8 2hich 2ere on
the o00osite side of the b%ildin- from the tr%c)-bomb8 had their doors
blo2n outward.
Another former militar3 so%rce a-reed that a de1ice similar to the f%el-
air e:0losi1e e:ists. D?t's called a #0ecial Atomic @emolition M%nitions
or #A@M8D said Crai- Roberts8 a (t. Colonel in Arm3 Reser1e
J?ntelli-enceK. Accordin- to Roberts and Charles T. 7arrison8 a
researcher for the @e0artment of 4ner-3 and the +enta-on8 this
m%nition has been de0lo3ed 2ith artiller3 %nits in 4%ro0e. The #A@M
can also be carried in a bac)0ac).
Another so%rce 2ho has monitored to0-secret 2ea0ons 0roNects
confirmed this information5
? do not )no2 a lot abo%t #A@M's8 b%t ? ha1e friends * e:
British #A# and RAF * 2ho 2ere trained in their %se a fe2
3ears a-o for behind-the-lines sabota-e in the e1ent of a
R%ssian brea)thro%-h in 4%ro0e. The3 belie1e from their
still-ser1in- militar3 contacts that the earlier football sied
bac) 0ac) 2ea0ons that the3 2ere trained on ha1e been
si-nificantl3 microed s%ch that a de1ice 2o%ld no2 easil3
fit in a -ra0efr%it and deli1er fi1e to ten tons TNT
e9%i1alent * or less Ji.e5 do2n to one ton TNTK. These
thin-s easil3 fit into a 1.!mm ho2iter shell or a briefcase.
4:actl3 2hat com0onents are %tilied in these 2ea0ons is
diffic%lt to -et as the still ser1in- British officers are
rel%ctant to tal) abo%t them in detail. /ne can ass%me that
a mi:t%re of +l%toni%m 23, ;hi-hl3 refined hence relati1el3
lo2 radioacti1it3 emission on detonation=8 (ithi%m "
@e%teride Tritide8 Triti%m8 and 0ossibl3 Ber3lli%m and
$rani%m 23' ;N/T 23!= 2o%ld be in1ol1ed as a series of
lenses in a Bi-Conical sha0e. ? am endea1orin- to -et more
data b%t this a 1er3 to%ch3 areaL
An article in the (he +ash,ille (ennessean insists ?ra9's #addam
7%ssein has been de1elo0in- 22. 0o%nds of lithi%m " 0er 3ear. lithi%m
" can be con1erted to triti%m8 an essential in-redient in thermon%clear
/ther so%rces sa3 that "8... to &8... #A@M's 2ere 0rod%ced8 some of
2hich made their 2a3 to ?srael and other co%ntries.
#am Cohen
confirms this information in the Fall iss%e of 0ournal o8 *i,il e8ense.
Cohen8 echoin- 7arrison8 char-es that the $.#. has 0%r0osef%ll3
%nderestimated the n%mber of n%clear 2arheads that ?ran8 ?ra9 and
North >orea co%ld 0rod%ce8 and deliberatel3 disco%nted their ca0acit3
to 0rod%ce s%bstantiall3 smaller 2arheads.
DA co%0le of 3ears a-o8D states Cohen8 Ddist%rbin- statements on
ad1anced small8 1er3 lo2-3ield n%clear 2arheads8 be-an emanatin-
from R%ssia.
Cohen adds that these articles Dre1ealed a massi1e
sm%--lin- rin- had emer-ed 2here the material 2as bein- sold aro%nd
the 2orld to a n%mber of co%ntries8 some of 2hich 2ere terrorist
JAritin- in +exus Ma-aine8 A%stralian No%rnalist and militar3 a%thorit3
6oe <ialls 0oints o%t that the bombin- 2hich destro3ed a financial
center in (ondon in 6%l3 of 1,,38 and 2hich almost destro3ed the Aorld
Trade Center in Ne2 Cor) fo%r months later8 co%ld not ha1e been
ca%sed b3 con1entional e:0losi1es. ?n a biarre coincidence 0redatin-
Cohen's anal3sis8 theoretical 0h3sicist and former +enta-on n%clear
e:0ert Theodore B. Ta3lor stated in his boo)8 (he *ur,e o8 %inding
Energy8 that someda3 someone 2as -oin- to blo2 %0 the Aorld Trade
Center 2ith a n%clear de1ice the sie of a stic) of -%m. Ta3lor's
0rediction first a00eared in the +ew Yorker ma-aine in 1,&3.
<ialls adds that the British -o1ernment 2as 9%ic) to blame the (ondon
attac) on an ?RA ;?rish Re0%blican Arm3= tr%c)-bomb8 in the same
manner that $.#. a%thorities 2ere 9%ic) to blame the /)lahoma
bombin- on a tr%c)-bomb constr%cted b3 a 0air of so-called
dis-r%ntled anti--o1ernment loners. Cet at the same time the British
-o1ernment 2as iss%in- these statements8 their bomb technicians
2ere e:0lorin- the bombsite in f%ll n%clear 0rotecti1e s%its.K
7ad the M%rrah B%ildin- been destro3ed b3 a #A@M or a bac)0ac)
n%)e8 %sin- the tr%c)-bomb as a co1erH British bomb e:0erts8 2ith
e:tensi1e e:0erience dealin- 2ith terrorist tr%c)-bombs8 told Mc<ei-h's
attorne38 #te0hen 6ones8 that the ANF/ bomb co%ld not ha1e done all
of the dama-e to the M%rrah B%ildin-.
British bomb e:0ert (inda 6ones8 testif3in- for the 0rosec%tion in
Mc<ei-h's trial8 came to the o00osite concl%sion ho2e1er.
Ne1ertheless8 the site 2as 9%ic)l3 demolished and co1ered o1er 2ith
concreteG the remains ta)en to a sec%re d%m0 and b%ried. Ahat 2as
the -o1ernment tr3in- to hideH N%clear +h3sicist Balen Ainsor8
Beneral Ben +artin8 and >+/C mana-er @a1id 7all 2ent to the b%ildin-
and dis0osal sites 2ith radiation meas%rin- e9%i0ment8 b%t 2ere )e0t
a2a3. The3 mana-ed to -ather some fra-ments an32a38 and 2hen
the3 meas%red them 2ith Ainsor's Na? #cintillator detector8 the3
re-istered radiation le1els !. 0ercent hi-her than normal.
JThe s0ecter of radioacti1e terrorism is not e:actl3 brand ne2. ?n +aris8
the French secret 0olice foiled terrorists 0lannin- to set off a
con1entional bomb desi-ned to s0read 0articles of deadl3 radioacti1e
0l%toni%m in the air.
Cohen s%--ests that if it had been a radioacti1e attac)8 and it 2ere
made 0%blic8 it 2o%ld ha1e 0anic)ed a 0%blic alread3 fri-htened abo%t
terrorist attac)s5 D?f the 0er0etrators had been able to -et their hands
on N%st a traceable amo%nt of radioacti1it38 and mi:ed it %0 2ith the
e:0losi1e8 so that it 2o%ld 1irt%all3 ass%re that it 2o%ld be 0ic)ed %0
b3 some detectin- meter8 and this had -otten o%t8 that there 2as a
fairl3 co0io%s amo%nt of radioacti1it3 in the e:0losi1e8 all hell 2o%ld
ha1e bro)en looseL. ?t 2o%ld scare the 0ants off a 1er3 lar-e fraction
of the $.#. citienr38 b3 sa3in- this 2as %sed b3 terrorists8 and
contaminated an areaLD
Bi1en the -o1ernment's lon- histor3 of co1erin- %0 radiation tests on
$.#. citiens8 from radiatin- entire to2ns do2n2ind of n%clear test
sites8 to sli00in- radioacti1e isoto0es to cri00led children in their
oatmeal8 it -oes 2itho%t sa3in- that the3 2o%ld also co1er this %0.K
DA ne2 class of n%clear 2ea0ons co%ld e:ist 2hich co%ld ha1e an
e:tremel3 dist%rbin- terrorist 0otential8D said Cohen. DAnd to admit to
the 0ossibilit3 that the 2arheads mi-ht be s%fficientl3 com0act to 0ose
a real terrorist threat 2as e9%all3 %nacce0table Jto the
#o 2as the Federal B%ildin- blo2n %0 b3 demolition char-es8 a tr%c)
filled 2ith C-48 a f%el-air e:0losi1e8 a miniat%re n%)e8 or some
combination of the abo1eH
JD?t reall3 doesn't ma)e an3 difference8D sa3s Cohen. DFrom the
stand0oint of 0racticalit3L ? 2o%ld lean to2ards Ben +artin. Beca%se
all the st%ff +artin's 0%t o%t8 it N%st holds %0 * it ma)es eminent sense
* he doesn't ha1e to -et into this e:otica. +artin sa3s %sin- ordinar3
+rimacord 2ra00ed aro%nd these 0illars co%ld ha1e done the Nob.D
?n fact8 it does ma)e 9%ite a bit of difference from an in1esti-ati1e
0oint of 1ie28 since the more so0histicated the bomb8 the more
so0histicated the bombers. And Timoth3 Mc<ei-h and Terr3 Nichols
2eren't that so0histicated.K
>F/R-Channel 4 re0orted that the m3sterio%s se1ered le- clothed in
militar3 -arb fo%nd in the r%bble alle-edl3 had +<C embedded JinK it.
+<C 0i0e is sometimes %sed to 0ac) 0lastic e:0losi1es. ?t increases the
shear 0o2er. 7ad this le-8 %nmatched to an3 of the )no2n 1ictims8
belon-ed to the real bomberH
Then on March 2.8 1,,"8)trategic In,estment +ewsletter re0orted that
a +enta-on st%d3 had been lea)ed 2hich bac)ed %0 Beneral +artin's
A classified re0ort 0re0ared b3 t2o inde0endent +enta-on
e:0erts has concl%ded that the destr%ction of the federal
b%ildin- in /)lahoma Cit3 last A0ril 2as ca%sed b3 fi1e
se0arate bombs. The t2o e:0erts reached the same
concl%sion for the same technical reasons. #o%rces close to
the +enta-on st%d3 sa3 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h did 0la3 a role in
the bombin- b%t 0eri0herall38 as a D%sef%l idiot.D The
m%lti0le bombin-s ha1e a Middle 4astern Dsi-nat%re8D
0ointin- to either ?ra9i or #3rian in1ol1ement.
Finall38 in the #0rin- of 1,,&8 e:0losi1es e:0erts at 4-lin Air Force
Base's Ari-ht (aborator3 Armament @irectorate released a st%d3 on
the effects of e:0losi1es a-ainst a reinforced concrete b%ildin- similar
to the Federal B%ildin-. The Air Force's test closel3 matched the
conditions %nder 2hich the -o1ernment contends the M%rrah B%ildin-
2as destro3ed.
The 4-lin Blast 4ffects #t%d38 or 4B4#8 in1ol1ed a three-stor3 reinforced
concrete str%ct%re '. lon-8 4. feet 2ide8 and 3. feet hi-h. The b%ildin-
constr%cted for the test8 the 4-lin Test #tr%ct%re ;4T#=8 2hile smaller
than the M%rrah B%ildin-8 2as similar in desi-n8 2ith three ro2s of
col%mns8 and si:-inch-thic) concrete 0anels similar to those in the
M%rrah B%ildin-. /1erall8 the 4T# 2as considerabl3 2ea)er than the
M%rrah8 2hich had fi1e times the amo%nt of steel reinforcin- than the
4T#8 and 1. times the amo%nt of steel in its col%mns and beams. As
+ew American editor Ailliam 6as0er noted in re-ards to the 4B4#5
?f air blast co%ld not affect catastro0hic fail%re to the
decidedl3 inferior 4-lin str%ct%re8 it becomes all the more
diffic%lt to belie1e that it 2as res0onsible for the
destr%ction of the m%ch stron-er M%rrah B%ildin-.
The e:0erts at 4-lin cond%cted three tests. The3 first detonated &.4
0o%nds of Tritonal ;e9%i1alent to '3. 0o%nds of TNT or a00ro:imatel3
282.. 0o%nds of ANF/=8 at a distance of 4. feet from the str%ct%re8
e9%i1alent to the distance the R3der tr%c) 2as 0ar)ed from the M%rrah
B%ildin-. The second test %tilied an M)-'2 2arhead ;e9%i1alent to 1'.
0o%nds of TNT= 0laced 2ithin the first floor corner room a00ro:imatel3
fo%r feet from the e:terior 2all. The third test in1ol1ed a 2!.-0o%nd
0enetratin- 2arhead ;e9%i1alent to 3! 0o%nds TNT=8 0laced in the
corner of a second floor room a00ro:imatel3 t2o and a half feet from
the adNoinin- 2alls.
The first detonation demolished the si:-inch-thic) concrete 2all 0anels
on the first floor8 b%t left the reinforcin- steel bars intact. The 14-inch
col%mns 2ere %naffected b3 the blast * a far cr3 from 2hat occ%rred
at the M%rrah B%ildin-. The dama-es to the second and third floors fell
off 0ro0ortionall38 %nli)e that in /)lahoma Cit3. The !"-0a-e re0ort
@%e to these conditions8 it is im0ossible to ascribe the
dama-e that occ%rred on A0ril 1,8 1,,! to a sin-le tr%c)-
bomb containin- 48'.. lbs. of ANF/. ?n fact8 the ma:im%m
0redicted dama-e to the floor 0anels of the M%rrah Federal
B%ildin- is e9%al to a00ro:imatel3 1P of the total floor area
of the b%ildin-. F%rthermore8 d%e to the lac) of
s3mmetrical dama-e 0attern at the M%rrah B%ildin-8 it
2o%ld be inconsistent 2ith the res%lts of the 4T# test
Jn%mberK one to state that all of the dama-e to the M%rrah
B%ildin- is the res%lt of the tr%c)-bomb. The dama-e to the
M%rrah Federal B%ildin- is consistent 2ith dama-e
res%ltin- from mechanicall3 co%0led de1ices 0laced locall3
2ithin the str%ct%re ....
?t m%st be concl%ded that the dama-e at the M%rrah
Federal B%ildin- is not the res%lt of the tr%c)-bomb itself8
b%t rather d%e to other factors s%ch as locall3 0laced
char-es 2ithin the b%ildin- itself .... The 0roced%res %sed
to ca%se the dama-e to the M%rrah B%ildin- are therefore
more in1ol1ed and com0le: than sim0l3 0ar)in- a tr%c)
and lea1in- ....
41en the Federal 4mer-enc3 Mana-ement A-enc3 ;F4MA= 2as forced
to concl%de that 48'.. 0o%nds of ANF/ co%ld ha1e not ca%sed the so-
called crater in /)lahoma Cit3. F4MA's re0ort8 0%blished on A%-%st 3.8
1,,"8 inad1ertentl3 concl%ded that the bombers 2o%ld ha1e had to
%se a00ro:imatel3 three times the amo%nt re0ortedl3 %sed in
/)lahoma Cit3.
Another interestin- confirmation came from FB? a-ent @ann3
@efenba%-h8 2ho8 alon- 2ith $.#. Attorne3 Beth Ail)erson8 1isited
Beneral +artin in 6%ne of 1,,!. +art of the team that 0rosec%ted
Mc<ei-h and Nichols8 Ail)erson inter1ie2ed +artin on the 0res%m0tion
that he 2o%ld be called as a 2itness. DLand JA-ent @efenba%-hK 2as
-oin- thro%-h the re0ort that ? did8D said +artin8 Dand he 0%t his fin-er
on that 0ict%re ? had in the re0ortL the desi-nated crater8 and he said8
'#%00ose ? told 3o% that is not the craterH'D
+artin belie1es Ail)erson and @efenba%-h ;2ho +artin described as
belli-erent= inter1ie2ed him as 0art of a r%se to find o%t 2hat he )ne2
abo%t the blast;s=8 so the -o1ernment co%ld caref%ll3 a1oid those
iss%es at trial. Ahile the3 0retended to be interested in +artin's
anal3sis8 the3 ne1er )e0t their 2ord to follo2 %0 the inter1ie2.
D? thin) 2hat the3 did8D said +artin8 D2as the3 loo)ed at m3 credentials
and technical N%stification of all this st%ff8 and the3 felt fo%nd that 2hat
? had 2as based on some 0rett3 so%nd footin-L ? thin) that's 2h3 the3
framed the case the 2a3 the3 did.D
Ahate1er ble2 %0 the Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin-8 one thin-'s for s%re8
there 2as eno%-h ANF/ 0resent at the site to lea1e 1isible traces.
Rand3 (ed-er8 a maintenance man 2ho 2as in the b%ildin- at the time
of the blast8 claims fello2 2or)ers 2ho r%shed into the b%ildin-
immediatel3 after the e:0losion Dcom0lained of b%rnin- e3es8 hea13
d%st and cho)in- l%n-s. That is ri-ht o%t of the te:tboo) of a diesel-
fertilier bomb8 beca%se it creates nitric acid8D said (ed-er. DThe -%3s ?
2or) 2ith8 the3're not -oin- to ma)e it %0 that their e3es are
@r. +a%l 7eath8 a <A 0s3cholo-ist 2ho 2as on the fifth floor of the
b%ildin- at the time of the blast8 said8 D? 0ic)ed fertilier o%t of m3
s)inL ? co%ld see the fertilier act%all3 e:0lodin- in the airG 3o% co%ld
see it 0o00in- all aro%nd 3o%.D
Ramona Mc@onald8 2ho also s%r1i1ed the blast8 conc%rs 2ith 7eath.
DThere 2as a bri-ht flash8 and then boomI And 3o% co%ld see the
fertilier 0o00in- in the air.D
Bi1en this scenario8 it's reasonable to concl%de that the R3der tr%c)
2as filled 2ith somethin- more 0o2erf%l8 2ith N%st eno%-h ANF/ to
lea1e a 1isible trace.
Cohen a-rees. DThe dama-e that res%lted co%ld not ha1e occ%rred
from a 1an 0ar)ed o%tsideL ? don't care ho2 fanc3 an e:0losi1e 2as
%sed. Ahat did in that b%ildin-L 2as an inside Nob.D
?t 2o%ld a00ear that e:0erts' anal3sis' are not the onl3 e1idence of an
inside Nob. ?n an inter1ie2 2ith a local T< station8 a man 2ho esca0ed
the b%ildin- said8 D? 2as sittin- at m3 des)8 and ? felt a r%mblin-8 a
sha)in- in the b%ildin-L so ? decided to -et %nder m3 des).L the
-lass 2indo2s ble2 in and )noc)ed do2n the ceilin- and some of the
st%ff abo1e the ceilin- and it all landed on to0 of m3 des).D
Another man said8 D? tho%-ht it 2as an earth9%a)e beca%se ? resided in
California for man3 3ears8 and it 2as almost li)e it 2as in slo2 motion. ?
felt a sha)e8 and then it be-an sha)in- more8 and ? do1e %nder m3
des)8 and then the -lass all came fl3in- in.D
A friend of @r. Ra3 Bro2n's8 2ho's secretar3 2as in the b%ildin- said8
D#he 2as standin- b3 a 2indo2. The 2indo2 crac)ed8 then she -ot
a2a3 from it and then she 2as blo2n across the room and landed in
another 2oman's la0. Another 2oman ? )no28 6%d3 Morse8 -ot %nder
her des) after feelin- the b%ildin- sha)e8 and before the -lass fle2.D
D@r. Brian 4s0e8 2ho 2as the sole s%r1i1or in the @e0artment of
A-ric%lt%re's fifth floor office8 told the a%thor he first Dheard a r%mblin-
Accordin- to these indi1id%als' acco%nts8 if the tr%c)-bomb * the
alle-ed sole bomb * had detonated first8 ho2 2o%ld the3 ha1e felt a
r%mbin-8 had time to thin) abo%t the sit%ation8 then di1e %nder their
des)sH The res%ltin- blast 2a1e from the tr%c)-bomb 2o%ld ha1e been
immediate and total. #%ch an acco%nt co%ld onl3 be indicati1e of
demolition char-es 0laced inside the b%ildin-.
DThe inside char-es * demolition char-es8D said Cohen8 Dma3 ha1e
-one off first8 and so the col%mns no2 started to colla0se. Bo38 that
2o%ld 0rod%ce one hell of a r%mble8 to 0%t it mildl3L.D
A caller to the /)lahoma Radio Net2or) related the e:0eriences of his
friend8 a Federal Bo1ernment 2or)er8 2ho had 2itnessed the blast
first-hand. D7e 2as a00ro:imatel3 fi1e bloc)s from the b%ildin-
2hene1er the b%ildin- 2ent %0. 7e claims that the to0 of the b%ildin-
2ent %0 li)e a missile -oin- thro%-h it. The debris 2as comin- bac)
do2n 2hen the side of the b%ildin- ble2 o%t. 7e said third and last8 the
tr%c) ble2 %0 on the street.D
Notice this 2itness said the b%ildin- Dble2 o%t.D This is contrar3 to the
effect of an e:0losi1e blast from the street blo2in- the b%ildin- in from
the street. Cand3 A1e38 2ho 2as on her 2a3 to the #ocial #ec%rit3
office 2hen the e:0losions occ%rred8 2as blo2n away from the
b%ildin-8 str%c) a 0ar)in- meter8 and then hit her car.
#aid #%anne
#teel38 re0ortin- li1e for >F/R8 DAe co%ld see all the 2a3 thro%-h the
b%ildin-. That 2as N%st the force of the e:0losion * it N%st ble2 out all
the 2alls and e1er3thin- inside.D
Ramona Mc@onald sa2 a flash and
smo)e risin- %0 from inside the b%ildin-8 Dli)e a roc)et had shot o%t the
to0 of the b%ildin-.D
?t sho%ld be ob1io%s to the reader that it's im0la%sible an ANF/
bomb 0ar)ed o%t in the street 2o%ld ha1e the force to blo2 all the 2a3
thro%-h a h%-e s%0erstr%ct%re li)e the Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin-.
No matter ho2 hard the -o1ernment tried to lie8 obf%scate8 and distort
the tr%th8 the e1idence 2o%ld come bac) to ha%nt them.
/n A0ril 1,8 a ta0e recordin- made d%rin- a conference at the Aater
Reso%rces Board directl3 across from the M%rrah B%ildin- a00ears to
indicate a s%ccession of blast e1ents8 s0aced 1er3 close to-ether.
The ta0e recorder at the Aater Reso%rces Board 2as not the onl3
instr%ment recordin- e:0losions that mornin-. The seismo-ra0h at the
/)lahoma Beolo-ical #%r1e3 at the $ni1ersit3 of /)lahoma at Norman8
1" miles from the M%rrah B%ildin-8 recorded t2o 2a1es8 or Dt2o
e1ents8D on the mornin- of A0ril 1,th. Another seismo-ra0h at the
/mni0le: M%se%m8 fo%r miles a2a3 from the Federal B%ildin-8 also
recorded t2o e1ents. These seismic 2a1es8 or Ds0i)es8D s0aced
a00ro:imatel3 ten seconds a0art8 seem to indicate t2o blasts. J#ee
+rofessor Ra3mond Bro2n8 senior -eo0h3sicist at the $ni1ersit3 of
/)lahoma 2ho st%died the seismo-rams8 )ne2 and tal)ed to 0eo0le
inside the b%ildin- at the time of the blast. DM3 first im0ression 2as8
this 2as a demolition Nob8D said Bro2n. D#omebod3 2ho 2ent in there
2ith e9%i0ment tried to ta)e that b%ildin- do2n.D
Not so8 accordin- to the $.#. Beolo-ical #%r1e3's anal3sis. The $#B#
0%t o%t a 0ress release on 6%ne 1st8 entitled D#eismic Records #%00ort
/ne-Blast Theor3 in /)lahoma Cit3 Bombin-.D
The bomb that destro3ed the Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin- in
/)lahoma Cit3 0rod%ced a train of con1entional seismic
2a1es8 accordin- to inter0retations b3 scientists 2ith the
$.#. Beolo-ical #%r1e3 and the /)lahoma Beolo-ical
#%r1e3 ;/B#=.
#cientists from those a-encies said the seismic recordin-s
of the Ma3 23 demolition of the b%ildin- re0rod%ced the
character of the ori-inal8 A0ril 1,th seismic recordin- b3
0rod%cin- t2o trains of seismic 2a1es that 2ere recorded
on seismometers near Norman8 /)la.
D#eismic recordin-s from the b%ildin-'s im0losion indicate
that there 2as onl3 one bomb e:0losion on A0ril 1,8D said
@r. Thomas 7oler8 a $#B# -eolo-ist in Menlo +ar)8 Calif.
7oler is one of se1eral $#B# and /B# scientists 2ho
anal3ed the shoc) 2a1es created b3 the A0ril 1,
e:0losion and the Ma3 23 im0losion.
7oler added that the t2o distinct 2a1es from the A0ril 1,
e:0losion;s= 2ere the res%lt of the same 2a1e tra1elin- at t2o different
s0eeds thro%-h t2o se0arate la3ers of the earth's cr%st. The Dill%sionD
of a do%ble e:0losion 2as sim0l3 the res%lt of the b%ildin-'s colla0se8
he claimed. D#o the bottom line then8D said 7oler8 Dis ? thin) these
obser1ations are totall3 consistent 2ith a sin-le e:0losion. ?t doesn't
re9%ire m%lti0le e:0losions to do it.D
@r. Bro2n has an honest difference of o0inion 2ith fol)s at the $.#.
Beolo-ical #%r1e3. D? 2ill candidl3 sa3 that 2e are ha1in- tro%ble
findin- that 1elocit3 difference8D said Bro2n. DAe ha1e not identified a
0air of la3ers that co%ld acco%nt for the ten-second difference.
DAhate1er the $#B# sa2 in that data con1inced them that the ori-inal
blast 2as one bomb8D he added. D? find that hard to belie1eL. Ahat
2as %ncomfortable and mi-ht be constr%ed as 0ress%re is that the3
2ere -oin- to come o%t 2ith a 0ress release that sa3s 2e ha1e
concl%ded that data indicates one bomb. ?t 0%ts %s in the
%ncomfortable stance of sa3in- that 2e8 too8 ha1e concl%ded that8 and
2e ha1en't.D
Cet the $#B# 0ress release said that @r. Charles Man)in of the /B#8
Bro2n's boss8 2as D0leased 2ith the 2or) 0erformed b3 @r. 7oler and
his $#B# collea-%es in the anal3sis of the seismic records.D Cet Man)in
had act%all3 %r-ed 7oler to dela3 the 0ress release. D41er3bod3 that
has loo)ed at the si-nal has said a refraction ;an echo= 2o%ld reall3 be
stran-e beca%se there's absol%tel3 no loss of ener-3 in the recorded
seismic si-nal. The second e1ent has the same am0lit%de as the firstL
The arri1al time is 2ron- for a refracted 2a1eL Ae'1e r%led o%t
reflections8 refractions8 and the air blastL Ae determined that these
t2o records of these t2o e1ents corroborate o%r inter0retation that
there 2ere t2o e:0losions.D
The mainstream media8 of co%rse8 N%m0ed on the $#B#'s findin-s8 2ith
headlines li)e D#in-le Bomb @estro3ed B%ildin-D and D#eismic Records
#ha)e M%rrah M%lti0le Bomb Theor3.D DThe ne2s media e1en re0orted
t2o bomb blasts initiall38D said Man)in8 Db%t later chan-ed their stor3.D
DThe $#B#'s concl%sions are not s%00orted b3 either data or anal3sis8D
added Bro2n8 2ho as)ed that his name be ta)en off the re0ort.
Altho%-h Bro2n ca%tions that his o2n concl%sions are far from
concl%si1e and re9%ire Dmore thoro%-h in1esti-ation8D the most lo-ical
e:0lanation for the second e1ent sa3s Bro2n8 is Da bomb on the inside
of the b%ildin-.D
D41en the smallest of those detonations ;from the Ma3 23rd
demolition= had a lar-er effect on the recordin- than the colla0se of
the b%ildin-8D he added8 D2hich demonstrates that the e:0losi1es are
m%ch more efficient at e:citin- the -ro%nd motion than is the colla0se
of three-fo%rths of the b%ildin-. #o it is 1er3 %nli)el3 that one-fo%rth of
the b%ildin- fallin- on A0ril 1,th co%ld ha1e created an ener-3 2a1e
similar to that ca%sed b3 the lar-e Jtr%c)-bombK e:0losion.D
/ne of the 0roblems 2ith the t2o e1ent theor3 is that the s0i)es on the
seismic readin-s 2ere ten seconds a0art. Aith that m%ch difference8
most e1er3bod3 in the 1icinit3 sho%ld ha1e heard t2o se0arate blasts.
B%t -i1en the tra%matic nat%re of bein- in the immediate 1icinit3 of a
bombin-8 2o%ld 2itnesses necessaril3 ha1e heard t2o e:0losionsH
Altho%-h the so%nd of a tr%c)-bomb 2o%ld certainl3 ha1e made a lo%d8
roarin- noise8 com0lete 2ith lots of smo)e and fl3in- debris8 e:0erts
sa3 that the Dcrac)D of a C-4 c%ttin- char-e is Ddo2nri-ht
disa00ointin-D to hear.
/ne man 2ho 2or)s as a 0ar)in- -ara-e attendant one bloc) north of
the M%rrah B%ildin- told (he +ew American that he 2as test-dri1in- a
ne2 0ic)%0 tr%c) near the b%ildin- 2hen the bomb 2ent off. D?t seemed
li)e one8 bi-8 lon- e:0losion8D he said8 Db%t ? can't sa3 for s%re. M3 ears
2ere rin-in- and -lass and roc)s and concrete 2ere fallin- all o1er and
aro%nd me.D
@r. +a%l 7eath8 2ho 2as on the fifth floor8 sa3s he heard onl3 one blast.
B%t fello2 <A 2or)er 6im B%thrie stated in an inter1ie2 2ith the
-ashington Post5
D? felt a boom and 2as 0ic)ed %0 off m3 feet and thro2n
%nder a 2ater fo%ntain.D 7e heard a second e:0losion and
co1ered his ears. @iane @oole38 2ho 2as at a third floor
stair2ell8 also belie1es she heard a second e:0losion.
+. B. Ailson8 2ho 2or)ed in the M%rrah B%ildin-8 told researcher
Michele Moore8 DA second e:0losion came after the first one and shards
of -lass be-an fl3in- in the office.D
7assan M%hammad8 2ho 2as dri1in- for a deli1er3 ser1ice that da38
had his ears r%0t%red b3 the e:0losions. M%hammad told the a%thor he
clearl3 recalled hearin- t2o distinct blasts. DL2hen ? 2as crossin- the
street Jat 1.th and RobinsonKL the first e:0losion 2ent off8 and it 2as
a lo%d e:0losion. And m3 friend 2ho 2as comin- o%t of the 2areho%se
as)ed me 2hat 2as it8 beca%se 2e tho%-ht it 2as a dri1e-b3 shootin-L
and 2e -ot on the -ro%nd8 and b3 the time 2e -ot on the -ro%nd8
another one 2ent off8 and that's 2hen all the 2indo2s came o%t.D
M%hammad recalls that it 2as abo%t three to fo%r seconds bet2een
6ane C. Braham8 a 7$@ 2or)er inN%red in the bombin-8 also clearl3 felt
t2o distinct blasts. As Braham stated in a 1ideota0ed de0osition5 D?
2ant to s0ecif3 that the first bomb * the first im0act * the first effect8
2as a 2a1in- effect8 that 3o% -ot 2hen the b%ildin- 2as mo1in-8 3o%
mi-ht ha1e ma3be felt a little 2a1in-8 0erha0s an earth9%a)e
mo1ement8 and that lasted for se1eral seconds.
DAbo%t " or & seconds later8 a bomb e:0loded. ?t 2as an entirel3
different so%nd and thr%st. ?t 2as li)e it came %0 ri-ht from the center
%0. Co% co%ld feel the b%ildin- mo1e a littleL B%t there 2ere t2o
distinct e1ents that occ%rred. The second blast not onl3 2as 1er38 1er3
lo%d8 it 2as also 1er3 0o2erf%l. And as ? said8 ? N%st felt li)e it 2as
comin- strai-ht on %0 from the center of the b%ildin- * strai-ht %0.D
Michael 7inton8 2ho 2as on a b%s near NA !th and Robinson * one
bloc) a2a3 * also heard t2o e:0losions. D? had N%st sat do2n 2hen ?
heard this 1iolent t30e r%mble %nder the b%s8D said 7inton. D?t 2as a
0%shin- t30e motion * it act%all3 raised that b%s %0 on its side. Abo%t
si: or se1en seconds later another one 2hich 2as more 1iolent than
the first 0ic)ed the b%s %0 a-ain8 and ? tho%-ht that second time the
b%s 2as -oin- to t%rn o1er.D
Ahat 7inton is describin- is consistent 2ith a t2o-bomb scenario. The
first8 smaller e:0losion bein- the more s%bd%ed blast of the demolition
char-es. The second8 lar-er e:0losion bein- the blast of the tr%c)-
bomb * the blast 0ress%re 2a1e of 2hich almost ti00ed the b%s o1er.
?n an inter1ie2 2ith $edia %ypass ma-aine8 attorne3 Charles Aatts8
2ho 2as in the Federal Co%rtho%se across the street8 described
hearin-8 and feelin-8 t2o se0arate blasts5
0atts( ? 2as %0 on the ninth floor8 the to0 floor of the
Ban)r%0tc3 Co%rt8 2ith nothin- in bet2een the t2o
b%ildin-s. Ae 2ere on the so%th side8 o%t in the fo3er8
o%tside the co%rtroom. ?t 2as nine o'cloc)8 or N%st 1er38
1er3 shortl3 thereafter. #e1eral la23ers 2ere standin-
there tal)in- and there 2as a lar-e e:0losion. ?t thre2
se1eral of the 0eo0le close to me to the floor. ? don't thin)
it thre2 me to the floor8 b%t it did mo1e me si-nificantl38
and ? thre2 m3self to the floor8 and -ot do2n8 and abo%t
that time8 a h%-e blast8 %nli)e an3thin- ?'1e e1er
e:0erienced8 hit.
Media Bypass: The blast 2a1e hitH
0atts( A second blast. There 2ere t2o e:0losions. The
second blast made me thin) that the 2hole b%ildin- 2as
comin- in.
Aatts8 a <ietnam 1eteran8 has e:0erienced the effects of bombin-s8
incl%din- bein- 2ithin 1.. feet of B-!2 air stri)es. Aatts told $edia
%ypass he ne1er e:0erienced an3thin- li)e this before.
Another 1eteran 2ho heard the blast is Beor-e Aallace8 a retired Air
Force fi-hter 0ilot 2ith 2" 3ears in the ser1ice. Aallace8 2ho li1es nine
miles north2est of the Federal B%ildin-8 described the blast as a
Ds%stained8 lo%d8 lon- r%mble8 li)e se1eral e:0losions.D Aallace li)ened
the noise to that of a s%ccession of bombs bein- dro00ed b3 B-
Ta)en to-ether8 the e1idence and 2itness acco%nts a00ear to indicate
that there 2ere at least t2o blasts on the mornin- of A0ril 1,.
Beneral +artin8 alon- 2ith #enator ?nhoffe8 Re0resentati1e >e3 and
others8 as)ed Con-ress that the b%ildin- not be demolished %ntil an
inde0endent forensic team co%ld be bro%-ht in to in1esti-ate the
D?t is eas3 to determine 2hether a col%mn 2as failed b3 contact
demolition char-es or b3 blast loadin- ;s%ch as a tr%c)-bomb=8D +artin
2rote in his letter to Con-ress. D?t is also eas3 to co1er %0 cr%cial
e1idence as 2as a00arentl3 done in Aaco. ? %nderstand that the
b%ildin- is to be demolished b3 Ma3 23rd or 24th. Ah3 the r%sh to
destro3 the e1idenceHD
Cohen echoed +artin's sentiments5 D? belie1e that demolition char-es in
the b%ildin- 0laced at certain )e3 concrete col%mns did the 0rimar3
dama-e to the M%rrah Federal B%ildin-. ? conc%r 2ith the o0inion that
an in1esti-ation b3 the /)lahoma #tate (e-islat%re is absol%tel3
necessar3 to -et at the tr%th of 2hat act%all3 ca%sed the tra-ed3 in
/)lahoma Cit3.D
Cet the feds in fact did demolish the M%rrah B%ildin- on Ma3 238
destro3in- the e1idence 2hile citin- the same reason as the3 did for
9%ic)l3 demolishin- the Aaco com0o%nd5 Dhealth haards.D ?n the
Aaco case8 2hat 2as destro3ed 2as e1idence that the feds had fired
from helico0ters into the roof of the b%ildin- d%rin- the earl3 0art of
the raid8 )illin- se1eral 0eo0le8 incl%din- a n%rsin- mother. ?n the
/)lahoma case8 2hat 2as destro3ed 2as e1idence that the col%mns
had been destro3ed b3 demolition char-es.
The r%bble from the M%rrah B%ildin- 2as ha%led b3 Mid2est Arec)in-
to a landfill s%rro%nded b3 a -%arded8 barbed-2ire fence8 sifted for
e1idence 2ith the hel0 of the National B%ard8 then s%bse9%entl3
ha%led off BF? Aaste Mana-ement and b%ried. Alon- 2ith it 2as b%ried
the e1idence of 2hat reall3 ha00ened on the mornin- of A0ril 1,.
D?t's a classic co1er-%08D said Beneral +artin8 Da classic co1er-%0.D
1'verything %hort of a T#23 Tank1
?f the bombin- of the M%rrah B%ildin- 2as the res%lt of an inside Nob8
2ho is res0onsibleH Aas it 2ired for demolition8 and if so8 2ho co%ld
ha1e 2ired itH
@r. 7eath8 2ho has 2or)ed in the M%rrah B%ildin- for 22 3ears8 2as
0resent on the da3 of the bombin-. Altho%-h 7eath 0ersonall3
disco%nts the second bomb theor38 he e:0lained that 0oor sec%rit3 in
the b%ildin- 2o%ld ha1e 0ermitted access to almost an3one8 an3time.
DThe sec%rit3 2as so la: in this b%ildin-8 that one indi1id%al or -ro%0 of
indi1id%als co%ld ha1e had access to an3 of those col%mns8D said
7eath8 Dalmost in e1er3 0art of the b%ildin-8 before or after ho%rs8 or
e1en d%rin- the ho%rs of the 2or)da38 and co%ld ha1e 0lanted bombs.D
B%3 R%bsamen8 the Federal +rotecti1e #er1ices -%ard on d%t3 the ni-ht
of the 1'th8 said that nobod3 had entered the b%ildin-. Cet R%bsamen
too) off at 25.. a.m.8 and said that nobod3 2as -%ardin- the b%ildin-
from 25.. a.m. to "5.. a.m.
D?t 2as a b%ildin- 3o% co%ld ha1e 0lanted a bomb in an3time 3o%
2anted to8D said 7eath. D?t 2as a b%ildin- that 2as not sec%re at all.
?'1e -one in and o%t of this b%ildin- 2ith a 0en)nife8 N%st b3 sli00in- a
)nife in the so%th doors8 slide the bolt bac)8 and -o in 2itho%t a )e3.
?'1e done that e1er since the b%ildin- 2as ne2. ?f 3o% 2anted into it8
3o% co%ld ha1e -otten into it an3 time 3o% 2anted to.D
7eath also e:0lained that 1isitors co%ld dri1e ri-ht into the -ara-e8
an3time. DThere 2as no -%ard. Co% co%ld dri1e inside the -ara-e *
fo%r stories * an3time 3o% 2anted to8 and carr3 an3thin- 3o% 2anted
to inside the car.D
?t a00ears that alle-ed bomber Timoth3 Mc<ei-h ;or someone dri1in-
his car= did N%st that. /n the mornin- of A0ril 1,8 attorne3 6ames
(inehan 2as sto00ed for a li-ht at the corner of NA 4th and Robinson
at a00ro:imatel3 '53' a.m. 2hen he obser1ed a battered 3ello2
Merc%r3 r%n the li-ht and dri1e directl3 into the %nder-ro%nd 0ar)in-
-ara-e. (inehan said the dri1er had shar0 facial feat%res similar to
Mc<ei-h's8 altho%-h he tho%-ht the dri1er ma3 ha1e been a 2oman.
Referrin- to the 2ell-0%blied scene of Mc<ei-h bein- led o%t of the
Noble Co%nt3 Co%rtho%se8 (inehan said8 DLthat's itI That's the same
0rofile.D C%rio%sl38 one month later (inehan said8 DM3 -%t feelin- is that
it 2as a female dri1in-.D
Ah3 did DMc<ei-hD dri1e into the -ara-eH Co%ld he ha1e done so to
0lant additional bombsH /r 0erha0s someone in Mc<ei-h's car made it
appear that he 2as doin- soH A fall -%3 for the real bombersH
D?f Mc<ei-h 2as totall3 o%tside the la28 he certainl3 2o%ldn't ha1e
sn%--led %0 a-ainst them li)e dri1in- into that basement that
mornin-8D said @a1id 7all8 -eneral mana-er of >+/C-T< in +onca Cit38
/)lahoma8 2ho has in1esti-ated the ATF's role in the bombin-.D
Cet 7all doesn't belie1e Dthe ATF or the FB? or an3bod3 2ent aro%nd
and 2ired col%mns or an3thin- li)e that. Ahat he ;+artin= said 2as that
there ma3 ha1e been some e:0losi1es stored b3 some col%mns that
2ent off. ? don't feel that those 0eo0le set o%t to )ill 1"' 0eo0le in
/)lahoma Cit3 intentionall3. B%t ? thin) that beca%se of incom0etence
on their 0art that 1er3 2ell ma3 ha1e ha00ened in t2o or three
different 2a3sLD
#hortl3 after the bombin-8 an %nidentified 2itness called
Re0resentati1e >e3 and told him that she sa2 t2o men in the -ara-e
2ho a00eared to be Dsa2in-D on the 0illars. The men 2ere 2or)in- in
almost total dar)ness. Ahen she as)ed them 2hat the3 2ere doin-8
the3 said8 DAe're N%st 0%ttin- thin-s ri-ht a-ain.D
Aere the3 D0%ttin- thin-s ri-ht8D or 2ere the3 2ea)enin- the s%00ort
col%mns N%st eno%-h to ma)e s%re that the3'd fail at the a00ro0riate
Then8 on the Frida3 before the bombin-8 7$@ 2or)er 6ane Braham
noticed three men in the -ara-e 2hom she tho%-ht 2ere tele0hone
re0airmen. As Braham stated in her de0osition8 the men 2ere holdin-
2hat a00eared to be C-4 0lastic e:0losi1es5
D?t 2as a bloc)8 0robabl3 2 b3 3 inches of 3 b3 48 in that
area8 b%t it 2as a 0%tt3 color * solid 0iece of bloc) * ?
don't )no2 2hat it 2as. B%t the3 had that and the3 had
this 2irin-. Ahen the3 sa2 me 2atchin- them8 the3 2ere
do2n there and the3 had 0lans of the b%ildin-. The3 2ere
disc%ssin- * the3 2ere ar-%in- in fact * a00arentl3 there
2as a disa-reement8 beca%se one of the men 2as 0ointin-
to 1ario%s areas of the -ara-e. The3 2ere tal)in- abo%t8 ?
ass%me8 0lans of the b%ildin-. ? tho%-ht ma3be the3 2ere
tele0hone men at first.
DAhen the3 sa2 me 2atchin- them8 the3 too) the 2irin- *
it loo)ed li)e cord8 tele0hone cord * it 2as 0%tt3 colored *
the3 too) 2hate1er else 2as in their hand8 the3 0%t all of
that bac) into a 0a0er sac)8 the3 0%t it in the dri1er's side8
behind the 0assen-er seat Jof aK 0ale -reen8 sli-htl3 faded
station 2a-on.D
Braham later told me that one of the men 2as holdin- a one b3 t2o b3
three-inch de1ice that loo)ed li)e Dsome sort of clic)er8 li)e a small T<
remote-control8D she said.
The men sto00ed 2or)in- abr%0tl3 2hen the3 sa2 Braham. DThe3
loo)ed %ncomfortable8D she said. DThe3 2ere as intent loo)in- at me as
? 2as at them.D
#he also stated that the men 2ere not 2earin- %niforms and 2ere not
dri1in- a tele0hone or electric com0an3 tr%c). The3 2ere8 ho2e1er8
1er3 2ell b%ilt. The3 Dob1io%sl3 lifted 2ei-htsD said Braham.
;Braham's acco%nt is bac)ed %0 b3 ?R# 2or)er >ath3 Ailb%rn8 2ho
also sa2 the trio of men in the -ara-e8 as did a 7$@ em0lo3ee named
Altho%-h the FB? inter1ie2ed Braham8 the3 ne1er sho2ed her an3
0ict%res or bro%-ht her before a s)etch artist. DThe3 onl3 2anted to
)no2 if ? co%ld identif3 Mc<ei-h or Nichols8D she said. D? said it 2as
neither of these t2o -entlemen.D
A call to the local electric8 tele0hone8 and nat%ral -as com0anies
re1ealed that the men 2ere not a%thoried re0airmen. Nor 2ere the3
constr%ction 2or)ers ins0ectin- the 0remises for a 0ro0osed
reno1ation 0roNect b3 the Beneral #er1ices Administration ;B#A=. The
2. or so contractors in1ol1ed in that bid stated em0haticall3 that the
men 2ere not their em0lo3ees.
@a1id 7all ;2ho sto00ed 2or)in- on the case in late 1,,! d%e to an
?R# a%dit= 2asn't a2are of the Braham de0osition8 he did dro0 a
DAe do )no2 that e:0losi1es 2ere deli1ered there 2itho%t a do%bt. Ae
)no2 there 2ere si: bo:es of 2! to 3! 0o%nds mar)ed 'hi-h e:0losi1es'
deli1ered to the b%ildin- t2o 2ee)s 0rior to the e:0losion. Ae had
contact 2ith the tr%c) dri1er 2ho 2as in1ol1ed in that deli1er3. The
name of the tr%c)in- com0an3 is Tri-#tate8 located in 6o0lin8 Misso%ri.D
Tri-stateL is an e:0losi1es carrier.
DAe'1e tal)ed to the dri1er8D said 7all. DAe'1e tal)ed to t2o dri1ers.
Nobod3 )no2s 2hat 2as in them beca%se the3 2ere bo:ed and mar)ed
'hi-h e:0losi1e.'D
Then 7all dro00ed another bombshell.
DAe also )no2 that the ATF had a ma-aine inside the b%ildin-8 2hich
2as ille-al. B%t the floor 2as blo2n o%t of that ma-aine. And there's
some 9%estion abo%t 2hat 2as in there too that created that dama-e8
beca%se that 2as a foot of concrete that 2as blo2n o%t of that
Ahile se1eral other %ne:0loded bombs 2ere 0%lled o%t of the
2rec)a-e8 none 2ere 2idel3 mentioned.
/ne s%ch bomb 2as a 2 E 2 foot bo: mar)ed D7i-h 4:0losi1esD which
had a timer on it. This 2as confirmed b3 /)lahoma Cit3 Fire Marshal
@ic) Miller. The timin- mechanism a00arentl3 had been set to detonate
at ten min%tes after nine. A00arentl3 it had malf%nctioned d%e to the
initial blast.
Accordin- to Toni Barrett8 a n%rse 2ho 2as on the scene ta--in-
dead bodies. DFo%r 0eo0le * resc%e 2or)ers * told %s there 2as a
bomb in the b%ildin- 2ith a timin- mechanism set to -o off ten
min%tes after nine.D Accordin- to Barrett8 2itnesses told her it 2as an
acti1e bomb. DAe sa2 the bomb s9%ad ta)e it a2a3.D
This fact 2as confirmed b3 an /)lahoma Cit3 +olice officer 2ho
inad1ertentl3 be-an to 2al) into the b%ildin- 2hen a fireman 3elled8
D7e3 idiot8 that's a bombID The st%nned officer loo)ed o1er and sa2 the
2 E 2 bo: s%rro%nded b3 0olice crime ta0e. 7e then heard the fireman
3ell8 DThere's one o1er there and another o1er thereI Ae're 2aitin- for
the bomb s9%ads to come bac) from ha%lin- off the others.D
?n1esti-ator +hil /'7alloran has Bill Martin of the /)lahoma Cit3 +olice
@e0artment on ta0e statin- that one of the bombs fo%nd in the
b%ildin- 2as t2o to three fi1e--allon containers of Merc%r3 F%lminate
* a 0o2erf%l e:0losi1e * one not easil3 obtainable e:ce0t to militar3
Citiens monitorin- 0olice radios heard the follo2in- con1ersation on
the mornin- of the 1,th5
4irst voice( DBo38 3o%'re not -onna' belie1e thisID
%econd voice( DBelie1e 2hatHD
4irst voice( D? can't belie1e itL this is a militar3 bombID
A00arentl38 the containers8 2ith DMils0ecD ;militar3 s0ecification=
mar)in-s clearl3 1isible8 2ere fo%nd in the basement. Co%ld this
e:0lain 2hat Mc<ei-h's car 2as doin- in the %nder-ro%nd 0ar)in-
-ara-eH Merc%r3 F%lminate is a hi-hl3 1olatile booster material. <olatile
eno%-h to create a 1er3 0o2erf%l e:0losion.
#hortl3 thereafter8 a fireman %0 on the third floor of the b%ildin-
noticed t2o militar3 amb%lances 0%ll %0 to the b%ildin-8 and sa2
se1eral men in dar) fati-%es carr3in- stretchers from the b%ildin- to
the 2aitin- amb%lances. Ahat 2ere on the stretchers 2ere not bodies8
b%t bo:es8 2hich a00eared to contain doc%ments. /ne of the
stretchers had on it 2hat a00eared to be a missile la%nch t%be. The
missile8 a00arentl3 0art of the Arm3 recr%itin- office's dis0la38 2as
confirmed the "1st 4/@ to be inert.
Ahat is also interestin- is that Beneral +artin stated the b%ildin-'s
s%00ort str%ct%res failed 0rimaril3 at the third floor le1el. ?n s0ec%latin-
2ho 2o%ld ha1e access at that N%nct%re8 it ma3 be rele1ant to note that
the @e0artment of @efense ;@o@= 2as on the third floor8 adNoinin-
col%mn B-38 2hich +artin belie1es contained the main detonation
+artin 2as also informed b3 an ac9%aintance in the C?A that se1eral
of their 0ersonnel 2ho e:amined the site disco1ered Merc%r3 F%lminate
resid%e on se1eral roofto0s near the b%ildin-.
Aro%nd the same time as the 4-lin Air Force Base re0ort 2as bein-
made 0%blic8 Ailliam Northro08 a former ?sraeli intelli-ence a-ent8 told
me that a friend in the C?A's @irectorate of /0erations informed him
that there 2as 0lastic e:0losi1e resid%e on the b%ildin-'s col%mns.
Addin- more f%el to the theor3 of an inside Nob 2as the dismembered
militar3 le- fo%nd in the 2rec)a-e * a le- not belon-in- to an3 of the
)no2n 1ictims. ;Altho%-h a%thorities 2o%ld later attem0t to attrib%te
the le- to Airman (a)esha (e13.=
Nor 2as the local media attrib%tin- the bombin- to the 2or) of
amate%rs. DRi-ht no28 the3 are sa3in- that this is the 2or) of a
so0histicated -ro%08D stated a >F/R-T< ne2scaster. DThis is the 2or) of
a so0histicated de1ice8 and it had to ha1e been done b3 an e:0losi1es
e:0ert8 ob1io%sl38 2ith this t30e of e:0losion.D
41en Bo1ernor Fran) >eatin- told local ne2s stations5 DThe re0orts ?
ha1e is that one de1ice 2as deacti1ated8 and there's another de1ice8
and ob1io%sl3 2hate1er did the dama-e to the M%rrah B%ildin- 2as a
tremendo%s8 1er3 so0histicated e:0losi1e de1ice.D
Ne2scasters li1e on the scene co%ld be heard thro%-ho%t the da3
anno%ncin-8 DAe ha1e re0orts of t2o other bombs 0%lled o%t of the
b%ildin-8D and DThe second t2o de1ices 2ere lar-er than the first8D and
so on5
54O6 Channel 75 The FB? has confirmed there is another
bomb in the Federal B%ildin-. ?t's in the 4ast side of the
b%ildin-. The3'1e mo1ed e1er3bod3 bac) se1eral bloc)s8
ob1io%sl3 to8 %h8 %n0l%- it so it 2onUt -o off. The3're
mo1in- e1er3bod3 bac). ?t's aL it's a 2eird scene beca%se
at first e1er3bod3 2as r%nnin- 2hen the3 -a1e the 2ord to
-et e1er3bod3 a2a3 from the scene8 b%t no2 0eo0le are
N%st standin- aro%nd )ind of starin-. ?t's a 1er3 s%rreal8
1er3 stran-e scene.
No28 2e 2ant to -et some information o%t to 0eo0le8 to
0eo0le 2ho are in the do2nto2n area. Co% don't 2ant to
stand on the side2al)8 and the reason for that is there are
-as mains %nderneath and if there's a second e:0losion8
that those -as mains co%ld blo2. B%t8 a-ain8 2e do ha1e
confirmation. There is a second bomb in the Federal
B%ildin-. Ae )no2 it's on the east side. Ae're not s%re
2hat floor8 2hat le1el8 b%t there is definitel3 dan-er of a
maNor second e:0losion. The3're 2arnin- e1er3bod3 to -et
as far bac) as the3 can. The3're tr3in- to -et the bomb
def%sed ri-ht no2. The3 are in the 0rocess of doin- it8 b%t
this co%ld ta)e some time. The3're tellin- 0eo0le that this
is somethin- to ta)e 1er3 serio%sl38 and not to sli0 for2ard
to -et a loo) at this8 beca%se this thin- co%ld definitel3 -o
50T8 Channel 95 All ri-ht8 2e N%st sa28 if 3o% 2ere
2atchin-8 there8 there 2as a 2hite 0ic)%0 tr%c) bac)in- a
trailer into the scene here. The3 are tr3in- to -et 0eo0le
o%t of the 2a3 so that the3 can -et it in. A00ears to be the
/)lahoma Bomb #9%ad. ?t's their Bomb @is0osal $nit8 is
2hat it is8 and it is 2hat the3 2o%ld %se if8 if8 the re0ort
that 2e -a1e 3o% N%st a fe2 min%tes a-o is correct8 that a
second e:0losi1e de1ice of some )ind is inside the b%ildin-.
The3'll bac) that trailer in there8 and the Bomb #9%ad fol)s
2ill -o in and the3'll %se that trailer. Co% see the b%c)et on
the bac)H This is ho2 the3 2o%ld trans0ort the 4:0losi1e
@e1ice a2a3 from this 0o0%lated area. The3 2o%ld tr3 to
do somethin-.
Finall38 >F/R anno%nced5
The second e:0losi1e 2as fo%nd and def%sed. The third
e:0losi1e 2as fo%nd * and the3 are 2or)in- on it ri-ht
no2 as 2e s0ea). I understand that &oth the second and
the third explosi,es were larger than the 8irst.
J+aramedic Tiffan3 #mith8 2ho 2as 2or)in- 2ith other resc%e
0ersonnel in the M%rrah B%ildin- that mornin-8 claims she 2as told b3
a blac)-s%ited ATF a-ent that another bomb had been fo%nd attached
to a -as line.
Ahen Channel 4 inter1ie2ed terrorism e:0ert @r. Randall 7eather at
a00ro:imatel3 15.. +.M. he stated5 DAe sho%ld find o%t an a2f%l lot8
2hen these bombs are ta)en a0art.L Ae -ot l%c)3 toda38 if 3o% can
consider an3thin- abo%t this tra-ed3 l%c)3. ?t's act%all3 a -reat stro)e
of l%c)8 that 2e'1e -ot def%sed bombs. ?t's thro%-h the bomb material
that 2e'll be able to trac) do2n 2ho committed this atrocit3.D
?n fact8 it is %ncertain if the bombs were ta)en a0art and e:amined. As
stated in a re0ort 0re0ared b3 the National Fire +rotection Association5
DThe de1ice 2as remo1ed in the sheriff's bomb trailer and e:0loded in
a remote location.D
?ncredibl38 all these re0orts 2ere 9%ic)l3 h%shed %0 and denied later
on. #%ddenl38 the additional bombs inside the b%ildin- became a car
bomb outside the b%ildin-8 then a 1an containin- 28... 0o%nds of
ANF/8 then a tr%c) containin- 48'.. 0o%nds.
Bo1ernor >eatin-8 2ho himself had re0orted a second de1ice8 2o%ld
later re1erse his 0osition8 leadin- a state2ide co1er-%0 0roclaimin-
that Re0resentati1e >e3 and others in1esti-atin- additional bombs and
s%s0ects 2ere Dho2lin- at the moon8D and Doff the reser1ation.D
Ahen 6.@. Cash8 a No%rnalist 2ritin- for the $c*urtain *ounty "a#ette8
tried to inter1ie2 members of the Bomb #9%ad8 Fire @e0artment and
+olice8 he 2as -enerall3 told b3 0otential inter1ie2ees8 D? sa2 a lot that
da38 ? 2ish ? hadn't. ? ha1e a 2ife8 a Nob8 a famil3L ?'1e been
threatened8 2e'1e been told not to tal) abo%t the de1ices.D
Ahen ? attem0ted to inter1ie2 t2o members of the #heriff's Bomb
#9%ad 2ho 2ere first on the scene8 the3 told me there were no
additional bombs ta)en a2a3 or detonated. Ahen 9%estioned f%rther
the3 became 1isibl3 %0ti-ht and referred me to their s%0erior.
/ne la2-enforcement official 2ho had a little more 0ractice at l3in-
2as /)lahoma Cit3 FB? #AC Bob Ric)s8 the master 0ro0a-andist of
Aaco fame8 2ho cooll3 stated to the 0ress8 DAe ne1er did find another
de1ice.L 2e confirmed that no other de1ice e:isted.D
The ATF8 2ho initiall3 denied e1en ha1in- an3 e:0losi1es in the
b%ildin-8 e1ent%all3 recanted their statements and told re0orters that
the 2 E 2 foot bo: 2as a Dtrainin- bomb.D ? as)ed Beneral +artin if
there co%ld be s%ch a thin- as an ATF Dtrainin- bomb.D
D? 2o%ld certainl3 not thin) so8D said +artin. D(oo)8 2hen 3o% ha1e an
4/@ team * 4/@ teams are 1er3 2ell trained 0eo0le. And an3 trainin-
de1ice 2o%ld ha1e to be so labeled * so labeled. And the 4/@ 0eo0le
2ho 2ere there 2ere claimin- it 2as e:0losi1es.D
Former ATF man Ric) #herro2 had his o2n tho%-hts on the iss%e of
trainin- bombs. DAll the field offices ha1e that material ;trainin-
bombs=. ?t's 1.. 0ercent on the o%tside * 2ei-hs the same8 loo)s the
same8 b%t it has no fill * no inert mar)in-s or an3thin- else. ? can't sa3
absol%tel3 that's 2hat 2as fo%nd in the b%ildin-8 b%t it's more than
li)el3. The3 had st%n -renades too8 2hich are li1e. The3 can't
contrib%te or an3thin- Jto the dama-eK8 b%t the3 lied abo%t it8 and that
Nams %0 their credibilit3.D
Cash inter1ie2ed B#A 2or)ers 2ho hel0ed the ATF %nload their arsenal
room t2o 2ee)s after the blast. Cash described in a series of "a#ette
articles be-innin- on Ma3 48 1,,!8 ho2 the ATF had stored 2ea0ons8
e:0losi1es and amm%nition in the M%rrah B%ildin- in contra1ention of
the 1er3 la2s the3 2ere s%00osed to enforce5
Both the Alcohol8 Tobacco and Firearms B%rea% ;ATF= and
the @r%- 4nforcement B%rea% ;@4A= had e:0losi1es and
2ea0ons * incl%din- an anti-tan) missile * ille-all3 stored
in the b%ildin- 2hen it ble2 %0 A0ril 1,8 the $c*urtain
"a#ette has learned. An e3e2itness obser1er told the
"a#ette recentl3 of assistin- federal a-ents to remo1e
2ea0ons and e:0losi1e de1ices from a 0artiall3 dama-ed
arsenal inside the Federal B%ildin- after the e:0losion.
(ester Mart8 ATF #0ecial A-ent in Char-e for the re-ion8 denied this.
DThat loc)er 2as intact8D said Mart in an inter1ie2 2ith the allas
$orning +ews8 and 2ith the a%thor. Mart 2ent on to sa3 that the
blasted o%t area bet2een col%mns B-2 and B-4 2as the res%lt of @4A
ordinance. Cet the @4A offices 2ere on the west side of the b%ildin- on
the se1enth floor8 no2here near that area. The ATF offices8 ho2e1er8
2ere in close 0ro:imit3 to it8 bein- located in the to0 rear corner of the
b%ildin-8 on the east side.
ATF officials 2ere adamant in den3in- that no e:0losi1es 2ere stored in
the b%ildin-. B%t it seems the3 did ha1e C-4. /C+@ /fficer @on
Bro2nin-8 2ho 1ie2ed 1ideo foota-e ta)en b3 #heriff Mel1in #%mter8
sa3s C-4 2as Ddefinitel3D carried o%t of the b%ildin-. Bro2nin-8 a
<ietnam 1eteran8 described the e:0losi1es he sa25 D?t 2as in 2ide
bloc)s8 abo%t 3R4D thic)8 aro%nd 1.D lon-8 and abo%t 2D 2ide8 2ra00ed
in cello0hane.D
Cash inter1ie2ed at least one %nnamed 2itness 2ho described hel0in-
ATF a-ents remo1e ordinance from their stora-e loc)er5
D/ne ni-ht8 %0 on the ninth floor8 2here the ATF offices
J2ereK8 ? hel0ed some of their a-ents load onto an ele1ator
small arms8 machine -%ns8 se1eral cases of amm%nition
and e1en some bo:es mar)ed '4:0losi1es'D he said.
The "a#ette inter1ie2ed t2o more 2itnesses 2ho assisted in the 0ost
bombin- clean-%0. /ne8 a ci1ilian contractor hired b3 the B#A8 told the
"a#ette 6%l3 3.th5
DThe3 had e1er3thin-I Lhome-made i0 -%ns8 A>-4&s8
sa2ed-off shot-%ns8 AR-1!s8 M-1"s * literall3 h%ndreds of
-%ns. Co% name it8 the3 had it allL an3 )ind of 2ea0on 3o%
co%ld e1er 2ant.D 7e also said he recalls seein- an ATF
a-ent 2ith a fi1e--allon b%c)et of hand--renades.
DThe3 carried o%t e1er3 concei1able t30e of firearm )no2n to man8D
Cash told 1ideo 0rod%cer Ch%c) Allen8 Dincl%din- h%ndreds of
tho%sands of ro%nds of amm%nition8 bo:es mar)ed e:0losi1es8 hand
-renades8 e1er3thin- short of a R%ssian T-&2 tan).D Finall38 a 2itness
told the "a#ette5
DAhat 2as left of that JATF ma-aineK room is in the far
so%th-east end of the ninth floor8 b%t m%ch of it 2as blo2n
a2a3 and Ja00arentl3K disa00eared into the r%bble ri-ht on
to0 of the America's >ids @a3 Care Center.D
The area N%st belo2 the ATF's arsenal room * the coned-in area on
the far left ;so%th-east= side of the b%ildin- seen in aerial 0hoto-ra0hs
* is 2here most of the cas%alties occ%rred. This area e:tends one to
t2o stories belo2 the street le1el. ;#ee A00endi:=
A00arentl38 this is not the first time s%ch a Dmisha0D has occ%rred.
A00ro:imatel3 1. 3ears a-o8 some ca0t%red #o1iet ordinance8
incl%din- roc)ets 2ith hi-h-e:0losi1e 2arheads8 2o%nd %0 stored at FB?
head9%arters in Aashin-ton8 @.C. There 2as a s%bse9%ent fire8 and the
e:0lodin- ordinance ca%sed more than a little consternation amon-
firefi-hters8 es0eciall3 2hen one roc)et too) off and blasted a t2o-foot
diameter hole in a cinder bloc) 2all. Ahen the stor3 lea)ed o%t8 the
ATF reacted b3 remo1in- more than 3. 0o%nds of e:0losi1es from their
offices do2n the street.
?n Allen's 1ideo8 Cash ma)es the assertion that the massi1e internal
dama-e to the b%ildin- 2as the res%lt of secondar3 e:0losions ca%sed
b3 these ille-all3 stored e:0losi1es. The ordinance8 2hich incl%ded
0erc%ssion ca0s for C-4 ;and C-4 itself=8 had fallen from their ninth floor
stora-e area after the initial tr%c) blast8 Cash s%--ests8 to one of the
lo2er floors8 2here it detonated8 ca%sin- massi1e internal dama-e.
Accordin- to Cash's e:0erts8 altho%-h C-4 is relati1el3 safe to handle8 it
can be set off 2ith 3!.. 0.s.i. of 0ress%re.
Beneral +artin disa-rees 2ith Cash's anal3sis8 e:0lainin-5 DFor an3thin-
to ha1e t%mbled do2n from %0 there and done the increased dama-e
is technicall3 im0ossibleL ?f somethin- had fallen after that section
had colla0sed and ca%sed an e:0losion that bro%-ht do2n Jcol%mnK B-
38 the thin- 2o%ld not ha1e cro00ed the 2a3 it did. ?f 3o% loo) %0 there
at the to0 left hand side8 3o% don't see an3thin- %0 there that 2o%ld
indicate that 3o% had a bi- blo2o%t at the to0. ?f it had8 it 2o%ldn't of
had an3thin- to do 2ith the col%mn colla0sin- do2n belo2 * the3're
too far a2a3.D
? as)ed +artin if C-4 co%ld e:0lode d%e to the increased air 0ress%re
res%ltin- from the tr%c) blast8 from the 2ei-ht of fallin- debris8 or
sim0l3 b3 fallin- ei-ht or nine stories.
D(oo)8D said +artin8 DC-4 is )inda' to%-h to -et to -oG ammoni%m nitrate
is e1en to%-her. ?t ta)es a real intense shoc) 2a1e to -et that )ind of
e:0losi1e to -o.D +artin then added8 D? tho%-ht ? e:0lained it to Cash8
b%t ? -%ess he's 0ersistin- 2ith his stor3.D
Ah3 Cash 2o%ld 0ersist 2ith his stor3 2hile lar-el3 side-ste00in-
+artin's anal3sis is c%rio%s. Cet if the ATF were res0onsible for the
secondar3 e:0losion8 it 2o%ld seem the3 2o%ld ha1e reason to lie.
JNot onl3 2ere the3 storin- e:0losi1es ille-all3 in a 0%blic b%ildin-
containin- a da3-care center8 b%t almost the entire contin-ent of
a00ro:imatel3 13 a-ents 2as absent on the da3 of the bombin- ;more
on this later=.K
Aas the ATF in fact res0onsible8 )no2in-l3 or %n)no2in-l38 for the
e:0losion that destro3ed the M%rrah b%ildin-H Consider the follo2in-
article 2hich a00eared in the 6%ne !8 1,,! iss%e of +ewsweek5
For the 0ast 3ear8 the ATF and the Arm3 Cor0s of 4n-ineers
ha1e been blo2in- %0 car bombs at the Ahite #ands
+ro1in- Bro%nd in Ne2 Me:ico. The 0roNect8 code-named
@i0ole Mi-ht8 is desi-ned to create a com0%ter model to
%nra1el terrorist car-and tr%c)-bomb attac)s. B3
coincidence8 a ATF a-ent assi-ned to @i0ole Mi-ht8
ha00ened to be in /)lahoma Cit3 on A0ril 1,th8 2or)in- at
the Federal Co%rtho%se8 2hich stands across the street
from the M%rrah B%ildin-. 7e sa2 the de1astation and
called the ATF office in @allas. The M%rrah B%ildin- had N%st
been hit b3 'ANF/' ;ammoni%m material= bomb of at least
se1eral tho%sand 0o%nds8 he re0orted. Aithin min%tes8
e:0losi1es a-ents trained %nder @i0ole Mi-ht 2ere
dis0atched to the scene. The3 identified the t30e and sie
of the bomb almost immediatel3.
6%st ho2 this a-ent ;7arr3 4berhardt= 2as able to immediatel3
ascertain the b%ildin- had been blo2n %0 b3 an ANF/ bomb8 2hen no
forensic anal3sis had 3et been cond%cted8 is %nclear. Ahen +hil
/'7alloran8 a freelance No%rnalist8 attem0ted to as) the ATF +%blic
Relations B%rea% 2h3 a @i0ole Mi-ht e:0ert N%st ha00ened to be in the
co%rtho%se at that moment8 and ho2 he co%ld immediatel3 ha1e
)no2n the e:act nat%re of the bomb8 /'7alloran8 rather than -i1en a
rational e:0lanation8 2as acc%sed of attac)in- the a-enc3 and 2as
0romised a fa: of a-enc3 1ie2s on Ri-ht-2in- cons0iracists ;2hich
ne1er arri1ed=.
?t is also %nclear 2h3 2as the #heriff's Bomb #9%ad 2as in the 0ar)in-
lot bet2een the M%rrah B%ildin- and the Federal Co%rtho%se at &54!
that mornin-. The Bomb #9%ad denies bein- there. B%t Norma #mith
and other Federal Co%rtho%se em0lo3ees recall seein- the Bomb
#9%ad's distincti1e 2hite tr%c). DAe did 2onder 2hat it 2as doin- in
o%r 0ar)in- lot8D recalled #mith. D6o)in-l38 ? said8 'Aell8 ? -%ess 2e'll find
o%t soon eno%-h.'D
/)lahoma Cit3 attorne3 @aniel 6. Adomitis told the Forth -orth )tar7
(elegram he also sa2 the Bomb #9%ad there that mornin-. DAs ? 2as
0assin- the bac) side of the Co%nt3 Co%rtho%se8 ? noticed a tr%c) 2ith
a trailer and the tr%c) said 'Bomb @is0osal.' ? remember thin)in- as ?
0assed that 8 'Bee8 ? 2onder if the3 had a bomb threat at the co%nt3
Aas the bomb s9%ad alerted that somethin- 2as in the 2or)sH Not
accordin- to the e1er-contro1ertif%l (ester Mart. D? ha1e not come
across an3 information that an3 )ind of bomb %nit 2as at the b%ildin-
0rior to the bombin-8D anno%nced Mart 2ith a strai-ht face at the
same time he la%ded the heroism of (%)e Frane38 the ATF a-ent 2ho
s%00osedl3 D)arate-)ic)edD his 2a3 thro%-h three 2alls.
Ahat is certain is that the M%rrah B%ildin- had a bomb threat one
2ee) 0rior to the 1,th. Michael 7inton remembers loo)in- o%t the
2indo2 of his CMCA room a 2ee) before and seein- abo%t 2..-3..
0eo0le -athered o%tside. The incident didn't No- his memor3 %ntil the
local T< net2or)s anno%nced on the mornin- of the blast that the
Federal B%ildin- had recei1ed a threat N%st a 2ee) before.
N%rse Toni Barret recalled tal)in- to se1eral 0eo0le 2ho said there had
been bomb threats t2o 2ee)s 0rior to the bombin-. DThe FB? and the
ATF )ne2 that these bomb threats 2ere real8 and the3 did nothin-
abo%t it.D
Terrorism e:0ert @r. Randall 7eather confirmed these re0orts8 addin-8
D? )no2 that there had been a threat 0honed in to the FB? last 2ee)8
b%t ? don't )no2 2hat the nat%re of that 2as.D
Accordin- to the /)lahoma Cit3 Fire @e0artment8 the FB? 0honed in a
2arnin- on A0ril 148 almost a 2ee) before the bombin-. Assistant Fire
Chief Charles Baines told Blenn Ailb%rn8 2ho lost t2o -randsons in the
blast8 that there 2as ne1er an3 2arnin-. The -rie1in- -randfather then
2al)ed do2n the hall to Assistant Chief @is0atcher 7ar1e3 Aeathers
office. Aeathers told Ailb%rn in no %ncertain terms that the Fire
@e0artment had indeed recei1ed a 2arnin- on A0ril 14. Relatin-
Baines' a00arent loss of memor3 to Aeathers8 he re0lied8 DAell8 3o%
as)ed me and ? told 3o%. ?'m not -oin- to lie for an3bod3LV
J/f co%rse8 one 0erson 0erfectl3 2illin- to lie for e,ery&ody 2as FB?
#AC Bob Ric)s.K Ahen as)ed d%rin- a 0ress conference if the FB? had
recei1ed a 2arnin-8 Ric)s said8 DThe FB? in /)lahoma Cit3 has not
recei1ed an3 threats to indicate that a bombin- 2as abo%t to ta)e
?nterestin- 0la3 on 2ords. Aas Ric)s s%rre0titio%sl3 s%--estin- that
one of the other FB? offices had recei1ed a 2arnin-H /r 2as there
sim0l3 no reason for the FB? to recei1e a 2arnin- beca%se the3 2ere in
char-e of the bombin- from the be-innin-H
The trans0arent stories of the ATF and FB? are stri)in-l3 familiar to
those 0ro0o%nded in the 2a)e of the 1,,3 Aorld Trade Center
bombin-. ?n that case8 the FB? had one of its o2n informants * former
4-30tian Arm3 Colonel 4mad 4li #alem * inside the -ro%0 res0onsible
for the bombin-. Accordin- to #alem8 2ho made secret ta0es of his
con1ersations 2ith his FB? handler8 Nanc3 Flo3d8 her s%0er1isor ref%sed
to let #alem s%bstit%te a harmless 0o2der for the real e:0losi1e. The
a-ent then 0%lled #alem off the case. #oon after2ards8 the bomb ble2
%08 )illin- si: 0eo0le and inN%rin- almost a 18... more.
?t also seems that the DcoincidenceD of the ATF's @i0ole Mi-ht tests
2ere %ncannil3 similar to the Ma3 248 1,,. bombin- of 4arth FirstI
acti1ist 6%di Bari. The FB? claimed that Bari and her com0anion @ar3l
Cherne38 2ho 2ere on their 2a3 to a 0eacef%l 0rotest rall38 had
inad1ertentl3 blo2n themsel1es %0 2ith their o2n 0i0e-bomb. After
Bari s%ed the FB? for false arrest and ci1il ri-hts 1iolations8 she fo%nd
o%t tho%-h disco1er3 that the FB? ran a Dbomb schoolD at 4%re)a
Colle-e of the Red2oods in A0ril of 1,,. for both FB? and local 0olice.
The classes incl%ded blo2in- %0 cars 2ith 0i0e bombs8 ostensibl3 to
demonstrate the tactics %sed b3 terrorists ;the same reason cited in
the ATF's case=. The instr%ctor for this Dschool of terrorismD 2as none
other than Fran) @o3le 6r.8 the FB? bomb s9%ad e:0ert 2ho sho2ed %0
at the scene of Bari's car bombin- one month later.
Accordin- to Freedom of ?nformation Act records8 +roNect @i0ole Mi-ht
2as initiated %nder the a%thoriation of Clinton's National #ec%rit3
Co%ncil. /ne of the stated 0%r0oses of the 0roNect 2as to 0rod%ce
com0%ter models of bombin-s to Dbe dis0la3ed in a co%rtroom to aid in
the 0rosec%tion of defendants.D The 6%stice @e0artment %sed the
1ideota0es shot at Ahite #ands d%rin- Mc<ei-h's trial to D0ro1eD that
an ANF/ bomb ble2 %0 the b%ildin-. As (a2rence M3ers8 2ritin- in
$edia %ypass ma-aine8 as)ed5
Ah3 the National #ec%rit3 Co%ncil 2o%ld f%nd s%ch an ATF
0roNect8 des0ite the absol%te rarit3 of the crime8 has not
been e:0lainedL Nor has it been e:0lained as to 2hat
s0ecific threat assessment information the -o1ernment
had 2hen it decided to en-a-e in s%ch a 0roNect8 N%st a fe2
months before a R3der Tr%c) laden 2ith ammoni%m nitrate
fertilier e:0loded in front of the M%rrah B%ildin-.
As M3ers 0oints o%t8 the last-)no2n case of a tr%c)-bomb e:0lodin- in
the $.#. 2as in 1,&.8 2hen an ANF/ bomb e:0loded in front of the
Arm3 Math lab at the $ni1ersit3 of Aisconsin in Madison. Ah3 then8
2o%ld the National #ec%rit3 Co%ncil s%ddenl3 feel the need for detailed
information re-ardin- ANF/ tr%c)-bomb attac)sH
Aas the ATF e:0ectin- s%ch a bombin-H Aere the3 in fact res0onsible
for blast or the secondar3 dama-e to the b%ildin-H /r 2as the b%ildin-
2ired for demolition as 0art of a lar-er 0lotH
JD?'m firml3 con1inced that the ATF is -%ilt3 of an a2f%l lot of thin-s8D
said B%d8 o%r e:-Breen Beret. D? mean8 if 3o% loo) at 2hat the ATF and
the FB? did to Rand3 Aea1er ;and at Aaco=8 it's N%st a2f%l. The3'1e
-one ho- 2ild and ha1e JbecomeK a 0o2er %nto themsel1es.D
As)ed if he tho%-ht a ro-%e -ro%0 or s0ecial %nit 2ithin the
militar3Rintelli-ence comm%nit3 co%ld or 2o%ld commit s%ch an act8
B%d re0lied8 D?t 2o%ldn't reall3 st%n me.DK
Ne:t Q +re1io%s Q Contents Q Te:t <ersion
1The 4ace of Terror1
"%e8ore the "o,ernment tries to con,ict someone1 they try 8irst to
demoni#e him."
* Trial la23er Berr3 #0ence
/n Ma3 1st8 a st%nned America 2as introd%ced to DThe Face of Terror.D
The steel3-e3ed m%- of Timoth3 6ames Mc<ei-h8 s%0erim0osed o1er
the lim08 blood3 bod3 of a tin3 dead child8 stared coldl3 o%t at %s from
the co1er of (ime ma-aine.
#%ddenl38 there 2as no lon-er an3 do%bt 2ho had bombed the M%rrah
B%ildin-. As 6ohn @oe No. 1 2as led from the Noble Co%nt3 Co%rtho%se
in handc%ffs and le- irons8 the scene 2as somethin- a)in to a medie1al
scri0t. DBab3 >illerID the cro2d screamed. DB%rn himI B%rn himID
?n the 0a-es that follo2ed8 (ime and others 2o%ld set o%t to Dre1eal
the 0aranoid life and times of acc%sed bomber Timoth3 Mc<ei-h and
his Ri-ht-2in- associates.D
Aith the in) barel3 dr3 on the
indictments8 the national ne2s media 9%ic)l3 be-an 0%m0in- o%t stor3
after stor3 foc%sin- on the tri1ial banalities of Mc<ei-h's life8
attem0tin- to reinforce the official alle-ations of his -%ilt. Ahile the
+ew York (imes set the o1erall tone based on Dlea)sD from federal la2
enforcement so%rces8 self-st3led e:0erts came cra2lin- o%t of the
D?n dee0l3 dist%rbin- 2a3s8 his is a 0ortrait of his -eneration8D 9%i00ed
@ale R%ssa) and #er-e >o1ales)i8 t2o sociolo-ists moonli-htin- for the
-ashington Post.
DLhis tort%red 0ath * is a 0s3cholo-ical 0ortrait of his deteriorationL.
D 6ohn >ifner of the +ew York (imes anno%nced 2ith the a%thorit3 of a
Fre%dian anal3st. DFirst there 2as Mc<ei-h's o2n st%nted 0ersonalit3
and immediate fr%strations. 7e 2as ne1er able to o1ercome a sense of
abandonment b3 his motherL.D
DNot ma)in- the #0ecial Forces 2as somethin- that 2as 1er3 hard for
him to deal 2ith8D said an FB? a-ent trainin- for his +h.@. in 0s3cholo-3.
D?n his mind8 m%ch of his life has been one of thin)in- that he is a )ind
of #0ecial Forces of his o2n.D
Finall35 D7e 2as the 9%iet one8D said Mc<ei-h's former 1.th -rade
4n-lish teacher Coleen Conner8 thro2in- a bit of adolescent
0s3cholo-3 on the sit%ation. DA lot of the 9%iet ones are the ones 2ho
ha1e ended %0 doin- scar3 thin-sL.D
There it 2as * trial b3 media. Timoth3 Mc<ei-h must be -%ilt38 after
all8 the3 0%t his face on the co1er of (ime ma-aine.
J(ime. As No%rnalist 6on Ra00a0ort 0%t it8 Dthe home of faintl3
0atroniin- stories that -o no2here.D (i)e the caref%ll3 man%fact%red
ima-e of (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald8 the media 2o%ld constr%ct a mena-erie
realit3 of Timoth3 6ames Mc<ei-h8 s%itable for 0%blic cons%m0tion.K
Fort%natel38 in the a1alanche of articles that 2o%ld follo28 small hints
of realit3 2o%ld occasionall3 see0 thro%-h the mire.
DThat N%st doesn't rin- tr%e to me8 as to the 0erson ? )ne28D said
#heffield Anderson8 a correctional officer 2ho had -one thro%-h basic
trainin- 2ith Mc<ei-h and ser1ed 2ith him in the B%lf. D?n that 0ict%re
of him comin- o%t of the co%rtho%se8 he loo)s li)e a real mean -%3. B%t
? didn't sense an3thin- o%t of the ordinar3. Mc<ei-h 2as a rational t30e
-%38 a thin)in- t30e 0erson. The bombin- thin- is totall3 contrar3 to
the 0erson ? )ne2.D
DThe Timoth3 Mc<ei-h ? tal)ed 2ith didn't seem li)e a bab3 )iller8D said
former Arm3 Colonel @a1id 7ac)2orth abo%t his +ewsweek inter1ie2
2ith Mc<ei-h.
@%rin- an inter1ie2 on +rime Time (i1e8 (ana +adilla8 Terr3 Nichols e:-
2ife8 told @iane #a23er8 D?t's not the same 0erson. ? mean8 3o%
%a"yer( DThe ston3 face.D
Padilla( DNo.D
D?t became ob1io%s d%rin- the ho%r-lon- disc%ssion that Timoth3
Mc<ei-h is neither a monster nor a madman8D 2rote (a2rence M3ers8
2ho inter1ie2ed Mc<ei-h for $edia %ypass ma-aine. D7e left the
im0ression that he is a man 2ith stron- con1ictions and a sense of
#o N%st 2ho is Timoth3 6ames Mc<ei-hH ?s he a hardened )iller as the
0ress and federal a%thorities ha1e made him o%t to beH /r is he an
ordinar3 man 2ho became ca%-ht %0 in a com0licated 2eb of intri-%e
and dece0tionH
Timoth3 6ames Mc<ei-h 2as born in +endelton8 Ne2 Cor) on A0ril 238
1,"'8 a small 2or)in- class to2n of !8... 0eo0le N%st o%tside of
B%ffalo. Tim 2as the second child of Bill Mc<ei-h8 an a%to 2or)er8 and
Mildred8 a tra1el a-ent. The elder Mc<ei-h8 !!8 coached (ittle (ea-%e
and ran bin-o ni-ht at the local catholic ch%rch8 s0endin- his free time
-olfin-8 or 0%tin- in his -arden. A hea1il3 2ooded r%ral area8 3o%n-
Tim s0ent his time hi)in- or 0la3in- s0orts 2ith the nei-hborhood
D7e li1ed a fe2 ho%ses do2n from me8 said bo3hood friend >eith
Ma%rer. DAe 0la3ed hoc)e38 baseball and N%st abo%t e1er3 other s0ort
in the nei-hborhood. 7e 2asn't the best athlete in the b%nch8 b%t he
sho2ed %0 to 0la3 e1er3 da3 and he al2a3s 0la3ed hard.D
The bri-ht and in1enti1e 3o%n-ster also s0ent his time en-a-in- in
no1el acti1ities s%ch as settin- %0 a ha%nted ho%se in his basement8
2here he char-ed admission8 or holdin- 2ee)end casino fairs8 2here
he acted as the dealer.
D7e 2as 1er3 ad1anced for o%r a-e8 DMa%rer said. D? remember sa3in-
to m3self5 ? 2o%ldn't ha1e tho%-ht of that.D
+at Aa%-h8 a nei-hbor8 said D? %sed to thin) to m3self8 that )id is -oin-
to -o some2here N%st beca%se he's s%ch a mo1er and sha)er. ? 0ict%red
him -ro2in- %0 to be a salesman8 sort of a sh3ster.D
Ahen Tim's mom mo1ed o%t in 6%ne of 1,'48 the o%t-oin- 3o%n-
Mc<ei-h became more reser1ed8 as he and his sisters8 +att3 and
6ennifer8 attem0ted to deal 2ith the tra%ma of the brea)%0. Re1erend
+a%l Beler of the Bood she0herd Roman Catholic Ch%rch in +endelton
)ne2 the famil3 for 2. 3ears. D+eo0le as)ed me8 2asn't Tim cr%shedH
B%t he didn't seem to be. 7e li1ed in the same ho%se8 had the same
friends. Ceah8 he'd ha1e to miss his mother8 b%t so man3 of the
anchors 2ere there.D
Can3a +ane0ento8 a classmate of Tim's recalled8 7e 2as a 9%iet bo3. 7e
)e0t to himself. 7e didn't seem li)e he 2as a tro%ble ma)er or an3thin-
li)e that.D
Cet8 nine months after the bombin-8 the (imes 6ohn >ifner 2o%ld 2rite8
DAs common0lace as this seems8 criminolo-ists sa38 these traits are
often the st%ff of serial )illers8 terrorists and other solitar3 m%rderers.D
To the armchair 0s3choanal3sts of the mainstreamRtabloid media8 the
brea)%0 2o%ld be the first of t2o maNor e1ents * the second bein- his
initial fail%re to ma)e the #0ecial Forces * that 2o%ld 0rofo%ndl3 and
ad1ersel3 affect the 3o%n- Mc<ei-h's 0ersonalit3. The first indications
of this came 2hen re0orters disco1ered in his hi-h school 3earboo)
that Tim had been 1oted Dmost tal)ati1eD b3 his senior class.
DThe onl3 thin- ? can remember is that he 2as 1er3 9%ite and 0olite8D
recalled Cecelia Mat3Nas8 2ho ta%-ht 1.th -rade -eometr3. D7e didn't
ca%se an3 0roblems in class. 7e seemed to be coo0erati1e and
attenti1e. 7e 2as on the trac) team and the cross-co%ntr3 team8 so he
2as able to -et alon- 2ith others.D
Brandon #tic)ne38 a No%rnalist contracted to 0rod%ce an %na%thoried
bio-ra0h3 of Mc<ei-h for +romethe%s Boo)s8 said DTim 2as not the
most tal)ati1e o%t of his class of 1,4 st%dents8 b%t he 2as b3 no
means intro1erted. 7e 2as certainl3 an o%t-oin- 3o%n- man 2ho had
man3 friends and ac9%aintances.D
Cet none of these eas3 to chec) facts 2ere e1er mentioned in the
1ol%mo%s articles 2hich a00eared in the (imes. >ifner8 the (imes
Dresident anal3st8D 0roclaimed 2ith s%ret38 D7e 2as ne1er able to
o1ercome a sense of abandonment b3 his mother8 2ho left the famil3
2hen he 2as a bo3G nor co%ld he find a home o%tside the Arm3.D
Bac)in- %0 >ifner 2as 6ohn @o%-las of the FB?'s +s3cholo-ical +rofile
$nit8 2ho claimed Mc<ei-h 2as Dasocial8 ase:%al8 a loner8 2ithdra2n8
from a famil3 2ith 0roblems8 stron- feelin-s of inade9%ac3 from earl3
in life8 an %nderachie1er.D
D? thin) it's a b%nch of 0s3chobable if 3o% as) me8 if 3o% 2ant to )no2
the tr%th8D said 6ennifer8 Tim's 3o%n-er sister. DAe 2ere free to li1e 2ith
2ho 2e 2anted. Ae co%ld 1isit the other 0arent 2hene1er 2e 2anted.
There 2as no bitterness bet2een m3 0arents.D
DThere's nothin- there8 added Mc<ei-h himself8 res0ondin- to the
media's anal3sis of him in a 6%l3 3rd inter1ie2 2ith +ewsweek.
A00arentl38 @o%-las and the so-called No%rnalists from the +ew York
(imes ne1er bothered to chec) on the fact that Tim had man3 friends8
incl%din- se1eral -irlfriends later in life8 2as close to his Father and his
sister 6ennifer8 and 2as a Re-ents #cholar.
Not to be hamstr%n- b3 s%ch minor details Jas chec)in- on factsK8 the
(imes and the Post 9%ic)l3 N%m0ed on the idea that Tim 2as interested
in firearms. D?n a re-ion of h%ntin- enth%siasts8 it ca%sed little stir 2hen
Tim8 at 1.8 became interested in -%ns. B%t a close relati1e said that
the famil3 sa2 this as a bid for attention b3 a bo3 2ho didn't )no2 ho2
else to as) for it.D
D7e had a semia%tomatic BB -%n that co%ld fire 1! ro%nds 2ith the 0%ll
of a tri--er8D added the Post. D/ther bo3s had onl3 sin-le-shot
1arieties. Tim %sed to sho2 them at school ho2 he held it8 0osin-
0olice-st3le 2ith hands clas0ed to-ether. @%rin- borin- classes8 2hen
other st%dents doodled8 he dre2 -%ns.D
?n fact8 Tim's father did b%3 him a .22-caliber rifle8 2hich the 3o%n-
Mc<ei-h 2o%ld %se for tar-et 0ractice in the 2oods behind his home.
Cet a00arentl3 Tim 2as not the 3o%n- blood-thirst3 ad1ent%rer the
media made him o%t to be. D? remember startin- to h%nt at a-e 118D
said his friend >eith Ma%rer8 Dand Tim ne1er had an3 interest in this.D
Mc<ei-h 2as later able to ind%l-e in his interests in firearms as a
sec%rit3 -%ard for B%r)e Armored8 2here he 2or)ed for a 3ear or so in
1,'&. 6eff Cam08 Mc<ei-h's co-2or)er8 noted that he had a )een
interest in -%ns8 altho%-h he didn't find it %n%s%al since most f%ll-time
sec%rit3 -%ards and la2 enforcement 0ersonnel o2ned an assortment
of firearms8 he said.
/ne stor3 ea-erl3 circ%lated amon-st the 0ress is that Mc<ei-h sho2ed
%0 at B%r)e one da3 2ith a h%-e @esert 4a-le 0istol and bandoleers
sl%n- in an DED across his chest. D7e came to 2or) loo)in- li)e Rambo8D
recalled Cam0. D?t loo)ed li)e Aorld Aar ???.D
Cet Mc<ei-h la%-hs off the tale8 statin- that he and some other
em0lo3ees 2ere sim0l3 0la3in- a No)e on their s%0er1isor8 2ho 2as
sendin- them on a hi-h 0rofile assi-nment for the da3. A00arentl38
their s%0er1isor 2as not am%sed.
Accordin- to the Post8 Mc<ei-h also 2or)ed as a -%n salesman at a
s0ortin- -oods store in (oc)0ort.
DB%ns 2ere the entire focal 0oint of the 2&-3ear-old Mr. Mc<ei-h's life8D
2rote the (imes9 >ifner.
DThis obsession 2ith 2ea0ons * a form of 0o2er * is an
o1ercom0ensation for dee0-rooted feelin-s of inade9%ac38D added the
FB?'s @o%-las8 attem0tin- to dri1e another nail into Mc<ei-h's coffin.
/ne m%st 2onder if an interest in stam0 collectin- or bird 2atchin- *
other le-itimate hobbies * co%ld be constr%ed as a Dbid for attention.D
The a%thor * m%ch more of a Dtro%ble ma)erD in his formati1e 3ears
than Timoth3 Mc<ei-h * 0ersonall3 remembers his o2n interest in
-%ns8 and e1en militar3 armor. (i)e motorc3cles8 fast cars or other
macho s3mbols8 s%ch interests 0ass as one mat%res. Cet federal
a%thorities8 2ith the bac)in- of the cor0orate-o2ned media8 attem0ted
to ma)e this a cornerstone of their 0s%edo-0s3cholo-ical case a-ainst
Mc<ei-h. 7e 2as Dobsessed 2ith -%ns8D er-o8 he is a mad bomber. ?
do%bt if all the -%n enth%siasts in the co%ntr3 2o%ld be 0leased to
)no2 the3 are8 b3 association8 bein- im0licated as mad bombers.
Not to be deterred8 Post re0orters disco1ered that 3o%n- Tim had
stoc)0iled food8 cam0in- e9%i0ment and 2ea0ons in case of a disaster
DLin case of a n%clear attac) or the Comm%nists too) o1er the
co%ntr38D said an anon3mo%s nei-hbor in the Post. D+erha0s it made
sense that a 3o%n- bo3 often forced to fend for himself 2o%ld fantasie
abo%t fi-htin- the 2orld all alone8D m%sed the Post. Fi-htin- the 2orldH
/r de1elo0in- common sense at a 3o%n- a-eH ?n his $edia %ypass
inter1ie28 Mc<ei-h recalled that one of his most 1i1id memories 2as
the 2inter bliard of 1,&&8 2hich d%m0ed 1! feet of sno2 on
+endelton8 strandin- his mother miles a2a38 and )noc)in- o%t 0o2er
and 0hone lines for da3s. The 3o%n-8 in1enti1e Mc<ei-h res0onded b3
hel0in- his father store necessities8 e1en recommendin- that the
older Mc<ei-h 0%rchase a -enerator.
A00arentl3 the armchair 0s3choanal3sts of the mainstream 0ress felt
this indicati1e of earl3 cree0in- 0aranoia8 rather than the nat%ral
combination of the acti1e ima-ination and common sense inherent in a
remar)able nine-3ear old bo3. ?f the 3o%n-ster 2as concerned abo%t
Comm%nists8 one onl3 need as) 2here s%ch fears 2ere inc%bated.
The Post8 )ee0in- 2ith the 0ro0a-anda of Timoth3 Mc<ei-h as
%nderachie1er8 2as 9%oted as sa3in- DTim's hi-h-school 3earboo)
entr3 in 1,'" listed no or-anied acti1ities ;he omitted the trac)
team=8 rather5 'sta3in- a2a3 from school8 losin- slee08 findin- it in
Cet e1en the Post admitted that Tim's -%idance co%nselor8 7arold
#mith8 said that he had not missed a da3 of classes from se1enth
thro%-h t2elfth -rade. Far from bein- an %nderachie1er8 his record
indicates a 3o%n- man 2ith remar)able disci0line.
6%stin Bertner8 2ho )ne2 Mc<ei-h since second -rade recalls8 Dhe h%n-
aro%nd 2ith the intelli-entl3 elite at #tar0oint. Tim 2as in the Re-ent's
0ro-ram in o%r school for ad1anced 0lacement st%dents 2ho 0lanned
on attendin- colle-e. 7e also created and ran o%r com0%ter b%lletin
board s3stem.D
?n fact8 Mc<ei-h e:celled in com0%ters8 ta)in- e1er3 a1ailable
com0%ter class in hi-h school. 7e e1en desi-ned his o2n com0%ter
0ro-ram. DThat 2as the a-e 2hen there 2as no soft2are to s0ea) of8
and it 2asn't %ser friendl38D said a teacher 2ho as)ed to remain
anon3mo%s8 DB%t Tim and some other )ids 2ent o%t and did thisL. ?n a
2a38 that 2as fairl3 ad1anced. This demonstrates his bri-ht mind and
his abilit3.D
This bri-ht mind and abilit3 led Mc<ei-h to Br3ant S #tratton B%siness
Colle-e in Ailliams1ille8 N.C. to st%d3 ad1anced C/B/( and F/RTRAN
0ro-rammin- lan-%a-es. ?n s0ite of his abilities8 o00ort%nities for
decent em0lo3ment 2ere %ncertain in B%ffalo in the mid-1,'.s.
B%ffalo8 li)e the rest of the R%st Belt8 2as e:0eriencin- the 2orst of
economic trends. #e1eral steel and a%to 0lants had sh%t do2n8 and t2o
maNor ban)s failed8 thro2in- tho%sands of 2hite-collar 2or)ers o%t of
Nobs and ca%sin- do2nt%rns in real-estate8 ad1ertisin-8 la2 and other
DThere are no Nobs aro%nd here %nless 3o% 2ant to 2or) for F" an ho%r
or less at a Mc@onald's or Aend3's8D said Bill Mc<ei-h. D?t's ro%-h for
an3bod3 loo)in- for 2or).D
Mc<ei-h a00arentl3 did not feel comfortable that his a%to-2or)er
father 2as 0a3in- for most of his colle-e t%ition. #o in @ecember 1,'&8
he too) a Nob 2ith B%r)e Armored Tr%c) ;no2 )no2n as Armored
#er1ices of America= in Chee)to2a-a8 near B%ffalo.
D7e 2as a 1er3 alert -%ard.D said 6eff Cam08 Mc<ei-h's co-2or)er. D7e
2or)ed a lot of o1ertime and 2as 0olite 2ith o%r c%stomers.D Mc<ei-h
2as also mood38 ran-in- from intense to 9%iet. D?f someone 2as
dri1in- badl38 c%ttin- %s off or interferin- 2ith o%r sched%le8 he co%ld
-et 0rett3 mad8D added Cam0. D7is face 2o%ld t%rn red and he 2o%ld
3ell and scream inside the tr%c)8 altho%-h he calmed do2n 0rett3
fast.D ;#imilar to the 2a3 the a%thor dri1es.= Cam0 also described an
incident 2here a 2oman had hit their tr%c). Altho%-h the 2oman 2as
%0set8 Mc<ei-h calmed her do2n and told her not to 2orr38 that there
2as no dama-e to the tr%c)8 and that he 2o%ld e1en re0ort it as their
fa%lt8 2hich it 2asn't.
Mc<ei-h 2or)ed at B%r)e from A0ril of 1,'& till Ma3 of 1,''. B3 the
time he 2as 1,8 Mc<ei-h had b%ilt %0 a s%bstantial sa1in-s acco%nt
and he and a friend8 @a1id @arla)8 ac9%ired 1. acres of land for F&8...
at a h%ntin- and cam0in- retreat north of /lean8 N.C. The t2o 3o%n-
men bo%-ht the land as an in1estment8 and to %se for cam0in- and for
tar-et 0ractice.
Re0orted the Post5
DRobert Mor-an8 2ho li1es nearb38 said his father Charlie
once called the state 0olice to com0lain abo%t all the
-%nfire. 'M3 dad t%rned him in8D he said. D/ne da3 it
so%nded li)e a 2ar o%t there. #ometimes he'd come do2n
d%rin- the 2ee)8 sometimes the 2ee)end. 7e had on
h%ntin- clothes. Camo%fla-e.'D
Ahile the 0ress made m%ch o%t of the fact that Mc<ei-h and his
friends %sed the land for tar-et 0ractice8 it sho%ld be noted that
Mc<ei-h 2as la2-abidin- and did not ha1e a criminal record.
B3 the #0rin- of 1,''8 the 3o%n- sec%rit3 -%ard felt he 2as -oin-
no2here. 7e 2as 2or)in- in a relati1el3 lo2-2a-e Nob 2hile listenin- to
the fate of those 2ho had been laid-off 2hile 2or)in- other Nobs. Tim's
father listened 2ith concern as Tim 1ented his fr%stration8 com0lainin-
that he 2as %nem0lo3able e:ce0t at Nobs that 0aid Dno mone3.D /ne
ni-ht Bill Mc<ei-h and a friend from the a%to 0lant s%--ested that the
3o%n-er Mc<ei-h enter the ser1ice.
DBill and ? had both been in the ser1ice8D the friend said8 Dand one ni-ht
2e said to Tim8 'That's 2hat 3o% o%-ht to do5 -o in the ser1ice.' A 2ee)
later8 he had Noined.D
D?t ha00ened in a s0lit second8D said Tim's co-2or)er 6eff Cam0. D7e
didn't tell an3one he 2as Noinin-. 7e N%st came to 2or) one da3 and
said he 2as -oin- in the Arm3.
? ne1er sa2 a -%3 2ho 2anted to -o
in the Arm3 that bad. ? as)ed him 2h3 the Arm38 and he said 'Co% -et
to shoot.' 7e al2a3s 2anted to carr3 an M-1".D
>eith Ma%rer said8 D? co%ldn't see him Noinin- the militar3. 7e had a
lot of o0tions. 7e 2as 1er3 smart. ? didn't see the militar3 as the one
he needed to ta)e.D
JB%t to Mc<ei-h8 2ho sa2 his career o0tions in economicall3 de0ressed
$0state Ne2 Cor) as blea)8 the Arm3 made 0erfect sense.K The Arm3
held the 0ossibilit3 of tra1el and ad1ent%re for a bo3 from a small
to2n. ?n the Arm38 he co%ld choose his s0ecialt38 ind%l-in- his interest
in firearms or com0%ters.
/n Ma3 248 Mc<ei-h dro1e the 2! miles to the Arm3 recr%itin- office in
B%ffalo8 and si-ned %0 for a three-3ear hitch. D?n a co%0le of da3s he
2as -one8D said Cam0.
%ergeant /ac
Mc<ei-h arri1ed at Fort Bennin-8 Beor-ia on Ma3 3.8 and 2as assi-ned
to 4cho Com0an38 4th Battalion8 3"th ?nfantr3 Re-iment8 2nd Trainin-
Bri-ade. The %nit 2as a C/7/RT %nit8 an acron3m for DCohesion
/0erational Readiness and Trainin-.D ?n a C/7/RT %nit8 soldiers 2ere
s%00osed to sta3 to-ether for their entire three-3ear enlistment 0eriod.
The C/7/RT conce0t ori-inated in 1,'.8 in an attem0t to correct the
0roblem of sendin- in ra2 -reen recr%its for those 2ho had been )illed
in battle. The Arm3 disco1ered that man3 ne2 re0lacements had
diffic%lt3 adN%stin- to a ne2 %nit in the heat of battle8 res%ltin- in a
hi-her n%mber of cas%alties. Moreo1er8 +enta-on st%dies from the
<ietnam Aar era s%--ested that soldiers 2ho had de1elo0ed bonds of
friendshi0 2ere more li)el3 to 0erform co%ra-eo%sl3. $nfort%natel38 the
Arm3 soon de1elo0ed a ne2 0roblem5 man3 of the soldiers became
sic) of each other after three 3ears8 res%ltin- in soldiers committin-
s%icide or -oin- AA/(.
Altho%-h Mc<ei-h ori-inall3 2anted to tr3 o%t for Arm3 Ran-er #chool8
he didn't 2ant to 2ait for an a1ailable o0enin-8 and decided to Noin the
infantr3 immediatel3. As he so%nd fo%nd o%t8 he had been misled b3
the Arm3 recr%iter. /nce in the C/7/RT %nit8 it 2as not 0ossible for
him to enter Arm3 Ran-er #chool. Cet the disa00ointed 3o%n- recr%it
9%ic)l3 made the best of the sit%ation8 scorin- a hi-h 12" 0oints on his
Beneral Technical test score8 0%ttin- him in the to0 1. 0ercentile
amon- ne2 recr%its.
DMc<ei-h 2as reall3 moti1ated to be a -ood soldier and 0erformed 2ell
at e1er3thin- e:0ected of him8D said assistant 0latoon leader Blen
DTe:D 4d2ards. DCo% co%ld load that bo3 %0 2ith 14. 0o%nds of -ear
and he 2o%ld carr3 it all da3 on the march 2itho%t com0lainin-. 7e
2as thin as a rail b%t he ne1er fell o%t of formation8D said 4d2ards8
recallin- the hot Beor-ia s%mmer of 1,''. D ?t 2as the 2orst time of
the 3ear to -o thro%-h the co%rse8 b%t it did not seem to bother
Mc<ei-h one bit.D
Altho%-h Mc<ei-h didn't ha1e man3 close friends d%rin- basic
trainin-8 one 0erson he 2o%ld de1elo0 a close friendshi0 2ith 2as Terr3
Nichols. Nichols8 13 3ears Mc<ei-h's senior8 2as 0romoted to 0latoon
leader d%e to his a-e and mat%rit3. @es0ite their a-e difference
ho2e1er8 the t2o men bonded8 sharin- similar interests. DTerr3 and Tim
in boot cam0 2ent to-ether li)e ma-nets8D said Robin (ittleton.
B3 the end of basic trainin-8 Mc<ei-h 2as 0romoted to 0ri1ate 4-28
ha1in- mana-ed to score hi-her than an3one in his battalion on his
mid-c3cle and end-of-c3cle testin-. DAn3 test8 he'd ace it8D said @a1id
@ill3. D7e )ne2 e:actl3 2hat the Arm3 2anted. ?t 2as -oin- to be an
eas3 life for him.D
/n A%-%st 2!8 1,''8 Mc<ei-h 2as a2arded a certificate b3 his
commandin- officer8 then in #e0tember the %nit 2as shi00ed o%t to
Fort Rile38 >ansas8 2here Mc<ei-h 2as assi-ned to the 2nd Battalion8
First ?nfantr3 @i1ision8 0art of the D@a--er Bri-adeD of the famo%s DBi-
Red /neD that made the assa%lt on Normand3 d%rin- AA??. Ahile
Mc<ei-h 2as assi-ned to Charlie Com0an38 Nichols 2ent to Bra1o
A mechanied infantr3 %nit8 2nd Battalion 2as e9%i00ed 2ith M-2
Bradle3 Armored 1ehicles8 a more so0histicated 1ersion of the famo%s
M-113 Armored +ersonnel Carrier %sed d%rin- the <ietnam Aar. ?n
addition to ferr3in- troo0s8 the al%min%m Bradle3 has a t%rret-mo%nted
2!mm cannon8 a &."2mm machine -%n and anti-tan) missiles. Mc<ei-h
2as the -%nner on one of fo%r Bradle3s attached to Charlie Com0an3's
First +latoon. Nat%rall38 he scored hi-her than an3one else in the
battalion. ?n 1,',8 his commander selected him as -%nner on the
D@i1ision @is0la3 <ehicle8D %sed to demonstrate the M-2 s3stem for
+enta-on officials and 1isitin- di-nitaries.
D7e 2as 2itho%t a do%bt the best soldier ? ha1e e1er trained 2ith8D said
#taff #er-eant Albert Aarnement8 Mc<ei-h's s%0er1isor at Fort Rile3.
7e 2as moti1ated and 1er3 interested in learnin- e1er3thin- he co%ld
abo%t bein- a 0rofessional soldier.D
DAs far as soldierin-8 he ne1er did an3thin- 2ron-8D said Todd Rei-er8
assi-ned to Mc<ei-h's Bradle3. D7e 2as al2a3s on time. 7e ne1er -ot
into tro%ble. 7e 2as 0erfect. ? tho%-ht he 2o%ld sta3 in the Arm3 all his
life. 7e 2as al2a3s 1ol%nteerin- for st%ff that the rest of %s 2o%ldn't
2ant to do8 -%ard d%ties8 classes on the 2ee)end.D
Mc<ei-h st%died e1er3 concei1able Arm3 man%al8 incl%din- the Ran-er
7andboo)8 the #0ecial Forces 7andboo)8 and the ?m0ro1ised M%nitions
7andboo). B%t 0ress re0orts J0ortra3edK Mc<ei-h as a mad bomber5
Mc<ei-h's lo1e of -%ns and e:0losi1es stood o%t e1en in
the Arm38 2here -%n lo1ers abo%nd. ?n the first 2ee)s of
basic trainin-8 2hen soldiers learn to ma)e e:0losi1es8
recalled 0latoon mate Frit C%rn%tte8 Mc<ei-h boasted to
fello2 soldiers that he alread3 )ne2 ho2 to ma)e a
0o2erf%l bomb %sin- a bottle8 then told them ho2 to ma)e
a Moloto1 coc)tail.
Accordin- to Aarnement8 s%ch )no2led-e is not %n%s%al for the more
serio%s soldiers8 2ho ro%tinel3 st%died man%als on s%r1i1al8 e1asion8
resistance and esca0e8 and im0ro1ised m%nitions. DCo% ha1e to
remember8D said Aarnement8 Dat that time8 2e 2ere trainin- to fi-ht
the R%ssians in Aestern 4%ro0e and it 2as e:0ected the Red Arm3
2o%ld 0robabl3 brea) thro%-h o%r lines almost immediatel3. Ae 2ere
enco%ra-ed to learn ho2 to im0ro1ise. /%r s%r1i1abilit3 on the
battlefield 2o%ld li)el3 de0end on o%r s)ills in %ncon1entional
Altho%-h Mc<ei-h's militar3 record ma)es no mention of formal
demolitions trainin-8 in her boo)8 %y %lood %etrayed8 (ana +adilla calls
Mc<ei-h a Dformer Arm3 demolitions e:0ert.D
B%t #heffield
Anderson8 2ho ser1ed 2ith Mc<ei-h since basic trainin- said D7e had
the same trainin- that the rest of the o%tfit had.D
The onl3 thin- that differentiated Mc<ei-h from the rest of the o%tfit
2as his dedication and commitment to the militar3. D7e 0la3ed the
militar3 24 ho%rs a da38 se1en da3s a 2ee)8D said C%rn%tte. DAll of %s
tho%-ht it 2as sill3. Ahen the3'd call for do2n time8 2e'd rest8 and he'd
thro2 on a r%c)sac) and 2al) aro%nd the 0ost 2ith it.D
This DsillinessD led to Mc<ei-h ma)in- ser-eant ahead of the rest of his
%nit. D?t 2as %n%s%al to ha1e ser-eant stri0es so soon8D said Rei-er.
DThe rest of %s in the Cohort J%nitK 2ere s0ecialists8D a non-s%0er1isor3
ran) similar to cor0oral.
?n fact8 after the bombin-8 2hen Mc<ei-h's records and test scores
2ere sho2n to a master ser-eant 2itho%t re1ealin- his identit38 he
stated that the s%bNect D2o%ld ma)e a -reat infantr3 officer8 tan)er8
artiller3 officer or combat en-ineer.D 7is electronic a0tit%de8 said
another official8 9%alified him for Dre0airin- satellite
D7e has a 1er3 hi-h ?W8D said a federal so%rce
familiar 2ith the s%s0ect's militar3 record.
?n fact8 Mc<ei-h 2as
rated amon- the to0 ! 0ercent in combat arms.
Mc<ei-h rented a three-bedroom ho%se in the s0rin- of 1,,1 in
7errin-ton 2ith Cor0oral 6ohn >elso and #er-eant Ric) Cerne3. B%t the
arran-ement 2as not a comfortable one for Mc<ei-h8 and he soon
mo1ed into another ho%se 2hich he shared 2ith #-t. Ro3al Ailcher8
2ho ser1ed 2ith Mc<ei-h in the Bradle3.
The (imes 9%oted members of the Mc<ei-h's %nit claimin- that he had
no close friends. D7e )e0t to himself8D said Robert 7anda. D7e 2as a
dedicated soldier. 7e lo1ed bein- a soldier. ? didn't. #o after d%t3 ho%rs
he'd sta3 in the barrac)s 2hile e1er3bod3 else too) off8 -o o%t to
to2n. ? ne1er sa2 him -o an32here. 7e al2a3s had a hi-hl3 0ressed
%niform.D Rei-er recalls that Mc<ei-h had a T< and a <CR and sta3ed in
and 2atched mo1ies8 or occasionall3 2ent bo2lin-.
DThe 2hole thin- is8D said 6ohn >elso8 2ho shared a ho%se off-base 2ith
Mc<ei-h and fello2 soldier Richard Cerne38 Dhe co%ldn't ha1e a -ood
D7e 2as 1er3 sh3 of 2omen * almost embarrassed8D said Anderson. D?t
didn't seem he 2as -a3. 7e 2as N%st a2)2ard.D Mc<ei-h dis0%ted this
anal3sis in his A0ril 1!th (ime inter1ie28 statin-5
D? don't thin) there is an3 2a3 to narro2 m3 0ersonalit3
do2n and label it as one thin- or another. ?'m N%st li)e
an3one else. Mo1ies ? enNo38 comedies8 sci fi. The bi-
misconce0tion is that ?'m a loner. Aell8 ? belie1e in ha1in-
m3 o2n s0ace. B%t that in no 2a3 means ?'m a loner. ? li)e
2omen8 social lifeL.D
Mc<ei-h became friends 2ith bombin- s%s0ect Michael Fortier 2hile
stationed at Fort Rile3. 7e and Fortier 2o%ld occasionall3 -o shootin-
to-ether at a friend's farm near T%ttle Cree) (a)e8 and sto0 b3 and 1isit
Terr3 Nichols at his ho%se near the base.
The 0ress 2as 9%ic) to 0ic) %0 on Mc<ei-h o2nin- lots of -%ns he )e0t
hidden aro%nd his ho%se. Accordin- to Ailcher8 D7e had a co%0le in the
)itchen8 a co%0le in the li1in- room %nder the co%ch. ? thin) there 2as
one in the bathroom8 behind the to2els. As 3o% -o %0 the ste0s there
2as a little led-e and he )e0t one in there too8 a .3' re1ol1er.D D? don't
)no2 if he 2as 0aranoid or 2hat8D added Ailcher. D/r ma3be he had
some friends that 2ere after him. ? don't )no2.D
Accordin- to an acco%nt in 5)A (oday and the (imes8 Mc<ei-h and
Nichols8 2ho b3 no2 2ere 0rett3 far alon- in their Danti--o1ernmentD
beliefs8 attem0ted to recr%it other militar3 0ersonnel for a militia that
Nichols 2as 0%r0ortedl3 startin-. Nichols re0ortedl3 told at least one
fello2 soldier that he'd be bac) to Fort Rile3 after his dischar-e to
recr%it ne2 men8 and Mc<ei-h's co-2or)er at B%rns #ec%rit38 Carl
(ebron8 2o%ld later tell the FB? that Mc<ei-h 2as al2a3s tr3in- to
Drecr%it him into an %ndescribed -ro%0.LD
Accordin- to @a1e @ill38 one of Mc<ei-h's roommates8 Mc<ei-h rented
a stora-e loc)er in 6%nction Cit38 stoc)ed 2ith 2ea0ons8 militar3 meals
;MR4s=8 and a 1..--allon N%- of 2ater * in case of disaster or a
Comm%nist attac).
D7e 2as half2a3 there 2hen ? )ne2 him8D said @ill38 referrin- to
Mc<ei-h's +atriot beliefs. @%rin- Mc<ei-h's ten%re at B%rns #ec%rit38
Mc<ei-h 2o%ld in%ndate his co-2or)ers 2ith +atriot literat%re8 s%ch as
the )potlight8 articles and 1ideos on R%b3 Rid-e and Aaco8 and
boo)s s%ch as etaxing America.
For his 0art8 Mc<ei-h sa3s8 D?f 3o% had to label 2hat ? thin)8 then ?
2o%ld sa3 ? am closest to the 1ie2s of the +atriot mo1ement8D Mc<ei-h
told the 3ondon )unday (imes. DFor a lon- time8 ? tho%-ht it 2as best
not to tal) abo%t m3 0olitical 1ie2s8 he added8 Db%t millions share
them8 and ? belie1e it is -ra1el3 2ron- that ? sho%ld allo2 the
-o1ernment to tr3 and cr%cif3 me N%st for belie1in- 2hat ? do.D
?nterestin-l38 Mc<ei-h 2o%ld tell his friend Carl (ebron8 2ho shared
some of Mc<ei-h's beliefs8 DAll the readin- 3o% do is N%st a hobb3. Co%
stam0 3o%r feet8 b%t 3o%'re not doin- an3thin-.D
Another iss%e the media foc%sed on 2ere race 0roblems in Charlie
Com0an38 and 2ith Mc<ei-h in 0artic%lar. Re-ier told the Post that
Mc<ei-h 2as criticied for assi-nin- %ndesirable 2or) to blac) soldiers8
ma)in- blac) s0ecialists s2ee0 o%t the motor 0ool8 2or) that 2o%ld
ha1e ordinaril3 -one to 0ri1ates. /ther soldiers said he made
dero-ator3 remar)s abo%t blac)s. D?t 2as 0rett3 2ell )no2n8 0rett3
m%ch thro%-ho%t the 0latoon8 that he 2as ma)in- the blac) s0ecialists
do that 2or)8D said Re-ier. D7e 2as a racist. Ahen he tal)ed he'd
mention those 2ords8 li)e ni--er. Co% 0rett3 m%ch )ne2 he 2as a
racist.D The blac) soldiers com0lained to a com0an3 commander and
Mc<ei-h 2as re0rimanded8 the onl3 time he e1er -ot into tro%ble
accordin- to Re-ier.
@ill3 said that DRace 2as an iss%e8 li)e e1er32here in America8 b%t not
one that affected an3one's 0romotion. Mc<ei-h 0ic)ed the best man for
the Nob.D
Cet the $c*urtain "a#ette disco1ered that Mc<ei-h held membershi0
in the >% >l%: >lan. A00arentl38 he boasted that it 2as 0ersonall3
a00ro1ed b3 Thom Robb8 the >>>'s national cha0lain. D7e 2as a 1er3
racist 0erson8D said Ailcher.
DCharlie Com0an3 as a 2hole had a 0roblem 2ith race8D said Ca0tain
Terr3 B%ild8 2ho ser1ed briefl3 as Mc<ei-h's 0latoon commander after
the B%lf Aar. DThere 2as -raffiti on the 2alls of the barrac)s'
bathroom5 'Ni--er' or '7on)38 Bet /%t.' The3 2ere mild incidents. ?f a
0roblem 2as identified8 a leader in Charlie Com0an3 2o%ldn't let it
ha00en a-ain if he sa2 it. B%t it 2as definitel3 a 0roblem in the
com0an3. And his 0latoon had some of the most serio%s race 0roblems.
?t 2as 0rett3 bad.D
?n s0ite of s%ch inter0ersonal or racial diffic%lties8 most of the 0latoon
held Mc<ei-h in hi-h esteem for his soldierin- abilities. D7e co%ld
command soldiers of his o2n ran) and the3 res0ected him8D said
Barner. DAhen it came to soldierin-8 Mc<ei-h )ne2 2hat he 2as
D?f 2e e1er 2ent to 2ar8D said 4d2ards8 De1er3 one of %s 2anted to
-o to 2ar 2ith Mc<ei-h.D
@%rin- the s%mmer of 1,',8 after ret%rnin- from a 2ee)-lon-
orientation session in 7eidelber- 2ith the Aest Berman Arm38 or
B%ndes2ehr8 Mc<ei-h decided to tr3 o%t for the Arm3 #0ecial Forces.
To the 3o%n- ser-eant 2ho had lon- desired to be a member of the
Arm3's elite8 the #0ecial Forces 0ro1ided the chance. ?t also 0ro1ided
Mc<ei-h an o00ort%nit3 to -rad%ate from the C/7/RT %nit. Cet the
0h3sical re9%irements to e1en 9%alif3 for the #0ecial Forces are amon-
the to%-hest in the militar3. Re9%irements incl%de s2immin- !. meters
2ith f%ll -earG 42 0%sh-%0s in t2o min%tesG !2 sit-%0s in t2o min%tesG
and r%nnin- t2o miles in less than 1! min%tes !4 seconds. To 0ass the
-r%elin- tests8 Mc<ei-h be-an trainin- 1i-oro%sl3 in the s%mmer of
1,',8 2or)in- o%t constantl38 and forcin- himself to march 1. miles
2ith 1.. 0o%nd 0ac)s. B3 the s%mmer of 1,,.8 he had 0assed the
#0ecial Forces 0h3sical fitness test8 and 2as ordered to re0ort to Fort
Bra--8 NC on No1ember 1& to be-in the #0ecial Forces Assessment
and #election Co%rse ;#FA#=. To2ards the end of 1,,.8 Mc<ei-h
reinlisted for another fo%r 3ears.
Cet Mc<ei-h's dream of becomin- a Breen Beret 2o%ld ha1e to 2ait.
/n No1ember 'th8 2ith the conflict in the +ersian B%lf comin- to a
head8 the +enta-on canceled all lea1es and trainin- assi-nments.
Mc<ei-h's %nit 2as acti1ated for de0lo3ment. Altho%-h he 2as the
cons%mmate militar3 man8 the -%n--ho soldier8 Mc<ei-h 2as a-ainst
the decision to -o to 2ar. DMc<ei-h did not thin) the $nited #tates had
an3 b%siness or interest in >%2ait8D said Aarnement8 Db%t he 2as a
-ood soldier. 7e )ne2 it 2as his d%t3 to -o 2here he 2as told8 and he
2ent.D 7e 2as 0romoted to ser-eant on Febr%ar3 18 1,,1.
$nli)e the steel3-e3ed )iller the 0ress ha1e 0ainted him to be8 Mc<ei-h
2as as scared as the rest of the 0latoon. DThe ni-ht before the -ro%nd
2ar )ic)ed off8 he 2as sa3in- he 2as scared beca%se 2e 2ere -oin- to
be 0art of the first 2a1e8D Anderson recalled. D7e 2as scared 2e
2eren't -oin- to come o%t of it. Ma3be 2e 2o%ld -et shot8 blo2n %0. ?t
2asn't co2ardl3. 7e 2as N%st concerned. ? 2as feelin- the same 2a38
b%t most 0eo0le didn't e:0ress it.D
/n Febr%ar3 248 1,,.8 the 2nd Battalion 2as ordered across the
so%thern ?ra9i desert to 0%nch a hole in ?ra9i defenses * a line of d%--
in infantr3 s%00orted b3 tan)s and artiller3. Mc<ei-h's 0latoon 2as
attached to the D?ronhorseD tan) com0an38 and Mc<ei-h's Bradle3 2as
the lead trac) in the 0latoon. Mc<ei-h8 the Dto0 -%n8D too) o%t an
enem3 tan) on the first da3 2ith a T/A missile.
The D?ronhorseD 0rotected %nits clearin- the trenches. $sin- tan)s and
tr%c)s e9%i00ed 2ith 0lo2s8 the $.#. forces 2o%ld follo2 behind the
Bradle3s8 b%r3in- the ?ra9is dead or ali1e8 to create a smooth crossin-
0oint for the infantr3 and a1oid ha1in- to en-a-e the enem3 in hand-
to-hand combat.
Mc<ei-h's moment of -lor3 came 2hen his 0latoon enco%ntered a d%--
in enem3 machine--%n em0lacement and came %nder fire. Mc<ei-h
bro%-ht his 2!mm cannon to bear on the chest of an enem3 soldier
18... 3ards a2a38 and too) his head off 2ith one shot. 7e follo2ed %0
2ith a similar shot8 2hich 2as follo2ed b3 the raisin- of a 2hite fla-
and the raisin- of more than ". hands into the air.
For his role in the battle8 Mc<ei-h 2as a2arded an Arm3
Commendation Medal 2hich read in 0art5 D7e ins0ired other members
of his s9%ad and 0latoon b3 destro3in- an enem3 machine--%n
em0lacement8 )illin- t2o ?ra9i soldiers and forcin- the s%rrender of 3.
others from d%--in 0ositions.D Mc<ei-h also earned a Commendation
medal 2ith an %0-rade for 1alor8 t2o Arm3 Achie1ement medals8 and
the Brone #tar Dfor fla2less de1otion to d%t3.D
This Dfla2less de1otion to d%t3D res%lted in Mc<ei-h's %nit bein- in1ited
to 0ro1ide 0ersonal sec%rit3 for Beneral D#tormin' NormanD
A m%ch-hac)ne3ed 0hrase attrib%ted to #er-eant 6ames ?1es8 2hich
the media li)e to 0la3 o1er and o1er a-ain 2as8 D?f he 2as -i1en a
mission and a tar-et8 it's -one.D Cet Ro-er Barnett8 2ho ser1ed in
Mc<ei-h's Bradle38 told the (imes that Mc<ei-h ne1er e:0ressed an3
desire to )ill troo0s 2ho 2ere s%rrenderin- and ne1er seemed
bloodthirst3 in an3 2a3.
JCet the (imes9 0reordained slant on Mc<ei-h 2as clearl3 e1ident.
Ahile others in his o%tfit Dser1edD d%rin- the B%lf Aar8 Mc<ei-h D)illed
/ne stor3 2hich a00eared in $edia %ypass Jb%t 0redictabl3 ne1er
made it into the mainstream 0ress8K reco%nts ho2 Mc<ei-h sa1ed an
accident 1ictim's life on a lonel3 stretch of hi-h2a3. The man had been
eNected from his o1ert%rned car and la3 semi-conscio%s and bleedin-. A
0assin- semi had sto00ed b%t 2as %nable to find him as he la3 in the
dar)ness !. 3ards a2a3. Mc<ei-h8 2ho 2as on his 2a3 to his home
to2n of +endelton8 had recentl3 finished a 4"-ho%r medical aid co%rse
at Fort Rile3. A-ainst re-%lations8 he had ta)en his Combat (ifesa1er
+ac) 2ith him on the 12..-mile dri1e. As he came %0on the scene8
Mc<ei-h sa2 that an 4M# ;4mer-enc3 Medical #er1ice= cre2 had not
3et arri1ed. Trained in ni-ht 1ision techni9%es8 Mc<ei-h the soldier
9%ic)l3 s0otted the inN%red motorist in the -rass alon- the median
stri0. Follo2in- is an e:cer0t from the $edia %ypass article5
The 1ictim recalls that the soldier 2as confident8 9%iet and
efficient. To centralie his circ%lation8 he ele1ated the
man's %ndama-ed limbs and 2arned him to be calm to
a1oid -oin- into shoc). 7e chec)ed his 0%lse and flashed a
small 0enli-ht across his 0%0ils. The man8 2ho onl3
moments earlier 2as con1inced he 2as -oin- to die8
shi1ered in the dar) and started la%-hin-. 7e told the tall
3o%n- stran-er he 2as ne1er -oin- to b%3 another Che13
Blaer a-ain.
The soldier smiled as he rolled %0 the 1ictim's ri-ht slee1e
and inserted the needle to start a saline ?< into his 1eins.
DCo%'1e lost a lot of blood and 3o% ris) -oin- into shoc).
This is an ?< to hel0 stabilie 3o% and )ee0 3o%r fl%ids
-oin-. Rela:. Co%'ll be fine8D he told him. 7e 0laced the
clear 0lastic ?< ba- %nder the man's hi0 and chec)ed his
0%lse a-ain.
?n the distance8 an amb%lance siren screamed o1er the
so%nd of the tr%c) en-ines as Timoth3 6ames Mc<ei-h
9%ic)l3 0ac)ed %0 his Arm3 iss%e tra%ma )it and
disa00eared into the ni-ht. The res0ondin- 4M# cre2 told
the state 0olice officer 2ho arri1ed at the accident min%tes
later that the3 had ne1er come %0on s%ch a 0otentiall3
deadl3 crash to find a se1erel3 inN%red man rela:ed and
la%-hin-8 neatl3 banda-ed 2ith an ?< dan-lin- from his
?n a fl%rr3 of articles8 mainstream media 0ainted Mc<ei-h as a
0s3chotic8 attention-see)in- loner 2ith a -r%d-e a-ainst the
-o1ernment and a hatred of h%manit3. A man 2ith Da st%nted
0ersonalit38D 2ho led a Dtort%red 0ath8D Dobsessed 2ith 2ea0onsD and
2ith Ddee0-rooted feelin-s of inade9%ac3.D Ahen the 0ress co%ldn't find
e1idence of o1ert 1iolence or hostilit38 his noted 0oliteness and
manners s%ddenl3 became e1idence his of his 0s3chosis. D?t is a
0ersonalit3 that a #eattle forensic 0s3chiatrist8 >enneth M%scatel8 has
described as the D#merd3a)o1 #3ndrome8D anno%nced the (imes8
Dafter the scorned half-brother in @osto3e1s)3's %rothers :arama#o,
2ho listens to the other brothers in1ei-h a-ainst their father %ntil8
finall38 he commits 0atricide.D
Mc<ei-h 2as 0ainted as a socio0ath 2hen (ana +adilla8 in her boo)8 %y
%lood %etrayed8 hintin- that Mc<ei-h ma3 ha1e been res0onsible for
the death of 2"-month-old 6ason Torres Nichols * Terr3 and Marife's
son * 2ho accidentall3 s%ffocated to death in a 0lastic ba- in
No1ember of 1,,3.
Cet +adilla incl%ded a 0hoto in her boo) of
Mc<ei-h la%-hin- and 0la3in- 2ith the little bo3. And accordin- to Terr3
Nichols8 Mc<ei-h had tried to re1i1e the infant for nearl3 half an ho%r8
and had called the 0aramedics * a res0onse a00arentl3 o%t-of-
character 2ith the actions of a deran-ed socio0athic )iller.
Ca0tain 6es%s Rodri-%e8 2ho commanded Mc<ei-h d%rin- @esert
#torm8 described him as a friend 2ho 2as Dreall3 com0assionateD and
Dreall3 caredD 2hen Rodri-%e's brother-in-la2 died in an accident.
F%rther e1idence of Mc<ei-h's h%manit3 can be fo%nd in a letter he
2rote to the 3ockport 5nion7)un 6 0ournal on March 1.8 1,,25 ;#ee
a00endi: for f%ll te:t=
To b%3 3o%r meat in a store seems so innocent8 b%t ha1e
3o% e1er seen or tho%-ht ho2 it comes to be 2ra00ed %0
so neatl3 in cello0haneH
First8 cattle li1e their entire li1es 0enned %0 in cram0ed
9%arters8 ne1er allo2ed to roam freel38 bred for one
0%r0ose 2hen their time has come.
The techni9%e that ? ha1e 0ersonall3 seen is to ta)e cattle8
line them %0 side b3 side 2ith their heads and nec)s
0rotr%din- o1er a lo2 fence8 and 2al) from one end to the
other8 slittin- their throats 2ith either machete or 0o2er
sa2. $nable to r%n or mo1e8 the3 are left there %ntil the3
bleed to death8 standin- %0.
Ao%ld 3o% rather die 2hile li1in- ha00il3 or die 2hile
leadin- a miserable lifeH Co% tell me 2hich is more
@oes a D-ro2in- 0ercenta-e of the 0%blicD ha1e an3 0it3 or
res0ect for an3 of the animals 2hich are b%tchered and
then sold in the storeH /r is it N%st so con1enientl3 DcleanD
that a do%ble standard is allo2edH
The mainstream 0ress t2isted the conte:t of Mc<ei-h's letter. ?n his
Jboo)K8 A Force 5pon the Plain8 a%thor >enneth #tern 2rites5 DMc<ei-h
said he tho%-ht a h%man bein- 2as8 b3 nat%re8 'a h%nter8 a 0redator.'
7e also as)ed5 '?s ci1il 2ar imminentH @o 2e ha1e to shed blood to
reform the c%rrent s3stemH'D
#tern ta)es t2o %nrelated letters
2ritten b3 Mc<ei-h8 then craftil3 combines them to s%--est that the
h%mane )illin- of animals is act%all3 0art and 0arcel of Mc<ei-h's
bloodthirst3 desire to )ill h%man bein-s.
Realit3 0aints a m%ch different 0ict%re of Timoth3 6ames Mc<ei-h
ho2e1er. ?n Febr%ar3 of 1,,"8 Ron Rice and Carol Moore of the
American Board of Forensic 4:aminers 2ere as)ed to 0rod%ce a 0rofile
of Mc<ei-h's 0ersonalit3 based on a hand2ritin- anal3sis.
Both Rice
and Moore characteried Mc<ei-h as an intro1erted 0erson * 2hat
the3 term an DA0ollonianD 0ersonalit3 * Da stead38 %nemotional8
or-anied indi1id%al 2ho JisK not de1oid of emotionR0assion8 b%t more
a0t to 1al%e reason o1er 0assion.D (i)e #heffield Anderson8 2ho
described Mc<ei-h as a Dthin)in- t30e 0erson8D the e:aminers stated
that Mc<ei-h 2as Dhead-oriented.D DThe3 tend to be distr%stf%l of
feelin- in the belief that follo2in- one's feelin-s can lead to tro%ble8D
the re0ort stated. DRarel38 2ill he allo2 his emotional e:0ressions to be
directed at another 0erson o%t of fear of h%rtin- themL.D
The re0ort concl%ded 2ith the obser1ation that Timoth3 Mc<ei-h Dis a
militar3 manL his heart and so%l belon-s to the militar3 of the $.#.
Bo1ernment. ?n a non-militar3 en1ironment8 Mc<ei-h 2ill not %nderta)e
an3 form of o1ert hostilit3 that 2ill be harmf%l to others or dan-ero%s
to himselfL. ?t is not lo-ical that he 2o%ld %nderta)e an3 action
a-ainst o%r -o1ernment in 2hich others 2o%ld be h%rt or )illed. To do
so 2o%ld 1iolate e1er3thin- he stands for.D
?n A0ril of 1,,18 Mc<ei-h 0%t his heart and so%l into his lon--a2aited
dream of becomin- a Breen Beret. /n March 2' he re0orted to Cam0
McCall8 the #0ecial Forces Assessment and #election ;#FA#= trainin-
facilit3 2est of Fort Bra--8 for the -r%elin- 21-da3 assessment co%rse.
B%t Mc<ei-h8 2ho had )e0t himself in to0 sha0e b3 doin- 4.. 0%sh-%0s
a da3 and marchin- aro%nd the 0ost 2ith a 1.. 0o%nd 0ac) 2as no2
o%t of sha0e and he )ne2 it. The Bradle3 -%nner 2ho had ser1ed in the
+ersian B%lf for fo%r months 2as also drained from the stress of
As the recr%its stood at attention8 the instr%ctor as)ed se1eral of the
recentl3 ret%rned 2ar 1eterans if the3 2anted to ret%rn to their %nit to
-et bac) in sha0e. /ne of the soldiers 3elled that the3 2ere read38 so
o%t of a sense of -%n--ho 0ride8 nobod3 bac)ed o%t.
The first da3 of testin- 2as de1oted to 0s3cholo-ical screenin-.
Mc<ei-h claims he had no 0roblem 2ith the 0s3cholo-ical tests8 2hich
incl%ded the Ad%lt +ersonalit3 ?n1entor38 the Minnesota M%lti0le +hase
+ersonalit3 Test8 and a sentence com0letion e:am desi-ned b3 Arm3
The second da3 of tests be-an 2ith an obstacle co%rse 2hich Mc<ei-h
0assed 2ith ease. After l%nch8 the recr%its 2ere led on a hi-h-s0eed
march 2ith !. 0o%nd r%c)sac)s. Cet ne2 boots tore into Mc<ei-h's feet
d%rin- the fi1e mile march8 and 2ith the 2orst 3et to come8 he and
another recr%it8 @a1id Ahitm3er8 decided to dro0 o%t. Mc<ei-h si-ned
a <ol%ntar3R?n1ol%ntar3 Aithdra2al from the #FA# school. 7is sin-le
sentence e:0lanation read5 D? am not 0h3sicall3 read38 and the
r%c)sac) march h%rt more than it sho%ld.D
The mainstream 0ress N%m0ed on his initial fail%re to ma)e the #0ecial
Forces. 7e 2as D%nable to face the fail%reD stated the +ew York (imes.
D7e 2ashed o%t on the second da3.D
DThere 2ere no second chances8D claimed the -ashington Post. D7is
s0irit 2as bro)en.D
These re0orts s%--ested that Mc<ei-h had failed the 0s3cholo-ical
screenin- tests. DMilitar3 officials said that 0reliminar3 0s3cholo-ical
screenin- had sho2n him to be %nfit8D la%ded the e1er-2ise 1oice of
the +ew York (imes. DJ7eK sa2 his cherished ho0e of becomin- a Breen
Beret shattered b3 0s3cholo-ical tests.D
D?t 2as a00arentl3 a blo2
so cr%shin- that he 9%it the Arm3 and 2ent into a 0s3chic tails0in.D
Media 0%ndits 9%ic)l3 bac)ed %0 their armchair anal3ses' 2ith
statements from se1eral of Mc<ei-h's former b%ddies.
DAn3one 2ho 0%ts all that effort into somethin- and doesn't -et it
2o%ld be mentall3 cr%shed8D said Ro-er Barnett8 the dri1er of
Mc<ei-h's Bradle3. D7e 2asn't the same Mc<ei-h. 7e didn't -o at thin-s
the 2a3 he normall3 didL. 7e didn't ha1e the same dri1e. 7e didn't
ha1e his heart in the militar3 an3more.D
D7e al2a3s 2anted to do better than e1er3one8D said Ca0tain Terr3
B%ild8 Dand that ;Breen Berets= 2as his 2a3 of tr3in- to do it. 7e too) a
lot of fla). 7e 2as reall3 do2n on himself.D
Mc<ei-h claimed DThat's a b%nch of b%n)8D in res0onse to the
alle-ations. DAn3 realist )no2s that if 3o% de1elo0 blisters on the
second da3L 3o%'re not -oin- to ma)e it.D
J#till8 the self-st3led
0s3choanal3sts of the mainstream 0ress made m%ch of his
disa00ointment8 assertin- )no2in-l3 that it 2as the cr%: of Mc<ei-h's
Db%r-eonin- torment.DK
JA00arentl38 the D0s3choNo%rnalistsD at the (imes had ne1er bothered
to chec) 2ith officials at the #FA# school. DMc<ei-h dro00ed o%t of the
co%rse on the second da38D said Colonel >en McBra28 ?nformation
/fficer at the #0ecial /0erations Command at Fort Bra--. D7is
0s3cholo-ical test 2or) 2o%ld not ha1e e1en been -raded 3et.DK
Accordin- to Mc<ei-h's attorne3 #te0hen 6ones8 his Arm3 records
indicate that his #FA# 0s3cholo-ical tests 2eren't -raded %ntil A0ril of
1,,!. The Dmilitar3 officialD 2ho lea)ed the stor3 abo%t Mc<ei-h's
D0s3cholo-ical test fail%reD t%rned o%t to be none other than FB? A-ent
6ohn R. 7ersle38 2ho testified to this re0eatedl3 d%rin- the Federal
Brand 6%r3 hearin-s. A00arentl38 7ersle3 ne1er told the -rand N%rors
that he 2as moonli-htin- as an Arm3 0s3cholo-ist.
Altho%-h Mc<ei-h ma3 ha1e been -en%inel3 disa00ointed b3 his initial
fail%re8 he added that the school's commander had in1ited the
decorated 2ar 1eteran to tr3 o%t a-ain 2hene1er he felt he 2as read3.
?t seems Mc<ei-h 2as not too disa00ointed to score a 0erfect 18...
0oints d%rin- a Bradle3 -%nner com0etition si: months later at Fort
Rile38 earnin- him another Arm3 commendation and the honor of the
di1ision's DTo0 B%n8D a rare achie1ement. An Arm3 e1al%ation also
rated him Damon- the bestD in leadershi0 0otential and an Dins0iration
to 3o%n- soldiers.D
Cet in s0ite of Mc<ei-h's achie1ements8 Da bit of do%bt started to
s%rfaceD in his mind abo%t a 0otential for a career in the militar3.
Altho%-h a friend said D? s2ear to Bod he co%ld ha1e been #er-eant
MaNor of the Arm3 * he 2as that -ood of a soldier8D Mc<ei-h
a00arentl3 2as ha1in- second tho%-hts. Most of these8 his Arm3
b%ddies said8 stemmed from the militar3's do2nsiin- then in 0ro-ress.
7e also confided to his friend @a1e @ill3 that 2itho%t bein- a Breen
Beret8 the Arm3 2o%ldn't be 2orth the effort. D? thin) he felt he -ot a
ra2 deal8 and 2anted o%t8D said (ittleton.
Bi1en Mc<ei-h's achie1ements * his 9%ic) rise to ser-eant8 his medals
of commendation8 the distinction of bein- DTo0 B%n8D and the
e:tremel3 hi-h 0raise of his s%0eriors8 one has to 2onder 2hat his real
moti1es 2ere. ?t seems hi-hl3 %nli)el3 that -i1en the massi1e effort he
0%t into his militar3 career8 he 2o%ld ta)e an earl3 o%t on s%ch
0res%m0ti1e 0retenses. Mc<ei-h 2as a s0it and 0olish soldier 2ith a
to0 notch record. 7e 2as totall3 de1oted to the militar3. 7e had ser1ed
in combat8 earnin- se1eral medals. ?f an3thin- he 2as d%e for his ne:t
0romotion. The commander of the #0ecial Forces school had e1en
in1ited him to tr3 o%t a-ain in a fe2 months. As #heffield Anderson
said8 D7e seemed destined for a brilliant career in the militar3.D
These obser1ations 2ere bac)ed %0 b3 Mc<ei-h's sister 6ennifer. D?
tho%-ht it 2as -oin- to be his career. 7e 2as definitel3 a career
militar3 t30e. That 2as his life8 3o% )no2. 7is life re1ol1ed aro%nd
?t hardl3 seems li)el3 that the ambitio%s soldier 2ho had recentl3
si-ned on for another fo%r 3ear hitch 2o%ld o0t o%t so easil3. Cet8 on
@ecember 318 1,,18 #er-eant Mc<ei-h too) an earl3 dischar-e from
the Arm38 and 2ent bac) to his home to2n of +endleton8 NC.
The /anch!rian Candidate
To f%lfill his militar3 obli-ation8 Mc<ei-h si-ned on 2ith the Arm3
National B%ard in B%ffalo8 2here he landed a Nob as a sec%rit3 -%ard
2ith B%rns ?nternational #ec%rit3. Mc<ei-h 2as assi-ned to the ni-ht
shift8 -%ardin- the -ro%nds of Cals0an Research8 a defense contractor
that cond%cts classified research in ad1anced aeros0ace roc)etr3 and
electronic 2arfare.
?n a manner mirrorin- his cond%ct in the ser1ice8 Mc<ei-h became the
cons%mmate sec%rit3 -%ard. Cals0an s0o)esman Al #alandra told
re0orters that Mc<ei-h 2as Da model em0lo3ee.D Cet accordin- to
media acco%nts8 Mc<ei-h had lost his confidenceL and his cool.
DTimm3 2as a -ood -%ard8D said former B%rns s%0er1isor (inda 7aner-
Mele. D7e 2as Dal2a3s there 0rom0t8 clean and neat. 7is onl3 9%ir)8D
accordin- to Mele8 D2as that he co%ldn't deal 2ith 0eo0le. ?f someone
didn't coo0erate 2ith him8 he 2o%ld start 3ellin- at them8 become
1erball3 a--ressi1e. 7e co%ld be set off easil3.
Accordin- to an article in the Post8 co-2or)ers at a Nia-ara Falls
con1ention center 2here he 2as assi-ned described him as
Demotionall3 s0ent8 1eerin- from 0assi1it3 to 1olcanic an-er.D An old
friend said he loo)ed Dli)e thin-s 2ere reall3 2ei-hin- on him.D
DTimm3 N%st 2asn't the t30e of 0erson 2ho co%ld initiate action8D said
Mele. D7e 2as 1er3 -ood if 3o% said8 'Tim 2atch this door * don't let
an3one thro%-h.' The Tim ? )ne2 co%ldn't ha1e masterminded
somethin- li)e this and carried it o%t himself. ?t 2o%ld ha1e had to
ha1e been someone 2ho said5 'Tim8 this is 2hat 3o% do. Co% dri1e the
Mele's acco%nt directl3 contradicts the testimon3 of #er-eant Chris
Barner and former +ri1ate Ra3 6imbo38 both of 2hom ser1ed 2ith
Mc<ei-h at Fort Rile38 and claimed that he 2as a nat%ral leader.
Bac)in- %0 6imbo3 2as Mc<ei-h's friend and Cals0an co-2or)er8 Carl
(ebron8 2ho described Mc<ei-h as Dintelli-ent and en-a-in- * the sort
of 0erson 2ho co%ld be a leader.D
Mele's testimon3 also contradicts Mc<ei-h's ser1ice record8 2hich rated
him Damon- the bestD in leadershi0 0otential and an Dins0iration to
3o%n- soldiers.D
D7e had a lot of leadershi0 abilit3 inside himself8D
said BarnerL. 7e had a lot of self confidence.D
A00arentl38 D#omethin- ha00ened to Tim Mc<ei-h bet2een the time
he left the Arm3 and no28D said Ca0tain Terr3 B%ild.
D7e didn't reall3 carr3 himself li)e he came o%t of the militar38D said
Mele. D7e didn't stand tall 2ith his sho%lders bac). 7e )ind of sl%m0ed
o1er.D #he recalled him as silent8 e:0ressionless8 2ith li-htness e3es8
b%t s%bNect to e:0losi1e fits of tem0er. DThat -%3 didn't ha1e an
e:0ression ,, 0ercent of the time8D she added. D7e 2as cold.D
Colonel @a1id 7ac)2orth8 an Arm3 1eteran 2ho inter1ie2ed Mc<ei-h
for +ewsweek8 concl%ded that Mc<ei-h 2as s%fferin- from a D0ost2ar
han-o1er.D D?'1e seen co%ntless 1eterans8 incl%din- m3self8 st%mble
home after the hi-h-noon e:citement of the )illin- fields8 missin- their
battle b%ddies and the %ni9%e dan-ers and sense of 0%r0ose8D 2rote
7ac)2orth. DMan3 lose themsel1es fore1er.D
Altho%-h s%ch s3m0toms ma3 be seen as a dela3ed reaction s3ndrome
res%ltin- from the stress of battle8 the3 are also common s3m0toms of
mind-control. The s%bNect of mind-control or h30nosis often seems
emotionall3 s0ent8 as tho%-h he had been thro%-h a harro2in- ordeal.
Ahile 1isitin- friends in @ec)er8 Michi-an8 Mc<ei-h com0lained that the
Arm3 had im0lanted him 2ith a miniat%re s%bc%taneo%s transmitter8 so
that the3 co%ld )ee0 trac) of him.
7e com0lained that it left an
%ne:0lained scar on his b%ttoc)s and 2as 0ainf%l to sit on.
To the 0%blic8 %nfamiliar 2ith the be2ilderin- le:icon of -o1ernment
mind-control research8 s%ch a claim ma3 a00ear as the ob1io%s
rantin-s of a 0aranoiac. B%t is itH
Miniat%ried telemetrics ha1e been 0art of an on-oin- 0roNect b3 the
militar3 and 1ario%s intelli-ence a-encies to test the effecti1eness of
trac)in- soldiers on the battlefield. The miniat%re im0lantable
telemetric de1ice 2as declassified lon- a-o. As far bac) as 1,"'8 @r.
#t%art Mac)a38 in his te:tboo) entitled %io7$edical (elemetry8
re0orted8 DAmon- the man3 telemetr3 instr%ments bein- %sed toda38
are miniat%re radio transmitters that can be s2allo2ed8 carried
e:ternall38 or s%r-icall3 im0lanted in man or animal. The3 0ermit the
sim%ltaneo%s st%d3 of beha1ior and 0h3siolo-ical f%nctionin-.LD
@r. Carl #anders8 one of the de1elo0ers of the ?ntelli-ence Manned
?nterface ;?M?= biochi08 maintains8 DAe %sed this 2ith militar3 0ersonnel
in the ?ra9 Aar 2here the3 2ere act%all3 trac)ed %sin- this 0artic%lar
t30e of de1ice.D
?t is also interestin- to note that the Cals0an Ad1anced Technolo-3
Center in B%ffalo ;Cals0an ATC=8 2here Mc<ei-h 2or)ed8 is en-a-ed in
microsco0ic electronic en-ineerin- of the )ind a00licable to
Cals0an 2as fo%nded in 1,4" as Cornell Aerona%tical
(aborator38 2hich incl%ded the DF%nd for the #t%d3 of 7%man 4colo-38D
a C?A cond%it for mind-control e:0eriments b3 Xmi-rX Nai scientists
Jand others %nder the direction of C?A @octors #idne3 Bottlieb8 42en
Cameron8 and (o%is 6ol3n AestK.
Accordin- to mind-control researcher Ale: Constantine8 DCals0an
0laces m%ch research em0hasis on bioen-ineerin- and artificial
intelli-ence ;Cals0an 0ioneered in the field in the 1,!.s=.D ?n his
article8 DThe Bood #oldier8D Constantine states5
7%man trac)in- and monitorin- technolo-3 are 2ell 2ithin
Cals0an's s0here of 0%rs%its. The com0an3 is instr%mental
in R4@CA+8 an Air Force electronic 2arfare s3stem that
2inds thro%-h e1er3 @e0artment of @efense facilit3 in the
co%ntr3. A +enta-on release e:0lains that R4@CA+ Dis %sed
to e1al%ate the effecti1eness of electronic-combat
hard2are8 techni9%es8 tactics and conce0ts.D The s3stem
Dincl%des closed-loo0 radar and data lin)s at RF manned
data f%sion and 2ea0ons control 0osts.D /ne +atriot
com0%ter ne2s board re0orted that a disembodied8
r%mblin-8 lo2-fre9%enc3 h%m had been heard across the
co%ntr3 the 2ee) of the bombin-. +ast h%ms in Taos8 NM8
4%-ene and Medford8 /R8 Timmons8 /ntario and Bristol8 $>
2ere most definitel3 ;des0ite s0ecio%s official denials=
att%ned to the brain's a%ditor3 0ath2a3sL.
The Air Force is amon- Cals0an's leadin- clients8 and 4-lin
AFB has farmed )e3 0ersonnel to the com0an3. The -ratin-
iron3 * recallin- Mc<ei-h's contention he'd been
im0lanted 2ith a telemetr3 chi0 * is that the
?nstr%mentation Technolo-3 Branch of 4-lin Air Force Base
is c%rrentl3 en-a-ed in the trac)in- of mammals 2ith
s%bminiat%re telemetr3 de1ices. Accordin- to an Air Force
0ress release8 the biotelemetr3 chi0 transmits on the %00er
#-band ;231' to 23,' M7=8 2ith %0 to 12. di-ital
There is nothin- secret abo%t the biotelemetr3 chi0. Ads for
commercial Jalbeit some2hat sim0lerK 1ersions of the de1ice ha1e
a00eared in national 0%blications. (ime ma-aine ran an ad for an
im0lantable 0et transcei1er in its 6%ne 2"8 1,,! iss%e * ironicall3
eno%-h * o00osite an article abo%t a militia leader 2ho 2as 2arnin-
abo%t the comin- Ne2 Aorld /rder. Ahile monitorin- animals has been
an %nclassified scientific 0%rs%it for decades8 the monitorin- of h%mans
has been a hi-hl3 classified 0roNect 2hich is b%t a s%bset of the
+enta-on's DnonlethalD arsenal. As Constantine notes8 Dthe d3sto0ian
im0lications 2ere e:0lored b3 e8ense +ews for March 2.8 1,,!5
9aval 6esearch :ab -ttempts To /eld 9e!rons -nd
Chips( %t!dies /ay Prod!ce -rmy of 1;ombies$1
F%t%re battles co%ld be 2a-ed 2ith -eneticall3 en-ineered
or-anisms8 s%ch as rodents8 2hose minds are controlled b3
com0%ter chi0s en-ineered 2ith li1in- brain cells.... The
research8 called 7i00ocam0al Ne%ron +atternin-8 -ro2s li1e
ne%rons on com0%ter chi0s. DThis technolo-3 that alters
ne%rons co%ld 0otentiall3 be %sed on 0eo0le to create
ombie armies8D (a2rence >orb8 a senior fello2 at the
Broo)in-s ?nstit%tion8 said.
?t's concei1able8 -i1en the c%rrent state of the electronic
mind-control art8 a bioc3bernetic / o1er the blac) b%d-et
rainbo28 that Mc<ei-h had been dra2n into an
e:0erimental 0roNect8 that the de1ice 2as the real
The @efense @e0artment ne2sletter ma3 ha1e been disc%ssin- is the
s%ccessor to the D#timocei1er8D de1elo0ed in the late 1,!.s b3 @r.
6ose0h @el-ado and f%nded b3 the C?A and the /ffice of Na1al
Research. The #timocei1er is a tin3 transcei1er im0lanted in the head
of a control s%bNect8 2hich can then be %sed to modif3 emotions and
control beha1ior.
Accordin- to @el-ado8 DRadio #tim%lation of different 0oints in the
am3-dala and hi00ocam0%s Jareas of the brainK in the fo%r 0atients
0rod%ced a 1ariet3 of effects8 incl%din- 0leasant sensations8 elation8
dee08 tho%-htf%l concentration8 odd feelin-s8 s%0er rela:ation8 colored
1isions8 and other res0onses.... /ne of the 0ossibilities 2ith brain
transmitters is to infl%ence 0eo0le so that the3 confirm 2ith the
0olitical s3stem. A%tonomic and somatic f%nctions8 indi1id%al and
social beha1ior8 emotional and mental reactions ma3 be in1o)ed8
maintained8 modified8 or inhibited8 both in animals and in man8 b3
stim%lation of s0ecific cerebral str%ct%res. +h3sical control of man3
brain f%nctions is a demonstrated fact. ?t is e1en 0ossible to follo2
intentions8 the de1elo0ment of tho%-ht and 1is%al e:0eriences.D
As Constantine 0oints o%t8 the militar3 has a lon- and sordid histor3 of
%sin- enlisted men and %n2ittin- ci1ilians for its nefario%s
e:0eriments8 ran-in- from radiation8 0oison -as8 dr%-s and mind-
control8 to s0ra3in- entire $.#. cities 2ith bacteriolo-ical 1ir%ses to test
their effecti1eness. The most recent e:am0le in1ol1es the %se of
e:0erimental 1accines tested on B%lf Aar 1eterans 2ho are c%rrentl3
e:0eriencin- biarre s3m0toms8 not the least of 2hich is death. Ahen
attorne3s re0resentin- the former soldiers re9%ested their militar3
medical files8 the3 disco1ered there 2as no record of the 1accines e1er
bein- administered.
Timoth3 Mc<ei-h ma3 ha1e %n)o2nin-l3 been an Arm3RC?A -%inea 0i-
in1ol1ed in a classified telemetricRmind-control 0roNect * a
DManch%rian Candidate.D
Recent histor3 is re0lete 2ith cases of indi1id%als 2ho calml3 2al) into
a resta%rant8 school3ard8 or 0ost office and ine:0licabl3 be-in shootin-
lar-e n%mbers of 0eo0le8 as tho%-h the3 2ere in a trance. Ahat a00ear
li)e -r%esome b%t ha00enstance e1ents to the cas%al obser1er raises
red fla-s to those familiar 2ith C?A Dslee0erD mind-control e:0eriments.
#%ch cases ma3 be indicati1e of mind-control e:0eriments -one
horribl3 2ron-.
A recent case occ%rred in Tasmania8 2here Martin Br3ant calml3
2al)ed aro%nd a to%rist site in Ma3 of 1,," methodicall3 shootin- and
)illin- o1er 3! 0eo0le. ?nterestin-l38 Br3ant 2as in 0ossession of an
assa%lt rifle that had been handed in to 0olice in <ictoria as 0art of a
-%n amnest3 0ro-ram8 b%t m3sterio%sl3 2o%nd %0 in Br3ant's hands
before the massacre.
JAn anti-social loner8 Br3ant had also recentl3 ret%rned from a solitar3
t2o-2ee) tri0 to the $.#.8 ostensibl3 to 1isit [email protected] A%stralian
C%stoms a-ents noticed he carried no l%--a-e8 and 2as actin-
stran-el3. The3 too) him to the hos0ital to be e:amined as a 0ossible
dr%- co%rier8 b%t fo%nd nothin-. 7ad Br3ant act%all3 1isited
@isne3land8 or had he 1isited a different t30e of 0la3-ro%nd * one
inhabited b3 the mind-control masters of the C?AH
?n the 2a)e of the massacre8 A%stralia %nder2ent 2holesale -%n
confiscation of its citienr3. Not s%r0risin-l38 A%stralia and Ne2 Yealand
ha1e lon- ser1ed as a 0la3-ro%nd for the C?A8 2ho re0ortedl3 0la3ed a
maNor role in the o1erthro2 of A%stralian +rime Minister Bo%-h
Ahitlam8 directed from the C?A's s%0er-secret +ine Ba0 facilit3. ?t has
also been re0orted that the C?A has been testin- s%bliminal T<
transmissions to infl%ence the o%tcome of elections.
As in Br3ant's case8 man3 of these biarre )illers mee)l3 s%rrender to
a%thorities after their s0rees. Ahen he 2as sto00ed b3 #tate Troo0er
Charles 7an-er for a missin- license 0late8 Mc<ei-h 2as carr3in- a
loaded Bloc) ,mm 0istol. Altho%-h he co%ld ha1e easil3 shot and )illed
the officer8 Mc<ei-h informed him that he 2as carr3in- a concealed
2ea0on8 then mee)l3 handed himself o1er for arrest. Ah3 does a man
2ho has N%st alle-edl3 )illed 1", innocent 0eo0le8 bal) at )illin- a co0
on a lonel3 stretch of hi-h2a3H JThis s%--ests that either Mc<ei-h 2as
innocent8 2as actin- %nder orders b3 some branch of the -o1ernment8
or 2as %nder some form of mind-control.K
After Mc<ei-h's arrest in Noble Co%nt38 Assistant Attorne3 Beneral
Mar) Bibson stated8 DThere stood a 0olite 3o%n- man 2ho -a1e 0olite8
coo0erati1e ans2ers to e1er3 9%estion. ?t 2as li)e the d%tif%l soldier8D
Bibson said. D4motions don't come into 0la38 ri-ht and 2ron- don't
come into 0la3. Ahat ha00ens ne:t doesn't come into 0la3L his mood
2as so le1el8 it 2as %nnat%ral. ? loo)ed at him and realied ? felt no
re0%lsion or fear. ?t 2as li)e there 2as an absence of feelin-. 7e
e:%ded nothin-.D
Charles 7an-er8 the officer 2ho arrested Mc<ei-h8 related his acco%nt
to Bibson8 2ho told the (imes8 DAnd 2hen he -rabbed his -%n and
there 2as no reaction8 no shoc)8 that didn't seem ri-ht8 either.D
This Dabsence of feelin-D amon- a man 2ho had N%st alle-edl3
committed a heino%s crime ma3 2ell ha1e been indicati1e of a
0s3cholo-icall3 controlled a-ent * or Dslee0erD a-ent * a 0erson
trained to carr3 o%t a 0reconcei1ed order %0on command. #%ch an
indi1id%al co%ld concei1abl3 carr3 o%t a horrendo%s crime8 then ha1e
no recollection of the e1ent. Far from the st%ff of s03 no1els or
cons0irac3 theories8 slee0er a-ents ha1e been de1elo0ed and %sed b3
intelli-ence a-encies for decades.
JThe C?A's interest in mind control ori-inall3 dates bac) to AA?? 2hen
the /ffice of #trate-ic #er1ices ;/##=8 %nder #tanle3 (o1ell8 de1elo0ed
the idea of h30notiin- Berman 0risoners to re-infiltrate the Third Reich
and assassinate Adol0h 7itler. After the 2ar8 the /##8 re-formed as the
C?A8 bro%-ht Nai doctors and scientists to 2or) for them %nder the
co1er of /0eration +A+4RC(?+. #ome of these incl%ded 2ar criminals
s0irited a2a3 thro%-h Nai-<atican DRatlinesD %nder the ae-is of
/0eration /M4BA8 con1enientl3 missin- their da3 in co%rt at the
N%rember- Aar Crimes Trib%nal. Their collea-%es 2o%nd %0 in Central
and #o%th America8 drained from the best of Nai blood %nder
/0eration <AM+?R4.K
The C?A's 0l%n-e into the nether2orld of mind-control be-an in 1,!.
2ith +roNect B($4B?R@8 a%thoried b3 Allen @%lles after it 2as
disco1ered that recentl3 released >orean Aar 0risoners had been
s%bNected to h30nosis. ?n 1,!28 B($4B?R@ 2as re-named /0eration
ART?C7/>48 %nder the a%thorit3 of @e0%t3 C?A @irector Richard 7elms8
and coordinated b3 C?A #ec%rit3 /fficer #hefield 4d2ards.
JB3 the late 1,!.s8 the militar3 2as 2ell on its 2a3 to in1esti-atin- the
0otential for Dbrain2ashin-8D a term coined b3 the C?A's 4d2ard 7%nter
to e:0lain the e:0erience of American +/As in >orea. ?n 1,!' the Rand
Cor0oration 0rod%ced a re0ort for the Air Force entitled DThe $se of
730nosis in ?ntelli-ence and Related Militar3 #it%ations8D statin- that
D?n defense a00lications8 s%bNects can ce s0ecificall3 selected b3 a
criterion of h30notiabilit38 and s%bse9%entl3 trained in accordance
2ith their antici0ated militar3 f%nction...D
Ta)in- the 7i00ocratic /ath on behalf of the C?A for ART?C7/>4 2as @r.
#idne3 Bottlieb8 mind-control emerit%s of the C?A's Technical #er1ices
@i1ision ;T##=8 the real-life co%nter0art to the m3thical DW-BranchD of
?an Flemin- fame. T## 2as en-a-ed de1elo0in- the %s%al 6ames Bond
s03 to3s * miniat%re cameras8 shootin- fo%ntain 0ens8 and8 %nder the
t%tela-e of @r. Bottlieb8 0oisons that co%ld )ill in seconds8 lea1in- no
trace. Aith /0eration ART?C7/>4 ho2e1er8 the C?A broadened its
horions into the realm of 0s3cholo-ical 2arfare. ART?C7/>4 2as one
of the C?A's later-da3 attem0ts to create an electronicall3-controlled
Manch%rian Candidate.
?n the 1,!.s8 %nder the code name M>$(TRA8 the C?A set %0 safe
ho%ses in #an Francisco and other cities 2here the3 0erformed
e:0eriments on %n2ittin- s%bNects %sin- (#@ and other dr%-s. ?n 1,".8
4d2ards recr%ited e:-FB? a-ent Robert Mahe%8 2ho a00roached Mob
bosses #am Biancana and 6ohn Rosselli to form C?A hit-teams to
assassinate forei-n leaders %sin- the techni9%es ac9%ired b3 Bottlieb's
T##. JThe first on their list 2as C%ban leader Fidel Castro8 2ho the3
0lanned to assassinate b3 0oisonin- his food and e1en his ci-ars. The
2or) of Bottlieb and his C?A associates can be traced directl3 bac) to
Nai 2ar criminals s%ch as @r. 6ose0h Men-ele of A%sch2it.K
B3 1,"38 re0orted the #enate ?ntelli-ence Committee8 the n%mber of
o0erations and s%bNects had increased s%bstantiall3. B%t as far bac) as
1,".8 T## officials8 2or)in- alon- 2ith the Co%nterintelli-ence staff8
had e:0anded their h30nosis 0ro-rams to coincide 2ith their M>$(TRA
e:0eriments. Accordin- to 6ohn Mar)s in his boo) (he )earch 8or the
$anchurian *andidate1 Dthe Co%nterintelli-ence 0ro-ram had three
-oals5 ;1= to ind%ce h30nosis 1er3 ra0idl3 in %n2ittin- s%bNectsG ;2= to
create d%rable amnesiaG and ;3= to im0lant d%rable and o0erationall3
%sef%l 0osth30notic s%--estion.D
B3 1,""8 M>$(TRA had s0a2ned /0eration M>#4ARC78 the %se of
biolo-ical8 chemical8 and radiolo-ical s%bstances to ind%ce
0s3cholo-ical and 0h3siolo-ical chan-es in the C?A's 1ictims.
M>#4ARC7 s0a2ned /0erations /FT4N and C7?C>A?T8 %sin-
biolo-ical8 chemical8 and radiolo-ical s%bstances to ind%ce
0s3cholo-ical and 0h3siolo-ical chan-es. /0erations T7?R@ C7ANC4
and @4RBC 7AT in1ol1ed the Arm3's Militar3 ?ntelli-ence Bro%0's
;M.?.B.= s%rre0titio%s dosin- of 1ictims in 4%ro0e and the Far 4ast.
M>@4(TA8 an offshoot of M>$(TRA8 in1ol1ed s0ra3in- massi1e doses of
(#@ and other dr%-s b3 the Arm3 o1er areas inhabited b3 <iet Con-.
JThe 0reeminent don of the C?A's 0s3cholo-ical 2arfare 0ro-ram 2as
@r. (o%is 6ol3n Aest. As 0art of his M>$(TRA e:0eriments8 Aest decided
to send an ele0hant at the /)lahoma Cit3 Yoo on an (#@ tri0.
A00arentl38 the 0oor creat%re did not a00reciate the effects of @r.
Aest's Ma-ical M3ster3 To%r. ?t died se1eral ho%rs later.
A close associate of @rs. Cameron and Bottlieb8 Aest st%died the %se
of dr%-s as DadN%ncts to inter0ersonal mani0%lation or assa%lt8D and
2as amon- one of the 0ioneers of remote electronic brain
e:0erimentation8 incl%din- telemetric brain im0lants on %n2ittin-
Aest's -ood friend8 Aldo%s 7%:le38 s%--ested that he h30notie his
s%bNects before administerin- (#@8 in order to -i1e them 0ost-h30notic
s%--estions 2hich 2o%ld orient the dr%--ind%ced e:0erience in a
Ddesired direction.D
?nterestin-l38 Aest 2as the 0s3chiatrist 2ho e:amined 6ac) R%b38 the
assassin of (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald. R%b3's assertion that an %ltra-Ri-ht-
2in- cabal 2as res0onsible for 6F>'s m%rder8 and his ref%sal to admit
insanit38 led Aest to concl%de that he 2as 0aranoid and mentall3 ill.
Aest 0laced R%b3 on anti-de0ressants8 2hich did little to modif3 his
claims of cons0irac3. 7e died of cancer t2o 3ears later8 claimin- to the
end that he had been inNected 2ith cancero%s biolo-ical material.
Aest also e:amined #irhan #irhan8 a controlled h30o-0ats3 2ho
alle-edl3 )illed Robert F. >enned3. C%rrentl3 chairman of $C(A's
Ne%ro0s3chiatric ?nstit%te8 Aest headed the American +s3cholo-ical
Association ;A+A= tra%ma res0onse team that r%shed to /)lahoma Cit3
in the 2a)e of the disaster.
? inter1ie2ed @r. Aest b3 0hone. Ahile confirmin- that he had indeed
tra1eled to /)lahoma Cit3 2ith his team8 the eminent 0s3chiatrist
made a c%rio%s DFre%dian #li0.D Ahen as)ed if he had e:amined
Mc<ei-h8 he said8 DNo8 ? ha1en't been as)ed to do that. ? thin) his
la23er 2o%ldn't 2ant someone he didn't tr%sL 0ic).D
Aest ne1ertheless told me that someone from the FB?'s Beha1ioral
#ciences %nit 2o%ld ha1e inter1ie2ed Mc<ei-h. ?n fact the FB?'s
Beha1ioral #ciences %nit did inter1ie2 the 0risoner. 6ohn @o%-las of
the FB?'s +s3cholo-ical +rofile $nit 2as later 9%oted in the (imes as
sa3in-8 DThis is an easil3 controlled and mani0%lated 0ersonalit3.D Ahat
@o%-las is %n2ittin-l3 confirmin- is that Mc<ei-h 2as 0erfect material
for the C?A's 0s3cholo-ical mind-control 0ro-ram.
B3 the late 1,!.s8 man3 Berman or 4astern 4%ro0ean Xmi-rXs bro%-ht
to 2or) in the $.#. had been farmed o%t to %ni1ersities s%ch as Cornell8
$C(A8 and #tanfordL and to 0eo0le li)e @r. 42en Cameron and @r.
6ol3n Aest.
?n the 2a)e of the 1,"! Aatts riot8 Aest 0ro0osed to then California
Bo1ernor Ronald Rea-an a DCenter for the #t%d3 and Red%ction of
<iolence8D 2hich 2as to ha1e incl%ded a 0s3chos%r-er3 %nit for
0erformin- lobotomies8 and a se1en-da3-a-2ee)8 aro%nd-the-cloc)
electro-shoc) room. Associates of @r. Cameron's8 em0lo3ed at the time
in Nai-r%n detention centers in #o%th America8 2o%ld be called on to
0erform lobotomies on %ns%s0ectin- 0atients8 2ith the f%ll a00ro1al of
Bo1ernor Rea-an.
/ne of the more braen of the emer-in- coterie of brain2ashin-
enth%siasts8 Cameron recei1ed his f%ndin- thro%-h the Roc)efeller and
Berschic)ter Fo%ndations8 2hich 2as channeled into the innoc%o%s
so%ndin- #ociet3 for the ?n1esti-ation of 7%man 4colo-3 at Cornell.
Cameron 0erformed h%ndreds of lobotomies and electroshoc)
treatments at the behest of the C?A on %n2ittin- 0atients in 0risons
and mental hos0itals8 and at his belo1ed Allen Memorial ?nstit%te in
?t is interestin- to note that Mc<ei-h claimed he 2as s%bNected to
0s3cholo-ical tort%re 2hile in 0rison.
7e 2as 0laced in a cell 2ith a
-%ard 2atchin- him aro%nd the cloc)8 2ho 2asn't allo2ed to s0ea) to
him. The li-hts in his cell 2ere )e0t on 24-ho%rs-a-da38 de0ri1in- him
of slee0 * a standard techni9%e desi-ned to brea) do2n a s%bNect's
0s3cholo-ical barriers. 41ent%all38 Mc<ei-h called in a 0s3chiatrist to
hel0 treat his an:iet3 * a 0s3chiatrist8 0erha0s8 trained b3 @r.
C?A 0s3chiatrist @r. 42en Cameron 2as also the 0ro-enitor of D0s3chic
dri1in-8D a techni9%e 2hereb3 the 0s3chiatrist or controller re0eatedl3
0la3s bac) selected 2ords or 0hrases to brea) do2n a 0erson's
0s3cholo-ical barriers and o0en %0 his %nconscio%s.
techni9%es 2o%ld be ea-erl3 incor0orated into the C?A's 0ro-ram for
creatin- Manch%rian Candidates * 0ro-rammed h30no-)illers 2ho
co%ld be %nleashed at the behest of the A-enc3 to )ill %0on command.
An acco%nt of the disc%ssion s%rro%ndin- the creation of a Manch%rian
Candidate is re1ealed b3 6F> researcher @ic) R%ssell in his boo)8 (he
$an -ho :new (oo $uch5
?n 1,"'8 @r. 6ose0h (. Bern of <ir-inia +ol3technic ?nstit%te
9%estioned a%thorities on h30nosis abo%t 2hether the
creation of a DManch%rian CandidateD 2as reall3 feasible.
As A%thor Bo2art reco%nted one e:0ert's res0onse to @r.
Bernd5 D? 2o%ld sa3 that a hi-hl3 s)illed h30notist8 2or)in-
2ith a hi-hl3 s%sce0tible s%bNect8 co%ld 0ossibl3 0ers%ade
the s%bNect to )ill another h%manLD Another belie1ed it
2as e1en 0ossible8 thro%-h 0osth30notic s%--estion8 to
ma)e a s%bNect %nable to recall s%ch an act5 DThere co%ld
be a cons0irac38 b%t a cons0irac3 of 2hich the 0rinci0al
2as %na2are.D
This D0s3chic dri1in-D a00ears to ha1e im0acted #irhan #irhan. Charles
McW%iston8 a former Arm3 intelli-ence officer 2ho did a +s3cholo-ical
#tress 41al%ation of 1oice recordin-s of #irhan8 said8 D? belie1e #irhan
2as brain2ashed %nder h30nosis b3 the constant re0etition of 2ords
li)e8 'Co% are nobod38 3o%'re nothin-8 the American dream is -one'.L
#omebod3 im0lanted an idea8 )ill RF>8 and %nder h30nosis the
brain2ashed #irhan acce0ted it.D
The acc%sed assassin insisted that
he co%ldn't recall e1en the m%rder.
C?A contract a-ent Colonel Ailliam Bisho0 e:0lained to R%ssell some of
the r%diments of the C?A's mind-control o0erations5
DThere 2ere an3 n%mber of 0s3cholo-ical or emotional
factors in1ol1ed in 0eo0les' selection. Antisocial beha1ior
0atterns8 0aranoia or the r%diments of 0aranoia8 and so on.
B%t 2hen the3 are s%ccessf%l 2ith this 0ro-rammin- * or8
for lac) of a better term8 indoctrination * the3 co%ld ta)e
6ohn @oe and -et this man to )ill Beor-e and 6ane #mith.
7e 2ill be -i1en all the 0ertinent information as to their
location8 dail3 habits8 etc. Then there is a mental bloc) 0%t
on this mission in his mind. 7e remembers nothin- abo%t
/n March 38 1,"48 C?A @irector 6ohn McCone sent a memo to #ecret
#er1ice chief 6ames Ro2le3 statin- that after his s%r-er3 at the hos0ital
in Mins)8 JR%ssiaK8 /s2ald mi-ht ha1e been Dchemicall3 or
electronicall3 'controlled'L a slee0er a-ent. #%bNect s0ent 11 da3s
hos0italied for a minor ailment 2hich sho%ld ha1e re9%ired no more
than three da3s hos0italiation at best.D
41en 6. 4d-ar 7oo1er told the Aarren Commission8 D?nformation came
to me indicatin- that there is an es0iona-e trainin- school o%tside of
Mins) * ? don't )no2 2hether it is tr%e * that he J/s2aldK 2as trained
at that school to come bac) to this co%ntr3 to become 2hat the3 call a
'slee0er8' that is8 a man 2ho 2ill remain dormant for three or fo%r 3ears
and in case of international hostilities rise %0 and be %sed.D
JAccordin- to 6F> researchers Art Ford and (incoln (a2rence in their
boo)8 -ere -e *ontrolled/8 (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald 2as a 0ro-rammed
assassin 2ith a malf%nctionin- electrical im0lant in his brain.
7erman >imse38 A 1eteran Arm3 co%nterintelli-ence o0erati1e and
former C?A official8 told 6F> researcher 7%-h Mac@onald8 D/s2ald 2as
0ro-rammed to )illL. Then the mechanism 2ent on the blin) and
/s2ald became a dan-ero%s to3 2itho%t direction.D
The C?A's interest in 0rod%cin- the 0erfect 0ro-rammed assassin too) a
ne2 bent8 2hen in 1,"!8 the A-enc38 in coo0eration 2ith the @o@8 set
%0 a secret 0ro-ram for st%d3in- the effects of electroma-netic
radiation8 or micro2a1e ;4M= 2ea0ons at the Arm3's Ad1anced
Research +roNects A-enc3 ;AR+A= at the Aalter Reed Arm3 ?nstit%te of
Research. The 0roNect 2as ins0ired b3 the #o1iets8 2ho had been
do%sin- the American 4mbass3 in Mosco2 2ith a lethal dose of
micro2a1es8 ca%sin- man3 of its 0ersonnel to die from cancer.
Cet ca%sin- de-enerati1e diseases 2as not the main -oal of the
@o@RC?A 4M 2ea0ons research8 code named +AN@/RA. The s0oo)s
2ere interested in the effects of micro2a1es on controllin- a 0erson's
beha1ior. B3 1,&38 both the Americans and the #o1iets 2ere far alon-
in their mind-control a00lications8 %sin- technolo-3 s%ch as 0%lsed
micro2a1e a%dio-rams and aco%stical telemetr3 to create 1oices in a
s%bNect's mind8 or erase his mind com0letel3.
Ca%sin- de-enerati1e diseases 2as not the main -oal of the @o@RC?A
4M 2ea0ons research8 code named +AN@/RA. The s0oo)s 2ere
interested in the effects of micro2a1es on controllin- a 0erson's
beha1ior. B3 1,&38 both the Americans and the #o1iets 2ere far alon-
in their mind-control a00lications8 %sin- technolo-3 s%ch as 0%lsed
micro2a1e a%dio-rams and aco%stical telemetr3 to create 1oices in a
s%bNect's mind8 or erase his mind com0letel3.
Aith the ad1ent of 4M
technolo-38 scientists co%ld b30ass the need for electrodes im0lanted
in the brain8 and control their s%bNects directl3. (a2rence described a
technolo-3 called R7?C-4@/M8 or DRadio 730notic ?ntracerebral Control
and 4lectronic @issol%tion of Memor3.D Accordin- to (a2rence5
?t is the %ltra-so0histicated a00lication of 0ost-h30notic
s%--estion tri--ered at 2ill b3 radio transmission. ?t is a
rec%rrin- state8 re-ind%ced a%tomaticall3 at inter1als b3 the
same radio control. An indi1id%al is bro%-ht %nder
h30nosis. This can be done either 2ith his )no2led-e * or
2itho%t it * b3 %se of narco-h30nosis8 2hich can be
bro%-ht into 0la3 %nder man3 -%ises. 7e is then
0ro-rammed to 0erform certain actions and maintain
certain attit%des %0on radio si-nal.
(a2rence 2ent on to state that Dthro%-h the %se of radio-2a1es and
%ltra-sonic si-nal tonesL ?t in effect bloc)s memor3 of the
D#%ch a de1ice has ob1io%s a00lications in co1ert
o0erations desi-ned to dri1e a tar-et cra3 2ith '1oices' or deli1er
%ndetected instr%ctions to a 0ro-rammed assassin8D states @r. Robert
Thane 4%-ene Cesar8 a re0orted accom0lice in the m%rder of Robert
>enned38 held a 1a-%el3-defined Nob at (oc)heed8 a C?AR+AN@/RA
contractor. Retired (oc)heed en-ineer 6im Coder told former FB? a-ent
Ailliam T%rner that Cesar 2or)ed floatin- assi-nments in an Doff-limitsD
area o0erated b3 the C?A.
The 0arallel is stri)in-l3 similar to that of
Timoth3 Mc<ei-h8 2ho 2or)ed at Cals0an8 another hi-h-tech militar3
contractor en-a-ed in to0-secret telemetric 2or).
The 0reeminent don of C?A's 0s3cholo-ical 2arfare 0ro-ram
;M>$(TRA=8 @r. (o%is 6ol3on D6oll3D Aest8 sent an /)lahoma Cit3 Yoo
ele0hant careenin- on a massi1e (#@ tri08 tri--erin- its death ho%rs
later. #t%d3in- the %se of dr%-s as DadN%ncts to inter0ersonal
mani0%lation or assa%lt8D 6oll3 Aest 2as amon- the 0ioneers of remote
electronic brain e:0erimentation on %n2ittin- s%bNects. Aldo%s 7%:le3
0assed on the idea to Aest that he h30notie s%bNects before
administerin- (#@8 orientin- dr%--ind%ced e:0erience to2ard a
Ddesired direction.D
Aest 2as -i1en the Nob of e:aminin- 6ac) R%b38 (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald's
)iller. R%b3's ref%sal to admit insanit38 and his belief that a ri-ht-2in-
cabal 2as res0onsible for 6F>'s m%rder8 led Aest to concl%de R%b3 2as
mentall3 ill8 the 0ro0er candidate for anti-de0ressants. R%b3 died of
cancer t2o 3ears after the e:am8 claimin- to ha1e been inNected 2ith
mali-nant biolo-ical material. Aest also e:amined #irhan #irhan8 J2ho
ma3 ha1e beenK a h30no-0ats3 Nailed for m%rderin- Robert >enned3.
/n March 318 less than three 2ee)s before the bombin-8 Mc<ei-h
a00eared at the ?m0erial Motel in >in-man. For the ne:t 12 da3s8
accordin- to o2ner 7elm%t 7ofer8 he N%st sat there8 emer-in- onl3 for
meals or to 0a3 his bill. 7e had no 1isitors8 made fe2 0hone calls8 and
barel3 dist%rbed the f%rnishin-s. No one e1er heard his tele1ision8 and
his car ne1er mo1ed from its s0ot o%tside.
DThat's the f%nn3 thin-8D said 7ofer. D7e didn't -o o%t. 7e didn't ma)e
0hone calls. 7e didn't do an3thin-. 7e N%st sat %0 there and brooded.D
JD7e al2a3s had been a brooderLD added the (imes8 thro2in- a bit of
instant 0s3choanal3sis on the sit%ation.
To 4arline Roberts8 the ho%se)ee0er at the /a) Cliff roomin- ho%se
2here /s2ald sta3ed N%st 0rior to the assassination8 DMr. (eeD 0robabl3
seemed li)e a brooder too8 sta3in- in his room8 ha1in- no 1isitors and
ne1er socialiin-.
Cet it is %nli)el3 that Mc<ei-h sim0l3 rented a room at the ?m0erial for
12 da3s to brood. (i)e /s2ald8 Mc<ei-h 2as 0robabl3 told to 2ait
some2here %ntil he 2as contacted. +erha0s it 2as a 0re-arran-ed
dateG 0erha0s he 2as 2aitin- for a 0hone callG or 0erha0s Mc<ei-h 2as
sim0l3 0%t on ice8 2aitin- to be acti1ated b3 some sort of si-nal. ?t is
0ossible Mc<ei-h's an-er at the Federal Bo1ernment 2as sto)ed b3 a
more m3sterio%s enem38 one that he co%ldn't see or feelL b%t hear.
/ne of the most famo%s doc%mented cases of Dhearin- 1oicesD 2as
that of @ennis #2een38 the st%dent acti1ist 2ho shot and )illed his
mentor Allard (o2enstein. (o2enstein8 2ho marched in the 1,"4
Freedom #%mmer in Mississi00i8 had cam0ai-ned for Robert >enned3
and Adlai #te1enson8 and ran the National #t%dent Association before
the C?A too) o1er. (o2enstein8 2ho 2as also friends 2ith C?A
0ro0a-andist Ailliam F. B%c)le38 had attem0ted to 0ro1e that a -reat
cons0irac3 2as res0onsible for the deaths of Martin (%ther >in- and
the >enned3s. ;At the time he 2as assassinated8 he 2as hel0in- Ted
>enned3 2in the 1,'. 0residential election.=
/ne fine da38 #2een3 calml3 2al)ed into the middle of Roc)efeller
Center and 0%m0ed se1en b%llets into his mentor. 7e then sat do2n8 lit
a ci-arette8 and 2aited for the 0olice to arri1e. D#2een3 claimed that
the C?A8 2ith (o2enstein's hel08 had im0lanted a telemetric chi0 in his
head 1! 3ears earlier8 and had made his life an %nbearable torment.
<oices 2ere transmitted thro%-h his dental 2or)8 he said8 and he
attem0ted to silence them b3 filin- do2n his false teeth. #2een3
blamed C?A DcontrollersD for his %ncle's heart attac) and the
assassination of #an Francisco ma3or Beor-e Moscone.D
Moscone and Cit3 #%0er1isor 7ar1e3 Mil) met their deaths at the
hands the infamo%s DT2in)ieD assassin * former Cit3 #%0er1isor @an
Ahite. Ahite earned the c%rio%s title d%e his attorne3's no1el defense
* that his client 2as %nder the infl%ence of a hea13 dose of s%-ar at
the time of the m%rders. More li)el38 Ahite 2as %nder the infl%ence of
a hea13 dose of h30nosis.
(i)e Mc<ei-h8 Ahite had been in the militar38 ser1in- a to%r of d%t3 in
<ietnam. After lea1in- the 0olice de0artment in 1,&28 Ahite too) an
e:tended 1acation since )no2n as Ahite's Dmissin- 3ear.D
D7e bro)e all contact 2ith friends and famil3. 7e )e0t no records of the
tri08 0%rchased no tra1el tic)ets8 did not %se a credit card. 7e later
acco%nted for his m3ster3 3ear b3 e:0lainin- that he'd 2or)ed a stint
as a sec%rit3 -%ard in Alas)a.D
Ahite s%bse9%entl3 mo1ed bac) to #an Francisco8 2here Noined the
Fire @e0artment. (i)e Mc<ei-h8 Ahite's 2or) record 2as %ntarnished8
tho%-h li)e the eni-matic soldier8 he 2as )no2n to er%0t in
embarrassin- tem0er tantr%ms. As Constantine 2rites in (he "ood
Ahile cam0ai-nin- for the Board of #%0er1isors8 he s0o)e as if he
2as D0ro-rammed8D accordin- to local labor leader #tan #mith. @%rin-
Board sessions8 he 2as )no2n to sli0 into s0ells of silence 0%nct%ated
b3 -oose-ste00in- 2al)s aro%nd the #%0er1isors' chambers.
/ne of the more recent cases of m%rder b3 s%--estion 2as the
assassination of Na1al Commander 4d2ard 6. 7i--ins. 7i--ins 2as shot
fi1e times in the +enta-on 0ar)in- lot b3 Carl Cam0bell8 2ho claimed
that the C?A had im0lanted a microchi0 in him that controlled his
To those 2ho belie1e that s%ch electronicall3-mani0%lated scenarios
are the st%ff of fantas38 the3 sho%ld ta)e note that no less than three
s%00ort -ro%0s c%rrentl3 e:ist in the $.#. to deal 2ith the tra%ma of
militar3 and intelli-ence a-enc3 brain2ashin-.
Cet the h30nosis and dr%--in- of ad%lts is not b3 far the 2orst e:am0le
of the C?A's nefario%s efforts at de1elo0in- 0ro-rammed assassins.
/ther efforts in1ol1e the %se of children8 0ro-rammed 2hile the3 are
still 3o%n- ;#ee the DFindersD case=8 and the %se of c%lts8 often r%n b3
former militar3 and intelli-ence officers. The %se of c%lts 0ro1ides a
con1enient co1er for e:0eriments that co%ld not other2ise be
cond%cted o%t in the o0en. An3 res%ltant beha1ioral anomalies can
then sim0l3 be attrib%ted to the 0ec%liarities of the Dc%lt.D
/ne 0ro-ram for the recr%itment of 0ro-rammed o0erati1es is called
/0eration /+4N 4C4#. Accordin- to a former Na13 ?ntelli-ence officer
and #4A( team leader attached to the C?A8 DClear 43esD are the
0ro-rammed 1ictims of /+4N 4C4#. The o0eration in1ol1es can1assin-
the co%ntr3 for indi1id%als 2ho ha1e fe2 close friends or relati1es.
The3 are then 0%t %nder a 0ro-ressi1e series of -rad%all3 intensified
h30nosis8 2here the s%bNect's 0ersonalit3 is Do1er2ritten.D
At le1el fo%r8 di1erse 0ro-rams can be 2ritten or o1er2ritten into the
brain. An3 command is acce0ted at this le1el. At that le1el 3o% can
-i1e the test s%bNect a com0lete 0ersonalit38 histor3 and ma)e himRher
belie1e an3thin- the 0ro-ram re9%ires for the accom0lishment of an3
desired 0roNect. 7e is then -i1en a ne2 life in a ne2 state and to2n.
@ri1er's license8 car8 ban) acco%nt8 0ass0ort8 credit cards8 B.C.8 and all
the small thin-s8 s%ch as 0hotos of his famil3 ;that don't reall3 e:ist=.
#%bNect and 0atient ;one and the same= has no2 an a-enda ;that he
belie1es is his o2n= and is 0re0ared for le1el fi1e h30nosis. At this
sta-e8 1er3 caref%ll3 a code 2or) or se9%ence of n%mbers or a 1oice
im0rint is etched into his brain. That is commonl3 )no2n and referred
to as the tri--er that 2ill acti1ate s%bNect to action.
7e then li1es a 1er3 normal and sometimes %sef%l life8 %ntil s%bNect is
re9%ired to 0erform the 0ro-ram im0lantedR2ritten into le1el fo%r
h30nosis at the 0oint of acti1atin- the tri--er8 s%bNect is be3ond recall.
That's 2h3 a le1el fi1e 0erson can onl3 be a00roached after hisRher
o0eration. There is no act%al recall in the s%bconscio%s 0ro-ram of
an3 of the h30nosis. ?f an act of 1iolence had been 0er0etrated8 s%bNect
2ill not be able to associate 2ith the deed. /nl3 shrin)s trained in this
0artic%lar form of s%b mental beha1ior 2ill find an3 trac)s leadin- to
0ost le1el one or t2o mind-control.
? ha1e 0ersonall3 2itnessed le1el one to fi1e 0ro-rammin-8 and 2as
m3self s%bNect of le1el three 0ro-rammin-.
@%e to the fact that s%bNect has s%ch hi-h ?W ;0referabl3 aro%nd 13.-
14. s%bNect is 1er3 9%ic) to learn an3thin- fed to himRher. All maNor
0atriot -ro%0s8 and normal 2or)ers and 2or)ers in bi- J-o1ernment
contractK cor0orations ha1e at least one or more Dslee0ersD attached to
No2 it m%st be clear to 3o% the 1ario%s le1els %sed b3 the intel
comm%nit3 to -et their Nob done. Remember 6onesto2nH ?t 2as one of
o%rs that 2ent so%r beca%se a Clear 43es 2as in the -ro%0. Ahen he
be-an firin- on the r%n2a38 it all self destr%cted. The man
;Con-ressman (eo R3an= 2ho 2as )illed8 )ne2 it 2as a -o1ernment
o0eration. Clear 43es 2as accidentall3 * thro%-h a lone se9%ence *
acti1atedI There 2as no 2a3 to sto0 the )illin-s. The3 2ere all
0ro-rammed to at least le1el three8 the c%lties themsel1es. There 2ere
onl3 three deaths attrib%table to c3anide8 the rest died of -%nfire. No2
3o% )no2 a little more abo%t o%r line of 2or). ? am -lad ? am o%t of
An e:-C?A a-ent inter1ie2ed b3 researcher 6im >eith claims to ha1e
)no2led-e of biolo-ical 2arfare testin- and Ds0ecial medical and +s3-
o0s ;0s3cholo-ical o0erations= facilities at Fort Rile38D 2here Timoth3
Mc<ei-h 2as stationed. ;Recall that Mc<ei-h too) a +s3-o0s co%rse at
Ft. Rile3= This a-ent stated that e:0erimentation is cond%cted Din
collaboration 2ith the 2hole ran-e of intelli-ence a-encies8 FB?8 C?A8
N#A8 the 2or)s.D The a-ent also told >eith that he had 2itnessed
s0ecial 0s3cholo-ical o0erations 0erformed on the cre2 of the +%eblo
na1al 1essel at Fort Rile38 and at Fort Bennin-8 Beor-ia ;2here did his
basic trainin-=8 0rior to the shi0's ca0t%re %nder m3sterio%s
circ%mstances b3 the North >oreans. Fort Bennin- is also home to the
notorio%s #chool of the America's8 2here the C?A and the #0ecial
Forces ha1e trained (atin American death s9%ad leaders for o1er three
decades. Fort Rile3 2as also home to a m3sterio%s 0la-%e of m%rders
and shootin-s ri-ht aro%nd the time of the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-. /n
March 28 1,,!8 +FC Ma%rice Ailford shot three officers 2ith a 12--a%-e
shot-%n before t%rnin- the -%n on himself. /n A0ril "8 Brian
#o%tenb%r- 2as fo%nd dead in his 9%arters after an a00arent
?s it 0ossible these incidents 2ere the res%lt of some 0s3cholo-ical
testin- or e:0eriment -one a2r3H Bi1en the Arm3's o00robrio%s histor3
of 0s3cholo-ical research and co1ert e:0eriments on its o2n
0ersonnel8 it is not inconcei1able. The incidents seem indicati1e of
the shootin- death of Commander 4d2ard 6. 7i--ins b3 Carl Cam0bell8
2ho claimed he 2as im0lanted 2ith a microchi0.
J?t is interestin- to note thatK after his arrest8 Mc<ei-h 2as ta)en to
Tin)er Air Force Base. Ah3 he 2o%ld be ta)en to a militar3 installation
is %nclear. +erha0s @r. Aest 2as on hand8 2aitin- to see 2hether
Mc<ei-h's microchi0 2as still sn%-. Aas Timoth3 Mc<ei-h in fact
mani0%lated thro%-h the %se of a s%bc%taneo%s transcei1er8 im0lanted
in him 2itho%t his )no2led-eH Aas he a Dslee0er a-ent8D 0ro-rammed
to do a dirt3 deed and ha1e no memor3 of it after2ardsH ?nterestin-l38
Richard Condon's classic 0la38 (he $anchurian *andidate made its
deb%t in /)lahoma Cit3 e:actl3 one 3ear after the bombin-. ?t is
0ossible the real Manch%rian candidate made his deb%t on A0ril 1,8
1,,!. Bi1en the lon- and sordid histor3 of +enta-onRC?A mind-control
o0erations8 s%ch a scenario is certainl3 0ossible.
Ahat's also 0ossible is that Mc<ei-h 2as sim0l3 lied to. #omeone *
2hom Mc<ei-h tho%-ht 2as 2or)in- for the -o1ernment8 -a1e him a
co1er stor3 * con1inced him that he 2as on an im0ortant8 to0 secret
mission. Mc<ei-h's seemin- indifference %0on his arrest ma3 sim0l3
ha1e been indicati1e of his %nderstandin- that he 2as 2or)in- for this
a-enc38 had sim0l3 deli1ered a tr%c) as he 2as told8 and had not8 in
fact8 )illed an3one.
J?t is 0ossible thatK Mc<ei-h 2as concerned abo%t militar3 c%t-bac)s
2hen he 9%it the Arm3 in @ecember of 1,,1. ?t is 0ossible that his
increased Nob d%ties 2ere the reason he 9%it the National B%ard in 6%ne
of 1,,2. ?t is also 0ossible8 hi-hl3 0robable in fact8 that he 2as secretl3
offered a more l%crati1e career * one that 0romised more e:citement8
ad1ent%re8 and mone3L in the intelli-ence ser1ices.
To the intelli-ence comm%nit38 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h 2o%ld ha1e been
e:actl3 2hat the3 2ere loo)in- for * a to0-notch b%t im0ressionable
3o%n- soldier 2ho is 0atriotic and -%n--ho to a fa%lt. A tacit%rn
indi1id%al 2ho follo2s orders 2itho%t hesitation8 and 2ho )no2s 2hen
to )ee0 his mo%th sh%t8 a 0rere9%isite of an3 -ood intelli-ence
Accordin- to former C?A a-ent <ictor Marchetti8 the C?A c%rrentl3 does
its most Dfr%itf%lD recr%itin- in the armed forces.
a-encies re-%larl3 recr%it from the militar38 and militar3 files are
ro%tinel3 re1ie2ed for 0otential candidates * those 2ho ha1e 0ro1en
their 2illin-ness and abilit3 to )ill on command and 2itho%t hesitation
* those 2hose combat trainin- and 0roficienc3 2ith 2ea0ons ma)e
them e:cellent candidates for field o0erations. Mc<ei-h had alread3
ta)en the +s3cholo-ical /0erations ;+#C/+#= Co%rse 2hile he 2as at
Fort Rile3. Ahether he )ne2 it or not8 Mc<ei-h 2as 2ell on his 2as 2a3
to a career in co1ert intelli-ence. An intelli-ence a-enc3 2o%ldn't ha1e
to search hard for a man li)e Mc<ei-h. 7is abo1e-a1era-e militar3
record8 and the fact that he 2as a candidate for the #0ecial Forces8
2o%ld ha1e made him a nat%ral choice. Especially his tr3-o%t for
#0ecial Forces. The #0ecial Forces 2ere created as the co,ert military
arm o8 the *entral Intelligence Agency. Accordin- to (t. Colonel @aniel
Mar1in ;Ret.=8 Dalmost all of the inde0endent o0erations 2ithin the
Breen Berets 2ere r%n b3 the C?AD
Moreo1er8 Mc<ei-h 2as N%st be-innin- to es0o%se militia-t30e 1ie2s.
This obser1ation8 and the fact that he 2as racist8 2o%ld ha1e made him
a 0erfect o0erati1e to infiltrate an3 far ri-ht-2in- or 2hite s%0remacist
-ro%0. (i)e2ise it 2o%ld ha1e made him the 0erfect 0ats3 to im0licate
in connection with an3 ri-ht-2in- -ro%0.
JAs @a1e @ill3 told the Post8 DThe militias reall3 recr%it8 and he's
e:actl3 2hat the3're loo)in- for.L The3 co%ld catch him eas3. 7e had
all the same interests as themG the3're N%st a little more fanatical.D
Ahat @ill3 is describin- to the letter8 altho%-h he is %na2are of it8 is
the mod%s o0erandi of the intelli-ence comm%nit3. ?f Mc<ei-h 2as
recr%ited b3 one of the intelli-ence branches8 it is 0ossible that he 2as
recr%ited b3 someone 0osin- as a militia member. As far as fanatics -o8
there is no one -ro%0 of 0eo0le more fanatical than the Dl%natic frin-eD
of the intelli-ence comm%nit3. ?n short8 Mc<ei-hK 0ossessed all the
9%alities that 2o%ld ha1e made him an e:cellent %nderco1er
o0erati1eL and a 0erfect fall--%3.
?n Ma3 of 1,,28 Mc<ei-h 2as 0romoted to lie%tenant at B%rns #ec%rit38
and 2rote his National B%ard commander that his ci1ilian Nob re9%ired
his 0resence. DB%t the letter 2as real 1a-%e8D said his commander. D?t
didn't sa3 N%st 2hat this ne2 Nob 2as.D A00ro:imatel3 nine months
later8 2hen Mc<ei-h 2as -oin- to be 0romoted to s%0er1isor8 he
s%ddenl3 9%it8 sa3in- that he had Dmore 0ressin- matters to attend to.D
6%st 2hat these D0ressin- mattersD 2ere is not e:actl3 clear. Accordin-
to co-2or)er Carl (ebron8 Mc<ei-h told him he 2as lea1in- to ta)e a
ci1ilian 0osition 2ith the Arm3 in >ent%c)3 0aintin- tr%c)s. 7e later told
(ebron that he became 0ri13 to a to0-secret 0roNect at Cals0an called
D+roNect Norstar8D 2hich8 accordin- to Mc<ei-h8 in1ol1ed brin-in- dr%-s
into the co%ntr3 1ia miniat%re s%bmarine. 7e told his friend that he 2as
afraid that those res0onsible for +roNect Norstar 2ere Dcomin- after
him8D and he had to lea1e.
Ahile this e:0lanation ma3 stri)e one as biarre8 Mc<ei-h 2rote his
sister 6ennifer 2hile he 2as still in the Arm3 tellin- her that he had
been 0ic)ed for a hi-hl3 s0ecialied #0ecial Forces Co1ert Tactical $nit
;CT$= that 2as in1ol1ed in ille-al acti1ities. The letter 2as introd%ced
to the Federal Brand 6%r3. Accordin- to former -rand N%ror 7o003
7eidelber-8 these ille-al acti1ities incl%ded D0rotectin- dr%- shi0ments8
eliminatin- the com0etition8 and 0o0%lation control.D Ahile all the
details of the letter aren't clear8 7eidelber- said that there 2ere fi1e
to si: d%ties in all8 and that the -ro%0 2as com0rised of ten men.
#%ch %nits are nothin- ne2. @%rin- the <ietnam Aar8 C?A @irector
Ailliam Colb3 and #ai-on #tation Chief Ted #hac)le3 ;2ho also ran a
massi1e heroin sm%--lin- o0eration= created 2hat the3 called
+ro1incial Reconnaissance $nits ;+R$s=8 2hich 2o%ld ca0t%re8 tort%re8
and )ill s%s0ected <iet Con- leaders.
Former Arm3 C?@ in1esti-ator Bene Aheaton also described a co1ert
%nit created b3 the hi-hl3 secreti1e NR/ ;National Reconnaissance
/ffice=8 2hich %sed assassination and tort%re to eliminate so-called
enemies of the state. ?n 1,'!8 Aheaton 2as a00roached b3 Dsec%rit3
cons%ltantsD to <ice +resident B%sh's DTas) Force on Combatin-
TerrorismD 2ho 2ere 2or)in- for $#MC (t. Colonel /li1er North ;2ho
ser1ed %nder #hac)le3 in <ietnam= and Associate @e0%t3 FB? @irector
/li1er DB%c)D Re1ell. DThe3 2anted me to hel0 create a 'death s9%ad'
that 2o%ld ha1e Ahite 7o%se deniabilit3 to assassinate 0eo0le the3
2o%ld identif3 as 'terrorists8'D said Aheaton.
Code-named DYeta @io-enesD in the $#AF s%bset8 this secret 0roNect8
accordin- to Aheaton8 D2as created in a ra-e b3 the co1ert
intelli-ence leadershi0 after the failed Ba3-of-+i-s o0eration a-ainst
C%ba in 1,"1.D Aheaton claims the 0ro-ram contin%es to the 0resent
An3one 2ho 0refers to thin) that a-encies of the $.#. -o1ernment are
abo1e assassinatin- $.#. citiens8 not to mention senior $.#. officials
2here e:0edient8 ma3 2ish to bear in mind the follo2in- testimon3
-i1en b3 Colonel @aniel Mar1in8 a hi-hl3 decorated #0ecial Forces
<ietnam 1eteran. Ahile -oin- thro%-h #0ecial Forces trainin- at Fort
Bra-- in 1,"48 Mar1in's -ro%0 2as as)ed if an3 members 2o%ld li)e to
1ol%nteer to ta)e s0ecial assassination trainin- on behalf of the C?A8
eliminatin- Americans o1erseas 2ho 0osed Dnational sec%rit3 ris)s.D
Abo%t si: 0eo0le8 himself incl%ded8 1ol%nteered.
DThe C?A had a-ents there all the time at Fort Bra--8 in the #0ecial
Aarfare Center 7ead9%arters8D said Mar1in. DM3 commandin- officer8
Colonel C.A. +atton8 called me %0 to his office one da3 in the first
2ee)L and he said8 D@an8 -o o%t and meet the 'Com0an3' man
standin- there %nderneath the 0ine trees8 2aitin- to tal) to 3o%.D
?ronicall38 Mar1in had been moti1ated to Noin the #0ecial Forces b3 the
death of +resident >enned38 2ho had conferred %0on the %nit their
distincti1e and co1eted -reen berets. Mar1in be-an his assassination
trainin- in the #0rin- of 1,"4. DLd%rin- one of the coffee brea)s8 ?
o1erheard one of the JC?AK instr%ctors sa3 to the other one8 'Aell8 it
2ent 0rett3 2ell in @allas. @idn't itH'D
Mar1in said his -ro%0 2as sho2n D1" millimeter mo1in- 0ict%res that
2e ass%med 2ere ta)en b3 the C?A of the assassination8 on the -ro%nd
there at @allas.L Ae 2ere told that there 2ere act%all3 fo%r shooters.
There 2as one on the roof of the lo2er 0art of the Boo) @e0ositor38
and there 2as one shooter 2ho 2as in front of and to the ri-ht of the
1ehicle. And ?'m not s%re 2hether it 2as on the Brass3 >noll area that
the3 2ere s0ea)in- of8 or8 as some 0eo0le ha1e re0orted8 Ja shooter
firin-K o%t of a manhole to the ri-ht-front of the 1ehicle.D
7e also added that there 2ere t2o additional sni0ers 2ith s0otters
stationed on the ro%tes that the motorcade 2o%ld ha1e %sed to tra1el
to the hos0ital. ?f the s0otter determined that >enned3 had s%r1i1ed8
he 2as to finish him off.
JDThe3 %sed the assassination of +resident >enned3 as a 0rime
e:am0le of ho2 to de1elo0 the strate-3 for the assassination of a
2orld leader as a cons0irac38 2hile ma)in- it loo) li)e some 'lone n%t'
did it.L
DThe stron-er a 0atriot 3o% are8 the more im0ortant it is to 3o% that
3o% do 2hate1er is necessar3 for 3o%r fla-8 for 3o%r co%ntr38D he adds.
D?t ma)es 3o% the most s%sce0tible t30e of 0erson for this )ind of
trainin-. Co% are the %ltimate 2arrior. Co%'re o%t there to do for 3o%r
co%ntr3 2hat nobod3 else is 2illin- to do. ? had no 9%alms abo%t it at
Mar1in claimed his DassassinationD trainin- 2as reser1ed solel3 for
citiens o%tside the $nited #tates8 not on $.#. soil. DThe Mafia lists
2ere the ones bein- %sed Jto )ill AmericansK in the continental $nited
#tates8D said Mar1in. DAe 2ere bein- %sed o1erseas.D That 2as8 %ntil
he 2as as)ed to )ill an American Na1al officer * (t. Commander
Ailliam Br%ce +iter8 the E-ra3 technician 2ho filmed the >enned3
a%to0s38 Das he 2as8 s%00osedl38 a traitor8 abo%t to -i1e secrets to the
enem3. ?t t%rned o%t that these 'secrets' 2ere the 0hotos of the real
a%to0s3 of +resident 6ohn F. >enned3. And the 'enem3' 2as %sID
Ahen he fo%nd o%t that his assi-nment 2as to be cond%cted in the
$.#.8 he ref%sed. DLthat 2asn't m3 mission8D said Mar1in. DAhen ? too)
m3 trainin-8 ? 1ol%nteered to do this )ind of thin- o1erseas 2here it
co%ld be co1ered8 as far as the famil3 -oes. ? had a 2ife and three
children. ?f ? 2ere to acce0t that mission to )ill Commander +iter ri-ht
here in the $nited #tates8 ? 2o%ld ha1e been dro00ed from the rolls
immediatel3 as a deserter so that it 2o%ld co1er me for ta)in- off and
ta)in- care of that mission.LD
#%ch a Dco1erD tactic a00ears to closel3 0arallel that of Timoth3
Mc<ei-h8 2ho Ddro00ed o%tD of #0ecial Forces trainin- before
embar)in- on his be2ilderin- and m3sterio%s No%rne3 ;ala5 @an Ahite=
0rior to the bombin-.
#till another8 more 2ell-doc%mented reference to s%ch ille-al
o0erations is made b3 -all )treet 0ournal re0orter 6onathan >2itn3 in
his best-sellin- boo)8 (he *rimes o8 Patriots. >2itn3 describes ho2
ro-%e C?A a-ents 4d2in Ailson ;2ho re0orted to #hac)le3= and Fran)
Ter0il 2ere not onl3 ille-all3 sellin- h%-e 9%antities of C-4 0lastic
e:0losi1es and so0histicated assassination -ear to the (ib3ans8 b%t
2ere act%all3 hirin- anti-Castro C%bans from #hac)le3's old 6MRAA<4
0ro-ram8 and $.#. Breen Berets to assassinate Waddafi's 0olitical
o00onents abroad. ;#ee Cha0ter 14=
#ome $.#. Arm3 men 2ere literall3 l%red a2a3 from the
door2a3 of Fort Bra--8 their North Carolina trainin- 0ost.
The B?s 2ere -i1en e1er3 reason to belie1e that the
o0eration s%mmonin- them 2as bein- carried o%t 2ith the
f%ll bac)in- of the C?A.L
Co%ld this be the same -ro%0 Mc<ei-h claims he 2as recr%ited forH
Considerin- the alle-ations of the Federal Bo1ernment a-ainst
Mc<ei-h8 the fact that he 2as chosen for s%ch a clandestine and
blatantl3 ille-al -o1ernment-s0onsored o0eration is hi-hl3 re1ealin-.
Accordin- to 7eidelber-'s acco%nt of the letter8 Mc<ei-h t%rned them
do2n. DThe3 0ic)ed him beca%se he 2as -%n--ho8D said 7eidelber-.
DB%t the3 misN%d-ed him. 7e 2as -%n--ho8 b%t in a sincere 2a3. 7e
reall3 lo1ed his co%ntr3.D
?n another 1ersion of the stor3 re0orted b3 Ted B%nderson8 an
intelli-ence informant indicated that Mc<ei-h 2as Dtrained to 2or) for
the C?A in their ille-al dr%- o0erations8D then Dbecame disenchanted
2ith the -o1ernment8 and 1oiced his dis0leas%re.D At that 0oint he 2as
sent to Fort Rile3 for dischar-e8 at 2hich 0oint 6ohn @oe 2 D2as 0lanted
on himD and Dorchestrated the bombin-.D Accordin- to B%ndersen's
informant8 Mc<ei-h 2as a 1ictim of the C?A's mind-control 0roNect8
+roNect M/NARC7.
Ahether Mc<ei-h t%rned do2n this ille-al co1ert o0erations -ro%08 or
2or)ed for them for a short time8 it is hi-hl3 li)el3 that he 2as 2or)in-
in some fashion for the -o1ernment. There is sim0l3 no lo-ical
e:0lanation for his -i1in- %0 a hard-earned and brilliant militar3 career8
then s%bse9%entl3 9%ittin- his sec%rit3 -%ard Nob on the e1e of his
0romotion to ta)e a Nob 0aintin- old arm3 tr%c)s8 or -o toolin- aro%nd
the co%ntr3 in a beat-%0 car ha2)in- %sed firearms and militia
?f Mc<ei-h 2as recr%ited8 his Do0tin- o%tD of the militar3 2as most
li)el3 a co1er stor3 for that recr%itment. Former +enta-on co%nter-
intelli-ence officer Robert Bambert told >enned3 assassination
researcher @ic) R%ssell of the m3sterio%s acti1ities of his co%sin
Richard Case Na-ell8 D@ic) 0la3ed the role of a dis-r%ntled e:-Arm3
officerL. he 2as reall3 still o0erational8 in an %nderco1er ca0acit38 for
the Arm3 ?ntelli-enceL. The3're not -onna' tr%st an3bod3 2ho's
acti1e militar3 or a friendl3 retiree. The3're -onna tr%st somebod3
2ho's -oin- aro%nd -ri0in- a-ainst the militar38 a-ainst the
intelli-ence o0erations8 a-ainst the -o1ernmentL.D
After Mc<ei-h's m3sterio%s de0art%re from the Arm38 his friend Robin
(ittleton recei1ed a stran-e letter from him. /n it 2as ill%strated a
cartoon de0ictin- a s)%ll and crossbones 2ith the ca0tion Dso man3
1ictims8 so little time.D
Ahether he meant it as a No)e8 or 2hether it
contained a hidden messa-e8 is %nclear. B%t considerin- the letter he
2rote to 6ennifer re-ardin- the CT$8 its im0lications are %nsettlin-.
A 0atriotic soldier li)e Timoth3 Mc<ei-h didn't ha1e a lot of reasons to
-ri0e a-ainst the -o1ernment. B%t8 said the Post' DMc<ei-h 2as b3 no2
railin- at 1irt%all3 e1er3 as0ect of American -o1ernment8 and at least
be-innin- to consider a 1iolent sol%tion8 as reflected in letters he 2rote
to the 3ockport 5nion7)un 6 0ournal in Febr%ar3 and March 1,,28
;entitled 'America Faces +roblems.'=D
Crime is o%t of control. Criminals ha1e no fear of
0%nishment. +risons are o1ercro2ded so the3 )no2 the3
2ill not be im0risoned lon-. This breeds more crime8 in an
escalatin- c3clic 0attern.
Ta:es are a No)e. Re-ardless of 2hat a 0olitical candidate
D0romises8D the3 2ill increase. More ta:es are al2a3s the
ans2er to -o1ernment mismana-ement. The3 mess %08 2e
s%ffer. Ta:es are reachin- catacl3smic le1els8 2ith no
slo2do2n in si-ht.
The DAmerican @reamD of the middle class has all b%t
disa00eared8 s%bstit%ted 2ith 0eo0le str%--lin- N%st to b%3
ne:t 2ee)'s -roceries. 7ea1en forbid the car brea)s do2nI
+oliticians are f%rther erodin- the DAmerican @reamD b3
0assin- la2s 2hich are s%00osed to be a D9%ic) fi:8D 2hen
all the3 are reall3 desi-ned for is to -et the official re-
elected. These la2s tend to Ddil%teD a 0roblem for a 2hile8
%ntil the 0roblem comes roarin- bac) in a 2orsened form
;m%ch li)e a strain of bacteria 2ill alter itself to defeat a
)no2n medication=.
+oliticians are o%t of control. Their 3earl3 salaries are more
than an a1era-e 0erson 2ill see in a lifetime. The3 ha1e
been entr%sted 2ith the 0o2er to re-%late their o2n
salaries and ha1e -rossl3 1iolated that tr%st to li1e in their
o2n l%:%r3.
Racism on the riseH Co% had better belie1e itI ?s this
America's fr%strations 1entin- themsel1esH ?s it a 1alid
fr%strationH Aho is to blame for the messH At a 0oint 2hen
the 2orld has seen Comm%nism falter as an im0erfect
s3stem to mana-e 0eo0leG democrac3 seems to be headed
do2n the same road. No one is seein- the Dbi-D 0ict%re.
Ma3be 2e ha1e to combine ideolo-ies to achie1e the
0erfect %to0ian -o1ernment. Remember8 -o1ernment-
s0onsored health care 2as a Comm%nist idea. #ho%ld onl3
the rich be allo2ed to li1e lon-H @oes that sa3 that
beca%se a 0erson is 0oor8 he is a lesser h%man bein-G and
doesn't deser1e to li1e as lon-8 beca%se he doesn't 2ear a
tie to 2or)H
Ahat is it -oin- to ta)e to o0en %0 the e3es of o%r elected
officialsH America is in serio%s declineI
Ae ha1e no 0ro1erbial tea to d%m0G sho%ld 2e instead sin)
a shi0 f%ll of 6a0anese im0ortsH ?s a Ci1il Aar imminentH @o
2e ha1e to shed blood to reform the c%rrent s3stemH ?
ho0e it doesn't come to thatI B%t it mi-ht.
Nat%rall38 an ordinar3 -ri0e letter 2ritten b3 a 0erson 2ith abo1e-
a1era-e intelli-ence and 0olitical a2areness 2as t%rned into a
manifestation of s%00ressed fr%strations 2ith attendant 1iolent
o1ertones b3 the 0s3choNo%rnalists of the mainstream 0ress. Cet8 if
Mc<ei-h 2as %nder the infl%ence of some form of mind-control8 it is
0ossible the letter8 and the one to (ittleton8 mi-ht ha1e been the
be-innin-s of a 0lan to Dshee0-di0D Mc<ei-h as a dis-r%ntled e:-
militar3 man.
?t is also 0ossible that Mc<ei-h8 tas)ed 2ith the res0onsibilit3 of
infiltratin- the Militia Mo1ement8 became -en%inel3 enamored 2ith its
ideals and 0rece0ts. Ahether or not this is tr%e8 Mc<ei-h's letter to the
3ockport 5nion7)un 6 0ournal and to Robin (ittleton 2ere t2o more
nails the -o1ernment and the 0ress 2o%ld %se to dri1e into Mc<ei-h's
B%t the maNor nails in Mc<ei-h's coffin 2ere 3et to come.
The /an 0ho Didn<t '=ist
?n #e0tember of 1,,2 Mc<ei-h sold his 0ro0ert3 in /lean8 NC8 and in
earl3 1,,3 tra1eled to >in-man8 Ariona to 1isit his old Arm3 friend
Michael Fortier. A00arentl3 Mc<ei-h's father didn't a00ro1e of Tim's
letters in the local 0a0er. A friend of Mc<ei-h's father told the Post that
one of the reasons Mc<ei-h left 2as beca%se Dhe 2anted to be
some2here he co%ld tal) abo%t 2hat he reall3 belie1ed.D
?n >in-man8 a r%--ed hi-h-desert to2n 2here anti--o1ernment
sentiments r%n stron-8 Mc<ei-h 2o%ld find li)e-minded so%ls. DAriona
is still -%n-on-the-hi0 territor38 r%--ed indi1id%als 2ho don't li)e the
-o1ernment in their b%siness8D said Maril3n 7art8 mana-er of the
Can3on Aest Mobile +ar).
After s0endin- a brief time li1in- 2ith Fortier at his trailer home on
4ast Mc<icar Road8 Mc<ei-h rented a trailer at Can3on Aest 2here he
li1ed from 6%ne to #e0tember of 1,,38 for F2!.-a-month.
The (imes8 the Post1 (ime and +ewsweek all re0orted that Mc<ei-h
2as a belli-erent beer-drin)in-8 lo%d m%sic-0la3in- slob 2ho sta3ed at
the Can3on Aest Mobile +ar) and 2as s%bse9%entl3 e1icted. Accordin-
to the (imes'
Residents of the Can3on Aest Mobile +ar) dre2 a 0ict%re of an
arro-ant loner 2ho 2or)ed as a sec%rit3 -%ard for a no2-def%nct
tr%c)in- com0an38 li1ed 2ith his 0re-nant -irlfriend8 e:0ressed dee0
an-er a-ainst the Federal Bo1ernment and often ca%sed tro%ble for his
nei-hbors. D7e dran) a lot of beer and thre2 o%t the cans8 and ? al2a3s
had to 0ic) them %08D Bob Ran-in8 o2ner of the 0ar)8 2as 9%oted as
sa3in-. 7e said he had fre9%ent fi-hts 2ith Mr. Mc<ei-h8 2ho often
2ore Arm3 fati-%es8 o1er s%ch thin-s as lo%d roc) m%sic comin- from
his trailer and a do- he )e0t in 1iolation of his lease.
D6%st abo%t an3 free time8 he'd be 2al)in- do2n there8 or across the
railroad trac)s and firin- his -%ns8D said Maril3n 7art8 noddin- at the
landsca0e of can3ons and mesas aro%nd the Can3on Aest trailer 0ar)
here that is one of the last )no2n addresses of the man arrested for
bombin- the /)lahoma Cit3 Federal B%ildin-. D7e N%st 0lain didn't care.
@idn't matter the time of da3 or ni-ht8 he'd be o%t there shootin-.D
DBasicall3 he N%st had a 0oor attit%de8 a chi0 on the sho%lder )ind of
thin-8D said Rob Ran-in8 the o2ner of the trailer 0ar). D7e 2as 1er3
coc)3. 7e loo)ed li)e he 2as read3 to -et in a fi-ht 0rett3 eas3. ?'ll tell
3o%8 ? 2as a little afraid of him and ?'m not afraid of too man3 0eo0le.
Mr. Mc<ei-h bro%-ht in a bi- bro2n do- in defiance of the cam0
re-%lations and left a 2rec)ed car 0ar)ed b3 his trailer8 Mr. Ran-in
said8 and e1en a nearl3 totall3 deaf nei-hbor8 Cl3de #mith8 com0lained
abo%t the m%sic. Finall38 said Mr. Ran-in8 Dhe 0iled %0 so man3
1iolations8 ? as)ed him to lea1e.D
DAhen he did8 the trailer 2as a disaster8D he said. D?t 2as trashed.D
Cet these acco%nts of Mc<ei-h in the (imes9 on A0ril 23 and 24 are
totall3 contrar3 to their acco%nts on Ma3 4 and @ecember 318 2hich
describe him as a com0%lsi1e neat-frea)8 hi-hl3 disci0lined8 res0ectf%l
of his elders8 and co%rteo%s to a fa%lt. Friends and ac9%aintances
inter1ie2ed also claimed that Mc<ei-h 2as e:tremel3 9%iet8 ne1er
dran)8 and ne1er had a date8 m%ch less a 0re-nant -irlfriend.
Cet on A0ril 238 the Post described ho2 Mc<ei-h 0la3ed lo%d m%sic8
terroried his nei-hbors8 and 2as e1icted from the 0ar). Then on 6%l3 28
the Post 2rote5
Ahen he mo1ed into the Can3on Aest trailer 0ar) o%tside >in-man in
1,,38 his first act 2as to 2ash the dirt3 c%rtains and d%st8 1ac%%m and
scr%b the entire trailer s0otless8 said o2ner Bob Ran-in8 2ho so li)ed
Mc<ei-h that he offered to lo2er the rent to )ee0 the e:-soldier from
The Post also ran an inter1ie2 2ith nei-hbor 6ac) Bohn8 2ho said
Mc<ei-h 2as so D9%iet8 0olite and neat and cleanD that Dif ? had a
da%-hter in that a-e brac)et8 ? 2o%ld ha1e introd%ced them.D
#aid Maril3n 7art of Timoth3 Mc<ei-h5 D7e 2as 1er3 9%iet8 1er3 0olite8
1er3 co%rteo%s8 1er3 neat8 1er3 clean8 9%iet8 obe3ed all the 0ar) r%les.
7e 2or)ed on the trailer8 did some 0aintin-8 he did some cleanin- on
it8 he bo%-ht ne2 f%rnit%re8 thin-s li)e that.D
?n fact8 2hat the (imes 2as re0ortin- on 2as not Timoth3 Mc<ei-h at
all8 b%t a com0letel3 different manI Accordin- to 7art8 the mi:-%0 came
2hen re0orters from the (imes 2ere -i1en information abo%t @a1e
7eiden8 2ho also 2as N%st o%t of the ser1ice8 and had li1ed in trailer
O1, ;Mc<ei-h li1ed in trailer O11=. DThe3 tho%-ht it 2as the man 2ho
li1ed do2n belo28D said 7art. D7e was a slob. B%t he 2as not Tim
Mc<ei-h. The other -%3 too) his -%ns o%t across the 2a3 and fired
them all the time8 he -ot dr%n) and -ot %0 on to0 of the trailer and did
all )inds of nois3 thin-sL.D
Accordin- to 7art8 after the man's -irlfriend -a1e birth he sobered %0.
DNo2 the3're married8 the bab3 2as born8 he's strai-htened %0 his life8D
said 7art. D7e strai-htened %0 his act8 and he doesn't act that 2a3 an3
more at all.D
Ran-in called a%thors >ifner and McFadden of the (imes to correct
them. D? tried to tell them that 2asn't Mc<ei-h8D said Ran-in. D? called
that fello2 at the (imes 2ho came do2n here8 and told him the3 -ot
the 2ron- -%3LD
Accordin- to the (imes8 it 2as a Dclearl3 embarrassedD Mr. Ran-in 2ho
had made the mista)e8 2rote the (imes on A0ril 2!5 7e added that the
man he incorrectl3 recalled as Tim Mc<ei-h D2as li)e 3o% 2o%ld thin)D
a s%s0ect in a mass )illin- mi-ht be.
This is clearl3 interestin- considerin- that for da3s the (imes had been
0aintin- Mc<ei-h as a 0atholo-ical8 ase:%al neat frea) 2ho 2as
e:tremel3 0olite. These traits8 the (imes9 0s3chobabblists claimed8
2ere indicators of a mass )iller.
The (imes then claimed on the 1er3 ne:t da3 that Mc<ei-h 2as a
belli-erent slob 2ith a 0re-nant -irlfriend8 and all of a s%dden8 these
2ere the characteristics of a mass )iller. /b1io%sl38 to a 0ro0a-anda
screed li)e the +ew York (imes8 it didn't matter what Mc<ei-h's act%al
0ersonalit3 reall3 2as.
Ahile in >in-man8 Mc<ei-h 2or)ed at different Nobs thro%-h an a-enc3
called Allied Forces. D7e did a n%mber of Nobs that 2a38D said 7art. D7e
2as a sec%rit3 -%ard8 he did a n%mber of different Nobs. B%t he al2a3s
2ent to his Nob8 did them 2ellL an3 of the 0eo0le 2ho 2or)ed 2ith him
said he didn't act odd8 3o% )no28 it 2as totall3 o%t of character.D
Mc<ei-h 2or)ed for a time at Tr%e <al%e 7ard2are8 on #toc)ton 7ill
Road8 a Nob that Fortier hel0ed him -et. +a%l #h%ffler8 the store o2ner8
said Mc<ei-h D2as a 3o%n- and clean loo)in- 0erson so ? -a1e him a
Nob.D Accordin- to #h%ffler8 D?f he 2as a radical aro%nd here8 ? 2o%ld
ha1e noticed it 0rett3 9%ic) and ? 2o%ld ha1e fired him. Radicals don't
last lon- aro%nd here beca%se the3 N%st ma)e a mess of thin-s.D
Mc<ei-h also 2or)ed for a s0ell at #tate #ec%rit3. The (imes inter1ie2
2ith co-2or)er Fred B%r)ett too) a sli-htl3 different slant8 0aintin- his
co-2or)er Mc<ei-h as an arro-ant8 -%n-totin- loner. D7e had a 1er3 dr3
0ersonalit38D B%r)ett told the (imes. D7e 2as not 1er3 o%t-oin-8 not
tal)ati1e and not reall3 that friendl3. 7e 2asn't a 0erson that min-led.
7e 2as a )ind of b3 3o%rself )ind of 0erson8 a loner.D
/nce8 B%r)ett 2ent 2ith Mc<ei-h on a tar-et-shootin- co%rse in the
desert8 2here Mc<ei-h D0rett3 m%ch 2ent cra38D B%r)ett said. After
r%nnin- thro%-h the co%rse8 0ic)in- off tar-ets 2ith a Bloc) .4!8
Mc<ei-h be-an Dem0t3in- cli0s on 0rett3 m%ch an3thin- * trees8
roc)s8 2hate1er ha00ened to be there.D
D/ther than that8 Mr. B%r)ett said8 Dhe seemed 0rett3 m%ch normal.D
DThe onl3 thin- he e1er indicated 2as that he didn't care m%ch for the
$nited #tates Bo1ernment and ho2 the3 ran thin-s8D Mr. B%r)ett said.
D7e didn't care m%ch for a%thorit3 and es0eciall3 2hen it concerned
the -o1ernment.D
Cet a%thorities ha1e s0ec%lated that Mc<ei-h's interests 2ent be3ond
mere dissatisfaction 2ith the Federal Bo1ernment. Accordin- to Carl
(ebron8 Mc<ei-h once bro%-ht him a ne2sletter from the >% >l%:
Mc<ei-h 2as also fond of a boo) called the (urner iaries.
Aritten b3 former 0h3sics 0rofessor and neo-Nai Ailliam +ierce8 the
(urner iaries 2as a fictionalied acco%nt of a 2hite s%0remacist
%0risin- a-ainst the Y/B ;Yionist /cc%0ational Bo1ernment=. The
boo)8 e:ceedin-l3 1iolent and racist in tone8 is a fictionalied acco%nt
of the o1erthro2 of the Federal Bo1ernment * 2hich b3 that time had
become the D6e2ish-liberal-democratic-e9%alitarian 0la-%eD * b3 a
Ri-ht-2in- 0aramilitar3 -ro%0 called the D/r-aniation8D 2hich then
-oes on to m%rder and se-re-ate 6e2s and other Dnon-2hites.D The
0rota-onists also blo2 %0 FB? head9%arters 2ith a tr%c)-bomb. The
(urner iaries 2as fo%nd on Timoth3 Mc<ei-h %0on his arrest.
The boo) became the bl%e0rint for a neo-Nai -ro%0 called The /rder8
2hich terroried the Mid2est in the earl3 to mid ''.s 2ith a strin- of
m%rders and ban) robberies. A%thorities ha1e s0ec%lated that
Mc<ei-h8 2ho carried the boo) 2ith him constantl3 and sold it at -%n
sho2s8 2as ins0ired b3 its screed to commit his terrible act of 1iolence.
Cet Mc<ei-h dismisses s%ch s%--estions as -ibberish. D? bo%-ht the
boo) o%t of the 0%blication that ad1ertised the boo) as a -%n-ri-hts
boo). That's 2h3 ? bo%-ht itG that's 2h3 ? read it.D
?n >in-man8 Mc<ei-h made friends 2ith an e:-marine named Aalter
DMacD McCart3. Mc<ei-h a00arentl3 so%-ht o%t the &2-3ear-old McCart3
for disc%ssions in 2hich he tried to ma)e sense of the actions of the
Federal Bo1ernment at R%b3 Rid-e and Aaco8 and s%ch iss%es as the
$nited Nations8 the #econd Amendment8 and the DNe2 Aorld /rder.D
D? -athered that he 2as follo2in- the Ri-ht-2in-8 s%r1i1alist8
0aramilitar3-t30e 0hiloso0h38D McCart3 said. D? also -ot the sense that
he 2as searchin- for meanin- and acce0tance.D
Mc<ei-h and Fortier also too) hand-%n classes from McCart3 d%rin-
the s%mmer of 1,,48 2hich is odd considerin- that the t2o men8
Mc<ei-h es0eciall38 2ere e:tremel3 0roficient in the %se of firearms.
DBelie1e me8 the one thin- he did not need 2as firearms trainin-8 Dsaid
Fred B%r)ett8 Mc<ei-h's co-2or)ed at #tate #ec%rit3. D7e 2as 1er3 -ood
and 2e 2ere im0ressed 2ith his actions.D
McCart3 himself 2as a00arentl3 s%s0icio%s of Mc<ei-h's moti1es. DThe3
2anted to hear certain thin-s from me to see if the3 co%ld -et me
in1ol1ed8D said McCart3. DThe3 definitel3 li)ed 2hat the3 heard. Ae
2ere on the same 0a-e abo%t the 0roblems of America.D
Ah3 2o%ld Mc<ei-h8 the cons%mmate firearms e:0ert8 bother ta)in- a
co%rse in hand-%nsH +erha0s to be aro%nd li)e-minded indi1id%als or
as a harmless di1ersion. ?t is also 0ossible8 li)e the (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald
im0ostor seen at the Te:as rifle ran-e8 Mc<ei-h 2as bein- shee0-
di00ed. D? )no2 brain2ashin- 2hen ? see it8 McCart3 said. DThose t2o
bo3s had reall3 -otten a -ood case of it.D +erha0s McCart3 2as bein-
more literal than he realied.
After the A%-%st 1,,4 0assa-e of the /mnib%s Crime Bill o%tla2in-
certain t30es of semi-a%tomatic 2ea0ons8 DMc<ei-h's demons finall3
became %nbearable8D claimed the (imes. DAhat 2ill it ta)eHD 2rote
Mc<ei-h to Fortier8 e:0ressin- his e:as0eration.
?t is 0ossible that Mc<ei-h had some contact 2ith a local militia 2hile in
>in-man. Accordin- to re0orter Mar) #chafer of the Ari#ona .epu&lic1
Fortier8 2ho 2or)ed at Tr%e <al%e8 )ne2 6ac) /li0hant8 the elderl3
0atron of the Ariona +atriots8 an e:treme Ri-ht-2in- 0aramilitar3
-ro%0. /li0hant had been ca%-ht in 1,'" 0lannin- to blo2 %0 the
7oo1er @am8 the ?R# and a local #3na-o-%e. After the FB? raid8
/li0hant 2as sentenced to fo%r 3ears in Nail8 and the Ariona +atriots
2ent %nder-ro%nd. ?t is re0orted that Fortier8 2ho s0orted a D@on't
Tread on MeD fla- o%tside his trailer-home8 2as friendl3 2ith some of
the Ariona +atriots8 incl%din- /li0hant.
Accordin- to federal a%thorities8 Mc<ei-h also left a note addressed to
D#.C.D on a %tilit3 0ole near >in-man see)in- Dfi-hters not tal)ers.D ?t
has been s0ec%lated that D#.C.D is act%all3 #te1en Colbern8 2ho li1ed in
the nearb3 to2n of /atman8 and 2as friends 2ith Mc<ei-h. ;#ee
Cha0ter !=
B%t federal a%thorities became 1er3 interested 2hen the3 learned that
a small e:0losion8 related to a home-made bomb8 had sli-htl3
dama-ed a ho%se do2n the road from the trailer 0ar). That ho%se 2as
o2ned b3 Frost3 Mc+ea)8 a friend of Mc<ei-h's 2ho had hired him in
1,,3 to do sec%rit3 2or) at a local shelter. Ahen Mc+ea)'s -irlfriend
2as arrested in (as <e-as on a bad credit char-e8 Clar) <ollmer8 a
0ara0le-ic dr%- dealer in >in-man8 hel0ed bail her o%t. ?n Febr%ar3 of
',!8 <ollmer had as)ed Mc+ea) to ferr3 some dr%-s. 7e ref%sed. /n
Febr%ar3 218 a bomb e:0loded o%tside Mc+ea)'s home. Ahen he 2ent
to <ollmer's ho%se to confront him8 he fo%nd Timoth3 Mc<ei-h8 alon-
2ith another man he didn't reco-nie.
Accordin- to Moha1e Co%nt3 #heriff 6oe Coo)8 the e:0losion D2asn't
reall3 a bi- dealD and 0robabl3 2asn't related to the e:0losion in
/)lahoma Cit3.
Ahat does Maril3n 7art thin) abo%t Mc<ei-h's connection to the local
militiasH D? 0robabl3 do )no2 se1eral 0eo0le 2ho are militia8D said 7art.
DB%t the3 don't ad1ertise it8 and the3're not )oo)s. To me8 Mc<ei-h
didn't ha1e the mone3. The t2o other -%3s8 Rosencrans and Fortier8
2ent to school 2ith o%r children8 and neither of them ha1e mone3
either. And it too) a -ood amo%nt of mone3 to 0%ll this off. D
1Obsessed 0ith 0aco1
Ahether or not Mc<ei-h's DdemonsD became D%nbearableD after the
0assa-e of the /mnib%s Crime Bill8 his an-er8 alon- 2ith that of
millions of others8 2o%ld be N%stified b3 the -o1ernments' massacre of
'" innocent men8 2omen and children at the Branch @a1idian #e1enth
@a3 Ad1entist Ch%rch near Aaco the follo2in- A0ril. The ostensible
0%r0ose of the ATF's raid 2as to ins0ect the 0remises for ille-al
2ea0ons. Altho%-h the @a1idians8 2ho 2ere licensed -%n dealers8 had
in1ited the ATF to ins0ect their 2ea0ons8 the a-enc3 declinedG the3
2ere more interested in sta-in- a sho2 raid to im0ress the 0%blic and
increase their b%d-etar3 allo2ance. ?n fact8 the raid 2as code-named
D#ho2 Time.D
/n Febr%ar3 2'8 1,,38 2itho%t a 0ro0er 2arrant and 2itho%t
identif3in- themsel1es8 o1er 1.. a-ents stormed the Ch%rch
com0o%nd. Residents 2ho ans2ered the door 2ere immediatel3 fired
%0on. At least one ATF helico0ter be-an strafin- the b%ildin-8 firin- into
the roof. For the ne:t ho%r8 ATF a-ents fired tho%sands of ro%nds into
the com0o%nd. Man3 ch%rch members8 incl%din- 2omen8 children and
the elderl38 2ere )illed b3 -%nfire as the3 la3 h%ddled in fear8 the
2omen attem0tin- to co1er the children 2ith their bodies. Ch%rch
members re0eatedl3 be--ed the ,11 o0erator to sto0 the raid. ?n the
ens%in- battle8 fo%r ATF a-ents 2ere )illed8 altho%-h there is e1idence
that indicates the3 2ere )illed b3 Dfriendl3 fire.D
#e1eral da3s later8 the FB? too) o1er. Almost immediatel38 the3 be-an
0s3cholo-icall3 harassin- the Ch%rch members 2ith lo%d noises. For
o1er a month and a half8 the @a1idians 2ere tormented b3 the so%nds
of d3in- animals8 reli-io%s chants8 lo%d m%sic8 and their o2n 1oices.
Their electricit3 2as c%t off8 and mil) and other s%00lies necessar3 for
3o%n- chidden 2as not allo2ed into the com0o%nd. Bri-ht li-hts 2ere
shined on residents 24 ho%rs-a-da38 and armored 1ehicles be-an
circlin- the com0o%nd8 2hile flash-ban- -renades 2ere thro2n into the
The media 2as )e0t at ba38 fed 0ro0a-andiin- stories b3 FB?
s0o)esmen that 0ainted the @a1idians as craed c%ltists 2ith desires
for a0ocal30tic self-destr%ction * dan-ero%s 2ac)os 2ho stoc)0iled
machine--%ns and 2ho ab%sed their children. The mass media ha00il3
obli-ed8 feedin- these ima-es to a -%llible 0%blic.
After a !1-da3 standoff8 the ne2l3 a00ointed Attorne3 Beneral8 6anet
Reno8 a00ro1ed an FB? 0lan to assa%lt the com0o%nd 2ith a hi-hl3
1olatile form of tear--as8 0ro1en deadl3 to children8 2ho she 2as
ostensibl3 tr3in- to 0rotect from Dab%se.D /n A0ril 1,8 tan)s from the
Te:as National B%ard and the Arm3's 6oint Tas) Force #i:8 in 1iolation of
the +osse Comitat%s Act forbiddin- the %se of militar3 force a-ainst
0ri1ate citiens8 stormed the com0o%nd8 firin- h%ndreds of C# -as
ferret ro%nds into the b%ildin-s. The tan)s also rammed the b%ildin-s
re0eatedl38 )noc)in- holes in them8 the official e:0lanation bein- so
that the residents co%ld more easil3 esca0e. ?nstead8 2hat it did 2as
ca%se the b%ildin-s to colla0se8 )illin- doens as the3 la3 cro%ched in
fear. >erosene lanterns )noc)ed o1er b3 the tan) rammin- i-nited the
hi-hl3 flammable C# -as8 and the holes created a fl%e effect thro%-h
the b%ildin-s8 ca%sed b3 3. mile and ho%r 2inds. ?mmediatel3 the
com0o%nd became a fier3 inferno.
Ahile some residents mana-ed to esca0e8 most 2ere tra00ed inside8
e:0h3:iated b3 the -as8 cr%shed b3 fallin- debris8 or b%rned ali1e.
#ome 2ho tried to esca0e 2ere shot b3 FB? sni0ers. /ne %narmed man
2ho tried to enter the com0o%nd to be 2ith his famil3 2as shot si:
times8 then left l3in- in a field 2hile 0rairie do-s 0ic)ed at his bones.
@%rin- the final sie-e8 2hich lasted for si: ho%rs8 firetr%c)s 2ere
0%r0osef%ll3 )e0t a2a3. Bradle3 M-2 armored 1ehicles fitted 2ith
0lo2s 0%shed in the still standin- 2alls8 b%r3in- those still tra00ed
inside. A concrete 1a%lt 2here a00ro:imatel3 3. 0eo0le had so%-ht
ref%-e 2as blasted o0en 2ith demolition char-es8 )illin- most of the
0eo0le inside.
Ahen it 2as all o1er8 the fire de0artment 2as allo2ed inside the
com0o%nd to 0%m0 2ater on the smolderin- debris. /%t of
a00ro:imatel3 1.. Ch%rch members8 '" 0erished8 incl%din- 2&
children. No FB? a-ent 2as inN%red. The remainin- 11 Ch%rch members
2ere 0%t on trial for attem0ted m%rder of federal a-ents. @%rin- the
trial8 -o1ernment 0rosec%tors re0eatedl3 2ithheld8 altered8 and
destro3ed e1idence. The -o1ernment e1en c%t off electricit3 to the
mor-%e8 0re1entin- a%to0sies on the bodies.
The N%d-e8 recentl3 %nder scr%tin3 b3 the D6%sticeD @e0artment8 also
ref%sed to allo2 the testimon3 of critical 2itnesses. Altho%-h the N%r3
fo%nd all 11 innocent8 the N%d-e re1ersed the 1erdict. Nine @a1idians
2ere im0risoned for attem0tin- to defend their families. #ome
recei1ed sentences %0 to 4. 3ears.
Ahile DBeneralD Reno8 in a s3mbolic -est%re of 0%blic reconciliation8
too) Df%ll res0onsibilit3D for the actions of the FB?8 she ne1er resi-ned
or ser1ed time. ?n fact8 (arr3 +otts8 2ho led the raid on behalf of the
FB?8 2as 0romoted.
The assa%lt 2o%ld be com0ared to the massacre of the 6e2s in Aarsa2
b3 the Nais d%rin- AA??. A b%nch of reli-io%s fanatics. Aho'd
com0lainH Aho'd careH Cet the -o1ernment didn't co%nt on the fact
that a lot of 0eo0le would care. Millions in fact. The m%rder of the
Branch @a1idians 2o%ld indeed become a 2a)e-%0 call for a citienr3
concerned abo%t an increasin-l3 t3rannical8 la2less -o1ernment. A
-o1ernment that 2o%ld m%rder its o2n citiens 2ith im0%nit38 in fact
2ith eal. A -o1ernment that 2o%ld lie to its citiens8 and be
acco%ntable to no one.
?n March of 1,,38 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h tra1eled from >in-man to Aaco to
obser1e the !1-da3 standoff. 7e 2as 0hoto-ra0hed b3 the FB? alon-
2ith others 0rotestin- the sie-e on the road o%tside the com0o%nd8
sellin- b%m0er stic)ers o%t of his car. (i)e (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald8 2ho 2as
0hoto-ra0hed at the C%ban embass3 in Me:ico ;a claim made b3 the
-o1ernment8 b%t ne1er s%bstantiated=8 the 0hoto of Mc<ei-h 2o%ld be
added 0roof of his far-Ri-ht-2in- associations.
A da3 and a half later8 Mc<ei-h dro1e to @ec)er8 Michi-an to be 2ith
his old Arm3 b%dd38 Terr3 Nichols. The Nichols famil3 sat 2ith Mc<ei-h
in their li1in- room as the3 2atched M-2 Bradle3 assa%lt 1ehicles storm
the com0o%nd. /n A0ril 1,8 the3 2atched as the Branch @a1idian
Ch%rch b%rnt to the -ro%nd. DTim did not sa3 a 2ord8D said 6ames
Nichols8 2ho 2atched the com0o%nd b%rn to the -ro%nd alon- 2ith Tim
and his brother. DAe stood there and 2atched the li1e tele1ision
foota-e as the ch%rch b%rned and cr%mbledL 2e co%ldn't belie1e
Mc<ei-h8 2ho the 6%stice @e0artment claimed 2as D0artic%larl3
a-itated abo%t the cond%ct of the Federal Bo1ernment in Aaco8D had a
ri-ht to be. Mc<ei-h had offered his life to ser1e in the militar38 and
no2 had seen that 1er3 same militar3 massacrin- its o2n citiens. 7e
co%ld see the Breen Berets from the Arm3's 6oint Tas) Force #i:
ad1isin- the FB?8 and had 2atched 2hile Bradle3 armored 1ehicles *
the same 1ehicles he had ser1ed in * -assed and b%lldoed the
citiens of a co%ntr3 he had s2orn to defend.
The Federal B%ildin- 2as blo2n %0 on A0ril 1,8 the t2o 3ear
anni1ersar3 of the Aaco confla-ration. (i)e millions of other citiens8
Mc<ei-h 2as an-r3 abo%t the deadl3 raid. 7e 2as 0artic%larl3 incensed
abo%t the 0artici0ation of the Arm3's 6oint Tas) Force #i:8 and abo%t
the de0lo3ment of the #e1enth (i-ht ?nfantr3 d%rin- the (os An-eles
riots in 1,,28 and the $nited Nations command o1er American soldiers
in #omalia8 his former Arm3 friend #taff #er-eant Albert Aarnement
told the (imes. D7e tho%-ht the Federal Bo1ernment 2as -ettin- too
m%ch 0o2er. 7e tho%-ht the ATF 2as o%t of control.D
D? sa2 a localied 0olice state8D Mc<ei-h told the 3ondon )unday (imes8
DJandK 2as an-r3 at ho2 this had come abo%t.D
DTheir ;the FB?'s= actions in Aaco8 Te:as 2ere 2ron-. And ?'m not
fi:ated on it....D he told +ewsweek.
D?t dist%rbed him8D said B%r)ett. D?t 2as 2ron-8 and he 2as mad abo%t
it. 7e 2as flat o%t mad. 7e said the -o1ernment 2asn't 2orth the
0o2der to blo2 it to hell.D
+erha0s rather coincidentall38 Mc<ei-h's sister 6ennifer said that d%rin-
her brother's No1ember ',4 1isit to the Mc<ei-h famil3 home in
(oc)0ort8 he confided that he had been dri1in- aro%nd 2ith 18...
0o%nds of e:0losi1es. @%rin- his trial +rosec%tor Beth Ail)inson as)ed
6ennifer if she had 9%estioned her brother abo%t 2h3 he 2as carr3in-
so m%ch. D? don't thin) ? 2anted to )no28D she said.
6%st 2hat 2as Mc<ei-h doin- dri1in- aro%nd 2ith e:0losi1es8 and
2here did he ac9%ire themH Aere these e:0losi1es 0art of the batch of
ammoni%m nitrate Terr3 Nichols had alle-edl3 0%rchased from the Mid-
>ansas Co-o0 on /ctober 2.8 or 0erha0s the @3namite and To1e: the
-o1ernment alle-ed Nichols stole from the Martin Marietta roc) 9%arr3
in #e0temberH
/b1io%sl3 this8 and Mc<ei-h's e:0ression of an-er at the Federal
Bo1ernment8 2o%ld become the fo%ndation of their case a-ainst him.
?n a letter Tim 2rote to 6ennifer8 he is hi-hl3 critical of the ATF. The
anon3mo%s letter8 2hich 2as sent to the federal a-enc38 2as
accom0anied b3 a note that read5 DAll 3o% t3rannical motherf%c)ers
2ill s2in- in the 2ind one da3 for 3o%r treasono%s actions a-ainst the
Constit%tion and the $nited #tates.D ?t concl%ded 2ith the 2ords8 D@ie8
3o% s0ineless co2ardice bastards.D
D7e 2as 1er3 an-r38D recalled 6ennifer Mc<ei-h d%rin- her brother's
trial. D7e tho%-ht the -o1ernment -assed and m%rdered the 0eo0le
6ennifer also claimed her brother also 2rote a letter to the American
(e-ion sa3in- that ATF a-ents Dare a b%nch of fascist t3rants.D 7e
identified himself in the letter as a member of the Dcitiens' militia.D 7e
also sent his sister literat%re on the standoff at R%b3 Rid-e8 the
Constit%tion8 and e1en a co03 of the (urner iaries.
B3 the #0rin- of 1,,!8 he told 6ennifer not to send an3 more letters to
him after Ma3 1 beca%se DB-men mi-ht -et them.D Then he sent her a
letter sa3in-8 D#omethin- bi- is -oin- to ha00en in the month of the
B%ll.D 7e did not e:0lain 2hat that meant8 b%t 6ennifer loo)ed in her
astrolo-3 boo) and sa2 that the Dmonth of the B%llD 2as A0ril. Mc<ei-h
also ad1ised her to e:tend her #0rin- brea) * 2hich be-an on A0ril '
* a bit lon-er than the 0lanned t2o 2ee)s8 and instr%cted her to b%rn
the letter.
For Mc<ei-h's 0art8 he 2rote that this De:0ression of ra-eD the
-o1ernment claimed 2as so )e38 2as nothin- more than DL0art of m3
contrib%tion to defense of freedom8 this call to arms.L ? intend to
become more acti1e in the f%t%re. ? 2o%ld rather fi-ht 2ith 0encil lead
than b%llet lead. Ae can 2in this 2ar in 1otin- booth. ?f 2e ha1e to
fi-ht in the streets8 ? 2o%ld not be so s%reL. All too often in the 0ast8
2e -%ts3 -%n o2ners ha1e lost the battle beca%se 2e ha1e failed to
fi-ht. The Brad3 Bill co%ld ha1e been defeated in Con-ress if -%n
o2ners had become more in1ol1ed in electin- officials and
comm%nicatin- to those officials 2hat 2as e:0ected to them.L #tart
3o%r defense toda3. #tam0s are chea0er than b%llets and can be more
This letter8 fo%nd b3 a%thorities in Mc<ei-h's car8 s0ea)s of a man
committed to fi-htin- for freedom as man3 Americans ha1e8 in the
D1otin- booth8D and 2ith 0en and 0a0er. Cet lead 0rosec%tor 6ose0h
7artler 2o%ld read this letter8 alon- 2ith 9%otes s%ch as this one5 DM3
2hole mindset has shiftedL from the intellect%al to the animal8D into
e1idence at Mc<ei-h's trial8 in an attem0t to 0ro1e that Timoth3
Mc<ei-h 2as committed to 1iolence.
(i)e (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald8 2ho 2as %0set abo%t the C%ban Ba3 of +i-s
in1asion and American forei-n 0olic3 in -eneral8 a 1ie2 he e:0ressed
to his friends in @allas8 Mc<ei-h 2as %0set abo%t the -o1ernment's
forei-n 0olic38 a 1ie2 he e:0ressed to his friends here. D7e 2asn't
ha003 abo%t #omalia8D that if 2e co%ld 0%t the $nited #tates %nder
basicall3 $N command and send them to #omalia to disarm their
citiens8 then 2h3 co%ldn't the3 come do the same thin- in the $nited
#tatesHD #er-eant Aarnement said.
Mc<ei-h 2as also re0ortedl3 an-r3 o1er the )illin-s of #amm3 and
<ic)i Aea1er8 2ho 2ere )illed b3 federal a-ents at their cabin in R%b3
Rid-e8 ?daho in A%-%st of 1,,2. Rand3 Aea1er had become a f%-iti1e
2anted on a minor 2ea0ons 1iolation. @%rin- the stand-off8 $.#.
Marshals had shot 14-3ear-old #amm3 Aea1er in the bac)8 and had
shot <ic)i Aea1er8 Rand3's 2ife8 in the face as she stood at the cabin
door holdin- her infant da%-hter. Mc<ei-h had tra1eled to R%b3 Rid-e
and came bac) con1inced that federal a-ents intentionall3 )illed the
Altho%-h his an-er o1er Aaco and R%b3 Rid-e hardl3 im0licates
Mc<ei-h in the destr%ction of the Federal B%ildin-8 the -o1ernment
2o%ld ma)e this one of the cornerstones of it case. The 0ress nat%rall3
N%m0ed on the band2a-on. Ahen 6ane +a%le3 of NBC's @ateline
inter1ie2ed 6ennifer Mc<ei-h abo%t her tho%-hts on Aaco8 she said8
DThe 2a3 ? sa2 it8 the @a1idians 2ere N%st a -ro%0 of 0eo0le 2ho had
their o2n 2a3 of li1in-8 0erha0s different from the mainstream. B%t
the3 2ere ne1er reall3 harmin- an3bod3. And to brin- in all those tan)s
and thin-s li)e that to 0eo0le 2ho are N%st mindin- their o2n b%siness8
not harmin- an3bod38 ? N%st * ? don't thin) that's ri-ht.D
B%t the dead8 b%rned children at Aaco 2ere not 2hat the 0rod%cers at
@ateline 2anted the 0%blic to see. ?mmediatel3 after 6ennifer's
statement8 the3 c%t to an ima-e of the bombed-o%t da3 care center
inside the M%rrah B%ildin-. DAeL Ae'1e been ho0in- this 2o%ldn't be
the case8D said the li1e 1oice of an %nidentified resc%e 2or)er8 Db%t it is
the case8 there 2as a da3-care inside the b%ildin-.D
(ime ran a 0a-e dedicated to the Aaco theor38 statin-8 DThe date of
last 2ee)'s bombin- and the anni1ersar3 of the a0ocal30tic fire ;notice
the3 don't sa3 -o1ernment massacre= at the Branch @a1idian
com0o%nd in Aaco * has onl3 -ained in infam38 intricatel3 bo%nd as it
is to the m3tholo-ies of home-ro2n ealots li)e Mc<ei-h.D
?t 2o%ld a00ear that the seed that -a1e root to Mc<ei-h's Dhome-ro2n
ealD 2as inc%bated in a $.#. -o1ernment hotho%se and fertilied b3 a
hea0in- dose of intelli-ence a-enc3 fanaticism.
After Aaco8 2ith the emer-ence of the Militia Mo1ement8 the sta-e
2o%ld be set8 the die 2o%ld be cast * for Timoth3 Mc<ei-h to be
0o%red into li)e a miniat%re lead soldier. Ahile the FB? and the 0ress
admitted that Mc<ei-h didn't act%all3 belon- to an3 or-anied militia
or-aniation8 Dthere 2as considerable e1idence that he s3m0athied
2ith and es0o%sed their beliefs8D 2rote the (imes.
7e 1oiced their ideas in con1ersations8 he 2rote letters e:0ressin-
them8 he read their literat%re and attended their meetin-s. And he
li1ed8 2or)ed and traded 2ea0ons in areas 2here the 0aramilitar3
-ro%0s enNo3 considerable s%00ortL
(i)e (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald8 2ho a00eared to be an a1id Comm%nist8
distrib%tin- leaflets on behalf of the Fair +la3 for C%ba Committee8
Mc<ei-h 2o%ld 0la3 the 0art of an a1o2ed Ri-ht-2in-er8 distrib%tin-
literat%re abo%t ta:es8 the #econd Amendment8 Aaco and R%b3 Rid-e.
(i)e /s2ald8 2ho left behind a diar3 2idel3 belie1ed to be a C?A
for-er38 Mc<ei-h 2as 0%r0orted to ha1e similarl3 doc%mented his o2n
e:tremist 0osition. Accordin- to the (imes'
(a2 enforcement officials sa3 Mc<ei-h left behind a lar-e bod3 of
2ritin-s abo%t his ideolo-ical leanin-s8 incl%din- e:tensi1e tracts in
letters to friends and relati1es8 that describe his belief in the
constit%tional 0rinci0les that he adamantl3 maintained allo2ed him to
carr3 firearms and li1e 2itho%t an3 restraints from the -o1ernment.
+rosec%tors are li)el3 to %se s%ch doc%ments to establish his moti1e at
a trial.
(i)e /s2ald8 Mc<ei-h's de0art%re from the militar3 2as %nder
some2hat m3sterio%s circ%mstances. And li)e /s2ald8 an e:-Marine
2ith a to0-secret sec%rit3 clearance 2ho a00eared to DdefectD to the
#o1iet $nion8 Mc<ei-h 2o%ld a00ear to be a Ddis-r%ntledD e:-Arm3
ser-eant 2ho ha00ened to DdriftD into the frin-es of the far-Ri-ht.
Cet8 li)e /s2ald8 2ho li1ed and 2or)ed amon-st the bastions of the far-
Ri-ht in @allas 2hile 0%r0ortin- to be a Mar:ist8 Mc<ei-h 2o%ld not
seem to be the e:treme Ri-ht-2in- fanatic he's been made o%t to be.
?n a letter to his hometo2n ne2s0a0er in Febr%ar38 1,,28 he 2rote5
At a 0oint 2hen the 2orld has seen Comm%nism falter as an im0erfect
s3stem to mana-e 0eo0leG democrac3 seems to be headed do2n the
same roadL. Ma3be 2e ha1e to combine ideolo-ies to achie1e the
0erfect %to0ian -o1ernment. Remember8 -o1ernment-s0onsored health
care 2as a Comm%nist ideaL.
/b1io%sl38 s%ch 1ie2s are anathema to the far-Ri-ht8 2ho see an3
attem0t to socialie societ3 as a maNor ste0 to2ards the -reat one-
2orld Comm%nist cons0irac3. ?t is 0ossible that Mc<ei-h 2as more
0ro-ressi1e than his Ri-ht-2in- associates. ?t is also 0ossible that
Mc<ei-h 2as bein- shee0-di00ed as a militant Ri-ht-2in-er.
After Aaco8 Mc<ei-h tra1eled to Michi-an8 sta3in- for a time 2ith Terr3
Nichols. 7e 2or)ed on Nichols' farm8 and 2ent h%ntin- and tar-et
0racticin-. Nei-hbors recall ho2 Mc<ei-h and Nichols made and
detonated small homemade bombs. +a%l ?3dore)8 a nei-hbor8 recalls
DAhen the3 2ere aro%nd8 the3'd -et different -%ns and 0la3 and shoot
and st%ff.D /n at least one occasion8 ?3dore) heard blasts at the farm
and noticed Terr3 Nichols and a man he tho%-ht 2as Mc<ei-h. D?'d seen
them 0la3in- aro%nd 2ith different ho%sehold items that 3o% can ma)e
blo2 %0. 6%st small st%ff. 6%st o%tside in the 3ard8 blo2in- a2a3.D
Nichols' brother 6ames also admitted to the FB? that Mc<ei-h and Terr3
made and e:0loded Dbottle bombsD at his farm8 %sin- bra)e fl%id8
-asoline8 and diesel f%el8 and that he sometimes 0artici0ated.
?n his inter1ie2 2ith +ewsweek8 Mc<ei-h dis0elled the m3th that his
bomb ma)in- 2as a 0rec%rsor to more deadl3 acts. D?t 2o%ld amo%nt
to firecrac)ers. ?t 2as li)e 0o00in- a 0a0er ba-8D said Mc<ei-h8 2ho
had also e:0erimented 2ith small e:0losi1es on his land in /lean8 NC
0rior to enterin- the Arm3.
Cet a relati1e also told the FB? that 6ames Nichols )e0t a lar-e s%00l3 of
ammoni%m nitrate fertilier on the farm * the 1er3 s%bstance federal
a%thorities acc%sed the s%s0ects of %sin- to man%fact%re their alle-ed
tr%c)-bomb8 a fact that 2o%ld become 3et another linch0in in the
-o1ernment's case a-ainst the t2o men.
Ahile in Michi-an8 Mc<ei-h also started 2or)in- the -%n sho2s. From
A0ril of 1,,3 to March of 1,,!8 Mc<ei-h 2o%ld tra1el from >in-man8
Ariona to @ec)er8 Michi-an8 and across the $.#.8 attendin- militia
meetin-s and 2or)in- the -%n sho2 circ%it. A -%n collector inter1ie2ed
b3 the (imes said that he had enco%ntered Mc<ei-h in -%n sho2s
ran-in- from Florida to /)lahoma to Ne1ada. DAt the #./.F. ;#oldier of
Fort%ne= con1ention he 2as )ind of 2anderin- aro%nd8D said the -%n
collector8 2ho re9%ested anon3mit38 Dli)e he 2as tr3in- to meet
0eo0le8 ma3be ma)e con1erts. 7e co%ld ma)e ten friends at a sho28
N%st b3 his manner and demeanor. 7e's 0olite8 he doesn't interr%0t.D
DMc<ei-h tra1eled aro%nd the co%ntr3 in a rattletra0 car8D 2rote the
(imes9 >ifner8 Dhis camo%fla-e fati-%es clean and 0ressed8 his onl3
com0anion a 2ell-th%mbed co03 of the 1enomo%s a0ocal30tic no1el8
(he (urner iaries."
Cet it 2o%ld seem Mc<ei-h is not the ase:%al8 socio0athic loner that the
0ress * the +ew York (imes in 0artic%lar * has made him o%t to be.
7ad >ifner read the Ma3 !th edition of +ewsweek8 he 2o%ld ha1e
disco1ered that Mc<ei-h had more than an old boo) for a com0anion.
+ewsweek re0orted that a >ansas 0ri1ate in1esti-ator had trac)ed
do2n an old J0latonicK -irlfriend of Mc<ei-h's * most li)el3 Catina
(a2son of 7errin-ton8 >ansas * attem0tin- to con1ince her to sell her
stor3 to a ne2s a-enc3.
Robert 6erlo28 an /)lahoma Cit3 0ri1ate in1esti-ator8 2as also
trac)in- do2n a -irlfriend of Mc<ei-h's in (as <e-as.
indicated that a%thorities had disco1ered a letter in the -lo1e
com0artment to an old -irlfriend.
Cet Mc<ei-h's -30s3-li)e tra1els across the co%ntr3 in an old beat-%0
car 2ere sli-htl3 more then %n%s%al. 7e tra1eled 2idel3 2ith no 1isible
means of s%00ort8 other than tradin- and sellin- -%ns and militar3
0ara0hernalia. Cet ac9%aintances and other 2itnesses recall he al2a3s
had 2ads of cash on him. $0on his arrest8 Mc<ei-h had F28... on him.
7e re0ortedl3 had tho%sands more stashed a2a3. 7e also tra1eled
2itho%t l%--a-e8 ma)in- his car and occasional chea0 motels his onl3
D7e li1ed in his car8D said the -%n dealer 9%oted in the (imes.
DAhate1er he o2ned it 2as in that car.D
Accordin- to his sister 6ennifer8 his closest confidant8 DLhalf the time
2e didn't )no2 2here he 2as. 7alf the time he 2o%ldn't e1en tell %s
2here he 2as li1in-.D
A-ain8 one has to as) 2h3 Mc<ei-h 2o%ld 1ol%ntaril3 -i1e %0 a
0romisin- militar3 career to -o careenin- aro%nd the co%ntr3 ha2)in-
%sed militar3 s%r0l%s in an old car.
Mc<ei-h %sed the name DTim T%ttleD 2hile 2or)in- the -%n sho2s8
claimin- that the alias 2as necessar3 to 0rotect him from 0eo0le 2ho
didn't share his 0olitical 1ie2s.
There is another 0ossible reason
Mc<ei-h ma3 ha1e %sed an alias ho2e1er.
At one -%n sho2 in +hoeni:8 an %nderco1er detecti1e re0orted that
Mc<ei-h had been attem0tin- to sell a flare -%n 2hich he claimed
co%ld be con1erted into a roc)et la%ncher. Accordin- to Bill Fit-erald
of the Marico0a Co%nt3 Attorne3's office in +hoeni:8 Mc<ei-h Dtoo) a
shell a0art and sho2ed that the interior co%ld be remo1ed and another
0ac)a-e 0%t in that co%ld shoot do2n an ATF helico0ter.D 7e also 2as
re0ortedl3 handin- o%t co0ies of the name and address of (on
7ori%chi8 the FB? sni0er 2ho shot and )illed <ic)i Aea1er8 and sellin-
ca0s 2ith the letters 'ATF' s%rro%nded b3 b%llet holes.
D7e had come to see himself as a soldier in his o2n stran-e 2ar
a-ainst the $nited #tates8D 2rote the (imes. Mc<ei-h's mother told an
ac9%aintance after 1isitin- 2ith him in her home state of Florida that
he 2as Dtotall3 chan-ed8D and obser1ed8 Dit 2as li)e he traded one
Arm3 for another one.D
Ahile it is hi-hl3 0ossible that Mc<ei-h8 li)e man3 0eo0le8 -en%inel3
disli)ed the ATF and FB?8 it is also 0ossible he %sed s%ch hi-h-0rofile
anti--o1ernment tactics as a r%se 2hile 2or)in- %nderco1er. Ahile
s%ch beha1ior mi-ht a00ear e:treme8 it is a classic a-ent 0ro1ocate%r
techni9%e. The ATF ro%tinel3 2or)s %nderco1er at -%n sho2s8
searchin- for 0eo0le sellin- ille-al firearms. Aho better to l%re and
entra0 %n2ar3 1ictims than a -%n dealer claimin- to be 1ir%lentl3 anti-
ATF. ?t is also 0ossible that Mc<ei-h 2as 2or)in- %nderco1er for
another a-enc3.
?n an ill%minatin- series of 0hone calls to Re0resentati1e Charles >e38
an anon3mo%s so%rce stated that Mc<ei-h 2as 0resent at se1eral
meetin-s 2ith ATF and @4A a-ents in the da3s immediatel3 0recedin-
the bombin-. The meetin-s too) 0lace in /)lahoma Cit3 at different
locations. The ostensible 0%r0ose of the meetin-s 2ere to 0ro1ide
Mc<ei-h 2ith f%rther instr%ctions8 and to facilitate a 0a3off.
@a1id 7all of >+/C-T< %nco1ered information that Mc<ei-h had met
2ith local ATF a-ent Ale: McCa%le3 in a Mc@onalds the ni-ht before
the bombin-. The ATF a-ent 2as seen handin- Mc<ei-h an en1elo0e.
;#ee Cha0ter ,=
CNN 2o%ld cast a 0ale o1er this Jlar-el3 %n)no2nK information b3
re0ortin- in 6%ne of 1,,! that Mc<ei-h had been %nder s%r1eillance b3
an %nderco1er o0erati1e at an Ariona -%n sho2 t2o 3ears 0rior to the
This fact 2as reinforced 2hen the Anti-@efamation (ea-%e of B'Nai
B'Rith ;A@(= re0orted that Mc<ei-h ran an ad for a Droc)et la%ncherD
;act%all3 a flare -%n= in the far-Ri-ht )potlight ne2s0a0er on A%-%st ,8
1,,3. ?n fact8 the ad didn't a00ear %ntil the next 2ee)8 A%-%st 1".
Mc<ei-h had ori-inall3 0aid to ha1e the ad1ertisement r%n on the ,th.
Not bein- a2are of the )potlight9s im0endin- sched%lin- conflict8
ho2e1er8 the A@( re0orted that the ad had r%n one 2ee) before it
act%all3 did. This s%bs%mes that the A@(8 lon- )no2n for its s03in- and
intelli-ence--atherin- acti1ities8 had Mc<ei-h %nder s%r1eillance as
?nterestin-l38 Mc<ei-h's 3o%n- friend8 Catina (a2son8 recalled a
stran-e man 2ho often sho2ed %0 at s%mmer 0arties the hi-h-
schoolers thre2. The soldiers from nearb3 Ft. Rile3 2o%ld attend the
-atherin-s loo)in- to meet -irls8 and Mc<ei-h and his friends Michael
Brescia and And3 #trassmeir ;2ho li1ed at the 2hite se0aratist
com0o%nd in #o%theast /)lahoma )no2n as 4lohim Cit3=8 2o%ld often
Cet the man Catina described 2as neither a hi-h-schooler nor a soldier.
This m3sterio%s character in his late 3.s to mid-4.s8 2ho often 2ore a
s%it and a tie and dro1e a red s0orts car8 2as 2as a00arentl3 not there
to 0ic) %0 -irls. As Connie #mith8 Catina's mother told me8 DThe man
did not interact 2ith an3one elseL he sta3ed offL he ne1er interacted
2ith an3bod3 else8D onl3 Mc<ei-h.
Barbara Ahittenber-8 2ho o2ned the #ante Fe Trail @iner in
7errin-ton8 >ansas8 also remembered the man. The resta%rant o2ner
recalled that he 2o%ld come in 2ith Mc<ei-h and Terr3 Nichols8 2ho
li1ed nearb3. #he didn't )no2 2here he 2as from8 and had ne1er seen
him before.
Aas Mc<ei-h an informantH Aas he 2or)in- for t2o different a-enciesH
N%mero%s >enned3 researchers ha1e %nco1ered e1idence that /s2ald
2as an FB? informant at the same time he 2as bein- shee0-di00ed b3
the C?A for his role in the 6F> assassination. Accordin- to former @istrict
Attorne3 ;later federal N%d-e= 6im Barrison5
/s2ald a00ears to ha1e been e:tensi1el3 mani0%lated b3 the C?A for a
lon- time 0rior to the assassination and ma3 2ell ha1e belie1ed he 2as
2or)in- for the -o1ernment. /s2ald 2as also a confidential informant8
a Nob that 0ro1ided additional control o1er him and ma3 ha1e -i1en
him a reason to belie1e he 2as act%all3 0enetratin- a 0lot to
assassinate the 0resident.
#it%ations 2here a 0erson is 2or)in- for t2o la2-enforcement or
intelli-ence a-encies at the same time are not %ncommon.
Ahat is %ncommon is for a man li)e Mc<ei-h to -i1e %0 a 0romisin-
militar3 career to ha2) %sed d%ffel ba-s from an old car. B%t then
a-ain8 in the t2ili-ht nether2orld of intelli-ence o0erations8 thin-s
aren't al2a3s 2hat the3 a00ear.
Ahile in Michi-an8 Mc<ei-h also be-an t%nin- in to the <oice of
America and Radio Free America on his short2a1e. 7e 2as dra2n to
0ersonalities li)e Ch%c) 7arder8 6ac) Mc(amb8 and Mar) >oern)e8 all
con1e3in- an anti-federalist8 anti-Ne2 Aorld /rder messa-e. D7e sent
me a lot of ne2sletters and st%ff from those -ro%0s he 2as in1ol1ed
in8D said Aarnement8 then stationed in Berman3. DThere 2ere
ne2sletters from Bo Brit's -ro%08 some other odd ne2sletters8 some
from the +atriotsG then he sent that 1ideota0e 'The Bi- (ie' abo%t
Mc<ei-h also be-an attendin- militia meetin-s. Accordin- to Michi-an
Militia member 4ric Malone38 Mc<ei-h 2as 0resent at a tr%c)-sto0 near
@etroit for a 6an%ar3 2!8 1,,! meetin- of a00ro:imatel3 &. members
of the /a)land Co%nt3 #i: Bri-ade. Members had obtained
0hoto-ra0hs of T-&2 tan)s and other R%ssian 1ehicles en ro%te 1ia
rail2a3 flatcars to Cam0 Bra3lin-8 an Air National B%ard base in
northern Michi-an. Altho%-h the ca0t%red ?ra9i tan)s 2ere for tar-et
0ractice8 the militiamen inter0reted the e9%i0ment as 0roof 0ositi1e of
a $N 0lan to disarm American citiens and declare martial la2.
Accordin- to Malone3 and militia member 6ose0h @itha38 a 0lot 2as
hatched to attac) the base b3 Mar) >oern)e8 a hi-h-0rofile militia
s0o)esman )no2n to his radio listeners as DMar) from Michi-an.D
Accordin- to Malone38 >oern)e said8 DAe can either ta)e them o%t
no2 2hile 2e're still able to8 or 2ait %ntil the sons of bitches are rollin-
do2n the streetLD Three da3s later8 abo%t 2. members met at a farm
near (eonard to disc%ss 0lans for the attac). Accordin- to Malone38
Mc<ei-h 2as one of 13 2ho 1ol%nteered for the assa%lt. DMc<ei-h 2as
there8D recalled Malone3 on ABC's +rime Time (i1e. DM3 2ife sat ne:t to
him. 7e 2as 1er3 attenti1e8 1er3 interested in bein- in1ol1ed in that
o0eration8 1ol%nteered his ser1ices.D
The 0lan ne1er came off. @itha3 and Malone3 alerted #tate +olice8
2ho then contacted federal a%thorities. Ahen the 0lot 2as made
0%blic8 the Michi-an Militia iss%ed a 0ress release statin- that the 0lan
2as the brainchild of >oern)e8 2or)in- alon-side a -ro%0 of rene-ade
members. /thers 2ho attended the meetin-s said that it 2as act%all3
Malone3 2ho 0%shed the 0lan8 and had to be diss%aded from -oin-
thro%-h 2ith it. ?nterestin-l38 Malone3 2as to 0ro1ide 2ea0ons trainin-
for se1eral of the attac)ers8 and @itha38 2ho made a%dio-ta0es of
the meetin-s8 is a former militar3 intelli-ence officer. Ahen the FB? 2as
contacted abo%t @itha3's claim that the 0lot 2as hatched b3 Mc<ei-h
and others8 the FB? ref%sed comment.
Ahat is also interestin- is that >oern)e himself is a former Arm3
intelli-ence officer. >oern)e8 a 1eteran of the &.th Arm3 Reser1e
@i1ision in (i1onia8 Michi-an8 refers to himself as an Dintelli-ence
anal3stD and Dco%nterintelli-ence coordinatorD 2ith a Dto0-secret
clearance.D 7e also 0%r0orts to ha1e trained t2o Ds0ecial-2arfareD
bri-ades that trained Arm3 0ersonnel in Dforei-n 2arfare and tactics.D
Ahile his claims ma3 be e:a--erated8 >oern)e did attend the Arm3's
intelli-ence school at Fort 7%ach%ca8 Ariona. 7e ret%rned to Michi-an
an 4-! s0ecialist 2ith a B-2 ;sec%rit3= section of a 0eacetime Reser1e
>oern)e 9%ic)l3 rose to become one of the most so%-ht after s0ea)ers
on the +atriot circ%it8 leadin- off seminars in o1er 4. states. 7is 1ideo8
America in Peril8 so%nds a0ocal30tic 2arnin-s of the comin- Ne2 Aorld
/rder8 incl%din- 0lans b3 the Co%ncil of Forei-n Relations8 the Trilateral
Commission8 and the Bilderber-ers to dominate and ensla1e America
* 2ith of co%rse8 a little hel0 from R%ssian troo0s8 Ne0alese B%r)has8
and (.A. street -an-s.
?t 2o%ld seem that >oern)e is em0lo3in- a
time-tested techni9%e of intelli-ence +#C/+ disinformation. Ahile
0%r0ortin- to rail a-ainst 2hat ma3 be -en%ine 0lans of a Ne2 Aorld
/rder cabal8 >oern)e sli0s in N%st eno%-h ridic%lo%s disinformation to
discredit his thesis8 and b3 association8 an3one 2ho s%00orts it.
After the bombin-8 the media 0%t >oern)e in its s0otli-ht. >oern)e has
boasted freel3 to friends that he 2as once em0lo3ed as a
D0ro1ocate%r.D 7e didn't sa3 e:actl3 for 2hom. ?n his ta0e8 >oern)e is
sho2n holdin- an A>-4& and a cord of ro0e8 statin-5 DNo28 ? did some
basic math the other da38 not Ne2 Aorld /rder math8 and ? fo%nd that
%sin- the old-st3le math 3o% can -et abo%t fo%r 0oliticians for abo%t
12. foot of ro0e. And8 b3 the 2a38 @%+ont made this. ?t is 1er3
fittin- that one of the Ne2 Aorld /rder cro2d sho%ld 0ro1ide %s 2ith
the reso%rces to liberate o%r nation.LD
Ahile the a%thor 0ersonall3 has no 9%alms abo%t strin-in- %0 the
@%+onts8 the Roc)efellers and man3 other icons of the militar3-
ind%strial-establishment8 >oern)e's rant smac)s of the classic art of
0ro0a-anda * that of the a-ent 0ro1ocate%r. Man3 in the Militia
mo1ement ha1e acc%sed him of N%st that.
/n #e0tember '8 1,,48 Fo2er1ille8 Michi-an 0olice sto00ed a car that
contained three men in camo%fla-e and blac) face 0aint8 armed 2ith
three ,mm semia%tomatics8 a .3!& Ma-n%m8 an assortment of assa%lt
rifles8 and &8... ro%nds of amm%nition. The men claimed to be
>oern)e's bod3-%ards.
>en >ir)land8 an official of the #t. (%cia Co%nt38 Florida Militia said that
Mc<ei-h 2as actin- as >oern)e's bod3-%ard at a March 1,,4 meetin-.
>ir)land recalled a bod3-%ard in Arm3 camo%fla-e clothes resemblin-
Mc<ei-h 2ho introd%ced himself as DTimD and 2as Dreall3 %0set abo%t
>oern)e and Mc<ei-h both den3 this. As Mc<ei-h told +ewsweek DL?
2as ne1er to one of their meetin-s8 either.D
Aas >oern)e's Dbod3-%ardD act%all3 Tim Mc<ei-hH ?n the #e0tember8
1,,! iss%e of )oldier o8 Fortune8 an ATF a-ent * the s0ittin- ima-e of
Tim Mc<ei-h * is seen accom0an3in- ATF A-ent Robert Rodri9%e to
the trial of the Branch @a1idians. Aas this in fact the DMc<ei-hD 2ho
accom0anied >oern)eH
Bi1en both mens' m3sterio%s bac)-ro%nds8 their c%rio%s intersections
in Florida and Michi-an8 and the Cam0 Bra3lin- and Fo2er1ille
incidents8 it is hi-hl3 li)el3 that 2e are loo)in- at t2o a-ent
/ther e1idence of Mc<ei-h's a00arent em0lo3ment as an a-ent
0ro1ocate%r 2o%ld s%rface later. ?n a statement he made to +ewsweek
in res0onse to a 9%estion abo%t Reno and Clinton as)in- for the death
0enalt38 Mc<ei-h said5 D? tho%-ht it 2as a2f%ll3 h30ocritical8 es0eciall3
beca%se in some 2a3s the -o1ernment 2as res0onsible for doin- it. ?
tho%-ht she 2as 0la3in- both sides of the fence.D /ne m%st 2onder
N%st ho2 Mc<ei-h )no2s that Din some 2a3sD the -o1ernment 2as
Dres0onsible for doin- it.D
Mc<ei-h's o2n ins%rrectionist tendencies be-an comin- to fr%ition
to2ards the end of 1,,38 accordin- to a%thorities8 2hen Mc<ei-h
informed his sister that he 2as 0art of an anti--o1ernment -ro%0 that
2as robbin- ban)s. This startlin- re1elation came in the form of three
F1.. bills he sent to 6ennifer in a letter dated @ecember 248 1,,3. The
mone3 2as 0art of the 0roceeds from a ban) heist. As 6ennifer told
the FB? on Ma3 28 1,,!5
D7e had been in1ol1ed in a ban) robber3 b%t did not 0ro1ide an3
f%rther details concernin- the robber3. 7e ad1ised me that he had not
act%all3 0artici0ated in the robber3 itself8 b%t 2as someho2 in1ol1ed in
the 0lannin- or settin- %0 of this robber3. Altho%-h he did not identif3
the 0artici0ants b3 name8 he stated that 'the3' had committed the
robber3. 7is 0%r0ose for relatin- this information to me 2as to re9%est
that ? e:chan-e some of m3 o2n mone3 for 2hat ? recall to be
a00ro:imatel3 three ;3= F1..... bills.
D7e e:0lained that this mone3 2as from the ban) robber3 and he
2ished to circ%late this mone3 thro%-h me. To the best of m3
recollection8 ? then -a1e m3 brother 2hat ? recall to be a00ro:imatel3
F3..... of m3 0ersonal cash8 in e:chan-e for 3 F1..... bills8 2hich ?
de0osited 2ithin the ne:t se1eral da3s in an acco%nt at the $nit No. 1
Federal credit $nion8 (oc)0ort8 Ne2 Cor).D
6ennifer also recalled Tim statin-8 D+ersons 2ho rob ban)s ma3 not be
criminals at all. 7e im0lied 6e2s are r%nnin- the co%ntr3 and a lar-e
de-ree of control is e:ercised b3 the Free Masons. Ban)s are the real
thie1es and the income ta: is ille-al.D
Aas Timoth3 Mc<ei-h in fact a ban) robberH ?f so8 it is 0ossible he 2as
ins0ired b3 the (urner iaries. The 0rota-onists in that no1el finance
their o1erthro2 of the DYionist /cc%0ational Bo1ernmentD b3 robbin-
ban)s and armored cars. As 0re1io%sl3 disc%ssed8 the boo) became a
real life ins0iration for Robert Matthe2's /rder8 also )no2n as DThe
#ilent Brotherhood8D 2hich 2as en-a-ed in heists of ban)s and
armored cars thro%-ho%t the Mid2est d%rin- the 1,'.s. The /rder 2as
0art of the 2hite Ar3an s%0remacist comm%nit3 that so%-ht to
establish an all-2hite homeland in the North2est.
?n @ecember of 1,'48 Mathe2s 2as )illed in a shoot-o%t 2ith the FB?
and 0olice8 and the /rder disinte-rated. Cet the 2hite s%0remacist
mo1ement li1ed on8 in s%ch -%ises as the Ar3an Nations8 Ahite Ar3an
Resistance ;AAR=8 and a ne28 as 3et %nheard of -ro%0 * the Ar3an
Re0%blican Arm38 2hose members are belie1ed to be direct
descendants of the /rder.
?t 2as to this last -ro%0 that Timoth3 Mc<ei-h 2o%ld be dra2n8 at a
r%ral 2hite se0aratist reli-io%s comm%nit3 in so%theast /)lahoma
called 4lohim Cit3. ?t 2as there that Mc<ei-h 2o%ld meet s%ch self-
st3led re1ol%tionaries as +eter DCommander +edroD (an-an8 2ho8 alon-
2ith #cott #tedeford8 >e1in McCarth38 and the late Richard B%thrie8
2o%ld -o on to rob o1er 22 ban)s across the Mid2est8 collectin- a total
of F2!.8....
?n a recr%itment 1ideo obtained b3 the $c*urtain "a#ette8 (an-an
a00ears in a dis-%ise8 e:0lainin- the -oals of the ARA * the o1erthro2
of the Federal Bo1ernment8 and the s%bse9%ent e:ec%tion of all 6e2s
and the de0ortation of all non-2hites from the $.#.
?n the ta0e8 made onl3 a fe2 months before the /)lahoma Cit3
bombin-8 (an-an sa3s8 DFederal b%ildin-s ma3 ha1e to be bombed and
ci1ilian loss of life is re-rettable b%t e:0ected.D
Accordin- to ATF informant Carol 7o2e8 inter1ie2ed b3 "a#ette
re0orter 6.@. Cash8 both Mc<ei-h and Fortier had 1isited 4lohim Cit38 as
had (an-an8 B%thrie8 #tedeford and McCarth3. A secret recordin- made
b3 the informant a00arentl3 re1eals disc%ssions bet2een Andreas
#trassmeir8 4lohim Cit3's chief of sec%rit3 ;also s%s0ected of bein- an
informant=8 and 1ario%s ARA members8 disc%ssin- 0lans to blo2 %0
federal b%ildin-s. Ahile it is not )no2n if Mc<ei-h 2as intimatel3
in1ol1ed 2ith the ARA ban) robbers8 he 2as seen 2ith #trassmeir and
ARA associate Michael Brescia at 0arties in >ansas8 and at a bar in
T%lsa shortl3 before the bombin-. Mc<ei-h had also called 4lohim Cit3
loo)in- for #trassmeir the da3 after he reser1ed the R3der tr%c)
alle-edl3 %sed in the bombin-.
?n the Fall on 1,,48 Mc<ei-h and Terr3 Nichols alle-edl3 be-an
hoardin- ammoni%m nitrate and diesel f%el. B3 mid-/ctober8 the 0air
had8 accordin- to official acco%nts8 mana-ed to stoc)0ile
a00ro:imatel3 48... 0o%nds of fertilier8 2hich the3 stashed in stora-e
loc)ers from >ansas to Ariona.
(i)e Mohammed #alemeh8 a Aorld Trade Center bombin- s%s0ect
arrested 2hen he attem0ted to retrie1e his tr%c) rental de0osit8
Mc<ei-h 2o%ld be lin)ed to the bombin- b3 the first in a chain of
damnin- e1idence * his th%mb0rint on a fertilier recei0t fo%nd in
Terr3 Nichols' homeG in9%ires abo%t bomb-ma)in- materials made on
his callin--cardG and the 0a0er2or) %sed to rent the R3der tr%c) itself.
(i)e #alemeh's rental recei0t 2hich had traces of ANF/ on it8 Mc<ei-h's
clothes 2o%ld alle-edl3 contain traces of a detonator cord )no2n as
(i)e the Aorld Trade Center bombers 2ho stoc)0iled bomb-
ma)in- e9%i0ment in rented stora-e loc)ers in Ne2 6erse38 Mc<ei-h
and Nichols 2o%ld store their ammoni%m nitrate in rented loc)ers in
>ansas and Ariona. And li)e the Aorld Trade Center bombers 2ho
called commercial chemical com0anies re9%estin- bomb-ma)in-
materials8 Mc<ei-h 2o%ld im0licate himself b3 %sin- a traceable 0hone
card to ma)e his 0%rchases.
The most dammin- e1idence lin)in- Mc<ei-h to the crime 2o%ld be the
2itness si-htin-s 0lacin- him at the M%rrah B%ildin- N%st before the
bombin-8 follo2in- the R3der tr%c)8 then s0eedin- a2a3 in his 3ello2
Merc%r3 se1eral min%tes before the blast.
Cet the most c%rio%s e1idence im0licatin- Mc<ei-h in the bombin-
came from 2itnesses 2ho sa3 he cased the b%ildin- on @ecember 1"8
2hen he and Michael Fortier dro1e thro%-h /)lahoma Cit3 en ro%te to
>ansas8 then a-ain a00ro:imatel3 one and a half 2ee)s before the
@anielle Aise 7%nt8 2ho o0erated the #tars and #tri0es Child
@e1elo0ment Center in the M%rrah B%ildin-8 told the FB? that on
@ecember 1"8 a clean-c%t man 2earin- camo%fla-e fati-%es
a00roached her8 see)in- to 0lace his t2o children in the da3 care
center. 7%nt told a-ents that the man didn't as) t30ical 0arent-t30e
9%estions8 b%t instead 2anted to )no2 abo%t the da3-care center's
sec%rit3. 7%nt tho%-ht he mi-ht be a 0otential )idna00er. (ater8 after
seein- his face on T<8 she reco-nied the man as Timoth3 Mc<ei-h.
?f the man 2as indeed Timoth3 Mc<ei-h8 it is c%rio%s 2h3 he 2o%ld
later claim he 2as %na2are of the da3-care center in the b%ildin-. ?f
Mc<ei-h 2as so %0set abo%t the deaths of innocent children at Aaco8
2h3 2o%ld he )no2in-l3 bomb a b%ildin- containin- innocent children
as an act of re1en-eH
Cet this Dact of re1en-eD is 0recisel3 2hat the -o1ernment claims
moti1ed him. #%ch an act co%ld onl3 be the res%lt of a deran-ed man.
Cet Mc<ei-h is an3thin- b%t deran-ed. ?n his 6%l3 3rd +ewsweek
inter1ie28 he said8 DFor t2o da3s8 in the cell8 2e co%ld hear ne2s
re0ortsG and of co%rse e1er3one8 incl%din- m3self8 2as horrified at the
deaths of the children. And 3o% )no28 that 2as the No. 1 focal 0oint of
the media at the time8 too8 ob1io%sl3 * the deaths of the children. ?t's
a 1er3 tra-ic thin-.D
+erha0s Dderan-edD isn't the 0ro0er 2ordG 0erha0s DcontrolledD 2o%ld
be more a00ro0riate. After his arrest8 Mc<ei-h 2as sho2n 0hoto-ra0hs
of the dead children. 7e claimed to ha1e no emotional reaction. A-ain8
this co%ld 1er3 2ell be indicati1e of a 0s3cholo-icall3-controlled
There is another stron- 0ossibilit3. The man 2hom 2itnesses sa3 is
Timoth3 Mc<ei-h ma3 not ha1e been Timoth3 Mc<ei-h at all.
1:ee Harvey1 /c8eigh
As 0re1io%sl3 disc%ssed8 Mc<ei-h8 alon- 2ith his friends Andreas
#trassmeir8 Mi)e Fortier8 and Michael Brescia attended 0arties in
7errin-ton8 >ansas in the #%mmer of ',2. Catina (a2son 2as act%all3
-ood friends 2ith Mc<ei-h8 and her roommate8 (indse3 6ohnson8 dated
Michael Brescia. (a2son's acco%nts are 2ell doc%mented.
Cet callin- card records obtained b3 the .ocky $ountain +ews indicate
that each call char-ed to the card d%rin- 1,,2 ori-inated 2ithin
2estern Ne2 Cor)8 2here Mc<ei-h 2as 2or)in- as a sec%rit3 -%ard for
B%rns ?nternational #ec%rit3. There a00ears to be little time he co%ld
ha1e -one to >ansas to 0art3 2ith teen-a-ers.
@r. +a%l 7eath8 the <A 0s3cholo-ist 2ho 2or)ed in the M%rrah B%ildin-
and s%r1i1ed the blast8 s0o)e to an indi1id%al named DMc<ei-hD late
one Frida3 afternoon8 a 2ee) and a half before the bombin-. ?n an
inter1ie2 2ith the a%thor8 he described in 1i1id detail his enco%nter
2ith DMc<ei-hD and t2o other men8 one of 2hom a00ears to be one of
the el%si1e 6ohn @oe 2s.
D?'1e narro2ed this to 0robabl3 a Frida3 JA0ril &K8 at aro%nd three
o'cloc)8D recalls 7eath. DA bell ran- in the o%ter office of room !22. No
one ans2ered8 so ? 2ent o%t to the 2aitin- roomL. A man came in 2ith
t2o others to a00l3 for a Nob. /ne other 2as American-?ndian loo)in-8
the other 2as Ca%casian. A male indi1id%al 2as standin- there8 and ?
introd%ced m3self as @r. 7eath8 'ho2 can ? hel0 3o%H' and this
indi1id%al said 'm3 name is something9 and ? don't remember 2hat his
first name 2as8 b%t he told me his last name 2as Mc<ei-h.
D#o ? said 'can ? hel0 3o%H' and he said '2ell8 2e're here loo)in- for
2or).' and ? said '2hat )ind of 2or) are 2e loo)in- forH' 7e said 9we are
loo)in- for constr%ction 2or).' And ? said8 '2ell Mr. Birmba%m8 the
-entleman 2ho is the Nob co%nselor for the state Nobs office8 is not
here.' And this indi1id%al * ? as)ed him if ? co%ld -o bac) and -et the
Nob o0enin-s from the Nob co%nselor's des) * and he said 'no8 that
2on't be necessar3.' #o ? said8 '2ell8 ?'m 1er3 familiar 2ith the area8 and
? co%ld -i1e 3o% some Nob leads8' and ? be-an to tell him abo%t Nob
leads8 and be-an to -i1e him some names and some different 0roNects8
and ? said '2o%ld 3o% li)e me to -et 3o% the 0hone boo)G ? co%ld -et
3o% the state Nobs offices.' 7e said8 'no8 that 2on't be necessar3.'
DAnd abo%t some2here alon- in this con1ersation8 the man 2ho 2as
sittin- on the east 2all8 directl3 behind the man 2ho named himself as
Mc<ei-h8 came %0 behind the man8 and said 'can ? %se 3o%r 0honeH' ?
2o%ld describe him as 1anilla8 !'&D or !',D8 mid-3.'s. JThenK the third
0art3 2ho 2as in the office8 loo)ed directl3 at me8 made e3e contact
2ith me8 andL ? -ot the im0ression that this indi1id%al's nationalit3
2as Nati1e American8 or half-Nati1e American or half-Me:ican
American or a forei-n national. 7e 2as handsome * at one time m3
mind said ma3be he 2as from #o%th America.
D?L contin%ed to tal) to Mr. Mc<ei-h and ? said8 'Mr. Mc<ei-h8 did 3o%
ta)e an3thin- in hi-h school that 2o%ld be beneficial for me to )no2
abo%t so ? co%ld refer 3o% to a different t30e of NobH' And he said8 '2ell8
0robabl3 not.' And ? said8 '2ell8 2here did 3o% -o to hi-h schoolH' And
he either said %0 north or Ne2 Cor). And then ? said8 'Ahere are 3o%
li1in-H' And he said8 'Aell8 ?'1e been li1in- in >ansas.' #o then ? said8
'@o 3o% ha00en to be a member of the Mc<a3 famil3 from C%ssin-8
/)lahomaH' Lhe said8 'Aell @r. 7eath8 ho2 do the3 s0ell their nameH'
'Aell ? ass%me8 M-c-<-a-3.' And he too) his fin-er8 and he )ind of 0%t it
in m3 face and said8 'Aell @r. 7eath8' in )ind of a boistero%s 2a38
'@r. 7eath8 3o% remember this. M3 name is Mc<ei-h8 b%t 3o% don't s0ell
it M-c-<-a-3L.'D
Ahat @r. 7eath 2as describin- a00ears to ha1e been Timoth3 Mc<ei-h
and his co-cons0irators casin- the M%rrah B%ildin-. As the 0ress
re0orted8 the men 2ent floor-to-floor8 as)in- Nob-related 9%estions and
0ic)in- %0 a00lications. Cet if Mc<ei-h had alread3 cased the b%ildin-
on @ecember 1"8 as re0orted b3 @anielle 7%nt8 2h3 2o%ld he need to
case it a-ainH
Moreo1er8 if Mc<ei-h 2anted to case the b%ildin-8 2h3 2o%ld he do it
in s%ch a cons0ic%o%s mannerH Ah3 2o%ld he -o from floor-to-floor
as)in- abo%t Nob o0enin-s8 then 0retend not to be interested in
follo2in- them %0H AndL if Mc<ei-h 2as 0lannin- on committin- s%ch
a horrific crime8 2h3 2o%ld he ma)e it a 0oint to tell 0eo0le his name8
sa3in- to @r. 7eath8 DCo% remember thisL $y name is $c2eigh."
Former Federal Brand 6%ror 7o003 7eidelber- conc%rs. DAh3 2o%ld
Mc<ei-h 2al) aro%nd the b%ildin- before the blast tellin- 0eo0le his
?f Mc<ei-h 2as )een on informin- 0eo0le of his identit3 before
committin- the crime8 he a00arentl3 2as on a roll. /n #at%rda38 A0ril
'8 Mc<ei-h and friends Andreas #trassmeir and Michael Brescia * both
li1in- at 4lohim Cit3 at the time * 2ere seen at (ad3 Bodi1a's to0less
bar in T%lsa8 /)lahoma. Accordin- to a sec%rit3 camera 1ideota0e
obtained b3 6.@. Cash of the $c*urtain "a#ette8 and Trish Aood of CBC8
Mc<ei-h's boasts 2ere the to0ic of disc%ssion amon- the dancers that
ni-ht. ?n the ta0e8 one of the -irls named Tara is o1erheard relatin- the
con1ersation to another -irl in the dressin- room5
D...he -oes8 '?'m a 1er3 smart man.' ? said8 3o% areH And he -oes8 'Ces8
3o%'re -oin- to find an ;ina%dible= and the3're -oin- to h%rt 3o% real
bad.' ? 2as8 li)e8 '/h reall3H' And he -oes8 'Ces8 and 3o%'re -oin- to
remember me on A0ril 1,8 1,,!. Co%'re -oin- to remember me for the
rest of 3o%r life.'
(a%-hin-8 she re0lies8 D/h8 reall3HD
DCes 3o% 2ill8D Mc<ei-h sa3s.
The si-htin- of Mc<ei-h in T%lsa on A0ril '8 alon- 2ith an older8 0ale
3ello2 R3der tr%c) that a00eared to be 0ri1atel3-o2ned8 directl3
contradicts the testimon3 of the maid at the ?m0erial Motel 2ho sa3s
Mc<ei-h 2as there each da3.
7o2e1er8 0hone records indicate that Mc<ei-h made a stead3 series of
calls %0 %ntil A0ril &8 2hich s%ddenl3 res%med a-ain on the 11th. Co%ld
Mc<ei-h ha1e flo2n to /)lahoma to 0ic) %0 the old R3der tr%c)8 then
ha1e flo2n bac) to >in-man se1eral da3s laterH As 6.@. Cash notes
in the #e0tember 2!8 1,," $c*urtain "a#ette'
?t is not merel3 idle s0ec%lation that Mc<ei-h fle2 to eastern /)lahoma
or 2estern Ar)ansas to 0ic) %0 the second tr%c). Records s%b0oenaed
b3 the -o1ernment indicate Mc<ei-h ma3 ha1e made s%ch a tri0 to
Fort #mith8 Ar).8 bet2een March 31 and A0ril 148 1,,!. C%rio%sl38 an
em0lo3ee of the air0ort ta:i ser1ice in Fort #mith co%ld not elaborate
on 2h3 the ta:i firm's records for that 0eriod 2ere seied b3 federal
a-ents 2or)in- on 2hat the -o1ernment calls the D/>B/MBD case.
?f Mc<ei-h act%all3 did fl3 from Ariona to Ar)ansas8 then dri1e the
tr%c) to >ansas8 then fl3 bac) to Ariona a-ain8 he a00arentl3 2as a
1er3 b%s3 man. Aitness acco%nts and 0hone records 0%t him in
/)lahoma Cit3 on the &th8 in T%lsa on the 'th8 in >ansas from the 1.th
to the 14th ;altho%-h he's s%00osed to be in >in-man on the 11th and
12th=8 then bac) in /)lahoma Cit3 on the 14th8 1!th and 1"th ;2hen
he's s%00osedl3 in >ansas= then in >ansas on the 1&th and 1'th ;2hen
he's also seen in /)lahoma Cit3=8 and finall3 in /)lahoma Cit3 on the
1,th8 the da3 of the bombin-.
Ahile Mc<ei-h 2as s%00osedl3 seen at Terr3 Nichols' ho%se in
7errin-ton8 >ansas on the 13th8 2itness @a1id #nider sa2 his car in
/)lahoma Cit3. A Bric)to2n 2areho%se 2or)er8 #nider remembers
seein- Mc<ei-h's distincti1e 3ello2 Merc%r3 2hi 0ast aro%nd 253.
0.m.8 not far from do2nto2n. #nider is certain it 2as the same battered
3ello2 Merc%r3 dri1en b3 Mc<ei-h. D? 2as standin- there 2ith m3
friend8 2ho does a%to bod32or)8D said #nider8 D2hen the car 2ent 0ast.
? t%rned to him and said8 'M3 Mom %sed to ha1e a car N%st li)e thatL ?t
loo)s li)e homebo3 needs a 0rimer Nob.'D #nider said the car had an
/)lahoma ta-8 as 2itness Bar3 (e2is later re0orted8 not an Ariona ta-
as the FB? claims.
/n Th%rsda38 A0ril 138 a federal em0lo3ee in the M%rrah B%ildin- sa2
t2o men8 one of 2hom she later identified as Mc<ei-h. #he 2as ridin-
the ele1ator 2hen it sto00ed at the second floor. Ahen the doors
o0ened8 there 2ere t2o men in Nanitorial smoc)s 2aitin- to -et on. #he
didn't reco-nie the men as an3 of the re-%lar Nanitors8 and tho%-ht it
odd that the3 t%rned a2a3 2hen she loo)ed in their direction.
/n Monda38 A0ril 1&8 Nanitors >atherine Aoodl3 and Martin 6ohnson8
2ho 2ere 2or)in- the !-, 0.m. shift8 sa2 Mc<ei-h and his com0anion
a-ain. Martin said Mc<ei-h s0o)e to him abo%t a Nob8 and the man 2ho
resembled 6ohn @oe 2 nodded to Aoodl3.
That same da38 or 0ossibl3 the follo2in- da38 @ebbie Na)anashi8 an
em0lo3ee at the +ost /ffice across from the M%rrah B%ildin-8 sa2 the
0air 2hen the3 sto00ed b3 and as)ed 2here the3 mi-ht find federal Nob
a00lications. ?t 2as Na)anashi 2ho 0ro1ided the descri0tion for the
2ell-)no2n 0rofile s)etch of 6ohn @oe 2 in the baseball ca0.
Crai- Freeman8 a retired Air Force master ser-eant 2ho 2or)s in the
same office as @r. 7eath8 2as one of the 0eo0le 2ho sa2 Mc<ei-h in
/)lahoma 2hen he 2as s%00osedl3 in >ansas. Freeman recalls sharin-
the ele1ator 2ith a man 2ho resembled Mc<ei-h on Frida38 A0ril 14.
DThe -%3 2as tallL Ahat str%c) me is his hair 2as c%t real lo2. ?
tho%-ht he 2as a s)inhead.D Freeman8 2ho is blac)8 said '7e3 man8
ho2's it -oin-H' DAnd he loo)ed at me li)e he 2as N%st dis-%sted 2ith
me bein- there. Most 0eo0le in the b%ildin- s0ea) to each other8 3o%
)no28 so ? s0o)e to this -%38 and he loo)ed at me li)eL 0%re hate.D
Abo%t a 2ee) and a half before the bombin-8 a 7$@ em0lo3ee named
6oan 2as ridin- the ele1ator 2ith a man she described as Timoth3
Mc<ei-h. Ahat str%c) her 2as the man's strict militar3 demeanor. 7e
stared strai-ht ahead ma)in- no e3e-contact or con1ersation. D7e
2on't last lon- in this b%ildin-8D 6oan tho%-ht to herself.
The Frida3 before the bombin-8 2hen Crai- Freeman 2al)ed o%t of the
b%ildin- to mail his ta:es8 he sa2 an indi1id%al he belie1es to ha1e
been Terr3 Nichols8 Dbeca%se he loo)ed N%st li)e the 0ict%re of him8D
said Freeman. D7e 2as standin- there8 he had a bl%e 0laid shirt on. 7e
2as standin- in the front of the b%ildin- * he 2as N%st standin- there8
loo)in- )ind of conf%sed. Co% )no28 ho2 somebod3 loo)s 2hen the3're
Aas the man in the ele1ator Freeman 2as describin- act%all3 Timoth3
Mc<ei-hH Accordin- to 0hone records obtained from the @reamland
Motel8 Mc<ei-h made se1eral 0hone calls from his room on the
mornin- of Frida38 A0ril 14. ?s it still 0ossible that Mc<ei-h dro1e do2n
to /)lahoma Cit3 in the afternoonH
?f he did8 he 2o%ld had to ha1e been bac) in >ansas b3 earl3 ne:t
mornin-. Barbara Ahittenber-8 o2ner of the #anta Fe Trail @iner in
7errin-ton8 remembers ser1in- brea)fast to Nichols8 Mc<ei-h8 and 6ohn
@oe 2 aro%nd "5.. a.m. on #at%rda3.
D? as)ed them 2h3 the3 had a R3der tr%c) o%tside8D said Ahittenber-.
D? 2asn't bein- nos38 ? N%st 2ondered if Terr3 Nichols 2as mo1in-. M3
sister 2as mo1in- here8 and she needed to find a 0lace. Aell8 the -%3
2ho the3 ha1en't arrested 3et * 6ohn @oe O2 * he bl%rted o%t that
the3 2ere -oin- to /)lahoma. Ahen that ha00ened8 it 2as li)e
someone thre2 ice 2ater on the con1ersationL Mc<ei-h and Nichols
N%st stared at the -%3D
A dancer in 6%nction Cit38 >ansas had the same e:0erience as
Ahittenber-8 2hen fo%r of the s%s0ects sto00ed b3 the 7oll32ood
#%00er Cl%b aro%nd 1.53. that e1enin-. The dancer8 2ho 2e'll call
#herrie8 definitel3 reco-nied t2o of the men as Mc<ei-h and Nichols.
DThe onl3 reason ? reall3 remember it8D said #herrie8 Dis N%st beca%se ?
had a con1ersation 2ith one of them abo%t /)lahoma8 and m3
h%sband's famil3 is from /)lahoma. 7e said the3 2ere 0lanin- a tri0
do2n there8 and he said * ? thin) it 2as for h%ntin- or somethin-.L
then one of them )ind of -a1e him a loo)8 and the3 chan-ed the
#herrie also said one of the men8 2ho 2as 9%iet and sat in the corner8
a00eared to be Middle-4astern. The other 2as 7is0anic or 0art
7is0anic8 and 2as friendl3. Ahen he mentioned /)lahoma8 Nichols shot
him a hard loo).
Additionall38 2hile the records at 4lliott's Bod3 #ho0 indicate that DBob
>lin-D rented his tr%c) on A0ril 1&8 Barbara Ahittenber- sa2 the tr%c)
o%tside her resta%rant on the 1!th. (ater that da3 she sa2 it at Bear3
#tate Fishin- (a)e8 alon- 2ith three 0eo0le and a li-ht-colored car8
0ossibl3 a Th%nderbird8 2ith Ariona ta-s.
Bac)in- %0 Ahittenber- is (ee McBo2an8 o2ner of the @reamland
Motel in 6%nction Cit38 2here Mc<ei-h sta3ed from A0ril 14 to A0ril 1&.
McBo2an told the FB? that Mc<ei-h 2as in 0ossession of his tr%c) the
da3 &e8ore D>lin-D alle-edl3 rented his. #he remembered the da3
clearl3 beca%se it 2as 4aster #%nda3.
McBo2an's son8 4ric8 as 2ell as motel resident @a1id >in- and his
mother8 also stated that the3 sa2 Mc<ei-h dri1in- an older faded
3ello2 R3der tr%c) at the motel aro%nd 4 0.m. on A0ril 1".
Cet McBo2an's testimon3 contradicts that of +h3liss >in-sle3 and (inda
>%hlman8 2ho 2or)ed at the 7i-Aa3 Brill in Ne2castle8 N%st so%th of
/)lahoma Cit3. The t2o 2omen sa2 Mc<ei-h and three com0anions
aro%nd "5.. 0.m. on A0ril 1"8 2hen the3 sto00ed in the resta%rant and
ordered hamb%r-ers and fries to -o. The t2o 2omen distinctl3 recall
the R3der tr%c) 0%llin- into the resta%rant at #A 1.4th and +ortland8
accom0anied b3 a 2hite Che13 lon--bed 0ic)-%08 and an older8 dar)er8
0ossibl3 bl%e 0ic)-%08 2hich ma3 ha1e belon-ed to Terr3 Nichols.
Accom0an3in- Mc<ei-h 2as a short8 stoc)38 handsome man8 of either
Me:ican or American ?ndian descent. The man closel3 resembled the
FB? s)etch of 6ohn @oe 28 the3 said.
Accordin- to the FB?8 this 2as the same da3 that Mc<ei-h called
Nichols from a 0a3 0hone at Tim's Amoco in 7errin-ton8 >ansas at 35.'
0.m.8 and as)ed him to dri1e him to /)lahoma Cit3. ?t 2o%ld ha1e been
im0ossible for Mc<ei-h and Nichols to dri1e from 6%nction Cit3 to
/)lahoma Cit3 in less than fo%r ho%rs.
Re0orts soon s%rfaced that DMc<ei-hD had sta3ed at a motel so%th of
do2nto2n /)lahoma Cit3 on the ni-ht of the 1'th. Aitnesses recall
seein- a 3ello2 R3der tr%c)8 and t2o com0anions. The3 recall that
DMc<ei-hD -a1e them a D-o to hell loo)D as he 0%lled a2a3.
(ater that mornin-8 at '53! a.m.8 T%lsa ban)er >3le 7%nt 2as dri1in-
to an a00ointment 2hen he came %0on the R3der tr%c) at Main and
Broad2a38 trailed b3 a 3ello2 Merc%r3. DLfor some reason ? tho%-ht
the3 2ere o%t of state8 mo1in- and lost in do2nto2n /)lahoma Cit38D
said 7%nt. D? felt sorr3 for them and then 2hen ? 0%lled %0 beside them8
? -ot that cold ic3 stare from a -%3 that had a real short B? hairc%tL.
7%nt described the dri1er of the Merc%r3 as Timoth3 Mc<ei-h. D7e
-a1e me that ic38 -o-to-hell loo)8D said 7%nt. D?t )ind of %nner1ed me.D
Ahile 7%nt didn't see the occ%0ants of the tr%c)8 he did recall t2o
0assen-ers in the Merc%r3. The rear occ%0ant8 said 7%nt8 had lon- hair8
similar to the s%s0ect +h3liss >in-sle3 and (inda >%hlman sa2 on
#%nda3 at the 7i-Aa3 Brill so%th of the cit3.
Aro%nd the same time as 7%nt sa2 this con1o38 @a1id #nider8 a
2areho%se 2or)er in Bric)to2n8 a fe2 bloc)s so%theast of do2nto2n8
sa2 a hea1il3 loaded R3der tr%c) 2ith t2o men inside8 slo2l3 ma)in-
its 2a3 to2ards him. #nider had been e:0ectin- a deli1er3 that
mornin-8 and e:0lained that 0eo0le sometimes -et lost beca%se the
loadin- doc) is on a different street than the 2areho%se. The time 2as
'53! a.m. Thin)in- the tr%c) 2as his deli1er38 #nider 2a1ed them
do2n. #nider8 2ho b3 no2 2as -estic%latin- 2ildl38 became fr%strated
as the t2o men8 starin- at him8 contin%ed on their 2a3.
Ahile he ne1er recei1ed his deli1er38 #nider did -et a -ood loo) at the
tr%c)8 and the t2o men. The tr%c) a00eared to be an older model 2ith
a cab o1erhan-8 not the ne2er 1ersion the FB? claimed 2as destro3ed
in the bombin-.
#nider described the dri1er as a barrel-chested8 dar)-s)inned male 2ith
lon-8 strai-ht blac) hair8 0arted in the middle8 2earin- a thin small
m%stache. The man8 2ho 2as also 2earin- tear-dro0 st3le s%n-lasses
and a dar) shirt8 2as of American ?ndian or 7is0anic decent. ;#ee
s)etch= D? li1ed in Ne2 Me:ico for 3ears8D said #niderG D? )no2 the loo).D
The 0assen-er8 2earin- a 2hite T-shirt8 #nider said8 2as Timoth3
D7e loo)ed at me li)e '2ho the hell are 3o%H' * real attit%de8D recalls
#nider8 and be-an 3ellin- 0rofanities at the loadin--doc) 2or)er.
#nider8 2ho 2as not in a -reat mood that mornin- to be-in 2ith8 3elled
bac)8 DF%c) 3o%8 3o% s)in-head motherf%c)erID
#nider and 7%nt 2eren't the onl3 indi1id%als 2ho sa2 Mc<ei-h and the
R3der tr%c) that mornin-. At '54. a.m.8 Mi)e Moro and Brian Marshall
2ere b%s3 at 2or) at 6ohnn3's Tire #tore on 1.th and 7%dson8 2hen a
3ello2 R3der tr%c) 0%lled in loo)in- for directions to the M%rrah
B%ildin-. The dri1er8 2ho Moro later identified as Timoth3 Mc<ei-h8
2as 2earin- a 2hite T-shirt and a blac) ball ca0 on bac)2ards. Moro
ca%-ht a -lim0se of the 0assen-er * a stoc)3 man 2ith dar) c%rl3
hair8 a tattoo on his %00er left arm8 and a ball ca0 2orn similar to
Mc<ei-h's. The 0assen-er8 said Moro8 stared strai-ht ahead8 ne1er
t%rnin- to loo) in his direction.
Moro then 0roceeded to -i1e directions to Mc<ei-h8 2hom he
described as 0olite8 friendl38 and rela:ed * 9%ite interestin-
considerin- that Mc<ei-h is s%00osedl3 min%tes a2a3 from m%rderin-
1", 0eo0le. After than)in- Moro8 Mc<ei-h -ot bac) in the tr%c)8 sat
there for a fe2 min%tes8 then too) off in the direction of the Federal
At a00ro:imatel3 the same time as Mc<ei-h 2as seen dri1in- the
Merc%r3 b3 >3le 7%nt8 and seen as a 0assen-er in the R3der tr%c) b3
@a1id #nider8 and seen dri1in- the R3der tr%c) b3 Mi)e Moro8 he 2as
then seen dri1in- the Merc%r3 b3 attorne3 6ames (inehan.
As 0re1io%sl3 disc%ssed8 (inehan8 a Mid2est Cit3 attorne38 2as sto00ed
at a red li-ht at the north2est corner of 4th and Robinson8 one bloc)
from the M%rrah B%ildin-. (ate for an a00ointment8 (inehan loo)ed at
his 2atch. ?t read '53' a.m. Ahen he loo)ed bac) %08 he noticed a 0ale
3ello2 Merc%r3 sto00ed beside him. Ahile he co%ld not 0ositi1el3 ?.@.
the dri1er8 he described him as ha1in- shar08 0ointed feat%res8 and
smooth 0ale s)in.
A second later8 the Merc%r3 dri1er -%nned his en-ine8 ran the red li-ht8
and disa00eared into the %nder-ro%nd 0ar)in- -ara-e of the M%rrah
?s it 0ossible these 2itnesses are describin- are t2o different 0eo0leH
?n #nider's acco%nt8 the dri1er is an American ?ndian or 7is0anic man
2ith lon-8 strai-ht blac) hair8 2earin- s%n-lasses. The 0assen-er is
Mc<ei-h. Neither one is 2earin- a ball ca0. The time is '53! a.m. ?n
Moro's acco%nt8 the dri1er is Mc<ei-h8 2hile the 0assen-er is a stoc)3
man 2ith short c%rl3 hair. Both men are 2earin- ball ca0s on
bac)2ards. The time is '54. a.m.
#nider and Moro both sa2 a R3der tr%c) containin- Timoth3 Mc<ei-h8
3et 2ith com0letel3 different com0anions. Ahile #nider 2as 3ellin- at
Mc<ei-h in the R3der tr%c) in Bric)to2n8 7%nt 2as 2atchin- the tr%c)
bein- trailed b3 Mc<ei-h in the Merc%r3 se1eral bloc)s a2a3. A fe2
min%tes later8 (inehan 2atched as the Merc%r3 dro1e into the M%rrah
B%ildin- -ara-e.
Moreo1er8 each 2itness sa2 these con1o3s at a00ro:imatel3 the same
time. ?t is 0ossible that the hea1il3 loaded tr%c) seen b3 #nider co%ld
ha1e made it from 2! 4ast California in Bric)to2n to 1.th and 7%dson
in fi1e min%tes. B%t in order to do so8 the3 2o%ld ha1e had to dro0 off
one man8 0ic) %0 another8 e:chan-e 0laces in the tr%c)8 and 0%t on
ball ca0s. Then the3 2o%ld ha1e to dri1e a distance of a00ro:imatel3
2! bloc)s * d%rin- mornin- r%sh ho%r traffic. +ossible8 b%t not too
?s it 0ossible one of these 2itnesses has his stor3 2ron-H Aell8 if he
does8 he has it really 2ron-. 7o2 co%ld an a00arentl3 credible
2itnesses mista)e a short-c%rl3-haired man 2ith a blac) ball ca0 for a
lon--strai-ht-haired man 2ith tear-dro0 s%n-lassesH /ne 2ho is clearl3
the 0assen-er8 the other 2ho is clearl3 the dri1erH ?n n%mero%s
inter1ie2s 2ith the a%thor and other No%rnalists8 #nider 2ent into -reat
detail abo%t his enco%nter8 and ne1er 2a1ered.
?n a ta0ed inter1ie2 2ith Mi)e Moro8 he str%c) me as a sincere8 sober8
3o%n- man. Both (inehan and 7%nt are solid8 0rofessional 0eo0le. ?t is
not li)el3 that these 2itnesses are rela3in- inacc%rate information.
DTheir stories reall3 seem to chec) o%t8D said 1ideo 0rod%cer Ch%c)
Allen8 2ho inter1ie2ed man3 2itnesses. DThe3 -o into -reat de0th and
detail abo%t all this. ?f 3o% e1er meet these -%3s8 3o%'ll )no2 their
stories are 1er3 stron- * 1er3 belie1able.D
Researchers ha1e also 9%estioned 2h3 Mc<ei-h8 2ho had s%00osedl3
been to the M%rrah B%ildin- at least three times * once on @ecember
1"8 a-ain a 2ee) and a half before the bombin-8 then a-ain on A0ril 14
* 2o%ld need to as) directions to it 2hen he 2as onl3 si: bloc)s a2a3.
B%t accordin- to Moro8 2ho has hel0ed more than a fe2 lost tra1elers8
the n%mber of one-2a3 streets in the do2nto2n area often conf%ses
0eo0le. DA lot of 0eo0le -et lost do2n here8 e1en 0eo0le 2ho li1e here8
he saidD
Finall38 7$@ em0lo3ee Bermaine 6ohnston 2as 2al)in- thro%-h an
alle3 a00ro:imatel3 t2o bloc)s from the M%rrah B%ildin- abo%t 1!
min%tes after the blast8 2hen she ran into Mc<ei-h and another man.
DThe3 2ere N%st standin- there 2atchin-8D said 6ohnston.
Mc<ei-h then as)ed the daed 0asserb3 DAas an3one )illedHD Ahen
6ohnston ans2ered that n%mero%s 0eo0le had been )illed8 incl%din-
man3 children8 Mc<ei-h's e:0ression s%ddenl3 t%rned sad. 7e and his
com0anion then -ot %0 and left.
Mi)e Moro 2as e1ent%all3 called in to identif3 Mc<ei-h in a 0hoto line-
%0. Cet he 2as ne1er called to testif3 before the Federal Brand 6%r3.
#nider 2as initiall3 inter1ie2ed b3 t2o FB? a-ents8 incl%din- Aeldon
>enned3 and Rob Ric)s Jof Aaco fameK8 b%t 2as ne1er bro%-ht in to a
line-%0 or called to testif3 before the Federal Brand 6%r3.
Considerin- he had close and s%stained contact 2ith DMc<ei-hD and
se1eral of his associates8 @r. 7eath sho%ld ha1e been a )e3
0rosec%tion 2itness. Cet the FB? ne1er called @r. 7eath in to identif3
Mc<ei-h in a line-%0. Nor 2as @r. 7eath e1er called before the Federal
Brand 6%r3. Nor 2as Freeman e1er called in to see a line-%08 or before
the -rand N%r3. (inehan8 7%nt8 6ohnston8 and n%mero%s other
2itnesses 2ere li)e2ise ne1er called.
/n Ma3 1.8 the 3os Angeles (imes re0orted8 D?n1esti-ators said
a%thorities theorie that 6ohn @oe 2 co%ld be t2o 0eo0le8 and that
Mc<ei-h and his alle-ed cons0irators co%ld ha1e %sed different men to
accom0an3 him in order to ser1e as 'deco3s' and conf%se in1esti-ators
tr3in- to trace his mo1ements.D
The 3os Angeles (imes re0ort8 2hich 2o%ld tend to acco%nt for the t2o
different tr%c)s8 onl3 -i1es half the stor3. Ahat the3 aren't sa3in- is
that not onl3 2ere there at least t2o 6ohn @oe 2s * there a00arentl3
2ere t2o DTimoth3 Mc<ei-hs.D /ne 2as 0robabl3 a do%ble.
The %se of do%bles in es0iona-e 2or) is not ne2. ?n fact8 the %se of
im0ostors8 loo)-ali)es and do%bles 2as 2ell-doc%mented in the 6F> and
Martin (%ther >in- assassinations.
(i)e the D(ee 7ar1e3 /s2aldD 2ho 2as seen filin- o%t n%mero%s Nob
a00lications in Ne2 /rleans8 DMc<ei-hD 2as seen -oin- floor-to-floor in
the Federal B%ildin- in /)lahoma. 4:ce0t that the D/s2aldD 2ho filled
o%t Nob a00lications listed his hei-ht as !' ,D8 2hile the real /s2ald's
hei-ht 2as !' 11.D
Accordin- to em0lo3ees at 4lliott's Bod3 #ho0 in 6%nction Cit38 the
DMc<ei-hD ;alias D>lin-D= 2ho rented the tr%c) on A0ril 1& 2as of
medi%m b%ild8 !' 1.D to !' 11D and 2ei-hed 1'.-1'! 0o%nds. 4lliott's
em0lo3ee Tom >essin-er stated on his FB? F@-3'3 re0ort that the man
had a Dro%-hD com0le:ion 2ith Dacne.D
;#ee A00endi:=
The onl3 0roblem is8 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h is "' 28D 2ei-hs 1". 0o%nds8 and
has a totall3 clear com0le:ion. Another sho0 em0lo3ee8 <ic)i Beemer8
said the man had a deformed chin8 %nli)e the real Mc<ei-h.
Ne1ertheless8 federal 0rosec%tors 2o%ld claim that a Dlittle c%rlic%eD on
the D>D in D>lin-'sD si-nat%re 2as indicati1e of Mc<ei-h's hand2ritin-.
Cet if Mc<ei-h 2as the same 0erson 2ho rented the tr%c) at 4lliott's on
the 1&th8 2h3 didn't he also %se an alias 2hile si-nin- the motel
re-isterH Ahile the DMc<ei-hD 2ho rented the tr%c) listed his name as
DBob >lin-8D 42' Malt @ri1e8 Redfield8 #@8 the DMc<ei-hD 2ho chec)ed
into the @reamland8 ri-ht do2n the street8 si-ned his name as DTim
Mc<ei-h8D and listed his address as 3"1" North <an @3)e Road8 @ec)er8
Michi-an8 the home of 6ames Nichols.
?f Mc<ei-h 2as 0lannin- on committin- s%ch a heino%s crime8 certainl3
he 2o%ld not lea1e s%ch a blatantl3 incriminatin- trail of e1idence. This
ma)es abo%t as m%ch sense as Mc<ei-h -oin- from floor-to-floor in the
M%rrah B%ildin- fillin- o%t Nob a00lications and anno%ncin- his name.
/r tellin- a dancer in T%lsa8 DCo%'re -oin- to remember me on A0ril
These 0re0ostero%s scenes 2ere 0racticall3 identical to those of all-
time 0ats3 (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald. ?n earl3 No1ember of 1,"38 a D(ee
7ar1e3 /s2aldD a00lied for a Nob as a 0ar)in- lot attendant at the
#o%thland 7otel. @%rin- his inter1ie2 2ith the mana-er8 he as)ed if
there 2as a -ood 1ie2 of do2nto2n @allas from the hotel.
/n 6an%ar3 2.8 1,"18 t2o men8 one re0resentin- himself as D(ee
7ar1e3 /s2ald8D 2al)ed into the Bolton Ford dealershi0 in Ne2 /rleans
and re9%ested a bid for 1. 0ic)-%0 tr%c)s8 ostensibl3 for the Friends of
@emocratic C%ba Committee. The onl3 0roblem 2as8 (ee 7ar1e3
/s2ald 2as in R%ssia at the time.
Then in #e0tember of 1,"38 a man 0%r0ortin- to be D(ee 7ar1e3
/s2aldD sho2ed %0 at the Me:ican Cons%late in Ne2 /rleans.
Accordin- to Mrs. Fenella Farrin-ton8 D/s2aldD said8 DAhat do 3o% ha1e
to do to ta)e firearms or a -%n into Me:icoHD
A D(ee 7ar1e3 /s2aldD s%bse9%entl3 0honed8 then sho2ed %0 at the
#o1iet embass3 in Me:ico Cit38 s0ea)in- 2ith a trade cons%ltant 2ho
2as alle-edl3 a member of the >BB's Dli9%id affairsD b%rea% ;hit
s9%ad=. The C?A later t%rned o1er to the Aarren Commission a
s%r1eillance sna0shot of a man the3 claimed 2as /s2ald at the #o1iet
embass3. The man loo)ed nothin- li)e /s2ald.
/n A0ril 1&8 1,,!8 a DBob >lin-D sho2ed %0 at 4lliott's Bod3 #ho0 in
6%nction Cit38 >ansas and rented a R3der tr%c). Cet accordin- to
s%r1eillance foota-e ta)en from a nearb3 Mc@onalds8 Mc<ei-h 2as
sittin- in the resta%rant eatin- a hamb%r-er at the time. 7e 2as
2earin- com0letel3 different clothes than those ascribed to D>lin-.D
Cet the FB? contends that Mc<ei-h left the resta%rant 2. min%tes
before the tr%c) 2as rented8 2al)ed the 1.3 miles to 4lliott's * a
fifteen-min%te 2al) * in a li-ht rain8 then sho2ed %0 at 4lliott's nice
and dr38 2earin- com0letel3 different clothes.
?n No1ember of 1,"38 a D(ee /s2aldD 2al)ed into the do2nto2n
(incoln Merc%r3 dealershi0 in @allas anno%ncin- his intention to b%3 a
Merc%r3 Comet. Accordin- to the salesman8 Albert Bo-ard8 DMr.
/s2aldD too) him on a 2ild test dri1e8 s0eedin- alon- at ". to &. miles
an ho%r. After he 2as told the amo%nt of the do2n 0a3ment8 another
salesman8 4%-ene Ailson8 heard D/s2aldD sa38 DMa3be ?'m -oin- to
ha1e to -o bac) to R%ssia to b%3 a car.D
@%rin- the Aarren Commission hearin-s8 salesman Fran) +io
described the c%stomer as !' 'D tall. Ahen the Aarren Commission
sho2ed +io a 0hoto of /s2ald ta)en after his arrest8 he said8 D? ha1e
to sa3 that he is not the oneLD
After the bombin- in /)lahoma Cit38 ATF informant Carol 7o2e told the
FB? that she reco-nied the t2o men on the FB?'s ori-inal 2anted
0osters as +eter Aard and Michael Brescia * t2o 4lohim Cit3
residents. #he said that neither man 2as Tim Mc<ei-h.
?n earl3 No1ember of 1,"38 Mrs. (o1ell +enn of @allas fo%nd three men
firin- a rifle on her 0ro0ert3. After the3 left8 she fo%nd a s0ent cartrid-e
bearin- the name DMannlicher-Carcanno8D the rifle that the Aarren
Commission claimed /s2ald %sed to 0erform his historic feat of
mar)smanshi0 in @eal3 +laa.
As @istrict Attorne3 6im Barrison later noted8 DThese scenes 2ere abo%t
as s%btle as roaches tr3in- to snea) across a 2hite r%-.D
No less s%btle 2ere the scenes and e1ents leadin- %0 to the /)lahoma
Cit3 bombin-. ?t is hi-hl3 0ossible that the man @r. 7eath sa2 in the
M%rrah B%ildin- a 2ee) and-a-half before the bombin- 2as not
Timoth3 Mc<ei-h at all8 b%t a do%ble. The scenario of Timoth3 Mc<ei-h
* the alle-ed Dlone n%tD bomber * -oin- from floor-to-floor in the
tar-et b%ildin- anno%ncin- his name 2hile lea1in- a 0a0er trail is
be3ond cred%lit3.
(i)e /s2ald8 2ho re0eatedl3 tele0honed8 then a00eared at the #o1iet
embass3 in Me:ico8 Mc<ei-h 2o%ld tele0hone 4lohim Cit3 * a 2hite
se0aratist com0o%nd * N%st before the bombin-8 as)in- to s0ea) to
And3 #trassmeir.
(i)e /s2ald8 2ho left behind a diar3 of his D(eft-leanin-D 2ritin-s8
Mc<ei-h 0%r0ortedl3 left intentions of his 0lans to bomb other tar-ets
in the -lo1e com0artment of his car * a car 2hich co%ld be easil3
reco-nied and traced to him.
(i)e /s2ald 2ho8 after 0%r0ortedl3 )illin- the 0resident of the $nited
#tates8 2al)ed into a mo1ie ho%se 2itho%t 0a3in-8 0%r0osel3 attractin-
the attention of the 0olice8 Mc<ei-h 2o%ld s0eed do2n the hi-h2a3 at
'. miles an ho%r 2itho%t a license 0late8 0%r0osef%ll3 attractin- the
attention of the 7i-h2a3 +atrol. 7e 2o%ld then mee)l3 hand himself
o1er for arrest8 not e1en attem0tin- to dra2 his Bloc) ,mm 0istol on
the a00roachin- co08 2hom he co%ld ha1e easil3 shot and )illed.
(i)e the Mannlicher-Carcanno rifle 2hich /s2ald 0%r0ortedl3 bo%-ht
from a mail-order s%00l3 ho%se8 and the Mannlicher-Carcanno cartrid-e
fo%nd b3 Mrs. +enn8 Mc<ei-h 2o%ld lea1e a b%siness card from
+a%lsen's Militar3 #%r0l%s 2ith a notation to 0ic) %0 more TNT in the
0olice cr%iser after his arrest.
As 6im Barrison noted8 D#ome of these scenes 2ere so 0re0ostero%s
onl3 the most -%llible co%ld s2allo2 them.D
(i)e /s2ald8 2ho 2as led o%t of the @allas +olice @e0artment and
immediatel3 shot b3 6ac) R%b38 Mc<ei-h 2o%ld be led o%t of the Noble
Co%nt3 Co%rtho%se in a bri-ht oran-e N%m0s%it8 2itho%t a b%llet-
0roof 1est8 0araded before an an-r3 cro2d on the 1er-e of 1iolence.
Finall38 li)e 6ames 4arl Ra38 2ho 2as acc%sed of )illin- Martin (%ther
>in-8 6r.8 2e are left 0onderin- the si-nificance of t2o similar 1ehicles8
both a00arentl3 tied to the crime. Ra3 had o2ned a 2hite Ford
M%stan-8 2hich 2as seen s0eedin- a2a3 after the assassination. Cet
another 2hite M%stan- 2as seen 0ar)ed in front of 6im's Brill in
Mem0his8 near 2here Ra3 had his car 0ar)ed. The t2o cars 2ere
almost identical8 e:ce0t for t2o thin-s5 Ahile Ra3 2as 2earin- a s%it
on A0ril 48 1,"'8 the dri1er of the other M%stan- 2as 2earin- a dar)
bl%e 2indbrea)erG 2hile Ra3's car had Alabama 0lates8 the other car
had Ar)ansas 0lates.
/ne is reminded of the contradictor3 testimon3 of @a1id #nider and
Mi)e Moro8 2ho sa2 t2o R3der tr%c)s on the mornin- of A0ril 1,8 b%t
2ith different occ%0ants. Another interestin- 0arallel is that 2hile
Mc<ei-h's Merc%r3 re0ortedl3 had Ariona ta-s8 a 2hite /)lahoma ta-
2as seen b3 Bar3 (e2is dan-lin- from one bolt as the car s0ed a2a3
from the scene.
?n s0ite of the n%mero%s discre0ancies8 it seemed that b3 a con1enient
strin- of associations8 a caref%ll3 0laced trail of e1idence8 and a
caref%ll3 0lanned and e:ec%ted o0eration8 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h 2as
im0licated as 0rime s%s0ect n%mber one in the 0lot to blo2 %0 the
Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin-.
(i)e (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald8 2ho 2as declared the Dlone assassinD 2ithin
2ee)s8 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h 2o%ld be declared * alon- 2ith Terr3 Nichols
* the Dlone bomberD 2ithin da3s. /n the indictments8 the 6%stice
@e0artment 2o%ld -rat%ito%sl3 add8 D2ith others %n)no2n.D Cet these
Dothers %n)no2nD 2o%ld fade from official memor3 as the so-called
D6%sticeD @e0artment 2ithdre2 the 6ohn @oe 2 s)etch and the
s%bse9%ent re2ard offer.
After his arrest8 (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald anno%nced to the tele1ision
cameras8 D?'m a 0ats3ID
After his arrest8 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h told the 3ondon )unday (imes he
2as Dset %0D for the bombin- b3 the FB? beca%se of his e:treme
0olitical 1ie2s.
Ne1er since the frame-%0 of (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald has the media -one
o%t of its 2a3 to 0ortra3 a s%s0ect as dan-ero%s and mali-nant. Ahile
the mainstream 0ress too) their c%es from the FB?8 the3 contradicted
their o2n No%rnalistic common sense. The -o1ernment and their
mainstream media la0 do-s ha1e based their theories of Timoth3
Mc<ei-h %0on the flimsiest of 0retenses8 2hile i-norin- the more
ob1io%s facts. The mainstream 0ress8 2illin- to ta)e the Federal
Bo1ernment's 2ord as -os0el8 has s%cc%mbed8 and 0er0etrated8 the
most ob1io%s 0ro0a-anda. ?n so doin-8 the3 ha1e 1iolated e1er3
0rinci0al of thoro%-h and honest No%rnalism8 and ha1e become nothin-
b%t a 2illin- tool of the cor0orateRintelli-ence establishment.
As #te0hen 6ones said8 DBefore this in1esti-ation is all o1er 2ith8 the
-o1ernment 2ill ha1e Tim Mc<ei-h standin- ne:t to (ee 7ar1e3
Cet %nli)e /s2ald8 2ho 2as s%mmaril3 e:ec%ted b3 mob-connected
0olice officer 6ac) R%b38 Mc<ei-h has 9%ietl3 and safel3 settled into his
ne2fo%nd circ%mstances. As the drama of his trial;s= %nfold in a dail3
dis0la3 of e1idence and 2itnesses8 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h ma3 tr%l3 belie1e
that N%stice 2ill 0re1ail.
Ne:t Q +re1io%s Q Contents Q Te:t <ersion
Terry 9ichols( 19on#6esident -lien1
The ima-e of Timoth3 Mc<ei-h * the stone-faced )iller * 2o%ld fade
in the 2a)e of co%rt a00earances and media inter1ie2s8 as #te0hen
6ones so%-ht to 0ortra3 his smilin- and chidin- client as the sim0le bo3
ne:t door.
The eni-matic fi-%re of Terr3 Nichols8 ho2e1er8 2o%ld ha%nt 0%blic
0erce0tion8 as his attorne3 Nealo%sl3 -%arded the m3sterio%s8 broodin-
fi-%re from 0r3in- e3es.
?t 2as the older8 9%iet8 bes0ectacled Nichols8 some theoried8 2ho 2as
the DbrainsD behind the bombin-8 -%idin- his 3o%n- friend in the
sinister and deadl3 0lot.
Nichols' e:-2ife8 (ana +adilla8 doesn't a-ree. D? belie1e that Terr3
bo%-ht his home8 bro%-ht his famil3 thereL tr%l38 tr%l3L 2anted to
ha1e a famil3 and N%st -et on 2ith his life. ? N%st don't thin) this man
co%ld ha1e done thisL ? N%st don't thin) 2ith an3 )no2led-e he co%ld
ha1e done this.D
Nei-hbors Bob and #and3 +a0o1ich8 lon--time friends8 2rote the 0ress
that Terr3 Nichols is a D)ind8 -entle8 -enero%s man absol%tel3 inca0able
of 1iolence.D As +a0o1ich told the a%thor8 D?'1e )no2n Terr3 for o1er 1!
3ears8 and ?'1e ne1er heard this man %tter the 2ord DhellD or DdamnD.L
Terr3 doesn't 2ant to h%rt an3bod3.L And all these 0eo0le 2ant me to
belie1e that this man is ca0able of m%rderin- h%ndreds of innocent
0eo0le. ?t ain't 0ossible.D
Terr3 Nichols told Federal +%blic @efender #te1e Bradert8 D7ec)8 ?'1e
-ot )ids8 too8D in res0onse to the bombin-.
A 0eacef%l 0erson8
Nichols re0ortedl3 lo1ed children8 incl%din- his son 6osh8 2hom he
maintained a close relationshi0 2ith. /ne da38 the ast%te thirteen-3ear-
old told his mother he had to call the FB?. 7e 2as frantic. D?'1e -ot to
tell themID
DAhat do 3o% -ot to tell them8 +adilla as)edHD
D?'1e -ot to tell them that m3 dad 2o%ldn't do that. 7e lo1es children.
7e 2o%ldn't do that to those children.D
Cet the 0ress 2o%ld 0aint Terr3 Nichols 2ith the same broad br%sh that
the3 had %sed to 0aint Timoth3 Mc<ei-h * foc%sin- on the fact that
Nichols came from a bro)en home8 had dro00ed o%t of colle-e8 2or)ed
a series of odd Nobs8 and 2as anti--o1ernment. (i)e Mc<ei-h8 the
media8 anti-militia acti1ists8 and scores of 0se%do-e:0erts 2o%ld do
their best to cast Nichols in the same e:tremist mold * a man8
a%thorities claimed * ca0able of )illin- 1", innocent 0eo0le
The third of fo%r children8 Terr3 Nichols -re2 %0 on a farm near (a0eer8
Michi-an. 7is father8 Robert * 9%iet and soft-s0o)en * labored hard
on the famil3's 1".-acre farm. (i)e his son8 he also 2or)ed a series of
odd Nobs8 doin- constr%ction8 sellin- enc3clo0edias8 and 0%ttin- in
shifts at the +ontiac and B%ic) 0lants8 in an effort to )ee0 the famil3
afloat in a co%nt3 2here farmin- had become less and less 0ros0ero%s.
7is mother 6o3ce 2as a shar0 contrast. 7ard-drin)in-8 often 1iolent
2ith e:0losi1e fits of tem0er8 she had once rammed Robert's tractor
2ith her car8 and had threatened the local sheriff 2ith a chain-sa2.
After 24 3ears of diffic%lt marria-e8 the co%0le finall3 di1orced. +adilla
said Terr3 too) it hard.
Nichols dreamed of -oin- to medical school b%t his -rades 2eren't
-ood eno%-h for most 0re-med 0ro-rams. 7e enrolled at Central
Michi-an $ni1ersit38 b%t after his 0arents' di1orce in 1,&48 he dro00ed
o%t at the re9%est of his mother8 2ho needed hel0 on the famil3 farm
in @ec)er. 7o2e1er8 Nichols told friends he 2o%ld ne1er be a farmer.
Cet8 li)e Mc<ei-h8 Nichols 2as an intelli-ent man. 7e 0assed a diffic%lt
test for a sec%rities license 2ith a minim%m of st%d3 and 0re0aration8
b%t told friends he 2as bored 2ith colle-e8 2hich he fo%nd no more
challen-in- than hi-h-school.
Ahile in @ec)er8 Nichols met his first 2ife8 (ana +adilla8 and the3
married in 1,'1. T2o 3ears later8 the3 had a bab3 bo38 6osh%a. #hortl3
thereafter8 +adilla's sister >elli married Terr3's brother 6ames8 and the
fo%r li1ed to-ether at 6ames's @ec)er8 Michi-an farmho%se.
Not satisfied 2ith farm life8 Nichols tried a n%mber of different
occ%0ations. 7e del1ed into 0enn3 stoc)s8 2ent on to sell ins%rance
and real estate8 mana-ed a -rain ele1ator8 and 2or)ed occasionall3 as
a car0enter. Nothin- held his interest.
DNo matter 2hat he tried to do8 e1er3 time he tried to brea) a2a38 he
ended %0 bac) on the farm tr3in- to hel0 his mother and 6ames8D said
Ahile +adilla de1oted time to b%ildin- her real estate career8 Nichols
coo)ed8 cleaned ho%se8 and cared for the )ids. Cet he -re2 increasin-l3
restless and de0ressed.
DTerr3 -ot real do2n on life8D said his father. D7e didn't care 2hat he
had doneL. 7e lost his 1italit3.D
/ne afternoon +adilla bro%-ht home 0am0hlets from the local Arm3
recr%itin- office8 and laid them o%t on the table. Ahen she came bac)8
the 0am0hlets 2ere -one. (i)e man3 men %ncertain abo%t their f%t%re8
Nichols decided to tr3 a career in the militar3.
D7e 2as N%st searchin- for a career8 somethin- he enNo3ed8D Nichols'
friend #and3 +a0o1ich told the allas $orning +ews. D7e tho%-ht he
2o%ld li)e it.D
?t 2as an %n%s%al career mo1e for a 32-3ear-old man 2ith children. Cet
Nichols ho0ed he 2o%ld be able to rise 9%ic)l3 thro%-h the ran)s8 and
+adilla tho%-ht the e:0erience 2o%ld stren-then Terr3 and sa1e their
/n Ma3 248 1,''8 Nichols 2as assi-ned to Fort Bennin-8 Beor-ia for
basic trainin-. D7e said the -o1ernment had made it im0ossible for him
to ma)e a li1in- as a farmer8D recalled assistant 0latoon leader Blen
DTe:D 4d2ards. 7e hated the $nited #tates -o1ernment. ? tho%-ht it
stran-e that a 32-3ear-old man 2o%ld be com0lainin- abo%t the
-o1ernment8 3et 2as no2 em0lo3ed b3 the -o1ernment. Nichols told
me he si-ned %0 to 0%ll his 2. 3ears and -et a retirement 0ension.D
Beca%se of his a-e and mat%rit38 Nichols 2as 9%ic)l3 made 0latoon
leader. The ob1io%s discre0anc3 in 3ears earned him the nic)name
D/ld Man.D
DThe drill ser-eant said that beca%se Nichols 2as older than the rest of
%s8 he 2o%ld ho0ef%ll3 be more mat%re and able to lead the 3o%n-er
-%3s in the %nit. 7e also had some colle-e bac)-ro%nd and came into
the Arm3 as a +FC8D said 4d2ards.
?t 2as at Fort Bennin- that Nichols 2o%ld meet Timoth3 Mc<ei-h. The
t2o men had enlisted on the same da3. Accordin- to an acco%nt in the
Ailliam D@a1eD @ill38 2ho 2as Mc<ei-h's roommate for abo%t a 3ear
in the ser1ice8 said Mc<ei-h and Nichols Dhit it off from the start8 li)e
Terr3 2as his bi- brother. Tim 2as real frail and %ns%re of himself. Terr3
2as the oldest -%3 and real s%re of himself.D
B%t the t2o men fo%nd the3 had a lot in common. Mc<ei-h too came
from a bro)en8 bl%e-collar home and had an abidin- interest in firearms
and far-ri-ht 0olitics. Both men fancied themsel1es as s%r1i1alists8 and
both lo1ed to s0end time on the rifle ran-e. Both 2ere loo)in- for
lifetime careers in the ser1ice. The3 9%ic)l3 became friends.
Another one of their friends 2as Michael Fortier8 2ho Noined Nichols
and Mc<ei-h at Fort Rile3. The three 2o%ld s0end free time to-ether8
-oin- fishin-8 shootin-8 and sharin- their 0olitical beliefs.
Cet 2hile Mc<ei-h 2o%ld rise 9%ic)l3 thro%-h the ran)s8 Nichols' Arm3
career stalled. ?t seemed his 0latoon leadershi0 stat%s had been
rescinded d%e to a 0ran) he and Mc<ei-h had 0%lled.
Aro%nd the same time8 +adilla filed for di1orce8 and made 0lans to
mo1e her real estate b%siness to (as <e-as. /n Ma3 1!8 1,',8 after 11
months in the ser1ice8 Nichols 0%t in for a hardshi0 dischar-e d%e to a
Dfamil3 emer-enc3D that 2as ne1er 0%blicl3 e:0lained. Cet it a00arentl3
had nothin- to do 2ith his di1orce. 7e told +adilla it 2as to ta)e care of
his son 6osh. As +adilla later 2rote8 Nichols alread3 had 6osh 2ith him at
Fort Rile38 2here the 0air li1ed in a ho%se off-base. As +adilla 2rote in
her boo)8 %y %lood %etrayed'
?'1e al2a3s 2ondered N%st 2h3 he 2as released8 less than a 3ear after
enlistin-8 and ha1e al2a3s been told it 2as beca%se he had to ta)e
care of 6osh. B%t this theor3 ne1er 2ashed 2ith me beca%se he'd had
6osh 2ith him all alon-. ? reall3 belie1e that 6osh 2as N%st a con1enient
e:c%se and that Terr3 had become disill%sioned 2ith the Arm3 beca%se
he belie1ed he 2o%ld ne1er rise thro%-h the ran)s.
+erha0s Nichols' Dhardshi0 dischar-eD 2as similar to (ee 7ar1e3
/s2ald's Dhardshi0 dischar-eD from the Marines that ne1er 2as
e:0lained. And that of Thomas Martine8 the FB? infiltrator into the
#ilent Brotherhood ;The /rder=8 2ho 2as -i1en an honorable dischar-e
d%rin- basic trainin-8 2hich 2as ne1er e:0lained.
41en more interestin- is the 0arallel to Mc<ei-h's dischar-e after
Dfailin-D his #0ecial Forces tr3-o%t in A0ril of 1,,1. Mc<ei-h's s%dden
and m3sterio%s de0art%re from the Arm38 li)e Nichols'8 2as ne1er f%ll3
e:0lained. As s%--ested 0re1io%sl38 Mc<ei-h's s%dden decision lea1e a
brilliant militar3 career behind ma3 ha1e res%lted from his bein-
Dshee0-di00edD as an intelli-ence o0erati1e.
Cet mainstream media 0s3choNo%rnalists insisted that Nichols'
de0art%re from the Arm3 2as nothin- more than the ine1itable res%lt
of a consistent strin- of life-lon- fail%res.
Blen DTe:D 4d2ards 0%t a sli-htl3 different s0in on the matter. 4d2ards
said that shortl3 before he left the Arm38 Nichols in1ited him to be 0art
of a D0ri1ate arm3D he said he 2as creatin-. D7e told me he 2o%ld be
comin- bac) to Fort Rile3 to start his o2n militar3 or-aniation8D
recalled 4d2ards. D7e said he co%ld -et an3 )ind of 2ea0on and an3
e9%i0ment he 2anted.D
Nichols also said he intended to recr%it Mc<ei-h8 Fortier8 and others. D?
can't remember the name of his or-aniation8 b%t he seemed 0rett3
serio%s abo%t it8D 4d2ards said8 addin- that he re0orted Nichols' offer
to the FB? shortl3 after the bombin-.
?n s0ite of the flambo3ant tales abo%t recr%itin- a 0ri1ate arm38 Nichols
ret%rned to his old life in Michi-an8 2or)in- for a time as a car0enter8
then mo1in- bac) to the farmho%se in @ec)er. ?n s0ite of his short
career in the Arm38 or 0erha0s beca%se of it8 Nichols de1elo0ed a dee0
distr%st of the Federal Bo1ernment.
?t 2as a feelin- that 2as shared b3 his brother 6ames8 2ho8 as a farmer8
had s%ffered thro%-h the 2orst of the floods of the late '&.s and earl3
''.s8 and blamed the Federal Bo1ernment for failin- to 0ro1ide
ade9%ate disaster relief. Nichols8 alon- 2ith his #anilac co%ntr3
nei-hbors8 2itnessed doens of farm foreclos%res as a res%lt. ?t 2as the
Federal Bo1ernment's 0olicies that led to the rise of s%ch far-Ri-ht
-ro%0s as the American A-ric%lt%ral Mo1ement and the anti-ta: +osse
Comitat%s. As the Post 2rites5
Man3 residents aro%nd @ec)er said the3 share Terr3 and 6ames's an-r3
0olitics8 b%t are less 1ocal beca%se the3 fear -o1ernment retrib%tion.
DM%ch of 2hat the Nichols brothers belie1e is not that different or
radical from 2hat lots of 0eo0le aro%nd here thin)8D said local tr%c)
dri1er 6ac) Bean. DAe feel o%r liberties and freedoms are bein- chi00ed
a2a3 at and 2e 2ant all this a%thorit3 off o%r bac)s. The difference
bet2een the Nichols and others in this comm%nit3 is that the3 are N%st
not afraid to sa3 2hat the3 thin)8 to challen-e 2hat is 2ron-.D
?n s0ite of their differences8 Terr3 and 6ames had a lot in common. Both
2ere fathers8 had married sisters8 and had s%ffered thro%-h diffic%lt
di1orces. Both shared an ideolo-ical distr%st of the Federal
6ames st%died the Constit%tion8 Blac)'s (a2 @ictionar3 and the $niform
Commercial Codes. 7e read the 2or)s of 6efferson and +aine and 2as
0artic%larl3 ins0ired b3 6efferson's ma:im8 DThe tree of libert3 m%st be
refreshed from time to time 2ith the blood of 0atriots and t3rants.D
+erha0s not coincidentall38 this 0assa-e 2as disco1ered in
Mc<ei-h's car %0on his arrest. ?t 2o%ld later be read into e1idence at
his trial.
Both Terr3 and 6ames also held a 1ie2 shared b3 man3 belea-%ered
farmers5 that the Federal Reser1e 2as not em0o2ered to coin mone38
and that $.#. c%rrenc3 0rinted after 1,3.8 2hen the nation 2ent into
debt8 2as 1al%eless. Follo2in- the ad1ice of financial boo)s that
2arned of an imminent crash8 the brothers 0%t their mone3 into
0recio%s metals s%ch as sil1er and -old.
Cet their acti1ities too) still more dramatic t%rns. ?n 1,,. 6ames tried to
reno%nce his citienshi08 and 0lastered his car 2ith anti--o1ernment
and #econd Amendment b%m0er stic)ers.
Terr3 0%rchased a 0ic)-%0 tr%c) and decided not to re-ister it8 instead8
ma)in- his o2n ta- and 0lacin- it on front. Both men reno%nced their
dri1er's licenses.
?n March of 1,,48 Terr3 sent a dramatic affida1it to the 41er-reen
To2nshi0 claimin- himself to be a DNon-Resident AlienD 0ri1ate citien
not bo%nd b3 the la2s of the $.#. -o1ernment. ;#ee A00endi:= 7e also
reno%nced his 1otin- ri-hts d%e to DLtotal corr%0tion in the entire
0olitical s3stem from the local -o1ernment on %0 thro%-h and incl%din-
the 0resident of the $nited #tates of America8 Beor-e B%sh.D
Ahile he ma3 ha1e been ri-ht in 0rinci0le8 his acti1it3 2as not
condoned b3 the local a%thorities. ?n 1,,28 Chase Manhattan Ban)
2ent after Nichols for rac)in- %0 F1&8'". in %n0aid credit card debts.
The lar-el3 o%t-of-2or) farmer had s0ent o1er F3!8...8 %sin- Chase
and First @e0osit National Ban) cards8 on farm e9%i0ment8 0ersonal
effects8 and airline tic)ets.
7e attem0ted to 0a3 off the debts 2ith his o2n DCertified Fractional
Reser1e Chec)8D a bo-%s chec) distrib%ted 2idel3 amon- farmers b3 a
-ro%0 called Famil3 Farm +reser1ation. 7e si-ned the chec)8 D4:0licitl3
reser1in- all m3 ri-hts8 Terr3 (. Nichols.D 7e then sent the ban) a letter
retroacti1el3 re1o)in- his si-nat%re from the credit card contract.
DThere are t2o sides to that man8 ma3be man3 more8D said @ennis
Reid8 a #and%s)38 Mich.8 la23er 2ho has obser1ed Nichols and his
brother8 6ames8 d%rin- co%rt 0roceedin-s in Michi-an. D6im to me ?
reall3 e:0ect is )ind of a siss3. 7e 2as al2a3s sha)in- 2hen he'd -o
into the co%rtroom and s0o%t off8D attorne3 @ennis Reid said. DTerr3
seemed to be more le1el-headed. 7e 2as still sa3in- thin-s that 2ere
stran-e8 b%t he 2as certainl3 more cold and more calc%latin-.D
Terr3 definitel3 didn't seem Dle1el-headedD 2hen he 2ent to co%rt to
ans2er the la2s%it b3 Chase. 7e ref%sed to come before the bench8
sho%tin- to 6%d-e @onald Tee0le from the bac) of the room that the
co%rt had no N%risdiction o1er him. @%rin- the hearin-8 the bitter
and sarcastic defendant acc%sed the ban) of fra%d. DThe3 )no2in-l3
and 2illin-l3 )no2 ho2 to ma)e credit o%t of nothin- and ma)e interest
on it and act%all3 steal 0eo0le's hard earned mone38D he told the
6%d-e. DThe3 -a1e me 1al%eless nothin- for somethin- the3 2ant to
ta)e from me that has 1al%e. That's not ri-ht8 is itHD
7e claimed to ha1e determined that the ban)'s b%siness 2as based
%0on Dfra%d and misre0resentation8 coll%sion8 color of la28 cons0irac38
enticement8 ind%cement8 sed%ction8 d%ress8 coercion8 mista)e JandK
ban)r%0tc38D and he filed a co%nterclaim a-ainst First @e0osit and its
attorne3s for F!.8... or 1482.. o%nces of sil1er. Nichols char-ed the
ban) 2ith Dmental and emotional dama-e8 loss of ha00iness and the
%nN%st destro3in- of credit histor3L b3 2anton acts 2hen no 0robable
ca%se e:isted.D
The N%d-e 2as not im0ressed. 7e acc%sed Nichols of 0la3in- 2ith
2ords and ordered him to 0a3 the debt. Nichols didn't 0a3.
Ahen FB? a-ents 9%estioned (ana +adilla after Nichols' arrest8 the3
as)ed her a c%rio%s 9%estion5 @id Nichols e1er d3e his hairH The
B%rea% had been in1esti-atin- a strin- of ban) robberies thro%-ho%t
the Mid2est. /ne of the robbers had d3ed his hair8 and 2as Nichols
hei-ht and 2ei-ht.
The -ro%08 )no2n as the Mid2est Ban) Bandits8 had robbed o1er a
9%arter-of-a-million dollars from more than 22 ban)s bet2een 6an%ar38
1,,4 and @ecember8 1,,! in a s0ree that too) them across si: states8
incl%din- >ansas. The bandits 2ere tied to a -ro%0 of men 2ho made
their tem0orar3 home at 4lohim Cit38 a far-Ri-ht reli-io%s com0o%nd in
#o%theastern /)lahoma. Mc<ei-h and his friend Michael Fortier 2ere
)no2n to ha1e 1isited the com0o%nd. #ome of the men 2ere also seen
in >ansas 2ith the bombin- defendants. ;#ee Cha0ter 4=
?f the FB?'s 9%estion came as a shoc) to +adilla8 she 2o%ld t%rn 0ale
2hen she o0ened her e:-h%sband's stora-e loc)er on @ecember 1!8
1,,48 and disco1ered 2i-s8 mas)s8 and 0ant3hose. The Mid-Aest Ban)
Bandits had 2orn mas)s.
Co%ld Nichols ha1e been robbin- ban)sH DNot the Terr3 ? )ne28D said
+adilla. D? 2as N%st s0ec%latin-8 b%t e1er3thin- that has come o%t abo%t
that side of Terr3 2as a totalL ma3be ? N%st t%rned m3 face and ne1er
noticed it8 ne1er 2anted to notice it8 b%tL ? ne1er tho%-ht of himL of
co%rse ? ne1er 2o%ld ha1e tho%-ht of him slee0in- 2ith a -%n %nder
him either.D
Cet considerin- Nichols' hatred of ban)s and his rall3in- cr3 a-ainst the
monetar3 s3stem8 it 2o%ld not be too far-fetched a scenario. #%ch
s0ec%lation is bolstered b3 the fact that Mc<ei-h sent his sister a letter
in @ecember of ',3 informin- her that he 2as 0art of a -ro%0 that had
been robbin- ban)s. Altho%-h he himself didn't admit to ta)in- 0art
in an3 of the robberies8 he as)ed her to Dla%nderD three F1.. bills that
Dthe3D had stolen.
Mc<ei-h ret%rned to @ec)er8 Michi-an in the #0rin- of 1,,3 to see his
old Arm3 friend Nichols. 6%st bac) from Aaco8 2here he had 2itnessed
the carna-e inflicted %0on the Branch @a1idians8 Mc<ei-h 2as instilled
2ith a ne2 sense of %r-enc3 and ra-e. At the Nichols farm8 he 2o%ld
find li)e-minded so%ls 2ho shared his fr%stration.
B3 the Fall of ',38 Mc<ei-h 2as li1in- at the farmho%se8 hel0in- 2ith
the chores8 and re0ortedl3 %r-in- the Nichols brothers onto more
militant acti1ities. The men 0racticed tar-et shootin- and settin- off
small bombs on the 0ro0ert3.
DCo% )no2 ho2 little bo3s li)e to 0la3 2ith thin-s that blo2 %0HD
recalled Jnei-hbor +hilK Mora2s)i. DThat 2as 2hat the3 2ere li)e. And
e1er3thin- the3 mi:ed o%t there in the cornfields seemed to 2or).D
The -o1ernment 2o%ld foc%s hea1il3 on this acti1it3 later on.
Accordin- to Michi-an Militia members8 the Nichols brothers also be-an
attendin- meetin-s8 b%t the militia fo%nd their rhetoric too stron-.
Michi-an Militia member 6ohn #im0son recalled5 DTerr3 came to one of
o%r meetin-s and 2anted to tal) abo%t a ta: re1olt8 ha1in- to ha1e a
dri1ers license and eliminatin- the -o1ernment. Ae did not belie1e in
his tactics * 0artic%larl3 the st%ff abo%t a re1olt.D
6ames re0ortedl3
tal)ed abo%t the Dnecessit3D of ta)in- on 0olice officers8 N%d-es and
la23ers. A00arentl38 Mc<ei-h accom0anied Nichols to some of the
Accordin- to (ime ma-aine8 Mc<ei-h and the Nichols brothers 2ent
on to or-anie their o2n militia5
Lthe three men formed their o2n cell of the D+atriots8D a self-st3led
0aramilitar3 -ro%0 that 6ames Nichols had been affiliated 2ith since
1,,2 2hen he be-an attendin- meetin-s in a nearb3 to2n. The trio
decided to recr%it members and establish other cells aro%nd the area8
b%t determined that for sec%rit3 reasons no %nit sho%ld -ro2 lar-er
than ei-ht members.
?f this acco%nt is acc%rate8 it 2o%ld tend to Ni1e 2ith 2hat Nichols told
Arm3 b%dd3 Blen DTe:D 4d2ards abo%t Drecr%itin-D his o2n 0ri1ate
arm3. +erha0s one of Nichols' recr%its 2as Crai- /'#hea8 2ho li1ed N%st
off 7i-h2a3 && in 7errin-ton. A friend of Nichols 2ho 2as )ic)ed o%t of
the ser1ice8 /'#hea %sed to 2or) for Barbara Ahittenber-8 2ho o2ns
the #ante Fe Trail @iner in 7errin-ton. Ahittenber- described /'#hea as
a Ddemolitions e:0ert8D and said she sa2 him occasionall3 2ith Nichols.
D7e's a 1er3 1iolent man8D said Ahittenber-8 2ho said /'#hea had once
threatened to )ill her and her h%sband.
?n March of ',48 Nichols too) a Nob at the @onah%e ranch in Marion8
Co-2or)er Tim @onah%e recalled that Nichols 2or)ed lon- ho%rs8
sometimes si: da3s a 2ee)8 2itho%t com0laint and a00eared to enNo3
his Nob8 2hich he did 2ell. Nichols 2o%ld -ro%se abo%t ta:es and the
-o1ernment cons0irin- to seie 0eo0le's firearms. /ne da3 2hen
Nichols and @onah%e 2ere tal)in- abo%t the %se of fertilier in farmin-8
Nichols mentioned that he )ne2 ho2 to ma)e a bomb.
Fo%r months later8 in A%-%st of ',48 Nichols -a1e @onah%e 3. da3s
notice. 7is dream of settin- %0 a 0ri1ate arm3 metamor0hosied into
sim0l3 s%00l3in- that arm3. 7e told @onah%e he 2as -oin- into the
arm3 s%r0l%s b%siness 2ith a friend. /n #e0tember 3.8 that friend *
Timoth3 Mc<ei-h * sho2ed %0 to hel0 him 0ac).
?t 2as d%rin- this 0eriod that his e:-2ife be-an 0ic)in- %0 stran-e
si-nals from her former h%sband.
4arlier in the month8 he had called her from >ansas. D7e 2as 1er3
%0set8D she said. D7e 2as 1er3 em0hatic. 7e tal)ed abo%t Aaco and
that shootin- at the Ahite 7o%se ;2here a Colorado #0rin-s man fired
a -%n to2ard the Ahite 7o%se=. 7e said8 'Co% )no28 that -%3 2asn't all
2ron-. There's -oin- to be some ci1il %nrest in this co%ntr3.'D
@%rin- one of his fre9%ent 1isits to +adilla's ho%se in (as <e-as8 Nichols
dis0la3ed his Bloc) .4!. D? ne1er )ne2 him to carr3 a -%n8D +adilla told
the en,er Post. D7e li)ed -%ns and collected them8 b%t this 2as ne2.
7e acted li)e he 2as afraid for his life. 7e sle0t 2ith it on.D
Tra1elin- the -%n sho2 circ%it 2ith Mc<ei-h8 Nichols 2as no2 a 1irt%al
nomad8 li1in- o%t of his 0ic)-%0. 7is fe2 remainin- 0ossessions 2ere
stored in a loc)er in (as <e-as. 7e also told +adilla that he 2as he 2as
s2itchin- the beneficiar3 of his life ins%rance 0olic3 from her to his
ne2 2ife8 Marife.
A 1&-3ear-old Fili0ino mail-order bride8 Marife Torres met Nichols
thro%-h +aradise #helton To%rs8 of #cottsdale8 Ariona. The 3o%n-
2oman loo)ed for2ard to lea1in- her life of 0o1ert3 in Ceb% Cit38
+hili00ines8 2here the %nem0lo3ment rate often to00ed 4. 0ercent.
After a 3ear of e:chan-in- heartfelt letters8 the3 married on No1ember
2.8 1,,. in a small resta%rant in Ceb% Cit3. Cet it too) o1er fo%r months
of b%rea%cratic hassles and red ta0e to arran-e Marife's entr3 into the
DThat one e0isode so%red Terr3 on -o1ernment8D his father recalled.
D7e ori-inall3 told me it 2o%ld ta)e si: 2ee)s for her to come hereL
b%t it 2as red ta0e8 red ta0e8 red ta0e.D
At first the ne2l32eds tried life on the @ec)er farm8 2here 6ason8
Marife's son b3 a former bo3friend8 2as born on #e0tember 218 1,,1.
Cet Marife fo%nd herself D2or)in- li)e a maid8D coo)in- and cleanin- for
Dthree h%sbands8D Terr38 6ames8 and Tim8 2ho often sta3ed at the
ho%se. #he 2rote her friend <ilma 4%lenber- that she tho%-ht the
0lace 2as ha%nted8 and resented Mc<ei-h8 2ho she tho%-ht 2as a bad
infl%ence on her h%sband.
The co%0le e1ent%all3 mo1ed to 2arm8 s%nn3 (as <e-as8 b%t Marife
missed her +hili00ine home. To accommodate his ne2 2ife8 Nichols
mo1ed to Ceb% Cit3. B%t the noise8 heat and smo- 2as too m%ch for
him8 and in mid-1,,38 after barel3 a month in the +hili00ines8 the3
mo1ed bac) to the #tates8 sh%ttlin- bac) and forth bet2een Michi-an
and Ne1ada.
Nicole8 their first common child8 2as born on A%-%st 18 1,,3.
T2o months later8 on No1ember 228 tra-ed3 str%c)8 2hen 2"-month-old
6ason accidentall3 s%ffocated to death in a 0lastic ba-. Ahile Marife
2ondered if Terr3 2as ca0able of )illin- a child8 +adilla ass%red her he
2as not8 then hinted dar)l3 in her boo) that Mc<ei-h ma3 ha1e been
res0onsible for the death.

#he ne-lected to mention the fact that
Mc<ei-h and 6ames had tried to re1i1e the 3o%n-ster for nearl3 half-an-
ho%r8 then called the 0aramedics.
A month later8 the co%0le mo1ed to (as <e-as8 2here the3 rented a
condomini%m for F!!. a month. ?t 2as d%rin- this 0eriod that Marife
be-an tra1elin- to the +hili00ines to finish her 0h3sical thera03 de-ree.
Accordin- to +adilla8 Terr3 also tra1eled to the +hili00ines abo%t fo%r
times a 3ear o1er a fo%r 3ear 0eriod. #he 2rote that he sometimes
tra1eled to Ceb% Cit3 2itho%t ta)in- Marife8 2hom he occasionall3 left
D#ometimes he 2ent 2hen Marife 2as in >ansas. ?t didn't ma)e sense8
b%t ? ne1er as)ed 2h3.D
+adilla s%bse9%entl3 told me in 6%l3 of 1,,"8 D? ha1e not )no2n him to
lea1e her here and N%st -o to the +hili00ines. ?f he made a tri0 b3
himself8 it 2as beca%se she 2as alread3 there.D
Ahiche1er acco%nt is tr%e8 Nichols did tra1el to Ceb% Cit3 in late
No1ember to meet 2ith D0otential b%siness 0artners.D Accordin- to
+adilla8 Nichols 2as ma)in- arran-ements to brin- bac) Db%tterflies.D
D/ne time he bro%-ht bac) b%tterflies * little b%tterflies that the3
ma)e o1er there * he bro%-ht them bac) here to sell.D
B%tterflies. C%rio%s merchandise for a man tr3in- to set himself %0 in
the militar3 s%r0l%s b%siness.
Then on No1ember 228 1,,4 Nichols made a final 1isit to the
+hili00ines to 1isit Marife. 7is 0artin- 2ords to 6osh left the 12-3ear old
con1inced he 2as ne1er -oin- to see his dad a-ain. As he -ot into the
car 2ith +adilla after dro00in- his father off at the air0ort8 he started
DAhat's the matterHD +adilla as)ed.
D?'m ne1er -oin- to see m3 dad a-ain. ?'m ne1er -oin- to see m3 dad
D/f co%rse 3o% 2ill8D +adilla said reass%rin-l3. D7e's -one to the
+hili00ines a lot of times. Co% )no2 he al2a3s comes bac).D
DThis time is different8D he bl%rted thro%-h bi- tears.
Nichols called his e:-2ife from (os An-eles se1eral ho%rs later. D7ad a
little e:citement at the air0ort after 3o% left8D he said8 la%-hin-. 7e told
+adilla that air0ort sec%rit3 had sto00ed him for tr3in- to snea) a 0air
of st%n -%ns thro%-h the metal detector. The3 called the co0 on d%t3
2ho ran Nichols' name thro%-h the com0%ter. Altho%-h he had se1eral
o%tstandin- traffic 2arrants8 the 0olice let him contin%e on his 2a3.
6%st 2h3 2as Nichols attem0tin- to carr3 st%n -%ns on an international
fli-htH Accordin- to Bob +a0o1ich8 Terr3 2as afraid of the hi-h crime
rate in 0o1ert3-stric)en Ceb% Cit3. 7e also said that Nichols 2as afraid
of Marife's e:-bo3friend. 6ason8 her son b3 this man8 had died 2hile in
Nichols' c%stod3. The e:-bo3friend had alle-edl3 threatened to )ill him
sho%ld he ret%rn.
Cet +adilla doesn't thin) the stor3 is credible. D? thin) it's somethin-
the3 dreamed %08D she said. Cet %0on his ret%rn he told +adilla that he
co%ld -et D)illed do2n thereD and he 2as ne1er -oin- bac).
/b1io%sl38 somebod3 2as o%t to h%rt Terr3 Nichols8 0ossibl3 )ill him.
Ahen he de0arted for Ceb% Cit38 he left a m3sterio%s 0ac)a-e for his
e:-2ife8 sa3in-8 D?f ?'m not bac) in ". da3s8 o0en it and follo2 the
instr%ctions.D At first8 +adilla did as she 2as told. B%t her instincts
e1ent%all3 too) o1er.
D? 2as %neas3 abo%t his 2arnin-8 and 6osh's8 '?'ll ne1er see m3 dad
a-ain' )e0t echoin- in m3 brain.D
+adilla had sec%red the 0ac)a-e in her office safe. No2 she sli00ed
9%ietl3 into the conference room8 o0ened the loc)8 and laid the
m3sterio%s bro2n 0a0er ba- on the table. ?t stared omino%sl3 bac) at
her. As she ri00ed it o0en8 nearl3 a doen )e3s slid o%t onto the table.
#he didn't reco-nie an3 of them.
There 2as Terr3's life ins%rance 0olic3 2ith a note sa3in- he had
chan-ed the beneficiar3 from her to Marife8 and t2o hand2ritten lists
sa3in- DRead and @o ?mmediatel3.D /ne of the lists directed her to a
stora-e loc)er in (as <e-as5
All items in stora-e are for 6osh%a. The ro%nd items are his 2hen he
t%rns 218 all else no2.L
The note also instr%cted her to remo1e a small 0lastic ba- ta0ed
behind a %tensil dra2er in Nichols' )itchen5
All items in 0lastic ba- are to be sent to Marife8 for Nicole8 if for an3
reason m3 life ins%rance doesn't 0a3 her. /ther2ise8 half -oes to 6osh
and half to Marife.
#he remo1ed a letter to Mc<ei-h's sister8 6ennifer. ?nside the letter to
6ennifer 2as another one stam0ed and addressed to Mc<ei-h5
?f 3o% sho%ld recei1e this letter8 then clear e1er3thin- o%t of CB 3& b3
.1 Feb ,! or 0a3 to )ee0 it lon-er8 %nder Ted +ar)er of @ec)er. This
letter has been 2ritten S sealed before ? left ;21 No1 ,4= and bein-
mailed b3 (ana as 0er m3 instr%ctions to her in 2ritin-. This is all she
)no2s. ?t 2o%ld be a -ood idea to 2rite or call her to 1erif3 thin-s.
Jaddress redactedK 6%st as) for (ana ;card enclosed=. Co%r on 3o%r o2n.
Bo for itII
Also (i9%idate 4.
At the bottom it read8 DAs far as ? )no28 this letter 2o%ld be for the
0%r0ose of m3 death.D
DAh3 2o%ld he 2rite that letterHD as)ed +adilla. D7e has been there so
man3 times. Ne1er * e1er8 has he 2ritten a letter li)e that. Ne1er *
T2o 2ee)s later8 on @ecember 1!8 +adilla and her oldest son8 Barr38
dro1e to Nichols' a0artment. Follo2in- Nichols' instr%ctions8 Barr3
reached behind the )itchen dra2er and 0%lled o%t a 0lastic ba-. ?t 2as
crammed f%ll of t2enties and h%ndreds * a total of F2.8... cash.
Alread3 in a state of shoc)8 the 0air dro1e to the AAAABC/ stora-e
facilit3 and ner1o%sl3 f%mbled 2ith the loc). The3 2ere st%nned 2hen
the3 o0ened the door.
Lthere 2ere 2i-s8 mas)s8 0ant3 hose8 freee-dried food8 and 1ario%s
-old coins ;ob1io%sl3 the "round" obNects for 6osh=8 alon- 2ith -old bars
and sil1er b%llion stac)ed neatl3 in bo:es. There 2ere also some
small -reen stones that a00eared to be Nade. ? estimated at least
F".8... street 1al%e in 0recio%s metalsI
There 2as also a lar-e rin- 2ith 2hat a00eared to be safe de0osit bo:
T2o months later8 on 6an%ar3 1"8 Nichols ret%rned from the +hili00ines8
ali1e and 2ell. DAhere's the 0ac)a-eHD he as)ed +adilla.
D? o0ened it8D she stated boldl3.
DAh3HID he e:claimed. DCo% betra3ed m3 tr%st. ? told 3o% not to o0en it
for si:t3 da3s.D
DBeca%se ? 2as fri-htened. ? tho%-ht somethin- terrible had ha00ened
to 3o%. ? tho%-ht 3o% 2ere dead. And 2here did 3o% -et all that
The co%0le then ar-%ed o1er finances8 b%t Nichols 2o%ldn't e:0lain the
m3sterio%s letters8 or 2here he had -otten the cash8 the -old8 and the
safe de0osit bo: )e3s. #he didn't as) abo%t the 2i-s8 the mas)s8 and
the 0ant3hose8 and he didn't tell her. B%t she 2as 2orried nonetheless.
D? thin) those letters 2ere 2ritten beca%se there is somebod3 bi--er
than an3 of %s 2ill e1er )no2 in1ol1ed in this8D said +adilla. DAh3 did
he chan-e his beneficiar3 on his life ins%ranceH ?t 2asn't beca%se her
bo3friend mi-ht ta)e a 0ot-shot at himL and then he said in that letter
not to sa3 a 2ord to 6osh %ntil it's all ta)en care ofL 2hat the hell is he
tal)in- abo%tH ?t isn't the bo3friend.D
?f the bo3friend stor3 is %ntr%e8 0erha0s Nichols' Db%tterfl3D 0artners
2ere o%t to -et him.
/r 0erha0s it 2as someone else8 someone bi--er and more dan-ero%s.
#%ch 0la3ers aren't hard to come b3 in Ceb% Cit38 home to a n%mber of
terrorists -ro%0s s%ch as the (iberation Arm3 of the +hili00ines8 the
Comm%nist 7%)8 and the Ab% #a33af8 an or-aniation 2ith close ties to
the M%Nahadeen and Aorld Trade Center bomber Rami Co%sef.
Aas Nichols meetin- 2ith terrorists in the +hili00inesH ?ncredibl38 FB?
3.2 re0orts and in1esti-ations cond%cted b3 Mc<ei-h's defense team
indicate that Co%sef8 Abd%l 7a)im M%rad8 Aali >han Amin #hah8 and
se1eral other terrorists met in @a1ao8 on the ?sland of Mindanao8 in late
1,,2 or earl3 1,,38 to disc%ss the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin- 0lot.
/ne of the men at the meetin-8 recalled an Ab% #a33af leader8
introd%ced himself as Da farmer.D
Ahen the DfarmerD ret%rned from his No1ember8 1,,4 tri08 and
disco1ered that +adilla had o0ened the 0ac)a-e and read the letter8 he
t%rned D2hite as a -host8D then immediatel3 be-an ma)in- a series of
des0erate calls to a boardin- ho%se in Ceb% Cit3.
C%rio%sl38 Nichols 2o%ld call his 0art38 ha1e a brief 34-second
con1ersation8 then han- %0 and immediatel3 redial the n%mber 14
consec%ti1e times8 lettin- it rin- each time. This he re0eated on
6an%ar3 318 2ith nine calls and one 14-min%te con1ersationG then on
Febr%ar3 14 he 0laced 22 calls 2ithin a 4.-min%te time-0eriod8 2ith
one 23-min%te con1ersationG then on the 2'th he made 31 calls 2ithin
three ho%rs8 2ith no con1ersationsG then finall3 on March & and 14 he
made t2o calls8 s0ea)in- 24 min%tes each.
#ince Nichols didn't time-o%t these consec%ti1e calls ;as one 2o%ld
tend to do if there 2as no ans2er or the line 2ere b%s3=8 b%t made one
call ri-ht after the other8 is it 0ossible he 2as sendin- some sort of
si-nal or codeH
7elen Malal%an8 2ho r%ns the boardin- ho%se8 told me Nichols 2as
0robabl3 tr3in- to reach Marife8 2ho she said 2as sta3in- there at the
time. 7er brother 4rnesto also said that boarders from the island of
Mindanao often sta3ed at the ho%se. The Ab% #a33af8 coincidentall38 is
head9%artered in Mindanao. Aas Nichols %sin- Marife to send a
messa-e to someone elseH
?n Febr%ar3 of ',!8 Terr3 and Marife mo1ed to 7errin-ton8 >ansas8
2here Nichols 0%rchased a modest home for F2!8....
DAe all tho%-ht he 2as N%st a little bit different8D 7errin-ton real estate
a-ent Beor-ia R%c)er said. DAe had to 0r3 an3 information o%t of
?n 7errin-ton8 Nichols a00eared to settle do2n. 7e attended arm3
s%r0l%s a%ctions at nearb3 Fort Rile3 and tried to ma)e a li1in- sellin-
arm3 s%r0l%s -ear.
D7e s0ent the mornin- of A0ril 1,8 aro%nd 7errin-ton8 0ic)in- %0
b%siness cards8 re-isterin- his tr%c) 2ith the state8 and callin- on a
co%0le of local sho0s8 as)in- abo%t their interest in b%3in- -o1ernment
s%r0l%s8D said +adilla. DThose are not the actions of a -%ilt3 man.D
B%t are the3H
/n #e0tember 3.8 the same da3 that Nichols 9%it the @onah%e ranch8
someone %sin- the name DMi)e 7a1ensD 0%rchased 4. !.-0o%nd ba-s
of ammoni%m nitrate from the Mid->ansas Co-o0 in Mc+hearson.
Altho%-h em0lo3ees ne1er 0ositi1el3 identified Nichols as the
c%stomer8 a recei0t 2ith Mc<ei-h's fin-er0rint 2as fo%nd in Nichols'
home. The FB? asserts that the fertilier 2as )e0t in a stora-e shed in
nearb3 7errin-ton8 rented b3 Nichols %nder the alias D#ha2n
Then8 that same 2ee)end8 2,, d3namite stic)s8 !44 blastin- ca0s8
detonator cord8 and a 9%antit3 of an e:0losi1e called To1e: 2ere stolen
from the Martin Marietta A--re-ates roc) 9%arr3 N%st north of Marion.
Marion Co%nt3 #heriff 4d @a1ies testified at Mc<ei-h's trial that he
fo%nd metal sha1in-s and t%mblers on the -ro%nd in front of the
ma-aines. FB? A-ent 6ames Cadi-al8 an FB? firearms and tool mar)s
identification s0ecialist8 said that a drill bit in Nichols' home matched
the si-nat%re of the hole drilled into the loc).
Finall38 (ori Fortier8 Michael Fortier's 2ife8 testified that Mc<ei-h told
them that he and Nichols had bro)en into the 9%arr3.
/n /ctober 1'8 1,,48 4. additional !.-0o%nd ba-s of ammoni%m
nitrate 2ere 0%rchased from the Mid->ansas Co-o0 b3 D7a1ens.D
7a1ens 2as re0ortedl3 dri1in- a dar)-colored 0ic)%0 2ith a li-ht-
colored cam0er to0 * the )ind o2ned b3 Terr3 Nichols. ;Another
1ersion of the stor3 has a red trailer attached to the tr%c)8 2hich didn't
a00ear to be Nichols'= The FB? belie1ed the fertilier 2as stored in a
loc)er in Co%ncil Bro1e * n%mber 4. * rented the 0re1io%s da3 b3
D6oe >3le.D This a00arentl3 2as the Dli9%idate 4.D that Nichols referred
to in his m3sterio%s note to Mc<ei-h.
6ennifer Mc<ei-h later testified that 2hen her brother 1isited (oc)0ort
in No1ember of ',48 he confided to her that he had been dri1in- aro%nd
2ith 18... 0o%nds of e:0losi1es. Co%ld these De:0losi1esD ha1e been
the ammoni%m nitrate 0%rchased at the Mid->ansas Co-o0H
Then on No1ember !8 1,,48 se1eral mas)ed men robbed -%n dealer
Ro-er Moore. The ".-3ear-old Moore 2as s%r0rised b3 t2o men
carr3in- shot-%ns8 2earin- camo%fla-e fati-%es and blac) s)i mas)s8
2ho bo%nd him 2ith d%ct ta0e. The3 0roceeded to ransac) his ho%se8
ma)in- off 2ith a lar-e collection of 2ea0ons8 0l%s a n%mber of -old
and sil1er bars8 and a safe de0osit bo: )e3.
?nterestin-l38 Moore ;A>A5 Bob Anderson= )ne2 Mc<ei-h8 2ho once
sta3ed at his ho%se. Moore had met Mc<ei-h at a -%n sho2 in Florida
in 1,,!.
For his 0art8 Mc<ei-h had a solid alibi. 7e 2as in >ent8 /hio on
No1ember !8 at a -%n sho2. Cet after the bombin-8 Fortier re0ortedl3
told the FB? that Mc<ei-h called him after the robber3 and said8
DNichols -ot BobID #ome of the -%ns 2ere later 0a2ned b3 Fortier at
the behest of Mc<ei-h8 accordin- to the FB?8 2hich contends that the
0roceeds 2ere %sed to finance the bombin-.
?nterestin-l38 Nichols 2as seen in #edalia8 Misso%ri on Febr%ar3 1. and
118 the same 2ee)end that -%n dealer Ailliam M%eller 2as robbed.
M%eller's Till38 Ar)ansas home8 1!. miles so%th of #edalia8 2as
b%r-laried of F4.8... 2orth of sil1er coins8 -%n 0arts8 s%r1i1al -ear8
and 3. cases of amm%nition.
Ahat ma)es this e1en more interestin- is that Nichols had chec)ed
into the Motel Memor3 the e1enin- of Febr%ar3 1.8 after a lon- dri1e
from >ansas8 tellin- o2ner +hilli0 #ha2 he 2as there for the -%n sho2.
Cet Nichols had missed the first da3 of the t2o-da3 sho2.
The ne:t mornin-8 2hile Nichols 2as a00arentl3 at the sho28 #ha2's
2ife Bett3 o0ened his room and sa2 doens of bo:es of amm%nition
scattered across the floor. The 0resence of s%ch a lar-e 9%antit3 of
amm%nition 0%led local in1esti-ators8 2ho )ne2 there 2as too small
a 0rofit mar-in in le-all3-0%rchased ammo for -%n sho2 dealers to
bother messin- 2ith it. Moreo1er8 if Nichols had 0lanned on sellin- the
amm%nition8 2h3 had he left so m%ch of it in his roomH
Tra-icall38 M%eller8 his 2ife8 and their '-3ear-old da%-hter8 #arah8 2ere
fo%nd m%rdered on 6%ne 2'8 1,,". Their bodies 2ere b3 0%lled from
the ?llinois Ba3o% after a fisherman disco1ered a 0ortion of a le-. The
famil3 had been handc%ffed8 their heads co1ered 2ith 0lastic ba-s
2ra00ed 2ith d%ct ta0e. The3 2ere fo%nd in 2. feet of 2ater8 tied to a
hea13 roc).
$nacco%nted for 2as some F!.8... the Arkansas "a#ette re0orted the
M%ellers 2ere belie1ed to ha1e recei1ed onl3 da3s before the3
Ahile Timoth3 Mc<ei-h had )no2n Ro-er Moore8 his friend Michael
Brescia8 and his friend and roommate And3 #trassmeir had met Bill
M%eller at a Fort #mith8 Ar)ansas -%n sho2 earlier that 3ear. As
re0orted in the $c*urtain "a#ette'
LM%eller then told JBeneK Aer-is that he remembered the t2o
beca%se he belie1ed the3 mi-ht be connected 2ith his home's b%r-lar3
* or e1en the ATF. Aer-is also re0orted that M%eller sho2ed him a
s0iral noteboo) 2here the e:hibitor had -one so far * so -reat 2as his
concern * as to 2rite do2n the t2o men's names.
Both Brescia and #trassmeir8 2ho also )ne2 Mc<ei-h8 li1ed at 4lohim
Cit38 the 2hite se0aratist com0o%nd near M%ldro28 /)lahoma. T2o
other 0art-time residents of 4lohim Cit38 24 3ear-old Che1ie >ehoe and
his brother Che3ne8 o0ened fired on 0olice d%rin- a traffic sto0 in
Febr%ar3 of ',&. The 0air 2as indicted b3 a Federal Brand 6%r3 in (ittle
Roc) on m%rder8 rac)eteerin- and cons0irac3 char-es8 stemmin- from
the M%eller m%rder.
B%ns stolen from the M%ellers 2o%nd %0 at a #0o)ane8 Aashin-ton
motel. The mana-er told the FB? that he is &! 0ercent certain that
Mc<ei-h 1isited his motel in late ',4 or earl3 ',! 2hen Che1ie >ehoe
2as li1in- there. 7e said that >ehoe sho2ed %0 4! min%tes before
the A0ril 1, bombin- 2ith a re9%est to 2atch CNN8 and seemed elated
2hen he learned of the tra-ed3.
Michael Brescia 2as later arrested for his alle-ed role in the robber3 of
a Madison8 Aisconsin ban) * 0art of the strin- of robberies committed
b3 the Mid-Aest Ban) Bandits. As 0re1io%sl3 mentioned8 some of the
robbers made their tem0orar3 homes at 4lohim Cit3.
After the bombin-8 the FB? 9%estioned +adilla abo%t the items fo%nd in
Nichols' home and stora-e loc)ers. Amon- those items 2ere lar-e
9%antities of amm%nition and a safe de0osit bo: )e3 belon-in- to
Ro-er Moore. As of this 2ritin- it is not )no2n 2hether the FB? traced
the ammo to M%eller.
Also fo%nd in Nichols' home8 accordin- to ATF A-ent (arr3 Ton-ate8
2ere 33 firearms8 fi1e roles of ".-foot +rimadet detonator cord8 non-
electric blastin- ca0s8 containers of ammoni%m nitrate8 a f%el-meter8
and fo%r !!--allon bl%e and 2hite 0lastic dr%ms.
Not e:actl3 the e1er3da3 st%ff of an ordinar3 -%3 from a small to2n in
#imilar items 2ere fo%nd in 6ames Nichols' farm8 incl%din- blastin-
ca0s8 safet3 f%ses8 ammoni%m nitrate8 and diesel f%el. Nichols8 2ho
2as ta)en into c%stod3 the same da3 as his brother8 denied an3
2ron-doin-8 and a%thorities dro00ed all char-es. As for his brother8 he
commented8 DM3 -%t feelin-. ? didn't do an3thin-. 7e didn't do
an3thin-.D Ahen as)ed b3 a re0orter8 D7o2 abo%t Timoth3 Mc<ei-hH he
re0lied8 D? 2ant to see some facts.D
Cet the facts a-ainst Terr3 seemed to be 0ilin- %0.
/n A0ril 1!8 1,,!8 Barbara Ahittenber- ser1ed brea)fast to three men
at the #ante Fe Trail @iner5 Terr3 Nichols8 Tim Mc<ei-h8 and a third man
2ith dar) feat%res. #he also recalled seein- a R3der tr%c) o%tside8 and
as)ed the men 2here the3 2ere headed. #%ddenl38 she said8 it 2as Das
if ice 2ater 2as thro2n on the con1ersation.D
The men left before &5.. a.m. (ater that afternoon8 as Ahittenber- and
her son 2ere dri1in- to nearb3 6%nction Cit38 the3 sa2 the tr%c) 0ar)ed
at Bear3 #tate Fishin- (a)e * 2here a%thorities ori-inall3 claimed the
bomb 2as mi:ed. The tr%c) 2as still there 2hen the3 dro1e 0ast
aro%nd 35.. or 45.. 0.m. Ahittenber-'s son recalled seein- three men
alon- 2ith 2hat he described as a Th%nderbird 2ith Ariona ta-s.
(ater that da3 Nichols 1isited a Conoco station in Manhattan8 >ansas8
and a Coastal Mart in 6%nction Cit38 and bo%-ht o1er 3. -allons of
diesel f%el. Nichols' 0ic)-%0 has a diesel motor8 accordin- to his
brother8 and Nichols' had been a re-%lar diesel c%stomer for o1er t2o
months 0rior to the bombin-8 accordin- to #han Aoods of >le00er
/il Co.8 0%rchasin- bet2een F2. to F3. 2orth of diesel f%el Dt2o or
three times a 2ee).D Recei0ts 2ere a-ain fo%nd in his home.
The ne:t da38 Nichols 0%rchased an additional 21 -allons from the
6%nction Cit3 Conoco station.
Then8 on the e1enin- of A0ril 1&8 1,,!8 a R3der tr%c) 2as seen 0ar)ed
behind Nichols 7errin-ton home. A R3der tr%c) 2as seen that same
2ee) bac)ed %0 to a stora-e shed that Nichols rented.
/n the mornin- of the 1'th8 se1eral 2itnesses a-ain sa2 the R3der
tr%c) 0ar)ed at Bear3 (a)e. +ar)ed ne:t to a00eared to be Nichols'
0ic)-%0. Ahen the FB? s%bse9%entl3 ins0ected the area8 the3 alle-edl3
reco1ered bits of ammoni%m nitrate and strands of detonator cord8 and
sa2 si-ns of diesel f%el.
That same da38 or 0ossibl3 the da3 before8 a con1o3 0%lled in for -as
at the 4as3 Mart in Ne2)ir)8 1.. miles north of /)lahoma Cit3. ?t 2as a
R3der tr%c) accom0anied b3 a bl%e 0ic)-%0 2ith a cam0er to0.
Mana-er 6erri-(3nn Bac)ho%s recalled seein- three men. The 0assen-er
in the 0ic)-%0 2as dar) s)inned 2ith blac) hair8 a1era-e hei-ht8 and
had a Dreal m%sc%lar b%ild8D she said. 7e 2as 2earin- a t-shirt and s%n-
-lasses8 and Dloo)ed N%st li)e the 6ohn @oe 2 s)etch.D
Bac)ho%s also sa2 a reflection of the 0erson in the R3der tr%c). 7e 2as
a short man 2ith close cro00ed8 dar) hair and -lasses8 she said.
4m0lo3ee @orinda 6. DAend3D 7ermes 2aited on the third man * Terr3
(3nn Nichols * 2ho came into the store and bo%-ht food for the
others. 7ermes 0artic%larl3 recalled Nichols' 0ic)-%0. D?t ca%-ht me
f%nn3 beca%se it had street tires on it8 b%t it 2as all m%dd38D she
B%t 0erha0s most interestin- 2as the recollection of Nichols' son 6osh8
2ho accom0anied Mc<ei-h and his father on the ride bac) to >ansas
that #%nda3. Mc<ei-h asserts that he called Nichols from /)lahoma
Cit3 beca%se his car had bro)en do2n8 and as)ed Nichols to 0ic) him
%0. /n the 2a3 bac)8 accordin- to 6osh8 Mc<ei-h made his infamo%sl3
cr30tic remar)5 D#omethin- bi- is -oin- to ha00en.D
Nichols re0ortedl3 as)ed him8 Ahat8 are 3o% -oin- to rob a ban)HD
D#omethin- bi- is -oin- to ha00en8D Mc<ei-h stoicall3 re0lied.
A c%rio%s statement. ?f Mc<ei-h and Nichols had cons0ired to bomb the
M%rrah B%ildin-8 2o%ldn't Nichols already know that Dsomethin- bi-D
2as -oin- to ha00enH
/r 2as the statement in1ented b3 Nichols to e:c%l0ate himself from
the 0lot in the e3es of in1esti-atorsH Bi1en the fact that the statement
2as rela3ed to the FB? b3 Nichols' 12-3ear-old son8 this seems %nli)el3.
And if Nichols was in1ol1ed in the 0lot8 there is e1idence that in
No1ember of ',4 he 2anted o%t. Amon- the doc%ments 0rosec%tors
handed o1er to the defense is testimon3 from (ori Fortier that Mc<ei-h
be-an to solicit hel0 from her h%sband beca%se Nichols 2as
De:0ressin- rel%ctance.D
?t sho%ld be noted ho2e1er that the FB? and the D6%sticeD @e0artment
is infamo%s for framin- 0eo0le8 and the3 bro%-ht enormo%s 0ress%re
on the Fortiers8 threatenin- them 2ith )no2led-e of a terrorist 0lot8
2ea0ons 1iolations and other char-es if the3 did not testif3 a-ainst
Nichols and Mc<ei-h. Federal 0rosec%tors s%bse9%entl3 coached (ori
Fortier hea1il3 before Mc<ei-h's trial8 ha1in- her 0ractice her testimon3
in t2o moc) trials.
Cet if Nichols had no in1ol1ement in the 0lot8 2hat 2as he doin- 2ith
lar-e 9%antities of ammoni%m nitrate8 blastin- ca0s8 detonator cord8
and a collection of !!--allon dr%msH Ah3 the 0%rchases of diesel f%elH
Aere these items 0lanted b3 the FB?H
?f Nichols 2as in1ol1ed in the bombin-8 2h3 didn't he ma)e an3
attem0t to hide or dis0ose of these incriminatin- items before A0ril 1,8
or e1en b3 the 22ndH Ah3 2o%ld a man82ho had alle-edl3 N%st blo2n
%0 a b%ildin-8 )illin- 1", 0eo0le8 0lainl3 lea1e a recei0t for the so-
called bomb in-redient in his )itchen dra2erH
?n fact8 Nichols didn't attem0t to hide an3 of these items8 before he
cas%all3 2al)ed into the local 0olice station on A0ril 228 after hearin-
his name on T<. #%ch do not seem li)e the actions of an intelli-ent8
calc%latin-8 cold-blooded )iller.
B%t8 then there 2ere the m3sterio%s tri0s to the +hili00ines. Those
tri0s8 and Nichols' clandestine meetin-s 2ith some m3sterio%s 0la3ers
in (as <e-as8 2o%ld be-in to intri-%e a handf%l of No%rnalists and
in1esti-ators8 as the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin- 0lot too) them do2n an
e1en dar)er and more insidio%s road.
/illar<s 6ent#-#9a?i
A%thorities ha1e 0ost%lated that Mc<ei-h's Dobsession 2ith Aaco8D and
Nichols' hatred of the Federal Bo1ernment 2ere the dri1in- forces that
led them to bomb the Federal B%ildin-. Their alle-ed association 2ith
militias and other 0aramilitar3 -ro%0s8 a%thorities claimed8 2as the
)e3 infl%ence that -%ided them alon- their sinister 0ath to their final8
1icio%s act of re1en-e.
These n%mero%s 0se%do-e:0erts also theoried that Mc<ei-h himself
2as ins0ired b3 the (urner iaries8 2ritten b3 former 0h3sics 0rofessor
Ailliam +ierce. ?n this fictionalied acco%nt of 2hite race-2arriors'
o1erthro2 of the Yionist /cc%0ational Bo1ernment ;Y/B=8 the DheroesD
demolish the FB? b%ildin- in Aashin-ton8 @.C. 2ith a fertilier bomb at
0recisel3 ,5.. a.m.
The idea for bombin- a federal facilit3 is hardl3 ne2. ?n the mid-1,&.s
/)lahoma resident 7ara2ese Moore 2as con1icted of 0lantin- an
incendiar3 de1ice o%tside both the Federal Co%rtho%se and the Alfred +.
M%rrah B%ildin- * a case8 coincidentall38 defended b3 #te0hen 6ones.
?n 1,'38 members of the Co1enant8 #2ord and the Arm of the (ord
;C#A=8 a 2hite s%0remacist -ro%0 based in northern Ar)ansas8 0lanned
to tr%c)-bomb the Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin-. ?n 1,''8 former C#A leader
6ames 4llison t%rned states' e1idence and testified that C#A member
Richard Aa3ne #nell and others had 0artici0ated in the 0lot. #nell 2as
bitter to2ard the -o1ernment8 4llison claimed8 beca%se the ?R# and FB?
had seied his 0ro0ert3.
/ther defendants incl%ded Richard Birnt B%tler8 chief of the Ar3an
NationsG Robert 4. Miles8 a former >% >l%: >lansmanG and (o%is Beam8
6r.8 former Brand @ra-on of the Te:as >% >l%: >lan8 and Ar3an Nations
DAmbassador at (ar-eD * 2ho led a cam0ai-n of terror a-ainst
<ietnamese-American fisherman.
4llison8 2ho fancied himself D>in- 6ames8D 2as s%rro%nded at his C#A
com0o%nd near the Misso%ri-Ar)ansas border on the 0ro0hetic date of
A0ril 1, ;ten 3ears to the da3 of the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-=8 leadin-
to a fo%r-da3 standoff a-ainst 2.. hea1il3-armed a-ents. 4llison later
testified at his sedition trial that at #nell's re9%est8 he had cased
se1eral b%ildin-s8 incl%din- the Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin-.
D7e too) me to some of the b%ildin-s and as)ed me to -o in the
b%ildin- and chec) the b%ildin- o%t8D 4llison said. Accordin- to his
testimon38 roc)et la%nchers 2ere to be D0laced in a trailer or a 1an so
that it co%ld be dri1en %0 to a -i1en s0ot8 0ar)ed there8 and a timed
detonation de1ice co%ld be tri--ered so that the dri1er co%ld 2al)
a2a3 and lea1e the 1ehicle set in 0osition and he 2o%ld ha1e time to
clear the area before an3 of the roc)ets la%nched.D
4llison 2o%ld later den3 this. Cet on /ctober 228 1,,"8 the Canadian
Broadcastin- Com0an3 ;CBC= 0la3ed a cli0 of 4llison8 2here the former
C#A leader admitted his in1ol1ement in the 0lot5
'llison( ...Aa3ne #nell had been... had made a tri0 to /)lahoma
Cit38 and Aa3ne came bac) and told me abo%t different b%ildin-s that
he had seen8 2anted to )no2 if ? 2o%ld loo) at them 2ith him
sometime. And #te1e tal)ed to me and -a1e me a descri0tion of these
b%ildin-s and as)ed me to desi-n a roc)et la%ncher that co%ld be %sed
to destro3 these b%ildin-s from a distance... hea138 lar-e b%ildin-s.
?n the CBC 0iece8 former C#A member >err3 Noble states5 D? still loo) at
thin-s li)e this and realie ho2 close 2e 2ere8 and8 3o% )no28 that this
co%ld ha1e been me ha1in- done this.D The reformed Noble8 no2 a
critic of the militant e:treme-Ri-ht8 s0o)e o0enl3 abo%t the 0lot 2ith
CBC's Trish Aood5
9oble( ?t 2as one of the tar-ets that 2e had tal)ed abo%t at JtheK C#A
in ''3. The da3 it ha00ened8 as soon as ? heard it on the ne2s8 ? said8
the Ri-ht-2in-'s done it * the3 finall3 too) that ste0.
Noble e:0lained that the M%rrah B%ildin- 2as a tar-et beca%se it 2as a
lo2 sec%rit3 com0le: that ho%sed man3 different federal a-encies. 7e
said the 0lotters tho%-ht it 2o%ld ha1e more effect on the co%ntr3
Dthan if 3o% did a b%ildin-8 sa38 in Ne2 Cor) Cit3 or somethin-.D
0ood( @o 3o% thin) * and ? )no2 this is a -%ess * that #nell or
4llison told JRe1erend RobertK Millar abo%t the earl3 0lans to blo2 %0
the M%rrah B%ildin- in /)lahoma Cit3H
9oble( L? thin) that 0robabl3 Millar )ne2 that somethin- maNor 2as
-oin- to ha00en. No28 2hether he )ne2 the e:act details8 chances are
he 0robabl3 did not8 beca%se he 2o%ld not 2ant to )no2 s0ecific
details at first. B%t ? thin) he )ne2 somethin- maNor 2as -oin- to
4llison later settled at 4lohim Cit3 at the behest of Millar8 2ho claims to
disa1o2 the bombin-. D?f ? )ne2 somethin- li)e that 2as ta)in- 0lace
then or toda38D said the Christian ?dentit3 minister8 D?'d do e1er3thin- ?
co%ld do to 0re1ent it and8 if necessar38 call in -o1ernment a-ents to
hel0 sto0 it.D
Ahile all 14 defendants in the ori-inal 1,'3 bombin- 0lot 2ere
ac9%itted8 #nell 2as e:ec%ted on the e1er-0ro0hetic date of A0ril 1,8
1,,!8 the 1er3 da3 that the M%rrah B%ildin- 2as bombed. #nell 2as
con1icted of )illin- a blac) state troo0er in 1,'48 and a 0a2n sho0
o2ner he tho%-ht 2as 6e2ish. Ahile %nder arrest8 #nell called himself a
D0risoner of 2ar8D 0recisel3 2hat a%thorities claimed Mc<ei-h said.
Before his death8 #nell had time to 2atch scenes from the bombin- on
his Nail-room T<. Millar8 2ho 2as 2ith the "4-3ear-old #nell d%rin- his
final ho%rs8 said he 2as a00alled at the destr%ction. Cet accordin- to
Ar)ansas 0rison official Alan Ables8 D#nell ch%c)led and la%-hed as he
2atched tele1ision co1era-e of the /)lahoma Cit3 disaster.D
Both Millar and #nell's 2ife contend that the con1icted m%rderer
2as saddened b3 the bombin-. Cet Noble thin)s Mc<ei-h 2as in some
2a3 ins0ired b3 #nell.
0ood( @id 3o% e1er thin) that it 2as a coincidence that Tim Mc<ei-h
* if8 in fact8 he did it * chose that b%ildin-H
9oble( No8 ? don't thin) it's an3 coincidence. Ahen 3o% brin- that into
acco%nt 2ith the declaration of 2ar that 2e made8 the 0ress%re that
the older leaders of the -ro%0s are 0%ttin- on the 3o%n-er follo2ers to
do somethin- in a maNor 2a3 before the3 die * no8 it's no coincidence.
0ood( 7o2 2o%ld Mc<ei-h ha1e )no2n abo%t the earlier 0lans for the
M%rrah B%ildin-H
9oble( ?t's 1er3 feasible and li)el3 that he 2o%ld ha1e )e0t in
comm%nication 2ith certain 0eo0le and said... 3o% )no28 then if
somebod3 said8 2ell8 2hat 2o%ld 3o% recommend as a startin- 0lace *
it's 1er3 li)el3 he co%ld ha1e said8 2ell8 this is 2hat 2e had 0ic)ed o%t.
?nterestin-l38 Ables told the en,er Post8 D#nell re0eatedl3 0redicted
that there 2o%ld be a bombin- or an e:0losion the da3 of his death.D
-bles( A fe2 da3s before the e:ec%tion ? be-an to hear thin-s from the
director8 the 2ardens8 N%st tal) in the office8 that stran-e thin-s 2ere
-oin- on8 #nell 2as tal)in- stran-el38 he 2as8 3o% )no28 ma)in-
statements that 2ere a little scar3L catastro0hic e1ents8 thin-s 2ere
-oin- to ha00en. This date8 A0ril 1,th8 2as -oin- to be somethin- that
the -o1ernor 2o%ld re-ret 0erha0s.
#nell's 0artin- 2ords before lea1in- this 4arth 2ere8 D(oo) o1er 3o%r
sho%lder8 Bo1ernor8 N%stice is comin-. ? 2o%ldn't trade 0laces 2ith 3o%
or an3 of 3o%r cronies. 7ell has 1ictor3. ? am at 0eace.D
0ood( Are those the ra1in-s of a man abo%t to be e:ec%ted or are
the3 the comments of a man 2ith a 0lanH
9oble( ? thin) a man 2ith a 0lan8 ? thin) a man 2ho is ta)in- the
satisfaction that his death ma3 mean somethin- after all and that it
ma3 be the catal3st that 0%ts somebod3 o1er the line to do 2hat he
himself didn't -et the chance to do.
A similar bomb 0lot s%rfaced a 3ear after the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-8
2hen Richard Ra3 (am0le38 "!8 his 2ife Cecilia8 and friend 6ohn Baird
2ere con1icted of a 0lot to bomb the A@( office in 7o%ston8 the
#o%thern +o1ert3 (a2 Center ;#+(C= in Mont-omer38 and 1ario%s -a3
bars and abortion clinics. (am0le3 made his intentions )no2n at one of
@ennis Mahon's AAR meetin-s. A former Brand ?m0erial @ra-on of the
>>>8 and n%mber three man in AAR8 the T%lsan 2as a fre9%ent 1isitor
to (am0le3's 0lace8 and to 4lohim Cit3.
A self-0roclaimed D+ro0het of Bod8D (am0le3 claims he 2as
entra00ed b3 Richard #chr%m8 an FB? informant. #chr%m 2as sent b3
the B%rea% to infiltrate the /)lahoma 2hite se0aratist com0o%nd8 b%t
2hen he fo%nd nothin- ille-al there8 he infiltrated (am0le3's -ro%0
Accordin- to defense attorne3s8 it 2as #chr%m 2ho ran the militia cell
to 2hich (am0le3 belon-ed8 and threatened to lea1e 2hen it a00eared
(am0le3 2as 2a1erin-. D?f an3one formed an3 )ind of cons0irac38 it
2as Richard #chr%m8D defense la23er Mar) Breen said. @efense
attorne3 Aarren Botcher bac)ed %0 Breen8 statin- DThis cons0irac3 to
b%ild a bomb is totall3 on the orders of Richard #chr%m.D #chr%m told
(am0le3 that he had a brother in the #0ecial Forces at Fort Bra--8 NC8
2ho 2o%ld 0ro1ide lo-istic s%00ort 2hen the DNe2 Aorld /rderD
in1asion came.
The bomb8 a mi:t%re of homemade C-48 2as s%00osed to tested at
4lohim Cit3.
Ahate1er the realit3 of that case8 it 0ro1ides a %ni9%e insi-ht into the
characters and 0la3ers of the 2hite s%0remacist comm%nit3 of
#o%theastern /)lahoma * a comm%nit3 that dre2 to it li)e a ma-net
some of the )e3 0la3ers of the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin- cons0irac3.
(ed b3 the &1-3ear-old Millar8 4lohim Cit3 ;7ebre2 for DCit3 of BodD= is
a 181..-acre Christian ?dentit3 com0o%nd near M%ldro28 /)lahoma.
Fo%nded in 1,&3 b3 the Canadian-born Mennonite8 the comm%nit3 is
home to a00ro:imatel3 ,. residents8 abo%t half of 2hom are direct
descendants of Millar.
Christian ?dentit3 adherents belie1e that 2hite An-lo-#a:ons8 not 6e2s8
are Bod's chosen 0eo0le8 bein- descendants of the 12 lost tribes of
?srael8 and that America8 not ?srael8 is the +romised (and. This
sanctified doctrine also holds that 6e2s are the s0a2n of #atan8 and
non-2hites are a D0re-Adamic8D s%b-s0ecies.
/nl3 2hites are the Dtr%e so1erei-n citiensD of the Re0%blic8 and all
others are DFo%rteenth Amendment citiensD * the creation of an
ille-itimate DY/B.D Belie1ers of this odd mi: of theolo-3 not onl3
belie1e that the end times are near8 b%t that a -reat messiah 2ill arise
to lead these Dhol3 2arriorsD in a terrible final battle a-ainst the e1il
Those 2ho monitor Ri-ht-2in- e:tremist -ro%0s sa3 Millar is 0robabl3
the most infl%ential Christian ?dentit3 leader in the Breat +lains.
Millar e:0lained it5
DAe are o00osed to -o1ernmental mis%se of ta: mone3.L Ae are
o00osed to some of the actions of -o1ernment. Ae're not anti-
-o1ernment... /%r 0eo0le are all self-em0lo3ed8 and 2e all 0a3 ta:es.L
DAe are racist8D Millar said8 Db%t 2e aren't anti-#emitic. ? thin) it's
better for races and c%lt%res... to ha1e relationshi0s 2ithin their o2n
ethnic -ro%0. That doesn't mean isolationism8 b%t it means
Cet the -ro%0 does maintain connections to 2hite s%0remacist and
neo-Nai or-aniations8 incl%din- AAR8 the some2hat def%nct C#A8
and the 1iolent b%t lar-el3 disbanded /rder. The Christian ?dentit3
adherents also formed alliances 2ith Richard B%tler8 Christian ?dentit3
Dminister8D and head of the Ar3an Nations in 7a3den (a)e8 ?daho. The
7a3den (a)e com0o%nd ser1ed as a ne:%s for 2hite s%0remacist
-ro%0s from all o1er the co%ntr38 incl%din- the >>>8 +osse Comitat%s8
Ailliam +ierce's National Alliance8 and Robert Mathe2s' /rder. ?t 2as
Mathe2s' -ro%08 ins0ired b3 +ierce's (urner iaries8 that 2ent on to
commit a strin- of ban) robberies8 co%nterfeitin-8 bombin-s8 and
m%rder thro%-ho%t the Mid- and North2est in the 1,'.s.
Amassin- bet2een F2 and F4 million from robberies and heists of
armored cars8 the -ro%0 distrib%ted the 0roceeds amon-st the 2hite
s%0remacist mo1ement. The3 also 0%rchased land in northern ?daho for
0aramilitar3 trainin-8 b%t mo1ed to northern Ar)ansas8 lin)in- %0 2ith
the C#A 2hen the3 fo%nd the harsh climate %ns%itable for their
The /rder's e:0loits came to an end in No1ember of ''48 2hen
Mathe2s died in a shoot-o%t 2ith 0olice and federal a-ents on Ahidb3
?sland off the coast of Aashin-ton. ?t's members 2ho mana-ed to
esca0e fled across the co%ntr38 inte-ratin- themsel1es into different
2hite s%0remacist -ro%0s8 or 2ent %nder-ro%nd alto-ether.
Richard (ee B%thrie8 6r.8 the son of a C?A em0lo3ee8 2ho 2as
dischar-ed from the Na13 for 0aintin- a s2asti)a on the side of a shi0
and threatenin- s%0eriors8 his childhood friend +eter >. (an-an8 and
#ha2n >enn38 2ent on to form the n%cle%s of a -ro%0 )no2n as the
Mid2est Ban) Bandits. The -ro%0 stole more than F2!.8... from 22
ban)s bet2een 6an%ar3 of ',4 and @ecember of ',! in a s0ree that led
them across /hio8 Aisconsin8 ?o2a8 Nebras)a8 >ansas8 and Misso%ri.
The fo%r-member -ro%0 2o%ld often 2ear FB? Nac)ets a-ents to ta%nt
the B%rea%8 and create di1ersions to foil 0olice8 incl%din- lea1in-
behind inert 0i0e-bombs to slo2 0%rs%it. The bandits e1en had a
macabre sense of h%mor8 2earin- a #anta Cla%s s%it d%rin- a hold-%0
aro%nd Christmas8 and an 4aster bas)et 2ith a -old 0ainted 0i0e-bomb
left inside a ban) in @es Moines.
DAild BillD B%thrie also admitted to a Aest <ir-inia sheriff that he had
hel0ed B%tler's Ar3an Nations raise another 9%arter million dollars
thro%-h fra%d. Both B%thrie and (an-an 2ere re-%lar 1isitors to the
7a3den (a)e com0o%nd.
The seeds for the mens' dalliance 2ith the 0aramilitar3 e:treme-
Ri-ht 2as so2n in 1,,18 2hen #ha2n >enn38 a friend of (an-an and
B%thrie8 be-an disc%ssin- their 0lans to f%rther the Dca%se.D
?nterestin-l38 the #ecret #er1ice recr%ited (an-an as an informant in
A%-%st of 1,,3 to )ee0 an e3e on his friend B%thrie8 2ho had made
threats a-ainst the li1es of +residents Clinton and B%sh. (an-an 2as
released from his Beor-ia Nail cell ;2here he 2as ser1in- time for
robbin- a +ia 7%t 2ith B%thrie= and set %0 in a ho%se in /hio8 2here
he 2as to assist the #ecret #er1ice in locatin- his old friend. The deal
soon 2ent so%r.
#ecret #er1ice A-ent @ic) Rathnell s%mmed %0 the fiasco this 2a35
D/%r main interest 2as to find if there 2as an interest to harm the
+resident or o1erthro2 the -o1ernment.... Ae didn't )no2 the3 2ere
these ban) robbers.D
(an-an 2ent so%th on the #ecret #er1ice si: 2ee)s later8 and soon
located his old friend B%thrie. The t2o set themsel1es %0 in a
safeho%se in +ittsb%r-8 >ansas8 from 2hich the3 2ere alle-ed to ha1e
la%nched their notorio%s crime s0ree.
?n No1ember of ',48 Mar) Thomas8 the local Ar3an Nations
re0resentati1e8 %nited the t2o 2ith others of their )ind. Thomas' farm8
located rather a00ro0riatel3 ne:t to a to:ic 2aste d%m08 has been the
site of s)in-head and neo-Nai rallies s%ch as Ahite +ride @a3 and the
ann%al 7itler Co%th Festi1al8 2here 0artici0ants enNo3ed s%ch
2holesome acti1ities as 0a-an rit%als and cross b%rnin-s.
Thomas introd%ced the 0air to +enns3l1ania nati1e #cott #tedeford8 a
roc) m%sician and artist8 and >e1in McCarth38 a bassist in a 2hite-
0o2er band named D@a3 of the #2ord.D Thomas 2as instr%mental in
hel0in- the men form an alliance 2hich the3 2o%ld call the Ar3an
Re0%blican Arm3 ;ARA=.
Ta)in- the moni)er of DCommander +edro8D (an-an became the -ro%0's
leader. Accordin- to testimon3 0ro1ided b3 >enn3 at #tedeford's trial8
(an-an boasted that the -an- 2as modeled after The /rder.
D(earn from Bob JMathe2sK8D (an-an is heard sa3in- on a home-made
recr%itment 1ideo. D(earn from his mista)es. #t%d3 3o%r enem3. #t%d3
his methods.D
The +enns3l1ania +osse Comitat%s leader 2o%ld also introd%ce
#tedeford and McCarth3 to Michael Brescia8 a +hiladel0hia nati1e and
roc) m%sician 2ho 2o%ld -o on to form a s0eed metal band 2ith
McCarth3 and #tedeford8 called DC3anide.D The roc) 'n roll ban)
robbers decided to recr%it the 24-3ear-old (a #alle $ni1ersit3 st%dent
after 0lannin- the heist of a lar-e ban) in Madison8 Aisconsin8 2hich
the trio robbed on A%-%st 3.8 1,,!.
The three men came to )no2 DBrand0a MillarD at 4lohim Cit3
co%rtes3 of Thomas8 and Brescia 2as soon en-a-ed to Millar's
-randda%-hter8 4ster. Brescia 2o%nd %0 li1in- at the recl%si1e
com0o%nd for t2o 3ears. ?t 2as there that he 2o%ld meet his ne2
roommate8 Andreas >arl #trassmeir8 the m3sterio%s Berman 2ho
settled there in 1,,1. ?t 2as also at 4lohim Cit3 that Brescia 2o%ld
meet Timoth3 Mc<ei-h. As ATF informant Carol 4liabeth 7o2e
D#ometime before Christmas Jof 1,,4K a lot of -%3s sho2ed %0 at 4C
;4lohim Cit3=. /ne that ? recall 2as Tim JMc<ei-hK8 2ho ? onl3 )ne2 as
Tim T%ttle. 7e 2as there 2ith a -%3 2ho %sed the name Fontaine8 a
0erson ? no2 reco-nie as Mi)e Fortier.D
Referrin- to Mc<ei-h8 she said8 D? ne1er e1en s0o)e to him. 7e 2as
considered a '-ood soldier' b3 the members of the ARA8 b%t not a
leaderG he 2as N%st someone 3o% sent o%t on Nobs8 beca%se he 2as
Aere Mc<ei-h and Nichols in1ol1ed in ban) robberiesH 7ad the
robberies financed the bombin-H ?t 2as a 9%estion that has dist%rbed
Nichols' e:-2ife (ana +adilla8 2ho disco1ered mas)s8 n3lon stoc)in-s8
and 2i-s in her former s0o%se's stora-e loc)er. Nichols 2as )no2n as a
1ehement critic of the ban)in- s3stem8 had been on the losin- end of a
lar-e credit card la2s%it8 and had declared the Federal Reser1e
Mc<ei-h himself sent his sister 6ennifer three F1.. bills8 tellin- her
the3 2ere the 0roceeds from a ban) robber3. Ahile there 2as no 0roof
that the 0air had act%all3 0artici0ated8 a%thorities 2o%ld 0onder the
si-nificance of the associations. As the "a#ette 2rites5
A reliable so%rce familiar 2ith the in1esti-ation confirmed that
admitted co-cons0irator Michael Fortier told the FB? that e:-arm3
b%dd3 Tim Mc<ei-h said in Febr%ar3 1,,! that he ;Mc<ei-h= 2as -oin-
to Colorado to Noin DThe /rder.D
?nterestin-l38 2hat is not )no2n is N%st 2here Mc<ei-h 2as on the da3s
immediatel3 before and immediatel3 after 11 of the robberies.
Ahat is )no2n is that Brescia8 #trassmeir8 and Mc<ei-h became
friends8 attendin- -%n sho2s8 tra1elin- the 2hite s%0remacist circ%it8
and crashin- hi-h-school 0arties in >ansas8 not far from Terr3 Nichols'
ho%se. Nei-hbors recalled seein- men 2ho fit the -eneral descri0tion
of Mc<ei-h and 6ohn @oe 2 at Nichols' 7errin-ton home.
For his 0art8 #trassmeir claims he'd Dne1er been in >ansas8D then
admitted8 DL2ell8 once8 dri1in- thro%-h.D
Catina (a2son's roommate8 (indsa3 6ohnson8 dated Brescia8 and
(a2son 2as close friends 2ith Mc<ei-h. Both she and (a2son recalled
seein- #trassmeir8 Brescia8 Mc<ei-h and Fortier at the >ansas 0arties
aro%nd the #%mmer of ',2. The 3o%n- 2omen alle-edl3 referred to the
handsome 3o%n- Brescia as DMi)e Bree3.D
?t is Brescia8 some in1esti-ators claim8 2ho is the m3sterio%s 6ohn @oe
2 ori-inall3 so%-ht b3 the FB?. Bombin- 1ictim Blenn Ailb%rn8 alon-
2ith in1esti-ator 6.@. Cash8 learned of Brescia's relationshi0 to
#trassmeir and Mc<ei-h after tal)in- to 0eo0le at 4lohim Cit3 and
others in the 2hite s%0remacist %nder-ro%nd. The famil3 filed a F3.
million la2s%it a-ainst Mc<ei-h8 2hich incl%des #trassmeir8 and named
Brescia as 6ohn @oe 2.
Robert Millar insists that Brescia8 2ho is en-a-ed to Millar's
-randda%-hter8 is not 6ohn @oe 28 b%t sim0l3 a Dcleanc%t8 colle-e t30e
Cet se1eral 2itnesses in >ansas claimed that Brescia closel3 matches
the FB?'s 2anted s)etch. (i)e 6ohn @oe 28 Brescia has a tattoo on his
left arm. C%rio%sl3 tho%-h8 Brescia's tattoo is circ%lar * a cross inside a
2heel * the emblem of the Ar3an Nations. The tattoo seen b3 Mi)e
Moro and other 2itnesses on 6ohn @oe 2 more closel3 resembled a
dra-on8 an anchor8 or a sna)e. B%t then a-ain8 accordin- to n%mero%s
2itnesses8 there is more than one 6ohn @oe 2.
Ahile Brescia's connection to 4lohim Cit3 centered aro%nd his
relationshi0 2ith 4ster8 it 2as #trassmeir 2ho 2as his roommate. A
Berman national8 the 3'-3ear-old #trassmeir is the son of BZnter
#trassmeir8 former +arliamentar3 #ecretar3 of #tate to Berman
Chancellor 7elm%t >ohl. #trassmeir's %ncle is in the Berman
0arliament8 and his brother Ale:ander sits on the Berlin Cit3 Co%ncil.
(i)e (an-an8 #trassmeir's father also re0ortedl3 has connections to the
Andreas ser1ed as a lie%tenant in the Berman +aner Brenadiers ;the
e9%i1alent of o%r #0ecial Forces=8 had formal militar3 intelli-ence
trainin-8 and did a stint as a liaison officer 2ith the Aelsh B%ards. 7e
told the 3ondon )unday (elegraph that 0art of his 2or) 2as to detect
infiltration b3 Aarsa2 +act a-ents8 and then feed them disinformation.
D?f 2e ca%-ht a -%38 2e'd offer him amnest3. Ae'd t%rn him and %se
him to feed false information bac) to the Aarsa2 +act.D
#trassmeir 2o%ld not admit it8 it is re0orted that he is an a-ent for the
Berman national anti-terrorist 0olice8 the B#B-,.
DAnd3 the Berman8D as he became )no2n8 arri1ed in the $.#. in Ma3 of
1,,18 2itho%t bein- doc%mented b3 the ?N# ;?mmi-ration and
Nat%raliation #er1ice=8 and li1ed on a credit card 0ro1ided b3 so%rces
%n)no2n. 7e soon became 4lohim Cit3's @irector of #ec%rit3.
Accordin- to #trassmeir8 his 0ath crossed Mc<ei-h's at a T%lsa -%n
sho2 in A0ril of ',3. #trassmeir sto00ed b3 Mc<ei-h's table and bo%-ht
a fe2 militar3 so%1enirs and disc%ssed e1ents at Aaco. 7e then -a1e
Mc<ei-h his card bearin- the inscri0tion D4lohim Cit3.D ?n an inter1ie2
in )oldier o8 Fortune8 #trassmeir 0rofessed ne1er to of heard of
Mc<ei-h8 tho%-h he later recanted his stor3 for the (elegraph.. D? met
the -%3 once at a -%n sho28D he said. DAe s0o)e for fi1e min%tes8
that's all.D
?t 2o%ld seem the relationshi0 -oes dee0er than that ho2e1er.
#trassmeir re0ortedl3 met Mc<ei-h a-ain at the first anni1ersar3 of the
Aaco massacre in A0ril of ',4. And accordin- to No%rnalist Ailliam
6as0er8 so%rces close to the in1esti-ation re1ealed that Mc<ei-h 1isited
4lohim Cit3 on at least 2. occasions. Traffic records sho2 Mc<ei-h 2as
sto00ed for s0eedin- on /ctober 128 1,,38 t2o miles north of
Ceder1ille8 Ar)ansas8 less than 1. miles from 4lohim Cit38 on a remote
road leadin- to the com0o%nd. ATF informant Carol 7o2e also recalled
seein- Mc<ei-h and Fortier at 4lohim Cit3 d%rin- the 2inter of ',4.
Cet 0ossibl3 the most re1ealin- connection s%rfaced in the form of t2o
0hone calls8 one 0laced b3 Mc<ei-h from the ?m0erial Motel in
>in-man8 Ariona to #trassmeir on A0ril !8 N%st t2o 2ee)s before the
bombin-. ?t 2as N%st min%tes after Mc<ei-h had alle-edl3 called
6%nction Cit3 to reser1e the R3der tr%c). Accordin- to Millar's da%-hter-
in-la2 6oan8 2ho ans2ered the 0hone8 the caller as)ed to s0ea) to
DAnd3.D And3 2asn't in. Mc<ei-h left a messa-e sa3in-8 DTell And3 ?'ll be
comin- thro%-h.D
Robert Millar8 4lohim Cit3's Ds0irit%al leader8D claimed i-norance of
Mc<ei-h or the 0hone call.
7e later recanted his stor3.
Then one da3 before the bombin-8 Mc<ei-h called #trassmeir's $.#.
attorne38 >ir) (3ons8 loo)in- for And3. Not findin- him there8 he
en-a-ed (3on's assistant8 @a1e 7ollo2a38 in a 1!-min%te con1ersation
abo%t Aaco8 (3ons claims8 and the need to Dsend a messa-e to the
-o1ernment.D ?t seemed Mc<ei-h also needed to send a messa-e to
For his 0art #trassmeir claims Mc<ei-h ne1er 1isited 4lohim Cit3. D?
don't )no2 2h3 Mc<ei-h 2as tr3in- to contact me8D he said.
Catina (a2son8 2ho 2as close friends 2ith Mc<ei-h for t2o 3ears8
remembers seein- #trassmeir at the 6%nction Cit3 0arties. D7e 2as N%st
someone 3o%'d see e1er3 once in a 2hile8D said (a2son8 2ho8 alon-
2ith friends8 2o%ld meet and 0art3 2ith the soldiers from nearb3 Fort
Rile3. D7e 2as tall8 s)inn3 and 0ale8 2ith croo)ed teeth and s%n)en
e3es s%rro%nded b3 dar) circles. And he had this accent.LD
(arr3 Aild and his 2ife >ath3 also recall seein- #trassmeir on one of
their fishin- tri0s to Cameron #0rin-s (a)e8 near Fort Rile3. The Ailds
remember seein- #trassmeir 2ith t2o other men 2ith an old R3der
tr%c) one 2ee) before the bombin-. 6%st 2ho those t2o other men
2ere the3 co%ldn't sa3. Aild did recall s0ea)in- 2ith #trassmeir
tho%-h. D? said8 'Co%r dialect is reall3 different. Are 3o% a soldierH' 7e
said8 'No.' ? said8 '@o 3o% 2or) for the -o1ernmentH' 7e N%st )ind of
Cet still more 2itnesses recall seein- the t2o men to-ether. At least
fi1e dancers recall seein- Mc<ei-h8 Nichols8 Brescia8 and #trassmeir at
(ad3 Bodi1a's8 a stri0 Noint in T%lsa8 2hich the men 1isited on A0ril '8
1,,!. ?n an inter1ie2 2ith CBC's Trish Aood8 the dancers8 2ho 2ish to
remain anon3mo%s8 2ere D0ositi1eD of #trassmeir and Mc<ei-h's
0resence N%st ele1en da3s before the bombin-5
0ood( Co% sa2 this man in hereH
@nidentified( Ces.
0ood( And ho2 do 3o% rememberH Ahat ma)es 3o% remember seein-
him in here that ni-htH
@nidentified( From one of the -irls. ? N%st heard her sa3 somethin-
abo%t a co%0le of -%3s8 there 2ere a co%0le of 2eird -%3s8 she 2anted
somebod3 to -o sit 2ith them.
As disc%ssed earlier8 Mc<ei-h bra--ed to one of the -irls that
Dsomethin- bi-D 2as -oin- to ha00en. D/n A0ril 1,8 1,,!8 3o%'ll
remember me for the rest of 3o%r life8D Mc<ei-h said.
Also 0resent that ni-ht 2as an old8 faded R3der tr%c)8 seen b3 the
bo%ncer. The tr%c) a00eared to be 0ri1atel3-o2ned8 addin- f%rther
0roof that at least t2o tr%c)s 2ere %sed in the bombin-. ?t 2as this
tr%c) 2hich 2as seen b3 2itnesses at Bear3 #tate +ar)8 se1eral da3s
before a%thorities alle-e that Mc<ei-h rented his. 6.@. Cash s0ec%lates
that Mc<ei-h fle2 to Fort #mith from his motel room in >in-man on
A0ril & to 0ic) %0 the tr%c) and meet his comrades8 then the men
sto00ed b3 T%lsa on their 2a3 bac) to >ansas.
?f the3 sto00ed b3 T%lsa8 ma3be it 2as to chec) o%t the ?ndian Territor3
B%n #ho2. ?t also mi-ht ha1e been to meet @ennis Mahon. The AAR
official8 National #ocialist Alliance ;N#A= leader8 and former >>>
?m0erial Brand @ra-on tra1eled fre9%entl3 to the recl%si1e com0o%nd
2here he )e0t a trailer8 Dto 1isit and fello2shi0 and do some tar-et
shootin- and militar3 mane%1ers8D he said. Mahon 2as close friends
2ith Brescia and #trassmeir8 both of 2hom he Dlo1ed li)e brothers.D
?n 2hat ma3 seem li)e an e1en more biarre t2ist8 Mahon claims he
2as f%nded b3 the ?ra9is d%rin- the B%lf Aar. (i)e /rder leader Robert
Mathe2s8 2ho 2as re0ortedl3 offered f%ndin- b3 the #3rians8 Mahon
recei1ed F1.. a month8 for a total of F48'..8 from the ?ra9is to stir %0
o00osition to the B%shR$N-im0osed sanctions. Mahon8 o0erator of
the @ial-a-Racist hot line8 also 0rod%ced se1eral 1ideota0es 2hich he
distrib%ted to 0%blic access stations8 e:0ressin- his dissentin- 1ie2 on
the $.#. 0olic3.
Mahon started recei1in- ?ra9i f%nds shortl3 after he be-an holdin- anti-
2ar rallies8 he said. DLit's comin- from the same i0 code 2here the
?ra9i 4mbass3 is8 b%t the3 don't sa3 it's from the ?ra9i 4mbass3.D
6eff #teinber-8 an in1esti-ator for the (aRo%che Fo%ndation8 sa3s s%ch
a scenario is not at all %n%s%al. DThis )ind of st%ff ha00ened all the
time8D sa3s #teinber-. D?n the '&.s8 the3 had 0eo0le 2ho's Nob it 2as to
sho2 %0 at e1er3 sort of (eft-2in- rall3.D
Cet 2h3 2o%ld the ?ra9is -i1e mone3 to an a1o2ed 2hite s%0remacist
li)e MahonH D7atred of the 6e2s8D sa3s #tienber-. D#ome lo2-le1el
0erson at the embass3 -i1es it o%t to these -%3s8 and 3o%'d be
s%r0rised at 2ho the3 -i1e it to * the3're not that bri-ht.D
?n Mc<ei-h's +etition for Arit of Mandam%s8 filed one 2ee) before
Mc<ei-h's trial8 #te0hen 6ones made note of the fact that three
members of the American A-ric%lt%ral Mo1ement also met 2ith ?ra9i
officials. Their 0%r0ose 2as to 2or) 2ith the ?ra9is to ne-otiate a
0eacef%l 2ithdra2 from >%2ait. DAe 2anted to -et a dialo-%e -oin-
and sto0 a shootin- 2ar8D said one member. DAs Americans8 that's 2hat
2e tried to do.D
Cet it seemed the meetin- bet2een the farmers and the ?ra9i
ambassador 2asn't the onl3 meetin- that too) 0lace. 6ones stated that
Terr3 Nichols8 2ho he refers to onl3 as D#%s0ect ?8D made calls to t2o
>ansas-based +osse Comitat%s members * @a1id /li0hant and B%dd3
#nead. (i)e Nichols8 #nead is married to a Fili0ino 2oman. ?t is not
)no2n 2hether he met her thro%-h the same mail-order bride ser1ice
as Nichols.
A C?A so%rce contacted b3 6ones indicated that t2o members of the
+osse Comitat%s ;it is not )no2n 2ho= 1isited 2ith an ?ra9i di0lomat in
Ne2 Cor) Cit3 aro%nd the same -eneral time. Ahile the a%thor 2as
%nable to locate these t2o indi1id%als to confirm the stor38 it is
0ossible the3 met 2ith the di0lomat to e:0ress their horror o1er B%sh's
D@esert Massacre.D
?t is also 0ossible that the ?ra9is 1ie2ed the meetin- as an o00ort%nit3
to stren-then their ties to the 2hite s%0remacist mo1ement. As 2ill be
seen8 collaboration bet2een Arab states8 Mid-4ast terrorists8 and neo-
Nais is a lon- and 2ell-doc%mented one.
$nfort%natel3 for @ennis Mahon8 the ?ra9is se1ered their ties 2ith him
after the bombin-. DLthe3 c%t me off8 a month after the bombin- *
?t is also li)el3 that Mahon8 2ho tra1eled to Berman3 to recr%it
3o%n- s)inheads for the >>>8 ma3 ha1e met %0 2ith Michael >Zhnen. A
0rominent neo-Nai8 >Zhnen formed the Anti-Yionist (ea-%e8 2hich
0reached hatred of 6e2s8 and so%-ht to form a common bond bet2een
Nais and their Arab brethren. >Zhnen also ne-otiated 2ith the ?ra9is8
0ro1idin- them 2ith 2.. Berman8 American and British s)inheads to
fi-ht alon-side ?ra9i troo0s. There is re0ortedl3 a 1ideota0e of these
storm troo0ers in #.#. %niforms bein- -reeted b3 ?ra9i ?nformation
Minister Abdel (ateef 6assem.
>Zhnen's s%ccessor8 a name named 7%bner8 has connections to >ir)
(3ons8 Andreas #trassmeir's North Carolina-based attorne3. (3ons also
s0o)e 2ith 7%bner at meetin-s of the -ro%0 D@e%tsche Alternati1e.D
(i)e Mahon8 (3ons tra1eled the Berman 2hite s%0remacist circ%it.
#trassmeir and Mahon 2ere close friends8 %ntil Mahon and his brother
@ennis re0ortedl3 called Berman3 2ith orders to )ill #trassmeir.
Another friend of Mahon's is Bar3 (a%c) of (incoln8 Nebras)a. The
leader of the neo-Nai National #ocialist Aor)er's +art38 (a%c) 2rote a
2.-0a-e manifesto entitled8 D#trate-38 +ro0a-anda and /r-aniation8D
abo%t inte-ratin- 2orld2ide e:tremist -ro%0s into a ti-ht net2or)8 and
Dmilitar3 ed%cation 2ith terrorist aims.D (a%c) has re0ortedl3 had
fre9%ent contact 2ith Arab terrorist -ro%0s accordin- to Mc<ei-h's
defense co%nsel.
Finall38 there is the (ib3an -o1ernment8 2idel3 re0orted to ha1e f%nded
both the ?rish Re0%blican Arm3 ;?RA= and $.#. citiens8 incl%din- a
Chica-o street -an- called the 4l R%)ns * con1icted of cons0irac3 to
commit terrorist acts thro%-ho%t the $.#.
D$0on hearin- that (o%is Farra)han had recei1ed F! million from the
(ib3an -o1ernment8 the leader of the 4l R%)ns acti1el3 so%-ht
s0onsorshi0 from (ib3a in e:chan-e to an in-)ind amo%nt of mone3.
Members of the 4l R%)ns act%all3 tra1eled to (ib3a to meet 2ith
militar3 official of the (ib3an -o1ernment.D
Farra)han8 the leader of the Nation of ?slam ;N/?8 or DBlac) M%slimsD=8
carries forth a %ni9%e historical 0recedent. 7is 0redecessor8 4liNah
M%hammad8 in1ited American Nai +art3 leader Beor-e (incoln
Roc)2ell to address an N/? rall3 on 6%ne 2!8 1,"1 in Aashin-ton8 @.C.
There is a 0hoto of Roc)2ell's Nais in f%ll re-alia ;incl%din- #2asti)a
arm bands= seated in the front ro28 2ith the Blac) M%slims seated
directl3 behind them.
Roc)2ell a00eared at an N/? rall3 in Chica-o one 3ear later8 2here he
anno%nced8 D4liNah M%hammad is to the so-called Ne-ro 2hat Adol0h
7itler 2as to the Berman 0eo0le.LD
?n #e0tember of 1,'!8 the N/? in1ited Tom Met-er8 former Brand
@ra-on of the >>> and c%rrent leader of AAR to its for%m in ?n-el2ood8
California8 and acce0ted a small financial contrib%tion from the
notorio%s 2hite s%0remacist. Met-er declared that his alliance 2ith
the N/? 2as a Dlo-ical one5 The3 2ant their territor3 and that's e:actl3
2hat 2e 2ant for them and for o%rsel1es. The3 s0ea) a-ainst the 6e2s
and the o00ressors in Aashin-ton.D
?t therefore comes as no s%r0rise that (ib3a f%nded the N/? to the t%ne
of F! million dollars. The moti1e behind Arab f%ndin- of Aestern racist
and dissident -ro%0s 2as * and is * to forment re1ol%tion and
destabilie the DBreat #atan.D 6%st as (ib3an +resident M%ammar al-
Waddafi ser1es as the ins0iration behind man3 militant Blac) M%slims8
so the ?RA ser1ed as the s0irit%al ins0iration behind the Ar3an
Re0%blican Arm38 the -ro%0 fo%nded b3 Richard B%thrie and +eter
(an-an8 2hich incl%ded Michael Brescia.
As #te0hen 6ones elo9%entl3 states8 DThese 0eo0le are tar-eted
beca%se their ideolo-ical com0ass is 0reset a-ainst the Federal
Bo1ernment.L Altho%-h the 2hite s%0remacist comm%nit3 are
diametricall3 o00osed to that of Blac) M%slims8 it is a 2ell )no2n fact
that both share a common hatred for the Federal Bo1ernment.D
Ahen the ARA 2as e1ent%all3 disbanded8 the FB? disco1ered an ?RA
terrorist man%al called the DBreen Boo)8D literat%re on ?reland8 Baelic
lan-%a-e ta0es8 #emte: e:0losi1es8 a sho%lder-fired roc)et la%ncher8
and 11 0i0e bombs.
#emte: is normall3 %sed b3 Mid-4ast terrorists8
%s%all3 bein- s%00lied b3 R%ssia8 China and North >orea.
?t seems the connection -oes dee0er. @ennis Mahon claims he act%all3
0ro1ided ad1ice to the ?RA8 enco%ra-in- them to m%rder Dto0 British
officers and 0olice officialsD b%t a1oid )illin- ci1ilians. That statement
ties-in to others Mahon has made8 incl%din- the idea of blo2in- %0 the
/)lahoma Federal B%ildin- at ni-ht8 2hen no one 2as aro%nd8 and
other methods 2hich Dare le-itimate to sa1e 3o%r nation.D
?t seems the ?RA ma3 ha1e ret%rned the fa1or. Accordin- to Carol
7o2e8 the o%tla2ed ?rish resistance -ro%0 s%00lied the detonator %sed
in the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-. The a%thor is not 9%ite s%re 2h3 the
bombers 2o%ld need to -o to the ?RA for a detonator8 or e:actl3 ho2
s%ch a connection 2o%ld be arran-ed8 b%t it seems rather d%bio%s.
#inn Fein ;the 0olitical arm of the ?RA= +resident Berr3 Adams called
the claim D0re0ostero%s r%bbish.D
?t ma3 seem e1en more 0re0ostero%s in li-ht of the fact that Adams
had 2on the 0olitical fa1oritism of +resident Clinton8 ha1in- been the
-%est of honor at a recent Ahite 7o%se rece0tion.
Cet 7o2e alle-ed that Andreas #trassmeir 2as the )e3 lin) bet2een
the ARA and the ?RA. ?nterestin-l38 the u&lin )unday (imes re0orted
on 6%l3 138 1,,& that #trassmeir has indeed associated 2ith #inn Fein5
#trassmeir mo1ed to @%blin last Febr%ar3 and is li1in- in an
a0artment in the cit3 o2ned b3 Beor-e Ma3b%r38 -eneral secretar3 of
the association of Barda #er-eants and ?ns0ectors. 7e has been
2or)in- on constr%ction sites and has attended #inn Fein meetin-s and
social e1ents.
F%rthermore8 federal informant Car3 Ba-an8 2ho met 2ith 6ones after
the bombin-8 told the a%thor he met 2ith an ?RA bomb e:0ert 2hile in
Me:ico Cit38 2ho instr%cted him on the %se of timers. Ba-an claims to
ha1e been dee0l3 immersed in the Middle 4astern cell in1ol1ed in the
bombin-. ;#ee Cha0ter !=
Ahen F/E Ne2s re0orter Rita Cosb3 as)ed Robert Millar if there 2as
an3 Middle 4astern connection to 4lohim Cit38 he ans2ered8 DNo8 not
that ? can e1en dream of.D #trassmeir li)e2ise denied an3 Middle
4astern connection to the bombin- in an inter1ie2 2ith the a%thor.
As of this 2ritin-8 former ABC 2.R2. in1esti-ator Ro-er Charles 2as
chec)in- a lead that Middle 4astern indi1id%als 2ere indeed trained at
4lohim Cit3. ?t has not 3et been confirmed.
6%st 2hat Andreas #trassmeir 2as doin- in the $.#. is not alto-ether
clear. ?n a fi1e-0art inter1ie2 in the (elegraph8 #trassmeir said that he
came to the $.#. in 1,', to 2or) on a Ds0ecial assi-nmentD for the
6%stice @e0artment. D? disc%ssed the Nob 2hen ? 2as in Aashin-ton. ?
2as ho0in- to 2or) for the o0erations section of the @4A8D he
e:0lained. D?t ne1er 2or)ed o%t.D
The former Berman intelli-ence officer 2as recommended for these
0ositions b3 <incent +etr%s)ie8 a retired $.#. Air Force colonel.
#trassmeir told attorne3 Mi)e 6ohnston8 2ho fle2 to Berlin to inter1ie2
him8 that +etr%s)ie is Da former C?A -%3 2ho m3 father had )no2n
since he ;+etr%s)ie= 2as stationed in Berlin d%rin- the Cold Aar.D
?n an inter1ie2 2ith +ew American editor Ailliam 6as0er8 +etr%s)i
denied an3 C?A connections5
As for the C?A connection8 DThat's totall3 2ron-8D insisted +etr%s)ie.
D?'m a retired Air Force officer8 that's all.D Accordin- to +etr%s)ie8 he
2as a s0ecial a-ent for the Air Force /ffice of #0ecial ?n1esti-ation
;/#?=8 and retired as a colonel after ser1in- from 1,!4 to 1,&!. Aas he
a friend of Andreas' fatherH D?'1e ne1er met his fatherG 2e'1e onl3
s0o)en o1er the 0hone.D
7o2 had +etr%s)ie come to )no2 the 3o%n-er #trassmeirH Andreas
arri1ed in the late 1,'.s 2ith some other Berman lads for the
reenactment of the Battle of Bett3sb%r-. The Berman 1isitors had
a%thentic 0eriod %niforms8 rifles8 ba3onets8 etc. and an amain-l3
detailed )no2led-e of the battle. B%t the3 a00arentl3 had not done
their home2or) concernin- economic realities of contem0orar3
America and so 2ere short of cash for li1in- accommodations and had
no credit cards 2ith 2hich to rent a 1ehicle. That is 2hen a m%t%al
friend 0%t them in to%ch 2ith +etr%s)ie8 2ho 0%t them %0 for a 2hile at
his home.
#trassmeir 2as Da mi:ed-%0 )id8 a 1er3 immat%re 34-3ear-old 2hen he
came o1er here8D recalled +etr%s)ie. DAnd3 2anted to 2or) for the $.#.
-o1ernment * @4A8 6%stice * %nderco1er. J7eK tho%-ht his bac)-ro%nd
2ith militar3 and Berman -o1ernment 2o%ld hel0. ? e:0lained he'd
need a -reen card8 ed%cation8 and set him do2n 2ith some 0eo0le in
Aashin-ton 2ho e:0lained that it 2asn't that sim0le. ? thin) he 2ent
do2n to #o%th Carolina and then to Te:as to -o to school.D
?n an inter1ie2 2ith the !klahoma "a#ette8 +etr%s)i once a-ain
attem0ted to distance himself from #trassmeir. DThis )id is 2hat 2e
2o%ld call a 0%t8D he said.
An interestin- descri0tion for a former intelli-ence officer and
lie%tenant in the elite +aner Brenadiers.
+etr%s)i also claims that #trassmeir's Nob 2ith the @4A Dfell thro%-h.D ?s
one serio%sl3 s%00osed to acce0t the 0remise that a man 2ith
#trassmeir's bac)-ro%nd8 infl%ence8 and connections came to the $.#.
on the off-chance of findin- a Nob 2ith the @4AH That he tra1eled all
this 2a3 to r%n aro%nd 0la3in- to3 soldier for a co%0le da3sH And that
+etr%s)i N%st Dha00enedD to meet him at a battle reenactment at
More li)el38 Bett3sb%r- 2as a necessar3 co1er-stor3 to infiltrate
#trassmeir into the co%ntr3. A00earin- to be a militar3 enth%siast
ma)es it easier to infiltrate the e:treme-Ri-ht. And +etr%s)i's tale
abo%t his @4A Nob fallin- thro%-h is a Dlimited han--o%t8D N%st eno%-h
information re1ealed to satisf3 nos3 No%rnalists8 2ith eno%-h
disinformation mi:ed in to steer them a2a3 from D%na00ro1edD areas.
And 2hile +etr%s)i said that #trassmeir ne1er -ot a Nob 2ith the @4A8
he ne1er said he didn9t -et a Nob 2ith the ATF8 FB?8 or C?A.
Aith his co1er-stor3 firml3 in 0lace8 #trassmeir then DdriftedD into the
far-Ri-ht circles of the l%natic frin-e8 sto00in- lon- eno%-h to 0ic) an
ordinar3 Nob as a com0%ter salesman to f%rther enhance his ima-e as
an innocent drifter.
DAnd3 the BermanD 2as no2 read3 to infiltrate the neo-Nai cli9%es of
the far-Ri-ht. Aith his Berman bac)-ro%nd and accent8 it 2as eas3 to
con1ince 2hite s%0remacists of his le-itimac3. ?n 1,,1 he settled in
4lohim Cit38 2here he established himself as Chief of #ec%rit3 and
2ea0ons trainin-.
Accordin- to a re0ort from the /)lahoma #tate B%rea% of ?n1esti-ation
;/#B?=8 #trassmeir trained 0latoon-sied -ro%0s consistin- of 3. to 4.
indi1id%als from thro%-ho%t the $.#. e1er3 three months at the
recl%si1e com0o%nd. Accordin- to a la2 enforcement so%rce
inter1ie2ed b3 the $c*urtain "a#ette8 the3 consisted 0rimaril3 of
members from the Ar3an Nations8 and incl%ded Timoth3 Mc<ei-h.
As the "a#ette re0orted5
D#trassmeir 2ent o%t and re0laced all o%r deer rifles 2ith assa%lt
2ea0ons8D said Jresident YaraK +atterson. DNe:t8 he 2anted %s to start
doin- ille-al st%ffL a lot of ille-al st%ff. ? )e0t tellin- And3 that 2e 2ere
defensi1e here8 and 2e didn't 2ant an3 0roblems from the la2. @%rin-
the mid-''.s8 2e had a standoff 2ith the feds. ? told him to )ee0 %s o%t
of tro%ble.D
Aas #trassmeir attem0tin- to infiltrate 4lohim Cit3H D?f the a-ent
0enetrates the -ro%08D #trassmeir said in an inter1ie2 2ith the a%thor8
Dthe first thin- the3 do is tr3 to sell them 2ea0ons.D Ahen as)ed if that
2asn't e:actl3 2hat he did8 he re0lied8 D? N%st ad1ised them abo%t
2ea0ons8 as an e:0erienced soldier. That's 2hat ? did for 3ears and
3ears. ? 2as an infantr3 man * ? N%st -a1e ad1ice. B%t8 ? al2a3s obe3ed
the la2.D 7e then admitted that he Ddidn't )no2 the la2. ?'d ha1e to
cons%lt m3 la23er.D
Accordin- to information obtained b3 the (elegraph8 #trassmeir
infiltrated the Te:as (i-ht ?nfantr3 militia bet2een 1,'' and 1,',8 and
set %0 some ille-al -%n 0%rchases. The3 soon s%s0ected that
#trassmeir 2as a ATF informant. Ahen some members follo2ed him to
a federal b%ildin- one ni-ht8 the3 obser1ed him enterin- it %sin- the
b%ildin-'s combination )e3-0ad.
ATF a-ent An-ela Finle3-Braham8 the a-ent 2ho s%0er1ised ATF
informant Carol 7o2e8 had aerial s%r1eillance 0hotos of #trassmeir
2ith an assa%lt 2ea0on8 and 0hotos of concrete b%n)ers at 4lohim Cit3.
?n fact8 in 1,,28 some ,". 3ards of concrete 2ere trans0orted to the
com0o%nd8 0res%mabl3 for b%n)ers and 2ea0ons stora-e facilities.
(a2 enforcement officials also recei1ed re0orts that the com0o%nd 2as
belie1ed to be -eneratin- income thro%-h the sale of ille-al dr%-s. A
so%rce familiar 2ith the comm%nit3 told me that Br%ce Millar8 Robert
Millar's son8 2as s%00osedl3 Dstr%n- o%tD on Metham0hetimines. #0eed
is a hi-hl3 0o0%lar dr%- amon- the neo-Nai cro2d8 and 2as in fact
in1ented b3 the Nais d%rin- AA?? to bolster the fi-htin- abilit3 of their
front-line troo0s.
#e1eral 2ee)s before the bombin-8 in mid-Febr%ar38 the T%lsa office of
the ATF 0assed on information to the /)lahoma 7i-h2a3 +atrolman
>en #tafford8 2ho 0%t o%t a B/(/ ;Be /n The (oo)o%t For= on
AN@R4A# #TRA##M4?R8 ARM8 !R1&R!,8 hea13 Berman accent. Blac)
7airR Bl%e 43es. 1D scar on chin8 2ears cammo fati-%es. +ossible
Tennessee dri1er's license. Came to $#A in !R,18 0ass0ort 2as -ood
%ntil 'R,1. 7e ne1er left the co%ntr3. ?N# sa3s he does not ha1e an
e:tension of his <?#A. +ossibl3 in bl%e Che138 late model8 ta- BE7 34"
;not on file=8 %s%all3 has someone dri1in- him. Carries a .4! a%to 0istol
at all times. 7e is an ille-al alien8 ATF 2ants to be notified if he is
sto00ed and has the -%n on him. The3 2ill file the char-es. Contact5
A-ent An-ela Finle38 ATF. /ffice5 ,1'-!'1-&&31 ;or= +a-er5 ,1'-"&2-
Ahat's odd is that the B/(/ 2as for an ?N# 1iolation8 not e:actl3 the
N%risdiction of the ATF. Moreo1er8 accordin- to a T%lsa 0olice
intelli-ence so%rce8 the ?N# 2as told not to ma)e an3 effort to foc%s on
1isa 1iolations d%e to man0o2er shorta-es.
The $c*urtain "a#ette8 2hich %nco1ered the B/(/8 thin)s it 2as 0%t
o%t b3 the ATF to 0ro1ide co1er for #trassmeir * an aid for his
e:traction from 4lohim Cit3. The /7+ s%bse9%entl3 t30ed %0 the B/(/8
2hich 2as e1ent%all3 Dlea)edD to 1ario%s so%rces8 incl%din- the
residents of the r%ral comm%nit3. Accordin- to Blenn Ailb%rn8 the B/(/
2as circ%lated 2ith the sti0%lation that #trassmeir not be arrested.
C%rio%sl38 2hen Finle3-Braham attem0ted to -et a 2arrant for
#trassmeir's arrest8 she 2as stone2alled b3 the ?N#. A T%lsa 0olice
intelli-ence so%rce told me that Finle3 D2as o%t to -et the 2hole
0lace.D This fact 2as confirmed b3 information obtained b3 Mc<ei-h's
defense co%nsel d%rin- disco1er3.
This is also interestin- in li-ht of the fact that the ?N# and ATF had
ori-inall3 0lanned a Noint raid on the com0o%nd * a 0lan 2hich
s%ddenl3 came to a halt in late Febr%ar3 of ',!. As one ?N# memo
?n1esti-ation 0endin- * no arrest or 2arrant as of 3et * Northeastern
/)lahoma * re9%est 0artici0ation. Raid * ne:t month.
?t seems the ATF and ?N# 2eren't the onl3 ones interested in 4lohim
Cit3. As a re0ort of Finle3-Braham's dated Febr%ar3 2' states5
/n 22 Febr%ar3 1,,!8 this a-ent met 2ith /7+ Troo0er >en #tafford to
e:chan-e certain information re-ardin- this in1esti-ation. Troo0er
#tafford indicated that the FB? also had an on-oin- in1esti-ation
re-ardin- 4lohim Cit3. /n this same date8 RAC @a1id Roberts met 2ith
the $nited #tates Attorne3 for the Northern 6%dicial @istrict of
/)lahoma8 #te1e (e2is8 to disc%ss this in1esti-ation.
/n Febr%ar3 238 1,,! RAC @a1id Roberts 2as contacted b3 FB?
s%0er1isor8 Mart3 Aebber8 2ho stated that FB? #0ecial A-ent in Char-e8
Bob Ric)s8 2o%ld be a1ailable d%rin- the 2ee) of Febr%ar3 2& thro%-h
March .38 1,,! to meet 2ith ATF #0ecial A-ent in Char-e8 (ester
Mart. RAC Roberts then contacted @allas @i1ision to re9%est #AC
Mart meet 2ith #AC Ric)s to disc%ss the in1esti-ation of 4lohim
As an interestin- historical 0recedent8 JformerK FB? a-ent 6ames
Rod-ers had de1elo0ed a massi1e FB? raid on 4lohim Cit3 in 1,''8 b%t
it 2as called off for reasons that ha1e ne1er been made clear.
/ne month before the bombin- 7o2e -ot Dfed %0D 2ith 4lohim Cit3 and
the ATF's attit%de to2ards the in1esti-ation. DAn-ie hadn't made an3
arrests either8D 7o2e told the "a#ette8 Dand that 2as fr%stratin-8 so ?
9%it -oin- o%t there... %ntil after the b%ildin- -ot blo2n %0ID
Three da3s after the bombin-8 the ATF's Aashin-ton head9%arters
0%lled the T%lsa office off the case8 and the FB? re9%ested them to t%rn
o1er all their files on 4lohim Cit3.
The 9%estion is8 N%st 2ho 2as #trassmeir re0ortin- toH The C?AH The
T%lsa ATF office8 2hich has N%risdiction o1er 4lohim Cit38 ma3 not ha1e
been informed if #trassmeir 2ere re0ortin- to a hi-her a%thorit38 a
different a-enc38 or 2as a confidential informant ;C?= on a national
#trassmeir's co1er-stor3 that his 6%stice @e0artment Nob Dne1er 2or)ed
o%tD also smac)s of Mc<ei-h's stor3 that his tr3-o%t for the #0ecial
Forces didn't 2or) o%t d%e to a Dblister.D +erha0s #trassmeir * a
se1en-3ear Berman Arm3 1eteran * failed his indoctrination d%e to a
?n s0ite of his 1ehement denials8 #trassmeir 0racticall3 admitted to the
(elegraph that he 2as an %nderco1er a-ent. DThe Ri-ht-2in- in the
$.#. is incredibl3 eas3 to 0enetrate if 3o% )no2 ho2 to tal) to them8D
he told the (elegraph. D/f co%rse it's easier for a forei-ner 2ith an
accentG nobod3 2o%ld e1er s%s0ect a Berman of 2or)in- for the
Federal Bo1ernment.D
This certainl3 a00ears to be no ordinar3 sli0 of the ton-%e. 7o2 2o%ld
#trassmeir )no2 the e:treme-Ri-ht is Dincredibl3 eas3 to 0enetrateD
%nless he had 0enetrated themH 7is statement that 'nobod3 2o%ld
e1er s%s0ect a Berman' is 0racticall3 an admission that he 2as doin-
/n Febr%ar3 2'8 1,,2 #trassmeir 2as arrested and his car im0o%nded
b3 the /7+ for dri1in- 2itho%t a license. Ahen the 0olice o0ened his
briefcase8 the3 fo%nd a n%mber of doc%ments8 incl%din- some in
Berman. There 2ere statements from forei-n ban) acco%nts8 false
identit3 0a0ers8 and a co03 of (he (errorist Hand&ook.
Accordin- to the to2-tr%c) dri1er8 >enn3 +ence8 #trassmeir soon
bro%-ht hea13 0ress%re to bear. DBo38 2e ca%-ht hell o1er that one8D
he said. DThe 0hone calls came in from the #tate @e0artment8 the
Bo1ernor's office8 and someone called and said he had di0lomatic
Accordin- to #trassmeir8 the entiret3 of the stor3 amo%nts to a 0air of
co0s 2ho 2ere o%t to harass him and his friend +eter Aard ;recall that
7o2e identified Aard as 6ohn @oe O1=. ?nterestin-l38 federal
0rosec%tors filed a motion re9%estin- that 6%d-e Matsch bloc) efforts
b3 Mc<ei-h's defense team 2ho 2as see)in- -o1ernment files on
#trassmeir's acti1ities. ?t 2as e1ent%all3 re1ealed to 6ones thro%-h
disco1er3 that #trassmeir held a to%rist <isa 2ith the desi-nation DA
/D. Neither 6ones nor Ambrose 41ans-+ritchard8 2ho re0orted
e:tensi1el3 on #trassmeir8 co%ld learn 2hat the desi-nation meant.
The ?N# denied an3 )no2led-e of its meanin-. C%rio%sl38 the entries8
2hich a00eared on all of #trassmeir's ?N# files8 s%ddenl3 1anished in
March of 1,,". #omebod3 had earased them.
All told8 these are stran-e circ%mstances for a former Berman
intelli-ence officer * the 0oliticall3 2ell-connected son to a to0 aide in
Chancellor 7elm%t >ohl's -o1ernment. ?t seems %nli)el3 that this
ordinar3 Dcom0%ter salesmanD and Dneo-NaiD 2ith di0lomatic
imm%nit38 bac)ed %0 b3 the #tate @e0artment and the 6%stice
@e0artment8 bro%-ht federal 0ress%re to bear in order to ha1e a minor
traffic 1iolation cleared.
More li)el38 #trassmeir 2as in dan-er of ha1in- his co1er blo2n b3
%ns%s0ectin- la2 enforcement a-ents. The sit%ation had to be
corrected8 and 9%ic)l3.
After the bombin-8 2ith the increasin- attention of in1esti-ators8 and
his co1er almost blo2n8 #trassmeir fled to Berman38 ta)in- a circ%ito%s
ro%te thro%-h Me:ico and +aris * a ro%te commonl3 %sed b3 s0ies.
#trassmeir's attorne38 >ir) (3ons8 detailed his client's esca0e8 statin-
that it 2as aided b3 Berman3's 1a%nted co%nter-terrorism %nit8 B#B-,8
the e9%i1alent of o%r @elta Force. C%rio%s that B#B-, 2o%ld assist in
#trassmeir's retreat. Aere the3 hel0in- one of their o2nH
To hel0 maintain his co1er8 the 6%stice @e0artment 9%estioned
#trassmeir in North Carolina at his attorne3s office8 then called him in
Berlin to as) abo%t his alle-ed ties to Mc<ei-h. DThe FB? as)ed 2here ?
2as on the da3 of the bombin-8D he told the (elegraph.. DThe3 2anted
to hel0 deb%n) the r%mors s0read abo%t me.D
Ah3 the FB? 2o%ld be in the b%siness of deb%n)in- r%mors8 %nless it is
abo%t them8 is %nclear. ?n this case8 since an3 ties bet2een #trassmeir
and the 6%stice @e0artment 2o%ld lead directl3 bac) to the them8 it
seems that is e:actl3 2hat the3 are tr3in- to do.
?f #trassmeir had an3 ties to Mc<ei-h8 or to Mc<ei-h's com0anions8 or
to those 2ho had 0lanned the 1,'3 bombin- of the M%rrah B%ildin-8
the 6%stice @e0artment sho%ld ha1e ser1ed him 2ith a -rand N%r3
s%b0oena or a 2arrant. Cet all the FB? did 2as call #trassmeir on the
0hone to Ddeb%n) the r%morsD s0read abo%t him.
As one la2 enforcement officer told the $c*urtain "a#ette8 DAe fo%nd
the a:le from the tr%c) that led to 6%nction Cit3 and Mc<ei-h. /%r
7i-h2a3 +atrolman arrested Mc<ei-h. And that arrest led to Terr3
Nichols and Mi)e FortierL #ince then8 nothin- in this in1esti-ation has
accom0lished an3thin-. B%t 2e're told b3 the B%rea% that #trassmeir
and his b%ddies are not im0ortant. B%ll-shitID
The "a#ette also %nco1ered an intelli-ence b%lletin iss%ed b3 the
@i0lomatic #ec%rit3 @i1ision8 Co%nter Terrorism $nit8 of the @e0artment
of #tate on March 1'8 1,," concernin- #trassmeir's alle-ed criminal
acti1ities in the $.#.
The cable states that #trassmeir o1ersta3ed his 1isa in 1,,1 and 2as
)no2n to ha1e been the militia trainin- officer for a 2hite se0aratist
-ro%0 called AAR.
W%otin- the cable8 D7e ;#trassmeir= has been the s%bNect of se1eral
in1esti-ations for 0%rchasin- 2ea0ons8 and ma)in- the 2ea0ons fire
on f%ll a%tomatic. #trassmeir sho%ld not be allo2ed to ret%rn to the
Cet this cable ma)es it a00ear as tho%-h the FB? didn't )no2 an3thin-
abo%t #trassmeir * 2ho 2as a00arentl3 %nder the 0rotection of the
#tate @e0artment. Aas this another co1er 0lo3 to 0rotect their
informant8 or 2as #trassmeir 2or)in- for the C?A8 2ho 2asn't
comm%nicatin- 2ith the FB? and ATFH
?nterestin-l38 the FB? 2o%ld claim the3 2eren't a2are of Carol 7o2e's
stat%s as an informant either. @%rin- her 6%l38 1,,& trial ;the res%lt of
tr%m0ed %0 char-es b3 so-called the 6%stice @e0artment=8 FB? a-ent
+ete Ric)el told the N%r3 that he s0o)e to 7o2e in the #0rin- of 1,,"8
2hen she re9%ested 0rotection8 com0lainin- that her co1er had been
blo2n. DAe 2ere interested to see if there mi-ht be an3 f%rther
information 2e co%ld -ather abo%t acti1ities in1ol1in- 0eo0le at 4lohim
Cit3 2ho ma3 ha1e been connected 2ith the bombin-8D said Ric)el. Cet
the a-ent insisted he had no idea of 2ho 7o2e reall3 2as 2hen the FB?
raided her home in @ecember of ',".
ATF A-ent An-ela Finle3-Braham li)e2ise claimed she 2as %na2are
that an FB? raid 2as 0lanned on 7o2e's home. Cet as the $c*urtain
"a#ette re0orted8 this 0remise 2as destro3ed 2hen FB? #0ecial A-ent
Chris +eters too) the stand5
After e:0lainin- his role in the raid on the 7o2e residence8 +eters 2as
as)ed b3 defense attorne3 Clar) Bre2ster d%rin- cross-e:amination
2ho he 2as married to.
DAn-ela JFinle3K Braham8D +eters re0lied.
#trassmeir's o2n co1er 2o%ld finall3 be blo2n 2hen the "a#ette
re0orted on 6%l3 148 1,,"8 that Da hi-hl3-0laced so%rce at the FB? has
confirmed that Andreas Carl #trassmeir 2as a 0aid -o1ernment
informant sent b3 the B%rea% of Alcohol8 Tobacco and Firearms to
infiltrate 4lohim Cit3.LD
For his 0art8 #trassmeir claims he 2as at 2or) re0airin- a fence near
4lohim Cit3 on A0ril 1,. Cet #trassmeir hasn't e:actl3 held ti-ht to his
stor3. Accordin- to Blenn Ailb%rn8 2ho has intensi1el3 in1esti-ated the
connection8 #trassmeir claimed he sto00ed 2or)in- 2hen it started to
rain8 then 2ent home and 2atched the bombin- on T<. Ahen Ailb%rn
chec)ed the 2eather re0orts for the area that da38 he fo%nd that it
hadn't be-%n to rain %ntil m%ch later. #trassmeir then claimed the
farmer he 2as 2or)in- for 2as Beor-e 4aton8 a friend of the m%rdered
M%eller famil3. (ater8 accordin- to Ailb%rn8 #trassmeir stated that he
co%ldn't recall e:actl3 2hat he 2as doin- %ntil he tal)ed to his
attorne38 >ir) (3ons.
DAnd3 has been dama-ed8D e:claimed (3ons8 an-ril3 ref%tin- the
alle-ations a-ainst his client. DAn3bod3 2ho 0%ts o%t the lie that he
2as lin)ed to the /)lahoma bombin- in an3 2a3 is -oin- to 0a3 for
(3ons claims his client had been dra--ed into the cons0irac3 b3
Mc<ei-h's defense team * a 0lo38 he said8 to m%dd3 the 2aters b3
0aintin- a 1ast cons0irac3 in1ol1in- neo-Nais in 4%ro0e and terrorists
in the Mideast. D? call it the #0ace Alien 4l1is +resle3 theor38 and it's
been f%eled b3 n%t cases and cons0irac3 theorists.D
/b1io%sl38 (3ons himself is no n%t case8 merel3 a hardcore racist and
neo-Nai. The sim0le Dco%ntr3 la23erD married the sister of a
0rominent member of The /rder. The ceremon3 2as 0erformed b3
Ar3an Nations D0astorD Richard B%tler at the -ro%0's com0o%nd in
7a3den (a)e.
At the 1,'' Ar3an Nations Aorld Con-ress8 (3ons s%--ested formin-
an AC($ of sorts for the e:treme-Ri-ht8 and attended the ann%al e1ent
in 7a3den (a)e as (o%is Beam's re0resentati1e. Not that (3ons 2as
des0erate for clients. 7e ha00il3 defended the Confederate 7ammer
#)inheads of @allas8 the National #ocialist #)inheads of 7o%ston8 the
Ahite <i)in-s of Chica-o8 and AAR leader Tom Met-er8 2ho 2as
acc%sed of incitin- the m%rder of a blac) st%dent from 4thio0ia. (3ons
also defended 7oloca%st re1isionist 4rnst YZndel8 2ho claimed that the
Nai -enocide 2as a 6e2ish in1ention8 and other so-called D0risoners of
(3ons 2as also the -%est of honor at the British Nationalist +art3 in
(ondon8 2here he a00la%ded the +art3's stance on 2hite 0o2er8 and
li)e Ailliam +ierce8 0redicted a f%t%re race 2ar. The er%dite8 e1er-
sociall3 conscio%s attorne3 2as also 9%ic) to defend (o%is Beam8 the
Te:as Brand @ra-on of the >% >l%: >lan. Beam fled to Me:ico after
bein- indicted for cons0irac3 to o1erthro2 the -o1ernment. As
disc%ssed8 Beam 2as char-ed 2ith harassin- <ietnamese fishermen
alon- the coast of Te:as.
?nterestin-l38 2hen Terr3 Reed 2as in B%adalaNara on behalf of the C?A8
2or)in- 2ith /li1er North's D4nter0rise8D Beam m3sterio%sl3 sho2ed %0
as his nei-hbor. Aith the hel0 of (3ons8 Beam 2as ac9%itted after his
2ife shot and )illed a Me:ican FederalX.
(3ons has li)e2ise 1ehementl3 defended #trassmeir's role in the
bombin-8 and claims he is not a -o1ernment a-ent. ?nterestin-l38
(3ons arran-ed #trassmeir's sta3s in >no:1ille8 7o%ston8 4lohim Cit38
and e1en (3on's o2n home in North Carolina.
/ne thin- that can be ded%ced from all this is that #trassmeir and
(3ons aren't 1er3 -ood liars.
Accordin- to #te0hen 6ones8 @ennis Mahon made statements to the
effect of8 D?f a 0erson 2anted to )no2 abo%t the bombin-8 then the3
sho%ld tal) 2ith And3 #trassmeir beca%se he )no2s e1er3thin-.D
For his 0art8 #trassmeir claims he's not a -o1ernment a-ent. ?n his
(elegraph inter1ie28 he states8 D?'1e ne1er 2or)ed for an3 $.#.
-o1ernment a-enc38 and ?'1e not been in1ol1ed in an3 intelli-ence
o0eration since m3 dischar-e from the Berman arm3 in 1,''. This
famil3 ;the Ailb%rns= is on a fishin- e:0edition.D
Cet in the 1er3 same article8 #trassmeir admits that the bombin- 2as
the res%lt of a -o1ernment stin- -one bad * a stin- in1ol1in- a-ents
of the ATF. Considerin- the re1ealin- nat%re of #trassmeir's
information8 the article8 entitled D@id A-ents B%n-le $.#. Terror BombHD
mi-ht N%st as 2ell ha1e been called DThan) Co% And3.D As #trassmeir
DThe ATF had an informant inside this o0eration. The3 had ad1ance
2arnin- and the3 b%n-led it8D he said. DAhat the3 sho%ld ha1e done is
ma)e an arrest 2hile the bomb 2as still bein- made instead of 2aitin-
till the last moment for a 0%blicit3 st%nt.D
As)ed if he tho%-ht the alle-ed informant 2o%ld e1er s0ea) o%t8 he
re0lied 2ith 0assion5 D7o2 can heH Ahat ha00ens if it 2as a stin-
o0eration from the 1er3 be-innin-H Ahat ha00ens if it comes o%t that
the 0lant 2as a 0ro1ocate%rH Ahat if he tal)ed and mani0%lated the
others into itH Ahat thenH The co%ntr3 co%ldn't handle it. The relati1es
of the 1ictims are -oin- to -o cra38 and he's -oin- to be held
res0onsible for the m%rder of 1"' 0eo0le. /f co%rse the informant can't
come for2ard. 7e's scared shitless ri-ht no2.D Before and after this
o%tb%rst he )e0t re0eatin- that he 2as not ma)in- 1eiled
references to himself.
Ahen ? inter1ie2ed #trassmeir8 he insisted that he had been 9%oted
o%t of conte:t. That statement8 he claimed8 2as made to him b3 a
former ATF a-ent. D7e made some hints that the ATF 0robabl3 )ne2
that this 2as comin- do2n8D said #trassmeir. The so%rce8 he said8 2as
D0rett3 reliable8D altho%-h he 2as 9%ic) to 9%alif3 it b3 statin- that he
2asn't certain of the information.
Referrin- to the stin-8 he said8 DAhat )ind of -i1es me a bad taste8 is
that all the ATF a-ents 2ere a00arentl3 not in the office d%rin- the
blast8 all of them.D As to N%st 2hat the stin- in1ol1ed8 #trassmeir
claimed he didn't )no2. B%t re-ardin- 6ohn @oe 28 he said8 DFor some
reason the3 don't loo) for this -%3 an3more. That8 for some reason8 ?
thin) is 1er3 stran-e.D
?f #trassmeir 2as in1ol1ed in a stin- o0eration8 it ma3 ha1e been to
sto0 the flo2 of Nai 0ro0a-anda emanatin- from the $.#. #%ch
infl%ences ha1e made their 0resence felt in an %nsettlin- 2a3 in
Berman3 in recent 3ears. ?t is li)el3 that the FB? re9%ested the
assistance of the B%ndes)riminalamt ;B>A=8 the Berman FB?8 and the
B%ndesnachrichtendienst ;BN@=8 the Berman C?A8 to hel0 -ather
intelli-ence on s%ch -ro%0s as Michael >Zhnen's Anti-Yionist (ea-%e8
and their connections to both Arabs and American neo-Nais.
FB? @irector (o%is Freeh had anno%nced a Noint $.#.-Berman
intelli-ence -atherin- o0eration on neo-Nai -ro%0s as far bac) as
1,,3. Freeh 0led-ed to 2or) alon-side Berman la2-enforcement to
stem the s0read of Naism emanatin- from the $nited #tates.
/n A0ril 2.8 1,,!8 the American National #ocialist Aor)er's +art3
anno%nced that the #ecret #er1ice and ATF had been in1esti-atin-
Bar3 (a%c)8 leader of the domestic N#@A+RA/. (a%c)8 2ho 0%blishes
the neo-Nai ne2sletter +.). :ampru88 had been a maNor infl%ence in
Berman3 and 2as an obNect of concern amon- Berman a%thorities
;Berman sedition la2s forbid the 0%blication of Nai literat%re=.
?t seems that certain information 0ro1ided b3 #trassmeir res%lted in
(a%c)'s arrest. Aith #trassmeir's hel08 the DFarm Belt F%hrerD 2as
arrested in Co0enha-en and e:tradited to 7amb%r-. The arrest
coincided 2ith maNor raids b3 Berman 0olice of N#@A+RA/ cells all o1er
(a%c) 2asn't the onl3 one bec)onin- 3o%n- Bermans to Noin the 2hite
s%0remacist mo1ement. Research cond%cted b3 Mc<ei-h's defense
team indicates that @ennis Mahon tra1eled to Berman3 to recr%it
indi1id%als into the >% >l%: >lan. A 1ideo re0ortedl3 sho2s Mahon in
Berman3 in f%ll >>> re-alia8 li-htin- a cross. Mahon himself No)ed that
if he 2as fined the %s%al 18... @e%tsche Mar)s for e1er3 time he
-a1e the Nai sal%te8 he 2o%ld o2e 1.8...8... Mar)s.
/nl3 a fe2 2ee)s before the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-8 Mahon recei1ed
a 0hone call from (a%c). DCeah8 ? -ot a call from (a%c) sometime
before the bombin-... 7e told me that he 2as ma)in- another tri0 to
4%ro0e. ? told him he 2as too hot8 and he sho%ldn't -o.D #ha)in- his
head8 Mahon sa3s no28 D7e sho%ld ha1e listened.D
@id the a%thorities )no2 (a%c) 2as comin-H DAell8 ? did tell #trassmeir
abo%t the tri08D said Mahon. ;/r did Mahon tell the -o1ernment
Aith (a%c)'s 4%ro0ean arrest8 the N#@A+ noted8 D$.#. officials ha1e
been doin- e:tensi1e s%r1eillance of (a%c)'s contem0oraries in
/)lahoma8 >ansas8 Nebras)a and north Te:as. These s%r1eillance
acti1ities 2ere bein- coordinated o%t of the />C offices8 accordin- to
o%r so%rces.D
?nterestin-l38 the ne2sletter added that Dthe />C office of the ATF had
0lans to ser1e search 2arrants 'b3 the be-innin- of #%mmer' on
se1eral 2ell-)no2n 2hite s%0remacists.D
?t seems the 2arrants 2ere ne1er iss%ed.
?nterestin-l38 (3ons told the Berman ma-aine 2olkstreue' DThere are
man3 s0ies 2ithin Jthe >lanK and most of its best leaders ha1e left the
>lan to do more effecti1e 2or) 2ithin the mo1ement.L The man 2ho is
mainl3 res0onsible for the s%ccess of the >lan in Berman3 * @ennis
Mahon * has left the >lan.D
A00arentl38 Mahon is still concerned eno%-h abo%t his res0onsibilit3 to
the 2hite s%0remacist mo1ement to ha1e tele0honed Berman3 2ith
orders to )ill #trassmeir. Accordin- to a con1ersation o1erheard b3
Cash8 DJMahonK 2anted Andreas shot in both )neeca0s and a
confession elicited from him8 then hold a 3.-min%te trial and then
e:ec%te him.D
?n1esti-ator 6eff #teinber- ta)es this one ste0 f%rther8 belie1in- that
Mahon himself ma3 be an ATF o0erati1e. 7e sa3s the ATF had him on a
char-e then dro00ed it. D7e ma3 ha1e been t%rned8D said #tienber-.
/b1io%sl38 #trassmeir 2asn't the onl3 informant at 4lohim Cit3. Mahon8
2ho )ne2 B%thrie8 McCarth38 #tedeford8 and (an-an8 had introd%ced
his ne2-fo%nd friend Carol 7o2e to the 2hite se0aratist comm%nit3. ?t
2as there that the attracti1e 24-3ear-old da%-hter of a 0rominent T%lsa
b%sinessman 2o%ld meet #trassmeir. As 7o2e told the "a#ette'
D? )inda had a relationshi0 2ith him for a 2hile. Ae tal)ed abo%t
relationshi0s once8 and he said he 2asn't interested in settlin- do2n
2ith a 2oman. All he 2anted to do 2as blo2 %0 federal b%ildin-s. ?t
2as also at that same meetin- that he sho1ed his hand do2n m3 dress
and ? tho%-ht8 2ell8 he 2as doin- somethin- else8 b%t no2 that ? thin)
abo%t it8 ? thin) he 2as feelin- for a 2ire.D
7o2e also said she o1erheard Mahon and #trassmeir disc%ss 0lans to
bomb the /)lahoma Cit3 Federal B%ildin-. As 7o2e related it5
D? started -oin- to as man3 of their meetin-s as ? co%ld and met a lot of
0eo0le 2ho 2ere 1er3 secreti1e. B%t sometime in No1ember there 2as
a meetin- and #trassmeir and Mahon said it 2as time to 9%it tal)in-
and -o to 2ar8 and time to start bombin- federal b%ildin-s.D
D? re0orted all this to An-ie.D
Accordin- to her attorne38 7o2e 0ro1ided tele0hone n%mbers8 license
ta-s8 names8 famil3 trees8 ;incl%din- the location and desi-n of tattoos=
dra2in-s of b%ildin-s8 0ict%res8 and descri0tions and lists of indi1id%als
2ho 2ere in1ol1ed in criminal acti1it3.
?n fact8 Confidential ?nformant !32&.-1'38 or C?-1'3 ;2hose neo-Nai
handle 2as DFre3aD and D(ad3 MacBethD= made o1er &. re0orts to
Finle3-Braham d%rin- 1,,4-,! time frame. Finle3 0aid 7o2e F12.-a-
2ee) to 0ro1ide the ATF re-%lar %0dates on the acti1ities at 4lohim
Cit38 and those of #trassmeir and Mahon in 0artic%lar. Finle3-Braham
filed her 0reliminar3 R/? ;Re0ort of ?n1esti-ation= on Carol 7o2e on
A%-%st 3.8 1,,4. 4ntitled DAhite Ar3an Resistance8 A.A.R.D ?t states8 in
/n A%-%st 248 1,,4 this a-ent met 2ith C?-1'3 in the T%lsa ATF Field
/ffice and disc%ssed in -reat detail the federal firearms and cons0irac3
1iolations of the Ahite Ar3an Resistance8 DA.A.R.DL
A.A.R. is described breifl3 as bein- radical8 0aramilitar38 Neo-nai8 anti-
-o1ernment8 and 1iolent. A.A.R. has national and international
affiliates to incl%de the >>> and a racist follo2in- in Berman3.L
A.A.R. has se1eral trainin- sites in /)lahoma. The 0rimar3 trainin-
location is called 4lohim Cit3 2hich is in a r%ral area near the border of
/)lahoma and Ar)ansas in Adair Co%nt38 /)lahoma. The members of
the reli-io%s or-aniation8 The Co1enant8 #2ord and Arm of the (ord
li1e at 4lohim Cit3. The The Co1enant8 #2ord and Arm of the (ord is a
se0aratist or-aniation that conNointl3 trains 2ith and e:chan-es
2ea0ons 2ith A.A.R.L
Re-ardin- statements b3 Mahon that 2ere secretl3 1ideota0ed b3
7o2e8 Finle3-Braham 2rites5
Mahon has made n%mero%s statements re-ardin- the con1ersion of
firearms into f%ll3 a%tomatic 2ea0ons8 the man%fact%re and %se of
silencers and the man%fact%re and %se of e:0losi1e de1ices. Mahon
has stated both the )no2led-e and abilit3 to man%fact%re a ran-e of
e:0losi1e de1ices. Mahon intends to man%fact%re and %se an3 or all of
the abo1e 2hen he deems necessar3. Mahon and his or-aniation are
0re0arin- for a race 2ar and 2ar 2ith the -o1ernment in the near
f%t%re and it is belie1ed that the3 are ra0idl3 stoc)0ilin- 2ea0ons.
Mahon res0onded to 7o2e's alle-ations in the 2illage 2oice' DThis
2oman has -ot some shit on me. The3're lies. B%t it's m3 2ord a-ainst
#ome shit indeed.
?t 2as after Mahon and 7o2e had a romantic fallin--o%t that the 24-
3ear-old 7o2e s2itched from bein- an a1o2ed 2hite s%0remacist to a
ATF informant. A tem0orar3 0rotecti1e order 2as iss%ed a-ainst Mahon
b3 a T%lsa co%rt in A%-%st of ',4 after 7o2e alle-ed that Mahon
threatened to Dta)e ste0s to ne%tralie me8D b3 brea)in- her )nees if
she tried to lea1e the 2hite s%0remacist mo1ement.
D? 2as contacted b3 @ennis Mahon after ? ordered some literat%re from
this -ro%0 called Ahite Ar3an Resistance8D 7o2e told the $c*urtain
"a#ette. D7e 2anted to ha1e a closer relationshi0 than ? did8 and later
he threatened me 2hen ? tried to -et a2a3 from his -ro%0.
?t 2as after 7o2e so%-ht the restrainin- order that Finle3-Braham
recr%ited her into the ATF. Mahon claims it 2as 7o2e-the-informant
2ho ad1ocated most of the 1iolence. @e0ictin- himself as the fall--%3
in the affair8 he told the 0ress8 DThe3 2ant to dra- me into this thin-
and ? barel3 remember e1en meetin- Tim Mc<ei-h. ?t 2as #trassmeir
2ho 2as meetin- 2ith Mc<ei-h8 not me.D
C%rio%sl38 Mahon later sent a 1ideota0e to Mc<ei-h's 0rison cell
e:0ressin- his 1ie2s on the Dmo1ement.D Mc<ei-h's defense team 2as
concerned abo%t the 1ideo8 not )no2in- 2hether the intended
messa-e D2as to enco%ra-e the @efendant to 'sacrifice' himself for the
e1ent%al 'N%stice' of the ca%se or 2as a s%btle threat intended to
remind the @efendant that members of his famil3 2ere 1%lnerable.D
Ahile Mahon 1ehementl3 denied 7o2e's alle-ations8 the ATF's R/? of
6an%ar3 118 1,,! ;three months before the bombin-= states8 in 0art5
@%rin- the #abbath meetin-8 Millar -a1e a sermon solicitin- 1iolence
a-ainst the $# -o1ernment. 7e bro%-ht forth his soldiers and
instr%cted them to ta)e 2hate1er action necessar3 a-ainst the $#
Bo1ernment. ?t is %nderstood that ATF is the main enem3 of the 0eo0le
at 4C.L 7e e:0licitl3 told 1'3 that the3 2ere 0re0arin- to fi-ht a 2ar
a-ainst the -o1ernment.L
7o2e re0orted to Finle3-Braham that 6ames 4llison also 0lanned to
reconstr%ct the C#A. 7er re0ort also stated that Millar 0lanned to
consolidate his com0o%nd 2ith -ro%0s in Te:as8 Misso%ri8 Ar)ansas and
/)lahoma to 0re0are to fi-ht a 2ar 2ith the -o1ernment. +osse
Comitat%s members from +enns3l1ania alle-edl3 lent a hand b3
hel0in- 4lohim Cit3 residents con1ert their 2ea0ons to f%ll
DThese 0eo0le ha1e the means and the desire to start a terrible 2ar in
America8D 2rote 7o2e in a letter to her father in A%-%st of 1,,4. DThe3
m%st be sto00ed8 one -ro%0 at a time.D
To 0reci0itate that 2ar8 #trassmier 2as a00arentl3 2illin- to 0roc%re
-renades8 C-4 and other e:0losi1es.
This is hardl3 s%r0risin-. ?n 1,&,8 ATF informant Bernard B%t)o1ich and
FB? o0erati1e 4d2ard @a2son led a -ro%0 of >>> and Nai +art3
members on a shootin- s0ree d%rin- a 0arade in Breensboro8 North
Carolina8 2hich led to the deaths of fi1e members of the Comm%nist
Aor)ers +art3.
?nterestin-l38 the -ashington Post re0orted ho2 B%t)o1ich D%r-ed
members to b%3 e9%i0ment to con1ert semi-a%tomatic -%ns to f%ll3
a%tomatic 2ea0ons8 and offered to 0roc%re e:0losi1es ;incl%din- hand
Accordin- to the +ew York (imes8 2itnesses re0orted that B%t)o1ich8 a
1eteran demolitions e:0ert8 also offered Dto train them in acti1ities
s%ch as ma)in- 0i0e bombs and fire bombs8D and that Dthe Nais ta)e
2ea0ons to the JComm%nistK rall3 in the tr%n)s of their cars.D
Aith a ma0 of the 0arade ro%te s%00lied b3 Breensboro +olice
@e0artment @etecti1e 6err3 Coo0er8 @a2son8 B%t)o1ich8 and their >>>
and neo-Nai comrades 2ere able to select the most ad1anta-eo%s
site for their amb%sh.
Accordin- to #te0hen 6ones's a00eal brief8 Finle3-Braham's hand2ritten
notes confirmed a re0ort from 7o2e that @ennis Mahon had bomb-
ma)in- e:0ertise8 incl%din- alle-edl3 e:0lodin- a !..lb ammoni%m
nitrate bomb in Michi-an fi1e 3ears earlier.
7o2e also told the a-ents that #trassmeir and Mahon cased the T%lsa
?R# b%ildin- and the /)lahoma Cit3 Federal B%ildin- in No1ember and
@ecember of 1,,48 and once d%rin- Febr%ar3 of ',!. ?nterestin-l38
Mahon told re0orters that as a Dre1ol%tionar38D he 2o%ld indeed blo2
%0 the Federal B%ildin-8 b%t do it at ni-ht8 2hen no one 2as aro%nd.
#hoc)in-l38 most of this information 2as 0ro1ided to the ATF &e8ore the
6.@. Cash8 re0ortin- for the $c*urtain "a#ette8 claimed to ha1e
recei1ed information from an intermediar3 that a so%rce at the
head9%arters of the Ar3an Nations in 7a3den (a)e8 ?daho8 said that
Mahon 2as Done of the rin- leaders in the -ro%0 that bombed the
Federal B%ildin-.D Cash8 2ho inter1ie2ed Mahon on n%mero%s
occasions b3 0osin- as a 2hite s%0remacist8 2rote the follo2in- in the
And he ;Mahon= indicated that the res%lts of the bombin- 2ere not as
he antici0ated. 7e felt li)e this 2o%ld ca%se a comin- to-ether of
radicals aro%nd the co%ntr3 2ho 2o%ld be-in a cam0ai-n of terrorism.
?n retros0ect8 he feels li)e the ?R# b%ildin- sho%ld ha1e been bombed
instead of the M%rrah B%ildin- and 0robabl3 sho%ld ha1e been bombed
at ni-ht. The da3 care center and the )illin- of the children 2as ha1in-
a ne-ati1e effect.
For his 0art8 Mahon claims he has an alibi for the mornin- of A0ril 1,.
Cet Bric)to2n 2itness @a1id #nider is s%re the dri1er of the R3der tr%c)
2hich slo2l3 made its 2a3 0ast his 2areho%se that mornin- 2as
@ennis Mahon. Altho%-h the dri1er had lon- hair and 2as 2earin-
s%n-lasses8 #nider is adamant. 7e sho2ed the /)lahoma Co%nt3
Brand 6%r3 a 1ideo sho2in- Mahon 2earin- the same s%n-lasses he
2as 2earin- on the mornin- of the blast.
;#ee dra2in-=
Mahon8 2ho said he belie1es there were others in1ol1ed 2ith Mc<ei-h8
told the aily !klahoman8 D? ha1e ne1er been in do2nto2n J/)lahoma
Cit3K. ? am s9%ea)3 clean.D
?nterestin-l38 Mahon also claimed himself to be a ma)e-%0 artist8 and
described himself as Dthe master of all dis-%ises.D ?n a some2hat
startlin- statement8 Mahon told Ambrose 41ans-+ritchard of the
3ondon )unday (elegraph'
D? al2a3s deli1er m3 bombs in 0erson8 in dis-%ise8D he said
mischie1o%sl3. D? can loo) li)e a 7is0anic or e1en a Ne-ro. ?'m the
master of dis-%ise.D
Re1erend 6ohnn3 (ee Clar38 a reformed >% >l%: >lansman 2ho also
testified before the Co%nt3 Brand 6%r38 told the aily !klahoman'
DThere is no mista)e that the li0s and chin and facial feat%res Jof the
man #nider sa2K is @ennis Mahon in one of those dis-%ises.D
D7e al2a3s bra--ed he is the master of dis-%ise8D said Clar38 2ho
claims to be an ordained minister in T%lsa. Mahon D%sed to dress %0 li)e
Me:icans and /rientals or li)e blac)s.D
7o2e8 2ho 2as debriefed b3 the ATF and FB? after the bombin-8 told
a-ents Blanchard and Finle3-Braham that the s)etches of the s%s0ects
2ho rented the R3der tr%c) a00eared to be 4lohim Cit3 residents Jand
Mahon and #trassmeir associatesK +eter or #onn3 Aard. #he also
re0ortedl3 told the a-ents8 DLno one in the 2orld loo)s more li)e
the s)etch of 6ohn @oe 2 than Michael Brescia.D 7o2e's re0ort to Finle3-
Braham stated8 in 0art5
#A B(ANC7AR@ and #A ANB?4 F?N@(4C8 ATF8 tal)ed 2ith #A F?N@(4C's
confidential so%rce DCAR/(.D CAR/( stated she belie1es in 1,,48 she
sa2 an indi1id%al resemblin- the com0osite of $N#$B O l in a 2hite
se0aratist 0aramilitar3 cam0 called D4lohm Cit3D ;0honetic= ;4C=. This
cam0 is located aro%nd #till2ell8 /)lahoma. CAR/( )no2s this 0erson
as D+4T4.D CAR/( has seen an indi1id%al named DT/NCD resemblin-
the com0osite of $N#$B O 2. T/NC is +4T4's brother8 and is not 2ell
li)ed at 4C. T/NC 2o%ld do as his brother directed ho2e1er.
Ahen CAR/( sa2 the tele1ision 0ict%res of T?M/T7C 6AM4# MC<4?B78
she said MC<4?B7 doesn't loo) li)e D+4T4.D CAR/( recalled that she did
see a 0erson 2ho loo)ed li)e MC<4?B7 in a 0hoto-ra0h in a 0hoto
alb%m she sa2 at a 1,,4 >lan Rall3.
NBC8 0%ttin- the official 6%stice @e0artment s0in on the stor38 claimed
7o2e's re0orts contained no s0ecific information re-ardin- the 0lot. Cet
accordin- to the "a#ette8 D7o2e 2as ro%tinel3 0ol3-ra0hed b3 the
-o1ernment d%rin- the time she 2as ma)in- her monthl3 re0orts. The
-o1ernment's o2n doc%ments indicate she 0assed8 'sho2in- no
dece0tion on her 0art in an3 0ol3-ra0h e:amination.'D
As Finle3-
Braham testified d%rin- 7o2e's 0re-trial hearin-5
Bre"ster( DNo28 3o% 2ere interested in )no2in- as m%ch as 3o%
co%ld abo%t Mr. #trassmeir8 2eren't 3o%HD
Araham( DCes.D
Bre"ster( DAhat )ind of -%ns he hadHD
Araham( DCes.D
Bre"ster( ''And the )ind of threats he made abo%t 2antin- to blo2 %0
federal b%ildin-sH Co% 2ere interested in that8 2eren't 3o%HD
Araham( D? 2as interested in an3thin- ? co%ld find o%t abo%t an3
Bre"ster( DAnd Ms. 7o2e told 3o% abo%t Mr. #trassmeir's threats to
blo2 %0 federal b%ildin-s8 didn't sheHD
Araham( D?n -eneral8 3es.D
Bre"ster( DAnd that 2as before the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-HD
Araham( DCes.D
At the time of this 2ritin-8 federal a%thorities 2ere still insistin- that
7o2e's re0orts contained no s0ecific 2arnin-s of an3 0lot to bomb an3
federal b%ildin-. The3 also claimed that the3 2ere onl3 alerted t2o
da3s a8ter the bombin-8 2hen the3 debriefed their informant.
Cet seems 7o2e's re0orts 2ere s0ecific eno%-h to 2arn the ATF not to
be in the office the da3 of the bombin-. No ATF em0lo3ees 2ere
amon- the 1", )illed.
Ne1ertheless8 federal 0rosec%tors still insisted8 after 7o2e 2ent 0%blic8
that the informant co%ldn't ha1e had an3 s0ecific information abo%t the
bombin-8 beca%se she 2as DterminatedD on March 2&8 three 2ee)s
before the attac).
Also DterminatedD it seems8 2as the ATF's @ecember8 1,,4 re0ort
re-ardin- 7o2e's acti1ities at 4lohim Cit3. That re0ort8 so%rces told (he
+ew American8 contained s0ecific 2arnin-s abo%t the 0endin- attac)
on the Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin-. 7ad this re0ort8 li)e so m%ch of the
ATF's e1idence concernin- their and the FB?'s atrocities at Aaco8
con1enientl3 Ddisa00earedHD
$nfort%natel3 for the ATF8 the records 2hich sho2 that 7o2e remained
an acti1e informant %ntil 6an%ar3 ,8 1,,"8 hadn't disa00eared. As
Finle3-Braham's R/? of 6an%ar3 318 1,," states5
?t is re9%ested that C? !32&.-1'3 be retained as an acti1e informant. ?t
2as re9%ested b3 the @allas @i1ision office that this informant be
retained as an acti1e informant for the d%ration of the /)lahoma Cit3
bombin- in1esti-ation.
/n A0ril 228 Finle3-Braham sent the follo2in- memo to (ester Mart8
#AC of the @allas Field office5
This informant is in1ol1ed 2ith the />C bomb case 2hich is 0endin-
0rosec%tion in @en1er and 2as the )e3 in identif3in- indi1id%als at
4lohim Cit38 2hich is tied to the />C bomb case.
?n addition to den3in- her em0lo3ment 2ith the ATF8 the b%rea%
attem0ted to claim that 7o2e 2as D%nstable8D her emotional state and
her Dlo3alt3D to the ATF bein- in 9%estion. Cet once a-ain8 the official
records8 2hich describe 7o2e as Dstable and ca0able8D contradict these
claims. As the ATF's R/? of A0ril 228 1,," notes5
JThis a-ent hasK )no2n C? !32&.-1'3 for a00ro:imatel3 t2o 3ears and
can assert that this informant has not been o1erl3 0aranoid or fearf%l
d%rin- %nderco1er o0erations.
As 24-3ear ATF 1eteran Robert #anders told (he +ew American8 D7o2e
2as 'a 1er3 -ood informant. #he is ob1io%sl3 intelli-ent8 reso%rcef%l8
cool and con1incin- %nder 0ress%re8' and has a -ood sense for 'the
)ind of detailed information that is most hel0f%l' to la2 enforcement
and 0rosec%tors.D
Cet the feds 2o%ld ma)e e1er3 attem0t to distance themsel1es from
their o2n informant in the aftermath of the bombin-. Not s%r0risin-l38
this 2as the same r%se the FB? %sed in the aftermath of the Aorld
Trade Center bombin- * 0%llin- %nderco1er o0erati1e 4mad #alem off
the case t2o 2ee)s before the tra-ic attac) ;2hich he had also 2arned
them abo%t= then claimin- that he 2as D%nreliable.D
Cet the FB? reacti1ated #alem after the bombin-8 N%st as the3 did 2ith
7o2e8 sendin- her bac) to 4lohim Cit3 to -ather additional information
on Mahon8 #trassmeir8 and the others. 7er ne2 contract raised her 0a3
from F2!... 0er da3 to F4......
C%rio%sl38 neither the ATF nor the FB? offered 7o2e an3 0rotection. FB?
a-ent +ete Ric)el admitted d%rin- s%bse9%ent co%rt testimon3 that
7o2e had come to him in Ma3 of '," see)in- 0rotection8 b%t he had
offered none. ?n fact8 Ric)el said he didn't e1en ma)e a note of their
Not onl3 did the FB? fail to 0rotect 2hat the ATF called their D)e3D
2itness lin)in- 4lohim Cit3 to the bombin-8 b%t the FB? 2ent one ste0
f%rther8 lea)in- a confidential re0ort to the 0ress. As Finle3-Braham
2rote in her A0ril 18 1,," re0ort5
/n March 2,8 1,," this a-ent recei1ed a tele0hone call from #RA 7arr3
4berhardt. #RA 4berhardt stated that the identit3 of C? !32&.-1'3 had
been se1erel3 com0romised. #RA 4berhardt stated that a re0ort b3 FB?
a-ent 6ames R. Blanchard ?? contained the formal name of C? !32&.-
1'3 and eno%-h information to re1eal the identit3 of C? !32&.-1'3
2itho%t hisRher name bein- %sed. #RA 4berhardt stated that he had
attem0ted to rela3 this matter to FB? A#AC 6ac) McCo38 ho2e1er A#AC
McCo3 sho2ed little concern and denied that #RA Blanchard 2as at
fa%lt. #RA 4berhardt stated that he became irate beca%se it 2as
a00arent that nothin- 2as -oin- to be done in an effort to rectif3 the
0roblem or at least 0ro1ide hel0 for the safet3 of C? !32&.-1'3.
Finle3-Braham Dimmediatel3 tele0honed C? !32&.-1'3 and informed
himRher that their name had been disclosed and that heRshe sho%ld
ta)e e1er3 0reca%tion for their safet3.... This a-ent told the C? that
an3thin- and e1er3thin- 2ill be done to ins%re hisRher safet3.D ?t seems
the -o1ernment 2as f%ll3 a2are of the dan-er 0osed to their
informant8 as Finle3-Braham's re0ort of A0ril 228 1,," notes5
?ndi1id%als 2ho 0ose immediate dan-er to C? !32&.-1'3 are5 ;1=
@ennis Mahon8 ;2= members of 4lohim Cit38 and ;3= an3 s3m0athier to
Mc<ei-h.... This a-ent belie1es that sRhe co%ld be in serio%s dan-er
2hen associates disco1er hisRher identit3.
?n fact8 one of Finle3-Braham's initial re0orts indicates that @ennis
Mahon Dstated that he 2o%ld )ill an3 informant.D Mahon s%bse9%entl3
sent 7o2e on a Dni-ht reconnaissance missionD to a secl%ded area *
strai-ht into the arms of a blac) -an-8 2hose members 0istol-2hi00ed
her and c%t her 2ith a )nife. ?n 2hat loo)ed li)e a deliberate attem0t to
rid itself of an embarrassin- informant8 7o2e 2as 0ro1ided 2ith no
0rotection b3 the -o1ernment 2hich she had so lo3all3 and
co%ra-eo%sl3 ser1ed.
Ahen 0%blic criticism and liae a' faire attem0ts to ma)e 7o2e
Ddisa00earD failed8 the -o1ernment resorted to silencin- her on 0hon38
tr%m0ed %0 char-es.
The D6%sticeD @e0artment fo%nd it e:0editio%s to indict 7o2e N%st in
time for Mc<ei-h's trial8 0%ttin- her safel3 behind bars. The char-eH
Com0ilin- a list of bomb in-redients8 ac9%irin- 0hoto-ra0hs of federal
offices in T%lsa8 and %sin- her home tele0hone to distrib%te racist
information * all %nderco1er acti1ities committed on behalf of her
em0lo3er * the ATF. 7o2e 2as %nanimo%sl3 ac9%itted.
Attorne3 #te0hen 6ones belie1es that 7o2e 2as indicted Dfor the
0%r0oses of 'le1era-e' a-ainst her in order to )ee0 her mo%th sh%t
abo%t 2hat she )no2s abo%t the acti1ities of Mahon and #trassmeir8D
and her em0lo3er8 the ATF.
As the reader 2ill soon disco1er8 this is
not be the time the Federal Bo1ernment 2o%ld see) to silence and
discredit one of its o2n informants.
+erha0s most s%r0risin-l38 d%rin- a 6%l38 1,,& 0re-trial hearin- for
7o2e8 FB? a-ent +ete Ric)el re1ealed that DBrand0aD Millar 2as a
confidential FB? informantI Ahen as)ed if Millar had been a so%rce of
-o1ernment information or an informant8 Ric)el re0lied8 D-enerall38
?t no2 a00eared that there 2ere at least three -o1ernment informants
inside 4lohim Cit3 * 7o2e8 #trassmeir8 and Millar8 the later t2o 2ho
2ere incitin- a 2ar 2ith the Federal Bo1ernment. Add to that the
0robabilit3 of Brescia8 Mahon8 and Mc<ei-h bein- informants8 and
4lohim Cit3 be-ins to loo) li)e one -reat bi- -o1ernment-r%n neo-Nai
trainin- cam0.
Accordin- to a former -o1ernment informant inter1ie2ed b3 the
"a#ette8 D?t is t30ical for a-encies s%ch as the C?A8 FB? and ATF to 0lace
m%lti0le 'moles' inside a 0lace li)e 4lohim Cit3 and 0la3 one reso%rce
off the other8 2itho%t either one )no2in- the identit3 of the other.D
Federal la2 enforcement8 e1en different offices of the same a-enc38
often do not share informants' names %nless the mission calls for it.
DThe reasons are ob1io%s. First8 there is no 2a3 a la2 enforcement
a-enc3 is -oin- to ris) e:0osin- the life of one of their assets sho%ld
the other 'reso%rce' s%cc%mb to tort%re or decide to do%ble-cross the
a-enc3. And8 of co%rse8 the monitorin- of information can best be
1erified if neither reso%rce )no2s 2ho the other is. That's the onl3 2a3
this -ame 2or)s8 and it's the onl3 2a3 it s%cceeds.D
And 2hat of Michael BresciaH Aas he also an informantH Bi1en the
close8 often re1ealin- nat%re of a roommate relationshi08 it is li)el3 that
an %nderco1er a-ent 2o%ld room 2ith another a-ent8 e1en if nothin-
more than one mi-ht o1erhear the other tal)in- in his slee0.
#trassmeir himself admitted the diffic%lt3 of -oin- Ddee0 co1er8D and
ha1in- to )ee0 3o%r -%ard %0 24 ho%rs-a-da3. D?f 3o% 2ere an
%nderco1er a-ent8D said #trassmeir8 D3o% ha1e to )ee0 3o%r -%ard %08
3o% can't -et close.D
?s that 2h3 he roomed 2ith Brescia8 so he 2o%ldn't ha1e to maintain
his -%ardH Not accordin- to #trassmeir5 D? 2o%ld be 1er3 s%r0rised if he
;Brescia= 2as an %nderco1er a-ent. 7e's a 1er3 honest8 strai-htfor2ard
#trassmeir8 alon- 2ith friends +eter and #onn3 Aard8 fled 4lohim Cit3
in A%-%st of ',!8 after Mc<ei-h defense team in1esti-ators be-an
loo)in- into acti1ities at the secreti1e com0o%nd.
Brescia left 4lohim Cit3 aro%nd the same time as #trassmeir8 2ith his
fiancX 4ster8 tra1elin- to Canada8 and remainin- mostl3 %nder-ro%nd.
7e s%bse9%entl3 ret%rned to his 0arents' ho%se in +hiladel0hia8 2here
he 2as acti1el3 so%-ht b3 the media.
C%rio%sl38 li)e his friend #trassmeir8 Brescia 2as com0letel3 i-nored b3
federal a%thorities for his 0ossible role in the bombin-. 7e 2as finall3
arrested for the Aisconsin ban) heist in Febr%ar3 of 1,,&. Aas it a
le-itimate b%st8 or did the arrest ser1e to silence him for his role in the
bombin- as the -o1ernment tried to do 2ith Carol 7o2eH
#ha2n >enn3 -a1e the FB? the ti0 that led to the arrest of B%thrie8 2ho
2as a00rehended after a hi-h-s0eed chase o%tside of Cincinnati in
6an%ar3 of 1,,&. 7e 2as fo%nd dead in his cell in Co1in-ton8 >ent%c)3
si: months later8 on 6%l3 128 han-ed 2ith a bed sheet. A%thorities
9%ic)l3 r%led his death a s%icide. Accordin- to a note fo%nd at the
scene8 B%thrie 2as a00arentl3 feelin- -%ilt3 o1er his t%rncoat attit%de8
and didn't 2ant to endan-er his famil3.
D#ometimes it ta)es somethin- li)e a s%icide to settle a 0roblem8D he'd
2ritten to his attorne3. D4s0eciall3 one that's li)eL mine.D
Cet @ennis Mahon told 2illage 2oice re0orter 6ames Rid-e2a3 he
belie1es B%thrie 2as m%rdered beca%se he had threatened to re1eal
information abo%t the 0roceeds of the loot8 2hich 2as belie1ed to ha1e
-one to the Ar3an Nations and other neo-Nai -ro%0s. B%thrie 2as
fo%nd dead onl3 a fe2 ho%rs after tellin- a re0orter from the 3os
Angeles (imes that he intended to 2rite a tell-all boo) that D2o%ld -o a
lot f%rther into 2hat 2e 2ere reall3 doin-.D
7e 2as also N%st da3s
a2a3 from a00earin- before a -rand N%r3.
Aith B%thrie's hel08 #tedeford 2as arrested on Ma3 24 at the $00er
@arb3 recordin- st%dio 2here he 2or)ed as a -%itarist8 and McCarth3
2as ca0t%red in the B%stleton section of +hiladel0hia. Thomas 2as
e1ent%all3 arrested in conN%nction 2ith se1eral robberies as 2ell.
(an-an 2as arrested at his rented ho%se in Col%mb%s8 /hio se1eral
da3s after B%thrie8 in a f%sillade of b%llets fired b3 o1er-ea-er FB?
a-ents. The 2anted f%-iti1e8 2ho had fired no shots8 li)ened the arrest
to an assassination attem0t. Another silencin- attem0t 0erha0sH ;The
FB? claimed the3 2ere 2arned that (an-an 2o%ldn't be ta)en ali1e.=
?ronicall38 d%rin- his trial8 the self-st3led re1ol%tionar3 sho%ted
hac)ne3ed 0hrases s%ch as D+o2er to the +eo0leID and told the N%d-e
that the ARA's mission 2as to o1erthro2 the -o1ernment and Dset free
the o00ressed 0eo0le of North America.D 4:ce0t8 a00arentl38 for
Blac)s8 6e2s8 and homose:%als.
Cet e3ebro2s e1er32here raised 2hen (an-an sho2ed %0 in Nail 2ith
0in)-0ainted toenails and lon- manic%red fin-ernails. (an-an's lo1er8 a
transse:%al named Cherie Roberts8 a00eared at the trial and e:claimed
d%rin- a scene 2ith $.#. Marshals8 D? can't e1en tal) to m3 2ifeID
Roberts8 2ho met (an-an at a >ansas Cit3 -ro%0 called DCrossdressers
and Friends8D called the neo-macho re1ol%tionar3 ban) robber b3 his
charmed 0et moni)er8 [email protected]
?n a Drecr%itmentD 1ideo confiscated d%rin- a search of (an-an's ho%se8
D@onnaD a00ears in a blac) s)i-mas)8 e:hortin- 0otential
re1ol%tionaries to eradicate all non-2hites and non-Christians from the
co%ntr38 and eliminate federal D2hores.D
D?n solidarit3 2ith o%r #erbian brothers 2e %nderstand the meanin- of
ethnic cleansin-. To %s8 it's not a dirt3 2ord.D A00arentl38 0reo0erati1e
transse:%als 2ere not incl%ded in (an-an's tar-eted 0o0%lation -ro%0.
The 1.&-min%te 0ro0a-anda film8 entitled DThe Ar3an Re0%blican Arm3
+resents5 The Armed #tr%--le $nder-ro%nd8D 0la3s o%t li)e a bad
Mont3 +3thon s)it. (an-an sho%ts orders in #0anish from behind a des)
festooned 2ith hand -renades and ban) boot38 2hile his Dtroo0sD
-oose-ste0 in the bac)-ro%nd. D/%r basic -oal is to set %0 an Ar3an
Re0%blic on the North American continent8D states DCommander
The neo-re1ol%tionaries also e:0o%nd their 0hiloso0h3 and tactics8
2hich incl%de8 not s%r0risin-l3L blo2in- %0 federal b%ildin-s. DAe
ha1e endea1ored to )ee0 collateral dama-e and ci1ilian cas%alties to a
minim%m8D anno%nces their leader8 Db%t as in all 2ars8 some innocents
shall s%ffer. #o be it.D
The 1ideo 2as com0leted in 6an%ar38 1,,!8 fo%r months before the
bombin- of the Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin-. (an-an8 for his 0art8 sa3s he
had nothin- to do 2ith the bombin-. DMost of m3 famil38 m3 siblin-s
2or) in federal b%ildin-s8D he told the -ashington Post.
Cet -i1en (an-an's connections to Brescia8 #trassmeir and Mahon8 and
their connections to Nichols and Mc<ei-h8 and the -ro%0's ties to the
1iolent neo-Nai %nder-ro%nd8 it is sin-%larl3 c%rio%s 2h3 the FB?
hasn't serio%sl3 0%rs%ed these leads.
Then there is the C#A's 1,'3 0lot to blo2 %0 the /)lahoma Cit3
Federal B%ildin-8 and #nell's stran-el3 fort%ito%s statements abo%t
A0ril 1,8 1,,!.
Ahat is e1en more shoc)in- is 2h3 the ATF a00arentl3 i-nored
2arnin-s from it's o2n informant8 Carol 7o2e. 7ad the3 fi-%red the3
co%ld ensnare the bombers in a hi-hl3 0%blicied b%stH
D4lohim Cit3 is not a c%rrent s%bNect of interest8D a la2 enforcement
official in Aashin-ton told the Associated +ress8 almost t2o 3ears after
the blast.
Aas 4lohim Cit3 of so little interest to a%thorities beca%se it 2as a
-o1ernment-infiltrated s0oo) center8 )e0t on hand for contin-encies8
m%ch as elements of the >>> 2ere b3 the FB?'s 6. 4d-ar 7oo1erH
And 2hat of ?ra9's connections to @ennis MahonH ?s this a s%bNect of
interestH Aas it N%st an innocent b%siness relationshi08 or8 li)e the
#3rian's offer of f%ndin- to Robert Mathe2s8 2as it somethin- moreH
Teflon Terrorists
?n the 2a)e of the bombin-8 the media 2as ab% 2ith re0orts of a
Middle-4astern connection. Re0orters 2ere re0ortin- claims of M%slim
e:tremists8 and tal)in- heads 2ere tal)in- abo%t a familiar mod%s
o0erandi. Then on A0ril 218 less than 4' ho%rs after the bombin-8 the
FB? anno%nced that the3 had snared their el%si1e 9%arr38 an an-r3
2hite -%3 named Timoth3 6ames Mc<ei-h. The follo2in- da38 the
B%rea% anno%nced that the3 had ca0t%red an-r3 2hite -%3 n%mber
t2o5 Terr3 (3nn Nichols.
The mainstream media8 ha1in- their information s0oon-fed to them b3
the FB?8 9%ic)l3 la%nched into in-de0th anal3sis of the t2o D0rime
s%s0ects.D All other information 9%ic)l3 became b%ried in the -reat
collecti1e memor3 sin) hole. ?t 2as as if8 2ith the Dca0t%reD of Mc<ei-h
and Nichols8 all other information became s%ddenl3 irrele1ant and
obsolete. The 6%stice @e0artment 2a1ed their ma-ic 2and8 +resident
Clinton 2in)ed at the Middle-4astern comm%nit38 and all the 2orld 2as
set ri-ht a-ain.
Ahat remained hidden behind the official c%rtain of deceit ho2e1er8
2ere scores of 2itness acco%nts8 official statements8 and e:0ert
o0inions re-ardin- a Middle-4astern connection. For 4' ho%rs after the
bombin-8 FB? officials and terrorism e:0erts 0o%red forth their o0inions
and anal3ses5
Robert 7eibel8 a former FB? co%nter-terrorism e:0ert8 said the bombin-
loo)ed li)e the 2or) of Middle 4ast terrorists8 0ossibl3 those connected
2ith the Aorld Trade Center bombin-.
#0ea)in- on CNN8 ATF director 6ohn Ma-a2 said5 D? thin) an3 time 3o%
ha1e this )ind of dama-e8 this )ind of e:0losion8 3o% ha1e to loo) there
;Middle 4ast terrorists= first.D
DThis 2as done 2ith the attem0t to inflict as man3 cas%alties as
0ossible8D said terrorism e:0ert #te1en 4merson on CB# 41enin- Ne2s.
DThat is a Middle 4astern trait and somethin- that has been8 -enerall38
not carried o%t on this soil %ntil 2e 2ere r%del3 a2a)ened to it in
Former $nited #tates Re0resentati1e @a1e McC%rd3 of /)lahoma
;former Chairman of the 7o%se ?ntelli-ence Committee= told CB# Ne2s
that there 2as D1er3 clear e1idence of the in1ol1ement of
f%ndamentalist ?slamic terrorist -ro%0s.D
Former FB? co%nter-terrorism chief /li1er DB%c)D Re1ell told CB#
41enin- Ne2s8 D? thin) it's most li)el3 a Middle 4ast terrorist. ? thin) the
mod%s o0erandi is similar. The3 ha1e %sed this a00roach.D
4:-C?A co%nter-terrorism director <ince Cannistraro told the
-ashington (imes8 DRi-ht no28 it loo)s 0rofessional8 and it's -ot the
mar)s of a Middle 4astern -ro%0.D
A1i (i0)in8 a former ?sraeli @efense ?ntelli-ence s0ecialist on the +rime
Minister's staff8 in /)lahoma Cit3 at the time of the bombin-8 told
in1esti-ator Crai- Roberts8 Dthis is a t30ical Arab Terrorist t30e
?t 2as also re0orted the ?sraelis -a1e the Americans a D-eneral
2arnin-D concernin- the bombin-.
CB# Ne2s stated that the FB? had recei1ed claims of res0onsibilit3 from
at least ei-ht different or-aniations. #e1en of the claimants 2ere
tho%-ht to ha1e Middle 4astern connections5
An FB? comm%ni9%X that 2as circ%lated Aednesda3 s%--ested that the
attac) 2as carried o%t b3 the ?slamic 6ihad8 an ?ranian-bac)ed ?slamic
militant -ro%08 said a sec%rit3 0rofessional in California 2ho declined to
be namedL the comm%ni9%X s%--ested the attac) 2as made in
retaliation for the 0rosec%tion of M%slim f%ndamentalists in the
bombin- of the Aorld Trade Center in Febr%ar38 1,,38 said the so%rce8
a non--o1ernment sec%rit3 0rofessional.L 'Ae are c%rrentl3 inclined to
s%s0ect the ?slamic 6ihad as the li)el3 -ro%0L'
6ames Fo:8 former head of the Ne2 Cor) FB? office8 told CB# Ne2s8 DAe
tho%-ht that 2e 2o%ld hear from the reli-io%s ealots in the f%t%re8
that the3 2o%ld be a thorn in o%r side for 3ears to come.D
/n 6%l3 2nd8 shortl3 after #hei) /mar Abdel Rahman's s%rrender to $.#.
?mmi-ration a%thorities8 the 4-30tian 6ama a' ?slami3a ;the -ro%0
im0licated in the Aorld Trade Center bombin-= iss%ed a statement
sa3in- that if the #hei) 2as 0rosec%ted or e:tradited to 4-30t8 the3
2o%ld be-in a 2orld-2ide terror cam0ai-n a-ainst the $nited #tates.
/n A0ril 218 1,,!8 the 3ondon (elegraph re0orted5 D?sraeli anti-terror
e:0erts belie1e the /)lahoma bombin- and the 1,,3 Aorld Trade
Center e:0losion are lin)ed and that American in1esti-ators sho%ld
foc%s on ?slamic e:tremists.D
The same da38 the 3ondon )unday (imes carried a re0ort that
s%--ested +resident #addam 7%ssein of ?ra9 ma3 ha1e been in1ol1ed
in both the Aorld Trade Center and the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-s5
?ra9 2as f%rio%s 2ith America last 2ee) at its $nited Nations mo1e to
foil efforts to o1ert%rn B%lf 2ar economic sanctionsL Rami Ahmed
Co%sef8 the recentl3-ca0t%red alle-ed mastermind of the 1,,3 attac)
on the Aorld Trade Center in Ne2 Cor)8 2as directl3 f%nded b3
Ba-hdad8 accordin- to C?A and FB? doc%ments * and e1idence so far
de1elo0ed abo%t the latest bomb indicates some similarities in the
?f those in Ba-hdad 2ere an-r3 o1er the br%tal and relentless attac) on
their co%ntr3 b3 $.#. forces d%rin- the B%lf Aar8 the3 had additional
reason for an-er 2hen +resident Clinton la%nched a retaliator3 raid
a-ainst ?ra9i intelli-ence head9%arters in Ba-hdad. The 6%ne 2" Cr%ise
Missile stri)e 2as directed a-ainst the com0le: after an alle-ed 0lot
2as %nco1ered to assassinate former 0resident8 croo)8 and mass
m%rderer Beor-e B%sh d%rin- his recent 1isit to >%2ait.
The raid
merel3 destro3ed some of the com0le:8 and le1eled abo%t a doen
s%rro%ndin- homes8 )illin- a00ro:imatel3 si: ci1ilians. #3ndicated
col%mnist Charlie Reese called it Dhi-h-tech terrorism.D
The +et +ews )er,ice re0orted the ne:t da3 that the -o1ernment-
bac)ed Al7(hawra ne2s0a0er char-ed that Clinton had carried o%t the
attac) onl3 to bolster his Deroded 0o0%larit3 and credibilit3...
domesticall3.D Both Al7(hawra and Beneral #aber Abd%l-Ai @o%ri8
head of the ?ra9i intelli-ence ser1ice8 indicated that the ?ra9i
-o1ernment had 1o2ed 1en-eance a-ainst the $nited #tates.
Bac)in- %0 @o%ri's claims 2as former head of ?ra9i militar3
intelli-ence8 Beneral Aafi9 al-#ammara'i8 2ho told the (ondon
Independent that the 6%ne8 1,," bombin- of the $.#. militar3 ho%sin-
com0le: in @hahran8 #a%di Arabia8 2hich )illed 1, ser1icemen8
Dstron-l3 resembled 0lans dra2n %0 b3 a secret ?ra9i committee on
2hich he ser1ed after the in1asion of >%2ait. 7e sa3s o0erations
considered b3 ?ra98 b%t not carried o%t at that time d%e to shorta-e of
reliable a-ents8 incl%ded e:0lodin- lar-e bombs near b%ildin-s 2here
American soldiers 2ere li1in-.D
/ne month later8 the -ashington Post re0orted5
4arl3 on 6%l3 "8 Col. Mohammar Waddafi of (ib3a iss%ed a 2arnin- that
+resident Clinton and the $nited #tates had 'bl%ndered' in the recent
missile attac) on Ba-hdad8 and that the $nited #tates sho%ld e:0ect 'a
lot more terrorism' in the near f%t%re. Waddafi s0o)e of increasin-l3
1iolent and s0ectac%lar acts to be 0er0etrated e:0ressl3 for broadcast
on the national and international tele1ision.
#hortl3 after the bombin-8 >F/R8 Channel 4 in /)lahoma Cit3 recei1ed
a call from the Nation of ?slam8 ta)in- credit for the bombin-.
?nterestin-l38 the N/? has been directl3 f%nded b3 (ib3a.
The Post9s 6ac) Anderson added that a direct attac) a-ainst the $.#.
2o%ld be %nli)el38 and that co%nter-terrorist anal3sts feared that the
onl3 1iable a1en%e for 7%ssein's re1en-e 2o%ld be thro%-h the %se of
terrorism. DA 0referable re1en-e for ?ra9 2o%ld in1ol1e ha1in- a
's%rro-ate terrorist' carr3 o%t a domestic attac) that 7%ssein co%ld
0ri1atel3 ta)e credit forL
Accordin- to @r. (a%rie M3lroie8 [email protected] a Middle 4ast e:0ert at the
Center for #ec%rit3 +olic38 and an a%thorit3 on the Aorld Trade Center
bombin-8 ?ra9i a-ents s%ch as Rami Co%sef had infiltrated the ori-inal
Aorld Trade Center cell8 res%ltin- in the constr%ction of a more
0o2erf%l8 so0histicated bomb.
@r. M3lroie noted that on #e0tember 2&8 1,,48 as ?ra9i troo0s tested
American resol1e b3 0re0arin- a ne2 assa%lt a-ainst >%2ait8 #addam
7%ssein declared5 DAe 2ill o0en the storeho%ses of the %ni1erseD
a-ainst the $nited #tates. T2o da3s later8 %a&il * a ne2s0a0er in ?ra9
o2ned b3 #addam's son8 $da3 * am0lified8 sa3in-5 D@oes the $nited
#tates realie the meanin- of o0enin- the stores of the 2orld 2ith the
2ill of ?ra9i 0eo0leH...@oes it realie the meanin- of e1er3 ?ra9i
becomin- a missile that can cross to co%ntries and citiesHD
M3lroie notes that there ma3 be other ?ra9i intelli-ence a-ents at lar-e
in this co%ntr38 )no2n as Dslee0ers8D 2aitin- to carr3 o%t far more
deadl3 acts of re1en-e a-ainst the $.#. /ne s%ch cell8 0lanted b3 the
Ab% Nidal or-aniation8 2as disco1ered in 1,'". Fo%r of their
+alestinian members 2ere arrested ei-ht 3ears later after one of them
m%rdered the da%-hter of an FB? a-ent.
/n 6an%ar3 2'8 1,,18 the -ashington Post re0orted5
?f #addam is serio%s abo%t terroriin- Americans at home8 there are
se1eral allies he co%ld call on for hel0. The most dan-ero%s terrorist
/r-aniation in the 2orld8 the Ab% Nidal or-aniation8 no2 based in
Ba-hdad8 has a r%dimentar3 infrastr%ct%re of abo%t !. 0eo0le in the
$nited #tates. All of them8 accordin- to FB? so%rces8 are %nder
DAmon- the terrorists 2ho are ta)in- or 2o%ld ta)e orders from
#addam8D added the Post8 Dare Ab% ?brahim8 a 0ioneer bomb ma)er
2ho desi-ned the barometric 0ress%re bomb that ble2 %0 +an Am
Fli-ht 1.38 and Ahmed 6ibril8 2ho masterminded the +an Am bombin-
on a contract from ?ran.D
?ronicall38 $.#. inter1entions abroad ha1e 0ermitted the entr3 into
America of e:tremist and e1en terrorist or-aniations that ha1e
s%bse9%entl3 -ained footholds in ethnic comm%nities across the
co%ntr3. Te:as and /)lahoma8 in fact8 are maNor centers of ?slamic
acti1ities in the $.#.
#te1en 4merson 2as 9%oted on CB# 41enin- Ne2s as sa3in-8
D/)lahoma Cit38 ? can tell 3o%8 is 0robabl3 considered one of the
lar-est centers of ?slamic radical acti1it3 o%tside the Middle 4ast.D
4merson chronicled the rise of radical ?slam in America in a 1,,4 +B#
doc%mentar3 2hich sho2ed ho2 f%ndamentalists had la%nched a
recr%itin- cam0ai-n across the mid- and so%th2est. An /)lahoma Cit3
meetin- in 1,'' 2as attended b3 members of 7amas ;?slamic
Resistance Mo1ement=8 ?slamic 6ihad ;7ol3 Aar= and the M%slim
Brotherhood8 each notorio%s for their s0onsorshi0 of terrorism. The
meetin- 2as held onl3 bloc)s from the Federal B%ildin-.
As #te0hen 6ones stated in his March 2!th Arit of Mandam%s5
The M%rrah B%ildin- 2as chosen either beca%se of lac) of sec%rit3
;i.e. it 2as a Dsoft tar-etD=8 or beca%se of a1ailable reso%rces s%ch as
?ra9i +/As 2ho had been admitted into the $nited #tates 2ere located
in /)lahoma Cit38 or 0ossibl3 beca%se the location of the b%ildin- 2as
im0ortant to American neo-Nais s%ch as those indi1id%als 2ho
s%00orted Richard #nell 2ho 2as e:ec%ted in Ar)ansas on A0ril 1,8
#ecret 2or)sho0s ha1e re0ortedl3 been held in the $.#.8 2here
7ibAllah and 7amas members ha1e been ta%-ht bomb ma)in-
techni9%es and small arms 0ractice. 7ibAllah8 the ?ranian-s0onsored
and #3rian-bac)ed D+art3 of Bod8D is belie1ed to be behind a series of
bombin-s in 6%l3 of 1,,4 that too) 11& li1es in Ar-entina8 +anama8 and
Britain. 7ibAllah is the same (ebanon-based terrorist -ro%0 that
0er0etrated the /ctober 1,'3 bombin- of the $.#. Marine barrac)s in
The most notorio%s $.#. terrorist cell 2as in 6erse3 Cit38 led b3 #hei)
/mar Abdel-Rahman8 the -ro%0 res0onsible for 0lottin- the destr%ction
of the $N b%ildin- and the 7olland T%nnel. Three of Rahman's follo2ers
2ere con1icted for bombin- the Aorld Trade Center. /ne of their
leaders8 4l-#a33id Nosair8 s0elled o%t his 0lans to terrorie the $nited
#tates5 DAe ha1e to thoro%-hl3 demoralie the enemies of BodL. b3
means of destro3in- and blo2in- %0 the to2ers that constit%te the
0illars of their ci1iliation s%ch as the to%rist attractions the3 are so
0ro%d of and the hi-h b%ildin-s the3 are so 0ro%d of.D
Another infl%ential fi-%re in ?slamic radical circles * #hei) Mohammad
al-Asi8 the reli-io%s leader of the ?slamic 4d%cation Center in +otomac8
Mar3land8 2as 9%oted on +B# as sa3in-5
D?f the Americans are 0lacin- their forces in the +ersian B%lf8 2e sho%ld
be creatin- another 2ar front for the Americans in the M%slim 2orld *
and s0ecificall3 2here American interests are concentrated. ?n 4-30t8
in T%r)e38 in the ?ndian s%bcontinent8 N%st to mention a fe2. #tri)e
a-ainst American interests there.D
Ahile the Arab %nder-ro%nd str%ct%re in the $.#. is -enerall3 based on
the +(/8 not all of its members are +alestinian. Man3 ma3 emi-rate
from ?ran8 ?ra98 #3ria8 #%dan8 and (ib3a8 the fi1e nations most often
connected 2ith terrorism. Accordin- to former ?sraeli intelli-ence
officer Ailliam Northro08 the ori-inal +(/ str%ct%re shifted in 1,,18
after the +(/R?sraeli 0eace 0rocess be-an. As Northro0 2rites5
The Te:as Cell is based in 7o%ston and is s%00orted b3 se1eral s%b-
cells8 one of 2hich is based in /)lahoma Cit3. This Te:as Cell 2as tied
into the Aorld Trade Center bombin- on 2" Febr%ar3 1,,3.
The /)lahoma Cit3 s%b-cell ori-inated 2ith the +alestinian st%dents
2ho 2ere sent from 1ario%s Arab co%ntries to st%d3 +etrole%m
4n-ineerin- at /$ in Norman. ;the c%rrent @e0%t3 +etrole%m
Minister of ?ran is an /$ -rad%ate.=
Their members ma3 also come from a broader 0hiloso0hic milie%8 and
%nli)e the +(/8 ha1e a 2ider ran-e of tar-ets8 incl%din- not onl3 ?srael8
b%t sec%lar re-imes in M%slim co%ntries and those states that s%00ort
Notes Middle 4ast anal3st 6ames +hilli0s5 DBeca%se the3 are moti1ated
b3 a0ocal30tic eal8 and not sober 0olitical calc%lations8 their choice of
0ossible tar-ets is m%ch 2ider and more indiscriminate than that of
other terrorists.D
The -oal of this ne2 breed of terrorist 2as not aimed at infl%encin-
$.#. or 2orld o0inion o1er the +alestinian iss%e8 b%t to 0ro1e the
stren-th of the M%slim f%ndamentalist ca%se. As former @allas #0ecial
A-ent in Char-e /li1er DB%c)D Re1ell said5
D...?f 3o% listen to 2hat Jthe ?slamic e:tremist terroristsK are reall3
sa3in-8 the3're not N%st aimed at the ?sraelis8 the3 are not N%st aimed at
the 6e2ish state. Their -oals are com0letel3 and totall3 to eradicate
an3 o00osition to 7amas and to ?slam and to mo1e a-ainst the $nited
#tates %ltimatel3.D
/b1io%sl38 these No%rnalists and e:0erts hadn't de1elo0ed their
theories in a 1ac%%m. The e1idence 2as clear8 and the 2arnin-s 2ere
imminent. Allan @enhan 2rote in A)P +ewsletter that a 6ordanian
?ntelli-ence official had 0assed a Dtar-et listD to an American
b%sinessman t2o months 0rior to the bombin-8 and the M%rrah
B%ildin- 2as on that list. Altho%-h this information is %nconfirmed8 it
ma)es 0erfect sense8 since 6ordan has a lon--standin- intelli-ence
relationshi0 2ith the C?A.
?n March of 1,,!8 ?srael's #hin Bet ;Beneral #ec%rit3 #er1ices8 ?srael's
e9%i1alent to the FB?=8 arrested a00ro:imatel3 1. 7amas terrorists in
6er%salem8 some of 2hom had recentl3 ret%rned from a tri0 to Ft.
(a%derdale8 Florida. Accordin- to Northro08 interro-ation of those
s%s0ects 2as tho%-ht to ha1e re1ealed information concernin- the 0lot
to bomb the M%rrah B%ildin-. DThe #hin Bet filed a 2arnin- 2ith the
(e-al AttachX ;FB?= at the American 4mbass3 in Tel A1i1 as a matter of
co%rse8D 2rote Northro0.
/n A0ril 2.8 the ?sraeli ne2s0a0er Yediot Arhonot 2rote5
Cesterda38 it 2as made )no2n that o1er the last fe2 da3s8 $.#. la2
enforcement a-encies had recei1ed intelli-ence information ori-inatin-
in the Middle 4ast8 2arnin- of a lar-e terrorist attac) on $.#. soil. No
alert 2as so%nded as a res%lt of this information.
Northro0 also said that the Berman B%ndesnachrichtendienst ;BN@8
the e9%i1alent of the American C?A=8 also sent a 2arnin- to the $.#.
#tate @e0artment. That 2as follo2ed b3 a 2arnin- from the #a%dis. DA
#a%di MaNor BeneralL informed former C?A Co%nterterrorism Chief
<ince Cannistraro8 2ho in t%rn informed the FB?. There is a 3.2 ;FB?
re0ort= in e:istence.D
The a-ent Cannistraro 0assed the information to 2as >e1in (. Fo%st8
one of the FB?'s leadin- co%nterterrorism a-ents. ?ronicall38 the
information 2as -i1en to Fo%st on the same da3 as the bombin-.
Accordin- to the information obtained b3 #te0hen 6ones8 the #a%di
Arabian ?ntelli-ence #er1ice re0orted that ?ra9 had hired se1en
+a)istani mercenaries * Af-hani Aar 1eterans )no2n as the
M%Nahadeen * to bomb tar-ets in the $.#.8 one of 2hich 2as the Alfred
+. M%rrah B%ildin-. The3 also ad1ised the FB? that * as is often the
case * the tr%e identit3 of the s0onsor ma3 not ha1e been re1ealed to
the bombers.
?nterestin-l38 Northro0 stated that three ?sraelis 2ere in /)lahoma
&e8ore the A0ril 1,th attac) to "keep an eye on things." A1i (i0)in and
Ailliam Northro0 2ere t2o s%ch indi1id%als.
?n addition to these 2arnin-s * as 2ell as the mi-ht3 armada of $.#.
intelli-ence a-encies8 anal3sts8 and s%r1eillance technolo-3 2hich
2o%ld ha1e %ndo%btedl3 been monitorin- the sit%ation * at least one
local informant tried to 2arn a%thorities in ad1ance. 7is 2arnin-s 2ent
The Dr!g Connection .nformant
After the bombin-8 Car3 Ba-an ste00ed for2ard to tell 6ones that he
had been 0resent at a meetin- of bombin- cons0irators incl%din-
Middle-4asterners8 Ca%casians8 and 7is0anics 2hich too) 0lace in
7enderson8 Ne1ada.
?n de0ositions and inter1ie2s 2ith 6ones and in n%mero%s inter1ie2s
2ith the a%thor8 the -o1ernment informant and former dr%- co%rier
described a n%mber of meetin-s at the #o1iet 4mbass3 in Me:ico Cit3.
?n 1,'.8 the #o1iets as)ed Ba-an to assist them in 0roc%rin- militar3
secrets from @an 7o2ard8 a contact of Ba-an's 2ho 2or)ed at Martin
Marietta8 a lar-e defense contractor in Aaterton8 Colorado. The #o1iets
had been 2atchin- 7o2ard. Ba-an 2as a friend. 7e informed the
?n 6%ne of 1,'"8 the #o1iets a-ain as)ed Ba-an's hel0 * this time8 to
assist ille-al ?ranian immi-rants needin- false ?@s. The small-time
h%stler and co%nterfeiter met his contact8 a man named D7amidD 2ho
2or)ed at #ta0leton ?nternational Air0ort in @en1er8 and secretl3
recorded the con1ersation. 7e t%rned the ta0es o1er to FB? A-ent Bill
Maten8 and >enn3 <as9%e of the @en1er +olice ?ntelli-ence
The !1-3ear-old -o1ernment informant s%00orted himself b3 ferr3in-
Cocaine bet2een Me:ico and Colorado for Colombians 0osin- as
Me:icans8 li1in- in @en1er. ?t 2as thro%-h his association 2ith these
Colombians that Ba-an met D/marD and DAhmed8D in (as <e-as in
March of ',4.
DThe3 tried to first 0la3 themsel1es off as Colombians8 D said Ba-an
Db%t ? )ne2 the3 2ere ?raniansL or Middle-4asterners. The3 2ere
m%lti-lin-%al8 2ith bi--time f%ndin-.
?t 2as at this meetin- that the dr%- dealer learned he 2as to trans0ort
)ilos of cocaine from Me:ico to @en1er. 7e informed @4A A-ent Robert
Todd Bre-or3. D? told Bre-or3 this d%de loo)ed li)e a ban)er to me.
The3 had hea13 cash. The3 too) care of me. The3 had all )inds of
/n Ma3 1"8 1,,48 Ba-an met his ne2 contacts at the Aestern Motel in
(as <e-as8 2here his brother 2or)ed as a 0it-boss. There 2ere ei-ht
men at the meetin-8 fi1e of 2hom 2ere Middle 4astern8 incl%din- /mar
and Ahmed. DT2o of them didn't sa3 a 2ord8D recalled Ba-an8 Db%t the3
loo)ed li)e Colombians to me * 3o% )no28 (atin.D
/ne of the Middle 4asterners 2as from /)lahoma Cit3. 7e a00eared to
be the leader. The 4i-hth man 2as Terr3 Nichols. ?n a s2orn de0osition8
Ba-an told Mc<ei-h's attorne35
Aagan( D? met 2ith some Arabs8 and in that -ro%08 and ? did not )no2
it at the time8 b%t in that -ro%0 2as Nichols.D
Cones( DTerr3HD
Aagan( DTerr3 Nichols.D
Ba-an first recalled seein- Nichols in the 0ar)in- lot of a bin-o 0arlor
the men had sto00ed at. D7e 2as 2earin- a 0laid8 short slee1e shirt
and doc)ers.L ? remember -oin-8 'That's )ind of a dirt3 loo)in' d%de.'
That's all ? said. ? tho%-ht8 3o% )no28 he didn't fit in the 0ict%re here.
7e loo)ed li)e a scientist.D
The men snorted cocaine at the Aestern Motel and disc%ssed their
0lans8 then dro1e to an a0artment com0le: in 7enderson called the
+la3er's Cl%b. ?t is not )no2n 2hom the3 met 2ith. As far as Ba-an
)ne28 the3 2ere all there to disc%ss dr%- dealin-. ?t 2asn't e:actl3
clear 2hat the Colombians 2ere doin- 2ith the Arabs.
Ba-an 2o%ld soon find o%t tho%-h. /mar and Ahmed8 2ho had been
0a3in- Ba-an 2ith co%nterfeit mone3 ;mostl3 co%nterfeit ?ranian F1..
bills=8 2anted him to ta)e 0art in a 0lot to blo2 %0 a federal b%ildin-
in @en1er8 %sin- a mail tr%c) 0ac)ed 2ith e:0losi1es.
D? 2as -oin- to be 0art of it beca%se ? co%ld mo1e thro%-hL beca%se
?'m An-lo and ?'m a $.#. citien and8 3o% )no28 ? 2o%ldn't dra2
attention.L ?'m in and o%t of that federal b%ildin- e1er3 da3.D
The tr%c)8 0%rchased from a -o1ernment a%ction8 2as 0ainted to
resemble a 2or)in- mail tr%c). /n 6an%ar3 148 1,,!8 Ba-an 0ic)ed %0
the tr%c) at the Metro Bar S Brill and dro1e it to the Mariott 7otel8 N%st
o%tside of Bolden8 Colorado.
D/mar came o%t 2ith me8 sho2ed me 2here the tr%c) 2as8 and said8
'6%st -et in it and dri1e do2n ?-&.8 and here's 2here 3o% 0ar) it. And as
soon as 3o% ma)e the deli1er38 ma)e this callL.' And ? -a1e the FB? the
0a3 0hone n%mber sa3in- it 2as there. And ? sta3ed in there and had a
drin) * in the bar8 and came 2al)in- o%t8 and the s%c)er 2as -one.D
Ba-an sa3s he tal)ed to the FB? d%t3 a-ent from a 0a3 0hone at ,th
and (o-an for o1er 3! min%tes. D? said '7e38 ? need 3o% to tell 2hat to
do here.' And the3 ne1er called bac).D
?n the bac) of the tr%c) 2ere a00ro:imatel3 thirt3 d%ffel ba-s of
ammoni%m nitrate mar)ed D$.#. mail8D and bo:es from #ande:
4:0losi1es Jin (as <e-asK mar)ed D7i-h 4:0losi1es.D
Ba-an boarded a b%s and 2ent home. 7e said the a-ents ne1er
sho2ed %0.
DCan 3o% ima-ine if ?'m dri1in- this tr%c) and it blo2s %0 in the cit3 of
@en1erHD said an incred%lo%s Ba-an.
Also in the bac) of the tr%c) 2as a (el3 farm mi:er. Ba-an recalls that
it 2as a00ro:imatel3 fo%r feet hi-h8 t2o feet across8 and Dsha0ed li)e a
?nterestin-l38 this 2as the same descri0tion -i1en b3 2itness @a1id
>in-. >in-8 2ho 2as sta3in- at the @reamland Motel in 6%nction Cit3 *
2here Mc<ei-h sta3ed * sa2 a R3der tr%c) 2ith a trailer attached to it
in the 0ar)in- lot on A0ril 1&. ?nside the trailer 2as an obNect sec%red
b3 a can1as tar0. D?t 2as a s9%arish sha0e8 and it came to a 0oint on
to08D said >in-. D?t 2as abo%t three or fo%r feet hi-h.D
?n 6%ne8 Ba-an disco1ered 0lastic e:0losi1es in an athletic ba- 0ac)ed
2ith cocaine he 2as to deli1er to @en1er. The ba-8 /mar said8 2as to
be left at the +ostal Center8 a shi00in- and recei1in- facilit3 o2ned b3
Beor-e Colombo8 2ho also o0erated a R3der tr%c) leasin- center
across the street. A friend of Ba-an's8 Colombo 2o%ld occasionall3 let
him sta3 at an a0artment he maintained 2hen thin-s -ot too hea13.
Thin-s 2ere definitel3 -ettin- hea13 for Ba-an. Ahen the cas%al
cocaine %ser decided to o0en the ba- and hel0 himself to a little
Dblo28D he disco1ered 0lastic e:0losi1es 2ra00ed in bro2n 0a0er. DAnd
?'m thin)in-8 '6es%s8 ho2 the hell did this -et b3 the air0ort'H #o ?
0ac)ed it %08 and ?'m thin)in-8 '?'m -oin- to the feds8' beca%se 3o%
)no2L ?'m a felon8 this is C-4L ?'m -oin- Jdo2nK fore1er.D
Ba-an as)ed Colombo to hold the ba- for him. 7e then called the
@en1er +olice ?ntelli-ence B%rea% and met them at a B%r-er >in- in
A%rora. Ba-an sat in the %nmar)ed car8 as his friend Bill38 a cab dri1er8
2atched from nearb3.
D? said8 '(oo)8 there's some C-4L' ?'m feelin- them o%tL ? -i1e them
some names8 3o% )no28 2hat the deal 2as in (as <e-as. ? tell them ?'m
in contact 2ith the @4A * Robert Bre-or3 and all that. The3 don't sa3
an3thin-. This is 6%ne8 mid-6%ne of ',4. The3 sa3 the3'll -et bac) to
Three 2ee)s later8 after contactin- the FB?8 the 0olice called Ba-an
bac). DThe3 tell me 9%ote8 '#ince 3o%'re the so%rce of the information
Ba-an8 2e're not -oin- to in1esti-ate.'D
Ba-an then called Bre-or3 at the @4A. Bre-or3 told Ba-an8 D7e38 2e
can't ta)e 3o% on.'D
The informant claims he contin%all3 challen-ed the 0olice and the FB?
to char-e him if his information 2as false. D?f all this 2as a bi- lie8 the3
co%ld ha1e char-ed me 2ith l3in-8 b%t the3 didn't.D
Ahile the FB? and the @en1er +olice 2ere debatin- the merits of
Ba-an's credibilit38 /mar 0ic)ed %0 the ba- from Colombo and left.
Three months later8 in #e0tember8 Ba-an 2as a00roached b3 /mar
and Ahmed a-ain. DThe3 said '?t's -oin- to in1ol1e terrorism8 do 3o%
ha1e a 0roblem 2ith thatH' ? said 'no.' ? as)ed them8 'Ahat )ind of
mone3 are 2e loo)in- atH' The3 said 'a 9%arter of a million dollars.' ?
said '%0 frontH' The3 said 'Ces.'
Ba-an acce0ted the mone38 2hich he belie1es 2as 0aid o%t of the Cali
Cartel. DThe FB? )ne2 it8D said Ba-an. DThe3 ne1er -ot bac) to me.D
Aere (atin American dr%- dealers cons0irin- 2ith Arab terrorists to
blo2 %0 the Federal B%ildin-H #aid 2!-3ear @4A 1eteran a-ent Mi)e
(e1ine5 DAhen 3o% consider terrorist actions li)e TAA '.. ;or
/)lahoma Cit3=8 and 3o% omit an3 dr%- traffic)in- in1ol1ement8 it's
insane * it doesn't ma)e an3 senseL. Co% )no2 3o% ta)e for e:am0le
t2o 3ears or three 3ears a-o the (a Bianca 0lane that 2as blo2n o%t of
the s)3 * it 2as attrib%ted to dr%- traffic)ers. ? can thin) ri-ht off the
to0 of m3 head of another case in Colombia of a 0lane blo2n %0 2ith a
lot of 0assen-ers to )ill one 0erson8 and 0robabl3 man38 man3 more.D
(e1ine8 a hi-hl3 decorated @4A a-ent8 and the @4A's former
Ar-entine #tation Chief8 told me that co%ntries s%ch as Boli1ia8
+ara-%a38 and Colombia are f%ll of Arabs doin- b%siness 2ith (atinos8
incl%din- dr%- dealin-. DThe first thin- 3o% ha1e to )ee0 in mind is that
dr%- traffic)in- is no2 a half a trillion dollar b%siness aro%nd the third-
2orld8D said (e1ine8 Dand it's mainl3 a third-2orld b%siness. The to0
dr%- traffic)ers aro%nd the 2orld ha1e more 0o2er than 0residents.
The M%Nahadeen for instance8 2hich 2e s%00orted8 2ere al2a3s to0
heroin sm%--lers. The3 2ere rated one8 t2o and three b3 @4A as a
so%rce8 and the3 ri-ht no2 s%00ort e1er3 M%slim f%ndamentalist
mo1ement on the face of the earthL.D
The 0arallel ma3 be more than s0ec%lati1e. #hortl3 after the bombin-8
on Ma3 '8 T%lsa 0olice 1eteran Crai- Roberts recei1ed information from
a la2 enforcement so%rce in Te:as that D6%an Barcia Abre-o 2as
in1ol1ed in the bombin- as a 'cash 0ro1ider' for the e1ent. The so%rce
said that Abre-o had sent t2o Me:ican nationals to /)lahoma Cit3 2ith
a satchel f%ll of cash to finance the bombin-.D
Abre-o 2as a Me:ican Mafia chieftain in1ol1ed in the cocaine and
heroin traffic)in- thro%-h Me:ico from B%adalaNara to Te:as. 7e
alle-edl3 2as the -ro%nd trans0ortation lin) d%rin- the ?ran-
ContraRMena affair.
This information 2as for2arded to both the FB? and the @4A 2ho 2ere
as)ed for each to chec) their files andRor com0%ters8 %sin- 1ario%s
s0ellin-s8 to see if the3 had heard of s%ch an indi1id%al. Neither re0lied
bac) that the3 had )no2led-e and no f%rther action 2as ta)en.L
Considerin- the FB?'s a00arent lac) of )no2led-e8 is c%rio%s that
Abre-o 2as at the to0 of the FB?'s DTen Most AantedD list since March8
a month before the bombin- and almost t2o months before Robert's
ori-inal in9%ir3.
?t seemed the FB?'s lac) of interest in Robert's information 2as
s%s0icio%sl3 similar to their lac) of interest in Ba-an's.
Ahat is also
interestin- is that their first effort to discredit Ba-an * a dr%- r%nner
on the 0eri0her3 of the ?ran-Contra dr%- net2or) * coincided 2ith the
?ran-Contra affair becomin- 0%blic.
D?n m3 o0inion8 0eo0le 2ere 0aid massi1e amo%nts of do0e to carr3
this thin- o%t8D said Ba-an. The informant's belief that he 2as 0aid b3
the Cali Cartel ma3 be si-nificant in li-ht of Robert's information that
Abre-o f%nneled mone3 to the bombin- cons0irators.
Aas the FB?'s attem0t to re0%diate the Middle 4astern connection tied
to their ref%sal to loo) at the Abre-o leadH
As (e1ine said5 DThe min%te 3o% start ta)in- abo%t terrorist actions8
and 3o% eliminate dr%- traffic)in-8 2ell8 thenL 3o%'re N%st not
credibleL ?t's N%st 1er3 %nrealistic to loo) at a sit%ation * an3
terrorist sit%ation * and not loo) at a dr%- traffic)in- an-le an3more.
?n m3 o0inion8 and ? thin) there's 0lent3 of s%bstantiation e1entho%-h
the -o1ernment 2on't tal) abo%t it8 3o% can sa38 this 1ast ocean of
mone3 tra1elin- aro%nd the 2orld * ille-al %nta00ed mone3 * 0a3s
for an enormo%s amo%nt of terrorist acti1it3.D
?f the Cali Cartel and Ba-an's Arabs 2ere connected8 and in t%rn tied to
a tentacle of the ?ran-Contra /cto0%s thro%-h Abre-o8 it's onl3 nat%ral
that the FB? * 2hich 0la3ed its o2n role in co1erin- %0 ?ran-Contra *
2o%ld tend to loo) the other 2a3.
?n s0ite of the FB?'s a00arent ref%sal to act on Ba-an's information8 and
their s%bse9%ent attem0ts to discredit him8 on #e0tember 148 1,,48
Ba-an 2as -ranted a (etter of ?mm%nit3 b3 the $.#. Attorne3s /ffice in
@en1er. The imm%nit3 2as arran-ed thro%-h Federal +%blic @efender
Ra3mond Moore.
;#ee A00endi:=
The informant 2as told to sta3 2ith the -ro%0 and re0ort bac) to the
B%rea%. /n March 1&8 Ba-an met 2ith his Arab friends at the 7ilton ?nn
#o%th in Breen2ood <illa-e8 Colorado. !n the ta&le were the
construction plans 8or the Al8red P. $urrah %uilding1 &earing the name
0.-. %ateson *ompany o8 allas1 (exas.
#till8 Ba-an alle-es that federal a-ents didn't follo2 %0 on an3 of his
D? )ne28 2hen the3 did not contact me after the tr%c)L 2hen ? 2as
mo1in- e:0losi1es8 ? )ne2 somethin- 2as %0. ? )ne2. ? fi-%red from
that 0oint on8 2itho%t a do%bt8 the3 had a -o1ernment a-ent in this
rin-. Beca%se the3 cannot let me do that t30e of st%ff.
DAnd then8 after the March 1&th meetin-8 ? 2aited for them to contact
me8 beca%se ? N%st had a feelin- that the d%de that had come %0 Jfrom
/)lahoma Cit3K * the ne2 -%3 on the scene there * 2as an a-ent.
The 2a3 he acted and tal)edL ? N%st felt different than ? did aro%nd the
other d%des.L That's N%st m3 0ersonal feelin-.D
@id the feds i-nore Ba-an's 2arnin-s beca%se the3 had their o2n
a-ent in the bombin- cell and 2anted to obtain more information to
Dstin-D the bombers later onH Ba-an belie1es this is a 0ossibilit3. Cet
2hile Ba-an had the o0tion of 0%llin- o%t8 he realied it 2o%ld be too
ris)3 to s%ddenl3 disa00ear from the scene. /mar and Ahmed 2ere
2atchin- him.
/n A0ril 48 1,,!8 /mar 0%lled %0 at the Aestern Motel in (as <e-as8
2here Ba-an's brother 2or)ed. DCome on8D said /mar to a some2hat
startled Ba-an8 D? 2ant 3o% to dri1e 2ith me to >in-man.D
The t2o men then dro1e to Ariona8 2here the3 deli1ered a 0ac)a-e
to a man 2aitin- on the corner of Northern and #ierra8 2earin- a
co2bo3 hat and dri1in- a r%st3 bro2n 0ic)-%0. Co%ld this m3ster3
fi-%re ha1e been #te1en Barrett Colbern8 2ho o2ned the bro2n 0ic)-
%0 seen sto00ed ahead of Mc<ei-h 2hen he 2as 0%lled b3 Troo0er
7an-er o1er after the bombin-H The descri0tion of the man matched
Colbern's hei-ht and b%ild. B%t Ba-an did not )no2 2ho he 2as at the
time8 or 2hat 2as in the 0ac)a-e.
/n the 2a3 home8 Ba-an recalled /mar sa3in-8 D2e're ta)in- do2n a
b%ildin- in t2o 2ee)s.D
/n March 2& and 2'8 Ba-an made o1er fi1e calls to the $.#. Marshals
/ffice. None 2ere e1er ret%rned. A-ent Mar) 7oltsla2 of the FB?'s
@omestic Co%nter terrorism #9%ad8 told me8 D? can ass%re 3o% that an3
info 2as thoro%-hl3 chec)ed o%t.L There are thin-s that -o on in the
bac)-ro%nd that the indi1id%al is not a2are of.D B%t8 7oltsla2 added8
Dthere is no stat%tor3 obli-ation to -et bac) to an indi1id%al re-ardin-
o%r in1esti-ation and its stat%s.D
Ba-an doesn't b%3 7oltsla2's e:0lanation. The FB?'s 0roced%res
re-ardin- informants re9%ire that the3 be controlled and s%0er1ised.
D7o2 do 3o% in1esti-ate a thin- if 3o% don't contact meHD as)ed
Ba-an. D#o the3 either had another a-ent or another informant inside
the -ro%0.D
Ba-an 2as -ettin- no2here 2ith the Marshals8 the $.#. Attorne3s8 and
the FB?. ?t 2as no2 less than t2o 2ee)s before the bombin-. /n A0ril
"8 Ba-an drafted a letter and deli1ered it to Tina Ro2e8 head of the
$.#. Marshals /ffice in @en1er. Ahile Ba-an 2aited o%tside8 his cab
dri1er friend dro00ed it off. The letter read5
@ear Ms. Ro2e5
After lea1in- @en1er for 2hat ? tho%-ht 2o%ld be for a lon- time8 ?
ret%rned here last ni-ht beca%se ? ha1e s0ecific information that 2ithin
t2o 2ee)s a federal b%ildin-;s= is to be bombed in this area or nearb3.
The 0re1io%s re9%ests ? made for 3o% to contact me8 2!th S 2'th of
March 1,,! 2ere i-nored b3 3o%8 Mr. Allison and m3 friends at the FB?.
? 2o%ld not i-nore the s0ecific re9%est for 3o% 0ersonall3 to contact me
immediatel3 re-ardin- a 0lot to blo2-%0 a federal bld-. ?f the
information is false re9%est Mr. Allison to char-e me accordin-l3. ?f 3o%
andRor 3o%r office does not contact me as ? so re9%est herein8 ? 2ill
ne1er a-ain contact an3 la2 enforcement a-enc38 federal or state8
re-ardin- those matters set o%t in the letter of imm%nit3.
Car3 Ba-an.
Call '32-4.,1 ;No2=
Ro2e did not res0ond. Ahen she 2as confronted b3 >F/R-T< in
/)lahoma Cit38 she said that she had ne1er recei1ed Ba-an's letter.
;#ee A00endi:=
Cet Ba-an's friend -a1e +ew American editor Bill 6as0er a si-ned
affida1it sho2in- that he 0ersonall3 deli1ered the 2arnin- to the $.#.
Accordin- to Ro2e8 the 0oint is moot8 beca%se the colle-e -rad%ate
and former 0%blic school teacher has a histor3 of D0s3cholo-ical
0roblems.D ?t seems that Ba-an 2as sent to the Colorado #tate Mental
7os0ital in #e0tember of 1,'" b3 @r. 4r2in (e138 at the behest of the
DThat 2as beca%se ? 2asn't coo0eratin- 2ith m3 attorne38D he said8
referrin- to a 1,'" theft case in Ara0ahoe Co%nt3. DCo% tell somebod3
3o%'re in1ol1ed in es0iona-e 2ith the #o1iets8 and that's 2hat the3 do8
send 3o% do2n to the 6ames Bond 2ard.D
Accordin- to Ba-an8 the Colorado #tate Mental 7os0ital's @r. Breen
0rono%nced Ba-an sane8 and he seemed le1el-headed 2hen
Re0resentati1e >e3 and ? inter1ie2ed him in March of ',&.
/thers thin) the informant isn't reliable. A friend of Ba-an's 2ho's
)no2n him for 3. 3ears told me he thin)s Ba-an's Df%ll of shit8D and
Dnot in to%ch 2ith realit3.D
Another8 a Federal +%blic @efender 2ho re0resented Ba-an8 told me8
DCar3 has an enc3clo0edic memor38 of e1ents8 0laces and times.D #he
said that Ba-an 2as Dbri-ht JandK 2ell-intentioned8D altho%-h she
added8 DM3 -%t sense is that the 0%re facts ma3 be ri-ht8 b%t ?
sometimes 9%estioned the le-al si-nificance of some of it.D /1erall8
she said she Dli)edD the informant.
Moreo1er8 if Ro2e's alle-ations re-ardin- Ba-an's credibilit3 are 1alid8
2h3 then did $.#. Attorne3 7enr3 #olano -rant him a (etter of
?mm%nit3H ?f the feds tho%-ht Ba-an 2as incom0etent8 the3 had a f%ll
decade of e:0erience 2ith him Jas did the @en1er +oliceK from 2hich to
establish his credibilit3 or lac) thereof.
D?f ? had a histor3 of mental illness8D e:0lained Ba-an8 Dthe3 co%ldn't
ta)e me on as an informant.D
The feds' o0inions ma3 ha1e stemmed from a 1,'3 incident 2here the
informant 2as blac)listed b3 the @4A d%e to alle-ations he 0ro1ided
false information to the benefit of se1eral dr%- dealers. Cet Ba-an
claims he redeemed himself b3 obtainin- sensiti1e @4A-" files that had
been stolen from their office. Ba-an said the @4A noted the
informant's assistance on his record.
Then in 1,'"8 2hile Ba-an 2as in Nail for ins%rance fra%d8 he 2as
1isited b3 >enn3 <as9%e8 Bill Maten8 and t2o FB? a-ents5 +hilli0 Mann
and #tanle3 Miller. The3 offered to -et him earl3 release if he 2o%ld
2or) a-ain as an informant. Ba-an declined. DThe3 2anted to ta)e me
o%t of Nail8 and brin- me bac) at ni-ht8D said Ba-an. D? @idn't 2ant an3
0art of it.D
?n 6an%ar3 of 1,',8 A-ents Miller and Mann a-ain as)ed Ba-an to
assist them in a Noint FB?RC%stoms co%nterintelli-ence stin- o0eration
)no2n as /0eration As0en (eaf. Their interest centered on one 4d2ard
Bodena3er8 a #o1iet s03 2hom Ba-an had met in +%erto <allerta in
1,'2. Bodena3er had been e:0ortin- classified technolo-3 to R%ssia
thro%-h his im0ortRe:0ort com0an3.
Finall38 on #e0tember 148 1,,48 the 6%stice @e0artment -ranted Ba-an
his imm%nit3. The a-reement8 0rinted on an official $.#. 6%stice
@e0artment letterhead8 read Jin 0artK5
This letter is to memorialie the a-reement bet2een 3o% and the
$nited #tates of America8 b3 the %ndersi-ned Assistant $nited #tates
Attorne3. The terms of this a-reement are as follo2s5
1. Co% ha1e contacted the $.#. Marshals #er1ice on toda3's date
indicatin- that 3o% ha1e information concernin- a cons0irac3 andRor
attem0t to destro3 $nited #tates co%rt facilities in JredactedK and
0ossibl3 other cities.
2. The $nited #tates a-rees that an3 statement andRor information that
3o% 0ro1ide rele1ant to this cons0irac3Rcons0iracies or attem0ts 2ill
not be %sed a-ainst 3o% in an3 criminal 0roceedin-. F%rther8 the $nited
#tates a-rees that no e1idence deri1ed from the information or
statements 0ro1ided b3 3o% 2ill be %sed in an3 2a3 a-ainst 3o%....
?n s0ite of the sensiti1e nat%re of Ba-an's information8 and the (etter
of ?mm%nit38 D?n the 0eriod of one 3ear8 from #e0tember 148 1,,48 to
the first 2ee) of #e0tember8 1,,!8D said Ba-an8 Dnot one a-ent
recontacted me8 not one $.#. official of an3 )ind recontacted me
e:ce0t JFB? #ACK @a1e #he0ard in <e-as.D
Nat%rall38 the FB? denied an3 2ron-doin-.
Assistant $.#. Attorne3 6ames Allison 2as 9%oted in the A%-%st 128
1,,! iss%e of the .ocky $ountain +ews as sa3in-8 DAh3 2o%ld ? -rant
somebod3 imm%nit3 and then not s0ea) 2ith himHD
Ahen this a%thor contacted Allison8 he said8 D?'m not -oin- to disc%ss
2ho is or 2ho isn't a federal informant.D
Cet $.#. Attorne3 7enr3 #olano8 Allison's boss8 -ranted an inter1ie2
2ith (a2rence M3ers of $edia %ypass ma-aine8 1iolatin- the
informant's confidentialit3 a-reement8 0lacin- Ba-an in dan-er. ?n
the /ctober8 1,,! iss%e8 M3ers 0rinted Ba-an's letter 2hich had been
hand deli1ered to $.#. Marshall Tina Ro2e. Ahen M3ers re0rinted the
letter * 2hich 2as fa:ed to him b3 #olano * DA0ril "D 2as chan-ed to
DA0ril 18D a 2ee)end8 in an attem0t to sho2 that Ba-an co%ldn't
0ossibl3 ha1e deli1ered the 2arnin-. ?t is not clear 2hether #olano or
M3ers chan-ed the date.
@ischar-ed from a mental hos0ital in 1,'. 2ith a 0ersonalit3 disorder8
M3ers 2as con1icted of e:tortion in 1,'! and 2as later as)ed b3 FB?
A-ent #te1e Brannon to 2or) as an informant. M3ers denied 2or)in-
for the FB?.
Cet in 1,,1 he sho2ed %0 at the trial of (ero3 Mood38 2or)in- as an
De:0losi1es e:0ertD on behalf of the defense. C%rio%sl38 he then t%rned
aro%nd and fed confidential information to the FB? and the state
?nterestin-l38 M3ers claimed to ha1e 2or)ed for the C?A in Central
America8 a00arentl3 at the behest of Aac)enh%t8 a C?A 0ro0rietar3
infamo%s for -atherin- intelli-ence on $.#. citiens. 41en more
interestin-l38 he 2rote se1eral boo)s on e:0losi1es for +alladin +ress8
another C?A 0ro0rietar38 incl%din- *ounter&om&1 )mart %om&s8 and
Impro,ed .adio etonation (echni;ues. /ne M3ers title8 called
)pycomm8 instr%cts readers on the Ddirt3 tric)s of the tradeD re-ardin-
Dco1ert comm%nication techni9%es.D
M3ers also sho2ed %0 at e:-s0oo) Charles 7a3es' home in (ondon8
>ent%c)3 on the 0remise of 2ritin- a flatterin- stor3 on the C?A a-ent
t%rned 2histle-blo2er. 7a3es s%bse9%entl3 2o%nd %0 in Nail on a
m%rder cons0irac3 char-e * a char-e he adamantl3 denies.
7a3es sa3s he thin)s that M3ers 2as 2or)in- for the -o1ernment 2hen
he came to >ent%c)3 to 2rite a flatterin- 0rofile of 7a3es for the
ma-aine $edia %ypass8 then 0ri1atel3 told FB? a-ents that 7a3es 2as
loo)in- for someone to )ill his son.
Aere #olano and M3ers 0art of a coordinated effort to discredit Ba-anH
#aid a 0ri1ate in1esti-ator and retired Arm3 C?@ officer re-ardin-
M3ers5 D? -ot the im0ression he 2as 0robabl3 Co%nterintelli-enceL N%st
b3 )no2in- these 0arts. The 0eo0le he mentioned * the 0eo0le he
)ne2 * told me that he 2as 0robabl3 in the C.?.C. ;Co%nterintelli-ence
Cor0s= at one time.D
Conetta Ailliamson8 an in1esti-ator for the Tennessee Attorne3
Beneral's office8 described M3ers in co%rt testimon3 as Da 0rofessional
and 0atholo-ical liar.D
M3ers also 2rote a 0iece abo%t Federal Brand 6%ror 7o003 7eidelber-8
the onl3 -rand N%ror 2ho dared 9%estion the -o1ernment's line. ?n fact8
7eidelber- ne1er consented to be inter1ie2ed b3 M3ers8 2ho had
obtained the content of a 0ri1ile-ed attorne3Rclient inter1ie2 of
7eidelber- s%rre0titio%sl3. The information 2as then crafted into an
Dinter1ie2D and 0%blished in $edia %ypass8 %ltimatel3 res%ltin- in
7eidelber-'s dismissal from the -rand N%r3.
?t seemed that M3ers8 %sin- $edia %ypass as a co1er8 had mana-ed to
0%t a -o1ernment 2histle-blo2er in Nail8 discredit a federal informant
2ho had embarrassin- information im0licatin- the -o1ernment in the
bombin-8 and ca%se the dismissal of a tro%blesome -rand N%ror.
?f the feds 2ere so intent on discreditin- their o2n informant8 2h3 had
the3 -ranted him a (etter of ?mm%nit3H Not onl3 did #olano -rant
Ba-an imm%nit38 b%t the informant had retained it for a f%ll 1& months.
?f Ba-an 2as act%all3 incom0etent8 2h3 didn't #olano re1o)e the
imm%nit3 instead of lettin- Ba-an contin%e 2or)in- 2ith terroristsH
D?t doesn't ma)e m%ch sense does itHD said Ba-an.
?t a00ears that the 6%stice @e0artment had -ranted Car3 Ba-an
imm%nit3 so the3 2o%ldn't loo) bad. After all8 Ba-an had alread3
informed @a1e Flo3d at the $.#. Marshals office in #e0tember abo%t
the meetin- 2ith /mar and Ahmed.
The cat 2as o%t of the ba-.
Ba-an belie1es he 2as -ranted the (etter of ?mm%nit3 as 0art of a
more sinister scheme * a 0lan to allo2 him to 0roceed 2ith the
bombin- 0lot %nhindered * at 2hich 0oint the (etter of ?mm%nit3 2as
DAhat if at that time ? 2as told to -o in and -et imm%nit3 b3 the
terrorists8 and somebod3 2or)in- 2ith the terroristsL li)e the $.#.
Bo1ernmentHD said Ba-an. D? can't -et 0rosec%ted8 can ?H JThe
terroristsK )ne2 that the3 2o%ld -i1e me a (etter of ?mm%nit3 and the3
)ne2 that the FB? 2o%ld c%t me loose. #o 2hat's that enable them to
doH ?f there needs to be somethin- mo1ed8 and ?'m the one that's
mo1in- it8 ? can't be 0rosec%ted. ? can ha%l as m%ch shit as ? 2ant8 and
? ha1e imm%nit38 as lon- as ? call the FB?8 and let them )no2.D
As a Florida 0olice detecti1e 2ho's in1esti-ated connections bet2een
Arab-Americans8 the +(/8 and the Cali Cartel told me8 DAho has the
best ro%te for -ettin- somethin- acrossH @r%- dealers.D
Aas Car3 Ba-an 0art of some sinister 0lot b3 the fedsH /r 2as he
merel3 %sed as a Dm%le8D allo2in- the terrorists to mo1e mone38 dr%-s8
and e:0losi1es 2hile another -o1ernment a-ent monitored the
sit%ation from 2ithinH +erha0s the ne2 man from /)lahoma Cit3 2ho
a00eared on the scene in MarchH
Aas Car3 Ba-an a Dthro2a2a3HD
Recall that Ba-an had trans0orted a d%ffel-ba- filled 2ith C-4 and
cocaine8 and had dri1en a tr%c) laden 2ith e:0losi1es across the state
at the behest of his terrorist friends. 7e claims the FB? did nothin- to
sto0 him.
DCo% -ot to %nderstand somethin- here8D said Ba-an. DFederal la2
prohi&its me from doin- 2hat ? 2as doin-. Co% cannot -o o%t as an
informant * ?'m not an a-ent * ? cannot ta)e dr%-s and e:0losi1es
from 0oint A to 0oint BL.D
Cet it seems that 0ermittin- the informant to commit s%ch ille-al acts
2o%ld foc%s more li-ht on the -o1ernment's role * 2hether it in1ol1ed
fore)no2led-e or an act%al cons0irac3 * as Ba-an be-an to -o 0%blic
2ith his stor3. B%t Ba-an8 2ho belie1es he 2as sched%led to be
DterminatedD after the bombin-8 disa-rees. The informant dis0la3ed
medical records sho2in- that he 2as badl3 beaten8 and claims to ha1e
been the 1ictim of a dri1e-b3 shootin-.
Ahate1er the case8 it is interestin- to note that a%thorities alle-ed that
the bombin- cons0irac3 be-an in #e0tember of 1,,48 the same month
that Ba-an recei1ed his (etter of ?mm%nit3 and be-an informin- the
/n A0ril 1.8 fo%r da3s after he deli1ered the 2arnin- letter to Tina
Ro2e8 Ba-an recei1ed a note instr%ctin- him to a00ear at the la2
librar3 of the $.#. Co%rtho%se.
D? N%st -a1e the $.#. Marshals a bombin- 2arnin-8D said Ba-an. DThe3
didn't call me bac). ? had to -o some2here to co1er m3 ass. ? came
bac)8 ? -ot a note sa3in-8 'Ae need to see 3o%G come to the $.#. (a2
(ibrar3.' ? tho%-ht it 2as the $.#. Marshals or the FB?.D
Ahen Ba-an arri1ed at the la2 librar38 he met his contact5 an Dathletic
loo)in- d%de8 4.s8 short hair8D dressed in a bl%e Ni)e ca0 and N%m0s%it.
D? -et there and sa38 '7e38 3o% -ot the shitH' 7e said8 '7e38 2e'1e -ot
e1er3thin- ta)en care of. Ae need 3o% to do thisL.'D
The man 2as not one of Ba-an's Arab friends. D7e 2as -o1ernment8D
said Ba-an. D7e 2as 0robabl3 C?A.D
The m3sterio%s fi-%re as)ed Ba-an to dri1e a trailer to 6%nction Cit38
>ansas. ?n the trailer 2as the same (el3 mi:er that Ba-an had dri1en
to Bolden on 6an%ar3 14. This mi:er * the one that 2as dri1en to the
Mariott at the behest of an Arab terrorist * 2as no2 on its 2a3 to
6%nction Cit3 at the re9%est of a -o1ernment a-entI
The date 2as no2 A0ril 118 three da3s before Timoth3 Mc<ei-h
chec)ed into the @reamland Motel in 6%nction Cit3. As 0re1io%sl3
mentioned8 @a1id >in-8 2ho 2as sta3in- at the @reamland8 recalled
seein- a R3der tr%c) 2ith a trailer attached to it in the 0ar)in- lot on
A0ril 1&. The trailer contained a Ds9%arish obNect abo%t three or fo%r
feet hi-h that came to a 0oint on to08D sec%red b3 a can1as tar0. This
2as the e:act descri0tion Ba-an -a1e of the (el3 mi:er.
/n A0ril 13 Ba-an dro1e to /)lahoma Cit38 he said8 to case the M%rrah
Three da3s later8 Ba-an sa3s he dro1e a 1an from @en1er to Trinidad8
Colorado8 that 2as 0ic)ed %0 b3 /mar and Ahmed.
Accordin- to Ba-an8 it 2asn't %ntil three months a8ter the bombin-8 in
6%l3 of ',!8 that (as <e-as FB? A-ent @a1e #he0ard a-reed to meet
him. DAe're sittin- in the car behind the #ahara8 and #he0ard tells me
2e're not interested in 0%rs%in- the lead.D
That lead * 2as the t2o Arab s%s0ects seen r%nnin- from the M%rrah
B%ildin- to2ards a late model bro2n Che13 0ic)-%0 min%tes before the
blast * the same s%s0ects that the FB? had iss%ed an All +oints B%lletin
;A+B= for on A0ril 1,5
DLMiddle-4astern males 2!-2' 3ears of a-e8 si: feet tall8 athletic b%ild8
@ar) hair and a beard * dar) hair and a beard. Brea).D
DAnd these t2o Middle 4astern d%des that 2ere seen r%nnin- from the
scene * that's the same descri0tion ? had -i1en8D said Ba-an. DBra3 in
the beard8 3o% )no2 * /mar and Ahmed * to the FB?L on #e0tember
Ba-an had 0ro1ided that information to the FB? six months &e8ore the
bombin-. After the bombin-8 Ba-an contacted #olano and said8 D?sn't
that amain-. Co% )no28 these are the JsameK t2o d%des.LD
?n a letter to Ba-an dated Febr%ar3 18 1,,"8 #olano and Allison 2rote5
Attem0ts b3 federal la2 enforcement officers to meanin-f%ll3
corroborate information 3o% ha1e alle-ed to be tr%e ha1e been
%ns%ccessf%l.... Therefore8 the imm%nit3 -ranted b3 the letter of
#e0tember 148 1,,4 is hereb3 re1o)ed.L
Co% are 2arned that an3 statement 3o% ma)e 2hich 2o%ld incriminate
3o% in ille-al cond%ct8 0ast8 0resent or f%t%re can be %sed a-ainst 3o%.
Co% are no lon-er 0rotected b3 the imm%nit3 -ranted b3 letter on
#e0tember 148 1,,4.
Recall that after ATF informant Carol 7o2e had re1ealed that her
)no2led-e of the bombin- 0lot 2as re0orted to federal a%thorities
&e8ore A0ril 1,8 the3 tried to discredit her8 claimin- that she 2as
D%nstable8D N%st as the3 had done 2ith Ba-an. Ahile the3 re1o)ed
Ba-an's (etter of ?mm%nit38 the3 indicted 7o2e on s0%rio%s char-es.
7o2e also re0orted a s%bse9%ent bombin- 0lot b3 neo-Nai acti1ists8
b%t8 li)e Ba-an's 2arnin-s both before and after the bombin-8 she
claimed her calls 2eren't ret%rned.
?nterestin-l38 7o2e 2as also told b3 her ATF handler8 An-ela Finle3-
Braham8 not to re0ort her informant 0a3ments8 and 2as led to belie1e
that her debriefin-s 2ere not bein- ta0ed 2hen the3 2ere. Both are a
1iolation of C.?. ;Confidential ?nformant= 0roced%res. Aas this a 2a3 to
discredit 7o2e in case the3 needed to distance themsel1es from her
later8 as the3 attem0ted to do 2ith Ba-anH
/ne 3ear later8 Ba-an filed a la2s%it alle-in- that n%mero%s federal
officials had failed to %0hold their a-reement 2ith himG failed to
e:ercise 0ro0er 0roced%res in re-ards to the handlin- of an informantG
failed to in1esti-ate a terrorist cons0irac3 a-ainst the American
0eo0leG failed to 2arn the 0%blicG and failed to 0ro0erl3 in1esti-ate the
crime after it occ%rred.
?t is not s%r0risin- that officials 2o%ldn't ta)e Ba-an's 2arnin-
serio%sl3. /n @ecember !8 1,''8 a +alestinian named #amra Maha3o%n
2arned a%thorities in 7elsin)i that a +an Am &4& lea1in- Fran)fort 2as
to bombed 2ithin t2o 2ee)s.
T2o 2ee)s later8 on @ecember 218 +an Am fli-ht 1.3 2as blo2n o%t of
the s)ies b3 a terrorist's bomb. T2o h%ndred and fift3-nine 0eo0le
0l%n-ed to their deaths o1er (oc)erbie8 #cotland8 and 11 more died on
the -ro%nd.
#tate @e0artment official Fran) Moss later called Maha3o%n's 2arnin-
a D-o%lish coincidence.D Maha3o%n8 the3 claimed8 2as N%st not
@emonstratin- the limits of abs%rdit3 the -o1ernment 2ill -o to in
order to co1er %0 its com0licit3 and ne-li-ence8 the $.#. Marshals
#er1ice 2as still insistin- * after 1", 0eo0le la3 dead in /)lahoma *
that Car3 Ba-an 2as still not credible.
Cet this is not the first time the -o1ernment has i-nored 1iable
2arnin-s. +rior to the Aorld Trade Center bombin-8 the FB?'s 0aid
informant8 4mad 4li #alem8 had 0enetrated #hei) /mar Abdel-
Rahman's 6ama a ?slami3a and had 2arned the FB? of their 0lans. The
a-ent in char-e of the case8 6ohn Antice18 dismissed the former
4-30tian Arm3 Colonel's 2arnin-s8 callin- him D%nreliable.D /n
Febr%ar3 2"8 1,,38 a lar-e bomb detonated %nderneath the t2in
to2ers8 )illin- si: 0eo0le and inN%rin- 18... more.
At the same time as D%nreliableD 0eo0le li)e Car3 Ba-an 2ere
2arnin- federal a%thorities in @en1er abo%t the 0endin- attac)8 (he
)tar 3edger8 a Ne2ar)8 Ne2 6erse3 ne2s0a0er8 2as re0ortin-5
$.#. la2 enforcement a%thorities ha1e obtained information that
?slamic terrorists ma3 be 0lannin- s%icide attac)s a-ainst federal
co%rtho%ses and -o1ernment installations in the $nited #tates.
The attac)s8 it is feared8 2o%ld be desi-ned to attract 2orld2ide 0ress
attention thro%-h the m%rder of innocent 1ictims. The )tar 3edger has
learned that $.#. la2 enforcement officials ha1e recei1ed a 2arnin-
that a Dfat2a8D a reli-io%s r%lin- similar to the death sentence tar-etin-
a%thor #alman R%shdie8 has been iss%ed a-ainst federal a%thorities as
a res%lt of an incident d%rin- the trial last 3ear of fo%r 0ersons in the
bombin- on the Aorld Trade Center in Ne2 Cor).
The disclos%re 2as made in a confidential memorand%m iss%ed b3 the
$.#. Marshals #er1ice in Aashin-ton callin- for ste00ed-%0 sec%rit3 at
federal facilities thro%-ho%t the nationL.
Accordin- to the so%rce8 ?ranian-s%00orted e:tremists ha1e made it
clear that ste0s are bein- ta)en to stri)e at the DBreat #atan8D a 0hrase
that has been %sed to describe the $nited #tatesL
41en more stren%o%s sec%rit3 0reca%tions are bein- ta)en in Ne2 Cor)8
2here 12 0ersons8 incl%din- the blind f%ndamentalist #hei) /mar
Abdel-Rahman8 are c%rrentl3 on trial on char-es of cons0irin- to 2a-e
a 2ar of %rban terrorism a-ainst the $nited #tates b3 blo2in- %0 the
$nited Nations8 FB? head9%arters and the t%nnels bet2een Ne2 Cor)
and Ne2 6erse3L
The memo8 iss%ed b3 4d%ardo Bonales8 director of the 5.). $arshals
)er,ice8 2arns that attac)s ma3 be desi-ned to Dtar-et as man3
1ictims as 0ossible and dra2 as m%ch media co1era-e as 0ossibleD to
the f%ndamentalist ca%seL
The terrorists8 0ossible s%icide bombers8 2ill not en-a-e in
ne-otiations8D the memo 2arned8 and said Donce the 0ress is on the
scene8 the ne2 0lans call for blo2in- e1er3one %0.
?f that last statement is tr%e8 it co%ld e:0lain the 0resence of a bo: of
e:0losi1es fo%nd in the M%rrah B%ildin- 2ith a timer on it set for ten
min%tes after nine. The initial bomb;s= ble2 %0 at two min%tes after
The $.#. Marshal's #er1ice * the federal a-enc3 char-ed 2ith the tas)
of 0rotectin- federal facilities * had clear 2arnin- from at least t2o
different %nderco1er informants. Ah3 then 2as there no sec%rit3 at the
M%rrah B%ildin- on A0ril 1,H
?t 2as also re0orted that the ?sraelis8 the #a%dis8 and the >%2aitis all
2arned the $.#. abo%t an im0endin- attac). Ahate1er the $.#.
Marshals #er1ice felt abo%t Car3 Ba-an's 2arnin-8 Bonales a00arentl3
felt his other so%rces 2ere reliable eno%-h to iss%e a nation-2ide alert.
+erha0s that memo8 li)e the one iss%ed b3 the FB? in 1,"3 to its field
offices 2arnin- of an attem0t on the life of +resident >enned38 N%st
- Trail of 0itnesses
/n A0ril 1,8 Abraham Ahmed8 a 6ordanian8 2as detained b3 a%thorities
as a 0ossible bombin- s%s0ect as he attem0ted to fl3 from /)lahoma
Cit3 to Amman8 6ordan. American Airlines 0ersonnel obser1ed Ahmed
Dactin- ner1o%s8D 0rior to his fli-ht8 and notified sec%rit3 0ersonnel8
2ho in t%rn notified the FB?.
A-ents detained Ahmed in Chica-o8 2here the /)lahoma Cit3 resident
e:0lained that he 2as on his 2a3 to his father's 2eddin-8 and 2as
sched%led to ret%rn to the $.#. in 6%l3.
Cet Ahmed's stor3 chan-es. 7e told re0orters alternatel3 that he had
-one bac) to 6ordan5 a= for a 2eddin-8 b= to b%ild a ho%se8 c= to re0lace
the 3o%n-est son 2ho had mo1ed o%t8 and d= to attend to a famil3
After bein- 9%estioned for si: ho%rs8 the FB? allo2ed Ahmed to
contin%e on his 2a3. Cet he 2as detained in (ondon the follo2in- da38
2here he 2as 9%estioned for another fi1e ho%rs8 then handc%ffed and
0%t on the ne:t 0lane bac) to the $.#.
?n the meantime8 Ahmed's l%--a-e contin%ed on to Rome8 2here
a%thorities disco1ered a s%itcase f%ll of electronic e9%i0ment8 incl%din-
t2o car radios8 silicon8 solder8 shielded and %nshielded 2ire8 a small
tool )it8 and8 incredibl3 eno%-h8 a 0hoto alb%m 2ith 0ict%res of
2ea0ons and missilesI #ec%rit3 so%rces at (ondon's 7eathro2 Air0ort
also said that a 0air of bl%e No--in- s%its and a timin- de1ice 2as
fo%nd in one of his ba-s.
Ahen as)ed 2hat he 2as doin- 2ith these items8 Ahmed e:0lained
that the3 2ere for his relati1es in 6ordan8 2ho co%ld not obtain -ood-
9%alit3 electrical com0onents. Ahmed also had a bl%e No--in- s%it
similar to 2hat a Middle-4astern s%s0ect 2as 2earin- at the M%rrah
B%ildin- on the mornin- of the blast. Accordin- to an acco%nt in the
3ondon (elegraph8 Ahmed 2as re0ortedl3 in /)lahoma Cit3 on
Aednesda3 * the da3 of the bombin-.
?f Ahmed had been cleared b3 $.#. a%thorities for the 2orst domestic
terrorist attac) in $.#. histor38 2h3 did British a%thorities ref%se to
allo2 him into the co%ntr3H @id the3 )no2 somethin- the $.#. did notH
The 6%stice @e0artment's Carl #tern do2n0la3ed the brea)thro%-h
sa3in- onl38 DThere are a n%mber of -ood8 solid leads in this
Cet in FB? a-ent 7enr3 Bibbons' affida1it8 s0ecial mention 2as made of
the items in Ahmed's s%itcase8 and his coincidental A0ril 1,8 1.543 a.m.
de0art%re time8 and Bibbons stated he considered Ahmed's testimon3
in front of the Federal Brand 6%r3 1ital.
/ne FB? so%rce inter1ie2ed b3 >F/R's 6a3na @a1is admitted that he
didn't thin) Ahmed 2as tellin- the tr%th on a 0ol3-ra0h test. Cet
Ahmed 2as sim0l3 allo2ed to -o on his 2a38 and li)e so man3 other
s%s0ects and 2itnesses8 2as ne1er called before the -rand N%r3.
?nterestin-l38 the Middle 4astern comm%nit3 2as a0olo-ied to b3
+resident Clinton. This is 1er3 interestin- comin- from a 0resident that
failed to a0olo-ie to Rand3 Aea1er8 the Branch @a1idians8 and the
tho%sands of 0eo0le 2ron-l3 acc%sed8 im0risoned and m%rdered each
3ear b3 $.#. la2-enforcement 0ersonnel.
A 0ossible e:0lanation ma3 be fo%nd in the bombin- of +an Am 1.3. ?n
Febr%ar3 of 1,',8 a 0rime s%s0ect in the case8 6ordanian bomb ma)er
Mar2an >reeshat8 admitted in a statement 0ro1ided b3 6ordanian
intelli-ence that he had man%fact%red at least fi1e hi-hl3
so0histicated8 0o2erf%l bombs for +F(+-BC ;+o0%lar Front for the
(iberation of +alestine-Beneral Command= leader Ahmed 6ibril8 b3
cle1erl3 concealin- them in 0ortable radios * the same t30e 2hich
destro3ed fli-ht 1.3. 6ordanian intelli-ence officials8 2ho ha1e
maintained a close8 lon--standin- relationshi0 2ith the C?A8 admitted
that the 6ordanian national 2as act%all3 an %nderco1er a-ent8 and 2as
also an asset of $.#. intelli-ence.
Co%ld this e:0lain 2h3 the FB? released AhmedH
Ta3lor 6esse Clear8 a retired #tate @e0artment Co%nter-Terrorism e:0ert
2ho has st%died the case8 disa-rees 2ith this anal3sis. Clear belie1es
that Ahmed's cons0ic%o%sl3 timed de0art%re8 com0lete 2ith ner1o%s
act and a s%itcase f%ll of electronic -ear8 2as a di1ersion. DThe3
2anted to inoc%late the media to the Arab connection8D e:0lained
Clear. (ettin- Ahmed -et ca%-ht 2ith a s%itcase f%ll of that st%ff8 then
disco1erin- he 2as innocent8 inoc%lated e1er3bod3 to the Middle
4astern connection. Then the3 co%ld come bac)8 beat their chests8 and
sa38 'loo) 2hat 3o% did to the Arab comm%nit3.'D
Cet the bro2n Che13 0ic)-%0 seen s0eedin- a2a3 from the M%rrah
B%ildin- 2as traced to an /)lahoma Cit3 b%siness r%n b3 a +alestinian8
2ith 0ossible +(/ ties. That manL is a -ood friend of Abraham
Ahmed's. Accordin- to a 2itness 2ho 2or)ed for the +alestinian8
Ahmed 2as seen dri1in- the 0ic)-%0 in the 2ee)s before the bombin-.
N%mero%s 2itnesses also 0lace Mc<ei-h in /)lahoma Cit3 in the
da3s before the bombin- 2ith a friend of Ahmed's * an ?ra9i * a man
2ho bares a stron- resemblance to the m3sterio%s8 stoic 0assen-er
seen in the R3der tr%c) b3 Mi)e Moro on the mornin- of A0ril 1, at
6ohnn3's Tire #tore.
>F/R re0orters Brad 4d2ards and 6a3na @a1is bro)e the stor3 on 6%ne
&8 1,,! 2ith a series of inter1ie2s 2ith 2itnesses 2ho sa2 Mc<ei-h
2ith the ?ra9i8 first in a bar8 then in a resta%rant8 then in a 0a2n sho0.
/ne of the 2itnesses8 a barmaid at the Roadr%nner Ta1ern on #o%th
Ma3 A1en%e8 sa2 Mc<ei-h b%3in- beer for the man on #at%rda38 A0ril
1!. D7e 2as dar)8 )ind of m%sc%lar8 he had on a ball ca08D said the
barmaid. D7e tal)ed li)e the3 do o1er in ?ran or ?ra98 or 2hate1er
d%rin- @esert #torm8 2hen 3o% 2o%ld hear the 2a3 the3 tal)ed on T<.D
Ahen @a1is as)ed her ho2 s%re she 2as that the man the3 had been
trac)in- 2as the man she sa2 2ith Mc<ei-h8 she re0lied8 D?'m s%re.D
The ta1ern o2ner also sa2 the ?ra9i a fe2 da3s after the bombin-. 7e
0ic)ed him o%t from a -ro%0 of 0hotos. Ahile the ?ra9i claimed he 2as
ne1er in an3 bar on NA 1.th #treet8 a co-2or)er inter1ie2ed b3 >F/R
said he had dran) 2ith him at a bar on NA 1.th and ?ndiana8 and in
fact he 2as arrested for dri1in- %nder the infl%ence aro%nd the corner8
at NA 'th and Blac)2ielder in earl3 6%ne.
?n another inter1ie28 three 2omen 2ho 2or)ed at a 0a2nsho0 stated
that Mc<ei-h and t2o other men came into their sho0 t2ice5 DLon
A0ril 14 and a-ain on A0ril 1&8 N%st t2o da3s before the bombin-.D
D?t had to ha1e been Mc<ei-h8D said the 0a2n sho0 o2ner. D?f it 2as not
Mc<ei-h8 it 2as his t2in brother.D
DThe3 s0o)e in a forei-n lan-%a-e8D said one of the 0a2n sho0
em0lo3ees. DThe3 h%ddled to-ether and the3 all three s0o)e
secreti1el3 to one another8 and it 2as a forei-n lan-%a-e.D
A resta%rant o2ner do2n the street also remembered Mc<ei-h and the
?ra9i. DJMc<ei-h actedK li)e a contractor comin- in and b%3in- his hand
l%nch8 that 2as the im0ression ? had8D recalled the 0ro0rietor.
As 0re1io%sl3 mentioned8 resta%rant 2or)er +h3liss >in-sle3 recalled a
R3der tr%c) 0%llin- into the 7i Aa3 Brill at #A 1.4 and +ortland on
A0ril 1". Accom0an3in- the tr%c) 2as a 2hite lon--bed Che13 0ic)-%08
and a dar)er 0ic)-%08 0ossibl3 bl%e or bro2n. #he recalls Timoth3
Mc<ei-h strollin- in and orderin- t2o Dtr%c)er b%r-ersD and fries to -o.
Accom0an3in- Mc<ei-h 2as a short8 stoc)3 man of abo%t !'2D8 either
Me:ican or American ?ndian ;or Arabic= descent8 2ith blac)8 c%rl3 hair.
#he said the man closel3 resembled the FB? s)etch of 6ohn @oe 28 b%t
2ith sli-htl3 thinner feat%res. >in-sle3 recalled that the man s0o)e
briefl3 2ith Mc<ei-h.
Aaitress (inda >%hlman described him as ha1in- strai-hter hair and
bein- sli-htl3 taller. #he described him as 2earin- -reen arm3 fati-%e
0ants and a 2hite t-shirt.
>%hlman8 2ho -re2 %0 aro%nd tr%c)s and hot-rods8 is 0ositi1e that one
of the tr%c)s 2as a Che13 lon--bed8 most li)el3 an ''& model. Ahen
sho2n 0hotos8 incl%din- the ?ra9i and Michael Brescia8 the3 came close
to 0ic)in- o%t the ?ra9i8 b%t co%ld not 0ositi1el3 identif3 either man.
The 0assen-er in the R3der tr%c)8 the3 said8 a man 2ith lon-ish 2a138
0ermed-o%t bro2n or dirt3 blond hair and -lasses8 ne1er -ot o%t.
@ennis 6ac)son8 a <A 2or)er8 recalled seein- t2o or three Arabic men
in the M%rrah B%ildin- the follo2in- da38 A0ril 1&. DThere 2as a distinct
air abo%t them8D recalls 6ac)son. DAe 2ere 2or)in- late that da38 the
office had closed8 and the3 2ere N%st )ind of han-in- aro%nd the #ocial
#ec%rit3 office. ? tho%-ht that 2as )ind of %n%s%alL The3 mi-ht ha1e
been there for #ocial #ec%rit38 b%t ? hardl3 thin) so.D
6ac)son's co-2or)er Crai- Freeman recalled one of the men as a short8
stoc)3 Arabic man8 abo%t !' 2''8 1!. 0o%nds8 2earin- )ha)i militar3
st3le 0ants8 combat boots and a 2hite T-shirt * the same combination
seen on the Middle 4astern s%s0ect described b3 (inda >%hlman.
?n a biarre t2ist8 a 2hite Che13 0ic)-%0 sho2ed %0 a Freeman's ho%se
se1eral da3s after the bombin-. Freeman recalls a Ca%casian loo)in-
man in the tr%c)8 2hich 2as 0ar)ed near his ho%se on t2o consec%ti1e
da3s. D?t 2as ri-ht before and ri-ht after the FB? and /#B? ;/)lahoma
#tate B%rea% of ?n1esti-ation= came and inter1ie2ed me8D recalls
Freeman. D? co%ld tell this -%3 2as 2atchin- me beca%se 2hen ? 2al)ed
b38 he sort of t%rned a2a3 and hid his face. ?'m a former Air Force
Master #er-eant and a third de-ree blac) belt8 and ?'m trained to be
Co%ld the man Freeman sa2 ha1e been there to intimidate himH
The barmaid at the Road R%nner Ta1ern also told >F/R's Brad 4d2ards
that after her inter1ie2 aired8 the ?ra9i 0%lled %0 b3 the o0en bac) door
of the ta1ern and stared menacin-l3 at her. Ahat is interestin- is that
the ?ra9i's +alestinian boss o2ns a 2hite 0ic) %0 tr%c) * a Nissan8
ho2e1er8 not a Che13. Freeman and (inda >%hlman are 0ositi1e the
tr%c) the3 sa2 2as a Che13.
Cet another 2itness to a 0ost-bombin- incident in1ol1in- the
+alestinian claimed that he also 2as follo2ed b3 the man8 2ho 2as
dri1in- a 2hite 0ic)-%0.
Bac) in 6%nction Cit38 the mana-er of the Breat Aestern ?nn 2as
2atchin- T< 2ith t2o re0orters 2hen the s)etch of 6ohn @oe 2 flashed
on the screen. The mana-er immediatel3 reco-nied the man as the
0erson 2ho had sta3ed in room 1.& on A0ril 1&. D7e s0o)e bro)en
4n-lish8D said the mana-er. DJ7eK -a1e a forei-n name and 2as dri1in-
a R3der tr%c).D
The man's name 2o%ld ne1er be re1ealed8 ho2e1er8 beca%se the FB?
confiscated the hotel's lo- boo).
#e1eral months later8 +ewsweek re0orter (eslie 6or-ensen %nco1ered
information that se1eral men had sta3ed at the Radisson ?nn in
/)lahoma Cit3 the da3 before the bombin-. The men 2ere dressed in
Arab -arb8 b%t accordin- to an em0lo3ee8 2ere not Arabs. At the same
time8 0hone calls 2ere 0laced from the Radisson to one of Timoth3
Mc<ei-h's friends * a man in ?daho associated 2ith the Ar3an
Re0%blican Arm3.
A fe2 da3s earlier8 across to2n8 t2o men had chec)ed into the +laa
?nn. The3 told des) cler) Tiffan3 7ar0er the3 2ere #0anish 1isitors from
Me:ico. B%t 7ar0er tho%-ht the3 2ere Arabs beca%se of the 2a3 the3
Accordin- to em0lo3ee R%b3 Foos8 another man chec)ed into the motel
a da3 or t2o later8 2ent to his room8 then emer-ed 2earin- flo2in-
Arab robes. As far as Foos co%ld tell8 the man 2as not connected 2ith
the other t2o men.
Ahile it ma3 not be %n%s%al for Arab--arbed indi1id%als to be in
/)lahoma d%e to its connection 2ith the oil ind%str38 @o%-las Bo3er8
the sec%rit3 -%ard at the +laa8 said a 3ello2 R3der tr%c) 2as 0ar)ed
o%t front. All of the men chec)ed o%t a da3 or t2o before the bombin-.
?nterestin-l38 t2o Middle 4astern men 2ere s0otted dri1in- from
/)lahoma Cit3 to @allas immediatel3 after the bombin-. The men
sto00ed to as) directions from an /)lahoma 7i-h2a3 +atrolman. Ahen
the officer ran their 0late8 he disco1ered that it didn't match the
1ehicle. The 0late belon-ed to a rented bl%e Che13 Ca1alier8 2hich 2as
later fo%nd at a motel in /)lahoma Cit3. The dri1er of that 1ehicle8
Asad R. #iddi938 a cab dri1er from W%eens8 alon- 2ith the other t2o
men8 Anis #iddi93 and Mohammed Chafi8 2ere ta)en into c%stod3.
Ahile the men 2ere %ltimatel3 9%estioned and released8 a bl%e Che13
Ca1alier 2o%ld be s0otted b3 a 2itness in do2nto2n /)lahoma Cit3 *
alon- 2ith a R3der tr%c)8 a 3ello2 Merc%r38 and a bro2n Che13 0ic)-%0
* the other 1ehicles in the bombin- con1o3.
/n the mornin- of the blast8 a 2oman 2as ridin- the ele1ator in the
M%rrah b%ildin-8 2hen she noticed a 3o%n- Arab man 2earin- a
bac)0ac)8 h%rriedl3 0%shin- the b%ttons as if tr3in- to -et off. As
0re1io%sl3 mentioned8 she follo2ed him o%tside8 not s%s0ectin-
an3thin- 2as amiss. Moments later8 she 2as sent s0ra2lin- to the
side2al) as the b%ildin- ble2 %0 behind her.
Bar3 (e2is8 a 0ressman for the 0ournal .ecord ne2s0a0er8 had N%st
ste00ed o%tside to smo)e his 0i0e 2hen he remembered he had left
somethin- in his car. As he 2al)ed do2n the alle38 a 3ello2 Merc%r3
0eeled a2a3 from its s0ot near the M%rrah B%ildin-8 N%m0ed a concrete
barricade8 s2er1ed to a1oid hittin- a d%m0ster8 then bore do2n on
him8 forcin- him %0 onto the c%rb. (e2is -ot a -ood loo) at the dri1er8
describin- him as one Timoth3 6ames Mc<ei-h8 and his 0assen-er as
resemblin- the s)etch of 6ohn @oe 2. 7e said the car had an /)lahoma
ta- 2hich 2as dan-lin- b3 one bolt.
#e1eral min%tes later8 (e2is 2as thro2n to the floor as the 0ournal
.ecord b%ildin- roc)ed 2ith the im0act of the blast. As he 0ic)ed
himself %08 another8 more 0o2erf%l e:0losion sent him s0ra2lin- a-ain.
As he and his fello2 2or)ers r%shed o%tside8 he noticed a 0ec%liar
si-ht5 an Arab man standin- nearb38 starin- at the Federal B%ildin-8
-rinnin- from ear to ear.
D?t %nner1ed me8D said (e2is8 2ho described ho2 the man seemed o%t
of 0lace amon- the thron- of battered and blood3 0eo0le. 7e seemed
As disc%ssed earlier8 another 2itness sa2 t2o men r%nnin- from the
area of the Federal B%ildin- to2ard a bro2n Che13 tr%c) N%st 0rior to
the blast. The 2itness described the t2o men as Dmales8 of 0ossible
Middle-4astern descent8 a00ro:imatel3 si: feet tall8 2ith athletic
b%ilds.D /ne of the men 2as described as a00ro:imatel3 2!-2' 3ears
old8 ha1in- dar) hair and a beard. The second 0erson 2as described as
3!-3' 3ears old8 2ith dar) hair and a dar) beard 2ith -ra3 in it * the
same descri0tion Car3 Ba-an -a1e. 7e 2as described as 2earin- bl%e
No--in- 0ants8 a blac) shirt8 and a blac) No--in- Nac)et. The 2itness
also described a third 0erson in the 0ic)-%0.
Aas this the same 0ic)-%0 seen b3 (eonard (on- and his da%-hterH
(on- 2as dri1in- east on !th #treet at a00ro:imatel3 '5.. a.m. 2hen
he 2as forced to s2er1e o%t of the 2a3 b3 a erraticall3-dri1en bro2n
0ic)-%0 2ith tinted 2indo2s. As the tr%c) 0%lled %0 alon-side8 the
0assen-er8 a stoc)38 dar)-s)inned8 dar)-haired man be-an h%rlin-
racial e0ithets at the blac) co%0le. (on- said the dri1er 2as a tall8 thin
2hite man 2ith shar0 feat%res8 a descri0tion not %nsimilar to that
-i1en b3 6ames (inehan. The tr%c) too) the ?-3! e:it and headed
A00ro:imatel3 !. min%tes later8 as Mar-aret 7ohmann and her friend
Ann @omin 2ere 0%llin- into a 0ar)in- s0ot in front of the M%rrah
B%ildin-8 a bro2n 0ic)-%0 0eeled a2a3 from its 0ar)in- s0ot8 b%rnin-
r%bber as it tore do2n !th #treet. DAhere's the co0s 2hen 3o% need
themHD 7ohmann tho%-ht to herself.
A fe2 bloc)s a2a3 from the M%rrah B%ildin-8 @ebra B%rdic) and her
da%-hter 2ere on the 2a3 to the doctor's office. As she sto00ed for a
li-ht at 1.th and Robinson8 she noticed three 1ehicles 0ar)ed on the
north side of the street bet2een a ch%rch and a -ara-e. /ne 2as a
bro2n 0ic)-%08 one 2as a bl%e Che13 Ca1alier8 and the other 2as a
3ello2 Merc%r3.
D? loo)ed across8D said B%rdic)8 Dand there 2as that li-ht bl%e car8 it
had a 2hite interior8 and there 2ere three men in it. The3 2ere dar)8
b%t the3 2ere not blac)L ? 2o%ld sa3 the3 2ere Middle 4asterners.
There 2as a bro2n 0ic)-%08 b%t ? co%ldn't see in ;beca%se of the tinted
2indo2s=8 and behind it 2as the 3ello2 car 2ith the cream to0.
DNo28 ? noticed the three men in the car8 that -%3 sittin- in the middle
2as )ind of starin- o%tL. ? said '7%h8 ? 2onder 2hat the3're loo)in- atH'
and as ? t%rned aro%nd8 ? said 'there's nothin- there b%t b%ildin-s.'D
A fe2 moments later8 the bomb;s= 2ent off. 7ohmann and @omin8 2ho
2ere inside one of the M%rrah B%ildin-'s restrooms8 2ere sent crashin-
to the floor. At the same moment8 @ebra B%rdic) and her da%-hter
2ent s)iddin- to the side of the road. Ahen she loo)ed bac)8 the three
1ehicles 2ere -one.
Fi1e bloc)s so%th of the M%rrah B%ildin-8 at Robinson and Main8 >a3 7.
had N%st raced o%t of her office. As she ste00ed on to the meridian8 she
2as nearl3 r%n o1er as the bro2n 0ic)-%0 came careenin- aro%nd the
corner. The near miss -a1e her an o00ort%nit3 to -et a -ood loo) at the
DThe dri1er * ? made e3e contact 2ith him8D recalled >a3. D7e loo)ed
li)e he 2as in his t2enties * late t2enties. J7eK had an an-r3 loo) on
his face. ?'ll ne1er for-et the loo) on his face. ?t N%st 2as f%ll of hate and
an-er. ?t reall3 str%c) me8 beca%se e1er3one else * 0eo0le 2ere
comin- o%t and the3 loo)ed scared and conf%sed8 and he N%st loo)ed
f%ll of an-er.D
>a3 recalled that t2o of the three 0eo0le in the tr%c) 2ere Middle-
4asterners. Ahen she 2as sho2n 0hotos8 she 0ic)ed o%t the ?ra9i *
the same one seen 2ith Mc<ei-h * as the dri1er.
@a1id #nider8 the Bric)to2n 2or)er 2ho had s0otted one of the R3der
tr%c)s that mornin-8 ran o%tside after the bomb 2ent off8 and sa2 the
bro2n 0ic)-%0 as it fle2 0ast. DThe3 2ere doin- abo%t ". m0h8D
recalled #nider. DThe3 t%rned north and headed o1er the Aaln%t #treet
An all-0oints-b%lletin ;A+B= 2as 9%ic)l3 0%t o%t on the 0ic)-%05
Dispatcher( DBe on the loo)o%t for a late model almost ne2
Che1rolet f%ll-sie 0ic)-%0 * f%ll sie 0ic)%0 bro2n 0ic)-%0. Aill be
bro2n in color 2ith tinted 2indo2s * bro2n in color 2ith tinted
2indo2s. #mo)e colored b%- deflector on the front of 0ic)-%0.D
DLMiddle-4astern males 2!-2' 3ears of a-e8 si: feet tall8 athletic b%ild8
@ar) hair and a beard * dar) hair and a beard. Brea).D
Officer( D/)8 ?s this -ood information8 or do 2e not reall3 )no2HD
Dispatcher( DA%thoriation FB?.D
#tran-el38 the FB? canceled the A+B se1eral ho%rs later8 ref%sin- to sa3
2h3 and demandin- that it not be rebroadcast. Ahen >+/C's @a1id
7all as)ed the FB? 2h3 the3 canceled it8 the3 denied e1er 0%ttin- it
o%t. B%t 2hen 7all 0la3ed bac) his co03 for the FB? man8 he s%ddenl3
had Dno comment.D
#oon after8 Brad 4d2ards recei1ed a ti0 that the 0ic)-%0 had been seen
se1eral times before the bombin- at #ahara +ro0erties ;not its real
name=8 a real-estate b%siness in north2est /)lahoma Cit3. The o2ner
of #ahara +ro0erties8 an ?sraeli-born +alestinian named #am >halid ;not
his real name=8 2as the ?ra9i's em0lo3er.
Not lon- after >F/R's re0orts be-an airin-8 the ?ra9i s%ed the station8
then held a 0ress conference claimin- that he 2as not a s%s0ect in the
bombin-8 and that he had a solid alibi for the mornin- of A0ril 1,. 7is
name 2as 7%ssain al-7%ssaini8 and he 2as at 2or)8 he said8 0aintin- a
-ara-e on NA 31 #treet. Cet Al1in @e1ers8 a nei-hbor inter1ie2ed b3
@a1is8 claimed no one 2as 2or)in- on the ho%se that da3. D? didn't see
an3bod38D said @e1ers. D?'d rememberL.D
?n addition8 7%ssaini's co-2or)er8 4rnie Cranfield8 said 7%ssaini's alibi
for the mornin- of A0ril 1, * a time sheet statin- he 2as at 2or) at
'5.' a.m. * 2as 0atentl3 false. Cranfield told @a1is that 7%ssaini 2as
2or)in- at a different ho%se &y <='== a.m.8 si: bloc)s a2a38 b%t 2asn't
there at '53. a.m.
DThe3 2as o%t there actin- li)e the3 2as 0aintin- on that -ara-e all
mornin-8D Cranfield told me. DThe3 didn't )no2 ? 2as alread3 there
Moreo1er8 accordin- to Cranfield8 #ahara +ro0erties doesn't %se time
sheets5 DThe3 %se a time cloc). The3 started abo%t fi1e months a-o *
fi1e8 si: months a-oL ?'1e seem them cloc)in- in e1er3 mornin-.D
@a1is later learned that >halid's da%-hter 7eather had concocted
7%ssaini's Dtime sheetD at the re9%est of her father.
7%ssaini also claimed that he 2or)ed a second Nob as at the Aestern
#ilin resta%rant * as a Nanitor8 three da3s a 2ee)8 from 1.5.. 0.m. to
'5.. a.m. * 2hich 2o%ld ha1e )e0t him too b%s3 to be at the
M%rrah B%ildin- on A0ril 1,. Cet 2hen @a1is chec)ed 2ith 6eff 6ohnston8
the assistant mana-er8 she 2as told 7%ssaini hadn't 2or)ed from A0ril
1& thro%-h A0ril 2..
Accordin- to >halid's secretar38 none of 7%ssaini's ?ra9i co-2or)ers8
2ho started 2or)in- for >halid in No1ember8 sho2ed %0 on the 1&th.
Aas it merel3 coincidental that Crai- Freeman and @ennis 6ac)son sa2
a s%s0icio%s -ro%0 of Arab men in the M%rrah B%ildin- on the afternoon
of the 1&thH
?nterestin-l38 7%ssain al-7%ssaini rea00lied for his Nob at the Aestern
#ilin in Ma38 then 9%it in 6%ne8 sa3in- that he didn't need a Nob.
>halid's secretar3 said that 7%ssaini also 0%rchased a Cadillac after the
bombin-. 7ad he s%ddenl3 come into a lar-e amo%nt of mone3H
Ahen >F/R shared their e1idence 2ith the FB?8 the3 do2n0la3ed their
findin-s. FB? s0o)esman @an <o-el said that e3e2itness acco%nts are
Dnotorio%sl3 inacc%rate. Their credibilit3 m%st be chec)ed o%t8 their
stories corroborated.D
Cet >F/R 2as able to corroborate their stor3 2ith at least ei-ht
different 2itnesses. The3 not onl3 0laced Mc<ei-h 2ith 7%ssaini in at
least three different locations in /)lahoma Cit38 the3 2ere able to trace
the bro2n 0ic)-%0 to the b%siness 2here 7%ssaini 2or)ed * to a
b%sinessman that had been in1esti-ated b3 the FB? for +(/ ties. The3
determined that 7%ssaini had a tattoo e:actl3 as described b3 the FB?8
and that his alibi for the mornin- of A0ril 1, 2as 0atentl3 false.
#tran-el38 the FB? decided to bac) %0 7%ssaini's stor38 tellin- >F/R
that it mi-ht be diffic%lt to 0lace 7%ssaini near the M%rrah B%ildin- on
the mornin- of the 1,th. A00arentl3 the -o1ernment had not co%nted
on a local T< station st%mblin- onto 7%ssaini. After >F/R's stor3 bro)e8
a maNor dama-e control a00arat%s 2ent into motion. >AT<8 >/C/8 the
aily !klahoman8 and the !klahoma "a#ette all ridic%led >F/R's
?nterestin-l38 2hen 7%ssaini a00eared before T< cameras on 6%ne 1! to
dis0el the Dr%morsD abo%t him8 it 2as Abraham Ahmed 2ho a00eared
as his inter0reterI
The "a#ette and >/C/ also both claimed that 7%ssaini co%ldn't s0ea)
4n-lish8 im0l3in- that he co%ldn't ha1e been tal)in- 2ith Mc<ei-h. Cet
>F/R learned that he s0o)e bro)en 4n-lish8 and a 0olice @.$.?. re0ort
indicated that he re0lied in 4n-lish 2hen 9%estioned.
DThe information 9%oted on Channel Fo%r is not tr%e8D FB? A-ent 6effre3
6en)ins told the aily !klahoman. Tho%-h 6en)ins later denied sa3in-
that8 he admits that Dhe crin-ed 2hen he sa2 the >F/R re0ort.D
+erha0s 6en)ins crin-ed 2hen he sa2 7%ssaini on T< beca%se the
ne2s station had8 9%ite accidentall38 %nco1ered the FB?'s confidential
informant. Ah3 else 2o%ld the FB? act so 0atroniin- to2ards >F/R8
2ho had clearl3 established a lin) bet2een 7%ssaini and Mc<ei-hH
The FB? 2o%ldn't sa3 if the3 had chec)ed o%t 7%ssaini. Nor 2o%ld the3
clear him. The3 told >F/R that the3 2ere Dnot in the b%siness of
clearin- s%s0ects.D Cet8 as 6a3na @a1is 0ointed o%t8 the3 did clear
n%mero%s other 6ohn @oe 2 s%s0ects8 incl%din- Robert 6ac)s8 Bar3
(and8 and Todd B%ntin-8 the Arm3 0ri1ate seen at 4lliott's Bod3 #ho0.
?nterestin-l38 the3 then %sed the B%ntin- incident to sa3 that 6ohn @oe
2 had been a red herrin- all alon-. 6ohn @oe 28 the FB? claimed8 had
ne1er e:isted.
6%st 2h3 2o%ld the FB? iss%e a blan)et Dno commentD on a s%s0ect 2ho
2as seen b3 n%mero%s 2itnesses 2ith Timoth3 Mc<ei-h8 and 2as seen
s0eedin- a2a3 from the bombin-H
For his 0art8 7%ssaini claims he 2as an officer in ?ra9's elite Re0%blican
B%ard8 and 2as im0risoned for distrib%tin- anti-#addam literat%re.
Accordin- to the "a#ette9s acco%nt8 he 2as released after ser1in- ei-ht
3ears of a 13-3ear sentence.
B%t the stor3 chan-es. Accordin- to >AT<8 he esca0ed d%rin- a 0rison
%0risin- at the end of the 2ar8 and after searchin- for his famil38 he
Dran to American soldiers and as)ed for hel0.D 7e 2as then interned in
a #a%di ref%-ee cam08 2here he s0ent the ne:t fo%r 3ears8 %ntil he 2as
relocated to the $.#. in 1,,!.
The 0roblem 2ith this stor3 is that $.#. forces didn't -et 2ithin 2..
miles of Ba-hdad8 2hich means that if 7%ssaini Dran to American
soldiers8D he 2o%ld ha1e had to r%n across se1eral h%ndred miles of
o0en dessert.
Cet accordin- to his boss8 #am >halid8 7%ssaini 2as ne,er in the
Re0%blican B%ard at all. A #h[ite M%slim8 he 2as im0risoned for his
anti-#addam beliefs8 and forced to ser1e as cannon fodder on the front
lines8 as the Re0%blican B%ard 2ithdre2.
Cet the stor3 chan-es once a-ain. Accordin- to Ailliam Northro08
7%ssaini ser1ed in the 7amm%rabi @i1ision of the Re0%blican B%ard8
and D2as ca0t%red b3 the American 24th Mechanied ?nfantr3 @i1ision
in a fi-ht on 7i-h2a3 '8 2est of Basra8 a fe2 da3s after the 2ar
ended.D Northro0 stated that the ?ra9is enco%ntered the $.#. force8
and8 thin)in- it 2as merel3 a 0robe8 o0ened fire. The ?ra9is 2ere badl3
beaten in the ens%in- firefi-ht8 and 7%ssaini 2as 2o%nded. 7e claims
7%ssaini 2as ne1er in an ?ra9i 0rison.
?f 7%ssaini 2as tr3in- to concoct a co1er-stor38 he a00arentl3 2asn't
doin- a 1er3 -ood Nob.
Accordin- to Northro05
This lad 2as no ordinary soldier. J7eK came to the $nited #tates
aro%nd No1ember of 1,,1. 7e tri--ered a D2atchD on the ?ra9i
comm%nit3 in Boston and shortl3 thereafter8 mo1ed to /)lahoma Cit3. ?
%nderstand that he is c%rrentl3 residin- in 7o%ston.
Northro0 also states that DRami Ahmed Co%sef ;The 'mastermind'
behind the Aorld Trade Center bombin-= ser1ed in the 7amm%rabi
@i1ision of the Re0%blican B%ard d%rin- the B%lf Aar.LD
Ahile it is not )no2n ho2 acc%rate this information is8 there is
e1idence t3in- Co%sef * a +a)istani Bal%chi born in >%2ait * to ?ra9i
intelli-ence. The Bal%ch8 2ho are #%nni Moslems8 o00ose the clerical
#hia re-ime of Tehran8 and had for-ed close lin)s 2ith ?ra9i intelli-ence
d%rin- that co%ntr3's 1.-3ear 2ar 2ith ?ran. Accordin- to @r. M3lroie8
?ra9 %sed the Bal%ch to carr3 o%t acts of terrorism a-ainst ?ran.
Alias Abd%l Basit Mahm%d Abd%l >arim8 Co%sef arri1ed in the $nited
#tates carr3in- an ?ra9i 0ass0ort.
Both Co%sef and his 0artner in the Aorld Trade Center bombin-8 Ahmed
ANaN8 2or)ed for 4d2ards +i0eline Testin- and Technical Aeldin-
(aboratories in 7o%ston8 2hose C4/ is Ma%nal BhaNat8 a close
associate of ?shan Barbo%ti * an international ?ra9i arms dealer 2ho
b%ilt (ib3a's chemical 2ea0ons 0lant at R\bta. Barbo%ti's son 7aidar
;li)e 7%ssaini= also li1es in 7o%ston. Accordin- to (o%is Cham0on8 2ho
2ent into b%siness 2ith 7aidar8 D7aidar Barbo%ti is an ?ra9i a-ent.D
?t 2as Barbo%ti 2ho financed Cham0on's +rod%ct ?n-redient Technolo-3
thro%-h his son 7aidar. Aac)enh%t ;a com0an3 2ith lon--standin- ties
to the FB? and C?A= 0ro1ided the sec%rit3. Accordin- to Cham0on8
Barbo%ti ;2ith 0erha0s a little hel0 from the secreti1e and m3sterio%s
Aac)enh%t= secretl3 drained tho%sands of -allons of ferroc3anide * a
nat%rall3 occ%rrin- Cherr3 e:tract %sed to ma)e c3anide -as * from
Cham0on's 0lant.
Barbo%ti's abilit3 to 0roc%re $.#. 2ea0ons technolo-3 for sale to (ib3a
and ?ra9 2asn't e:actl3 hindered b3 $.#. officials. Ahile the B%sh
administration 2as 0%blicl3 decr3in- 7%ssein's %se of chemical
2ea0ons on the >%rds8 the 0otassi%m ferroc3anide 2as shi00ed to ?ra9
to man%fact%re chemical 2ea0ons for ?ra9's arm38 2ith the f%ll
)no2led-e and com0licit3 of the B%sh administration.
#aid Cham0on8 DNot one $.#. a-ent * not one official8 e1er 9%estioned
7aidar Barbo%ti * for e1asion of ta:es8 2here he -ot his mone3 from8
his in1ol1ementL in shi00in- c3anide o%tside the +.?.T. 0lantL nothin-.
? 2as told * and this is a 9%ote from $.#. C%stoms Ja-ent Martin
#chramK * DThis matter is hi-hl3 0olitical. 7aidar Barbo%ti cannot be
indicted8 and if he 2ere8 he 2o%ld ne1er be con1icted.D
The )e3 that allo2ed the ?ra9i Db%sinessmanD ;Barbo%ti doesn't li)e
to be called an arms dealer= to interface 2ith the C?A 2as one Richard
<. #ecord8 an inte-ral 0la3er in the ?ran-Contra arms-for-dr%-s net2or).
#ecord8 it sho%ld be noted8 2as also a b%siness 0artner of <an- +ao8
the (aotian Beneral 2ho ran a heroin sm%--in- rin- o%t of (on- Tien
Airbase d%rin- the <ietnam Aar8 and Moner al->assar8 the #3rian arms
and dr%-s dealer 2ho 2as in1ol1ed in the +an Am 1.3 bombin- *
another crime that 2as s%ccessf%ll3 co1ered %0 b3 the C?A and the FB?.
Accordin- to Richard Baba3an8 a former C?A contract em0lo3ee8
DBarbo%ti 2as 0laced in the hands of #ecord b3 the C?A8 and #ecord
called in Aac)enh%t to handle sec%rit3 and tra1el for Barbo%ti and his
e:0ort 0lans.D
Mi)e 6ohnston8 the attorne3 2ho s%ed Barbo%ti on behalf of T>-&8 an
/)lahoma Cit3 com0an38 ran into the same sort of stone2allin- b3 the
6%stice @e0artment. As 6ohnston 2as told b3 the federal team
in1esti-atin- this little corner of ?ra9-ate8 DMr. 6ohnston8 3o% don't
%nderstand8 2e ha1e to limit the obNecti1e of the in1esti-ation so 2e
can -et on 2ith the b%siness of r%nnin- the -o1ernment.D
DBoin- into the in1esti-ationL 2as a dis-%ised 2hite2ash8D 6ohnston
later told me8 echoin- 2hat $.#. C%stoms a-ent Martin #chram told
(o%is Cham0on.
Former C?A asset Charles 7a3es said the C?A-connected Aac)enh%t
2as hel0in- Barbo%ti shi0 chemicals to ?ra98 D#%00l3in- ?ra9 2as
ori-inall3 a -ood idea8D he maintains8 Db%t then it -ot o%t of hand.D
#aid Cham0on8 D? can ass%re 3o%8 that if dr%ms of c3anide left o%r
0lant8 @r. Barbo%ti had his reasons8 either to be %sed a-ainst American
troo0s or terrorist acts a-ainst the $nited #tates at home.D
is a necessar3 in-redient in the de1elo0ment of ner1e -as. /ne
tho%sand -rams of c3anide later 2o%nd %0 in the Aorld Trade Center
bomb8 constr%cted b3 ?ra9i a-ent Rami Co%sef.
Co%sef's 0artner8 Ahmed ANaN8 a member of the 4-30tian-based Al-
Bama'a al-?slami3a8 li1ed in Te:as. A Te:as hamb%r-er stand 2as
re0ortedl3 %sed to rela3 tele0hone calls bet2een the Aorld Trade
Center bombers as a means of a1oidin- detection. ?t 2as o2ned b3
some +alestinian friends of ANaN8 and Co%sef and ANaN %sed the n%mber
for conference calls 2hile ANaN 2as in 0rison.
The records ma3 also indicate a tie bet2een ANaN and 7%ssaini's boss8
#am >halid. Records obtained d%rin- T>-&'s ci1il s%it a-ainst ?shan
Barbo%ti sho2 a 0hone call to one of >halid's 0ro0erties in 7o%ston.
The 0erson 2ho made call 2as Ahmed ANaN.
Cet Barbo%ti 2asn't N%st tr3in- to 0roc%re material and technolo-3 from
$.#. com0anies on behalf of ?ra9. Barbo%ti also b%ilt the b%n)ers %sed
to ho%se #addam 7%ssein's Mi- Net fi-hters d%rin- @esert #torm. ?t 2as
d%rin- T>-&'s s%it a-ainst Barbo%ti that the Americans learned of
these b%n)ers. Barbo%ti's (ondon head of #ec%rit38 Ton3 @a1isson8
decided to sell the Americans the bl%e0rints. ?t isn't clear 2hether
@a1isson had a fallin- o%t 2ith Barbo%ti8 or 2as sim0l3 bein- 0atriotic.
The 0oint ma3 be moot8 as Barbo%ti 2as a00arentl3 dead. The ?ra9i
arms dealer died ;or fa)ed his death= aro%nd the same time the ?sraeli
Mossad )noc)ed off his contem0orar38 Berald B%ll8 the de1elo0er of
the ill-fated ?ra9i D#%0er-B%n.D
@a1isson called T>-&'s attorne38 Mi)e 6ohnston8 2ho fle2 to (ondon8
2here he 0%rchased the 0lans for F28&..8 and 0rom0tl3 t%rned them
o1er to the C?A. Aith the 0lans for #addam's %nder-ro%nd b%n)ers8 the
$.#. Airforce 2as able to 0racticall3 2i0e o%t ?ra9's entire fleet of Mi-
fi-hter Nets at the start of the 2ar.
This didn't e:actl3 ma)e #addam ha003. ?n the 0arlance of the Arab
2orld8 this e9%ated to 0a3-bac) time. ?f 7%ssein tho%-ht Barbo%ti 2as
res0onsible for the destr%ction of his air force8 he ma3 ha1e insisted
the arms dealer coo0erate in an act of re1en-e a-ainst the $nited
Cet the destr%ction of the 7%ssein's air force 2asn't the onl3 moti1e
?ra9 had for see)in- re1en-e a-ainst the $.#. Ahile Americans 2ere
b%s3 t3in- 3ello2 ribbons on their front 0orches for o%r bo3s in the
B%lf8 these same bra1e bo3s 2ere sla%-hterin- enem3 soldiers and
hel0less ci1ilians b3 the tho%sands. As re0orted b3 Mi)e 4rlich of the
Militar3 Co%nselin- Net2or) at the March-A0ril8 1,,1 4%ro0ean
+arliament hearin-s on the B%lf Aar5
Lh%ndreds8 0ossibl3 tho%sands8 of ?ra9i soldiers be-an 2al)in- to2ard
the $.#. 0osition %narmed8 2ith their arms raised in an attem0t to
s%rrender. 7o2e1er8 the orders for this %nit 2ere not to ta)e an3
The commander of the %nit be-an the firin- b3 shootin- an anti-tan)
missile thro%-h one of the ?ra9i soldiers. This is a missile desi-ned to
destro3 tan)s8 b%t it 2as %sed a-ainst one man.
At that 0oint8 e1er3bod3 in the %nit be-an shootin-. W%ite sim0l38 it
2as a sla%-hter.
The -o1ernment-controlled sanitied media cam0ai-n beamed into o%r
li1in- rooms8 re0lete 2ith scenes of hi-h-tech Dsmart-bombsD 2histlin-
thro%-h the 2indo2s of enem3 command centers8 merel3 belied the
terrible and deliberate carna-e inflicted %0on tho%sands of hel0less
/n Febr%ar3 138 1,,18 a $.#. Air Force #tealth Bomber dro00ed t2o
18...-0o%nd8 laser--%ided bombs onto the roof of the Al-Amira air raid
shelter in Ba-hdad. T2o h%ndred and ninet3 fo%r 0eo0le * mostl3
2omen and children * died in 2hat the $.#. militar3 called a
Dmilitar3 s%r-ical stri)e.D
Accordin- to Ailliam Bl%m8 a%thor of :illing Hope' 5.). $ilitary and *IA
Inter,entions )ince -orld -ar II8 the bombin- of the Al-Amira air raid
shelter 2asn't accidental8 it 2as deliberate5
The $nited #tates said it tho%-ht that the shelter 2as for <?+s8 2hich it
had been at one time8 and claimed that it 2as also bein- %sed as a
militar3 comm%nications center8 b%t nei-hborhood residents insisted
that the constant aerial s%r1eillance o1erhead had to obser1e the dail3
flo2 of 2omen and children into the shelter. Aestern re0orters said
the3 co%ld find no si-ns of militar3 %se.
An American No%rnalist in 6ordan 2ho 1ie2ed %nedited 1ideota0e
foota-e of the disaster8 2hich the American 0%blic ne1er sa28 2rote5
The3 sho2ed scenes of incredible carna-e. Nearl3 all the bodies 2ere
charred into blac)nessG in some cases the heat had been so -reat that
entire limbs 2ere b%rned off.L Resc%e 2or)ers colla0sed in -rief8
dro00in- cor0sesG some resc%ers 1omited from the stench of the still-
smolderin- bodies.
#aid Ahite 7o%se s0o)esman Marlin Fit2ater after the bombin- of the
shelter5 ?t 2as Da militar3 tar-etL Ae don't )no2 2h3 ci1ilians 2ere at
this location8 b%t 2e do )no2 that #addam 7%ssein does not share o%r
1al%e for the sanctit3 of life.D
This so-called D1al%e for the sanctit3 for lifeD sho2n b3 American forces
and la%ded b3 the B%sh administration8 incl%ded not onl3 attac)s s%ch
as the one at Al-Amira8 b%t the bombin- and strafin- of %narmed
ci1ilians 2ho tried to flee to the 6ordanian border.
B%ses8 ta:is8 and 0ri1ate cars 2ere re0eatedl3 assa%lted8 literall3
2itho%t merc38 b3 roc)ets8 cl%ster bombs and machine -%nsG %s%all3 in
broad da3li-ht8 the tar-ets clearl3 ci1ilian8 2ith l%--a-e 0iled on to08
2ith no militar3 1ehicles or str%ct%res an32here to be seen8
s%rro%nded b3 o0en desert8 the attac)in- 0lanes fl3in- e:tremel3 close
to the -ro%ndL b%sloads of 0assen-ers incinerated8 and 2hen 0eo0le
left the 1ehicles and fled for their li1es8 0lanes often s2oo0ed do2n
%0on them firin- a2a3.L
DCo%'re )illin- %sID cried a 6ordanian ta:i dri1er to an American re0orter.
DCo%'re shootin- %s e1er32here 2e mo1eI Ahene1er the3 see a car or
tr%c)8 the 0lanes di1e o%t of the s)3 and chase %s. The3 don't care 2ho
2e are or 2hat 2e are. The3 N%st shoot.D 7is cr3 2as re0eated b3
h%ndreds of others.L.
Mi)e An-e8 a B? from North Carolina8 described the carna-e5
? act%all3 2ent %0 close and e:amined t2o of the 1ehicles that
basicall3 loo)ed li)e ref%-ees ma3be tr3in- to -et o%t of the area. Co%
)no28 3o% had li)e a little To3ota 0ic)-%0 tr%c) that 2as loaded do2n
2ith the f%rnit%re and the s%itcases and r%-s and the 0et cat and that
t30e of thin-8 all o1er the bac) of the this tr%c)8 and those tr%c)s 2ere
ta)en o%t N%st li)e the militar3 1ehicles.
DThe $.#. militar3 considers the m%rderin- of o%r children nothin- more
than 'collateral dama-e8D said Al >aiss38 an information officer at the
?ra9i ?nterests section of the Al-erian 4mbass3 in Aashin-ton. DThe3
ha1e ne1er a0olo-ied or e1en admitted their mista)e.D
At the same time8 the American 0%blic8 fed a dail3 dose of 0ro0a-anda
-enerated in +enta-on media briefin- rooms8 co%ld not %nderstand
ho2 terrorists co%ld bomb a ci1ilian b%ildin- in the heartland of
Ahile the estimate of ?ra9i forces )illed r%ns as hi-h as 2!.8...8 the
act%al n%mber of ?ra9is )illed8 incl%din- ci1ilians8 r%ns m%ch hi-her.
American 0lanes deliberatel3 destro3ed ?ra9's 0o2er 0lants8 its se2a-e
s3stems8 and its hos0itals. The economic embar-o se1erel3
com0o%nded the sit%ation8 forcin- an entire 0o0%lation to str%--le
amidst massi1e e0idemics of star1ation and disease. Their
infrastr%ct%re decimated8 2itho%t sanitation8 food and medical
s%00lies8 h%ndreds of tho%sands of ci1ilians s%ffered horrible8 lin-erin-
deaths * all ca%sed b3 the $.#. militar38 the -reed of Bi- /il8 and their
life-lon- friend8 Beor-e 7erbert Aal)er B%sh.
The 0eo0le of Ba-hdad ha1e t%rned the r%bble of the Al-Amira air raid
shelter into a shrine8 com0lete 2ith mementos and 0ict%res of the
children 2ho 0erished.
?n /)lahoma Cit38 1ictims 0laced mementos of their dead relati1es on a
chain-lin) fence s%rro%ndin- the remains of the Alfred +. M%rrah
B%ildin- and as)ed8 DAho co%ld do s%ch a thin-H Aho co%ld )ill
innocent ci1iliansHD
Ahile the Aorld Trade Center and /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-s ma3 ha1e
been the res%lt of ?ra9i re1en-e8 2hat %ltimatel3 la3 behind the Ne2
Cor) and @aharan bombin-s a00eared to stem from a broader-based
alliance of ?slamic militants from ?ra98 ?ran8 #3ria8 #a%di Arabia8
+a)istan8 and other co%ntries committed to the e:0%lsion of $.#. troo0s
from the re-ion and an all-o%t attac) on the DBreat #atan.D
?t has been re0orted that -ro%0s ran-in- from the +alestinian-based
?slamic 6ihad8 7amas8 the #%danese National ?slamic Front8 the
+a)istan-based al-F%9ra8 and -ro%0s f%nded b3 #a%di Arabian /sama
bin-(aden 2ere in1ol1ed in the Aorld Trade Center bombin- and
related 0lots.
?n fact8 as earl3 as 1,,.8 Aorld Trade Center cons0irators 4l-#a33id
Nossair8 Mahm%d Abo%halima8 and al-F%9ra member Clement Rodne3
7am0ton-4l ;an American Blac) M%slim= had met in Ne2 Cor) Cit3 2ith
#hei) Abd-al-Ai A2adah8 2ho is alle-ed to ha1e been a senior
commander en-a-ed in the coordination of terrorist o0erations 2ith
?ranian8 +alestanian8 and 7ibollah leaders.
#%ch alliances 2ere also reflected in a maNor terrorist conference held
in Tehran in 1,,38 2here it 2as decided the terrorists' 2ar a-ainst the
$.#. 2o%ld incl%de Dtar-etin- b%ildin-s for bomb s0ectac%lars.D
Another maNor terrorist conference 2as held in Tehran on 6%ne 2.-238
1,,"8 d%rin- 2hich it 2as anno%nced that there 2o%ld be increased
attac)s a-ainst $.#. interests. T2o da3s later8 on 6%ne 2!8 the militar3
ho%sin- com0le: in @hahran8 #a%di Arabia8 2as bombed8 claimin- the
li1es of 1, ser1icemen. The Mo1ement for ?slamic Chan-e8 2hich had
alread3 claimed credit for the Ri3adh bombin-8 too) credit.
This 2as follo2ed b3 another terrorist conference at the North2est
Frontier +ro1ince to2n of >onli8 near the Af-hani border in +a)istan on
6%l3 1.-1!8 1,,". The meetin- sa2 some of the most im0ortant militant
?slamic leaders come to-ether %nder one tent. The3 incl%ded /sama
bin (adin8 a #a%di Arabian 2ho f%nded the M%Nahadeen8 2as im0licated
in the Ri3adh and @hahran bombin-s8 and 2as a close associate of
#hei) /mar Abdel Rahman8 Ahmed 6ibril of the +F(+-BC ;2ho carried
o%t the +an Am 1.3 bombin- on orders from Teheran=8 Abd%l Ras%l
#a33af8 a senior re0resentati1e of ?ranian intelli-ence8 senior +a)istani
intelli-ence officers8 and senior commanders of 7amas8 7ibAllah8 and
other -ro%0s. All resol1ed to %se 2hate1er force 2as necessar3 to o%st
all forei-n forces stationed on ?slamic hol3 land.
/ne Arab obser1er 2ith direct )no2led-e of the conference said the
0artici0ants' resol%tion 2as Da 1irt%al declaration of relentless 2arD on
the $.#.-led Aest.
A -lim0se of that conference can be seen in
e8ense and Foreign A88airs'
Ras%l #a33af stated that Dthe time to settle acco%nts has arri1ed.D The
senior re0resentati1e of ?ranian intelli-ence declared that Dattac) is the
best means of defense.D 7e %r-ed a combined offensi1e8 both in the
M%slim 2orld8 0artic%larl3 the +ersian B%lf and Arabian +enins%la8 and
at the heart of the Aest. 7e re0eated ?ran's commitment to the ca%se
and reiterated Tehran's 2illin-ness to 0ro1ide the ?slamists 2ith all
0ossible aid.
Another commander conc%rred8 addin- that Dthere is an im0erati1e
need for an inte-rated 0lan to deal a fatal blo2 to the international
forces of arro-ance.D A $>-based commander from a +ersian B%lf state
stressed that -i1en the immense strate-ic im0ortance of the +ersian
B%lf to the $.#. and its allies8 the onl3 2a3 to com0el the Aest to
2ithdra2 2as thro%-h the infliction of so m%ch 0ain on these co%ntries8
that their -o1ernments 2o%ld find it im0ossible to tolerate the
0%blic o%tcr3 and be com0elled to 2ithdra2 as the onl3 2a3 to sto0 the
?slamist terrorism at home.
/n 6%l3 1"8 one da3 after the >onli conference8 the $.#. #enate 0assed
sanctions a-ainst ?ran and (ib3a. Aith their contin%ed sanctions
a-ainst the innocent ci1ilians of ?ra98 and no2 ?ran8 the $.#. 2as
b%ildin- to a confrontation 2ith the militant ?slamic comm%nit3. As
Ronald A. (e2is 2rote in the No1ember8 1,," edition of Air Forces
/n the follo2in- da3 ;after the >onli conference=8 6%l3 1&8 the
Mo1ement for ?slamic Chan-e sent a chillin- fa: to the (ondon-based
Arab ne2s0a0er al7Hayat8 2arnin-5 DThe 2orld 2ill be astonished and
amaed at the time and 0lace chosen b3 the M%Nahadeen. The
M%Nahadeen 2ill deli1er the harshest re0l3 to the threats of the foolish
American 0resident. 41er3one 2ill be s%r0rised b3 the 1ol%me8 choice
of 0lace and timin- of the M%Nahadeen's ans2er8 and in1aders m%st
0re0are to de0art ali1e or dead8 for their time is mornin- and mornin-
is near.D That fa:8 and a 2arnin- b3 ?sraeli intelli-ence that ?ran 2as
li)el3 to la%nch an attac) a-ainst a $.#. aircraft8 2ere i-nored.
At '53151. 0.m. ;..3151. BMT= that e1enin-8 nobod3 co%ld dismiss the
horrendo%s e:0losion of TAA Fli-ht '.. off the coast of (on- ?sland8
Ne2 Cor). Attac) n%mber three had N%st been carried o%t.
That e:cer0t a00eared in a $.#. militar3 ne2s0a0er. B%t (e2is 2asn't
the onl3 obser1er co-niant of these facts. As @r. (a%rie M3lroie noted
re-ardin- the 6%l3 1& attac) on TAA fli-ht '..8 it occ%rred 0recisel3 on
?ra9i national da3. The da3 of the bombin-8 #addam 7%ssein had made
his o2n threats8 tellin- the $.#. that the3 2o%ld be %nable to a1oid Dthe
s2ee0in- flood and flamin- fire that is b%rnin- %nder their feet.LD
The bombin- of the Aorld Trade Center occ%rred on the second
anni1ersar3 of ?ra9's s%rrender to coalition forces in the B%lf.
Ahile re0orts from the #tate @e0artment and s%ch instit%tions as the
7erita-e Fo%ndation decr3 the %se of Arab state-s0onsored terrorism
a-ainst the Aest8 the tr%th is that the Aest * and es0eciall3 the $.#.
* has been e:0ortin- terrorism in the form of economic sanctions8
assassinations8 co%0s8 death-s9%ads8 and co1ertRo1ert 2ars in almost
e1er3 0art of the 2orld since the be-innin- of the cent%r3.
To the M%slim 2orld8 and es0eciall3 terrorist -ro%0s s%ch as the +(/8
?slamic 6ihad8 7ibollah8 and 7amas8 the $.#. assa%lt on its all3 ?ra9
re0resented a t%rnin- 0oint in ?slam's str%--le a-ainst the Aest. The
B%lf Aar mar)ed the first time the $nited #tates had %sed an all-o%t8
f%ll-scale militar3 assa%lt on an Arab co%ntr38 2ith de1astatin- res%lts.
$nder the infl%ence of reli-io%s fi-%res s%ch as #hei) /mar Rahman8
the M%Nahadeen ;the Af-hani freedom fi-hters 2ho had been trained
b3 the C?A= and their allies became sta%nch o00onents of the $nited
#tates. Tho%sands of M%slims from almost 4. co%ntries floc)ed to
Af-hanistan and +a)istan d%rin- the 2ar8 and tho%sands remain there8
trainin- for the da3 2hen ?slam 2ill rise %0 in its final -reat 6ihad
a-ainst the Aest.
To these -ro%0s8 the B%lf Aar mar)ed the si-nal for a ne2 escalation in
their 2ar a-ainst the $.#. The bombin- of the Aorld Trade Center8 the
Federal B%ildin- in /)lahoma8 the Al->h%bar militar3 com0le: in
@aharan8 and 0ossibl3 the shootdo2n of TAA '..8 2ere all e:0ressions
of this ra-e a-ainst the $nited #tates.
/n 6an%ar3 2!8 1,,38 less than one month before the Aorld Trade
Center attac)8 Mir Aimal >ansi8 a +a)istani8 1ented his ra-e b3 o0enin-
fire 2ith an A>-4& o%tside C?A head9%arters in (an-le38 <ir-inia. T2o
C?A em0lo3ees 2ere )illed and three others 2ere 2o%nded. (i)e Rami
Co%sef8 >ansi 2as a nati1e Bal%chi. 7e 2as in1ol1ed 2ith the +asht%n
#t%dents /r-aniation8 the st%dent 2in- of Mahmood >han Acha)ai's
+a)htoon >h2a A2ami Milli +art38 2hich claimed the C?A's s%dden 0%ll-
o%t of Af-hanistan res%lted in millions of deaths at the hands of the
#o1iets. >ansi claimed the C?A had betra3ed his father.
Co%sef himself s0ent considerable time in Bal%chistan. (ocated in
2estern +a)istan8 Bal%chistan is a ne:%s for the M%slim 6ihad8 and a
maNor arms and dr%- net2or). +a)istan has ser1ed not onl3 as a
trainin- center for the M%Nahadeen8 b%t a ha1en for +hili00ine terrorist
-ro%0s s%ch as Ab% #a33af and the Moro (iberation Front8 2ho ha1e
%sed the free-flo2in- +a)istani arms and dr%-s ne:%s in an effort to
0romote and finance their acti1ities.
#%00ort in the form of arms and dr%-s flo2ed from +a)istan and
Af-hanistan to militant ?slamic -ro%0s aro%nd the 2orld8 aided b3 the
C?A8 ro-%e intelli-ence officers8 and senior $.#. officials in for their
0iece of the action * N%st as /li1er North's D4nter0riseD 2o%ld do 2ith
the Contras in Nicara-%a. ?n fact8 man3 of the same indi1id%als 2ere
Co%sef ne:t sho2ed %0 in the +hili00ines 2ith a (ib3an missionar3
named Mohaimen ab% Ba)r8 leader of the (ib3an M%llah Forces. ?t 2as
there that he Noined forces 2ith an Af-hani named Aali >han Amin
#hah and his old friend from >%2ait8 Abd%l 7a)im M%rad. The3 2ere
there to train the Ab% #a33af.
7ead9%artered on the +hili00ine island of Mindanao8 the 4..-member
stron- Ab% #a33af has cond%cted o1er 1. maNor terrorist attac)s in the
last si: 3ears in its bid for a%tonom38 and is stron-l3 allied 2ith other
?slamic re1ol%tionar3 -ro%0s8 s%ch the +hili00ine-based Moro (iberation
Front. Ab% #a33af's f%ndin- and s%00ort comes from hi-h-0rofile
?slamic leaders s%ch as (ib3an +resident M%ammar Waddafi8 and
2ealth3 ?slamic financiers s%ch as Tari9 6ana8 a +a)istani b%sinessman8
and /sama bin (aden.
Considered b3 the #tate @e0artment to be one of the 2orld's
0reeminent s0onsors of ?slamic radicalism8 bin (aden's threats to 2a-e
6ihad on Americans in the Middle 4ast immediatel3 0receded the
No1ember8 1,,! blast at a $.#. militar3 facilit3 in Ri3adh8 #a%di Arabia8
in 2hich fi1e Americans and t2o ?ndians 2ere )illed. 4i-ht months
later8 a massi1e tr%c)-bomb )illed 1, ser1icemen and inN%red 4.. at
?n a March8 1,,& inter1ie2 2ith the 3ondon Independent from his
Af-hani hideo%t8 bin (aden 2arned of additional meas%res a-ainst $.#.
forces in #a%di Arabia8 and said he had obtained the s%00ort of
tho%sands of +a)istanis.
Readers 2ill also recall that Beneral Aafi9 al-#ammara'i8 the former
head of ?ra9i militar3 intelli-ence8 told the 3ondon Independent a 3ear
earlier that the 1,," @hahran bombin- Dstron-l3 resembled 0lans
dra2n %0 b3 a secret ?ra9i committee on 2hich he ser1ed after the
in1asion of >%2ait.LD
Not s%r0risin-l38 in Febr%ar3 of 1,,!8 $.#. a%thorities named bin (aden
and his brother-in-la28 Mohammad 6amal >halifa amon- 1&2 %nindicted
co-cons0irators in the Aorld Trade Center bombin- and related 0lots to
blo2 %0 Ne2 Cor) Cit3 landmar)s8 incl%din- the 6a1it Federal B%ildin-
and the $nited Nations. Those 0lots 2ere stron-l3 lin)ed to ?ra9.
>halifa also ran an ?slamic center in the +hili00ines lin)ed to similar
or-aniations in co%ntries s%ch as ?ra9 and 6ordan. Bi1en Ab% #a33af's
close ties 2ith bin (aden8 >halifa8 and their connections 2ith the
M%Nahadeen8 it is onl3 nat%ral that Rami Co%sef8 a +a)istani 2ho is
considered an ?ra9i a-ent8 2o%ld be in1ol1ed 2ith the -ro%0.
Ab% #a33af's former militar3 strate-ist8 4d2in An-eles8 2ho
s%rrendered to +hili00ine a%thorities in Febr%ar3 of ',"8 admitted that
the Ab% #a33af 2as in fact lin)ed to Co%sef and M%rad * both of 2hom
recentl3 2ent on trial in Ne2 Cor) for their role in D+roNect BoNin)aD * a
dramatic 0lan to blo2 %0 12 $.#. airliners in a sin-le da3. The 0lot 2as
foiled 2hen 0olice raided Co%sef's Manila a0artment on 6an%ar3 "8
1,,!8 after a fire ca%sed b3 the 0air mi:in- bomb-ma)in- chemicals in
a sin). Ahile M%rad 2as ca0t%red8 Co%sef esca0ed8 ma)in- his 2a3 to
+a)istan8 2here he 2as ca0t%red b3 0olice in Febr%ar3.
Nine of his accom0lices * si: of them ?ra9is * 2ere ro%nded %0 one
3ear later alon- 2ith 0lastic e:0losi1es8 blastin- ca0s8 detonatin-
cords8 time f%ses8 and fa)e 0ass0orts. The terrorists8 incl%din- a
#%danese and t2o #a%dis8 2ere 0art of a 0lot to bomb 1ario%s Aestern
tar-ets and assassinate +o0e 6ohn +a%l ?? d%rin- his 6an%ar38 1,,!
+hili00ine 1isit.
Before his ca0t%re ho2e1er8 Co%sef8 an en-ineerin- -rad%ate of
Britain's #2ansea $ni1ersit38 had time to tr3 o%t his ne2 bomb * an
e:0erimental form of nitro-l3cerin. The small test-bomb8 ta0ed %nder a
seat on +hili00ine Air fli-ht 4348 )illed one 6a0anese to%rist and inN%red
1. others. Before the e:0losion8 Co%sef had safel3 de0arted the 0lane
in Ceb% Cit3.
Another tem0orar3 resident of Ceb% Cit3 2as Terr3 Nichols. As
disc%ssed8 Nichols had mo1ed to Ceb% Cit3 2ith his ne2 2ife8 Marife
Torres8 a mail-order bride 2hom he met there in No1ember of 1,',.
After tr3in- life in Michi-an and Ne1ada8 the co%0le mo1ed bac) to
Ceb% Cit3 in earl3 1,,38 2here the3 li1ed for a short time.
Accordin- to Nichols' e:-2ife (ana +adilla8 her former h%sband had
tra1eled to the +hili00ines abo%t fo%r times a 3ear since meetin-
Marife. Altho%-h some of the 1isits 2ere to see his ne2 bride and ma)e
arran-ements for her entr3 into the $.#.8 he occasionall3 tra1eled
D#ometimes he 2ent 2hen Marife 2as in >ansas8D 2rote +adilla. D?t
didn't ma)e sense8 b%t ? ne1er as)ed 2h3.D
Nichols told +adilla he 2as tra1elin- to Ceb% Cit3 to meet D0otential
b%siness 0artners.D The Michi-an farmer 2as ma)in- the m%lti-
tho%sand dollar tri0s8 he said8 to brin- bac) little 0a0er Db%tterfliesD *
c%rio%s merchandise for a man intent on settin- himself %0 in the
militar3 s%r0l%s b%siness.
?t is also c%rio%s 2h3 Nichols carried t2o st%n--%ns on his last tri08 2h3
he left F2.8... ta0ed behind a dra2er for his son8 and a note to
Mc<ei-h tellin- him DCo%'re on 3o%r o2n8D and D-o for itID in case he
didn't come bac)8 and 2h3 his son cried8 D?'m ne1er -oin- to see m3
@ad a-ainL.D
+erha0s Nichols had reason to 2orr3. Accordin- to FB? 3.2 re0orts and
in1esti-ations cond%cted b3 Mc<ei-h's defense team8 Ab% #a33af
leader 4d2in An-eles s0o)e of a terrorist meetin- in the 1icinit3 of the
@el Monte labelin- factor3 in @a1ao8 on the ?sland of Mindanao8 in late
1,,2 or earl3 ',3. ?t 2as there8 An-eles said8 that Rami Co%sef8 Abd%l
7a)im M%rad8 Aali >han Amin #hah8 and se1eral others disc%ssed the
/)lahoma Cit3 bombin- 0lot.
/ne of the men at the meetin-8 recalled An-eles8 introd%ced himself as
Da farmer.D
Ahen the DfarmerD ret%rned home from his last 1isit to the +hili00ines
on 6an%ar3 1"8 1,,!8 and disco1ered that +adilla had o0ened the
m3sterio%s 0ac)a-e and read the contents8 he t%rned D2hite as a
/n A0ril 1,8 1,,!8 Abd%l 7a)im M%rad 2as sittin- in his Ne2 Cor) Nail
cell 2hen the 2ord 2ent o%t that the /)lahoma Cit3 Federal B%ildin-
had been bombed. M%rad cas%all3 admitted to a 0rison -%ard that the
(iberation Arm3 of the +hili00ines * a -ro%0 connected to Ab% #a33af
* 2as res0onsible.
Ab% #a33af leader 4d2in An-eles later corrected M%rad for the record5
D?t 2as the +alestine (iberation Arm3 andRor the ?slamic 6ihad 2hich
M%rad 2as referrin- to8D he said. DThis arm3 is associated 2ith 7amas
and based in (ebanon.LD
7o2e1er8 -i1en the fact that #a%di intelli-ence informed the FB? that
?ra9 had hired +a)istanis 2ho mi-ht not ha1e )no2n the3 2ere
o0eratin- on behalf of ?ra98 it is hi-hl3 0ossible that M%rad ;a +a)istani=
and An-eles 2ere %na2are of their tr%e s0onsor. As the -ashington
Post9s 6ac) Anderson re0orted in 1,,15 DA 0referable re1en-e for ?ra9
2o%ld in1ol1e ha1in- a 's%rro-ate terrorist' carr3 o%t a domestic attac)
that 7%ssein co%ld 0ri1atel3 ta)e credit forL.D
As #te0hen 6ones 2rote in his March 2!th +etition for Arit of
This terrorist attac) 2as Dcontracted o%tD to 0ersons 2hose
or-aniation and ideolo-3 2as friendl3 to 0olicies of the forei-n 0o2er
and incl%ded disli)e and hatred of the $nited #tates -o1ernment itself8
and 0ossibl3 incl%ded 2as a desire for re1en-e a-ainst the $nited
#tates8 2ith 0ossible anti-blac) and anti-#emitic o1ertones. Beca%se
?ra9 had tried a similar a00roach in 1,,.8 b%t had been th2arted b3
#3rian intelli-ence information -i1en to the $nited #tates8 this time the
information 2as 0assed thro%-h an ?ra9i intelli-ence base in the
The si-htin- of Terr3 Nichols 2ith ?slamic terrorists in the +hili00ines
do1etails 2ith Car3 Ba-an's si-htin- of Nichols 2ith his D?ranianD
friends * /mar and Ahmed * in 7enderson8 Ne1ada. Ba-an recalled
ho2 Nichols loo)ed Do%t-of-0laceD amon- his Arab comrades at the Ma3
',4 meetin-.
Aas Terr3 Nichols associated 2ith Aorld Trade Center bomber Rami
Co%sef8 a re0%ted ?ra9i a-entH Aas Timoth3 Mc<ei-h associated 2ith
7%ssain al-7%ssaini8 a former ?ra9i soldierH Aere Co%sef and 7%ssaini
0art of a terrorist net2or) set %0 b3 ?ra9 to infiltrate the $nited #tatesH
/n 6an%ar3 2'8 1,,18 the -ashington Post re0orted that an ?ra9i
terrorist net2or) 2as bein- s0onsored and 0lanned b3 #addam
7%ssein. The article stated in 0art5
7i-hl3 classified $# intelli-ence re0orts sa3 that the $nited #tates
has recei1ed information that #addam has alread3 dis0atched more
than 1.. terrorists8 both e:0erienced and no1ice8 to tr3 to infiltrate the
$nited #tates. /ne re0ort8 9%otin- so%rces inside ?ra98 cites a s0ecific
n%mber of terrorists * 1". * 2ho ha1e been sent off 2ith missions in
That coincides 2ith re0orts that at least t2o and 0ossibl3 as man3 as
fo%r ?ra9i di0lomats in their embass3 in Aashin-ton 2ere monitored as
the3 attem0ted to set %0 terrorist cells in the ca0ital and else2here in
the $nited #tates.L
LA recent intelli-ence re0ort sa3s that #addam has de0osited mone3
in se1eral #2iss ban) acco%nts that 2ill a%tomaticall3 be 0aid o%t to
terrorists no matter 2hat ha00ens to #addamL ?ra9is li1in- in the
$nited #tates 2ho s%00ort #addam stron-l3 eno%-h to resort to
1iolence 2o%ld 0robabl3 be %sed to 0ro1ide ban) acco%nts8 safe
ho%ses and materials for the e:0erts 2ho snea) into the co%ntr3.
Accordin- to Northro08 information from a (ondon ban)er D#a3aninD
;so%rce= sho2ed that se1eral million dollars 2as transferred from the
Ban) of ?ra98 thro%-h the #A?FT international ban)in- s3stem in
Br%ssels8 Bel-i%m8 to a ban) in >in-man8 Ariona %nder the acco%nt
name of DNa3aad.D Attem0ts b3 Northro0 to confirm this information
2ere %ns%ccessf%l.
Ahat is also interestin- is that Car3 Ba-an claimed to ha1e recei1ed
F2!.8... from his Arab friend /mar8 2ho 2anted to set %0 an acco%nt
for him. /mar and Ba-an had also tra1eled to >in-man. The million
dollar acco%nt 2as to be 2ired from a #2iss ban) and de0osited into
the Ban) of Cherr3 Cree) in @en1er.
+art of the 0lan 2as to allo2 /mar and Ahmed to 0%rchase the +ostal
Center8 a shi00in- and recei1in- store in @en1er o2ned b3 Beor-e
Colombo8 2ho also o0erated a R3der tr%c) leasin- o0eration across the
street. /mar had as)ed Ba-an to bro)er a deal to b%3 the facilit3 from
Colombo. 7e belie1es the3 2ere interested in the mail and tr%c) rental
facilit3. For some reason8 the deal fell thro%-h.
Ahile Ba-an claims he 2as 0aid b3 /mar8 there is no direct e1idence
that Mc<ei-h or Nichols 2ere f%nded b3 Ba-an's Arab contacts. Cet
there is circ%mstantial e1idence that the t2o bombin- defendants met
2ith #am >halid8 2ho s0ent considerable time in (as <e-as. The Arab
hi-h-roller fre9%ented Bin3on's 7orseshoe8 the Blitter B%lch8 and the
MBM casino8 2here Nichols 2o%ld occasionall3 ta)e his 12-3ear-old son
As Northro0 said8 D-amblin- is a fa1orite 0astime of #%nni Moslems.LD
Aas /mar sim0l3 there to -amble8 or did he ha1e another a-endaH
Accordin- to Ba-an5 D/mar and Ahmed 2ere 2irin- mone3 in and
o%t of MBM. The3 %sed to -et mone3 * h%-e amo%nts of mone3 *
the3 2ere %sin- these 2ire transfers.D
Former hi-h-ran)in- C?A o0erati1e B%nther R%ssbacher told a%thor
Rodne3 #tich >e8rauding America? that Bin3on's 7orseshoe 2as one of
the casinos %sed for mone3 la%nderin- and 0olitical 0a3offs. >halid is a
re-%lar at Bin3on's 7orseshoe.
T2o other fre9%ent 1isitors to Bin3on's 7orseshoe8 it a00ears8 2ere
Terr3 Nichols and Timoth3 Mc<ei-h. The t2o men attended the Cla%de
7all B%n #ho2 in (as <e-as in No1ember and 6an%ar3 of 1,,48 sta3ed
at +adilla's ho%se8 and re0ortedl3 fre9%ented Bin3on's and a stri0 Noint
ne:t door called the Blitter B%lch8 2here >halid is also a re-%lar.
Ahile no one at the casinos 2o%ld coo0erate in 0lacin- >halid 2ith the
t2o bombin- s%s0ects8 +adilla said that Nichols had met 2ith DMiddle
4asternD men 2hile in (as <e-as.
That information do1etails 2ith Car3 Ba-an's testimon3. As stated
earlier8 the federal informant said he met 2ith a00ro:imatel3 ei-ht
men * fi1e of 2hom 2ere Middle 4asterners * at the Aestern Motel in
(as <e-as on Ma3 1"8 1,,4. There 2as an Arab man from /)lahoma
Cit3 2ho Ba-an referred to as the Dleader.D
The 4i-hth man 2as Terr3 Nichols.
The 9%estion remained8 2ho 2as /mar8 and 2as he connected 2ith
#am >halidH ?nterestin-l38 >halid's alias is D/mar.D
?n an attem0t to trac) >halid's 2hereabo%ts in (as <e-as8 >F/R's 6a3na
@a1is hired a sec%rit3 -%ard and 0art-time +.?. named (o%is Cro%sette.
Cro%sette had 2or)ed at the Blitter B%lch. ?n a transcri0t of the
con1ersation8 @a1is as)s Cro%sette if An-ie ;not her real name=8
>halid's fa1orite stri00er8 reco-nied him5
Cro!sette( D#he )ne2 2ho he 2as. 7er e3esL herL herL ho2 do ?
2ant to sa3 thisH 7er 2hole demeanor chan-ed. #he 2ent from bein- a
calm 0erson to bein- a scared little rabbit.D
Davis( DAll ri-ht. And she said she didn't 2ant to -et in1ol1edLD
Cro!sette( D@oes the 2ord -ettin- %0 and r%nnin- and lea1in- the
0lace tell 3o% an3thin-H
Davis( D/)a3. #oLD
Cro!sette( D#he left. #he -ot %0 and left. #he left her mone3 and left.
#he -rabbed her st%ff and 2as o%t the door.D
Accordin- to Cro%sette8 An-ie also described an Arab man in the
Blitter B%lch actin- as a Drecr%iter8D 2ho introd%ced >halid to a 0air of
Ds)inn3 2hite -%3s.D Co%ld these t2o s)inn3 2hite -%3s ha1e been
Timoth3 Mc<ei-h and Terr3 NicholsH
An-ie declined to sa38 tellin- @a1is that she'd D2ind %0 at the bottom
of (a)e MeadeD if she tal)ed.
B%t N%st 2ho 2as this Drecr%iterD that Cro%sette s0o)e ofH Cro%sette
sa2 him hobnobbin- in a 2ealth3 0art of to2n 2ith a man in a 2hite
BMA. 6%st 2ho 2as in the car 2ith him 2asn't clear. 7o2e1er8 the
information is c%rio%s in li-ht of Ba-an's re0ort that he and his Arab
friends met at the +la3er's Cl%b8 an %0scale a0artment com0le: in a
(as <e-as s%b%rb.
Also mentioned in Cro%sette's 0hone con1ersation is D6affer8D an
a00arent reference to 6affer /shan ;not his real name=. /shan8 2ho
sometimes -oes b3 the name /ssan 6affar8 is an electrical en-ineer
2ho 2or)s for >halid8 and translates for his r%st3 Arabic.
/shan 2as re0ortedl3 the tar-et of FB? s%r1eillance at the same time
>halid 2as bein- indicted for ins%rance fra%d. (i)e Abraham Ahmed8
/shan disa00eared N%st before the bombin-8 tra1elin- to 6ordan. And
li)e Ahmed8 he -a1e a similar stor38 tellin- 4rnie Cranfield he 2as
-oin- to the Middle 4ast to attend to famil3 matters * in this case *
his o2n 2eddin-. Accordin- to Cranfield8 he did not marr3.
A nati1e 6ordanian8 /shan sho2ed %0 in >F/R's s%r1eillance 0hotos
2ith >halid and 7%ssain al-7%ssaini. Cro%sette sho2ed the 0hotos to
his Dintelli-enceD so%rce5
Cro!sette( Three 0eo0le that ? )no2 of that 2ent in ser1ice * t2o
feds and t2o of them 2ere e:-com0an3 ;C?A=. The3 )no2 2ho these
-%3s are. Ahen ? sho2ed them these 0ict%res the3 loo)ed at me and
told me8 DBet the hell o%t of it. Ahat the hell are 3o% doin- doin- thisHD
Davis( @id the3 tell 3o% the3 2ere ?ra9i ?ntelli-enceH
Cro!sette( T2o of them did8 3es.L The feds )no2 2ho did it.
Davis( And the3're not arrestin- themH
Cro!sette( ?'m not -onna' -et in1ol1ed.
Davis( Are the3 Middle 4asternH
Cro!sette( ?'m not -ettin- in1ol1ed on this. /)a3. ?'m sendin- in m3
bill. ?'m -ettin- o%t of it no2L.
Cro%sette has since a1oided all attem0ts to contact him. Bordon
No1el8 an in1esti-ator 2ho %sed to 2or) for @istrict Attorne3 6im
Barrison8 s0ent a 2ee) in (as <e-as attem0tin- to tal) 2ith the former
sec%rit3 -%ard. D7e 2as real adamant abo%t not 2antin- to be tal)ed
to8D said No1el.
As a fr%strated No1el 2as abo%t to lea1e8 a lar-e -oon a00eared at his
hotel room 2ith an a%tomatic t%c)ed in his belt and some 2ords of
ad1ice5 DCo% betta' sta3 da f%c) o%t odda /)lahoma thin-8D he 2arned.
DAor) on da Aaco thin- if 3a 2anna8 b%t sta3 o%t odda /)lahoma
thin-. There's a lodda sand o%t dare 2here no one 2ill e1er find 3a.D
D7e had a 1er3 serio%s bi- -%n8D said No1el8 Dand he 2asn't a co0 * ?
don't )no2 2hat he 2as.D
Ah3 2o%ld an a00arent Mob m%le be concerned abo%t steerin- an
in1esti-ator a2a3 from a (as <e-as connection to the /)lahoma Cit3
bombin-H Aas >halid connected to the MobH
>F/R first b%m0ed into #am >halid 2hen re0orter Brad 4d2ards
recei1ed a m3sterio%s 0hone call from #haron T2ille3. T2ille3 2as
2or)in- at the time for >halid's real-estate b%siness8 #ahara +ro0erties8
2hich he o2ned 2ith his e:-2ife Carol8 2ho died in the bombin-. A
three-3ear em0lo3ee8 T2ille3 did a 1ariet3 of Nobs for >halid8 incl%din-
boo))ee0in- and actin- as rental a-ent for his !..-0l%s 0ro0erties.
T2ille3 told 4d2ards and @a1is that she had seen her boss in the
com0an3 of Abraham Ahmed8 2ho had been detained b3 the FB? as a
0ossible s%s0ect on A0ril 1, as he attem0ted to fl3 from /)lahoma to
Accordin- to T2ille3 and 4rnie Cranfield8 Ahmed had been seen dri1in-
the bro2n Che13 0ic)-%0 seen s0eedin- a2a3 from the bombin-8 bac)
and forth to >halid's 0lace in the da3s 0rior to the bombin-. Ahmed's
increasin-l3 fre9%ent 1isits coincided 2ith the arri1al of 7%ssain al-
7%ssaini and fi1e other ?ra9is in No1ember. T2ille3 also said that >halid
be-an actin- 1er3 secreti1e after the arri1al of the si: men8 and 2o%ld
onl3 s0ea) to Ahmed in Arabic.
Cet8 0erha0s most incredibl38 both Cranfield and T2ille3 had seen a
3ello2 Merc%r3 Mar9%is 0ar)ed at >halid's officeG T2ille3 said she sa2
Abraham Ahmed in the 0assen-er seat.
The 0resence of Ahmed 2asn't the onl3 thin- that raised e3ebro2s at
#ahara 0ro0erties in the da3s follo2in- the bombin-. Cranfield told the
FB? and 4d2ards that he sa2 one of >halid's Arab em0lo3ees8 a man
named 7aider al-#aiidi8 actin- stran-el3 eb%llient after the bombin-.

DAhen the ne2s re0orts first came abo%t some ?slamic -ro%0 bein-
res0onsible8 2ell 7aider )ind of la%-hed abo%t that8D recalled Cranfield.
D? heard the3 fo%nd three babies that 2as dead from the blast8 and ?
2ent and told the -%3sL and 6ohn @oe 2 ;Cranfield's reference to
7%ssaini= started cr3in-. 7e 2ent o%t on the 0orch to co1er his face
and he stood b3 the 2all cr3in-. 7e 2as %0set that children -ot h%rt.
7e 2as reall3 %0set. And 7aider 2as la%-hin- beca%se he 2as
To ma)e thin-s e1en stran-er8 >halid decided to 1isit (as <e-as on the
e1enin- of A0ril 2.8 the da3 after his e:-2ife Carol 2as )illed in the
bombin-. ?t seems >halid had as)ed her to hel0 him 2ith his ta:es on
Monda38 her re-%larl3 sched%led da3 at the @e0artment of A-ric%lt%re.
Conse9%entl38 she 2ent into 2or) on Aednesda38 her da3 off. As ne2s
re0orts sho2ed @r. 4s0e8 Carol's boss8 bein- carried do2n a ladder b3
resc%e 2or)ers8 >halid's da%-hter 7eather be-an cr3in-. #he )ne2 her
mom 2or)ed in that office.
DAe 2as all sittin- aro%nd the office 2atchin- the ne2s8D said
Cranfield. DAnd 2hen the3 sho2ed 4s0e bein- carried do2n that
ladder8 she ;NaNa3a8 >halid's c%rrent 2ife= N%st b%rst o%t la%-hin-.
7eather 2as cr3in-8 and NaNa3a 2as la%-hin-.D
#ome mi-ht consider it odd that a -irl's ste0mother 2o%ld b%rst o%t
la%-hin- %0on learnin- that her mother had been )illed. #ome mi-ht
consider it stran-er still for a man to be 0art3in- on the e1e of his e:-
2ife's death.
Aas there a moti1eH @id >halid )no2 there 2o%ld be a bombin- on
Aednesda3H @id he )no2 Carol 2o%ld -o into 2or) on Aednesda3 to
ma)e %0 for her da3 offH
D?t 2as set %08D said Cranfield. D? )no2 it 2as set %0. 7e -ot rid of her
beca%se of the ta:es she filed.D
Accordin- to Cranfield8 >halid re0orted to the ?R# that his em0lo3ees
2ere s%b-contractors8 th%s a1oidin- ha1in- to 0a3 benefits. >halid's
stead3 2or)er of nine 3ears also told me that his boss made %0
b%siness cards for the em0lo3ees that 0%r0orted to sho2 their
Dinde0endentD stat%s.
?t 2as Carol on 2hom fell the res0onsibilit3 of 0re0arin- the ret%rns.
Cranfield ca%-ht a -lim0se of her on Monda38 t2o da3s before her
D#he didn't loo) ha003 that mornin- 2hen she 2as doin- his ta:es8D
recalled Cranfield. D#he did not loo) ha003 at allL 'ca%se he 2as
f%c)in- the -o1ernment o1er the ta:es.D
At the time of this 2ritin- there 2as a case 0endin- a-ainst >halid for
ta: fra%d. Carol most li)el3 2o%ld ha1e testified a-ainst him in that
The circ%mstances at #ahara +ro0erties in the da3s after the
bombin- 2ere too m%ch for Cranfield. D? left the Nob site and 2ent to
the office and said '? 2ant m3 mone3.' ? told them ? didn't 2ant to 2or)
for no terrorists. ? 2as soL ? feared that these 0eo0le 2ere in1ol1ed8
and them 2or)ers 2ere in1ol1ed in this. And 2ith all the stran-e thin-s
that 2as -oin- on8 ? 2asn't -oin- to ta)e no chances. And 2hen the3
fo%nd Abraham JAhmedK8 that 2as it. That 2as all ? needed to )no2.
That's all ? 2anted to )no2. ? 2anted to -et the hell o%t of thereID
The bro2n Che13 0ic)-%0 that Ahmed had been seen dri1in- 2as fo%nd
abandoned the T%esda3 after the bombin- at the Aoodsca0e
A0artment com0le: on Ro%te "". Resident 6eannie Ro3er recalled a
hea13-set Middle-4astern man -ettin- o%t of the tr%c) 2hich 2as left
near a stora-e shed. The man -a1e Bo3er a hard loo) that said8 DCo%'d
better for-et 2hat 3o% N%st sa2.D
The man sho2ed %0 a 2ee) later and follo2ed Ro3er 2hile she 2as o%t
2al)in- her do-.
Ahen sho2n a 0hoto of a hea13-set Middle
4astern s%s0ect b3 >F/R ;one of >halid's 2or)ers=8 she said8 D?t s%re
does loo) li)e him. ? 2o%ld s%re li)e to see a close-%0 of his e3es. Those
e3es of his 2ere fri-htenin-ID
The abandoned 0ic)-%08 incidentall38 had been 0ainted 3ello28 and the
serial n%mbers -ro%nd off. DCo% co%ld see the 3ello2 o1er-s0ra3 all o1er
the chrome fender8D said 6oe Ro3er. The FB? then to2ed the tr%c) to its
im0o%nd lot8 and nothin- has been heard abo%t it since.
Ahat is e1en more interestin- ;or coincidental8 de0endin- on 3o%r
0oint of 1ie2= is that >halid o2ns the 0ro0ert3 on 2hich a bod3 sho0 is
located * Ro%te "" A%to Collision * a nondescri0t8 r%n do2n 0lace on
the far side of to2n. Ro%te ""8 c%rio%sl38 is t2o miles directl3 d%e 2est
of the Aoodsca0e A0artments.
A bod3 sho0 2o%ld be a 1er3 con1enient 0lace to 0aint a 0ic)-%0.
>halid bo%-ht the 0ro0ert3 in 1,,4 at a ta: a%ction. The sale 2as
dis0%ted b3 the c%rrent o2ner8 Re: Carmichael8 and as of this 2ritin-8
the case 2as in co%rt. D?'m s%re it 2asn't 0ainted there8D said
Carmichael. D>halid hasn't hadn't had an3thin- to do 2ith that bod3
sho0.L he's tried to -et it8 he's tried to o2n it8 he's tried to 0ossess it
from meL.D
?nterestin-l38 an anon3mo%s caller to /)lahoma #tate Re0resentati1e
Charles >e3 2ho claimed to be a friend of the brother of a man
in1ol1ed in the bombin-8 told him that a meetin- of bombin-
cons0irators too) 0lace at a -ara-e on North2est 3,th #treet. Altho%-h
he didn't state the name8 Ro%te "" is located ri-ht on North2est 3,th
After the bombin-8 Ro%te "" chan-ed it's name to Tom's8 b%t is not
listed in the 0hone boo) or the information director3 %nder either
name. >F/R's +.?.8 Bob 6erlo28 told me he sta)ed the 0lace o%t for fi1e
da3s b%t ne1er sa2 an3bod3 -o in for an estimate. D?t's 0robabl3 a
cho0-sho08D said a retired 0olice officer.
?f so8 it ma3 fit into 2hat Cranfield told me ne:t5 DThe3 ;>halid and his
em0lo3ees= 2o%ld al2a3s b%3 cars8 then ? fo%nd o%t that the3 2as
ta)in- them and r%nnin- them to Me:ico8 r%nnin- tri0s to Me:ico and
sellin- the cars.L Aithin t2o 2ee)s to a month8 e1er3one of them 2as
dri1in- a different car. The3 2o%ldn't ha1e it b%t less than a month8
then the3'd be rid of it8 and 3o% 2o%ldn't see it a-ain.
D? seen them man3 times %0 there at this -ara-e ;Ro%te ""=. ?t 2as the
same -%3s that came in Jin No1emberK. The same si: that came in. 6%st
them * them si:.D
/ne of the si: 2as 7%ssain al-7%ssaini.
The date No1ember8 1,,4 ma3 be 0ro0hetic. Three 2itnesses in
#till2ater8 abo%t an ho%r's dri1e north of /)lahoma Cit38 sa2 a man
2ho closel3 resembles Rami Co%sef in late /ctober8 earl3 No1ember8
1,,4. The man8 2ho called himself C.T.8 2as mana-in- Boomer's $sed
A%to #ales in #till2ater8 alon- 2ith a man 2ho resembled 6ohn @oe 2.
7e dro1e a 3ello2 Merc%r3 Mar9%is similar to Timoth3 Mc<ei-h's8 albeit
2ith a 1in3l roof.
Ronnie Ahite ;not his real name=8 2ho 2as 2or)in- as a mechanic for
Boomer's at the time8 said the men ran a Dshodd3D o0eration and 2ere
DhostileD to2ards c%stomers. The b%siness8 he said8 2as b%3in- %sed
cars and shi00in- them o1erseas8 0ossibl3 to >%2ait. 2hile in itself not
an %n%s%al 0ractice8 Ahite said he sa2 as m%ch as F1..8... 0ass
thro%-h 0er month8 2hich is %n%s%al for s%ch a small o0eration.
Ahite sa3s the t2o men s%ddenl3 de0arted for /hio the last 2ee) of
/ctober8 1,,4. The3 told him D@on't tell an3bod3 2here 2e're -oin-.D
The3 left no for2ardin- address and no 2a3 for the c%stomers to 0a3
their bills. ;Coincidentall3 0erha0s8 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h 2as in >ent8 /hio
on /ctober !.=
#aid c%stomer Michael Reed8 DThe3 2ere some 0rett3 stran-e 0eo0le.
The3 2ere s%00osed to be r%nnin- a car lot8 b%t the3 2ere al2a3s
-one.D The3 ret%rned from their s%00osed car-b%3in- tri0 the first 2ee)
of No1ember8 2ith one %sed 7onda.
Ahite 2ent to the FB? 2hen he sa2 Co%sef's 2anted 0oster in the local
0olice station. (i)e man3 2itnesses8 the FB? a00eared to sho2 no
Aas the man these 2itnesses sa2 reall3 internationall3 2anted
f%-iti1e Rami Co%sefH A Aashin-ton so%rce familiar 2ith Co%sef and
the Aorld Trade Center bombin- doesn't thin) it li)el3 that Co%sef
reentered the co%nt3 after the 1,,3 attac). The FB? 0%t Co%sef in the
+hili00ines in No1ember and @ecember of ',48 N%st in time to la%nch an
ill-fated attac) on +resident Clinton d%rin- his A+4C 1isit8 b%t his e:act
timeline 2as ne1er established.
Co%sef himself is a chameleon. /ne FB? 0hoto de0icts him as a thin8
ha%nted-loo)in- criminal8 the other a bo3ish-loo)in- forei-n e:chan-e
st%dent. Cet all three 2itnesses in #till2ater are adamant. D? 2as
shoc)ed8D said Michael Reed8 Dit loo)ed N%st li)e him.D
7ad the Arab cell in1ol1ed in the bombin- reinlisted the aid of e:0ert
bomb ma)er Rami Co%sef for the /)lahoma Cit3 attac)H A $.#.
Marshall told 6a3na @a1is that he belie1ed the Aorld Trade Center and
/)lahoma Cit3 bombin-s 2ere lin)ed. /ther so%rces e:0ressed similar
Finall38 the 6%stice @e0artment's /ffice of ?ns0ector Beneral re0ort on
the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin- indicates that nitro-l3cerin 2as 2as fo%nd
at the scene. As 0re1io%sl3 stated8 Co%sef had been e:0erimentin- 2ith
a ne2 form of nitro-l3cerin.
?f C.T. 2as Rami Co%sef8 he didn't seem too concerned that he 2as
o0eratin- in the $.#. as a 2anted f%-iti1e.
#amir >halid8 2ho b3 no2 2as bein- in1esti-ated b3 >F/R and
s%r1eilled b3 6erlo28 a00arentl3 didn't seem too concerned he 2as
bein- 2atched either. At one 0oint he cas%all3 strolled %0 to 6erlo2 and
4d2ards8 2ho 2ere sta)in- o%t his ho%se8 ra00ed on their 2indo28 and
said DAhat do 3o% 2ant 2ith meHD 6erlo28 his hand on his -%n8 2atched
in amaement. (ater8 >halid called him on the 0hone. DAhich co%ntr3
hired 3o% to in1esti-ate me8D >halid demanded to )no28 Dand ho2
m%ch are the3 0a3in- 3o%HD
A c%rio%s 9%estion. ?f >halid 2anted to )no2 2hat country had hired
6erlo28 it 2o%ld s%bs%me8 at least in his mind8 that the $.#. 2o%ld ha1e
no reason to in1esti-ate him. Ah3 2o%ld he ass%me s%ch a thin-H Aas
>halid an o0erati1e or an informant for the $.#. Bo1ernmentH
Ahen 7ani >amal8 a (ebaneseR6ordanian b%sinessman8 occasional FB?
informant8 and lon--time ac9%aintance of >halid's 2as sho2n >F/R's
s%r1eillance 0hotos b3 /C+@ officer @on Bro2nin-8 he re0ortedl3
became fri-htened and said8 DCo% ha1e to lea1e this alone. This is the
Mossad. Co% do not )no2 2hat 3o%'re messin- 2ith.D After that8 >amal
2o%ld no lon-er tal) to the co0.
6erlo2's so%rces also came %0 dr3. Ahen the +.?. as)ed his 0hone
com0an3 so%rce to 0%ll >halid's records8 the3 had m3sterio%sl3
Ddisa00eared.D An attorne3 friend of 6erlo2's 2ho had some dealin-s
2ith >halid told him8 D>halid is a dan-ero%s motherf%c)er. Co% sta3
a2a3 from him.D 7e didn't e:0lain 2h3.
7is 2arnin- ma3 ha1e been 2ell-fo%nded ho2e1er. Three months after
the bombin-8 on 6%l3 38 a man matchin- >halid's descri0tion8 and
dri1in- his tr%c)8 sho2ed %0 at #haron T2ille3's ho%se8 0%lled o%t a
0istol8 and fired fo%r shots. T2o of the b%llets 2ent into T2ille3's
bedroom8 one 2ent into her car8 shatterin- the 2indshield8 and another
lod-ed %nder a nei-hbor's 2indo2.
A terrified #haron T2ille3 rolled o%t of bed8 cl%tchin- the 0hone in her
hand8 and dialed ,11. #he then ran o1er to nei-hbor Blenn Moore's
ho%se. D7e )no2s 2here ? sle0tID she told Moore8 2ho had 2atched the
scene from his 2indo2. D7e co%ld ha1e )illed me if he had 2anted toID
6%st 2h3 >halid 2o%ld 2ant to scare #haron T2ille3 literall3 to death is
an interestin- 9%estion. This e:cer0t from the 0olice re0ort ma3 shed
some li-ht on the moti1e5
T2ille3 stated she 2or)ed for the s%s0ect %ntil after the bombin- of the
M%rrah b%ildin- 2hen the F.B.?. came o%t and 9%estioned her abo%t the
s%s0ect's acti1it3. The ne:t da3 she 2as fired. #ince that time the
s%s0ect has tried to )ic) her o%t of his rent JsicK ho%se. 7e had ref%sed
to acce0t her chec) S had ta)en her to district co%rt S the N%d-e
ordered him to ser1e a 3. da3 notice. T2ille3 stated that since that
time her residence 2as b%r-laried and then this incident of the
shootin- too) 0lace. T2ille3 stated the F.B.?. had s0o)e JsicK 2ith her a
fe2 times since she 2as fired S then it all started. T2ille3 stated >halid
2as f%rio%s 2hen he fo%nd o%t she had s0o)en to the F.B.?.
6%st 2hat had T2ille3 told the FB?H Ahen ? inter1ie2ed the /C+@
detecti1e 2ho 2rote the re0ort8 he told me that T2ille3 had seen Dsome
ne2 deal he 2as into8D and 2as Dner1o%s.D
D#he didn't 2ant him to )no2 that she had tal)ed to the FB?8D said the
detecti1e. D#he 2as definitel3 afraid.D
FB? a-ents 6ames #tric)land and @a1e #2anson's names also a00eared
on the re0ort. Ah3 2o%ld the FB? ta)e an interest in a local assa%lt
caseH Altho%-h >halid later admitted to the a%thor that he had been
inter1ie2ed and 0ol3-ra0hed b3 the FB? in re-ards to the bombin-8
#tric)land 2o%ldn't comment.

?n s0ite of the b%llet holes in T2ille3's ho%se and car8 and Moore's
e3e2itness acco%nt8 the /C+@ did little. Assistant @A #herr3 Todd
declined to 0rosec%te the case on Dlac) of e1idence.D The 0olice re0ort
stated it as follo2s5
Moore stated on the mornin- on &-3-,! at a00ro:. 353.-45.. he
heard -%n shots. Moore -ot %0 S loo)ed o%t the 2indo2 and sa2 a
dar) s)inned male r%nnin- from the ho%se. ? as)ed him if it 2as Mr.
>halid. Moore stated D? thin) it 2as him8 b%t ?'m not s%re. ?t loo)ed li)e
him b%t ?'m not 0ositi1e. 7e 2as dri1in- the same 2hite Nissan 0ic)-%0
that he dri1es. B%t ?'m not s%re.
Moore seemed a bit more certain 2hen ? s0o)e to him. D7e 2as a short
-%3 that smo)es a ci-ar8D said Moore. DJ7eK loo)ed real a--ra1ated. 7e
2as randoml3 shootin-G he shot fo%r times.D
?n fact8 the 0olice re0ort had 0re1io%sl3 stated Moore's identification in
more 0ositi1e terms5
Moore reco-nied the s%s0ect as the landlord 2ho rented the ho%se
o%t 0rior to T2ille3 li1in- there S )ne2 him as ha1in- a 2hite To3ota
0ic) %0 S he said that 2as him8 meanin- the s%s0ect.
As if to add more -rist to the mill8 >halid and an associate had sho2n
%0 at T2ille3's ho%se the 0re1io%s da3 and had smashed a bric)
thro%-h her 2indo2. Moore told me he reco-nied >halid b3 his
baseball ca08 ci-ar8 and 2hite 0ic)-%0.
? be-an to s%s0ect that Todd's ref%sal to 0rosec%te came from @A
Robert Mac38 2ho had blindl3 coo0erated 2ith the 6%stice @e0artment
b3 ref%sin- to 0%rs%e a local in1esti-ation of the bombin-. Todd
dismissed that notion. D?t's 1er38 1er3 rare 2hen he's in1ol1ed in the
decline or acce0tance of char-es8D she said8 then added8 D? felt there
2ere some 0roblems 2ith the 2itnesses statements.D
Altho%-h initiall3 0olite8 2hen ? s%--ested that >halid mi-ht be
in1ol1ed in the bombin-8 and that she sho%ld re-o0en the case8 she
t%rned s%ddenl3 hostile8 and said8 D?'m -onna' -o bac) to 2or). This
case is closed8D then abr%0tl3 h%n- %0.
#ome time later8 Mi)e 6ohnston8 a local attorne3 familiar 2ith the case8
ran into Assistant $.#. Attorne3 Ted Richardson in the co%rtho%se.
6ohnston raised the iss%e of #am >halid. D/h 3o% m%st ha1e been
tal)in- to that -%3 from #an Francisco8D Richardson re0lied8 referrin- to
the a%thor. Ahen 6ohnston siad that he had -leaned his information
from other so%rces as 2ell8 and s%--ested that Richardson loo) into
the matter8 Richardson loo)ed at his 2atch and said8 DAell Mi)e8 that's
an interestin- theor3. ? -otta' r%n.D
As for Blenn Moore8 he told me he 2as bein- follo2ed b3 >halid and
didn't 2ant to -et in1ol1ed. And #haron T2ille3H Moore said she 2as
scared and had 0robabl3 mo1ed bac) to Beor-ia.
Aas >halid -%ilt3 of assa%lt 2ith a deadl3 2ea0onH Aas he in1ol1ed in
the bombin-H 7is attorne38 Francis Co%rbois8 0%t it elo9%entl3 2hen he
said8 DLhe is t30ical of those immi-rants 2ho 2or) hard to achie1e
the o00ort%nities America offers.D
?n 1,&38 >halid 2as con1icted of Brand (arcen3.
?n 1,,18 he 2as indicted in Federal Co%rt on ei-ht co%nts of ins%rance
fra%d8 2hich incl%ded settin- fires to some of his !..-0l%s 0ro0erties.
7e ser1ed nine months o%t of a 3ear at 4l Reno Federal +rison.
Robert >%lic)8 a former em0lo3ee of >halid's8 told the FB? that >halid
had instr%cted him to set fires to fo%r of his 0ro0erties. Ahen a-ents
9%estioned >%lic) and his 2ife abo%t >halid's associations8 Mrs. >%lic)
bl%rted o%t8 DAe don't 2ant to -et #am J>halidK in an3 tro%ble8D
2here%0on the a-ents immediatel3 ad1ised >%lic) of his Miranda
>%lic) later N%m0ed bond and fled to California after claimin- he had
recei1ed Dthreatenin- 0hone calls.D 7e didn't sa3 from 2hom.
Cet the FB?'s interest seemed to la3 more in >halid's connections to the
+(/ than in arson. Accordin- to Northro08 the FB? in1esti-ated >halid
for alle-ed +(/ acti1it3 in 1,,1. >halid's attorne3 insisted that it 2o%ld
ha1e been 0recisel3 the FB?'s interest in >halid * Dthe microsco0e
%nder 2hich he8 as a +alestinian8 has been monitoredD * 2hich 2o%ld
ha1e re1ealed an3 2ron-doin-.
For all intents and 0%r0oses8 #am >halid a00ears to be N%st 2hat his
la23er sa3s he is8 a hard-2or)in- immi-rant o%t to achie1e the
o00ort%nities America has to offer. A !"-3ear-old +alestinian8 >halid
2as born #amir Abd%l-Bhani #harif >halid8 and emi-rated to the $.#.
from >%2ait in 1,"'.
7e recei1ed his M.A. from /)lahoma Cit3
$ni1ersit3 in 1,&!8 his +h.@. in 0s3cholo-3 from /.$. in 1,&,8 and 2ent
on to teach at 0%blic schools and at nearb3 Tin)er Air Force base. 7e
also did a brief stint in the /)lahoma @e0artment of 7%man
>halid claims to ha1e relati1es in 6ordan8 #a%di Arabia8 and ?ra98 2ho
0ro1ided the mone3 for his ed%cation and real-estate in1estments. ?n
1,'28 >halid 9%it teachin- and de1oted himself f%ll-time to his
b%r-eonin- real-estate b%siness. B3 1,,! he had ac9%ired o1er !..
0ro0erties8 mostl3 thro%-h 7$@8 the federal a-enc3 besie-ed 2ith
corr%0tion in the late '&.s and earl3 ''.s.
7ani >amal 2as s%r0rised 2hen ? told him >halid o2ned o1er !..
0ro0erties5 D?n the '&.s this son-of-a-bitch did not ha1e a dime to his
name. 7e co%ldn't s%r1i1e. 7e %sed to as) me for mone3. Ahere did he
-et !.. 0ro0ertiesH Ahere did the mone3 come fromHD
>amal8 2ho claimed to ha1e 2or)ed 2ith the ?ns%rance Fra%d
@i1ision of the FB? ;Bro2nin- said he 2as merel3 an informant=8
belie1es >halid is a mone3 la%nderer. D>halid sho%ld be a millionaire
2ith that m%ch 0ro0ert38D e:claimed >amal8 Db%t he li1es in a
dila0idated shac) on 32nd #treet.D #%re eno%-h8 >halid ma)es his
home in a r%n-do2n8 lo2-income 0art of to2n. ?t is >amal's o0inion that
>halid is N%st an Derrand bo38D and somebod3 else reall3 o2ns the
Northro0 a-rees. 7e sa3s the mone3 to f%nd this b%r-eonin- real
estate em0ire comes from the +(/8 2hich instr%cts him on ho2 to li1e
for a00earance' sa)e. Northro0 also indicated that >halid's claim of
n%mero%s relati1es * an a00arentl3 false claim * merel3 0ro1ides a
co1er for the f%nnelin- of mone3 to his b%siness.
@o these lar-el3 circ%mstantial facts ma)e #am >halid a terroristH That
de0ends on 2ho 3o% tal) to. Accordin- to Northro05
JB3 information and beliefK >halid is a lon--standin- 0artici0ant in +(/
f%nd-raisin- acti1ities in the $nited #tates. 7e is most 0robabl3 a s%b-
cell leader8 0art of the intellect%al frin-e that -%ide the cell8 a classic
R%ssian Nihilistic Terrorist str%ct%re. The destr%ction of the 8ringe
leadership can be seen in the so-called )pook -ar bet2een the ?sraelis
and the +(/ that too) 0lace in 4%ro0e and the Middle 4ast bet2een
1,&2 ;the M%nich Massacre= and 1,'" ;the death of Ab% 6ihad=.
>halid fits the 0attern of the 2ell-f%nded8 2ell-ed%cated father fi-%re
2ho ta)es care of his floc)8 remainin- outside the center core of s%b-
cell foot soldiers ;the hel in the Nihilistic str%ct%re=.
A Aest !&th #treet doc%mentar3 described ho2 f%nd-raisin- b3
ins%rance fra%d is a classic +(/ techni9%e. The Ma38 1,', e0isode8
entitled8 D+alestinians5 @irt3 B%siness8D foc%sed mostl3 on ins%rance
fra%d in Miami in the earl3 to mid-''.s. #%nrise8 Florida +olice detecti1e
@on Cannon said the mone3 2as Dbein- sent bac) to f%nd the +(/ or
the +F(+ or the Inti8ida."
The 0rinci0als of this f%nd-raisin- scheme8 CB# re0orted8 hailed from
the Aest Ban) to2n of @eir @ib2an. Re0orter >aren B%rnes recei1ed
confirmation from the FB? that a n%mber of scams 2ere -oin- on
thro%-ho%t the $.#. at the time.
/ne method of raisin- mone3 in1ol1ed small store o2ners 2ho 2o%ld
o0en b%sinesses8 b%3in- merchandise on credit8 then 9%ic)l3 close
sho0 and 1anish 2ith the 0roceeds. There 2ere other scams. California
ins%rance la23er Bordon +ar) told CB#8 DAhat the3 2o%ld do is thro2 a
bric) thro%-h their front 2indo2 and sa38 '/)8 -osh8 ? -ot
?n Broo)l3n8 in1esti-ators disco1ered a 0hon3 co%0on redem0tion
center r%n b3 Mah%m%d Abo%halima * c%rrentl3 ser1in- 24. 3ears in
0rison for his role in the Aorld Trade Center bombin-.
D?ns%rance scams first s%rfaced in the $nited #tates in the mid-1,&.'s8D
2rote Northro08 D2hen California a%thorities b%sted a +(/ cell in (os
An-eles.D The ?sraeli said that >halid tra1els to ?srael at least once a
3ear8 and a1oids an3 contact 2ith the +(/8 b%t comm%nicates thro%-h
a Dc%t-o%t8D a member of his famil3. Northro0 also stated that >halid
had been transferrin- f%nds from the Ban) of /)lahoma in T%lsa to
Ban) 7a0olim8 an ?sraeli ban) in 6er%salem5
The si-nator3 on this 0artic%lar acco%nt in ?srael is a member of the
Nashashibi clan8 a 0rominent +alestinian famil3 2ho li1e in 6er%salem
and the s%rro%ndin- area ;Aest Ban)=. These f%nds ha1e been %sed to
hel0 finance '+alestinian as0irationsD ;and all that im0lies=.
Ahile this information in itself is lar-el3 circ%mstantial8 it be-ins to loo)
less e:c%l0ator3 2hen combined 2ith other e1idence.
?n Ma3 of 1,,"8 $.#. C%stoms a-ents in (os An-eles seied a shi0ment
of 2ea0ons * #emte: 0lastic e:0losi1es and small arms * bo%nd for
Florida. The North >orean-man%fact%red ordinance had been shi00ed
thro%-h Manila8 and 2as bo%nd for a 7amas -ro%0 in Miami.
The co-fo%nder of ?slamic 6ihad * a close co%sin of 7amas * Fathi
#hi)a)i8 had been assassinated in #3ria b3 the #hin Bet ;?sraeli #ecret
#er1ice= in /ctober of 1,,!. ?slamic 6ihad no2 needed a ne2 leader8
and the3 so%-ht him in +rofessor Ramadan Abd%llah #hallah8 an
adN%nct 0olitical science teacher at the $ni1ersit3 of #o%th Florida in
#hallah co-fo%nded the Aorld and ?slam #t%d3 4nter0rise ;A?#4=8 lin)ed
to the ?slamic Committee for +alestine8 both of 2hich ha1e been
acc%sed b3 federal a%thorities of frontin- for terrorist -ro%0s.
Ahile #hallah 1ehementl3 denied these alle-ations8 he s%ddenl3
a00eared in #3ria in No1ember of 1,,! as the ne2 head of ?slamic
Car3 Ba-an claims to ha1e seen #hallah in late 1,,4 and Febr%ar3 of
',! at Caesar's +alace and The Racetrac) * t2o (as <e-as casinos.
DAho is this d%deHD Ba-an as)ed >halid abo%t the short8 fat8 baldin-
man 2ith a m%stache and beard. Ba-an 2as sim0l3 told he 2as a
0rofessor from Florida.
#hallah also a00eared in Teheran in 6%ne of 1,," as 7ibAllah
?nternational 2as or-aniin- its Noint 2or)in- committee to coordinate
international terrorist attac)s. A%thorities later disco1ered that #hallah
had been 6ihad's n%mber t2o man in Tam0a.
Ahile the Florida -ro%0 had made threats o1er the e:tradition of
one of their o0erati1es * Mo%sa Mohammed Ab% Mar%) * to ?srael8
the FB? and the 6e2ish comm%nit3 hadn't ta)en them serio%sl3. After
the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin- ho2e1er8 and the interce0tion of the arms
shi0ment in Ma38 the scenario chan-ed. The FB? and the 6e2ish
comm%nit3 2ere no2 ta)in- a )een interest in the Miami -ro%0.
Bac) in 7o%ston8 Northro0 2as chec)in- into some +(/ s%s0ects. 7e
0%nched %0 an in9%ir3 into the Aman ;?sraeli militar3 intelli-ence=
com0%ter on 7%ssain al-7%ssaini. ?t came %0 em0t3.
B%t the FB? had a list of 2& +(/ and 7amas o0erati1es in Florida and
/)lahoma. Ten of those indi1id%als had 0re1io%sl3 been arrested b3 the
?sraelis in March of ',"8 and the FB? needed their hel0. Ahen an ?sraeli
a-ent in Ne2 Cor) named A1i ran the names thro%-h the com0%ter8 he
noticed Northro0's in9%ir3 on 7%ssaini. 7e called Northro0 and as)ed
him to fl3 to Miami.
Ahat Northro0 disco1ered 2hen he arri1ed 2as that the same -ro%0 he
had been in1esti-atin- in /)lahoma and 7o%ston had been seen in
Miami. 7%ssain al-7%ssaini8 #am >halid8 6affer /shan8 and 7aider al-
#aadi * si: to se1en in all * 2ere 0ositi1el3 ?@'d b3 ?sraeli #a3anim in
Ft. (a%derdale. The3 2ere there8 accordin- to so%rces8 meetin- 2ith
members of 7amas.
?t a00ears that the >halid famil3's acti1ities in the terrorist %nder2orld
date bac) at least to 1,'2. Accordin- to Arm3 C?@ ;Arm3 Criminal
?n1esti-ation @i1ision= records8 >halid's brother Mi)e8 ;A>A5 Ahmed
>halid8 Mi)e Co%sif8 Aahid #. Co%sif=8 2as in1ol1ed 2ith a -ro%0 of
?ranians in 7%nts1ille8 Alabama 2ho 2ere romancin- local female
enlisted 0ersonnel in an attem0t to 0roc%re militar3 secrets.
Co%sifR>halid's mission 2as to co%rt a 2oman named Aal)er from
T%s)%mbee8 A(8 2hom he had met in /)lahoma Cit3 in late 1,'28 2hen
the3 2or)ed to-ether at #hot-%n #am's +ia +arlor. Aal)er's brother8
6imm38 2as the 0ilot for Beneral Robert (. Moore8 Commander of the
Redstone Arsenal $.#. Arm3 Missile Command in 7%nts1ille. As
commander8 Moore had res0onsibilit3 for the Arm3's missile 0ro-ram
DAhat he had 2anted8 accordin- to her8D said a retired Arm3 criminal
in1esti-ator 2ho 2ishes to remain anon3mo%s8 D2as all )inds of
information abo%t Beneral Moore.D
Moore also recalled the case. 7e told me the Arm3 had ste00ed %0
sec%rit3 aro%nd him d%rin- this time. ?nterestin-l38 this 2as aro%nd the
same time that attac)s on $.#. militar3 installations 2ere occ%rrin- in
The Arm3 in1esti-ator also recalled that D7%nts1ille8 Alabama8 at
that time8 2as a hotbed of es0iona-e. There 2ere 2& )no2n >BB
a-ents in 7%nts1ille. The3 2ere )no2n. The3 2ere )no2n to the B%rea%
;FB?=G the3 2ere )no2n to militar3 intelli-ence.D
This es0iona-e acti1it3 2as d%e to the close 0ro:imit3 of Redstone
Missile Command8 NA#A's Marshall #0ace Fli-ht Center8 and similar
hi-h-tech facilities located thro%-ho%t the area. The in1esti-ator has
no do%bts that the ?ranians and the >BB 2ere coo0eratin-.
This acco%nt also Ni1es 2ith Ba-an's stor3. The #o1iets had as)ed
Ba-an's hel0 in obtainin- classified information from his friend at
Martin-Marietta. (ater8 the #o1iets introd%ced the informant to a man
named 7amid 2ho needed fa)e doc%mentation for ille-al ?ranians
enterin- the co%ntr3.
DBac) at the time 2e had a bi- 0roblem 2ith ?ranians8D said the former
C?@ in1esti-ator8 Da bi- 0roblem. The3 2ere al2a3s tr3in- to infiltrate
the arsenal. A n%mber of them 2ere attendin- Alabama ASM
$ni1ersit3 %nder st%dent 1isas8 b%t most of them didn't -o to school.
The3 2ere in1ol1ed in a lot of different criminal enter0rises8 dr%-s8
stolen 0ro0ert38 0rostit%tion8 all sorts of thin-s.LD
The s%s0ects 2ere also lin)ed to a strin- of con1enience stores.
?nterestin-l38 Northro0 belie1es that #am >halid is a Dmone3 manD for
Arab immi-rants 2ishin- to o0en b%sinesses * namel3 con1enience
stores. Those 2ishin- to do so m%st s0lit the 0rofits 2ith the Dmone3
manD fift3-fift3. Co%ld this be another +(/ f%ndin- scamH
C?@ o0ened their case on Co%sifR>halid in #e0tember of 1,'2. D@%rin-
the co%rse of all this8 to 1erif3 that the -%3 2as real8 2e -ot his 0hone
n%mberL and ? called the n%mber one ni-ht8 and ? as)ed for Ahmed
>halid8 and this -%3 -ot on the 0hone and said8 '? don't )no2 him.' And
? said8 'Aell8 it's -ot to be 3o%. ? -ot to tal) to 3o% * it's im0ortant.'
T2ent3-fo%r ho%rs later that -%3 2as in T%s)%mbee8 A(.D
(i)e his brother #am8 Aahid 2as ne1er 0rosec%ted. DThe FB? Jofficiall3K
too) no interest.L Another C?@ in1esti-ator -ot re0rimanded b3 o%r
#AC8 beca%se he 2ent and did this ;inter1ie2ed Aal)er=. That 2as the
total -ist of the FB?'s in1ol1ement.D
The Arm3 in1esti-ator's e:0eriences 0aralleled that of Ba-an's. DThat's
a 0rett3 common thread 2hen 3o% deal 2ith them ;the FB?=8D Ba-an
e:0lained. DCo% brin- them information8 and 3o% ne1er hear another
2ord abo%t it.D
Florida 0olice 2ho in1esti-ated Arab lin)s to ins%rance scams and
or-anied crime recei1ed the same treatment from the FB?. D+eo0le
didn't 2ant to in1esti-ate this8D said a 0olice detecti1e ? s0o)e 2ith.
DThin-s 2eren't ri-ht. ?t 2as as if someone 2as loo)in- at this and
sa3in-8 'sta3 a2a3 from it.'D
?n s0ite of the FB?'s stone2allin-8 the Arm3 in1esti-ator remembers the
case 2ell5 DThe female soldiers 2o%ld -o o%t at ni-ht to the different
cl%bs and discos and st%ffL 2e ca%-ht one o%t there8 and he
s%00osedl3 ran a con1enience store.L And 2e ca%-ht him on the
D7assan Nia)ossar3 * he 2as the bi- leader of this -an-. 7e 2as
associated 2ith a local -an-ster named @e23 Braelton8 2ho ran a
cl%b called the +l%sh 7orse. 7e had a lot of Cosa Nostra connections
into Ne2 Cor) * a lot. 7assan 2or)ed for him.D
Middle 4astern terrorists in1ol1ed in es0iona-e 2ith the >BB8
associated 2ith the MobH The Arm3 in1esti-ator said Nia)ossar3
tra1eled fre9%entl3 to (as <e-as8 a )no2n Mob to2n. #o does Aahid's
brother8 #am >halid. A re-%lar hi-h roller8 >halid re0ortedl3 sho2s %0
2ith at least F1.8... in his 0oc)et.
As 7ani >amal 0ointed o%t8 the Cosa Nostra has coo0erated 2ith
?ranians in mone3 la%nderin- in the 0ast. Co%ld this e:0lain >halid's
fre9%ent 1isits to (as <e-asH Aere his tri0s 0art of a mone3 la%nderin-
As B%nther R%ssbacher e:0lained8 se1eral (as <e-as casinos8 incl%din-
Bin3on's 7orseshoe8 are 0a3-off 0oints for 0olitical and N%dicial sl%sh-
f%nds. Federal N%d-es and others are alle-edl3 0aid off thro%-h
#hamroc) @e1elo0ment Cor0. in ?reland8 1ia off-shore ban)s and (as
<e-as Casinos. The bribe reci0ients collect their mone3 in the form of
-amblin- chi0s8 then cash them in.
?s >halid recei1in- mone3 this 2a3H ?t's hard to sa38 b%t it is 2orth
notin- that the C4/ of #hamroc)8 @onald (%t8 2as on the
mana-ement staff of #il1erado #a1in-s S (oan8 the #S( case tried b3
6%d-e Matsch8 2ho 2o%ld later tr3 Mc<ei-h and Nichols ;Neil B%sh8 a
board member of #il1erado8 2al)ed=.
And 2hat abo%t /mar's tri0;s= to >in-manH ?t 2as there that /mar and
Ba-an dro1e from (as <e-as8 t2o 2ee)s before the bombin-. Ah3
2o%ld a hi-h-roller li)e /mar dri1e to the d%st38 isolated desert to2n of
>in-manH /ne 0ossible reason ma3 ha1e been to ma)e contact 2ith
Timoth3 Mc<ei-h8 2ho 2as holed %0 in the ?m0erial Motel at the time.
Another reason ma3 ha1e re1ol1ed aro%nd dr%-s. Recall that Ba-an's
ori-inal relationshi0 2ith /mar 2as %nder the -%ise of dr%- dealin-. D?
bro%-ht some bac) from +%erto <allerta for him8D said Ba-an8 D%sin- a
cam0er 2ith a false to0L thro%-h #an @ie-o. At one time ? sa2 1.-1!
)ilos. That's 9%ite a bit of do0e.D
Recall that Ba-an had deli1ered a ba- of cocaine from >in-man to
@en1er ;2hich contained 0lastic e:0losi1es=8 and he belie1es the
F2!.8... /mar 0aid him came from the Cali Cartel.
As mentioned earlier8 on A0ril 48 1,,!8 Ba-an and /mar deli1ered a
0ac)a-e to a man in a co2bo3 hat in >in-man8 dri1in- a r%st3 bro2n
0ic)-%0. A%thorities re0orted that a bro2n 0ic)-%08 belon-in- to #te1en
Barrett Colbern8 2as ca%-ht on Troo0er 7an-er's 1ideo camera as he
sto00ed Mc<ei-h on ?-3! an ho%r and-a-half after the bombin-.
A chemist 2ho )ne2 Mc<ei-h %nder the alias of DTim T%ttle8D Colbern
had recentl3 been s0otted 2ith a ba- of ammoni%m nitrate in his tr%c).
7is roommate8 @ennis Malac8 2as bein- held on char-es of arson for a
small e:0losion that had dama-ed a ho%se in to2n t2o months earlier.
That ho%se 2as o2ned b3 Roc)3 Mc+ea)8 a friend of Mc<ei-h's.
Colbern8 2ho shared a mailbo: in >in-man 2ith Mc<ei-h8 2as absent
from 2or) fo%r da3s 0rior to and ten da3s after the bombin-. 7e
claimed he 2as in California 1isitin- his 0arents.
?nterestin-l38 FB? a-ents di--in- in the desert o%tside >in-man for
e1idence8 fo%nd more than 1!. 0o%nds of ammoni%m nitrate b%ried in
the sand.
Colbern 2as arrested in Ma3 of 1,,!8 and released on A0ril 238 1,,&8
after ser1in- time in (om0ac Federal +rison on ille-al 2ea0ons
@es0ite the incriminatin- connections8 Colbern disa00eared from the
official radar screen almost as 9%ic)l3 as he had a00eared. The
/)lahoma 7i-h2a3 +atrol 1ideo sho2in- the bro2n 0ic)-%0 * li)e the
n%mero%s s%r1eillance ta0es sho2in- the acti1it3 at the M%rrah
B%ildin- on the mornin- of A0ril 1, * 2as DseiedD b3 the FB?.
Aas Colbern the man to 2hom /mar deli1ered the m3sterio%s 0ac)a-e
on A0ril 4H Aas the it meant for Timoth3 Mc<ei-hH
@id >halid meet Terr3 Nichols in (as <e-as in Ma3 of 1,,4H Aere
Nichols and Mc<ei-h the Dt2o s)inn3 2hite -%3sD he met at the Blitter
B%lch in No1emberH
Aas Mc<ei-h's 3ello2 Merc%r3 at #ahara +ro0erties as 4rnie Cranfield
claimedH And 2as Mc<ei-h 2ith 7%ssain al-7%ssaini at the 0a2n sho0
and the Roadr%nner Ta1ern in /)lahoma Cit3 as >F/R's 2itnesses saidH
$ltimatel38 2ere Mc<ei-h8 Nichols and their friends in fact 0lottin- 2ith
Arab e:tremists to blo2 %0 the Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin-H
D7e ;Mc<ei-h= had mentioned before that he 2anted to become a
mercenar3 in the Middle 4ast8 beca%se the3 0aid the most8D recalled
former Arm3 b%dd3 Bre- 7enr38 DB%t 2e N%st too) it as a No)e. B%t
he's the )ind of 0erson that 2o%ld ha1e become that.D
Aas Mc<ei-h some sort of intermediar3 bet2een neo-Nai -ro%0s and
Arab terroristsH Ahile this ma3 so%nd biarre8 as 0re1io%sl3 noted8
coo0eration bet2een s%ch -ro%0s has been 2ell doc%mented.
The ori-ins of Arab-Nai collaboration -o bac) to AA??. The M%fti of
6er%salem8 2ho 2as 7itler's -%est8 act%all3 raised M%slim ## %nits for
the Nai 2ar effort8 c%lled from Bosnian M%slims and Arabs.
/@4##A8 the Nai or-aniation formed to f%nnel s%00ort to e:-##
members8 arran-ed rende1o%s 2ith re0resentati1es of 1ario%s Arab
or-aniations after the 2ar8 as 0art of the @%llesRMcClo3R/## Ratlines.
This secret C?A o0eration also f%nneled Nais to 1ario%s (atin American
co%ntries8 2here the3 set %0 Dsec%rit3 ser1icesD ;death s9%ads= for
their res0ecti1e -o1ernment em0lo3ers.
/ne /@4##A member8 former Besta0o Chief Beneral 4rnest Rhemer8
settled in the Middle 4ast8 2here he set %0 intelli-ence o0erations for
se1eral Arab co%ntries8 incl%din- #3ria and 4-30t. Rhemer8 2ho is
c%rrentl3 acti1e in the DRe1isionistD scene8 for se1eral decades 0la3ed a
)e3 role in coordinatin- Berman Ri-ht-2in- acti1it3 2ith the Arab
Alois Br%nner8 Aldo0h 4ichmann's chief8 2ho m%rdered 12'8!.. 0eo0le
d%rin- the Nai 7oloca%st8 0la3ed an earl3 role in Arab-Nai
Also 0la3in- a role in Arab-Nai coo0eration 2as 7itler's Dfa1orite
commando8D /tto D#carfaceD #)oren38 2ho hel0ed install Bamel Abd%l
Nasser as 4-30tian 0resident 2ith the assistance of an elite cor0s of
former ## storm troo0ers. #)oren3 also hel0ed train earl3 +(/ -ro%0s
for commando raids into ?srael. The ardent Nai8 2ho con1enientl3
missed his da3 at the N%rember- trials co%rtes3 of the $.#.
Bo1ernment8 2as stationed in 4-30t at the behest of the C?A.
/ne of #)oren3's s%bordinates8 a #2iss Nai named FranMois Beno%d8
ser1ed 2ith #)oren3's troo0s in 4-30t. Beno%d also befriended Ali
7assan #alameh8 the leader of Blac) #e0tember8 the -ro%0 2hich
m%rdered nine ?sraeli athletes d%rin- the 1,&2 M%nich /l3m0ics.
C%rrentl3 a ban)er in Bene1a8 Beno%d re0ortedl3 masterminded
se1eral air0lane hiNac)in-s for the +(/.
A close friend of Beno%d's8 French attorne3 6ac9%es <er-^s8 defended
se1eral members of the +o0%lar Front for the (iberation of +alestine
;+F(+=8 and s0o)e as a DcharacterD 2itness on behalf of the notorio%s
Besta0o chief >la%s Barbie ;the DB%tcher of (3onD=8 2ho m%rdered
h%ndreds of French resistance fi-hters8 and de0orted &8... 6e2s to the
death cam0s.
And as recentl3 as the earl3 1,'.'s8 a neo-Nai named /difried
7e00 2as res0onsible for attac)s a-ainst at least fo%r $.#. militar3 and
NAT/ installations8 as 2ell as Berman ni-htcl%bs fre9%ented b3 $.#.
ser1icemen. 7e00 2or)ed 2ith the +F(+8 and 2as also financed b3
Casser Arafat's Al Fatah8 2ho in t%rn 2as s%00orted b3 FranMois
As another e:am0le of Arab-Nai collaboration8 2hen members of Ab%
Nidal8 and Ab% Abass' +alestine (iberation Front ;+(F= hiNac)ed the
Bree) cr%ise shi0 Achille 3auro in 1,'!8 the3 demanded 7e00's
release. D? )no2 7e00 9%ite 2ell8D Abass told the French dail3
3i&eration in 1,'!. D7e is a friend.D
The Berman ma-aine er )peigel re0orted on a -ro%0 of neo-Nais
called >am0fs0ort-r%00e8 headed b3 a man named 7offmann ;a
7offmann member had blo2n himself %08 alon- 2ith 11 others8 at the
/)toberfest celebration in M%nich in 1,'1=. >am0fs0ort-r%00e8 it
seemed8 2as connected to terrorist -ro%0s in Beir%t.
At the same
time8 a n%mber of Berman terrorists ha1e re0ortedl3 been trained in
+alestinian cam0s in 6ordan8 #o%th Cemen8 #3ria8 and ?ra9.
?ra9i arms dealer ?shan Barbo%ti met 2ith former Nai scientist <ol)er
Aeissheimer in order to recr%it other former Nais to 2or) on (ib3an
and ?ra9i chemical 2ea0ons 0roNects.
The #3rians * 2ho are 2ell-)no2n s0onsors of terrorism * offered
f%ndin- to Robert Mathe2s8 the former leader of The /rder8 also )no2n
as D@er B%ders #ch2ei-enD ;The #ilent Brotherhood=. Mathe2s8 2ho
2as )illed in a shoot-o%t 2ith 0olice in 1,'48 had iss%ed a D@eclaration
of AarD a-ainst the so-called DYionist /cc%0ied Bo1ernment8 incl%din-
6e2s8 blac)s8 7is0anics8 Asians and 2hite Drace traitorsD 2ho didn't
a-ree 2ith 2hite s%0remacist -oals. Mathe2s' /rder 2as res0onsible
for a strin- of armored car robberies and the machine--%n )illin- of
6e2ish tal) sho2 host Allen Ber- in @en1er.
As disc%ssed earlier8 re0orts of other Middle-4astern DterroristD states
s%ch as (ib3a f%ndin- or offerin- f%ndin- to neo-Nai and other
dissident -ro%0s s%ch as the Blac) M%slims and the 4l R%)ns has been
re0orted. /ne of (ib3a's 0rimar3 beneficiaries 2as the Nation of ?slam
;N/?=8 2hose leader8 (o%is Farra)han8 recei1ed F! million dollars from
(ib3an +resident M%ammar al-Waddafi.
As 0re1io%sl3 disc%ssed8 Farra)han's 0redecessor8 4liNah M%hammad8
had formed a 0act 2ith the >>> and American Nai +art3 in 1,"1. This
%n%s%al alliance stretched ri-ht %0 to the 0resent da3. ?n the fall of
1,,28 AAR leader Tom Met-er a00eared on the Ahoo0i Boldber-
#ho2 0reachin- the benefits of 3o%n- blac)s Noinin- the N/?.
?n 1,'!8 Met-er and Farra)han s0o)e to-ether in (os An-eles8 and
in /ctober of 1,,"8 @a1id ?r1in-8 a British Nai 7oloca%st Re1isionist8
sho2ed %0 2ith a 0air of N/? bod3-%ards.
T2ent3-fi1e 3ear @4A 1eteran Mi)e (e1ine described to me the %ni9%e
connection bet2een Nais and Arab terrorists5 DCears a-o ? 2as
%nderco1er in the American Nai 0art38 and it 2as an odd mi: of
0eo0le that ? ran into. First of all8 ?'m 1er3 dar)8 and m3 %nderco1er ?.@.
said ? 2as ?talian * Mi)e +icano. B%t8 2hat ? fo%nd interestin- 2as that
members of the American Nai 0art3 2ere Arabs8 3o% )no28 JandK
there 2ere li-ht-s)inned (atinosL There 2ere Arab members of the
American Nai +art3 -oin- all the 2a3 bac) to 1,"'8 2hen ? 2as a
member. The m%t%al hatred 2as the 6e2s and the blac)s.
As (e1ine sa3s8 the ties that bind these t2o seemin-l3 dis0arate
-ro%0s is a loathin- of the $.#. and hatred of DAorld 6e2r38D 2hich the3
see as the dominatin- force behind all 2orld 0olitical and financial
?n A0ril of 1,,18 Ahmed Rami8 4%ro0ean corres0ondent for Al )haa&
ne2s0a0er8 %r-ed a DAestern ?ntifadaD a-ainst alle-ed 6e2ish
dominance. Rami's call 2as d%0licated in se1eral Ri-ht-2in- Berman
0%blications8 incl%din- eutsche .undschall1 .emer epesche8 and
.echt 5nd -ahrheit1 2hich 2rote5
/ne can sa3 that the onl3 2inner of AA?? 2as the or-anied Aorld
6e2r3L attained thro%-h A%sch2it8 a ne1er-before e:istin- freedom to
%nrestricted de1elo0ment of 0o2er. Toda38 6e2s control all im0ortant
0ositions of 0o2er in the $.#.A.
#imilar t2isted sentiments 2ere echoed b3 the ?slamic Association of
+alestine8 2hich 0%blished a comm%ni9%X %r-in- M%slims to die in a
hol3 2ar a-ainst 6e2s8 2ho the3 call Denemies of h%manit38 the
bloods%c)ers8 and the )illers of 0ro0hets.D The 0rinci0le American
s%00ort -ro%0 of 7amas8 is the ?A+ in @allas8 Te:as.
Accordin- to ABC 2.R2. re0orter Tom 6arriel8 la2-enforcement so%rces
said that ?ranians had emi-rated to the $.#. for the 0%r0ose of
Drecr%itin-D Americans for home-ro2n terrorism. The 6an%ar38 1,,"
e0isode foc%sed on @a1id Belfield ;A>A @ao%d #alah%ddin=8 a 3o%n-
blac) man 2ho became disenchanted 2ith American social and
economic life and 2as dra2n to the militant ?slamic mo1ement.
?n 1,'.8 #alah%ddin assassinated a former ?ranian 4mbass3 official8 Ali
Tabatabai8 2ho had ad1ocated the o1erthro2 of the A3atollah >homani.
(i)e Car3 Ba-an's D?ranianD friends 2ho had 0lanned to bomb a federal
b%ildin- %sin- a 0ostal tr%c) 0ac)ed 2ith e:0losi1es8 #alah%ddin %sed a
0ostal Nee0 to -ain entr3 into the official's home. 7e then fled the $.#.
and assimilated himself into the Arab terrorist %nder-ro%nd. Accordin-
to the re0ort8 #alah%ddin 2as t30ical of man3 3o%n- blac) males
indoctrinated into the ?slamic faith b3 ?ranian a-ents8 2ho con1inced
them that terrorism 2as a le-itimate means of 0rotest.
Aith the hel0 of Aashin-ton8 @.C. 0ri1ate in1esti-ator Carl #choffler8
ABC 2.R2. in1esti-ators 2ere able to obtain 0olice intelli-ence re0orts
2hich established that Dthe A3atollah had established a recr%itin- and
trainin- 0ro-ram 2ithin the $.#. for home--ro2n terrorists.D
Callin- themsel1es the ?slamic B%errillas in America ;?BA=8 the -ro%08
ori-inall3 com0rised of a00ro:imatel3 a doen 3o%n- blac) men8
became in1ol1ed in m%rder8 ban) robber38 and threats on the li1es of
N%d-es and 0rosec%tors.
Re-ardin- the assassination of Tabatabai8 #alah%ddin told 2.R2.8 D?
ass%me that the decision came from 2hat 2as the Re1ol%tionar3
Co%ncil in ?ran8 in Tehran. That's m3 ass%m0tion.D
Another of #alah%ddin's close 0als 2as Cle1en 7olt8 2ho %nder his
?slamic name8 ?sa Abd%llah8 fo%-ht a-ainst the ?sraelis in (ebanon and
2as seen e:tensi1el3 o%tside the Marine Cor0s com0o%nd in Beir%t N%st
before it 2as bombed in 1,'3. #hoffler recalls that Abd%llah 2as once
arrested 2hile casin- Air Force /ne8 the +residential Net.L
Accordin- to #choffler8 DThere are clear si-ns that constant
recr%itment's -oin- on.LD
#ome of this recr%itment 2as for a -ro%0 )no2n as al-F%9%a8 2hich
claims bet2een 2.. and 3.. o0erational members. A s0linter from the
@a'ar al-?slam sect8 al-F%9ra 2as fo%nded in Broo)l3n in 1,'. b3 a
+a)istani cleric named #ha3)h M%bari) Ali Bilani. Al-F%9ra's
international head9%arters is in (ahore8 +a)istan8 and the3 maintain
stron- ties to both +a)istani intelli-ence and the M%Nahadeen.
The -ro%08 2hich is based on the classical terrorist cell str%ct%re8 is
tho%-ht to ha1e at least fi1e o0erational cells in the $.#.8 and is
s%s0ected of 1& bombin-s and assassinations thro%-ho%t the co%ntr38
incl%din- the m%rder of at least 12 0eo0le.
?n #e0tember of 1,',8 the FB? confiscated the contents of a stora-e
loc)er in Colorado #0rin-s o2ned b3 al-F%9ra members8 incl%din- 3.
0o%nds of e:0losi1es ;three 0i0e-bombs8 homemade 0lastic e:0losi1es8
hand--renades8 mines8 f%ses8 merc%r3 s2itches and timin- de1ices=8
2ea0ons ;1. hand-%ns and silencers=8 militar3 man%als8 bomb-ma)in-
instr%ctions8 a 0hoto of #hei) /mar Abdel Rahman8 tar-et-0ractice
silho%ettes 2ith s%ch headin-s as DFB? Anti-Terrorist TeamD and DYionist
+i-.D Also incl%ded in the lot 2ere 0lans to attac) Colorado militar3
installations8 and Colorado %tilities and a1iation infrastr%ct%res.
Car3 Ba-an 2as alread3 familiar 2ith Al F%9ra from his time in 0rison.
/mar had as)ed Ba-an to Dta)e care ofD an al-F%9ra member named
D4ddie8D sho%ld he call. Ba-an belie1es the man 2as 4d2ard Flinton8
a Colorado-based al-F%9ra member char-ed 2ith cons0irac3 to commit
m%rder in the A%-%st 1,'4 firebombin- of a 7are >rishna tem0le8 and
the Febr%ar3 1,,3 m%rder of Rashid >halifa8 an ?man of a T%cson
?n A%-%st of 1,,!8 si: months after the bombin- in /)lahoma Cit38
D4ddieD called. Ba-an met the al-F%9ra member8 and the t2o alle-edl3
disc%ssed 0lans to detonate car bombs o%tside the Bo1ernor's
Mansion8 the Attorne3 Beneral's office8 the @e0artment of (abor and
4m0lo3ment8 and the Colorado B%rea% of ?n1esti-ation ;CB?=.
The 0lan incl%ded not onl3 blo2in- %0 b%ildin-s * b%t assassinatin- a
federal N%d-e * (e2is Babcoc). Babcoc) 2as one of se1eral N%d-es and
federal a-ents on the terrorists' hit list.
D7e 2as m3 -%3 %0 here8D said Ba-an. D? 2as to ta)e him o%t.D
The idea 2as to ta)e Babcoc)'s %0stairs nei-hbor8 6ohn #trader8
hosta-e8 tie him %08 then 0lant a bomb in his a0artment. A00arentl38
this time the $.#. Marshals too) Ba-an's 2arnin- serio%sl3. A call to
Babcoc) and #trader confirmed that the N%d-e had e:tra sec%rit3
aro%nd him d%rin- this time. Ne1ertheless8 Ba-an said A-ent 6ames
Tafo3a didn't 2ant to follo2 %0.
/n /ctober 2.8 1,,!8 Ba-an ret%rned to @en1er at the behest of his
D7ibollahD contact8 2here he met t2o Americans named D+a%lD and
D@anielD at the Broad2a3 +laa Motel. D? had N%st come bac) from
>in-man8 2here ? dro00ed off mone3 to a militia-loo)in- d%de8D said
Ba-an. The men disc%ssed bombin- tar-ets in @en1er and +hoeni:.
D@aniel deals 2ith these d%des ;al-F%9ra=8D said Ba-an. DThe3 2ere
connected to 7ibollah.D
Altho%-h the a-encies tar-eted for the attac)s ste00ed %0 sec%rit3 at
these facilities8 the FB? be-an a concerted effort to discredit Ba-an.
Then in earl3 Febr%ar38 Ba-an sa3s he met at the Tomaha2) Tr%c)
#to0 in Aat)ins8 Colorado8 2here he hel0ed load a00ro:imatel3 3..
0o%nds of hi-h--rade e:0losi1es alle-edl3 stolen from 4:0losi1es
Fabricators. Also loaded into a 1an 2ere anti-tan) 2ea0ons stolen from
the Arm38 electronic circ%itr38 and bo:es of chemicals mar)ed
Ammoni%m #ilicate. Ba-an sa3s he dro1e the 1an to @en1er8
2here%0on he contacted A-ent Matt Tra1er of the ATF.
Ba-an said he informed FB? A-ents 6ohnson and 7oltsla2 and $.#.
Attorne3s Allison and #olano. Ba-an told 7oltsla2 he 2o%ld ta)e a
+ol3-ra0h test8 re9%ested that he confirm the stat%s of his ?mm%nit3
(etter8 and meet 2ith his famil3 to ass%re them that 0reca%tions 2o%ld
be ta)en for their safet3. Ba-an alle-es that 7oltsla2 ref%sed8 and
ceased all contact 2ith him. The FB? claims that Ba-an ref%sed to
ta)e a +ol3-ra0h8 and 2as therefore %nreliable.
Cet Ba-an's in1ol1ement 2ith al-F%9ra is si-nificant in li-ht of se1eral
factors. First8 Clement Rodne3 7am0ton-4l and 4arl Bant8 both al-F%9ra
members8 2ere indicted in the Aorld Trade Center bombin- and the
s%bse9%ent 0lot to blo2 %0 fo%r Ne2 Cor) Cit3 landmar)s b3 #hei)
/mar Abdel Rahman's 6ama a ?slami3a. 7am0ton had fo%-ht 2ith
B%lbaddin 7e)mat3ar's 7ib-?-?slami ;?slamic +art3= d%rin- the Af-han
Aar8 and assisted in the testin- of e:0losi1es for the Ne2 Cor) Cit3
bombin-s8 altho%-h he didn't act%all3 ta)e 0art in the final 0lot.
#econd8 al-F%9ra is ali-ned8 not onl3 2ith +a)istani intelli-ence8 2hich
s%00orts the M%Nahadeen ;Aorld Trade Center bomber Rami Co%sef is
a +a)istani 2ho re0ortedl3 fo%-ht alon-side the M%Nahadeen=8 b%t to
the 7ibAllah ?nternational thro%-h leaders s%ch as B%lbaddin
7e)mat3ar. Al-F%9ra's contacts also incl%de 7amas8 and the Moro
(iberation Front8 based in the +hili00ines8 2here Terr3 Nichols and
Rami Co%sef alle-edl3 rende1o%sed.
Third8 an indi1id%al claimin- to be the brother of the friend of a man
in1ol1ed in the 0lot called /)lahoma #tate Re0resentati1e >e3 to
0ro1ide him 2ith information after the bombin-. Accordin- to the
anon3mo%s caller8 one of the bombers 2as a blac) M%slim. 7e s0o)e of
a man named DColonel 7ardinD from Ariona8 2hose Ds%00osed to be
dee0l3 in1ol1ed in this8 alon- 2ith some 2ith some Middle 4astern and
some blac) M%slims.D
The reader sho%ld ta)e note that this con1ersation occ%rred before an3
disc%ssion of Middle 4astern in1ol1ement became 0%blic as a res%lt of
#te0hen 6ones' Arit or other in1esti-ations5
Caller( #o8 accordin- to him there 2as nine 0eo0le that he )no2s of
that 2as s%00osedl3 in1ol1ed in this. No2 there 2asL there 2as t2o
2hite -%3s and a blac) d%de. And he said that he tho%-ht one of the
2hite -%3s co%ld 0ossibl3 be a short-haired -irl that she loo)ed li)e she
mi-ht be from the Middle 4ast or somethin-.
B%t the second time that he sa2 the car8 he said it 2as abo%t ten
min%tes before the bombin-8 he said the3 dro1e %0 to him and told him
to -et the hell o%t8 that there 2as -onna' be a bomb. And he said it
2as the same car onl3 that it had the 2hite -%3 and the blac) d%de in
it. The other 0erson8 he said tho%-ht mi-ht be a female 2asn't in the
car at that time. No2 this abo%t ten min%tes before.L
And this blac) d%de-he's a member of the Nation of ?slam8 b%t he's also
0rior ser1ice militar3. And this st%0id asshole8 he s%00osedl3 called
Channel Fo%r after the bombin-8 claimin- credit for it.
5ey( Aell ? heard thatL ? for-et 2ho called in to 2here b%t
somebod3 called in and said8 3o% )no28 it 2as the Nation of ?slam.
Caller( Aell8 he 2as s%00osed to ha1e been the one. And another
thin-L Channel Fo%r said late last ni-ht that this le- 2as s%00osed to
ha1e had some +<C embedded it. And8 3o% )no28 3o% %se +<C 0i0e to
0ac) 0lastic e:0losi1es in. ?t -reatl3 increases the detonation of it and
the shear 0o2er of it8 and it's also a tid3 2a3 of handlin- it.
Finall38 there is the %nidentified le- fo%nd in the r%bble of the M%rrah
B%ildin-. The se1ered le-8 alle-edl3 belon-in- to a blac) female8 2as
clothed in combat boots8 t2o 0airs of soc)s8 and an oli1e militar3-iss%e
blo%sin- stra0.
A%thorities e1ent%all3 claimed the le- belon-ed to 21-3ear-old Air
Force Airman (a)esha (e138 2ho 2as in the #ocial #ec%rit3 office at the
time of the blast.
Ahat is stran-e is that there 2ere ei-ht bodies 2ith missin- or se1ered
limbs. ?f the le- 2as clothed in militar3 -arb8 it sho%ld ha1e been a
sim0le tas) to match it 2ith (e138 2ho li)e2ise 2o%ld ha1e been
2earin- a militar3 %niform. 41entho%-h (e13 2as b%ried before this le-
2as fo%nd8 it sho%ld ha1e been a sim0le tas) to -o bac) and see 2hich
of the bodies 2ith se1ered limbs belon-ed to militar3 0ersonnel
2earin- militar3 %niforms. Cet a%thorities ori-inall3 b%ried a different
le- 2ith (e13 before findin- this one on Ma3 3..
The #tate Medical 4:aminer's /ffice ori-inall3 claimed the le-
belon-ed to a 2hite or li-ht-s)inned male8 most li)el3 %nder 3. 3ear of
a-e. This findin- 2as later recanted b3 the FB?8 2ho DdecidedD that it
belon-ed to (e13. /f co%rse8 B3 statin- the le- belon-ed to (e138 the
FB? con1enientl3 remo1ed all s0ec%lation as to 2hom the le- reall3
belon-ed to. As #te0hen 6ones stated8 DJ+erha0sK the e:0erts are more
interested in 0ro1in- the non-e:istence of a different bomber at the
scene than 1alidatin- the /)lahoma Medical 4:aminer.D
Co%ld the %nidentified le- ha1e act%all3 belon-ed to the real bomber *
a blac) M%slim 0re0ared to sacrifice himself or herself for the ca%seH
+erha0s this e:0lains 2h3 a%thorities alle-edl3 reco1ered no bodies
that matched this le-. ?t is 0ossible the le- belon-ed to an additional
bomber 2ho 2as disinte-rated b3 the blast. This co%ld also e:0lain the
conf%sed loo) @aina Bradle3 2itnessed on 6ohn @oe 2's face after he
2al)ed to the bac) of the R3der tr%c). +erha0s %0on o0enin- the door8
he 2as confronted 2ith a comrade 2ho ordered him a2a38 then set off
the de1ice8 neatl3 se1erin- himself or herself in the 0rocess.
Ahile the Nation of ?slam ;N/?= are s%00osedl3 enemies of Al F%9ra8 it
sho%ld be 0ointed o%t that the N/? has for-ed lin)s 2ith the >>>8 the
American Nai +art38 and Tom Met-er's Ahite Ar3an Resistance
The T%lsa8 /)lahoma leader of AAR8 @ennis Mahon8 freel3 admitted
to Ailliam 6as0er and other No%rnalists that the ?ra9is 0aid him F1..-a-
month * F4'.. total * bet2een 1,,1 and 1,,!8 to stir %0 dissent
amon- the neo-NaiRAhite #%0remacist comm%nit3 a-ainst the B%lf
Aar sanctions. ;At least Mahon belie1es the mone3 came from the ?ra9i
A former Brand @ra-on of the >% >l%: >lan8 Mahon had 1isited
Berman3 in an effort to recr%it 3o%n- Bermans into the >>>. Also recall
that d%rin- the B%lf Aar8 the Anti-Yionist (ea-%e's Michael >Zhnen8
2or)in- 2ith his old mercenar3 friend Michel Faci8 ne-otiated a
contract to 0ro1ide 2.. Berman8 American and British neo-Nai
1ol%nteers to fi-ht alon-side ?ra9i troo0s.
As 0re1io%sl3 disc%ssed8 >Zhnen 2as s%cceeded b3 a man named
7%bner8 2ho has s0o)en 2ith >ir) (3ons at meetin-s of the -ro%0
D@e%tsche Alternati1e.D (3ons' client 2as Michael Brescia's roommate
Andreas #trassmeir8 a -ood friend of @ennis Mahon's. A fre9%ent 1isitor
to 4lohim Cit38 Mahon 2as close friends 2ith Brescia. 7e almost
certainl3 )ne2 Brescia's friend8 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h.
A-ain8 the 9%estion m%st be as)ed5 Aere Mc<ei-h8 Nichols8 and their
comrades in fact 0lottin- 2ith Arab e:tremists and their blac) M%slims
co%nter0arts to blo2 %0 the Federal B%ildin-8 and 2as ?ra9 behind itH
As the -ashington Post9s 6ac) Anderson stated5 DA 0referable re1en-e
for ?ra9 2o%ld in1ol1e ha1in- a 9surrogate terrorist9 carr3 o%t a
domestic attac) that 7%ssein co%ld 0ri1atel3 ta)e credit forLD
Anderson's anal3sis ma3 be rather 0rescient. #tates and their
intelli-ence a-encies ha1e bein- %sin- terrorist -ro%0s as Dc%t-o%tsD
for 3ears in order to maintain deniabilit3. e8ense 6 Foreign A88airs8
stated it th%sl35
Ldes0ite the im0ortant e1ol%tion in the role of the terrorist
or-aniations and other entities thro%-h the 7ibAllah ?nternational8
the act%al control o1er the o0erations themsel1es remains firml3 in the
hands of8 and %nder the ti-ht control of8 the s0onsorin- states8 bein-
0er0etrated b3 o0erati1es of intelli-ence ser1ices.L
?t is thro%-h these Dor-aniationsD that the s0onsorin- states in effect
ta)e credit for their terrorist o0erations and ha1e their messa-e clear
and e:0licit. Bi1en the mar)ed escalation of international terrorism and
the hi-her sta)es in1ol1ed8 the im0ortance of the front -ro%0s
Ds0ea)in-D for the s0onsorin- states * 0artic%larl3 ?ran and the -lobal
?slamic Re1ol%tion it is r%nnin- * is of -ro2in- im0ortance and
centralit3 to international terrorism.
Another e:am0le of s%ch methodolo-3 2as the Aorld Trade Center
bombin-. As Rami Co%sef's accom0lice Mahm%d Ab% 7alima 0%t it8
DThe 0lanned act 2as not as bi- as 2hat s%bse9%entl3 occ%rred.L
Co%sef sho2ed %0 on the sceneL and escalated the initial 0lot.L
Co%sef %sed J#alameh and the othersKL as 0a2ns and then
immediatel3 after the blast left the co%ntr3.D
#ome terrorism
e:0erts thin) Co%sef 2as 2or)in- for ?ra9.
#te0hen 6ones belie1es a similar 0lan %nfolded in /)lahoma Cit3. As he
stated in his March 2!th Arit of Mandam%s5
The 0lan 2as arran-ed for a Middle 4astern bombin- en-ineer to
en-ineer the bomb in s%ch a 2a3 that it co%ld be caref%ll3 trans0orted
and s%ccessf%ll3 detonated. There is no re0orted incident of neo-Nais
or e:treme Ri-ht-2in- militants in this co%ntr3 e:0lodin- an3 bomb of
an3 si-nificant sie8 let alone one to brin- do2n a nine ;,= stor3 federal
b%ildin- and )ill 1"' 0ersons.L This terrorist attac) 2as Dcontracted
o%tD to 0ersons 2hose or-aniation and ideolo-3 2as friendl3 to
0olicies of the forei-n 0o2er and incl%ded disli)e and hatred of the
$nited #tates -o1ernment itself8 and 0ossibl3 incl%ded 2as a desire for
re1en-e a-ainst the $nited #tates.L
?n No1ember of 1,,48 Ba-an said he made a tri0 to Me:ico Cit3 2ith
/mar8 2here he ran into a familiar face amon-st the terrorist cro2d *
Fran) Ter0il. D? sa2 him do2n in Me:ico Cit3L 2ith /mar8D recalled
Ba-an. DAe met him in the Yona Rosa area.D
A retired C?A comm%nications s0ecialist8 Ter0il had been con1icted8
alon- 2ith ro-%e C?A a-ent 4d2in Ailson8 of sellin- 2. tons of C-4
0lastic e:0losi1es and !.8... electronic timers to the (ib3an
Ter0il had also lined his 0oc)ets b3 s%00l3in- tort%re de1ices to
$-andan @ictator ?di Amin8 and so0histicated detonators and
comm%nications e9%i0ment to the +o0%lar Front for the (iberation of
+alestine. 7e and Ailson had also set %0 a terrorist trainin- cam0 in
(ib3a8 and had recr%ited $.#. Breen Berets to train Arab terrorists in
bombin- and assassination techni9%es.
After bein- indicted8 Ter0il fled the co%ntr38 and 2as last seen hidin-
o%t in C%ba8 %ntil he sho2ed %0 in Me:ico Cit3L 2ith /mar. DThe3 met
at the bar8D said Ba-an. DTer0il and /mar s0o)e for abo%t fifteen
min%tes8 alone.D
DAho's that d%deHD Ba-an as)ed /mar as the3 left the bar.
DAn e:-C?A a-ent named Ter0il8D came the ans2er. D7e li1es in C%ba.D
DFran) Ter0ilH ? tho%-ht he 2as deadH Ahat's %0 2ith himHD
D7e li1es in C%ba. 7e's hands-off.LD
Considerin- Ter0il's 2ell-doc%mented relationshi0 2ith Arab
terrorists8 and his D2antedD stat%s in the $.#.8 it is %nderstandable 2h3
he 2o%ld choose to meet /mar in Me:ico Cit3.
Ba-an himself 2as no stran-er to Me:ico Cit3. As 0re1io%sl3 disc%ssed8
the #o1iets had solicited Ba-an's hel0 in 1,'. to 0roc%re militar3
secrets from his friend at Martin Marietta. The3 re9%ested his hel0
a-ain in 1,'" to assist ille-al ?ranian immi-rants 2ho needed false ?@s.
Ahile in Me:ico Ba-an had also met an A%strian8 4d%ard Bodena3er8 a
#o1iet s038 and had been to the R%ssian embass3 re0eatedl3. As he
told #te0hen 6ones8 DM3 contacts there 2ere a -%3 named <aller3 and
@id /mar8 #am >halid8 or their associates ha1e contact 2ith the
R%ssiansH Considerin- >halid's re0orted ties to the +(/ and 7amas8
and the lon- histor3 of #o1iet-Arab coo0eration8 it is hi-hl3 li)el3.
(i)e Nais and neo-Nais 2ho'1e for-ed lin)s 2ith Arab terrorists8 the
#o1iets ha1e 0ro1ided 2ide-ran-in- s%00ort to Arab terrorist -ro%0s
thro%-ho%t the 3ears. As 6ames +hilli0s of the 7erita-e Fo%ndation
@%rin- the 1,&.s the #o1iet $nion and its satellites -reatl3 e:0anded
their s%00ort for terrorist -ro%0s. Mosco2 often %sed Middle 4astern
client states s%ch as ?ra98 (ib3a8 #3ria8 and the former +eo0le's
@emocratic Re0%blic of #o%th Cemen as intermediaries to mas) #o1iet
arms8 trainin-8 intelli-ence8 and lo-istical s%00ort for a 2ide 1ariet3 of
terrorist -ro%0s.
?f the R%ssians 2ere s0onsorin- their Arab friends in terrorism8 it is
li)el3 the Arabs ma3 ha1e 2ished to maintain f%rther deniabilit3 b3
en-a-in- the assistance of American neo-Nais. This 0ossibilit3
became more a00arent as connections 2ere dra2n8 not onl3 bet2een
@ennis Mahon and ?ra9i embass3 officials8 b%t bet2een Terr3 Nichols
and ?ra9i terrorist Rami Co%sef8 and bet2een Timoth3 Mc<ei-h and
former ?ra9i soldier 7%ssain al-7%ssaini.
This li)elihood became clearer after inter1ie2in- Michele Torres8 the
da%-hter of a former Comm%nist +art3 official ;+.R.T. +art3= in Me:ico
Cit3. An intelli-ent 3o%n- 2oman8 Michele had been raised %nder the
harsh re-imentation of a 0erson destined for a 0osition in the
Comm%nist +art38 b%t had rebelled8 and at a-e 1&8 fled to the $nited
Torres recalled the n%mero%s and stran-e faces that 2o%ld often 0ass
thro%-h her home and her father's office. Arab men from 6ordan8
+alestine8 ?ra9L she 2as not allo2ed to as) them their names or their
Torres also claimed to ha1e o1erheard con1ersations bet2een her
father and +(/ re0resentati1es some 3ears earlier. The meetin-s8 she
said8 in1ol1ed disc%ssions of a bombin- 0lot to be carried o%t in the
?t 2as the 2inter of 1,,28 and Michele's father8 7irram Torres8 2as
2or)in- in the office of the +(/ in Me:ico Cit3. 7e 2as s0ea)in- 2ith a
man from +alestine8 and another from 6ordan or 0ossibl3 ?ra9. ?n bro)en
4n-lish8 Torres reco%nts the con1ersation5
Torres( The3 2ere sa3in-5 DAhat do 3o% thin) abo%t the ne2 0lanHD
And the other man sa3s5 DAell8 2e canL the R%ssian officers told %s 2e
can 0robabl3 blame the fascists.D Co% )no2 2hat ? meanH DAmericans
* the American +atriots8 and all the st%0id st%ff 2ith the 2hite
s%0remacists and the neo-Nais. #o 2e can -i1e t2o stri)es at once.D
Hoffman( @id he e:0lain 2hat he meant b3 t2o stri)esH
Torres( The3 didn't e:0lain it b%t ? %nderstood it.
Hoffman( @id the3 sa3 an3thin- abo%t the +atriot Mo1ement or the
Militia Mo1ementH
Torres( The3 don't sa3 an3thin- abo%t militia. Ahen the3 2ant to tal)
abo%t militia8 the3 sa3 fascists or neo-Nais. And 2hen the3 s0ea)
abo%t +atriots8 or Can)eesL the 2a3 the3 sa3. The3 %sed to s0ea)
abo%t 2hite s%0remacistsL all AmericansL 2hite Americans are 2hite
s%0remacists. Can)ees and fascists.
Hoffman( Tell me 2hat the3 meant b3 the t2o stri)es at once.
Torres( The3 2antedL the Arab 0eo0le 2antedL to ma)e a terrorist
act. The3 needed to ma)e a terrorist act. There 2as li)e8 some of the
Arab leaders * 2anted to ma)e * 2anted to -i1e a stri)e to the
$nited #tates. The3 didn't e1en %nderstand 2h3. B%t at the same time8
the Comm%nist +art3 tells them that it 2as a -reat idea toL
Hoffman( No2 are 3o% relatin- the act%al con1ersationH
Torres( Ces. The3 2ere sa3in- that it 2asL all the time the3 2ere
tal)in- abo%tL 2hat the R%ssian officers told them to do. #o that man
2ho 2as tal)in- 2as the +alestinian man * m3 father told him that it
2as 1er3 -ood8 and that the3 2o%ld 0robabl3 find an eas3 2a3 * an
eas3 2a3 to blame that )ind of 0eo0le. That he 2as tr3in-L that he
had tried to contact neo-Nai 0eo0le to hel0 himL
Hoffman( @id he sa3 2hoH
Torres( Ces. 7e tried to contact an3 )ind of National #ocialist 0eo0le
;American Nai +art3=L ? tell 3o% the 2a3 ? heard it5 DAe can 0robabl3
%se those neo-Nai bastards. ? tried to contact them8 b%t the3
ref%sed to do it8 and the3 don't 2ant to -et in1ol1ed in that )ind of
st%ff 2ith Comm%nists. And ? don't thin) an3one can -et those f%c)in-
idiots8 b%t ? don't care.D 7e said somethin- li)e8 D? don't care. Ae are
an32a3 -oin- to blame them.D
Hoffman( Ae don't 2ant to -et in1ol1ed 2ith Comm%nists and that
)ind of st%ff and 2hatL
Torres( DB%t an32a3 can blame them. No matter if the3 2ant to
coo0erate 2ith %s or not.D Then he told meL he told that -%3 thatL he
2as -oin- to hire a 2hite man.
Hoffman( To act as a neo-NaiH Co% mean to 0la3 the 0art of a neo-
Torres( To 0la3 the 0art of a neo-Nai. AndL and to 0artici0ate 2ith
his comradesL he s0o)e abo%t his Arab comrades.
Hoffman( ?n 2hat res0ectH
Torres( 7is Arab comradesL and he %sed to call them brothers or
some )ind of thin-L
Hoffman( Co%r father s0o)e of them this 2a3H
Torres( Ces. B%t8 2ell8 he told it in R%ssian8 that he 2as * that bo3
2ho the3 2ere -oin- to hire8 2as -oin- to 2or) to-ether 2ith the
Tobarich ;R%ssian for comrade=. Aith the Tobarich.
Hoffman( @o 3o% remember an3 names * an3 s0ecific names of an3
0eo0le * an3bod3H
Torres( No. That time8 the3 2ere N%st -oin- to 0lan it. That 2as the
Hoffman( This 2as in the 2inter of ',2H
Torres( Ces. The3 2ere N%st disc%ssin- the 0lan. The3 didn't e1en )no2
the names. M3 father 2asL b3 that time m3 father 2asL decidin-.
Hoffman( No2 2h3 do 3o% thin) so lon- a-oH That's fo%r 3ears
bet2een no2 and then.
Torres( The3 al2a3s 0lan it in that 2a3. The3 ta)e their time8 and
al2a3s a 1er3 lon- time. The3 al2a3s ta)e a 1er3 lon- timeL
Hoffman( ?s there an3thin- else abo%t 2hat the3 disc%ssed that 3o%
ha1en't told me that 3o% thin) is im0ortantH
Torres( The3 said the3 2ere -oin- to do it in the middle of the
co%ntr3. And the3 2ere -oin- to do it in a b%siness office.
Hoffman( @id the3 sa3 ho2 bi-H
Torres( Ces8 bi-. And the3 2antedL children to be 1ictims of it. There
m%st be children there * it m%st be an office 2here children 2ere
someho2. The3 had to )ill children. Beca%se it 2as a 1er3 im0ortant
0art of the emotional 0art of the stri)eL.
Hoffman( @id the3 e1er mention +an Am 1.3 or the Aorld Trade
Center bombin-s in referenceH
Torres( The3 tal)ed somethin- abo%tL trade centers. An32a3 the3
s0o)e abo%t trade centers * abo%t 0laces 2here b%siness 2ere made8
beca%se Americans re-ard so m%ch their mone3 and their b%siness.
That 2as the e:0lanation m3 father -a1e to the +alestinian -%3. The3
s0o)e abo%t 0laces 2here b%siness 2ere made8 and that it 2as not the
onl3 stri)e the3 2ere -oin- to ma)e.
Co% )no2 one of the reasons ? am not scared of this con1ersation ;this
inter1ie2= is beca%se ? heard * ? listen to this )ind of con1ersation all
of m3 life. M3 father * he has )illed a lot of 0eo0le * he has done a lot
of 2ron- thin-s. 7e 2as in1ol1edL
Ahile Torres' mention of R%ssian intelli-ence seems to ha1e all the
ma)in-s of a Claire #terlin- no1el8 it sho%ld be mentioned that Me:ico
Cit3 is home to one of the lar-est #o1iet cons%lates in the Aestern
hemis0here8 2ith its attendant #o1iet intelli-ence a00arat%s.
?t a00ears that 2hat Torres 2as describin- 2as more than a loose-)nit
-ro%0 of terrorists8 b%t a so0histicated centrall3-controlled state-
s0onsored terrorist a00arat%s. As e8ense 6 Foreign A88airs stated5
@es0ite the %n0recedented role of the 7ibAllah ?nternational in the
decision ma)in- 0rocess8 all maNor terrorist o0erations remain state-
controlled. These o0erations are cond%cted b3 a-encies of states and
in 0%rs%it of the lon--term and strate-ic interests of the controllin- and
s0onsorin- states. The DnamesD and D0rofilesD of the or-aniations and
-ro%0s iss%in- the comm%ni9%Xs and claims constit%te an inte-ral
com0onent of the state s0onsorshi0 mechanism. These named entities
ser1e a s0ecific f%nction5 statin- the identit3 of the interests in1ol1ed
in8 and the o%tlinin- of the lo-ic and obNecti1es behind8 these
o0erations 2itho%t ha1in- the s0onsorin- states ass%me formal
?ncredible as it so%nds8 Torres' stor3 ma3 be the )e3 0iece of the 0%le
lin)in- the Arab and neo-Nai contin-ents. 7er stor3 is si-nificant in
li-ht of the fact that @ennis Mahon 2as bein- 0aid b3 the ?ra9is to stir
%0 dissent amon-st the 2hite s%0remacist comm%nit3.
7er stor3 also ties into the fact that /mar alle-edl3 met 2ith Fran)
Ter0il in Me:ico Cit3G and Terr3 Nichols re0ortedl3 met 2ith Rami
Co%sef in the +hili00ines.
Finall38 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h8 an alle-ed 2hite s%0remacist8 2as seen 2ith
7%ssain al-7%ssaini8 an ?ra9i.
?nterestin-l38 2ithin ho%rs of the blast in /)lahoma Cit38 .adio (ehran
in ?ra9 had the ans2er. DLthe 0er0etrators 2ere Christian e:tremist
militias from Montana and /)lahoma obser1in- the t2o-3ear
anni1ersar3 of the $.#. -o1ernment )illin- of '" men8 2omen8 and
children in the Branch @a1idian Aaco massacre.D
Aas Timoth3 Mc<ei-h the Dneo-Nai bastardD that Michele's father
tal)ed abo%t hirin-H
And 2ere the R%ssians %sin- Middle 4astern terrorists as 0ro:ies *
2ho in t%rn 2ere %sin- American neo-Nais * to destabalie the Aest
2hile maintainin- deniabilit3H Ahile the a00arent demise of the #o1iet
$nion con1inced a lot of 0eo0le that the lon--feared Comm%nist threat
2as o1er8 man3 2ithin the intelli-ence comm%nit3 disa-ree.
A recent R%eters re0ort 9%oted Ra3mond Misloc)8 Chief of the FB?'s
National #ec%rit3 @i1ision8 as sa3in- that the R%ssians Dstill are on the
scene8D and contin%e to em0lo3 intelli-ence officers in this co%ntr3. ?n
fact8 the FB? 2as in1esti-atin- o1er 2.. cases of s%s0ected R%ssian
es0iona-e acti1it3 at the time of this 2ritin-.
And 2hat abo%t >halid's em0lo3ees tri0s to Me:icoH Aas >halid
liasonin- 2ith terrorists thereH $ltimatel38 the 9%estion 2as8 2ho 2as
>halid 2or)in- forH
Altho%-h (o%is Cro%sette a1oided an3 f%rther attem0ts to contact him8
he left 6a3na @a1is 2ith one final 2ord of ad1ice. 4choin- 7ani >amal's
2ords of 2arnin- re-ardin- ?sraeli intelli-ence8 Cro%sette said8 DCo%
)no2 2ho's 3o%r best bet to tal) to8 if 3o% ha1en't tho%-ht abo%t itL
the Mossad.D
That final ada-e led me strai-ht bac) to Northro08 2ho stated in his
re0ort that >halid Dfit the roleD of a +(/ o0erati1e8 and insisted that the
bombin- 2as the 2or) of ?ra9i terrorists. B%t if >halid8 7%ssaini8 and
/shan 2ere sim0le Arab terrorists * and the3 had left a trail of
e1idence a mile lon- * 2h3 2ere the3 still 2al)in- aro%ndH
?n s0ite of No1el's and @a1is' %ns%ccessf%l attem0ts to 0ositi1el3 ?.@.
>halid 2ith Mc<ei-h or Nichols8 Ba-an stated that he had seen Nichols
2ith /mar8 at a meetin- 2hich too) 0lace N%st o%tside of (as <e-as.
The FB? had also in1esti-ated #am >halid for +(/ f%ndraisin- acti1ities8
and had loo)ed into the shootin- assa%lt of #haron T2ille3.
The3 had 0%t o%t an A+B on the bro2n 0ic)-%0 dri1en b3 7%ssain al-
7%ssaini8 2hich 2as seen s0eedin- a2a3 from the scene of the
bombin-. And 7%ssaini's alibi for the mornin- of the A0ril 1, 2as
0atentl3 false.
>F/R's 2itnesses 2ho 0laced 7%ssaini 2ith Mc<ei-h seemed 0erfectl3
credible8 and >F/R had 0assed on their information to the FB?.
>halid had access to an a%to bod3 sho08 and one of >halid's em0lo3ees
had been seen abandonin- the re-0ainted 0ic)-%0 in a nearb3
a0artment com0le:.
Then there 2as the m3sterio%s disa00earance of >halid's 0hone
records8 and the stran-e comments he made to 4rnie Cranfield 2hen
he 2as as)ed 2h3 Abraham Ahmed had been seen han-in- aro%nd
>halid's 0lace in the bro2n 0ic)-%0.
>halid had been 0laced b3 Northro0's so%rces 2ith the same 7amas
o0erati1e in Miami * Ramadan #hallah * that Ba-an had seen in (as
Finall38 /mar ;>halidH= 2as seen meetin- 2ith Fran) Ter0il * a ro-%e
C?A a-ent 2ho had s%00lied Arab terrorists 2ith se1eral tons of C-4.
Altho%-h circ%mstantial8 the facts 2ere s%fficient to ma)e an
incontro1ertible case8 and 3et these 0eo0le seemed to 2al) thro%-h
2alls. Co%ld the FB? be so ine0tH Aere their a-ents so
com0artmentalied that the3 co%ldn't 0%t t2o and t2o to-etherH /r
had the 6%stice @e0artment's in1esti-ation become so 0oliticied that
b%rea%cratic ine0tit%de had become the desired and ine1itable res%ltH
?t 2o%ld seem all of the abo1e8 and 3et this still seemed too sim0le an
41en Northro0's re0ort seemed a bit one-dimensional. Ahile the former
?sraeli intelli-ence a-ent dre2 a 0ict%re of Arab terrorists for-ed in the
fire of the +(/8 the ima-e that l%r)ed N%st beneath the s%rface8 one
dra2n in in1isible in)8 2as that of intelli-ence o0erati1es concei1ed in
the secret chambers of the MossadL or the C?A.
This 2as the one remainin- 0ossibilit3 that lent credence to the
seemin-l3 irreconcilable facts 2hich 0resented themsel1es. After all8
2h3 had the FB? i-nored a 1eritable mo%ntain of dammin- e1idenceH
Ah3 had the3 s%ddenl3 and m3sterio%sl3 canceled the A+B on the
bro2n 0ic) %0H And 2h38 after 4' ho%rs of re0ortin- nothin- b%t Middle
4astern connections8 did the 6%stice @e0artment and their obedient la0
do-s of the mainstream 0ress s%ddenl3 anno%nce that no Middle
4astern connection e:istedH
Certainl3 the ca0t%re of Mc<ei-h and Nichols did not re0%diate the still-
standin- Middle 4astern connection. Nor co%ld the s%dden chan-e
ha1e been the res%lt of information from lo2-le1el a-ents in the
field. No. ?t co%ld ha1e onl3 been the res%lt of one thin- * a strate-ic
decision from the 6%stice @e0artment8 2hich had as its basis8 a 0olitical
directi1e from the Ahite 7o%se.
?t 2as to Aashin-ton that >halid tra1eled shortl3 after the bombin-8
accordin- to em0lo3ees8 to meet 2ith a Con-ressional re0resentati1e.
The 0%r0oseH As an emissar3 to disc%ss the 0roblem of DM%slim
Cet >F/R's +.?.8 Bob 6erlo28 claims he s0o)e to the Re0resentati1e's aide
2ho chec)ed the Con-ressman's sched%le and claimed she ne1er sa2
the name >halid.
?f #am >halid 2as a r%n-of-the-mill Arab terrorist 2ho had N%st 0la3ed a
role in the bi--est terrorist attac) in $.#. histor38 2h3 2o%ld he attract
attention to himself b3 firin- shots at #haron T2ille3H A con1icted felon
li)e >halid 2o%ld easil3 earn a stiff 0rison sentence for 0ossession of a
firearm and assa%lt 2ith a deadl3 2ea0on.
$nless he 2as D0rotected.D
This 2o%ld tend to e:0lain 2h3 he acted so non-chalant to2ards 4rnie
Cranfield8 Bob 6erlo28 Brad 4d2ards8 and the a%thor. ?t 2o%ld li)e2ise
tend to e:0lain the FB?'s lac) of interest in >halid.
?f >halid and 7%ssaini 2ere r%n-of-the-mill Arab terrorists8 2hat 2as
>halid doin- meetin- 2ith s%ch hi-h-le1el $.#. officialsH ?t 2o%ld seem
that +resident Clinton's 0%blicl3 tele1ised admonishment not to blame
the Arab comm%nit3 also ser1ed as a hand3 e:c%se to co1er %0 the
Middle 4astern connection.
Cet 2h3 2o%ld Clinton 2ant to co1er %0 their connection to the
bombin-H There are t2o reasons5 First8 Clinton needs an e:c%se to
crac) do2n on the +atriotRMilitia comm%nit38 2ho re0resent a threat to
Clinton's anti-constit%tional 0lans for America8 and the establishment's
0lans for a DNe2 Aorld /rder.D This Clinton did 2ith a 1en-eance. /nce
the 6%stice @e0artment had anno%nced the ca0t%re of Mc<ei-h and
Nichols8 the mainstream media8 2ith information s%00lied mainl3 b3
the Anti-@efamation (ea-%e of the B'nai B'rith ;A@(=8 and the #o%thern
+o1ert3 (a2 Center ;#+(C=8 2as able to foc%s their anti-militia
s0otli-hts8 la%nchin- 1itriolic attac)s a-ainst an3one connected 2ith
the far-Ri-ht. $nder the orchestration of the A@(8 attac)s on the
+atriotRMilitia mo1ement contin%ed for months8 e1entho%-h there 2as
no doc%mentable 0roof of the s%s0ects' connections to the militias8 or
the militias' connection to the bombin-.
N%mber t2o8 Clinton and B%sh 2ere res0onsible for brin-in- indi1id%als
li)e 7%ssain al-7%ssaini into this co%ntr3. Bet2een 1,,2 and 1,,!8 o1er
1'8... ?ra9i ref%-ees and their families 2ere resettled into the $.#.
%nder a lar-el3 %n)no2n and hotl3 debated 0ro-ram initiated b3
+resident B%sh and follo2ed %0 b3 +resident Clinton. The3 2ere 0art of
a contin-ent of ?ra9i ref%-ees that flooded the #a%di border d%rin- and
after the 2ar8 incl%din- man3 former ?ra9i soldiers and deserters.
Accordin- to /)lahoma #enator @a1id Boren8 a00ro:imatel3 ,!. of
these former soldiers 2ere resettled in the $.#. in 1,,2 and 1,,3.
Con-ressional Research #er1ice fi-%res indicate that an additional !4,
soldiers 2ere resettled in 1,,48 and 21, in 1,,!.
A D#ense of the Con-ressD resol%tion initiated b3 Re0%blicans @on
Man%lla of ?llinois and Clifford #tearns of Florida attem0ted to halt the
DAe're rollin- o%t the 2elcome 2a-on to 0risoners of 2ar8 3et o%r o2n
1eterans 2ho fo%-ht there are ha1in- tro%ble -ettin- an3 hel08D #terns
said. #ome of the ref%-ees incl%ded #hi'ite M%slims 2ho 2ere
o00ressed b3 ?ra9i +resident #addam 7%ssein and in some cases
rebelled a-ainst him. /thers incl%ded ?ra9i soldiers 2ho 7%ssein 1o2ed
to e:ec%te beca%se the3 didn't fi-ht to the death. D?'m s3m0athetic
2ith the idea that 0eo0le 2ho o00osed #addam 7%ssein sho%ld not be
allo2ed to be massacred8D said Tennessee #tate Re0%blican
Re0resentati1e 6ohn (. '6imm3' @%ncan 6r.8 Db%t 2e sho%ld -i1e the
benefit of the do%bt to o%r o2n 0eo0le and 0%t the b%rden of 0roof on
the 0eo0le 2ho 2ant to come in.D
?n s0ite of the resol%tions8 the Ahite 7o%se bac)ed the 0ro-ram8
officiall3 admittin- a00ro:imatel3 1'8... ?ra9i ref%-ees into the $.#.
Accordin- to Man%lla's office8 the fi-%re ma3 be hi-her. #ome fi-%res
0%t a00ro:imatel3 !8... ?ra9is in the T%lsa and /)lahoma Cit3 areas
/thers fear that s%ch a resettlement 2o%ld create a sort of Dblo2bac).D
The $.#. alread3 has M%slim e:tremist cells8 and it is diffic%lt to -ather
acc%rate intelli-ence on all those admitted %nder the 0ro-ram.
Accordin- to the Con-ressional Research #er1ice Re0ort8 DLthere has
been no contact 2ith >%2aiti intelli-ence ser1ices in the effort to 1erif3
that the ref%-ees are not ?ra9i a-ents.D
?f 7%ssain al-7%ssaini8 a former ?ra9i officer8 2as resettled into the $.#.8
it is 0ossible * hi-hl3 0ossible in fact * that he 2as recr%ited b3 the
C?A or @?A as 0art of a deal.
There is a 0recedent for s%ch collaboration. ?n 1,4, and 1,!. the
National #ec%rit3 Co%ncil iss%ed N#C ?ntelli-ence @irecti1e 13 and 148
2hich e:0anded the C?A's a%thorit3 to f%nction inside the $.#. ;in
1iolation of the C?A's charter.= /ne of their 0ro-rams in1ol1ed brin-in-
Dfa1ored 4%ro0ean e:ilesD into the co%ntr3.
DFa1ored 4%ro0ean e:ilesD 2as a e%0hemism for Nai 2ar criminals.
?t ma3 not be fair to com0are ?ra9i 2ar ref%-ees 2ith Nai 2ar
criminals or ?slamic terrorists. B%t -i1en the $nited #tates' 0recedent in
%sin- e:0atriated Nais and C%bans for their co1ert o0erations8 and the
e:tremel3 lo2-)e3 nat%re of the B%shRClinton ?ra9i resettlement
0ro-ram8 one has to 2onder 2hat 7%ssaini's real 0%r0ose 2as.
As former +enta-on in1esti-ator Bene Aheaton obser1es5 D41er3 maNor
Middle-4astern terrorist or-aniation is %nder s%r1eillance and control
of the intelli-ence a-encies in the $.#. None of these -%3s mo1e
aro%nd as freel3 as the3'd li)e 3o% to thin).D
?f 7%ssaini 2as 2or)in- for the Mossad8 the FB?8 the @?A8 or the C?A8
2ho ha1e been )no2n to coo0erate 2ith each other on Ds0ecial
0roNects8D he ma3 ha1e been a do%ble-a-ent8 2or)in- for ?ra9 at the
same time. Remember that #addam 7%ssein had threatened re1en-e
a-ainst the $nited #tates ;D@oes the $nited #tates realie the meanin-
of o0enin- the stores of the 2orld 2ith the 2ill of ?ra9i 0eo0leH...@oes it
realie the meanin- of e1er3 ?ra9i becomin- a missile that can cross to
co%ntries and citiesHD=
?f an element of the $nited #tates Bo1ernment 0la3ed a role in the
destr%ction of the Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin-8 %sin- an Arab to do its
dirt3 2or) 2o%ld 0ro1e far easier than attem0tin- to recr%it an
American citien.
#am >halid's abilit3 to monitor the acti1ities of a -ro%0 of Middle
4asterners 2ith d%bio%s connections ;thro%-h hirin- and rentin- homes
to Arab immi-rants=8 and his stat%s as former felon8 ma)e him a li)el3
candidate as an o0erati1e or informant.
Aas he 0la3in- both sides of the fenceH
+oliticall38 the -o1ernment's ref%sal to concede the com0licit3 of ?ra9 in
the Aorld Trade Center bombin-8 and 0ossibl3 to the /)lahoma Cit3
bombin-8 ma3 stem from its desire to halt an3 0%blic o%tcr3 a-ainst
$.#. 0olicies. /ne maNor e:am0le is the -o1ernment's ref%sal to face
the conse9%ences of its immoral8 br%tal8 and de1astatin- actions in the
@r. (a%rie M3lroie belie1es the Clinton administration's fail%re to
address the 0roblem lies in its ref%sal to face the s0ecter of state-
s0onsored terrorism. ?nstead it chooses to ado0t a microcosmic Dla2-
enforcementD a00roach to 2hat she 0ercei1es as an international
0roblem * hence the foc%s on Ddomestic terrorists.D
Moreo1er8 the Ahite 7o%se ma3 not 2ant to admit the s0ecter of state-
s0onsored terrorism beca%se it mi-ht 0anic the 0o0%lace. #%ch is the
case of a state-s0onsored biolo-ical attac) 2hich has been increasin-l3
threatenin- o%r 0o0%lation.
?f ?ra9 indeed 0ro1ed to be behind the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-8 it
2o%ld not fare 2ell for the Clinton administration8 2ho follo2ed %0 on
+resident B%sh's ?ra9i resettlement 0ro-ram. ?t 2o%ld not fare 2ell for
B%sh and his b%siness and 0olitical cronies * the same C?AR?ran-Contra
coterie 2ho armed and f%eled #addam 7%ssein's militar3 machine 2ith
con1entional and biolo-ical 2ea0ons.
And it 2o%ld 0recl%de this same international armsRdr%-s cabal from
0rofiteerin- b3 re-s%00l3in- ?ra9 in the f%t%re. ?n short8 it 2o%ld
0recl%de Db%siness as %s%al.D
Ahate1er the reason8 certainl3 the 0%blic 2asn't bein- told the f%ll
tr%th abo%t the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-. The3 2o%ld ne1er be allo2ed
to -lim0se an3 e1idence of the Middle 4astern connection.
Cet this 2as onl3 0art of the 0ict%re.
19o %tone @nt!rned1
"-e will lea,e no stone unturned in our e88ort to get to the truth."
* Attorne3 Beneral 6anet Reno
"$c2eigh and +ichols are going to hell regardless. I9m @ust looking
8orward to sending them there a little sooner."
* $.#. Attorne3 6ose0h 7artler
Almost from the be-innin-8 the 6%stice @e0artment and the
mainstream 0ress foc%sed their attention on Timoth3 Mc<ei-h8 0aintin-
him as a s0%rned e:-soldier 2ho 2as an-r3 for failin- to ma)e the
#0ecial ForcesG an e:tremist Ri-ht-2in- D+atriotD 2ho hated the
-o1ernment 2ith a 0assion for their atrocities at Aaco. Mc<ei-h8 the
an-r3 mis-%ided loner8 it is alle-ed8 cons0ired 2ith anti--o1ernment
ta: 0rotester Terr3 Nichols to teach the Federal Bo1ernment a lesson in
(i)e the arrest of (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald8 the Dca0t%reD of Timoth3 Mc<ei-h
2as an incredible stro)e of timin- and l%c). (i)e /s2ald8 2ho 2as
arrested for 2al)in- into a mo1ie theater 2itho%t 0a3in-8 Mc<ei-h
2o%ld be arrested for s0eedin- do2n the hi-h2a3 2ith a cons0ic%o%sl3
missin- license 0late.
?n both cases8 the FB? 2as 9%ic)l3 notified that their Ds%s0ectD 2as in
c%stod3. Aith their e:traordinar3 r%n of -ood l%c)8 the FB? 2as able to
instantl3 trace the serial n%mber fo%nd on the bomb tr%c) to Ford8 then
to R3der8 then to 4lliott's rental a-enc38 then to a DBob >lin-8D and
finall3 to DMc<ei-h.D
(i)e /s2ald's Mannlicher-Carcanno rifle8 2hich the FB? traced from its
entrance into the $.#.8 to an im0orter8 to >lein's #0ortin- Boods8 to a
sale to an DA.6. 7idell8D then to /s2ald * all 2itho%t com0%ters and
o1er a 2ee)end * the FB? 2o%ld 9%ic)l3 trace the R3der tr%c) to the
lone bomber.
Finall38 li)e Dlone n%tD (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald8 Dlone n%tD Timoth3 6ames
Mc<ei-h 2o%ld be transferred from the Noble Co%nt3 Nail8 0araded in
front of onloo)ers and the 0ress as the mass m%rderer. Ahile there 2as
no 6ac) R%b3 to inter1ene this time8 Mc<ei-h 2o%ld be led a2a3 in a
bri-ht oran-e N%m0s%it8 2itho%t a b%llet-0roof 1est8 2hich he had
s0ecificall3 re9%ested.
?ronicall38 his de0artin- 2ords 2ere8 DL? mi-ht be (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald8
6r.L Co% remember 2hat ha00ened 2ith 6ac) R%b3.D
As in the arrest of (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald8 the circ%mstances s%rro%ndin-
the arrest of Mc<ei-h and Nichols 2o%ld 0ro1e hi-hl3 9%estionable. The
media 2idel3 re0orted that Mc<ei-h 2as sto00ed b3 7i-h2a3
+atrolman Charles 7an-er &' min%tes after the blast;s=8 headin- north
on ?-3!8 near +err3. Mc<ei-h 2as dri1in- 2itho%t a license 0late. As
Troo0er 7an-er's affi1adit states5
DLThat ? sto00ed the 1ehicle and the defendant 2as the dri1er and
onl3 occ%0ant of the 1ehicle.L That as the defendant 2as -ettin- his
billfold from his ri-ht rear 0oc)et ? noticed a b%l-e %nder the left side of
his Nac)et and ? tho%-ht it co%ld be a 2ea0on.L That ? then told the
defendant to 0%ll his Nac)et bac) and before he did he said8 '? ha1e a
-%n %nder m3 Nac)et.L' That ? then -rabbed a hold of the left side of
his Nac)et and dre2 m3 o2n 2ea0on and 0ointed it at the bac) of his
head and instr%cted him to )ee0 his hands %0 and ? 2al)ed him o1er to
the tr%n) of his car and had him 0%t his hands on the tr%n).LD
Cet acco%nts 1ar3. #ome acticles stated that Mc<ei-h 2as s0eedin- at
'1 miles 0er ho%r. Cet 7an-er onl3 cited him for no license 0late8 no
ins%rance8 and 0ossession of a concealed 2ea0on. Aere these
acco%nts meant to s%--est that Mc<ei-h 2as tr3in- to ma)e a fast -et-
a2a3H ?f so8 2h3 2o%ld a man 2ho had N%st committed s%ch a heino%s
crime 2ish to dra2 attention to himselfH
Mc<ei-h s%00osedl3 N%st ble2 %0 a b%ildin- and )illed 1", innocent
0eo0le * men8 2omen8 and children * incl%din- a n%mber of federal
a-ents. ?t is &' min%tes later8 and he is bein- 0%lled o1er b3 a state
troo0er. 7e has no ta-s8 no ins%rance8 and is carr3in- a concealed
2ea0on 2itho%t a 0ermit. 7e is most li)el3 -oin- to Nail8 2here his
name8 #ocial #ec%rit3 n%mber8 and descri0tion 2ill be %0lin)ed to the
National Crime ?nformation Center ;NC?C= at the FB? * an FB? that is
no2 on f%ll alert.
Mc<ei-h is carr3in- a lar-e combat )nife8 and a Bloc) model 21
a%tomatic 0istol loaded 2ith deadl3 hollo2-0oint b%llets. Mc<ei-h is a
trained soldier8 a to0 mars)man8 and a hardened combat 1eteran.
The co0 is e:itin- his 1ehicle and 2al)in- o1er to Mc<ei-h's car.
Mc<ei-h's life o%tside the electric chair is 1er3 li)el3 abo%t to come to
an end. Ahat does Mc<ei-h * this hardened combat 1eteran8 this
br%tal )iller of 1", innocent 0eo0le * doH 7e cas%all3 informs the co0
that he has a concealed 2ea0on8 and mee)l3 hands himself o1er for
/f co%rse the mainstream 0ress 2o%ldn't ma)e an3 attem0t to anal3e
this biarre inconsistenc3 in Mc<ei-h's beha1ior8 onl3 re0ortin- that he
2as D%ncomm%nicati1e8D ;(ime=8 Dcalls himself a '0risoner of 2ar8'D
;+ew York (imes=8 and is ref%sin- to coo0erate 2ith in1esti-ators and
0rosec%torsLD ;5.). +ews 6 -orld .eport= * a stor3 2hich 2o%ld be
re0eated b3 n%mero%s other 0a0ers.
Cet as Mc<ei-h stated to +ewsweek8 D? ne1er called m3self a 0risoner
of 2ar.D
Mc<ei-h's acco%nt is bac)ed %0 b3 the 3os Angeles (imes8
2hich obtained Mc<ei-h's arrest records. As the (imes9 Richard #errano
L.The3 re1eal a Mc<ei-h shar0l3 different from the one so%rces had
earlier 0ortra3ed. 7e 2as not the silent soldier 2ho -a1e Nailers onl3 his
name8 ran) and serial n%mber. Rather8 he 2as often 0olite. And
Aith onl3 the serial n%mber of a tr%c) differential and a s)etch to 2or)
2ith8 the FB? fanned o%t thro%-h 6%nction Cit3. $0on e:aminin- the
rental recei0t at 4lliott's Bod3 #ho08 the FB? disco1ered all the
information on it 2as false. As A-ent 7enr3 Bibbon's affida1it states5
The 0erson 2ho si-ned the rental a-reement identified himself as Bob
>lin-8 ##AN ,"2-42-,",48 #o%th @a)ota dri1er's license n%mber
CF,42A"8 and 0ro1ided a home address of 42' Ma0le @ri1e8 /maha8
Nebras)a8 tele0hone ,13-23'-242!. The 0erson listed the destination
as 42' Ma0le @ri1e8 Redfield8 #o%th @a)ota. b. #%bse9%ent
in1esti-ation cond%cted b3 the FB? determined all that information to
be false.
Cet em0lo3ees of 4lliott's Bod3 #ho0 did reco-nie the s)etch of $ns%b
O1 as the man 2ho rented the tr%c) %sed in the bombin-. The FB? then
too) the s)etch of $ns%b O1 to the @reamland Motel8 2here the3 fo%nd
that $ns%b O1 had rented a room from A0ril 14 thro%-h the A0ril 1'.
As the FB? affida1it states5
An em0lo3ee of the @reamland Motel in 6%nction Cit38 >ansas8
identified Timoth3 Mc<ei-h as a -%est at the motel from A0ril 148 1,,!8
thro%-h A0ril 1'8 1,,!. This em0lo3ee8 2hen sho2n a 0hoto line%0
identified Timoth3 Mc<ei-h's 0ict%re as the indi1id%al 2ho re-istered at
the motel %nder the name of Tim Mc<ei-h8 listed his a%tomobile as a
Merc%r3 bearin- an Ariona license 0late8 and 0ro1ided a Michi-an
address8 on North <an @3)e in @ec)er Michi-an.
/n A0ril 218 onl3 ho%rs before Mc<ei-h 2as d%e to be released from
the +err3 Co%nt3 6ail8 D@istrict Attorne3 6ohn Maddo: recei1ed a call
from the FB? tellin- him to han- onto the 0risoner.
As the +ew York (imes re0orted8 DLa ro%tine chec) of his #ocial
#ec%rit3 n%mber matched one fla--ed b3 the FB? as belon-in- to a
s%s0ect in the bombin-.D
This s%bs%mes that the FB? had obtained
Mc<ei-h's #ocial #ec%rit3 n%mber from the acc%rate re-istration
information at the @reamland8 not the false information at 4lliott's.
Ah3 2o%ld Tim Mc<ei-h * 2ho 2as bent on committin- s%ch a terrible
crime * %se a fa)e name and address at the R3der rental a-enc38 3et
%se his real name and address at a motel ri-ht do2n the streetH
+erha0s beca%se8 as 2ill be e:0lained belo28 Mc<ei-h ne1er 1isited the
rental a-enc3.
Ahile in c%stod38 Mc<ei-h listed 6ames Nichols as a reference. Ah3
2o%ld Mc<ei-h list the brother of his so-called accom0lice as his onl3
/n A0ril 218 Terr3 Nichols 2as b%s3 2ith chores aro%nd his ne2 home
in 7errin-ton. $nbe)no2nst to him8 a team of 11 FB? a-ents had
alread3 sta)ed o%t his ho%se.
(ater that afternoon8 Nichols heard his name bein- broadcast as a
0ossible s%s0ect. At 2542 0.m. he and Marife -ot into their bl%e 0ic)-%08
and dro1e to the 7errin-ton 0olice station8 2ith the FB? on his tail.
Accordin- to Marife8 Terr3 2as fri-htened8 and an:io%s to )no2 2h3 his
name 2as bein- broadcast. ?nside8 Nichols as)ed 2h3 his name 2as
bein- mentioned on the radio in connection 2ith the bombin-. The
co0s re0lied that the3 didn't )no28 b%t the3 had some 9%estions for
him. DBood8D Nichols said8 Dbeca%se ? ha1e some 9%estions for 3o%.D
#tran-el38 FB? a-ents then read Nichols his Miranda ri-hts8 somethin-
not normall3 done %nless someone is %nder arrest8 and told him three
times he 2as free to -o.
?n fact8 Nichols 2asn't free to -o. An arrest 2arrant had been iss%ed
fi1e ho%rs earlier8 b%t Nichols 2o%ldn't be informed of this %ntil almost
midni-ht. ?n the interim8 he and Marife 2ere 9%estioned b3 the FB? for
o1er nine ho%rs.
Bac) at his ho%se8 a #AAT team had alread3 arri1ed8 and a-ents
2ere sealin- it 2ith crime ta0e8 and chec)in- it for boob3 tra0s. ?t 2as
there that a-ents 2o%ld claim to disco1er !!--allon barrels8 rolls of
0rimadet detonator cord8 non-electric blastin- ca0s8 and a recei0t for
4. !.-0o%nd ba-s of ammoni%m nitrate 2ith Mc<ei-h's th%mb0rint.
?f Terr3 Nichols 2as an accom0lice in the bombin-8 2h3 2o%ld he lea1e
s%ch incriminatin- items in his ho%seH Ao%ldn't he ha1e attem0ted to
hide the items before dri1in- o1er to the 0olice stationH
Moreo1er8 if Nichols 2as a co-cons0irator in the lar-est domestic
terrorist attac) in the histor3 of the co%ntr38 2h3 2o%ld he cas%all3
stroll into the 0olice station as)in- 2h3 his name 2as bein- broadcast
on T<H This ma)es abo%t as m%ch sense as Timoth3 Mc<ei-h cas%all3
0%llin- o1er for /fficer 7an-er and mee)l3 handin- himself o1er for
#e1eral da3s after Mc<ei-h's arrest8 7an-er claimed to ha1e reco1ered
a cr%m0led b%siness card from behind the front 0assen-er seat of his
0atrol car8 2here Mc<ei-h had been sittin-. The card for +a%lsen's
Militar3 #%00l3 of Anti-o8 Aisconsin8 contained a hand2ritten note5
D@a1e. TNT at F! a stic). &.'-2''-.12'. Need more. Call after 1 of
Ma38 see if ? can -et some more.D
7ad Mc<ei-h act%all3 left s%ch a note in the cr%iserH Ahen Mc<ei-h
defense team in1esti-ator Mart3 Reed attem0ted to inter1ie2 7an-er8
he 2as told b3 /7+ chief le-al co%nsel 6ohn (indse38 DThe FB? has
re9%ested that no one inter1ie2 Troo0er Charlie 7an-er.D
And as in the >enned3 case8 the e1idence collected b3 the FB? in their
case8 code-named D/>B/MB8D 2o%ld 0ro1e N%st as s0ecio%s. The FB?
9%ic)l3 claimed that the3 had traced the R3der tr%c) from a serial
n%mber * " 4 +<A2".&& * fo%nd on its rear differential8 2hich had
flo2n !&! feet thro%-h the air Dli)e a boomeran-D and landed on a Ford
Fiesta. ;For those conf%sed abo%t the FB? findin- the serial n%mber on
the Da:le8D it 2as act%all3 on the a:le ho%sin-.=
C%rio%sl38 2hile @e0%t3 #heriff Mel1in #%mter told me he had fo%nd
the a:le8 an /)lahoma Cit3 +oliceman8 Mi)e Mc+herson8 claimed that
he had in fact disco1ered it8 as did an FB? a-ent. These three acco%nts
2ere contradicted b3 Bo1ernor Fran) >eatin-8 2ho claimed that he had
act%all3 fo%nd the a:le.
The R3der tr%c) belon-in- to the a:le8 rented %nder the alias of DBob
>lin-8D the FB? claimed8 2as the instr%ment of the deadl3 destr%ction in
/)lahoma Cit3.
B%t had it act%all3 been rented b3 Timoth3 Mc<ei-hH
The DMc<ei-hD 4ldon 4lliott described to the -rand N%r3 2as !' 1.D to
!' 11D8 2ith medi%m b%ild8 2ei-hin- bet2een 1'.-1'! 0o%nds. 4lliott's
mechanic Tom >essin-er stated that the man had a Dro%-hD
com0le:ion 2ith Dacne8D and em0lo3ee <ic)i Beemer said he had a
deformed chin.
Not onl3 is Mc<ei-h clear-s)inned8 he is a lan)3 "'8 2D8 and 2ei-hs onl3
1". 0o%nds. 7e does not ha1e a deformed chin.
Readers 2ill also recall that ATF informant Carol 7o2e8 2ho had
0enetrated the 4lohim Cit3 encla1e8 told ATF and FB? a-ents that the
s)etch of 6ohn @oe 1 2ho rented the tr%c) a00eared to be 4lohim Cit3
resident and close #trassmeir friend +eter Aard.
Accordin- to 6.@. Cash8 so did @ennis Mahon. Mahon told the re0orter
that Aard 2as D)no2n at 4lohim Cit3 as 'And3's shado2'... Aard 2ent
e1er32here #trassmeir did and is d%mb as dirt.D Mahon also added8 DL
3o% )no2 his brother8 Ton38 has a 0oc)ed com0le:ion...D
Cet a%thorities insist that it 2as Mc<ei-h 2ho rented the tr%c) on A0ril
1&. The3 introd%ced s%r1eillance foota-e from a 6%nction Cit3
Mc@onalds8 sli-htl3 o1er a mile from 4lliott's8 sho2in- Mc<ei-h 2al)in-
to2ards the cashier at a00ro:imatel3 35!! 0.m. Cet Mc<ei-h 2as not
2earin- militar3 attire as 2as D>lin-.D Ne1ertheless8 the 0rosec%tion
contends that Mc<ei-h left the resta%rant8 2al)ed the 1.3 miles to
4lliott's d%rin- a li-ht drile8 then sho2ed %0 nice and dr38 2earin-
com0letel3 different clothes.
4ldon 4lliott 2o%ld 0la3 alon- for the 0rosec%tion. ?n s0ite of his
0re1io%s -rand N%r3 testimon38 and the FB? 3.2 statements of his
em0lo3ees8 4lliott testified at Mc<ei-h's trial that Timoth3 Mc<ei-h 2as
the man 2ho rented the tr%c).
?nterestin- that he co%ld ma)e s%ch an assertion8 2hen the FB? hadn't
bro%-ht him before a line-%0 e1entho%-h the3 had 9%estioned him N%st
4' ho%rs after the bombin-. ?n fact8 the FB? didn't sho2 4lliott a 0hoto
line-%0 %ntil AB days later. @%rin- Mc<ei-h's trial8 4lliott attem0ted to
com0ensate for the discre0anc3 in Mc<ei-h's hei-ht b3 statin- that
Mc<ei-h had DleanedD on the co%nter 2hile fillin- o%t the reser1ation
7ad 4lliott been coached b3 the 0rosec%tionH
DFrom his bod3 lan-%a-e8 the 2a3 he acted ner1o%s8 a1oided m3
9%estions8 ? co%ld tell he 2as %nder some sort of 0ress%re8D said former
Federal Brand 6%ror 7o003 7eidelber-.
Ahen defense team in1esti-ator Richard Re3na 2ent to inter1ie2
4lliott8 he 2as told the FB? had instr%cted him not to tal) to an3one
abo%t the case beca%se Dthe3 didn't 2ant to -et thin-s distorted.D
7e then handed Re3na the card of FB? #0ecial A-ent #cott Crabtree.
Ahen Mart3 Reed and co-in1esti-ator Ailma #0ar)s a00roached 4lliott
a 2ee) later8 he referred them to a man named 6ose0h +ole. +ole
stated that he 2as D2or)in- for R3derL indirectl3.D 7e ref%sed to s0ea)
2ith the in1esti-ators and e:c%sed himself8 sa3in- he had to ma)e a
0hone call. Ahen #0ar)s and Reed 2ent o%tside8 the3 noticed a
-o1ernment car 2ith the license n%mber B-1. .3'228 0ar)ed in front of
the sho0.
Ahen the3 ret%rned the ne:t da38 the3 2ere a-ain met b3 the
m3sterio%s DR3der em0lo3eeD 2ho didn't 0rod%ce a b%siness card.
Ahen the3 as)ed the bod3 sho0's em0lo3ees 2h3 the -o1ernment car
2as there8 the3 2ere told it 2as bein- 2or)ed on. B%t the in1esti-ators
sa2 no si-ns of dama-e. $0on ret%rnin- the follo2in- da38 the car 2as
0ar)ed bet2een t2o cam0ers8 ostensibl3 in an attem0t to conceal
Aas the FB? attem0tin- to infl%ence a )e3 2itnessH A re0orter 2ho
2or)ed the case later told me8 DThe3 2ere 1er3 hoo)ed in 2ith the
FB?L the R3der sec%rit3 2as obtained thro%-h the FB?L and the3're in
constant to%ch 2ith the FB? for briefin-s8 or the3 2ere. And ? -ot that
from the +R -%3 2ho's the <ice +resident of R3der in MiamiL A
+ewsweek re0orter that ? 2or) 2ith -ot 4lliott on the 0hone8 and
somebod3 clic)ed do2n the 0hone as he 2as tal)in- to her. 4lliott 2as
sa3in- 'let me N%st finish8 let me N%st finish8' and all of the s%dden8 the
0hone 2ent dead.D
#%ch a s3mbiotic relationshi0 bet2een the FB? and R3der sho%ldn't be
s%r0risin-. Accordin- to one bombin- researcher8 R3der's C4/8
Anthon3 Mitchell8 is a member of the Trilateral Commission * the Ne2
Aorld /rder fol)s. #he also %nco1ered the fact that both the FB? and
the ATF ha1e leasin- contracts 2ith the com0an3.
To rent his R3der tr%c)8 DMc<ei-hD alle-edl3 %sed his 0re-0aid 0hone
card8 obtained in No1ember of 1,,3 thro%-h the )potlight %nder the
name D@ar3l Brid-es8D to call 4lliott's and ma)e the reser1ation. <ic)i
Beemer told the FB? she recalled s0ea)in- to a man named D>lin-.D
Records s%00osedl3 indicate the call 2as made on A0ril 148 from a
6%nction Cit38 >ansas b%s station.
Cet the FB? had no 2a3 of 0ro1in- that the call 0laced to the R3der
a-enc3 %nder the name D>lin-D 2as act%all3 made b3 Mc<ei-h8 or e1en
that the )potlight card 2as %sed for the call. /+$# Telecom8 2hich r%ns
the s3stem %sed for the 0re-0aid card8 maintains no records indicatin-
e:actl3 2ho 0laced a s0ecific call.
As an e:am0le of the %ncertainties 0rom%l-ated b3 the FB?8 the3
ori-inall3 asserted the call 2as made at '544 a.m. from a 0a3 0hone at
Fort Rile3. The3 later decided it 2as made at ,5!3 a.m. from a 0a3
0hone in 6%nction Cit3. 7o2e1er8 Beemer8 2ho too) the call8 said it
came at 1.53. a.m.
At the time the FB? alle-ed Mc<ei-h made the ,5!3 a.m. call8 he 2as at
a 0hone booth do2n the street from a Firestone store8 2here he had
been ne-otiatin- a deal on a 1,&& Merc%r3. The store mana-er 2ho
sold Mc<ei-h the car8 Thomas Mannin-8 testified that his c%stomer
e:c%sed himself8 then came bac) 1. or 1! min%tes later. The FB?
contends that Mc<ei-h %sed this 0eriod to ma)e t2o calls8 one to Terr3
Nichols' ho%se8 and one to 4lliott's. Cet8 as the .ocky $ountain +ews
An earl3 1ersion of the FB? reconstr%ction sho2ed t2o calls 2ithin t2o
min%tes from 0hones 2! miles a0art8 2hich im0lied in1ol1ement b3
someone other than Mc<ei-h and Nichols8 since neither 2as then in the
second location.
B%t the location of that call later 2as reassi-ned to a 0lace fittin- the
-o1ernment's case.
7o2 con1enient.
Moreo1er8 as the defense 0ointed o%t8 Mannin- hadn't bothered to
mention the fact that Mc<ei-h left the Firestone store for o1er a 3ear-
and-a-half8 des0ite bein- inter1ie2ed b3 defense attorne3s and FB?
a-ents 11 different times.
Additionall38 2hile rental recei0ts and em0lo3ee testimon3 indicates
D>lin-D rented his tr%c) on the 1&th8 a R3der tr%c) 2as seen da3s
earlier b3 6ames #ar-eant and other e3e2itnesses. #ar-eant re0orted
seein- se1eral %nidentified men cra2lin- in and o%t of the car-o area
for three da3s8 bac)ed %0 to the la)e so that no one ashore co%ld see
inside. D? reall3 be-an to 2onder abo%t 2h3 someone 2o%ld be 2astin-
their mone3 on a rental tr%c) o%t there... no one 2as e1er fishin-8
Barbara Ahittenber-8 o2ner of the #ante Fe Trail @iner in 7errin-ton8
recalled seein- a R3der tr%c)8 alon- 2ith Mc<ei-h8 Nichols8 and 6ohn
@oe 28 on #at%rda38 A0ril 1!. The men had sto00ed b3 the resta%rant
for brea)fast at "5.. a.m.8 and Ahittenber- re0orted seein- a lar-e
R3der tr%c) at Bear3 #tate Fishin- (a)e later that afternoon.
(ea McBo2n8 o2ner of the @reamland Motel in 6%nction Cit38 and her
son 4ric8 both recall seein- Mc<ei-h 0%ll into the motel 2ith his tr%c)
on the afternoon of 4aster #%nda38 A0ril 1"8 as did residents Renda
Tr%on-8 Connie 7ood8 @a1id >in-8 and >in-'s mother8 7etta. The tr%c)
a00eared to be an older8 0ri1atel3 o2ned R3der tr%c). McBo2n had
N%st ret%rned from Manhattan8 >ansas8 2here he and his mother 2ere
ha1in- l%nch. The time 2as a00ro:imatel3 45.. 0.m. Tr%on- testified
she had seen it after 4aster #%nda3 dinner8 2hich 2o%ld ha1e been
aro%nd d%s).
Cet %nder e:amination b3 the 0rosec%tion d%rin- Mc<ei-h's trial8 4ric
McBo2n 2o%ld not testif3 as to the e:act date he sa2 the tr%c). Cet his
FB? 3.2 said5 D7e thin)s the man came there 2ith a tr%c) on A0ril 1"8
1,,!8 and that the R3der tr%c) sat at the motel all da3 on A0ril 1&8
7is mother8 li)e both 7ood and Tr%on-8 2as certain it 2as the 1"th. As
she stated in her FB? 3.25
#he is certain that the R3der tr%c) she sa2 0ar)ed at the @R4AM(AN@
M/T4( and in 2hich she obser1ed T?M MC<4?B7 sittin- on one
occasion 2as dri1en into the motel -ro%nds on #%nda38 A0ril 1"8 1,,!.
#he recalls that the R3der tr%c) that 2as 0ar)ed at the @R4AM(AN@
M/T4( on A0ril 1"8 1,,!8 thro%-h A0ril 1'8 1,,!8 did not ha1e the 2ord
R3der on the bac) doors as do other R3der tr%c)s she has seen. #he
recalls the bac) doors of the R3der tr%c) in 2hich she sa2 T?M
MC<4?B7 2ere a 0lain faded 3ello2 color8 2ith no 0rintin- 1isible on
7etta >in- 2as also s%re it 2as #%nda3 the 1"th. DThere's no 9%estion
in m3 mind * it 2as 4aster #%nda38D >in- testified.
The reader 2ill recall that this is the e:act same da3 that +h3liss
>in-sle3 and (inda >%hlman sa2 the con1o38 incl%din- DMc<ei-h8D 6ohn
@oe 2 and 38 and the R3der tr%c) at the 7i Aa3 Brill N%st so%th of
/)lahoma Cit3. ?t 2as a00ro:imatel3 "5.. 0.m.
The t2o locations are h%ndreds of miles a0art * too far a0art to dri1e
in t2o ho%rs.
This is also the same da3 the FB? alle-ed Nichols dro1e from >ansas to
/)lahoma Cit3 to 0ic) %0 Mc<ei-h8 2ho had left his Merc%r3 Mar9%is
near the CMCA as the D-et-a2a3D 1ehicle. Cet a 2itness at the
@reamland recalled seein- Mc<ei-h's 3ello2 Merc%r3 at the motel the
ne:t da3.
?nterestin- that DMc<ei-hD and his car co%ld be in t2o 0laces at once.
Real estate a-ent Beor-ia R%c)er and her son also sa2 a R3der tr%c)
at Bear3 (a)e da3s before D>lin-D rented his. Then on T%esda3
mornin-8 as R%c)er a-ain dro1e b3 la)e8 she not onl3 sa2 a R3der
tr%c)8 b%t t2o other 1ehicles as 2ell. #he tho%-ht this 2as D1er3
/n Monda38 A0ril 1&8 Connie 7ood sa2 the R3der tr%c) a-ain. This
time8 there 2ere se1eral men Dfiddlin- 2ith the bac) of the tr%c).D
7ood thin)s one of those men 2as Michael FortierG she recalls he
had scra--l3 hair and a beard. Those 2ho recall the 0hoto of Fortier
ta)en after the bombin- ma3 recall that Fortier had N%st sha1ed off his
beard8 lea1in- a clearl3 1isible demarcation line.
Ahile these are all blatant discre0ancies in the FB?'s official timeline8
the B%rea% 2as a00arentl3 interested in McBo2n's testimon3 beca%se
the @reamland is the onl3 0lace 2here Mc<ei-h8 or someone
0%r0ortin- to be Mc<ei-h8 si-ned his real name.
Ahat is c%rio%s is that the FB? has consistentl3 0romoted the idea that
there 2as onl3 one R3der tr%c) in1ol1ed. Cet the statements of
McBo2n8 Bric)to2n 2areho%se 2or)er @a1id #nider8 and others
indicate that there 2ere t2o R3der tr%c)s in1ol1ed. Ahen a +ewsweek
re0orter s0o)e to the sec%rit3 -%ard at 4lliott's8 he said DThin) abo%t
t2o tr%c)s.D
This fact 2as reiterated b3 -rand N%ror 7o003 7eidelber-. DA small
n%mber of 0eo0le testified d%rin- the -rand N%r3 hearin-s abo%t t2o
tr%c)s8D said 7eidelber-. DMc<ei-h 0ic)ed his tr%c) %0 on Monda3. 6ohn
@oe 2 had his tr%c) the 2ee)end before. The fact that there 2ere t2o
tr%c)s ?'m 1er3 comfortable 2ith.D
?f Mc<ei-h had rented his tr%c) on A0ril 1&8 as the FB? contends8 2h3
did 2itnesses re0ort seein- a R3der tr%c) at Bear3 #tate Fishin- (a)e
as earl3 as A0ril 1.H ?t 2as at this la)e8 on A0ril 1'8 the FB? ori-inall3
asserted8 that the t2o s%s0ects b%ilt their ma-ic ANF/ bomb. FB?
a-ents re0orted findin- diesel f%el and strands of detonator cord on
the -ro%nd.
Cet at the time 2itnesses first sa2 the tr%c) at the la)e8 neither
Mc<ei-h or Nichols 2ere in >ansas. As the en,er Post re0orted5
Nichols 2as ret%rnin- from a -%n sho2 in Michi-an8 and Mc<ei-h 2as
holed %0 in a residence hotel in >in-man8 Ariona. The -o1ernment's
)e3 2itness8 Michael Fortier8 also 2as not in >ansas.
?nterestin-l38 shortl3 before the start of Mc<ei-h's trial8 the 0rosec%tion
dro00ed its contention that the bomb 2as b%ilt at Bear3 (a)e. ?t's
0ossible the3 did so beca%se had the defense bro%-ht %0 the 2itness
si-htin-s on the 1.th8 it 2o%ld ha1e conflicted8 not onl3 2ith the
0rosec%tion's caref%ll3 constr%cted timeline8 b%t the fact that there
2ere additional s%s0ects.
As 2ill be seen8 this is not the first time the -o1ernment e:cl%ded
2itnesses 2ho's testimon3 didn't fit 2ith their caref%ll3 crafted 1ersion
of e1ents.
Ne1ertheless8 it 2as this tr%c)8 rented b3 D>lin-D on A0ril 1&8
a%thorities insisted8 that 2as loaded 2ith ammoni%m nitrate and
-%ided b3 the lone bomber to its final and fatef%l destination at the
Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin-.
To b%ild their ma-ic ANF/ bomb8 the FB? re0orts Mc<ei-h and Nichols
be-an searchin- for racin- f%el and detonator cord in #e0tember of
',4. $sin- the callin- card Mc<ei-h and Nichols had obtained %nder the
0se%don3m of D@ar3l Brid-es8D ostensibl3 ins0ired b3 the film DBlo2n
A2a3D starin- 6eff Brid-es8 Mc<ei-h alle-edl3 made o1er 22 calls to
1ario%s com0anies 2ho s%00l3 chemicals8 racin- f%el8 and e1en one of
the co%ntr3's lar-est e:0losi1es man%fact%rers.
7is first call 2as to +a%lsen's Militar3 #%00l38 N%st o%tside of Madison8
Aisconsin8 loo)in- for detonators. Accordin- to a%thorities8 Mc<ei-h
left +a%lsen's b%siness card in the 0atrol car %0on his arrest8 that read8
D@a1eD ;0res%mabl3 @a1id +a%lsen8 4d +a%lsen's son8 2ho Mc<ei-h had
met at a -%n sho2=8 2ith the notation8 DMore fi1e 0o%nd stic)s of TNT
b3 Ma3 1.D
A salesman at Fati-%es and Thin-s8 a militar3 store in 6%nction Cit38
said Mc<ei-h and another man bo%-ht a boo) entitled Impro,ised
$unitions t2o 2ee)s before the bombin-. The other man 2as not Terr3
+rosec%tors also called an old friend of Mc<ei-h's8 @a1id @arla)8 2ho
alle-edl3 recei1ed a call from him in an attem0t to obtain racin- f%el.
Another friend 2as Bre- +faff8 2hom Mc<ei-h had met at -%n sho2s.
+faff testified that Mc<ei-h had called him see)in- to b%3 det cord.
Mc<ei-h 2as so ea-er to obtain the cord8 +faff said8 that he offered to
dri1e to <ir-inia.
Another of the calls reflected on the mens' callin- card 2as to Mid-
American Chemical. (inda 6%hl8 an em0lo3ee of the com0an38
remembered recei1in- a call in the Fall of 1,,4 from a fello2 in >ansas
2ho 2anted to 0%rchase Anh3dro%s 73draine8 a roc)et f%el 2hich can
be %sed to boost the 0o2er of an ANF/ bomb.
The FB? also re0orted that t2o indi1id%als8 one named DTerr3 T%ttle8D
1isited Th%mb 7obbies8 4tc. in Mariette8 Michi-an in mid-@ecember8
1,,38 loo)in- to b%3 1.. 0ercent nitromethane model air0lane f%el.
Accordin- to #anilac Co%nt3 #heriff <ir-il #tic)ler8 the store cler)
in9%ired abo%t orderin- it8 then told the c%stomers se1eral 2ee)s later
that he co%ld not or 2o%ld not do so. The cler) said that DT%ttleD re0lied
that it 2as o)a38 that the3 had fo%nd another so%rce.
Another incident not made 0%blic %ntil the Co%nt3 Brand 6%r3
in1esti-ation 2as the recollection of Bar3 Antene8 2ho sa2 Mc<ei-h
and 6ohn @oe 2 at @ann3's 7obb3 #ho0 in /)lahoma Cit3 the #at%rda3
before the bombin-. The t2o men as)ed him if @ann3's carried 1..
0ercent nitromethane f%el.
D? e:0lained that no one in the RC ;remote-controlled= air0lane
hobb3 %sed 1.. 0ercent nitromethane as a f%el8 that at most 2e
-enerall3 %sed nothin- o1er 2. 0ercent8D said Antene.
Antene re0orted the incident to the FB? a co%0le of times8 b%t 2as not
called to testif3 at Mc<ei-h's trial8 0robabl3 beca%se his acco%nt didn't
fit into the FB?'s DofficialD timeline.
/n /ctober 2.8 the FB? alle-ed that Mc<ei-h chec)ed into a motel in
+a%ls <alle38 /)lahoma. The ne:t da38 he dro1e 1&. miles to the Chief
A%to +arts Nationals dra- race in 4nnis8 Te:as. Timoth3 Chambers8 an
em0lo3ee of <+ Racin- F%els8 testified at Mc<ei-h's trial that he and
co-2or)er Brad 7orton sold a man resemblin- Mc<ei-h three !4 -allon
dr%ms of Nitromethane racin- f%el for F28&&!. The man said the f%el
2as for him and his friends 2ho race 7arle3s once a 3ear in /)lahoma
Cit3. Chambers testified it didn't ma)e sense for a fe2 motorc3cle
racers to b%3 that m%ch f%el8 and had ne1er seen an3one 0a3 cash for
that lar-e a 0%rchase.
?nterestin-l38 the FB? didn't anno%nce this ne2 lead %ntil one month
before the start of Mc<ei-h's trial8 as other e1idence8 incl%din- that
from the FB?'s crime lab8 be-an fallin- a0art. The .ocky $ountain
+ews re0orted that Bl3nn Ti0ton had alerted the ATF to the stran-e
0%rchase as far bac) as /ctober of 1,,4.
Cet this Dne2D e1idence 2o%ld coalesce 0erfectl3 2ith the
-o1ernment's emer-in- case8 no2 that man3 Americans 2ere
con1inced that a sim0le ANF/ bomb hadn't destro3ed the M%rrah
B%ildin-. A bomb b%ilt 2ith 1olatile8 hi-hl3-e:0losi1e racin- f%el 2o%ld
ma)e the 0rosec%tion's case m%ch more con1incin-.
The startlin- disco1er3 of Mc<ei-h's racin- f%el 0%rchases8 li)e the ne2
re1elations of Thomas Mannin-8 or those of 4ldon 4lliott8 2ere
reminiscent of the s%dden disco1eries b3 (oc)erbie in1esti-ators of
(ib3an terrorists. The 1,'' bombin- had ori-inall3 been attrib%ted to
?ran8 contracted thro%-h former #3rian arm3 officer Ahmed 6ibril of the
+o0%lar Front for the (iberation of +alestine-Beneral Command ;+F(+-
BC=8 in retaliation for the American do2nin- of an ?ranian 0assen-er
liner a 3ear and-a-half earlier. No2 that Beor-e B%sh needed the
coo0eration of the #3rians for his B%lf Aar coalition8 the blame needed
to be shifted to someone else.
Then8 ten months after the bombin-8 (oc)erbie in1esti-ators
disco1ered ne2 e1idence. The o2ner of a clothin- store on Malta
s%ddenl3 remembered to 2hom he had sold some bab3 clothes that
had been fo%nd in the bomb s%itcase onboard the 0lane. ?n fact8 not
onl3 had he recalled the c%stomer8 he remembered the 0recise date of
the 0%rchase8 and recalled the man clearl3 eno%-h for artists to render
a s)etch. 7e 2as Ab% Talb8 a +F(+-BC member 2ho 2as )no2n to ha1e
1isited Malta shortl3 before the bombin-.
At least that's 2hat the FB? 2anted the 0%blic to belie1e. ?n fact8
o2ner Ton3 Ba%ci and his brother +a%l made 1' different statements to
a%thorities8 most of 2hich 2ere 1a-%e and contradictor3. The3 then
si-ned statements e1entho%-h the3 co%ldn't read 4n-lish.
Ne1ertheless8 in1esti-ators 9%ic)l3 0laced 24-ho%r -%ards aro%nd the
sho0)ee0ers bearin- this 1al%able Dne2 e1idence8D N%st as the FB? had
done 2ith 4ldon 4lliott.
Cet records sho2 that the calls to chemical com0anies contin%ed in
/ctober of ',4 from >in-man8 aro%nd the same time that the s%s0ects
alle-edl3 dro1e there to hide stolen e:0losi1es8 and aro%nd the same
time the3 alle-edl3 be-an 0%rchasin- ammoni%m nitrate. The
indictment states that Nichols alle-edl3 stole @3namite and an
e:0losi1e called To1e: from the Martin Marietta 9%arr3 in Marion8
>ansas8 not far from 2here Nichols had been 2or)in- as a ranch hand.
B%d Rade)e8 a blaster and driller for Martin Marietta8 testified at
Mc<ei-h's trial that 2,, d3namite stic)s8 !44 blastin- ca0s8 detonator
cord8 and To1e: 2as stolen o1er the lon- (abor @a3 2ee)end. FB?
a-ents disco1ered a drill bit in Nichols' home that the3 claim matched
the hole drilled in one of the ma-aine's loc)s. The s%s0ects had
alle-edl3 made the mista)e of lea1in- one of the fi1e loc)s the3 had
drilled into behind.
Cet co%ld the FB? act%all3 tell from a hole drilled in a loc) 2hich
0artic%lar bit had made the im0ressionH The FB? hadn't disco1ered the
bit in Nichols' tool )it %ntil si: months after the robber3. No do%bt it had
been %sed since8 as Nichols8 a hand3man8 had recentl3 mo1ed into his
ne2 ho%se. The si-nat%re of the drill bit 2o%ld %ndo%btedl3 ha1e been
7o2 co%ld the FB? be so s%re it 2as the bit 2hich had drilled the loc)s
at the 9%arr3H
4d 7%es)e8 a firearm and tool e:aminer at Aec)erlin- #cientific
(aborator3 near @allas said a drill bit can Dlea1e mar)s that are
characteristic of the nose of the bit8D es0eciall3 Dif the bit is 2orn or
dama-ed.D A former forensic s0ecialist 2ith the T%lsa +olice
@e0artment8 7%es)e added that s%ch a test is Dnot ro%tine8D b%t is
Dtheoreticall3 0ossible.D
Cet if the bit 2as %sed after2ards on metal8 or if it had been shar0ened8
it 2o%ld chan-e the striations of the mar)in-s. ?f it still contained bits
of metal sha1in-s from the loc)8 ho2e1er8 then a match co%ld be
made. B%t a-ents testified that no sha1in-s 2ere fo%nd.
Then ho2 did the FB? match the bitH Fran) #hiller8 a firearm and tool
e:aminer at Forensic Cons%ltant #er1ices in Fort Aorth8 offered his
o0inion5 D#ome of that t30e of 2or) has been done8 b%t it's not a 1er3
fre9%ent thin-. ? don't thin) it 2o%ld be 1er3 0rod%cti1e.D
#hiller8 2ho has 3" 3ears e:0erience in forensic science8 has ne1er
e1en been as)ed to cond%ct s%ch a test8 nor has his boss8 Ma:
Co%rtne38 2ith 2& 3ears e:0erience.
D?t 2o%ld be e:tremel3 diffic%lt to match a drill8D said #hiller8 Dbeca%se
of the random motion of the drill mo1in- thro%-h itsL mo1in- %0 and
do2n the hole. #o it 2o%ld be hard to trac) an3 im0erfections or
microsco0ic mar)in-s that mi-ht be 0resent. That 2o%ld be a 0rett3
to%-h tas).D
41en 7%es)e8 2ho admitted the theoretical 0ossibilit3 of s%ch a test8
said that the t2o or three drill bit tests he's cond%cted o1er the 3ears
0rod%ced no res%lts.
The 9%arr3 also had 0re-mi:ed 0rofessional -rade ANF/ in stoc). Ah3
didn't Nichols steal that too8 since8 as the -o1ernment alle-es8 it 2as
the 0rime in-redient in the bombH This certainl3 2o%ld ha1e been
easier and more discreet than b%3in- lar-e 9%antities of ammoni%m
nitrate8 diesel8 and racin- f%el8 then attem0tin- to mi: it into a -i-antic
bomb. B%t for some reason8 o%r 0rime s%s0ects decided to lea1e the
0rofessional -rade ANF/ behind8 and -o to the tro%ble and e:0ense of
ma)in- their o2n.
The t2o men then alle-edl3 dro1e to >in-man on /ctober 48 2here
Mc<ei-h rented a stora-e loc)er to hide the -oods.
?t 2as in
>in-man that Mc<ei-h alle-edl3 sho2ed his dan-ero%s boot3 to his
friends8 Michael and (ori Fortier. (ori testified at trial that Mc<ei-h
as)ed her to 2ra0 %0 the blastin- ca0s as Christmas 0resents for the
lon- ride bac) to Michi-an.
A friend of Nichols and Mc<ei-h8 >e1in Nicholas8 testified that he
hel0ed Mc<ei-h %nload his car %0on ret%rnin- to @ec)er. D? 2as N%st
-rabbin- st%ff and N%st thro2in- it in the bac) of m3 tr%c)G and Tim
said8 D@on't handle them. ?'ll ta)e care of them t2o Christmas-2ra00ed
0ac)a-es there.D
+hone records also sho2 that Mc<ei-h called militar3 s%r0l%s dealer
@a1e +a%lsen on @ecember 1& from >in-man8 and Nicholas testified
that Mc<ei-h dro1e to Chica-o to see +a%lsen in late @ecember to sell
him the blastin- ca0s.
/n #e0tember 3.8 1,,48 accordin- to the FB?8 Mc<ei-h and Nichols8
2ho %sed the alias DMi)e 7a1ens8D 0%rchased fort3 !.-0o%nd ba-s of
ammoni%m nitrate at the Mid->ansas Co-/0 in Manhattan8 >ansas.
Then8 on /ctober 1&8 after rentin- a room in #alina %nder the name
D7a1ens8D Nichols rented stora-e loc)er No. 4. at Boots $-#tore-?t in
Co%ncil Bro1e8 %nder the alias D6oe >3le.D /n /ctober 1'8 the d3namic
d%o 2as bac) a-ain at the Mid->ansas Co-/08 stoc)in- %0 on more
fertilier8 b%3in- another fort3 !.-0o%nd ba-s to be stored at the loc)er
in Co%ncil Bro1e.
Nichols attorne38 Michael Ti-ar8 attem0ted to e:0lain his client's %se
of aliases b3 statin- that Nichols 2anted to hide his assets from Chase
Manhattan ban)8 2hich had 2on a lar-e credit card la2s%it a-ainst
him. This e:0lanation does not e:0lain 2h3 Nichols %sed the alias 2hile
0%rchasin- fertilier.
Finall38 there 2o%ld be the ordinance fo%nd at Nichols' home and the
farm of his brother 6ames. The @ec)er8 Michi-an farm contained 2'
fift3-0o%nd ba-s of ammoni%m nitrate8 non-electric blastin- ca0s8 a !!-
-allon dr%m containin- f%el-oil8 and lar-e f%el tan)s 2hich a00eared to
contain diesel f%el. As 0re1io%sl3 mentioned8 nei-hbors @aniel #tomber
and +a%l ?s3dora) told a%thorities that the Nichols brothers and
Mc<ei-h 2o%ld e:0eriment 2ith the items to ma)e small homemade
A search of Terr3 Nichols' home b3 the ATF and FB? alle-edl3 t%rned %0
33 firearms8 an anti-tan) la%ncher ;2hich 2as inert=8 fi1e ".-foot
+rimadet detonator cords8 non-electric blastin- ca0s8 ammoni%m
nitrate8 a f%el meter ;2hich 2as ino0erable * a fact that 2as ne1er
mentioned=8 and fo%r !!--allon bl%e 0lastic dr%ms. ;Nichols' son 6osh8
2ho fre9%entl3 0la3ed at his dad's ho%se8 belie1ed the barrels 2ere
2hite 2ith bl%e to0s.=
Ahile some acco%nts indicate that the dr%ms 2ere of the t30e %sed in
the bombin-8 the +ew York (imes 2rote on A0ril 3.8 DLit is not clear
that the3 match bl%e 0lastic fra-ments fo%nd at the blast site.D
fact8 the FB? ne1er stated that the fra-ments remo1ed from bombin-
1ictims matched those from Nichols' home. Certainl3 the FB?8 2ith the
most so0histicated crime lab in the 2orld8 2o%ld ha1e been able to
determine 2hether the fra-ments 2ere of the same t30e. Moreo1er8
most of the fra-ments8 if the3 had come from Nichols' home8 2o%ld
ha1e been 2hite8 not bl%e.
Nichols' attorne38 Michael Ti-ar8 raised this iss%e 2hile cross-e:aminin-
an FB? a-ent d%rin- a 0re-trial hearin-. Accordin- to Ti-ar8 the FB?'s
in1entor3 list described the barrels sim0l3 as 2hite 2itho%t bl%e lids.
The a-ent re0lied that the FB? doesn't list the lids se0aratel3. Ahen
Ti-ar as)ed the a-ent 2h3 the3 had in1entoried a collection of !--allon
b%c)ets 2ith the lids listed se0aratel38 he had no res0onse.
Those bl%e fra-ments ma3 1er3 li)el3 ha1e been from the '. or so bl%e
trash barrels distrib%ted thro%-ho%t the b%ildin- for the 0%r0oses of
trash collection. As Richard Ailliams8 a !1 3ear-old B#A mana-er
testified at Mc<ei-h's trial8 DThe3 2ere 0laced thro%-ho%t the b%ildin-
for 0ic)%0 d%rin- the 2ee).D
/ne month later8 Nichols 2o%ld 2rite his cr30tic letter to Mc<ei-h8
instr%ctin- him to e:tend the lease on %nit n%mber 3&8 2hich alle-edl3
contained stolen coins and -%ns8 and Dli9%idate 4.8D in case Nichols
failed to ret%rn from his last tri0 to the +hili00ines. ?t 2as this letter
that contained the infamo%s 0hrase8 DCo%'re on 3o%r o2n. Bo for itID
Aas this a messa-e ins0irin- Mc<ei-h to bomb a federal b%ildin-8 or a
note enco%ra-in- him to ma)e a s%ccess of himself in the militar3
s%r0l%s b%sinessH Accordin- to 6ames Nichols8 it 2as the later. Nichols
claims his brother 2as abo%t to ma)e a lar-e cash loan to Mc<ei-h for
this 0%r0ose8 and the note 2as sim0l3 in case of his death. Terr38 he
said8 2as a 1er3 metic%lo%s and thoro%-h man 2ho al2a3s made
certain his affairs 2ere in order.
Nichols famil3 friend Bob +a0o1ich also claims the 0air 2as sellin-
fertilier at -%n sho2s as 0lant food8 alon- 2ith an odd assortment of
other items sold at -%n sho2s8 re0ac)a-in- it in smaller ba-s to
increase their 0rofit mar-in.
Cet t2o tons of fertilier is an a2f%l lot to sell at -%n sho2s. 7ad
Mc<ei-h and Nichols act%all3 0%rchased that m%ch fertilierH Ahat is
interestin- is that em0lo3ees of Mid->ansas Co-o0 2ere ne1er able to
0ositi1el3 identif3 Mc<ei-h or Nichols d%rin- the 0%r0orted fertilier
b%3in- tri0s. Altho%-h em0lo3ee Frederic) #chendler tho%-ht one of
the men ma3 ha1e been Terr3 Nichols8 he said d%rin- a 0re-trial
hearin- that the second man wasn9t Mc<ei-h. 7e 2as dri1in- a tr%c)
that didn't a00ear to be Nichols'8 2ith a red trailer attached. +a0o1ich
told me that Nichols o2ns no s%ch tr%c).
Federal 0rosec%tors 2ere also co%ntin- on a recei0t fo%nd in Nichols'
home for the 0%rchase of a ton of ammoni%m nitrate8 alle-edl3
containin- Mc<ei-h's th%mb0rint. 7ad Nichols foolishl3 )e0t a recei0t
for bombin- materials that co%ld be traced bac) to himH Aas he as
st%0id as Mohammed #alemeh8 the Aorld Trade Center bomber 2ho
ret%rned to the R3der a-enc3 after the bombin- in an attem0t to
retrie1e his rental de0ositH /r 2as Mc<ei-h's fin-er0rint act%all3 on the
recei0t after allH
FB? a-ent (o%is 7%00 testified at trial that he hadn't fo%nd Mc<ei-h's
fin-er0rints at 4lliott's8 in motel rooms 2here Mc<ei-h sta3ed8 or in the
stora-e loc)ers 2here Mc<ei-h alle-edl3 stored the bomb-ma)in-
6amsey( A-ent 7%008 3o% identified * or handled man3 doc%ments
2ith re-ard to fin-er0rints8 didn't 3o%8 2ith re-ard to this caseH
H!pp( Ces8 ma'am.
6amsey( @id 3o% also test the R3der rental tr%c) reser1ation formH
H!pp( Ces8 ? did.
6amsey( And did 3o% find Timoth3 Mc<ei-h's fin-er0rints on thatH
H!pp( No8 ma'am.
6amsey( @id 3o% find Timoth3 Mc<ei-h's fin-er0rints on the R3der
rental tr%c) form 2here he act%all3 * 2here it 2as act%all3 rentedH
H!pp( No8 ma'am.L
6amsey( @id 3o% chec) the co%nter at 4lliott's Bod3 #ho0 for
fin-er0rintsH ? don't recall if ? as)ed 3o% that or not.
H!pp( The co%nterto0 2as remo1ed b3 me and trans0orted bac) to
head9%arters and 2as in fact 0rocessed for latent 0rints.
6amsey( And did 3o% find an3 fin-er0rints of Timoth3 Mc<ei-hH
H!pp( No8 ma'am.
6amsey( And did 3o% also chec) to see if there 2ere an3 fin-er0rints
on an3 of the stora-e %nits that ha1e been disc%ssed in this caseH
H!pp( Ces8 ma'am.
6amsey( And did 3o% find an3 fin-er0rints of Timoth3 Mc<ei-hH
H!pp( No8 ma'am.
7%00 also testified that he had not fo%nd Mc<ei-h's 0rints on the rental
0a0er2or)8 or the )e3 belon-in- to the R3der tr%c)8 fo%nd in a nearb3
alle3. Cet 7%00 e:0lained8 DThere are man3 times a 0erson doesn't
lea1e 0rints. ?t's a chance im0ression.D
Ahat if the FB? had claimed it had disco1ered 0rintsH
/n No1ember 228 1,"38 after 6F>'s m%rder8 the FB? too) /s2ald's
Mannlicher-Carcanno rifle to their Aashin-ton8 @.C. crime lab. The
technicians concl%ded that /s2ald's 0rints 2ere not on the 2ea0on.
The FB? then ret%rned the rifle to the @allas +olice @e0artment. #hortl3
thereafter8 the @+@ e:citedl3 anno%nced that the3 had Ddisco1eredD
/s2ald's 0alm 0rint.
This Dne2 e1idenceD forced e1en the Aarren Commission's chief
co%nsel8 6. (ee Ran)in8 to concl%de8 DBeca%se of the circ%mstances
2hich no2 e:ist there is a serio%s 9%estion in the minds of the
Commission as to 2hether the 0alm im0ression that has been obtained
from the @allas +olice @e0artment is a le-itimate 0alm im0ression
remo1ed from the rifle barrel or 2hether it 2as obtained from some
other so%rceL.D
?n 1,'48 FB? A-ent <incent @rain8 2ho handled the 2ea0on8 2as
9%estioned b3 6F> researcher 7enr3 7%rt. @rain concl%ded that there
ne1er 2as s%ch a 0rint. DAll ? can fi-%re is that J/s2ald's 0rintK 2as
some )ind of c%shion beca%se the3 2ere -ettin- a lot of heat b3
#%nda3 ni-ht. Co% co%ld ta)e that 0rint off /s2ald's card and 0%t it on
the rife. #omethin- li)e that ha00ened.D
?n s0ite of this8 the Aarren Commission made no effort to resol1e the
iss%e8 and 0resented /s2ald's so-called 0alm 0rint as fact.
Cet the fertilier recei0t containin- Mc<ei-h's th%mb0rint 2asn't the
onl3 amm%nition in the FB?'s arsenal of s0ecio%s e1idence. +rosec%tors
2o%ld rel3 hea1il3 on an e:0losi1e com0onent called +4TN8 alle-edl3
fo%nd on Mc<ei-h's clothin-. A 0air of ear0l%-s fo%nd on Mc<ei-h also
re0ortedl3 tested 0ositi1e for 4B@N8 a chemical fo%nd in d3namite.
Finall38 there 2as a 0iece of 0l32ood from the R3der tr%c) 2hich
contained -laed ammoni%m nitrate cr3stals.
Cet once a-ain8 this e1idence 2as hi-hl3 9%estionable. ?t seemed the
cr3stals had disa00eared before inde0endent e:0erts for either the
0rosec%tion or defense co%ld confirm its e:istence.
?nterestin-l38 affida1its of Frederic) Ahiteh%rst8 a #0ecial A-ent in the
FB?'s lab di1ision8 anno%nced to an incred%lo%s 0%blic in #e0tember of
1,,! that the B%rea% had been mishandlin- e1idence and slantin-
res%lts to fa1or 0rosec%tors for 3ears.
As one FB? lab technician told the +ew York (imes8 DCo% -et an
inad1ertent bondin- of li)e-minded indi1id%als s%00ortin- each other's
false concl%sions.D
After federal a-ents searched the residence of Richard 6e2ell8 a 0ri1ate
sec%rit3 -%ard 2ho 2as an earl3 s%s0ect in a bombin- at the Atlanta
/l3m0icsL FB? scientists and other s0ecialists 2arned that D3o%'1e -ot
the 2ron- -%38D an FB? laborator3 official said. B%t their ca%tionar3
remar)s8 based on the absence of e1en trace amo%nts of e:0losi1e
materials8 2ent %nheeded for months.
?n March of 1,,&8 the 3os Angeles (imes re0orted the findin-s of the
6%stice @e0artment ?ns0ector Beneral's office8 2hich concl%ded that
the lab made Dscientificall3 %nso%ndD concl%sions that 2ere Dbiased in
fa1or of the 0rosec%tionD in the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin- case.
The still-secret draft re0ort8 obtained b3 the 0a0er8 also concl%des that
s%0er1isors a00ro1ed lab re0orts that the3 Dcannot s%00ortD and that
FB? lab officials ma3 ha1e erred abo%t the sie of the blast8 the amo%nt
of e:0losi1es in1ol1ed and the t30e of e:0losi1es %sed in the bombin-.
Accordin- to the (imes8 the draft re0ort sho2s that FB? e:aminers
co%ld not identif3 the tri--erin- de1ice for the tr%c) bomb or ho2 it
2as detonated. ?t also indicates that a 0oorl3 maintained lab
en1ironment co%ld ha1e led to contamination of critical 0ieces of
e1idence8 the (imes said.
Ahiteh%rst also told the ?ns0ector Beneral that the a-ents 2ho
cond%cted the tests in /)lahoma Cit38 incl%din- Tom Th%rman8 Chief of
the 4:0losi1es $nit8 and Ro-er Mart8 Chief of the Chemistr3 and
To:icolo-3 $nit8 2ere not e1en 9%alified to do so.
@%rin- the 1,,3 Aorld Trade Center bombin- in1esti-ation8 Ahiteh%rst
decided to secretl3 test efficienc3 and 0roced%res at the lab. 7e mi:ed
h%man %rine 2ith fertilier and added it to some of the bomb material
bein- tested. Mart s%bse9%entl3 e:citedl3 identified the %rine-fertilier
mi:t%re as an e:0losi1e.
Ahiteh%rst also contended that Mart's e:aminin- room 2as
contaminated8 ma)in- it im0ossible to acc%ratel3 test for e:0losi1es
and other s%bstances8 incl%din- the +4TN alle-edl3 fo%nd on Mc<ei-h's
@%rin- the 0rosec%tion's closin- ar-%ment8 Mart made an interestin-
Fre%dian #li05 DThe e1idence sho2s that Mr. Mc<ei-h's clothin- 2as
contaminated 2ithL e:c%se me8 Mr. Mc<ei-h's clothin- 2as filled 2ith
bomb resid%e.D
Ahiteh%rst also claimed that Mart had 0erN%red his testimon3 in 0rior
cases. Ahiteh%rst himself 2as e1en as)ed to alter his re0orts.
Materials-anal3sis-%nit chief Corb3 Dhad me come into his room one
da3 and told me the3 * ? don't )no2 2ho 'the3' 2ere * 2anted me to
ta)e statements o%t of m3 re0ort.... Ahiteh%rst ref%sed.
@%rin- the 1,,1 trial of Aalter (ero3 Mood38 con1icted of )illin-
Federal 6%d-e Robert <ance 2ith a letter-bomb8 both Th%rman and
Mart Dcirc%m1ented established 0roced%res and 0rotocolsL JandK
testified in areas of e:0ertise that Jthe3K had no 9%alifications in8
therefore fabricatin- e1idence in JtheirK testimon38D Ahiteh%rst 2rote
in a memorand%m to the B%rea%'s #cientific Anal3sis Chief 6ames
Both Mart and Th%rman 2ere f%ll3 a2are of the fact that the3 2ere in
1iolation of 0roced%res and 0rotocols of the FB? (aborator3 and did
)no2in-l3 and 0%r0osel3 commit 0erN%r3 and obstr%ction of N%stice in
this matter.
?nterestin-l38 the chief 0rosec%tor in the case 2as none other than
(o%is Freeh8 2ho 2as an Assistant $.#. Attorne3 at the time. Accordin-
to Ahiteh%rst8 Freeh did not ha1e a sin-le 0iece of e1idence t3in-
Mood3 to the crime. Th%rman -ot aro%nd this little incon1enience b3
sendin- the e1idence to his friend Ro-er Mart8 2ho8 li)e Th%rman8 2as
not 9%alified to 0erform the e:amination. Both Th%rman and Mart
2ere recentl3 remo1ed from their 0ositions d%e to alle-ations of
falsification of e1idence and 0erN%r3.
Th%rman's ori-inal claim to fame 2as the +an Am 1.3 case. 7e had
concl%ded that a tin3 fra-ment of microchi08 amain-l3 disco1ered t2o
3ears after the bombin-8 2as 0art of a batch of timers sold to the
(ib3ans b3 the #2iss firm M4B/. This Dne2 e1idenceD allo2ed the $.#.
-o1ernment to 0oint the fin-er of blame at (ib3a8 con1enientl3 lettin-
#3ria * ori-inall3 im0licated in the bombin- * off the hoo).
After the assassination of 6F>8 nitrate tests cond%cted on (ee 7ar1e3
/s2ald concl%ded that he had not fired a rifle on No1ember 22. Cet this
fact8 li)e the false 0alm 0rint8 2as )e0t secret for 1. months8 then
b%ried dee0 inside the Aarren Commission Re0ort.
?n the Mood3 case8 Freeh 0ossessed co0ies of re0orts that dis0ro1ed
the 0rosec%tion's alle-ations8 b%t did not e1en ma)e them a1ailable8 or
)no2n8 to the N%r3. Freeh also failed to inform the N%r3 that his chief
2itness8 Ted Ban)s8 failed a lie-detector test re-ardin- his association
2ith Mood3. ?n 1,,!8 Ban)s testified at an a00eal hearin- that Freeh
had threatened and coerced him into testif3in- a-ainst the
?n the Aorld Trade Center case8 Ahiteh%rst testified that he 2as told
not to 0ro1ide an3 information or e1idence8 s%ch as alternate
e:0lanations to the %rea-nitrate theor38 that co%ld be %sed b3 the
defense to challen-e the 0rosec%tors' h30othesis of -%ilt.
?n /)lahoma8 Ahiteh%rst cond%cted a test on Mc<ei-h's clothes8 b%t
fo%nd nothin-.
Ahile the FB? claimed it fo%nd traces of +4TN in Mc<ei-h's 0ants
0oc)et8 on his shirts8 and on a set of ear0l%-s8 A-ent B%rmeister
ac)no2led-ed on cross-e:amination that no +4TN or ammoni%m
nitrate 2as fo%nd at the blast scene.
Nor 2as ammoni%m nitrate fo%nd in Mc<ei-h's car8 his 0ersonal
effects8 hotel rooms he had sta3ed at8 the 1ario%s stora-e sheds the
s%s0ects alle-edl3 %sed to store the bomb-ma)in- com0onents8 or in
Nichols' 7erin-ton8 >ansas home. The B%rea% also fo%nd no e1idence
of e:0losi1es resid%e in sam0les of Mc<ei-h's hair8 or scra0in-s from
his fin-ernails.
B%rmeister also testified that cr3stals of ammoni%m nitrate8 2hich he
fo%nd on a 0iece of 2ood 0anelin- from the R3der tr%c)8 later
DThat 0iece has -one thro%-h a lot of hands since the time that ?'1e
seen it8D B%rmeister testified8 Dand ? can't s0ea) to ho2 the3 co%ld
ha1e disa00eared.D
As Canadian Co%nt3 #heriff @e0%t3 Clint Boehler said8 DThe FB?
dist%rbed and remo1ed e1idence. The3 don't tell an3bod3 elseG the3
don't 2or) 2ith an3bod3 else.L 7o2 did the3 )no2 it 2as the tr%c)H
The3 ne1er loo)ed at so man3 ob1io%s thin-s.D
Cet8 as in the >enned3 case8 Federal +rosec%tors 2ent to trial armed
2ith deliberate lies and other distortions that fa1ored their some2hat
9%estionable 1ersion of e1ents.
Ahile the FB?'s e1idence 0roced%res 2o%ld be called into 9%estion8
0rosec%tors 2o%ld see) to im0ress the N%r3 2ith e1idence of the
s%s0ects' militant Ri-ht-2in- leanin-s. +rosec%tors be-an 2ith letters
Mc<ei-h sent to his sister 6ennifer8 e:0ressin- his ra-e o1er the e1ents
at R%b3 Rid-e and Aaco8 at the same time millions of Americans 2ere
e:0ressin- the 1er3 same an-er.
DThe Federal Bo1ernment 2as absol%tel3 o%t of control8D said #arah
Bain8 the #an Antonio school teacher 2ho ser1ed as fore2oman of the
N%r3 that ac9%itted the J@a1idianK sect members of most of the serio%s
crimes the3 2ere char-ed 2ith. DThe 2ron- 0eo0le 2ere on trial8D Bain
com0lained. D?t sho%ld ha1e been the ones that 0lanned the raid and
orchestrated it.D
B%t it 2as other e1idence * more incriminatin- and dist%rbin- * that
2o%ld 0ro1ide the critical elements needed to con1ince the N%r3 of
Mc<ei-h's malicio%s intent. ?n No1ember of ',48 Mc<ei-h 1isited his
famil3 in (oc)0ort8 Ne2 Cor)8 2here he confided to his sister 6ennifer
that he had been dri1in- aro%nd 2ith 18... 0o%nds of e:0losi1es.
?n a letter sent to her in March8 a month before the bombin-8 Mc<ei-h
2rote8 D#omethin- bi- is -oin- to ha00en in the month of the b%ll.D
Finall38 to 0ro1e Mc<ei-h's male1olent intentions8 0rosec%tors
introd%ced a letter stored on 6ennifer's com0%ter. The letter8 addressed
to the ATF8 2arned8 DATF8 all 3o% t3rannical motherf%c)ers 2ill s2in- in
the 2ind one da38 for 3o%r treasono%s actions a-ainst the Constit%tion
and the $nited #tates. Remember the N%rember- Aar Trials. B%t...
b%t... b%t... ? 2as onl3 follo2in- ordersI...... @ie8 3o% s0ineless8
co2ardice bastardsID
Mc<ei-h also s%00osedl3 left a letter to a D-irlfriendD ;2hich media
0s3choNo%rnalists claimed he didn't ha1e= in the -lo1e com0artment of
his car8 o%tlinin- 0lans to bomb additional tar-ets.
7ad Mc<ei-h act%all3 left s%ch a letter in his 1ehicle8 and dro00ed
+a%lsen's b%siness card in the 0atrol carH Ahile it is 0ossible8 s%ch
scenes are reminiscent of the doctored 0hoto-ra0h of (ee 7ar1e3
/s2ald holdin- a rifle and Comm%nist ne2s0a0er8 or 4arth FirstI
acti1ist 6%di Bari holdin- a machine -%n8 2hich 2as loaned to her for
the 0hoto b3 an FB? informant * a 0hoto 2hich he too).
?n /)lahoma Cit38 as in all criminal cons0iracies8 the old ada-e8
Dfollo2 the mone3D 2o%ld a00l3. Certainl3 a 0air of lone n%ts 2ith a
fertilierRf%el bomb 2o%ldn't need m%ch * a co%0le of tho%sand dollars
at most * considerin- the3 didn't ha1e to 0a3 off a 2eb of co-
A No1ember ',4 robber3 in Ar)ansas 2o%ld 0ro1e to be N%st the crime
in1esti-ators needed to 0%t the final 0iece of the 0%le in 0lace. Ahen
the indictments 2ere ret%rned8 the -rand N%r3 concl%ded the bombin-
2as financed b3 the robber3 of -%n dealer Ro-er Moore ;A>A5 Bob
Anderson=8 2ho had )no2n Mc<ei-h and let him sta3 at his home.
Cet 2hat is interestin- is that the FB? had alread3 come to the
concl%sion that the bomb com0onents 2ere alread3 0%rchased or
stolen b3 the date of the robber3.
The indictment 2as also incon-r%o%sl3 2orded5 DMc<ei-h and Nichols
Dca%sedD the robber3 of F".8... 2orth of -%ns8 coins and 0recio%s
metals. 4:actl3 ho2 had the3 Dca%sedD the robber3H The 0rosec%tion
first 0resented the testimon3 of Mc<ei-h's friend >e1in Nicholas5
9icholas( 7e said that he scre2ed him some 2a3 o%t of some mone3
or somethin-.
/ackey( Aho is DheDH
9icholas( That Bob did for 2hen Tim 2or)ed for him.
/ackey( And as a res%ltH
9icholas( 7e said he * that he'd be an eas3 -%3 to rob beca%se he
li1ed 2a3 bac) in the stic)s and8 3o% )no28 there 2as 2oods aro%nd
his ho%se and st%ff.
Cet Mc<ei-h had a solid alibi. 7e 2as at a -%n sho2 in >ent8 /hio on
No1ember !.
#till8 the -o1ernment attem0ted to ha1e Michael Fortier im0licate his
friends at trial b3 testif3in- that Mc<ei-h called him and said8 DNichols
-ot BobID This lar-el3 hearsa3 testimon3 2o%ld not be bac)ed %0 b3
f%rther e1idence.
A%thorities ne1er 0ro1ed that Mc<ei-h or Nichols act%all3 robbed
Moore8 b%t did 0ro1e that on No1ember &8 1,,48 Nichols rented a
stora-e loc)er * n%mber 3& * in Co%ncil Bro1e8 %nder the alias DTed
+ar)erD to store some of the stolen items.
?n his DconfessionD to a%thorities8 Fortier said that Mc<ei-h met him in
>in-man on the 1!th8 2here%0on the3 dro1e to >ansas. /n the 2a38
Fortier testified8 Mc<ei-h 0ointed o%t the M%rrah B%ildin- as the tar-et
of the %0comin- attac). Ahen the3 reached the stora-e loc)er8 the3
loaded 2! -%ns into Fortier's rented car.
Bac) in >in-man8 Fortier 0a2ned the 2ea0ons8 or sold them to friends8
incl%din- his nei-hbor8 6ames Rosencrans.
/n No1ember 1"8 Nichols rented loc)er W-1." at AAAABC/ #tora-e in
(as <e-as8 2here e:-2ife (ana +adilla disco1ered -old and sil1er bars8
Nade8 alon- 2ith 2i-s8 mas)s8 and 0ant3hose. A safet3 de0osit bo: )e3
belon-in- to Moore 2as fo%nd at Nichols' home.
The ".-3ear-old Moore claimed he 2as s%r0rised one mornin- shortl3
after ,5.. a.m.8 2hen t2o mas)ed men accosted him o%tside his
)itchen door. The men8 2earin- 2oodland-st3le camo%fla-e fati-%es8
bo%nd him and ransac)ed his ho%se8 ta)in- -%ns8 coins8 Ne2els8 and
0ersonal effects.
Ahat is stran-e is that the thie1es left a n%mber of e:0ensi1e
hand-%ns and lar-e-ca0acit3 ma-aines8 both hi-hl3 desirable items.
The 0ri1ate -%n dealer8 2ho had eno%-h 2ea0ons to s%00l3 a 0latoon8
did not ha1e an ins%rance rider for the -%ns8 and most of the serial
n%mbers 2eren't re-istered.
Moore told the a%thor he didn't ha1e a rider beca%se he 2as afraid
some ins%rance com0an3 secretar3 2o%ld see his lar-e collection and
tell her bo3friend8 2ho 2o%ld then come and rob him. A c%rio%s
e:0lanation for failin- to ins%re a hi-hl3 1al%able collection. Moore
claims he onl3 -ot a limited settlement * a00ro:imatel3 F1.8....
?nterestin-l38 one 2ell-connected so%rce ? s0o)e to asserted that Dthe
JMooreK robber3 2as sta-ed.L that's the tr%th.L 7e ;Moore= %sed a lot
of aliases8 he had ei-ht different social sec%rit3 n%mbers8 ei-ht
different dates of birth8 and that's onl3 the ones that ? )no2 abo%t.LD
This so%rce also claimed8 lon- before defense attorne3 Michael Ti-ar's
alle-ations 2ere made 0%blic8 that the moti1e of the Drobber3D 2as
ins%rance fra%d8 sta-ed 2ith the hel0 of Nichols and Mc<ei-h. DNichols
had sim0l3 bo%-ht 2ea0ons Jfrom MooreKL. Moore a00roached Nichols
abo%t the fra%d ori-inall3.L Moore too) 0a3ment of some odd items
that 2inds %0 in Terr3 Nichols' Jstora-e loc)erK.D
This assertion 2as reinforced at Nichols' trial8 2hen Ti-ar 9%estioned
Moore's -irlfriend8 >aren Anderson8 abo%t 2h3 she had incl%ded on her
list * a list she claimed had been dra2n %0 in late 1,,2 or earl3 1,,3
* a -%n that hadn't been 0%rchased %ntil late 1,,4I
Ahen ? s0o)e to Moore's friend and nei-hbor8 Nora Aa3e8 she told me
Moore had com0lained to her that the local #heriff 2ho in1esti-ated
the robber38 Dble2 JMoore'sK co1er.D
Co%ld a 0hon3 robber3 set-%0 e:0lain the 2i-s8 mas)s8 and
0ant3hose in Terr3 Nichol's stora-e loc)erH Bi1en the relationshi0
bet2een Mc<ei-h and Moore8 it is 0ossible the t2o men made some
sort of deal.
Former -rand N%ror 7o003 7eidelber- is another 0erson 2ho had
do%bts abo%t Moore5 D#omethin- 2asn't ri-ht abo%t him8D said
7eidelber-. D?t 2asn't that his testimon3 2asn't belie1able. 7e 2as N%st
coc)3. 7e had a stran-e attit%de for a man testif3in- before a -rand
N%r3. 7e 2as so cas%al abo%t it8 that 2as stran-e. 7e testified li)e a
man 2ho had done it man3 times before.L ?t 2asn't an3thin- he said8
it 2as his attit%de. Co%'ll see the same attit%de in an FB? a-ent 2hose
DMoore's bein- 0rotected8D said m3 so%rce. DNo matter ho2 this thin-'s
-oin- to -et 0la3ed o%t. 7e'll tal) to 3o% all da3 lon- and 2on't tell 3o%
a thin-. 7e )no2s ho2 to tal).D
Cohn Doe 0hoE
"-e ha,e no in8ormation showing anyone other than $r. $c2eigh and
$r. +ichols are the masterminds" 7 5.). Attorney %eth -ilkinson
/n the da3 of the deadl3 attac)8 Attorne3 Beneral 6anet Reno
anno%nced8 DThe FB? and the la2 enforcement comm%nit3 2ill 0%rs%e
e1er3 lead and %se e1er3 0ossible reso%rce to brin- these 0eo0le
res0onsible to N%stice.L ?t is 1er3 im0ortant that 2e 0%rs%e each leadL
it is -oin- to be 1er3 im0ortant that 2e lea1e no stone %nt%rnedLD
?n fact8 n%mero%s stones 2ere left %nt%rned.
Ahile the 6%stice @e0artment ;@o6= foc%sed its efforts on Mc<ei-h and
Nichols8 scant attention 2as foc%sed on other s%s0ects * 6ohn @oe 28
the m3sterio%s entit3 2ho 2as seen 2ith Mc<ei-h8 and had
accom0anied him the mornin- of the bombin-. Aitnesses also sa2 him
2ith Mc<ei-h in the M%rrah B%ildin-8 in stores8 at resta%rants8 at a bar8
and at the tr%c) rental sho0 before the bombin-. #till others claim to
ha1e seen him s0eedin- a2a3 from the scene. All in all8 there are
almost t2o-doen 2itnesses 2ho re0orted seein- 6ohn @oe 2.
The FB? made a bi- sho2 of trac)in- do2n this ill%si1e8 menacin--
loo)in- s%s0ect. DThe FB? has cond%cted o1er ,8... 2itness inter1ie2s
and has follo2ed e1er3 0ossible lead in an intensi1e effort to identif3
and brin- to N%stice an3one 2ho 2as in1ol1ed in this disaster8D stated
$.#. Attorne3 +atric) R3an in a letter to the 1ictims' families.
The search for 6ohn @oe 2 9%ic)l3 became the bi--est man-h%nt in FB?
histor3. Ahat a%thorities 2eren't sa3in- ho2e1er8 2as that not onl3
2as there a 6ohn @oe 28 there 2ere least fo%r 6ohn @oesI Cet the iss%e
2as 9%ic)l3 and 9%ietl3 narro2ed do2n to N%st one 6ohn @oe 2.
/n A0ril 238 fo%r da3s after the bombin-8 The -ashington Post
9%oted a senior la2 enforcement official 2ho said Dat least fo%rD men
2ere in1ol1ed in the terrorist act last 2ee) and Dthere 1er3 2ell co%ld
be more.D
The FB? then re9%alified its 0osition on Ma3 1!5 DAhere1er 2e loo)8 it's
Terr3 and Timm38 Terr3 and Timm3 * and nobod3 else8D 9%i00ed an
%nnamed FB? official in (ime ma-aine.
Cet on 6%ne 118 another FB? official 2as 9%oted in the Post as sa3in-8 D?
thin) 2hen this is o1er 2e'll ha1e at least si: or ei-ht -%3s indicted and
in c%stod3. ?t's N%st too bi- for t2o -%3s to 0%ll off.D
Then on 6%ne 1!8 the FB? bac)trac)ed a-ain. D+eriodicall3 3o% N%st -et
somethin- in an in1esti-ation that -oes no2here. 6ohn @oe 2 -oes
no2here. ?t doesn't sho2 %0 in associations8 it doesn't sho2 %0 in
0hone calls. ?t doesn't sho2 %0 amon- the Arm3 b%ddies of
The 0re1io%s da38 the FB? 0%t o%t a stor3 that 6ohn @oe 2 ma3 ha1e
act%all3 been Todd B%ntin-8 a soldier at Fort Rile38 >ansas 2ho had
rented a tr%c) at the same dealer Mc<ei-h had. The FB? stated that
B%ntin- 2ore clothin- similar to that ascribed to 6ohn @oe 28 that he
had a tattoo in the same 0lace8 and that he 2ore a hat similar to 6ohn
@oe 2's.
Cet 4lliott's em0lo3ees dismissed B%ntin- as the 0erson 2ho 2as seen
2ith Mc<ei-h8 and B%ntin- held a 0ress conference statin- that he had
in fact rented a tr%c) at 4lliott's * 24 ho%rs after Mc<ei-h alle-edl3
rented his.
The B%ntin- stor3 2as officiall3 dro00ed.
Then8 on 6an%ar3 2'8 1,,"8 the 0rosec%tion s2itched trac)s a-ain8
officiall3 res%rrectin- the Todd B%ntin- stor3. ?n a lon- brief8 the
-o1ernment disclosed that 4lliott's em0lo3ee Tom >essin-er 2as the
onl3 one 2ho co%ld recall 6ohn @oe 2 2ell eno%-h to describe him.
No28 after a No1ember inter1ie2 2ith a 0rosec%tor and t2o FB? a-ents8
>essin-er 2as Dconfident that he had Todd B%ntin- in mind 2hen he
0ro1ided the descri0tion for the 6ohn @oe 2 com0osite.D >essin-er8 the
brief contin%ed8 is Dno2 %ns%reD 2hether an3one accom0anied
Mc<ei-h. B%t his t2o co-2or)ers Dcontin%e to belie1e that t2o men
came in to rent the tr%c).D
?n that brief8 the 0rosec%tion s0ec%lated that the defense mi-ht %se
D>essin-er's admitted conf%sionD to challen-e his identification of
?t seemed it 2as less D>essin-er's admitted conf%sionD than a
deliberate fabrication b3 0rosec%tors and the FB? to co1er %0 the
e:istence of 6ohn @oe 2. As >essin-er told bombin- 1ictim Blenn
Ailb%rn8 2ho cond%cted his o2n in1esti-ation8 D? don't )no2 ho2 the3
came %0 2ith that one.D
>essin-er later chan-ed his stor3 at the %r-in- of federal 0rosec%tors
+atric) R3an and 6ose0h 7artler. @%rin- a 0retrial conference8 6ones
challen-ed >essin-er5
D7o2 can 3o% be so 2ron- ". ho%rs after the e1ent and so ri-ht a 3ear
and a half laterHD 6ones as)ed him. DCo%ld 3o% be chan-in- 3o%r mind
beca%se the -o1ernment 2ants 3o% toHD
DNo8D >essin-er re0lied.
Cet on March 2! and A0ril !8 7artler had 2ritten 6ones that DThe
e:istence and identit3 of this 6ohn @oe 28 2hom 2e are confident is not
Mr. B%ntin-8 is the s%bNect of a contin%in- in1esti-ation.D
And in a Ma3 18 1,," letter 2ritten b3 7artler8 the -o1ernment
0rosec%tor informed 6ones that >essin-er and Beemer had been sho2n
a 0ict%re of the ca0 B%ntin- 2ore 2hen he 0ic)ed %0 a tr%c) on A0ril
1'. DThe3 both stated that the ca0 2as not the same one the3 sa2 on
6ohn @oe ??8D 7artler 2rote8 Dand the3 reaffirmed that this second
indi1id%al accom0anied '>lin-' 2hen he rented the tr%c).D
Cet at a hearin- on A0ril ,8 federal 0rosec%tor Beth Ail)inson stated
that the -o1ernment Dhas no information sho2in- an3one b%t Mr.
Nichols and Mr. Mc<ei-h 2ere the masterminds of this bombin-.D
DThe3 )ee0 tellin- %s the3're loo)in- for 6ohn @oe No. 28 b%t then the3
t%rn aro%nd and -i1e statements indicatin- that the3 don't belie1e
there is a 6ohn @oe No. 28D said a 2oman 2hose h%sband 2as )illed in
the bombin-.
/ther 1ictims8 li)e nai1e children8 blindl3 0laced their faith in the
-o1ernment's d%bio%s ass%rances. 7artler held one meetin- 2ith
bombin- 1ictims in 2hich he Ddisc%ssed and dis0osed of some of the
more biarre theories.D
D? N%st -ot a better feelin- abo%t 2hat's -oin- on8D said B%d Aelch8
2hose da%-hter8 6%lie8 died in the attac). DThe 0rosec%tion ass%red %s
that there 2as no e1idence that 2as s%00ressed. Ae reall3 didn't )no2
that8D added Aelch.
DAe )no2 2hat's -oin- on no2 and that the3're there for %s8D +amela
Aeber-Fore said of the 0rosec%tors.
/ther 1ictims 2eren't as easil3 fooled. D? don't thin) that there's an3
9%estion abo%t the fact that the3're co1erin- %0 2ho 2as in1ol1ed in
the bombin-8D said <.Y. (a2ton8 a 7$@ 2or)er 2ho 2as inN%red in the
blast. D?'1e tal)ed to fi1e 2itnesses m3self 2ho sa2 Mc<ei-h 2ith 6ohn
@oe n%mber t2o in /)lahoma Cit3 that mornin-8 2ithin fifteen min%tes
of the blast... tells me that there is somethin- 2ron-.D
As Nichols' attorne3 Michael Ti-ar said8 D?t's stran-e that the official
1ersion has foc%sed on Nichols and Mc<ei-h8 and that the -o1ernment
is no2 b%sil3 en-a-ed in den3in- all 0ossibilit3 that there co%ld be
an3bod3 else.D
Arand C!ry Bypass
"(he F%I has thoroughly in,estigated all leads and I am con8ident in
the in,estigation."
lead prosecutor 0oseph Hart#ler
Nat%rall38 2hile man3 e3e2itnesses ste00ed for2ard to tell the FB?
the3 had seen additional s%s0ects8 not one 2as e1er called before the
-rand N%r3.
Cet federal 0rosec%tors still had one h%rdle to o1ercome before the3
co%ld ma)e their case. The3 had to deal 2ith 7o003 7eidelber-.
7eidelber-8 2ho often 9%oted from the -rand N%ror's handboo)8 2as
a2are that the -rand N%r3 2as char-ed 2ith the tas) of determinin- the
rele1ance of the e1idence8 and as)in- those 9%estions 0ertinent to the
case. #o far8 all the e1idence centered aro%nd Timoth3 Mc<ei-h and
Terr3 Nichols. 7eidelber- 2anted to )no2 2h3 0rosec%tors had not
s%b0oenaed the man3 2itnesses 2ho had seen 6ohn @oe 2.
DNo one 2ho sa2 Mc<ei-h 2ith other s%s0ects8 2as e1er allo2ed to
testif3 before the federal -rand N%r38D said 7eidelber-. The ob1io%s
inference bein- that those 2ho sa2 Mc<ei-h 2o%ld ha1e also seen 6ohn
@oe 2.
B%t +atric) R3an seemed to be controllin- the N%r3. 7e did not li)e
7eidelber-'s tendenc3 to -o a-ainst the flo2. ?n a letter to the 1ictims'
families8 R3an states5
The $nited #tates has ne1er maintained or e1en s%--ested8 that no
other 0erson or 0ersons 2ere in1ol1ed 2ith Mc<ei-h and Nichols in the
commission of these crimes. As stated earlier8 the 9%estion of
in1ol1ement of others is the s%bNect of intensi1e in1esti-ation b3
federal in1esti-ators and 0rosec%tors 2ho are totall3 de1oted and
committed to identif3in- and 0rosec%tin- all 0ersons in1ol1ed in the
0lannin- or commission of these crimes.
Cet8 as in the >enned3 assassination8 federal 0rosec%tors sim0l3
0araded before the -rand N%r3 those 2itnesses fa1orable to their
0reordained 1ie2 of the case8 i-norin- leads and 2itnesses that
conflicted 2ith their hi-hl3 d%bio%s 1ersion of e1ents.
Altho%-h 7eidelber- attem0ted to 9%estion -rand N%r3 2itnesses8 he
2as re0eatedl3 stone2alled b3 0rosec%tors. ?n an inter1ie2 2ith
No%rnalist 6on Ra00a0ort8 7eidelber- stated8 DThe3 said ?'d ha1e to -et
the 0rosec%tin- attorne3's o)a3 for each 9%estion ? 2anted to as). B%t
3o% )no28 in dialo- one 9%estion leads to another ri-ht a2a38 so 3o%
can't cross-e:amine that 2a3.
DThe3 )e0t 0romisin- and 0romisin- to ans2er all m3 9%estions8 b%t
%ltimatel3 the3 stalled me. ? 2as had.D
?n an inter1ie2 on CB# This Mornin-8 #te0hen 6ones said8 DL2hat is
tro%blin- here is that the 0rosec%tors8 in effect8 accordin- to this -rand
N%ror's alle-ation8 too) a2a3 from the -rand N%r3 their d%t3 to -o after
the 8ull stor38 not N%st concentratin- on the t2o 0eo0le that had
alread3 been arrested.D
Not b%3in- the -o1ernment's stor3 of a co%0le of 0issed-off 2hac)os
2ith a fertilier bomb8 7eidelber- also as)ed that bomb e:0erts be
called in to identif3 the t30e of bomb %sed. D(et's -et the ans2erL
(et's -et the architects and en-ineers 2ho b%ilt the b%ildin- in there
and 9%estion them8D 7eidelber- told Ra00a0ort.
D@id 3o% re9%est thatHD as)ed Ra00a0ort.
D/f co%rseI ? demanded bomb e:0erts all alon-. And en-ineers and
-eolo-ists. The3 said * do 3o% 2ant to )no2 2hat the3 saidH The3
didn't ha1e the mone3I ? said ?'d -o do2n to the $ni1ersit3 of
/)lahoma and brin- some -eolo-ists bac) m3self for free. The3
2o%ldn't let me.
DThe bomb is the )e3 to the 2hole case.D
?n order to satisf3 the -rand N%r3 that an ANF/ bomb ble2 %0 the
b%ildin-8 0rosec%tors called in one bomb e:0ert * Robert 7o0ler.
7o0ler8 it t%rns o%t8 recentl3 retired from @3no-Nobel8 an e:0losi1es
man%fact%rer in #alt (a)e Cit3. @3no-Nobel %sed to be 7erc%les +o2der
Com0an3 * a re0%ted C?A front.
D? )ne2 he 2as C?A8D said 7eidelber-. D?t 2as 0rett3 ob1io%s to me and
most of the N%r3.D
6%d-e @a1id R%ssell e1ent%all3 dismissed 7eidelber- from the -rand
N%r3 for ha1in- the a%dacit3 to 9%estion the -o1ernment's case. ?n a
letter to 7eidelber- dated /ctober 248 1,,!8 R%ssell states5
4ffecti1el3 immediatel38 3o% are dismissed from the -rand N%r3. Co%r
obli-ation of secrec3 contin%es. An3 disclos%re of matters that
occ%rred before the -rand N%r3 constit%tes a contem0t of co%rt.
4ach 1iolation of the obli-ation of secrec3 ma3 be 0%nished
The -o1ernment's e:c%se for dismissin- 7eidelber- 2as an anon3mo%s
inter1ie2 he s%00osedl3 -a1e to (a2rence M3ers of $edia %ypass
ma-aine. As 0re1io%sl3 noted8 7eidelber- ne1er consented to be
inter1ie2ed b3 M3ers8 and in fact8 M3ers had s%rre0titio%sl3 obtained
the content of an inter1ie2 cond%cted b3 the in1esti-ator for
7eidelber-'s attorne38 6ohn @eCam0.
B%t 7eidelber- claims the real reason 2as a letter he 2rote to 6%d-e
R%ssell dated /ctober !th8 in 2hich 7eidelber- states5
The families of the 1ictims deser1e to )no2 2ho 2as in1ol1ed in the
bombin-8 and there a00ears to be an attem0t to 0rotect the identit3 of
certain s%s0ects8 namel3 6ohn @oe 2L.
D? thin) the3 ;the -o1ernment= )no2s 2ho 6ohn @oe 2 is8 and the3 are
0rotectin- him8D said 7eidelber- in an inter1ie2 in 0u&ilee $aga#ine.
DThis is beca%se 6ohn @oe 2 is either a -o1ernment a-ent or informant
and the3 can't afford for that to -et o%t.D
41ent%all38 the FB? dro00ed the 6ohn @oe 2 lead alto-ether. 6ohn @oe 2
had been a red herrin-8 a false lead8 the 6%stice @e0artment claimed.
6ohn @oe 2 had ne1er reall3 e:isted.
@oens of credible 2itnesses thin) other2ise.
Catina (a2son8 2ho 2as friends 2ith Mc<ei-h8 remembered 6ohn @oe 2
from the #%mmer of ',28 2hen she and her friends 2o%ld hold 0arties
and in1ite soldiers from nearb3 Fort Rile3. Mc<ei-h sho2ed %0 2ith
And3 #trassmeir8 Mi)e Fortier8 and Michael Brescia. ?n fact8 (a2son's
roommate8 (indsa3 6ohnson8 dated the handsome8 2ell-b%ilt Brescia.
T2o da3s after the bombin-8 (a2son called the FB? and told them that
Brescia closel3 resembled the s)etch of 6ohn @oe 2.
Cet in s0ite of o1ert%rnin- 218... stones8 the FB? ne1er e1en bothered
to follo2 %0 on her stor3.
Robert Bohn8 2ho li1ed across the road from Mc<ei-h in >in-man8
recalled seein- one of the m3sterio%s 6ohn @oes aro%nd the earl3
#%mmer of ',4. Accordin- to Bohn8 one da3 a short8 stoc)3 man 2ho
loo)ed Dli)e a 2ei-ht lifterD arri1ed at Mc<ei-h's trailer 2ith Terr3
/n A0ril &8 @r. +a%l 7eath 2as 2or)in- in his office at the M%rrah
B%ildin- 2hen DMc<ei-hD and t2o of his com0anions sto00ed b3 for a
chat. 7eath recalled one of the men as DAmerican-?ndian loo)in-D
and Dhandsome.D
As the Associated +ress re0orted on A0ril 2&8 1,,!5
L J$.#. Attorne3 Rand3K Rathb%rn said nei-hbors of Nichols'L re0orted
that Nichols s0ent A0ril 12-14 2ith Mc<ei-h and se1eral %nidentified
men. /ne of the men resembled s)etches of 6ohn @oe 2.L
/n #at%rda38 A0ril 1!8 Barbara Ahittenber- ser1ed brea)fast to three
men at the #ante Fe Trail @iner in 7errin-ton8 >ansas. /ne of the men
2as dar)-s)inned and handsome. Ahen he told her the3 2ere on their
2a3 to /)lahoma Cit38 Mc<ei-h shot him a hard loo) that said D)ee0
4arl3 the ne:t da38 aro%nd 15.. a.m.8 Melba 2as 2or)in- the deli
co%nter at Albertson's #%0ermar)et on #o%th Ma3 in /)lahoma Cit38
2hen DMc<ei-hD and 6ohn @oe 2 sto00ed b3 for sand2iches.
DMc<ei-h8D it seems8 2as still in to2n 2hen +h3liss >in-sle3 and (inda
>%hlman sa2 three 1ehicles 0%ll into the 7i-Aa3 Brill8 N%st so%th of
/)lahoma Cit38 aro%nd "5.. 0.m. on #%nda3. Mc<ei-h came in and
ordered hamb%r-ers and fries to -o8 and 2as accom0anied b3 a short8
stoc)38 handsome man8 of either Me:ican or American ?ndian descent.
The man closel3 resembled the FB? s)etch of 6ohn @oe 2.
That same da38 bac) at the @reamland Motel in 6%nction Cit38 Connie
7ood 2as ret%rnin- to her room aro%nd 1254! a.m. 2hen a man in
room 23 9%ic)l3 o0ened the door as if e:0ectin- a 1isitor8 then 9%ic)l3
closed it 2hen he sa2 7ood. The man8 2ho startled her8 2as in his
earl3 2.s8 abo%t !''D tall8 1'. lbs.8 2ith dar) hair br%shed strai-ht bac)
and an oli1e com0le:ion. 7ood recalls he closel3 resembled the s)etch
of 6ohn @oe 28 b%t 2ith sli-htl3 f%ller feat%res. #he described him as a
The follo2in- da38 7ood and her h%sband @onald ret%rned to the
@reamland to 1isit their friend @a1id >in- in room 22. A R3der tr%c)
0%lled %0 at the same time the3 did8 the dri1er stron-l3 resemblin- the
man 7ood sa2 the 0re1io%s da3.
#hane Bo3d8 a helico0ter mechanic 2ho 2as also sta3in- at the
@reamland8 later told re0orters and in1esti-ators that he sa2 a b%sh3-
haired man resemblin- the 6ohn @oe 2 s)etch in the 0ar)in- lot near
room 2! * Timoth3 Mc<ei-h's room.
/ne e:it a2a3 from the @reamland Motel sits the Breat Aestern ?nn.
Accordin- to the mana-er8 a Middle 4astern man sta3ed at the motel
on the 1&th. D7e s0o)e bro)en 4n-lish8D said the mana-er. DJ7eK -a1e a
forei-n name and 2as dri1in- a R3der tr%c).D The man closel3
resembled the FB?'s s)etch of 6ohn @oe 2.
D#ometime on Monda38D recalled Connie 7ood8 Dthose t2o *
Mc<ei-h and the forei-ner * loaded %0 to-ether8 in a R3der tr%c)8 and
0%lled o%t of the @reamland 0ar)in- lot to-etherL that 2as the last ?
sa2 of them.D
(ater that da38 Nanitors >atherine Aoodl3 and Martin 6ohnson 2ere
2or)in- the !-, 0.m. shift in the M%rrah B%ildin- 2hen the3 sa2
DMc<ei-hD and 6ohn @oe 2. Mc<ei-h s0o)e to Martin abo%t a Nob8 and
6ohn @oe 2 nodded to Aoodl3.
At 35.. 0.m. on Monda38 or 0ossibl3 T%esda38 6erri-(3nn Bac)ho%s and
@orinda 7ermes 2ere 2or)in- at the 4as3-Mart in Ne2)ir)8 1.. miles
north of /)lahoma Cit38 2hen a con1o3 0%lled in. /ne of the 1ehicles
* a li-ht bl%e 0ic)-%0 2ith a cam0er to0 * 2as bein- dri1en b3 Terr3
Nichols. Bac)ho%s recalled Nichols' 0assen-er as a1era-e hei-ht8 dar)-
s)inned8 2ith blac) hair and a m%sc%lar b%ild. D7e loo)ed N%st li)e the
6ohn @oe 2 s)etch8D she said.
@ebbie Na)anashi 2as 2or)in- at the +ost /ffice across the street from
the M%rrah B%ildin- aro%nd on Monda3 or T%esda3 2hen DMc<ei-hD and
6ohn @oe 2 sto00ed in and as)ed 2here the3 mi-ht find federal Nob
a00lications. Na)anashi hel0ed 0ro1ide the descri0tion for the 2ell-
)no2n 0rofile s)etch of 6ohn @oe 2 in the baseball ca0.
B%3 R%bsamen8 a sec%rit3 -%ard at the M%rrah B%ildin- sa2 a lar-e
R3der tr%c) 0%ll %0 to the c%rb in front of the b%ildin- aro%nd 45.. 0.m.
on Monda38 the 1&th. R%bsamen later concl%ded it 2as a dress
DThere 2as either t2o or three men8 b%t one N%m0ed o%t the dri1er's
side8 and one or t2o o%t the 0assen-er side8D R%bsamen told the
.ocky $ountain +ews. DThe first thin- that str%c) me 2as ho2 9%ic)l3
the3 N%m0ed o%t. Those -%3s 2ere in a h%rr3.D
The R3der tr%c) 2o%ld ma)e its a00earance the follo2in- e1enin- at
the Cattle Baron's #tea)ho%se in +err38 /)lahoma. 6eff Me3ers and
another c%stomer recalled seein- Mc<ei-h and a com0anion8 2ho
sto00ed b3 for a fe2 beers. The man 2as a00ro:imatel3 si: feet tall
and 2ei-hed 2". 0o%nds * a descri0tion not befittin- the 6ohn @oe 2s
described b3 other 2itnesses.
Richard #innett8 the assistant mana-er of the #a1e-A-Tri0 con1enience
store in >in-man8 >ansas8 sold f%el to Mc<ei-h and three other men at
a00ro:imatel3 153. a.m. on A0ril 1,. #innett sa2 three 1ehicles in all8
incl%din- a R3der tr%c)8 an older bro2n 0ic)-%0 ;0ossibl3 belon-in- to
#te1en ColbernH=8 and a li-ht colored car.
#innett described 6ohn @oe 2 as m%sc%lar8 1&. to 1'. 0o%nds8 2ith
short li-ht bro2n hair and a li-ht com0le:ion. 7e recalled the R3der
tr%c) 2as to2in- a trailer that contained a lar-e8 ro%nd tan) filled
2ith clear li9%id. The store is abo%t 1&! miles north of /)lahoma
Fred #)rdla8 a cashier at a 24-ho%r tr%c) sto0 near Billin-s8 told the FB?
he sold f%el to Mc<ei-h bet2een 1 and 3 a.m. on A0ril 1,. The station
is abo%t '. miles north of /)lahoma Cit3.
As the s%n rose8 Mc<ei-h and a friend sat do2n for coffee at 6ac)ie's
Farmers #tore in M%lhall8 /)lahoma. M%lhall +ostmaster Mar3 7%nnic%tt
stood ri-ht ne:t to Mc<ei-h as he ordered his coffee. #he 2as
Dad1isedD not to disc%ss 2hat she had seen8 lest she be s%mmoned
before the Federal Brand 6%r3. #he 2asn't.
Ten min%tes before the blast8 (ero3 Broo)s 2as sittin- in his car at the
#ooner +ost /ffice across from the M%rrah B%ildin-8 2hen a R3der tr%c)
0%lled %0 across the street8 trailed b3 a 3ello2 Merc%r3. The dri1ers of
both 1ehicles -ot o%t and 2al)ed to the bac) of the tr%c)8 2here the3
s0o)e for a fe2 seconds8 and e:chan-ed a small 0ac)a-e. After Broo)s
came o%t of the +ost /ffice8 he sa2 that the R3der tr%c)8 2hich
contained a 0assen-er8 had mo1ed in front of the M%rrah B%ildin-.
DMc<ei-hD 2as 2al)in- bris)l3 across !th #treet to2ards the 6o%rnal
Record b%ildin-.
@ann3 Ail)erson sold DMc<ei-hD a 0ac) of ci-arettes ;Mc<ei-h doesn't
smo)e= and t2o soft drin)s at a deli inside the Re-enc3 To2ers
a0artments a bloc) from the M%rrah B%ildin-. Ail)erson recalled a
0assen-er sittin- in the cab of the R3der tr%c)8 2hich had a cab
o1erhan-8 and 2as shorter than the 24-foot model the FB? claimed
Mc<ei-h had rented.
Federal a%thorities had still more 2itnesses to call on had the3 2anted
to. Mi)e Moro8 2ho 2as at 2or) at 6ohnn3's Tire #tore on 1.th and
7%dson8 on A0ril 1,8 loo)ed %0 to see a R3der tr%c) 0%ll in at '54. a.m.
The occ%0ants 2ere loo)in- for directions to the M%rrah B%ildin-.
Moro ca%-ht a -lim0se of the 0assen-er * a stoc)3 man 2ith dar)
c%rl3 hair 2earin- a ball ca08 and a tattoo on his %00er left arm.
#e1eral min%tes earlier8 @a1id #nider 2as 2aitin- for a deli1er3 in
Bric)to2n8 abo%t 2! bloc)s a2a38 2hen a R3der tr%c) 0assed slo2l3
b38 as if loo)in- for an address. 7o2e1er8 this time the dri1er 2as a
dar)-s)inned man 2ith lon-8 strai-ht blac) hair8 2earin- a thin
m%stache and tear-dro0 s%n-lasses. The 0assen-er 2as DMc<ei-h.D
#ince #nider's acco%nt of the occ%0ants differed remar)abl3 from the
0re1io%s acco%nts8 co%ld this ha1e been the second R3der tr%c)
described b3 2itnessesH ?f so8 did this mean there 2ere t2o DMc<ei-hsD
and t2o 6ohn @oe 2sH
At a00ro:imatel3 the same time as #nider sa2 the R3der tr%c)8 T%lsa
ban)er >3le 7%nt came %0on the tr%c) at Main and Broad2a38 trailed
b3 a 3ello2 Merc%r3. 7%nt said the Merc%r3 dri1er 2as Timoth3
Mc<ei-h. D7e -a1e me that ic38 -o-to-hell loo)8D said 7%nt. D?t )ind of
%nner1ed me.D
Ahile 7%nt didn't see the occ%0ants of the tr%c)8 he
did recall t2o 0assen-ers in the car. /ne of them8 he said8 had lon-
hair8 similar to the man +h3liss >in-sle3 sa2 on #%nda3 at the 7i-Aa3
Brill. None of the men 2as Terr3 Nichols8 2ho 2as in 7errin-ton that
6%st o%tside the M%rrah B%ildin-8 @ennis DRodne3D 6ohnson 2as dri1in-
his caterin- tr%c)8 2hen he s%ddenl3 had to bra)e to a1oid hittin- t2o
men 2ho 2ere r%nnin- to2ards the 0ar)in- lot across the street.
The men8 2ho 2ere in Da fast loc)ste0D 2ith each other8 a00eared to
be Timoth3 Mc<ei-h and 6ohn @oe 2. 6ohnson described Mc<ei-h's
com0anion as DMe:ican or American-?ndian.D 7e 2as Ddar)-s)innedL
0robabl3 abo%t !-' and ma3be 1". 0o%nds8D 6ohnson said. D7e 2as
2earin- bl%e No--er 0ants 2ith a stri0e across the side. 7e had slic)ed-
blac) hair.D
Then there 2as Bar3 (e2is. A 0ressman for the 0ournal .ecord1 (e2is
ste00ed o%tside to smo)e his 0i0e N%st min%tes before the blast. As
stood in the alle3 across from the M%rrah B%ildin-8 a 3ello2 Merc%r3
0eeled a2a3 from its s0ot and bore do2n on him. The dri1er8 2hom he
made brief e3e-contact 2ith8 a00eared to be Timoth3 Mc<ei-h. And his
0assen-er resembled the s)etch of 6ohn @oe 2. The car had an
/)lahoma ta- ;not an Ariona ta- as a%thorities claimed= dan-lin- b3
one bolt.
41en FB? A-ent 6ohn 7ersle3 had testified before the Federal Brand 6%r3
that DLse1eral 2itnesses s0otted a 3ello2 car carr3in- Mc<ei-h and
another man s0eedin- a2a3 from the 0ar)in- lot near theL Jb%ildin-K
before the blast.D
Finall3 there 2as @aina Bradle3. A 3o%n- mother8 Bradle3 2as standin-
b3 the 2indo2 of the #ocial #ec%rit3 office seconds before the blast8
2hen she sa2 a man -et o%t of the 0assen-er side of the R3der tr%c).
Moments later8 Bradle3's 2orld t%rned to blac)ness8 smo)e and d%st as
she 2as sho2ered b3 fallin- concrete. Bradle38 2ho lost her le-8 her
mother8 and her t2o children in the bombin-8 still clearl3 recalls the
man 2ho -ot o%t of the tr%c). 7e loo)ed li)e 6ohn @oe 2.
/f co%rse8 federal Din1esti-atorsD 2o%ld sho2 as little interest in these
and other discre0ancies as the3 2o%ld in the n%mero%s 6ohn @oes.
#ome of these 2itnesses 2ere ne1er e1en contacted b3 the FB?8
e1entho%-h all of them had re0eatedl3 tried to alert the B%rea%. /nl3
after federal 0rosec%tors had coerced @aina Bradle3 into chan-in- her
stor38 did she testif3 at Mc<ei-h's trial. None of the others 2ere e1er
D? )no2 ? 2asn't called beca%se ? 2o%ld ha1e to testif3 that ? did see
6ohn @oe 2. ? )no2 ? sa2 6ohn @oe 28D said Rodne3 6ohnson.
Then in March of 1,,&8 after chan-in- it's mind half a doen times
abo%t the e:istence of 6ohn @oe 28 it 2as Dlea)edD to the 0ress that the
FB? 2as searchin- for a 6ohn @oe. 7is name 2as Robert 6a9%es.
This Dne2D 6ohn @oe 2 had a00eared at the office of real estate bro)er
Ailliam Malone38 of Cass1ille8 Misso%ri8 in No1ember of ',48 alon- 2ith
Terr3 Nichols and a man 2ho loo)ed li)e Mc<ei-h. The3 2ere there to
disc%ss 0%rchasin- a remote 0iece of land. 6oe (ee @a1idson8 a
salesman in Malone3's office8 recalled the enco%nter 2ith 6a9%es5 DThe
da3 he 2as here8 he seemed to be the one that 2as in control and in
char-e of 2hat 2as -oin- on8D said @a1idson. DNichols ne1er said a
2hole lot and Mc<ei-h ne1er did come inL.D
Malone3 described 6a9%es as m%sc%lar8 2ith a broad8 dar) face8 similar
to8 b%t not 9%ite identical as8 the ori-inal FB? s)etch of 6ohn @oe 2.
?s it 0ossible the s%dden anno%ncement of 6a9%es 2as a di1ersion8 to
satisf3 a 0%blic increasin-l3 sa113 abo%t the e:istence of 6ohn @oe 2H
Ne1ertheless8 a month after this ne2 lead 2as anno%nced8 the
-o1ernment 2ent ahead 2ith the trial of Mc<ei-h8 ma)in- no attem0t
to introd%ce an3 additional s%s0ects.
The3 also dro00ed the lead on #te1en Colbern8 in s0ite of the fact that
his 0ic)-%0 2as seen sto00ed ahead of Mc<ei-h ,. min%tes after the
The Middle-4astern lead 2as also dro00ed. The FB? denied 0%ttin- o%t
the A+B on the bro2n 0ic)-%0 containin- the three Middle 4astern
males seen s0eedin- a2a3 from the bombin-. And 2hile the FB? )ne2
abo%t #am >halid8 the3 did nothin- b%t as) him some 9%estions.
An affida1it s%bmitted b3 FB? A-ent 6ohn 7ersle3 stated5 DA 2itness to
the bombin- sa2 t2o8 0ossibl3 three 0ersons in a bro2n Che1rolet
0ic)%0 * fleein- the area of the crime * N%st 0rior to the blast.D
Altho%-h a-ents inter1ie2ed the 2itness 2ho sa2 7%ssain al-7%ssaini
dri1in- the bro2n 0ic)-%08 she 2as ne1er bro%-ht before a line-%08 and
ne1er called to testif3 before the Federal Brand 6%r3. 7%ssaini's friend
Abraham Ahmed 2as t%rned loose as 2ell.
As in the >enned3 assassination8 the FB? sent tho%sands of a-ents
hither and 3onder to sco%r the co%ntr38 searchin- o%t e1en the most
obsc%re leads. A-ents s2armed thro%-h >in-man8 cond%ctin-
2arrantless searches8 arrestin- innocent 0eo0le8 and 2rec)in- ha1oc.
@oens more s2oo0ed do2n on Terr3 Nichols 12-3ear-old son 6osh8
2hom the3 tho%-ht ma3 ha1e been 6ohn @oe 2. A-ents 2ere sent to
the +hili00ines to in1esti-ate Nichols' acti1ities there8 and tho%sands
more had detained and 9%estioned an3one e1en remotel3
Cet8 as in the >enned3 case8 fe2 a-ents act%all3 )ne2 N%st 2h3 the3
2ere follo2in- %0 on an3 -i1en lead. <er3 fe2 e1er 2ere e1er allo2ed
to com0are notes8 or catch a -lim0se of the Dbi- 0ict%re.D
More im0ortantl38 those indi1id%als 2ho sho%ld ha1e been 0rime
s%s0ects for 9%estionin- 2ere ne1er e1en detained. No a-ents 2ere
sent to 4lohim cit3 to inter1ie2 Andreas #trassmeir or Michael Brescia8
or +eter and #onn3 Aard. (i)e2ise8 none of the Middle 4astern
s%s0ects 0re1io%sl3 mentioned 2ere arrested.
7ad an3 FB? a-ents act%all3 attem0ted to follo2 %0 on an3 of these
leads8 li)e their 0redecessors in @allas8 the3 2o%ld ha1e been 9%ic)l3
reassi-ned to other cases b3 Aashin-ton.
The same held tr%e for local la2-enforcement. FB? #AC Bob Ric)s *
2ho doled o%t a mendacio%s dose of 0ro0a-anda d%rin- the Aaco
massacre * 2as a00ointed +%blic #afet3 @irector after the bombin-8
0%ttin- him in char-e of the /7+.
The /#B? 2ere made coffee bo3s and dri1ers for the FB?. @istrict
Attorne3 Bob Mac38 alon- 2ith local 0olice8 2ere Dad1isedD to sta3 o%t
of the case.
#i: da3s before the start of Mc<ei-h's trial8 #te1en 6ones filed a
defense motion citin- la2-enforcement and defense inter1ie2s 2ith a
Fili0ino terrorist 2ho admitted meetin- 2ith bombin- defendant Terr3
(ead 0rosec%tor 6ose0h 7artler called 6ones' caref%ll3 in1esti-ated and
researched information D0%l0 fiction.D
Cet a Aashin-ton-based terrorist e:0ert 2ho in1esti-ated the Aorld
Trade Center bombin- and is familiar 2ith some the s%s0ects in 6ones'
brief said8 DThe 2hole idea that no one b%t Timoth3 Mc<ei-h * that
there's nothin- 2ider than this * no one 2o%ld belie1e it if the
-o1ernment 2eren't sa3in- it. ?t's so im0la%sible a stor3.
DThe -o1ernment has the ner1e to call it 0%l0 fiction8D added the
hi-hl3-res0ected so%rce. (heir story is '0%l0 fiction.'D
A00arentl38 the -o1ernment 2as concerned eno%-h abo%t 6ones'
re1elations to order all the 2itness statements sealed.
?n the end8 the FB? 0ro0o%nded its disin-en%o%s theor3 that Mc<ei-h
and Nichols 2ere the Dlone bombersD N%st as 9%ic)l3 as the3 had
decided that (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald 2as the D(one assassinD t2ent3-ei-ht
3ears a-o.
Choir Boys
")tated simply1 neither the A(F nor any other 8ederal agency had any
ad,ance knowledge o8 the deadly &om& that $c2eigh deli,ered to the
$urrah %uilding.C (he prosecution is not withholding anything that
e,en remotely would support such an outrageous charge." 7
epartment o8 0ustice
"I can assure you that there has &een no go,ernment misconduct and
the men and women o8 the F%I that we9re working with are &eyond
7 5.). Attorney 0oseph Hart#ler
"!ur go,ernment1 un8ortunately1 has shown remarka&le a&ility to lie."
7 )tephen 0ones
/ne e:am0le of the 6%stice @e0artment's ref%sal to admit the
0ossibilit3 of an3 s%s0ects other than Mc<ei-h and Nichols 2as its
st%bborn insistence on hoardin- disco1er3 doc%ments that it sho%ld
ha1e been ri-htf%ll3 t%rned o1er to the defense %nder the federal
%rady re9%irements. ?n a motion filed si: da3s before the start of
Mc<ei-h's trial8 6ones alle-ed that the 0rosec%tion not onl3 lied abo%t
the a1ailable e1idence8 the3 deliberatel3 obsf%cated and distorted
certain ATF and FB? re0orts on 4lohim Cit38 deliberatel3 miss0ellin- the
names Carol 7o2e8 Robert Millar8 Andreas #trassmeir8 @ennis Mahon
and others so that the defense 2o%ld be %nable to retrie1e an3
doc%ments re-ardin- these s%s0ects d%rin- their com0%ter searches.
As 6ones 2rote in his brief5
@efense co%nsel is con1inced that the -o1ernment has en-a-ed in a
2illf%l and )no2in- co1er-%0 of information s%00lied to it b3 its
informant. The defense 2as %nable to locate this insert %sin- a
com0%ter beca%se all maNor search terms contained in the insert 2ere
miss0elled. 4lohim Cit3 2as miss0elled or misidentified ;4lohm Cit3=8
as 2as Mahon ;Meha%n=8 #trassmeir ;#trassme3er=8 the Re1. Robert
Millar ;Bob (amar= and in addition8 Carol 7o2e 2as not identified in the
insert at all.
Th%s the defense 2as %nable to locate im0ortant information that Carol
7o2e8 a ATF informant8 had 0ro1ided critical 2arnin-s that the M%rrah
B%ildin- 2as abo%t to be bombed. As 6ones 2rote5
/%r 0atience is e:ha%stedL Ae are no lon-er con1inced the
doc%ments drafted and f%rnished to %s8 after the fact8 b3 b%rea%cracies
2hose 1er3 e:istence and credibilit3 is challen-ed8 can be relied
The -o1ernment has told the district co%rt that it had 'no informationD
of a 0ossible forei-n in1ol1ement 2hen it did. The -o1ernment has told
the district co%rt that DAndreas #trassmeir 2as ne1er the s%bNect of the
in1esti-ation8D 2hen he 2as.L
#tatements to the co%rt b3 the 0rosec%tion that it cannot connect
#trassmeir and Mahon to the bombin- are hardl3 s%r0risin-. The3 did
not tr3 1er3 hard to connect them beca%se had the3 been connected8
and Carol 7o2e's 0re1io%s 2arnin- disclosed8 the res%ltin- f%ror 2o%ld
ha1e been %nima-inable.L
The re0eated 0ractice of the -o1ernment and 0rosec%tion in this case
2hen the shoe -ets bindin- is to ma)e a 0artial disclos%re8 ass%re the
@istrict Co%rt it %nderstands its %rady obli-ations8 and hold its breath8
ho0in- the co%rt does not order f%rther disclos%re8 or 2ill rel3 on the
0rosec%tion's D-ood faithD.L
This is a solemn criminal case8 not Alice in Aonderland 2here
definitions mean onl3 2hat Dthe W%een thin)sD and 2hat she thin)s is
not )no2n to an3one else.
(3in- abo%t additional s%s0ects 2asn't the onl3 crime the D6%sticeD
@e0artment 2as -%ilt3 of. Mani0%latin- and confiscatin- e1idence also
seemed to be a maNor tool in their arsenal of deceit.
Richard Bieder8 the attorne3 re0resentin- a -ro%0 bombin- 1ictims in
their ne-li-ence la2s%it a-ainst the -o1ernment8 told the 3ondon
(elegraph that he had seen internal ATF doc%ments 2hich s%00orted
man3 of the claims made b3 Carol 7o2e. B%t the re0orts for @ecember
1,,48 0robabl3 the most critical ones8 ha1e 1anished from the files.
/n A0ril 148 1,,!8 the FB? 0laced a call to Assistant Chief Charles
Baines at the /)lahoma Cit3 Fire @e0artment to 2arn him of a
0otential terrorist threat 2ithin the ne:t fe2 da3s. Cet li)e the FB?'s
2arnin-s of the threat a-ainst the life of +resident >enned38 or Ni:on's
infamo%s Aater-ate ta0es8 the a%dio lo-s of the Fire @e0artment's
incomin- calls 2ere m3sterio%sl3 Derased.D
Ahen as)ed to e:0lain this DaccidentalD eras%re8 Assistant Chief 6on
7ansen intelli-entl3 re0lied8 DAe made a boo-boo.D 7ansen then
admitted to re0orter 6.@. Cash that the ta0es had been erased a8ter the
national media had re9%ested them.
/n A0ril 2'th the ta0e of 6ames Nichols' hearin- 2as released b3
co%rt order8 and it 2as blan). Nothin- 2hatsoe1er co%ld be heard on
the ta0e. ?t 2as the onl3 record of the 0roceedin-s.
/n A0ril 1,8 the seismic data monitor at the /mni0le: M%se%m8 fo%r
miles from the M%rrah B%ildin-8 had recorded the shoc) 2a1es of the
e:0losion. The seismo-ra0h readin-s8 incl%din- one from the $ni1ersit3
of /)lahoma 1" miles a2a3 in Norman8 0resented startlin- e1idence *
e1idence that the e:0losion that ri00ed thro%-h the Alfred +. M%rrah
b%ildin- ma3 in fact ha1e been se1eral distinct blasts. The im0lications
of this are omino%s.
At a meetin- of the /)lahoma Beo0h3sical #ociet3 on No1ember 2.th8
#eismolo-ists Ra3 Bro2n of the /)lahoma Beolo-ical #%r1e3 and Tom
7oler of the $.#. Beolo-ical #%r1e3 -athered to disc%ss the findin-s.
+at Brile38 a seismic 0ro-rammer8 2ho has inde0endentl3 in1esti-ated
the bombin-8 attended the meetin-8 as did $.#. Attorne3 +atric) R3an
and Assistant $.#. Attorne3 6erome A. 7olmes.
Altho%-h the t2o scientists disa-reed on findin-s re-ardin- the
n%mber of bombs8 less than a third of the 2a3 thro%-h the
0resentation8 R3an -ot %08 2al)ed to the bac) of the room8 and be-an
-i1in- a 0ri1ate 0ress conference5
D? 2as certainl3 satisfied that these scientists co%ld not sa3 that there
2as an3thin- other than one bomb that ca%sed the seismolo-3
readin-8D said R3an8 a statement ob1io%sl3 inconsistent 2ith the
disc%ssion occ%rrin- at the time.
DR3an lied 1er3 hea1il38D said Brile3. DThis -%3 reall3 lied.D
After the meetin-8 Brile3 0olitel3 as)ed R3an to -i1e him the ori-inal
seismo-ram in the FB?'s 0ossession. R3an -ot %08 an-ril3 acc%sed
Brile3 of 2or)in- for the defense team8 then stammered o%t of the
#%r1eillance cameras located in the 0ar)in- lot across from the M%rrah
b%ildin-8 and on nei-hborin- b%ildin-s8 2o%ld ha1e recorded the entire
fatef%l e1ent that terrible mornin-. The ta0es 2o%ld ha1e also sho2n
the b%ildin- colla0sin-. The3 2o%ld ha1e concl%si1el3 0ro1en 2hether
the str%ct%re 2as destro3ed b3 c%ttin- char-es8 or b3 a tr%c)-bomb.
B%t li)e Abraham Ya0r%der's famo%s foota-e of the >enned3
assassination8 the ta0es 2ere 9%ic)l3 confiscated b3 the FB?.
?n an inter1ie2 2ith 6on Ra00a0ort8 7o003 7eidelber- said8 DThe
1ario%s s%r1eillance 1ideota0es of the bombin-8 ta0es from8 sa38
#o%th2estern Bell and the 6o%rnal Record B%ildin- across the street8 2e
don't )no2 that the3 sho2ed all the details of the bombin-8 incl%din-
the 0er0etrators8 b%t it's 0ossible. None of this material 2as sho2n to
%s in the -rand N%r3.D
Certain se-ments of the foota-e 2as 0resented b3 the 0rosec%tion
at trial. /ne c%t incl%ded a shot of a bl%e BMC 0ic)-%0 2ith a 2hite
cam0er to0 ;the )ind o2ned b3 Terr3 Nichols= dri1in- slo2l3 0ast the
Re-enc3 To2ers a0artments near the M%rrah B%ildin- on A0ril 1" * the
da3 Nichols alle-edl3 dro1e to /)lahoma to 0ic) %0 Mc<ei-h.
The 0rosec%tion also dis0la3ed a still frame of a R3der tr%c) dri1in- b3
the Re-enc3 To2ers on the mornin- of the blast. The time 2as '5!,
a.m. The3 then sho2ed a still of the tr%c) blo2in- %08 stam0ed ,5.2
a.m. C%rio%sl38 the -o1ernment 2as caref%l not to sho2 the N%r3 an3
foota-e 2hich sho2ed an3 s%s0ects -ettin- o%t of the tr%c).
#%r1eillance foota-e ta)en b3 Troo0er Charles 7an-er %0on his arrest
of Mc<ei-h had ca%-ht a bro2n 0ic)-%0 sto00ed N%st ahead * tho%-ht
to belon- to #te1en Colbern. Ahen researcher >en Armstron-
9%estioned the /7+ abo%t the ta0e8 he 2as told it had been DseiedD
b3 the FB?. The /7+ 2o%ld not comment f%rther.
/n 6%ne 1st8 >F/R re0orter Brad 4d2ards sent the 6%stice @e0artment
a Freedom of ?nformation re9%est concernin- the 1ario%s s%r1eillance
foota-e. ?n their re0l38 the FB? stated5
A search of o%r indices to the Central Records #3stem8 as maintained in
the /)lahoma Cit3 /ffice8 located material res0onsi1e re9%est ;sic= to
3o%r re9%est. This material is bein- 2ithheld in its entiret3 0%rs%ant to
the follo2in- s%bsection of Title !8 $nited #tates Code8 #ection !!25 ;b=
;&= ;A=
Ahen 6ones finall3 filed a motion for disclos%re after 0rosec%tors
ref%sed to hand o1er the ta0es8 he 2as -i1en 4.. ho%rs of foota-e.
Accordin- to defense attorne3 Amber McBla%-hlin8 the ta0es did not
re1eal the 0resence of Timoth3 Mc<ei-h.
/f co%rse8 2ho )no2s 2hat the FB? act%all3 t%rned o1er to the defense.
?n the >enned3 case8 the most re1ealin- e1idence 2as the Ya0r%der
film * homemade foota-e sho2in- +residents >enned3's head bein-
blasted to2ards the ri-ht-rear * indicatin- the fatal shot came from
the Brass3 >noll8 not the Boo) @e0ositor3 as the -o1ernment claimed.
Cet the FB? confiscated Ya0r%der's film and altered the se9%ence of the
incriminatin- frames8 re1ersin- them to -i1e the im0ression that
>enned3's head had l%rched for2ard. ?t 2as onl3 later that e:0erts
re1ealed the tam0erin-.
The FB? said it 2as a Dmista)e.D
The Ya0r%der film 2as finall3 released in 1,"'8 the res%lt of @istrict
Attorne3 6im Barrison's co%ra-eo%s efforts to re1eal the tr%th. The
9%estion is8 2hen 2ill the American 0%blic -et to see the 1ideo foota-e
of the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-H
Ahile the FB? did their best to )ee0 )e3 e1idence from the -rand
N%r38 as in the >enned3 case8 the3 e1en 2ent so far as to con1ince
se1eral 2itnesses that their former statements 2ere false8 and to
retract them in lie% of statements more fa1orable to the 0rosec%tion. A
0rimar3 e:am0le is Michael Fortier8 2ho ori-inall3 told in1esti-ators8 D?
do not belie1e that Tim JMc<ei-hK ble2 %0 an3 b%ildin- in /)lahoma.
There's nothin- for me to loo) bac) %0on and sa38 3eah8 that mi-ht
ha1e been8 ? sho%ld ha1e seen it bac) then * there's nothin- li)e
that.L ? )no2 m3 friend. Tim Mc<ei-h is not the face of terror as
re0orted on (ime ma-aineLD
B%t after the FB? raided his home8 Fortier re1ersed his statement8
sa3in- that he and Mc<ei-h has DcasedD the federal b%ildin-8 in
res0onse to an offer of a 0lea bar-ain. Fortier 2as then transferred to
the Federal Medical Facilit3 at Fort Aorth8 Te:as. ?t is not )no2n 2h3.
Accordin- to 7eidelber-8 the FB? bro%-ht 24-ho%r-a-da3 0ress%re on
Fortier for months before he 2as arrested. Conse9%entl38 Fortier did
not retain a la23er8 didn't )no2 he needed one8 and 2as s%bse9%entl3
b%llied b3 the B%rea%. B3 the time he mana-ed to retain a la23er8
Fortier had alread3 been bro)en.
(ori Fortier testified that Mc<ei-h tried to solicit Nichols' hel0 in
b%ildin- the bomb8 b%t that Nichols 2anted o%t. 7e then alle-edl3 tried
to solicit her h%sband. Accordin- to her testimon38 Mc<ei-h -ot do2n
on the floor of their trailer and8 %sin- so%0 cans to re0resent !!--allon
dr%ms8 demonstrated ho2 to ma)e a bomb.
Aere the Fortiers rela3in- acc%rate testimon3H (i)e the testimon3 of
4ldon 4lliott abo%t Mc<ei-h's hei-ht8 or that of Thomas Mannin-
re-ardin- Mc<ei-h's 0hone call to 4lliott's8 none of this information 2as
contained in 0rior statements made b3 the Fortiers to the FB?.
As 2ill be seen 2ith 0rior incidents of -o1ernment 2itness tam0erin-
and fabricated testimon38 their testimon3 is hi-hl3 circ%ms0ect.
The Fortiers' testimon3 is also some2hat 9%estionable d%e to their
dr%- %se. Accordin- to co-2or)er @eborah Bro2n8 2ho testified at
Mc<ei-h's trial8 (ori Fortier %sed cr3stal metham0hetamine almost
dail3. Metham0hetamine is 2idel3 )no2n for its abilit3 to ind%ce
del%sional or e1en 0s3chotic states o1er time.
Fortier e1ent%all3 confessed to trans0ortin- and sellin- stolen firearms8
dr%- 0ossession8 fore)no2led-e of the bombin- 0lot8 and failin- to
inform federal a%thorities.
#aid -rand N%ror 7o003 7eidelber-8 DThe FB? relied on a man8 Fortier8
2ho reall3 co%ldn't 0ro1ide an3thin- im0ortant to them. Co% need to
remember that. That's im0ortant.D
(ori Fortier also testified that D? still belie1ed he ;Mc<ei-h= co%ldn't
reall3 do it.D 6ones then as)ed her8 DMs. Fortier8 3o% said 3o% tho%-ht
Mc<ei-h reall3 2o%ldn't carr3 o%t his 0lans8 then 3o% said 3o%8 '2anted
o%t.' 7o2 can 3o% '2ant o%t' if there 2as nothin- to 'be in'DH
6ones 2o%ld ta)e this one ste0 f%rther. /n cross-e:amination8 he
assid%o%sl3 9%estioned Fortier's moti1ations5
Cones( No28 in addition8 in 3o%r con1ersation 3o% had 2ith 3o%r
brother on A0ril the 2!th8 1,,! * that's 3o%r brother 6ohnH
4ortier( Ces8 sir.
Cones( @id 3o% ma)e the follo2in- statement5 D?'1e been thin)in-
abo%t tr3in- to do those tal)-sho2 circ%its for a lon- time8 come %0
2ith some asinine stor3 and -et m3 friends to -o in on itDH
4ortier( Ces8 sir8 ? made that statement.
Cones( And in the same con1ersation8 did 3o%r brother sa3 to 3o%5
DAhether the stor3 is tr%e or not8 if 3o% 2ant to sit here and listen to a
fable8 that's all it 2as at the time is a fableDH And then did 3o% sa35 D?
fo%nd m3 career8 'ca%se ? can tell a fableDH And then did 3o% b%rst o%t
la%-hin- and sa38 D? co%ld tell stories all da3DH
4ortier( Ces8 sir.
Cones( Then do 3o% )no2 an indi1id%al named Bl3nnH
4ortier( Ces.
Cones( And his last name8 sirH
4ortier( ? thin) 3o%'re referrin- to Bl3nn Brin-le.
Cones( @id 3o% ha1e a con1ersation 2ith him b3 tele0hone on A0ril the
4ortier( Ces.
Cones( And did 3o% sa38 D? 2ant to 2ait till after the trial and do boo)
and mo1ie ri-hts. ? can N%st ma)e %0 somethin- N%ic3DH And then did
3o% la%-hH
4ortier( ?'m not s%re if ? la%-hed or not8 b%t ? did ma)e that statement.
Cones( D#omethin- that's 2orth (he En;uirer8 3o% )no2.D Co% made
those statements.
4ortier( Ces8 sir.
The ob1io%s inference 2as that the D6%sticeD @e0artment had a
hand in -eneratin- the Fortiers' testimon3. As 6ones 0ointed o%t d%rin-
his closin- ar-%ment8 the terms of Fortier's 0lea a-reement 0ro1ided
that an3 lenienc3 2o%ld be contin-ent %0on his 0erformance in co%rt.
Not tr%e8 accordin- to the FB?8 2hich s0ent o1er 1&! ho%rs solicitin-
statements from the FortiersG and 6ose0h 7artler8 2ho met 2ith his
Dstar 2itnessD bet2een & and 1. times to Dma)e s%re he told the
?n fact8 d%rin- Mc<ei-h's trial8 (ori Fortier testified on cross-
e:amination that she had arri1ed in @en1er fi1e da3s before she 2as
sched%led for trial. #he testified that she s0ent the better 0art of
Frida38 #at%rda38 #%nda38 and Monda3 0racticin- for her testimon3
2ith federal 0rosec%tors.
+hiladel0hia 0rosec%tors s0ent a lot of time 2ith <eronica 6ones to
Dma)e s%re she told the tr%thD too * con1incin- her to im0licate
No%rnalist M%mia Ab%-6amal8 acc%sed of shootin- 0olice officer @aniel
Fa%l)ner. 6ones8 2ho 2as facin- %nrelated felon3 char-es at the time8
ori-inall3 told 0olice she sa2 t2o other men flee the scene. After
threats and 0romises from 0olice8 she chan-ed her stor38 testif3in- to
the -o1ernment's 1ersion of e1ents. 7er felon3 char-es 2ere
s%bse9%entl3 dro00ed.
Fortier8 2hose s0eech and a00earance 2ere ma-icall3 transformed for
his da3 in co%rt8 re0ortedl3 recei1ed a red%ced sentence of three 3ears
in e:chan-e for his testimon3. 7is 2ife (ori 2as -ranted com0lete
imm%nit3 from 0rosec%tion for her's.
6ones also acc%sed the FB? of harassin- 6ennifer Mc<ei-h and her
friends in the da3s after the bombin-8 ho0in- to obtain dero-ator3
information abo%t her brother. 7e said the FB? scared 0eo0le Dbe3ond
belief 2ith threats of 0rosec%tionD if the3 didn't tal).
/n the fifth da3 of 6ennifer Mc<ei-h's interro-ation8 the FB? %shered her
into a room 2ith h%-e blo2n %0 0ict%res of her and her brother ;ta)en
off her refri-erator door=8 and babies 2ho died in the bombin-.
?nters0ersed bet2een the 0hotos 2ere stat%tes from the $.#. Code
0ertainin- to treason8 2ith 0hrases s%ch as DTreason is 0%nishable b3
death8D and DThe 0enalt3 for treason is EA(H." ;-o1ernment's
$nder cross-e:amination8 6ennifer 2as as)ed if she 2as a2are that
treason is onl3 0%nishable in times of 2ar. #t%nned b3 this re1elation8
she ans2ered8 DNo.D
The FB? also tric)ed 6ennifer into testif3in- b3 0romisin- her imm%nit3
from 0rosec%tion if she coo0erated. @%rin- a brea) in the trial8 a
re0orter as)ed 0rosec%tor <ic)3 Behenna 2h3 6ennifer needed
imm%nit3. D#he didn't8D Behenna re0lied8D b%t she 2o%ldn't testif3
2itho%t it8 so 2e -a1e it to her.D
The FB? also tric)ed Marife Nichols into si-nin- a consent form before
the3 searched her ho%se. Ahen she 2as as)ed if the a-ents ad1ised
her of her ri-ht to retain a la23er or ref%se to ans2er 9%estions8 the
23-3ear-old Fili0ino ans2ered8 D? don't remember. ? don't thin) so.D
Marife said that 2hen she as)ed 2hether she did need a la23er8
0rosec%tors and FB? a-ents disco%ra-ed her. DThe3 told me8 'Co%'re
o)a3 as lon- as 3o% are tellin- the tr%th. Co% don't need a la23er.D
6ames Nichols disco1ered the3 2ere raidin- his ho%se after he heard it
on the ne2s. D? heard on the radio the3 2ere raidin- a ho%se in @ec)er8
Michi-an. ? said8 'Ao28 that's a2f%l close to home.' Aell8 2ithin an ho%r
? fo%nd o%tL MineID
Nichols belie1es the ATF8 2hich raided his ho%se8 set him %0 to be
m%rdered8 either as an act of re1en-e or to 0re1ent him from testif3in-
at trial. 7e told ateline9s Chris 7ansen that after the a-ents entered
his home8 the3 as)ed him to retrie1e a -%n he )e0t in his bedroom.
Nichols res0onded8 DNo8 ? 2on't -o -et it. ? told 3o%8 send an a-ent or
t2o in there to -o do it.D 'A28 -o ahead. Bo and do it8' the a-ent
res0onded8 and the3 all t%rned their bac)s8 real nonchalantl3. ? said8
'Ahoa8 2ait a min%teL' The3'd 'a shot me8 beca%se the3 2o%ld ha1e
N%st said '7e 0%lled a -%n on %s.' The fate of Terr3 and Tim 2o%ld ha1e
been si-ned8 sealed and deli1eredL @ead 0eo0le don't testif3.D
For his 0art8 Terr3 Nichols belie1ed that he 2as not in c%stod3 after he
2al)ed into the 7errin-ton8 >ansas 0olice station on A0ril 21 to see
2h3 his name 2as bein- broadcast on tele1ision. A00arentl38 the
a-ents 2ere ho0in- the3 co%ld -et more o%t of Nichols b3 leadin- him
to belie1e the3 had no intention of arrestin- him.
DMr. Nichols 2as coerced8 decei1ed8 and s%bNected to 0s3cholo-ical
0lo3s desi-ned to o1ercome his 2ill and ma)e him confess8D his
attorne3 stated in a le-al brief. @efense attorne3s also contend Nichols
2as falsel3 0romised he co%ld re1ie2 a-ents' notes on his statements
for acc%rac38 and 2as falsel3 told he or his 2ife co%ld be 0resent at
+rosec%tors co%ntered that federal a-ents acted D2ith remar)able
dili-ence and in a manner that honored the Constit%tion.D
4rank 5eating( Damage Control .nc$
"-e are going to impose our agenda on the co,erage &y dealing
with the issues and su&@ects we choose to deal with." 7 .ichard $.
*ohan1 )enior Producer o8 *%) +ews
"(he &usiness o8 the +ew York @ournalist is to destroy the truth1 to lie
outright1 to per,ert1 to ,ili8y1 to 8awn at the 8eet o8 $ammon1 and to
sell his race and his country 8or his daily &read." 7 0ohn )winton1 *E!1
+ew York (imes1 +ew York Press *lu&1 April <D1 <EFG.
"(he *entral Intelligence Agency owns e,eryone o8 any signi8icance in
the ma@or media." 7 -illiam *ol&y1 8ormer *IA irector
4i-ht months after the bombin-8 /)lahoma #tate Re0resentati1e
Charles >e38 dissatisfied 2ith the DofficialD in1esti-ation8 attem0ted to
form a state o1ersi-ht committee. 7o%se #0ea)er Blen 6ohnson
ridic%led >e3's efforts8 statin- his satisfaction 2ith the 6%stice
@e0artment's official fantas3 tale. An3one 2ho s%bse9%entl3
attem0ted to challen-e the -o1ernment's official line 2as 0%blicl3
discredited b3 Bo1ernor >eatin-8 sneered at b3 Attorne3 Beneral @re2
4dmondson8 and la%-hed at b3 the mainstream 0ress.
The local media 0ro1ided a con1enient 0latform for Bo1ernor >eatin-
to dismiss critics of the -o1ernment's handlin- of the case8 incl%din-
4d3e #mith8 7o003 7eidelber- and Re0resentati1e >e3. ?n an attem0t
to discredit 7eidelber-8 >eatin- headed a caref%ll3 orchestrated chor%s
of media 0%ndits8 statin- that 7eidelber- 2as Doff the reser1ation.D
>eatin- also Noined >AT< in attac)in- >F/R's co1era-e of the Middle
4astern connection8 statin- the3 lac)ed inte-rit3.
7e labeled 6im (e1ine8 an attorne3 2ho re0resented se1eral 1ictims pro
&ono in an attem0t to release mone3 from the Bo1ernor and Ma3or's
<ictims Relief F%nds a Dbottom-feedin-D la23er.
For his co%ra-eo%s efforts in %nco1erin- the tr%th8 >eatin- said
Re0resentati1e >e3 2as Dba3in- at the moon.D
Alon- 2ith bombin- 1ictim Blenn Ailb%rn8 >e3 attem0ted to im0anel a
Co%nt3 Brand 6%r3. #%ch a N%r38 o0eratin- o%tside the sco0e of the
federal in1esti-ation8 2o%ld not onl3 ha1e the 0o2er to in1esti-ate
facts i-nored b3 the federal -rand N%r38 b%t ha1e the 0o2er to le1el
criminal obstr%ction of N%stice char-es a-ainst an3bod3 2hom the3
belie1ed mi-ht ha1e im0eded the in1esti-ation.
Bi1en the alle-ations of 2ron-doin- in the federal in1esti-ation8
s%ch char-es co%ld concei1abl3 be le1eled a-ainst e1er3bod3 from the
ATF to the 6%stice @e0artment.
?n an inter1ie2 in the $c*urtain "a#ette8 >e3 e:0lained8 D?ndis0%table
0roof e:ists no2 that the federal -rand N%r3 2as 0%r0osel3 shielded
from 2itnesses 2ho sa2 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h 2ith other s%s0ects8 both
0rior to and immediatel3 after the bombin- assa%ltL. The3 ma3 ha1e a
-ood moti1e for this8 b%t th%s far it esca0es me * and8 ? mi-ht add8
se1eral members of the federal -rand N%r3 2ho 2itnessed this farce.D
>eatin-'s res0onse8 9%oted in the aily !klahoman 2as5 D? don't thin) a
le-islati1e committee 2o%ld contrib%te one 2hit of intelli-ence to this
The aily !klahoman and the (ulsa -orld8 the state's t2o lar-est
dailies8 2hich sho%ld ha1e led the 0ac) in ferretin- o%t the tr%th of this
terrible tra-ed38 instead led the local media chor%s 2ith editorials s%ch
as this one in the aily !klahoman8 entitled8 D@ro0 ?t8 Mr. >e3.D
The aily !klahoman has o00osed >e3's mission from the be-innin-.L
#tate Re0. Charles >e3's 9%est to 0ro1e that a -o1ernment cons0irac3
0la3ed some role in the M%rrah B%ildin- bombin- is a 2eird and
mis-%ided e:ercise.L /)lahoma Co%nt3 @istrict Attorne3 Bob Mac3 is
correct in a00ealin- a co%rt r%lin- that allo2s >e3 a free hand to see) a
co%nt3 -rand N%r3 0robe of his cons0irac3 theories.L
The (ulsa -orld chimed in 2ith editorials s%ch as DMa)in- Tra-ed3
+a38D 2hich labeled >e3 as a Ddedicated h%stlerD 0eddlin- D-oof3
theoriesD to ri-ht2in--cran) a%diences.D The3 also acc%sed the
re0resentati1e of 0rofit-ma)in- from the sale of his bombin- 1ideos8
2hich barel3 0aid for themsel1es. The fact that >e3 had recentl3 lost
his ins%rance b%siness d%e to his tireless efforts in1esti-atin- the
bombin-8 and 2as li1in- on his F338...-a-3ear salar3 to s%00ort a 2ife
and three children in a small8 ramshac)le ho%se8 2as not mentioned b3
the 3ello2 No%rnalists of the (ulsa -orld.
The Dtr%th see)ersD of the local media 2eren't finished either. The3
ea-erl3 foc%sed on the efforts of @re2 4dmondson8 2ho acc%sed >e3
of 0ro0osin- a D2astef%l 2itch h%ntD and of en-a-in- in Dthe 2orst )ind
of 0aranoid cons0irac3 0anderin-.D ;#ee A00endi:=
/ne article re0orted ho2 4dmondson had con1inced the #tate @istrict
Attorne3's Co%ncil to o00ose >e3's in1esti-ati1e f%ndin- bill.
DThis is %n0recedented8 as far as ? )no28 for the Attorne3 Beneral to -o
to s%ch len-ths 2ith the @istrict Attorne3s Co%ncil and to %se s%ch
intem0erate lan-%a-e8D the soft-s0o)en >e3 told (he +ew American.
?n fact8 local radio 0olls re1ealed that an o1er2helmin- maNorit3 of
/)lahomans s%00orted >e3's efforts. Ahile the (ulsa -orld and the
aily !klahoman 2ent to e:tremes to label >e3 as a Dcons0irac3 n%t8D
the3 ne1er bothered mentionin- that little fact.
Nat%rall38 the C?A-connected -ashington Post 2o%ld ha1e their sa38
com0arin- the Dm3thD of 6ohn @oe 2 to the (och Ness Monster.
(ead 0rosec%tor 6ose0h 7artler added his 1oice to the ensemble8
callin- the leads D2hac)3 theories.D
>e3's -rand N%r3 0etition 2as 9%ashed on No1ember "th8 1,,! b3
@istrict 6%d-e @aniel /2ens on the -ro%nds that it 2o%ld be Dre-
in1entin- the 2heel.D
>e3 a00ealed. As his attorne38 Mar) #anford stated8 D(e-all3 J/2ensK
didn't ha1e the ri-ht to 9%ash the 0etition. B%t beca%se he's a N%d-e he
has the 0o2er8 2hether it's le-al or not.D
Be1erl3 +almer from Bob Mac3's office ar-%ed at the a00eals hearin- in
defense of /2ens8 claimin- that the 0etition 2as Dins%fficient on its
face8D and the re9%est 2as d%0licito%s of the federal -rand N%r3's
Cet8 as A00eals 6%d-e Ronald #t%bblefield 0ointed o%t8 no2here did
6%d-e /2ens state 2h3 the 0etition 2as ins%fficient. ?n fact
#t%bblefield 2as hi-hl3 s)e0tical that /2ens had an3 facts to ad1ise
him 0ro0erl3 in his decision. D? 9%estion 2hether 6%d-e /2ens has the
discretionD said #t%bblefield. D7e's N%st o0eratin- on 2hat he )no2s
abo%t the bombin-. @o 3o% thin) it's ri-ht to ma)e a N%d-ment based
on 2hat he reads in the ne2s0a0erHD
The same co%ld be said abo%t @A Bob Mac3. At the time ? inter1ie2ed
him8 he 2as collectin- information on the case b3 readin- Morris @ees'
"athering )torm8 and (he (urner iaries. This 2as a 3ear and-a-half
after the bombin- * a bombin- that occ%rred ri-ht o%tside his 2indo2.
7e didn't )no2 abo%t 6ohn @oe 2. 7e had no idea abo%t the Middle
4astern connection. 7e had done absol%tel3 no in1esti-ation.
D? ha1e not seen these thin-s 3o% are tal)in- abo%t ri-ht no28D Mac3
told me. DAhen ? see the e1idenceL ? ha1en't been 0resented 2ith the
e1idence.D Mac3 s%bse9%entl3 claimed he 2anted me to 2or) 2ith his
so-called Dtas) forceD that 2as Din1esti-atin-D the bombin-8 then ne1er
called me bac).
7is attit%de 2as ade9%atel3 reflected b3 his Assistant @A8 Be1erl3
+almer. <isibl3 ner1o%s8 +almer -ras0ed at stra2s d%rin- the a00eals
hearin-8 ar-%in- that the -rand N%r3 sho%ldn't be con1ened beca%se of
the need for DN%dicial econom38D and that it contra1ened D0%blic 0olic3
DAhat 0olic3 concernsHD 6%d-e @aniel Bo%drea% as)ed.
?n s0ite of the efforts of a -ro%0 of -ood ole' bo3 0oliticians to sabota-e
N%stice8 6%d-e #t%bblefield remained firm5 DThe 0eo0le ha1e the ri-ht to
circ%late a 0etition if the 0eo0le find that thin-s aren't -oin- the 2a3
the3 o%-ht to be8D he said. D?s it not the ri-ht8 b3 the sanctified ri-ht of
the -rand N%r3 in /)lahoma8 to in9%ire 2hether a crime is committedH
@on't the3 ha1e the ri-ht to in1esti-ate 0eo0le 2ho the3 thin) are
in1ol1edH This is a hi-hl3 0rotected ri-ht.D
The A00eals Co%rt %0held >e3's ri-ht to 0etition for a Co%nt3 Brand
6%r3 b3 a %nanimo%s 1ote.
6%st t2o months before the hearin- Mac3 claimed to this a%thor that he
intended to 0rosec%te Mc<ei-h and Nichols in a state trial on 1"1
co%nts of First @e-ree M%rder. D? don't li)e ta)in- a second seat to the
JfederalK 0rosec%tion8D Mac3 stated. DThe bombin- )illed 1. of m3
?n a Ma3 248 1,,! letter to #enator /rrin 7atch8 one of the ori-inal
drafters of the Anti-Terrorism Bill8 Mac3 2rote5
First8 immediatel3 follo2in- the trial or trials in Federal Co%rt8 ? shall8
2or)in- in conN%nction 2ith the $nited #ates @e0artment of 6%stice and
the federal la2-enforcement a-encies in1esti-atin- the bombin- of the
Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin-8 0rosec%te the co2ards res0onsible for
m%rderin- innocent 0eo0le in the area s%rro%ndin- the Federal
The #tate of /)lahoma has an o1er2helmin-8 com0ellin- interest to
see) and obtain the ma:im%m 0enalt3 allo2able b3 la2 for the
senseless and co2ardl3 )illin-s. Not onl3 is it in the interest of the
#tate8 it is m3 s2orn d%t3 to see) those sanctions8 and ? intend to f%ll3
carr3 o%t m3 res0onsibilities.L
41er3 da3 of dela3 re0resents a 1ictor3 for these co2ardl3 cold-
blooded )illers and another da3 of defeat and s%fferin- for the 1ictims
and all other Americans 2ho cr3 o%t for N%stice.
Mac3 also im0ressed %0on the a%thor his interest in -ettin- at the
tr%th5 D?'m 0re0ared to do 2hat e1er it ta)es to -et to the tr%th8D Mac3
e:claimed. 1M3 sole intent is in learnin- the tr%thID
Cet 2hen as)ed if he intended to cond%ct an in1esti-ation inde0endent
of the Feds'8 he said8 DAellL ? don't 2ant to be a 0art3 to an3thin- that
2ill interfere 2ith the Feds' 0rosec%tion. I on9t want to open up a new
can o8 worms."
After Mac3 lost the a00eals hearin-8 he met 2ith Ailb%rn and >e38
e:0lainin- that he act%all3 2ished to coo0erate 2ith their
in1esti-ation. Three da3s later8 the t2o men disco1ered that Mac3
had decided to contest the A00eals Co%rt's decision.
Ahen a f%rio%s >e3 confronted Mac38 all that the co%ra-eo%s8 tr%th-
see)in- @A told him 2as8 "(hey won9t let me." Ahen >e3 demanded to
)no2 2ho Dthe3D 2ere8 Mac3 N%st lo2ered his e3es to the floor and
re0eated8 DThe3 2on't let me.D
>e3 later learned from a so%rce at ABC Ne2s that Mac3 had recei1ed a
conference call from 6anet Reno's de0%t3 6amie Borlic)8 and the
-o1ernment's lead 0rosec%tor8 6ose0h 7artler8 alon- 2ith Bo1ernor
>eatin-8 /)lahoma Cit3 Fire Chief Bar3 Marrs8 and 6%d-e @aniel /2ens.
Ahen the -rand N%r3 2as finall3 im0aneled8 federal 0rosec%tors 9%ic)l3
attem0ted to bloc) the testimon3 of federal em0lo3ees.
>e3 also acc%sed JChief Assistant @A +atK Mor-an and others in
/)lahoma Co%nt3 @istrict Attorne3 Bob Mac3's office of infl%encin- and
intimidatin- 2itnesses. D? am 1er3 %0set abo%t it8D >e3 said. D41er3one
sho%ld be o%tra-ed beca%se of this.D
?nterestin-l38 d%rin- a debate 2ith Re0resentati1e >e38 >eatin- stated8
DNobod3 co%ld -et a2a3 2ith a co1er-%0G it 2o%ld not be tolerated b3
ci1ilied /)lahoma Cit3.L Nobod3's afraid of the tr%th.D
>F/R's 6a3na @a1is shed some li-ht on the Dtr%th-see)in-D efforts of
Bob Mac3 and the -ood ole' bo3 net2or) of 0oliticos from 2hich he
descends. T2o 3ears earlier8 after an '-3ear-old bo3 2as ra0ed8 both
@a1is and the +%blic @efender demanded to )no2 2h3 Mac3 hadn't
done an3thin-. Ahen Mac3 tho%-ht the camera 2as off8 he 2hi00ed
aro%nd and sternl3 admonished the re0orter5 D(ad38 ? don't )no2 2ho
3o% are or 2here 3o% came from8 b%t this isn't ho2 2e do b%siness in
Re0resentati1e >e3 e1ent%all3 too) the case to the /)lahoma #%0reme
Co%rt. ?n his o00osin- brief8 Mac3 a-ain ar-%ed that it 2o%ld be Da
2aste of the ta:0a3ers' time and mone3 to con1ene an /)lahoma
Co%nt3 Brand 6%r3 2hen one 2as alread3 in session or 2hen a Federal
Brand 6%r3 had alread3 heard all a1ailable e1idence.D
The #%0reme Co%rt did not a-ree 2ith Mac3. The3 %nanimo%sl3 %0held
>e3's ri-ht to im0anel the -rand N%r38 2hich 2as seated in 6%ne of ',&8
and is hearin- e1idence as of this 2ritin-.
Nat%rall38 the Ministers of Tr%th at (he aily !klahoman 2asted little
time8 0%m0in- o%t more bland editorial dri1el to m%dd3 the 2aters.
The follo2in- 0iece8 entitled DCons0irac3 Theories8D foc%ses on the fact
that the Co%nt3 Brand 6%r3 is onl3 e:acerbatin- the Da-on3D of some
1ictims8 2ho are a00arentl3 more concerned 2ith some fair3 tale
notion of Dclos%reD then in learnin- the tr%th5
Ahate1er the ca%se8 the dela3 adds to the a-on3 of those bombin-
1ictims 2ho belie1e the in1esti-ation is a 2aste of time.
(he !klahoman shares that belief8 b%t 2e are o0timistic the 0robe ma3
satisf3 man3 2ho are s%s0icio%s abo%t e1ents before the bombin-. Cet8
2e 2onder if the more cons0iratorial-minded 2ill e1er be satisfied.L
Conflictin- cons0irac3 theories and an olio of circ%mstantial e1idence
abo%nd here. 6%rors in @en1er sorted thro%-h testimon3 and fo%nd
Mc<ei-h -%ilt3. Fr%stratin- as it ma3 be to some8 there is little more to
this crime than meets the e3e. The rest is the st%ff of fiction.
B3 the aily !klahoman9s acco%nt8 the n%mero%s credible 2itnesses
2ho sa2 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h 2ith other s%s0ects on the mornin- of the
crime adds %0 to little more than Dcirc%mstantial e1idence8D 2hile 2hat
0rosec%tors 0resented at trial * Mc<ei-h's 0hone calls to chemical
com0anies8 his 0olitical 1ie2s8 and the com0letel3 irrele1ant emotional
tales from bombin- 1ictims * are not.
Bi1en the local media's connections to the 0olitical -ood 'ole bo3
net2or) 1ia the Aashin-ton-connected Fran) >eatin-8 their 0osition is
hardl3 s%r0risin-. Famed Aater-ate No%rnalist Carl Bernstein 0%t some
0ers0ecti1e on the matter 2hen he re1ealed in a 1,&& .olling )tone
article that o1er 4.. $.#. No%rnalists 2ere em0lo3ed b3 the C?A.
These ran-ed from freelancers 2ho 2ere 0aid for re-%lar debriefin-s8
to act%al C?A officers 2ho 2or)ed %nder dee0 co1er. Nearl3 e1er3
maNor $.#. ne2s or-aniation has had s0oo)s on the 0a3roll8 %s%all3
2ith the coo0eration of to0 mana-ement.
The three most 1al%able assets the C?A co%ld co%nt on 2ere Ailliam
+ale3's CB#8 Arth%r #%lber-er's +ew York (imes and 7enr3 (%ce's
(imeH3i8e em0ire. All three bent o1er bac)2ards 0romotin- the 0ict%re
of /s2ald as a lone n%t in the 6F> assassination.
The 0olitical -ood 'ole bo3 net2or) 2asn't finished tr3in- to sto0 the
co%ra-eo%s efforts of Re0resentati1e >e3. /n Ma3 &8 1,,&8 4dmondson
s%b0oenaed >e3 before a m%lti-co%nt3 -rand N%r38 alle-in- that he
1iolated 0roced%res in raisin- mone3 for the bombin- in1esti-ation.
The aily !klahoman 0ro%dl3 0roclaimed ho2 it had 0la3ed a critical
role in brin-in- abo%t the in1esti-ation of >e35
The Attorne3 Beneral's action is a res%lt of an in9%ir3 b3 (he
!klahoman abo%t >e3's se1en-0a-e solicitation letter on the ?nternet.
The letter as)s for mone3 to Dsec%re co0ies of the 1ol%mino%s ;federal=
-o1ernment doc%ments and to 0a3 inde0endent in1esti-atorsD and
other e:0enses for the co%nt3 -rand N%r3 in1esti-ation....
Bill Bra1es8 an attorne3 2ho re0resented >e3 at the -rand N%r3 in9%est8
stated5 DThe la2 is 0rett3 clear that 3o% are not re9%ired to re-ister
before 3o% hit the ten tho%sand dollar threshold8 and Charles J>e3K
had not hit that limit so 2as not re9%ired to re-ister. 4dmondson )no2s
that. The3're N%st tr3in- to slo2 Charles do2n or sto0 him thro%-h
DThis is all abo%t sto00in- %s and ma)in- %s sh%t %08 said >e3. D?f ?
2o%ld N%st 9%it the -rand N%r3 deal8 this 2o%ld all -o a2a3.D
#a3s <.Y (a2ton8 a 7$@ 2or)er 2ho s%r1i1ed the bombin-8 DCo% don't
ha1e to be that bri-ht or loo) that hard to see the fra%d and h30ocris3
in these char-es. For o1er a 3ear and a half8 the3'1e been doin-
e1er3thin- ima-inable and em0lo3in- the most abs%rd ar-%ments to
0re1ent Charles from im0anelin- a -rand N%r3 to in1esti-ate one of the
2orst crimes in o%r co%ntr3's histor3. No28 after he's o1ercome all of
their le-al challen-es in the co%rts and is close to -ettin- a co%nt3
-rand N%r3 in1esti-ation -oin-8 the3 dra- him before a m%lti-co%nt3
-rand N%r3 for 2hat amo%nts to Na32al)in-8 2hile the bombin- and
other -en%ine8 serio%s crimes -o %nin1esti-ated.D
(a2ton also bro%-ht to the attention of bombin- in1esti-ators a
Febr%ar3 !th8 fa: transmission to federal em0lo3ees on the official
letterhead of Attorne3 Beneral @re2 4dmondson. The letter so%-ht
si-nat%res from s%r1i1ors to -o 2ith letters that 2ere to be sent to
1ario%s ne2s or-aniations. The co1er sheet said it came from Richard
M. Aintor38 Chief @e0%t3 Attorne3 Beneral of the Criminal @i1ision.
The letter8 entitled8 DA +lea to the Media from /)lahoma Cit35 @on't /.6.
$sIIID 0%r0orts to be a s0ontaneo%s res0onse from 1ictims as)in- the
media not to Dmani0%lateD and De:0loitD them Dfor no 0%r0ose other
than to enhance their ratin-s on the air and in 0%blications.D
This ob1io%s 0ro0a-anda co%nteroffensi1e 2as in res0onse to ABC
2.R2.'s 6an%ar38 1,," sho2 abo%t 0rior )no2led-e. ?t referred to the
Dso-called re0ortD b3 ABC as Dtabloid No%rnalismD filled 2ith
D%ns%bstantiated and baseless claims that ha1e been re0eatedl3
DAe are a00alled at the lac) of interest in the tr%th and the
%nderhanded method %tilied b3 2.R2.D stated the letter8 2hich
claimed that ABC had 2ron-f%ll3 im0lied that certain 1ictims a-reed
2ith the D0aranoid del%sionD of the Dridic%lo%s theor3 of -o1ernment
cons0irac3 in this crime.D ?t added that Dre0orters are sometime
tem0ted to for-et the tr%th.D $ltimatel38 it stated8 D?t is +4/+(4 that
matter in this life8 either mone3 nor 0ossession nor a +%liter +rie.D
This classic +#C/+ 0iece la%nched b3 4dmondson ;2hich he an-ril3
denied in a letter to the a%thor= 2as si-ned8 DMan3 #%r1i1ors and
Famil3 Members8 /)lahoma Cit3 Bombin-.D
(a2ton and 7$@ em0lo3ee 6ane Braham 2ere t2o s%r1i1ors 2ho
an-ril3 deno%nced the letter for the sham that it 2as. D#ince the
comm%nication 2as loaded 2ith lies and half tr%ths8 ? certainl3 co%ld
not si-n it8D said (a2ton8 Dand ? felt li)e a state Attorne3 Beneral co%ld
better s0end his time s%00ortin- an effort to find the tr%th rather than
this trans0arent effort at hel0in- to hide it.D
D? am an-r38D stated Braham in a t30ed res0onse to the letter8 Dthat
the Attorne3 Beneral's office 2o%ld 0la3 on the emotions of this office
at 7$@ %nder the -%ise of )ee0in- %s 0osted on ho2 the3 are
0roceedin- and 0lannin- the case8 ca%sin- f%rther emotional t%rmoil in
this office bet2een em0lo3ees.D
@%rin- a 6%ne 138 1,,& tele1ision inter1ie28 4dmondson 2as as)ed
2h3 those 2itnesses 2ho sa2 Mc<ei-h 2ith other s%s0ects 2ere ne1er
called to testif3 at Mc<ei-h's trial. 4dmondson re0lied that 0rosec%tors
%s%all3 don't 0resent 2itnesses 2hose testimon3 isn't DcredibleD or
conflicts 2ith other 2itnesses.
Rodne3 6ohnson8 2ho sa2 Mc<ei-h 2ith another man in front of the
M%rrah B%ildin- moments before it e:0loded8 called 4dmondson's
statement Dmis-%ided.D
D? too) those comments to be rather 0ersonal8D said 6ohnson.
4dmondson's blatant attem0t at coercin- the 1ictims to 0ander to the
official -o1ernment line is similar to a letter from a -ro%0 of 1ictims
s%--estin- 0assa-e of the Anti-Terrorism Bill. The reci0ients 2ere %r-ed
to call 4dmondson if the3 2ere interested in 0artici0atin-.
/f co%rse8 2hile 4dmondson acc%sed ABC 2.R2. of Dmani0%latin-D and
De:0loitin-D the bombin- 1ictims8 it is ob1io%s that 4dmondson himself
hasn't done anything to mani0%late or e:0loit anyone.
?nterestin-l38 se1eral months after the scandalo%s smear cam0ai-n
a-ainst Re0resentati1e >e38 Bo1ernor >eatin- 2as acc%sed b3 the
/)lahoma 4thics Commission of 32 1iolations of %sin- state-o2ned
1ehicles for 0olitical f%nd-raisin-8 incl%din- the state's F2., million
air0lane. Con1enientl3 for-ettin- his o2n shamef%l and dishonest
smear attac)s a-ainst Re0resentati1e >e38 >eatin- sanctimonio%sl3
2hined abo%t ho2 the alle-ations 2ere Dirres0onsible8 sill3 and
com0letel3 %nN%stified.D No do%bt the 4thics Commission 2as Doff the
reser1ation8D and Dba3in- at the moon.D
?n s0ite of his %ns%ccessf%l attem0ts to smear honest men li)e
Re0resentati1e >e38 >eatin- and his croo)ed 0olitical cronies 2asted no
time in discreditin- 4d3e #mith8 callin- her alle-ations Dh3sterical.D
#mith 2as the mother of t2o 3o%n- bo3s 2ho 0erished in the bombin-
* Chase and Colton. #mith immediatel3 -ained the attention of
concerned citiens all across America. 7%ndreds of tho%sands of letters
and chec)s be-an 0o%rin- in8 and relief a-encies %sed Chase's
0hoto on a 0oster memorialiin- the disaster.
/n Ma3 238 the da3 the Federal B%ildin- 2as demolished8 4d3e #mith8
in a li1e inter1ie2 on CNN8 stated8 DThere's a lot of 9%estions that ha1e
been left %n-ans2ered. Ae're bein- told to )ee0 o%r mo%ths sh%t8 not
to tal) abo%t it8 don't as) those 9%estions...D
CNN's Bar3 Tr%chmann as)ed #mith to describe the nat%re of the
9%estions5 DAe8 alon- 2ith h%ndreds of tho%sands of other 0eo0le 2ant
to )no28 2here 2as the ATF the mornin- of A0ril 1,thH All of their
em0lo3ees s%r1i1ed. The3 2ere s%00osed to be the tar-et of this
e:0losion and 2here 2ere the3LH @id the3 ha1e a 2arnin- si-nH ?
mean8 did the3 thin) it mi-ht be a bad da3 to -o in the officeH
DThe3 had an o0tion to not -o to 2or) that da38D #mith contin%ed8 Dand
m3 )ids didn't -et that o0tion8 nobod3 else in the b%ildin- -ot that
o0tion. And 2e're N%st as)in- 9%estions8 2e're not ma)in- acc%sations.
Ae N%st 2ant to )no2 2h3 and the3're tellin- %s8 '>ee0 3o%r mo%th
sh%t8 don't tal) abo%t it.'D
Tr%chmann 9%ic)l3 ended the inter1ie2.
>ath3 Ailb%rn 2as the Brandmother of Chase and Colton. Ailb%rn 2as
amon- the first to arri1e at the scene of the bombin-8 and she and
#mith8 2ho both 2or)ed at the nearb3 ?.R.#. office8 had 2itnessed the
carna-e first-hand. No28 as she 2atched the b%ildin- come do2n8 an
eerie silence filled her so%l. (ater that afternoon8 >ath3 Ailb%rn 2al)ed
into the em0t3 room 2here the little bo3s had li1ed8 0ic)ed %0 their
st%ffed animals8 and be-an to cr3.
Ailb%rn's h%sband Blenn had been a 1ocal o00onent of the
-o1ernment's in1esti-ation8 and their e:0lanation of the bombin- did
not sit 2ell 2ith him. The Brandfather felt the loss of the t2o bo3s
)eenl3. Ailb%rn had ta)en it on his o2n to in1esti-ate the bombin-8 and
the facts he 2as comin- %0 2ith did not ma)e him ha003.
/n the afternoon the b%ildin- 2as demolished8 Ailb%rn recei1ed a call
from $.#. Attorne3 +atric) R3an. R3an 2anted to meet 2ith him and
s0ea) 2ith the famil3.
DThe3 2anted to set o%r minds at ease o%r minds that there 2asn't
an3thin- sinister -oin- on8D said Ailb%rn.
T2o da3s later #mith and Ailb%rn 2ere 1isited b3 an ento%ra-e of
federal a-ents incl%din- R3an8 ATF A-ents Chris C%3ler and (%)e
Frane38 an ?R# Criminal in1esti-ator8 and a member of (o%is 6ol3on
Aest's 1ictim's assistance team.
DThe3 all came in and sat do2n and said 'Ae 2ant to ans2er 3o%r
9%estions and ma)e 3o% feel -ood.' ? said 'fine.' Then ? loo)ed them
ri-ht in the e3e and said8 'Co% -%3s had no indication that A0ril 1,th
co%ld be a dan-ero%s da3 do2n thereH' The3 both ans2ered8 'no sir.'D
DAell8 t2o ho%rs later ? t%ned on the T<8 and CNN is inter1ie2in- ATF
@irector 6ohn Ma-a2. The inter1ie2 starts o%t8 DMr. Ma-a28 based on
the si-nificance of A0ril 1,th8 did 3o% ta)e an3 0reca%tionsH'D
DClearl3 there 2as an interest all o1er the co%ntr3 to do that8D re0lied
Ma-a2. DAnd ? 2as 1er3 concerned abo%t that. Ae did some thin-s
here in head9%arters and in all of o%r field offices thro%-ho%t the
co%ntr3 to tr3 to be more obser1ant.LD
DAell8 if there 2as e1er a 0oint that ? 2as hoo)ed into this thin-8 and
there 2as nothin- that 2as -onna' sto0 me8D recalls Ailb%rn8 Dthat 2as
itL beca%se b3 Bod8 somebod3 lied that mornin-.D
R3an's conciliator3 meetin- 2ith the famil3 did not last lon-. The
federal 0rosec%tor became ner1o%s after Ailb%rn cas%all3 mentioned
that he had tal)ed to a famil3 la23er. R3an 9%ic)l3 -ot %0 and left.
Ahile 4d3e #mith 2as 9%oted as sa3in- that she 2as DsatisfiedD the
a-ents had e:0lained their 2hereabo%ts8 she later told me8 D? belie1e
the3 sat their and lied to %s.D
$nmar)ed cars soon be-an sho2in- %0 at Blenn Ailb%rn's ho%se.
Ahen Ailb%rn 2ent o%t to confront them8 the3 s0ed off.
T2o months later8 4d3e #mith and >ath3 Ailb%rn had their Aor)ers'
Com0ensation chec)s c%t off. /%t of 4"2 federal em0lo3ees affected b3
the blast8 the3 2ere the onl3 t2o em0lo3ees 2ho 2ere m3sterio%sl3
Moreo1er8 o%t of tho%sands of chec)s sent to #mith thro%-h the Red
Cross8 none 2ere e1er recei1ed. All the letters had been o0ened8 the
chec)s missin-8 incl%din- some sent 1ia the Bo1ernor's and Ma3or's
office. DAll the mail that the Red Cross deli1ered to m3 ho%se8 0robabl3
tho%sands of 0ieces of mail8 e1er3 sin-le 0iece 2as o0ened before ? -ot
it. And it all had m3 name on it8D said #mith.
DAe started noticin- that the mail that came to the ho%se had mone3
in it8D said >ath3 Ailb%rn8 Db%t the maNorit3 of the mail that came to %s
thro%-h the Red CrossL it 2as all o0ened and there 2as ne1er a thin
dime in an3 of it.D
Ahen #mith called the Red Cross to com0lain8 she 2as told that her
mail 2asn't bein- o0ened8 and that no mone3 2as bein- ta)en. Ahen
Ailb%rn confronted the head of the local Red Cross8 she 2as told that
their letters 2ere bein- o0ened to chec) for Dhate mail.D Ailb%rn
told her that the e:0lanation 2as Dridic%lo%s.D
DA mother sent me a little card that her little bo3 dre2.D said #mith8
D#he said 'm3 little bo3 sa1ed this three dollars and 2anted 3o% to
ha1e it.' And the three dollars 2as -one.D
>eatin-'s ans2er to the missin- f%ndsH ?nternin- colle-e st%dents 2ere
res0onsible for the thefts. +erha0s former B-Man >eatin- 2as trainin-
the 3o%n- lads for %0comin- co%nter-intelli-ence o0erations. #%ch
2o%ld not be %n%s%al tactics for a man 2ho 2or)ed as an FB? a-ent
d%rin- C/?NT4(+R/ ;the FB?'s Co%nter ?ntelli-ence +ro-ram of the late-
".s to mid &.s=8 2here he 0ersonall3 infiltrated anti--o1ernment
acti1ists li)e the Aeathermen8 the Blac) +anthers8 and the #@#
;#t%dents For A @emocratic #ociet3=8 and stated he sees little
difference bet2een them and the militias.
>eatin- also ser1ed as Assistant Attorne3 Beneral %nder 4d2in Meese.
Meese 2as Attorne3 Beneral d%rin- the 1,'! fire-bombin- of M/<4
head9%arters. M/<4 2as a -ro%0 of blac) ho%sin- acti1ists li1in- in a
s9%atted b%ildin- in +hiladel0hia. The satchel char-e8 dro00ed from a
helico0ter b3 +hiladel0hia's finest ;2ith a little hel0 from the FB?=8
res%lted in the deaths of o1er 11 0eo0le8 incl%din- fi1e children8 and
destro3ed n%mero%s s9%are bloc)s of the cit3.
?nstead of la%nchin- a 0ro0er in1esti-ation into the matter8 Meese's
res0onse 2as Dconsider it an e1iction notice.D
Meese 2o%ld later be im0licated in the /ctober #%r0rise scandal8 2hich
0ro0elled Ronald Rea-an into the Ahite 7o%se 1ia a secret deal to
release the hosta-es in ?ran after the defeat of 6imm3 Carter. As his
re2ard8 Meese 2as a00ointed Attorne3 Beneral8 2here he 2o%ld -o on
to commit then co1er %0 other crimes8 the t2o most notorio%s bein-
?ran-Contra and the ?nsla2 affair.
B%t >eatin-'s in1ol1ement 2ith the scions of tr%th and N%stice doesn't
end there. >eatin- ser1ed in the B%sh administration as Assistant
Treas%r3 #ecretar3 d%rin- the ?ran-Contra in1esti-ations. Bene
Aheaton8 a former T%lsa 0olice officer and Arm3 C?@ in1esti-ator 2ho
2or)ed for the Christic ?nstit%te8 obser1es that it 2as Beor-e B%sh 2ho
0ersonall3 selected >eatin- as Assistant Treas%r3 #ecretar3 in 1,'!8
2here he s%0er1ised ?NT4R+/(8 the C%stoms #er1ice8 The #ecret
#er1ice8 and the ATF.
As Aheaton 2rites5
The 2ord in T%lsa is that B%sh is his D0olitical -odfatherGD that >eatin-
-ot his Nob in the Treas%r3 @e0artment thro%-h B%sh's -ood offices and
that B%sh Dlo1es >eatin-.D The connection a00ears to be an old-bo3
connection thro%-h the #o%thern 7ills Co%ntr3 Cl%b in T%lsa8
D?n his 0osition8 >eatin- co%ld control both the in1esti-ati1e and
0rosec%torial side of an3 scandal that came his 2a38D adds Portland
Free Press 0%blisher Ace 7a3es. D1,'!-'' had -%ns8 dr%-s8 and ille-al
mone3 mo1in- all o1er the -lobe. Aas the ATF8 2ho co%ldn't find it's
ass 2ith both hands8 as reall3 as incom0etent as it a00eared8 or 2as
Fran) >eatin- there to ma)e s%re the3 did notHD
?n fact8 it 2as 2hile >eatin- 2as ser1in- as Assistant Treas%r3
#ecretar3 that ?R# in1esti-ator Bill @%ncan * 2ho 2as in1esti-atin-
?ran-Contra dr%--r%nnin- acti1ities at Mena * 2as instr%cted to 0erN%re
himself. As @%ncan stated in a de0osition before a Noint
Con-ressionalRAr)ansas Attorne3 Beneral in1esti-ati1e committee5
D!ncan( ?n late @ecember of 1,'&8 ? 2as contacted b3 JtheK Chief
Co%nsel for the 7o%se 6%diciar3 #%bcommittee on CrimeL 2ho told me
that the3 2ere loo)in- into the reason 2h3 no one 2as indicted in
connection 2ith the Mena in1esti-ations. The ?nternal Re1en%e #er1ice
assi-ned to me disclos%re liti-ation attorne3s8 2hich -a1e me
instr%ctions 2hich 2o%ld ha1e ca%sed me to 2ithhold information from
Con-ress d%rin- m3 testimon3 and to also 0erN%re m3self.
Committee( And ho2 did 3o% res0ond to the Treas%r3 @e0artmentH
D!ncan( Aell8 ? e:hibited to them that ? 2as -oin- to tell the tr%th in
m3 testimon3. And the 0erN%r38 s%bornation of 0erN%r3 res%lted in an *
res%lted beca%se of an alle-ation that ? had recei1ed8 that Attorne3
Beneral 4d2in Meese recei1ed a se1eral h%ndred tho%sand dollar bribe
from Barr3 #eal directl3. And the3 told me to tell the #%bcommittee on
Crime that ? had no information abo%t that.
Ar)ansas #tate +olice in1esti-ator R%ssell Aelch8 2ho 0ro1ided the
information to @%ncan8 2as s%bse9%entl3 0oisoned. T2o months later8
>eatin- 2as a00ointed as Associate Attorne3 Beneral.
?t seems that Fran) >eatin- has ser1ed as a 0oint-man8 2ea1in- a
t2isted trail thro%-h some of America's most notorio%s crimes8
incl%din- ?ran-Contra8 BCC?8 ?ra9-ate8 the #S( crisis8 andL /)lahoma
>eatin- has al2a3s been at the ne:%s brid-in- the a-endas of -ood
ole' bo3s li)e Beor-e B%sh8 2ith their elitist a-endas8 and the
s%bse9%ent co1ert-o0erations s%b-c%lt%res 2hich the3 s0a2ned. ?n an
article in the Portland Free Press entitled DAnother B%sh Bo38D Aheaton
The co1ert-o0erations Dl%natic frin-eD in Aashin-ton8 2hich too) o1er
)e3 o0erations at the national sec%rit3 le1el8 JandK still controls them
toda38 2as B%sh's 1,'1 a-enda8 and >eatin- is the ne:t -eneration
to carr3 it on.
?t 2as onl3 three months after >eatin-'s ina%-%ration as Bo1ernor that
the bombin- of the Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin- occ%rred. Bi1en his
bac)-ro%nd and -roomin-8 >eatin- 2as in a 0erfect 0osition to direct
Ddama-e control.D As Aheaton notes5
>eatin- is an a 0erfect 0osition to control the direction and sco0e of
an3 state in1esti-ation 2hich mi-ht not corres0ond to the official
federal in9%ir3.
?t a00eares >eatin- did N%st that. As Bo1ernor8 >eatin- 2as in a
0osition to halt the h%rried demolition of the M%rrah b%ildin-8 ordered
b3 federal a%thorities %nder the -%ise of Dsafet3.D Bob Ric)s8 the FB? +R
flac) 2ho s0oon-fed a dail3 dose of lies to the 0ress d%rin- the Aaco
sie-e8 2as a00ointed /)lahoma @irector of +%blic #afet3 b3 >eatin-
after the demolition. >eatin- and Ric)s 2ere -ood friends from colle-e.
The demolition 2as ordered %nder the 0se%do-0s3cholo-ical 0remise of
0ro1idin- Dclos%reD to the festerin- 2o%nd han-in- o1er the cit3. The
demolition also effecti1el3 0re1ented an3 inde0endent forensic
in1esti-ation of the bomb site.
#aid a 1ictim 2hose s0o%se 2as )illed in the e:0losion8 D? 2as %0set
ri-ht from the start 2hen there 2as the bi- r%sh to destro3 the crime
scene8 to ta)e the b%ildin- do2n. A lot of im0ortant e1idence 2as
destro3ed that co%ld ha1e hel0ed sol1e this.D
The feds' decision to destro3 cr%cial forensic e1idence has an eerie
0arallel to the demolition of Mt. Carmel. The destr%ction of the Branch
@a1idian ch%rch 0re1ented inde0endent e:aminers from determinin-
that the ATF had fired into the roofs of the b%ildin- d%rin- the earl3
0art of the raid8 and that FB? sni0ers had deliberatel3 shot 0eo0le
tr3in- to esca0e.
The destr%ction of the M%rrah B%ildin- is also a)in to the #ecret
#er1ice's hast3 ;or caref%ll3 0lanned= decision to ille-all3 remo1e
+resident >enned3's bod3 from +ar)land Memorial 7os0ital. /nce
%nder control of militar3 officials8 incl%din- Benerals 2ho 2ere
%ndo%btedl3 in1ol1ed in the assassination 0lot8 >enned3's a%to0s3
co%ld 0roceed %nder caref%ll3 controlled 0arameters. Ahile obser1in-
the a%to0s38 these militar3 officials 0re1ented a thoro%-h e:amination
of the bod38 2hich 2o%ld ha1e re1ealed the 0resence of m%lti0le entr3
2o%nds. Bac) in @allas8 #ecret #er1ice a-ents caref%ll3 2ashed
>enned3's limo%sine to remo1e all traces of b%llet fra-ments8 and had
Bo1ernor Connoll3's clothes8 b%llet holes and all8 cleaned and 0ressed.
#aid 6annie Co1erdale8 2ho lost her -randsons Aaron and 4liNah in the
bombin-8 D41er3one ? tal) to has the same 9%estions5 Ahat ha00enedH
Ahat is -oin- onH Ae don't 2ant this to be another 6ohn F. >enned3
deal8 2here 32 3ears later the real stor3 is still %n)no2n.D
The 4ederal B!rea! of .ntimidation
"(here is no place on earth where you will &e sa8e 8rom the most
power8ul 8orces o8 @ustice." 7 F%I director 3ouis Freeh.
?n a motion filed b3 #te0hen 6ones8 affida1its sho2 that n%mero%s
2itnesses 2ere instr%cted b3 the FB? to D)ee0 9%ietD so the facts of the
case D2o%ldn't -et distorted.D This a%ra of secrec3 9%ic)l3 t%rned into
obstr%ction of N%stice8 as FB? a-ents ro%tinel3 instr%cted 2itnesses not
to tal) to defense team in1esti-ators or No%rnalists.
Ahen defense in1esti-ator Mart3 Reed attem0ted to inter1ie2
/)lahoma 7i-h2a3 +atrolman Charlie 7an-er ;the 0atrolman 2ho had
arrested Mc<ei-h=8 he 2as told b3 /7+ chief le-al co%nsel 6ohn
(indse38 DThe FB? has re9%ested that no one inter1ie2 Troo0er Charlie
Mitchell Ahitmire8 2ho )ne2 Mc<ei-h 2hen the3 2ere both in the
Arm38 2as contacted b3 defense in1esti-ator Neil 7artle3. Ahitmire
told 7artle3 he 2as instr%cted b3 the FB? not to tal) to an3one abo%t
the case %nless he obtained 0ermission from the FB?.
Ahen this a%thor tried to inter1ie2 t2o members of the #heriff's Bomb
#9%ad8 the3 became 1isibl3 ner1o%s. The3 claimed no other bombs
2ere 0%lled o%t of the b%ildin-8 clearl3 contradictin- ne2s acco%nts
sho2in- additional bombs that 2ere ta)en a2a3 and detonated.
As disc%ssed 0re1io%sl38 FB? a-ents 0%t %0 a 0rotecti1e 0erimeter
aro%nd 4ldon 4lliott8 0re1entin- him from tal)in- to No%rnalists and
defense in1esti-ators.
>F/R-T<8 2ho too) the lead in in1esti-atin- the case8 fo%nd it almost
im0ossible to inter1ie2 2itnesses. DAe -et there and all of a s%dden
the3'1e been told to sh%t %08D said Melissa >linin-8 >F/R's former
Ne2s @irector.
A T%lsa fire ca0tain told in1esti-ator Crai- Roberts he sa2 machine-%n-
totin- blac)-clad a-ents 2ith no mar)in-s remo1in- bo:es of files from
the +ost /ffice ten da3s after the bombin-. Ahen he 2as s%bse9%entl3
inter1ie2ed b3 this a%thor8 he denied seein- an3thin-.
Ann @omin8 2ho ori-inall3 told a T%lsa 0olice officer she had seen t2o
Middle 4astern males loiterin- near the front of the M%rrah B%ildin-
N%st before the blast8 later denied sa3in- that.
Accordin- to a con1ersation 6on Ra00a0ort had 2ith aily
!klahoman re0orter Ann @efran-e8 2itness +eter #chaffer told
@efran-e he had seen the M%rrah B%ildin- colla0se in on itself8
s%--estin- that c%ttin- char-es 2ere %sed. Ahen Ra00a0ort
9%estioned #chaffer8 he denied seein- the b%ildin- fallin- do2n at all.
Ahen Ra00a0ort -ot bac) to @efran-e8 she remained adamant abo%t
2hat #chaffer told her. D#he didn't b%d-e at all8D said Ra00a0ort.
DThe FB? m%st ha1e -otten to him8D said 7eidelber-. DCo% )no28 the FB?
has been able to -et 2itnesses to sh%t %0 abo%t im0ortant thin-s the3
)no2. Ae'1e tal)ed to some of these 0eo0le. ?n certain instances the
2itnesses belie1e that concealin- e1idence is the ri-ht thin- to do.
The3 reall3 belie1e it. The FB? has sold them a bill of -oods abo%t
national sec%rit3 or somethin- li)e that. ?n other cases the FB? has
%sed strai-ht-o%t intimidation on 2itnesses. The3 sie %0 0eo0le. /n
one 2itness the3'll %se somethin- li)e national sec%rit3. /n another8
the3'll -o for intimidation.D
7eidelber-'s o2n br%sh 2ith the -o1ernment didn't end 2ith his
dismissal from the -rand N%r3. #e1eral min%tes after a-reein- to do an
inter1ie2 2ith 6a3na @a1is8 he recei1ed a call from $.#. Attorne3 6ose0h
7artler tellin- him that a re0orter 2as on her 2a3 and that he 2as not
to tal) to her8 or he 2o%ld be arrested. /b1io%sl38 7eidelber-'s 0hone
2as ta00ed.
DThe3 tried e1er3thin- to sh%t me %08D said 7eidelber-. DThe3 ha1e
said the3 2ere -oin- to thro2 me in Nail. Ahen that didn't 2or)8 the3
-ot do2n on their hands and )nees and be--ed. ? meanL the3 ha1e
tried e1er3thin- to )ee0 me from tal)in- to the 0ress abo%t this.D
/n 6%l3 1,8 FB? a-ents 6on 7ersle3 and Ailliam Teater a00eared at
7eidelber-'s home8 N%st ho%rs after 6%d-e R%ssell called him and
disco1ered that he had ta)en his -rand N%r3 notes home. A00arentl3
Teater 2asn't too 0leased 2ith 7eidelber-'s cas%al attit%de. At one
0oint8 he 0%lled bac) his Nac)et8 re1ealin- his -%n8 2hich he had
cons0ic%o%sl3 st%c) in his 2aist belt.
DThe3 2ere tr3in- to im0ress %0on me the serio%sness ofL the3 2ere
tr3in- to -i1e me the messa-e that this is bi- time8 that this is hea13
2ei-ht8D said 7eidelber-8 Dand ? 2as s%00osed to be fri-htenedL B%ns
mean b%sinessL ? 2as s%00osed to beha1e and be a -ood bo3 and not
-i1e them an3 tro%ble. The im0lication 2as that the3 2ere -onna'
shoot me8 b%t ? )ne2 better than that8D 7eidelber- said.
7eidelber- doesn't feel he 2ill ser1e an3 Nail time for his actions. DThe3
don't 2ant me e:onerated or indicted8D said 7eidelber-. DThe3 2ant
me t2istin- in the 2ind.D
?n Febr%ar3 of ',&8 ABC 0lanned a follo2-%0 to their 2.R2. D+rior
>no2led-eD 0iece8 2hich incl%ded an inter1ie2 2ith ATF informant
Carol 7o2e. 7o%rs before the 0iece 2as to air on DAorld Ne2s
Toni-ht8D it 2as )illed.
Accordin- to ABC 0rod%cer Ro-er Charles5 DThe3 2ere %ncomfortable
2ith it after a series of 0hone calls from hi-h-le1el 6%stice @e0artment
and ATF 0eo0le8 sa3in- that 2ell8 3es8 the stor3 is ri-ht8 b%t 3o%'re
-oin- to dra2 the 2ron- concl%sions %nless 2e can e:0lain it.D
Accordin- to an inter1ie2 2ith ABC cond%cted b3 Mc<ei-h's defense
team8 the con1ersation 2ent somethin- li)e this5
C!stice Dept( DAe ha1e to admit no2 #trassmeir has been
-BC( DB%t 3o% ha1e denied o1er and o1er that he 2as e1er the s%bNect
of an in1esti-ation.D
C!stice Dept( DAell8 2e're %nden3in- that no2. 7e has been
in1esti-ated8 b%t 2e co%ld not in1ol1e him s0ecificall3 in the bombin-
of the b%ildin-.L JRe-ardin- 7o2e's re0orts of others in1ol1ed8 2eK
Dco%ld not find an3one 2ho bo%-ht fertilier8 co%ld not find an3one 2ho
rented a tr%c)8 so therefore 2e co%ld not char-e them 2ith an3thin-.
JBesidesK8 2e're not s%re the information 2as credible.D
-BC( DB%t did 3o% or did 3o% not send her bac) o%tHD
C!stice Dept( DCes8 she 2as sent bac) o%t.D
-BC( DAell8 2hat in the hell does that meanHD
C!stice Dept( D#he did -o bac) o%t8 b%t she 2as %nable to de1elo0
an3 e1idence that these 0eo0le had 0artici0ated8 Jaltho%-hK essentiall3
3o%r information is correct.D
ABC then said the 6%stice @e0artment 0ress s0o)esman attem0ted to
do2n0la3 the credibilit3 of 7o2e b3 statin- that the -o1ernment hears
these t30es of statements all the time from DAhite #%0remacist
-BC( DCeah8 b%t there's one difference here.D
C!stice Dept( DAhat is thatHD
-BC( DThe Bod damn b%ildin- ble2 %08 that's 2hat.D
Not onl3 2o%ld 7o2e's testimon3 ha1e had %nfort%nate conse9%ences
for a%thorities8 it 2o%ld not ha1e Ni1ed 2ith the FB?'s fantas3 of the
Dlone n%tD bomber. ?t seemed a%thorities 2ere re0la3in- the same
scenario the3 had 0la3ed o%t 2' 3ears before. ?n the 6F> in1esti-ation8
the FB? foc%sed on the Dlone n%tD scenario too. Aitnesses 2ho did not
s%00ort the FB?'s case a-ainst /s2ald as lone 0artici0ant 2ere
intimidated8 deb%n)ed or mis9%oted in re0orts. Most 2ho sa2
shooters other than the one on the "th floor of the Boo) @e0ositor3
2ere ne1er s%b0oenaed to testif3.
?n 1,"38 6%lia Ann Mercer told the FB? and the @allas +olice that she
sa2 a man carr3 a rifle case %0 to the Brass3 >noll N%st before the
shootin-. The FB? too) her statement. (ater8 2hen she 2as inter1ie2ed
b3 @istrict Attorne3 6im Barrison and sho2n the statements she had
-i1en the B%rea%8 she be-an sha)in- her head. DThese all ha1e been
altered8 she said. DThe3 ha1e me sa3in- N%st the o00osite of 2hat ?
reall3 told them.D
?n the /)lahoma Cit3 case8 2itnesses 2hose statements didn't fit the
-o1ernment's official timeline and scenario 2ere either i-nored
alto-ether8 or intimidated into chan-in- their stories.
Cher3l Aood8 an em0lo3ee at (o1e's con1enience store8 2ho sa2
Mc<ei-h and 6ohn @oe 2 on A0ril 1&8 told FB? a-ents their sec%rit3
camera had ca0t%red ima-es of the t2o men. The FB? didn't ta)e the
ta0es and didn't 2ant to %se Aood's stor3. DThe3 tried to con1ince
Aood that she 2as cra3 * that she hadn't reall3 seen them8D said a
+ewsweek re0orter 2ho inter1ie2ed Aood. DThe3 rattled her real
-ood.D Ahen the store mana-er decided to ta)e the 1ideo home
himself8 the FB? chan-ed their minds8 and confiscated the ta0e.
Mc<ei-h and his friends also sto00ed at another con1enience store
abo%t 4! min%tes from (o1e's. As a +ewsweek re0orter 2ho
inter1ie2ed the em0lo3ees told me8 the FB? didn't %se the statements
of those 2itnesses either8 beca%se it didn't fit the FB?'s DofficialD
Mi)e Moro8 the 6ohnn3's Tire #ho0 em0lo3ee 2ho -a1e Mc<ei-h and
6ohn @oe 2 directions to the M%rrah b%ildin- on the mornin- of the
blast8 2as inter1ie2ed b3 the FB? se1eral times. /n the last inter1ie2
the3 told him that he had seen Mc<ei-h dri1e in a different direction
than he had ori-inall3 stated. The FB? then claimed to the 0ress that
Moro had made a mista)e and 2as conf%sed.
@ann3 Ail)erson8 the Re-enc3 To2ers em0lo3ee 2ho sold Mc<ei-h t2o
softdrin)s and a 0ac) of ci-arettes 1. min%tes before the bombin-8
claims FB? a-ents tried 1er3 hard to -et him to chan-e his stor3.
Ail)erson sa2 Mc<ei-h and another man in an older8 shorter R3der
tr%c) 2ith a cab o1erhan-. FB? a-ents sho2ed Ail)erson a catalo- of
different R3der models8 tr3in- to coerce him into statin- that the tr%c)
he sa2 2as bi--er and ne2er than the one act%all3 seen. Ail)erson
ref%sed to chan-e his stor3.
As 0re1io%sl3 disc%ssed8 Catina (a2son )ne2 Mc<ei-h 2hen he 2as
stationed in >ansas8 and sa2 him at 0arties 2ith Andreas #trassmeir
and Michael Brescia. Ahen (a2son sa2 the artist's s)etch of 6ohn @oe
28 she said8 DThat's Mi)e JBresciaK. (a2son re0eatedl3 called the FB?
to tell them it 2as Brescia8 b%t the3 didn't 2ant to listen8 and sto00ed
ret%rnin- her calls.
D? )e0t tellin- them that the man in the J6ohn @oe 2K s)etch 2as that
Mi)e -%38 a nice-loo)in- -%38 dar)-s)inned. B%t the FB? made me feel
-%ilt38 then i-norant8 as if ? didn't )no2 2hat ? 2as sa3in-. Then8 later8 ?
tried to call in 2ith more information and the3 2o%ldn't e1en tal) to
@ebra B%rdic) had seen the 3ello2 Merc%r38 the bro2n 0ic)-%08 and
the bl%e Che13 Ca1alier at 1.th and Robinson on the mornin- of the
blast. B%rdic) called the FB? and the /#B?8 and Dthe3 ble2 me off. The3
said the3 didn't ha1e time to -et o1er there.L the3 told me8 '3o% didn't
see an3thin-.' And that's 2hen ? tho%-ht ? 2as -oin- cra3.LD
6ane Braham8 alon- 2ith three other 2omen8 had seen a trio of
s%s0icio%s-loo)in- men in the M%rrah B%ildin-'s %nder-ro%nd -ara-e
the Frida3 before the bombin-. The men 2ere 2or)in- 2ith 2ire and a
small8 0%tt3-colored bloc) 2hich a00eared to be C-4 0lastic e:0losi1e.
FB? A-ent 6oe #ch2ec)e made t2o a00ointments to inter1ie2 Braham8
b%t )e0t neither of them. D7e ne1er sho2ed %08D said Braham. D? a-ain
called and set %0 another a00ointment for the follo2in- 2ee) and that
2as ne1er )e0t.D
Ahen #ch2ec)e finall3 s0o)e to her8 he Donl3 2anted to )no2 if ? co%ld
identif3 Mc<ei-h or Nichols. A00arentl3 the FB? 2as not interested in
an3 time other than the Monda3 or T%esda3 * the 2ee) of the
bombin-ID e:claimed Braham8 DLand onl3 if the res0onses 0ointed
directl3 to Mc<ei-hID
The mana-er of the Breat Aestern ?nn in 6%nction Cit3 2as certain the
Middle 4astern man 2ho had sta3ed in room 1.& on A0ril 1& 2as a
dead rin-er for 6ohn @oe 2. Cet the FB? tried to discredit him8 sa3in-
that the in9%ir3 there had been a 2aste of time. ?f that is tr%e8 2h3 did
the FB? confiscate the hotel's re-isterH
Barbara Ahittenber- at the #ante Fe Trail @iner told Bill 6as0er the FB?
tried to -et her to chan-e her stor3.
6eff @a1is8 2ho deli1ered Chinese food to a man in room 2! at the
@reamland Motel8 had been inter1ie2ed n%mero%s times b3 the FB?.
The3 a00eared interested in tr3in- to -et @a1is to sa3 that Mc<ei-h
2as the man he sa2.
@%rin- trial8 0rosec%tor (arr3 Mac)e3 attac)ed @a1is' credibilit38 notin-
that t2o da3s after the bombin-8 he told FB? a-ents that the man 2as a
2hite male8 2' or 2,8 abo%t " feet tall8 abo%t 1'. 0o%nds 2ith short8
sand3 hair8 clean-c%t 2ith no m%stache.
Cet @a1is ori-inall3 told the FB?8 DThe man to 2hom ? deli1ered that
ba- of Chinese food is not Tim Mc<ei-h.D
#till8 Mac)e3 tried to sha)e @a1is' confidence in his memor38
s%--estin- that @a1is had told a bartender and an ABC s)etch artist
that he sa2 Mc<ei-h.
/ackey( DCo% den3 thatHD
Davis( DCes8 sir8 ? do8D
?n fact8 the 0erson @a1is sa2 had D%n)em0tD hair8 a re-ional accent8
0ossibl3 from /)lahoma8 >ansas or Misso%ri8 and an o1erbite. Mc<ei-h
0ossesses none of those characteristics.
D? 2as fr%strated 9%ite a bit beca%se the3 N%st didn't seem to 2ant to
sa3 '/)a38 there's somebod3 2e ma3 not ha1e.' A lot of it seemed
'@amnI ? N%st 2ish he'd sa3 it 2as Mc<ei-h so 2e co%ld be done 2ith
@a1is told (he en,er Post that the FB? ne1er e1en bothered ma)in- a
com0osite s)etch of the man he sa2. A T< net2or) finall3 hired an
artist to do one.
@aina Bradle3 had seen onl3 one man * oli1e-s)inned8 dar)-haired8
2earin- Neans8 Nac)et8 and baseball ca0 * -et o%t of the 0assen-er
side of the R3der tr%c) in front of the Federal B%ildin- moments before
it ble2 %0. Cet 2hen she testified for the defense d%rin- Mc<ei-h's trial8
she s2itched trac)s8 sa3in- she sa2 t2o s%s0ects.
Ahat is interestin- is that in n%mero%s inter1ie2s 2ith the media8
0rosec%tors8 and the defense team8 Bradle3 adamantl3 maintained
that she had seen onl3 one s%s0ect * 6ohn @oe 2. 6%st 2ee)s before
her testimon38 Bradle3 a-ain told $.#. Attorne3 +atric) R3an and
defense attorne3 Cher3l Ramse3 she 2as certain the man she sa2
2asn't Timoth3 Mc<ei-h.
Cet shortl3 after the start of Mc<ei-h's trial * after meetin- 2ith
federal 0rosec%tors * Bradle3 s%ddenl3 Dchan-ed her mind.D
?t seemed that FB? a-ents 2ere con1enientl3 2aitin- at the air0ort to
interce0t some of Mc<ei-h's defense 2itnesses8 2ho 2o%ld then be
D0ers%adedD to chan-e their testimon3.
$nder cross-e:amination b3 R3an8 Bradle3 * 2ho had maintained a
roc)-solid stor3 of 6ohn @oe 2 since the da3 of the bombin- * no2
claimed she sa2 a second man. Cet d%rin- trial she 2as ner1o%s and
falterin-8 her testimon3 2a1erin- constantl3. At one 0oint8 she co1ered
her face 2ith her hands and 9%ietl3 said8 D? 2ant to tal) to m3 la23er.D
R3an e1ent%all3 -ot Bradle3 to sa3 she 2asn't s%re 2hether the
second s%s0ect 2as Mc<ei-h8 b%t that there 2as Dnothin- differentD
bet2een Mc<ei-h's feat%res and those of the second man.
?n addition8 Bradle3 told the N%r3 she tho%-ht the tr%c) 2as 0ar)ed
a-ainst the flo2 of traffic on the one-2a3 street * a l%dicro%s
0ro0osition8 b%t con1enient for a -o1ernment intent on con1incin- a
N%r3 that Bradle3 sa2 the s%s0ect * 2ho 2as not 6ohn @oe 28 b%t
0ossibl3 Mc<ei-h * -et o%t of the dri1er's side.
Bar3 (e2is8 the 0ournal .ecord 0ressman 2ho 2as almost r%n o1er b3
Mc<ei-h and t2o of his associates in the 3ello2 Merc%r3 shortl3 before
the blast8 s%ddenl3 denied seein- them at allI 6%st before he 2as
s%b0oenaed to testif3 before the co%nt3 -rand N%r38 (e2is told
re0orters8 DAhat ? seen 2asn't a fact8 it 2asn't tr%e.D
Claimin- the FB? had Dcleared %0 his conf%sionD more than a 3ear a-o8
(e2is said the FB? sho2ed him a 0hoto-ra0h of Mc<ei-h's distincti1e
battered 3ello2 Merc%r38 and con1inced him it 2asn't the same car he
s0otted on A0ril 1,. D?t 2as real similar to it8D (e2is said. D?t 2as real
close b%t it 2asn't it.D
(e2is then claimed his e3e2itness acco%nt8 2hich had alread3 been
0%blished in stri)in- detail8 had been e:a--erated b3 Re0resentati1e
>e3 and Blenn Ailb%rn. D? don't care for JAilb%rnK or Charles >e38D
(e2is told (he aily !klahoman. DThe3 )ind of 0%shed it alon- for
reasons ? don't )no2 2h3. That is abo%t all ? ha1e -ot to sa3.D
This 2as 9%ite a chan-e from the ner1o%s 2itness 2ho chec)ed the
%nderside of his car e1er3 mornin- for bombs8 afraid he 2as tar-eted
for assassination b3 either bombin- s%s0ects or the feds.
As 0re1io%sl3 mentioned8 @r. +a%l 7eath8 the <A 0s3cholo-ist8 had
s0o)en to Mc<ei-h and t2o of his associates at his office se1eral 2ee)s
before the blast8 2hen the3 a00roached him loo)in- for DNobs.D
7eath 2as inter1ie2ed b3 the FB? no less than ten times. /n the last
1isit8 D7e ;the FB? a-ent= confronted me sa3in- he did not 2ant me
tellin- the stor3 an3 lon-er. 7e said it 2as a false stor38 that ? had
made it %08 that it 2as a fi-ment of m3 ima-ination8 and that if ?
0%rs%ed it8 he 2o%ld 0%blicl3 discredit me.
D? said to him8 'that is the most des0icable8 %ncalled for attit%de that
?'1e e1er seen8 and ? don't )no2 2h3 3o% said that to me8 b%t ? can tell
3o%8 3o%'re not -oin- to chan-e m3 realit3 2ith it.'D
7eath8 alread3 %0set b3 2hat he 2itnessed the da3 of the bombin-8 is
no2 %ncertain 2hat 2ill ha00en to him.
(ea Moore8 a 2oman 2ho 2as badl3 inN%red in the blast8 2as
contacted b3 a re0orter from the 3.A. (imes. Ahile he 2as enro%te to
inter1ie2 her8 she recei1ed a m3sterio%s 0hone call tellin- her not to
tal) to him. Moore8 a dimin%ti1e 2oman in her fifties8 2as fri-htened.
Ahen the re0orter sho2ed %0 at her door fifteen min%tes later8 Moore
didn't ans2er.
Melba8 the Albertson's 2or)er 2ho made sand2iches for Mc<ei-h and
6ohn @oe 28 2as hostile and fri-htened 2hen 9%estioned b3 this
re0orter * too scared to tal).
Connie 7ood8 2ho sa2 6ohn @oe 2 at the @reamland Motel shortl3 after
midni-ht on A0ril 1"8 then a-ain the ne:t mornin-8 2as inter1ie2ed
n%mero%s times b3 the FB?. The3 e1en 2ent so far as to administer
se1eral 0ol3-ra0h tests. 7ood told the a-ents e:actl3 2hat she sa2. /n
the last test8 the FB? a-ent Dt%rned aro%nd and -ot in her face8D
recalled her friend @a1id >een8 Dand said8 'Co%'1e ne1er seen 6ohn @oeI
7e ne1er e:istedI'D
The e:0erience of 7ood and >een is reminiscent of the interro-ation of
6F> 2itnesses in @allas on No1ember 228 2hen FB? a-ents 0ointedl3
told them the3 did not see an3 shooters on the Brass3 >noll.
DThis bi- old d%de ;FB? a-ent= ri-ht o%t told me8 'Co% did not see thatI'D
recalled 7ood. D?t -ot to the 0oint 2here ? 2as sa3in-8 '4:c%se me8
e:c%se me8 there 2as someone in that room ne:t to %s. ? )no2 for a
fact there 2as someone in that room ne:t to %s. ? did not ima-ine
someone comin- o%t of that fric)in- roomI'D
7ood is s%re of 2hat she sa28 and is f%rio%s abo%t the -ames the FB?
0la3ed 2ith her. D?'m an-r38D said 7ood. D?t made m3 blood boil.D
T0- )) %idebar
The e:0eriences of these 2itnesses 0arallels those 2ho sa2 a missile
rise o%t of the 2ater to shoot do2n TAA fli-ht '.. on 6%l3 1&8 1,,"8
)illin- all 23. 0eo0le on board. /1er 1!4 2itnesses on (on- ?sland8 2ho
2itnessed the attac)8 described 2hat a00eared to be a missile * a
-lo2in- obNect that im0acted 2ith the 0lane.
These acco%nts 2ere bac)ed %0 b3 FAA ;Federal A1iation
Administration= radar records8 2hich sho2ed an %nidentified obNect ;a
Dbli0D that 2as not Ds9%a2)in-D a trans0onder code= mo1e ra0idl3
to2ards8 then mer-e 2ith8 the lar-e N%mbo-Net.
Cet li)e the seismic records8 and the 1ideo s%r1eillance foota-e 2hich
2o%ld ha1e sho2n the M%rrah B%ildin- bein- blo2n %08 these radar
ta0es 2o%ld be confiscated b3 the FB?.
Nat%rall38 the -o1ernment lied abo%t the crash. The National
Trans0ortation #afet3 board ;NT#B= claimed that the most 0robable
ca%se 2as a Ds0ar)D in the center f%el tan) d%e to Dstatic electricit3.D
This is ridic%lo%s e1en to the %ninitiated. #aid Michael Barr8 director of
a1iation safet3 0ro-rams at $#C8 DAir0lanes don't blo2 %0 N%st li)e that.
?'1e been follo2in- &4&s since 1,&. and ?'1e ne1er seen one blo2 %0
li)e that.D
/ne 2itness8 (o% @es3ron8 told ABC Aorld Ne2s #%nda35 DAe sa2 2hat
a00eared to be a flare -oin- strai-ht %0. As a matter of fact8 2e
tho%-ht it 2as from a boat. ?t 2as a bri-ht reddish-oran-e color.... /nce
it 2ent into flames8 ? )ne2 that 2asn't a flare.
Another 2itness told the +ew York aily +ews' D?t loo)ed li)e a bi-
s)3roc)et -oin- %08 and it )e0t -oin- %0 and %08 and the ne:t thin- ?
)ne2 there 2as an oran-e ball of fire.D
(on- ?sland resident (inda >abot inad1ertentl3 sna00ed a 0ict%re of the
missile 2hile 0hoto-ra0hin- friends at a 0art3. The 0hoto a00eared in
the 6%l3 iss%e of Paris $atch.
43e2itnesses on the -ro%nd 2eren't the onl3 ones 2ho sa2 a missile.
<asilis Ba)o3nis8 a Bree) commercial airline 0ilot fl3in- behind fli-ht
'..8 told the FB? that he sa2 2hat a00eared to be a missile rise %0
from the 2ater and stri)e the 0lane. D#%ddenl3 ? sa2 in the fo- to m3
left to2ard the ocean8 a small flame risin- 9%ic)l3 to2ard the s)3.
Before ? realied it8 ? sa2 this flame become h%-e.LD
+ri1ate 0ilot #1en Faret re0orted a Dshort 0in-flash of li-ht J2hichK
a00eared on the -ro%nd8 0erha0s 2ater8D that rose %0 Dli)e a roc)et
la%nch at a fire2or)s dis0la3.D
MaNor Fred Me3er8 the 0ilot of an Air National B%ard helico0ter 2hich
2as in the area8 said he sa2 Da strea) of red oran-eD headin- to2ard
the 0lane. D...it arri1ed at a 0oint in s0ace 2here ? sa2 a small
e:0losion 2hich -re2 to a small fireball8 then a second e:0losion and a
h%-e fireball8D the %oston Herald 9%oted Me3er as tellin- a 0ress
briefin- on 6%l3 1'th.
Me3er's co-0ilot8 Ca0tain Chris Ba%r8 told A,iation -eek 6 )pace
(echnology on March 1.8 DAlmost d%e so%th8 there 2as a hard 2hite
li-ht8 li)e b%rnin- 03rotechnics8 in le1el fli-ht. ? 2as tr3in- to fi-%re o%t
2hat it 2as. ?t 2as the 2ron- color for flares. ?t str%c) an obNect comin-
from the ri-ht JTAA '..K and made it e:0lode.D
Ten da3s later8 Me3er8 a <ietnam 1eteran8 told the .i,erside Press7
Enterprise' D? )no2 2hat ? sa2. ? sa2 an ordinance e:0losion. And
2hate1er ? sa28 the e:0losion of the f%el 2as not the initiator of the
e1ent. ?t 2as one of the res%lts. #omethin- ha00ened before that
2hich 2as the initiator of the disaster.D
Me3er and Ba%r's acco%nt 2as bac)ed %0 b3 Air National B%ard C-
13. 0ilot Cononel Ailliam #tratemeir8 6r.8 2ho told A,iation -eek 6
)pace (echnology 2hat Da00eared to be the trail of a sho%lder-fired
#AM endin- in a flash on the &4&.D
Cet the -o1ernment 2o%ld see) to silence the h%ndreds of
e3e2itnesses 2ho sa2 the missile. A team of a00ro:imatel3 !. FB?
a-ents8 man3 of the same a-ents 2ho 2or)ed the /)lahoma Cit3 case8
2o%ld 1isit these 2itnesses and as)8 then demand8 their silence.
DThere 2as nothin- ? obser1ed that -a1e me an3 indication that the
strea) of li-ht ? sa2 2as ca%sed b3 a missile8D Me3er 2o%ld later
9%oted as sa3in-. D? don't )no2 2hat ? sa2.D
DAe did not see smo)e trails Jfrom a missileK8 an3 i-nition so%rce from
the tail of a roc)et nor an3thin-LD said #tratemeir fo%r months
Medical 4:aminer @r. Charles <. Aetli ori-inall3 told re0orters that the
0assen-ers in the for2ard com0artment 2ere hit hardest8 indicatin-
the maNor e1ent 2as in the front of the 0lane8 not the center as the
-o1ernment claimed. @r. Aetli and others then bac)ed off from their
findin-s. An e:0losion had ha00ened and )illed 0eo0le 2as as m%ch as
he co%ld sa38 re0orted the +ew York (imes.
Aas the -o1ernment co1erin- %0 e1idence of a terrorist missile stri)e8
or the ne-li-ence of the $nited #tates Na13H Ahile the disinte-ration
of fli-ht '..'s n%mber three en-ine a00ears to indicate a sho%lder-
la%nched missile8 the lar-e -a0in- hole r%nnin- from N%st %nderneath
the center f%el tan) thro%-h the to0 of the for2ard cabin s%--ests a
stri)e b3 an %narmed missile Ddrone.D
There is e1idence for both theories. After den3in- the e:istence of an3
militar3 o0erations in the area8 the +enta-on e1ent%all3 admitted that
a C-13. militar3 trans0ort and t2o 77-".B Blac)ha2) helico0ters of
the Ne2 Cor) Air National B%ard's ANB's 1."th Resc%e Ain- 2ere
o0eratin- in the area as 0art of a ni-ht-resc%e e:ercise.
#%ch a Dresc%e e:erciseD doesn't e:0lain the 0resence of a +-3 /rion
anti-s%bmarine 2arfare 0lane8 2hich8 contrar3 to claims b3 Na13 0%blic
affairs8 is ca0able of carr3in- missiles. The $.#.#. Normand38 an Ae-is
class -%ided missile cr%iser ;similar to the one that accidentall3 shot
do2n ?ran Air Fli-ht "!! o1er the straits of 7orm%8 )illin- all 2,.
0eo0le=8 2as also o0eratin- in the 1icinit3. The Normand3 carries R?M-
"& #tandard #M-24R semi-acti1e radar homin- air defense missiles8
2ith a ran-e of ,3 miles and an altit%de of 1..8... feet. Aas the
Normand3 firin- drones as 0art of a 0ractice drillH #%ch mane%1ers are
ro%tinel3 carried o%t off the coast of (on- ?sland. Area A-1.! 2as
acti1ated as a Dhot oneD at the time of the disaster.
Nat%rall38 the Na13 claimed the Normand3 2as 1'. miles from fli-ht
'..8 2hich 2as in area A-1."8 1! miles to the North2est of A-1.!.
FB? chief in1esti-ator 6ames >allstrom cited claims of militar3
c%l0abilit3 as Dirres0onsibleL total %nad%lterated nonsense8D and8
echoin- the 0s3chobabble em0lo3ed b3 the -o1ernment in the
/)lahoma Cit3 bombin- in1esti-ation8 stated that s%ch claims are
h%rtf%l to the 1ictims. 6im 7all8 head of the NT#B in1esti-ation8 bac)ed
%0 >allstrom8 sa3in- the alle-ations Dare ca%sin- incredible 0ain and
conf%sion for those 2ho lost lo1ed ones.D
D? can tell 3o% 2e left no stone %nt%rned8D >allstrom anno%nced8 as if
0la3in- a bad re-r%n of 6anet Reno's 0ress conference on /)lahoma
Then in No1ember8 +ierre #alin-er8 a former ABC Ne2s corres0ondent
and 0ress secretar3 for +resident >enned38 told re0orters in Cannes8
France8 he had obtained a doc%ment from French intelli-ence ;there
2ere n%mero%s French citiens onboard= detailin- ho2 the Na13 2as
indeed test firin- missiles and accidentall3 hit Fli-ht '.. beca%se the
0lane 2as fl3in- lo2er than e:0ected. #alin-er said the doc%ment
2ritten b3 someone 2ho D2as tied to the $.#. #ecret #er1ice and has
im0ortant contacts in the $.#. Na13.D
Bac)in- %0 #alin-er's re0ort 2as (t. Col. Bo Brit8 a hi-hl3 decorated
<ietnam 1eteran and #0ecial Forces commander8 2ho re0orted in 6%ne
that the Arm3 and Na13 2ere cond%ctin- final acce0tance tests of the
A4B?#-C4C ;Coo0erati1e 4n-a-ement Ca0abilit3= s3stem8 in the 2a)e
of the tra-ic shootdo2n of an ?ranian airb%s b3 the $## <incennes.
The militar3 chose Area A-1.!8 claimed Brit8 in order to 0ro1ide a
realistic test %sin- a densel3 0o0%lated area. DA-1.! had been
es0eciall3 selected ;and acti1ated for li1e fire= beca%se of its similarit3
to the +ersian B%lf.D
The Na13 /rion +-38 a member of the C4C team8 2as loaded 2ith %0-
-raded -ear8 allo2in- inte-ration of Arm3 and Na13 Anti-Aircraft
Artiller3 ac9%isition radar. The e9%i0ment 2as s%00osed to
Ddiscriminate bet2een friend-ne%tral-foe electronic si-nat%res8 isolate
the hostile threat and select the 2ea0on best 0ositioned for an ass%red
)ill to la%nch at the tar-et.D
The sim%lated boo-ie 2as a Na13 BWM-&44 missile drone la%nched
from #hinnecoc) Ba38 east of Ri1erhead8 (on- ?sland b3 an Arm3 %nit
shortl3 after the Dall clearD at '53. 0.m.L
Thro%-h the thic)enin- fo- of re0licated hostile ima-es8 a shot sol%tion
2as 0lotted and rela3ed to the missile %nit best 0ositioned for the )ill.
The soft2are then a%tomaticall3 tri--ered the la%nch of a Na13
#tandard ?< Anti-missile missile.L
The antimissile 2as 0ro-rammed to climb ra0idl3 %ntil a Dmid-
co%rseD correction 2o%ld be rela3ed to the missile's on-board com0%ter
directin- the di1e to im0act. Final co%rse adN%stments 2o%ld be made
b3 the missile's Dsemi-acti1eD radar de1ice after Dloc)-onD 2as
Tra-icall38 the last radar able to see the boo-ie thro%-h the hea13
Nammin- and tar-et re0lication s%ddenl3 and %ne:0ectedl3 2ent
blind.L $nable to recei1e -%idance commands to )ee0 it on an
interce0t co%rse 2ith the tar-et drone8 the #tandard ?< re1erted to its
o2n 0ro-rammin- and be-an see)in- a tar-et. ?n a heartbeat8 the
internal radar ac9%ired the TAA &4& 2ell abo1e and to the 2est of the
intended tar-et.
Aas the &4& destro3ed b3 Dfriendl3 fireHD Re0orts that roc)et f%el
resid%e 2as 0resent on seat bac)s and bodies of the 1ictims8 and the
lar-e entr3 and e:it holes8 tend to s%00ort these alle-ations.
@%rin- the 1,'2 Fal)lands Aar8 an Ar-entine AM.3, 4:ocet anti-shi0
missile str%c) the British destro3er 7M# #heffield. Altho%-h it 2as a
d%d8 Dthe )inetic ener-3 of the missile8 fl3in- at s%0ersonic s0eed8 2as
able to 0%nch thro%-h the h%ll and slice into f%el lines8 allo2in- the
still-b%rnin- roc)et motor to i-nite a deadl3 and e:0losi1e fire. TAA
'.. ma3 ha1e e:0erienced an airborne 1ersion of this same fate.D
Brit' claim that the militar3 chose the area off of (on- ?sland for
testin- Ni1es 2ith the 2ell-doc%mented fact of decades-lon- militar3
testin- on %ns%s0ectin- ci1ilians in h%ndreds of cities across the nation
* incl%din- e1er3thin- from dr%-s and n%clear radiation8 to chemical
and biolo-ical 2ea0ons.
?nterestin-l38 on A%-%st 2,8 si: 2ee)s after the TAA '.. crash8 an
American Airlines 0ilot re0orted seein- a missile 0ass b3 his &!& 2hile
fl3in- o1er Aallo0s ?sland8 <ir-inia8 the site of the NA#A Aallo0s Fli-ht
Facilit38 2hich has a 0ro-ram for %nmanned research roc)ets. Aallo0s
?sland is abo%t 22. miles so%th of the TAA crash si-ht.
Finall38 as ?an Boddard re0orted8 on Ma3 138 1,,&8 (on- ?sland's
)outhampton Press re0orted that resident @ede M%ma accidentall3
recei1ed a fa: from Teled3ne R3an Aerona%tical intended for the FB?'s
office in Cal1erton8 (on- ?sland ;the t2o ha1e similar 0hone n%mbers=.
The fa: indicated that 0arts of a Na13 missile tar-et drone8 a BWM-34
Firebee ? man%fact%red b3 Teled3ne8 ma3 ha1e been fo%nd in the
2rec)a-e. The fa: sho2s a dia-ram of 2hat a00ears to be a missile8
alon- 2ith a brea)do2n of its tail section and a 0arts list...
The near disinte-ration of the 0lane's n%mber three en-ine8 ho2e1er8
s%00orts the theor3 of a heat-see)in- #AM8 s%--estin- that the 0lane
2as destro3ed b3 terrorists.
Recall that t2o maNor terrorist conferences 2ere held d%rin- 2hich it
2as anno%nced that there 2o%ld be increased attac)s a-ainst $.#.
interests5 one on 6%ne 2.-23 in Teheran8 and the other on 6%l3 1.-1! in
+a)istan. ?ntelli-ence officers and terrorist leaders from 7amas8
7ibAllah8 and the +F(+-BC's Ahmed 6ibril8 2ho carried o%t the +an Am
1.3 bombin-8 2ere in attendance. This 2as follo2ed on 6%ne 2! b3 the
tr%c)-bombin- of the militar3 ho%sin- com0o%nd in @hahran8 #a%di
Also recall that immediatel3 follo2in- the 6%l3 1"th $.#. #enate
resol%tion for sanctions a-ainst (ib3a and ?ran8 the al7Hayat ne2s0a0er
recei1ed a 2arnin- from the Mo1ement for ?slamic Chan-e5
The 2orld 2ill be astonished and amaed at the time and 0lace chosen
b3 the M%Nahadeen. The M%Nahadeen 2ill deli1er the harshest re0l3 to
the threats of the foolish American 0resident. 41er3one 2ill be
s%r0rised b3 the 1ol%me8 choice of 0lace and timin- of the
M%Nahadeen's ans2er8 and in1aders m%st 0re0are to de0art ali1e or
dead for their time is mornin- and mornin- is near.
The +ew York Post also re0orted that the FB? 2as loo)in- into an
anon3mo%s threat recei1ed after con1iction of #hei) /mar Abdel
Rahman8 the s0irit%al leader of the Aorld Trade Center bombin- cell8
con1icted of 0lottin- to blo2 %0 maNor Ne2 Cor) Cit3 landmar)s. The
threat 2arned that a Ne2 Cor) area air0ort or Netliner 2o%ld be
attac)ed in retaliation for the 0rosec%tion of the shei).
A 2arnin- 2as also 0ro1ided to the ?sraelis that ?ran 2as li)el3 to
la%nch an attac) a-ainst a $.#. aircraft. Tho%sands of #tin-er missiles
2ere -i1en to the M%Nahadeen b3 the C?A in the 1,'.s. Accordin- to
former FAA in1esti-ator Rodne3 #tich8 DAt least a doen 2ere th%s
obtained b3 the ?ranian Re1ol%tionar3 B%ards from C%nis >halis8 a
radical M%slim Af-hani resistance leader. /ne of them 2as fired b3
?ranians at an American helico0ter on 0atrol in the +ersian B%lf on
/ctober 'th8 1,'&.D
The $.#. 0rod%ced nearl3 "48!.. of these missiles for the militar3 and
other co%ntries since 1,'.8 incl%din- An-ola8 4-30t8 France8 Berman38
?ran8 ?srael8 >%2ait8 +a)istan8 #a%di Arabia and T%r)e3. The #o1iets are
)no2n to ha1e sold their #AM-& to China8 North >orea8 ?ndia8 ?ran8 ?ra98
C%ba8 (aos8 (ib3a8 #%dan and #3ria8 amon- others.
0ro1ided to the M%Nahadeen 1ia the C?A in +esha2ar8 +a)istan8 2ere
often sold to terrorists and other -ro%0s.
DAe ha1e no2 s0ent more than a decade tr3in- to retrie1e those
missiles8D said Natalie Boldrin-8 a defense anal3st 2ith the British-
American #ec%rit3 ?nformation Co%ncil. D#e1eral h%ndred that 2ere
transferred d%rin- the Af-han 2ar are no2here to be fo%nd. The3 are
1er3 ca0able anti-aircraft missiles.D
Accordin- to #tich8 the C?A has b%mbled attem0ts to retrie1e the
missiles. ?n a letter to #enator Arlen #0ecter dated /ctober 2.8 1,,!8
#tich 2rites5
Recent information 0ro1ided to me b3 one or more of m3 contacts in
the C?A comm%nit3 describes the dates8 0laces8 and 0eo0le in1ol1ed in
offerin- the missiles to the $nited #tates8 and the reNection of this offer.
These so%rces 0ro1ided me 2ith 0recise details of the ne-otiations to
-i1e the missiles to the $nited #tates8 the a-reement b3 Af-han rebel
leader8 Beneral Rashid @ostom8 and a C?A attorne3.L
J/neK 0ossibilit3 for C?A and 6%stice @e0artment reNection of the #tin-er
missiles is that the C?A 2ants the missiles to fall into terrorists' hands8
and act%all3 2ants an airliner to be shot do2n. The shoot-do2n of a
commercial airliner co%ld then be %sed to N%stif3 the contin%ation of
C?A acti1ities.
?n fact8 ?srael interce0ted %nconfirmed re0orts that !. of #tin-ers 2ere
sm%--led into the co%ntr3 in 1,,!. A letter re0ortedl3 0resented to
members of the #enate ?ntelli-ence and Armed #er1ices Committee
after the shootdo2n of fli-ht '.. not onl3 claimed credit for the attac)8
b%t 0ro1ided the serial n%mber of the missile that 2as %sed.
Nat%rall38 -o1ernment 2o%ld trot o%t its %s%al stable of s0o)esmen to
claim that the 0lane hadn't been do2ned b3 a missile8 es0eciall3 a
sho%lder-la%nched #AM8 2hich the +enta-on claimed co%ldn't do2n a
N%mbo-Net fl3in- at 138&.. feet.
DThere's no American official 2ith half a brain 2ho o%-ht to be
s0ec%latin- on an3thin- of that nat%re8D said Ahite 7o%se s0o)esman
Mi)e McC%rr3. DThere's no concrete information that 2o%ld lead an3 of
%s in the $nited #tates -o1ernment to dra2 that )ind of concl%sion.D
Cet the #tate @e0artment has catalo-%ed 2! incidents bet2een 1,&'
and 1,,3 in 2hich commercial airliners 2ere shot do2n b3 #AMs8
)illin- more than ".. 0eo0le. ;?sraeli commercial airliners8 li)e the
+resident's Air Force /ne8 are e9%i00ed 2ith s0ecial flares ca0able of
di1ertin- s%rface-to-air missiles.= @%rin- the <ietnam Aar8 R%ssian
Brail missiles ro%tinel3 shot do2n 0lanes at altit%des of 118... and
128... feet. #ome #AMs * incl%din- the #tin-er8 and the #2edish-b%ilt
Bofors RB# &. and ,.8 2hich militar3 and a1iation anal3st Ronald
(e2is8 2ritin- in Air Forces $onthly belie1es 2as %sed * are re0ortedl3
ca0able of reachin- altit%des of bet2een 1!8... and 1'8... feet.
?t is for 0recisel3 this reason that the -o1ernment )e0t chan-in- the
altit%de of the 0lane8 2hich the3 first re0orted at '8!.. feet8 then
1.8... feet8 and finall3 at 138&.. feet ;A00arentl3 the3 didn't ta)e into
acco%nt the ran-e of the Bofors=. This is stri)in-l3 similar to their
alterin- of the sie of the bomb in /)lahoma8 ori-inall3 statin- it 2as
182.. 0o%nds8 then 28... 0o%nds8 then 48... 0o%nds8 then finall3
48'.. 0o%nds8 to match their ma-ic ANF/ theor3.
Bi1en the o1er2helmin- e1idence to the contrar38 ho2e1er8 the tal)in-
heads 2o%ld modif3 their statements. DThe3 2ill be loo)in- at all three
scenarios8D said Former FB? Assistant @irector /li1er DB%c)D Re1ell8
Dand 0robabl3 the least li)el3 2ill be the missile8 b%t it 2ill be one that
is 1er3 caref%ll3 e:amined.D
41en the FB?'s 6ames >allstrom 2as later forced to admit8 DAe do ha1e
information that there 2as somethin- in the s)3. A n%mber of 0eo0le
ha1e seen it.D
As the +ew York Post re0orted on #e0tember 225
(a2-enforcement so%rces said the hardest e1idence -athered so far
o1er2helmin-l3 s%--ests a s%rface-to-air missile * 2ith the
so0histicated abilit3 to loc) on the center of a tar-et rather than its
red-hot en-ines * 2as fired from a boat off the (on- ?sland coast to
brin- do2n the airliner 6%l3 1&.
/n @ecember 1&8 the -ashington (imes 9%oted a con-ressional aide
2ho 1erified that an %nnamed @?A official confirmed the missile attac)5
D'?n his o0inion8 the 0lane 2as bro%-ht do2n b3 at least one sho%lder-
fired missile8'D said the con-ressional so%rce8 2ho s0o)e on the
condition of anon3mit3.D
?nterestin-l38 the FB? foc%sed 0art of its in1esti-ation on boats on (on-
?sland that had been chartered or stolen. /ne re0ort that s%rfaced
earl3 on re0orted that t2o Middle 4astern men had rented a boat. A
boat 3. or 4. feet in len-th 2o%ld 0ro1ide a stable eno%-h 0latform for
a someone aimin- a heat-see)in- or laser -%ided #AM8 e1en if the
2aters had not been 0erfectl3 calm.
/b1io%sl38 the -o1ernment 2as 0erfectl3 ca0able of determinin- 2ho8
or at least 2hat shot do2n TAA fli-ht '... A,iation -eek re0orted that
technolo-3 is a1ailable to establish8 2ithin ho%rs8 the e:act
com0osition of an3 e:0losi1e8 e1en after da3s of s%bmersion in sea
2ater. Cet months after the disaster8 the -o1ernment 2as still claimin-
it hadn't determined the ca%se of the crash. At times8 the e:0lanations
offered b3 -o1ernment officials bordered on the ridic%lo%s. /n 6%l3 118
1,,&8 a NT#B official 2as heard 0ost%latin- before members of
Con-ress that the 0lane ma3 ha1e been destro3ed b3 errant Ds0ace
?t is hardl3 s%r0risin- that the -o1ernment 2o%ld 2ant to co1er %0 the
tr%th8 es0eciall3 if fli-ht '.. had been destro3ed b3 a #tin-er missile8
one -i1en to the M%Nahadeen b3 the Central J#t%0idit3K A-enc3. ?f the
0%blic learned that a commercial Net co%ld be shot do2n b3 a hand-
held missile8 one of man3 sm%--led into this co%ntr38 the airline
ind%str3 2o%ld s%ffer h%-e financial loses. ?n co%ntries 2here to%rism
is essential to the econom38 s%ch a re1elation 2o%ld be de1astatin-.
Moreo1er8 if TAA '.. had been do2ned b3 o%r o2n militar38 the
-o1ernment 2o%ld be e1en more des0erate to co1er %0 the tr%th.
At a 0ress conference on No1ember '8 ?AA re0orter 7illel Cohen
as)ed8 DAh3 is the Na13 not a s%s0ectHD ?n res0onse8 >allstrom said8
DRemo1e that man.D As abo%t 1. sec%rit3 -%ards s2iftl3 remo1ed
Cohen from the room8 as he sho%ted8 DAe 2ant an inde0endent
Nor 2ere No%rnalists in1esti-atin- /)lahoma Cit3 imm%ne from
harassment. 6a3na @a1is8 the co%ra-eo%s >F/R re0orter 2ho trac)ed
do2n 7%ssaini and >halid8 recei1ed a 2arnin- from the B%rea% that she
2as -ettin- Dtoo closeD to the tr%th8 and sho%ld dro0 her in1esti-ation.
6o%rnalists and in1esti-ators 2ho ha1e attem0ted to inter1ie2 resc%e
2or)ers8 incl%din- firemen8 0olice and other cit3 officials are denied
inter1ie2s. Most 2or)ers sa3 the3'1e been told not to tal) b3 their
s%0eriors or the FB?. DLthe3're afraid of losin- their Nobs or bein-
s%bNected to ab%se if the3 sa3 somethin-8D said 6ane Braham.
N%rse Toni Barret 2as one of man3 0eo0le 2ho had 1ol%nteered to hel0
ta- dead 1ictims that terrible mornin-. Barret and her h%sband 4arl
had N%st ta)en a brea) 2hen the3 noticed federal a-ents arri1in- to set
%0 a command 0ost. DThe3 acted li)e it 2as N%st a drill8 li)e it 2as no
bi- deal8 said Barret. DThe3 2ere )ind of No)in- aro%nd and all that )ind
of st%ff.D
A00ro:imatel3 2. min%tes later8 2hen the Barrets re-entered the
ma)eshift tria-e center8 the3 fo%nd man3 of the doctors and n%rses
-one8 and a com0letel3 different atmos0here 0re1ailed. DThere 2as
nobod3 hel0in- an3more8D said 4arl. DBefore8 there 2ere 0eo0le
brin-in- in food and medical s%00lies * N%st e1er3thin-. Ahen 2e
came bac) in8 there 2as a cold8 callo%s atmos0here. ? fo%nd o%t later
that the FB? had ta)en o1er.LD
B%t 2hat reall3 %0set Toni Barret 2as the fact that the FB? and the
Medical 4:aminer 2ere s%00ressin- the bod3 co%nt8 2hich the3 had
claimed as onl3 22 dead. Barret8 2ho had 0ersonall3 ta--ed o1er 12.
dead bodies that da38 2as shoc)ed. D? 2as bein- inter1ie2ed b3 a lad3
from TBN ;Trinit3 Broadcastin- Net2or)=. ? told her that ? 2as hi-hl3
%0set beca%se the ne2s media and the information the3 2ere bein-
-i1en 2as not acc%rate information. There 2ere man3 more bodies
than 2hat the3 2ere sa3in- on the ne2s media and releasin- at the
DJThe FB?K didn't li)e that Toni 2as bein- inter1ie2ed b3 the media8D
said 4arl. DAn a-ent came J%0K to me and said8 '@o 3o% )no2 herH'
0ointin- to Toni. ? said8 'Ces8 she's m3 2ife.' 7e said8 DAhat is sheH' ?
said8 'Aell8 she's been do2n here all da3 tr3in- to -et 0eo0le o%t of this
b%ildin- and hel0 0eo0le.' 7e t%rned aro%nd to his friends and said8
'Aell8 2e need to -et her o%t of here.' Toni then told me that the
a-ents had told her that the FB? 2as ta)in- o1er and all of %s co%ld -et
o%t. The3 told %s to )ee0 o%r mo%ths sh%t.D
#aid Toni8 DAhen the3 came o1er to me8 one of the a-ents 2as 1er3
0om0o%s and arro-ant abo%t as)in- me 2ho ? 2as8 2hat ? 2as doin-
there8 if ? 2as a ci1ilian8 2here ? 2or)ed8 and 2hat m3 name 2as. ?
didn't feel li)e an3 of that 0ertained to 2hat 2as -oin- on that da3 or
2hat had ha00ened that da38 and he 2anted to )no2 e1er3thin- abo%t
D7e said8 'Aell8 we9re do2n here no28 and 2e're ta)in- o1er the
b%ildin-. ?t 2o%ld be ad1isable and recommendable that 3o% )ee0 3o%r
mo%th sh%t.D
Norma #mith8 2ho 2or)ed at the Federal Co%rtho%se across from the
M%rrah b%ildin- sa28 alon- 2ith n%mero%s others8 the #heriff's bomb
s9%ad con-re-ated in the 0ar)in- lot at &53. that mornin-. #hortl3
after #mith's stor3 a00eared in a local ne2s0a0er8 her ho%se 2as
bro)en into * t2ice. #mith8 fri-htened8 too) earl3 retirement and
mo1ed o%t of state. #he is c%rrentl3 too afraid to tal) to an3one.
The bomb s9%ad8 incidentall38 denied bein- there.
+ew American editor Ailliam 6as0er learned from an /C+@ officer that
d%rin- a mandator3 dail3 sec%rit3 briefin- at the M%rrah B%ildin-8 he
and other assembled 0oliceRresc%eRreco1er3 0ersonnel 2ere told Din no
%ncertain termsD b3 one of the lead federal officials that it 2as
necessar3 for Dsec%rit3D reasons to 0ro1ide the 0%blic 2ith
DmisinformationD re-ardin- certain as0ects of the case8 and that this
Dofficial lineD 2as not to be contradicted b3 an3 of those in
DThere's a lot that's bein- co1ered %08 for some reason8D char-ed a
federal em0lo3ee 2ho narro2l3 esca0ed death b%t 2ho lost man3
friends in the terrorist attac).
#aid a man 2ho lost his father8 DL?'m an-r3 beca%se ? )no2 ?'m bein-
lied to.D
DMan3 of %s are -oin- to come for2ard and challen-e 2hat's -oin- on
as soon as 2e -et some more of the 0ieces fi-%red o%t8D 0led-ed a la2
enforcement officer.
This same 0olice officer later told me he 2as called into the offices of
/C+@ Chief #am Bonales and $.#. Attorne3 +at R3an and told to
Dcease and desist.D
Another officer 2ho 2as told to Dcease and desistD 2as #er-eant
Terrance Cea)e3. /n Ma3 '8 1,,"8 onl3 three da3s before #er-eant
Cea)e3 2as to recei1e the /)lahoma +olice @e0artment's Medal of
<alor8 he Dcommitted s%icide.D The 3. 3ear-old co0 2as fo%nd in a field
near 4l Reno8 not far from 2here 4l Reno +rison -%ard 6oe3 Bladden
Dcommitted s%icide.D 7is 2rists 2ere slashed in n%mero%s 0laces8 as
2as his nec) and throat. A00arentl3 not satisfied 2ith this initial
attem0t to ta)e his life8 he -ot o%t of his car8 2al)ed a mile and-a-half
o1er ro%-h terrain8 then 0%lled o%t his -%n shot himself in the head.
The media claimed /fficer Cea)e3 D2as 2rac)ed 2ith -%iltD o1er his
inabilit3 to hel0 more 0eo0le that fatef%l mornin-. The3 also claimed
he led a Dtro%bled famil3 life8D ha1in- been recentl3 di1orced from his
2ife Tonia8 and se0arated from his t2o da%-hters8 a-ed t2o and fo%r8
2hom the aily !klahoman claimed he 2as not 0ermitted to see d%e
to a restrainin- order.
/ther acco%nts s%--est that Cea)e3 2as rel%ctant to recei1e the Medal
of <alor d%e to his D-%iltD o1er bein- inN%red in the M%rrah B%ildin-. D7e
didn't li)e it8D said his s%0er1isor (t. 6o Ann Randall. DThere are some
0eo0le that li)e to be heroes and some that don't. 7e 2as not one that
2anted that.D
D7e had a lot of -%ilt beca%se he -ot h%rt8D added fello2 officer 6im
A00arentl38 there 2as m%ch more behind /fficer Terrance Cea)e3's
rel%ctance to be honored as a hero.
D7e )e0t tellin- me it 2asn't 2hat ? tho%-ht it 2as8D said his e:-2ife8
Tonia Ri1era8 Dthat the3 2ere onl3 choosin- officers 2ho 2ere not e1en
at the site8 3o% )no2 * 2ho didn't see an3thin- * to ta)e 0%blic
re2ards8 reco-nition8 that sort of st%ff.
DThe3 started 0ress%rin- them into ta)in- Jthe re2ardsK8D added
Ri1era. DThere came a time abo%t mid-3ear8 2here the3 2ere forcin-
him into -oin- to these a2ard ceremonies. As in8 'Ces8 3o% could not
-o8 b%t 2e'll ma)e 3o%r life hellL'
The stor3 of the rel%ctant hero8 she added8 2as nothin- more than a
Dreal thin 1eil of tr%thD 2hich co1ered %0 a Dmo%ntain of deceit.D
DJTKerr3 2anted no 0art of it.D
7is sister8 <ic)i 6ones8 a-reed. DTerr3 hated that st%ff. '?'m no hero8' he
2o%ld sa3. 'Nobod3 that had an3thin- to do 2ith hel0in- those 0eo0le
in that bombin- are heroes.D
Ah3 2o%ld the Medal of <alor reci0ient ma)e s%ch a biarre-so%ndin-
statementH ?n a letter he 2rote to a bombin- 1ictim and friend Ramona
Mc@onald8 the officer tells the real reason for his rel%ctance to be
honored as a hero5
@ear Ramona8
? ho0e that 2hate1er 3o% hear no2 and in the f%t%re 2ill not chan-e
3o%r o0inions abo%t m3self or others 2ith the /)lahoma Cit3 +olice
@e0artment8 altho%-h some of the thin-s ? am abo%t to tell 3o% abo%t
is JsicK 1er3 dist%rbin-.
? don't )no2 if 3o% recall e1er3thin- that ha00ened that mornin- or
not8 so ? am not s%re if 3o% )no2 2hat ? am referrin- to.
The man that 3o% and ? 2ere tal)in- abo%t in the 0ict%res ? ha1e made
the mista)e of as)in- too man3 9%estions as to his role in the bombin-8
and 2as told to bac) off.
? 2as told b3 se1eral officers he 2as an ATF a-ent 2ho 2as o1erseein-
the bombin- 0lot and at the time the 0hotos 2ere ta)en he 2as callin-
in his re0ort of 2hat had N%st 2ent do2nI
? thin) m3 da3s as a 0olice officer are n%mbered beca%se of the 2a3
m3 s%0er1isors are actin- and there is JsicK a lot of secrets floatin-
aro%nd no2 abo%t m3 mental state of mind. ? thin) the3 are -oin- to
2rite me %0 beca%se of m3 e:-2ife and a <+/.
? told 3o% abo%t tal)in- to Cha0lain +oe8 2ell the bastard 2rote %0 in a
re0ort statin- ? sho%ld be relie1ed of m3 d%tiesI ? made the mista)e of
thin)in- that a 0erson's con1ersation 2ith a cha0lain 2as 0ri1ate8
2hich b3 the 2a3 mi-ht ha1e cost me m3 Nob as a 0olice officerI A
friend at head9%arters told me that +oe sent o%t letters to e1er3one in
the de0artmentI That B?TC7 ;6o Ann Randall= ? told 3o% abo%t is %0 to
somethin- and ? thin) it has somethin- to do 2ith +oe. ?f she -ets her
2a38 the3 2ill tar and feather meI
? 2as told that 6ac) +oe has 2ritten %0 a re0ort on e1er3 sin-le officer
that has been in to see him8 incl%din- Bordon Martin and 6ohn A1er3.
>no2in- 2hat ? )no2 no28 and %nderstandin- f%ll3 N%st 2hat 2ent
do2n that mornin-8 ma)es me ashamed to 2ear a bad-e from
/)lahoma Cit3's +olice @e0artment. ? too) and oath to %0hold the (a2
and to enforce the (a2 to the best of m3 abilit3. This is somethin- ?
cannot honestl3 do and hold m3 head %0 0ro%d an3 lon-er if ? )ee0 m3
silence as ? am ordered to do.
There are se1eral others o%t there 2ho 2as JsicK 2hat 2e sa2 and
e1en some 2ho 0la3ed a role in 2hat ha00ened that da3.
JT2o +a-es Missin-K
M3 -%ess is the more time an officer has to thin) abo%t the scre2 %0
the more he is -oin- to 9%estion 2hat ha00enedL Can 3o% ima-ine
2hat 2o%ld be comin- do2n no2 if that had been o%r officers' 2ho had
let this ha00enH Beca%se it 2as the feds that did this and not the
locals8 is the reason it's o)a3. Co% 2ere ri-ht all alon- and ? am tr%l3
sorr3 ? do%bted 3o% and 3o%r moti1es abo%t recordin- histor3. Co%
sho%ld )no2 that it is -oin- to one-hell-of-a-fi-ht.
41er3one 2as behind 3o% %ntil 3o% started as)in- 9%estions as ? did8 as
to ho2 so man3 federal a-ents arri1ed at the scene at the same time.
(%)e Frane3 ;a ATF a-ent 2ho claimed he 2as in the b%ildin-= 2as not
in the b%ildin- at the time of the blast8 ? )no2 this for a fact8 ? sa2 himI
? also sa2 f%ll riot -ear 2orn 2ith rifles in hand8 2h3H @on't ma)e the
mista)e as ? did and as) the 2ron- 0eo0le.
? 2orr3 abo%t 3o% and 3o%r 3o%n- famil3 beca%se of some of the
statements that ha1e been made to2ards me8 a 0olice officerI
Ahate1er 3o% do don't confront Mc+hearson 2ith the bomb s9%ad
abo%t 2hat ? told 3o%. 7is actions and defensi1eness to2ards the
bombin- 2o%ld ma)e an3 normal 0erson thin) he 2as defendin-
himself as if he dro1e the damn tr%c) %0 to the b%ildin- himself. ? am
not 2orried for m3self8 b%t for 3o% and 3o%r -ro%0. ? 2o%ld not be
afraid to sa3 at this time that 3o% and 3o%r famil3 co%ld be harmed if
3o% -et an3 closer to the tr%th. At this time ? thin) for 3o%r 2ell bein- it
is best for 3o% to distance 3o%rself and others from those of %s 2ho
ha1e stirred %0 to man3 9%estions abo%t the alterin- and falsif3in- of
the federal in1esti-ation's re0orts.
? tr%l3 belie1e there are other officers li)e me o%t there 2ho 2o%ld not
settle for an3thin- b%t the tr%th8 it is N%st a matter of findin- them. The
onl3 tr%e 0roblem as ? see it is8 2ho do 2e t%rn to thenH
?t is 1ital that 0eo0le li)e 3o%8 4d3e #mith8 and others )ee0 as)in-
9%estions and demandin- ans2ers for the actions of o%r Federal
Bo1ernment and la2 enforcement a-encies that )ne2 beforehand and
0artici0ated in the co1er-%0.
The sad tr%th of the matter is that the3 ha1e so man3 0olice officers
con1inced that b3 co1erin- %0 the tr%th abo%t the o0eration -one
2ron-8 that the3 are act%all3 doin- o%r citiens a fa1or. Ahat ? 2ant to
)no2 is ho2 man3 other o0erations ha1e the3 had that ble2 %0 in their
facesH Ma)es 3o% sto0 and ta)e another loo) at Aaco.
? 2o%ld consider it to be an ins%lt to m3 0rofession as a 0olice officer
and to the citiens of /)lahoma for ANC of the Cit38 #tate or Federal
a-ents that stood b3 and let this ha00en to be reco-nied as an3 thin-
other than their 0art in 0artici0ation in lettin- this ha00en. For those
2ho ran from the scene to chan-e their attire to hide the fact that the3
2ere there8 sho%ld be N%d-ed as co2ards.
?f o%r histor3 boo)s and records are e1er tr%l3 corrected abo%t that da3
it 2ill sho2 this and ma3be e1en some lame e:c%se as to 2h3 it
ha00ened8 b%t ? tr%l3 don't belie1e it 2ill from 2hat ? no2 )no2 to
be the tr%th.
41en if ? tried to e:0lain it to 3o% the 2a3 it 2as e:0lained to me8 and
the ridic%lo%s reason for ha1in- o%t o2n 0olice de0artments falsif3
re0orts to their fello2 officers8 to the citiens of the cit3 and to o%r
co%ntr38 3o% 2o%ld %nderstand 2h3 ? feel the 2a3 ? do abo%t all of this.
? belie1e that a lot of the 0roblems the officers are ha1in- ri-ht no2 are
beca%se some of them )no2 2hat reall3 ha00ened and can't deal 2ith
it8 and others li)e m3self made the mista)e of tr%stin- the one 0erson
2e 2ere s%00osed to be able to t%rn to ;Cha0lain +oe= onl3 to be
stabbed in the bac).
? am sad to sa3 that ? belie1e m3 da3s as a 0olice officer are n%mbered
beca%se of all of thisL.
#hortl3 after the bombin-8 Cea)e3 a00eared at his e:-2ife's. DAbo%t
t2o 2ee)s before his death8 he'd come into m3 home at stran-e
times8D said Ri1era8 Dt2o-thirt3 in the mornin-8 fo%r in the mornin-8
%nanno%nced * tr3in- to -i1e me life ins%rance 0olicies.L 7e )e0t
tellin- me 2e needed to -et remarried immediatel38 or me and the
-irls 2o%ld not be ta)en care of.
D? mean8 2h3 2o%ld a -%3 tell 3o% to ta)e a life ins%rance 0olic38
)no2in- damn 2ell it 2o%ldn't 0a3 for a s%icideH 7e ob1io%sl3 )ne2 he
2as in dan-er.D
Cet /fficer Terrance Cea)e3 2as not the t30e of 0erson to easil3 sho2
his feelin-s. 7e didn't 2ant to tell his famil3 an3thin- that mi-ht -et
them h%rt.
D7e told me eno%-h to let me )no2 that it 2as not 2hat the3 2ere
ma)in- it o%t to be8D said Ri1era8 Dand that he 2as dis-%sted and didn't
2ant an3 0art of it8 b%t he ne1er 2ent into detail.L ?t scared me.D
Aithin da3s of the bombin-8 accordin- to a s3m0athetic -o1ernment
so%rce 2ho has s0o)en to Ri1era8 Cea)e3 be-an recei1in- death
threats. 7e 2as at his e:-2ife's a0artment 2hen the calls came. Afraid
for his famil38 he -ot %0 and left.
DAhen he came to m3 a0artment t2o 2ee)s 0rior8 tr3in- to -i1e me
these ins%rance 0olicies8D said Ri1era8 Dhe sat on m3 li1in- room co%ch
and cried and told me ho2 he had a fi-ht 2ith Jhis s%0er1isorsK (t.
Randall and MaN. $0ch%rch. 7e did not tell me 2hat that entailed8 b%t
he 2as scared * he 2as cr3in- so badl3 he 2as sha)in-.
D7e 2o%ldn't totall3 1oice 2hate1er it 2as8D recalled Ri1era. D?t 2as li)e
he'd be N%st abo%t to tell me * he'd 2ant to s0ill his -%ts * and then
he sto00ed8 and he N%st cried. And that's 2hen he )e0t insistin- that
? ta)e the ins%rance 0olic3.D
Altho%-h Cea)e3 2as concerned for his famil38 the marria-e 2as not
2itho%t ab%se. Ri1era had filed a <+/ ;<ictim's +rotecti1e /rder=
a-ainst him sli-htl3 o1er t2o 3ears a-o. ?n a fit of tem0er8 Cea)e3 had
once threatened to ta)e his life and those of his 2ife and children.
D? thin) it 2as said in the haste of8 2ell8 he's -oin- to )ill all of %s )ind
of thin- * co0 %nder 0ress%re8D said Ri1era. B%t that 2as o1er a 3ear
and-a-half a-o. Cea)e3 had s0ent considerable time 2ith his 2ife and
children since then8 ta)in- them on famil3 o%tin-s and so forth.
Ne1ertheless8 the /)lahoma Cit3 +olice @e0artment ;/C+@= attem0ted
to %se the incident to claim that Cea)e3 2as s%icidal. ?t 2as on the da3
of his death8 aro%nd 153. 0.m.8 that the3 called Ri1era8 tr3in- to -et
her to file a <+/ <iolation based on the t2o-3ear-old re0ort. DThe3
2anted me to come do2n and ma)e some statements a-ainst him8D
Ri1era said.
/n the same afternoon8 in-bet2een messa-es on his ans2erin-
machine from his sister8 <ic)i 6ones and his s%0er1isor (t. 6o Ann
Randall8 Cea)e3 had a messa-e from Tonia. DThe messa-e 2as li)e at
!53. in the afternoon8D recalled Ri1era. D? so%nd li)e ?'m 2his0erin-8
and ?'m a0olo-iin- for 2a)in- him %0 * at !53. in the afternoon * on
?t seems the intent behind this cle1erl3-crafted dece0tion 2as to
con1ince the famil3 and 0otential in1esti-ators that Ri1era 2as an De1il
0erson8D 2ho 2as slee0in- 2ith him the ni-ht before8 b%t D2ent do2n
and filed a <+/ the ne:t da3.D
DThat ta0e 2as 0lanted8D said Ri1era. D? ne1er called his ho%se.D
?t seemed the /C+@ 2as 0la3in- an elaborate -ame to so2 conf%sion
and mistr%st8 and create the a00earance that Ri1era 2as res0onsible
for her e:-h%sband's death.
D#o it comes o%t in 0a0er after 0a0er ho2 he's ha1in- 0roblems 2ith
his e:-2ife8 ho2 he's not allo2ed to see his children.L DThe3're tr3in-
to 0la3 %0 the stor3 of the bitch-ass 2ife 2hose tr3in- to -et him
Cet Ri1era claimed she ne1er filed a <+/ 1iolation. DThe /C+@ 2anted
to file one8D said Ri1era. DB%t ? ne1er si-ned it.D Ri1era claimed she had
-one to the 0olice station8 b%t sim0l3 o%t of concern for her e:-
h%sband8 2ho had been actin- stran-el3.
DNobod3 e1er said8 'Mrs. Cea)e38 Terr3's missin-. @o 3o% )no2
an30lace he mi-ht ha1e -one toH The3 ne1er told me that the3 2eren't
able to locate him8 that the3 2ere concerned8 3o% )no2 * nothin-. ?
ne1er )ne2 he 2as missin-.D
?f /fficer Cea)e3's death 2as an3thin- more than a s%icide8 the /C+@
didn't -o to an3 -reat len-ths to find o%t. Ahile his death occ%rred in 4l
Reno8 the /C+@ too) o1er the crime scene8 s9%eein- the 4l Reno
+olice @e0artment o%t of the 0ict%re. The /C+@'s Media Relations
officer8 C0t. Ted Carlton8 e:0lained8 D?t 2as o%r 0olice officer 2ho 2as
)illed. ?t's not %ncommon Jto ta)e o1er the in1esti-ationK in the case of
a smaller 0olice a-enc3.D
Altho%-h forensics are also standard 0roced%re in the e1ent of a
1iolent or s%s0icio%s death8 es0eciall3 that of a 0olice officer8 Cea)e3's
car 2as ne1er d%sted for 0rints. DAnd the ne:t da38 the3 -a1e %s the
damn carID said Mrs. 6arrahi. D?t 2as f%ll of blood.D
Ahen Cea)e3's Brother-in-(a28 Blenn 6ones8 ins0ected the dead man's
car8 he disco1ered a blood3 )nife stashed %nderneath the -lo1e
com0artment. Cet accordin- to the res0ondin- officer8 Cea)e3 had
a00arentl3 %sed a raor blade. Ahere did the )nife come fromH #ince
no forensic in1esti-ation 2as cond%cted8 this remains %nclear.
No a%to0s3 2as e1er cond%cted.
DThere 2ere common sense thin-s that 2ere 2ron- abo%t the 2hole
thin-8 that ma)es it so 2eird8D added Mrs. 6arrahi. D?t N%st doesn't seem
ri-ht. Ah3 2o%ld 0olicemen and the a%thorities ma)e s%ch common
mista)es that 2o%ld lea1e 9%estionsH ?t's N%st reall3 2eird.D
?f Cea)e3's death was a s%icide8 he left no note. Altho%-h he 2as %0set
o1er his di1orce8 accordin- to the famil38 he 2as not s%icidal. ?t is also
%nli)el3 that he ab%sed dr%-s8 as he 2as an instr%ctor at @AR48 a
0ro-ram desi-ned to )ee0 children o88 dr%-s.
Former Canadian Co%nt3 #heriff Clint Boehler8 2ho claims to ha1e
)no2n Cea)e38 doesn't conc%r 2ith this anal3sis. Boehler said that
Cea)e3 sho2ed %0 at his ho%se in 4l Reno on the afternoon of his
death8 his car sto00ed at an an-le in the middle of the road. Ahen
Boehler and his -irlfriend >ate Allen8 a 0aramedic8 ran o%tside8 the3
fo%nd the 0olice officer 1irt%all3 0assed o%t.
D7e co%ldn't tell %s his name initiall38D said Allen. D7e 2as ill8 and he
2as 1er3 an:io%s. 7is heart rate 2as ra0idG he 2as s2eat3.L 7e told %s
he had been ha1in- concentration 0roblems8 he hadn't sle0t. 7e had
all the a00earances8 m3 first -%ess 2o%ld be8 of someone 2ho 2as
ha1in- emotional 0roblems. And m3 second -%ess 2o%ld be8 of some
)ind of s%bstance ab%se 0roblem. B%t that's a 0%re -%ess.D
Boehler added that Cea)e3 said he hadn't eaten8 and 2as Dthro2in-
%08 ta)in- medication8 and incoherent. D7e 2as ta)in- medications for
his bac)8D said Boehler. D7e had fo%r or fi1e medications in the car.D
Boehler and Allen didn't )no2 that Cea)e3 had #ic)le-Cell Anemia * a
blood-s%-ar-related condition that ca%sed sei%res. ?t 2as these
sei%res8 Ri1era e:0lained8 that 2o%ld occasionall3 ca%se her e:-
h%sband to act Do%t-of-sorts8D or e1en to sli0 into %nconscio%sness.
?n s0ite of his medical condition8 Ri1era insisted that Terrance Cea)e3
2as a health fanatic. The 0rescri0tions 2ere for his condition8 she said8
b%t he %sed onl3 the minim%m amo%nts.
Accordin- to Canadian Co%nt3 #heriff @e0%t3 Mi)e Ramse3 ;no relation
to /C+@ /fficer 6im Ramse3=8 2ho dro1e Cea)e3 home8 Cea)e3 2as not
s%icidal. D7e didn't -i1e me an3 indications that he 2as o%t to do harm
to himself8D said Ramse3. D7e seemed more disoriented8 tiredLD
There are man3 thin-s abo%t /fficer Cea)e3's death that remain a
m3ster3. Ahile Boehler described a man on dr%-s8 the Medical
4:aminer claims the3 didn't bother to cond%ct a dr%- test beca%se it
Dcosts too m%ch.D
The M4's field in1esti-ator8 6effre3 (e--8 also re0orted that Cea)e3 Dhad
been drin)in- hea1il3D the da3 before8 based on statements made b3
/C+@ 7omicide @etecti1es @ic%s and M%lline:. Cet Terrance Cea)e3
didn't drin)8 and their o2n re0ort concl%ded that there 2as no alcohol
in the bod3 at the time of death.
Canadian Co%nt3 #heriffs disco1ered the abandoned car8 filled 2ith
blood8 abo%t t2o and-a-half miles from the old 4l Reno reformator3. The
/C+@ 2as notified8 and +olice Chief #am Bonales fle2 o%t b3 cho00er.
$sin- do-s8 the3 follo2ed a trail of blood8 and fo%nd the bod3 in a
ditch8 abo%t a mile and-a-half from the car. ;(e-- re0orted the bod3
2as 1R2 mile so%th of the car8 2hen in fact it 2as 1 1R2 miles north-
east of the car.=
A00arentl3 Cea)e3 had tried to c%t himself in the 2rists8 nec)8 and
throat8 then8 after losin- a00ro:imatel3 t2o 0ints of blood8 -ot o%t of
his car ;contentio%sl3 rememberin- to loc) the doors=8 2al)ed a mile
and-a-half o1er ro%-h terrain8 cra2led %nder a barbed-2ire fence8
2aded thro%-h a c%l1ert8 then la3 do2n in a ditch and shot himself in
the head.
As is this 2eren't stran-e eno%-h8 Cea)e3's diet-related condition
2o%ld ha1e made him too 2ea) to 2al) the mile and-a-half from his
car to 2here his bod3 2as fo%nd * es0eciall3 after losin- t2o to three
0ints of blood.
Ne1ertheless8 the /C+@ r%led it a s%icide on the s0ot. Their
in1esti-ation remained sealed. This re0orter 2as %nable to obtain it8
and not e1en the famil3 2as allo2ed to see it.
DThere 2ere so man3 thin-s that 2ere 2eird8D said Mrs. 6arrahi. DM3
da%-hter )e0t -oin- bac) to the +olice @e0artment. #he said8 'Aell
2hat abo%t thisL 2e )ne2 he had a camcorder8 2e )ne2 he had a
DThese are thin-s 2e ne1er -ot bac). The )id al2a3s carried camera
and film. J7eK ne1er 2ent an32here 2itho%t his camera and briefcase.
7e had all his im0ortant 0a0ers in there.L Ae -ot the camera bac).
Ae ne1er -ot the film bac). Ae ne1er -ot the briefcase. The3 said the3
ne1er sa2 itL.D
?n re-ards to Cea)e3's 1ideos8 @etecti1e M%lline:8 2ho Din1esti-atedD
the case for the /C+@8 told <ic)i 6ones8 D? reall3 don't thin) 3o%'ll 2ant
to see thoseG the3 contain 0orno-ra0h3.D 6ones didn't belie1e him and
didn't care. D? 2ant those ta0esID she demanded.
The 7omicide detecti1e finall3 told her she'd -et them bac) after the3
had De:amined the e1idence.D
D/ne min%te the -%3 2o%ld sa3 he had them8D said 6ones8 Dthe ne:t
min%te he'd sa3 '2e don't ha1e an3thin-.L'D
Accordin- to 6ones8 M%lline: then said8 DNo28 2e all lo1ed Terr3. ? ho0e
3o% %nderstand that8 b%t ?'m not -oin- to let 3o% see an3 0ict%res. And
? don't )no2 an3thin- abo%t a briefcase8 b%t if there's an3thin- bac)
there8 ?'ll -i1e 3o% a call8 and 3o% can come bac) and -et them.D
DAnd ? N%st sat there and loo)ed at him8 and said to m3self8 'Co%'re
doin- a -reat 0erformance8 b%t it's not 2or)in-.L' Then he -ot reall3
%0ti-ht and said8 'Aell8 some of %s hated Terr3.' JThenK he )ind of
-rabbed his face and said 'oh shit.'D
For his 0art8 M%lline: had Dno comment either 2a3.D 7e then told me8 D?
don't remember 2hat ? said to the lad38 b%t ? certainl3 2as not r%de to
her.L This comes as a bi- shoc) to me8 beca%se he 2as a 0olice officer
and a friend of mine. ?t 2as a hard thin- and h%rt me to ha1e to 2or)
C0t. Carlton li)e2ise fei-ned shoc) at 6ones' reb%ffs8 and said he 2o%ld
ha1e to )no2 2ho the officer 2as 2ho made those statements. 7e
then as)ed me to ha1e the famil3 contact the /C+@ directl3 ;as tho%-h
the3 hadn't alread3 done so n%mero%s times=8 and he 2o%ld meet 2ith
them and disc%ss the case8 b%t that C0t. @ann3 Coc)ran8 Chief of the
7omicide #9%ad8 2o%ld ha1e to ma)e the decision abo%t 2hether or
not to let the famil3 see the files.
Cet Carlton's statements fl3 in the face of the e:0eriences of not
onl3 Cea)e3's mother and sister8 b%t those of his e:-2ife. ?n a letter to
+olice Chief #am Bonales dated #e0tember 48 1,,"8 Ri1era 2rites5
Needless to sa38 ? ha1e man3 9%estions re-ardin- the in1esti-ation.
Ahat t30e of 2ea0on 2as %sed to inflict the -%nshot 2o%nd to his
headH Aho located the bod3H 7o2 co%ld the ca%se of death be
determined 2ith s%ch confidence 2ith the m%ltit%de of inN%ries to his
bod3 and ho2 did he 2al) the distance indicated in People ma-aine
2ith the -reat loss of blood from raor c%ts not onl3 to both 2rists8 b%t
both his forearms as 2ell as t2o raor c%ts to his nec)H Not onl3 did he
2al) this distance8 b%t he str%--led 2ith bob2ire fencin- to reach his
chosen destination to die then inflicted the -%nshot 2o%nd to himselfH
? re9%est that a co03 of the in1esti-ati1e re0ort of his death be made
a1ailable to me.
Bonales didn't res0ond.
+olice officials e1ent%all3 res0onded to <ic)i 6ones' com0laints b3
tellin- her she needed to see a 0s3chiatrist. DThe3 said8 'Ae're N%st
tr3in- to 0rotect 3o%.'D
4:actl3 2hat 2ere the3 tr3in- to 0rotect her fromH Ahen ? called Mrs.
6arrahi8 the telltale si-ns of a ta00ed 0hone 2ere clearl3 0resent. ?f
Terrance Cea)e3's death 2as a sim0le s%icide8 2h3 2o%ld la2-
enforcement a-encies be ta00in- the famil3's 0honesH
The /C+@ soon be-an cond%ctin- s%r1eillance on the dead man's
DThere 2as al2a3s an officer o%t there in front of o%r a0artment8D said
6ones. An32here 2e 2ent8 2e had an officer or someone in a mar)ed
car follo2in- %s aro%nd. ?t started ri-ht after ? started -oin- to the
+olice @e0artment 9%ite a bit.D
The3 also tailed Ri1era. Ahen she confronted the officers8 the3 i-nored
her8 hid their faces8 or s0ed off. Cars 2ere 0ar)ed o%tside her childrens'
school. Ahen she s0o)e to school officials abo%t the s%r1eillance one
afternoon8 she 2ent to 2or) startled to find the con1ersation on her
office ans2erin- machineI Ri1era had s0o)en to the school 0rinci0al in
0erson. 7o2 did the con1ersation 2ind %0 on her ans2erin-
The harassment a-ainst /fficer Cea)e3's famil3 2asn't limited to mere
s%r1eillance. After Ri1era met 2ith #tate Re0resentati1e Charles >e38
her car 2as bro)en into. 7er ho%se 2as bro)en into t2ice.
#he finall3 mo1ed to 4nid 2hen the heat became too hot. D? li1ed in an
a0artment on the third floor 2ith a sec%rit3 alarm in it8D said Ri1era.
D?'d come home and the alarm 2o%ld be off. ?'d notice thin-s o%t of
0lace. There'd be cabinets o0en that ?'d ha1e no reason to ha1e
Abo%t t2o 2ee)s after Terr3's death8 Ri1era 2ent do2nstairs aro%nd
"53. one mornin- to do some la%ndr38 Dand there 2as a man
do2nstairs 2ith h%-e head0hones on8 at "53. in the mornin-8 ri-ht
behind m3 a0artment.LD
The indi1id%al8 2ho 2as 2earin- a No--in- s%it * 2asn't No--in-8 and
2as not doin- la%ndr3. D7e loo)ed startled 2hen ? came aro%nd the
corner8D said Ri1era. D? came bac) do2n at '53. and the -%3 2as still
?t a00ears that 2hat Ri1era 2as describin- 2as an a%dio technician
2ith a D#hot-%n Mic8D a 0ortable s%r1eillance tool desi-ned to 0ic) %0
con1ersations thro%-h 2indo2s and across fields. The3 are commonl3
%sed b3 0ri1ate detecti1es and la2-enforcement a-encies.
/ne da3 Ri1era came home to find her front door o0en and off its
hin-es. Ahen the fri-htened sin-le mother 2al)ed into her bedroom8
she fo%nd a balloon tied to her door. ?t read5 DBet 2ell soon. This 2ill
)ee0 3o% b%s3 %ntil 3o% do.D
?t seems the /C+@ and the FB? tho%-ht that /fficer Cea)e3 had 0assed
off some incriminatin- doc%ments concernin- the bombin- co1er-%0 to
his e:-2ife8 and 2ere intent on obtainin- the doc%ments.
The s%r1eillance8 brea)-ins8 and thinl3-1eiled threats soon escalated
into more serio%s incidents. Ri-ht before Cea)e3's m%rder8 the co%0le's
Ford 4:0lorer be-an -ettin- m3sterio%s flats. DAnd 2hen ?'d roll it into a
sho08D said Ri1era8 Dthe3'd 0%ll o%t li)e si: or se1en nails.D This
occ%rred bet2een ei-ht and ten times8 she claims.
Ri1era e:0lained that once d%rin- a 9%arrel8 Terr3 had remo1ed some
f%ses from her car to )ee0 her from lea1in-. The 0olice )ne2 abo%t the
incident8 said Ri1era8 2ho tho%-ht the s%bse9%ent e1ents 2ere created
b3 the /C+@ to so2 mistr%st and 0ro1ide a con1enient trail of e1idence
to 0ro1e that Cea)e3 led a tro%bled famil3 life. Cet 2hile Cea)e3
admitted to remo1in- the f%ses8 he re0eatedl3 and adamantl3 denied
that he had dama-ed the car * a car that 2as re-istered in his name
and carried his cherished children to and from school.
/n A0ril 248 t2o 2ee)s before he 2as fo%nd dead8 the 4:0lorer be-an
actin- stran-el3. Ahen Ri1era 0%lled it into the local Aamco
Transmission Center8 she fo%nd that it had been tam0ered 2ith.
D#omebod3 2ho )ne2 2hat the3 2ere doin- 0%lled hoses from 3o%r
car8D said Todd Ta3lor8 the chief mechanic. D?'m sorr3 to tell this ma'am8
b%t this is not N%st somethin- 3o% can 0%ll randoml3.LD Ta3lor also said
he tho%-h Ri1era's bra)es had been tam0ered 2ith.
Abo%t t2o 2ee)s before this stor3 2ent to 0ress8 the Ford's bra)es
2ent o%t s%ddenl3 2hile Ri1era 2as tra1elin- at 4. m0h. D? 2ent to
bra)e8D said Ri1era8 Dand -%ess 2hatH No bra)esID The lar-e 4 E 4
slammed into the bac) of smaller car8 dama-in- it badl3. DThe
messa-e is '2e can -et to 3o% if 2e 2ant to8'D she concl%ded.
/fficer J6imK Ramse3 also be-an ma)in- his 0resence felt. DAll of the
s%dden8 2hen 2e mo1ed to /)lahoma Cit3 Jfrom 4l RenoK8D said 6ones8
Dthere 2as Ramse3. Ahen 2e Noined a ne2 ch%rch8 Ramse3 2as there.
Ramse3 2as e1er32here. Co% t%rn the corner8 there 2as Ramse3.L
41er3thin- 2e did8 he 2as li)e the hel0f%l old -%3. This 2ent on for t2o
D7e 2as )ee0in- tabs on e1er3one8D added Ri1era. D7e 2as sho2in- %0
in a lot of 0lacesL N%st cas%all38 in fact8 0laces 2here he )ne2 that
0eo0le )ne2 me N%st as 2ell as the3 )ne2 Terr38 and 2eren't b%3in-
into the 'it's Tonia's fa%lt' ro%tine.
DJRamse3K tried to claim it 2as his e:-2ife and lo1e for his children he
co%ldn't see that made him commit s%icide8D she added. 7e 2o%ld tal)
to her friends. D'7o2's she ta)in- itH Ahat does she thin)8 blah8 blah8
Both Ri1era and 6ones feel the /C+@ officer 2as sent to Dbab3-sitD
them * to maintain an e1er-0resent 2atchf%l e3e. DJAhen he sho2ed
%0K8D 6ones said8 D? loo)ed at him and said8 that is not a friend of Terr3's.
7e 2as ne1er at the ho%se. ? ne1er met him before.D
Ramse38 2ho told People ma-aine that Cea)e3 2as his Ddear friend8D
also told the 0ress that he 2as Terr3's 0artner.
DThat 2as a lie8D declared 6ones.
Ri1era conc%rred. The e:-2ife said that not onl3 2as Ramse3 ne,er
Cea)e3's 0artner8 b%t that the t2o men didn't e1en -et alon-. DTerr3
hated 6im Ramse38D said Ri1era. D7e 0%t on a real -ood 0erformance8D
she added. D7e's hidin- somethin-8 ? belie1e.L ?t b%rns me %0.D
For his 0erformance8 Ramse3 2as 0romoted to @etecti1e8 and made
D/fficer of the Cear.D
?f Terrance Cea)e3 did ha1e man3 friends in the +olice @e0artment8
the3 2ere amon- the beat 0atrolmen8 not the %00er echelon. Ahile
@etecti1e M%lline: said e1er3bod3 Dlo1ed Terr38D accordin- to Ri1era8
the brass Dhated his -%ts.D D7im and JMaN.K $0ch%rch had a hate-hate
relationshi08D she said.
For his 0art8 M%lline: claims he 2as Dtotall3 %na2areD of an3 0roblems
Cea)e3 2as ha1in- in re-ards to 2hat he )ne2 abo%t the bombin-. D?t
is m3 o0inion as a fo%rteen-3ear homicide 1eteran that it 2as a
s%icide8D said M%lline:.L ?f 2e tho%-ht it 2as an3thin- Jother than a
s%icideK 2e 2o%ld ha1e 0%rs%ed it to the ends of the earth. Ae're not
hidin- an3thin-.D
Accordin- to Ri1era8 three -o1ernment so%rces8 incl%din- a $.#.
Attorne3 and a $.#. Marshal8 hold a sli-htl3 different 1ie2. As rela3ed
b3 Ri1era8 the e1ents on the mornin- of /fficer Cea)e3's death
trans0ired as follo2s5
At ,5.. a.m.8 /fficer Cea)e3 2as seen e:itin- his /)lahoma Cit3
a0artment 2ith nine bo:es of 1ideos and files. 7e then dro1e to the
0olice station 2here he had a fi-ht 2ith his s%0er1isors.
7e 2as told to Ddro0 itD or he'd D2ind %0 dead.D
Cea)e3 2as also d%e for a meetin- 2ith the heads of se1eral federal
a-encies that mornin-. 7e a00arentl3 decided to s)i0 the meetin-s8
instead8 dri1in- strai-ht to a stora-e loc)er he maintained in
Ahat he didn't realie 2as that the FB? had him %nder s%r1eillance8 and
be-an 0%rs%it. The si:-3ear /C+@ 1eteran and former #heriff's @e0%t3
easil3 el%ded his 0%rs%ers. /nce at his stora-e facilit38 he sec%red his
Ahat 2ere in the filesH Accordin- to one of Ri1era's so%rces8
incriminatin- 0hotos and 1ideos of the bombed-o%t b%ildin-. +erha0s
/n the 2a3 bac)8 the feds ca%-ht %0 2ith him N%st o%tside of 4l Reno.
D7e had nothin- on him8D at that 0oint8 said Ri1era8 DN%st co0ies of
Ahile it is not )no2n e:actl3 2hat trans0ired ne:t8 Ri1era's confidential
so%rce Ddescribed in intimate detail8D the state of the dead man's car.
The seats had been com0letel3 %nbolted8 the floor-boards ri00ed %08
and the side 0anels remo1ed8 all in an a00arent effort to find the
incriminatin- doc%ments.
There 2ere also b%rn mar)s on the floor. A00arentl38 the )illers had
%sed Cea)e3's car to destro3 2hat little e1idence the3 had
At a00ro:imatel3 "5.. 0.m. that e1enin-8 Canadian Co%nt3 @e0%t3
#heriff Mi)e Ramse3 2as cr%isin- the area near the old 4l Reno
reformator3 2hen he noticed an abandoned 1ehicle in a field.
D?mmediatel3 JtheK hair stood %0 on the bac) of m3 nec)8D said the
de0%t3. Ramse3 came %0on the em0t3 car 2hich he immediatel3
reco-nied as Cea)e3's. There 2as blood on both seats8 and a raor
blade l3in- on the dash. Cea)e3 2as no2here to be fo%nd.
The de0%t3 immediatel3 called for a homicide in1esti-ator8 and ta0ed
off the scene. ?t 2asn't %ntil se1eral ho%rs later that 0olice do-s finall3
located Cea)e3's bod3 in a ditch8 a mile and-a-half a2a3.
Ahile it 2as a macabre scene8 the /)lahoma Cit3 Medical 4:aminer's
re0ort 2as e1en more -r%esome. The re0ort released from the Medical
4:aminer described n%mero%s Ds%0erficialD lacerations on the 2rists8
arms8 throat8 and nec)8 and a sin-le b%llet 2o%nd to the ri-ht tem0le.
The re0ort also sho2ed another c%rio%s thin-. The b%llet had entered
N%st abo1e and in front of the ri-ht ear8 and had e:ited to2ards the
bottom of the left ear. A00arentl38 2hoe1er held the -%n held it at a
do2n2ard an-le. A 0erson shootin- themself 2o%ld tend to hold the
-%n at an %02ard an-le8 or at the most8 le1el. ?t 2o%ld rather diffic%lt
for a lar-e8 m%scle-bo%nd man li)e Cea)e3 to hold a hea13 ser1ice
re1ol1er or other lar-e caliber 2ea0on at a do2n2ard an-le to his
head. ;#ee A00endi:=
Ahile it is tr%e that a sl%- can alter its traNector3 once inside the s)%ll8
a 0atholo-ist in the #an Francisco Medical 4:aminer's office told me
that a ,mm or other lar-e caliber 2ea0on * the t30e commonl3 %sed
b3 0olice officers * %s%all3 tends to tra1el in a strai-ht line.
B%t 0erha0s the most re1ealin- e1idence 2as that the 2o%nd did not
ha1e a D#tellat8D the tell-tale star sha0e ca%sed b3 the dissi0atin-
-ases from the -%n's m%le. At the close ran-e of a s%icide 2ea0on8
s%ch mar)in-s 2o%ld clearl3 be 0resent8 %nless of co%rseL the shooter
%sed a silencer.
Ahile @r. (arr3 Baldin-8 /)lahoma Cit3's Chief Medical 4:aminer8
9%ic)l3 r%led the death a Ds%icide8D another Medical 4:aminer's re0ort
2o%ld8 accordin- to Ri1era8 s%rface li)e an eerie8 0rescient messa-e
from the -ra1e. This other re0ort8 9%ic)l3 redacted and hidden from
0%blic 1ie28 sho2ed a face that 2as br%ised and s2ollenG blood on the
bod3 and clothes that 2as not the dead man's blood t30eG and m%lti0le
deep lacerations filled 2ith -rass and dirt8 as tho%-h the bod3 had
been dra--ed a distance.
Cet accordin- to Ri1era8 MaN. $0ch%rch denied that Cea)e3's throat 2as
slashed at all. #he 2as later told b3 a s3m0athetic 0olice dis0atcher
that his throat 2as indeed slashed * dee0l3.
@r. (arr3 Baldin-8 2ho si-ned off on the Cea)e3 re0ort8 is adamant. D?
can tell 3o% %ne9%i1ocall3 and 2itho%t a do%bt that there 2as no other
M4 re0ort.D
Cet 2hile attendin- a social f%nction8 Ri1era claims her sister had a
chance enco%nter 2ith the mortician 2ho 2or)ed on Cea)e3's bod3.
#he 2as disc%ssin- the stran-e inconsistencies of his death 2ith
someone at the 0art38 2hen the mortician8 not )no2in- the 2oman
2as Ri1era's sister8 s0o)e %0. DThat so%nds N%st li)e a 0olice officer 2e
2or)ed on in /)lahoma Cit38D he said. Ahen as)ed if that man
ha00ened to be Terrance Cea)e38 the mortician Dfrea)ed.D
Ahen 0ressed8 he told the shoc)ed relati1e that the dead man's 2rists
contained rope &urns and handcu88 marks. A former FB? a-ent and
0olice officer8 the mortician said that Cea)e3's lacerations 2ere alread3
se2n %0 2hen the bod3 arri1ed from the Medical 4:aminer's office. @r.
Baldin-'s res0onse to this 2as that the mar)s 2ere merel3 Ds)in
sli00a-e8D res%ltin- from the nat%ral decom0osition of the bod3.
Cet stran-er still8 the bod3 2as not s%00osed to -o to this 0artic%lar
f%neral home at all8 b%t to one in Aaton-a. Ahile the /C+@ 2as
s%00osed to 0a3 the e:0enses of the f%neral8 no f%nds 2ere e1er
allocated8 accordin- to Ri1era. D<ic)i had to 0a3 off the b%rial to R%ss
Aorm JF%neral 7omeK. #o ? 2onder if 2e 0aid somebod3 off to do the
Aas that Nob to clean %0 Cea)e3 so that his manner of death 2o%ldn't
a00ear s%s0icio%sH
This incident is similar to the m%rder of +resident >enned38 2hose bod3
2as ta)en to Bethesda Na1al 7os0ital instead of bein- e:amined b3
the @allas Medical 4:aminer as is standard 0roced%re. /nce there8
militar3 0atholo-ists and those controllin- them 2ere able to s)e2
their findin-s to the satisfaction of the m%rderers. The chief 0atholo-ist
b%rned his notes8 and 3ears later8 2hen researchers 2ent to e:amine
>enned3's brain8 it 2as fo%nd missin- from the National Archi1es.
A00arentl38 Terrance Cea)e3's m%rderers and those co1erin- %0 his
death had not co%nted on this 0artic%lar mortician's testimon3.
Aas Terrance Cea)e3 tort%redH Aas he m%rdered8 then made to loo)
li)e a s%icideH @id he )no2 somethin- he 2asn't s%00osed to )no28 or
2as he sim0l3 des0ondent o1er life's circ%mstancesH
#aid friend >imberl3 Cr%8 D? don't belie1e he 2o%ld ha1e done
somethin- li)e that. 7e 2as al2a3s ha003 and No)in- a lot.D
Another friend8 >aren <on T%n-eln8 said8 DJTerr3 and ?K tal)ed abo%t a
friend in hi-h schoolL 2ho had committed s%icide8 and ho2 st%0id and
selfish he 2as for ha1in- done so.L '? N%st can't %nderstand it man8'
said Terr3. '?t ma)es no sense to me.'D
?f the officer 2as bent on ta)in- his life8 it 2o%ld a00ear stran-e8 since
he had s0ent most of the 0re1io%s month ta)in- entrance e:ams for
the FB?. Cea)e3 and best friend Barr3 McCrar3 2ere loo)in- for2ard
to becomin- FB? a-ents. +erha0s if he had )no2n the role that the FB?
0la3ed in the bombin-8 0erha0s e1en in his o2n death8 he 2o%ld ha1e
chan-ed careers.
(i)e @r. @on Ch%mle38 Terrance Cea)e3 2as one of the first resc%ers in
the M%rrah B%ildin- on A0ril 1,. 7ad he seen somethin- he 2asn't
s%00osed to seeH 7ad he heard somethin- he 2asn't s%00osed to
/ne afternoon8 2hile the famil3 2as at +olice 7ead9%arters8 an officer
2ho Ri1era described as Cea)e3's Donl3 tr%e friend8D 0%lled them off to
the side8 and 2his0ered DThe3 )illed him.D
(i)e Terrance Cea)e38 the 0ress claimed that @r. @on Ch%mle3 2as
saddened and dist%rbed that he hadn't hel0ed more 0eo0le that
terrible da3. Ch%mle38 2ho ran the Broad2a3 Medical Clinic abo%t half
a mile from the Federal B%ildin-8 2as one of the first to arri1e at the
bombin- site on A0ril 1,. #ha%n 6ones8 Ch%mle3's ste0-son8 2as
assistin- him. 6ones recalled the scene5
DThe3 had sent %s aro%nd to the %nder-ro%nd 0ar)in- -ara-e8 2here
some 0eo0le 2ere tra00ed. #%ddenl38 three -%3s come r%nnin- o%t of
the basement 3ellin-8 'There's a bombI A bombI ?t's -onna' blo2I'
41er3bod3 0anic)ed and ran screamin- a2a3 from the b%ildin- as fast
as the3 co%ld.D
Ch%mle38 2ho 2as 2or)in- 2ith @r. Ross 7arris8 2as one of the fe2
doctors 2ho act%all3 2ent into the Federal B%ildin-8 2hile the others
2aited o%tside. 7e had hel0ed man3 0eo0le8 incl%din- se1en babies8
2hom he later 0rono%nced dead.
Ch%mle3 2as )illed fi1e months later 2hen his Cessna 21. crashed
near Amarillo8 Te:as in 2hat 6ones calls Dm3sterio%s circ%mstances.D
D?t's a 0rett3 m3sterio%s circ%mstance8D said 6ones. DThere's no
a00arent reason * there's nothin- 2e can thin) of.D
6ones added that Ch%mle3 had been in a minor 2rec) d%rin- a landin-
a 3ear earlier 2hen his 0lane became tra00ed in a 1orte: ca%sed b3 a
lar-e Net landin- nearb3. The small 0lane 2as forced into a sno2 ban)
ca%sin- some dama-e to its left 2in- ti0. The dama-e had been
Ao%ld this contradict 6ones' h30othesisH
DAell8 from tal)in- to 0ilots ? that )no28 the3 sa3 that can't ca%se a
0lane to crash. ? mean8 as -ood a 0ilot as he is8 that's not -oin- to
ca%se his 0lane to -o strai-ht do2n into the -ro%nd.
Another 0ilot said8 'that's N%st li)e a car that's o%t of ali-nment * it
ha00ens all the time * it's N%st somethin- 3o% learn to fl3 2ith.' The
0lane had been flo2n se1eral times since that.D
Accordin- to re0orts in (he aily !klahoman8 Ch%mle38 2ho 2as on a
h%ntin- tri0 that 2ee)end8 had t2ice landed earlier * on Frida38 d%e to
bad 2eather conditions. The crash occ%rred three da3s later8 on a
DThe thin- that's odd to me is that @on 2as 0erfectl3 health38D said
6ones. D7e 2as tal)in- to the to2er8 and from one min%te to the ne:t
he N%st 2ent strai-ht smac) do2n into the -ro%nd.D
?n1esti-ators said the3 co%ld find no e1idence of an e:0losion at the
macabre scene. Ch%mle3's throttle 2as still set at cr%ise8 and his -ear
and fla0s 2ere %0. The FAA ins0ector stated there 2ere Dno anomalies
2ith the en-ine or the airframe8D and D0atholo-ical e:amination of the
0ilot did not sho2 an3 0ree:istin- condition that co%ld ha1e
contrib%ted to the accident.D
DTo me it's %n%s%al beca%se ? )no2 he 2as a -ood 0ilot8D added 6ones.
D41er3thin- 2as fine8 he 2as in the air for 1! min%tes8 he 2as
climbin-8 he had N%st as)ed 0ermission to -o from si: to se1en
tho%sand feet. The3 trac)ed him on the screen at "8,.. feet8 and the
radar technician said he sa2 him on the radar8 then he loo)ed bac)
and he 2as -one8 and the 0lane came strai-ht8 strai-ht do2n. ? mean8
no attem0t to landL nothin-8 N%st strai-ht do2n.D
Ch%mle3's h%ntin- 0artner 6oe3 Chief said in an inter1ie2 in (he aily
D7e 2as the )ind of -%3 2ho did e1er3thin- ri-ht8 al2a3s. 7e 2as 1er3
ca%tio%s8 1er3 0rofessional8D Chief said8 addin- JthatK Ch%mle3's 0lane
2as e9%i00ed 2ith e:tra safet3 instr%ments.
Mi)e 41ett8 a Federal +%blic @efender8 had )no2n @on Ch%mle3 for
o1er t2ent3 3ears. D? 2o%ld ne1er -et into an air0lane 2ith an3bod3 ?
didn't )no28D said 41ett8 Dand ? 2o%ld ne1er be afraid to fl3 2ith @on.
For the life of me8 this doesn't sit ri-ht 2ith me.D
Cet Clint Boehler8 a former FAA ins0ector8 disco%nts that notion. DThat
2as an accident 2aitin- to ha00en8D said Boehler. D7e didn't ha1e an
instr%ment ratin-8 and he 2ent o%t into ad1erse conditions. /ne of the
classic s3m0toms of 2hat's called stall-s0in accidents8 is 0eo0le 2ho
are in limited 1isibilit3 or f%ll ?FR8 meanin- the3 can't see the 0ro0eller
in front of their face. And8 the3're not c%rrent or trained or in some 2a3
%0 to s0eed on their o0eration. And the3'll -et into some 0artic%lar
mode of fli-ht8 0artic%larl3 a climb8 and their bod3 and mind tells them
their not doin- 2hat their instr%ments sa3 the3're doin-8 and the3 tend
to react to that. And the res%lts is sometime the3 stall the air0lane8
and not necessaril3 s0in it8 b%t 2hat it then does is it rolls o1er to
one side and be-ins a 1er3 ti-ht8 stee0 s0iral that is -ainin- s0eed all
the 2a3 do2n. And if the3 e1er do come o%t of the clo%ds or
obsc%ration or 2hate1er it is8 often the3 see the -ro%nd at lo2 altit%de
and the3 0%ll bac) on the 2heel and o1erstress the air0lane as it hits
the -ro%nd. And this is not an %ncommon thin-. ?ts called s0atial
disorientation follo2ed b3 the -ra1e3ard s0iral. And ? can cite
n%mero%s e:am0les of that. There 2as a local doc here 2ent o%t 2est
some time a-o * 2ent o%t in a 21. * and had the same scenario
Cet Boehler is incorrect. The doctor did in fact ha1e an instr%ment
ratin-8 and 2as an e:0erienced 0ilot8 ha1in- lo--ed o1er ".. ho%rs of
fl3in- time.
@id @r. @on Ch%mle3 crash on the e1enin- of #e0tember 2!th d%e to
bad 2eatherH @id he commit s%icide d%e to his -rief o1er 2hat he sa2
on the mornin- of A0ril 1,th. /r 2as @on Ch%mle3 m%rderedH
The aily !klahoman article described ho2 he had cried in front of his
friend 6im Ta3lor on the da3 of the bombin-8 after ta--in- se1en
babies8 and 2as not satisfied he had done all he co%ld8 e1en after
hel0in- to or-anie a f%nd-raiser for the 1ictims.
?t 2as also r%mored that Ch%mle3 2as abo%t to -o 0%blic 2ith some
damnin- information. Accordin- to a local No%rnalist 2ho has
in1esti-ated the bombin-8 Ch%mle3 2as as)ed to banda-e t2o federal
a-ents 2ho falsel3 claimed to ha1e been tra00ed in the b%ildin-
mornin-. #ince the 0air 2as ob1io%sl3 not h%rt8 Ch%mle3 ref%sed.
Ahen the a-ents 0etitioned another doctor at the scene8 Ch%mle3
inter1ened8 threatenin- to re0ort them.
Ch%mle3's crash is reminiscent of that of @r. Ronald Ro-ers8 2hose
0lane 2ent do2n on March 38 1,,4 near (a2son8 /)lahoma in -ood
2eather. Clinton's former dentist8 Ro-ers 2as on his 2a3 to be
inter1ie2ed b3 Ambrose 41ans-+ritchard of the 3ondon )unday
(elegraph8 2here he intended to re1eal e1idence of Clinton's alle-ed
cocaine %se.
7e ne1er made it.
(i)e Ro-ers8 7ershel Frida38 a Dto0-notch 0ilot8D died in the crash of his
small 0lane onl3 t2o da3s earlier d%rin- a li-ht drile at his 0ri1ate
airstri0. Frida3 had been a member of Clinton's 0residential cam0ai-n
finance committee8 and 2as a close associate of C. <ictor Raiser8
another member of Clinton's 0residential cam0ai-n8 2ho died in a
s%s0icio%s 0lane crash t2o 3ears earlier.
?n fact8 the list of those 2ho had 0otentiall3 damnin- e1idence on
e1er3thin- from the >enned3 assassination to Clinton's im0ro0rieties is
a lon- one and sordid one8 stretchin- to h%ndreds of names and
s0annin- at least three decades.
A fe2 3ears after the >enned3 assassination8 a dis-r%ntled C?A official
2as on his 2a3 to Chica-o to inform a No%rnalist of the C?A's com0licit3
in the m%rder. 7is 0lane e:0loded and fell into (a)e Michi-an.
Another 2ell-)no2n crash 2as that of Bar3 Caradori8 a 0ri1ate
in1esti-ator 2ho 2as hot on the trail of a 0edio0hile rin- bein- r%n b3
(arr3 >in- and other 0rominent b%sinessmen and 0oliticians in /maha8
Caradori and his ei-ht-3ear-old son Andre2 died 2hen their 0lane
crashed in 6%l3 of 1,,.. Caradori radioed that his com0ass 2as
s2in-in- 2ildl3 N%st before he 2ent do2n. Moments later8 the 0lane
2ent into a stee0 di1e from 2hich it ne1er reco1ered.
Ahat is interestin- is that onl3 se1eral da3s earlier8 the co%ra-eo%s
in1esti-ator had informed a friend that he had obtained e1idence
2hich threatened to brea) the case 2ide o0en. Amon- those
im0licated in the child 0orno-ra0h3 rin- 2as none other than Beor-e
(i)e Caradori8 Ro-ers8 and n%mero%s other 2histle-blo2ers8 @on
Ch%mle3 had e1identl3 learned of the -o1ernment's hastil3 0lanned
co1er-%0 s%rro%ndin- the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-.
7ad he8 li)e so man3 others8 made the fatef%l decision to -o 0%blicH
Blenn Ailb%rn8 2ho lost his -randsons Chase and Colton in the
bombin-8 2as one of the 1er3 first to -o 0%blic. A sta%nch o00onent of
the -o1ernment's case8 Ailb%rn had teamed %0 2ith re0orter 6.@. Cash
and #tate Re0resentati1e Charles >e3 to in1esti-ate the crime.
>e3 and Ailb%rn 0etitioned for the Co%nt3 Brand 6%r3 in1esti-ation.
Ailb%rn 2or)ed tirelessl3 to in1esti-ate the tr%th abo%t 2hat reall3
ha00ened that fatef%l mornin-8 and his e1idence 2as 0ro1in- more and
more embarrassin- to a%thorities.
Abo%t a 3ear after he be-an his in1esti-ation8 Ailb%rn8 4"8 came do2n
2ith a s%dden case of 0ancreatic cancer. ?nitiall3 reco1erin- after
s%r-er38 he died on 6%l3 1!8 1,,&8 the da3 after the Co%nt3 Brand 6%r3
2hich he con1ened be-an hearin- e1idence.
Three 2ee)s later8 on A%-%st !8 Assistant $.#. Attorne3 Ted Richardson
2as fo%nd in a ch%rch 0ar)in- lot 2ith a shot-%n 2o%nd to the chest.
The Medical 4:aminer's re0ort stated5 DNo 0o2der resid%e is a00arent8
either on the e:ternal as0ect of the 2o%nd or in the shirt.D An
interestin- obser1ation considerin- Richardson had alle-edl3 0%shed a
shot-%n %0 to his chest and 0%lled the tri--er.
The death 2as r%led a Ds%icide.D
Cet the circ%mstances seemed to conc%r. Richardson had been
de0ressed. 7e had been seein- a 0s3chiatrist and 2as on +roac. 7e
once told a h%ntin- b%dd3 he Dfelt li)e endin- it all.D
/ne s%nn3 mornin-8 Richardson rose8 fed his t2o do-s8 -ot in his car8
dro1e to a ch%rch near his ho%se8 0%lled o%t a shot-%n and shot
himself thro%-h the heart.
7e left no note.
Aas Ted Richardson de0ressed eno%-h to )ill himselfH And if so8 2h3H
The 4,-3ear-old father of t2o had a ha003 marria-e8 and adored his '-
3ear-old son.
The t2o 2ee)s he too) off of 2or) d%e to %ne:0lained D0ress%resD ma3
0ro1ide a cl%e. Richardson 2as the bombin- and arson s0ecialist for
the Aestern @istrict of /)lahoma. 7e 2as ine:0licabl3 transferred to
the ban) robber3 detail after the bombin- * an area in 2hich he had
no e:0ertise. As his brother @an e:0lained8 DTed sho%ld ha1e -otten
the bombin- case.D
?nstead8 the case 2as -i1en to 6ose0h 7artler.
Friends described Richardson as Done of the fe2 -ood -%3s8D and a
man 2ith a Dstron- sense of conscio%s.D
?t is %ncertain if the same
can be said of 7artler. Bi1en the Federal Bo1ernment's cond%ct in this
case8 s%ch labels mi-ht tend to render a man s%ch as Richardson a
?nterestin-l38 Richardson 2as the $.#. Attorne3 2ho 0rosec%ted #am
>halid in 1,,. for ins%rance fra%d. ?t 2as r%mored that he 2as loo)in-
into >halid's s%s0icio%s acti1ities s%bse9%ent to the bombin-8 and 2as
abo%t to brin- char-es.
7e decided to )ill himself instead.
?s it a coincidence these indi1id%als8 2ho had 2itnessed e1ents on A0ril
1,8 or had been 1ocal o00onents of the -o1ernment's case8 had diedH
D/%t of ro%-hl3 !8... of %s 2ho 2ere ori-inall3 in1ol1ed in ?ran-
Contra8D said Al Martin8 Da00ro:imatel3 4..8 since 1,'"8 ha1e
committed s%icide8 died accidentall3 or died of nat%ral ca%ses. ?n o1er
half those deaths8 official death certificates 2ere ne1er iss%ed. ?n 1'&
circ%mstances8 the bodies 2ere cremated before the families 2ere
Crai- Roberts and 6ohn Armstron-8 2ho in1esti-ated a similar s0ate of
s%s0icio%s deaths for their boo)8 0F:' (he ead -itnesses8 re1ealed
that most of the deaths 0ea)ed in the months leadin- %0 to one of
the in1esti-ations8 2ith the deaths often comin- da3s or e1en ho%rs
before the 0erson 2as s%00osed to testif3.
?n the three 3ears follo2in- the >enned3 assassination8 1' material
2itnesses 0erished. ?n the time 0eriod leadin- %0 to 1,&,8 2hen the
last of the >enned3 in1esti-ations ended8 o1er 1.. 2itnesses had died.
?nterestin-l38 most of the deaths coincided 2ith one of the fo%r main
in1esti-ations5 The Aarren Commission ;1,"4-"!=G the 6im Barrison
in1esti-ation ;1,"!-",=G the #enate Committee in1esti-ation ;1,&4-
&"=G and the 7o%se Committee on Assassinations in1esti-ation ;1,&"-
Nat%rall38 the C?A had an ans2er for these m3sterio%s deaths. ?n a
1,"& de0artmental memo8 a C?A officer 2rote5
#%ch 1a-%e acc%sations as that more than 1. 0eo0le ha1e died
m3sterio%sl3 can al2a3s be e:0lained in some rational 2a35 e.-.8 the
indi1id%als concerned ha1e for the most 0art died of nat%ral ca%sesG
the JAarrenK Commission staff 9%estioned 41' 2itnesses * the FB?
inter1ie2ed far more 0eo0le8 cond%ctin- 2!8... inter1ie2s and re
inter1ie2s * and in s%ch a lar-e -ro%08 a certain n%mber of deaths are
to be e:0ected.
Cet Roberts and Armstron- correctl3 note that if the C?A 2ere not
in1ol1ed in an3 of the deaths8 2h3 2as s%ch a memo disseminatedH
Then8 to add f%rther f%el to the fire8 C?A technicians testified before the
#enate Committee ;Ch%rch Committee= in 1,&! that a 1ariet3 of
Termination 2ith 4:treme +reN%dice JTA4+K 2ea0ons had been %sed
thro%-ho%t the 3ears8 and man3 2ere chosen beca%se the3 left no
0ostmortem resid%e.
?n one 0artic%lar memo8 the a%thor states5
Co% 2ill recall that ? mentioned that the local circ%mstances %nder
2hich a -i1en means mi-ht be %sed mi-ht s%--est the techni9%e to be
%sed in that case. ? thin) the -ross di1isions in 0resentin- this s%bNect
mi-ht be5
;1= bodies left 2ith no ho0e of the ca%se of death bein- determined b3
the most com0lete a%to0s3 and chemical e:aminationG
;2= bodies left in s%ch circ%mstances as to sim%late accidental deathG
;3= bodies left in s%ch circ%mstances as to sim%late accidental deathG
;4= bodies left 2ith resid%e that sim%late those ca%sed b3 nat%ral
Re-ardin- deaths that co%ld be sim%lated to a00ear as Dnat%ral
ca%ses8D the 1ario%s assassination e:0erts 2ithin the intelli-ence
comm%nities of the 2orld )ne2 9%ite 2ell of the effects of s%ch
chemical a-ents as sodi%m mor0hate8 2hich ca%sed heart attac)sG
th3on 0hos0hate8 2hich is a sol%tion that can s%s0end sodi%m
mor0hate and 0ro1ide a 1ehicle to 0enetrate the s%rface of the s)in
2ith the chemical ;2hich is %sed to coat somethin- the 1ictim mi-ht
to%ch=G and ber3lli%m8 2hich is an e:tremel3 to:ic element that ca%ses
cancer and fibrotic t%mors.
As the da%-hter of a C?A contract a-ent 2ho 2or)ed 2ith /li1er North
told me5 DThe3 eliminated m3 father8 and ? )no2 2hat the3 do in the
A-enc3. ? )no2 ho2 the3 2or) as far as the Mafia -oes.L The3 ha1e no
scr%0les. And the3 don't -o b3 an3 la2 b%t their o2n. There is no
conscio%s to these 0eo0leG the end N%stifies the means.L The3 2ill sh%t
an3bod3 %0 that the3 0ossibl3 can. The3're amain-. And the3 2ill -o
thro%-h an3thin- to ma)e 3o% loo) cra38 to ma)e 3o% a00ear to be a
DAnd the3 -o into these o0erations8 and the3 r%n amo). The3 r%n
amo). And then 2hen it -ets carried a2a3 or there's a lea)8 here
comes the dama-e control8 and 3o% ha1e to ma)e e1er3bod3 else
a00ear li)e the3're cra3. ? mean 0eo0le o%t there dro0 li)e flies. 7o2
man3 0eo0le can commit s%icide for Bod's sa)e. 7o2 man3 0eo0le can
be handc%ffed behind their bac)8 and the3 can call it s%icide beca%se
the3 2ere shot in the headHD
Tip of the .ceberg
"0ustice can kill or thwart any in,estigation at will1 and it does so on a
regular &asis." 7 Former 5.). )enate in,estigator
"I0usticeJ has &een engaged in sharp practices since the earliest days
and remains a 8ecund source o8 oppression and corruption today. It is
hard to recall an administration in which it was not the center o8 gra,e
7 Pu&lisher and scholar H.3. $encken
As an e:0erienced in1esti-ator once said8 DA co1er-%0 often 0ro1es the
crime8 and lifts the identities of the 0er0etrators into relief.D
?n this case8 those co1erin- %0 the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin- a00eared
to be the Federal Bo1ernment itself. (a2-enforcement officials8
incl%din- those at the local le1el8 lied abo%t their fore)no2led-e of the
attac). The3 r%shed to destro3 all forensic e1idence of the site. The3
i-nored doens of credible 2itnesses and intimidated others. The3
or-anied a media smear cam0ai-n a-ainst an3one 2ho threatened to
re1eal the tr%th. And the3 m%rdered those 2ith critical )no2led-e of
the facts 2ho had tried to come for2ard.
?ronicall38 the letters DFB?D stand for DFidelit38 Bra1er38 and ?nte-rit3.D A
more a00ro0riate definition mi-ht be DFederal B%rea% of ?ntimidation.D
As 2ill be o%tlined in <ol%me T2o8 the FB? is -%ilt3 of an 2hole litan3 of
crimes8 ran-in- from obstr%ction of N%stice to o%tri-ht m%rder.
?t mi-ht be interestin- to note that the FB?'s c%rrent director8 (o%is
Freeh8 rose to his 0osition on the 1ictor3 of the (ero3 Mood3 case.
Freeh's chief 2itness8 Ted Ban)s8 later told an a00eals co%rt that Freeh
threatened him into testif3in- a-ainst Mood3. Ban)s 2as s%bse9%entl3
sentenced to 44 months in 0rison for D0erN%r3.D
For his 0art8 Freeh 2as 0romoted to FB? @irector8 2here he dre2 aro%nd
him s%ch fi-%res as Tom Th%rman8 Ro-er Mart8 and (arr3 +otts8 2ho
led the m%rdero%s debacles at Aaco and R%b3 Rid-e.
Freeh 0laced +otts in char-e of the Din1esti-ationD in /)lahoma Cit3.
/1erseein- the FB? is the @e0artment of 6%stice ;@o6=8 %ndo%btedl3 the
most misnamed federal a-enc3 e1er created. Ahile 0%r0ortin- to be a
la2-enforcement bod3 inde0endent of the le-islati1e and e:ec%ti1e
branches8 in realit3 it is little more than a 0olitical tool %tilied b3
corr%0t leaders to co1er %0 hi-h crimes and intimidate and im0rison
6anet Reno8 the c%rrent Attorne3 Beneral8 rose to her 0osition on a
2a1e of hi-hl3 d%bio%s child ab%se cases8 2here the onl3 ab%se8 it
a00eared8 2as fostered b3 Reno herself.
?n 1,'48 Reno8 then @ade Co%nt3 @istrict Attorne38 0rosec%ted ?leana
F%ster8 a 1&-3ear-old ne2l32ed 2ho hel0ed her h%sband Fran) b3
o0eratin- a da3-care o%t of their home. To illicit the re9%ired confession
from ?leana8 Reno had her loc)ed a2a3 in a solitar3 confinment.
#te0hen @inerstein8 a 0ri1ate in1esti-ator em0lo3ed b3 the F%ster's
attorne3s 2rote in his re0ort that the formerl3 bri-ht8 attracti1e 1&-
La00eared as if she 2as !. 3ears old. 7er s)in 2as dra2n from a lar-e
loss of 2ei-ht.L #he had sores and infections on her s)in and states
that no sanitar3 conditions e:ist or are 0ro1ided8 that the sho2er8
2hen recei1ed8 is a hosin- do2n in the cell. That she is in a cell 2ith
nothin- in it b%t a li-ht in the ceilin- and that she is often )e0t n%de
and in 1ie2 of e1er3bod3 and an3bod3.D J@inerstein also noted that
?leana had becomeK a constantl3 cr3in-8 sha)in-8 tormented 0erson
2ho %nderstands little if an3thin- abo%t the 2hole 0rocess and is no2
bein- threatened and 0romised and is totall3 in a state of conf%sion to
the 0oint of not ha1in- the sli-htest idea as to month and date.L
Mrs. F%ster's condition has deteriorated so badl3 she co%ld hardl3
mo1e and 2as 1er3 slo2 to res0ond to an3 9%estions. Ahen as)ed if
Mr. <an Yamft ;her attorne3= 2as 0resent8 she co%ld not e1en recall8
b%t said sim0l3 that the 2oman #tate Attorne3 ;Reno= 2as 1er3 bi- and
1er3 scar3 and made s%--estions as to 0roblems that 2o%ld arise if
she didn't coo0erate.
After almost a 3ear )e0t in this de0lorable condition8 incl%din- 1isits b3
Reno to coerce her8 and 1isits b3 0s3chiatrists to -et her to confess8
?leana crac)ed8 Dconfessin-D to a 2hole le-ion of ima-inar3 acts.
After ser1in- three o%t of a ten 3ear sentence8 she 2as de0orted to
7ond%ras8 2here her mind no2 clear8 she immediatel3 recanted her
/nl3 da3s before she 2as sched%led to retestif3 1ia satellite ;the @A's
office threatened to char-e her 2ith D0erN%r3D if she ret%rned=8 she
retracted her retraction in a letter to the $iami Herald. Rosenthal
belie1es she 2as threatened.
#e1eral 2ee)s after 6anet Reno 2as s2orn in as Attorne3 Beneral8 she
a%thoried a 0lan to flood the ch%rch at Aaco ;containin- 2omen and
children= 2ith tear -as and ram it 2ith battle tan)s8 based on
alle-ations of Dchild ab%se.D
A 1,'' Amnest3 ?nternational re0ort claimed that DC# -as contrib%ted
to or ca%sed the deaths of more than 4. +alestinians * incl%din- 1'
babies %nder " months of a-e * 2ho had been e:0osed to tear -as in
enclosed s0aces.D
Reno's latest attem0t to Dsa1e the childrenD
res%lted in the deaths of '" 0eo0le8 incl%din- 2! children.
As for the alle-ations of child ab%se8 both the Co%nt3 #heriff and the
Te:as Aelfare @e0artment8 2ho 2ere t2o of the first to inter1ie2
@a1idian children8 indicated that there 2as no si-ns of ab%se. The FB?
later ac)no2led-ed their o2n re0orts to be false.
Re0resentati1e 6ames Traficant ;@-/7= s%mmed %0 the sit%ation at
D6%sticeD 2hen he 2rote to members of Con-ress on A0ril 1!8 1,,&5
There ha1e been n%mero%s case of 0rosec%torial miscond%ct8 fra%d
and o%tri-ht m%rder on the 0art of 6%stice @e0artment 0ersonnel that
ha1e -one lar-el3 %n0%nished. The American 0eo0le e:0ect the 6%stice
@e0artment8 more than an3 other federal a-enc38 to be be3ond
re0roach 2hen it comes to ethics and res0onsible beha1ior. #omethin-
is serio%sl3 2ron- in o%r democrac3 if criminal and %nethical beha1ior
at the nation's to0 la2 enforcement a-enc3 -oes %n0%nished.
The crimes Traficant's s0ea)in- of are le-ion. The scandals co1ered %0
b3 corr%0t @o6 officials are endless. The cases of indi1id%als 2ho ha1e
been sin-led o%t for 0rosec%tion b3 the so-called D6%sticeD
@e0artment 2o%ld fill 1ol%mes.
+robabl3 the most infamo%s case of @o6 corr%0tion in modern histor3 is
the ?nsla2 affair8 2here @o6 officials cons0ired to steal soft2are from
the small com0%ter com0an38 defra%d them o%t of 0a3ments8 then
force them into ban)r%0tc3. The ?nsla2 case 0ro1ides a 0erfect
e:am0le of ho2 the @o6 re-%larl3 lies8 destro3s e1idence8 selecti1el3
0rosec%tes 0eo0le8 obstr%cts Con-ressional in1esti-ations8 and
m%rders those 2ho threaten to re1eal their 2ron-doin-.
?n 1,'28 the @o6 si-ned a F1. million contract 2ith ?nsla2 to install an
enhanced 1ersion of their +R/M?# ;+rosec%tors Mana-ement
?nformation #3stem= soft2are in 42 $.#. Attorne3s offices. ?nsla2
com0leted the 0roNect8 b%t 2as ne1er 0aid for their ser1ices. 7ea1il3 in
debt8 the3 had no choice b%t to file for ban)r%0tc3.
?t seemed that a ri1al firm named 7adron8 had attem0ted to 0%rchase
+R/M?# from ?nsla2. DAe ha1e 2a3s of ma)in- 3o% sell8D said C4/
@ominic (aiti8 2ho 2arned ?nsla2 o2ner Bill 7amilton that 7adron 2as
connected to Attorne3 Beneral 4d2in Meese. Both Meese and his close
friend8 4arl Brian8 had financial interests in 7adron.
After the @o6 ref%sed to 0a3 ?nsla28 Meese handed the soft2are o1er to
his cron3 Brian8 2ho had C?A contract a-ent Michael Riconosci%to
reconfi-%re the 0ro-ram 2ith a s0ecial Dtra0 door8D allo2in- $.#.
intelli-ence a-encies to monitor and mani0%late acco%nts of ban)s and
intelli-ence a-encies 2ho s%bse9%entl3 0%rchased the 0ro-ram. The
0rofits8 of co%rse8 2ent to Brian and his cronies at the @o6.
Ahen ?nsla2 attem0ted to s%e the @o68 their attorne3 2as threatened
and dismissed from his firm.
?n s0ite of the stone2allin- and
harassment8 ?nsla2 e1ent%all3 2on their case. 6%d-e Beor-e Bason8
r%lin- in fa1or of the com0an38 2rote5
J@o6 officialsK too)8 con1erted8 stole8 Jthe 0laintiff's 0ro0ert3K b3
tric)er38 fra%d and deceit. JThe3 madeK an instit%tional decisionL at
the hi-hest le1el sim0l3 to i-nore serio%s 9%estions of ethical
im0ro0riet38 made re0eatedl3 b3 0ersons of %n9%estioned 0robit3 and
inte-rit38 and this fail%re constit%tes bad faith8 1e:atiosness8 JaK
fra%d%lent -ame of cat and mo%se8 demonstratin- contem0t for both
the la2 and an3 0rinci0le of fair dealin-.
After 6%d-e Bason ordered the @o6 to 0a3 ?nsla2 F".' million in
licensin- fees and ro%-hl3 another F1 million in le-al fees8 he s%ddenl3
disco1ered that he 2as not bein- rea00ointed to the bench.
The #enate +ermanent #%bcommittee on ?n1esti-ations8 chaired b3
#enator #am N%nn8 a-reed 2holeheartedl3 2ith 6%d-e Bason. Cet the
committee's efforts to 0robe the ?nsla2 scandal 2ere bloc)ed b3 the
@o68 2ho ref%sed to allo2 their 0ersonnel to testif3 %nder oath. The
#enate re0ort stated that it had fo%nd em0lo3ees D2ho desired to
s0ea) to the s%bcommittee8 b%t 2ho chose not to8 o%t of fear for their
#aid a former Con-ressional in1esti-ator 2ho dealt 2ith the 6%stice
@e0artment for 1! 3ears8 D?'1e -ot to tell 3o%8 the bottom line is that
the @o6 as 0resentl3 constit%ted is a totall3 dishonest or-aniation8
riddled 2ith 0olitical fi:es. The3 )no2 ho2 to 2rite the memo8 ho2 to
ma)e the 0hone call8 ho2 to den3 access to Con-ress. The -ame o1er
there is fi:ed.D
The stone2allin- b3 the @o6 d%rin- the ?nsla2 in1esti-ations 0aralleled
that of the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-8 2here defense attorne3s
enco%ntered contin%o%s denials in their re9%ests for disco1er3. The
stone2allin- of the ?nsla2 in1esti-ation8 stated the Con-ressional
re0ort8 incl%ded8 Drestrictions8 dela3s8 and o%tri-ht denials to re9%ests
for informationL obstr%cted access to records and 2itnesses8 JandK the
Dille-al shreddin- of doc%ments.D
Cet the committee did nothin- to 0%nish those res0onsible8 merel3
recommendin- that the @o6 re9%est the Co%rt of A00eals to a00oint an
Dinde0endentD 0rosec%tor. Ahile Attorne3 Beneral Ailliam Barr initiall3
ref%sed8 he e1ent%all3 s%cc%mbed to media 0ress%re8 a00ointin- one
of his old @o6 cronies8 Nicholas B%a8 to Din1esti-ateD the matter. B%a
im0aneled a Federal Brand 6%r3. B%t8 as in the /)lahoma Cit3 case8 the
0rosec%tin- attorne38 B%a's la2 0artner Charles >ni-ht8 mani0%lated
and controlled the 2itnesses. Ahen the N%r3 be-an -i1in- credence to
the alle-ations a-ainst @o68 B%a 9%ic)l3 dismissed the N%r3 and
im0aneled another one.
Not s%r0risin-l38 one of B%a's chief in1esti-ators 2as none other than
6ose0h 7artler. ?n a letter 7artler 2rote to Assistant Associate
Attorne3 Beneral 6ohn @2ire in /ctober of 1,,48 the noble -o1ernment
0rosec%tor states5
? a00la%d 3o%r efforts and es0eciall3 3o%r concl%sions. To 0ara0hrase
Theodore Roose1elt8 2e s0ent o%rsel1es on a 2orth3 ca%seL.
7artler's ne:t D2orth3 ca%seD 2o%ld be to ser1e as lead 0rosec%tor in
the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin- case8 assistin- the @o6 in one of the
lar-est co1er-%0s of the 2.th Cent%r3.
D? don't %nderstand 2here the3 fo%nd him or 2h3 the3 chose him8D
sa3s Michael @e%tsch8 2ho as an attorne3 in Chica-o defended a
+%erto Rican terrorist in a 1,'! bombin- case 0rosec%ted b3 7artler8
a s%ccessf%l 0rosec%tion that is often cited as one of the reasons
7artler -ot the /)lahoma Cit3 Nob.L
@e%tsch is referrin- to the 0rosec%tion of fo%r (as F%eras Armadas
de (iberacion National +%ertorri9%eo ;FA(N= members8 a +%erto Rican
nationalist -ro%0 2hich the -o1ernment claimed 2as res0onsible for
more than 1.. bombin-s or attem0ted bombin-s since 1,&.. The
defense of the FA(N 0aralleled that of the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-
defendants8 2ith cr%cial e1idence bein- 2ithheld * e1idence that
2o%ld ha1e im0licated the FB? and ATF in C/?NT4(+R/-st3le ille-al
acti1ites directed a-ainst the Chicano and +%erto Rican Mo1ements.
The N%d-e in the FA(N case8 Federal @istrict 6%d-e Beor-e (ei-hton8 has
re0orted connections to the C?A.
Cet 7artler claimed he 1ol%nteered for the role of lead 0rosec%tor.
Ahether or not that is tr%e8 7artler8 a 2heelchair-bo%nd m%lti0le
sclerosis 1ictim8 is the 0erfect choice * a man able to 0ander to the
s3m0athies of a N%r3 alread3 o1er2helmed b3 ima-es of dead and
handica00ed 1ictims. This ast%te obser1ation 2as made ob1io%s b3
none other than +ewsweek8 2hich 2rote5 D#ome s%--ested that a
2heelchair-bo%nd 0rosec%tor 2o%ld a00eal to a N%r3 in a case 2ith so
man3 maimed 1ictims.LD
As the 3egal (imes obser1ed5
7a1in- a lead 0rosec%tor 2ho mane%1ers aro%nd the co%rtroom in a
motoried scooter8 some sa38 is a -ood tactic for -ainin- s3m0ath3
2ith a N%r3 * es0eciall3 in a case 2here more than !.. 0eo0le 2ere
D/thers sa2 a malleable 0ersonalit3 easil3 micromana-ed b3 s%0eriors
in Aashin-ton8D added +ewsweek. A rather candid obser1ation in a
case 2here Dmicromana-in-D is )e3.
D? don't thin) that 6oe is in char-e of the 0rosec%tion team8D said
#te0hen 6ones. DThe shots are called b3 J@e0%t3 Attorne3 BeneralK
6amie Borelic) and Jher to0 aideK Merric) Barland.D
6%stice @e0artment officials scoff at s%ch a notion8 0ointin- o%t that
the3 are too far a2a3 and too b%s3 to micro-mana-e the trial team.
7artler8 the3 sa38 is firml3 in char-e.L
?nterestin-l38 7artler 2as chief of both the ci1il and criminal di1ision
of the Chica-o $.#. Attorne3's office d%rin- his 1.-3ear term8 a
N%risdiction not %n)no2n for its share of corr%0tion-ridden scandals.
7is assistant8 #cott Mendeloff8 2as acc%sed b3 #herman #)olnic) of the
Chica-o-based Citiens' Committee to Clean $0 the Co%rts of co1erin-
%0 the m%rder of Aallace (ieberman8 a Chica-o Federal Ban)r%0tc3
Co%rt official read3 to fin-er se1eral N%d-es for briber3.
DThe assassination of (ieberman8 as Mendeloff )ne28 2as tied to the
corr%0t acti1ities of First National Ban) of Cicero8 a MafiaRC?A la%ndr38D
2rites #)olnic).
Nat%rall38 7artler doesn't see an3 corr%0tion in /)lahoma. D? am 1..
0ercent confident that 2hen this case is resol1ed8 e1er3one 2ill thin)
that com0lete and fair d%e 0rocess 2as obtained b3 the defendants8D
7artler told the American %ar Association 0ournal.
To facilitate this Dcom0lete and fair d%e 0rocess8D the @o6 transferred
Assistant $.#. Attorne3 Ted Richardson from his 0osition as chief
bombin- and arson 0rosec%tor for the Aestern @istrict of /)lahoma to
the ban) robber3 detail ;2here he had no e:0erience=. As 0re1io%sl3
noted8 Richardson 2as the $.#. Attorne3 2ho 0rosec%ted #am >halid
for ins%rance fra%d. ?t 2as r%mored that Richardson8 2ho friends claim
had a D1er3 stron- sense of conscio%s8D 2as loo)in- into >halid's
s%bse9%ent acti1ities. /n A%-%st !8 1,,&8 Richardson Dcommitted
As 0re1io%sl3 noted8 the n%mber of s%s0icio%s deaths s)3roc)eted in
the 1,'.s8 as the -o1ernment attem0ted to co1er %0 an increasin-
0attern of fra%d%lent and ille-al acti1ities.
41en re0orters 2eren't e:em0t from the @o6 hit-list. /n A%-%st 1.8
1,,1 re0orter @ann3 Casolaro8 2ho had been in1esti-atin- the ?nsla2
scandal and a related 2eb of corr%0tion he called DThe /cto0%s8D 2as
fo%nd dead in his Martinsb%r-8 Aest <ir-inia hotel room. Casolaro 2as
there to meet 2ith a 2itness 2ho 2as s%00osed to 0ro1ide the )e3 lin)
bet2een the @o6 and ?nsla2.
(i)e #er-eant Cea)e38 Casolaro's 2rists 2ere slashed n%mero%s times.
(i)e Cea)e38 his notes and briefcase 2ere missin-. And li)e Cea)e38 the
death 2as immediatel3 r%led a s%icide b3 0olice8 2ho made no attem0t
to contact Casolaro's famil3 before orderin- an immediate and
%n0recedented embalmin- of the bod3. A team of contract cleaners
2as bro%-ht in to sco%r clean the hotel room from to0 to bottom8
eliminatin- all forensic e1idence.
The death of Casolaro led to an in1esti-ation b3 the Con-ressional
#%bcommittee on 4conomic and Commercial (a28 headed b3
Re0resentati1e 6ac) Broo)s ;@-Te:as=. The re0ort stated5
?nstead of cond%ctin- an in1esti-ation into ?nsla2's claims that criminal
2ron-doin- b3 hi-h le1el -o1ernment officials had occ%rred8 Attorne3
Benerals Meese and Thornb%-h bloc)ed or restricted Con-ressional
in9%ires into the matter8 i-nored the findin-s of t2o co%rts and ref%sed
to as) for the a00ointment of an inde0endent co%nsel. These actions
2ere ta)en in the face of a -ro2in- bod3 of e1idence that serio%s
2ron-doin- had occ%rred 2hich reached to the hi-hest le1els of the
@e0artment. The e1idence recei1ed b3 the committee d%rin- its
in1esti-ation clearl3 raises serio%s concerns abo%t the 0ossibilit3
that a hi-h le1el cons0irac3 a-ainst ?nsla2 did e:ist and that -reat
efforts ha1e been e:0ended b3 the @e0artment to bloc) an3 o%tside
in1esti-ation into the matter.
The @o6 also 0rosec%ted a )e3 2itness in the ?nsla2 case8 Michael
Riconosci%to8 2ho 2as set %0 on 0hon3 dr%- char-es to 0re1ent him
from testif3in-. The Con-ressional committee 0robin- the matter
JA @4A a-entK reassi-nment in 1,,. to a @4A intelli-ence 0osition in
the #tate of Aashin-ton8 0rior to Michael Riconosci%to's March 1,,1
arrest there on dr%- char-es8 2as more than coincidentalL The a-ent
2as assi-ned to Riconosci%to's home state to man%fact%re a case
a-ainst him. Mr. Coleman stated he belie1es this 2as done to 0re1ent
Mr. Riconosci%to from becomin- a credible 2itness concernin- the $.#.
-o1ernment's co1ert sale of +R/M?# to forei-n -o1ernments.
Another e:am0le of selecti1e 0rosec%tion on behalf of @o6 is 6%1al A1i18
o2ner of the in1esti-ati1e firm ?nterfor. A former ?sraeli intelli-ence
a-ent8 A1i1 2as hired to loo) into the 1,'' bombin- of +an Am fli-ht
1.3 o1er (oc)erbie8 #cotland. 7is re0ort 2as directl3 at odds 2ith the
-o1ernment's DofficialD concl%sions * that t2o (ib3an terrorists 2ere
res0onsible for the bombin-. A1i1 disco1ered that not onl3 had $.#.
officials been s0ecificall3 2arned of the ens%in- attac)8 b%t ma3 ha1e
had direct com0licit3 in the m%rder of 2&. 0eo0le.
For his embarrassin- disclos%res8 A1i1 2as tar-eted for 0rosec%tion8
and in1esti-ated b3 the 1er3 same FB? a-ents 2ho Din1esti-atedD the
+an Am case. To 0%nish A1i18 @o6 fabricated e1idence that ?nterfor had
defra%ded B.4. Ca0ital Cor0oration8 a client 2ho 2as com0letel3
satisfied 2ith ?nterfor's 2or)8 and hadn't e1en filed a com0laint a-ainst
the firm.
Ne1ertheless8 in 1,,!8 the @o6 indicted A1i1 on three co%nts of
defra%din- B.4. * char-es for 2hich he 2as %nanimo%sl3 ac9%itted. ?n
his r%lin- o0inion8 the N%d-e 2rote5
The chronolo-3 of the in1esti-ation8 the fact that it is res%ltin- from no
e:ternal com0laint 2hatsoe1er b%t sim0l3 internall3 2ithin the FB? as
far as an3 2itness has testified8 leads to an inference that it 2as
-enerated from some other so%rces8 and the onl3 so%rce in the record
so far for 2hich an3 s%ch 0%r0ose co%ld be ascribed is the re0ort in the
other case8 in the (oc)erbie case.
Cet @o6 2asn't finished 2ith A1i1. The3 canceled their contract 2ith
?nterfor and be-an a s3stematic cam0ai-n to intimidate his clients.
?nterfor 2as financiall3 de1astated. The $.#. -o1ernment8 thro%-h the
@o68 belie1ed that b3 intimidatin- 0eo0le s%ch as 6%1al A1i18 the3 co%ld
0re1ent 0%blic )no2led-e of their com0licit3 in the m%rder of 2&.
innocent 0eo0le.
As in /)lahoma Cit38 2itnesses 2ho )ne2 too m%ch abo%t +an Am 1.38
or those 2ho 0ossessed 0oliticall3 incon1enient facts8 2ere
intimidated. Fi1e 3ears on8 1ol%nteers and 0olicemen 2ho 0artici0ated
in the search remained recalcitrant * most so those 2ho had searched
the area 2here the heroin 2as fo%nd.
The D6%sticeD @e0artment also br%tall3 attac)ed +an Am's la23ers8
attem0tin- to sanction them 2ith h%-e fines for darin- to challen-e
the -o1ernment's case.
The -o1ernment 2ent after Allan Franco1itch8 0rod%cer of the a2ard-
2innin- doc%mentar3 on +an Am 1.38 (he $altese ou&le *ross8 2hich
2as d%e to 0remiere at the 1,,4 (ondon Film Festi1al. #tran-el38 for
the first time in its 3' 3ear histor38 the festi1al 0%lled the film at the
last min%te.
#%s0icio%sl38 a fe2 2ee)s after the film 0re1ie2ed at (ondon's
alternati1e An-le Baller38 it s%ffered a maNor fire.
/ne da3 before the film 2as to air on Channel 48 both the #cottish
Cro2n /ffice and the $.#. 4mbass3 sent e1er3 national and #cottish
ne2s0a0er a 0ress 0ac) smearin- fo%r of the film's inter1ie2ers.
Aithin da3s of film bein- broadcast8 6%1al A1i1 2as indicted on fra%d
char-es. 7is attorne38 Berald #har-el8 a00lied for a dismissal on the
-ro%nds of selecti1e 0rosec%tion. 41en the N%d-e 2as forced to
condemn the 0rosec%tion's ar-%ments as D0atheticD and
Allan Franco1itch 2asn't so l%c)3. Aithin min%tes of arri1in- in the
$nited #tates to testif3 at A1i1's trial8 he 2as detained b3 C%stoms
a-ents in a 0ri1ate interro-ation room8 and dro00ed dead on the s0ot.
All e1idence and doc%ments in Franco1itch's brief case 2ere fo%nd
Dmissin-D from the scene. Franco1itch had been 2or)in- on three other
doc%mentaries at the time8 incl%din- a de1estatin- e:0osX of the $.#.
atrocites in +anama.
For his role in re1ealin- the tr%th8 former @?A a-ent (ester Coleman
2o%ld be arrested on fabricated 0ass0ort char-es and forced to see)
as3l%m 2ith his famil3 in #2eden.
?n /)lahoma8 ATF informant Carol 7o2e 2o%ld be arrested on tr%m0ed
%0 char-es and forced to ta)e ref%-e inside a Nail cell8 her testimon3 of
the bombin- bloc)ed from e1en her o2n trial.
Ahile re0orter @ann3 Casolaro 2as m%rdered in1esti-atin- matters
related to ?nsla2 and BCC?8 he 2as also chec)in- on a lead 0ro1ided to
him b3 (ester Coleman.
C%rio%sl38 +an Am has ne1er been able to re1ie2 those doc%ments
2hich the -o1ernment claims 2o%ld merel3 sho2 its Dinnocence.D (i)e
so man3 other heino%s crimes8 the -o1ernment so%-ht to hide its
2ron-doin- %nder the catch-all of Dnational sec%rit3.D The -o1ernment8
claimin- it had nothin- to hide8 cons0ired 2ith Federal 6%d-e Thomas
+latt to den3 +an Am's disco1er3 re9%ests on the -ro%nds of Dnational
sec%rit3.D As +an Am's la23er8 6ames #ha%-hness38 2rote in o00osition
to the -o1ernment's motion to dismiss the com0an3's third 0art3
liabilit3 s%it5
The -o1ernment has fo%-ht stren%o%sl3 and s%ccessf%ll3 for three
3ears to 0re1ent an3 disco1er3 of it.L No28 the -o1ernment see)s
millions of dollars of sanctions to 0%nish and ban)r%0t m3 firm and me
for ha1in- the temerit3 not onl3 to assert claims a-ainst the
-o1ernment b%t also for e1en see)in- disco1er3 from the
The -o1ernment condemns as sanctionable an3 1ie2 of the facts that
differs from its o2n. ?n effect8 2hat the -o1ernment condemns is
defendants' ref%sal to blindl3 ado0t its 1ersion of the facts des0ite the
-o1ernment's ref%sal to 0rod%ce the e1idence from 2hich defendants
co%ld ha1e determined 2hether the -o1ernment's 1ersion of the facts
2as correct.L
The -o1ernment e:0ects this blind tr%st e1en tho%-h 2e had
information from m%lti0le so%rces that conflicted 2ith the
-o1ernment's s2ee0in- assertions and that s%--ested the -o1ernment
2as res0onsible for the fail%re to 0re1ent the bombin-.L
#e1en 3ears later8 the @o6 and FB? 2o%ld as) the 1ictims in /)lahoma
Cit3 for this same blind tr%st * l3in- abo%t their 0rior )no2led-e of the
attac). (3in- abo%t the n%mber of bombs fo%nd. (3in- abo%t the A+B
0%t o%t on the bro2n 0ic)-%0. (3in- abo%t the 0resence of other
s%s0ects. ?-norin- 2itnesses 2ho sa2 those s%s0ects and tr3in- to -et
them to chan-e their stories. Ta00in- 0eo0le's 0hones and e:hortin-
them into not tal)in- to the 0ress and defense in1esti-ators. And
intimidatin- se1eral 2itnesses into silence.
?n their attem0t to frame ATF informant Carol 7o2e on 0hon3
e:0losi1es char-es8 the -o1ernment 2as %ns%ccessf%l. ?n his closin-
ar-%ment8 7o2e's attorne3 Clar) Bre2ster 2a1ed his arms and
0assionatel3 anno%nced to the N%r38 Dthere 2as no bomb threat here8
the onl3 threat here is 2hat the -o1ernment can do to 0eo0le 2hen
the3 don't li)e 2hat 3o% sa3 or 2hat 3o% mi-ht sa3L.D
7o2e 2as ac9%itted.
Man3 others 2o%ldn't be so fort%nate.
The Connection
"It9s a total conspiracy. It has go,ernment written all o,er it."
* Tom +ose38 Ci1ilian Militar3 Assistance Bro%0R?ran-Contra +la3er
A0ril 1,8 1,,! 2as8 li)e No1ember 228 1,"38 a da3 that de1astated
America. #t%nned citiens e1er32here 2atched an:io%sl3 as another
0ainf%l drama %nfolded before them.
Aithin min%tes of the br%tal attac) on /)lahoma Cit38 an arm3 of
a-encies lea0t into action. ?n the Ahite 7o%se #it%ation Room the
atmos0here 2as tense as officials from the National #ec%rit3 Co%ncil8
the #ecret #er1ice8 the FB?8 ATF8 N#A8 and C?A all assembled to brief
the +resident.
This crisis team8 led b3 the 6%stice @e0artment8 lin)ed %0 to command
centers aro%nd the -lobe8 monitored b3 a 0lethora of intelli-ence
a-encies on e:tra-hi-h alert. The FB?8 the C?A's @irectorate of
/0erations and their domestic arm8 the National Reso%rces @i1ision8
sent a-ents hither and 3onder in a frantic and des0erate search for
information concernin- the catastro0hic attac).
?n a 9%ite Mar3land s%b%rb8 one former C?A official sat bac) and calml3
monitored the ens%in- chaos. 7e 0ic)ed %0 his 0i0e8 cas%all3 adN%sted
the 1ol%me on his tele1ision8 and leaned bac) in his comfortable
leather chair.
T2o tho%sand miles a2a3 in Alb%9%er9%e8 @'Ferdinand Carone8 the
da%-hter of former 0olice detecti1e8 C?A o0erati1e8 and Mafia ba--man8
DBi- AlD Carone8 0ic)ed %0 the tele0hone and dialed a 1er3 0ri1ate
A half a continent a2a38 the former C?A @e0%t3 @irector of Co1ert
/0erations ta00ed the contents of his 0i0e into an ashtra38 hit the
m%te b%tton on his remote control8 and ans2ered the 0hone.
Carone had been tr3in- to reach Theodore #hac)le3 for o1er t2o
2ee)s. As the3 tal)ed8 her attention 2as s%ddenl3 di1erted b3 a
horrible scene. Ahat a00eared to be an office b%ildin- la3 smolderin-
in r%ins. +eo0le and sirens 2ere screamin- in the bac)-ro%nd as bodies
2ere carted a2a3 b3 amb%lance.
D? said8 'oh m3 Bod8 the3 bombed /)lahomaI'
DThis 2as abo%t the time the3 2ere tal)in- abo%t the 0lane the3
sto00ed in 7eathro2 J2ith Abraham AhmedK8 and ? said8 'here 2e -o
Carone 2as referrin- of co%rse to the Aorld Trade Center bombin- b3 a
-ro%0 of Mid-4ast terrorists. #he ass%med that this 2as more of the
DAnd Ted said8 'No2 2o%ldn't 3o% find it interestin- if 3o% fo%nd o%t it
2as terrorists from hereH'
D? said8 'e:c%se meH'
DAnd he said8 'N%st 2hat ? said.'
DThen it hit me li)e a ton of bric)s. ? -ot the distinct feelin- that he
)ne2 2ho it 2as8 and that it act%all3 had somethin- to do 2ith the
Ahile scores of intelli-ence and la2-enforcement a-encies sco%red the
-lobe for cl%es as to 2ho had bombed the Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin-8
one man in a small office in Mar3land seemed to ha1e the ans2er.
7o2 did he )no2H

:ockerbie F - Parallel
"(he co,ert operators that I ran with would &low up a KAK with G==
people to kill one person. (hey are total sociopaths with no conscience
* Former +enta-on C?@ ?n1esti-ator Bene Aheaton
/n @ecember 218 1,''8 in the tin3 to2n of (oc)erbie8 #cotland8 2&.
li1es came to a tra%matic and fier3 end 2hen +an Am fli-ht 1.3 2as
blo2n o%t of the s)ies. T2o h%ndred and fift3-nine 0eo0le 0l%n-ed to
their deaths8 and 11 more died on the -ro%nd.
#e1eral min%tes before fli-ht 1.3 too) off from (ondon's 7eathro2
air0ort8 FB? Assistant @irector /li1er DB%c)D Re1ell r%shed o%t to the
tarmac and 0%lled his son and da%-hter-in-la2 off the 0lane.
7o2 did he )no2H
+erha0s Re1ell's intimate )no2led-e deri1ed from his relationshi0
2ith (t. Colonel /li1er North. ?n March of 1,'"8 North ad1ised Attorne3
Beneral 4d2in Meese to head off the FB?'s ens%in- in1esti-ation into
?ran-Contra. Meese informed Re1ell. Conse9%entl38 North mana-ed to
)ee0 abreast of the FB?'s in1esti-ation b3 con1enientl3 recei1in- co0ies
of all FB? files.
Aidel3 )no2n for his inestimable and ille-al s%00ort of the Contras8
North ;alon- 2ith Beneral Richard #ecord and ?ranian Albert 7a)im=
2as a b%siness associate of #3rian arms and dr%- r%nner Moner al-
>assar. For his role in shi00in- +olish arms to North's mercenar3 arm38
al->assar became the reci0ient of North's %nd3in- -ratit%de Jand
la%ndered dr%- 0roceedsK.
(i)e so man3 criminals8 dr%--dealers8 and mass-m%rderers the C?A had
coied %0 to o1er the 3ears8 al->assar enNo3ed the hi-hl3 1al%ed stat%s
of C?A Dasset.D
Al->assar 2as also closel3 ali-ned 2ith Rifat Assad8 brother of #3rian
dictator 7afe Assad. Assad's da%-hter RaNa 2as >assar's mistress8 and
had once been married to Ab% Abbas8 a collea-%e of the notorio%s
terrorist Ab% Nidal. Rifat himself 2as married to the sister of Ali ?ssa
@%bah8 chief of #3rian intelli-ence8 2ho8 alon- 2ith the #3rian arm38
controlled most of the o0i%m 0rod%ction in (ebanon's Be))a <alle3. The
dr%- 0rofits financed 1ario%s terrorist -ro%0s8 incl%din- the +o0%lar
Front for the (iberation of +alestine-Beneral Command ;+F(+-BC=8 r%n
b3 former #3rian arm3 officer Ahmed 6ibril.
Al->assar also acted as middleman in the ransom 0aid b3 the French to
effect the release of t2o hosta-es held in Beir%t. Bi1en his assistance
in sec%rin- the release of those hosta-es8 the C?A belie1ed al->assar
2o%ld 0ro1e in1al%able in ne-otiatin- the release of the si: American
hosta-es then bein- held in (ebanon.
?n ret%rn for this fa1or8 al->assar's dr%- 0i0eline to the $nited #tates
2o%ld be 0rotected b3 the C?A. This 2o%ld not 0ro1e diffic%lt8 as the
@4A 2as alread3 %sin- +an Am fli-hts o%t of Fran)fort8 Berman3 for
Dcontrolled deli1er3D shi0ments of heroin. Realiin- the3 co%ldn't halt
the flo2 of dr%-s comin- o%t of (ebanon8 the @4A %tilied the
controlled shi0ments8 escorted thro%-h c%stoms b3 @4A co%riers8 as
0art of a stin- o0eration8 2ith the intention of catchin- the dealers in
the $.#.
Ne-otiation 2ith indi1id%als li)e Moner al->assar had onl3 one
dra2bac)5 al->assar 2as closel3 lin)ed8 not onl3 2ith the terrorist-
s0onsorin- #3rian -o1ernment8 b%t 2ith -ro%0s s%ch Ahmed 6ibril's
+F(+-BC. 6ibril8 2as also ali-ned 2ith the ?ranian-bac)ed 7ebollah8
2hich had a some2hat different a-enda than al->assar.
/n 6%l3 38 1,''8 less than si: months before the +an Am 1.3
bombin-8 the $.#.#. <incennes shot do2n an ?ranian airliner o1er the
#traits of 7orm%8 )illin- all 2,. 0eo0le on board. Ass%min- the 0lane
2as a hostile craft8 the ca0tain of the <incennes8 Aill Rod-ers ???8 -a1e
the command to fire.
Ahile the 0eo0le of ?ran -rie1ed8 the officer res0onsible for the fatal
mista)e 2as a2arded a medal.
$nder ?slamic la28 the crime had to be a1en-ed. As 6%1al A1i1 of
?nterfor stated in his re0ort8 D?t 2as )no2n at the time that the contract
2as o%t to do2n an American airliner.D
That contract * F1. million dollars * 2as -i1en to Ahmed 6ibril.
6ibril had alread3 established a base of o0erations in Ne%ss8 Berman38
not far from Fran)fort. Central to his cell 2as one Mar2an Abdel
Raac) >hreeshat. >hreeshat's s0ecialt3 2as in b%ildin- small8
so0histicated bombs incor0oratin- timin- mechanisms ca0able of
detonatin- at 0re-determined altit%des.
B3 mid-/ctober 1,''8 6ibril 2as read3. >hreeshat had assembled fi1e
bombs8 b%ilt into Toshiba radio-cassette 0la3ers. 7o2e1er8 the Berman
0olice 2ere 2atchin- >hreesat. /n /ctober 2"8 >hreesat and 14 other
+F(+-BC s%s0ects 2ere ro%nded %0 in an o0eration code-named
DA%t%mn (ea1es.D /ne of the bombs 2as seied. Cet fo%r more
remained at lar-e.
Ahile in c%stod38 >hreesat demanded to ma)e a 0hone call8 then
ref%sed to ans2er an3 9%estions. Aithin ho%rs8 he 2as m3sterio%sl3
The incident is stri)in-l3 similar to the arrest of Dneo-Nai terroristD
Andreas #trassmeir on traffic char-es in Febr%ar3 of 1,,2. DBo38 2e
ca%-ht hell o1er that one8D recalled to2-tr%c) dri1er8 >enn3 +ence.
DThe 0hone calls came in from the #tate @e0artment8 the Bo1ernor's
office8 and someone called and said he had di0lomatic imm%nit3.LD
#imilar calls 2ere made on behalf of >hreesat. Former C?A a-ent
/s2ald (e Ainter8 2ho in1esti-ated the case8 stated8 DL0ress%re had
come from BonnL from the $.#. 4mbass3 in BonnL to release
?t seems that both #trassmeir and >hreesat 2ere o0erati1es of $.#.
intelli-ence. D? had s0o)en to a Berman re0orter 2ho ref%ses to -o on
camera8D adds (e Ainter8 Db%t 2ho is 1er3 close to federal intelli-ence
so%rces in Berman38 2ho ass%red me that >hreesat 2as an a-ent of
the 6ordanian ser1ice8 and an asset of the Central ?ntelli-ence
Bi1en the close relationshi0 bet2een the 6ordanians and the C?A8
this is not s%r0risin-. Cet it a00eared >hreesat 2asn't onl3 re0ortin- to
the 6ordanians and the AmericansG he 2as also re0ortin- to Ahmed
T2o months before the bombin-8 6ibril and al->assar 2ere s0otted b3 a
Mossad a-ent dinin- at a (ebanese resta%rant in +aris. 6ibril 2as
ho0in- to %se al->assar's controlled dr%- shi0ments thro%-h Fran)fort
to effect the deli1er3 of a bomb. The 0roblem5 ho2 to 0rotect the dr%-
shi0ments 2hile at the same time e:tract re1en-e on the AmericansH
Al->assar 0referred the former o0tion8 b%t8 d%e to 0olitical 0ress%re8 he
-r%d-in-l3 a-reed to the latter.
Ahile a C?A team in Aiesbaden8 code-named DC/R4A8D 2as ne-otiatin-
its secret deal 2ith al->assar for release of the hosta-es ;and
0rotectin- his dr%- ro%te=8 a second team8 led b3 MaNor Charles Mc>ee
of the @efense ?ntelli-ence A-enc3 ;@?A=8 and Matthe2 Bannon8 the
C?A's @e0%t3 #tation Chief in Beir%t8 had tra1eled to (ebanon to assess
the odds for a militar3-st3le resc%e o0eration.
Accordin- to A1i1's re0ort8 Mc>ee's team had8 2hile reconnoiterin- for
the release of the hosta-es8 st%mbled onto the first team's ille-al dr%-
o0eration. Mc>ee ref%sed to 0artici0ate. Ahen he and Bannon
contacted their control in Aashin-ton8 the3 recei1ed no re0l3. A-ainst
orders8 the3 decided to fl3 home to blo2 the 2histle. Accordin- to A1i15
The3 had comm%nicated bac) to (an-le3 the facts and names8 and
re0orted their film of the hosta-e locations. C?A did nothin-. No re0l3.
The team 2as o%tra-ed8 belie1in- that its resc%e and their li1es 2o%ld
be endan-ered b3 the do%ble dealin-.
B3 mid-@ecember the team became fr%strated and an-r3 and made
0lans to ret%rn to the $.#. 2ith their 0hotos and e1idence to inform the
-o1ernment8 and to 0%blicie their findin-s if the -o1ernment co1ered
The3 ne1er arri1ed. That ni-ht8 +an Am fli-ht 1.3 2as blo2n o%t of the
Aas the death of Mc>ee8 Bannon8 and fi1e others on their team an
%nfort%nate coincidence8 or did someone 2ant to ens%re that the3
didn't re1eal the caref%ll3 -%arded secrets of the /cto0%sH
Bi1en the am0le and s0ecific 2arnin-s recei1ed b3 the $.#.
Bo1ernment from the B>A8 the Mossad8 and a +alestinian informant
named #amra Maha3o%n8 it 2o%ld seem the latter.
Ahate1er the case8 it is indis0%table that $.#. a%thorities 2ere 2arned
of the attac)8 and failed to sto0 it.
Aas their fail%re deliberateH
D@o ? thin) the C?A 2as in1ol1edHD as)ed a -o1ernment Mideast
?ntelli-ence s0ecialist 9%oted in the financial 2ee)l38 %arron9s. D/f
co%rse the3 2ere in1ol1ed. And the3 scre2ed %0. Aas the o0eration
0lanned b3 the to0H +robabl3 not. ? do%bt the3 sanctioned heroin
im0ortation * that came abo%t at the more ealo%s lo2er le1els. B%t
the3 )ne2 2hat 2as -oin- on and didn't care.D The e:0ert added that
his a-enc3 has Dthin-s that s%00ort A1i1's alle-ation8 b%t 2e can't
0ro1e it. Ae ha1e no smo)in- -%n. And %ntil the other a-encies of the
-o1ernment o0en their doors8 2e 2ill ha1e no smo)in- -%n.D
The (oc)erbie bombin- 2as not the first time a%thorities 2ere 2arned
in ad1ance of a 0endin- terrorist attac). The sit%ation 2o%ld re0eat
itself fi1e 3ears later in Ne2 Cor) Cit38 and se1en 3ears later in
?t 2as an all too eerie coincidence.
T30icall38 $.#. a%thorities disin-enio%sl3 denied recei1in- an3
2arnin-s8 as the3 2o%ld later do in Ne2 Cor) and /)lahoma. Cet8 as in
those cases8 e1idence of 0rior )no2led-e 2o%ld e1ent%all3 become
)no2n. D?t s%bse9%entl3 came to me on f%rther in9%iries that the3
hadn't i-nored Jthe 2arnin-sK8D said a +an Am sec%rit3 officer. DA
n%mber of <?+s 2ere 0%lled off that 0lane. A n%mber of intelli-ence
o0erati1es 2ere 0%lled off that 0lane.D
@%e to the 2arnin-s 0osted in $.#. embassies b3 the #tate @e0artment
;b%t not for2arded to +an Am=8 man3 -o1ernment em0lo3ees a1oided
the fli-ht. ?n fact8 the lar-e &4& 2as onl3 t2o-thirds f%ll that b%s3
holida3 e1enin-. #o%th African 0resident +eter Botha and se1eral hi-h-
ran)in- officials 2ere ad1ised b3 state sec%rit3 forces to chan-e their
reser1ations at the last ho%r. The #o%th African #tate #ec%rit3 forces
ha1e a close relationshi0 2ith the C?A.
6%st as the3 2o%ld do in /)lahoma8 -o1ernment officials 0romised a
com0lete and thoro%-h in1esti-ation. #tated /li1er DB%c)D Re1ell8 2ho
headed %0 the B%rea%'s in1esti-ation5 DAll of %s 2or)in- on the case
made it a 1er38 1er3 0ersonal 0riorit3 of the first order.D
Frontin- for the C?A8 <ince Cannistraro chimed in5 D? had 0ersonal
friends on that 0lane 2ho died. And ? ass%re 3o% that ? 2anted to find
the 0er0etrators of that disaster as m%ch as an3one 2anted to.D
As in /)lahoma Cit38 this 2o%ld become the catch-all 0hrase that
2o%ld set e1er3thin- ri-ht and 0ro1e the -o1ernment had no
in1ol1ement. /f co%rse8 this 2o%ld be some2hat diffic%lt in Re1ell's
case8 since he 0%lled his son and da%-hter-in-la2 off the 0lane min%tes
before it too) off. ;This 2as s%s0icio%sl3 reminiscent of the ATF a-ents
2ho 2ere 0a-ed not to come into 2or) on A0ril 1,.=
?nterestin-l38 Re1ell 2as the FB?'s lead in1esti-ator in the crash of
an Arro2 Air @C-' 2hich e:0loded on @ecember 128 1,'! in Bander8
Ne2fo%ndland8 2ith the loss of all 24' 0ersonnel. As in /)lahoma Cit38
that site 2as 9%ic)l3 b%lldoed8 destro3in- cr%cial forensic e1idence8
2ith an Arm3 official maintainin- a 2atchf%l e3e at all times.
7idin- behind the co1er-%0 2as the same cast of characters * /li1er
North8 @%ane D@e23D Clarrid-e8 and <ince Cannistraro * 2ho 2as
North's de0%t3 at the N#C d%rin- ?ran-Contra8 and 2o%ld later a00ear
in (oc)erbie. The same cast of characters that l%r)ed behind the
scandals in Nicara-%a and ?ran8 and 2o%ld a00ear li)e -hostl3
a00aritions in the smolderin- r%ins of /)lahoma Cit3.
?t 2as also an act that the $.#. #hado2 Bo1ernment8 res0onsible for
0reci0itatin-8 2as an:io%s to co1er %0. 7ad the tr%e ca%se of the crash
* North's do%ble-dealin- 2ith the ?ranians * been re1ealed8 the ?ran-
Contra scandal 2o%ld ha1e s%rfaced t2o 3ears before it did.
/li1er DB%c)D Re1ell 2o%ld be on hand to ma)e s%re it didn't.
Three 3ears later8 in (oc)erbie8 the -o1ernment 2as still claimin- it's
hands 2ere clean. Cet it 1i-oro%sl3 0rotested +an Am's attem0ts to
s%b0oena 2arnin- memos and other doc%ments that 2o%ld ha1e
re1ealed the -o1ernment's fore)no2led-e8 N%st as it did in /)lahoma.
#im0l3 stated8 the attac) on +an Am 1.3 2as in retaliation for the
do2nin- of the ?ranian airb%s. The reason for tar-etin- +an Am 2as
sim0le5 the airline 2as re-%larl3 %sed b3 al->assar's o0erati1es to ferr3
dr%-s. ?t 2o%ld be a sim0le matter to s2itch a s%itcase containin-
dr%-s for one containin- a bomb.
That a00ears to be N%st 2hat ha00ened. Accordin- to (ester >no:
Coleman8 ???8 a former @?A a-ent in C30r%s seconded to the @4A5 D?
)ne2 from the con1ersations aro%nd me in '''8 that he ;(ebanese dr%-
co%rier >halid 6affar= 2as in1ol1ed in the controlled deli1eries. There's
no do%bt in m3 mind abo%t that at all. Ahen ? fo%nd he 2as on 1.3 and
2as )illed8 and there 2as a controlled deli1er3 -oin- thro%-h at the
time8 and ? )ne2 the sec%rit3 0roblems the @4A had8 and the
relationshi0s the3 had 2ith the 0eo0le in (ebanon8 2ith the iss%es
in1ol1in- sec%rit38 it 2as 1er3 sim0le for me to 0%t one and one
to-ether and -et the bi- t2o * that the @4A's o0eration had a role in
all this.D
Accordin- to 6%1al A1i18 the dr%- s%itcase 2as s2itched at Fran)fort8
2here T%r)ish ba--a-e handlers 2or)in- for al->assar had been
re-%larl3 s2itchin- ba-s for those containin- heroin.
As the
?nterfor re0ort stated5
/n @ecember 218 1,''8 a B>A s%r1eillance a-ent 2atchin- the +an Am
fli-ht's loadin- noticed that the Ddr%-D s%itcase s%bstit%ted 2as
different in ma)e8 sha0e8 material and color from that %sed for all
0re1io%s dr%- shi0ments. This one 2as a bro2n #amsonite case. 7e8
li)e the other B>A a-ents on the scene8 had been e:tra alert d%e to all
the bomb ti0s. Aithin an ho%r or so before ta)eoff he 0honed in a
re0ort as to 2hat he had seen8 sa3in- somethin- 2as 1er3 2ron-.
The B>A re0orted this to the C?A team in Aiesbaden8 2ho8 stran-el38
did not re0l3. Accordin- to A1i18 DJThe C?A %nitK re0orted to its control.
*!+(.!3 .EP3IE' !+9( -!..Y A%!5( I(1 !+9( )(!P I(1 3E( I(
A00arentl38 the C?A team Ddid not 2ant to blo2 its s%r1eillance
o0eration and %nderco1er 0enetration or to ris) the al->assar hosta-e
release o0eration8D 2rote A1i1. ?t seemed the C?A fi-%red the B>A
2o%ld interce0t the terrorists8 )ee0in- the C?A o%t of the 0ict%re8
thereb3 maintainin- its co1er.
Cet this e:0lanation hardl3 seems credible. The B>A had informed the
C?A abo%t the threat * a threat to one of its o2n 0lanes. The3 also
)ne2 the Americans 2ere r%nnin- a sensiti1e %nderco1er o0eration8
and m%st ha1e ass%med the Americans 2o%ld 2ant to handle the
sit%ation themsel1es.
Moreo1er8 there is no indication that the C?A had instr%cted the B>A or
an3 other Berman a%thorities to sto0 the bombin-. The 9%estion is5
2h3 notH Certainl3 the C?A 2o%ldn't blo2 its co1er b3 as)in- the B>A to
intercede8 as the3 2ere alread3 a2are of the C?AR@4A o0eration.
This raises e1en more dist%rbin- 9%estions. 7ad the C?A DcontrolD in
Aashin-ton8 monitorin- the sit%ation8 0%r0osel3 allo2ed the bombin-
to occ%rH Aas the Mc>ee team8 abo%t to blo2 the 2histle on the
/cto0%s8 s0ecificall3 tar-eted for eliminationH 7ad Middle 4astern
terrorists )no2in-l3 or %n)no2in-l3 cons0ired 2ith the /cto0%s in
eliminatin- a -ro%0 of 0es)3 2histle blo2ersH
#tran-el38 after the crash8 lar-e n%mbers of American Dresc%eD
0ersonnel be-an sho2in- %0 rather 9%ic)l3. As one searcher8 a
member of a mo%ntain resc%e team recalled5 DAe arri1ed 2ithin t2o
ho%rs Jof the crashK. Ae fo%nd Americans alread3 there.D
The first to a00ear 2as an FB? a-ent. Accordin- to Beor-e #tobbs8 a
(oc)erbie 0olice ins0ector8 DJ?K started to set %0 a control room8 and
Jbet2eenK ele1en o'cloc) and midni-ht8 there 2as a member of the FB?
in the office 2ho came in8 introd%ced herself to me8 and sat do2n *
and N%st sat there the rest of the ni-ht. That 2as it.D
Aas this so-called FB? a-ent there to obser1e the #cottish 0olice's
in1esti-ation8 and re0ort an3 conflictin- findin-s bac) to her s%0eriorsH
Tom @al3ell8 a member of British +arliament8 remar)ed5 DL
Absol%tel3 s2arms of Americans J2ereK fiddlin- 2ith the bodies8 and
shall 2e sa3 tam0erin- 2ith those thin-s the 0olice 2ere caref%ll3
chec)in- themsel1es. The3 2eren't 0retendin-8 sa3in- the3 2ere from
the FB? or C?A8 the3 2ere N%st 'Americans' 2ho seemed to arri1e 1er3
9%ic)l3 on the scene.D
The scenario 2as eeril3 similar to that in /)lahoma Cit38 2here resc%e
2or)ers and bomb s9%ad technicians seemin-l3 a00eared o%t of thin
Recall that /)lahoma Cit3 e3e2itness @ebra B%rdic)8 2ho 2as near
-ro%nd ero 2hen the bomb 2ent off8 said5 DAnd ri-ht after that8 here
comes the Bomb #9%ad8 before the amb%lances and the Fire
DThe3 2o%ld ha1e had to ha1e had some )ind of 2arnin- to res0ond
that 9%ic)8 said B%rdic)'s h%sband8 Dbeca%se the3 2o%ld ha1e had to
-et in their -ear and e1er3thin-.D
As mentioned 0re1io%sl38 B%rdic) 2asn't the onl3 one 2ho sa2 federal
a-ents and resc%e 0ersonnel arri1e a bit too 9%ic)l3. 6.@. Reed8 2ho
2as in the Co%nt3 /ffice B%ildin- 2hen the bomb 2ent off8 later 2rote5
DThe 0aramedics and firemen 2ere alread3 at 2or). 7o2 co%ld the3
mo1e so 9%ic)l3H The3 2ere there b3 the time 2e -ot do2n to the
Then there 2as #er-eant Cea)e3's omino%s letter to his friend Ramona
Mc@onald8 2hich stated5 D41er3one 2as behind 3o% %ntil 3o% started
as)in- 9%estions as ? did8 as to ho2 so man3 federal a-ents arri1ed at
the scene at the same time.LD
?n (oc)erbie8 a n%mber of American a-ents * some 2earin- +an Am
N%m0s%its * 2ere des0eratel3 searchin- for somethin-. As @al3ell
recalled5 D?t 2asL odd and stran-e that so man3 0eo0le sho%ld be
in1ol1ed in mo1in- bodies8 loo)in- at l%--a-e8 2ho 2ere not members
of the in1esti-atin- force. Ahat 2ere the3 loo)in- for so caref%ll3H Co%
)no28 this 2as not N%st searchin- caref%ll3 for lo1ed ones. ?t 2as far
more than that. ?t 2as caref%l e:amination of l%--a-e and indeed
@r. @a1id Fieldho%se8 the local 0olice s%r-eon8 identified MaNor Mc>ee
earl3 on. D? )ne2 that Jthe identification ofK Mc>ee 2as absol%tel3
correct beca%se of the clothin- 2hich correlated closel3 2ith the other
re0orts and statements8 and the com0%ters that 2ere lin)ed %0 to
This 2o%ld s%bs%me that Aashin-ton )ne2 e:actl3 2hat Mc>ee * 2ho
hadn't told Control he 2as comin- * 2as 2earin-. ?n other 2ords8 it
means he 2as %nder s%r1eillance b3 the /cto0%s.
Fieldho%se also ta--ed o1er !' bodies. D? later learned that 2hen
the bodies 2ere ta)en to the mort%ar38 all the labels 2hich had been
0%t on them had been remo1ed 2ith the e:ce0tion of t2o8D said
Fieldho%se8 Db%t all the rest had been remo1ed and discarded.D
A similar incident 2o%ld occ%r in /)lahoma Cit3. After n%rse Toni Barret
too) a brea) from ta--in- dead bodies8 she 2al)ed bac) to the
ma)eshift mor-%e that had been set %0 in a nearb3 ch%rch. DAhen 2e
came bac) in8 there 2as a cold8 callo%s atmos0here8D said Barret. D?
fo%nd o%t later that the FB? had ta)en o1er.LD
Not onl3 had the FB? ta)en o1er8 b%t for some reason8 the3 2ere
s%00ressin- the bod3 co%nt8 2hich the3 ori-inall3 claimed as onl3 22
dead. This enra-ed Barret8 2ho had 0ersonall3 ta--ed o1er 12.
bodies. Ahile -i1in- a ne2s inter1ie28 FB? a-ents r%shed o1er and told
her to sto0. Barret recalled the scene5 D7e said8 'Aell8 we9re do2n here
no28 and 2e're ta)in- o1er the b%ildin-. ?t 2o%ld be ad1isable and
recommendable that 3o% )ee0 3o%r mo%th sh%t.D
?n (oc)erbie8 0olice officers and militar3 0ersonnel 2o%ld be 0rohibited
%nder the /fficial #ecrets Act from tal)in- abo%t 2hat the3 had
6%st 2hat had the3 seen that 2as so sensiti1eH
6im Ailson )no2s. A local farmer8 Ailson told relati1es of +an Am
1ictims that he 2as 0resent D2hen the dr%-s 2ere fo%nd.D The
T%nder-arth farmer had disco1ered a s%itcase 0ac)ed 2ith heroin in
one of his fields. Aorried that it mi-ht harm his shee08 he informed
local 0olice8 2ho notified the Americans8 2ho then raced to the scene
in an all-terrain 1ehicle. Ailson noted that the Americans seemed
e:tremel3 an-r3 that the dr%-s had not been disco1ered earlier b3
their o2n 0ersonnel.
/ne #cottish 0olice officer 2ho did s0ea) o%t said that his de0artment
had been told to )ee0 an e3e o%t for the dr%-s earl3 on. 7e also
o1erheard American 0ersonnel sa3 that there 2as a dr%- co%rier on the
0lane * >halid 6affar * one of the (ebanese informants %sed b3 the
7ad the heroin belon-ed to 6affarH #ince the dr%- s%itcase had been
s2itched at Fran)fort8 it 2o%ld seem %nli)el3. A more 0robable
e:0lanation is that it belon-ed to Bannon or Mc>ee * e1idence of the
ille-al o0eration bein- r%n b3 the /cto0%s.
?t 2o%ld certainl3 e:0lain 2h3 $.#. officials 2ere so des0erate to find
the s%itcase before the #cottish a%thorities did. /nce located8 the
heroin 2as remo1ed8 and the ba- 0laced bac) in its ori-inal 0osition
li)e nothin- had ha00ened.
?n /)lahoma Cit38 1. ho%rs after the blast;s=8 federal a-ents halted
resc%e efforts to remo1e files from the b%ildin-. Ahile limited n%mbers
of resc%e 2or)ers 2ere constrained to the lo2er ri-ht side of the
b%ildin-8 bet2een 4. and !. federal a-ents be-an cartin- a2a3 bo:es
of files from the ATF and @4A offices.
DCo%'d thin) the3 2o%ld ha1e let their e1idence and files sit at least
%ntil the last s%r1i1or 2as 0%lled o%t8D one an-r3 resc%e 2or)er told
the +ew York aily +ews.
Then8 a00ro:imatel3 1. da3s after the blast8 t2o 2hite tr%c)s 0%lled %0
to the 0ostal anne: across from the M%rrah B%ildin- that 2as bein-
%sed to store emer-enc3 s%00lies. A doen men in blac) %nmar)ed
%niforms8 2earin- s)i mas)s and carr3in- s%bmachine -%ns8 N%m0ed
o%t and formed a 0rotecti1e corridor to the b%ildin-. /thers8 2earin-
bl%e n3lon 2indbrea)ers and carr3in- hand-held radios8 formed an
o%ter 0erimeter. As a 2itness 2atched8 he obser1ed Dbo: after bo: of
2hat a00eared to be files or doc%ments in bo:es JthatK 2ere loaded on
the %nmar)ed tr%c)s that loo)ed li)e R3der rental tr%c)s8 b%t 2ere
The 2itness8 a T%lsa Fire Ca0tain 2ho 2as filmin- the site of the
e:0losion8 2as told b3 one of the a-ents to 0%t do2n his camera. 7is
film 2as later confiscated.
Ahat 2ere in the bo:es * bo:es that 2ere ori-inall3 stored in the
Federal B%ildin- * that o1er a doen m3sterio%sl3 anon3mo%s federal
a-ents armed 2ith s%bmachine -%ns 2ere so an:io%s to secrete into
hidin-H Aere the3 files that 2ere bein- ta)en a2a3 to be destro3edL
or to be 0rotectedH And b3 2homH
The 0%blic 2o%ld ne1er learn of this biarre incident8 N%st as the3 2o%ld
ne1er learn of the Mid-4astern connection8 the n%mero%s 6ohn @oes8
the 0rior 2arnin-s of Car3 Ba-an and Carol 7o2e8 and the elaborate
co1er-%0. The -o1ernment had con1icted their man * Timoth3 6ames
Mc<ei-h * N%st as the3 had done 2ith (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald 34 3ears
a-o. The 1ictims 2ho s%bscribed to the -o1ernment's 1ersion of the
case co%ld no2 be-in to e:0erience a sense of Dclos%re8D 2hether the3
had learned the tr%th or not.
Fi1e 3ears before8 the -o1ernment had attem0ted to 0ro1ide Dclos%reD
to the +an Am bombin- b3 anno%ncin- its ne2l3 disco1ered De1idenceD
* a tin3 0iece of microchi0 alle-edl3 lin)ed to the bomb. This ne2
e1idence8 disco1ered in a remote field ten months after the crash8
2o%ld concl%si1el3 0ro1e8 the -o1ernment claimed8 that (ib3an
terrorists had destro3ed the 0lane.
(i)e the e1idence of Mc<ei-h's racin- f%el 0%rchases 2hich s%ddenl3
came to li-ht 1' months after the bombin-8 or the startlin- ne2
Dre1elationsD of 4ldon 4lliott8 Thomas Mannin-8 and @aina Bradle38 this
Dne2 e1idenceD 2o%ld hel0 the -o1ernment di1ert attention from
the tr%e 0er0etrators of the crime.
?nterestin-l38 Tom Th%rman8 the FB? lab technician 2ho matched the
chi0 * a tin3 charred fra-ment that had mirac%lo%sl3 s%r1i1ed t2o
#cottish Ainters * 2o%ld later be acc%sed of 0erN%r3 in %nrelated
Ne1ertheless8 the disco1er3 2as hailed as a maNor find. <ince
Cannistraro8 the C?A Co%nter terrorism Chief on the National #ec%rit3
Co%ncil8 2as the front-man for ne2 D(ib3anD theor3.
DThe 0rinci0le a1en%es that led to identification of a forei-n role in an
act of terrorism8D Cannistraro 9%i00ed 2ith moc) ass%rance8 D2as
forensic e1idence reco1ered b3 the #cottish 0olice at (oc)erbie
themsel1es. ?n1esti-ators and to2ns0eo0le on their hands and )nees8
cra2lin- alon- the co%ntr3side8 0ic)in- %0 min%te bits of debris. And
one of those bits of debris t%rned o%t to be a microchi08 2hich 2as
anal3ed microsco0icall3 that led to the (ib3an connection.D
(i)e the R3der tr%c) a:le in /)lahoma Cit3 that 2as alle-edl3
disco1ered b3 se1eral different 0eo0le8 so the microchi0 2o%ld ha1e a
conf%sin- and contradictor3 be13 of claimants. DThree of his 0eo0le
;FB? a-ents= had s2orn that the3 had fo%nd this 0iece in a 0iece of a
coat and had si-ned a 0a0er to this effect8D stated Bollier. D? later heard
that it 2as the #cottish 0olice 2ho had fo%nd the 0iece in a shirt that
came from Malta.D Cet in s0ite of this8 the #cotts 2o%ld attem0t to ha1e
a to2ns0erson si-n a statement that he had fo%nd the chi0.
Cet the to2ns0erson 2hom the FB? claimed had disco1ered the chi0
co%ld not e1en recall findin- it. The man8 named DBobb38D said D? -ot a
call from a 0oliceman as)in- if he co%ld come do2n to m3 home8 and
2o%ld ? si-n to sa3 that ? 0ic)ed those JitemsK %0. 7e bro%-ht 2ith him
three small ba-s abo%t the sie of an ei-ht-b3-fi1e 0iece of 0a0er8 one
of 2hich contained an item of cloth8 one of 2hich contained a bro2n
0iece 2hich loo)ed 1er3 m%ch li)e a 0iece of 0lastic8 the third 0iece ?
co%ldn't tell 2hat it 2as.D
7ad the chi0 been 0lanted b3 the FB?H The B%rea% admitted that it
alread3 0ossessed t2o s%ch timers8 confiscated from t2o (ib3ans in
@a)ar and #ene-al in 1,'". The incident 2as remar)abl3 similar to the
/)lahoma Cit3 bombin- 2itnesses 2ho 2ere coerced into si-nin-
statements that differed from 2hat the3 act%all3 sa2.
Cet British a%thorities 2o%ld 2illin-l3 coo0erate 2ith the $.#. as the
res%lt of a 0hone call made b3 +resident B%sh to +rime Minister
Mar-aret Thatcher. Accordin- to -ashington Post s3ndicated col%mnist
6ac) Anderson8 the t2o heads of state a-reed that the in1esti-ation
sho%ld be DlimitedD in order to a1oid com0romisin- the t2o nations'
intelli-ence comm%nities.
For his 0art8 Cannistraro had de1elo0ed8 alon- 2ith N#C staffers
7o2ard Teicher and /li1er North8 the Rea-an-ins0ired 0ro0a-anda
0olic3 of destro3in- the (ib3an re-ime of Colonel M%ammar al-Waddafi.
As Bob Aood2ard 2rote in the -ashington Post'
<incent M. Cannistraro8 a 1eteran C?A o0erations officer and director of
intelli-ence on the National #ec%rit3 Co%ncil staff8 and 7o2ard R.
Teicher8 the director of the office of 0olitical militar3 affairs in the N#C8
s%00orted the disinformation and dece0tion 0lanL.
D? de1elo0ed the 0olic3 to2ard (ib3a8D said Cannistraro. D?n fact8 ? e1en
2rote the draft 0a0er that 2as later ado0ted b3 the +resident.D
?n s0ite of the ob1io%s 0ro0a-anda 0lo38 the e1idence a-ainst (ib3a
2as d%bio%s at best. 41en more d%bio%s 2as the -o1ernment's theor3
of ho2 the bomb -ot on board. Accordin- to DB%c)D Re1ell8 the bomb8
b%ilt b3 t2o (ib3an intelli-ence a-ents * Abdel Basset al-Me-rahi and
(amin >halifah Fhima * 2as 0laced inside a s%itcase and sm%--led
into the air0ort at Malta8 and ta--ed for its final destination to 6F>
air0ort in Ne2 Cor). ?t then fle28 %naccom0anied8 to Fran)fort8 2here it
chan-ed 0lanes8 also %naccom0anied8 then fle2 to (ondon8 2here it
mana-ed to chan-e 0lanes a-ain8 onl3 to e:0lode o1er (oc)erbie.
(i)e the s0ecter of t2o lone amate%rs 2ith a fertilier bomb8 the
-o1ernment act%all3 e:0ects the 0%blic to belie1e that a sensiti1e
altit%de-tri--ered time-bomb mana-ed to 0ass thro%-h three co%ntries
%naccom0anied8 0ass thro%-h sec%rit3 and c%stoms chec)s8 chan-e
0lanes twice8 then detonate at 0recisel3 the ri-ht moment o1er its
tar-et destinationI
#%ch a s%--estion8 e1en to the %ninitiated8 is ridic%lo%s.
And there 2as no e1idence to s%00ort it. Accordin- to @ennis +hi00s8
former head of sec%rit3 for British Air2a3s5 DLthe records of handlin-
of that fi-ht 2ere made a1ailable for me to see. There 2as no e1idence
of an3 %naccom0anied ba-s. All of the ba-s that 2ere carried as
0assen-er ba--a-e on that fli-ht8 had to be chec)ed in b3 a 0assen-er
2ho act%all3 tra1eled on the fli-ht.D
#aid Michael 6ones8 +an Am's (ondon #ec%rit3 Chief5 D?'1e ne1er seen
an3 doc%mentation 2hatsoe1er8 0rod%ced b3 +an Am or an3bod3 else8
sho2in- there 2as an3 interl3in- ba--a-e to +an Am from the Air
Malta fli-htLD
41en the FB?'s o2n tele:8 dated /ctober 238 1,',8 stated5
To @irector8 FB?8 +riorit3 * Records there is no concrete indication that
an3 0iece of l%--a-e 2as %nloaded from Air Malta 1.. sent thro%-h
the l%--a-e ro%tin- at Fran)fort air0ort then loaded on board +an Am
?n fact8 it is abs%rd to s%--est that trained intelli-ence a-ents or
e1en cle1er terrorists 2o%ld o0t for s%ch a far-fetched and ris)3 0lan.
4s0eciall3 -i1en the sec%rit3 meas%res re-ardin- %naccom0anied
ba-s8 2hich 2o%ld ha1e s%rel3 aro%sed s%s0icion. This 0remise
becomes e1en more l%dicro%s considerin- the %ne:0ected dela3s
inherent in Ainter holida3 fli-hts. 7o2 had the bomb8 after 0assin-
thro%-h three co%ntries8 mana-ed to arm itself and detonate at
0recisel3 the ri-ht momentH
Mirac%lo%sl38 ei-ht months after the bombin-8 a ba--a-e 0rint-o%t 2as
obtained b3 the B>A sho2in- an %naccom0anied ba- that had been
transferred from Air Malta.
The -o1ernment finall3 had its De1idence.D
6%st as the3 had s%ddenl3 dro00ed the Middle 4astern lead in
/)lahoma8 the -o1ernment 2as no2 s2itchin- trac)s and blamin- the
(ib3ans for the +an Am bombin-. B%t 2h3H Ah38 after t2o 3ears of
solid e1idence 0ointin- to #3rian and ?ranian in1ol1ement8 2as the
-o1ernment no2 blamin- (ib3a * and on s%ch flims3 0retensesH
Nat%rall38 li)e the theor3 of Mc<ei-h's Dre1en-e for Aaco8D the
-o1ernment had a hand3 e:0lanation5 (ib3a's moti1e for the attac)
stemmed from the A0ril8 1,'" $.#. air-raid on Tri0oli and Ben-hai8 in
2hich o1er 3& ci1ilians8 incl%din- Waddafi's infant da%-hter8 2ere
)illed. (hat raid 2as in retaliation for the bombin- of the (a Belle
@iscothe9%e in Berlin a 3ear earlier8 in 2hich t2o $.#. ser1icemen and
a T%r)ish 2oman 2ere )illed.
?n fact8 the in1ol1ement of (ib3a in the disco bombin- 2as hi-hl3
9%estionable. ?t is also c%rio%s 2h3 Waddafi 2o%ld 2ait t2o-and-a-half
3ears to e:tract his re1en-e on the Americans for the Ben-hai
4ssentiall38 -o1ernment's desire to im0licate (ib3a for the bombin- of
+an Am 1.3 2as no different than its desire to im0licate the militia for
the bombin- in /)lahoma Cit3. ?n that case8 the3 claimed8 the moti1e
2as re1en-e for the -o1ernment's atrocities at Aaco.
?n fact8 +resident B%sh )ne2 0erfectl3 2ell 2ho had bombed fli-ht 1.3.
#i: months after the bombin-8 #ecretar3 of #tate 6ames Ba)er 1isited
2ith #3rian Forei-n ?ntelli-ence Minister Faro%) al-#haraa. Ba)er as)ed5
DAhat are 3o% doin- abo%t the B(C -ro%0HD
DAhat are 3o% tal)in- abo%t8D as)ed al-#haraa.
D6ibril8D ans2ered Ba)er. DAe )no2 the3 are res0onsible for (oc)erbie.
Ahat are 3o% doin- abo%t themHD
D7o2 do 3o% )no2 thatHD
DAe ha1e the e1idence8D Ba)er re0lied. DAnd the e1idence is
Ne1ertheless8 the -o1ernment lied to the American 0eo0le.
in1esti-ation had t%rned 0olitical. ?n 6%l3 of 1,,.8 ?ra9 in1aded >%2ait.
+resident B%sh be-an formin- his B%lf Aar coalition. #3ria8 formerl3
1ie2ed as a terrorist state8 2as no2 seen as a necessar3 all3.
?nterestin-l38 B%sh had been 9%ietl3 ma)in- o1ert%res to #3rian
+resident Assad for 3ears. Assad 2as a bitter enem3 of +resident
#addam 7%ssein of ?ra9. ?n order to brin- #3ria into the coalition8 all
e1idence 0ointin- to them 2as dro00ed. And8 in No1ember of 1,,18
the (ib3an theor3 became the DofficialD 1ersion of the bombin-.
The real stor3 a00ears some2hat different.
/n @ecember 2.8 an interce0t of a call made to the ?ranian embass3 in
Beir%t confirmed that an American o0erati1e named @a1id (o1eNo3
;A>A5 Michael Fran)s8 Michael #chafer= had s0o)en to ?ranian Char-X
d'Affaires 7%ssein Ni)nam8 and ad1ised him that the Mc>ee team had
chan-ed its tra1el 0lans and boo)ed 0assa-e on fli-ht 1.3. The ne:t
da38 Ni)nam called the ?nterior Ministr3 in Teheran and 0assed on
Fran)'s information.
The @4A 2as also monitorin- Mc>ee8 and se0aratel3 informed the C?A
in Aashin-ton8 British M?"8 and the C?A team in Aiesbaden.
Al->assar's o0erati1es had also obser1ed Bannon ma)in- tra1el
arran-ements in Nicosia8 and re0orted this to their C?A handlers in
Aiesbaden. This 2asn't diffic%lt8 as the @4A's Dcontrolled deli1er3D
o0eration8 r%n b3 @4A #tation Chief Michael T. 7%rle3 in C30r%s8
%tilied Arab informants8 some of 2hom8 accordin- to Coleman8 2ere
re0ortin- bac) to Ahmed 6ibril.
As one so%rce familiar 2ith the case said8 D41er3 s0oo) in 4%ro0e )ne2
that Mc>ee and Bannon 2ere fl3in- home on fli-ht 1.3.D
Cet 2hile the Mc>ee team 2as ob1io%sl3 com0romised8 the 9%estion
be--in- to be ans2ered is8 2ho is Michael Fran)sH And 2h3 did Fran)s
inform the ?ranian embass38 a bitter enem3 of the $.#.8 of Mc>ee's
tra1el 0lansH
An associate of /li1er North8 Fran)s 2or)ed for /1erseas +ress #er1ice
;/+#= a tele1ision cons%ltanc3 firm r%n b3 A. @ennis #%it. A former C?A
o0erati1e in Central America8 #%it 2as an associate of North8 Ailliam
Case38 6ac) #in-la%b8 6ac) Terrell8 and Contra leaders Adolfo and Mario
Calero. (ester Coleman a0tl3 described him as a re0resentati1e of
North's DBeor-ia Mafia.D
?n other 2ords8 Fran)s 2or)ed for the /cto0%s.
#ent to C30r%s b3 /+# as a Dcameraman8D Fran)s 2as in a 0erfect
0osition to monitor the acti1ities of the @4A.
The other 9%estion be--in- to be ans2ered is5 2ho at the C?A Control
in Aashin-ton ;not their head9%arters in (an-le3= told the C?A team in
Aiesbaden5 "!+9( -!..Y A%!5( I(1 !+9( )(!P I(1 3E( I( "!"/
?t has been ar-%ed b3 a0olo-ists for the C?A that the A-enc3 didn't
sto0 the bombin- beca%se it didn't 2ant to com0romise its hosta-e-
resc%e mission * an o0eration bein- r%n b3 the /cto0%s in coll%sion
2ith Moner al->assar. 4ssentiall38 2e are as)ed to acce0t the idea that
the C?A 2as read3 to sacrifice the li1es of 2&. 0eo0le so as not to ris)
the o00ort%nit3 to free si: 0eo0le.
A more 0la%sible e:0lanation is that the /cto0%s didn't 2ant to
com0romise its 0rofitable dr%- and -%n r%nnin- o0eration * an
o0eration that traces its roots from the Corsican Mafia8 thro%-h the
7mon- tribesman in (aos8 to the M%Nahadeen in +a)istan and
Af-hanistan8 and finall3 to the cartels in Col%mbia and Me:ico. ?t is an
enter0rise r%n b3 man3 of the same s0oo)s that ran the Cold Aar8
channelin- billions of ta:0a3er dollars into the militar3Rind%strial
establishment8 2hile f%nnelin- tho%sands of tons of heroin and cocaine
into o%r cities' streets.
As intelli-ence anal3st @a1e 4mor3 notes8 DAhen federal intelli-ence
a-encies in the $nited #tates decide to mo1e in a 0artic%lar direction
* or 2hen a faction of them decides to mo1e in a 0artic%lar direction
* the3 do so 2hen to mo1e in that direction 2o%ld scratch a n%mber
of different itches at different le1els sim%ltaneo%sl3.D
B3 0assin- on the tra1el 0lans of the Mc>ee team to the ?ranians8
Fran)s allo2ed Ahmed 6ibril to bomb the 0lane8 eliminatin- Mc>ee and
Bannon in the 0rocess8 and 0re1entin- e:0os%re of the /cto0%s. At the
same time8 the ?ranians -ot re1en-e for the shootdo2n of their airliner8
and the dr%- dealers )e0t their o0eration relati1el3 intact.
$sin- the ?ranians as 0ro:ies 0ermitted the /cto0%s to maintain
D0la%sible deniabilit3.D
@escribin- ho2 0ro:ies or Dc%t-o%tsD are %sed in assassination 2or)8
2!-3ear @4A 1eteran Mi)e (e1ine said8 DL2hen 3o% sa3 'the3 2o%ldn't
do it8' s%rel3 3o% don't thin) that the #icilian Mafia ;to %se an e:am0le=
sends o%t a co%0le of ?talians to do a hit on a $.#. Attorne3 that the3
co%ld lin) directl3 bac)H No8 absol%tel3 not. Ahat the3 mi-ht do is %se
2hat's left of JA%-%stK Record's or-aniation ;a dr%- dealer in #o%th
America=8 the3 mi-ht tal) to an ?talian 2ho li1es in +ara-%a3 or Monte
Madeo8 he then tal)s to the son of a Berman 2ho li1es in +ara-%a3. An
arran-ement is made. The3 2ant them h%rt. This or-aniation finds o%t
that this -%3's 2ife is fl3in- on a 0lane. Not that that's ha00ened.
?'m -i1in- 3o% a scenarioL that's the way it's done. Ae're li1in- in a
2orld 2here m%rder has become 1er38 1er3 hi-h-tech8 1er3 con1ol%ted8
2ith c%t-o%tsL
DTAA8 +an Am 1.3 * this is the 0erfect M./. of this or-aniation8D adds
(e1ine. DNot that the3 ;Ricord= did it8 b%t 2hen the3 did thin-s8 there
2as no 2a3 it 2o%ld e1er -o bac) to them8 beca%se the3 2o%ld do it
for someone else.D
?n the case of +an Am 1.38 it a00eared that the /cto0%s 2as more
interested in co1erin- %0 its in1ol1ement 2ith dr%- sm%--lers than in
sec%rin- the release of American hosta-es. And it 2as 2illin- to
sacrifice 2&. li1es to do so.
The %ting
"(here were people in a position o8 authority that knew something was
going to come down1 and they didn9t do anything a&out itC and people
got killed."
* Tom B.8 22-3ear C?AR@?A 1eteran
The lo-istical a00arat%s 2hich allo2ed the +F(+-BC to bomb fli-ht 1.3
2as a controlled dr%- deli1er3 at Fran)fort air0ort * a stin- o0eration
r%n 2ith the f%ll )no2led-e of American8 Berman8 and ?sraeli
intelli-ence. ?t 2as a stin- o0eration that had been 0enetrated b3
Middle 4astern terrorists intent on 2rec)in- ha1oc.
?n /)lahoma Cit38 another stin- o0eration 2as %nder2a3. (i)e the
@4A's controlled deli1er3 of dr%-s thro%-h Fran)fort8 the ATF and the
FB? 2o%ld see) to %tilie a Dcontrolled deli1er3D of a bomb in /)lahoma
As 0re1io%sl3 disc%ssed8 the FB?8 ATF8 and $.#. Marshals8 all had am0le
0rior 2arnin-. Not onl3 had the Marshals #er1ice been 2arned of a
Fatwa a-ainst American installations as a res%lt of the Aorld Trade
Center con1ictions8 b%t the FB? had recei1ed 2arnin-s from the ?sraelis8
the #a%dis8 the >%2aitis8 and their o2n informant8 Car3 Ba-an8
concernin- threats a-ainst federal b%ildin-s in +hoeni:8 @en1er8 and
/)lahoma Cit3.
Additionall38 ATF informant Carol 7o2e had s0ecificall3 2arned
a%thorities abo%t a neo-Nai 0lan to blo2 %0 a federal b%ildin- in either
T%lsa or /)lahoma Cit3 as far bac) as No1ember of ',4.
As the fatef%l da3 dre2 closer8 the 2arnin-s be-an 0o%rin- in. 6%d-e
Aa3ne Alle38 2hose office sits across from the M%rrah B%ildin-8 2as
2arned se1eral 2ee)s 0rior to the blast b3 Dsec%rit3 officialsD to ta)e
De:tra 0reca%tions.D The federal N%d-e8 2ho 2as not in his office at the
time8 b%t 2hose cler)s 2ere inN%red in the blast8 told the Portland
!regonian8 D/f all the da3s for this to ha00en8 it's absol%tel3 an
amain- coincidence.D Ahen as)ed to disc%ss the nat%re of the
2arnin-s8 Alle3 said8 D(et me N%st sa3 that 2ithin the 0ast t2o or three
2ee)s8 information has been disseminatedL that indicated concerns
on the 0art of 0eo0le 2ho o%-ht to be a little bit more caref%l.D
This is not s%r0risin-. Ba-an had 2arned the FB? as far bac) as
#e0tember that federal a-ents and N%d-es 2ere tar-eted for
assassination. As 0re1io%sl3 noted8 Ba-an had been dee0 inside the
Middle 4astern cell in1ol1ed in the bombin-. Ba-an informed the feds
on #e0tember 218 1,,4 that his Arab comrades had been cr%isin-
@en1er in a 2hite Merc%r3 0hoto-ra0hin- federal a-ents. Ba-an told
the a%thor that he 2as instr%cted to assassinate 6%d-e (e2is
7ad the feds 2arned 6%d-e Alle3H DM3 s%bNecti1e im0ression8D said
Alle38 D2as there 2as a reason for the dissemination of these concerns8
stron-l3 s%--estin- an im0endin- 0ro:imate e1ent.D
The /)lahoma Cit3 Fire @e0artment8 %nli)e 6%d-e Alle38 had the benefit
of more s0ecific 2arnin-s. /n Frida38 A0ril 148 the FB? 0laced a call to
Assistant Chief Charles Baines to 2arn him of a 0otential terrorist
threat 2ithin the ne:t fe2 da3s.
Ahen Blenn Ailb%rn confronted Baines8 he 2as met 2ith a blan)et of
denial. Ailb%rn then 2al)ed do2n the hall and confronted Chief
@is0atcher 7ar1e3 Aeathers8 2ho %nhesitatin-l3 re0lied that the3 had
in fact recei1ed a 2arnin-. Ailb%rn told him8 DAell8 3o%'re -oin- to be
s%r0rised to learn that Chief Baines' memor3 is failin-. 7e sa3s it ne1er
ha00ened.D Aeathers re0lied8 DAell8 3o% as)ed me and ? told 3o%. ?'m
not -oin- to lie for an3bod3. A lot of 0eo0le don't 2ant to -et in1ol1ed
in this.D
Ahen Assistant Chief 6on 7ansen 2as later inter1ie2ed b3 >F/R's
6a3na @a1is8 he said he co%ld no lon-er recall N%st e:actl3 who had
called the @e0artment8 b%t con1incin-l3 reass%red s)e0tics8 DThe FB?
came in 3esterda3 and told me it 2asn't them.D
Cet t2o reser1e #heriff's de0%ties on d%t3 at the M%rrah B%ildin- the
ni-ht of the bombin-8 @on 7ammons and @a1id >achendofer8 si-ned
s2orn affida1its that Re0resentati1e 4rnest ?stoo) ;R-/>= told them of
the -o1ernment's 0rior )no2led-e. >achendofer 2as -%ardin- the
north2est corner of the b%ildin- 2hen ?stoo) a00roached and chated
2ith him. >achendofer relates the con1ersation5 DJ?stoo)K made the
comment to me8 he sa3s8 'Ceah8 2e )ne2 this 2as -oin- to ha00en.'
DAnd ? said8 '4:c%se meH'
DAnd he sa3s8 'Ceah8 2e )ne2 this 2as -oin- to ha00en. Ae -ot 2ord
thro%-h o%r so%rces that there is a radical f%ndamental ?slamic -ro%0
in /)lahoma Cit3 and that the3 2ere -oin- to bomb the Federal
The da3 after the bombin-8 /)lahoma Cit3 FB? #AC Bob Ric)s ;of Aaco
infam3=8 mana-ed to )ee0 a strai-ht face 2hile anno%ncin- to
re0orters5 DThe FB? and /)lahoma Cit3 has not recei1ed an3 threats
that indicated that a bombin- 2as abo%t to ta)e 0lace.D
(i)e the fo: ass%rin- the farmer that he hadn't made off 2ith an3
chic)ens8 the FB?'s claims 0ro1ed of little solace. Fort%natel3 for the
FB?8 the a%dio lo-s of the Fire @e0artment's incomin- calls 2ere
m3sterio%sl3 Derased.D
As (he aily !klahoman re0orted on A%-%st 148 1,,&5
L<ance @eAood38 o2ner of /0al's Ans2erin- #er1ice8 and his
em0lo3ee8 +at 7o%serL recei1ed an anon3mo%s tele0hone call sa3in-
that a bomb 2as -oin- to -o off in the office of the $.#. #ecret #er1ice
on the ninth floor of the M%rrah B%ildin-.L
/0al'sL ta)es calls for the #ecret #er1ice. The call came fo%r da3s
&e8ore the bombin-. Then8 on the mornin- of A0ril 1,8 the 4:ec%ti1e
#ecretariat's /ffice of the 6%stice @e0artment recei1ed a m3sterio%s
call from someone claimin- the M%rrah B%ildin- had N%st been blo2n
%0L DA minutes &e8ore the &lastL ABC 2.R2. 9%oted the official
-o1ernment doc%ment5
The @e0artment of 6%sticeL recei1ed a tele0hone callL t2ent3-fo%r
min%tes 0rior to the bombin-L The caller said8 DThe Federal B%ildin- in
/)lahoma Cit3 has N%st been bombed.D
ABC anchor Tom 6arriel noted that Dno action 2as a00arentl3 ta)enD b3
the 6%stice @e0artment in res0onse to that stran-e emer-enc3 call
min%tes before the blast.
Not lon- after Bob Ric)'s anno%ncement8 Carol 7o2e and Car3 Ba-an
2o%ld ma)e their 0resence )no2n * informin- the 0%blic that the
-o1ernment did indeed ha1e 0rior )no2led-e of the attac). To co1er
themsel1es8 the -o1ernment onl3 admitted that the3 had 1a-%e8
%ns0ecified 2arnin-s of the im0endin- 0lot. As #te0hen 6ones 2rote in
his brief of March 2!8 1,,&5
#oon the -o1ernment's 0osition 2ill re1ert to the ridic%lo%s and it
2ill onl3 den3 an3 )no2led-e that the M%rrah B%ildin- 2as s0ecificall3
tar-eted at ,5.2 a.m. on A0ril 1,8 1,,!8 to be destro3ed b3 a bomb
deli1ered in a R3der rental tr%c) b3 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h.L That is the
Federal Bo1ernment 0la3in- 2ord -ames in order to a1oid 2hat is
0otentiall3 the sin-le most embarrassin- and h%miliatin- sit%ation
since the 0%blic fo%nd o%t that the FB? had an informant inside the
terrorist -ro%0 that bombed the Aorld Trade Center in Ne2 Cor) * an
informant that act%all3 hel0ed ma)e the bomb * b%t the3 b%n-led the
entire sit%ation and did not 0re1ent that tra-ed3.
Ne1ertheless8 it 2o%ldn't be lon- before a si-nificant 0ercenta-e of the
0o0%lation 2o%ld learn abo%t the s%s0icio%s acti1ites in /)lahoma Cit3
the mornin- of A0ril 1,. Attorne3 @aniel 6. Adomitis 2as dri1in-
do2nto2n aro%nd &53. a.m. that mornin- 2hen he noticed a 2hite
bomb s9%ad tr%c) 0ar)ed on the 2est side of the co%rtho%se8 close to
the M%rrah B%ildin-. Adomitis told the Fort -orth )tarH(elegram8 D?
remember thin)in- as ? 0assed that8 'Bee8 ? 2onder if the3 had a bomb
threat at the Co%nt3 Co%rtho%seH'D
Norma #mith8 2ho 2or)ed at the Federal Co%rtho%se across from the
M%rrah B%ildin-8 sa28 alon- 2ith n%mero%s others8 the Bomb #9%ad
con-re-ated in the 0ar)in- lot. #mith reco%nted her stor3 for her
hometo2n Te:as ne2s0a0er8 the Panola -atchman'
The da3 2as fine8 e1er3thin- 2as normal 2hen ? arri1ed at &54! to
be-in m3 da3 at ' a.m.8 b%t as ? 2al)ed thro%-h m3 b%ildin-'s 0ar)in-
lot8 ? remember seein- a bomb s9%ad. ? reall3 did not thin) abo%t it *
es0eciall3 2hen 2e did not hear more abo%t it....
There 2as some tal) abo%t the bomb s9%ad amon- em0lo3ees in o%r
office. Ae did 2onder 2hat it 2as doin- in o%r 0ar)in- lot. 6o)in-l38 ?
said8 DAell ? -%ess 2e'll find o%t soon eno%-hD....
Renee Coo0er8 2hose infant son 2as )illed in the da3-care center8 2as
dri1in- do2n Robinson #treet 2hen she sa2 se1eral men in dar)
Nac)ets standin- in front of the Federal Co%rtho%se. The men's Nac)ets
2ere inscribed 2ith the 2ords DBomb #9%ad.D
Re0orter 6.@. Cash s0o)e 2ith a 2oman 2hose brother 2or)ed in the
Federal B%ildin-. DFrantic 2ith 2orr38 6ac)ie #tiles said she tal)ed to an
FB? a-ent at the scene 2ho told her there had been a bomb threat
made a-ainst the M%rrah B%ildin- the 0re1io%s 2ee).D
This fact 2as also confirmed b3 Michael 7inton8 a former 0olice officer
2ho 2as sta3in- across the street at the CMCA. 7inton 2itnessed 2hat
a00eared to be a bomb threat e1ac%ation of the M%rrah B%ildin- t2o
2ee)s earlier.
Nat%rall38 the Bomb #9%ad denied bein- there. ?n an inter1ie2 2ith
6a3na @a1is8 #heriff 6.@. #har0 claimed that the Bomb #9%ad tr%c) 2as
ten miles a2a3 at the time. D? can ass%re 3o% from the testimon3 of
2itnesses and the bomb commander that o%r bomb %nit 2as not
an32here near the M%rrah B%ildin- the mornin- of the blast8D said
Ahen the a%thor attem0ted to inter1ie2 t2o members of the Bomb
#9%ad8 one of them became 1isibl3 ner1o%s8 and demanded that ?
s0ea) to his s%0erior. 7e denied remo1in- additional bombs8 or bein-
at the Federal B%ildin- earl3 that mornin-.
The #heriff's @e0artment later told NBC 4:tra's Brad Boode that the
Bomb #9%ad was in fact de0lo3ed do2nto2n for Dtrainin- 0%r0oses8D
b%t claimed the3 2ere not in bomb attire. At the same time8 the /C+@
told 4:tra the Bomb #9%ad 2as not there at all.
Re0orter 6.@. Cash recei1ed a similar res0onse from Bomb #9%ad
Ca0tain Robert 7ead3. Ahen confronted 2ith the fact that at least t2o
e3e-2itnesses sa2 the Bomb #9%ad members in their blac) t-shirts
2ith the 2ords DB/MB #W$A@D emblaoned across their chests in
sil1er-2hite letters8 the ca0tain said8 DAe don't 2ear those t30e shirts.D
?nterestin-l38 a 1ideota0e made b3 @e0%t3 #heriff Mel1in #%mter at the
scene of the blast sho2s the Bomb #9%ad members8 alon- 2ith the
ca0tain8 in t-shirts 2ith 2ords DB/MB #W$A@D in lar-e sil1er-2hite
letters 2ritten across their chestsI
#till8 the Bomb #9%ad 2o%ld attem0t to maintain this d%0licito%s
charade. Ahen he 2as s%mmoned before the Co%nt3 Brand 6%r3
rein1esti-atin- the blast8 @e0%t3 Bill Brimsle3 claimed that the bomb
s9%ad 2as indeed do2nto2n that mornin-. Brimsle3 claimed that he
had left the co%nt3 Nail at &5.. a.m.8 sto00ed at the nearb3 co%rtho%se
for a fe2 min%tes to ta)e care of an errand8 2ent to Mc@onald's for
brea)fast8 then dro1e to the bomb trainin- site ten miles a2a3.
Cet Norma #mith sa2 the Bomb #9%ad tr%c) do2nto2n at &54! a.m.
Renee Coo0er sa2 it fi1e min%tes after ei-ht * hardl3 in )ee0in- 2ith
Brimsle3's stor3.
/thers8 li)e /)lahoma +ri1ate in1esti-ator Cla%de Criss and Co%nt3
A00raiser 6.@. Reed sa2 the Bomb #9%ad do2nto2n in f%ll -ear. DThe
0resence of la2 enforcement 2as in the air8D said Criss. D?t 2as
e1er32here do2nto2n that mornin-.D
As 0re1io%sl3 disc%ssed8 @ebra B%rdic) 2as sittin- at a red li-ht at
1.th and Robinson8 fi1e bloc)s from the M%rrah B%ildin-. DLas the li-ht
chan-ed8 2e started thro%-h the intersection8D recalled B%rdic)8 Dand
Jthat's 2henK the bomb 2ent offL And ri-ht after that8 here comes the
Bomb #9%ad8 before the amb%lances and the Fire @e0artment.D As
B%rdic)'s h%sband remar)ed8 Dthe3 2o%ld ha1e had to ha1e had
some )ind of 2arnin- to res0ond that 9%ic)8 beca%se the3 2o%ld ha1e
had to -et in their -ear and e1er3thin-.D
6.@. Reed8 2ho r%shed o%t of the Co%nt3 /ffice B%ildin- 2hen the bomb
2ent off8 later 2rote in a com0an3 ne2sletter5 DThe 0aramedics and
firemen 2ere alread3 at 2or). 7o2 co%ld the3 mo1e so 9%ic)l3H The3
2ere there b3 the time 2e -ot do2n to the streetID
The testimon3 of B%rdic) and Reed do1etails 2ith that of Criss8 2ho
arri1ed at his office at '5!' a.m. D? heard a lot of sirens at that time8D
he said. DA lot of sirens8 comin- from the 2est8 a00roachin- do2nto2n.
There 2as a00ro:imatel3 se1en tr%c)s that 2ere tra1elin- at a hi-h
rate of s0eed. Ahen the3 reached the to0 of that hill ri-ht there8 the
e:0losion 2ent off.D
Ahen ABC's 4:tra contacted the /)lahoma Cit3 Fire @e0artment to
in9%ire abo%t Criss's claim8 the3 re0lied8 DAe can't reall3 confirm or
den3 that claim.D
As #er-eant Cea)e38 one of the first resc%e 2or)ers at the scene later
2rote to bombin- s%r1i1or Ramona Mc@onald5
41er3one 2as behind 3o% %ntil 3o% started as)in- 9%estions as ? did8 as
to ho2 so man3 federal a-ents arri1ed at the scene at the same
time.L For those 2ho ran from the scene to chan-e their attire to hide
the fact that the3 2ere there8 sho%ld be N%d-ed as co2ards.
Rodne3 6ohnson8 2ho almost hit Mc<ei-h and 6ohn @oe 2 as the3 ran
from the scene min%tes before the blast8 didn't miss the 0resence of
la2-enforcement officers 2ho seemed to materialie o%t of thin air.
Ahere had the3 come fromH
Associated +ress 0hoto-ra0her +at Carter8 2ho 2as at the scene 2ithin
one ho%r of the blast8 said that ATF a-ents 2ere 2earin- f%ll combat
-ear. 7ad the3 been 0re0arin- for a b%stH
7$@ 2or)er <.Y. (a2ton 2as on the ei-hth floor of the M%rrah B%ildin-
2hen the bomb;s= 2ent off. (a2ton described fo%r men 2ho -a1e him
a ride home that afternoon. The3 told him the3 2ere Beneral #er1ices
Administration ;B#A= em0lo3ees o%t of Fort Aorth8 and 2ere there
doin- a Dro%tineD sec%rit3 chec) on the Federal B%ildin-. The men told
(a2ton this Dsec%rit3 chec)D 2as cond%cted in the 2ee ho%rs of the
T2o of the men8 @%de Bood%n and Brent Mossbar-er8 later told the
aily !klahoman the3 did not ta)e (a2ton home that da3.
41en more interestin-l38 it 2as alle-ed that no ATF a-ents ;as o00osed
to clerical 2or)ers= 2ere in the M%rrah B%ildin- at the time of the blast.
Aord of this 9%ic)l3 s0read 2hen Br%ce #ha28 2hose 2ife 2or)ed in
the third-floor credit %nion8 ran %0 to an ATF a-ent an:io%sl3 as)in- of
her 2hereabo%ts. #ha2 told >F/R's Brad 4d2ards that the a-ent
Dstarted -ettin- a little bit ner1o%s. 7e tried reachin- someone on a
t2o-2a3 radio. JB%tK co%ldn't -et an3bod3. ? told him ? 2anted an
ans2er ri-ht then. 7e said the3 2ere in debriefin-8 that none of the
a-ents had been in there. The3'd been ti00ed b3 their 0a-ers not to
come to 2or) that da3. +lain as da3 o%t of his mo%th. Those 2ere the
2ords he said.D
The second 2itness8 #ha2's boss Ton3 Brasier8 2as 0resent 2hen the
a-ent made those comments8 and confirmed to >F/R the acc%rac3 of
#ha2's testimon3.
The third 2itness 2as Tiffan3 Bible8 a 0aramedic. Ahen she as)ed an
ATF a-ent on the scene ;dressed in a blac) DNinNaD s%it= if an3 of his
fello2 a-ents 2ere still in the b%ildin-8 she 2as told the3 D2eren't
hereD at the office that mornin-. Ahen she as)ed8 D2ho 2o%ld 2ant to
bomb a b%ildin- in /)lahomaHD he re0lied that it 2as in retrib%tion for
the massacre at Aaco. 7o2 did he )no2H
D?t's clear to me that the ATF )ne2 in ad1ance somethin- 2as abo%t to
ha00en8D sa3s a man 2hose 2ife 2as serio%sl3 inN%red that
?n an attem0t to steer s%s0icio%s e3es a2a3 from ATF c%l0abilit38
(ester Mart8 re-ional head of the ATF8 0%t o%t a 0ress release statin-
that se1eral a-ents * <ernon B%ster8 (%)e Frane38 and Ale: McCa%le3
* had been tra00ed inside the b%ildin- d%rin- the bombin-5
ATF's Resident A-ent in Char-e Ale: McCa%le3 2as 2ith a @4A a-ent
;@a1id #chic)edan= in the ele1ator 2hen the bomb e:0loded. The
ele1ator dro00ed in a free fall from the ei-hth floor to the third. The
t2o men 2ere tra00ed in the smo)e-filled ele1ator. The emer-enc3
b%ttons and the 0hone 2ere ino0erable. /n their fo%rth attem0t the3
mana-ed to brea) thro%-h the doors and esca0e from the ele1ator.
Cet accordin- to ele1ator re0airman @%ane 6ames8 2ho8 alon- 2ith
se1eral co-2or)ers 2as chec)in- e9%i0ment across the street that
mornin-8 Mart's statement is D0%re fantas3.D 6ames8 2ho 2as
inter1ie2ed b3 6.@. Cash and ABC's 2.R2.8 said fi1e of the b%ildin-'s si:
ele1ators had froen in 0lace 2hen the blast occ%rred8 their doors
blo2n in2ard. D/nce that occ%rs8 the doors cannot be o0ened *
0eriod8D said 6ames. DAhat ? and some others did 2as )ic) in the
ceilin-s on each of those ele1ators and determined that no one 2as in
6ames claims the remainin- ele1ator 2as sittin- at the third or fo%rth
floor le1el and had no one in it. DCertainl3 it had not 'free fallen8' nor
had an3 of the others.D 6ames e:0lained that modern ele1ators cannot
'free fall' d%e to co%nterbalancin- 2ei-hts on them 2hich 0re1ent
s%ch occ%rrences. The ele1ators are also e9%i00ed 2ith a%tomatic
safet3 s2itches that c%t s0eed and 0o2er if the ele1ator starts
acceleratin- too fast.
DNone of those s2itches 2ere tri00ed on an3 of the ele1ators in that
b%ildin-8D said 6ames. D?8 alon- 2ith other men 2ith o%r com0an38
chec)ed the e9%i0ment se1eral times. Absol%tel3 no ele1ators dro00ed
that mornin-.D
/scar 6ohnson8 6ames' boss8 told the aily !klahoman that 2hen the
ele1ator 2as fo%nd8 a 2all 2as 0%shed a-ainst the to0 of it Dand there
is no 2a3 3o% co%ld ha1e -otten the doors o0en. /%r -%3s 2ere the
first ones there to o0en the to0 emer-enc3 access8 and there 2as no
one in it.D
Federal ele1ator ins0ector @%de Bood%n told the aily !klahoman that
he a-reed 2ith 6ohnson.
#o does former ATF a-ent Ric) #herro2. DThis ele1ator b%siness 2as
-arba-e * abo%t Frane3 bein- tra00ed in the ele1ator * beca%se it
didn't ha00enD said #herro2. DFrane3 ? 0rett3 m%ch belie1e 2as there8
Jb%tK this free-fall b%siness8 it N%st didn't ha00en.D
Nat%rall38 Mart insisted fi1e ATF em0lo3ees 2ere inside the M%rrah
B%ildin-. <alerie Ro2den8 the office mana-er8 2as c%t all o1er. 6im
#ta--s 2as hos0italied 2ith head 2o%nds. <ernon B%ster8 the3
claimed8 had a nail dri1en thro%-h his arm8 and his name sho2ed %0
on a list of the inN%red. B%t accordin- to @a1id 7all8 o2ner and
mana-er of >+/C-T< in +onca Cit38 2ho chec)ed 2ith local hos0itals8
both B%ster and Mart are l3in-.
Accordin- to a re0orter 2ho inter1ie2ed 6oe Bordon8 an ATF a-ent from
Colorado #0rin-s8 there 2as at least one ATF a-ent from o%t-of-to2n
;belie1ed to ha1e been @allas= 2ho 2as inN%red in the blast8 that the
ATF hasn't admitted to. Ahile B%ster's name sho2ed %0 on the list of
the inN%red8 his name didn't.
Another re0orter from Ne2 Cor) de1elo0ed information that the @allas
ATF office * Mart's office * 2as also s%s0icio%sl3 1acant that
mornin-. Aas the ATF r%nnin- a combined o0eration o%t of @allas and
/)lahoma Cit3H This 2o%ld ma)e sense8 since Mart is the re-ional
@4A Assistant A-ent in Char-e @on Aebb called the alle-ations a-ainst
the ATF Db%ll-shit.D Aebb told the a%thor that McCa%le3 and
#chic)edan 2ere indeed in the ele1ator 2hen the bomb 2ent off. 7e
also said that D(%)e Frane3 2as on the 0honeD at the time of the
bombin- ;altho%-h Aebb admitted to me that he himself 2as at a -olf
to%rnament that mornin-=.
Accordin- to #er-eant Cea)e38 Frane3 2as not in the b%ildin-5
(%)e Frane3 2as not in the b%ildin- at the time of the blast8 ? )no2 this
for a fact8 ? sa2 himI ? also sa2 f%ll riot -ear 2orn 2ith rifles in hand8
Cea)e3 also 2rote that Frane3 ran into the b%ildin-. Ahile ne2s foota-e
sho2ed Frane3 standin- in a blo2n-o%t 2indo2 on the ,th floor shortl3
after the blast8 he a00eared s%r0risin-l3 neat and clean. 7is
a00earance contrasted shar0l3 2ith other s%r1i1ors 2ho 2ere co1ered
in d%st and debris. ?n the 0hotos8 Frane3 is holdin- a bo: in one hand8
and a 2al)ie-tal)ie in the other.
?nterestin-l38 Frane3 later sho2ed %0 at Blenn Ailb%rn's ho%se 2ith a
banda-ed arm. Aas Frane3 one of the a-ents 2ho @r. Ch%mle3 ref%sed
to banda-eH Accordin- to a federal la2-enforcement s%0er1isor 2ho
2or)s in the Federal +rotecti1e #er1ices8 Frane3 D2as a blood3 mess.
7e had a bi- -ash on his forehead.D
Ahate1er the tr%e stor38 it is -enerall3 a-reed that the Federal B%ildin-
2as s%s0icio%sl3 em0t3 that mornin-. Aend3 Breer8 the #ister-in-(a2
of senior FB? A-ent 6im <ol ;retired=8 told me her brother said that the
FB?'s offices at !. +enn +lace ;se1eral miles from the M%rrah B%ildin-=
also a00eared to be s%s0icio%sl3 1acant that mornin-.
?f these a-ents 2eren't in their offices8 N%st 2here 2ere the3H #ome FB?
a-ents8 it a00eared8 2ere at a #0ecial /l3m0ics -olf to%rnament in
#ha2nee ;Aebb told me he sa2 no ATF a-ents at the to%rnament=. Cet
this still 2o%ldn't acco%nt for the stran-e acti1ities on A0ril 1,.
?n the earl3 mornin- of A0ril 1,8 Bob Flanders and his 2ife 2ere dri1in-
east on ?-44 at a00ro:imatel3 353. a.m.8 2hen the3 sa2 a stran-e
team of men near the #tate Fair-ro%nds. The men8 dressed in
-o1ernment blac) and dri1in- blac) cars8 2ere in the -rass alon-side
the road8 o0eratin- Dhoo0sD * circ%lar-sha0ed8 radio beacon directional
finders. Flanders recalled that the de1ices 2ere abo%t the sie of a car
steerin- 2heel8 and the men held them o1er their heads8 slo2l3
rotatin- them in a circ%lar 0attern.
At aro%nd 45.. a.m.8 a man 2ho 2as dri1in- home after 2or) sa2
another team o0eratin- these %n%s%al loo)in- de1ices8 this time b3 the
Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin-. As he a00roached !th #treet8 he 2as directed
to one lane. The 0erson directin- traffic 2as not a 0olice officer8 and
2as standin- ne:t to a 2hite 1ehicle 2ith a 3ello2 stri0e. As the man
dro1e b38 he sa2 se1eral men on the side2al) holdin- these hoo0-li)e
de1ices abo1e their heads8 slo2l3 t%rnin- them in different directions.
As the man 0assed thro%-h8 a roadbloc) 2as set %0 behind him8 and all
traffic 2as di1erted from the area.
The e9%i0ment these 2itnesses are describin- matches that of R@F
direction findin- antennas that are %sed to home in on electronic
transmitters. Aas there a concealed radio transmitter on the one of the
R3der tr%c)s8 sendin- o%t a si-nal to these teamsH ?t is li)el38 -i1en the
re9%irements of a s%ccessf%l stin- o0eration8 that the3 2ere
electronicall3 trac)in- the R3der tr%c). The location of the team at the
fair-ro%nds8 hi-h on a hill o1erloo)in- the cit38 is a cl%e to its intended
Cet 2h3 2ere the3 trac)in- the tr%c)H 7ad their 9%arr3 el%ded themH ?s
it 0ossible that one of the bombers8 0erha0s one of their o2n tr%sted
%nderco1er a-ents8 t%rned off the transmitter8 res%ltin- in the loss of
the si-nalH ?f so8 it seems that the a-ents 2o%ld ha1e had 2hat's
)no2n in la2-enforcement 0arlance as a Dloose tail8D and8 it a00eared8
the3 2ere franticall3 tr3in- to find the tr%c).
Andreas #trassmeir8 Mc<ei-h's friend and alle-ed -o1ernment
o0erati1e8 admitted that m%ch in an inter1ie2 2ith the 3ondon )unday
(elegraph9s Ambrose 41ans-+ritchard5
The tr%c) had a transmitter8 so the3 co%ld trac) it 2ith a radio
recei1in- de1ice. ? don't )no2 ho2 the3 co%ld ha1e lost contact. ? thin)
there 2as misinformation that the o0eration had been canceled.
Accordin- to >+/C's @a1id 7all8 the 0lan 2as to arrest the bombers at
353. in the mornin-. Bi1en the ATF's 0ast 0%blicit3 st%nts8 it is li)el3
that the3 2ere ho0in- to arrest the s%s0ects at or near the M%rrah
B%ildin- to ens%re a hi-hl3 0%blicied b%st. As #trassmeir told 41ans-
D?t's ob1io%s that it 2as a -o1ernment 'o0' that 2ent 2ron-8 isn't itH
The ATF had somethin- -oin- 2ith Mc<ei-h. The3 2ere 2atchin- him
* of co%rse the3 2ere8D he asserted8 2itho%t 9%alification. DAhat the3
sho%ld ha1e done is ma)e an arrest 2hile the bomb 2as still bein-
made instead of 2aitin- till the last moment for a 0%blicit3 st%nt. The3
had e1er3thin- the3 needed to ma)e the b%st8 and the3 scre2ed it
#trassmeir added that the ATF tho%-ht that the bomb 2as set to -o off
at 2 or 3 a.m.8 b%t someho2 the 0lan 2as chan-ed. DMc<ei-h made
some chan-es in the 0lan8D said #trassmeir. D7e is a 1er3 %ndisci0lined
soldier8 3o% )no2... ?n retros0ect8 the ATF sho%ld ha1e made the b%st
2hen the bomb 2as bein- b%ilt in 6%nction Cit3.D
The bombers8 accordin- to the former 4lohim Cit3 sec%rit3 chief8 2ere
to be ca0t%red Dd%rin- the ni-ht8 2hen no one 2as there * that's 2h3
the ATF had the b%ildin- sta)ed o%t from midni-ht %ntil "5.. a.m.
(ater8 the informant belie1ed that the bombin- 2as off for the da3 and
re0orted that... the ATF lost control of the sit%ation8 and Mc<ei-h and
the others 2ere able to bomb the b%ildin-.D
Ahile #trassmeir hea0s most of the blame on the ATF8 he does tas)
the FB? for its fail%re5
The different a-encies 2eren't coo0eratin-. ?n fact8 the3 2ere 2or)in-
against each other. Co% e1en had a sit%ation 2here one branch of the
FB? 2as in1esti-atin- and not sharin- an3thin- 2ith another branch of
the FB?.L Ahoe1er tho%-ht this thin- %0 is an idiot8 in m3 o0inion.
Ahile #trassmeir contin%all3 0rotested that he himself 2as not
in1ol1ed in the 0lot8 as either a s%s0ect or a 0ro1ocate%r8 he did sa3
that the 0lotters consisted of Dfo%r JmenK8 0l%s the informant and
DThe3 0robabl3 2ere -oin- to entra0 2hoe1er 2as comin- in8D said
#herro2. DThe3 had eno%-h intelli-ence that the3 2ere -oin- to set %0
an o0eration to 0o0 this -%38 2hether it 2as Mc<ei-h or 2hoe1er else8
and somethin- fell thro%-h the crac)s.L
DTal)in- from the 0ers0ecti1e of a former ATF man8 sa3 the3're -oin- to
b%3 e:0losi1es8 or let somebod3 0lant a bombL the3 2ill let the deal
-o %ntil the last second8 before ma)in- the arrest.D
#omeho28 the deal 2ent 2ron-.
Ahile this startlin- e1idence 2o%ld soon ma)e itself )no2n to
in1esti-ators8 bombin- 1ictims8 and a limited se-ment of the 0%blic *
the D6%sticeD @e0artment8 federal 0rosec%tors8 and the ATF all r%shed
to ref%te the e1idence.
DCan 3o% ima-ine if 2e had )no2n thatL and let that ha00enHD said
ATF a-ent 7arr3 4berhardt. D? had a lot of friends in that b%ildin- * a
lot of friends.L Ae ne1er 2o%ld ha1e let that ha00en.D
@e23 Aebb8 the c%rrent ATF RAC8 conc%rred. DThe3 had so man3
friends the3 lost in the bombin- * the3 had to 0ic) 2hich f%neral the3
co%ld -o to.D
Atho%-h 4berhardt's reasonin- so%nds 1alid8 it is li)el3 his concern is
o1errated. Ahile it is do%btf%l the ATF8 FB?8 or local officials 2o%ld
0%r0osef%ll3 allo2 s%ch a catastro0hic e1ent to occ%r8 it is li)el3 *
hi-hl3 0robable in fact * that thro%-h their st%0idit3 and ne-li-ence8
s%ch an e1ent did occ%r.
#aid #herro28 D?'1e -ot a-ents in their co%rt testimon3 sa3in- that the3
don't care abo%t the 0%blic's safet3. The3 don't consider it. The3
arran-ed to meet 2ith a -%3 here in +hoeni: 2ho alle-edl3 had
h%ndreds of 0o%nds of e:0losi1es8 and the3 chose a cro2ded sho00in-
center 0ar)in- lot8 r%nnin- aro%nd 2ith M+-! Js%b-machine-%nsK and
hand-%ns and e1er3thin- else.
DThis ha00ened before /)lahoma8 and it contin%es to ha00en. Ae
had a case in +enns3l1ania 2here a -%3 2anted to sell a small amo%nt
of e:0losi1es. 7e 2anted to meet Jthe a-entsK 2a3 o%t in the co%ntr3.
?nstead the3 decided to meet him on an ?nterstate rest sto0 that 2as
Nammed 2ith 0eo0le8 and bro%-ht the media. The3 endan-er the 0%blic
ri-ht and left and the3 don't care abo%t it.D
#herro2's anal3sis is based on more than historical 0recedent and
informed o0inion. Ahile ATF a-ents ref%sed to admit their in1ol1ement
in the b%n-led o0eration8 Mart met 2ith local T< 0rod%cers behind
closed doors shortl3 after the bombin-. 7is intent 2as to con1ince the
No%rnalists that 2hat 2as %nder2a3 2as a sensiti1e %nderco1er
o0eration8 and that the3 sho%ld ta)e 0ains not to re1eal it.
This is most interestin- considerin- that ATF a-ent An-ela Finle3-
Braham's re0ort of A%-%st 3. stated that their in1esti-ation of 4lohim
Cit3 2as classified as D#4N#?T?<4D and D#?BN?F?CANTD ;as o00osed to
ro%tine=8 and the in1esti-ation concerned DterroristRe:tremistD
Accordin- to former ATF official Robert #anders8 s%ch classifications
mean that all re0orts 2o%ld a%tomaticall3 be sent to Aashin-ton8 as
2ell as bein- ro%tinel3 ro%ted to Mart at the @allas Field /ffice8 2hich
in fact8 it 2as.
#anders8 2ho held e1er3 0ossible s%0er1isor3 0osition incl%din- that of
ATF Assistant @irector8 told (he +ew Americanma-aine that the
acti1ities cited in the ATF re0orts ha1e Ds%ch a hi-h 0otential for
affectin- national sec%rit3D that the3 2o%ld ha1e most li)el3 been sent
to the heads of the Treas%r3 and 6%stice @e0artments as 2ell as the
Ahite 7o%se and National #ec%rit3 Co%ncil.
As if finall3 statin- the ob1io%s8 Mart admitted to the incred%lo%s
re0orters 2as that there 2as indeed a stin- o0eration %nder2a3 on the
ni-ht of the 1'th that 2as called off at .".. ho%rs ;"5.. a.m.=. Ahen
re0orters as)ed Mart if the o0eration in1ol1ed Timoth3 Mc<ei-h8 he
re0lied D? can neither confirm or den3 that.D
@a1id 7all attended the closed-door meetin- 2ith Mart. D? don't
belie1e that the ATF 2ired the b%ildin- and ble2 it %0. ? do belie1e that
the3 )ne2 that there 2as -oin- to be a 0ossible bomb threat to the
b%ildin-8 beca%se the3 had set it %0 themsel1es8 2ith their informants
and different 0eo0le the3 2ere 2or)in- 2ith. And somebod3 reall3
sli00ed it to 'em.D
7all had also been lon--time friends 2ith 7arr3 4berhardt8 and 2as one
of the first to de1elo0 inside information re-ardin- the ATF's acti1ities
that mornin-. Ahile Mart held fast to his claim that three ATF a-ents
2ere in the M%rrah B%ildin- at the time of the blast8 7all insists8 Dthat's
an o%tri-ht lie.D
The seasoned in1esti-ati1e No%rnalist contends that at least ei-ht of
the ATF's re-%lar com0liment of 13 a-ents 2ere on assi-nment a2a3
from the Federal B%ildin- that mornin-. DThree a-ents ;@on Billis0ie8
@elbert Cano00 and Tim >ell3= 2ere in federal co%rt in Ne2)ir)8 on an
arson case that occ%rred in +onca Cit3L. T2o a-ents ;>aren #im0son
and 7arr3 4berhardt= 2ere in federal co%rt in /)lahoma Cit3. Three
more 2ere in Barfield Co%nt3 at a hearin-. The other fi1e 2ere o%t on
6%st 2ho 2ere the3 s%r1eillin-H
DAs far as can be determined8D said #herro28 Dthe3 had an %nderco1er
stin- o0eration. The3 had a stin- o0eration -oin- that ni-ht8 2ith
abo%t si: a-ents in1ol1ed8 and the3 terminated it at si: in the mornin-.
Mart has admitted to this8 then since bac)ed off.L -i1en the
circ%mstances8 it's reasonable to ass%me that the 0erson the3 2ere
s%r1eillin- 2as Mc<ei-h.D
7all conc%rs. DAe de1elo0ed from o%r so%rces inside the ATF that fi1e
a-ents 2ere %0 on s%r1eillance all ni-ht lon-. Ae ha1e to ass%me at
that 0oint8 basicall3 0robabl3 s%r1eillin- either Mc<ei-h * and let me
sa3 this abo%t Mc<ei-h * there's a -ood chance that Mc<ei-h co%ld be
the informant in this o0eration.D
Accordin- to Blenn Ailb%rn8 the ATF's 0lans chan-ed at the last
min%te8 and the3 stood do2n at "53. a.m. Then the Bomb #9%ad came
on the scene at "53.8 chec)ed the b%ildin- for bombs8 then stood do2n
at '53.. Ahen the b%ildin- ble2 %0 at ,5.2 a.m.8 all the a-ents and
0olice8 2ho 2ere alread3 on the scene or nearb38 9%ic)l3 res0onded.
Cet it a00ears there is more to the stor3. 7all claims that on the ni-ht
before the bombin-8 se1eral 2itnesses sa2 Mc<ei-h meet 2ith ATF
a-ent Ale: McCa%le3 and t2o other indi1id%als of Middle 4astern
descent in an /)lahoma Cit3 Mc@onalds at a00ro:imatel3 ,53. 0.m.
D7e 2as a )no2n ATF a-ent8D said 7all. DJAndK mone3 chan-ed hands.D
Co%ld this mone3 ha1e been the F28... that 2as disco1ered on
Mc<ei-h at the time of his arrestH
Terr3 Nichols 2as inter1ie2ed b3 7all earl3 on8 and 2as told that
Mc<ei-h had met 2ith DmenD 2ho had 0ro1ided him 2ith a F28... 0a3-
off. Nichols left the resta%rant at a00ro:imatel3 ,54! 0.m. and dro1e
bac) to his home in 7errin-ton8 >ansas. 7all inter1ie2ed Nichols'
nei-hbors 2ho claimed he arri1ed earl3 that mornin-.
Another 2itness8 an %nidentified homeless man8 contacted >T/>
re0orter 6err3 Bonnen8 and told him Mc<ei-h dro1e 0ast the Mc@onalds
and 3elled D7e38 2ant to ha1e a fe2 beersHD Mc<ei-h then -a1e the
man some cash8 2here%0on he 0%rchased t2o 9%arts at the Total
con1enience store across the street. A Total em0lo3ee8 Ron Ailliams8
re0orted that a R3der tr%c) 2as 0ar)ed at the Mc@onalds.
An anon3mo%s informant 2ho contacted Re0resentati1e >e38 claimin-
to be a friend of the brother one of those in1ol1ed in the bombin-8 said
that Mc<ei-h had indeed met federal a-ents at an %nnamed resta%rant
in /)lahoma Cit38 and had rende1o%sed 2ith at least fo%r of them
0rior to the bombin-. >e3 ta0ed the con1ersation5
DThis -%3 here8 he has a recordin- * a 1ideo recordin- * a camcorder
recordin- that sho2s this same @4A a-ent andL Mc<ei-h in the
0ar)in- lot of a resta%rant. And this is 2as shot abo%t d%s). And t2o
0eo0le in s%its -o o1er to the car8 Mc<ei-h and this @4A a-ent -et o%t
and the3're standin- bac) b3 the tr%n). And the @4A a-ent's 0attin-
Mc<ei-h on the sho%lder8 and then one of the t2o men in s%its 0asses
Mc<ei-h a 2hite en1elo0e and then the3 lea1e8 And he has this on
Ahile Re0resentati1e >e3 ne1er did -et the 1ideota0e8 another so%rce
close to the in1esti-ation told him that Mc<ei-h 2as indeed an
Ahat he didn't e:0lain 2as the reason for the 0resence of the @4A.
>F/R's Brad 4d2ards de1elo0ed similar information8D said 7all8 Dfrom
totall3 different so%rces. D#o 2e ha1e fo%r different so%rces tellin- %s
this. 7e also has the same name of the a-ent ;McCa%le3=. D? thin) that
2hen this is all said and done8 that 2e're -oin- to find o%t * and this is
2hat ?'1e said from the be-innin- * that this 2as a stin- o0eration
-one so%r.D
B%t do 3o% reall3 need t2o tons of e:0losi1e in order to set %0 a stin-H
Ces8 accordin- to 7all. Ammoni%m-nitrate isn't ille-al in /)lahoma8 and
a fe2 h%ndred 0o%nds 2on't con1ince 0rosec%tors there 2as a serio%s
bomb threat in the 2or)s. D? thin) the intent there 2as to sho2 that it
2as -oin- to do some dama-e8 rather than8 3o% )no28 a 0i0e bomb. ?t
2o%ldn't brin- the intention here in /)lahoma.D
#trassmeir a-rees. D? am told the3 tho%-ht it 2o%ld be better to 0%t a
bi--er bomb in there. The bi--er the better. ?t 2o%ld ma)e them more
Ahile Mart 2o%ld not confirm 2ho the act%al tar-et of the stin- 2as8
one 0erson 2ho did confirm it 2as a man 2ho s0o)e 2ith bombin-
s%r1i1or and acti1ist Ramona Mc@onald. Mc@onald had formed a -ro%0
called 7eroes of the 7eart. Thro%-h her n%mero%s meetin-s 2ith
0aramedics and 0olice8 firefi-hters and e1en some federal a-ents8
Mc@onald be-an learnin- the sic)enin- tr%th abo%t 2hat reall3
ha00ened that da3.
As the meetin-s 2ore on8 a consens%s 2as reached that the tr%th
needed to be told. The 9%estion 2as ho2. As Mc<ei-h's trial
a00roached8 Mc@onald and her -ro%0 2ere -earin- %0 for a trial of
their o2n. Mc@onald had contacted former +enta-on co%nter-terrorism
anal3st 6esse Clear8 and Clear had contacted a 3o%n- fire-brand
attorne3 named 6ose0h Camerata. Camerata's intent 2as to -ather
to-ether s%r1i1ors and famil3 members8 and brin- a ne-li-ence s%it
a-ainst the Federal Bo1ernment.
?n A%-%st of 1,,"8 abo%t a month before Camerata came to /)lahoma
to inter1ie2 his 0ros0ecti1e clients8 Mc@onald recei1ed a m3sterio%s
0hone call. Altho%-h the caller didn't identif3 himself b3 name8
Mc@onald tho%-ht she reco-nied the 1oice of as that of
Re0resentati1e 4rnest ?stoo) ;R-/>=. The caller 2as concerned. DAhat
do 2e ha1e to do to -et 3o% to dro0 thisHD he as)ed Mc@onald.
Altho%-h he didn't realie it8 Mc@onald 2as ta0in- the con1ersation.
The scenario the caller la3s o%t is8 to the %ninitiated8 both startlin- and
fri-htenin-. 7e describes in almost 0recise detail ho2 the o0eration
2as a stin- -one badG ho2 federal a-ents allo2ed a tr%c) 2ith a
0o2erf%l bomb to be dri1en thro%-h a cro2ded cit3 and 0ar)ed ne:t to
a b%ildin- containin- h%ndreds of 0eo0le. And8 re1ealin- the m3ster3
of the el%si1e 6ohn @oe 28 he e:0lains ho2 he 2as an %nderco1er
a-ent8 s%00osed to diff%se the bomb at the last min%teL and failed to
do so.
Caller( D? don't thin) the3 e:0ected the tr%c) to blo2 %0. ? belie1e8 and
?'1e belie1ed this for a lon- timeL ? belie1e that n%mber t2o * 6ohn
@oe O2 * 2as a federal a-ent 2or)in- %nderco1er. And ? belie1e that
he hel0ed Mc<ei-h steal the -oods and hel0ed b%3 the e9%i0ment8 and
? belie1e that he hel0ed Mc<ei-h ma)e the bomb8 and ? belie1e that his
2hole tas) in this 2hole thin-L his onl3 real tas) 2as to render the
de1ice safe so that the federal a-ents co%ld 0retend to remo1e it and
mo1e in. The3 did not 2ant to mo1e in %ntil he 2as cleared of the
scene so that the3 2o%ldn't ti0 their hands. #ee 2hat ?'m sa3in-H And
the odds are 0rett3 -ood that 2hole reason behind this is beca%se the3
2ere after someone bi--er than Mc<ei-h8 2hich means the3 0robabl3
thin) he 2as lin)ed to somebod3 in the Militia mo1ement or somethin-
li)e that.
D#o ? thin) 2hat 3o%'re sa3in-L 3o% )no2 ? %nderstand 2hat 3o%'re
sa3in-L b%t ? don't thin) 3o% see the bi- 0ict%re. ? don't thin) that 8
3o% )no28 ?'d onl3 di1%l-e a loo) at the bi- 0ict%re if that's the act%al
scenario. ?f that's the act%al scenario8 2hich ? belie1e it to be8 ? thin)
there reall3 is no claim that the a-ent8 that 2as 6ohn @oe O28 did not
render the bomb safe. Ahich he 1er3 2ell ma3 ha1e rendered the
bomb safe8 and then Mc<ei-h ma3 ha1e 0%t in a second fail-safe 2hich
he didn't )no2 abo%t. Ahich is 0robabl3 2hat's ha00ened.L
D? 2o%ld bet mone3 on that's8 in fact8 the 2a3 this 2hole thin- came
do2n. Ces8 the3 stood o%t in front of the b%ildin-. Ces8 the3 follo2ed
him directl3 to the b%ildin-. Ces8 the3 2atched him -et o%t of the
b%ildin-L -et o%t of the tr%c). Ces8 the3 2atched him dri1e off. That's
not L that 2as their plan. ? don't belie1e the3 e1er 0lanned to
a00rehend him an32here near the b%ildin-. ? belie1e that 6ohn @oe O2
2as a federal 2itness. 7is Nob 2as to render the de1ice safe. Therefore8
the onl3 thin- sittin- o%t in front of that b%ildin- 2as a bombL a tr%c)
loaded 2ith a bomb that 2o%ld not -o off. And ? thin) that's the
sit%ation. ?n fact ? )no2 it is.D
/cDonald( D/)a3L soL so 2h3 didn't the3 N%st come o%t and e:0lain
that to e1er3bod3HD
Caller( DThe 0%blic doesn't ha1e to )no2 that. Ahen it comes to the
national sec%rit3 and thin-s li)e this8 the 0%blic does not ha1e to
)no2L the 0%blic is not re9%ired to )no2. First of all8 b3 doin- that8
the3 2o%ld'1e8 %h8 0%t their 2itness8 2hich is the federal a-ent 6ohn
@oe O28 the3 2o%ld ha1e blo2n his co1er8 first of all. Ahich 0ossibl3
he's in1ol1ed in somethin- ri-ht no2 that 3o% ha1e no idea abo%t. Co%
)no28 there 1er3 2ell ma3 ha1e been n%mero%s 0lots in1ol1in-
n%mero%s b%ildin-s. #ee 2hat ?'m sa3in-H Co% don't ha1e the 2hole
0ict%reL 2itho%t f%ll )no2led-eL 2hat 3o% ma3 do ma3 cost them
their li1es. Co% sho%ld be 1er3 a2are of that.D
/cDonald( D/)a3. Aell8 that's 2hat ?'1e been tr3in- to be 1er3 caref%l
of. ? don't 2ant to see an3one else -et h%rt. At the same timeLD
Caller( DLAell8 if that -%3's co1er's been blo2n8 he'd dead alread3.D
/cDonald( D@o 3o% thin) soHD
Caller( D#%reL ?'m s%re. /nce 3o% ha1e -one %0 to this 0oint8 it has
-otten o%t8 2hich ?'m s%re it has8 beca%se there are moles
e1er32hereL the chances are -ood that he's been terminated alread3
and this 2hole thin- has blo2n %0 in their face. ? don't belie1e that8 o%t
of an act of ne-li-ence8 these hi-hl3 trained 0rofessionals 2o%ld ha1e
allo2ed that man to lea1e that tr%c) o%t in front of that b%ildin- 2ith
its li1e bomb in it.D
/cDonald( No8 no8 no. ?t stood o%t there for the 2hole time8 from the
time it 0%lled %0 %ntil it 2ent off.D
Caller( DThat's 2hat ?'m sa3in-. The3 2o%ld not ha1e allo2ed it. The
onl3 reason the3 allo2ed the tr%c) to sit there so lon-8 is beca%se in
m3 o0inion the3 2ere %nder the im0ression that that bomb 2as
rendered safe. And ?'d sa3 that there 2as no r%shL there 2as no
reasonL to e1ac%ate the b%ildin-. There 2as no r%sh to ma)e an
arrest. The tr%c) 2as N%st -oin- to sit o%t there %ntil the3 2ent and
to2ed it off. #o ? don't thin) the3 tho%-ht it was an emer-enc3 and ?
thin) either that 6ohn @oe O2 made a mista)e in renderin- the
bomb safe8 or Mc<ei-h 2as smart eno%-h to 0lant a second fail-safe.
Ahich most bomb ma)ers do.D
/cDonald( D@o 3o% thin) that's 2h3 the3 didn't tell an3bod3HD
Caller( DNo. The bomb 2as safe as far as the3 )ne2.D
/cDonald( D/)a3. Aell8 that e:0lains 2h3 there 2as so man3 of them
;federal a-ents= there so fast.D
Caller( D4:actl3. The3 follo2ed him to the b%ildin-8 their a-ent 2as in
the tr%c) 2ith him 2hen the3 follo2ed him to the b%ildin-8 e1er3thin-
2as %nder control8 as far as the3 tho%-ht8 all the3 had 2as the man
2ho b%ilt the bomb that 2as not -oin- to -o off8 beca%se their a-ent
had rendered it safe. And their 2hole thin- 2as not a 0roblem. (et him
dri1e his tr%c) ri-ht in front of his tar-et8 then the3 allo2ed him to
dri1e off.
D/nce he dri1es off8 he renders the tr%c) safe8 and then 2e can ha1e
the troo0er arrest him on the interstate for bo-%s char-es. Ahich the3
did8 and this 2as all 0lanned o%t 1.. 0ercent. ?L ?L ? don't belie1e
the3 allo2ed that tr%c)LD
/cDonald( DCo% don't thin) the3 intentionall3 let the bomb -o offHD
Caller( DNo8 that's ri-ht. ?'ll ne1er belie1e that.D
/cDonald( DAell8 ? mean8 that's the onl3 thin- abo%t this that ? fo%nd
so hard to belie1e.D
Caller( DThe3L the3 tho%-ht the bomb 2as safe. The3 tho%-ht that
their a-ent8 2ho 2as in the tr%c) and 2ho hel0ed 0re0are the bomb8
2o%ld set it so it 2o%ld not -o off. No28 2hether Mc<ei-h 2ent bac) to
the tr%c)L 2here the a-ent did not )no2L and 0%t a second fail-
safeL or the a-ent made a mista)e and did not act%all3 render the
bomb safe li)e he 2as s%00osed toL that's 2hat's -oin- on here.D
/cDonald( DAell8 see8 that's it then. ? 2anted someone that 2o%ld be
able to tell %s for a fact if this 2as8 li)e8 deliberate or not. Co% )no2
2hat ?'m sa3in-HD
Caller( D?'m not -on- to tell 3o% that. (et me tell 3o% somethin-. ?'m
s%re the3 hadL e1er3thin- 2as %nder s%r1eillance there. #o ?'m s%re
the3 do ha1e 0ict%res of the b%ildin- blo2in- %08 and ?'m s%re the3 do
ha1e 0ict%res of federal a-ents8 and ?'m s%re the3 do ha1e a%dio ta0es
of them sa3in-5 (et 'em -o8 let 'em -oL Aait8 2ait8 2aitLD there 2as
no r%sh in their mind. ?n their mind8 there 2as no r%sh to -et that tr%c)
a2a3 from that b%ildin-L that bombL 2as not s%00osed to -o off.
DTherefore8 e1er3thin- the3 did8 fits8 if 3o% thin) abo%t it. the3
follo2ed it8 the3 allo2ed it to dri1e %0 there )no2in- that there 2as a
bomb in the tr%c). Their idea 2as to let 6ohn @oe O2 * their federal
a-ent * the3 2o%ld be able to %se him in f%rther in1esti-ations of
these bombin-s of these -ro%0s that are in militia -ro%0s. And this 2as
a 0erfect entr3 in8 beca%se he co%ld ha1e 2ent thro%-h there.
DAfter Mc<ei-h 2as arrested8 6ohn @oe O2 2o%ld ha1e become a hero
to the ca%se of the militias. And the militias 2o%ld ha1e ta)en him in
and hid him8 2hich 2o%ld ha1e made him 0art of the infrastr%ct%re of
the militias. Ahich is 2hat their -oal 2as for this 2hole thin-L 2as to
b%st the militias. ?f 3o% ta)e the bi- 0ict%re8 and loo) at the &ig 0ict%re8
there 2ere 1er3 fe2 mista)es made on this stin- o0eration. ;e:ce0t
blo2in- %0 a b%ildin- and )illin- 1", 0eo0le - ed.= Aith the e:ce0tion
that 6ohn @oe O28 the federal a-ent8 did not render the bomb safe. 6%st
thin) of it this 2a38 Ramona.D
/cDonald( D?'1e al2a3s been a bi- fan of the $nited #tates and that8
b%t thenL ?'1e al2a3s beenL this 2as the one thin- that bothered
Caller( DThe3 didn't let the b%ildin- fall intentionall3. Their o0inion 2as
that this bomb 2as rendered safe and this bomb 2o%ld not -o off. And
their 2hole thin- on this thin-L if 3o% thin) abo%t itL it ma)es sense
from a tactical stand0oint. Co% 2o%ld follo2 the tr%c) to the b%ildin-.
Co% allo2 3o%r lead s%s0ect to -et a2a3 from the b%ildin- beca%se it
didn't blo2 %08 beca%se it's not s%00osed to. Co% ta)e 6ohn @oe O2L
he -ets a2a38 2hich is 3o%r federal a-ent. 6ohn @oe O1 * Mc<ei-h *
is arrested on a bo-%s char-e and then later 0ro1en that he's the one
2ho 0lanted the bomb that did not -o off.D
/cDonald( DB%t 3o% honestl3 don't thin) that the3 reall3 intendedLD
Caller( DNot at all. Not at all. The3 2o%ld not ha1e to. No.L Basicall38
2hat ha00ened is8 this 2as a mista)e. #omeone scre2ed %0 and the
onl3 one that scre2ed %0L The a-ents on the sceneH The3 didn't
scre2 %0. The3 did e:actl3 2hat their orders 2ere5 AaitL allo2 the
s%s0ect to lea1e the scene. /nce the s%s0ect had left the scene8 then
render the tr%c) safe8 2hich is alread3 safe. All the3 ha1e to do is -et
in8 -i1e it a hot-2ire8 and dri1e it off to a safe location and then o0en
%0 the bac) and disarm the bomb. Ahich 2as s%00osedl3 rendered
safe to be-in 2ith. /)a3H
DAnd then8 from thereL the3 char-e inL #ee8 the 0lanL this 0lan 2as
0%t in motion before the bomb e1er 2ent off. Their intent 2as to allo2
Mc<ei-h to be arrested later onL 6ohn @oeO2 to -et a2a3L and then8
6ohn @oe O28 the Federal Bo1ernment 2o%ld ha1e released a s)etch or
0ict%re. And then8 that man 2o%ld ha1e had to -o %nder-ro%nd and
hide. Ahere 2o%ld he hideH 7e 2o%ld ha1e hid 2ith the militias. The
militias 2o%ld ta)e him in as a hero. The militias 2o%ld -i1e him hero
stat%s in the Militia mo1ement8 2hich 2o%ld allo2 him to be 0ri13 to
information that the -o1ernment co%ld %se later onL
DLthe3 did not 2ant that b%ildin- to blo2 %0. ? -%arantee 3o% thisL
their 2hole intent 2as that that bomb 2as rendered safe before it 2as
e1er 0ar)ed in front of that b%ildin-L other2ise8 the3 2o%ld ha1e
/cDonald( DLBot e1er3bod3 o%t of the b%ildin-HD
Caller( DBot e1er3bod3 o%t of the b%ildin-8 before the bomb e1er e1en
0%lled %0 in front of the b%ildin-. There 2as no reason for them to do
that8 beca%se accordin- to their 0lan8 the bomb 2as safe no2. There
2as no reason to e1ac%ate the b%ildin- and the 0anicL beca%se there
2as a tr%c) loaded 2ith a bomb that 2as not -oin- to blo2 %0.LD
/cDonald( D/)a3.D
Caller( D#ee 2hat ?'m sa3in-H And 6ohn @oeO2.L B3 -oin- this far 2ith
itL (et me e:0lain somethin- to 3o%. Co%r actions ha1e conse9%ences.
There are a lot of 2itnesses. There are a lot of a-ents ri-ht no2 in the
hills that are infiltratin- these militia -ro%0s8 andL all these 0eo0le 2ill
-et )illed. Their blood 2ill be on 3o%r hands. ? %nderstand that 3o%
2antL ?f ? reall3 tho%-ht that the -o1ernment allo2ed the b%ildin- to
blo2 %08 ? 2o%ld be 2ith 3o% 1.. 0ercent. B%t ? )no2L and ? belie1eL
the3 2ere horrified 2hen the bomb 2ent offL reall3 horrified.D
/cDonald( DCeah8 the3 all loo)ed li)e the3 2ere in shoc).D
Caller( DThe3 fi-%red8 as soon as Mc<ei-h -ot free8 as soon as he -otL
dro1e off in his carL and ?'ll tell 3o% somethin- the3 did. @o 3o% 2hat
the3 didHD
/cDonald( DAhatHD
Caller( DThe3 stole his license 0late off that car. Co% )no2 2h3H #o
the3'd ha1e 0robable ca%se to sto0 him on the interstate.L The3 stole
his 0late. Ah3 do 3o% thin) the 0late 2as ne1er fo%ndH 7is 0late 2as
stolen from the 1ehicle and the Federal Bo1ernment stole the 0late
from the 1ehicle8 so that he 2o%ld be arrestedL 6ohn @oe O2 2o%ld -o
free8 the3 2o%ld 0%t a s)etch o%t that 2o%ld ma)e him 'America's Most
Aanted.' The onl3 0lace that a man that 2o%ld be 2anted b3 the
-o1ernment can hide 2o%ld be to be hid b3 the militia -ro%0s inside
their infrastr%ct%re.
DB%t once he infiltrates the infrastr%ct%reL and he's inL all of a
s%dden he's a hero. And ri-ht no28 3o% )no28 these -ro%0s 0robabl3
belie1e that the3 ha1e 6ohn @oe O2 and that the3're hidin- him from
the -o1ernment and the3're doin- the 0atriotic thin-L and the3
belie1e that the b%ildin- should ha,e blo2n %0. #o the3're holdin- him.
No28 this man's 0ri13 to all )inds of information abo%t f%t%re
bombin-s8 2hich 2e don't e1en )no2 ho2 man3 bombs the3 ha,e
sto00ed beca%se the a-entsL ho2 man3 li1es ha1e been sa1ed
beca%se that a-ent's no2 in the militia. And if this comes to li-htL this
Ahat the caller does is attem0t to instill -%ilt in Mc@onald o1er her
efforts to re1eal the tr%th. Cet Mc@onald did not allo2 1", innocent
0eo0le to be )illed thro%-h her ne-li-ence and st%0idit3. The
-o1ernment did.
This ridic%lo%s and immoral rationale is similar to that %sed b3 Ainston
Ch%rchill d%rin- AA??. Ch%rchill )ne2 the Berman (%ft2affe 2ere -oin-
to bomb the cit3 of Co1entr38 beca%se the British had crac)ed the
Berman code %sin- a de1ice called the D4ni-maD machine. Ch%rchill
feared that b3 e1ac%atin- Co1entr3 on the ni-ht in 9%estion8 the
Bermans 2o%ld realie their codes had been bro)en and chan-e them8
th%s ham0erin- British intelli-ence efforts. Ch%rchill8 ha1in- )no2led-e
of the forthcomin- raid8 let it 0roceed8 at the cost of tho%sands of li1es
and millions in 0ro0ert3 dama-e8 in order not to com0romise their
so%rce * in this case * the 4ni-ma machine.
?n a similar 1ein8 the Feds 2o%ld co1er %0 the tr%th of the /)lahoma
Cit3 bombin- so as not to com0romise their %nderco1er a-ent * 6ohn
@oe 2 * and %ltimatel38 re1eal their o2n ne-li-ence.
Ne1ertheless8 Mc@onald's caller ma)es the case that she sho%ld
res0ect these a-ents8 2ho he terms Dhi-hl3 trained 0rofessionals8D
cond%ctin- an o0eration that has alread3 res%lted in the criminall3
ne-li-ent deaths of 1", 0eo0le8 and allo2 it to contin%e %nabated8
2hen it 2as %ndo%btedl3 -o1ernment a-ents 2ho acted as
0ro1ocate%rs and -oaded the s%s0ects into carr3in- o%t the bombin-
in the first 0laceI
/f co%rse8 these Dhi-hl3 trained8 dedicated 0rofessionalsD he tal)s so
admirin-l3 abo%t are the same Dhi-hl3 trained8 dedicated
0rofessionalsD 2ho m%rdered '" innocent men8 2omen and children at
AacoG 2ho 0racticall3 m%rdered an entire innocent famil3 at R%b3
Rid-eG 2ho dro00ed a bomb on the M/<4 ho%sin- acti1ists in
+hiladel0hia8 )illin- 11 0eo0le8 incl%din- fi1e childrenG and 2ho b%n-led
the Aorld Trade Center stin- o0eration8 res%ltin- in the deaths of si:
0eo0le and the inN%r3 of o1er 18....
Ahat nit2it is s%00osed to b%3 the stor3 that Dhi-hl3 trained8 dedicated
0rofessionalsD 2o%ld dri1e a tr%c) laden 2ith e:0losi1es aro%nd a b%s3
cit3 * a bomb that co%ld e:0lode at an3 min%teH More li)el38 the caller
is %sin- the Dfederal a-ent in dan-erD line 2ith Mc@onald as a r%se to
co1er %0 the fact that these Dhi-hl3 trained8 dedicated 0rofessionalsD
are nothin- more than a b%nch of hi-hl3 dan-ero%s8 o%t-of-control8 self-
ser1in- l%natics.
DThe -o1ernment m%st8 and ? sa3 m%st8 ta)e res0onsibilit3 for their
stin- o0eration -oin- so%r8D said 7$@ 2or)er 6ane Braham.L DAe are
not e:0endable for their ca%se.LD
As of this 2ritin-8 the ta0e is bein- anal3ed b3 an a%dio forensics
e:0ert. Those /)lahomans 2ho ha1e listened to the ta0e8 ho2e1er8
stron-l3 belie1e that it is Re0resentati1e 4rnest ?stoo). ?stoo) sits on
the #%bcommittee on National #ec%rit38 2hich 2o%ld tend to e:0lain
his rationale that Dthe 0%blic doesn't ha1e to )no2.L Ahen it comes to
the national sec%rit3 and thin-s li)e this8 the 0%blic does not ha1e to
?stoo) also 1oted for the 1,,! Crime and Anti-Terrorism bills8 and is
re0ortedl3 1er3 friendl3 2ith #enator /rin 7atch8 one of the ori-inal
drafters of the latter. ?stoo) is also on close terms 2ith the FB?8 2hich
2o%ld -o a lon- 2a3 to2ards e:0lainin- his a0olo-etic tone. 7e li1es in
the same Con-ressional district and nei-hborhood ;Aarr Acres= as
This scenario is also reinforced b3 a second indi1id%al * a 0olice officer
named Bob Cancemi. 7e told Mc@onald he )no2s Dfor a factD that
a%thorities )ne2 in ad1ance s0ecificall3 2hen and ho2 the R3der
tr%c)-bomb 2as to arri1e at the Federal B%ildin-. B%t8 he sa3s8
somethin- 2ent D1er3 2ron-GD the bomb 2as s%00osed to ha1e been
disarmed. D? feel 0rett3 confident that the3 )ne2 e:actl3 2hat 2as
-oin- on8D he said8 Dand N%stL thin-s didn't -o accordin- to 0lan.D
Cancemi's information8 and that of Mc@onald's caller8 is bac)ed %0 b3
@aina Bradle3. +eerin- o%t the 2indo2 of the #ocial #ec%rit3 office
min%tes before the blast8 Bradle3 ca%-ht a -lim0se of a stoc)38 dar)-
s)inned man e:itin- the 0assen-er side of the R3der tr%c). #he said
the man 2al)ed to the bac) of the tr%c) to o0en the door8 then s0%n
aro%nd8 loo)in- D1er3 ner1o%s8 almost conf%sed.D 7e then ran do2n
!th #treet in the o00osite direction and N%m0ed into a bro2n 0ic)-%0
2hich s0ed a2a3. Co%ld the man's conf%sed e:0ression ha1e been the
res%lt of an %ne:0ected occ%rrenceH +erha0s 2hen he lifted the rear
-ate he sa2 a second timin- de1ice attached to the bomb that he
didn't )no2 ho2 to disarmH And not )no2in- 2hat to do8 he fled.
Cet 2hile the caller admits the -o1ernment's in1ol1ement in the
bombin-8 he fails to ta)e into acco%nt the additional bombs 0laced
inside the b%ildin-. 7e fails to e:0lain 2h3 the -o1ernment 9%ic)l3
demolished the bomb site8 destro3in- all forensic e1idence. And his
stor3 does not acco%nt for the Middle 4astern and n%mero%s other
The caller's e:0lanation also -oes a lon- 2a3 to2ards e:0lainin- a
statement made b3 Terr3 Nichols after his arrest. Ahen (ana +adilla
as)ed her e:-h%sband d%rin- a 0rison 1isit abo%t 6ohn @oe 28 he said8
D?f the3 2ant to find 6ohn @oe 28 the3 sho%ld loo) in their o2n
Ahat is clear is that the -o1ernment co%ld ta)e no chances in allo2in-
an3 of their %nderco1er o0erati1es and informants * #trassmeir8
Brescia8 7o2e8 Ba-an8 7%ssaini8 and others * to testif3 at trial. To
co1er their b%tts8 federal la2 enforcement a-encies i-nored8
discredited8 and e1en )illed those 2ho attem0ted to re1eal the tr%th.
As /fficer Terrance Cea)e3 2rote before he 2as m%rdered5
? too) an oath to %0hold the (a2 and to enforce the (a2 to the best of
m3 abilit3. This is somethin- ? cannot honestl3 do and hold m3 head %0
0ro%d an3 lon-er if ? )ee0 m3 silence as ? am ordered to do.
M3 -%ess is the more time an officer has to thin) abo%t the scre2 %0
the more he is -oin- to 9%estion 2hat ha00enedL Can 3o% ima-ine
2hat 2o%ld be comin- do2n no2 if that had been o%r officers' 2ho had
let this ha00enH Beca%se it 2as the feds that did this and not the
locals8 is the reason it's o)a3.
The sad tr%th of the matter is that the3 ha1e so man3 0olice officers
con1inced that b3 co1erin- %0 the tr%th abo%t the o0eration -one
2ron-8 that the3 are act%all3 doin- o%r citiens a fa1or. Ahat ? 2ant to
)no2 is ho2 man3 other o0erations ha1e the3 had that ble2 %0 in their
facesH Ma)es 3o% sto0 and ta)e another loo) at Aaco.
? 2o%ld consider it to be an ins%lt to m3 0rofession as a 0olice officer
and to the citiens of /)lahoma for ANC of the Cit38 #tate or Federal
a-ents that stood b3 and let this ha00en to be reco-nied as an3 thin-
other than their 0art in 0artici0ation in lettin- this ha00en.L
Finall38 2hile those 2ho said the bombin- 2as an e:c%se to destro3 the
Militia mo1ement 2ere dismissed as self-del%ded 0aranoiacs8
Mc@onald's caller admits the entire operation was to ensnare the
$ilitia mo,ementL /f co%rse8 Mc@onald's caller ma)es no distinction
bet2een militias and neo-Nai -ro%0s. militia -ro%0s an-ril3
deno%nced the bombin-8 as an3 self-res0ectin- citien 2o%ld8 and
certainl3 no militia member 2o%ld consider a 0erson 2ho )illed 1",
innocent 0eo0le a hero.
?f the bombin- of the Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin- 2as merel3 a failed
stin- o0eration8 2here did it -o 2ron-H Those 2ho remember the
Aorld Trade Center bombin-8 ma3 recall that it8 too8 2as a fo%led stin-
?n that case8 the FB?'s ori-inal 0lan to entra0 the Al-Bama'a al-?slami3a
-ro%0 2as to ha1e their %nderco1er o0erati1e8 4mad 4li #alem8
s%bstit%te a harmless 0o2der for the real e:0losi1e8 2hich he 2o%ld
hel0 them b%ild. ?nstead8 d%e to a Ddisa-reement8D the FB? 0%lled
#alem off the case.
(i)e Car3 Ba-an8 2ho tried to 2arn the FB? of the /)lahoma Cit3
bombin-8 and #amra Maha3o%n8 2ho tried to 2arn officials of the +an
Am 1.3 attac)8 #alem8 the3 insisted8 2as N%st not credible. #e1eral
2ee)s later8 a tr%c)-bomb detonated %nder the Aorld Trade Center8
)illin- si: 0eo0le and inN%rin- 18... more.
$nbe)no2nst to the FB?8 #alem8 a former 4-30tian Arm3 colonel8 had
secretl3 recorded his con1ersations 2ith his FB? handlers.
of the ta0es 2ere made 0%blic and re0rinted in the -all )treet 0ournal
and the +ew York (imes.. ?n bro)en 4n-lish8 #alem tal)s 2ith the
%nnamed FB? s%0er1isor 2ho 0%lled him off the case5
DAe'll be -oin- b%ildin- the bomb 2ith a 0hon3 0o2der8 and -rabbin-
the 0eo0le 2ho 2as in1ol1ed in it. B%t since 3o%8 2e didn't do that.D
Ahen #alem decided to com0lain to FB? head9%arters8 FB? s%0er1isor
6ohn Antice1 diss%aded him5 D7e said8 ? don't thin) that the Ne2 Cor)
0eo0le 2o%ld li)e the thin-s o%t of the Ne2 Cor) /ffice to -o to
Aashin-ton8 @.C.D
#alem's immediate handler8 a-ent Nanc3 Flo3d8 is heard on the ta0es
a-reein- 2ith the 4-30tian's acco%nt8 sa3in-8 DAell8 of co%rse not8
beca%se the3 don't 2ant to -et their b%tts che2ed.D
?n one con1ersation8 #alem tells Flo3d5
D#ince the bomb 2ent off8 ? feel terrible. ? feel bad. ? feel here is 0eo0le
2ho don't listen.D
Ms. Flo3d seems to commiserate8 sa3in-5 D7e38 ? mean it 2asn't li)e
3o% didn't tr38 and ? didn't tr3.D
L#alem reco%nts another 0oint in the con1ersation he said he had 2ith
Antice18 sa3in-5
D? said8 'B%3s8 no2 3o% sa2 this bomb 2ent off8 and 3o% both )no2 that
2e co%ld a1oid that.'D
L#alem tal)s of the 0lan to s%bstit%te harmless 0o2der for e:0losi1es
d%rin- another con1ersation 2ith A-ent Flo3d. ?n that con1ersation8 he
recalls a 0re1io%s disc%ssion 2ith Antice1. Mr. #alem sa3s he told the
other a-ent5
D@o 3o% den3 that 3o%r s%0er1isor is the main reason of bombin- the
Aorld Trade CenterHD
Mr. #alem said that Antice1 did not den3 it.
Ahat is also interestin- to note is that not onl3 did the FB? Dfo%l %0D the
o0eration8 b%t the3 had #alem act as a 0ro1ocate%r8 recommendin-
0otential tar-ets8 teachin- the terrorists ho2 to b%ild the bomb8
then teachin- them ho2 to dri1e the tr%c) %sed in the bombin-I
As the -all )treet 0ournal re0orted in re-ards to #alem's acti1ities
inside the #hei)'s -ro%0 immediatel3 follo2in- the Aorld Trade Center
Mr. #alem hel0ed or-anie the Dbattle 0lanD that the -o1ernment
alle-ed incl%ded 0lots to bomb the $nited Nations and FB? b%ildin-s in
Ne2 Cor)8 and the 7olland and (incoln t%nnels beneath the 7%dson
Ri1er. Aor)in- 2ith a charismatic #%danese man named #iddi- Ali8 a
follo2er of #hei) /mar8 Mr. #alem recr%ited se1en local M%slims to
sco%t tar-ets8 0lan tactics and obtain chemicals and electrical 0arts for
bombs8 the -o1ernment alle-ed. The FB? s%00lied a safeho%se in
As Flo3d later e:0lained to her s%0erior8 D4mad had the information
abo%t the bombs and 2here the3 2anted to ha1e them 0laced. ?f 2e
had done 2hat 2e 2ere s%00osed to ha1e done8 2e 2o%ld ha1e )no2n
abo%t itL 2e 2o%ld ha1e %sed o%r heads and come %0 2ith the
sol%tion of tr3in- to ne%tralie the sit%ation.D
Ahen these Dhi-hl3-trained8 dedicated 0rofessionalsD 0%lled #alem off
the case8 the bombers contacted Rami Co%sef8 an ?ra9i a-ent and
e:0ert bomb ma)er. M%Nahadeen 1eteran and Aorld Trade Center
bomber Mam%d Abo%halima met Co%sef in Af-hanistan in 1,''8 and
bro%-ht him and co-cons0irator Ahmed ANaN to the $.#. in #e0tember of
1,,2. Far from b%ildin- a harmless de1ice8 Co%sef constr%cted a
so0histicated8 0o2erf%l bomb8 ca0able of ca%sin- e:tensi1e dama-e.
7ad 0ats3 dri1er Mohammed #alemeh 0ar)ed the tr%c) ne:t to a )e3
col%mn8 the3 mi-ht ha1e to00led the 11. stor3 T2in To2ers8 )illin- as
man3 as D=1=== peopleL
As Ailliam Norman Bri-- 2rites in the Febr%ar3 1,8 1,,& iss%e of the
+ew American'
#hortl3 after Co%sef's arri1al8 the FB? s%b0oenaed t2o doen of #hei)
/mar's follo2ers and 9%estioned them abo%t the shei)8 Nosair8 and
Abo%halima. 7o2e1er8 no arrests 2ere made8 no -rand N%r3
in1esti-ation 2as la%nched8 and the FB? chose to do2n-rade its
scr%tin3 of /mar's net2or) * N%st as 0lans 2ere bein- finalied for the
Trade Center bombin-. This c%rio%s decision is e1en more 0ec%liar in
li-ht of the fact that the FB? had obtained intelli-ence on the net2or)'s
ca0abilities and intentions from 4mad A. #alem8 a former 4-30tian
Arm3 officer and FB? informant 2ho ser1ed as /mar's sec%rit3 -%ard.
The FB? defended themsel1es b3 alle-in- that #alem had ref%sed to
coo0erate 2ith FB? -%idelines and 0roced%res. 7e didn't 2ant to 2ear a
bod3-2ire the3 claimed8 and ref%sed to testif3 a-ainst his so-called
terrorist comrades in co%rt. #alem 2as s%mmaril3 dismissed. Ahen
these Dhi-hl3-trained8 dedicated 0rofessionalsD 0%lled #alem off the
case8 the3 lost control of the sit%ation8 and the bombers made their
The FB? claimed the e:act same thin- abo%t one of their informants in
the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin- case * Car3 Ba-an. Altho%-h the 6%stice
@e0artment -ranted Ba-an a (etter of ?mm%nit38 the3 and the Dhi-hl3-
trained8 dedicated 0rofessionalsD of the FB? failed to follo2 %0 on the
informant's a00arentl3 credible information. Ba-an hadn't N%st
contacted the FB? and the Marshals #er1ice once or t2ice re-ardin- the
0lot8 b%t had informed them on n%mero%s occasions of the terrorists'
0lans. To the Ba-an's )no2led-e8 none of this information 2as follo2ed
After the bombin-8 the 6%stice @e0artment tried to maintain that Ba-an
2asn't credible. The $.#. Attorne3's /ffice re1o)ed his (etter of
?mm%nit38 i-nored his information8 and a00arentl3 tried to assassinate
him. ?n order to 0ro1e their bo-%s alle-ations8 the3 remo1ed re0orts
from his informant file that sho2ed Ba-an had assisted the @4A in
reco1erin- critical information.
The -o1ernment's cond%ct in dealin- 2ith Ba-an 0aralleled their
treatment of Carol 7o2e. As disc%ssed 0re1io%sl38 T%lsa ATF A-ent
An-ela Finle3-Braham had 0laced 7o2e inside 4lohim Cit38 2here she
re0orted on the acti1ities of Mahon8 #trassmeir8 and others alle-edl3
in1ol1ed in the 0lot. ?t 2as recentl3 learned that 7o2e had secretl3
ta0ed con1ersations 2ith her ATF handler as #alem had. Those ta0es
ha1e not been made 0%blic as of this 2ritin-.
#till8 the -o1ernment 2o%ld tr3 to co1er its trac)s b3 claimin- that
7o2e's information 2as %ns0ecific8 and that she 2as emotionall3
%nstable. Cet t2o da3s after the bombin-8 the ATF rene2ed its contract
2ith her8 and sent her bac) to 4lohim Cit3 to collect additional
information. ?n the aftermath of the Aorld Trade Center bombin-8 the
FB? rene2ed its association 2ith 4mad #alem8 0a3in- him a re0orted
F1 million to infiltrate #hei) /mar's -ro%0 once a-ain.
Bi1en the T%lsa ATF's interest in #trassmeir and 4lohim Cit38 it is hi-hl3
li)el3 that the3 2ere the initial tar-et of the stin-. ATF a-ent An-ela
Finle3 -Braham conferred 2ith her s%0eriors abo%t raidin- the
com0o%nd in Febr%ar3 of ',! and arrestin- #trassmeir8 b%t FB? and @o6
officials ad1ised a-ainst it.
The ATF's actions at 4lohim Cit3 2ere a c%rio%s 0arallel to those of the
FB?'s in Ne2 Cor). As the 3ondon )unday (elegraph9s Ambrose 41ans-
+ritchard stated8 D?t a00ears that the local BATF had st%mbled on a
bi--er o0eration bein- r%n b3 the -ro2n-%0s at the 6%stice
?f the Arabs had 0lotted 2ith neo-Nais to blo2 %0 the Federal
B%ildin-. ?t is a fore-one concl%sion that the3 2ere %nder s%r1eillance
b3 the ATF and FB?.
Recall that Timoth3 Mc<ei-h and #am >halid 2ere both in1esti-ated b3
the FB?. Mc<ei-h in 1,,38 and >halid in 1,,.. #ince Mi)e >halid 2as
in1esti-ated for es0iona-e b3 Arm3 C?@8 it is reasonable to ass%me
that attention 2as foc%sed on his brother as 2ell.
#aid @a1id 7all8 D? felt li)eL that 0robabl3 the a-encies in1ol1ed in
this8 their intent 2as to tie to-ether some +atriot -ro%0s and to tie in
some other terrorist -ro%0s. ? thin) the intent here 2as to sa3 * -o to
Con-ress and sa3 * that 2e ha1e domestic and forei-n terrorist
-ro%0s8 Mideast or forei-n8 2or)in- to-ether and tr3in- to blo2 %0
b%ildin-s here in the $nited #tates.D
?t is li)el3 that the FB? became a2are of coll%sion bet2een the t2o
-ro%0s * neo-Nais and Arabs * as earl3 as 1,,48 2hen Car3 Ba-an
re0orted that Terr3 Nichols had met 2ith D?raniansD in 7enderson8
Ne1ada. Aith the in1ol1ement of the Arabs8 and the 2hite
s%0remacists at 4lohim Cit38 the stin- became a Noint ATFRFB?
?nterestin-l38 7all learned that the FB? and the ATF -ot into a sho%tin-
match 2hile debriefin- 6anet Reno. Accordin- to 7all8 2hen Reno left
the room8 the FB? and ATF be-an 3ellin- at each other8 an-ril3 acc%sin-
each other for the tra-ed3.
#ome2here alon- the line in /)lahoma Cit38 the FB? and ATF lost
control of the sit%ation8 and the bombers 2ere able to ma)e their
mo1e. As in the Aorld Trade Center case8 someone 2ho had infiltrated
the o0eration in /)lahoma had s%bstit%ted a real bomb for a 0hon3
one8 or had 0laced a red%ndant timer on the bomb8 or had sim0l3
0ro1ided false information to the a-ents in char-e8 0re1entin- them
from sto00in- the attac).
Aere the FB? and ATF do%ble-crossed b3 one of their o2n informantsH
/r8 as in the +an Am case8 did someone in a 0osition of a%thorit3 loo)
at the sit%ation and sa38 "on9t stop it1 let it go"/
?f the FB? and ATF 2ere do%ble-crossed8 it ma3 ha1e been b3 one of
their o2n a-ents. Recall that Michael Fran)s8 a ro-%e American a-ent
2ith connections to the /cto0%s8 had 0ro1ided the )e3 information that
allo2ed Ahmed 6ibril to tar-et +an Am 1.3.
Former FB? #AC Ted B%ndersen ;head of the (os An-eles field office=
described to me 2hat he called a D%nilateral transferD of C?A a-ents
into 1ario%s federal la2-enforcement a-encies in the earl3 1,'.s. The
0%r0ose of this Rea-anRB%sh co1ert 0olic3 2as to 0ermit the C?A to
head off an3 incon1enient in1esti-ations that s%ch a-encies mi-ht be
%nderta)in-. ?f so8 it 2o%ld -o a lon- 2a3 to2ards e:0lainin- the
FB?'s c%rio%sl3 timed fit of incom0etence.
There are 0recedents. ?n 1,&18 (o%is Tac)2ood8 an a-ent 0ro1ocate%r
2or)in- o%t of the (A+@'s Criminal Cons0irac3 #ection ;CC#=8 char-ed
that the CC# Dhad been set %0 on the same basis as the C?A.D
Tac)2ood disclosed that CC# a-ents * a00ro:imatel3 12! of 2hom
2ere a-ent 0ro1ocate%rs * 2ere s0onsored b3 federal intelli-ence
a-encies. As researcher Ale: Constantine notes in his boo)8 %lood1
*arnage1 and the Agent Pro,ocateur8 the C## 2as directl3 lin)ed to the
Aashin-ton8 @.C.-based ?nter-A-enc3 Bro%0 on @omestic ?ntelli-ence
and ?nternal #ec%rit38 a little-)no2n co1ert o0erations %nit made %0 of
Ri-ht-2in- a-ents from the FB?8 C?A8 @?A8 N#C8 Arm38 Air Force8 and
local 0olice de0artments.
The CC#'s s03in- acti1ities came to a head in 1,&3 2ith the 0%blication
of Tac)2ood's (he "lass House (apes8 and the %nit 2as s%mmaril3
disbanded. ?n its 0lace e1ol1ed the /r-anied Crime ?ntelli-ence
@i1ision ;/C?@=8 2hich8 interestin-l3 eno%-h8 maintains no files on
or-anied crime8 b%t 0lent3 on local citiens and 0oliticians.
The /C?@ also still maintains its ties 2ith the federal intelli-ence
a00arat%s. Accordin- to +asadena Cit3 Co%ncil member Michael Yinin8
2ho 2on a F3.' million dollar la2s%it a-ainst the (A+@'s Anti-Terrorist
@i1ision8 that a00arat%s is the same secret cabal in1ol1ed in the ?ran-
Contra imbro-lio.
?n other 2ords8 the /cto0%s.
Mi)e Rothmiller8 a former /C?@ detecti1e8 st%mbled %0on the
connections and s%bse9%entl3 fell 0re3 to an assassin's b%llet. At the
time8 Rothmiller had been in1esti-atin- one Robert Terr38 an arms and
dr%- sm%--ler 2ith lin)s to the C?A.
B%ndersen's D%nilateral transferD co%ld easil3 e:0lain ho2 intelli-ence
o0erati1es 2ere able to mani0%late the stin- o0eration in /)lahoma
Cit3. ?f there 2ere d%0licito%s a-ents inside the ATF and FB?8 the3 2o%ld
ha1e )no2n 2hen and 2here the bomb 2as to be deli1ered. The3
2o%ld ha1e )no2n ho2 Jone ofK the FB?'s %nderco1er a-ent;s= * 6ohn
@oe 2 * 2as to disable the bomb. The3 2o%ld ha1e had f%ll and
detailed )no2led-e of the 0lot.
(i)e Michael Fran)s8 the3 co%ld ha1e easil3 informed those 2ho had an
interest in chan-in- that 0lot * those 2ho had an interest in seein-
that the b%ildin-8 and 0ossibl3 some of those inside it * 2as
J45 This cha0ter 2as omitted from the 0rinted edition.K
The Octop!s
"(his underground empire is controlled &y a hand8ul o8 people 8or
money — that9s the only secret o8 the temple."
* ?n1esti-ati1e re0orter @ann3 Casolaro8 0rior to his m%rder b3 the
The nomenclat%re of the (oc)erbie and Aorld Trade Center bombin-s
0ro1ide a %ni9%e and %n0aralleled insi-ht into the d3namics of the
/)lahoma Cit3 bombin-. 4ach e1ent -i1es the reader a -lim0se of ho2
the #hado2 Bo1ernment o0erates8 %tiliin- dr%- dealers8 criminals8
and terrorists to do its biddin-.
All three bombin-s 2ere stin- o0erations that %tilied8 and 2ere
%tilied b38 terrorists bent on ca%sin- destr%ction.
B%t the 9%estion still remained5 2ho 2as controllin- the terroristsH To
%nderstand that8 one m%st 0eer thro%-h the door2a3 of time
stretchin- from AA?? to the 0resent.
To 0re0are for the in1asion of #icil3 d%rin- AA??8 the /## ;2hich later
became the C?A= collaborated 2ith the Corsican Mafia. The
arran-ement 0ermitted the Mafia %se the 0ort of Marseilles for heroin
sm%--lin- in e:chan-e for its assistance in defeatin- the Nais.
After AA??8 the heroin o0eration mo1ed to <ietnam and (aos8 then to
Af-hanistan and +a)istan8 as the C?A embroiled itself in a co1ert 2ar
a-ainst the #o1iets. Assistant #ecretar3 of @efense for National
#ec%rit3 Affairs Richard Armita-e sat on the D2.' Committee8D 2hich
o1ersa2 militar3 aid to the M%Nahadeen. Faoe 7a98 the -o1ernor of
the North2est Frontier +ro1ince ;the lar-est heroin -ro2in- 0ro1ince in
Af-hanistan=8 2ho 2as ori-inall3 2orth F1..8...8 2as s%ddenl3 2as
2orth F2.. million after the 2ar. Armita-e 2as his main contact.
<ince Cannistraro ;Mr. D(ib3a done itD= also sat on the 2.' Committee8
re0resentin- National #ec%rit3 Ad1isor Robert DB%dD McFarlane8 /li1er
North's s%0er1isor.
#hortl3 after the start of the Af-hani o0eration8 the C?A be-an armin-
the Contras in Nicara-%a. Cannistraro himself Jalon- 2ith @%ane
D@e23D Clarrid-e8 then Chief of the C?A's (atin American @i1isionK
headed Case3's ori-inal o0eration to arm the Contras8 based on
Rea-an's March8 1,'1 decision. As former Breen Beret Andre2 4i1a
said8 DCannistraro 2as %0 to his ears b3 1,'!.D This is si-nificant8
considerin- the Boland Amendment8 0rohibitin- aid to the Contras8
2as 0assed in 1,'4.
#ome of these are the same 0la3ers 2ho mo1ed into other Central
American co%ntries8 settin- %0 sec%rit3 ser1ices ;death s9%ads= for
$.#.-bac)ed dictators8 and 0rofitin- handsomel3 from the cocaine
?f an3one thin)s these are o%tra-eo%s alle-ations8 consider the
statements of Mi)e (e1ine8 one of the @4A's most hi-hl3 decorated
1eterans5 DFor decades8 the C?A8 the +enta-on8 and secret
or-aniations li)e /li1er North's 4nter0rise ha1e been s%00ortin- and
0rotectin- the 2orld's bi--est dr%- dealers8D incl%din- the M%Nahadeen
in Af-hanistan8 the Contras in Central America8 the @F# in Me:ico8 the
#han $nited Arm3 in the Bolden Trian-le of #o%theast Asia8 and Dan3 of
a score of other -ro%0s andRor indi1id%als li)e Man%el Norie-a. #%00ort
of these 0eo0le has been secretl3 deemed more im0ortant than
-ettin- dr%-s off o%r streets.D
/r consider the 2ords of (t. Col. Bo Brit8 former commander of the
#0ecial Forces in (atin America and the most decorated soldier in
<ietnam. Brit made a tri0 to the Bolden Trian-le in 1,'3 to search for
American +/As8 a mission that 2as %ltimatel3 stone2alled. Brit
belie1es the +/As are bein- %sed as dr%- m%les8 and the -o1ernment
doesn't 2ant them ret%rned ali1e8 for fear the3 2o%ld e:0ose the
/cto0%s. As Brit said5 DJThe3K 2o%ld not 2ant the American +/As to
come home. Beca%se 2hen the3 do8 there 2ill be an in1esti-ation as to
2h3 the3 2ere abandoned. At that time 2e 2ill %nco1er this secret
or-aniation and its illicit dr%- mone3 and financin-. The #ecret Team
2o%ld then be e:0osed.D
As Brit later 2rote in *alled to )er,e'
?f Richard Armita-e 2as8 as >h%n #a a1o2ed8 a maNor 0artici0ant in
0arallel -o1ernment dr%- traffic)in-8 then it e:0lained 2h3 o%r efforts
to resc%e +/As had been ine:0licabl3 foiled8 time after time... ?f it 2as
tr%e8 Richard Armita-e 2o%ld be the last man in the 2orld 2ho 2o%ld
desire to see 0risoners of 2ar come home ali1e.
As D#0ecial Cons%ltant to the +enta-on on the M?As8D in Ban-)o) in
1,&!8 Armita-e re0ortedl3 s0ent more time re0atriatin- o0i%m 0rofits
then reco1erin- +/As. ?n 1,&"8 2hen >h%n #a 2as still sellin- heroin
to C?A officials8 the head of the C?A 2as none other than Beor-e
Former 0residential candidate 7. Ross +erot8 2ho 2as a00ointed
0residential in1esti-ator for +/ARM?A affairs8 came %0on the same
information8 and 2as 2arned b3 former @efense #ecretar3 Fran)
Carl%cci to sto0 0%rs%in- the connections to Armita-e. As he sadl3
e:0lained to a -ro%0 of +/ARM?A families in 1,'&5 D? ha1e been
instr%cted to cease and desist.D
?ronicall38 bet2een 1,'& and 1,,18 <ice-+resident B%sh ser1ed as head
of the #o%th Florida @r%- Tas) Force8 and later as chair of the National
Narcotics ?nterdiction #3stem8 both set %0 to DstemD the flo2 of dr%-s
into the $.#. Ahile B%sh 2as dr%- car8 the 1ol%me of cocaine
sm%--led into the $.#. tri0led.
Celerino DCeleD Castillo8 the @4A's head a-ent in 4l #al1ador and
B%atemala from 1,'! to 1,,18 told re0orters and #enate in1esti-ators
of n%mero%s )no2n dr%- traffic)ers 2ho %sed han-ers controlled b3
/li1er North and the C?A in 4l #al1ador's ?lo0an-o militar3 airbase.
Ahen Castillo nai1el3 tried to 2arn B%sh at a $.#. embass3 0art3 in
B%atemala8 B%sh DN%st shoo) m3 hand8 smiled and 2al)ed a2a3LD
DB3 the end of 1,''8D added Castillo8 D? realied ho2 ho0elessl3
tan-led the @4A8 the C?A8 and e1er3 other $.#. entit3 in Central
America had become 2ith the criminals. The connections bo--led m3
DThe C?A * the3're ma)in- deals 2ith the @e1il8D adds Mi)e (e1ine.
D$nfort%natel38 the @e1il is smarter than the3 are.D
#ome of those de1ils8 li)e Moner al->assar * Db%siness 0artnerD of
Richard #ecord and /li1er North * 2o%ld be %tilied to do the
/cto0%s's dirt3 2or).
Another name >h%n #a mentioned re0eatedl3 2as Ted #hac)le3.
lon--time C?A 0la3er8 Theodore B. #hac)le3 ;)no2n as DThe Blond
BhostD= be-an his A-enc3 career as C?A #tation Chief in Miami8 2here
he directed the C?A's 6MRAA<4 /0eration8 a 0ost-Ba3 of +i-s attem0t to
assassinate Fidel Castro and 2rec) ha1oc 2ithin that so1erei-n nation.
$tiliin- C%ban e:0atriates8 the C?A cond%cted h%ndreds of sabota-e
raids a-ainst C%ba in direct 1iolation of the $.#. Ne%tralit3 Act.
#hac)le3 also 2or)ed in close 0artnershi0 2ith Mob fi-%res 6ohn Roselli8
#am Biancana8 and #antos Trafficante.
Ahile the o0eration 2as sh%t do2n in 1,"!8 d%e mainl3 to re1elations
of or-anied crime connections and dr%- sm%--lin-8 man3 of the
0artici0ants remained in Miami8 contin%in- their ille-al acti1ities.
(ater8 as #tation Chief of (aos8 #hac)le3 directed MaNor Beneral
Richard #ecord's air 2in- in tactical raids a-ainst the Comm%nist
+athet (ao8 2ho ha00ened to be Beneral <an- +ao's main com0etition
in the o0i%m trade. B3 )ee0in- the +athet (ao b%s3 2ith the hel0 of the
C?A and the American militar38 +ao's 7mon- tribesmen 2ere able to
become the re-ion's lar-est heroin 0rod%cers.
/f co%rse8 #hac)le38 his de0%t3 Tom Clines ;2ho s%0er1ised the air
base in (on- Tien-=8 and their collea-%es in C?A front com0anies li)e
Air America 2ere onl3 too ha003 to hel08 sm%--lin- heroin to the $.#.
in the -%tted bodies of dead B?s ;2ith the assistance of their old Mob
b%dd3 #antos Trafficante8 2ho had hel0ed form their YRRR?F(4
assassination team8 and <ietnamese Air Force Beneral N-%3en Cao
>3=8 and la%nderin- the 0rofits in the N%-an-7and ban). As a 1,'3 -all
)treet 0ournal article stated5
?n1esti-ations follo2in- Mr. N%-an's death and the fail%re of the ban)
re1ealed 2ides0read dealin-s b3 N%-an-7and 2ith international heroin
s3ndicates8 and e1idence of massi1e fra%d a-ainst $.#. and forei-n
citiens. Man3 retired hi-h-ran)in- +enta-on and C?A officials 2ere
e:ec%ti1es of or cons%ltants to N%-an-7and.
#hac)le38 alon- 2ith N%-an-7and's attorne3 * former C?A @irector
Ailliam Colb3 * directed the infamo%s D+hoeni: +ro-ram8D a lar-el3
s%ccessf%l attem0t to Dne%tralieD b3 tort%re and m%rder
a00ro:imatel3 4.8... <ietnamese ci1ilians s%s0ected of bein- <iet
Con- s3m0athiers. /ne +hoeni: o0erati1e8 testif3in- before Con-ress8
stated that +hoeni: 2as Da sterile8 de0ersonalied m%rder 0ro-ramL it
2as com0letel3 indiscriminate.D The assassinations 2o%ld contin%e in
Nicara-%a %nder the code-name D/0eration +e-as%s.D
After becomin- the head of the C?A's Aestern 7emis0here o0erations
;(atin American @i1ision= in 1,&28 #hac)le3 s%0er1ised the o1erthro2
of the Chilean -o1ernment ;D/0eration Trac) ??D= b3 m%rderin-
democraticall3 elected +resident #al1ador Allende. Aith the bac)in- of
the C?A %nder #hac)le38 the militar3 led a 1iolent co%0 b3 Ri-ht-2in-
Beneral A%-%sto +inochet8 2hich res%lted in the abolishment of the
Constit%tion8 the closin- of all ne2s0a0ers sa1e for t2o Ri-ht-2in-
dailies8 the o%tla2in- of trade %nions8 the s%00ression of all 0olitical
0arties8 and the arrest8 tort%re8 and e:ec%tion of tho%sands.
After a brief stint as @irector of the Far 4ast @i1ision8 #hac)le3 directed
C?A a-ent 4d2in Ailson in trainin- the #hah of ?ran's notorio%s secret
0olice8 the #a1a)8 2ho ro%tinel3 tort%red and m%rdered the #hah's
o00onents. (ater #hac)le3 2o%ld assist more directl3 in these
?n 1,&!8 #hac)le3 became Associate @irector in the @irectorate of
/0erations8 2hich 0%t him in char-e of Co1ert-/0erations8 Co%nter-
?ntelli-ence8 and ironicall38 Co%nter-Narcotics8 all %nder the command
of Beor-e 7erbert Aal)er B%sh.
These associations nat%rall3 led to #hac)le3 0la3in- a role in the
formation of the D#ecret Team8D ;to coin a 0hrase in1ented b3 Col. (.
Fletcher +ro%t3= the co1ert and ille-al enter0rise that 2as the dri1in-
force behind the ?ran-Contra o0eration. @onald Bre--8 one of
#hac)le3's s%bordinates d%rin- his #ai-on ten%re8 2o%ld later become
Assistant National #ec%rit3 Ad1isor d%rin- ?ran-Contra8 re0ortin-
directl3 to <ice-+resident B%sh.
?t 2as a-ainst this bac)dro0 that #hac)le3 ser1ed as a Dcons%ltantD to
0la3ers s%ch as B%sh8 #ecord8 North8 and Case3 in their ille-al and
blood3 -%ns-for-dr%-s net2or) that res%lted in tens of tho%sands of
deaths and the floodin- of o%r streets 2ith tons of dr%-s.
As -all )treet 0ournal re0orter 6onathan >2itn3 2rites abo%t Ted
#hac)le3 in his boo)8 (he *rimes o8 Patriots'
(oo)in- at the list of disasters #hac)le3 has 0resided o1er d%rin- his
career8 one mi-ht e1en concl%de that on the da3 the C?A hired
#hac)le3 it mi-ht ha1e done better hirin- a >BB a-entG a #o1iet mole
0robabl3 co%ld not ha1e done as m%ch dama-e to the national sec%rit3
of the $nited #tates 2ith all his 2ile as #hac)le3 did 2ith the most
0atriotic of intentions.
Bet2een #hac)el3's C%ban and ?ndochinese cam0ai-ns8 more do0e
dealers 2ere 0robabl3 0%t onto the 0a3roll of the $nited #tates
Bo1ernment8 and 0rotected and enco%ra-ed in their acti1ities8 than if
the -o1ernment had sim0l3 -one o%t and hired the Mafia * 2hich8 in
the case of the C%ban cam0ai-n8 it did.
C?A @irector Admiral #tansfield T%rner forced #hac)le3 to resi-n from
the A-enc3 in 1,&,8 d%e to his D%na%thoriedD dealin-s 2ith ro-%e
a-ent 4d2in Ailson8 2ho 2as sellin- 0lastic e:0losi1es to (ib3a ;2ith
#hac)le3's a00ro1al=. 7ad he not left8 #hac)le3 2o%ld li)el3 ha1e
become head of the A-enc3.
Beor-e B%sh8 2ho headed the A-enc3 in 1,&"8 stron-l3 desired to
contin%e in that 0ost. 7e 2as not rea00ointed 2hen 6imm3 Carter too)
Moreo1er8 T%rner8 2ho had little faith in 7$MN?T ;7%man ?ntelli-ence=
so%rces8 decided to resha0e the C?A alon- more ad1anced
technolo-ical lines. As a res%lt of T%rner's infamo%s D7allo2een
Massacre8D the C?A c%t its field a-ents from se1eral tho%sand to N%st
o1er 3... As +resident 6imm3 Carter 2o%ld later state8 DAe 2ere a2are
that some of the %n9%alified and incom0etent 0ersonnel 2hom he
dischar-ed 2ere dee0l3 resentf%l.D
The old hands of the A-enc38 2ho formerl3 had at their dis0osal almost
%nlimited DBlac) B%d-etD f%nds for co1ert o0erations8 2ere s%ddenl3
forced into retirement8 or forced into loc)ste0 2ith T%rner's ne2
Altho%-h C?A @irector Ailliam Case3 hired 28... ne2 co1ert o0erators
in 1,'.8 man3 C?A critics felt T%rner's actions had alread3 ca%sed the
secret cells of the -ood-old-bo3 net2or)s to b%r3 themsel1es * and
their ille-al acti1ities * e1en dee0er.
?t is this element8 birthed in the h3steria of the Cold Aar8 le-itimied b3
the 0aranoia of the National #ec%rit3 state8 and n%rt%red b3 the 0olitics
of -reed8 that has b%ried itself in the core of American 0olitics.
As lon--time Arm3 Criminal ?n1esti-ator Bene Aheaton defines it5 DAn
elite8 1er3 clandestine8 1er3 co1ert -ro%0 2ithin the intelli-ence
comm%nit3L. The C?A and @?A is N%st the li-htenin- rod for the 0eo0le
2ho reall3 control thin-s.D
Those 2ho co%ld acce0t the idea of -o1ernment fore)no2led-e of the
/)lahoma Cit3 bombin- 2o%ld be hard-0ressed to acce0t the notion
that certain factions 2ithin the -o1ernment mi-ht ha1e orchestrated
the bombin- itself. Those 2ho ha1e a diffic%lt time acce0tin- this are
st3mied b3 2hat the3 0ercei1e as D-o1ernment.D
As Aheaton e:0lains8 DThe -o1ernment is N%st a b%nch of mon%ments8
office b%ildin-s8 com0%ters8 and des)s. The3 don't see the craies in
the -o1ernment * the little cons0iratorial cli9%es 2ithin the
These little cons0iratorial cli9%es * the same 0la3ers that #hac)le3
intersects 2ith8 -oin- bac) to C%ba8 (aos8 Af-hanistan and Nicara-%a
* ha1e been in1ol1ed for decades in e1er3thin- from dr%- and -%n-
r%nnin-8 to assassinations8 co1ert 2arfare8 and o%tri-ht terrorism. ?t is
a terrorism that increasin-l3 has no 0artic%lar face8 no ideolo-ical
credo8 no 0olitical -oal. ?t is a terrorism moti1ated b3 0o2er and
B3 no means the lone man behind the c%rtain8 Ted #hac)le3 re0resents
one of the more 1isible of this le:icon of co1ert o0erators %0on 2hom
the 0o2ers that be de0end on for their endless s%00l3 of Dblac) o0sD
and dirt3 tric)s. +erha0s this is ho2 #hac)le3 )no2s8 or seems to )no28
the com0le: tr%th behind /)lahoma Cit3. ?t is a tr%th that remains
hidden behind a so0histicated lab3rinth of co1ert o0erati1es8 all of
2hom con1er-e at similar times and 0laces. The3 are8 as @a1id Corn
2rites8 Dthe little faceless -ra3 men 2e ne1er see and seldom hear
abo%t.D Those 2e call the D#hado2 Bo1ernment8D the D+arallel
Bo1ernment8D the D4nter0rise8D the D/cto0%s8D or a half-a-doen other
names8 are caref%ll3 hidden behind an endless roster of official titles
and d%ties8 and a 0lethora of familiar-so%ndin- or-aniations and
These same faceless little -ra3 men 2o%ld 0o0 %0 in the /)lahoma
Cit3 bombin- cons0irac3 li)e interminable 2eeds bet2een the crac)s
of the 0a1ement. From the Ba3 of +i-s to ?ran-Contra to /)lahoma Cit38
the names8 faces8 and 0la3ers 2o%ld coalesce for a brief moment in
time into an indistin-%ishable mena-erie of 0oliticos and s0oo)s8
terrorists and assassins * to commit their terrible deed8 then fade
into the seamless 2orld 2ere little distinction is made bet2een assets
and criminals.
Ted #hac)le3 2as officiall3 forced to resi-n from the C?A d%e to his
dealin-s 2ith friend and rene-ade a-ent 4d2in Ailson. Ailson and
former C?A em0lo3ee Fran) Ter0il had sm%--led t2o tons of C-4 to
(ib3a8 and at the behest of #hac)le38 had set %0 terrorist trainin-
cam0s there %tiliin- Breen Berets led to belie1e the3 2ere 2or)in- for
the A-enc3. The ostensible 0%r0ose of this mane%1er 2as to 0ermit the
C?A to -ather information on #o1iet and (ib3an 2ea0ons and defense
ca0abilities8 and to learn the identities of forei-n nationals bein-
trained for -%errilla 2arfare. $0on obtainin- their 0ass0orts and tra1el
0lans8 #hac)le3 2o%ld alert their home co%ntr3's secret 0olice8 2ho
2o%ld then assassinate them %0on their ret%rn.
Ahile Ailson 2as sentenced to a lon- 0rison term8 Ter0il fled to C%ba8
and has since been in1ol1ed in n%mero%s dealin-s 2ith the +(/ and
other terrorists8 s%00l3in- them 2ith so0histicated assassination
2ea0ons8 detonators8 and comm%nication s3stems.
Ter0il also s%00lied tort%re de1ices to $-andan @ictator ?di Amin8 2ho
%sed a bomb s%00lied b3 Ter0il to assassinate >en3an cabinet member
Br%ce Mc>enie.
/ne month later8 Ter0il 2as im0licated in the m%rder of three
e:ec%ti1es of the ?B4E cor0oration * a hi-h-technolo-3 com0an3 that
2as doin- b%siness 2ith the #a1a). 6ohn 7ar0er8 ?B4E's former director
of sec%rit38 said that 2hile in Tri0oli8 he sa2 a moc)-%0 of the amb%sh
site at the trainin- facilit3 that Ter0il and Ailson had set %0.
Readers 2ill recall this is the same Fran) Ter0il that 2as seen b3 Car3
Ba-an in Me:ico Cit3 2ith /mar ;#am >halidH=8 si: months before the
/)lahoma Cit3 bombin-. D? sa2 him do2n in Me:ico8D recalled Ba-an8
Din No1ember of ',48 in Me:ico Cit3L 2ith /mar.D
Ba-an said he and /mar met Ter0il at the 7otel Maria ?sabelle in the
Yona Rosa district. Ba-an didn't )no2 2ho Ter0il 2as at the time8 b%t
described him as a fat8 baldin-8 ".ish fello28 2ho 2as Dterribl3
dressed.D ?n other 2ords * Fran) Ter0il.
D? heard the name beca%se ? )ne2 Ailson's name from the Florence
Federal +enitentiar3 in Colorado.D Ba-an said that one of his
intelli-ence contacts8 a man named @aniel8 told him abo%t Ter0il. DThe
con1ersation came %0 in reference to the Bander8 Ne2fo%ndland
crash8D said Ba-an.
Aas Ter0il in Me:ico to s%00l3 e:0losi1es to /marH Ahile Ba-an 2asn't
0ri13 to the con1ersation8 he belie1es that 2as the 0%r0ose of the
Ahen Ailson and Ter0il 2ere sellin- arms and e:0losi1es to (ib3a8
the3 2ere re0ortin- to none other than Ted #hac)le3. >2itn3 notes that
Ailson and Ter0il 2ere hirin- anti-Castro C%bans from #hac)le3's old
6MRAA<4 0ro-ram Jand Breen BeretsK to assassinate +resident
Waddafi's 0olitical o00onents abroad5
#ome $.#. Arm3 men 2ere literall3 l%red a2a3 from the door2a3 of
Fort Bra--8 their North Carolina trainin- 0ost. The B?s 2ere -i1en e1er3
reason to belie1e that the o0eration s%mmonin- them 2as bein-
carried o%t 2ith the f%ll bac)in- of the C?A.L
Readers 2ill also recall that 2hile Timoth3 Mc<ei-h 2as still in the
Arm38 he 2rote his sister a letter tellin- her that he had been 0ic)ed
for a #0ecial Forces ;Breen Beret= Co1ert Tactical $nit ;CT$= that 2as
in1ol1ed in ille-al acti1ities. These ille-al acti1ities incl%ded D0rotectin-
dr%- shi0ments8 eliminatin- the J/cto0%s's dr%-K com0etition8 and
0o0%lation control.D
This is e:actl3 2hat #hac)le38 Clines8 and #ecord did in (aos *
assassinatin- and bombin- <an- +ao's o0i%m com0etition o%t of
Co%ld this CT$ Mc<ei-h claims he 2as recr%ited for be a latter-da3
1ersion of #hac)le3's assassinsH Former federal -rand N%ror 7o003
7eidelber- said Mc<ei-h's letter indicates that he t%rned them do2n8
2hile former FB? #AC Ted B%ndersen claims Mc<ei-h act%all3 2or)ed
for the -ro%0 for a 2hile8 then became disenchanted.
?f Mc<ei-h had act%all3 been recr%ited for s%ch a -ro%08 the 9%estion
arises of 2hat co1er-stor3 he 2as -i1en. As disc%ssed8 it is hi-hl3 li)el3
he 2as told that he 2as on an im0ortant mission * to infiltrate a
terrorist or-aniation and 0re1ent a bombin-. Considerin- Mc<ei-h's
bac)-ro%nd and character8 it is %nli)el3 he is a terrorist 2ho set o%t to
m%rder 1", innocent 0eo0le.
Also recall that Mc<ei-h 2as seen 2ith 7%ssain al-7%ssaini. The ?ra9is
2o%ld 0ro1ide a con1incin- and 0la%sible e:c%se if Mc<ei-h 2as led to
belie1e he 2as 0art of a stin- o0eration5 D#on8 3o% 2ere a hero in the
B%lf Aar. Co%r co%ntr3 needs 3o% no2 in the fi-ht a-ainst terrorism.D ?t
is a stor3 a 3o%n-8 im0ressionable man li)e Mc<ei-h 2o%ld fall for.
?t is also 0ossible that Mc<ei-h 2as shee0-di00ed as dis-r%ntled e:-B?
for infiltration into the neo-Nai comm%nit38 2hich 2o%ld 0ro1ide a
door2a3 into the bombin- cons0irac3 thro%-h 0laces li)e 4lohim Cit3.
/r 0erha0s8 as a res%lt of his becomin- DdisenchantedD and Dlea1in-D
the CT$8 he became tar-eted for Dtermination8D and 2as set %0 as a
fall--%3. #%ch is standard o0eratin- 0roced%re for those 2ho attem0t to
lea1e the 2orld of co1ert o0erations.
4ither 2a38 the fact that there a00eared to be t2o DTimoth3
Mc<ei-hs8D N%st as there 2ere t2o /s2alds8 2o%ld s%--est a
so0histicated intelli-ence o0eration8 one that 2as desi-ned to 0%t
Mc<ei-h in the 2ron- 0lace at the 2ron- time.
(i)e /s2ald8 Mc<ei-h 0robabl3 belie1ed himself to be a -o1ernment
a-ent8 0art of a secret 0roNect. (i)e /s2ald8 Mc<ei-h 2as not told 2hat
the 0lan reall3 in1ol1ed8 and 2as tra00ed8 framed8 and made a 0ats3.
This -oes a lon- 2a3 to2ards e:0lainin- 2h3 an armed Mc<ei-h didn't
shoot and )ill /fficer Charles 7an-er 2hen he 2as sto00ed on the
?nterstate after the bombin-. Ah3 2o%ld a man 2ho had N%st )illed 1",
men8 2omen8 and children bal) at )illin- a co0 ;a member of the
s3stem that Mc<ei-h alle-edl3 hated= on a lonel3 stretch of hi-h2a3H
The onl3 0ossible ans2er is that Mc<ei-h belie1ed he 2as 0art of a
stin- o0eration * a -o1ernment asset * and 2o%ld be 0rotected.
Ahate1er Mc<ei-h's act%al 0%r0ose and intent8 it is c%rio%s8 to sa3 the
least8 that Ted #hac)le3 2o%ld tell @'Ferdinand Carone that the
0er0etrator of the bombin- 2as somebod3 from here.
7o2 did he )no2H
Ro-er Moore8 the m3sterio%s -%n dealer 2hom the -o1ernment
claimed Mc<ei-h and Nichols robbed to DfinanceD the bombin-8 ran a
com0an3 ne:t to Bahia Mar Marina in #o%th Florida ;a 0o0%lar han--
o%t for the ?ran-Contra cro2d=8 2hich man%fact%red hi-h-s0eed boats.
The boats * sold thro%-h ?ntercontinental ?nd%stries of Costa Rica ;an
/llie North Dc%t-o%tD= * 2ere %sed to mine Nicara-%a's harbors in
D/0eration Cordo1a 7arbor.D
/ne so%rce ? s0o)e to said Moore had direct contact 2ith /li1er North.
D? don't )no2 2ho his JMoore'sK contact 2as on ?ran-Contra be3ond @on
Arano2. ? )no2 he had access and 2o%ld tal) directl3 to /li1er North.
7e )ne2 Feli: Rodri9%e 0rett3 2ell8 he )ne2 Nester #anche8 Mann3
@ia8 all those -%3s aro%nd 6eb JB%shK 0rett3 2ell.D
This so%rce also claimed that Moore 2as a D0a3masterD for Tom +ose3's
Ci1ilian Militar3 Assistance ;CMA= * the co1ert 0aramilitar3 o0eration
that ser1ed as the 0rimar3 ne:%s for armin- the Contras.
A retired C?AR@?A a-ent ? s0o)e to in Ar)ansas8 said DJMooreK 2as an
A-enc3 contractor.D
/ther so%rces sa3 Moore 2as an informant for the FB?. 7e alle-edl3
tried to sell hea13 2ea0ons to the Militia of Montana ;M/M= as 0art of
an FB? stin- o0eration. A call to M/M indicated that Moore had indeed
sto00ed b3 for a friendl3 chat. 7e told Rand3 Trochmann8 one of M/M's
leaders8 that he 2as tra1elin- the co%ntr3 meetin- 2ith militia -ro%0s
in an attem0t to 1erif3 blac) helico0ter si-htin-s and r%mors of $N
troo0 mo1ements. This seems a 0ec%liar 0astime for a man 2ho
2or)ed for a net2or) of s0oo)s de1oted to b30assin- and s%b1ertin-
the Constit%tion.
Ahat is also 0ec%liar is a letter 2ritten b3 Moore to Mc<ei-h in earl3
1,,!. ?ntrod%ced at the trial of Terr3 Nichols8 the letter8 s0ea)s of Da
0lanL to brin- the co%ntr3 do2n and ha1e a fe2 more thin-s
Robert DB%dD McFarlane 2ent on to form his o2n cons%ltin- firm8 and
Noined the board of American 49%it3 ?n1estors ;A4?=8 fo%nded b3
+rescott B%sh. A4?'s board of directors reads li)e a Aho's Aho of the
s0oo) 2orld8 incl%din- former C?A officials Beor-e Clairmont and
7o2ard 7ebert8 and C?A la23er Mitch Ro-o1in8 2ho 2as Beor-e B%sh's
le-al co%nsel 2hen he 2as @irector of the A-enc3.
A4? in1ested in a T%lsa8 /)lahoma com0an35 7a2)ins /il and Bas8 from
1,'' to 1,,1. McFarlane 2as a Dcons%ltantD for 7a2)ins and se1eral
other com0anies on the 4ch 0o2er 0roNect in +a)istan8 2hich re9%ired
fre9%ent tri0s to that co%ntr3.
This 2as d%rin- the tail end of the
lar-est co1ert o0eration the $.#. e1er cond%cted * the armin- of the
M%Nahadeen8 2ho trained in +a)istan. McFarlane sat on the D2.'
Committee8D 2ho's Nob it 2as to 0roc%re 2ea0ons for the M%Nahadeen8
and arms contracts for the +a)istani -o1ernment.
Recall that Richard Armita-e8 2ho 2as the contact for Faoe 7a98
-o1ernor of the North2est Frontier +ro1ince8 also sat on the D2.'
Committee.D As Alfred A. McCo3 2rites in (he Politics o8 Heroin in
)outheast Asia'
?t's )no2n that the C?A 0aid the Af-han -%errillas8 2ho 2ere based in
+a)istan8 thro%-h BCC?.L That the +a)istan militar3 2ere in fact
ban)in- their dr%- 0rofits8 mo1in- their dr%- 0rofits from the
cons%min- co%ntr3 bac) to +a)istan tho%-h BCC?. ?n fact the boom in
the +a)istan dr%- trade 2as financed b3 BCC?.L
BCC? also ser1ed as a cond%it for the ?ran-Contra o0eration8 lar-el3
thro%-h Baith +haron8 former head of #a%di ?ntelli-ence8 2ho o0erated
o%t of ?slamabad8 +a)istan. The #a%dis 0la3ed a maNor role in f%ndin-
the M%Nahadeen and J1ia the re9%est of #ecord and McFarlaneK the
McFarlane * 2ho former Mossad official Ari Ben Menashe claims is a
Mossad asset * 2or)ed 2ith the 0resident of 7a2)ins' ?nternational
@i1ision8 M%Neeb Rehman Cheema8 on the 4ch 0roNect. Aas 7ani
>amal's s%00osed statement that >halid 2as connected to the Mossad
acc%rateH A 0rominent M%slim comm%nit3 leader8 Cheema claims he
does not )no2 #am >halid.
?nterestin-l38 Ba-an said that at one 0oint8 Terr3 Nichols
rende1o%sed 2ith his Middle 4astern friends at the ?slamic societ3 of
Ne1ada. Cheema is chairman of the ?slamic #ociet3 of T%lsa. ?s there a
connectionH And 2hat of Cheema's lin)s to McFarlaneH Aas McFarlane
%sin- 7a2)ins as a front for C?A acti1ities in +a)istanH
?t is 0erha0s 0ro0hetic that man3 of the terrorists im0licated in the
maNor bombin-s of the last decade attended the terrorist conference
held in the North2est Frontier +ro1ince to2n of >onli8 +a)istan in 6%l3 of
1,,". As noted8 /sama bin (adin8 a #a%di 2ho f%nded the M%Nahadeen
and 2as im0licated in the Ri3adh and @hahran bombin-s8 ;a close
associate of #hei) Abdel /mar Rahman8 im0licated in the Aorld Trade
Center bombin-=8 Ahmed 6ibril ;2ho bombed +an Am 1.3=8 and senior
re0resentati1es of ?ranian and +a)istani intelli-ence8 and 7amas8
7ibAllah8 and other -ro%0s attended the conference.
#te0hen 6ones claimed he had learned thro%-h the #a%di Arabian
?ntelli-ence #er1ice that ?ra9 had hired se1en +a)istani mercenaries *
M%Nahadeen 1eterans * to bomb tar-ets in the $.#.8 one of 2hich 2as
the Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin-.
6%st 2ho 2ere these D+a)istani mercenaries8D and 2ere the3 reall3
2or)in- for ?ra9H
The Covert Co"boys
The %se of former enem3 soldiers8 criminals8 and terrorists for their
dirt3 2or) is also a time-honored tradition amon- intelli-ence
a-encies8 2ho stand to -ain the D0la%sible deniabilit3D so co1eted in
the 2orld of co1ert o0erations.
At the close of AA??8 the $.#. Bo1ernment hel0ed tho%sands of Nai
2ar criminals esca0e N%stice8 inte-ratin- them into its
scientificRmilitar3Rintelli-ence establishment. Reinhard Behlen8 7itler's
senior intelli-ence officer on the 4astern Front8 and other hi-h-ran)in-
Nais8 2ere s0irited o%t of Berman3 2ith the aid of the /## and the
<atican8 then installed in to0-secret8 sensiti1e 0osts in the $.#. and
Behlen's ## officers had been instr%mental in the mass e:termination
of B30sies and 6e2s8 and Behlen 2as 0ersonall3 res0onsible for the
tort%re8 interro-ation8 and m%rder b3 star1ation of some A million
#o1iet 0risoners of 2ar.
Behlen later boasted of teachin- the ne2l3 formed C?A e1er3thin- it
Man3 of the 2orld's deadliest terrorists 2ere in fact trained b3 a-encies
s%ch as the C?A and >BB8 2ho 2ent on to commit ma3hem and m%rder
on an %n0recedented scale. A 0rime e:am0le is #hac)le3's 6MRAA<4
anti-Casto cam0ai-n of the mid-1,".s8 2hich trained C%ban e:iles in
techni9%es of assassination and terror8 then %nleashed them on their
nati1e co%ntr3. The most infamo%s of these DC%ban Co2bo3s8D (%is
+osada Carriles ;A>A5 Ramon Medina=8 a member of the anti-Casto
-ro%0 C/R$ ;also a member of the C?A's YRRR?F(4 assassination team
%nder the command of 4. 7o2ard 7%nt=8 )illed &' 0eo0le in /ctober of
1,&" b3 bombin- a C%ban airliner.
Carriles said he 0lanned the bombin- at the C?A's insti-ation.
As one of C/R$'s members e:0lained in a CB# inter1ie28 DAe %se the
tactics that 2e learned from the C?A beca%se 2e * 2e 2ere trained to
do e1er3thin-. Ae are trained to set off a bomb8 2e 2ere trained to
)illL 2e 2ere trained to do e1er3thin-.D
The mastermind of the bombin-8 /rlando Bosch8 res0onsible for more
than !. anti-Castro bombin-s in C%ba and else2here8 2as released
from 0rison at the behest of Beor-e B%sh's son 6eb8 2ho has stron- ties
to both the C%ban e:0atriate comm%nit3 and the Contras.
As <ice-+resident8 B%sh also headed the Tas) Force on Combatin-
Terrorism. +ro%dl3 dis0la3in- his condemnation of terrorism8 B%sh
0ardoned Bosch8 -i1in- him s0ecial 0ermission to li1e in Miami.
The C?A's s%00ort of the Af-hani M%Nahadeen bet2een 1,&, and 1,',
res%lted in a h%-e 2a1e of 2ell-armed and trained M%slim e:tremists
bent on 1entin- their 0olitical and ideolo-ical ra-e a-ainst the $.#. At
the same time8 the o1erflo2 from the Af-hani o0eration res%lted in one
of the lar-est 0ools of 0otential recr%its for co1ert o0erations.
/ne of the main o0erati1es the C?A had %tilied in its 2ar a-ainst the
#o1iets 2as #hei) Abdel /mar Rahman. The C?A %tilied Rahman
beca%se of his infl%ence o1er the M%Nahadeen8 then bro%-ht him into
the $.#. on a C?A-s0onsored 1isa. Ahile the #hei) 2as e1ent%all3
con1icted for cons0irac3 to bomb tar-ets in the $.#.8 0rosec%tors
enco%ntered resistance in 0%rs%in- him and other Aorld Trade Center
bombin- s%s0ects beca%se of their ties to the M%Nahadeen8 and their
ties to $.#. intelli-ence.
As 6ac) Bl%m8 in1esti-ator for the #enate Forei-n Relations
#%bcommittee8 0%t it5 D/ne of the bi- 0roblems here is that man3
s%s0ects in the Aorld Trade Center bombin- 2ere associated 2ith the
M%Nahadeen. And there are com0onents of o%r -o1ernment that are
absol%tel3 disinterested in follo2in- that 0ath beca%se it leads bac)
to 0eo0le 2e s%00orted in the Af-han 2ar.D
A sta%nch anti-Aestern cr%sader8 Rahman became a shinin- li-ht for
tho%sands of M%slim e:tremists after the 2ar in their cr%sade for the
hol3 6ihad. Nearb3 +esha2ar8 +a)istan became the sta-in- area for
tens of tho%sands of radicals8 man3 of 2hom 2ent on to form smaller
cells aro%nd the 2orld8 incl%din- the $.#. The -ro%0s that floc)ed to
+a)istan's terrorist trainin- centers incl%ded the 4-30tian Al-Bama'a al-
?slami3a8 the +alestinian 7ammers8 the Al-erian Al-6ihad8 and the
Fili0ino Moro (iberation Front.
Aorld Trade Center mastermind Rami Co%sef also s0ent considerable
time in +a)istan. As one Aestern di0lomat noted5 DThe $nited #tates
created a Mosco2 Central in +esha2ar for these -ro%0s8 and the
conse9%ences for all of %s are astronomical.D
As Mar3 Ann Aea1er 2rites in the Ma38 1,," iss%e of (he Atlantic
$onthly' DLthe C?A hel0ed to train and f%nd 2hat e1ent%all3 became
an international net2or) of hi-hl3 disci0lined and effecti1e ?slamic
militants * and a ne2 breed of terrorist as 2ell.D
To the C?A8 2hich 0%m0ed more than F2 billion into the fo%rteen-3ear
Af-hani resistance effort8 #hei) /mar 2as 2hat intelli-ence officials
call Da 1al%able asset.D
4l #a33id Nosair8 a core member of the Al #alaam Mos9%e r%n b3
Rahman8 shot and )illed the radical Ri-ht-2in- Rabbi Meir >ahane in
No1ember of 1,,.. @%rin- a con1ersation bet2een a 2.-3ear 1eteran
FB? a-ent and one of his to0 %nderco1er o0erati1es8 the o0erati1e
DAh3 aren't 2e -oin- after the #hei) JAdbel RahmanKHD demanded the
%nderco1er man.
D?t's hands off8D ans2ered the a-ent.
DAh3HD as)ed the o0erati1e.
D?t 2as no accident that the #hei) -ot a 1isa and that he's still in the
co%ntr38D re0lied the a-ent8 1isibl3 %0set. D7e's here %nder the banner
of national sec%rit38 the #tate @e0artment8 the N#A8 and the C?A.D
The a-ent 0ointed o%t that the #hei) had been -ranted a to%rist 1isa8
and later a -reen card8 des0ite the fact that he 2as on a #tate
@e0artment terrorist 2atch-list that sho%ld ha1e barred him from the
co%ntr3. 7e's an %nto%chable8 concl%ded the a-ent.LD
?t 2as also re1ealed d%rin- the #hei)'s cons0irac3 trial that in 1,', the
$.#. Arm3 had sent #0ecial Forces #er-eant Ali A. Mohammed to 6erse3
Cit3 to 0ro1ide trainin- for M%Nahadeen recr%its8 incl%din- Nosair
and Mahm%d Abo%halima8 a con1icted Aorld Trade Center bomber.
?nterestin-l38 this 2as at the same time the 0air 2ere %nder
s%r1eillance b3 the FB? as s%s0ected terrorists.
The e:0eriences of the C?A's e:0atriated Nais8 Anti-Castro C%bans8
and M%Nahadeen 1eterans 2ere stri)in-l3 similar to that of the >% >l%:
>lan8 2hich for decades remained on the end of a lon- leash controlled
b3 FB? @irector 6. 4d-ar 7oo1er.
/ne of the most infamo%s e:am0les of FB?-orchestrated terror-m%rder
2ere the br%tal 1,"3 >>> attac)s on ci1il ri-hts 2or)ers in
Birmin-ham8 Alabama8 led b3 FB? informant Bar3 Ro2e.
?t seems that Ro2e 2as no mere informant. As C%rt Bentr3 2rites in 0.
Edgar Hoo,er' (he $an and the )ecrets' D>lan members stated he had
1eto 0o2er o1er an3 1iolent acti1it3 contem0lated b3 the 4ast1ie2 13
Ro2e also 0artici0ated in the 1,"! m%rder of ci1il ri-hts marcher <iola
(i%o. As the +ational .e,iew re0orted8 DThe 1,&' in1esti-ation
im0licated JRo2eK as an a-ent 0ro1ocate%r.L Three other >lansmen
testified that it 2as Ro2e 2ho had act%all3 shot <iola.D Ahile Ro2e 2as
indicted on first de-ree m%rder8 a federal N%d-e bloc)ed Ro2e's
e:tradition8 claimin- that a federal a-ent has ri-hts that 0rotect him
2hen D0laced in a com0romisin- 0osition beca%se of his %nderco1er
2or).D A Federal A00eals Co%rt %0held the r%lin-.
The FB? informant 2as also acc%sed of hel0in- 0lant the bomb that
)illed fo%r blac) -irls in a Birmin-ham ch%rch. Altho%-h Ro2e failed lie-
detector tests re-ardin- his com0licit3 in that and the <iola m%rder8 he
2as ne1er 0rosec%ted8 and instead 2as -i1en a F2.8... Dre2ardD b3
the FB?.
A similar case of -o1ernment-orchestrated terror-m%rder 2o%ld come
abo%t in 1,&, in Breensboro8 North Carolina 2ith the m%rder of fi1e
Comm%nist Aor)ers +art3 members b3 >>> and Nai +art3 -oons * led
b3 FB? o0erati1e 4d2ard @a2son and ATF informant Bernard B%t)o1ich.
Both the -ashington Post and the +ew York (imes re0orted that
B%t)o1ich Doffered to 0roc%re e:0losi1es8D and Doffered to train them in
acti1ities s%ch as ma)in- 0i0e bombs and fire bombs.D
41en more s%s0icio%sl38 the tactical s9%ad assi-ned to monitor the
march 2as re0ortedl3 Do%t to l%nchD at the time8 and a 0atrol car that
ha00ened to be in the area8 2as told to Dclear the area as soon as
The incident is s%s0icio%sl3 similar to the ATF a-ents in /)lahoma 2ho
2ere 0a-ed not to come into 2or) on the mornin- of the blast.
4choin- the factitio%s rants of ATF chief (ester Mat8 Bo1ernor Fran)
>eatin-8 and other federal officials in /)lahoma8 FB? @irector Ailliam
Aebster called the char-es of federal com0licit3 D%tterl3 abs%rd.D
Altho%-h the )illers had been recr%ited8 or-anied and led on their
m%rdero%s ram0a-e b3 ATF and FB? o0erati1es8 none e1er ser1ed a
da3 of Nail-time.
(i)e the FB?'s >>> m%les8 or the ATF's 0et Nais at 4lohim Cit38 the
+a)istaniRAf-hani M%Nahadeen and ?ra9i 1eterans resettled into the $.#.
re0resent the ne:t 2a1e of Dco1ert co2bo3sD * read3 and 2illin- to do
the C?ARFB?'s dirt3 2or).
As Bene Aheaton obser1es5 D41er3 maNor Middle-4astern terrorist
or-aniation is %nder s%r1eillance and control of the intelli-ence
a-encies in the $.#. None of these -%3s mo1e aro%nd as freel3 as
the3'd li)e 3o% to thin).D
Ali 7assan #alameh8 the leader of the +(/ s0linter -ro%0 Blac)
#e0tember8 2hich carried o%t the 1,&2 M%nich /l3m0ics massacre8
2as 0%t on the C?A's 0a3roll. That is8 %ntil the Mossad ca%-ht %0 2ith
him in 1,&,. 41en so8 the ?sraelis chec)ed 2ith the C?A before )illin-
A +a)istani named Ali Ahmand 2as standin- directl3 behind #enator
Robert >enned3 2hen he 2as shot. Former C?A contract a-ent Robert
Morro2 sa2 Ahmand holdin- a Ni)on camera8 and recalled seein-
Ni)on cameras that fired b%llets 2hile at the C?A.
Another D1al%able asset8D Mir Aimal >ansi8 had been recr%ited b3 the
C?A to assist in the sm%--lin- of 2ea0ons to the M%Nahadeen. >ansi8
2ho had a Dfinancial mis%nderstandin-D 2ith the A-enc38 resol1ed the
iss%e b3 o0enin- fire 2ith an A>-4& o%tside of C?A head9%arters in
6an%ar3 of 1,,38 )illin- t2o A-enc3 em0lo3ees. (i)e Aorld Trade
Center bomber Rami Co%sef8 he fled to +a)istan.
C%rio%sl38 7%ssain al-7%ssaini * 2ho had been seen s0eedin- a2a3
from the bombin- in a bro2n 0ic)-%0 * 2o%ld ma)e no similar attem0t
to flee. Aas he 0art of a -o1ernment-sanctioned o0erationH As
+rofessor Br%ce 7offman at the Center fo the #t%d3 of Terrorism and
+olitical <iolence at #t. Andre2's $ni1ersit3 in 4n-land noted8 there
ha1e been 1ario%s attem0ts to infiltrate ?slamic terrorist teams in
Co%ld this be 2h3 FB? A-ent 6effre3 6en)ins Dcrin-edD 2hen he sa2
>F/R's tele1ised re0ort on 7%ssainiH
@id 7%ssaini and >halid8 li)e Timoth3 Mc<ei-h cas%all3 0%llin- o1er for
+atrolman 7an-er8 belie1e the3 2ere 0rotectedH
The FB?'s ref%sal to loo) at >halid stron-l3 0oints to s%ch a
0ossibilit3. >halid's abilit3 to monitor the acti1ities of a -ro%0 of Middle
4astern immi-rants ;thro%-h -i1in- them Nobs and rentin- them
homes=8 and his stat%s as a former felon8 ma)e him a li)el3 candidate
as an o0erati1e or informant.
And 2h3 had Mc<ei-h met 2ith 7%ssaini in the first 0laceH (i)e Carol
7o2e and Andreas #trassmeir8 2ere the3 both actin- as %nderco1er
o0erati1es8 2itho%t each other's )no2led-eH
(i)e Mc<ei-h8 7%ssaini 2as most li)el3 recr%ited into a co1ert
intelli-ence %nit after his resettlement into the $.#. Belie1in- he 2as
2or)in- for the -o1ernment8 he 2as -i1en a co1er stor3 that he 2as
0re1entin- a bombin-.
?t is li)el38 -i1en the necessar3 com0artmentaliation of co1ert
o0erations8 that each 2as on a Dneed-to-)no2D basis. Ahile Mc<ei-h8
7%ssaini8 and their 0als 0ar)ed the R3der tr%c) in front of the M%rrah
B%ildin-8 the real bombers 2ere the third com0onent of the
com0artmentalied o0eration.
Recall that fi1e da3s before the bombin-8 7$@ 2or)er 6ane Braham
sa2 three men in the -ara-e 2ho she tho%-ht 2ere tele0hone
re0airmen. The3 had 0lans of the b%ildin-8 and 2ere holdin- 2hat
a00eared to be C-4 0lastic e:0losi1e. D?t 2as a 0%tt3 color8D said
Braham8 Da solid 0iece of bloc).L the3 had that and the3 had this
DThe man in the bro2n shirt ob1io%sl3 )ne2 2hat he 2as doin- and
2as in char-eLD said Braham. D7e reminded me of a s%r1e3or or
constr%ction foreman e:ce0t that ? do%bt that the3 2o%ld ha1e been in
that -ood of sha0e. These men 2ere definitel3 0h3sicall3 2ell
+h3sicall3 2ell-trained does not so%nd li)e Mc<ei-h or Nichols.
The men loo)ed D%ncomfortableD 2hen the3 sa2 Braham8 and 9%ic)l3
0%t the items into a 0a0er ba- and hid it in their car * 2hich 2as
clearl3 not a %tilit3 com0an3 1ehicle.
Another 2itness sa2 se1eral men 2or)in- on the 0illars in the -ara-e8
in the dar)8 2itho%t li-hts. Ahen the3 2ere 9%estioned b3 this 1isitor8
the3 said8 DAe're N%st 0%ttin- thin-s ri-ht a-ain.D
Aere the38 or 2ere the3 0lacin- e:0losi1e char-es to be acti1ated
This biarre acti1it3 2as seen b3 at least t2o other 2itnesses * ?R#
2or)er >ath3 Ailb%rn8 and a 7$@ 2or)er named 6oan. None of the
Dre0airmenD matched the descri0tion of Timoth3 Mc<ei-h8 Terr3
Nichols8 or 7%ssain al-7%ssaini.
Then8 on the da3 of the bombin-8 t2ent3 min%tes before the blast8
Michael (inehan sa2 Mc<ei-h's 3ello2 Merc%r3 r%n a red li-ht and sli0
9%ic)l3 into the b%ildin-'s -ara-e. Ah3 did DMc<ei-hD need to enter the
b%ildin- moments before the blastH To 0lace secondar3 char-es or
acti1ate remote detonators8 0erha0sH
#e1eral min%tes later8 a 2oman ridin- the ele1ator sa2 a 3o%n- Arab
man 2ith a bac)0ac) franticall3 0%shin- the lobb3 b%tton8 as tho%-h
tr3in- to e:it the b%ildin-.
After the blast8 >a3 7. 2as almost r%n o1er b3 a bro2n 0ic)-%0 dri1en
b3 7%ssain al-7%ssaini. There 2ere three s%s0ects in the tr%c). At least
t2o of them 2ere Arabs.
#econds later8 Bar3 (e2is ran o%tside to see a Middle 4astern man
-rinnin- from ear to ear.
A00ro:imatel3 1! min%tes later8 7$@ em0lo3ee Bermaine 6ohnston
came across Mc<ei-h and 6ohn @oe 2 in an alle3 near the M%rrah
B%ildin-. DThe3 2ere N%st standin- there 2atchin-8D she said. Mc<ei-h
then as)ed 6ohnston if an3one had been )illed8 and both men loo)ed
sad 2hen she told them that children had died.
?f Mc<ei-h had blo2n %0 the b%ildin- * a b%ildin- he )ne2 to contain a
da3-care center * as an act of re1en-e8 2h3 2o%ld he a00ear sadH
And if 7%ssain al-7%ssaini had cons0ired 2ith Mc<ei-h for similar
moti1es8 2h3 did he cr3 %0on learnin- that children had been )illedH
Moreo1er8 2h3 2o%ld he be cas%all3 han-in- aro%nd near the scene of
the crimeH DL? as) 3o%8 does that so%nd li)e a man 2ho 2as r%nnin-HD
said 6ohnston's friend and co-2or)er 6ane Braham. D? don't thin) so. ?t
so%nds li)e a 0lan that 2ent a2r3 or somethin- he did not )no2 2as
-oin- to ha00en.D
And those federal a-ents 2ho had been s%r1eillin- the b%ildin- all
ni-ht lon-L 2h3 did the3 a00ear so shoc)ed 2hen the bomb;s= 2ent
offH Beca%se the3 didn't expect them to -o off. As Re0resentati1e
?stoo) said8 6ohn @oe 28 Jone ofK the -o1ernment's %nderco1er a-ents8
did not )no2 ho2 to disarm the tr%c)-bomb8 2hich contained a
red%ndant timin- de1ice. The3 didn't )no2 abo%t the char-es inside
the b%ildin-.
And the Arm3 le- 2ho hel0ed 0lace the sha0ed C-4 char-es on the
b%ildin-'s col%mns 2as not ad1ised that he had a ero-time-dela3
detonator and 2as -oin- to be 1a0oried. The le- 2as on the 2ron-
side of the col%mn 2hen the detonator 2as acti1ated.
Fort%natel3 for the cons0irators8 the crime scene 2as le1eled to
0recl%de an3 inde0endent forensic anal3sis. Federal a-ents and local
officials 9%ic)l3 scrambled to initiate their dama-e-control
Those 2ho threatened to re1eal the Dstin- -one badD 2ere told to )ee0
9%iet for Dthe -ood of the co%ntr3.D Ces8 it 2as a terrible tra-ed3. B%t
bra1e %nderco1er a-ents li)e 6ohn @oe 2 2ere safel3 on the Nob8 N%st
2aitin- to 0re1ent more DmilitiamenD li)e Timoth3 6ames Mc<ei-h from
blo2in- %0 more babies.
7onest la2-enforcement 0ersonnel li)e #er-eant Terrance Cea)e38 2ho
didn't -o alon- 2ith the co1er-%0L Dcommitted s%icide.D
And the American 0%blic8 2as fed a com0letel3 different lie. A
dis-r%ntled racist and latent neo-Nai and his anti--o1ernment friend8
an-r3 o1er Aaco8 %sin- a homemade bomb8 had 1ented their ra-e in a
br%tal and 1icio%s act of re1en-e.
The /otive
""o,ernments1 in order to perpetuate themsel,es1 will sacri8ice A==7
F== people without a second thought."
* 14-3ear @4A 1eteran Basil Abbott
To %nderstand the moti1e behind the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-8 one
m%st %nderstand the 0olitical sit%ation in the co%ntr3 at the time.
?n 1,',8 2ith the fall of the Berlin Aall8 the Cold Aar 2as officiall3 o1er.
The intelli-ence comm%nit3 2as in dan-er of losin- its a00ro0riationsG
it needed a ne2 mission.
?n 1,"38 the >enned3 administration 2as said to ha1e commissioned a
select -ro%0 of anal3sts and scholars to e1al%ate the 0roblems
inherent in a 0ost-Cold Aar societ3. 4ntitled .eport 8rom Iron $ountain
on the Possi&ility and esira&ility o8 Peace8 its concl%sions and 1alidit3
ha1e been hotl3 debated since its D%na%thoriedD 0%blication in 1,"&.
Altho%-h feat%red on the front 0a-e of the +ew York (imes and
s%bse9%entl3 translated into 1! different lan-%a-es8 man3
establishment icons and media 0%ndits 2o%ld onl3 ac)no2led-e the
2or) as a Dcle1er satire.D
The (imes8 2hich recei1ed a Dno commentD res0onse from the (B6
Ahite 7o%se 2hile attem0tin- to 1erif3 its a%thenticit38 2rote that the
0ossible hoa: 2as a 0ossibl3 s%00ressed re0ort.
/thers8 s%ch as Colonel (. Fletcher +ro%t3 ;Ret.=8 former Chief of the
#0ecial /0erations @i1ision for the 6oint Chiefs of #taff8 9%oted from
the doc%ment in his boo)8 (he )ecret (eam. And reno2ned economist8
a%thor8 and 0rofessor 6ohn >enneth Balbraith 2rote DAs ? 2o%ld 0%t m3
0ersonal re0%te behind the a%thenticit3 of this doc%ment8 so ? 2o%ld
testif3 to the 1alidit3 of its concl%sions. M3 reser1ations relate onl3 to
the 2isdom of releasin- it to an ob1io%sl3 %nconditioned 0%blic.D
As late as 1,,!8 (he +ation 2as still deni-ratin- the re0ort as a Dhoa:8D
2hile the -all )treet 0ournal 2as serio%sl3 debatin- its merits. As
Robert Tomsho 2rote in the Ma3 ,8 1,,! edition of the 0ournal'
Bi1en the t%m%lt%o%s times 2hen the doc%ment s%rfaced and the air
of res0ectabilit3 s%rro%ndin- those in1ol1ed 2ith it8 fe2 readers 2ere
2illin- to dismiss the m3sterio%s headline--rabbin- boo) as a hoa:.
Ahether or not .eport 8rom Iron $ountain 2as in fact a hoa:8 the
re0ort's concl%sions8 e1en its detractors 2ill admit8 lend a some2hat
0rescient and fri-htenin- meas%re of tr%th to contem0orar3 2.th
cent%r3 realit3.
Aritten in cold8 em0irical thin)-tan) lan-%a-e8 the re0ort 0ost%lates
that 2ar is the f%ndamental basis for all 0olitical8 social8 and economic
The re0ort also s%--ests8 in some2hat Machia1ellian fashion8 initiatin-
Drit%al blood -ames8D rene2in- Dsla1er38D and creatin- an Domni0otentD
international 0olice force as miti-atin- s%bstit%tes for the alle-ed
socio-economic 1oid created b3 a 0ost-Cold Aar societ3. The re0ort
defined the sociolo-ical im0lications th%sl35
Aar8 thro%-h the medi%m of militar3 instit%tions8 has %ni9%el3 ser1ed
societies8 thro%-ho%t the co%rse of )no2n histor38 as an indis0ensable
controller of dan-ero%s social dissidence and destr%cti1e antisocial
tendenciesL. No modern 0olitical r%lin- -ro%0 has s%ccessf%ll3
controlled its constit%enc3 after failin- to s%stain the contin%in-
credibilit3 of an e:ternal threat of 2ar.
The 2ar s3stem ma)es the stable -o1ernment of societies 0ossible. ?t
does this essentiall3 b3 0ro1idin- an e:ternal necessit3 for a societ3 to
acce0t 0olitical r%le.L An e88ecti,e su&stitute 8or war would re;uire
"alternate enemies".C

A 0aranoid and fascistic national sec%rit3 establishment8 no lon-er
0rimaril3 foc%sed on the De:ternal necessit3D of an o%t2ard militar3
threat ;e.-5 the #o1iet $nion=8 m%st ine1itabl3 t%rn its attention
to2ards the e1er-0resent s0ecter of an internal threat * the
Dalternate enem3.D As the re0ort states5
Lthe moti1ational f%nction of 2ar re9%ires the e:istence of a -en%inel3
menacin- social enem3.L The Dalternate enem3D m%st im0l3 a more
immediate8 tan-ible8 and directl3 felt threat of destr%ction.L
The /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-8 occ%rrin- as it did in the DheartlandD of
America8 ser1ed as no other DterroristD act has in the histor3 of the
$nited #tates in channelin- the attention of the American 0eo0le
to2ards the Dimmediate8 tan-ible8 and directl3 felt threat of
More si-nificantl38 it did so b3 directin- the attention of the 0%blic
to2ards an Dalternate enem3D * in this case * an DinternalD one.
#%ch mass-0s3cholo-ical mani0%lation b3 the r%lin- elite is sim0l3 the
2ar s0irit refoc%sed. This %bi9%ito%sl3 American 9%alit38 so effecti1el3
%sed a-ainst the Bermans in the 1,4.s8 the Comm%nists in the 1,!.s8
and the ?ra9is in the 1,,.s8 2o%ld no2 be directed in2ard * a-ainst
the +atriotRMilitia mo1ement.
B3 lin)in- Timoth3 Mc<ei-h to the Militia mo1ement thro%-h a massi1e
media 0ro0a-anda cam0ai-n8 the Militia mo1ement is seen as the
0rimar3 moti1ational force behind the bombin-. The mo1ement8
becomes8 b3 0ro:38 the ne2 Dalternate enem3.D
B3 s%bstit%tin- 2hat it terms a Dficti1e modelD for 2ar8 the +l%tocrac3
en-a-es the false sentiments of the masses8 creatin-8 as it states8 Da
sociomoral conflict of e9%all3 com0ellin- force and sco0e.D From the
0ers0ecti1e of the r%lin- elite8 this sociomoral conflict m%st5
L N%stif3 the need for ta)in- and 0a3in- a Dblood 0riceD in 2ide areas
of h%man concern.L The ficti1e models 2o%ld ha1e to carr3 the 2ei-ht
of e:traordinar3 con1iction8 underscored with a not inconsidera&le
actual sacri8ice o8 li8e.
That shoc)in- re1elation 2as 2ritten in 1,"3. Thirt3-t2o 3ears later8
former 0residential ad1isor Arth%r #chlesin-er8 6r. 2o%ld 2rite in
Foreign A88airs8 the No%rnal of the Co%ncil on Forei-n Relations8 that
mo%th0iece of the 0l%tocratic establishment5
Ae are not -oin- to achie1e a ne2 2orld order 2itho%t 0a3in- for it in
blood as 2ell as in 2ords and mone3.
W%ite a 0rofo%nd statement8 comin- as it did less than t2o months
after the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-.
Aas this Dblood 0riceD carried o%t on A0ril 1,8 1,,!H
As 2ill be e:0lored in Cha0ter H8 the %tiliation of barbaric acts of
mass-terror-m%rder b3 -o1ernments in order to mani0%late 0olitical
obNecti1es is hardl3 ne2. @eliberatel3 mani0%lated o%tra-e-incidents
s%ch as the sin)in- of the (%sitania8 the b%rnin- of the Reischta-8 and
the attac) on +earl 7arbor8 as 0rec%rsors to elite-0lanned militar3
cam0ai-ns has historicall3 held se1eral f%nctions5 it tri--ers the b%ilt-in
nationalistic 2ar s0irit8 channels the res%ltin- ri-hteo%s 2rath to2ard
the nominated enem38 and concentrates 0o2er in the e:ec%ti1e
branch8 2here elite control is %nham0ered b3 0o0%lar infl%ence.
As +resident Fran)lin @. Roose1elt8 2ho allo2ed 284.3 ser1icemen to
be sla%-htered at +earl 7arbor to initiate America's entr3 into AA??8
said5 D?n 0olitics8 nothin- ha00ens b3 accident. ?f it ha00ens8 3o% can
bet it 2as 0lanned that 2a3.D
The American 0%blic8 brain2ashed b3 the con1entional 2isdom of
histor38 2ith an attention s0an as lon- as the latest T< sitcom8 is
obli1io%s to this fact. A 0%blic cons%med b3 materialism and st%ltified
b3 tele1ision 0oses no serio%s threat to the r%lin- 0l%tocrac3. A sa113
0o0%lace8 intimatel3 a2are of the corr%0tion in -o1ernment8 and
threatenin- to e:0ose or e1en de0ose the 0o2ers behind it8 0oses a
1er3 serio%s threat to the r%lin- elite.
The 0rimar3 -ro%0 2hich stands in the 2a3 of 0lans of the
transnational cor0orate fascist cabal toda3 is a -ro%0 of Americans
2ho call themsel1es +atriots. These +atriots * n%mberin- ro%-hl3 fi1e
million men and 2omen * are com0rised of a00ro:imatel3 4..8...
indi1id%als 2ho belon- to the militant arm5 the militia.
These indi1id%als are increasin-l3 o0tin- o%t of the federal s3stem.
The3 are establishin- 0recedents for their o2n -o1ernance8 2ith
names li)e #o1erei-n Citienshi08 #tates' Ri-hts and Co%nt3 R%le.
#ome are relin9%ishin- their #ocial #ec%rit3 cards. /thers ref%se to 0a3
income ta:es8 2hich the3 insist are in direct contra1ention of the
Constit%tion8 and an ille-al o%t-ro2th of the 0ri1atel3-o2ned Federal
Reser1e. Man3 are b%3in- -old and sil1er. #ome are e1en iss%in- their
o2n c%rrencies.
The3 0oint o%t the im0ortance o%r fo%ndin- fathers attrib%ted to the
#econd Amendment * the ri-ht to bear arms * as the first and final
bastion a-ainst a t3rannical -o1ernment. $ltimatel38 the3 are 2illin- to
defend themsel1es a-ainst a increasin-l3 o00ressi1e federal s3stem.
To the -o1ernment8 s%ch a mo1ement m%st not be allo2ed to -ro2
teeth8 as did the Anti-Aar mo1ement of the 1,".s8 or the anti-
cor0orate labor mo1ement of the 1,3.s. @istr%stin- the Federal
Reser1e8 belie1ed b3 some to ha1e en-ineered the Breat @e0ression8
man3 of these comm%nities be-an iss%in- their o2n mone3 * as man3
as <1F== different c%rrencies. As No%rnalist 6on Ra00a0ort notes5
These e1ents created an:iet3 for the 2ealth3 one 0ercent of the
co%ntr3. Thin-s mi-ht ha1e -otten o%t of hand. There 2as a dan-er of
mass rebellion8 decentraliation8 a 0o2er shift do2n2ard8 and so on.
Aorld Aar T2o not onl3 sol1ed a Nob crises8 it re%nified the nation
aro%nd an e:ternal threat. ?t tem0oraril3 eliminated the 0ossibilit3 of
the disinte-ration of the bod3 0olitic.
(i)e the aforementioned o%tra-e-incidents8 the +l%tocrac3 re9%ired a
tra-ed3 to mani0%late 0%blic o0inion. The /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-
ser1ed this 0%r0ose in the most s%blime fashion. ?n the aftermath of
that tra-ed38 the r%lin- elite so%-ht to %nif3 the nation aro%nd an
internal threat * dressed %0 and re0ac)a-ed in the form of the
+atriotRMilitia Mo1ement.
Man3 liberal and (eft-2in- intellect%als and media 0%ndits ha1e
dismissed the notion of the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin- as a deliberatel3
en-ineered act to discredit the militia as 0re0ostero%s8 self-del%ded
0aranoia. Cet as former C?A @irector Ailliam Colb3 stated to his friend8
Nebras)a #tate #enator 6ohn @eCam08 literall3 da3s before the
D? 2atched as the Anti-Aar Mo1ement rendered it im0ossible for this
co%ntr3 to cond%ct or 2in the <ietnam Aar. ? tell 3o%8 dear friend8 that
this Militia and +atriot mo1ement in 2hich8 as an attorne38 3o% ha1e
become one of the center0ieces8 is far more si-nificant and far more
dan-ero%s for America than the Anti-Aar Mo1ement e1er 2as8 if it is
not intelli-entl3 dealt 2ith. And ? reall3 mean this.D
?n the absence of 2ar8 2ith the Dmoti1ational forces -o1ernin- h%man
beha1iorD no lon-er Dtranslated into bindin- social alle-iance8D the
r%lin- elite re9%ired a s%bstit%te. B3 demoniin- the +atriotRMilitia
Mo1ement8 the +l%tocrac3 see)s8 both to di1ide and con9%er8 and to
distract8 the 0o0%lation.
As 0rofessor and dissident intellect%al
Noam Choms)3 2rites5
/1er the last ten 3ears8 e1er3 3ear or t2o8 some maNor monster is
constr%cted that 2e ha1e to defend o%rsel1es a-ainst. There %sed to
be one that 2as al2a3s a1ailable5 the R%ssians. B%t the3're losin- their
attracti1eness as an enem38 and it's -ettin- harder and harder to %se
that one8 so some ne2 ones ha1e to be conN%red %0L The3'1e -ot to
)ee0 comin- %08 one after another. Co% fri-hten the 0o0%lation8
terrorie them8 intimidate them.L That's one of the 2a3s in 2hich 3o%
can )ee0 the be2ildered herd from 0a3in- attention to 2hat's reall3
-oin- on aro%nd them8 )ee0 them di1erted and controlled....
There is 3et still another dimension to the sit%ation lar-el3 %nrealied.
The $.#. ban)in- s3stem is home to trillions of dollars in forei-n
in1estment ca0ital8 resident in b%ildin-s8 real estate8 and ind%str3 ;The
6a0anese -o1ernment c%rrentl3 holds ro%-hl3 F2.. billion in $.#.
Treas%r3 sec%rities=. The r%lin- elite m%st )ee0 these forei-n in1estors
ha003. #ho%ld one of them decide to 2ithdra2 their f%nds8 it 2o%ld
be Dincon1enient.D
B%t 2ere there a r%mor of ci1il 2ar8 all forei-n in1estors mi-ht decide
to 2ithdra2 their in1estments. The res%ltin- colla0se 2o%ld ma)e the
crash of 1,2, loo) li)e a s%mmer 0icnic.
(i)e $.#. ind%strialists' in1estments in 0laces s%ch as 4l #al1ador and
B%atemala8 forei-n in1estors realie that their mone3 is safest in
co%ntries 2ith a ha0038 or at least docile and s%bser1ient 2or) force. A
0o0%lation threatenin- to 2ithdra2 from the s3stem and tal)in- of
re1ol%tion8 re0resents a ris) man3 forei-n in1estors 2o%ld 0refer not
ta)e. As Ailliam Colb3 0ointed o%t8 s%ch e1ents ha1e im0ortant 0eo0le
Another financial colla0se s%ch as the Breat @e0ression8 al2a3s
loomin- o1er the horion8 or the threat of ci1il 2ar8 re9%ires that the
r%lin- elite ha1e in 0lace a s3stem that allo2s them to maintain order.
The Anti-Terrorism Bill8 the @omestic ?ns%r-enc3 Act8 the militariation
of o%r 0olice forces8 o0erations li)e Barden +lot and Re:-'4-Al0ha8 and
the m%rdero%s 1iolations of the +osse Comitat%s Act in 0laces s%ch as
Aaco and R%b3 Rid-e8 are all test r%ns 0re0arin- for this e1ent%alit3.
A dramatic e1ent li)e /)lahoma Cit38 %sed to cr%sh the 0olitical life o%t
of the militias8 2o%ld -o a lon- 2a3 to2ards calmin- the r%lin- elite
and their forei-n in1estors. Reass%red that the Federal Bo1ernment is
still in control of the 0o0%lation8 these in1estors 2o%ld ho0ef%ll3 lea1e
their in1estment ca0ital in 0lace.
?nterestin-l38 FB? @irector (o%is Freeh stated before the #enate
6%diciar3 Committee t2o da3s after Mc<ei-h's con1iction5 DMost of the
militia or-aniations aro%nd the co%ntr3 are not8 in o%r 1ie28
threatenin- or dan-ero%s.D
Cet on Ma3 138 Freeh stated before the #enate A00ro0riations
Committee that the foc%s of the -o1ernment's domestic anti-terrorism
efforts are D1ario%s indi1id%als8 as 2ell as or-aniations8 some ha1in-
an ideolo-3 2hich s%s0ects -o1ernment of 2orld-order cons0iracies *
indi1id%als 2ho8 for 1ario%s reasons8 ha1e or-anied themsel1es
a-ainst the $nited #tates.D The chief domestic Denem38D said Freeh8
consists of Dindi1id%als 2ho es0o%se ideolo-ies inconsistent 2ith
0rinci0les of Federal Bo1ernment.D
Freeh's alarmist comments im0art the -en%ine concern 2hich the
r%lin- elite ha1e for the -ro2th of the +atriotRMilitia Mo1ement. As
Colb3 told @eCam05
D?t is not beca%se these 0eo0le are armed8 that America need be
concerned8D Bill e:0lained to m3 s%r0rise. D?t is not that these 0eo0le
stoc)0ile 2ea0ons and ha1e 0ara-militar3 trainin- sessions8 that
the3 are dan-ero%sD Colb3 contin%ed.L
DThe3 are dan-ero%s8 6ohn8 beca%se there are so man3 of them. ?t is
one thin- to ha1e a fe2 n%ts or dissidents. The3 can be dealt 2ith8
N%stl3 or other2ise8 so that the3 do not 0ose a dan-er to the s3stem. ?t
is 9%ite another sit%ation 2hen 3o% ha1e a tr%e mo1ement * millions
of citiens * belie1in- somethin-8 0artic%larl3 2hen the mo1ement is
made %0 of societ3's a1era-e8 s%ccessf%l citiens.D
F%rther e1idence of the concern that the r%lin- elite ha1e for this
0o0%lar and -ro2in- 0henomenon lie in the slandero%s comments of
+resident Clinton8 the h%-e 2a1e of media 0ro0a-anda8 and the
increase in %nderco1er stin- o0erations aimed at destro3in- this
lar-el3 0o0%lar mo1ement.
Ahile the so-called 6%stice @e0artment 2as b%s3 co1erin- %0 e1idence
of the bombin-8 Clinton ardentl3 so%-ht to smear those on the far-
Ri-ht * the D0%r1e3ors of hatred and di1ision8 the 0romoters of
0aranoia8D as he 0%t it. DThe3 do 0ractice and the3 do 0reach 1iolence
a-ainst those 2ho are of a different color8 a different bac)-ro%nd8 or
2ho 2orshi0 a different Bod. The3 do feed on fear and %ncertaint3.
The3 do 0romote 0aranoia....D
Challen-in- the American 0eo0le to follo2 him in a cam0ai-n of di1ide
and con9%er8 Clinton char-ed5 DThese 0eo0le attac) o%r -o1ernment
and the citiens 2ho 2or) for it 2ho act%all3 -%arantee the freedoms
the3 ab%se.... The3 can certainl3 sn%ff o%t innocent li1es and so2 fear
in o%r hearts. The3 are indifferent to the sla%-hter of children. The3
threaten o%r freedoms and o%r 2a3 of life8 and 2e m%st sto0
4choin- and am0lif3in- Clinton's defamations 2ere the mainstream
media8 2hich8 all b%t i-norin- the rele1ant e1idence8 la%nched
%nceasin-8 1itriolic attac)s a-ainst the +atriotRMilitia comm%nit3.
(eadin- the char-e 2ere the A@( and the #+(C8 2hose connections to
the Mossad8 $.#. la2-enforcement8 and infiltration of the +atriotRMilitia
comm%nit3 ha1e been 2ell doc%mented. The A@('s ties to the FB?8 in
fact8 had been for-ed lon- a-o.
At the same time8 all le-itimate e:0ressions and concerns are i-nored.
Militia members are 0ortra3ed as mostl3 -%n-craed racists 2ith o1erl3
cons0iratorial 1ie2s. As .ele,ance ma-aine notes5
?f an3one dares to ma)e a s%--estion that serio%s crimes b3 hi-h-
ran)in- federal officials or an a-enc3 of -o1ernment ha1e been
committed8 that s%--estion instantl3 becomes8 almost b3 definition8 a
cons0irac3 theor38 2hich is itself ;almost b3 definition= be3ond the 0ale
of res0onsible disc%ssion.
An3 attem0ts b3 the (eft and Ri-ht to Noin to-ether are e:0lained
a2a3 b3 establishment intellect%als as a sort of stran-e s3mbiotic
aberration. ?n a 6%ne 1,8 1,,! +ew Yorker article entitled DThe Road to
+aranoia8D a%thor Michael >ell3 describes D1ie2s that ha1e lon- been
shared b3 both the far Ri-ht and the far (eft8 and that in recent 3ears
ha1e come to-ether8 in a 2eird meetin- of the minds8 to become one8
and to 0ermeate the mainstream of American 0olitics and 0o0%lar
c%lt%re. Co% co%ld call it f%sion 0aranoia.D
Cet in s0ite of the contin%al barra-e of -o1ernment and media-
orchestrated 0ro0a-anda8 the mo1ement has -ro2n. This is beca%se
the actions of the +l%tocrac3 and its intelli-enceRla2-enforcement
minions ha1e become so bold8 so braen8 so o%tra-eo%s in recent
3ears that it is hard for the a1era-e 0erson not to ta)e notice.
?ncreasin- 0olitical scandals8 one follo2in- on the heals of the other8
catastro0hic financial debacles8 and the m%rdero%s actions of the
Federal Bo1ernment in 0laces s%ch as Aaco and R%b3 Rid-e8 ha1e
0%shed the a1era-e American o%t of the sonomb%lic comfort of their
eas3 chair.
No2 the a1era-e citien 2atches the FB? march into Aaco 2ith tan)s
and b%rn 2omen and children8 2hile +resident Clinton and the mass-
media dismiss them as DN%st a b%nch of 2hac)os.D At the same time he
t%rns aro%nd and 2atches his nei-hbor's door )ic)ed in b3 -oon s9%ads
to seie 0iddlin- amo%nts of contraband8 2hile his home and assets
are seied 2itho%t e1er bein- char-ed 2ith a crime8 then -i1en to la2-
enforcement a-encies 2ho di1ide %0 the bo%nt3 amon-st themsel1es.
Com0elled to ta)e a closer loo) at the +atriotRMilitia mo1ement8 he
be-ins to %nderstand that the Federal Reser1e is a sham. 7e realies
that the 0olitics of the nation 2ere cor0oratied lon- a-o8 that his 1ote
has no meanin-.
7e be-ins to %nderstand that the co%ntr3 is act%all3 controlled b3
cor0orate concerns 2ho %se the militar3 and intelli-ence a00arat%s to
do its biddin-.
7e learns ho2 the C?A has ille-all3 inter1ened and destro3ed the
so1erei-nt3 of doens of nations aro%nd the 2orld8 and assisted in the
m%rder of co%ntless millions.
7e 2atches 2ith alarm as ne2 la2s are bein- added e1er3 da3 to
restrict his Constit%tional ri-hts.
Ahile his 0a3 chec) is no lon-er eno%-h to s%00ort his famil38 he
2onders 2hat ha00ened to the #a1in-s and (oans8 and to those
2ealth3 fe2 2ho 2ere ne1er 0rosec%ted.
Ahile he sees his Nob bein- sent o1erseas to ta)e ad1anta-e of
some 0oor 0easant 2ho sla1es for 0ennies a da38 his o2n co%ntr3 is
slo2l3 bein- sold off 0iecemeal.
$nli)e the mass of d%mbed-do2n8 T<ed-o%t8 0assi1e citiens8 he finall3
decides to Noin a -ro%0 of 0eo0le 2ho are 2illin- to do somethin- abo%t
Contrar3 to 0o0%lar o0inion8 the +atriotRMilitia Mo1ement is more than
N%st a frin-e element of Ri-ht-2in- cons0irac3 n%ts. Ahile it still
contains indi1id%als 2ho are some2hat m3o0ic concernin- social
2elfare iss%es and en1ironmental concerns8 3o%n-er 0eo0le are
comin- into the mo1ement e1er3 da3.
?ncreasin-l38 this -ro%0 re0resents a broad s0ectr%m of Americans
concerned abo%t -o1ernmental corr%0tion and the loss of their
Constit%tional ri-hts. Far from bein- im0otent8 as (o%is Freeh asserts8
the +atriotRMilitia Mo1ement re0resents a threat to an establishment
see)in- to maintain corr%0t control o1er its citienr3 at all costs.
Ahile it cannot be said for certain that the Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin-
2as destro3ed as 0art of a 0reconcei1ed 0lan to create the ill%sion of a
domestic terrorist threat 2ithin America * as a fo%ndation for
destro3in- 0olitical dissent * it is clear that the in1esti-ation 2as
0oliticall3 crafted for N%st that 0%r0ose.
?n March of 1,,48 there be-an an e:tensi1e media cam0ai-n to 0ortra3
the militias as Ri-ht-2in- terrorists. N%mero%s sensationalistic stories
a00eared in the media8 lar-el3 orchestrated b3 the A@(8 +olitical
Research Associates ;+RA=8 and the #+(C.
Then in March of 1,,!8 Con-ressman #te1e #toc)man ;R-TE= learned
that a nation-2ide8 earl3-mornin- 0aramilitar3 raid a-ainst militia
-ro%0s 2as 0lanned for March 2!. ?t seemed that a co%0le of
concerned ATF a-ents had informed the National Rifle Association
;NRA= abo%t the 0lan8 code-named /0eration R/((?NB T7$N@4R.
#toc)man immediatel3 fired off a letter to Attorne3 Beneral 6anet Reno5
?t has come to m3 attention thro%-h a n%mber of reliable so%rces that
an im0endin- raid8 b3 se1eral Federal a-encies8 a-ainst the Dcitien's
militiasD -ro%0s8 is sched%led for March 2! or 2" at 45.. a.m. A
0aramilitar3 st3le attac) a-ainst Americans 2ho 0ose no ris) to others8
e1en if 1iolations of criminal la2 mi-ht be im0%ted to them8 2o%ld r%n
the ris) of an irre0arable breach bet2een the Federal Bo1ernment and
the 0%blic8 es0eciall3 if it t%rned o%t to be an ill considered8 0oorl3
0lanned8 b%t blood3 fiasco li)e Aaco.L
#toc)man's letter 2ent %nans2ered8 and t2o #enators 2ho confronted
the Assistant #ecretar3 of @efense 2ere thro2n o%t of his office.
Ahat is interestin- to note8 ho2e1er8 is that the raid 2as sched%led
N%st one month 0rior to the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-8 that la%nched the
lar-est anti-militia media cam0ai-n e1er 2itnessed.
Cet the tension s%rro%ndin- the Militia Mo1ement 2asn't the onl3
0ress%re be-innin- to boil the 0olitical 0ot. 41en more interestin-
e1ents 2ere to occ%r N%st 0rior to the bombin-.
/n Monda38 A0ril 1&8 a #0ecial Federal Brand 6%r3 in (ittle Roc)8 A>
handed do2n a sealed indictment char-in- 7illar3 Clinton 2ith ban)
fra%d * misa00ro0riatin- or embelin- some F4& million dollars from
a federall3 ins%red #S(8 and benefitin- from secret offshore acco%nts
0a3able to <incent Foster8 6r.8 her former la2 0artner8 as 0%r0orted
0a3ment for Dhandlin-D 6onathan +ollard.
That same e1enin-8 A0ril 1&8 a militar3 C-21 (ear 6et carr3in- se1eral
hi-h-ran)in- militar3 officials8 incl%din- a s%0er1isor to the N#A8
crashed near Ale:ander Cit38 Alabama. The disaster8 2hich occ%red on
a clear da38 a00eared to be more than a sim0le accident. The hi-hl3
e:0erienced cre2 re0orted Df%el mana-ementD 0roblems8 a classic
sabato-%e techni9%e. Aitnesses Miranda A3c)off and 6imm3 >eel
claim the3 heard m%lti0le e:0losions 2hile the 0lane 2as airborne.
/ne stor3 has the 0assen-ers as 0art of a militar3 co%08 to arrest8
%nder the militar3 code8 their Commander-in-Chief8 Ailliam 6efferson
Clinton8 for 1ario%s acts of treason8 incl%din- the co1er-%0 of Foster's
m%rder. Another stor3 has an American +/A from (aos onboard. (i)e
MaNor Charles Mc>ee8 the3 0lanned to brin- him to the attention of the
The 0lane crashed not far from a secret @elta Force base in Alabama. ?t
has been r%mored that elements of the 2.th #0ecial /0erations Bro%0
;#/B= -%arded Mena air0ort d%rin- the ?ran-Contra dr%--r%nnin-. A
#0ecial Federal Brand 6%r3 in Alabama 2as bloc)ed from in1esti-atin-
the crash.
The Mena dr%--r%nnin-8 intimatel3 connected 2ith the acti1ities of the
?ran-Contra /cto0%s8 2as also on the Con-ressional in1esti-ati1e
a-enda8 as 2ere the acti1ities of the ATF and FB? at Aaco. The
in1esti-ations 2ere sched%led to start in Ma3.
Cet on A0ril 1,8 t2o da3s after the crash8 the /)lahoma Cit3 Federal
B%ildin- 2as bombed. The bombin- con1enientl3 shifted the attention
from Clinton's acti1ities at Ahite2ater8 the ATF and FB?'s m%rdero%s
actions at Aaco8 and the /cto0%s' dr%--r%nnin- at MenaL onto
/)lahoma Cit38 and Dthe ne2 enem3 in o%r midst.D
Aere these occ%rrances coincidencesH And 2as it a coincidence that
t2o 2ee)s after the bombin-8 a -ro%0 of anon3mo%s8 blac)-hooded8
machine-%n-totin- federal a-ents be-an loadin- files remo1ed from
the M%rrah B%ildin- onto t2o %nmar)ed tr%c)sH
Ahat 2ere in the files that a o1er doen hea1il3-armed a-ents 2ere so
an:io%s to hideH Bi1en the timin- of the aforementioned e1ents8 it is
li)el3 the files 2ere either records incriminatin- the /cto0%s for its
dr%--r%nnin- at Mena8 or records incriminatin- the ATF for their actions
at Aaco.
?t ma3 be more than a coincidence that the ATF a-ents 2ho raided
AacoL 2ore blac) %niforms 2ith no identif3in- bad-es.
?nterestin-l38 on the Ma3 148 1,,! edition of DFace the Nation8D Ahite
7o%se Chief of #taff (eon +anetta deno%nced those chairin- the Aaco
hearin-s8 claimin- that the3 D2anted to ta)e attention a2a3 from the
tra-ed3 of /)lahoma Cit3.D
+anetta also called them Ddes0icable.D C%rio%sl38 Re0%blican le-islators
com0lained bitterl3 abo%t the 4:ec%ti1e Branch's tard3 and
disor-anied 0rod%ction of doc%ments. For instance8 Re0resentati1es
co%ld not find in their 4'8... doc%ments a co03 of an3 A0ril 1, Aaco
o0eration 0lan.

?t has also been s%--ested that the files remo1ed 2ere records
im0licatin- Beor-e B%sh and com0an3 for their role in sellin- ?ra9
biolo-ical 2ea0ons that ha1e infected lar-e n%mbers of American
troo0s and their families. +eter >a2aNa8 2ho ser1ed as (o%is
Cham0on's chief of sec%rit3 at his +rod%ct ?n-redient Technolo-ies in
Boca Raton8 F( * 2hich 2as secretl3 bein- %sed b3 his b%siness
0artner ?shan Barbo%ti8 an ?ra9i arms dealer8 to 0rod%ce C3anide
shi00ed to ?ra9 * claims that doc%ments im0licatin- B%sh8 #ecretar3
of #tate 6ames Ba)er8 and others in1ol1ed in the D?ra9-ateD scandal
2ere mo1ed to the Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin-.
Ahate1er the case8 someone 2as ob1io%sl3 1er3 %0ti-ht abo%t some
files in the Federal B%ildin- * %0ti-ht eno%-h to send a team of
hooded8 hea1il3-armed a-ents to 2is) them a2a3.
#e1eral da3s after the bombin-8 +resident Clinton sent his m%ch fabled
Anti-Terrorism Bill to Con-ress. The le-islation8 ori-inall3 introd%ced
after the Aorld Trade Center bombin-8 had been lan-%ishin- on the
Con-ressional shelf. /n 6%ne &8 the #enate 0assed the s2ee0in-
meas%re b3 a 1ote of ,1 to '.
Conc%rrent 2ith the ne2 le-islation 2as a massi1e smear cam0ai-n
a-ainst the militias8 tr%m0eted b3 +resident Clinton. As the )unday
(elegraph9s Aashin-ton corres0ondent8 Ambrose 41ans +ritchard8
The moment%m of Re0%blican Dre1ol%tionD drained a2a3 o1erni-ht8
as 0eo0le dre2 bac) from the anti--o1ernment rhetoric of the Ri-ht8
%nleashin- the startlin- decline in its fort%nes. +resident Clinton told
re0orters that he o2ed his 0olitical comebac) to that bomb. D?t bro)e
the s0ell8D he said.
The Politics of Terror
"Power concedes nothing without a demandC it ne,er did1 and it ne,er
will. Find out @ust what the people will su&mit to1 and you ha,e 8ound
out the exact amount o8 in@ustice and wrong which will &e imposed
upon them.C"
* Frederic) @o%-lass8 A%-%st 48 1'!&
JCet the FB? 2asn't Jand isn'tK the onl3 a-enc3 0racticin- co%nter-
ins%r-enc3 techni9%es to discredit and eliminate its 0olitical
o00onents.K Ten 3ears after .eport 8rom Iron $ountain 2as 0%blished8
Theodore #hac)le3 0%blished (he (hird !ption' An Expert9s
Pro,ocati,e .eport on an American 2iew o8 *ounterinsurgency
#hac)le3 2as one of the ori-inal 0ro0onents of Dlo2 intensit3 conflict8D
2hich manifested itself as the +hoeni: +ro-ram in <ietnam8 and as
death s9%ads in #o%th and Central America. #hac)le3 e%0hemisticall3
describes this conce0t as Dthe third o0tion.D
#enior intelli-ence officers li)e m3self8 2ho had e:0erience in
0aramilitar3 o0erations8 ha1e al2a3s insisted that the $nited #tates
sho%ld also consider the third o0tion5 the %se of -%errilla 2arfare8
co%nter-ins%r-enc3 techni9%es and co1ert action to achie1e 0olic3
-oals.L +olitical 2arfare is 1er3 often the stitch in time that eliminates
bloodier and more costl3 alternati1es.
Bene Aheaton calls #hac)le3's (hird !ption the Do0erational man%alD
for the co1ert intelli-ence Dl%natic frin-e.D This same l%natic
intelli-ence cro2d8 states Aheaton8 Das far bac) as the earl3 1,'.s8
2anted to create a domestic terrorist threat in America so the 0eo0le
2o%ld become so fri-htened that the3 2o%ld -i1e %0 some ci1il
liberties and Constit%tional ri-hts8 and -i1e the C?A and +enta-on
co1ert o0erators maNor domestic co%nter-terrorism 0o2ers.D
As Aheaton 2rites5
The Third /0tion is not to ha1e 0eace in the 2orld8 and not to ha1e
a f%ll-scale 2orld 2ar. ?nstead8 the3 2anted to ca%se 2orld2ide
instabilit38 chaos and ci1il %nrest in order to mani0%late and control
0eo0le and -o1ernments8 incl%din- the $nited #tatesG th%s the creation
of the domestic terrorist threat.
Notice that Aheaton calls this the creation of the domestic terrorist
threat. Aheaton states 2hat has been )no2n for cent%ries b3 the so-
called Denli-htened onesD * the ?ll%minati8 the Masons8 the Rhodes
Ro%nd Table8 and their s%ccessors5 the CFR8 the Bilderber-ers8 and the
Trilateral Commission * that o%t of chaos 2ill come order ;!rdo A&
*hao. =
/ther2ise )no2n as the D7e-elian +rinci0le8D this is the techni9%e b3
2hich a normall3 re0%-nant idea ;in this case a totalitarian 0olice-
state= is offered as the onl3 1iable sol%tion to a intractable 0roblem ;in
this case domestic terrorism=8 deliberatel3 en-ineered b3 the state
itself. As +ew American editor Ailliam 6as0er notes5
Lhistor3 is re0lete 2ith e:am0les of r%thless and corr%0t 0oliticians
2ho ha1e shamelessl3 e:0loited and mani0%lated tra-ic e1ents and
the criminal acts of a fe2 to ad1ance their o2n l%st for 0o2er. ?n cases
too n%mero%s to mention8 t3rants and as0irin- des0ots ha1e -one
e1en f%rther8 en-a-in- a-ents 0ro1ocate%rs to carr3 o%t
assassinations8 foment riots and rebellion8 0reci0itate financial 0anics8
attem0t 0alace co%0s8 fei-n forei-n in1asion8 initiate acts of terrorism8
and 0erform other infamo%s acts * all for the 0%r0ose of establishin- a
mass 0s3cholo-3 of fear8 a sense of Dcrisis8D of imminent dan-er
re9%irin- the -o1ernment to s%s0end normal liberties and seie 1ast
ne2 0o2ers to deal 2ith the Demer-enc3.D
7itler came to 0o2er in 0recisel3 this manner8 b3 b%rnin- do2n the
Berman +arliament8 the Reichsta-8 then blamin- it on his enemies * in
this case8 the Comm%nists. 7e then 0assed the 4nablin- Act ;a form of
anti-terrorism bill= for the D0rotection of the 0eo0le and the state.D
7istor3 is no2 re0eatin- itself. As Adam +arfre3 2rites in *ult .apture'
B3 definition8 a terrorist m%st ta)e credit for his 1iolence8 or else there
is no com0ellin- reason to commit a crime. The s0ecific 0%r0ose of
terrorism is -ainin- le1era-e on a s0ecific 0olitical obNecti1e thro%-h
the abilit3 of threatenin- f%t%re terrorist acts. No one has claimed
credit for the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-. Militia -ro%0s 0rod%ced
0artic%larl3 1ehement 0%blic statements condemnin- the crime.
D?f the bombin- 2as not terrorism8D as)s Portland Free Press editor Ace
7a3es8 Dthen 2hat 2as itH ?t 2as 0se%do-terrorism8 0er0etrated b3
com0artmentalied co1ert o0erators for the 0%r0oses of state 0olice
The Portland Free Press editor has st%died the secret state for
decades and can sa3 that the />C crime has all the characteristics of
state-0lanned and-e:ec%ted 0ro0a-anda. ?t is not different from the
bo-%s <iet Con- %nits that 2ere sent o%t to ra0e and m%rder
<ietnamese to discredit the National (iberation Front. ?t is not different
from the bo-%s DfindsD of Commie 2ea0ons in 4l #al1ador. ?t is not
different from the bo-%s #3mbionese (iberation Arm3 created b3 the
C?ARFB? to discredit the real re1ol%tionaries.
+robabl3 the most 2ell-)no2n case 2as the Reichsta- fire8 2hich led to
the rise of Nai Berman3 thro%-h the im0lementation of s2ee0in-
le-islati1e 0o2ers. /n Febr%ar3 2&8 1,338 a fire tore thro%-h the
Berman 0arliament b%ildin-8 the Reichsta-. The Nais immediatel3
acc%sed a @%tch Comm%nist named Marin%s 1an der (%bbe of the
crime8 and s%bse9%entl3 e:ec%ted him.
The 0arallels bet2een the Reichsta- fire and the /)lahoma Cit3
bombin- are eeril3 similar8 both in the li)eness of the crime8 and in
their 0olitical ramifications. As a%thor Ailliam #hirer 2rites in his e0ic8
(he .ise and Fall o8 the (hird .eich'
The idea for the fire almost certainl3 ori-inated 2ith Boebbels and
B_erin-. 7ans Bise1i%s8 an official in the +r%ssian Ministr3 of the
?nterior at the time8 testified at N%rember- that Dit 2as Boebbels 2ho
first tho%-ht of settin- the Reichsta- on fire8D and R%dolf @iels8 the
Besta0o chief8 added in an affida1it that DB_erin- )ne2 e:actl3 ho2
the fire 2as to be startedD and had ordered him Dto 0re0are8 0rior to
the fire8 a list of 0eo0le 2ho 2ere to be arrested immediatel3 after it.D
Beneral Fran 7aider8 Chief of the Berman Beneral #taff d%rin- the
earl3 0art of Aorld Aar ??8 recalled at N%rember- ho2 on one occasion
B_erin- had boasted of his deed5
DAt a l%ncheon on the birthda3 of the F%ehrer in 1,42 the con1ersation
t%rned to the to0ic of the Reichsta- b%ildin- and its artistic 1al%e. ?
heard 2ith m3 o2n ears 2hen B_erin- interr%0ted the con1ersation
and sho%ted5 'The onl3 one 2ho reall3 )no2s abo%t the Reichsta- is ?8
beca%se ? set it on fireI' Aith that he sla00ed his thi-h 2ith the flat of
his hand.D
JMarin%sK <an der (%bbe8 it seems clear8 2as a d%0e of the Nais. 7e
2as enco%ra-ed to tr3 to set the Reichsta- on fire. B%t the main Nob
2as to be done * 2itho%t his )no2led-e8 of co%rse * b3 the storm
troo0ers. ?ndeed8 it 2as established at the s%bse9%ent trial at (ei0i-
that the @%tch half-2it did not 0ossess the means to set so 1ast a
b%ildin- on fire so 9%ic)l3. T2o and a half min%tes after he entered8 the
-reat central hall 2as fiercel3 b%rnin-. 7e had onl3 his shirt for tinder.
The main fires8 accordin- to the testimon3 of e:0erts at the trial8 had
been set 2ith considerable 9%antities of chemicals and -asoline. ?t 2as
ob1io%s that one man co%ld not ha1e carried them into the b%ildin-8
nor 2o%ld it ha1e been 0ossible for him to start so man3 fires in so
man3 scattered 0laces in so short a time. <an der (%bbe 2as arrested
on the s0ot and B_erin-8 as he after2ard told the co%rt8 2anted to
han- him at once.
#hirer ma3 N%st as 2ell ha1e been describin- the bombin- in /)lahoma
Cit3. Timoth3 Mc<ei-h a00ears as a modern-da3 <an der (%bbe * a
d%0e 2ho co%ld ha1e not 0ossibl3 destro3ed the M%rrah B%ildin- 2ith
his cr%de homemade fertilier bomb. Cet he 2as set %0 in e:actl3 the
same manner as the @%tch Comm%nist8 arrested instantl38 and
0roclaimed the %ltimate societal enem3 * re0resentin- a -ro%0 that
threatened the contin%it3 of the state * N%st as Clinton did 2ith the
militias in the aftermath of the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-.
Altho%-h B_erin- didn't admit at N%rember- that his a-ents set the
fire8 the Nais seied on the e1ent8 claimin- (%bbe's act 2as the
0rec%rsor of a Comm%nist in1asion. Chancellor 7itler 0ers%aded
+resident 7indenb%r- to si-n an emer-enc3 decree * Article 4' of the
Aeimar Constit%tion8 Dfor the +rotection of the +eo0le and the #tateD *
2hich immediatel3 abro-ated most of the Berman 0eo0les'
constit%tional 0rotections.
A s%00lemental decree created the #A ;#torm Troo0s= and ## ;#0ecial
#ec%rit3= federal 0olice a-encies. These decrees ;similar to e:ec%ti1e
orders of the +resident of the $nited #tates=8 -a1e 7itler and his -oons
the abilit3 to r%thlessl3 s%00ress all o00osition in the %0comin-
elections. As a res%lt8 the Nais -ained a 44 0ercent 0l%ralit3 in the
+arliament8 and Jsoon-to-beK (%ft2affe Beneral 7erman B_erin-
declared that there 2as no f%rther need for state -o1ernments.
The Nais 2ere s%ccessf%l in eliminatin- the states' a%thorit3 in the
same manner * insti-atin- disorder8 then 9%ellin- it b3 re0lacin- local
-o1ernments 2ith Nai-a00ointed Reich Commissioners.
This 0recedent 2as officiall3 established on March 23 2hen the
D4nablin- ActD transferred the 0o2er of the states to the central Nai-
r%n -o1ernment * ma)in- the federal -o1ernment res0onsible for all
la2-enforcement8 and conferrin- on 7itler the le-al stat%s of dictator.
7itler immediatel3 a00ointed 6ose0h Boebbels as Minster of
+ro0a-anda8 and as ?nterior Minister * the to0 0olice 0ost * 7itler
a00ointed 7erman B_erin-. B_erin- immediatel3 filled the ran)s of the
+r%ssian 0olice 2ith lo3al #A and ## members. As #%anne 7arris of
the The (a2 (oft notes5
All of the )e3 strate-ic mo1es 2ere made b3 B_erin- in settin- the
sta-e for a ta)e-o1er. Ah3H Beca%se in order to ta)e o1er a
-o1ernment8 3o% ha1e to eliminate 3o%r 0olitical enemies before the3
stri)e8 not after. This means that 3o% ha1e to transform the 0olice from
a crime-detectin- and 0%nishin- a00arat%s to a crime 0re1entin-
a00arat%s. Co% ha1e to e:0and the definition of )e3 crimes so that
3o% can identif3 and incarcerate 3o%r enemies before the3 stri)e. Co%
ha1e to transform the attit%des of the 0olice so that the3 1ie2 the
0%blic as the enem3 and not as citiens 2ith ri-hts. Co% ha1e to ha1e
tactical 0olice %nits in 0lace that 2ill e:ec%te 3o%r orders ra0idl3
2itho%t 9%estion.
#oon Nai storm troo0ers 2ere roarin- thro%-h the streets at all ho%rs8
ro%ndin- %0 s%s0ected dissidents8 incl%din- 0oliticians8 2ho 2ere then
ha%led off to ma)eshift concentration cam0s and tort%red or )illed. As
Ailliam #hirer 2rites5
6%st to ma)e s%re the Nob 2o%ld be r%thlessl3 done8 B_erin- on
Febr%ar3 22 established an a%:iliar3 0olice force of !.8... men8 of
2hom 4.8... 2ere dra2n from the ran)s of the #.A. and the #.#.L
+olice 0o2er in +r%ssia 2as th%s lar-el3 carried o%t b3 Nai th%-s. ?t
2as a rash Berman 2ho a00ealed to s%ch a D0oliceD for 0rotection
a-ainst the Nai terrorists.
7itler's 0romises that Dthe -o1ernment 2ill ma)e %se of these 0o2ers
onl3 insofar as the3 are essential for carr3in- o%t 1itall3 necessar3
meas%resD 2ere belied b3 the r%thless tall3 of histor3.
?n a manner faintl3 reminiscent of 7itler's ass%rances concernin- the
1,33 D4nablin- la2s8D FB? @irector (o%is Freeh recentl3 so%-ht8 and
2on8 tentati1e a-reement on a 0ac)a-e of anti-terrorism meas%res
that 2o%ld e:0and 2ireta00in- a%thorit3. Freeh ass%red le-islators that
the 0ro0osals 2o%ld not -i1e the -o1ernment De:0ansi1e 0o2ers.D
(i)e the C?A's anno%ncement to in1esti-ate itself for it's o2n dr%--
r%nnin-8 the 2olf no2 see)s to reass%re the 0%blic that it has no
intention of in1adin- the hen ho%se.
/ne 3ear to the da3 after the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-8 +resident
J>Klinton si-ned the Anti-Terrorism Bill8 Dfor the 0rotection of the 0eo0le
and the state.D Clinton railroaded Con-ress into 0assin- the draconian
le-islation in the same manner that 7itler stam0eded the Berman
0eo0le into 0assin- the 4nablin- Act.
DAe can't be so fi:ated on o%r desire to 0reser1e the ri-hts of ordinar3
Americans8D Clinton 2as 9%oted in 5)A (!AY in March of 1,,3.
DLa lot of 0eo0le sa3 there's too m%ch 0ersonal freedom8D Clinton
stated on MT< in March of 1,,4. DAhen 0ersonal freedom's bein-
ab%sed8 3o% ha1e to mo1e to limit it.D
Clinton's Anti-Terrorism Bill incl%des 0lans to establish a ne2 FB?
co%nterterrorism center 2ith 18... ne2 Danti-terroristD a-ents. /ne
0ro0osal8 har)in- bac) to the da3s of C/?NT4(+R/8 2o%ld add 2!
intelli-ence anal3sts8 1,. s%r1eillance s0ecialists 2ith 143 s%00ort
0ersonnel8 31 en-ineers and mathematicians for interce0tin- di-ital
comm%nications8 and 1ario%s other e:0erts and anal3sts. The Bill also
incl%des a F"" million 2indfall for the ATF for Danti-terrorismD
No2 the FB? has no2 %n1eiled its DCritical ?ncident Res0onse Bro%0.D
@i1ided into fi1e %nits8 the D$nderco1er #afe-%ard $nitD selects recr%its
for Je1en moreK %nderco1er a-ents to be sent amon-st the American
0eo0leG the DA1iation and #0ecial /0erations $nitD 2hich creates an FB?
Air Force for both lo-istics and s03in-G the D?n1esti-ati1e #%00ort $nit8D
2hich 0ermits the FB?'s fla2less crime lab to become a1ailable for
e1er3 la2-enforcement a-enc3 in the co%ntr3G and the DCrisis
Mana-ement $nitD 2hich hel0s the B%rea% co1er %0 s%ch incidents as
R%b3 Rid-e and Aaco 2hile l3in- to the 0ress.
Then there is the D#AAT Trainin- $nit8D and the DTactical #%00ortD
@i1ision8 2hich incl%des the infamo%s D7osta-e Resc%e Team8D 2hich
Dresc%edD a n%rsin- mother b3 shootin- her in the face8 and Dresc%edD
'" men8 2omen8 and children b3 -assin-8 shootin-8 and b%rnin- them
Finall38 there is the DAbd%cted Children and #erial >illers $nit8D 2hich
sho%ld 0ro1ide a meas%re of relief to those concerned abo%t o%t-of-
control criminals 2ho -as and incinerate children 2hile committin-
/ne recent manifestation of America's drift to2ard a national 0olice
force is the final re0ort of the National +erformance Re1ie2 ;N+R=
headed b3 <ice +resident Al Bore. #aid to be a bl%e0rint for
Drein1entin- -o1ernment8D this re0ort recommends Dthe desi-nation of
the Attorne3 Beneral as the @irector of (a2 4nforcement to coordinate
federal la2 enforcement efforts.D
This 2as the same Attorne3 Beneral 2ho8 alon- 2ith @e0%t3 Attorne3
Beneral Aebster 7%bbell and +resident Bill Clinton8 -a1e the Dfinal
sol%tionD order at Aaco. The FB? 2as the a-enc3 that carried it o%t8
-assin- and incineratin- '" men8 2omen and children.
No28 %nder 7.R. ,& ;the DRa0id @e0lo3ment #tri)e Force ActD=8 Clinton8
Reno and Freeh are callin- for a 28!..-man DRa0id-@e0lo3mentD force
com0osed of FB? and other federal a-ents8 all %nder the s%0er1ision of
the Attorne3 Beneral.
The bill states5
/n a00lication of the Bo1ernor of a #tate and the chief e:ec%ti1e
officer of the affected local -o1ernment or -o1ernments...and %0on
findin- that the occ%rrence of criminal acti1it3 in a 0artic%lar
N%risdiction is bein- e:acerbated b3 the interstate flo2 of dr%-s8 -%ns8
and criminals8 the @e0%t3 Assistant @irector ma3 de0lo3 on a
tem0orar3 basis a %nit of the Ra0id @e0lo3ment Force.
6%diciar3 Committee s0o)esmen inter1ie2ed b3 .ele,ance
$aga#ine said the Ra0id-@e0lo3ment #tri)e Force D2o%ld also ser1e as
a model %nit for local officers to em%late.D A comfortin- tho%-ht8
considerin- the De:em0lar3D actions of federal Dla2 enforcementD at
R%b3 Rid-e and Aaco. #%ch a B_erin--ins0ired national 0olice force
has the 0otential to become an American Besta0o.
6oe 7endric)s8 Chief of +olice of Aindsor8 Misso%ri8 e:0ressed his
concern o1er this trend in the 6%ne8 1,,& iss%e of the Idaho !&ser,er'
$nfort%natel38 at the 0resent time8 an a-ent of the FB? co%ld 2al) into
m3 office and commandeer this 0olice de0artment. ?f 3o% don't belie1e
that8 read the Crime Bill that Clinton si-ned into la2 in 1,,!. There is
tal) of the feds ta)in- o1er the Aashin-ton8 @.C. +olice @e0artment. To
me this sets a dan-ero%s 0recedent.
#aid 6ose0h McNamara8 former 0olice chief in #an 6ose and >ansas Cit38
no2 at the 7oo1er ?nstit%te at #tanford $ni1ersit35 D@es0ite the
con1entional 2isdom that comm%nit3 0olicin- is s2ee0in- the nation8
the e:act o00osite is ha00enin-8D
Charles DB%dD Mee)s8 e:ec%ti1e director of the National #heriff's
Association8 adds8 DB3 0assin- stat%tes in an effort to ma)e Jthe crime
sit%ationK better8D he obser1ed8 D2e're -ettin- closer to a federal 0olice
D?n #AAT %nits formed since 1,'.8 their %se has increased b3 !3'
0ercent8D said 0olice researcher +eter >ras)a. /ri-inall3 desi-ned to
control armed8 barricaded s%s0ects8 #AAT teams are no2 bein-
ro%tinel3 %sed in the so-called DAar on @r%-s8D and in 0laces li)e
Fresno8 are bein- de0lo3ed f%ll-time as roamin- 0atrols.
DThe dr%- 2ar created the atmos0here for this )ind of 0ro-acti1e
0olicin-8D >ras)a said. DAe ha1e ne1er seen this )ind of 0olicin-8 2here
#AAT teams ro%tinel3 brea) thro%-h a door8 s%bd%e all the occ%0ants
and search the 0remises for dr%-s8 cash and 2ea0ons.D
Ahile the a1era-e citien has to 0a3 a se1eral h%ndred dollar fine or
ser1e Nail time for 0ossessin- a small amo%nt of mariN%ana8 the bi--est
dr%- dealers in the co%ntr3 * the C?A * ha1e been 0%m0in- tons of
heroin and cocaine into this co%ntr3 for decades. No2 the DAar on
@r%-s8D 2hich e1en man3 in the la2-enforcement comm%nit3 admit is
a sham8 is bein- %sed to 2a-e 2ar on the American 0eo0le.
D?t's a 1er3 dan-ero%s thin-8 2hen 3o%'re tellin- co0s the3're soldiers
and there's an enem3 o%t there8D adds McNamara. D? don't li)e it
Cet ma3be the co0s 2on't ha1e to 2orr3 abo%t loo)in- li)e soldiers. /n
/ctober !th8 1,,48 the 7o%se 6%diciar3 #%bcommittee on Crime and
Criminal 6%stice held hearin-s on the 6%stice @e0artment's 0ro0osed
D$se of the National B%ard in @omestic (a2 4nforcement.D
/ne increasin- manifestation of this trend are M%lti-6%risdictional Tas)
Forces ;M6TF= trainin- for %rban -%errilla 2arfare ;$BA=. As n%mero%s
ne2s0a0er articles ha1e noted o1er the 0ast fe2 3ears8 s2ee0s b3
Arm3 helico0ters in to2ns and cities across America in conN%nction 2ith
0aramilitar3 0olice raids and trainin- e:ercises ha1e been increasin-.
The follo2in- incident 2as re0orted b3 6im >eith and 1erified b3 the
@%rin- the #%mmer of 1,,38 residents of Midto2n8 Atlanta8 Beor-ia
2ere shoc)ed in the earl3 ho%rs of the mornin- as three militar3
helico0ters came ch%rnin- thro%-h their hi-h-rise condo can3ons as
0art of militar3 #0ecial /0erations Command 0ractice raids. ?n the
same area in 6%l3 of 1,,48 a%tomatic 2ea0ons fire and e:0losions
echoed off an abandoned state office b%ildin- on +eachtree #treet.
4m0lo3ees of a >in)o's co03 center at &,3 +eachtree #treet sa2 men
in battle -ear ato0 the b%ildin-. An em0lo3ees remember a b%llet
shatterin- the store's 2indo2 d%rin- the e:ercise.
@%rin- 6an%ar3 of 1,,48 troo0s from the $.#. Arm3 #0ecial /0erations
Command8 2hich incl%des the Breen Berets8 Ran-ers8 and
0s3cholo-ical 2arfare s0ecialists8 2ere seen ra00ellin- off the em0t3
11-stor3 #t Morit 7otel in Miami8 firin- 0aint 0ellets in moc) assa%lt
?n Fort (a%derdale d%rin- No1ember of 1,,"8 troo0s from
the 1".th #0ecial /0erations A1iation Re-iment from Fort Cam0bell8
>ent%c)38 alon- 2ith #0ecial Forces8 Ran-ers8 Na13 #4A(#s8 and
0s3cholo-ical 2arfare s0ecialists8 0racticed Dni-ht %rban na1i-ation
?n 7o%ston8 the crash of an Arm3 helico0ter alerted citiens to troo0s
0racticin- $BA e:ercises 2ith helico0ters8 small arms fire and
e:0losi1es in 1acant b%ildin-s.
#imilar e:ercises 2ere 0racticed near @etroit d%rin- the #%mmer of
1,,4. ?n <an B%ren to2nshi08 citiens 2ere treated to the so%nd of
e:0losions and a%tomatic -%nfire. Ahen residents com0lained8 the3
2ere told b3 0olice8 D@on't 2orr3 abo%t it. The M6TF and <an B%ren +@
#AAT teams 2ere 0racticin-.D
Resident Brid-et T%ohe3 2asn't reass%red. D? ha1e t2o little )ids here
2ho are semi-h3sterical8D T%ohe3 told the etroit +ews. Ahen <an
B%ren resident Mar) #0encer 2ent to in1esti-ate8 he sa2 men in NinNa-
st3le blac) %niforms 2ith no mar)in-s 0racticin- moc) assa%lts on
abandoned ho%ses.
Altho%-h the li1e ordnance fo%nd at the scene had alread3 been
0hoto-ra0hed b3 local @etroit tele1ision cre2s8 Aa3ne Co%nt3 +olice
s0o)esman claimed that it did not e:ist.
As #0encer recalls8 DNe1er in 2! 3ears of li1in- in this area ha1e ?
e1er heard a%tomatic 2ea0ons fire. Ne1er ha1e ? heard e:0losi1es
trainin- bein- done here. Ne1er ha1e ? seen men dressed in blac)
battle dress roamin- the 2ooded areas of m3 home.D
/n 6%ne "8 1,,"8 the -ashington (imes re0orted5
Nine Arm3 helico0ters s2oo0ed into +ittsb%r-h in the middle of the
ni-ht this 2ee) and t%rned 0arts of the cit3 into 2ar ones8 com0lete
2ith so%nds of e:0losions and -%nfire that fri-htened residents and
sent one 0re-nant 2oman into labor.
Ahat are these troo0s trainin- forH Accordin- to a re0ort in the March8
1,,! iss%e of )oldier o8 Fortune8 abo%t 4. Arm3 and Air Force le-al and
other 0ersonnel attended a secret Dresearch s3m0osi%mD at E<???
Airborne Cor0s bet2een @ecember "th and 'th8 1,,48 to strate-ie
and st%d3 for the de0lo3ment of $.#. 0ersonnel and reso%rces to aid
ci1ilian a%thorities in Dthe s%00ression of domestic ci1il %nrest.D Arm3
la23ers re0eatedl3 br%shed aside Airborne officers concerns that s%ch
de0lo3ment 2o%ld 1iolate the +osse Comitat%s Act. /ne la23er8
res0ondin- some2hat cr30ticall3 said8 DNot an3more8 it doesn't.D
Then8 in earl3 March of 1,""8 doens of defense ind%str3 leaders8
-o1ernment 0olic3 ma)ers8 and militar3 anal3sts met 2ith federal la2
enforcement officials at the Rit-Carlton in Mc(ean8 <ir-inia. Their
0%r0ose 2as to strate-ie for the D/0erations /ther Than AarR(a2
4nforcementD ;//TAR(4= initiati1e8 desi-ned to increase coordination
bet2een la2-enforcement and the militar3 * a trend 2hich has been
acceleratin- in recent 3ears. As )ources E0ournal re0orted5
?n hearin-s on the Noint +enta-onRla2 enforcement //TA 0ro-ram in
6%ne8 1,,48 @r. Anita >. 6ones8 director of defense research and
en-ineerin-8 told the 7o%se Armed #er1ices Committee that she
foresees the militar3 increasin-l3 bein- called %0on to res0ond to
Drisin- 1iolence on o%r cit3 streetsD and to deal 2ith the D2ides0read
a1ailabilit3 of increasin-l3 0o2erf%l 2ea0ons.D
/ne 0artic%larl3 fri-htenin- as0ect of this trend is the transfer of ne2
/r2ellian-st3le 2ea0ons and s%r1eillance -ear to domestic la2
enforcement. The !range *ounty .egister of March 1,8 1,,3 re0orted
that Cam0 +endleton Marine base in so%thern California recentl3 added
an F'.4 million facilit3 to train for %rban 2arfare.
Ahile the @o@ claims these e:ercises are trainin- for Do1erseasD
commitments8 MaNor Beneral Ma: Barat dro00ed the ball 2hen he
2rote in the #%mmer8 1,,4 iss%e of Army .eser,e $aga#ine'
?n addition to 0ro1idin- f%ll3 read3 %nits for o%r international missions8
2e'll ha1e an enhanced ca0abilit3 to s%00ort domestic actions8
Jincl%din-K re-ional 0lannin- related to Militar3 #%00ort to Ci1ilian
A%thorities and F4MA ;Federal 4mer-enc3 Mana-ement A-enc3=
As Ailliam 6as0er re0orted in the /ctober 318 1,,4 iss%e of (he +ew
American8 soldiers are c%rrentl3 %nder-oin- trainin- in disarmin-
ci1ilian militias at the F12 million Militar3 /0erations on $rban Terrain
;M/$T= com0le: at Ft. +ol)8 Beor-ia.
This 0lan came to fr%ition in Febr%ar3 of 1,,!8 2hen a so%rce inside
the Ne1ada National B%ard said that the FB? had as)ed for 4..
National B%ardsmen to hel0 D0%t do2nD the Ne1ada #tate's Ri-hts
Mo1ement. Ahen the B%ard ref%sed8 the FB? threatened to brin- in
federal troo0s.
/ne National B%ardsman 2ho had 0artici0ated in D@esert MassacreD
told an obser1er his o%tfit 2as bein- trained to Dattac) %rban
b%ildin-s.D Ahen as)ed for clarification8 he said8 D?f the3 told %s there
2ere -%ns or dr%-s in a ho%se8 2e )no2 ho2 to ta)e it do2n.D
?nterestin-l38 /li1er North and DB%c)D Re1ell hel0ed de1elo0 the 0olic3
of militariin- o%r la2-enforcement. /ne e:am0le is the FB? * no2
bein- -i1en sni0er trainin- b3 the militar3. That trainin- hel0ed the
B%rea% massacre '" men8 2omen8 and children at Aaco. ?t 2as the
first time in recent histor3 that the -o1ernment 1iolated the +osse
Comitat%s Act b3 %sin- federal troo0s on American citiens.
To 0%t some 0ers0ecti1e on F4MA's connections to the l%natic frin-e8
note that /li1er North ser1ed on the Rea-an-created 4mer-enc3
Mobiliation +re0aredness Board8 2hich o1ersa2 F4MA's 0lannin- and
o0erations. North 2as assi-ned there from 1,'2 to 1,'4 b3 Robert
DB%dD McFarlane.
Ra3mond DB%dd3D Co%n-8 +resident Clinton's former @irector of
#ec%rit38 2as a00ointed director of F4MA's Re-ion ?< 0ost. Co%n-8 2ho
has re0ortedl3 0artici0ated in and co1ered-%0 the /cto0%s's 1ario%s
ille-al doin-s at Mena8 Ar)ansas8 no do%bt 2as -i1en the 2ell-0a3in-
Nob as a re2ard for his silence. 7e later sho2ed %0 in the aftermath of
the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-8 directin- F4MA traffic and holdin- 0ress
Former Assistant @efense #ecretar3 Fran) Carl%cci ;Richard Armita-e's
0al= si-ned a @irecti1e 0ermittin- senior militar3 commanders to
declare martial la2 D2hen %nla2f%l obstr%ctions or rebellion a-ainst
the a%thorit3 of the $nited #tates renders ordinar3 enforcement means
North himself 0ro0osed a s%s0ension of the Constit%tion %0on the
0lanned $.#. in1asion of Nicara-%a. ?n fact8 North testified d%rin- the
?ran-Contra hearin-s that the3 2ere 0re0ared Dto s%s0end the
Constit%tion in the e1ent of mass immi-ration and domestic 0olitical
The 0lan 2as called /0eration Re:-'4-Al0ha ;Readiness 4:ercise 1,'48
4:ercise +lan=. Re:-'48 2hich ran conc%rrentl3 2ith the first ann%al
sho2 of $.#. force in 7ond%ras in A0ril 1,'48 2as desi-ned to test
F4MA's abilit3 to ro%nd %0 4..8... %ndoc%mented Central American
immi-rants and domestic 0rotesters in the e1ent of an in1asion b3 $.#.
forces8 and its abilit3 to distrib%te h%ndreds of tons of small arms to
#tate @efense Forces ;#@F=. Rea-an and North 0lanned to %tilie the
#@Fs to control and im0rison American citiens and Central American
As Beneral Fran) #alcedo8 Chief of F4MA's Ci1il #ec%rit3 @i1ision8
stated in 1,'28 at least 1..8... $.#. citiens8 from s%r1i1alists to ta:
0rotesters8 0ose serio%s threats to ci1il sec%rit3.
Re:-'4 ;alon- 2ith other Noint-mobiliation e:ercises as D+ro%d
#aberRRe:-'28D D/0eration Barden +lot8D and D/0eration Ni-ht TrainD=
2as 0racticed 2ith 34 other a-encies s%ch as the C?A8 FB? and the
#ecret #er1ice. Ben Bradlee8 in his boo)8 (he .ise And Fall o8 !li,er
+orth8 2rites that the Re: e:ercise 2as desi-ned to test F4MA's
readiness to ass%me a%thorit3 o1er the @o@8 the National B%ard8 and
Da n%mber of state defense forces to be established b3 state
le-islat%res.D The militar3 2o%ld then be Dde0%tied8D ma)in- an end
r%n aro%nd the +osse Comitat%s Act. This 2as the same +osse
Comitat%s Act that 2as breached at (.A. and Aaco.
@etainment cam0s ;concentration cam0s= 2ere set %0 on $.#. soil to
deal 2ith the e:0ected flood of ref%-ees and 0olitical dissenters. #ome
informed so%rces sa3 the3 still e:ist.
#%ch 2ell-doc%mented o0erations re0resent a fri-htenin- 0recedent
for the #hado2 Bo1ernment to s%s0end Constit%tional ri-hts ;or 2hat
little 2e ha1e left= in the case of 0olitical dissent. This 0robabilit3 2as
raised b3 a C?A a-ent in con1ersation 2ith @4A 1eteran Mi)e (e1ine.
(e1ine recalls the disc%ssion in his boo)8 (riangle o8 eath'
D@on't 3o% realie that there are factions in 3o%r -o1ernment that want
this to ha00en * an emer-enc3 sit%ation too hot for a constit%tional
-o1ernment to handle.D
DTo 2hat endHD ? as)ed
DA s%s0ension of the Constit%tion8 of co%rse. The le-islation is alread3
in 0lace. All 0erfectl3 le-al. Chec) it o%t for 3o%rself. ?t's called F4MA8
Federal 4mer-enc3 Mana-ement A-enc3. 'T%rn in 3o%r -%ns8 3o%
blood3 bastards8 from here on o%t8 2e're 2atchin- 3o%8 3o% anti-
-o1ernment rabble ro%sers.' And 2ho 2o%ld be )in-8 MichaelHD
DC?A8D ? said.
Ahile (e1ine s%00osedl3 had this con1ersation 2ith the Ar-entine C?A
#tation Chief in 1,,18 he told me the act%al disc%ssion too) 0lace 2ith
a dr%n) C?A a-ent in B%enos Aries t2el1e 3ears earlier. As (e1ine
recalls5 D7e told me America sho%ld be more li)e Ar-entina. That
Americans ha1e more ri-hts than the3 sho%ld ha1e.L 7e said8 'Bi1e
Americans a car8 a T< set8 a home8 and the3're ha003.' 7e told me all
3o% had to do 2as create a sit%ation of fear and anarch3 so that
Americans 2ill -i1e %0 their ri-hts.L ? belie1e this is 0art of 2hat's
ha00enin- no2.D
A 0rime e:am0le 2as the 1,,2 (.A. riots. Ahile the beatin- of blac)
motorist Rodne3 >in- 2as not 0art of a 0reconcei1ed 0lan8 man3 insist
that the riots 2ere allo2ed to ra-e o%t of control to test the
-o1ernment's 0lans for martial la28 and 0ro1ide an e:c%se for f%rther
erosion of o%r ci1il ri-hts. ?t 2as 2idel3 re0orted that +olice Chief @ar3l
Bates deliberatel3 held bac) his officers8 some of 2hom literall3 cried
as the3 2atched the ens%in- chaos.
41en that bastion of the establishment8 the +ew York (imes8 re0orted5
4mer-in- e1idence from the first cr%cial ho%rsL 0ro1ides the stron-
indication that to0 0olice officials did little to 0lan for the 0ossibilit3 of
1iolence and did not follo2 standard 0roced%res to contain the riotin-
once it be-an.L
The 0oliceL 1iolated the basic 0olice 0roced%re for riot-control b3
failin- to cordon off the area aro%nd one of the first tro%ble s0ots and
not ret%rnin- to that area for ho%rs.
+olice ,11 dis0atchers attem0ted to send s9%ad cars to the scene of
the first 1iolent o%tbrea)s8 b%t 2ere re0eatedl3 i-nored or
/ne de0%t3 chief8 commentin- on the h%ndreds of officers ;and
National B%ardsmen= 2ho 2ere deliberatel3 held bac)8 told the 3os
Angeles (imes8 DThis is alien to e1er3thin- 2e're s%00osed to do in a
sit%ation li)e this.D
/thers8 s%ch as Com0ton Cit3 Co%ncil2oman +atricia Moore8 0%blicl3
stated that the 0olice themsel1es started the riots. Bac)in- %0 Moore
2as C?A o0erati1e Frederic) Beor-e Celani ;A>A5 Fred #ebastian=8 2ho
insisted that the riots 2ere Dfomented b3 federal a-ents.D
?t is also interestin- to note the similarit3 to the 1,"! Aatts riots.
+olice Chief Ailliam +ar)er testified that the Aatts escalation 2as 0art
of an Dor-anied effort.D +ar)er bac)ed %0 his claim b3 citin- re0orts of
clandestine radio messa-es 2hich interr%0ted re-%lar 0olice channels
as Df%rther e1idence of or-aniation.D
The McCone Commission8 char-ed 2ith the tas) of in1esti-atin- the
Aatts riots * li)e its 0redecessor8 the Aarren Commission * t30icall3
fo%nd no e1idence of or-aniation. 6ohn McCone 2as C?A @irector at
the time of the >enned3 assassination.
The Christo0her Commission8 or-anied b3 #ecretar3 of #tate Aarren
Christo0her to in1esti-ate the (.A. riots8 2o%ld ma)e similar findin-s8
this time la3in- the blame on (.A.'s street -an-s * the Cri0s and the
Bloods. Christo0her is an attorne3 for ?BM and (oc)heed Cor0.8 closel3
ali-ned 2ith the C?A.
The >ent #tate riots of 1,&. are another interestin- e:am0le. As one
st%dent recalled on a >+F> radio inter1ie25 DThe R/TC b%ildin- is abo%t
2.. feet from the 0olice station8 ri-ht across the co%rt3ard. All these
self-st3led re1ol%tionaries 2ho 2ere b%rnin- do2n the R/TC b%ildin-
took AF minutes to get it started. All the time8 the 0olice ne1er
attem0ted to sto0 them. ?n fact8 it 2as almost as if the3 wanted them
to b%rn do2n the R/TC b%ildin-.
From this 0oint on8 the3 %sed this as an e:c%se to sto0 the mo1ement
that st%dents 2ere in1ol1ed in * the massi1e o00osition to the 2ar in
The Aatts %0risin- also sa2 a shar0 increase in domestic 0olice and
militar3 intelli-ence -atherin-8 and -a1e rise to modern la2-
enforcement tactics s%ch as the #AAT team. 41er since the riots8
2rites former $C(A 0rofessor @onald Freed8 Ddomestic co%nter-
ins%r-enc3 has become a '-ro2th ind%str3.' Fort3 tho%sand fast-
-ro2in- 0olice a-encies8 containin- more than 4..8... men and
2omen8 are becomin- chief c%stomers for man3 defense ind%str3
The sit%ation 2o%ld be re0eated in (os An-eles8 2here the riots
0resented a 0rime o00ort%nit3 for the r%lin- elite to 0%t 1.8... troo0s8
incl%din- 18!.' Marines and 28.23 B?s on the streets of an American
cit3 2hile 0racticin- F4MA-st3le martial la2.
#ho%ld a sit%ation s%ch as (e1ine refers to act%all3 ta)e 0lace8 the first
to be DdetainedD 2o%ld be those 2ho o00ose the c%rrent s3stem *
dissidents8 radicals8 and 0rimaril38 those in the +atriotRMilitia
mo1ement. The mo1ement re0resents a threat to the e:istin- 0o2er
str%ct%re in the same 2a3 that the Anti-Aar mo1ement re0resented a
threat to the militar3-ind%strial establishment8 or the #andinistas and
the FM(N re0resented a threat to their $.#.-bac)ed fascist dictators.
$sed to 1ie2in- challen-es to its a%thorit3 on an co%nterins%r-enc3
model8 the r%lin- elite re-ard the +atriotRMilitia mo1ement alon- the
same lines.
#%ch co%nterins%r-enc3 trainin- ori-inated in <ietnam %nder the
infamo%s +hoeni: +ro-ram of C?A @irector Ailliam Colb3 and Ted
#hac)le3. Not s%r0risin-l38 #hac)le3 %ses e:am0les s%ch as +hoeni:
and the later-da3 death s9%ads of (atin America as s0lendid e:am0les
of ho2 to c%rb an Dins%r-enc3.D #hac)le3 refers to the 0oor8 common
0eo0le of these co%ntries as little more than sinister ins%r-ents o%t to
destro3 all 1esti-es of democrac38 2hen in fact8 an3 sembla-e of
democrac38 if it e1er e:isted8 2o%ld be 9%ic)l3 e:tin-%ished to 0rotect
the interests of $.#. ind%strial cartels.
No2 o%r o2n democrac38 lar-el3 a sham to be-in 2ith8 is be-innin- to
follo2 the model of these third-2orld co%ntries. #hac)le3's DThird
/0tionD has become the model for the co%nterins%r-enc3 0ro-ram no2
bein- 2a-ed a-ainst the American 0eo0le. As 7a3es 2rites5
The ?m0erial #tate is 0lannin- for 2ar 2ith the American 0eo0le. ?t is
0lannin- to 2in that 2ar. There is no other 0ossible e:0lanation for the
frenied framin- of a fascist 0olice state.
The #hado2 Bo1ernment's 2illin-ness to )ill lar-e n%mbers of
forei-ners in its blood3 2ars and co1ert o0erations is no2 bein-
e:tended to the American 0eo0le8 as its -oals shift from controllin-
third-2orld 0o0%lations to controllin- American citiens. The same
techni9%es of 0ro0a-anda8 tort%re8 and other coercion that 2as field-
tested b3 the C?A a-ainst DComm%nistsD and other ins%r-ents in #o%th
and Central America 2ill %ltimatel3 be %sed on American citiens as
the $.#. mo1es closer and closer 0oliticall3 and economicall3 to its
third-2orld co%sins.
A #0ecial Forces combat 1eteran 2ho coached desert 2arfare e:ercises
said8 1er3 matter-of-factl38 that s%ch trainin- 2o%ld be %sed on
American citiens. D? don't )no2 J2henK8D he said8 Db%t sooner or later8
it's ine1itable.D
As nationalism becomes less and less the definin- factor8 the ethical
and moral e9%ation shifts 2ith it. ?t is a short lea0 from rationaliin-
the )illin- of h%ndreds of tho%sands or e1en millions of forei-ners to
)illin- a fe2 h%ndred or a fe2 tho%sand Americans8 if the 0olic3
obNecti1es deems it necessar3. These deaths are sim0l3 1ie2ed as
Dcollateral dama-eD b3 the r%lin- elite.
Ahile this ma3 so%nd li)e a drastic conce0t8 the basic idea %nderl3in-
it is the same. Bo1ernments need to control their 0eo0le. ?n (atin
America8 Red China8 T%r)e38 and ?ndonesia8 the3 do it thro%-h
re0ressi1e la2s8 incarceration8 tort%re8 and death s9%ads. ?n Dci1iliedD
co%ntries s%ch as the $nited #tates8 the techni9%es are the same8 the3
onl3 differ in the de-ree that the3 are %sed.
#%ch techni9%es 2ere %sed at Aaco. ?n an attem0t to demoralie
Ch%rch members8 bri-ht li-hts8 reli-io%s chants8 so%nds of d3in-
animals8 and Ch%rch members' o2n 1oices 2ere blasted at the
com0o%nd 24 ho%rs-a-da3. The D6%sticeD @e0artment bro%-ht in @r. ?-or
#mirno18 a R%ssian s0ecialist at the Mosco2 Medical Academ38 to st%d3
>oresh's mind and de1ise a00ro0riate mind-control techni9%es. ?t 2as
also re0orted that %ltra-lo2 fre9%enc3 so%nd 2a1es8 2hich ca%se
na%sea8 irritabilit3 and other 0h3sical s3m0toms8 2ere em0lo3ed. FB?
a-ents 2ho 2ere 0rone to %sin- more basic techni9%es 2o%ld h%rl
Dflash-ban-D -renades into the co%rt3ard8 terroriin- the 2omen and
After the Branch @a1idians 2ere a00ro0riatel3 demonied b3 a
com0lient mass-media8 the FB? rolled in 2ith tan)s and hi-l3-flamable
C#-sas ;2hich 2as banned b3 the Bene1a Con1ention as too inh%mane
to be %sed on 8oreign enemies=8 and massacred '" men8 2omen8 and
Ahile American citiens 2ere bein- r%thlessl3 sla%-htered b3 o%t-of-
control federal a-ents8 the national ne2s media fed %s the banall3
re0etitio%s soa0 o0era drama of a former football 0la3er acc%sed of
m%rderin- his e:-2ife8 2hich 0la3ed itself o%t in endless tal) sho2s8
tabloid Dne2sD 0ro-rams8 and ma-aine articles for o1er t2o 3ears *
2hile the br%tal massacre of '" American citiens b3 l%natic Dla2-
enforcementD 0ersonnel 2as mar-inalied as a relati1el3 %nim0ortant
Ahat the +l%tocrac3 re1ealed in that case is that the American 0eo0le
co%ld be 0ers%aded * thro%-h -o1ernment disinformation and a
s%bser1ient media ;and their o2n st%0idit3= * that the massacre 2as
DN%stifiable.D 7o2 man3 Americans can be heard 0arrotin- the official
-o1ernment line 2hen as)ed abo%t AacoH The Branch @a1idians 2ere
Dreli-io%s n%ts8D or D2hac)os8D 2e are told8 and hence deser1ed their
fate * to be tort%red8 -assed8 shot8 and b%rned to death * 2omen8
children8 0ets and all.
Ahat is 0ainf%ll3 clear b3 these e:am0les is that Ted #hac)le3's DThird
/0tion8D ori-inall3 a model for co%nterins%r-enc3 a-ainst the third-
2orld8 is no2 bein- 0%t to the test in the $.#. * a 0ro-ram of
co%nterins%r-enc3 a-ainst the American 0eo0le.
Ahile the $.#. escalates in its %se of re0ressi1e la2s8 im0risonment8
tort%re8 and m%rder8 the main tool has al2a3s been 0ro0a-anda8 in the
form of the cor0orate-controlled 0ress.
As #hac)le3 2rites5
There are cases in 2hich a ca%se s%00orted8 a ne2s0a0er cam0ai-n
initiated8 or a 0artic%lar candidate enco%ra-ed in an election co%ld
mean ;and in the 0ast has meant= that the crisis in 2hich o%r 1ital
interests mi-ht be at sta)e ne1er arises.
Adol0h 7itler e:0ressed similar sentiments in $ein :amp8' DThe tas) of
0ro0a-anda liesL in directin- the masses to2ards certain facts8
e1ents8 necessities8 etc.8 the 0%r0ose bein- to mo1e their
im0ortance into the masses' field of 1ision.LD
(t. Col. Michael A9%ino * a $.#. Arm3 mind-control e:0ert * certainl3
has no a1ersion to 0racticin- the techni9%es %tilied b3 the Nais. The
self-a1o2ed #atanist ;and re0orted head of the C?A's /0eration
M/NARC78 2hich %tilies children for mind-control=8 once 0erformed a
#atanic rit%al in the 7all of the @ead at Berman3's Aest0halian castle.
The site 2as an occ%lt sanct%ar3 for 7enrich 7immler's ## elite.
the )an Francisco Examiner re0orted5
JAK9%ino once %r-ed the +enta-on8 in a contro1ersial 0s3cholo-ical
2arfare st%d3 entitled DMind Aar8D to o1er2helm enemies b3
mobiliin- e1er3 means of domestic and forei-n 0ro0a-anda8 incl%din-
brain2ashin- the $.#. 0%blic.
#%ch techni9%es 2ere certainl3 em0lo3ed in /)lahoma8 2here a
massi1e 0ro0a-anda cam0ai-n acc%sin- Timoth3 Mc<ei-h of the
bombin- and lin)in- him to the Militia Mo1ement led to the 0assa-e of
the Anti-Terrorism Bill.
The Anti-Terrorism Bill8 and the Crime Bills introd%ced conc%rrentl38
0ermit an increasin-l3 o00ressi1e Federal Bo1ernment to maintain an
%n0recedented le1el of control o1er the American 0eo0le.
4nsconced in the Anti-Terrorism Bill's cr30tic lan-%a-e are 0ro1isions
2hich 2o%ld allo2 the +resident and the 6%stice @e0artment to define
2hich -ro%0s are s%bNect to the increasin-l3 broad definition of
Dterrorist.D ?t 2o%ld allo2 e:0anded %se of 2ireta0s and allo2 ille-all3-
seied e1idence to be %sed in co%rt. ?t 2o%ld 0ermit federal and local
0olice a-encies to trace financial information 2itho%t obtainin-
e1idence of a crime. ?t 2o%ld allo2 e:0anded %se of c%rrent la2s
0rohibitin- f%nd-raisin- for terrorist or-aniations8 denial of 1isas8
increased coo0eration 2ith other -o1ernments on mone3 la%nderin-
and asset sei%res. ?t 2o%ld 0ermit Dno-)noc)D searches in certain
cases. And it 2o%ld allo2 the militar3 to inter1ene in certain domestic
sit%ations deemed a national sec%rit3 threat.
?n short8 it -%ts the First8 Fo%rth8 Fifth8 #i:th8 and 4i-hth Amendments
to the Constit%tion8 la3s the frame2or) for an entrenched 0olice state8
and -i1es the Federal Bo1ernment f%ll 0o2er to tar-et any&ody 2ho is
deemed a threat to its a%thorit3.
Aith the bombin- accom0anied b3 1.. times more foota-e abo%t dead
children than the media m%stered for Aaco8 it 2asn't hard to con1ince
a -%llible 0%blic abo%t the DthreatsD 0osed b3 militias. Ahile the final
1ersion rammed thro%-h Con-ress 2as 2atered do2n some2hat8 it
2as N%st the be-innin- of a 2a1e of Danti-militiaD le-islation introd%ced
in the 2a)e of the bombin-.
No do%bt8 f%t%re en-ineered Dacts of terrorismD 2ill ser1e to
reinstate the deleted 0ro1isions of the Anti-Terrorism Bill.
/n No1ember 28 Re0resentati1e Charles #ch%mer ;@-NC= introd%ced
7.R. 2!'.8 his attem0t to Dcleanse the illness of 1iolent e:tremismD
from America's 0olitical c%lt%re b3 o%tla2in- militias.
7.R. 2!'. follo2ed on the heels of its sister bill8 7.R. 1!448 the
D@omestic ?ns%r-enc3 Act8D introd%ced b3 Re0resentati1e Nadler. The
@omestic ?ns%r-enc3 Act 0%r0orts to 0re1ent t2o or more indi1id%als
from en-a-in- in an3 0aramilitar3 -ro%0 2ho 0ossess Dan3 2ea0ons
ca0able of ca%sin- death or inN%r3 2ith the intention to %nla2f%ll3
o00ose the a%thorit3 of the $nited #tates.D #%ch a 0aramilitar3 -ro%0
co%ld concei1abl3 incl%de a 0air of senior citiens 2ith #2iss Arm3
)ni1es at a ch%rch 0icnic disc%ssin- their %nha00iness 2ith the #ocial
#ec%rit3 Administration.
?n this sense8 the /mnib%s Anti-Terrorism Bill can be seen as little more
than an D4nablin- (a28D similar to 7itler's re0ressi1e le-islation that
allo2ed the Berman -o1ernment to o1erride their o2n constit%tional
Not s%r0risin-l38 it 2as #hac)le3 2ho first recommended the concept
of an Anti-Terrorism Bill5
"uide go,ernments in the preparation o8 anti terrorist laws. Ahen the
cadre 0hase be-ins to %nfold8 man3 co%ntries find the3 do not ha1e
la2s on the boo)s to deal 2ith the threatL. it is better to be able to
arrest and con1ict s%b1ersi1es on the basis of a law then on an
e:ec%ti1e order. ?f s%ch la2s cannot be 0assed e:0editio%sl38 the 0art3
in 0o2er sho%ld mo%nt an ed%cation cam0ai-n to rall3 0%blic o0inion
on behalf of their enactment.
#ince #hac)le3 2as the first to come %0 2ith the conce0t of an Anti-
Terrorism Bill8 and since he 2as also one of the first to r%n a maNor C?A-
sanctioned dr%--r%nnin- o0eration8 one co%ld effecti1el3 ar-%e that
the controls offered b3 the Anti-Terrorism Bill 2ill -o a lon- 2a3 to2ards
assistin- these bands of co1ert o0erators and international criminals in
their ille-al enter0rises.
The Beneral #er1ices Administration8 for e:am0le8 noted that the
@i-ital Tele0hon3 Bill 2o%ld Dma)e it easier for criminals8 terrorists8
forei-n intelli-ence and com0%ter hac)ers to electronicall3 0enetrate
the 0%blic net2or) and 0r3 into areas 0re1io%sl3 not o0en to
snoo0in-.D /ne onl3 need loo) at the acti1ities of Case38 #hac)le38
Armita-e8 and North8 et al.8 and the blan)et of Dnational sec%rit3D the3
o0erated %nder8 to realie the sta--erin- im0lications of this.
+resident Rea-an's 4:ec%ti1e /rder 12333 also assisted in this
de1elo0ment b3 0ermittin- the D0ri1atiin-D of intelli-ence -atherin-.
Not s%r0risin-l38 #hac)le38 Case38 and B%sh attended the @ecember
!8 1,'. meetin- to draft 4./. 123338 2hich states5
A-encies 2ithin the ?ntelli-ence Comm%nit3 are a%thoried to enter
into contracts or arran-ements for the 0ro1ision of -oods or ser1ices
2ith 0ri1ate com0anies or instit%tions in the $nited #tates and need
not re1eal the s0onsorshi0 of s%ch contracts or arran-ements for
a%thoried intelli-ence 0%r0oses.L
Not that the -o1ernment needed a ne2 la2 to cond%ct its criminal
acti1ities * it sim0l3 codified 2hat had alread3 been established. B3
0ri1atiin- co1ert o0erations8 the -o1ernment -ets to maintain
D0la%sible deniabilit3.D
Front-com0anies s%ch as 4AT#C/8 #tanford Technolo-ies8
?ntercontential ?nd%stries8 4-#3stems8 #o%thern Air Trans0ort8 and a
be2ilderin- arra3 of others8 allo2 the /cto0%s to ma)e lar-e amo%nts
of mone3 2hile 0ro1idin- the +l%tocrac3 2ith an Doff the shelfD
ca0abilit3 to cond%ct co1ert o0erations8 2hile at the same time8
s)irtin- Con-ressional o1ersi-ht. As former C?A a-ent <ictor Marchetti
Aith the coo0eration of an ac9%iescent8 ill-informed Con-ress8 and the
enco%ra-ement and assistance of a series of +residents8 the c%lt has
b%ilt a 2all of la2s and e:ec%ti1e orders aro%nd the C?A and itself8 a
2all that has bloc)ed effecti1e 0%blic scr%tin3.
/ne e:am0le is the sec%rit3 firm Aac)enh%t8 2hich b%ilt dossiers on
Americans s%s0ected of bein- Comm%nists or (eft-leanin-
Ds%b1ersi1es8D incl%din- anti-2ar 0rotesters and ci1il-ri-hts
demonstrators. As Fran) @onner 2rites in (he Age o8 )ur,eillance'
B3 1,"!8 Aac)enh%t 2as boastin- to 0otential in1estors that the
com0an3 maintained files on 2.! million s%s0ected dissidents * one in
4" American ad%lts then li1in-. in 1,""L Aac)enh%t co%ld confidentl3
maintain that 2ith more than 4 million names8 it had the lar-est
0ri1atel3 held file on s%s0ected dissidents in America.
Ailliam Corbett8 an 1'-3ear C?A 1eteran told 6ohn Connoll3 2ritin- in
the #e0tember8 1,,2 iss%e of )py8 DFor 3ears Aac)enh%t has been
in1ol1ed 2ith the C?A and other intelli-ence or-aniations8 incl%din-
the @4A. Aac)enh%t 2o%ld allo2 the C?A to occ%03 0ositions 2ithin the
com0an3 Jin order to carr3 o%tK clandestine o0erations.D /ther former
a-ents and o0erati1es confirmed Corbett's statement. DAhen the3 Jthe
C?AK need co1er8 Aac)enh%t is there to 0ro1ide it for them8D said
former C?A contract em0lo3ee Richard Baba3an. +hilli0 A-ee8 a former
C?A a-ent 2ho 2rote his e:0osX8 Inside the *ompany in 1,&!8 told )py8
D? don't ha1e the sli-htest do%bt that the C?A and Aac)enh%t o1erla0.D
The 0ri1ate Dsec%rit3D a-enc3's board of directors reads li)e a Aho's
Aho of the intelli-ence comm%nit3. Former FB? @irector Clarence >ell38
former C?A @irector Ailliam Rabor8 and former @e0%t3 C?A @irectors
Fran) Carl%cci and Bobb3 Ra3 ?nman ;of 4-#3stems8 another 9%asi-
ci1ilian co1ert contractor=8 are all feat%red 0rominentl3 on the
com0an3's membershi0 roster. Also ta)in- a s0ecial 0lace on the
Aac)enh%t board 2as one Ailliam Case38 the former C?A @irector 2ho
had a 0rocli1it3 for e:trale-al co1ert o0erations s%ch as ?ran-Contra.
(i)e 4-#3stems and Continental #helf8 Aac)enh%t 2as dee0l3
enmeshed in co1ert technolo-ical 0roc%rement and m%rder-for-hire8
incl%din- the 1,'2 assassination of Cabaon tribal leader Fred Al1ara
and his t2o com0anions. Al1ara had made the mista)e of criticiin-
Aac)enh%t o0erations8 be-%n in 1,&, b3 a s0oo) named 6ohn +hili0
The -oals of these D#ecret TeamsD nat%rall3 o1erla0 2ith the a-endas
of the cor0orate-financial elite. DJRo3K Bodson estimates that
international crime -ro%0s o%t0erform most Fort%ne !.. com0anies.
The3 deli1er dr%-s8 ille-al aliens8 and la%ndered mone38 and 0ro1ide
ser1ices li)e 1iolence and e:tortion * all 2ith or-aniations that
resemble Beneral Motors more than the3 resemble the traditional
#icilian Mafia.D Bodson sho%ld )no2. As a member of the National
#trate-3 ?nformation Center8 fo%nded b3 former C?A @irector Ailliam
Case38 Bodson hel0ed /li1er North raise f%nds for the dr%--r%nnin-
Another e:am0le of the s3mbiotic relationshi0 bet2een the 0ri1ate
sector and the co1ert comm%nit3 is +ere-rine ?nternational in @allas8
Te:as. Fo%nded b3 B%3 #. 7o2ard and Ronald R. T%c)er8 +ere-rine 2as
most recentl3 r%n b3 Beor-e +etrie8 a 1eteran the Arm3's secret @elta-
Force. +etrie told the allas $orning +ews that his com0an3 Dcons%ltsD
2ith forei-n -o1ernments on terrorism. +etrie dis0la3s 0ict%res of him
2ith Beor-e B%sh and other 0rominent 0oliticians.
As re0orted in the Philadelphia In;uirer8 +ere-rine cond%cted co1ert
o0s 2ith @efense @e0artment a00ro1al from 1,'1 %ntil 1,'48 2hen the
com0an3 folded ;altho%-h Te:as #ecretar3 of #tate records indicate the
com0an3 2as still acti1e as of 1,,"=. As the In;uirer 2rote5
The com0an3 hired both retired and acti1e d%t3 militar3 0ersonnel on
lea1e to act as D-%nsD * -%3s 2ho had no 9%alms abo%t blo2in-
0eo0le a2a3. Their assassination tar-ets incl%de 0lannin- to )ill dr%-
sm%--lers in +er%8 7ond%ras8 Belie8 and Caribbean nationsG armed
and train Contras8 and arm and train official militar3 commando %nits
in 4l #al1ador8 7ond%ras and +er%.
Aas +ere-rine's 0lan to )ill dr%- sm%--lers 0art of a 0ro-ram to clean
%0 the dr%- tradeH /r 2as it an e:tension of #hac)le3's 0ro-ram to
eliminate the C?A's heroin com0etition8 as it had in (aosH
+erha0s that is 2hat Timoth3 Mc<ei-h's letter ;abo%t bein- recr%ited
for a Co1ert Tactical $nit= meant abo%t Deliminatin- the com0etition.D
Na13 #4A( Team commander Robert 7%nt8 2ho %sed to teach
assassination teams for the C?A8 described the acti1ities of AN<8 2hich
ser1ed as an %mbrella for +ere-rine. As Rodne3 #tich 2rites in
e8rauding America'
#hareholders in the com0an3 2ere 0resent and former C?A 0ersonnel8
re0ortedl3 in1ol1ed in some as0ect of C?A-related dr%- traffic)in-. The3
incl%ded8 for instance8 Theodore #hac)le38 2ho 2as hea1il3 in1ol1ed in
the C?A Far 4ast dr%- traffic)in- and then in the dr%- traffic)in- from
Central and #o%th AmericaL. 7%nt stated there 2ere n%mero%s ties
bet2een the -ro%0s and the Richard #ecord-Theodore #hac)le3-and
Thomas Clines Associates8 all of 2hom 2ere re0ortedl3 associated 2ith
the o0i%m trade and assassination 0ro-ram in (aos.
AN< is the Daction armD of Continental #helf Associates ;formerl3 +err3
#%bmarinesR+err3 /ff-#hore= of 6%0iter8 Florida. A former C?A
0ro0rietar38 it 2as o0erated b3 Robert D#tretchD #te1ens8 2ho had
ser1ed as #hac)le3's Maritime /0erations Chief from the Ba3 of +i-s to
#o%th 4ast Asia ;#hac)le3 sits on the board of C#A=. ?n this re-ard8 the
acti1ities of or-aniations li)e AN< and +ere-rine are no different than
those of -ro%0s li)e the C?A's old YRRR?F(48 set %0 to assassinate Fidel
Castro and Che B%e1era.
AN< ;also )no2n as the DFish FarmD= s0ecialies in trainin- forei-n
nationals for commando-t30e mercenar3 o0erations and assassinations
* rented to 1ario%s -ro%0s and -o1ernments aro%nd the 2orld. /n the
board of AN< is Bill 7amilton8 former @irector of Na13 s0ecial
o0erations 2ho attem0ted to establish the D+hoeni: Battalion8D a
0ri1atel3-f%nded8 co1ert -ro%0 that 2o%ld la%nch D0reem0ti1e stri)esD
a-ainst or-aniations it defined as Dterrorist.D
Co%ld 7%ssain al-7%ssaini and his associates ha1e been some of the
forei-n nationals trained b3 AN<H
Accordin- to Aheaton8 this same -ro%0 of co1ert o0erators controls a
secret base on Andros ?sland in the Bahamas o0erated b3 the s%0er-
secret NR/ ;National Reconnaissance /ffice=8 the $#MC8 and the Na13.
Named A$T4C8 it is an %nder-ro%ndR%nder2ater com0%teried facilit3
for trac)in- both friendl3 and enem3 shi0s and s%bs. Aheaton claims
that an Dille-al secret o0eration b%ried 2ithin the com0le: is a co1ert
intelli-ence 0roNect8 database and o0eration directed against the
ci,ilian population o8 the 5nited )tates.CD
Aheaton claims the facilit3 Dis central control for Ted #hac)le3's 'Third
/0tion' and the 0roNect to create domestic %nrest8 chaos8 and the
ill%sion of a domestic terrorist threat 2ithin America.D
Ahile o0erations from s%0er-secret hi-h-tech bases ma3 so%nd li)e
the st%ff of ?an Flemmin- no1els8 #hac)le3 alle-edl3 directed the
o1erthro2 of A%stralia's +rime Minister Bo%-h Ahitlam * the first
(abor +rime Minister in o1er t2o decades * from the s%0er-secret +ine
Ba0 facilit3 r%n b3 the C?A. As the #heehan Affida1it states5
/n No1ember 28 1,&!8 Ahitlam 0%blicl3 acc%sed the C?A of s%bsidiin-
his o00osition8 and named National Co%ntr3 +art3 chief @o%- Anthon3
as a collaborator. The Ne:t da38 the Australian Financial .e,iew
re0orted that the s%0er-secret $.#.-A%stralian Ds0ace st%d3 stationD in
A%stralia8 )no2n as +ine Ba08 2as act%all3 a C?A electronic intelli-ence
facilit3. The article also identified Richard #tallin-s8 former director of
+ine Ba0 and friend of Anthon38 as a C?A a-ent. +ine Ba0's tr%e
f%nction shoc)ed not onl3 the A%stralian 0%blic8 b%t also to0
-o1ernment officials8 incl%din- the +rime Minister.L
The corollar3 bet2een the sit%ation in the $.#. and that in A%stralia
ma3 be si-nificant8 since that co%ntr3 is no2 %nder-oin- 2holesale -%n
confiscation of its citienr3 %nder D/0eration Cabin Thr%stD * the first
ste0 to total control of its 0o0%lation.
?n the +hili00ines8 Danti-terrorismD le-islation has alread3 been 0assed8
f%rther restrictin- 0eo0les' ri-hts. ?n 4n-land8 la2s mandatin-
2holesale hand-%n confiscation ha1e recentl3 been im0lemented.
+rimaril3 tar-eted is America8 Dland of the free8D as ne2 restrictions on
0ri1ac38 free s0eech8 and self-defense are in1o)ed in the 2a)e of the
Aorld Trade Center and /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-s.
Ybi-nie2 Breins)38 4:ec%ti1e @irector of the Trilateral Commission
and National #ec%rit3 Ad1isor to 6imm3 Carter Jand fo%r other
0residentsK8 e:0lained it best5 DThe technotronic era in1ol1es the
-rad%al a00earance of a more controlled societ3. #%ch a societ3 2o%ld
be dominated b3 an elite8 %nrestrained b3 traditional 1al%es.D
The reader has alread3 been -i1en a -lim0se of this DeliteD and their
so-called D1al%es.D @ominatin- societ3 2ill be a +l%tocrac3 controllin-
e1er3thin- from 0olitics and media8 ed%cation8 commerce and ind%str38
e1en 0ri1ate 0ro0ert3. #%ch 0lans calls for more -o1ernmental
0ro-rams8 more -o1ernmental controls8 and more and more
-o1ernment-im0osed order.
Carol 6. W%i-le38 former +rofessor of ?nternational Affairs at Beor-eto2n
$ni1ersit3 and Bill Clinton's mentor8 -ras0ed the /r2ellian im0lications
of this o1er 3. 3ears a-o. As W%i-le3 obser1es in (ragedy and Hope'
DJThe indi1id%al'sK freedom and choice 2ill be controlled 2ithin 1er3
narro2 alternati1es b3 the fact that he 2ill be n%mbered from birth and
follo2ed8 as a n%mber8 thro%-h his ed%cational trainin-8 his re9%ired
militar3 or other 0%blic ser1ice8 his ta: contrib%tions8 his health and
medical re9%irements8 and his final retirement and death benefits.D
$tiliin- their minions in the media and the al0habet so%0 of federal
a-encies * the FB?8 ATF8 @4A8 C?A8 N#A8 ?R#8 ?N#8 F@A8 B(M8 F?NC4N8
and F4MA * the elite see) total control o1er o%r famil38 o%r health8 o%r
finances8 o%r ed%cation8 o%r tho%-hts8 and %ltimatel38 o%r 1er3 li1es.
Ahat is so%-ht is nothin- less than a -lobal 0lantation r%n b3 the
transnational cor0orate elite * a modern da3 form of 2orld-2ide
To accom0lish their nefario%s ends8 co1ert intelli-ence o0erations8
hi-hl3 so0histicated 0ro0a-anda efforts8 and a reor-aniation of the
la2-enforcement comm%nit3 is bein- combined 2ith s%btle and
in1asi1e le-islati1e chan-es8 all lar-el3 %nnoticed b3 0%blic e3es.
- %trategy of Tension
"(he *hickens are coming home to roost." * Malcolm E
(i)e the Reischta- fire8 the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin- ser1ed as the
catal3st to im0ose a ne2 2a1e of draconian le-islation on the
American 0eo0le.
The bombin- also do1etailed 0erfectl3 2ith the 0olic3 of blamin- 0re-
arran-ed -ro%0s8 de1elo0ed in earl3 1,'.s b3 the C?A's <ince
Cannistraro 2or)in- in tandem 2ith /li1er North to de1elo0 the 0olic3
that 2as %sed to di1ert attention onto (ib3a in the (oc)erbie bombin-.
The C?A had established a 0recedent for s%ch 0olicies more than fort3
3ears a-o in ?tal3 and Breece8 2hen the /## inter1ened in those
co%ntries' elections b3 s%00ortin- fascist collaborators 2ho 2o%ld
attac) the 0o0%lation and disr%0t 0olitical 0roceedin-s. Thro%-h
/0eration #744+#>?N8 the C?A 2or)ed 2ith former Nai collaborators in
Breece to instit%te a cam0ai-n of blac) 0ro0a-anda8 terrorist bombin-s
and other 0ro1ocations to be blamed on the (eft8 res%ltin- in a fascist
co%0 and the m%rder and re0ression of tho%sands.
The C?A hel0ed create a D#trate-3 of TensionD in ?tal3 thro%-h
collaboration 2ith the Mafia8 corr%0t ?talian secret ser1ices8 and
fascists 2or)in- thro%-h Masonic Mafia-lin)ed societies s%ch as (icio
Belli's +ro0a-anda @%e ;+2 (od-e=. Belli ;A>A5 the D+%00et MasterD=
had been friends 2ith fascists s%ch as ?talian @ictator Benito M%ssolini8
Croatia's @r +a1lic8 and 6%an +eron of Ar-entina8 and had also fo%-ht
2ith the fascist ?talian Blac)shirt di1ision d%rin- the #0anish Ci1il Aar.
Belli's +2 and elements 2ithin the <atican ;s%ch as Father >r%Nosla1
@ra-ono1ic8 a Croatian Catholic 0riest * one of man3 2ho had hel0ed
the C?A e:0ort Nai 2ar criminals o%t of Berman3 thro%-h its Rat
(ines=8 2or)in- in conN%nction 2ith the C?A8 ali-ned itself 2ith
criminals8 corr%0t 0olice8 and hi-h -o1ernment officials to discredit the
emer-in- :eft and sta-e a fascist co%0. DThe <atican's fear 2as clear5
Comm%nism 0osed a threat to its reli-io%s8 0olitical8 and economic
/n behalf of democrac38 the Mafia enlisted as their a-ent #al1atore
Bi%liano. 7e and his co%sin Bas0ere +isciotta led their men into +ortella
della Binestra. Aitho%t 0reN%dice8 the3 shot and )illed a doen 0eo0le
and 2o%nded more than fift3 others. Ne2 elections 2ere held8 and the
Christian @emocratic 0art3 2on a reso%ndin- 1ictor3. (ater8 at the
orders of the Mafia8 +isciotta m%rdered #al1atore Bi%liano. At his trial8
Bas0ere +isciotta said of the massacre8 DAe 2ere a sin-le bod35
bandits8 0olice8 and Mafia8 li)e the Father8 the #on8 and the 7ol3
+2 * essentiall3 a Ri-ht-2in- 0arallel -o1ernment8 2as ali-ned 2ith a
s%0er-secret ?talian or-aniation called ?l Bladio * set %0 in 1,!" 2ith
the hel0 of British ?ntelli-ence and the C?A. Bladio 2as 0art and 0arcel
of M?! and the C?A's 1,4' efforts to establish a 4%ro0ean D#ta3 BehindD
net2or) of -%errilla fi-hters 2ho 2o%ld cond%ct co1ert o0erations after
a #o1iet in1asion * %sin- arms and e:0losi1es 2hich had been
0re1io%sl3 cached.
This net2or) 2as concei1ed b3 the $.#. 6oint Chiefs of #taff8 and
or-anied b3 the N#C8 2hich set %0 the /ffice of +olic3 Co-ordination to
r%n it8 staffed and f%nded b3 the C?A. (i)e /0eration #744+#>?N8 most
of the so-called Dfreedom fi-htersD it recr%ited 2ere little more than
fascist collaborators from AA??. And li)e the Nai or-aniation /@4##A
2ith 2hich it often collaborated8 its tentacles e:tended thro%-ho%t
4%ro0e and (atin America8 and e1en the $nited #tates.
Ahile the main foc%s of Bladio 2as to resist a 0otential #o1iet in1asion8
its fascist roots and 1iolent histor3 indicate it has ser1ed mainl3 as a
0olic3 instr%ment to resist internal s%b1ersion * thro%-h terrorist
means. This -oal 2as re1ealed in a briefin- min%te of 6%ne 18 1,!,8
2hich stated Bladio's concern 2ith Dinternal s%b1ersionD and it's
determination to 0la3 a role in the D0olitics of emer-enc3.D This
emer-enc3 2o%ld come abo%t d%rin- the 1,".s and 1,&.s 2ith the
emer-ence of the anti-Ca0italist mo1ement8 and the shift from the
Center to the (eft b3 the r%lin- Christian @emocratic +art3.
The co1ert obNecti1es of Bladio 2ere to s0read 0anic and %nrest
thro%-h the im0lementation of Dterrorist o%tra-es8D and also to directl3
attac) the (eft in an attem0t to 0ro1o)e them into an armed res0onse.
The 0%r0ose of this strate-3 2as to demonie the (eft and isolate them
from 0o0%lar s%00ort8 2hile 0ro1idin- an e:c%se to c%rtain ci1il
liberties. As a 1,", memo from A-inter +ress8 a fascist front -ro%08
/%r belief is that the first 0hase of 0olitical acti1it3 o%-ht to be to
create the conditions fa1o%rin- the installation of chaos in all of the
re-ime's str%ct%res. This sho%ld necessaril3 be-in 2ith the
%nderminin- of the state econom3 so as to arri1e at conf%sion
thro%-ho%t the 2hole le-al a00arat%s. This leads on to a sit%ation of
stron- 0olitical tension8 fear in the 2orld of ind%str3 and hostilit3
to2ards the -o1ernment and the 0olitical 0arties.L ?n o%r 1ie2 the first
mo1e 2e sho%ld ma)e is to destro3 the str%ct%re of the democratic
state8 %nder the co1er of comm%nist and 0ro-Chinese acti1ities.
Moreo1er8 2e ha1e 0eo0le 2ho ha1e infiltrated these -ro%0s and
ob1io%sl3 2e 2ill ha1e to tailor o%r actions to the ethos of the milie% *
0ro0a-anda and action of a sort 2hich 2ill seem to ha1e emanated
from o%r comm%nist ad1ersaries and 0ress%re bro%-ht to bear on
0eo0le in 2hom 0o2er is in1ested at e1er3 le1el. That 2ill create a
feelin- of hostilit3 to2ards those 2ho threaten the 0eo0le of each and
e1er3 nation8 and at the same time 2e m%st raise %0 a defender of the
citienr3 a-ainst the disinte-ration bro%-ht abo%t b3 terrorism and
Beneral Berardo #erra1alle8 head of D/ffice RD from 1,&1-1,&4 ;the
secret ser1ice office that controlled Bladio=8 re1ealed that at a Bladio
meetin- in 1,&28 at least half of the %00er echelons Dhad the idea of
attac)in- the Comm%nists &e8ore an in1asion. The3 2ere 0re0arin- for
ci1il 2ar.D
As the 1,", dis0atch added5
The introd%ction of 0ro1ocate%r elements into the circles of the
re1ol%tionar3 left is merel3 a reflection of the 2ish to 0%sh this
%nstable sit%ation to brea)in- 0oint and create a climate of chaosL
/ne earl3 Bladio-0reci0itated incident 2as the @ecember8 128 1,",
bombin- of the Banca Naionale del' A-ric%lt%ra in Milan's +iaa
Fontana. The attac) )illed 1" 0eo0le and 2o%nded ''. +olice
immediatl3 arrested and blamed anarchists. /ne anarchist leader8
Bi%se00e +inelli8 too) the fall for the bombin-8 literall38 2hen 0olice
tossed him o%t the 2indo2 of the local 0recinct head9%arters.
?n addition to this8 the +roc%rator Beneral of the Re0%blic8 @e +e00o8
ordered the one %ne:0loded bomb fo%nd in the 2rec)a-e to be
detonated immediatel3. As in /)lahoma8 the destr%ction of this
e1idence destro3ed the sin-le best chance at %nco1erin- the tr%e
0er0etrators of the deadl3 attac).
Ne1ertheless8 0olice e1ent%all3 disco1ered the real 0er0etrators * t2o
fascists5 Franco Freda and Bio1anni <ent%ra. <ent%ra8 it seems8 2as in
close contact 2ith Colonel B%ido Biannettinni of the #?@ ;0art of the
secret ser1ices=8 2ho 2as a fer1ent s%00orter of M#?. The trial of
<ent%ra and Freda 2as dela3ed for 12 3ears8 2hen the3 2ere finall3
-i1en life sentences8 onl3 to be cleared on a00eal.
Former Bladio a-ents also attrib%ted the 1,", +iaa Fontana
bombin- and the 1,&4 Jand s%bse9%ent 1,'.K Bolo-na bombin-s8
2hich res%lted in o1er 113 deaths and 1'! inN%red8 to +2. These
attac)s incl%de the Mafia's in1ol1ement in the Red Bri-ade's )idna0
and m%rder of ?talian +rime Minister Aldo Moro in 1,&'. The +2
or-aniation 2as also s%s0ected of the 1,&" assassination of ?talian
ma-istrate <ittoria /ccorsio. /ccorsio 2as in1esti-atin- +2 lin)s to
neo-Nai or-aniations at the time. 7is death con1enientl3 terminated
an3 f%rther in1esti-ation.
This Dstrate-3 of tension8D or-anied aro%nd a br%tal cam0ai-n of
terror and m%rder8 res%lted in the deaths of h%ndreds of 0eo0le d%rin-
the decades of the 1,&.s and ''.s. The 2a1e of terror led to the
se1ere restriction of ci1il ri-hts8 2ith the 1,&! la2 restrictin- 0o0%lar
cam0ai-nin- and radical 0olitical disc%ssion. Man3 0eo0le 2ere loc)ed
%0 %nder Danti-terroristD le-islation ;so%nd familiarH= or e:0elled from
the co%ntr3.
As the (eft ;the Red Bri-ades= resorted to armed str%--le to defend
themsel1es8 it onl3 stren-thened BladioR+2's 0osition. The Red
Bri-ades8 2hich had been s3stematicall3 infiltrated b3 the secret
ser1ices8 2ere re0eatedl3 blamed for the attac)s8 all the 2hile
%n)no2in-l3 ser1in- the a-enda of the fascist +2 establishment.
/ne %nfor-etable e:am0le of this 2a1e of terror 2as the Bolo-na
rail2a3 bombin- in 1,'.8 that )illed '. 0eo0le and inN%red o1er 1"..
Ahile re0ortedl3 masterminded b3 +2 members #tefano @elle Chiaie
and (icio Belli8 the attac) 2as blamed on the Red Bri-ades to discredit
the ?talian Comm%nist 0art3. Accordin- to a%thor #te1e Mirach5
#ome ?talian 0olitical anal3sts belie1e that +2 and D/rdine N%o1aD
;Ne2 /rder= ma3 ha1e coo0erated 2ith the C?A Jto bomb the rail2a3
stationK.L There are clearl3 o1erla00in- circles of membershi0
bet2een +28 the C?A8 and the >ni-hts of Malta8 a Dso1erei-n militar3
order descended from the >ni-hts of #t. 6ohn-7os0itallers8D and 2hose
membershi0 in the $.#. has incl%ded Bill Case38 Ale:ander 7ai-8 and
+rescott B%sh Jand re0ortedl3 Beor-e B%shK.
This co1ertl3-orchestrated Dstrate-3 of tensionD 2o%ld re0eat itself in
Bel-i%m in the mid-'.s8 in a biarre series of )illin-s called the
D#%0ermar)et Massacres8D in 2hich hooded -%nmen 2al)ed into
cro2ded s%0ermar)ets and be-an firin- a2a3. The massacres8
orchestrated b3 a -ro%0 callin- itself the D>illers of Brabant8D 2ere later
disco1ered to be lin)ed to Bel-i%m's Bladio %nit.
The #%0ermar)et massacres occ%rred d%rin- the 0eriod 2hen the $.#.
2as 0%shin- a 0lan to base the 4%ro-Missiles ;n%clear-ti00ed Cr%ise
missiles= in different 4%ro0ean co%ntries. The 0lan led to h%-e
demonstrations in 4%ro0e8 2ith certain co%ntries threatenin- to brea)
ran)s 2ith NAT/. Bel-i%m 2as one of those co%ntries. The Bel-ian
+arliament8 2hich in1esti-ated the incidents8 felt that the3 2ere
another attem0t to so2 conf%sion and fear amon- the 0o0%lace8
thereb3 -eneratin- 0%blic o%tcries for a la2-and-order -o1ernment
2hich 2o%ld be amenable to the 4%ro-Missles.
+roof s%rfaced 2hen a former -endarme8 Madani Bo%ho%che8 2ho
2or)ed for state sec%rit3 and 2as a member of a neo-Nai 0aramilitar3
-ro%0 Aestland Ne2 +ost ;AN+=8 2as arrested 2ith one of the m%rder
2ea0ons. The ne:t da38 Bo%ho%che's friend and fello2 Ri-ht-2in-
militant 6ean B%ltot fled to +ara-%a3 ;a 0o0%lar res0ite for Nais=. Ahile
in +ara-%a38 B%ltot admitted to Bel-ian No%rnalist RenX 7a9%in that the
)illin-s 2ere a state sec%rit3 destabiliation o0eration 2ith -o1ernment
0artici0ation Dat e1er3 le1el.D
/n 6an%ar3 2!8 1,''8 another former -endarme8 Robert Be3er8 2ho
0olice ca%-ht 2ith a file of state sec%rit3 a-ents and addresses of
-ara-es filled 2ith stolen arms8 stated on Bel-ian tele1ision that state
sec%rit3 had 0ro1ided the 2ea0ons %sed b3 the )illers.
/ne of the attac)s8 the 1,'2 bombin- of a #3na-o-%e on the R%e de la
RX-ence in Br%ssels8 2as lin)ed to a sec%rit3 -%ard for the Aac)enh%t
Cor0oration * Marcel Barbier. An ardent anti-#emite and member of
the AN+8 Barbier had been -%ardin- the s3na-o-%e 2hen it 2as
attac)ed. ?n A%-%st of 1,,38 0olice disco1ered 0lans of the s3na-o-%e
in Barbier's home8 2ith detailed 0oints of access. The Bel-ian director
of Aac)enh%t at the time 2as 6ean-Francis Calmette8 a member of the
The 0arallel to the 4%ro0ean D#trate-3 of TensionD is stri)in-l3 similar
to the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-. The $.#. establishment8 2hich has
so%-ht to demonie the +atriotRMilitia Mo1ement in the aftermath of
the attac)8 is follo2in- the e:act same 0ath that BladioR+2 follo2ed a
decade earlier. Their lin)s and associations to +2 ;2hich 2ill be detailed
in <ol%me T2o= ma)e the 0arallel all the more omino%s.
?n 1,,48 a car-bomb ble2 %0 a 6e2ish comm%nit3 center in B%enos
Aires8 )illin- '& 0eo0le. +olice blamed the attac) on %nnamed Arab
militants. Cet in 6%l3 of 1,,"8 Ar-entine a%thorities arrested 1& 0olice
officers in connection 2ith the attac).
/n /ctober 38 1,'. the +aris s3na-o-%e on r%e Co0ernic 2as bombed8
)illin- fo%r 0eo0le and inN%rin- 24 others. ?n media re0orts s%s0icio%sl3
similar to the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-8 it 2as anno%nced that DRi-ht-
2in-D e:tremists 2ere in1ol1ed. Cet French intelli-ence 0ointed fin-ers
at the Mossad. /ne French ?ntelli-ence re0ort stated5
/n A0ril "8 1,&,8 the same Mossad terror %nit no2 s%s0ected of the
Co0ernic%s carna-e ble2 %0 the hea1il3 -%arded 0lant of CN?M
ind%stries at (a #e3ne-s%r-Mer8 near To%lon8 in so%theast France8 2here
a consorti%m of French firms 2as b%ildin- a n%clear reactor for ?ra9.L
The Mossad salted the site of the CN?M bomb blast 2ith 'cl%es'
follo2ed %0 2ith anon3mo%s 0hone calls to 0olice * s%--estin- that
the sabota-e 2as the 2or) of a conser1ati1e en1ironmentalist -ro%0L.
T2o 3ears later8 si: 0eo0le 2ere )illed and 22 inN%red 2hen terrorists
attac)ed Boldenber-er's @eli in +aris. A-ain8 DRi-ht-2in- e:tremistsD
2ere blamed. ?m0licated in the attac) 2as one 6ean-Marc Ro%illan8
leader of a m3sterio%s (eft-2in- -ro%0 called @irect Action. Ahile the
real facts 2ere bein- co1ered %0 b3 the -o1ernment8 an-r3 French
intelli-ence officers * some 2ho had 9%it in dis-%st * decided to lea)
the stor3 to the Al-erian National Ne2s #er1ice. Ro%illan8 it t%rns o%t8
had been o0eratin- in the Mediterranean %nder the co1er name of
D#ebasD and had been lin)ed to the Mossad.
?ll%stratin- the conce0t of trained )illers 2ho 2or) on a Dneed-to-)no2D
basis8 former Mossad A-ent Ari Ben-Menashe describes ho2 Ab% Abbas
la%nched an attac) on the Bree) Cr%ise shi0 Achille 3auro in 1,'!.
Accordin- to Ben-Menashe8 Rafi 4itan8 the director of 3akam8 a s%0er-
secret a-enc3 in the ?sraeli Ministr3 of @efense8 -a1e orders to former
6ordanian Arm3 Colonel Mohammed Radi Abd%llah8
J(ibel - 13,1K
2ho 0assed
on instr%ctions to Ab%'l Abbas8 leader of the T%nis-based +(F8 2ho in
t%rn 2as recei1in- millions from ?sraeli intelli-ence officers 0osin- as
#icilian dons. Abbas' orders 2ere to Dma)e it loo) bad8D and to sho2
2hat a deadl38 c%tthroat b%nch the +alestinians 2ere.D The DterroristsD
com0lied b3 )illin- (eon >lin-hoffer8 an elderl3 6e2ish man in a
2heelchair8 then thro2in- his bod3 o1erboard. As Ben-Menashe states8
the entire o0eration 2as nothin- more than an D?sraeli 'blac)'
0ro0a-anda o0eration.D
Nidal be-an his lon- and blood3 career in the +(/8 onl3 to become a
bitter ri1al of Casser Arafat. ?t 2as a sit%ation that the ?sraeli Mossad8 in
a manner similar to their C?A co%sins8 2o%ld see) to e:0loit. As Middle
4ast e:0ert +atric) #eale 2rites5
?sraeli 0enetration of +alestinian or-aniations 2as common8 b%t it 2as
clearl3 not the 2hole stor3. Most intelli-ence so%rces ? cons%lted
a-reed that it 2as standard 0ractice to %se 0enetration a-ents not
sim0l3 to ne%tralie or destro3 the enem3 b%t to tr3 to mani0%late him
so that he did one's biddin- 2itho%t al2a3s bein- a2are of doin- so.L
Ahate1er Nobs JAb% NidalK mi-ht ha1e done for Arab s0onsors8 and
the3 had been n%mero%s and nast38 he had done man3 other Nobs from
2hich ?srael alone a00eared to benefit.D
Confirmin- #eale's theor3 are to0 Middle 4ast terrorism e:0erts8
incl%din- intelli-ence officers in Arab co%ntries8 and e1en 2ithin Ab%
Nidal's o2n or-aniation. /ne French terrorism e:0ert stated5 D?f Ab%
Nidal himself is not an ?sraeli a-ent8 then t2o or three of his senior
0eo0le most certainl3 are. Nothin- else can e:0lain some of his
A former senior 6ordanian intelli-ence officer said5 D#cratch aro%nd
inside Ab% Nidal's or-aniation and 3o% 2ill find Mossad.D
Bac)in- %0 these re0orts 2as a former member of Ab% Nidal's o2n
6%stice Committee8 2ho told #eale that Mossad a-ents ca0t%red b3 Ab%
Nidal 2ere %s%all3 )illed 1er3 9%ic)l3 to 0re1ent them from confessin-
their tr%e moti1es.
Ab% ?3ad8 former chief of +(/ ?ntelli-ence8 added8 D41er3 +alestinian
2ho 2or)s in intelli-ence is con1inced that ?srael has a bi- hand in Ab%
Nidal's affairs.D
Nidal's or-aniation has been res0onsible for some of the most br%tal
acts of terrorism in the 2orld. Accordin- to the #tate @e0artment8 Ab%
Nidal has carried o%t more than 1.. acts or terrorism that ha1e
res%lted in the deaths of o1er 2'. 0eo0le. #ome of these attac)s
incl%de the 1,'" -renade and machine--%n assa%lts on 4l Al co%nters
at the Rome and <ienna air0orts8 attac)s on s3na-o-%es8 and
assassinations of +alestinian moderates.
7e ;?3ad= had told me that Ab% Nidal's m%rderin- +alestinian
moderates 2as connected 2ith Jformer ?sraeli +rime MinisterK Be-in's
determination ne1er to ne-otiate 2ith +alestinians for fear of losin- the
Aest Ban). For Be-in ;2ho had once called the +alestinians Dt2o-
le--ed animalsD 2orth3 of e:tinction=8 the moderates8 2ho 2anted to
ne-otiate8 2ere the real dan-er and had to be eliminated. ?f the ?sraelis
had in fact infiltrated Ab% Nidal's or-aniation8 0erha0s some
s03master in 6er%salem had said8 'Ae'1e -ot someone 2ho can do the
Nob for %s.'
Ab% Nidal's most 2ell-)no2n attac) 2as on a Bree) cr%ise shi0 in 1,''
that left nine 0eo0le dead and '. 2o%nded. As #eale 0oints o%t
re-ardin- the attac) on the 1essel *ity o8 Poros8 Dno concei1able
+alestinian or Arab interest 2as ser1ed b3 s%ch random sa1a-er3.D ?n
fact8 Breece 2as the 4%ro0ean co%ntr3 most s3m0athetic to the
+alestinian ca%se8 its 0rime minister8 Andreas +a0andreo%8 often
defendin- Arabs a-ainst ?srael's char-es of terrorism. After the attac)8
Breece 2as f%rio%s 2ith the +alestinians8 2ho had dama-ed the Bree)
to%rist trade and hastened the fall of the +a0andreo% re-ime. The
moti1e8 as in the Achille 3auro attac)8 2as a00arentl3 to cast the
+alestinians as heartless m%rderers. #e1eral so%rces that #eale
cons%lted 2ere con1inced the attac) 2as a t30ical Mossad
Ahat is c%rio%s is that ?srael has ne1er 0%nished Ab% Nidal's
or-aniation. ?srael has a lon--standin- 0olic3 of la%nchin- immediate
and massi1e retaliation a-ainst an3 terrorist attac). Ahile ?sraeli forces
ha1e bombed8 shelled and raided +alestinian and #hi'ite 0ositions in
(ebanon8 and ha1e sent hit teams to )ill +alestinian -%errilla leaders in
other co%ntries8 the3 ha1e ne1er attac)ed Ab% Nidal. Bi1en ?srael's
harsh and %nrelentin- 0olic3 of retrib%tion a-ainst terrorist attac)s8
this seems more than a bit biarre. As #eale concl%des5
Ab% Nidal is a 0rofessional )iller 2ho has sold his deadl3 ser1ices
certainl3 to the Arabs and 0erha0s to the ?sraelis as 2ell. 7is -eni%s
has been to %nderstand that states 2ill commit an3 crime in the name
of national interest. A criminal li)e Ab% Nidal can flo%rish doin- their
dirt3 2or).
Former @4A a-ent Mi)e (e1ine described ho2 an or-aniation called
the DTrian-le of @eath8D fo%nded b3 Nais8 2o%ld blo2 %0 2hole 0lanes
to )ill one 0erson. The or-aniation8 based in +ara-%a38 ran heroin and
cocaine8 and committed m%rders for the French #ecret #er1ice. DThe
9%id 0ro 9%o a-reement the3 had 2ith the C?A and the French #ecret
#er1ice8D said (e1ine8 Dis that 3o% 0rotect %s and 2e'll do 3o% fa1ors.
And the3 did8 and the3 -ot their 0rotection.
/ne of the most recent e:am0les of the %se of Dfalse fla-sD
;sca0e-oats= 2as the No1ember 48 1,,! assassination of ?sraeli +rime
Minister Citha) Rabin. ?n a classic case of 0olitical demoniin-
stri)in-l3 similar to the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-8 the -%nman8 Ci-al
Amir8 2as held o%t to be a DRi-ht-2in- fanatic.D As Ailliam 6as0er
The alle-ed -%nman8 Ci-al Amir8 2as said to be a Dfanatic 6e2ish
f%ndamentalist.D Ahat's more8 2e 2ere told re0eatedl38 he 2as 0art of
a cons0irac3 of Dreli-io%s e:tremistsD * a cons0irac3 so nefario%s and
immense8 mind 3o%8 that it had achie1ed meteorolo-ical si-nificance8
creatin- a Dclimate of hateD and an Datmos0here of 1iolence.D
Accordin- to (ime ma-aine8 Rabin's o00onents had created
climatolo-icall3 Dthe e9%i1alent of the Ri-ht-2in- milie% that led to the
/)lahoma Cit3 bombin-.D ?n fact8 said (ime8 e1en if Amir had acted
alone8 Dhe had man3 ideational cons0irators.D
B%t %nli)e the massi1e co1er-%0 obsf%catin- the /)lahoma Cit3
bombin-8 it didn't ta)e lon- for in1esti-ators to disco1er that Amir 2as
act%all3 a 0aid informant for the ?sraeli sec%rit3 ser1ice8 the #haba).
Amir had been ine:0licabl3 allo2ed thro%-h Rabin's 0rotecti1e sec%rit3
0erimeter8 and his s%s0ected accom0lice * leader of the Ri-ht-2in-
e:tremist -ro%0 43al8 A1ishai Ra1i18 t%rned o%t to be a #hin Bet
o0erati1e ;Beneral #ec%rit3 #er1ice8 the ?sraeli e9%i1alent to the FB?=.
Rabin's contro1ersial 0eace tal)s 2ith the +alestinians * 2hich 2o%ld
ha1e sacrificed si-nificant amo%nts of land and com0romised ?srael's
sec%rit3 * had made him hi-hl3 %n0o0%lar 2ith Ri-ht-2in- elements8
incl%din- traditional 6e2s and man3 militar3 officials. ?n fact8 7amas
s%icide bombers 2ere 2rec)in- ha1oc 2ith ?srael's 0o0%lation. A 2riter
in the 0erusalem Post 2rote5 D?f Ciha) Rabin 2ere ali1e .... he 2o%ld
0robabl3 ha1e been as)ed to resi-n.D
The iron3 2as that the #hin Bet 2as controlled b3 Rabin himself8
2ho had 0ersonall3 selected its head8 and ser1ed as its s%0reme chief.
?n a 0olic3 s%s0icio%sl3 similar to the /)lahoma Cit3 sit%ation8 instead
of em0lo3in- the #hin Bet to 0rotect ?sraelis from Arab terrorists * its
0rimar3 tas) * Rabin em0lo3ed them to infiltrate and smear his Ri-ht-
2in- o00onents. +oliticiin- the #hin Bet for his o2n 0%r0oses8 Rabin
be-an orchestratin- an ?sraeli 1ersion of C/?NT4(+R/ ;the FB?'s
0ro-ram of infiltratin- and com0romisin- the anti-2ar and Ne2 (eft
mo1ements of the 1,".s and '&.s8 and 2hich is -oin- on toda3 a-ainst
the militias=. This incl%ded settin- %0 0hon3 Ri-ht-2in- militant -ro%0s
s%ch as Ra1i1's 43al.
As Rabin's 0o0%larit3 ratin-s dro00ed to a mere 32 0ercent8 he
escalated his dirt3-tric)s cam0ai-n8 %sin- a-ents 0ro1ocate%r to attac)
and smear the +rime Minister8 2ho 2o%ld then 0%blicl3 criticie them
for 0lannin- 0%blic disorder. Ra1i1's Nob 2as to distrib%te fer1id Danti-
-o1ernment literat%reD 2hich contrib%ted to the Dclimate of hateD that
alle-edl3 moti1ated Amir. The coup de etat in this co1ert cam0ai-n
2o%ld come in the form of a 0hon3 assassination attem0t on Rabin
himself. The #hin Bet 2o%ld foil the -%nman at the last moment8 and
all the 2orld 2o%ld see first-hand e1idence of the cra3 Ri-ht-2in-
Cet8 li)e the disastro%s stin- attem0t in /)lahoma Cit38 this co1ert
o0eration 2ent horribl3 2ron-. Ahen Amir realied that his mentor8
Ra1i18 2as a #hin Bet o0erati1e8 he cle1erl3 fed him false information.
Certain that the boastf%l and tal)ati1e Amir 2o%ld inform his tr%sted
mentor of the moment of his attac) ;as the FB? ass%med 2ith 4mad
#alem in the Aorld Trade Center bombin-=8 the #hin Bet dro00ed their
-%ard8 and Rabin 0aid the 0rice for his mendacit3.
At least that is 2hat is ob1io%s. Ahat is not ob1io%s is 2h3 the #hin
Bet8 2ho not onl3 controlled Ra1i1 b%t had am0le notice of the threat
on the +rime Minister's life8 failed to 0re1ent the assassination. As
a%thors $ri @an and @ennis 4isenber- note5 DNo h%man shield 2as
formed aro%nd Rabin8 s%r1eillance of the cro2d 2as la:8 Rabin 2asn't
2earin- a b%llet-0roof 1est8 and an Ja00arentl3K %n)no2n 2!-3ear-old
2as able to -ain %nobstr%cted access to Rabin.D
The 0arallels to
the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin- are all too familiar.
Nat%rall38 +rime Minister #himon +eres8 li)e his co%nter0art8 +resident
Clinton in re-ards to /)lahoma8 2o%ld 0romote the idea that Rabin 2as
)illed b3 a 0air of dis-r%ntled DRi-ht-2in-ers. And li)e his American
co%nter0art8 +eres 0romised to crac) do2n on D0olitical dissent.D
/n his A%-%st 1,8 1,,! radio address8 +resident Clinton com0lained
that Con-ress still had not 0assed DhisD Anti-Terrorism Bill. D?t's hard to
ima-ine 2hat more m%st ha00en to con1ince Con-ress to 0ass that
bill8D Clinton 2arned8 in the manner of an omino%sl3 1eiled threat.
Then N%st t2o months later8 on /ctober ,8 the nation 2itnessed its
first attac) on a 0assen-er train8 2hen Amtra)'s D#%nset (imitedD 2as
derailed 2hile enro%te from +hoeni: to #an @ie-o. The derailment8
ca%sed b3 sabota-e8 res%lted in o1er 1.. inN%ries8 incl%din- one death.
The terrorists left behind a cr30tic note8 callin- themsel1es the D#ons
of the Besta0o.D The mainstream 0ress 9%ic)l3 N%m0ed on this latest
DterroristD attac)8 comin- as it did onl3 si: months after the /)lahoma
Cit3 bombin-. Ahile no one8 incl%din- la2-enforcement officials8 had
e1er heard of the D#ons of the Besta0o8D the 0%r1e3ors of dece0tion
immediatel3 0la3ed it %0 as the ob1io%s 2or) of a DRi-ht-2in-D militia
FB? officials 2ere more ca%tio%s ho2e1er8 s0ec%latin- that the attac)
ma3 ha1e been the res%lt of a Ddis-r%ntled em0lo3ee.D 4:ha%sti1e
searches thro%-h n%mero%s data-bases re1ealed no -ro%0 called D#ons
of the Besta0o8D and onl3 someone 2ith the technical )no2led-e
necessar3 to disable a 2arnin- s3stem on a railroad trac) 2o%ld be
ca0able of e:ec%tin- s%ch a st%nt.
?t ma3 not ha1e mattered ho2e1er. ?n the aftermath of the /)lahoma
Cit3 bombin-8 an3 s%ch attac) on American citiens 2o%ld be e:c%se
eno%-h to 0%sh the Anti-Terrorism Bill thro%-h Con-ress. And the 0ress
and anti-militia acti1ists s%ch as the A@( and the #+(C 2ere ea-er to
N%m0 on the militia connection. D#ons of the Besta0o8D the3 asserted8
co%ld onl3 be the 0se%don3m for a Ri-ht-2in- hate--ro%0.
Cet la2-enforcement officials had onl3 an eni-matic messa-e to -%ide
them. The note left behind b3 the sabote%rs rallied a-ainst the ATF and
FB? for their actions at Aaco and R%b3 Rid-e8 and stated8 DThis is not
Nai Berman3.D
Ah3 an3one 2o%ld attac) a 0assen-er train to e:act re1en-e on
-o1ernment officials for )illin- innocent ci1ilians ;or blo2 %0 babies as
re1en-e for )illin- children= is be3ond cred%lit3. Cet8 as in the /)lahoma
Cit3 case8 this 2as the messa-e that the sabote%rs * and the
-o1ernment-controlled 0ress * 2anted %s to belie1e. America 2as
filled 2ith hatef%l Ri-ht-2in- e:tremists 2ho 2o%ld do an3thin- * )ill
an3one8 2omen8 children8 babies * to 0%rs%e their 1iolent anti-
-o1ernment a-enda.
As Attorne3 Beneral 6anet Reno anno%nced in the /)lahoma Cit3 case8
so the local $.#. Attorne38 6anet Na0olitano 2o%ld declare5 DAe are
-oin- to 0%rs%e e1er3 bit of e1idence and e1er3 lead 1er3 thoro%-hl3L
%ntil 2e find the 0erson or 0ersons 2ho committed this crime.D
Ahile the FB? s2armed thro%-h Marico0a Co%nt38 interro-atin- local
residents and harassin- the fe2 isolated Ddesert ratsD 2ho inhabited
the s%rro%ndin- co%ntr3side8 a real in1esti-ation 2as bein- cond%cted
b3 a lone Marico0a Co%nt3 #heriff. Aith the assistance of Crai-
Roberts8 a retired T%lsa 0olice officer 2ith militar3 intelli-ence
e:0erience 2ho 2or)ed on the /)lahoma Cit3 in1esti-ation8 the #heriff
2as able to %nco1er some amain- information.
Ahat the3 fo%nd 2as that other than resc%e 1ehicles8 there 2ere no
1ehicle trac)s enterin- or e:itin- the crash site. Moreo1er8 the site
itself 2as e:tremel3 remote8 bein- near the s%mmit of the r%--ed Bila
Bend Mo%ntains8 2hich s%rro%nded the site to the east8 north8 and
2est. ?t 2as there8 alon- a shar0 #-c%r1e8 that the 0er0etrators had
0%lled 2, s0i)es from the trac)s8 ca%sin- the fatal crash.
Ah3 had the 0er0etrators chosen s%ch a remote location8 Roberts
2onderedH 7ad the3 0ic)ed a more accessible s0ot8 he reasoned8 it
2o%ld ha1e s%rel3 lessened their chances of bein- ca%-ht8 as all the3
2o%ld ha1e had to do 2as dri1e to the nearest hi-h2a3. ?n this case8
the nearest road 2as 7i-h2a3 '8 3' miles a2a38 necessitatin- a
diffic%lt dri1e o1er r%--ed terrain8 at the same time as la2-
enforcement officers 2o%ld s%rel3 be on a hei-htened state of alert.
Ahat Roberts and his sheriff 0artner also disco1ered 2as that ,.
min%tes a2a3 b3 air8 in +inal Co%nt38 2as a m3sterio%s air-base )no2n
as Marana. The loc)ed-do2n facilit3 2as o2ned b3 41er-reen8 ?nc.8 a
-o1ernment contractor re0ortedl3 in1ol1ed in dr%- sm%--lin- d%rin-
the ?ran-Contra 0eriod. The base8 located off of 7i-h2a3 1. bet2een
+hoeni: and T%cson8 2as the site of stran-e ni-ht-time trainin-
mane%1ers in1ol1in- blac) and %nmar)ed militar3-t30e helico0ters.
+assersb3 had also 2itnessed blac)-clad troo0s dro00in- into the
desert en mass8 %sin- steerable blac) D+aracommanderD 0arach%tes.
This be-an to raise some interestin- 0ossibilities. 7ad the 0er0etrators
been dro00ed into the site b3 air8 then 0ic)ed %0 b3 cho00erH Both
Roberts and his collea-%e at the #heriff's @e0artment 2ere
e:0erienced militar3 0ilots. The3 obser1ed that it 2o%ld ha1e been
eas3 for a helico0ter to fl3 lo2 thro%-h the mo%ntain 0asses8 a1oidin-
radar8 and insert and e:tract a team. As Roberts noted8 DA f%ll moon8
2ind o%t of the so%th at ' )nots8 and a clear s)3L 2o%ld be an ideal
ni-ht for air o0erations.D
The 0ossibilities of a co1ert 0aramilitar3 commando team bein-
res0onsible for the attac) raised more than a fe2 e3ebro2s at the
Marico0a Co%nt3 #heriff's @e0artment8 %ntil the3 be-an in1esti-atin- a
lead 0ro1ided b3 a s3m0athetic FB? a-ent that se1eral hi)ers had seen
a small -ro%0 of 0arach%ters dro0 into the desert that ni-ht. The3 also
disco1ered the follo2in- information5
La <FR tar-et s9%a2)in- 12.. that left Tri-Cit3 airfield in Alb%9%er9%e
on a so%th2est co%rse8 climbed to 1.8!.. feet8 then8 2hen it 2as
e:actl3 d%e east of the Amtra) site8 t%rn d%e 2est and fle2 a co%rse
line that too) it one mile so%th of the site. B%t N%st before arri1in- o1er
the site8 it dro00ed to '8!.. feet. After crossin- the tar-et one8 it
t%rned on a so%th2esterl3 co%rse to2ards California at '8!.. feet.
Alb%9%er9%e contacted the (os An-eles Center 2hich trac)ed the
aircraft to a landin- at Mont-omer3 Field in #an @ie-o.L ?t crossed the
1alle3 so%th of the brid-e at 1,4. ho%rs ;&54. 0.m.=
#ince the 2inds that ni-ht 2ere at ' )nots o%t of the so%th8 a dro0 one
mile from the tar-et site 2o%ld com0ensate for 2ind drift. Moreo1er8
s%ch a fli-ht is not re9%ired to file a fli-ht 0lan listin- its 0assen-ers8
and an aircraft fl3in- o%t of Alb%9%er9%e8 s9%a2)in- on trans0onder
12.. 2o%ldn't loo) 0artic%larl3 s%s0icio%s.
Ahen the3 chec)ed 2ith the ref%eler at Mont-omer3 Field8 the records
indicated that the DND n%mber chec)ed to a Beachcraft8 re-istered to
Ra3theon. Ra3theon o2ns 4-s3stems. (i)e 41er-reen8 4-#3stems8
based in Breen1ille8 Te:as8 is a co1ert -o1ernment contractor8
re0ortedl3 in1ol1ed in dr%--r%nnin-. The N#A contractor alle-edl3
de1elo0ed so0histicated s3stems to create electronic DholesD 2hich
2o%ld allo2 0lanes to cross the border 2itho%t tri00in- the N/RA@
4arl3 Aarnin- #3stems. 4-#3stems8 2hich is re0%ted to ha1e D2et-
teamsD ;assassination teams=8 2as directed b3 former N#A @irector
and C?A @e0%t3 @irector Bobb3 Ra3 ?nman.
Ahile it is 0ossible a N%m0 2as made from the t2in-en-ine Beechcraft8
a 0lane commonl3 %sed for s%ch 0%r0oses8 it still left the 0roblem of
the team's e:traction. Aith the radar trac) information8 the Marico0a
#heriff then 2ent to the Air Force at C%ma8 2ho monitor the Aerostat
radar dr%- balloons. The @4A balloons ha1e Dloo)-do2nD ca0abilit3 for
detectin- lo2-fl3in- aircraft. The Master #er-eant at C%ma a-reed to
hel0 o%t. A short time later he called bac).
D#orr38D he said. DAe can't hel0 3o% o%t.D
DAhatH Ah3HD as)ed 6ac).
DThe 0l%-'s been 0%lled.D
DAhat does that meanHD
The ser-eant so%nded 1er3 %ncomfortable 2hen he re0lied. DAe reall3
2anted to chec) this o%t8 b%t all ? can sa3 is the balloons 2ere do2n
that ni-ht.D
DAh3HD as)ed 6ac).
DAll of themHD as)ed 6ac)8 incred%lo%sl3.
DCes8 sir.D The ser-eant so%nded 1er3 ner1o%s.
DAll ? can tell 3o% is that the3 2ere ordered do2n for maintenance. ?t
came from abo1e m3 0a3 -rade.D
/ne has to 2onder 2hat Dabo1e m3 0a3 -radeD means. Ah3 2o%ld all
the balloons be ordered do2n for maintenanceH /b1io%sl38 a co1er-%0
2as in 0ro-ress.
?t 2as be-innin- to so%nd s%s0icio%sl3 li)e the h%rried demolition of
the /)lahoma Federal B%ildin-8 to 0re1ent an3 inde0endent forensic
anal3sis of the bomb site. /r the #ecret #er1ice remo1in- +resident
>enned3's 0rotecti1e b%bble from his limo%sineG failin- to sec%re the
2indo2s and roofto0s alon- the 0arade ro%teG and chan-in- the ro%te
at the last min%te.
(i)e the t2o fore-oin- e:am0les8 onl3 the -o1ernment * or shado2
elements 2ithin the -o1ernment * had the ca0abilit3 of 0%llin- that
off. No Dlone n%tD or criminal s3ndicate co%ld order s%ch last-min%te
chan-es8 or orchestrate s%ch a massi1e and 2ell-e:ec%ted co1er-%0.
Moreo1er8 no militia -ro%0 co%ld order all the radar balloons do2n on
the ni-ht of the attac).
As a Marico0a Co%nt3 resident stated to the Ari#ona .epu&lic re-ardin-
the FB?'s so-called militia theor38 DB%dd38 3o% can't -et three 0eo0le
o%t here to -et to-ether on 2hat )ind of 0ic)%0 to dri1e8 and 3o% thin)
2e're -oin- to form a militiaHD
/b1io%sl38 no militia 2o%ld benefit from s%ch an attac). And 2hat
abo%t the D#ons of the Besta0oHD As Roberts 2rote5 DLas an old
#o%theast Asia hand ;a marine sni0er d%rin- <ietnam=8 ? remember
that one of the terms %sed b3 +hoeni: +ro-ram assassins 2or)in-
%nder MAC<-#/B ;Militar3 Ad1isor3 Command8 #t%dies and
/bser1ations Bro%0= 2as a t2isted bar-room 1ersion of the last
acron3m. DCeah8D a dr%n) troo0er 2o%ld mention. D?'m #/BL a son of
the Besta0o.D
The +hoeni: assassination 0ro-ram8 as 0re1io%sl3 disc%ssed8 2as
or-anied b3 the C?A's Ailliam Colb38 Ted #hac)le38 and fielded b3
Beneral 6ohn #in-la%b. #in-la%b commanded #econd (ie%tenant /li1er
North. #hac)le38 #in-la%b8 and North 2o%ld -o on to orchestrate the
secret and ille-al ?ran-Contra o0eration8 sm%--lin- dr%-s into this
co%ntr3 at s%ch 0laces as Mena8 Ar)ansasL and Marana.
C%rio%sl38 2hene1er ?ran-Contra dr%- shi0ments came in for the
California r%n8 the dr%- balloons %nder D/0eration Aatchto2erD 2ere
sh%t do2n. Co%ld this be the same mechanism that sh%t them do2n
the ni-ht of the attac)H
Then8 in #e0tember of 1,,&8 a confidential FB? memo intended for
the $.#. Attorne3's /ffice in +hoeni: 2as accidentall3 fa:ed to the
Ari#ona .epu&lic8 the Associated +ress8 and other ne2s media. The
memo states that the FB?'s 0rime s%s0ect is Da man 2ith la2
enforcement and firefi-htin- e:0erience 2ho recentl3 mo1ed o%t of
A00arentl38 the D#ons of the Besta0oD note left behind 2as a Dfalse
fla-8D a distraction desi-ned to ser1e a 0olitical 0%r0ose. ?n this case8
that 0%r0ose * li)e the /)lahoma bombin- 2hich 0receded it * 2as to
connect the Amtra) attac) 2ith the +atriotRMilitia mo1ement.
Considerin- the reaction of the mainstream 0ress8 it a00ears the3 ha1e
lar-el3 s%cceeded.
?nterestin-l38 the same 3ear as the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-8 a -renade
e:0loded near the Citiban) b%ildin- in Manila. Another hit the #hell
+etrole%m b%ildin-. Fo%r 0eo0le 2ere inN%red. The militar3 claimed the
blasts 2ere 0olitical statements from the leftist Ale: Bonca3ao Bri-ade
Cet fi1e +hili00ine Con-ressmen acc%sed the militar3 of
carr3in- o%t the attac) to N%stif3 the 0assa-e of anti-terrorism
The stron-est acc%sation came from Ma)ati Con-ressman 6o)er Arro3o8
2ho said the bombin-s co%ld not ha1e been sta-ed b3 the
ins%rrectionar3 -ro%08 the Ale: Bonca3ao Bri-ade or ban) robbers.
D? don't thin) it is the ABB nor a ban) robber3 -ro%0 as 2hat the 0olice
in1esti-ators said. /nl3 the militar3 has the ca0abilit3 of %sin- -renade
la%nchers8D Arro3o commented.
The $.#. certainl3 had its o2n share of man%fact%red incidents8
ran-in- from the sin)in- of the 3ustitania to the B%lf of Ton)in incident.
Cet in the recent annals of C?A-connected 0ro1ocations8 0robabl3 no
better e:am0le e:ists than the 1,'! bombin- of the (a Belle
@iscothe9%e. The A0ril !th attac) in Berlin )illed t2o $.#. ser1icemen
and a T%r)ish 2oman8 and left 2.. others inN%red8 incl%din- !. B.?.s.
(3bia 2as 9%ic)l3 blamed b3 the $.#. for the attac). +ro0a-andied b3
the American 0ress as the 0reeminent s0onsor of terrorism8 (3bia had
earl3 on inc%rred the 2rath of the $.#. b3 attem0tin- to thro2 off the
3o)e of British and $.#. im0erialism. (ib3an +resident M%ammar al-
Waddafi8 2ho came to 0o2er in 1,",8 nationalied oil 0rod%ction and
sh%t do2n $.#. militar3 bases. Waddafi be-an %sin- the 2ealth
formerl3 e:0orted to m%ltinational cor0orations to im0ro1e the li1in-
standards of his o2n 0eo0le. 7%-e strides 2ere made in ed%cation8
ho%sin-8 medicine and a-ric%lt%re in a co%nt3 in 2hich the literac3 rate
had increased tenfold since 1,",. Ahile act%all3 ha1in- the -all to
defer to his o2n 0eo0le instead of the m%ltinationals8 Waddafi made
the mista)e of s%00ortin- national liberation and social N%stice
mo1ements * assistin- s%ch -ro%0s as the #andinistas8 the Bas9%es8
the >%rds8 and the +alestinians.
This8 %nfort%natel38 also
incl%ded s%ch terrorists as Ab% Nidal.
?n 1,'.8 Ronald Rea-an came to 0o2er on a 0led-e to restore $.#.
militar3 mi-ht and 0resti-e aro%nd the 2orld ;and also b3 ma)in- a
deal 2ith the ?ranians to hold the hosta-es %ntil after his election. This
little scandal 2as )no2n as D/ctober #%r0rise.D=.
7e had also 0led-ed to combat terrorism ;a00arentl38 terrorism
s0onsored &y Rea-an in Nicara-%a and 4l #al1ador 2as e:em0t from
s%ch a 0led-e=8 and on the to0 of his hit-list 2as (ib3a. /ne of Rea-an's
first acts 2as to order the C?A to destabilie8 o1erthro28 and
assassinate Waddafi. The attem0ts not onl3 failed8 b%t res%lted in a
co1ert battle of ner1es and dead bodies scattered across 4%ro0e. After
Ab% Nidal's attac)s on the Rome and <ienna air0orts in @ecember of
1,'"8 Rea-an im0osed sanctions and asset freees on (ib3a.
this 2as not eno%-h for the man 2ho had 0led-ed to 1an9%ish
terrorism from the face of the earth ;or at least certain 0arts of it=.
An-r3 o1er the recent terrorist bombin-s8 fr%strated b3 the C?A's fail%re
to eliminate Waddafi8 and still smartin- from ?sraeli r%mors of a (ib3an
hit-s9%ad sent to assassinate him8 the +resident o0ted for a militar3-
st3le assa%lt. All the Ahite 7o%se needed 2as an e:c%se8 and this
came in the form of an attac) on the (a Belle @iscothe9%e. Nine da3s
later8 Rea-an ordered $.#. 0lanes to attac) the (ib3an cities of Tri0oli
and Ben-hai8 2hich res%lted in o1er 3& dead8 incl%din- Waddafi's
infant da%-hter. $nfort%natel3 for Rea-an8 Waddafi s%r1i1ed the
B%t had (3bia act%all3 bombed the discoH The Ahite 7o%se 2as
adamant. The National #ec%rit3 A-enc3 ;N#A= had interce0ted coded
e:chan-es bet2een Tri0oli and the 4ast Berlin (ib3an +eo0les B%rea%
that 0%r0ortedl3 said8 DAe ha1e somethin- that 2ill ma)e 3o% ha003.D
A second cable8 ho%rs after the bombin- read8 DAn e1ent occ%rred. Co%
2ill be 0leased 2ith the res%lt.D
Ahat is interestin- is that %nder
orders from the N#C8 the ra2 coded interce0ts 2ere sent strai-ht to
the Ahite 7o%se8 b30assin- normal N#A anal3sis channels8 dra2in-
criticism from at least one N#A officer. A Aest Berman intelli-ence
official 2ho later sa2 the cables8 said the3 2ere D1er3 critical and
s)e0ticalD of $.#. intelli-ence blamin- the (ib3ans.
The $.#.'s e1idence hin-ed on re0orts in )tassi ;4ast Berman 0olice=
files 0assed on to Aest Berman officials. The #tassi re0orts8 based on
three se0arate informants8 indicated the attac) 2as 0lanned b3 the
+o0%lar Front for the (iberation of +alestine-Beneral Command ;+F(+-
BC=8 2hich had met in Tri0oli a month earlier. A member of that -ro%08
li1in- in Berlin8 Co%ddeff Chraidi ;code-named DN%riD=8 had carried o%t
the attac).
Cet the D(ib3a did itD theor3 9%ic)l3 fell a0art d%rin- the trial of ?mad
Mahmo%d8 another member of N%ri's -ro%0 ;N%ri co%ld not be fo%nd=8
as the #tassi informants' contradictions and inconsistencies cast
do%bts on the case. Moreo1er8 one informant8 Mahmo%d Ab%-6abber
;code named DFa3salD= 2as8 accordin- to >BB files8 a C?A informer. /ne
>BB re0ort indicated that Fa3sal had met 2ith his C?A contact t2o da3s
0rior to the attac)8 and told them the 0rice of the bombin- 2o%ld be
F3.8...8 and not F'.8... as 0re1io%sl3 a-reed.
#tassi defector Colonel Fran) Aei-and8 based on a +(/ #ec%rit3 Re0ort8
concl%ded that N%ri 2as an a-ent for the Aest Berman 0olice. /ther
e1idence 2hich seemed to bac) this %0 2as that 2hile N%ri 2as
2anted for the m%rder of a (ib3an C?A informer8 he mana-ed to
re0eatedl3 cross Chec)0oint Charlie ;the 4ast-Aest Berlin border
crossin-=8 one of the most ti-htl3--%arded border crossin-s in the
2orld. Ahen Berman a%thorities finall3 located N%ri in (ebanon in
1,,48 $.#. officials failed to 0ro1ide the e1idence needed to e:tradite
him8 des0ite re0eated 0leas b3 Aest Berman officials.
$ltimatel38 Aest Berman officials concl%ded that the C?A 2as
res0onsible for the bombin-.
Aei-and recalled one 0hone con1ersation interce0t 2here a hi-h-
ran)in- Aest Berman intelli-ence officer s0o)e 2ith the Berlin official
res0onsible for the (a Belle in1esti-ation. Accordin- to Aei-and8 the
in1esti-ator8 2hen 0ressed for his concl%sion8 told the Aest Berman
s0oo)8 DAell8 2hen ? add it all %08 ? thin) the Can)s did this thin-
Aei-and also cited a +(/ #ec%rit3 Re0ort indicatin- that the $.#. )ne2
in ad1ance of the late March bombin- of the Berman-Arab #ociet3. The
im0lications of this8 li)e those of the /)lahoma Cit3 attac)8 2ere that
a%thorities )ne2 abo%t the bombin- beforehand8 and failed to sto0 it.
Ahile N%ri ma3 ha1e %ltimatel3 been res0onsible for the bombin-8 the
9%estion of 2ho he 2as 2or)in- for h%n- o1er the case li)e a dar)
clo%d. As Aei-and said. D? ne1er co%ld -et Jthe C?A thesisK off the table8
and 3o% )no28 the one theor3 does not e:cl%de the other.D
A similar -o1ernment-orchestrated o%tra-e-incident 2as the /cto0%s'
1,'! 0lot to bomb the American embass3 and 0residential offices in
Costa Rica as a 0rete:t for a f%ll-scale $.#. in1asion of Nicara-%a. The
0lan 2as an offshoot of /0eration +e-as%s8 the C?A's 0ro-ram of
0olitical assassinations8 similar to the +hoeni: +ro-ram.
The cons0irac3 2as a)in to the man3 American-en-ineered
0ro1ocations of the 0ast. The $.#. * thro%-h the s)%lld%--er3 of the
C?A * 2o%ld bomb their o2n embass38 cle1erl3 blamin- it on the
Ci1ilian Militar3 Assistance ;CMA= leader Tom +ose3 and his band of
mercenaries * #te1en Carr8 Robert Thom0son8 Rene Cor1o8 and Costa
Rican-American land-o2ners 6ohn 7%ll and Br%ce 6ones * arran-ed for
a 0atriotic C%ban-American8 6es%s Barcia8 to ta)e 0art in the 0lot.
Accordin- to (eslie Coc)b%rn ;!ut o8 *ontrol = +ose3 sho2ed Barcia the
bl%e0rints of the embass3. DThe3 came to me 2ith a 0lan to hit the
American embass3 in Costa Rica8D recalls Barcia. DThe3 had an idea
this 2o%ld start a 2ar bet2een Nicara-%a and the $nited #tates.D
?n addition to bombin- the embass38 the3 2ere to Dta)e o%tD the
American ambassador8 (e2is Tambs8 a 1ocal o00onent of the
ColombianRContra cocaine trade8 and collect the F1 million re2ard that
the /choa clan had 0laced on his head. The C?A-led -ro%08 2hich had
been f%ndin- their co1ert o0erations thro%-h arms and dr%-
traffic)in-8 2o%ld sol1e the 0roblem of an American official 2ho had
dared interfere 2ith their 0rofitable b%siness8 2hile at the same time8
ser1in- the loft3 -oals of $.#. forei-n 0olic3.
Accordin- to CMA mercenar3 6ac) Terrell8 the 0lan 2as to 0lace C-4 in a
li-ht-bo: o%tside the embass3 and detonate it. Ahen Tambs ran
o%tside8 he 2o%ld be shot. A Nicara-%an 2o%ld then be )illed and fa)e
doc%ments 0laced on his 0erson to incriminate the #andinistas.
Ahile Barcia ref%sed to 0artici0ate in the 0lot8 he recalled8 DThe
embass3 0lan 2as blessed from the Ahite 7o%se. There 2ere too man3
bi- 0eo0le in1ol1ed in this. ?n order to hit a $.#. embass3 e1en %s
C%bans 2ho are here in Miami 2o%ld normall3 o%t of co%rtes3 notif3
the C?A.D
Considerin- the 0la3ers in1ol1ed8 it a00eared that the C?A )ne2 f%ll3
2ell of the 0lot8 as it dre2 members from Bri-ade 2!."8 Ted #hac)le3's
old 6MRAA<4 anti-Castro C%ban mercenar3 -ro%0.
A second 0lot desi-ned to dra2 the $.#. into the 2ar in1ol1ed the
bombin- of (os Chiles8 a small to2n alon- the border of Costa Rica.
The 0lan 2as to %se a 0lane 0ainted to loo) li)e a #andinista craft to
dro0 bombs on the %narmed to2ns0eo0le. Terrell described it as a
Dcontin%o%s %nderc%rrent ofL reall3 terrorist acti1it3 to tr3 to dra2 the
$nited #tates Bo1ernment into direct conflict 2ith the Nicara-%ans
beca%se the3 2ere to be made to loo) li)e the3 2ere committin- o1ert
acts a-ainst a ne%tral and %narmed co%ntr38 Costa Rica.D
Barcia later learned that another hit 2as 0lanned8 this time on the
C%ban and #o1iet embassies in Nicara-%a. The 0lan 2as 0ro0osed to
Barcia b3 MaNor Alan #a%m8 a confederate of +ose3's and Beneral
<ernon Aalters8 $.#. ambassador to the $N and former @e0%t3 @irector
of the C?A. As Barcia later testified in co%rt8 D#a%m had come from the
Ahite 7o%se.D #a%m told Barcia the 0lan 2as D<ice-+resident B%sh's
Ahile neither 0lot 2as carried o%t8 the /cto0%s did mana-e to
s%ccessf%ll3 m%rder ei-ht 0eo0le8 mostl3 re0orters8 at (a +enca8 Costa
Rica on Ma3 3.8 1,'4. The tar-et 2as 4den +astora8 a Contra leader
2ho 2asn't -oin- alon- 2ith the 0lan8 and 2as abo%t to anno%nce his
mis-i1in-s at a 0ress conference. C?A @e0%t3 @irector @e23 Clarrid-e
had recentl3 rela3ed a messa-e to +astora thro%-h Alfonso Robelo
;2ho had 0re1io%sl3 met 2ith B%d McFarlane at the Ahite 7o%se= that
his stor3 2o%ld be Dsto00edD if he did not ac9%iesce.
The bombin- 2as carried o%t b3 Amac Balil8 2ho 0osed as a
0hoto-ra0her8 carr3in- a bomb inside a camera case. C?A Dhit-manD
Feli0e <idal told Terrell that Balil 2as a Mossad a-ent. 7e alle-edl3
recei1ed his e:0losi1es trainin- from 6ohn 7ar0er8 and his C-4 co%rtes3
of 6ohn 7%ll. <idal also told Terrell8 DL2e 0%t a bomb %nder him and it
didn't 2or) beca%se of bad timin-.D
As Terrell later stated5 DLif an3thin- ha00ens to these 0eo0le8 2hether
the3 2ere carr3in- o%t directl3 or indirectl3 an3 0lan of o%r
-o1ernment8 it's eas3 to be at arm's len-th and ha1e this -reat bi-
bea%tif%l deniabilit3 factor.D
Nat%rall38 the -ashington Post and +ew York (imes blamed the
bombin- on the #andinistas.
Cet Barcia )ne2 better. DThere are 0eo0le here 2ho are abo1e the
Constit%tion8D recalled Barcia. D? didn't )no2 the federal s3stem 2as
li)e this. ? ne1er dreamed.D
Barcia 2as e1ent%all3 set %0 b3 #a%m on a federal -%n char-e8 he
fi-%red8 either beca%se he ref%sed to -o alon- 2ith the first 0lot8 or
sim0l3 beca%se of his )no2led-e of it.
6ohn Mattes8 Barcia's defense la23er8 2hile in1esti-atin- Barcia's
stor38 be-an %nco1erin- North and Case3's t2isted 2eb of -%n and
dr%- sm%--lin-. Ahile Mattes 2as ea-er to 0resent the e1idence in
co%rt8 he ne1er -ot the chance. The D6%sticeD @e0artment8 2hich
initiall3 started a 0robe8 s%ddenl3 s2itched trac)s. The3 D2eren't
interestedD in -oin- an3 f%rther 2ith it8 Mattes said. 7e and his
in1esti-ator 2ere later called into the $.#. Attorne3's office in Miami
and told8 DBet o%t. Co%'re o%t. #ta3 o%t. Co%'1e crossed the line. Co%'1e
-one too far.D ;The $.#. Attorne3 threatened the 0%blic defender 2ith
Dobstr%ctin- N%stice.D=
@%rin- testimon38 #a%m admitted that he had o0erated D%nder ordersD
to brin- abo%t Barcia's arrest. #a%m's 2ife told Coc)b%rn that he 2as
2or)in- for the C?A.
Terrell 2o%ld e1ent%all3 e:0ress his mis-i1in-s to the 0ress. As he
2rites in isposa&le Patriot'
@%rin- an o0eration8 the -ra1it3 of 2hat 3o% are doin- is obsc%red
b3 the determination to do 2hate1er it is 3o% ha1e been 0ro-rammed
to do. ?f 3o% 2hac) a b%nch of 0eo0le8 blo2 %0 cars or hotels8 or
m%rder children8 it doesn't ma)e an3 difference. #omethin- in 3o%r
character sets 3o% a0art from normal 0eo0le8 and once it's trained and
0ro0a-andied to 2here 3o% start belie1in- 2hat 0eo0le are tellin-
3o%8 3o% lose 3o%r sense of ri-ht and 2ron-8 and in some cases8 3o%r
sense of moralit3. ?n the end8 2hen the 1eil of 0ercei1ed sanction is
lifted and 3o% no lon-er ha1e the 0rotection of the in1isible barrier that
N%stifies all 3o%r actions8 then those %ns0ea)able acts committed in the
name of freedom and democrac38 come bac) in a more obNecti1e
retros0ect. Finall38 3o% %nderstand the im0act. Co% sa3 to 3o%rself8 did
? do thatH $s%all38 3o% did.
Former C?A officer <ictor Marchetti disco1ered this %nfort%nate tr%th
lon- a-o. As Marchetti 2rites in (he *IA and the *ult o8 Intelligence'
The Dclandestine mentalit3D is a mind-set that thri1es on secrec3 and
dece0tion. ?t enco%ra-es 0rofessional amoralit3 * the belief that
ri-hteo%s -oals can be achie1ed thro%-h the %se of %n0rinci0led and
normall3 %nacce0table means. Th%s8 the c%lt's leaders m%st
tenacio%sl3 -%ard their official actions from 0%blic 1ie2. To do
other2ise 2o%ld restrict their abilit3 to act inde0endentl3G it 2o%ld
0ermit the American 0eo0le to 0ass N%d-ment on not onl3 the %tilit3 of
their 0olicies8 b%t the ethics of those 0olicies as 2ell.L
Finall38 there 2as the blatantl3 %ninhibited statement of former /##
Colonel Beor-e Ahite8 one of the ori-inal fo%nders of the C?A5
D? toiled 2holeheartedl3 in the 1ine3ards beca%se it 2as f%n8 f%n8 f%n.
Ahere else co%ld a red-blooded American bo3 lie8 )ill8 cheat8 ra0e and
0illa-e 2ith the blessin-s of all the hi-hestHD
Ten 3ears later the /cto0%s 2o%ld demonstrate similar ethics b3
bombin- the Federal B%ildin- in /)lahoma8 ta)in- o%t t2o 0otential
2histle-blo2ers in the 0rocess * #ecret #er1ice a-ents Alan Ahicher
and Mic)e3 Marone38 2hile blamin- it on Timoth3 6ames Mc<ei-h * a
Ddis0osable 0atriot.D
Aere Ahicher and Marone3 * li)e Bannon and Mc>ee * a Dstron-
secondar3 tar-etHD As 7$@ em0lo3ee 6ane Braham said8 DMa3be there
2as a stin- 2ithin a stin-L to eliminate a-ents 2ho )ne2 too m%ch.D
Ahicher formerl3 ser1ed on the Ahite 7o%se detail8 and 2as re0ortedl3
in1ol1ed in a little-)no2n incident in1ol1in- electronic b%--in- of the
Ahite 7o%se b3 the 6a0anese. Ahicher 2as s%bse9%entl3 transferred to
the Federal B%ildin- in /)lahoma Cit3.
?t 2as also r%mored that the #ecret #er1ice a-ent had tal)ed to his 2ife
N%st min%tes before the blast8 tellin- her that he had to -et off the
0hone beca%se he 2as told to 2ait for an im0ortant call.
A00arentl3L that call ne1er came.
Marone3 ser1ed on Clinton's 0residential cam0ai-n and transition
detail8 and told friend and bombin- s%r1i1or <.Y. (a2ton abo%t some of
the man3 Clinton-related im0ro0rieties he 2itnessed.

described b3 (a2ton as a DChristian 0ersonD and a Ds%0er -%38D said
that the Clinton's 2ere Dt2o of the most fo%l-mo%thedL lo2-lifesD he
had e1er been aro%nd. ?n one h%moro%s incident8 he recalled ho2
7illar3 thre2 an ashtra3 at Bill8 onl3 to miss and ha1e it stri)e a #ecret
#er1ice A-ent ;2ho no do%bt co%ra-eo%sl3 thre2 himself bet2een the
+resident and the deadl3 ashtra3=. /ne has to 2onder ho2e1er if
Marone3 2itnessed more than N%st obscene 2ord 0la3.
Cet 0erha0s most interestin-l38 it 2as r%mored that one of the char-es
that destro3ed the M%rrah B%ildin- 2as beneath the #ecret #er1ice
office. This 0ossibilit3 became all the more a00arent 2hen (he aily
!klahoman recentl3 re0orted that a 2arnin- call 2as 0laced to an
ans2erin- ser1ice se1eral da3s before the bombin-8 claimin- that an
e:0losi1e char-e 2as placed inside the )ecret )er,ice o88ice'
L<ance @eAood38 o2ner of /0al's Ans2erin- #er1ice8 and his
em0lo3ee8 +at 7o%serL recei1ed an anon3mo%s tele0hone call sa3in-
that a bomb 2as -oin- to -o off in the office of the $.#. #ecret #er1ice
on the ninth floor of the M%rrah B%ildin-.L
/0al's Ans2erin- #er1iceL has a contract 2ith the #ecret #er1ice.
?t seems the deaths of Ahicher and Marone3 can be added to the
-ro2in- list of a00ro:imatel3 4. 1ictims in1ol1ed 2ith or
)no2led-eable of Clinton's financial8 e:tra-marital8 and dr%--related
acti1ities at Mena8 Ar)ansas 2ho ha1e met 1iolent and %ntimel3
The m%rders of Ahicher and Marone3 also ha1e omino%s 0arallels to
the deaths of MaNor Charles Mc>ee and A-ent Matthe2 Bannon aboard
+an Am fli-ht 1.3.
@escribin- ho2 an or-aniation mi-ht blo2 %0 an air0lane or a b%ildin-
to )ill one or t2o 0eo0le8 former @4A A-ent Mi)e (e1ine sa3s5 D/nce
3o% arran-e a death8 once 3o% em0lo3 one of these or-aniations that
do this sort of thin-8 it's o%t of 3o%r control.D
The deaths of Ahicher and Marone3 also meant t2o less 2itnesses to
testif3 abo%t the /cto0%s' dr%--r%nnin- and related s)%ll-d%--er3.
Ahile scratchin- that itch8 the /cto0%s mana-ed to remo1e sensiti1e
files8 concei1abl3 im0licatin- it in its ille-al and m%rdero%s acti1ities.
Finall38 2ith the destr%ction of the /)lahoma Cit3 Federal B%ildin-8
the Federal Bo1ernment co%ld 0oint to a ne2 Dterrorist threatD in o%r
midst8 2hile effecti1el3 haltin- 0olitical dissent8 and s%ccessf%ll3
ar-%in- for a 2hole ne2 s0ate of la2s and re-%lations that threaten to
do a2a3 2ith 2hat little freedoms Americans ha1e left.
:et Them 'at O$C$
J"All men will see what you seem to &eM only a 8ew will
know what you are1 and those 8ew will not dare to oppose
the many who ha,e the ma@esty o8 the state on their side
to de8end them."
— +iccolo $achia,elli1 <FGD A..K
Mc<ei-h is sentenced to death. Ae are all sa1ed.
An3one 2ho belie1es this is brain dead and deser1es the
conse9%ences. (ies be-et ne2 lies. Crimes be-et ne2
crimes. M%rder be-ets ne2 m%rder. Nothin- has chan-ed
in 0eo0le's thin)in- in fi1e tho%sand 3ears. ?f there is a
blood sacrifice for the -ods8 all is 2ell. The r%le of rit%al
blood sacrifice is s%00lantin- the r%le of la28 d%e 0rocess
and constit%tional ri-hts %nder the r%bric of D1ictims'
ri-hts.D The re-ression to social barbarism is matched b3
indi1id%al re-ression to infantile ma-ical thin)in- and The
(ord of the Flies is the %ltimate destination.
/n 6%ne 28 1,,&8 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h 2as con1icted of all 11 co%nts in the
federal indictment5 ei-ht co%nts of m%rderin- federal a-ents8 and one
co%nt each of 0ossessin- a 2ea0on of mass destr%ctionG of cons0irin-
to %se a 2ea0on of mass destr%ctionG and of destro3in- federal
0ro0ert3 2ith a 2ea0on of mass destr%ction. The sentence 2as death
b3 lethal inNection.
?n the trial8 2hich 2as hailed as Dbrilliant8D Dte:tboo)8D and Dclose to
0erfectD b3 -o1ernment le-al 0%ndits8 0rosec%tors 0resented lar-el3
circ%mstantial e1idence combined 2ith emotional tales from bombin-
1ictims8 and 2on immediate con1ictions.
?n the last m%rder Dtrial of the cent%r38D 0rosec%tors dis0la3ed an
im0ressi1e arra3 of hard8 solid e1idence a-ainst former football star
/.6. #im0son and 2ere met 2ith ac9%ittal.
Federal 0rosec%tors introd%ced no 2itnesses 2ho co%ld ha1e 0laced
Mc<ei-h in /)lahoma Cit3 on A0ril 1,L beca%se Mc<ei-h 2as al2a3s
seen in the com0an3 of other s%s0ects * a can of 2orms the
-o1ernment8 and the defense8 co%ld not afford to o0en. Cet 2hile
0rosec%tors inters0ersed relati1el3 circ%mstantial e1idence 2ith heart-
2renchin- and com0letel3 irrele1ant tales from tearf%l bombin-
1ictims8 the defense 2asn't allo2ed to 0resent an3 e:0ert 2itnesses
deb%n)in- the -o1ernment's Dsin-le bombD theor38 or an3 e1idence
lin)in- other s%s0ects to the crimeI
Finall38 N%st one month before the start of Mc<ei-h's trial8 the allas
$orning +ews Dlea)edD alle-ed doc%mentation that Mc<ei-h had
DadmittedD to a defense team member Richard Re3na that he alone
dro1e the R3der tr%c) to the Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin- ;hardl3 a credible
assertation at this 0oint=. (i)e the startlin- re1elations of Mc<ei-h's
racin- f%el 0%rchases a 3ear and-a-half after the fact8 this 2ell-timed
r%se 2as en-ineered to res%scitate the -o1ernment's ra0idl3
deterioratin- case.
Ahile 6ones' s%0erbl3 crafted and hi-hl3 re1ealin- Arit of Mandam%s
barel3 re-istered a bli0 on the official radar screen of the mainstream
0ress8 Mc<ei-h's hi-hl3 d%bio%s DconfessionD became the immediate
foc%s of tabloid attention.
?n doc%ments recentl3 disco1ered b3 the +ational "lo&e8 it 2as learned
that (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald made a DconfessionD to @allas +olice on
No1ember 228 in 2hich he states that he8 a= Acted aloneG b= 7ad no ties
2ith an3 mob or intelli-ence or-aniationsG and c= Aas mad at the
+resident and 2anted to ma)e a 0olitical statement.
DThat sho%ld 0%t this contro1ers3 to rest for all time8D said former
0resident and Aarren Commission member Berald Ford.
(ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald didn't li1e to tell the tr%th. Timoth3 Mc<ei-h chose
not to s0ea) it. Cet8 as #te0hen 6ones noted8 if Mc<ei-h dies8 the tr%th
ma3 die 2ith him.
Ahile 6%d-e Richard Matsch bared m%ch of the rele1ant e1idence
0ertainin- to the case8 he 0ermitted n%mero%s 1ictims' com0letel3
irrele1ant testimon3 abo%t their 0ersonal tra%ma8 ob1io%sl3 desi-ned
to s2a3 the emotions of an i-norant and conf%sed N%r3.
Matsch also barred ATF informant Carol 7o2e's testimon3 as
Dirrele1ant8D sa3in- that it D2o%ld conf%se or mislead the N%r3.D 7o2e's
attorne38 Clar) Bre2ster8 said his client co%ld ha1e -i1en Dcom0ellin-
testimon3 in s%00ort of a 0otential cons0irac3 theor3.D
The trial 2as also one of the most secreti1e e1er held. Accordin- to the
Associated +ress8 a Dre1ie2 of 18... doc%ments filed bet2een Feb. 2.
and #e0t. ! fo%nd &! 0ercent of the records ha1e been at least
0artiall3 sealed.D
Bi1en the mainstream media's lar-el3 ac9%iescent attit%de to2ards
the -o1ernment's fair3 tale8 it 2o%ld hardl3 ha1e mattered. /ne of the
most im0ortant and re1ealin- doc%ments in the case8 Mc<ei-h's Arit of
Mandam%s8 2as dismissed as a concoction of cons0irac3 theories
desi-ned to cast do%bt on Mc<ei-h's -%ilt. 6%d-e Matsch 2o%ld ha1e no
0art of Dcons0irac3 theories.D 7e ordered all im0ortant e:hibits of
Mc<ei-h's Arit sealed.
Ahile 6ones and the -o1ernment both decided that Mc<ei-h co%ldn't
recei1e a fair trial in /)lahoma8 critics ar-%ed that the case 2as mo1ed
to @en1er to 0%t it %nder the caref%l control of federal la0-do- Richard
Matsch. ?n one of the most contro1ersial en1ironmental cases e1er8
Matsch %sed a one-sided hearin- to br%sh aside char-es that
radioacti1e contamination from the Roc)3 Flats n%clear 2ea0ons 0lant
near @en1er 2as ad1ersel3 %nderminin- the health of area residents.
A Ni:on a00ointee8 Matsch also 0resided o1er the #il1erado #a1in-s
and (oan case8 in1ol1in- Beor-e B%sh's son Neil * a case thic) 2ith
dirt3 co1ert o0erati1es and shad3 criminals lin)ed to the C?A and the
?ran-Contra o0eration. B%sh 2al)ed.

Mc<ei-h's defense lasted little more than a 2ee). ?n that re-ard the
trial 2as little different than the trial of the s%r1i1in- Branch @a1idians8
2ho 2ere not allo2ed to introd%ce e1idence that the3 had acted in
self-defense. The s%0erficial t2o da3 defense8 0resented after 2ee)s of
bo-%s e1idence 0resented b3 the -o1ernment8 res%lted from 6%d-e
#mith 2ho said he 2o%ld not allo2 the defense to D0%t the -o1ernment
on trial.D Cet in fact se1eral N%rors e:0ressed their o0inions that the
-o1ernment sho%ld ha1e been on trial * not the s%r1i1in- Branch
Ahile he 2asn't allo2ed to introd%ce e1idence of a broader cons0irac38
6ones did s0end considerable time foc%sin- on the disembodied le-8
clothed in camo%fla-e militar3 -arb8 fo%nd amid the r%bble of the
Federal B%ildin-.
6ones introd%ced e:0ert testimon3 that s%ch a le- co%ld be left intact
from a blast that disinte-rated the remainin- bod3. ?t 2as this le-8
2hich 2asn't matched to an3 other 1ictim8 6ones s%--ested8 that
belon-ed to the real bomber.
Cet 6%d-e Matsch 2asn't abo%t to allo2 6ones re1eal his )no2led-e of a
2ider 0lot8 as 2as 0ortra3ed in his Arit of Mandam%s5
The theor3 of the 0rosec%tion in this case8 not the Brand 6%r3's theor38
is that the t2o named @efendants constr%cted a sim0le de1ice ca0able
of to00lin- a nine-stor3 b%ildin- at a 0%blic fishin- la)e and that one of
them trans0orted this de1ice o1er t2o h%ndred miles 2itho%t
blo2in- himself %0. That is the heart of the 0rosec%tion's case. An3
e1idence concernin- the 0artici0ation of others8 the com0le:it3 of the
de1ice8 or forei-n in1ol1ement ta)es a2a3 the heart of the
-o1ernment's case and there is therefore an instit%tional interest on
the 0art of the -o1ernment in )ee0in- s%ch e1idence shielded from the
defense and the 0%blic.
#ome critics ar-%ed that 6ones' decision to 2ait %ntil one 2ee) before
the start of his client's trial to file the im0ortant and re1ealin-
doc%ment ens%red that the 1.th Circ%it Co%rt of A00eals 2o%ld reNect
the motion.
/ther8 s%ch as 0rominent D+atriotD attorne3 Nanc3 (ord8 insisted that
6ones Dsho%ld ha1e 1iolated the N%d-e's order8 0resented e1idence of a
lar-er cons0irac3 to the N%r38 and -one to Nail for contem0t. ?f ? 2o%ld
ha1e been the defense attorne38 some thin-s are im0ortant eno%-h to
-o to Nail for8D (ord said. D? am shoc)ed at #te0hen 6ones' cond%ct in
this case.D
An attorne3 on 6ones' le-al team rated his defense as Dno better than a
C-min%s8D altho%-h he added8 D? thin) he had some hi-h-0oints.D
As 6ones solemnl3 stated in No1ember of 1,,!8 D#ome da38 2hen 3o%
)no2 2hat ? )no2 and 2hat ? ha1e learned8 and that da3 2ill come8 3o%
2ill ne1er a-ain thin) of the $nited #tates of America in the same
The American 0%blic ne1er learned 2hat #te0hen 6ones )no2s. Cet on
the da3 of his sentencin-8 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h finall3 s0o)e o%t5 D/%r
-o1ernment is the 0otent and omni0resent teacher for -ood or for ill8D
Mc<ei-h boldl3 if some2hat eni-maticall3 anno%nced to the co%rt. D?t
teaches the 2hole 0eo0le b3 its e:am0le. That's all ? ha1e to sa3.D
Nat%rall38 the -o1ernment and man3 of the bombin- 1ictims too) this
as a si-n of Mc<ei-h's confession. The rest of the 9%ote ma3 shed
some li-ht on the meanin-5
DCrime is conta-io%s. ?f the -o1ernment becomes a la2brea)er8 it
breeds contem0t for the la2G it in1ites e1er3 man to become a la2
%nto himselfG it in1ites anarch3. To declare that in the administration of
the criminal la2 the end N%stifies the means * to declare that the
-o1ernment ma3 commit crimes in order to sec%re the con1iction of a
0ri1ate criminal * 2o%ld brin- terrible retrib%tion.D
Mc<ei-h also acc%sed 6ones of l3in- and scre2in- %0. DThe tr%th is this
-%3 onl3 s%cceeded in -ettin- JmeK the death sentence8D said Mc<ei-h8
Dand no2 he doesn't 2ant to let -o.D
As)ed 2hat lies 6ones told him8 Mc<ei-h 2as not s0ecific5 D?t's for
Con-ress8 the bar8 and the N%diciar3 to in1esti-ate and disco1er. Co%
2o%ld not belie1e some of the thin-s that ha1e occ%rred in this case.
The man has re0eatedl3 lied to me in the 0ast.D
/b1io%sl38 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h is holdin- his cards close to his 1est. As
6ones stated d%rin- his closin- ar-%ment5 DT2o 0eo0le share a terrible
secret. /ne 2ill not tal)8 the other is bo%nd b3 la2 and can not tal).D
The 0%blic still hasn't learned 2hat that terrible secret is.
/ther r%mors abo%nd that 6ones * 2ho stands to ma)e millions in
le-al fees from the -o1ernment * 0%r0osel3 thre2 the case.
D7e is the most dishonest 0erson ?'1e e1er met8 incl%din- all the
criminals ?'1e defended8D sa3s his onetime la2 0artner Alec
McNa%-hton8 2ho ne1ertheless describes 6ones as Dbrilliant.D
As a 3o%n- attorne3 in 1,"48 6ones be-an his career 2or)in- for a
la23er named Richard Milho%s Ni:on. 7is clients ha1e r%n the -am%t
from '".s radicals s%ch as Abbie 7offman to establishment 0oliticians
s%ch as Bo1ernor Fran) >eatin-.
6ones and Nichols' attorne3 Michael Ti-ar share a common bond
thro%-h the late 4d2ard Bennett Ailliams8 senior 0artner of Ailliams S
Connoll3 ;later Ailliams8 Aadden S #tein=. Ailliams' client roster
incl%ded #enator 6ose0h McCarth38 Mafia don Fran) Costello8 Teamster
6imm3 7offa8 ind%strialist Armand 7ammer8 and Te:as Bo1ernor 6ohn
A man on intimate terms 2ith the C?A8 Ailliams 2as offered the 0ost of
C?A director b3 t2o 0residents8 a Nob 2hich he declined8 0robabl3
beca%se he 2as alread3 a de facto C?A official.
Ahile 6ones o0enl3 admires Ailliams8 Ti-ar 2as act%all3 em0lo3ed b3
him in the late '".s and mid &.s. Ailliams often referred to Ti-ar as his
Dmost brilliant 0rotX-X.D
A $ni1ersit3 of Te:as (a2 #chool 0rofessor8 Ti-ar himself claims an
interestin- be13 of clients8 ran-in- from DChica-o #e1enD member
An-ela @a1is8 2ho 2as tried for cons0irac3 to incite riots at the 1,"'
@emocratic Con1ention8 to 6ohn @emNanN%)8 acc%sed of bein- the
notorio%s Nai concentration cam0 -%ard D?1an the Terrible.D
6ones and Ti-ar ha1e collaborated before8 defendin- a contro1ersial
/)lahoma Cit3 0s3chothera0ist.
DTi-ar is a 0assionate defender of 0eo0le 2ho ha1e been o00ressed b3
the -o1ernment8D said 24-3ear /)lahoma Cit3 attorne3 6im Bellin-ham8
2ho thin)s the 0ossibilit3 of 6ones and Ti-ar r%nnin- Ddama-e
controlD for the -o1ernment is Dho-2ash.D
D? can't ima-ine the man sellin- o%t8 and nobod3's -oin- to tell him
ho2 to r%n his defense8D said Bellin-ham.
B%t former Nebras)a #tate #enator 6ohn @eCam08 2ho in1esti-ated a
child ab%se rin- r%n b3 hi-h -o1ernment officials8 doesn't 0%t m%ch
faith in #te0hen 6ones. @eCam0 belie1es 6ones act%all3 made a deal
2ith the feds. @eCam0 re0resented a bombin- 1ictim in an earl3 action
a-ainst the Federal Bo1ernment and 2as N%st abo%t to file a motion to
0reser1e the b%ildin- as e1idence. As he 2rote in (he Franklin *o,er7
/nl3 ho%rs before ? 2as to file the le-al 0a0ers for a ci1il action to )ee0
the b%ildin- standin-8 ? 2as contacted b3 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h's attorne3s8
2ho 0resented me 2ith t2o maNor re9%ests.
First8 the3 as)ed that ? allo2 them to file the motions to )ee0 the
b%ildin- standin- so that the in1esti-ation co%ld be cond%cted. The3
had co-ent le-al ar-%ments for this re9%est5 beca%se Mc<ei-h 2asRis
%nder federal criminal char-es8 he had the definite le-al ri-ht to )ee0
the b%ildin- standin- %nder the federal r%les of e1idence 2hich -rant
criminal defendants the ri-ht to 0reser1e e1idence that 2o%ld
si-nificantl3 im0act their defense. ?t 2as clear that if Mc<ei-h's
attorne3s belie1ed8 or e1en s%s0ected -o1ernment co1er-%08 the3
2o%ld definitel3 2ant the b%ildin- e:amined.
Their second re9%est 2as that ? release from retainer the bomb
in1esti-ation team ? had assembled * 6ohn A. >enned3 and Associates
* 2hich8 the3 claimed8 the3 2anted to hire.
? -ranted these re9%ests to Mc<ei-h's attorne3s.
A fe2 ho%rs later8 ? 2atched in horror as CNN and all the national ne2s
channels re0orted that Mc<ei-h's attorne3s had no intent to file an3
motions to )ee0 the Federal B%ildin- standin-. The3 had DN%st reached
a-reement 2ith the -o1ernment8D the re0orters e:0lained8 to 0ermit
the b%ildin- to be destro3ed almost immediatel3.
An-r3 be3ond belief8 ? called Mc<ei-h's attorne3 and as)ed 2hat the3
2ere doin-. #ince this all occ%rred on a 2ee)end8 ? co%ld ta)e no le-al
action to sto0 the b%ildin-'s destr%ction. Mc<ei-h's attorne3 told me8
D/h 3es8 2e are -oin- to allo2 the b%ildin- to be destro3ed.D DAh3HD ?
demanded. DBeca%se 2e co%ld not afford to 0a3 the retainer fee that
the >enned3 and Associates firm 2anted8D he ans2ered.
#hoc)ed b3 this feeble e:0lanation8 ? as)ed8 DAell8 N%st ho2 m%ch do
the3 2antHD Mc<ei-h's attorne3 floored me5 DF3.8...8D he said. Dand
2e ha1e no reso%rces to 0a3 it8 beca%se 2e are a co%rt-a00ointed
attorne3 and there are no f%nds for this 0%r0ose.D
DFor Bod's sa)eID ? screamed at him. D? 2ill raise the mone3I ? 2ill 0a3
the feeI There's too m%ch at sta)e for America. D7o28D ? demanded8
Dcan Mc<ei-h -o alon- 2ith 2antin- that b%ildin- destro3ed8 2hen that
b%ildin- is the one thin- that can tell America the stor3 of 2hat reall3
ha00enedH ? 2ill -et 3o% the mone38 someho28 b%t don't ref%se to
)ee0 the b%ildin- %0 for that reasonID
M3 0rotests 2ere f%tile. Aithin ho%rs of m3 call8 b3 m%t%al a-reement
bet2een Mc<ei-h's attorne3s and the -o1ernment 0rosec%tors8 the
b%ildin- 2as destro3ed8 and an3 e1idence 2as destro3ed 2ith it.
6ones des0%ted this8 statin- in a letter to the a%thor5
Lif an3one too) the tro%ble to chec) the 0%blic filin-s in the case of
5nited )tates ,. $c2eigh the3 2ill find that one of the 1er3 first Motions
that ? filed 2as to sto0 the im0losion of the M%rrah B%ildin- %ntil the
@efense co%ld -o in and ta)e films and mo1in- 1ideo 0ict%res. The
Co%rt s%stained m3 Motion and 2e 2ere able8 to-ether 2ith an
architect and an e:0losi1es e:0ert8 to to%r the b%ildin-. An3 claim that
2e made a DdealD 2ith the Federal a%thorities to 0ermit the demolition
of the M%rrah B%ildin- before the @efense co%ld ins0ect if is abs%rd
and contradicted b3 the 0%blic record.
A so%rce 2ithin the defense team told me that 6ones' team act%all3 did
-o into the b%ildin- to cond%ct forensic anal3sis. The -ro%0 consisted
of a 1ideo-ra0her8 a still 0hoto-ra0her8 and one bomb e:0ert8 2ho
2ere accom0anied b3 se1eral FB? and ATF a-ents. The so%rce said that
the bomb e:0ert 2al)ed aro%nd 2ith onl3 a Ne2eler's lo%0e8 no forensic
)it8 and did not ta)e an3 sam0les for anal3sis. The a-ents restricted
their 0assa-e thro%-h the b%ildin-8 and b3 the time the3 arri1ed8 the
crater had been filled.
6ones also made no mention of the amain- letter Mc<ei-h sent to his
sister8 describin- his recr%itment into a secret -o1ernment team
in1ol1ed in ille-al acti1ities8 2hich she had read before the Federal
Brand 6%r3.
Ahat he did do 2as sho2 a film abo%t Aaco8 f%rther reinforcin- the
alle-ations of his client's -%ilt8 incl%din- the abs%rd notion that
Mc<ei-h m%rdered 2! innocent children in /)lahoma to a1en-e the
m%rder of 2! innocent children at Aaco.
@id 6ones ha1e a ;uid pro ;uo 2ith the -o1ernment not to re1eal an3
e1idence that his client 2as a -o1ernment a-entH @id he 0%r0osel3
thro2 the caseH 7is hi-hl3 incriminatin- Arit of Mandam%s and
im0ressi1e o0enin- statement tend to belie that theor3. As 6ones said
in his o0enin- statement5
D? )no2 2ho bombed the Alfred +. M%rrah b%ildin-. ?t 2as N/T Tim
D41en more im0ortant8 the -o1ernment )no2s 2ho bombed the Alfred
+. M%rrah b%ildin-. The -o1ernment )no2s it 2as N/T Tim Mc<ei-h.
DThe -o1ernment also )no2s that its case a-ainst Tim Mc<ei-h is
corr%0t. At its core8 it's rotten. ? 2ill sho2 3o% in 2hat 2a38 and 2h3.
DThe most im0ortant difference bet2een %s8 is that the -o1ernment
2on't tell 3o% 2ho bombed the Alfred +. M%rrah b%ildin-.
D? 2ill.D
6ones ne1er -ot the chance. The e:cl%sion of ATF informant Carol 7o2e
so%nded the death )nell for other defense 2itnesses s%ch as bomb
e:0ert Beneral Benton +artin8 seismolo-ist @r. Ra3 Bro2n8 and the
man3 2itnesses 2ho sa2 additional s%s0ects. Ahile the 0rosec%tion
called 2& 0hone com0an3 em0lo3ees to testif3 that Mc<ei-h and
Nichols %sed a 0re-0aid callin- card to ma)e chemical 0%rchase
in9%iries8 the3 didn't call e1en one of the man3 2itnesses 2ho 2o%ld
ha1e 0laced Mc<ei-h do2nto2n on the mornin- of the blastI
Ahile the -o1ernment solicited the testimon3 of British e:0losi1es
e:0ert (inda 6ones8 Mc<ei-h's attorne3 c%rio%sl3 did not call Beneral
+artin8 2ho co%ld ha1e blo2n the lid off the -o1ernment's sin-le bomb
DThe N%d-e 2o%ld not 0ermitL in his r%lin- he 2o%ld not 0ermit
an3thin- e:ce0t one man8 one bomb8D said +artin. DLthe3 str%ct%red
the 2hole case * the 2hole 0rosec%tion * com0letel3 eliminatin- the
b%ildin- and an3thin- to do 2ith it.L beca%se the3 co%ldn't afford to
-et into that.D
Referrin- to 6ones8 +artin added8 D? didn't e:0ect to be called b3 these
-%3s. ? had absol%tel3 no confidence in them. ? didn't e:0ect it * not
from 6ones.D
?n res0onse8 6ones said8 D? did not 0%t +artin on the stand beca%se m3
e:0erts do not credit his theor3.LD
Cet the 9%estion still remains5 2h3 didn't 6ones ta)e the iss%e of 6%d-e
Matsch's ille-al decisions before the A00ellate or #%0reme Co%rtsH
6ones re0lied b3 statin- that the a00ellate co%rt Dref%sed to acce0t
N%risdiction of the case and said JitK 2o%ld re1ie2 the iss%es on a00eal8
if there 2as a con1iction.D
#ome ha1e s0ec%lated that the millions 6ones stands to ma)e in le-al
fees from the -o1ernment 0la3ed a 0art in his a00arentl3 0oor
Those 2ho e:0ected a similarl3 0oor defense from Michael Ti-ar
2ere shoc)ed to find him introd%cin- e1idence of other s%s0ects8 and
0%ttin- ATF informant Carol 7o2e on the 2itness stand.
No do%bt Nichols' con1iction of cons0irac3 and in1ol%ntar3
mansla%-hter stemmed from the critical o0inions N%rors had of the
0rosec%tion's Dlimited han--o%t.D
D? do not belie1e that the -o1ernment -a1e %s the 2hole case8D said
(inda Mor-an8 one of the N%rors 2ho decided Nichols onl3 had a minor
role in the bomb 0lot. Mc<ei-h8 she said8 D2as seen 2ith too man3
other 0eo0le. Aho 2ere these other 0eo0leHD
D? thin) that the -o1ernment 0erha0s reall3 dro00ed the ball8D said N%r3
fore2oman Ni)i @e%tchman8 2ho criticied the FB? for haltin- its
in1esti-ation after arrestin- Nichols and Mc<ei-h.
D? thin) there are other 0eo0le o%t there8D she said8 recallin- defense
2itnesses 2ho sa2 others 2ith Mc<ei-h before the bombin-. D? thin)
this 2as a horrible thin- to ha1e doneL and ? do%bt t2o 0eo0le 2ere
able to brin- it off.D
@e%tchman also criticied the FB? for slo003 crime lab 0roced%res8 and
claimed a-ents 2ere Darro-antD for failin- to ta0e-record Nichols' initial
,-ho%r interro-ation. D?t seems arro-ant to me on the 0art of the FB? to
sa38 3o% )no28 'Ae ha1e -ood recall and 3o% can ta)e 2hat 2e ha1e
Nor co%ld N%rors a-ree on the sco0e of Nichols' in1ol1ement. Ahile
most belie1ed he 0la3ed a maNor role8 others 9%estioned if he did m%ch
at all or had bac)ed o%t com0letel3 or been coerced.
D#ome 0eo0le felt he 2asn't in1ol1ed at all in b%ildin- the bomb8D
@e%tchman said before echoin- an oft-re0eated mantra from the
defense5 D? thin) he 2as b%ildin- a life.D
6%ror 7oll3 7anlin8 too8 felt the -o1ernment failed to f%ll3 0ro1e its
case. DAe co%ldn't find eno%-h e1idence to con1ince at least all of %s
that he intended8 that he 2as in1ol1ed from the 1er3 be-innin-8 that
he b%ilt the bomb. Ae felt that e1idence 2as sha)3 at bestL.D
/thers8 li)e N%ror >eith Broo)shier8 saidDJ?K )no2 that Terr3 Nichols 2as
into it %0 to his e3eballs and that's the onl3 thin- ? had to decide.L
Ae're not tr3in- 6ohn @oe 28 or 3 or 4 or 2hate1er.D $.#. Attorne3 Beth
Ail)inson nat%rall3 added her 1oice to the ensemble8 statin- that
Dsi-htin-s of 6ohn @oe 2 2ere abo%t as common and abo%t as credible
as si-htin-s of 4l1is.D
As the trial of Terr3 Nichols 2inds do2n8 the 0%blic's attention 2ill
resol1e itself to the latest scandal8 re0orted in the same e:0osX-tabloid
fashion that ri1eted its attention on the /.6. #im0son trial. As in both
cases8 the rele1ant facts 2ill remain obsc%red behind the colored
smo)e and li-hts of 2hat 2ill certainl3 be more circ%s trials. Attorne3
(arr3 Becraft told $edia %ypass8 DThe3 -ot /s2ald8 the3 -ot 6ames 4arl
Ra38 the3 -ot Mc<ei-h and once the3're finished 2ith Nichols8 the3'1e
offered the 0%blic a co%0le of sacrificial lambs8 and the3 ho0e it 2ill all
-o a2a3.D
B3 the time this boo) is 0%blished8 a fe2 select facts ma3 be bro%-ht
to li-ht. The3 2ill first be re1ealed b3 a fe2 1ictims' families8 an-ril3
demandin- N%sticeG b3 the fe2 0%blic officials co%ra-eo%s eno%-h to
ris) their careers. And finall38 the3 2ill be echoed in the co%rts b3 the
ine1itable s0ecter of ci1il liti-ation.
Then8 the 0o2ers that be 2ill hasten to constr%ct a ne2 la3er of
dama-e control8 and the co1er-%0 2ill be-in ane2. (i)e the crime scene
9%ic)l3 demolished8 and the 6ohn @oes that ne1er e:isted8 this ne2
Dlimited-han-o%t8D in the form of a fe2 Dstartlin- re1elations8D 2ill be
%sed as a dam8 to hold bac) the onr%shin- tide of tr%th.
Aill Timoth3 Mc<ei-h e1er choose to re1eal that tr%th * 2hat he
)no2s of it * or 2ill it -o 2ith him to the -ra1e8 or die 2ith him in a
0rison Ds%icideHD
As Fletcher +ro%t3 states5 DThe 2hole stor3 of the power of the co1er-
%0 comes do2n to a fe2 0oints. There has ne1er been a -rand N%r3 and
trial in Te:as ;referrin- to (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald=. Aitho%t a trial there can
be nothin-. Aitho%t a trial it does no -ood for researchers to di- %0
data. ?t has no 0lace to -o and 2hat the researchers re1eal N%st hel0s
ma)e the co1er-%0 ti-hter8 or the3 eliminate that e1idence and the
The -o1ernment ille-all3 0re1ented a state trial in @allas in 1,"38 as
the3 tried to do in /)lahoma Cit3 in 1,,!. ?t came do2n to one
co%ra-eo%s @istrict Attorne3 in Ne2 /rleans to o0en %0 that can of
As this boo) 2ent to 0ress8 a Co%nt3 Brand 6%r38 con1ened at the
behest of t2o co%ra-eo%s men in /)lahoma8 be-an hearin- e1idence.
Aill these N%rors 2ill more obNecti1e and effecti1e than the hi-hl3
mani0%lated Federal Brand 6%r3H /ne N%ror8 Ben Ba)er8 2as 9%oted in
(he aily !klahoman as sa3in-5 D41er3one ?'1e tal)ed to belie1es this
is a 2aste of time and ta:0a3ers' mone3. ? belie1e the same thin-.D
Another N%ror8 >enneth Ric)enbrode8 is a lie%tenant 2ith /C+@ ?nternal
Affairs8 2hich sho%ld ser1e rather nicel3 to hamstrin- an3 serio%s
in9%ir3 into the m%rder of /C+@ /fficer Terrance Cea)e3.
Fort%natel38 Bob Mac3's Chief Assistant @A8 +at Mor-an and
Assistant @A #%anne (ister-B%m0 are on hand to Dad1iseD the N%rors
and D0re-screenD the e1idence.
Re0resentati1e >e3 had little choice b%t to 2or) 2ith Mac3's 0eo0le8
the alternati1e bein- a s0ecial 0rosec%tor bein- a00ointed b3 0olitical
hac)s Attorne3 Beneral @re2 4dmondson or Bo1ernor Fran) >eatin-.
Altho%-h >e3 co%ld ha1e obNected to both 4dmondson and >eatin-
based on their ob1io%s 0reN%dice8 he felt the #%0reme Co%rt 2o%ld
ha1e sat on the iss%e8 0erha0s not a00ointin- a s0ecial 0rosec%tor for
o1er a 3ear. After 2aitin- t2o 3ears8 he 2as an:io%s to -et the 0rocess
started. The choice 2as Ddecidin- bet2een bad8 2orse8 and 2orse8D
said >e38 2ho no2 belie1es that Mac3 is Don o%r side.D
Bob Mac3 * a man 2ho Din1esti-atedD the case b3 th%mbin- thro%-h
an old co03 of (he (urner iaries — no2 insists he intends to %nco1er
the tr%th. D?'m 0re0ared to do 2hat e1er it ta)es to -et to the tr%thID
Mac3 declared. DM3 sole intent is in learnin- the tr%th.D This Mac3
stated to the a%thor fi1e months before he )o2to2ed to D6%sticeD
@e0artment 2ishes in o00osin- the -rand N%r3.
/f co%rse8 Mac3's most tellin- statement came 2hen he 2as as)ed if
he intended to 0%rs%e an in1esti-ation inde0endent of the feds. DAellL
? don't 2ant to be a 0art3 to an3thin- that 2ill interfere 2ith the Feds'
0rosec%tion8D said Mac3. "I don9t want to open up a new can o8 worms."
This is not s%r0risin-8 comin- from a man 2ho ref%sed to 0rosec%te
ei-ht felon3 indictments a-ainst a sittin- -o1ernor 2ho 2as a
cam0ai-n mana-er for +resident Clinton.
Conse9%entl38 >e3 0etitioned the /)lahoma #%0reme Co%rt to order
Mac3 to do his Nob. ?n re0l38 Mac3 stated8 D? am -oin- to do m3 Nob. This
action b3 him 2on't ha1e an3 effect one 2a3 or another. ? am still
-oin- to do it the 2a3 it is s%00osed to be done.D
Former Con-ressman Beor-e 7ansen ;R-?@= thin)s Mac38 2hom he
sa3s 2as Dstraddlin- the fence8D has no2 t%rned aro%nd. D(oo)8 Dhe's
obli-ated to do the 2ill of the establishment8D said 7ansen. D7e 2ent
alon-L 2ith defendin- the establishment.D
An old friend of Mac3's from Aashin-ton8 @.C.8 7ansen learned the
hard 2a3 2hat it's li)e to s%ffer at the hands of a corr%0t and 1indicti1e
D6%sticeD @e0artment. Not one to easil3 tr%st the Federal Bo1ernment8
7ansen -en%inel3 belie1es his old friend from the @e0artment of
A-ric%lt%re is no2 honestl3 -oin- to challen-e that -o1ernment. DBi1e
the -%3 a chance to t%rn aro%nd8D said 7ansen. D7e honestl3 2ants
that -rand N%r3 to come o%t 2ith as m%ch of the tr%th as 0ossible.D
?f tr%e8 0erha0s Mac3 sho%ld imb%e a sence of o0en-mindedness in
his so-called in1esti-ators. ?n an affida1it filed b3 Richard #innett8 the
e3e2itness claims that one of Mac3's in1esti-ators made sarcastic
comments to him abo%t the -rand N%r3 in1esti-ation shortl3 before he
2as s%b0oenaed.
#innett co%ld not identif3 the 0erson. 7o2e1er8 he said in the si-ned
affida1it8 the man 2ho called him said Dhe did not )no2 2h3 he 2as
ha1in- to do this8 that Charles >e3 2as 0%shin- this and that nothin-
2o%ld come of it and that is 2as a 2aste of time.D
Nat%rall38 Mac3's office denied the char-e.
+erha0s the #%0reme Co%rt sho%ld order 6%d-e B%r)ette8 0residin- o1er
the Co%nt3 Brand 6%r38 to do his Nob. B%r)ett attem0ted to disallo2
hearsa3 e1idence to be 0resented to the -rand N%r3 * a clear 1iolation
of /)lahoma -rand N%r3 0roced%res.
D@o not acce0t hearsa38D B%r)ett said in his o0enin- instr%ctions to the
-rand N%rors. D7ear onl3 those 2itnesses 2ho 2o%ld 0resent facts8
2hich if tr%e8 2o%ld s%bstantiate an indictable offense and not
needlessl3 dela3 the co%rts in their other f%nctions b3 listenin- to
radical 0ersons or facts abo%t 2hich 3o% co%ld do nothin- if it 2ere
DLradical 0ersons or facts abo%t 2hich 3o% co%ld do nothin- if it 2ere
tr%eDHHH 6%d-e B%r)ett's s%btle si-nal is s%s0icio%sl3 reminiscent of the
1,&" 7o%se #elect Committee on Assassinations in1esti-ation of the
>enned3 assassination8 2hich admitted that the e1idence led to a
0robable cons0irac3. No indicments 2ere e1er handed do2n.
>F/R's 6a3na @a1is8 2ho testified before the Brand 6%r38 didn't miss
this s%btle si-nal. #he told (he aily !klahoman she e:0ects
0rosec%tors Dto e:0ress a le-itimate interestD in 0%rs%in- indictments
a-ainst the s%s0ects her 2itnesses identified.
41en if Mac3 and B%r)ette are e1ent%all3 forced to do their Nobs8 the
FB? can %ndo%btedl3 be co%nted on to intimidate )e3 2itnesses8 as
the3 did in the federal trial. >a3 7.8 2ho sa2 7%ssain al-7%ssaini s0eed
a2a3 in the bro2n 0ic)-%08 re0ortedl3 is afraid to testif3 before the
Brand 6%r38 after 0%blicl3 statin- * t2ice * that 7%ssaini 2as the man
she sa2. Bar3 (e2is8 the 6o%rnal Record 0ressman 2ho 2as almost r%n
o1er b3 Mc<ei-h and 6ohn @oe 28 has no2 recanted his stor3. After his
testimon3 before the Co%nt3 Brand 6%r38 +rofessor Ra3 Bro2n of the
$ni1ersit3 of /)lahoma had a chan-e of heart5 DThere's no e1idence in
the Jseismo-ra0hicK bomb si-nals for an3 additional char-es8D Bro2n
told re0orters.
The federal a-ents 2ho mi-ht be s%b0oenaed 2ill no do%bt attem0t to
9%ash them on the -ro%nds of Dnational sec%rit3.D
?t is been r%mored that no -rand N%r3 indictments 2ill e1er be
#aid #te0hen 6ones8 DLa li1in- ni-htmare for the @e0artment of 6%stice
is an /)lahoma state criminal trial8 not onl3 a ni-htmare for them8 b%t
a ni-htmare for the intelli-ence comm%nit38 for the ATF. There isn't
-oin- to be an3 /)lahoma trial.LD
D?f ? tho%-ht the #tate of /)lahoma 2as reall3 interested in the tr%th as
o00osed to N%st some 0olitical side sho28D added 6ones8 D? 2o%ld insist
that Mr. Mc<ei-h ha1e a state trial and demand that he be released to
the state a%thorities. B%t this is all 0olitics.D
DAhat J6ose0h 7artlerK is tr3in- to do is not ha1e 0eo0le learn8D said
Mc<ei-h in an inter1ie2 from his 0rison cell. D7e 2ants to ha1e them
0%t their heads in the sand.D
Ahat Mc<ei-h states ma3 be an %nfort%nate a:iom. Man3 Americans
aren't interested in )no2in- the tr%th. (i)e Becraft said8 the3 2ant it to
-o a2a3. The3 don't 2ant to o0en %0 a ne2 can of 2orms. Man3
0eo0le8 e1en those in /)lahoma8 don't 2ant to belie1e that the
-o1ernment8 or elements 2ithin that -o1ernment8 co%ld or 2o%ld8 do8
or co1er-%08 s%ch an e1il act.
7o2e1er8 D1er3 fe2 2ill co1er %0 the 1iolent deaths of their sons and
da%-hters8 or the children of a close famil3 friend8 no matter 2hat the
0rice8D ar-%ed a 0oster to an ?nternet ne2s-ro%0 called />B/MB.
#%r0risin-l38 man3 of these 0eo0le * incl%din- a si-nificant n%mber of
bombin- 1ictims * are nai1e8 intellect%all3 la38 and %nreasonabl3
indi-nant. (i)e this 0oster8 these 0eo0le ha1en't done their home2or)
re-ardin- the le-ion of e1il and corr%0tion in this co%ntr38 so the3 don't
ha1e an3 basis for %nderstandin- or challen-in- it. @ri1en solel3 b3
instinct and emotion8 and s0ea)in- from a 0lace of i-norance8 the3
react an-ril3 to those attem0tin- to e:0ose the tr%th8 2hate1er that
tr%th mi-ht be.
#im0l3 stated8 the3 are in denial. #%ch denial absol1es one of the
res0onsibilit3 of ha1in- to do somethin- abo%t the 0roblem * to ta)e a
stand * and8 on an e1en dee0er le1el8 to challen-e their comfortabl3
held belief s3stems. Ahile the 0%blic ser1ants 2ho )no2 the tr%th and
choose to remain silent are -%ilt3 accom0lices after-the-fact8 to den3
that s%ch a tr%th e:ists to be-in 2ith is intellect%al co2ardice. Faced
2ith s%ch a choice bet2een e:aminin- their falsel3 cherished 1al%es
and8 conse9%entl38 themsel1es8 most 0eo0le o0t for the safer
As another />B/MB 0oster obser1ed8 DThe3 2ant their li1es to -o on
as easil3 as 0ossible8 2itho%t bein- harassed b3 the -o1ernment8 b%t
2itho%t admittin- to themsel1es that the3 sold their so%ls for a
contin%ed 0a3chec) and a -ood credit ratin-.D
The a%thor has no res0ect or s3m0ath3 for s%ch indi1id%als8 or for that
matter8 the maNorit3 of Americans 2ho mindlessl3 s%bscribe to the
balef%l fantasies 0er0etrated b3 -o1ernment liars and mainstream
media 2hores. The3 can t2ist in the 2ind.
T2o h%ndred 3ears a-o8 #am%el Adams said5 D?f 3e lo1e 2ealth better
than libert38 the tran9%illit3 of ser1it%de better than the animatin-
contest of freedom8 -o home from %s in 0eace. Ae as) not 3o%r
co%nsels or arms. Cro%ch do2n and lic) the hands 2hich feed 3o%.LD
Fort%natel38 there are eno%-h 0eo0le 2ho 2ant to )no2 the tr%th.
These are the 0eo0le 2orth fi-htin- for. A00ro:imatel3 !.. bombin-
1ictims and their relati1es are be-innin- to see) ans2ers. The3 ha1e
bro%-ht t2o ci1il s%its a-ainst the Federal Bo1ernment. The s%its see)
to 0ro1e be3ond a shado2 of a do%bt that the -o1ernment had
ad1ance )no2led-e of the 0lot b%t failed to sto0 it8 in 2hat amo%nted8
at least on one le1el8 to a stin- o0eration -one 2ron-.
:et Them 'at O$C$
J"All men will see what you seem to &eM only a 8ew will
know what you are1 and those 8ew will not dare to oppose
the many who ha,e the ma@esty o8 the state on their side
to de8end them."
— +iccolo $achia,elli1 <FGD A..K
Mc<ei-h is sentenced to death. Ae are all sa1ed.
An3one 2ho belie1es this is brain dead and deser1es the
conse9%ences. (ies be-et ne2 lies. Crimes be-et ne2
crimes. M%rder be-ets ne2 m%rder. Nothin- has chan-ed
in 0eo0le's thin)in- in fi1e tho%sand 3ears. ?f there is a
blood sacrifice for the -ods8 all is 2ell. The r%le of rit%al
blood sacrifice is s%00lantin- the r%le of la28 d%e 0rocess
and constit%tional ri-hts %nder the r%bric of D1ictims'
ri-hts.D The re-ression to social barbarism is matched b3
indi1id%al re-ression to infantile ma-ical thin)in- and The
(ord of the Flies is the %ltimate destination.
/n 6%ne 28 1,,&8 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h 2as con1icted of all 11 co%nts in the
federal indictment5 ei-ht co%nts of m%rderin- federal a-ents8 and one
co%nt each of 0ossessin- a 2ea0on of mass destr%ctionG of
cons0irin- to %se a 2ea0on of mass destr%ctionG and of destro3in-
federal 0ro0ert3 2ith a 2ea0on of mass destr%ction. The sentence 2as
death b3 lethal inNection.
?n the trial8 2hich 2as hailed as Dbrilliant8D Dte:tboo)8D and Dclose to
0erfectD b3 -o1ernment le-al 0%ndits8 0rosec%tors 0resented lar-el3
circ%mstantial e1idence combined 2ith emotional tales from bombin-
1ictims8 and 2on immediate con1ictions.
?n the last m%rder Dtrial of the cent%r38D 0rosec%tors dis0la3ed an
im0ressi1e arra3 of hard8 solid e1idence a-ainst former football star
/.6. #im0son and 2ere met 2ith ac9%ittal.
Federal 0rosec%tors introd%ced no 2itnesses 2ho co%ld ha1e 0laced
Mc<ei-h in /)lahoma Cit3 on A0ril 1,L beca%se Mc<ei-h 2as al2a3s
seen in the com0an3 of other s%s0ects * a can of 2orms the
-o1ernment8 and the defense8 co%ld not afford to o0en. Cet 2hile
0rosec%tors inters0ersed relati1el3 circ%mstantial e1idence 2ith heart-
2renchin- and com0letel3 irrele1ant tales from tearf%l bombin-
1ictims8 the defense 2asn't allo2ed to 0resent an3 e:0ert 2itnesses
deb%n)in- the -o1ernment's Dsin-le bombD theor38 or an3 e1idence
lin)in- other s%s0ects to the crimeI
Finall38 N%st one month before the start of Mc<ei-h's trial8 the allas
$orning +ews Dlea)edD alle-ed doc%mentation that Mc<ei-h had
DadmittedD to a defense team member Richard Re3na that he alone
dro1e the R3der tr%c) to the Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin- ;hardl3 a credible
assertation at this 0oint=. (i)e the startlin- re1elations of Mc<ei-h's
racin- f%el 0%rchases a 3ear and-a-half after the fact8 this 2ell-timed
r%se 2as en-ineered to res%scitate the -o1ernment's ra0idl3
deterioratin- case.
Ahile 6ones' s%0erbl3 crafted and hi-hl3 re1ealin- Arit of Mandam%s
barel3 re-istered a bli0 on the official radar screen of the mainstream
0ress8 Mc<ei-h's hi-hl3 d%bio%s DconfessionD became the immediate
foc%s of tabloid attention.
?n doc%ments recentl3 disco1ered b3 the +ational "lo&e8 it 2as learned
that (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald made a DconfessionD to @allas +olice on
No1ember 228 in 2hich he states that he8 a= Acted aloneG b= 7ad no ties
2ith an3 mob or intelli-ence or-aniationsG and c= Aas mad at the
+resident and 2anted to ma)e a 0olitical statement.
DThat sho%ld 0%t this contro1ers3 to rest for all time8D said former
0resident and Aarren Commission member Berald Ford.
(ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald didn't li1e to tell the tr%th. Timoth3 Mc<ei-h chose
not to s0ea) it. Cet8 as #te0hen 6ones noted8 if Mc<ei-h dies8 the tr%th
ma3 die 2ith him.
Ahile 6%d-e Richard Matsch bared m%ch of the rele1ant e1idence
0ertainin- to the case8 he 0ermitted n%mero%s 1ictims' com0letel3
irrele1ant testimon3 abo%t their 0ersonal tra%ma8 ob1io%sl3 desi-ned
to s2a3 the emotions of an i-norant and conf%sed N%r3.
Matsch also barred ATF informant Carol 7o2e's testimon3 as
Dirrele1ant8D sa3in- that it D2o%ld conf%se or mislead the N%r3.D 7o2e's
attorne38 Clar) Bre2ster8 said his client co%ld ha1e -i1en Dcom0ellin-
testimon3 in s%00ort of a 0otential cons0irac3 theor3.D
The trial 2as also one of the most secreti1e e1er held. Accordin- to the
Associated +ress8 a Dre1ie2 of 18... doc%ments filed bet2een Feb. 2.
and #e0t. ! fo%nd &! 0ercent of the records ha1e been at least
0artiall3 sealed.D
Bi1en the mainstream media's lar-el3 ac9%iescent attit%de to2ards
the -o1ernment's fair3 tale8 it 2o%ld hardl3 ha1e mattered. /ne of the
most im0ortant and re1ealin- doc%ments in the case8 Mc<ei-h's Arit of
Mandam%s8 2as dismissed as a concoction of cons0irac3 theories
desi-ned to cast do%bt on Mc<ei-h's -%ilt. 6%d-e Matsch 2o%ld ha1e no
0art of Dcons0irac3 theories.D 7e ordered all im0ortant e:hibits of
Mc<ei-h's Arit sealed.
Ahile 6ones and the -o1ernment both decided that Mc<ei-h co%ldn't
recei1e a fair trial in /)lahoma8 critics ar-%ed that the case 2as mo1ed
to @en1er to 0%t it %nder the caref%l control of federal la0-do- Richard
Matsch. ?n one of the most contro1ersial en1ironmental cases e1er8
Matsch %sed a one-sided hearin- to br%sh aside char-es that
radioacti1e contamination from the Roc)3 Flats n%clear 2ea0ons 0lant
near @en1er 2as ad1ersel3 %nderminin- the health of area residents.
A Ni:on a00ointee8 Matsch also 0resided o1er the #il1erado #a1in-s
and (oan case8 in1ol1in- Beor-e B%sh's son Neil * a case thic) 2ith
dirt3 co1ert o0erati1es and shad3 criminals lin)ed to the C?A and the
?ran-Contra o0eration. B%sh 2al)ed.

Mc<ei-h's defense lasted little more than a 2ee). ?n that re-ard the
trial 2as little different than the trial of the s%r1i1in- Branch @a1idians8
2ho 2ere not allo2ed to introd%ce e1idence that the3 had acted in
self-defense. The s%0erficial t2o da3 defense8 0resented after 2ee)s of
bo-%s e1idence 0resented b3 the -o1ernment8 res%lted from 6%d-e
#mith 2ho said he 2o%ld not allo2 the defense to D0%t the -o1ernment
on trial.D Cet in fact se1eral N%rors e:0ressed their o0inions that the
-o1ernment sho%ld ha1e been on trial * not the s%r1i1in- Branch
Ahile he 2asn't allo2ed to introd%ce e1idence of a broader cons0irac38
6ones did s0end considerable time foc%sin- on the disembodied le-8
clothed in camo%fla-e militar3 -arb8 fo%nd amid the r%bble of the
Federal B%ildin-.
6ones introd%ced e:0ert testimon3 that s%ch a le- co%ld be left
intact from a blast that disinte-rated the remainin- bod3. ?t 2as this
le-8 2hich 2asn't matched to an3 other 1ictim8 6ones s%--ested8 that
belon-ed to the real bomber.
Cet 6%d-e Matsch 2asn't abo%t to allo2 6ones re1eal his )no2led-e of a
2ider 0lot8 as 2as 0ortra3ed in his Arit of Mandam%s5
The theor3 of the 0rosec%tion in this case8 not the Brand 6%r3's theor38
is that the t2o named @efendants constr%cted a sim0le de1ice ca0able
of to00lin- a nine-stor3 b%ildin- at a 0%blic fishin- la)e and that one of
them trans0orted this de1ice o1er t2o h%ndred miles 2itho%t blo2in-
himself %0. That is the heart of the 0rosec%tion's case. An3 e1idence
concernin- the 0artici0ation of others8 the com0le:it3 of the de1ice8 or
forei-n in1ol1ement ta)es a2a3 the heart of the -o1ernment's case
and there is therefore an instit%tional interest on the 0art of the
-o1ernment in )ee0in- s%ch e1idence shielded from the defense and
the 0%blic.
#ome critics ar-%ed that 6ones' decision to 2ait %ntil one 2ee) before
the start of his client's trial to file the im0ortant and re1ealin-
doc%ment ens%red that the 1.th Circ%it Co%rt of A00eals 2o%ld reNect
the motion.
/ther8 s%ch as 0rominent D+atriotD attorne3 Nanc3 (ord8 insisted that
6ones Dsho%ld ha1e 1iolated the N%d-e's order8 0resented e1idence of a
lar-er cons0irac3 to the N%r38 and -one to Nail for contem0t. ?f ? 2o%ld
ha1e been the defense attorne38 some thin-s are im0ortant eno%-h to
-o to Nail for8D (ord said. D? am shoc)ed at #te0hen 6ones' cond%ct in
this case.D
An attorne3 on 6ones' le-al team rated his defense as Dno better than a
C-min%s8D altho%-h he added8 D? thin) he had some hi-h-0oints.D
As 6ones solemnl3 stated in No1ember of 1,,!8 D#ome da38 2hen 3o%
)no2 2hat ? )no2 and 2hat ? ha1e learned8 and that da3 2ill come8 3o%
2ill ne1er a-ain thin) of the $nited #tates of America in the same
The American 0%blic ne1er learned 2hat #te0hen 6ones )no2s. Cet on
the da3 of his sentencin-8 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h finall3 s0o)e o%t5 D/%r
-o1ernment is the 0otent and omni0resent teacher for -ood or for ill8D
Mc<ei-h boldl3 if some2hat eni-maticall3 anno%nced to the co%rt. D?t
teaches the 2hole 0eo0le b3 its e:am0le. That's all ? ha1e to sa3.D
Nat%rall38 the -o1ernment and man3 of the bombin- 1ictims too) this
as a si-n of Mc<ei-h's confession. The rest of the 9%ote ma3 shed
some li-ht on the meanin-5
DCrime is conta-io%s. ?f the -o1ernment becomes a la2brea)er8 it
breeds contem0t for the la2G it in1ites e1er3 man to become a la2
%nto himselfG it in1ites anarch3. To declare that in the administration of
the criminal la2 the end N%stifies the means * to declare that the
-o1ernment ma3 commit crimes in order to sec%re the con1iction of a
0ri1ate criminal * 2o%ld brin- terrible retrib%tion.D
Mc<ei-h also acc%sed 6ones of l3in- and scre2in- %0. DThe tr%th is this
-%3 onl3 s%cceeded in -ettin- JmeK the death sentence8D said Mc<ei-h8
Dand no2 he doesn't 2ant to let -o.D
As)ed 2hat lies 6ones told him8 Mc<ei-h 2as not s0ecific5 D?t's for
Con-ress8 the bar8 and the N%diciar3 to in1esti-ate and disco1er. Co%
2o%ld not belie1e some of the thin-s that ha1e occ%rred in this case.
The man has re0eatedl3 lied to me in the 0ast.D
/b1io%sl38 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h is holdin- his cards close to his 1est. As
6ones stated d%rin- his closin- ar-%ment5 DT2o 0eo0le share a terrible
secret. /ne 2ill not tal)8 the other is bo%nd b3 la2 and can not tal).D
The 0%blic still hasn't learned 2hat that terrible secret is.
/ther r%mors abo%nd that 6ones * 2ho stands to ma)e millions in
le-al fees from the -o1ernment * 0%r0osel3 thre2 the case.
D7e is the most dishonest 0erson ?'1e e1er met8 incl%din- all the
criminals ?'1e defended8D sa3s his onetime la2 0artner Alec
McNa%-hton8 2ho ne1ertheless describes 6ones as Dbrilliant.D
As a 3o%n- attorne3 in 1,"48 6ones be-an his career 2or)in- for a
la23er named Richard Milho%s Ni:on. 7is clients ha1e r%n the -am%t
from '".s radicals s%ch as Abbie 7offman to establishment 0oliticians
s%ch as Bo1ernor Fran) >eatin-.
6ones and Nichols' attorne3 Michael Ti-ar share a common bond
thro%-h the late 4d2ard Bennett Ailliams8 senior 0artner of Ailliams S
Connoll3 ;later Ailliams8 Aadden S #tein=. Ailliams' client roster
incl%ded #enator 6ose0h McCarth38 Mafia don Fran) Costello8 Teamster
6imm3 7offa8 ind%strialist Armand 7ammer8 and Te:as Bo1ernor 6ohn
A man on intimate terms 2ith the C?A8 Ailliams 2as offered the 0ost of
C?A director b3 t2o 0residents8 a Nob 2hich he declined8 0robabl3
beca%se he 2as alread3 a de facto C?A official.
Ahile 6ones o0enl3 admires Ailliams8 Ti-ar 2as act%all3 em0lo3ed b3
him in the late '".s and mid &.s. Ailliams often referred to Ti-ar as his
Dmost brilliant 0rotX-X.D
A $ni1ersit3 of Te:as (a2 #chool 0rofessor8 Ti-ar himself claims an
interestin- be13 of clients8 ran-in- from DChica-o #e1enD member
An-ela @a1is8 2ho 2as tried for cons0irac3 to incite riots at the 1,"'
@emocratic Con1ention8 to 6ohn @emNanN%)8 acc%sed of bein- the
notorio%s Nai concentration cam0 -%ard D?1an the Terrible.D
6ones and Ti-ar ha1e collaborated before8 defendin- a contro1ersial
/)lahoma Cit3 0s3chothera0ist.
DTi-ar is a 0assionate defender of 0eo0le 2ho ha1e been o00ressed b3
the -o1ernment8D said 24-3ear /)lahoma Cit3 attorne3 6im Bellin-ham8
2ho thin)s the 0ossibilit3 of 6ones and Ti-ar r%nnin- Ddama-e controlD
for the -o1ernment is Dho-2ash.D
D? can't ima-ine the man sellin- o%t8 and nobod3's -oin- to tell him
ho2 to r%n his defense8D said Bellin-ham.
B%t former Nebras)a #tate #enator 6ohn @eCam08 2ho in1esti-ated a
child ab%se rin- r%n b3 hi-h -o1ernment officials8 doesn't 0%t m%ch
faith in #te0hen 6ones. @eCam0 belie1es 6ones act%all3 made a deal
2ith the feds. @eCam0 re0resented a bombin- 1ictim in an earl3 action
a-ainst the Federal Bo1ernment and 2as N%st abo%t to file a motion to
0reser1e the b%ildin- as e1idence. As he 2rote in (he Franklin *o,er7
/nl3 ho%rs before ? 2as to file the le-al 0a0ers for a ci1il action to )ee0
the b%ildin- standin-8 ? 2as contacted b3 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h's attorne3s8
2ho 0resented me 2ith t2o maNor re9%ests.
First8 the3 as)ed that ? allo2 them to file the motions to )ee0 the
b%ildin- standin- so that the in1esti-ation co%ld be cond%cted. The3
had co-ent le-al ar-%ments for this re9%est5 beca%se Mc<ei-h 2asRis
%nder federal criminal char-es8 he had the definite le-al ri-ht to )ee0
the b%ildin- standin- %nder the federal r%les of e1idence 2hich -rant
criminal defendants the ri-ht to 0reser1e e1idence that 2o%ld
si-nificantl3 im0act their defense. ?t 2as clear that if Mc<ei-h's
attorne3s belie1ed8 or e1en s%s0ected -o1ernment co1er-%08 the3
2o%ld definitel3 2ant the b%ildin- e:amined.
Their second re9%est 2as that ? release from retainer the bomb
in1esti-ation team ? had assembled * 6ohn A. >enned3 and Associates
* 2hich8 the3 claimed8 the3 2anted to hire.
? -ranted these re9%ests to Mc<ei-h's attorne3s.
A fe2 ho%rs later8 ? 2atched in horror as CNN and all the national ne2s
channels re0orted that Mc<ei-h's attorne3s had no intent to file an3
motions to )ee0 the Federal B%ildin- standin-. The3 had DN%st reached
a-reement 2ith the -o1ernment8D the re0orters e:0lained8 to 0ermit
the b%ildin- to be destro3ed almost immediatel3.
An-r3 be3ond belief8 ? called Mc<ei-h's attorne3 and as)ed 2hat
the3 2ere doin-. #ince this all occ%rred on a 2ee)end8 ? co%ld ta)e no
le-al action to sto0 the b%ildin-'s destr%ction. Mc<ei-h's attorne3 told
me8 D/h 3es8 2e are -oin- to allo2 the b%ildin- to be destro3ed.D
DAh3HD ? demanded. DBeca%se 2e co%ld not afford to 0a3 the retainer
fee that the >enned3 and Associates firm 2anted8D he ans2ered.
#hoc)ed b3 this feeble e:0lanation8 ? as)ed8 DAell8 N%st ho2 m%ch do
the3 2antHD Mc<ei-h's attorne3 floored me5 DF3.8...8D he said. Dand
2e ha1e no reso%rces to 0a3 it8 beca%se 2e are a co%rt-a00ointed
attorne3 and there are no f%nds for this 0%r0ose.D
DFor Bod's sa)eID ? screamed at him. D? 2ill raise the mone3I ? 2ill 0a3
the feeI There's too m%ch at sta)e for America. D7o28D ? demanded8
Dcan Mc<ei-h -o alon- 2ith 2antin- that b%ildin- destro3ed8 2hen that
b%ildin- is the one thin- that can tell America the stor3 of 2hat reall3
ha00enedH ? 2ill -et 3o% the mone38 someho28 b%t don't ref%se to
)ee0 the b%ildin- %0 for that reasonID
M3 0rotests 2ere f%tile. Aithin ho%rs of m3 call8 b3 m%t%al a-reement
bet2een Mc<ei-h's attorne3s and the -o1ernment 0rosec%tors8 the
b%ildin- 2as destro3ed8 and an3 e1idence 2as destro3ed 2ith it.
6ones des0%ted this8 statin- in a letter to the a%thor5
Lif an3one too) the tro%ble to chec) the 0%blic filin-s in the case of
5nited )tates ,. $c2eigh the3 2ill find that one of the 1er3 first Motions
that ? filed 2as to sto0 the im0losion of the M%rrah B%ildin- %ntil the
@efense co%ld -o in and ta)e films and mo1in- 1ideo 0ict%res. The
Co%rt s%stained m3 Motion and 2e 2ere able8 to-ether 2ith an
architect and an e:0losi1es e:0ert8 to to%r the b%ildin-. An3 claim that
2e made a DdealD 2ith the Federal a%thorities to 0ermit the demolition
of the M%rrah B%ildin- before the @efense co%ld ins0ect if is abs%rd
and contradicted b3 the 0%blic record.
A so%rce 2ithin the defense team told me that 6ones' team act%all3 did
-o into the b%ildin- to cond%ct forensic anal3sis. The -ro%0 consisted
of a 1ideo-ra0her8 a still 0hoto-ra0her8 and one bomb e:0ert8 2ho
2ere accom0anied b3 se1eral FB? and ATF a-ents. The so%rce said that
the bomb e:0ert 2al)ed aro%nd 2ith onl3 a Ne2eler's lo%0e8 no forensic
)it8 and did not ta)e an3 sam0les for anal3sis. The a-ents restricted
their 0assa-e thro%-h the b%ildin-8 and b3 the time the3 arri1ed8 the
crater had been filled.
6ones also made no mention of the amain- letter Mc<ei-h sent to his
sister8 describin- his recr%itment into a secret -o1ernment team
in1ol1ed in ille-al acti1ities8 2hich she had read before the Federal
Brand 6%r3.
Ahat he did do 2as sho2 a film abo%t Aaco8 f%rther reinforcin- the
alle-ations of his client's -%ilt8 incl%din- the abs%rd notion that
Mc<ei-h m%rdered 2! innocent children in /)lahoma to a1en-e the
m%rder of 2! innocent children at Aaco.
@id 6ones ha1e a ;uid pro ;uo 2ith the -o1ernment not to re1eal an3
e1idence that his client 2as a -o1ernment a-entH @id he 0%r0osel3
thro2 the caseH 7is hi-hl3 incriminatin- Arit of Mandam%s and
im0ressi1e o0enin- statement tend to belie that theor3. As 6ones said
in his o0enin- statement5
D? )no2 2ho bombed the Alfred +. M%rrah b%ildin-. ?t 2as N/T Tim
D41en more im0ortant8 the -o1ernment )no2s 2ho bombed the Alfred
+. M%rrah b%ildin-. The -o1ernment )no2s it 2as N/T Tim Mc<ei-h.
DThe -o1ernment also )no2s that its case a-ainst Tim Mc<ei-h is
corr%0t. At its core8 it's rotten. ? 2ill sho2 3o% in 2hat 2a38 and 2h3.
DThe most im0ortant difference bet2een %s8 is that the -o1ernment
2on't tell 3o% 2ho bombed the Alfred +. M%rrah b%ildin-.
D? 2ill.D
6ones ne1er -ot the chance. The e:cl%sion of ATF informant Carol 7o2e
so%nded the death )nell for other defense 2itnesses s%ch as bomb
e:0ert Beneral Benton +artin8 seismolo-ist @r. Ra3 Bro2n8 and the
man3 2itnesses 2ho sa2 additional s%s0ects. Ahile the 0rosec%tion
called 2& 0hone com0an3 em0lo3ees to testif3 that Mc<ei-h and
Nichols %sed a 0re-0aid callin- card to ma)e chemical 0%rchase
in9%iries8 the3 didn't call e1en one of the man3 2itnesses 2ho 2o%ld
ha1e 0laced Mc<ei-h do2nto2n on the mornin- of the blastI
Ahile the -o1ernment solicited the testimon3 of British e:0losi1es
e:0ert (inda 6ones8 Mc<ei-h's attorne3 c%rio%sl3 did not call Beneral
+artin8 2ho co%ld ha1e blo2n the lid off the -o1ernment's sin-le bomb
DThe N%d-e 2o%ld not 0ermitL in his r%lin- he 2o%ld not 0ermit
an3thin- e:ce0t one man8 one bomb8D said +artin. DLthe3 str%ct%red
the 2hole case * the 2hole 0rosec%tion * com0letel3 eliminatin- the
b%ildin- and an3thin- to do 2ith it.L beca%se the3 co%ldn't afford to
-et into that.D
Referrin- to 6ones8 +artin added8 D? didn't e:0ect to be called b3 these
-%3s. ? had absol%tel3 no confidence in them. ? didn't e:0ect it * not
from 6ones.D
?n res0onse8 6ones said8 D? did not 0%t +artin on the stand beca%se
m3 e:0erts do not credit his theor3.LD
Cet the 9%estion still remains5 2h3 didn't 6ones ta)e the iss%e of 6%d-e
Matsch's ille-al decisions before the A00ellate or #%0reme Co%rtsH
6ones re0lied b3 statin- that the a00ellate co%rt Dref%sed to acce0t
N%risdiction of the case and said JitK 2o%ld re1ie2 the iss%es on a00eal8
if there 2as a con1iction.D
#ome ha1e s0ec%lated that the millions 6ones stands to ma)e in le-al
fees from the -o1ernment 0la3ed a 0art in his a00arentl3 0oor
Those 2ho e:0ected a similarl3 0oor defense from Michael Ti-ar 2ere
shoc)ed to find him introd%cin- e1idence of other s%s0ects8 and
0%ttin- ATF informant Carol 7o2e on the 2itness stand.
No do%bt Nichols' con1iction of cons0irac3 and in1ol%ntar3
mansla%-hter stemmed from the critical o0inions N%rors had of the
0rosec%tion's Dlimited han--o%t.D
D? do not belie1e that the -o1ernment -a1e %s the 2hole case8D said
(inda Mor-an8 one of the N%rors 2ho decided Nichols onl3 had a minor
role in the bomb 0lot. Mc<ei-h8 she said8 D2as seen 2ith too man3
other 0eo0le. Aho 2ere these other 0eo0leHD
D? thin) that the -o1ernment 0erha0s reall3 dro00ed the ball8D said N%r3
fore2oman Ni)i @e%tchman8 2ho criticied the FB? for haltin- its
in1esti-ation after arrestin- Nichols and Mc<ei-h.
D? thin) there are other 0eo0le o%t there8D she said8 recallin- defense
2itnesses 2ho sa2 others 2ith Mc<ei-h before the bombin-. D? thin)
this 2as a horrible thin- to ha1e doneL and ? do%bt t2o 0eo0le 2ere
able to brin- it off.D
@e%tchman also criticied the FB? for slo003 crime lab 0roced%res8 and
claimed a-ents 2ere Darro-antD for failin- to ta0e-record Nichols' initial
,-ho%r interro-ation. D?t seems arro-ant to me on the 0art of the FB? to
sa38 3o% )no28 'Ae ha1e -ood recall and 3o% can ta)e 2hat 2e ha1e
Nor co%ld N%rors a-ree on the sco0e of Nichols' in1ol1ement. Ahile
most belie1ed he 0la3ed a maNor role8 others 9%estioned if he did m%ch
at all or had bac)ed o%t com0letel3 or been coerced.
D#ome 0eo0le felt he 2asn't in1ol1ed at all in b%ildin- the bomb8D
@e%tchman said before echoin- an oft-re0eated mantra from the
defense5 D? thin) he 2as b%ildin- a life.D
6%ror 7oll3 7anlin8 too8 felt the -o1ernment failed to f%ll3 0ro1e its
case. DAe co%ldn't find eno%-h e1idence to con1ince at least all of %s
that he intended8 that he 2as in1ol1ed from the 1er3 be-innin-8 that
he b%ilt the bomb. Ae felt that e1idence 2as sha)3 at bestL.D
/thers8 li)e N%ror >eith Broo)shier8 saidDJ?K )no2 that Terr3 Nichols 2as
into it %0 to his e3eballs and that's the onl3 thin- ? had to decide.L
Ae're not tr3in- 6ohn @oe 28 or 3 or 4 or 2hate1er.D $.#. Attorne3 Beth
Ail)inson nat%rall3 added her 1oice to the ensemble8 statin- that
Dsi-htin-s of 6ohn @oe 2 2ere abo%t as common and abo%t as credible
as si-htin-s of 4l1is.D
As the trial of Terr3 Nichols 2inds do2n8 the 0%blic's attention 2ill
resol1e itself to the latest scandal8 re0orted in the same e:0osX-tabloid
fashion that ri1eted its attention on the /.6. #im0son trial. As in both
cases8 the rele1ant facts 2ill remain obsc%red behind the colored
smo)e and li-hts of 2hat 2ill certainl3 be more circ%s trials. Attorne3
(arr3 Becraft told $edia %ypass8 DThe3 -ot /s2ald8 the3 -ot 6ames 4arl
Ra38 the3 -ot Mc<ei-h and once the3're finished 2ith Nichols8 the3'1e
offered the 0%blic a co%0le of sacrificial lambs8 and the3 ho0e it 2ill all
-o a2a3.D
B3 the time this boo) is 0%blished8 a fe2 select facts ma3 be bro%-ht
to li-ht. The3 2ill first be re1ealed b3 a fe2 1ictims' families8 an-ril3
demandin- N%sticeG b3 the fe2 0%blic officials co%ra-eo%s eno%-h to
ris) their careers. And finall38 the3 2ill be echoed in the co%rts b3 the
ine1itable s0ecter of ci1il liti-ation.
Then8 the 0o2ers that be 2ill hasten to constr%ct a ne2 la3er of
dama-e control8 and the co1er-%0 2ill be-in ane2. (i)e the crime scene
9%ic)l3 demolished8 and the 6ohn @oes that ne1er e:isted8 this ne2
Dlimited-han-o%t8D in the form of a fe2 Dstartlin- re1elations8D 2ill be
%sed as a dam8 to hold bac) the onr%shin- tide of tr%th.
Aill Timoth3 Mc<ei-h e1er choose to re1eal that tr%th * 2hat he
)no2s of it * or 2ill it -o 2ith him to the -ra1e8 or die 2ith him in a
0rison Ds%icideHD
As Fletcher +ro%t3 states5 DThe 2hole stor3 of the power of the co1er-
%0 comes do2n to a fe2 0oints. There has ne1er been a -rand N%r3 and
trial in Te:as ;referrin- to (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald=. Aitho%t a trial there can
be nothin-. Aitho%t a trial it does no -ood for researchers to di- %0
data. ?t has no 0lace to -o and 2hat the researchers re1eal N%st hel0s
ma)e the co1er-%0 ti-hter8 or the3 eliminate that e1idence and the
The -o1ernment ille-all3 0re1ented a state trial in @allas in 1,"38 as
the3 tried to do in /)lahoma Cit3 in 1,,!. ?t came do2n to one
co%ra-eo%s @istrict Attorne3 in Ne2 /rleans to o0en %0 that can of
As this boo) 2ent to 0ress8 a Co%nt3 Brand 6%r38 con1ened at the
behest of t2o co%ra-eo%s men in /)lahoma8 be-an hearin- e1idence.
Aill these N%rors 2ill more obNecti1e and effecti1e than the hi-hl3
mani0%lated Federal Brand 6%r3H /ne N%ror8 Ben Ba)er8 2as 9%oted in
(he aily !klahoman as sa3in-5 D41er3one ?'1e tal)ed to belie1es this
is a 2aste of time and ta:0a3ers' mone3. ? belie1e the same thin-.D
Another N%ror8 >enneth Ric)enbrode8 is a lie%tenant 2ith /C+@ ?nternal
Affairs8 2hich sho%ld ser1e rather nicel3 to hamstrin- an3 serio%s
in9%ir3 into the m%rder of /C+@ /fficer Terrance Cea)e3.
Fort%natel38 Bob Mac3's Chief Assistant @A8 +at Mor-an and Assistant
@A #%anne (ister-B%m0 are on hand to Dad1iseD the N%rors and D0re-
screenD the e1idence.
Re0resentati1e >e3 had little choice b%t to 2or) 2ith Mac3's 0eo0le8
the alternati1e bein- a s0ecial 0rosec%tor bein- a00ointed b3 0olitical
hac)s Attorne3 Beneral @re2 4dmondson or Bo1ernor Fran) >eatin-.
Altho%-h >e3 co%ld ha1e obNected to both 4dmondson and >eatin-
based on their ob1io%s 0reN%dice8 he felt the #%0reme Co%rt 2o%ld
ha1e sat on the iss%e8 0erha0s not a00ointin- a s0ecial 0rosec%tor for
o1er a 3ear. After 2aitin- t2o 3ears8 he 2as an:io%s to -et the 0rocess
started. The choice 2as Ddecidin- bet2een bad8 2orse8 and 2orse8D
said >e38 2ho no2 belie1es that Mac3 is Don o%r side.D
Bob Mac3 * a man 2ho Din1esti-atedD the case b3 th%mbin- thro%-h
an old co03 of (he (urner iaries — no2 insists he intends to %nco1er
the tr%th. D?'m 0re0ared to do 2hat e1er it ta)es to -et to the tr%thID
Mac3 declared. DM3 sole intent is in learnin- the tr%th.D This Mac3
stated to the a%thor fi1e months before he )o2to2ed to D6%sticeD
@e0artment 2ishes in o00osin- the -rand N%r3.
/f co%rse8 Mac3's most tellin- statement came 2hen he 2as as)ed if
he intended to 0%rs%e an in1esti-ation inde0endent of the feds. DAellL
? don't 2ant to be a 0art3 to an3thin- that 2ill interfere 2ith the Feds'
0rosec%tion8D said Mac3. "I don9t want to open up a new can o8 worms."
This is not s%r0risin-8 comin- from a man 2ho ref%sed to 0rosec%te
ei-ht felon3 indictments a-ainst a sittin- -o1ernor 2ho 2as a
cam0ai-n mana-er for +resident Clinton.
Conse9%entl38 >e3 0etitioned the /)lahoma #%0reme Co%rt to order
Mac3 to do his Nob. ?n re0l38 Mac3 stated8 D? am -oin- to do m3 Nob. This
action b3 him 2on't ha1e an3 effect one 2a3 or another. ? am still
-oin- to do it the 2a3 it is s%00osed to be done.D
Former Con-ressman Beor-e 7ansen ;R-?@= thin)s Mac38 2hom he
sa3s 2as Dstraddlin- the fence8D has no2 t%rned aro%nd. D(oo)8 Dhe's
obli-ated to do the 2ill of the establishment8D said 7ansen. D7e 2ent
alon-L 2ith defendin- the establishment.D
An old friend of Mac3's from Aashin-ton8 @.C.8 7ansen learned the
hard 2a3 2hat it's li)e to s%ffer at the hands of a corr%0t and 1indicti1e
D6%sticeD @e0artment. Not one to easil3 tr%st the Federal Bo1ernment8
7ansen -en%inel3 belie1es his old friend from the @e0artment of
A-ric%lt%re is no2 honestl3 -oin- to challen-e that -o1ernment. DBi1e
the -%3 a chance to t%rn aro%nd8D said 7ansen. D7e honestl3 2ants
that -rand N%r3 to come o%t 2ith as m%ch of the tr%th as 0ossible.D
?f tr%e8 0erha0s Mac3 sho%ld imb%e a sence of o0en-mindedness in his
so-called in1esti-ators. ?n an affida1it filed b3 Richard #innett8 the
e3e2itness claims that one of Mac3's in1esti-ators made sarcastic
comments to him abo%t the -rand N%r3 in1esti-ation shortl3 before he
2as s%b0oenaed.
#innett co%ld not identif3 the 0erson. 7o2e1er8 he said in the si-ned
affida1it8 the man 2ho called him said Dhe did not )no2 2h3 he 2as
ha1in- to do this8 that Charles >e3 2as 0%shin- this and that nothin-
2o%ld come of it and that is 2as a 2aste of time.D
Nat%rall38 Mac3's office denied the char-e.
+erha0s the #%0reme Co%rt sho%ld order 6%d-e B%r)ette8 0residin- o1er
the Co%nt3 Brand 6%r38 to do his Nob. B%r)ett attem0ted to disallo2
hearsa3 e1idence to be 0resented to the -rand N%r3 * a clear 1iolation
of /)lahoma -rand N%r3 0roced%res.
D@o not acce0t hearsa38D B%r)ett said in his o0enin- instr%ctions to the
-rand N%rors. D7ear onl3 those 2itnesses 2ho 2o%ld 0resent facts8
2hich if tr%e8 2o%ld s%bstantiate an indictable offense and not
needlessl3 dela3 the co%rts in their other f%nctions b3 listenin- to
radical 0ersons or facts abo%t 2hich 3o% co%ld do nothin- if it 2ere
DLradical 0ersons or facts abo%t 2hich 3o% co%ld do nothin- if it 2ere
tr%eDHHH 6%d-e B%r)ett's s%btle si-nal is s%s0icio%sl3 reminiscent of the
1,&" 7o%se #elect Committee on Assassinations in1esti-ation of the
>enned3 assassination8 2hich admitted that the e1idence led to a
0robable cons0irac3. No indicments 2ere e1er handed do2n.
>F/R's 6a3na @a1is8 2ho testified before the Brand 6%r38 didn't miss
this s%btle si-nal. #he told (he aily !klahoman she e:0ects
0rosec%tors Dto e:0ress a le-itimate interestD in 0%rs%in- indictments
a-ainst the s%s0ects her 2itnesses identified.
41en if Mac3 and B%r)ette are e1ent%all3 forced to do their Nobs8 the
FB? can %ndo%btedl3 be co%nted on to intimidate )e3 2itnesses8 as
the3 did in the federal trial. >a3 7.8 2ho sa2 7%ssain al-7%ssaini s0eed
a2a3 in the bro2n 0ic)-%08 re0ortedl3 is afraid to testif3 before the
Brand 6%r38 after 0%blicl3 statin- * t2ice * that 7%ssaini 2as the man
she sa2. Bar3 (e2is8 the 6o%rnal Record 0ressman 2ho 2as almost r%n
o1er b3 Mc<ei-h and 6ohn @oe 28 has no2 recanted his stor3. After his
testimon3 before the Co%nt3 Brand 6%r38 +rofessor Ra3 Bro2n of the
$ni1ersit3 of /)lahoma had a chan-e of heart5 DThere's no e1idence in
the Jseismo-ra0hicK bomb si-nals for an3 additional char-es8D Bro2n
told re0orters.
The federal a-ents 2ho mi-ht be s%b0oenaed 2ill no do%bt attem0t to
9%ash them on the -ro%nds of Dnational sec%rit3.D
?t is been r%mored that no -rand N%r3 indictments 2ill e1er be ret%rned.
#aid #te0hen 6ones8 DLa li1in- ni-htmare for the @e0artment of 6%stice
is an /)lahoma state criminal trial8 not onl3 a ni-htmare for them8 b%t
a ni-htmare for the intelli-ence comm%nit38 for the ATF. There isn't
-oin- to be an3 /)lahoma trial.LD
D?f ? tho%-ht the #tate of /)lahoma 2as reall3 interested in the tr%th as
o00osed to N%st some 0olitical side sho28D added 6ones8 D? 2o%ld insist
that Mr. Mc<ei-h ha1e a state trial and demand that he be released to
the state a%thorities. B%t this is all 0olitics.D
DAhat J6ose0h 7artlerK is tr3in- to do is not ha1e 0eo0le learn8D said
Mc<ei-h in an inter1ie2 from his 0rison cell. D7e 2ants to ha1e them
0%t their heads in the sand.D
Ahat Mc<ei-h states ma3 be an %nfort%nate a:iom. Man3 Americans
aren't interested in )no2in- the tr%th. (i)e Becraft said8 the3 2ant it to
-o a2a3. The3 don't 2ant to o0en %0 a ne2 can of 2orms. Man3
0eo0le8 e1en those in /)lahoma8 don't 2ant to belie1e that the
-o1ernment8 or elements 2ithin that -o1ernment8 co%ld or 2o%ld8 do8
or co1er-%08 s%ch an e1il act.
7o2e1er8 D1er3 fe2 2ill co1er %0 the 1iolent deaths of their sons and
da%-hters8 or the children of a close famil3 friend8 no matter 2hat the
0rice8D ar-%ed a 0oster to an ?nternet ne2s-ro%0 called />B/MB.
#%r0risin-l38 man3 of these 0eo0le * incl%din- a si-nificant n%mber of
bombin- 1ictims * are nai1e8 intellect%all3 la38 and %nreasonabl3
indi-nant. (i)e this 0oster8 these 0eo0le ha1en't done their home2or)
re-ardin- the le-ion of e1il and corr%0tion in this co%ntr38 so the3 don't
ha1e an3 basis for %nderstandin- or challen-in- it. @ri1en solel3 b3
instinct and emotion8 and s0ea)in- from a 0lace of i-norance8 the3
react an-ril3 to those attem0tin- to e:0ose the tr%th8 2hate1er that
tr%th mi-ht be.
#im0l3 stated8 the3 are in denial. #%ch denial absol1es one of the
res0onsibilit3 of ha1in- to do somethin- abo%t the 0roblem * to ta)e a
stand * and8 on an e1en dee0er le1el8 to challen-e their comfortabl3
held belief s3stems. Ahile the 0%blic ser1ants 2ho )no2 the tr%th and
choose to remain silent are -%ilt3 accom0lices after-the-fact8 to den3
that s%ch a tr%th e:ists to be-in 2ith is intellect%al co2ardice. Faced
2ith s%ch a choice bet2een e:aminin- their falsel3 cherished 1al%es
and8 conse9%entl38 themsel1es8 most 0eo0le o0t for the safer
As another />B/MB 0oster obser1ed8 DThe3 2ant their li1es to -o on
as easil3 as 0ossible8 2itho%t bein- harassed b3 the -o1ernment8 b%t
2itho%t admittin- to themsel1es that the3 sold their so%ls for a
contin%ed 0a3chec) and a -ood credit ratin-.D
The a%thor has no res0ect or s3m0ath3 for s%ch indi1id%als8 or for that
matter8 the maNorit3 of Americans 2ho mindlessl3 s%bscribe to the
balef%l fantasies 0er0etrated b3 -o1ernment liars and mainstream
media 2hores. The3 can t2ist in the 2ind.
T2o h%ndred 3ears a-o8 #am%el Adams said5 D?f 3e lo1e 2ealth better
than libert38 the tran9%illit3 of ser1it%de better than the animatin-
contest of freedom8 -o home from %s in 0eace. Ae as) not 3o%r
co%nsels or arms. Cro%ch do2n and lic) the hands 2hich feed 3o%.LD
Fort%natel38 there are eno%-h 0eo0le 2ho 2ant to )no2 the tr%th.
These are the 0eo0le 2orth fi-htin- for. A00ro:imatel3 !.. bombin-
1ictims and their relati1es are be-innin- to see) ans2ers. The3 ha1e
bro%-ht t2o ci1il s%its a-ainst the Federal Bo1ernment. The s%its see)
to 0ro1e be3ond a shado2 of a do%bt that the -o1ernment had
ad1ance )no2led-e of the 0lot b%t failed to sto0 it8 in 2hat amo%nted8
at least on one le1el8 to a stin- o0eration -one 2ron-.
:et Them 'at O$C$
J"All men will see what you seem to &eM only a 8ew will
know what you are1 and those 8ew will not dare to oppose
the many who ha,e the ma@esty o8 the state on their side
to de8end them."
— +iccolo $achia,elli1 <FGD A..K
Mc<ei-h is sentenced to death. Ae are all sa1ed.
An3one 2ho belie1es this is brain dead and deser1es the
conse9%ences. (ies be-et ne2 lies. Crimes be-et ne2
crimes. M%rder be-ets ne2 m%rder. Nothin- has chan-ed
in 0eo0le's thin)in- in fi1e tho%sand 3ears. ?f there is a
blood sacrifice for the -ods8 all is 2ell. The r%le of rit%al
blood sacrifice is s%00lantin- the r%le of la28 d%e 0rocess
and constit%tional ri-hts %nder the r%bric of D1ictims'
ri-hts.D The re-ression to social barbarism is matched b3
indi1id%al re-ression to infantile ma-ical thin)in- and The
(ord of the Flies is the %ltimate destination.
/n 6%ne 28 1,,&8 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h 2as con1icted of all 11 co%nts in the
federal indictment5 ei-ht co%nts of m%rderin- federal a-ents8 and one
co%nt each of 0ossessin- a 2ea0on of mass destr%ctionG of cons0irin-
to %se a 2ea0on of mass destr%ctionG and of destro3in- federal
0ro0ert3 2ith a 2ea0on of mass destr%ction. The sentence 2as death
b3 lethal inNection.
?n the trial8 2hich 2as hailed as Dbrilliant8D Dte:tboo)8D and Dclose to
0erfectD b3 -o1ernment le-al 0%ndits8 0rosec%tors 0resented lar-el3
circ%mstantial e1idence combined 2ith emotional tales from bombin-
1ictims8 and 2on immediate con1ictions.
?n the last m%rder Dtrial of the cent%r38D 0rosec%tors dis0la3ed an
im0ressi1e arra3 of hard8 solid e1idence a-ainst former football star
/.6. #im0son and 2ere met 2ith ac9%ittal.
Federal 0rosec%tors introd%ced no 2itnesses 2ho co%ld ha1e 0laced
Mc<ei-h in /)lahoma Cit3 on A0ril 1,L beca%se Mc<ei-h 2as al2a3s
seen in the com0an3 of other s%s0ects * a can of 2orms the
-o1ernment8 and the defense8 co%ld not afford to o0en. Cet 2hile
0rosec%tors inters0ersed relati1el3 circ%mstantial e1idence 2ith heart-
2renchin- and com0letel3 irrele1ant tales from tearf%l bombin-
1ictims8 the defense 2asn't allo2ed to 0resent an3 e:0ert 2itnesses
deb%n)in- the -o1ernment's Dsin-le bombD theor38 or an3 e1idence
lin)in- other s%s0ects to the crimeI
Finall38 N%st one month before the start of Mc<ei-h's trial8 the allas
$orning +ews Dlea)edD alle-ed doc%mentation that Mc<ei-h had
DadmittedD to a defense team member Richard Re3na that he alone
dro1e the R3der tr%c) to the Alfred +. M%rrah B%ildin- ;hardl3 a credible
assertation at this 0oint=. (i)e the startlin- re1elations of Mc<ei-h's
racin- f%el 0%rchases a 3ear and-a-half after the fact8 this 2ell-timed
r%se 2as en-ineered to res%scitate the -o1ernment's ra0idl3
deterioratin- case.
Ahile 6ones' s%0erbl3 crafted and hi-hl3 re1ealin- Arit of Mandam%s
barel3 re-istered a bli0 on the official radar screen of the mainstream
0ress8 Mc<ei-h's hi-hl3 d%bio%s DconfessionD became the immediate
foc%s of tabloid attention.
?n doc%ments recentl3 disco1ered b3 the +ational "lo&e8 it 2as
learned that (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald made a DconfessionD to @allas +olice
on No1ember 228 in 2hich he states that he8 a= Acted aloneG b= 7ad no
ties 2ith an3 mob or intelli-ence or-aniationsG and c= Aas mad at the
+resident and 2anted to ma)e a 0olitical statement.
DThat sho%ld 0%t this contro1ers3 to rest for all time8D said former
0resident and Aarren Commission member Berald Ford.
(ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald didn't li1e to tell the tr%th. Timoth3 Mc<ei-h chose
not to s0ea) it. Cet8 as #te0hen 6ones noted8 if Mc<ei-h dies8 the tr%th
ma3 die 2ith him.
Ahile 6%d-e Richard Matsch bared m%ch of the rele1ant e1idence
0ertainin- to the case8 he 0ermitted n%mero%s 1ictims' com0letel3
irrele1ant testimon3 abo%t their 0ersonal tra%ma8 ob1io%sl3 desi-ned
to s2a3 the emotions of an i-norant and conf%sed N%r3.
Matsch also barred ATF informant Carol 7o2e's testimon3 as
Dirrele1ant8D sa3in- that it D2o%ld conf%se or mislead the N%r3.D 7o2e's
attorne38 Clar) Bre2ster8 said his client co%ld ha1e -i1en Dcom0ellin-
testimon3 in s%00ort of a 0otential cons0irac3 theor3.D
The trial 2as also one of the most secreti1e e1er held. Accordin- to the
Associated +ress8 a Dre1ie2 of 18... doc%ments filed bet2een Feb. 2.
and #e0t. ! fo%nd &! 0ercent of the records ha1e been at least
0artiall3 sealed.D
Bi1en the mainstream media's lar-el3 ac9%iescent attit%de to2ards
the -o1ernment's fair3 tale8 it 2o%ld hardl3 ha1e mattered. /ne of the
most im0ortant and re1ealin- doc%ments in the case8 Mc<ei-h's Arit of
Mandam%s8 2as dismissed as a concoction of cons0irac3 theories
desi-ned to cast do%bt on Mc<ei-h's -%ilt. 6%d-e Matsch 2o%ld ha1e no
0art of Dcons0irac3 theories.D 7e ordered all im0ortant e:hibits of
Mc<ei-h's Arit sealed.
Ahile 6ones and the -o1ernment both decided that Mc<ei-h co%ldn't
recei1e a fair trial in /)lahoma8 critics ar-%ed that the case 2as mo1ed
to @en1er to 0%t it %nder the caref%l control of federal la0-do- Richard
Matsch. ?n one of the most contro1ersial en1ironmental cases e1er8
Matsch %sed a one-sided hearin- to br%sh aside char-es that
radioacti1e contamination from the Roc)3 Flats n%clear 2ea0ons 0lant
near @en1er 2as ad1ersel3 %nderminin- the health of area residents.
A Ni:on a00ointee8 Matsch also 0resided o1er the #il1erado #a1in-s
and (oan case8 in1ol1in- Beor-e B%sh's son Neil * a case thic) 2ith
dirt3 co1ert o0erati1es and shad3 criminals lin)ed to the C?A and the
?ran-Contra o0eration. B%sh 2al)ed.

Mc<ei-h's defense lasted little more than a 2ee). ?n that re-ard the
trial 2as little different than the trial of the s%r1i1in- Branch @a1idians8
2ho 2ere not allo2ed to introd%ce e1idence that the3 had acted in
self-defense. The s%0erficial t2o da3 defense8 0resented after 2ee)s of
bo-%s e1idence 0resented b3 the -o1ernment8 res%lted from 6%d-e
#mith 2ho said he 2o%ld not allo2 the defense to D0%t the -o1ernment
on trial.D Cet in fact se1eral N%rors e:0ressed their o0inions that the
-o1ernment sho%ld ha1e been on trial * not the s%r1i1in- Branch
Ahile he 2asn't allo2ed to introd%ce e1idence of a broader cons0irac38
6ones did s0end considerable time foc%sin- on the disembodied le-8
clothed in camo%fla-e militar3 -arb8 fo%nd amid the r%bble of the
Federal B%ildin-.
6ones introd%ced e:0ert testimon3 that s%ch a le- co%ld be left intact
from a blast that disinte-rated the remainin- bod3. ?t 2as this le-8
2hich 2asn't matched to an3 other 1ictim8 6ones s%--ested8 that
belon-ed to the real bomber.
Cet 6%d-e Matsch 2asn't abo%t to allo2 6ones re1eal his )no2led-e of a
2ider 0lot8 as 2as 0ortra3ed in his Arit of Mandam%s5
The theor3 of the 0rosec%tion in this case8 not the Brand 6%r3's theor38
is that the t2o named @efendants constr%cted a sim0le de1ice ca0able
of to00lin- a nine-stor3 b%ildin- at a 0%blic fishin- la)e and that one of
them trans0orted this de1ice o1er t2o h%ndred miles 2itho%t blo2in-
himself %0. That is the heart of the 0rosec%tion's case. An3 e1idence
concernin- the 0artici0ation of others8 the com0le:it3 of the de1ice8 or
forei-n in1ol1ement ta)es a2a3 the heart of the -o1ernment's case
and there is therefore an instit%tional interest on the 0art of the
-o1ernment in )ee0in- s%ch e1idence shielded from the defense and
the 0%blic.
#ome critics ar-%ed that 6ones' decision to 2ait %ntil one 2ee) before
the start of his client's trial to file the im0ortant and re1ealin-
doc%ment ens%red that the 1.th Circ%it Co%rt of A00eals 2o%ld reNect
the motion.
/ther8 s%ch as 0rominent D+atriotD attorne3 Nanc3 (ord8 insisted that
6ones Dsho%ld ha1e 1iolated the N%d-e's order8 0resented e1idence of a
lar-er cons0irac3 to the N%r38 and -one to Nail for contem0t. ?f ? 2o%ld
ha1e been the defense attorne38 some thin-s are im0ortant eno%-h to
-o to Nail for8D (ord said. D? am shoc)ed at #te0hen 6ones' cond%ct in
this case.D
An attorne3 on 6ones' le-al team rated his defense as Dno better than a
C-min%s8D altho%-h he added8 D? thin) he had some hi-h-0oints.D
As 6ones solemnl3 stated in No1ember of 1,,!8 D#ome da38 2hen
3o% )no2 2hat ? )no2 and 2hat ? ha1e learned8 and that da3 2ill come8
3o% 2ill ne1er a-ain thin) of the $nited #tates of America in the same
The American 0%blic ne1er learned 2hat #te0hen 6ones )no2s. Cet on
the da3 of his sentencin-8 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h finall3 s0o)e o%t5 D/%r
-o1ernment is the 0otent and omni0resent teacher for -ood or for ill8D
Mc<ei-h boldl3 if some2hat eni-maticall3 anno%nced to the co%rt. D?t
teaches the 2hole 0eo0le b3 its e:am0le. That's all ? ha1e to sa3.D
Nat%rall38 the -o1ernment and man3 of the bombin- 1ictims too) this
as a si-n of Mc<ei-h's confession. The rest of the 9%ote ma3 shed
some li-ht on the meanin-5
DCrime is conta-io%s. ?f the -o1ernment becomes a la2brea)er8 it
breeds contem0t for the la2G it in1ites e1er3 man to become a la2
%nto himselfG it in1ites anarch3. To declare that in the administration of
the criminal la2 the end N%stifies the means * to declare that the
-o1ernment ma3 commit crimes in order to sec%re the con1iction of a
0ri1ate criminal * 2o%ld brin- terrible retrib%tion.D
Mc<ei-h also acc%sed 6ones of l3in- and scre2in- %0. DThe tr%th is this
-%3 onl3 s%cceeded in -ettin- JmeK the death sentence8D said Mc<ei-h8
Dand no2 he doesn't 2ant to let -o.D
As)ed 2hat lies 6ones told him8 Mc<ei-h 2as not s0ecific5 D?t's for
Con-ress8 the bar8 and the N%diciar3 to in1esti-ate and disco1er. Co%
2o%ld not belie1e some of the thin-s that ha1e occ%rred in this case.
The man has re0eatedl3 lied to me in the 0ast.D
/b1io%sl38 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h is holdin- his cards close to his 1est. As
6ones stated d%rin- his closin- ar-%ment5 DT2o 0eo0le share a terrible
secret. /ne 2ill not tal)8 the other is bo%nd b3 la2 and can not tal).D
The 0%blic still hasn't learned 2hat that terrible secret is.
/ther r%mors abo%nd that 6ones * 2ho stands to ma)e millions in
le-al fees from the -o1ernment * 0%r0osel3 thre2 the case.
D7e is the most dishonest 0erson ?'1e e1er met8 incl%din- all the
criminals ?'1e defended8D sa3s his onetime la2 0artner Alec
McNa%-hton8 2ho ne1ertheless describes 6ones as Dbrilliant.D
As a 3o%n- attorne3 in 1,"48 6ones be-an his career 2or)in- for a
la23er named Richard Milho%s Ni:on. 7is clients ha1e r%n the -am%t
from '".s radicals s%ch as Abbie 7offman to establishment 0oliticians
s%ch as Bo1ernor Fran) >eatin-.
6ones and Nichols' attorne3 Michael Ti-ar share a common bond
thro%-h the late 4d2ard Bennett Ailliams8 senior 0artner of Ailliams S
Connoll3 ;later Ailliams8 Aadden S #tein=. Ailliams' client roster
incl%ded #enator 6ose0h McCarth38 Mafia don Fran) Costello8 Teamster
6imm3 7offa8 ind%strialist Armand 7ammer8 and Te:as Bo1ernor 6ohn
A man on intimate terms 2ith the C?A8 Ailliams 2as offered the 0ost of
C?A director b3 t2o 0residents8 a Nob 2hich he declined8 0robabl3
beca%se he 2as alread3 a de facto C?A official.
Ahile 6ones o0enl3 admires Ailliams8 Ti-ar 2as act%all3 em0lo3ed b3
him in the late '".s and mid &.s. Ailliams often referred to Ti-ar as his
Dmost brilliant 0rotX-X.D
A $ni1ersit3 of Te:as (a2 #chool 0rofessor8 Ti-ar himself claims an
interestin- be13 of clients8 ran-in- from DChica-o #e1enD member
An-ela @a1is8 2ho 2as tried for cons0irac3 to incite riots at the 1,"'
@emocratic Con1ention8 to 6ohn @emNanN%)8 acc%sed of bein- the
notorio%s Nai concentration cam0 -%ard D?1an the Terrible.D
6ones and Ti-ar ha1e collaborated before8 defendin- a contro1ersial
/)lahoma Cit3 0s3chothera0ist.
DTi-ar is a 0assionate defender of 0eo0le 2ho ha1e been o00ressed b3
the -o1ernment8D said 24-3ear /)lahoma Cit3 attorne3 6im Bellin-ham8
2ho thin)s the 0ossibilit3 of 6ones and Ti-ar r%nnin- Ddama-e controlD
for the -o1ernment is Dho-2ash.D
D? can't ima-ine the man sellin- o%t8 and nobod3's -oin- to tell him
ho2 to r%n his defense8D said Bellin-ham.
B%t former Nebras)a #tate #enator 6ohn @eCam08 2ho in1esti-ated a
child ab%se rin- r%n b3 hi-h -o1ernment officials8 doesn't 0%t m%ch
faith in #te0hen 6ones. @eCam0 belie1es 6ones act%all3 made a deal
2ith the feds. @eCam0 re0resented a bombin- 1ictim in an earl3 action
a-ainst the Federal Bo1ernment and 2as N%st abo%t to file a motion to
0reser1e the b%ildin- as e1idence. As he 2rote in (he Franklin *o,er7
/nl3 ho%rs before ? 2as to file the le-al 0a0ers for a ci1il action to )ee0
the b%ildin- standin-8 ? 2as contacted b3 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h's attorne3s8
2ho 0resented me 2ith t2o maNor re9%ests.
First8 the3 as)ed that ? allo2 them to file the motions to )ee0 the
b%ildin- standin- so that the in1esti-ation co%ld be cond%cted. The3
had co-ent le-al ar-%ments for this re9%est5 beca%se Mc<ei-h 2asRis
%nder federal criminal char-es8 he had the definite le-al ri-ht to )ee0
the b%ildin- standin- %nder the federal r%les of e1idence 2hich -rant
criminal defendants the ri-ht to 0reser1e e1idence that 2o%ld
si-nificantl3 im0act their defense. ?t 2as clear that if Mc<ei-h's
attorne3s belie1ed8 or e1en s%s0ected -o1ernment co1er-%08 the3
2o%ld definitel3 2ant the b%ildin- e:amined.
Their second re9%est 2as that ? release from retainer the bomb
in1esti-ation team ? had assembled * 6ohn A. >enned3 and Associates
* 2hich8 the3 claimed8 the3 2anted to hire.
? -ranted these re9%ests to Mc<ei-h's attorne3s.
A fe2 ho%rs later8 ? 2atched in horror as CNN and all the national ne2s
channels re0orted that Mc<ei-h's attorne3s had no intent to file an3
motions to )ee0 the Federal B%ildin- standin-. The3 had DN%st reached
a-reement 2ith the -o1ernment8D the re0orters e:0lained8 to 0ermit
the b%ildin- to be destro3ed almost immediatel3.
An-r3 be3ond belief8 ? called Mc<ei-h's attorne3 and as)ed 2hat the3
2ere doin-. #ince this all occ%rred on a 2ee)end8 ? co%ld ta)e no le-al
action to sto0 the b%ildin-'s destr%ction. Mc<ei-h's attorne3 told me8
D/h 3es8 2e are -oin- to allo2 the b%ildin- to be destro3ed.D DAh3HD ?
demanded. DBeca%se 2e co%ld not afford to 0a3 the retainer fee that
the >enned3 and Associates firm 2anted8D he ans2ered.
#hoc)ed b3 this feeble e:0lanation8 ? as)ed8 DAell8 N%st ho2 m%ch do
the3 2antHD Mc<ei-h's attorne3 floored me5 DF3.8...8D he said. Dand
2e ha1e no reso%rces to 0a3 it8 beca%se 2e are a co%rt-a00ointed
attorne3 and there are no f%nds for this 0%r0ose.D
DFor Bod's sa)eID ? screamed at him. D? 2ill raise the mone3I ? 2ill 0a3
the feeI There's too m%ch at sta)e for America. D7o28D ? demanded8
Dcan Mc<ei-h -o alon- 2ith 2antin- that b%ildin- destro3ed8 2hen that
b%ildin- is the one thin- that can tell America the stor3 of 2hat reall3
ha00enedH ? 2ill -et 3o% the mone38 someho28 b%t don't ref%se to
)ee0 the b%ildin- %0 for that reasonID
M3 0rotests 2ere f%tile. Aithin ho%rs of m3 call8 b3 m%t%al a-reement
bet2een Mc<ei-h's attorne3s and the -o1ernment 0rosec%tors8 the
b%ildin- 2as destro3ed8 and an3 e1idence 2as destro3ed 2ith it.
6ones des0%ted this8 statin- in a letter to the a%thor5
Lif an3one too) the tro%ble to chec) the 0%blic filin-s in the case of
5nited )tates ,. $c2eigh the3 2ill find that one of the 1er3 first Motions
that ? filed 2as to sto0 the im0losion of the M%rrah B%ildin- %ntil the
@efense co%ld -o in and ta)e films and mo1in- 1ideo 0ict%res. The
Co%rt s%stained m3 Motion and 2e 2ere able8 to-ether 2ith an
architect and an e:0losi1es e:0ert8 to to%r the b%ildin-. An3 claim that
2e made a DdealD 2ith the Federal a%thorities to 0ermit the demolition
of the M%rrah B%ildin- before the @efense co%ld ins0ect if is abs%rd
and contradicted b3 the 0%blic record.
A so%rce 2ithin the defense team told me that 6ones' team act%all3
did -o into the b%ildin- to cond%ct forensic anal3sis. The -ro%0
consisted of a 1ideo-ra0her8 a still 0hoto-ra0her8 and one bomb
e:0ert8 2ho 2ere accom0anied b3 se1eral FB? and ATF a-ents. The
so%rce said that the bomb e:0ert 2al)ed aro%nd 2ith onl3 a Ne2eler's
lo%0e8 no forensic )it8 and did not ta)e an3 sam0les for anal3sis. The
a-ents restricted their 0assa-e thro%-h the b%ildin-8 and b3 the time
the3 arri1ed8 the crater had been filled.
6ones also made no mention of the amain- letter Mc<ei-h sent to his
sister8 describin- his recr%itment into a secret -o1ernment team
in1ol1ed in ille-al acti1ities8 2hich she had read before the Federal
Brand 6%r3.
Ahat he did do 2as sho2 a film abo%t Aaco8 f%rther reinforcin- the
alle-ations of his client's -%ilt8 incl%din- the abs%rd notion that
Mc<ei-h m%rdered 2! innocent children in /)lahoma to a1en-e the
m%rder of 2! innocent children at Aaco.
@id 6ones ha1e a ;uid pro ;uo 2ith the -o1ernment not to re1eal an3
e1idence that his client 2as a -o1ernment a-entH @id he 0%r0osel3
thro2 the caseH 7is hi-hl3 incriminatin- Arit of Mandam%s and
im0ressi1e o0enin- statement tend to belie that theor3. As 6ones said
in his o0enin- statement5
D? )no2 2ho bombed the Alfred +. M%rrah b%ildin-. ?t 2as N/T Tim
D41en more im0ortant8 the -o1ernment )no2s 2ho bombed the Alfred
+. M%rrah b%ildin-. The -o1ernment )no2s it 2as N/T Tim Mc<ei-h.
DThe -o1ernment also )no2s that its case a-ainst Tim Mc<ei-h is
corr%0t. At its core8 it's rotten. ? 2ill sho2 3o% in 2hat 2a38 and 2h3.
DThe most im0ortant difference bet2een %s8 is that the -o1ernment
2on't tell 3o% 2ho bombed the Alfred +. M%rrah b%ildin-.
D? 2ill.D
6ones ne1er -ot the chance. The e:cl%sion of ATF informant Carol 7o2e
so%nded the death )nell for other defense 2itnesses s%ch as bomb
e:0ert Beneral Benton +artin8 seismolo-ist @r. Ra3 Bro2n8 and the
man3 2itnesses 2ho sa2 additional s%s0ects. Ahile the 0rosec%tion
called 2& 0hone com0an3 em0lo3ees to testif3 that Mc<ei-h and
Nichols %sed a 0re-0aid callin- card to ma)e chemical 0%rchase
in9%iries8 the3 didn't call e1en one of the man3 2itnesses 2ho 2o%ld
ha1e 0laced Mc<ei-h do2nto2n on the mornin- of the blastI
Ahile the -o1ernment solicited the testimon3 of British e:0losi1es
e:0ert (inda 6ones8 Mc<ei-h's attorne3 c%rio%sl3 did not call Beneral
+artin8 2ho co%ld ha1e blo2n the lid off the -o1ernment's sin-le
bomb theor3.
DThe N%d-e 2o%ld not 0ermitL in his r%lin- he 2o%ld not 0ermit
an3thin- e:ce0t one man8 one bomb8D said +artin. DLthe3 str%ct%red
the 2hole case * the 2hole 0rosec%tion * com0letel3 eliminatin- the
b%ildin- and an3thin- to do 2ith it.L beca%se the3 co%ldn't afford to
-et into that.D
Referrin- to 6ones8 +artin added8 D? didn't e:0ect to be called b3 these
-%3s. ? had absol%tel3 no confidence in them. ? didn't e:0ect it * not
from 6ones.D
?n res0onse8 6ones said8 D? did not 0%t +artin on the stand beca%se m3
e:0erts do not credit his theor3.LD
Cet the 9%estion still remains5 2h3 didn't 6ones ta)e the iss%e of 6%d-e
Matsch's ille-al decisions before the A00ellate or #%0reme Co%rtsH
6ones re0lied b3 statin- that the a00ellate co%rt Dref%sed to acce0t
N%risdiction of the case and said JitK 2o%ld re1ie2 the iss%es on a00eal8
if there 2as a con1iction.D
#ome ha1e s0ec%lated that the millions 6ones stands to ma)e in le-al
fees from the -o1ernment 0la3ed a 0art in his a00arentl3 0oor
Those 2ho e:0ected a similarl3 0oor defense from Michael Ti-ar 2ere
shoc)ed to find him introd%cin- e1idence of other s%s0ects8 and
0%ttin- ATF informant Carol 7o2e on the 2itness stand.
No do%bt Nichols' con1iction of cons0irac3 and in1ol%ntar3
mansla%-hter stemmed from the critical o0inions N%rors had of the
0rosec%tion's Dlimited han--o%t.D
D? do not belie1e that the -o1ernment -a1e %s the 2hole case8D said
(inda Mor-an8 one of the N%rors 2ho decided Nichols onl3 had a minor
role in the bomb 0lot. Mc<ei-h8 she said8 D2as seen 2ith too man3
other 0eo0le. Aho 2ere these other 0eo0leHD
D? thin) that the -o1ernment 0erha0s reall3 dro00ed the ball8D said N%r3
fore2oman Ni)i @e%tchman8 2ho criticied the FB? for haltin- its
in1esti-ation after arrestin- Nichols and Mc<ei-h.
D? thin) there are other 0eo0le o%t there8D she said8 recallin- defense
2itnesses 2ho sa2 others 2ith Mc<ei-h before the bombin-. D? thin)
this 2as a horrible thin- to ha1e doneL and ? do%bt t2o 0eo0le 2ere
able to brin- it off.D
@e%tchman also criticied the FB? for slo003 crime lab 0roced%res8 and
claimed a-ents 2ere Darro-antD for failin- to ta0e-record Nichols' initial
,-ho%r interro-ation. D?t seems arro-ant to me on the 0art of the FB?
to sa38 3o% )no28 'Ae ha1e -ood recall and 3o% can ta)e 2hat 2e ha1e
Nor co%ld N%rors a-ree on the sco0e of Nichols' in1ol1ement. Ahile
most belie1ed he 0la3ed a maNor role8 others 9%estioned if he did m%ch
at all or had bac)ed o%t com0letel3 or been coerced.
D#ome 0eo0le felt he 2asn't in1ol1ed at all in b%ildin- the bomb8D
@e%tchman said before echoin- an oft-re0eated mantra from the
defense5 D? thin) he 2as b%ildin- a life.D
6%ror 7oll3 7anlin8 too8 felt the -o1ernment failed to f%ll3 0ro1e its
case. DAe co%ldn't find eno%-h e1idence to con1ince at least all of %s
that he intended8 that he 2as in1ol1ed from the 1er3 be-innin-8 that
he b%ilt the bomb. Ae felt that e1idence 2as sha)3 at bestL.D
/thers8 li)e N%ror >eith Broo)shier8 saidDJ?K )no2 that Terr3 Nichols 2as
into it %0 to his e3eballs and that's the onl3 thin- ? had to decide.L
Ae're not tr3in- 6ohn @oe 28 or 3 or 4 or 2hate1er.D $.#. Attorne3 Beth
Ail)inson nat%rall3 added her 1oice to the ensemble8 statin- that
Dsi-htin-s of 6ohn @oe 2 2ere abo%t as common and abo%t as credible
as si-htin-s of 4l1is.D
As the trial of Terr3 Nichols 2inds do2n8 the 0%blic's attention 2ill
resol1e itself to the latest scandal8 re0orted in the same e:0osX-tabloid
fashion that ri1eted its attention on the /.6. #im0son trial. As in both
cases8 the rele1ant facts 2ill remain obsc%red behind the colored
smo)e and li-hts of 2hat 2ill certainl3 be more circ%s trials. Attorne3
(arr3 Becraft told $edia %ypass8 DThe3 -ot /s2ald8 the3 -ot 6ames 4arl
Ra38 the3 -ot Mc<ei-h and once the3're finished 2ith Nichols8 the3'1e
offered the 0%blic a co%0le of sacrificial lambs8 and the3 ho0e it 2ill all
-o a2a3.D
B3 the time this boo) is 0%blished8 a fe2 select facts ma3 be bro%-ht
to li-ht. The3 2ill first be re1ealed b3 a fe2 1ictims' families8 an-ril3
demandin- N%sticeG b3 the fe2 0%blic officials co%ra-eo%s eno%-h to
ris) their careers. And finall38 the3 2ill be echoed in the co%rts b3 the
ine1itable s0ecter of ci1il liti-ation.
Then8 the 0o2ers that be 2ill hasten to constr%ct a ne2 la3er of
dama-e control8 and the co1er-%0 2ill be-in ane2. (i)e the crime scene
9%ic)l3 demolished8 and the 6ohn @oes that ne1er e:isted8 this ne2
Dlimited-han-o%t8D in the form of a fe2 Dstartlin- re1elations8D 2ill be
%sed as a dam8 to hold bac) the onr%shin- tide of tr%th.
Aill Timoth3 Mc<ei-h e1er choose to re1eal that tr%th * 2hat he
)no2s of it * or 2ill it -o 2ith him to the -ra1e8 or die 2ith him in a
0rison Ds%icideHD
As Fletcher +ro%t3 states5 DThe 2hole stor3 of the power of the
co1er-%0 comes do2n to a fe2 0oints. There has ne1er been a -rand
N%r3 and trial in Te:as ;referrin- to (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald=. Aitho%t a trial
there can be nothin-. Aitho%t a trial it does no -ood for researchers to
di- %0 data. ?t has no 0lace to -o and 2hat the researchers re1eal N%st
hel0s ma)e the co1er-%0 ti-hter8 or the3 eliminate that e1idence and
the researcher.D
The -o1ernment ille-all3 0re1ented a state trial in @allas in 1,"38 as
the3 tried to do in /)lahoma Cit3 in 1,,!. ?t came do2n to one
co%ra-eo%s @istrict Attorne3 in Ne2 /rleans to o0en %0 that can of
As this boo) 2ent to 0ress8 a Co%nt3 Brand 6%r38 con1ened at the
behest of t2o co%ra-eo%s men in /)lahoma8 be-an hearin- e1idence.
Aill these N%rors 2ill more obNecti1e and effecti1e than the hi-hl3
mani0%lated Federal Brand 6%r3H /ne N%ror8 Ben Ba)er8 2as 9%oted in
(he aily !klahoman as sa3in-5 D41er3one ?'1e tal)ed to belie1es this
is a 2aste of time and ta:0a3ers' mone3. ? belie1e the same thin-.D
Another N%ror8 >enneth Ric)enbrode8 is a lie%tenant 2ith /C+@ ?nternal
Affairs8 2hich sho%ld ser1e rather nicel3 to hamstrin- an3 serio%s
in9%ir3 into the m%rder of /C+@ /fficer Terrance Cea)e3.
Fort%natel38 Bob Mac3's Chief Assistant @A8 +at Mor-an and Assistant
@A #%anne (ister-B%m0 are on hand to Dad1iseD the N%rors and D0re-
screenD the e1idence.
Re0resentati1e >e3 had little choice b%t to 2or) 2ith Mac3's 0eo0le8
the alternati1e bein- a s0ecial 0rosec%tor bein- a00ointed b3 0olitical
hac)s Attorne3 Beneral @re2 4dmondson or Bo1ernor Fran) >eatin-.
Altho%-h >e3 co%ld ha1e obNected to both 4dmondson and >eatin-
based on their ob1io%s 0reN%dice8 he felt the #%0reme Co%rt 2o%ld
ha1e sat on the iss%e8 0erha0s not a00ointin- a s0ecial 0rosec%tor for
o1er a 3ear. After 2aitin- t2o 3ears8 he 2as an:io%s to -et the 0rocess
started. The choice 2as Ddecidin- bet2een bad8 2orse8 and 2orse8D
said >e38 2ho no2 belie1es that Mac3 is Don o%r side.D
Bob Mac3 * a man 2ho Din1esti-atedD the case b3 th%mbin- thro%-h
an old co03 of (he (urner iaries — no2 insists he intends to %nco1er
the tr%th. D?'m 0re0ared to do 2hat e1er it ta)es to -et to the tr%thID
Mac3 declared. DM3 sole intent is in learnin- the tr%th.D This Mac3
stated to the a%thor fi1e months before he )o2to2ed to D6%sticeD
@e0artment 2ishes in o00osin- the -rand N%r3.
/f co%rse8 Mac3's most tellin- statement came 2hen he 2as as)ed if
he intended to 0%rs%e an in1esti-ation inde0endent of the feds. DAellL
? don't 2ant to be a 0art3 to an3thin- that 2ill interfere 2ith the
Feds' 0rosec%tion8D said Mac3. "I don9t want to open up a new can o8
This is not s%r0risin-8 comin- from a man 2ho ref%sed to 0rosec%te
ei-ht felon3 indictments a-ainst a sittin- -o1ernor 2ho 2as a
cam0ai-n mana-er for +resident Clinton.
Conse9%entl38 >e3 0etitioned the /)lahoma #%0reme Co%rt to order
Mac3 to do his Nob. ?n re0l38 Mac3 stated8 D? am -oin- to do m3 Nob. This
action b3 him 2on't ha1e an3 effect one 2a3 or another. ? am still
-oin- to do it the 2a3 it is s%00osed to be done.D
Former Con-ressman Beor-e 7ansen ;R-?@= thin)s Mac38 2hom he
sa3s 2as Dstraddlin- the fence8D has no2 t%rned aro%nd. D(oo)8 Dhe's
obli-ated to do the 2ill of the establishment8D said 7ansen. D7e 2ent
alon-L 2ith defendin- the establishment.D
An old friend of Mac3's from Aashin-ton8 @.C.8 7ansen learned the
hard 2a3 2hat it's li)e to s%ffer at the hands of a corr%0t and 1indicti1e
D6%sticeD @e0artment. Not one to easil3 tr%st the Federal Bo1ernment8
7ansen -en%inel3 belie1es his old friend from the @e0artment of
A-ric%lt%re is no2 honestl3 -oin- to challen-e that -o1ernment. DBi1e
the -%3 a chance to t%rn aro%nd8D said 7ansen. D7e honestl3 2ants
that -rand N%r3 to come o%t 2ith as m%ch of the tr%th as 0ossible.D
?f tr%e8 0erha0s Mac3 sho%ld imb%e a sence of o0en-mindedness in his
so-called in1esti-ators. ?n an affida1it filed b3 Richard #innett8 the
e3e2itness claims that one of Mac3's in1esti-ators made sarcastic
comments to him abo%t the -rand N%r3 in1esti-ation shortl3 before he
2as s%b0oenaed.
#innett co%ld not identif3 the 0erson. 7o2e1er8 he said in the si-ned
affida1it8 the man 2ho called him said Dhe did not )no2 2h3 he 2as
ha1in- to do this8 that Charles >e3 2as 0%shin- this and that nothin-
2o%ld come of it and that is 2as a 2aste of time.D
Nat%rall38 Mac3's office denied the char-e.
+erha0s the #%0reme Co%rt sho%ld order 6%d-e B%r)ette8 0residin- o1er
the Co%nt3 Brand 6%r38 to do his Nob. B%r)ett attem0ted to disallo2
hearsa3 e1idence to be 0resented to the -rand N%r3 * a clear 1iolation
of /)lahoma -rand N%r3 0roced%res.
D@o not acce0t hearsa38D B%r)ett said in his o0enin- instr%ctions to the
-rand N%rors. D7ear onl3 those 2itnesses 2ho 2o%ld 0resent facts8
2hich if tr%e8 2o%ld s%bstantiate an indictable offense and not
needlessl3 dela3 the co%rts in their other f%nctions b3 listenin- to
radical 0ersons or facts abo%t 2hich 3o% co%ld do nothin- if it 2ere
DLradical 0ersons or facts abo%t 2hich 3o% co%ld do nothin- if it
2ere tr%eDHHH 6%d-e B%r)ett's s%btle si-nal is s%s0icio%sl3 reminiscent
of the 1,&" 7o%se #elect Committee on Assassinations in1esti-ation of
the >enned3 assassination8 2hich admitted that the e1idence led to a
0robable cons0irac3. No indicments 2ere e1er handed do2n.
>F/R's 6a3na @a1is8 2ho testified before the Brand 6%r38 didn't miss
this s%btle si-nal. #he told (he aily !klahoman she e:0ects
0rosec%tors Dto e:0ress a le-itimate interestD in 0%rs%in- indictments
a-ainst the s%s0ects her 2itnesses identified.
41en if Mac3 and B%r)ette are e1ent%all3 forced to do their Nobs8 the
FB? can %ndo%btedl3 be co%nted on to intimidate )e3 2itnesses8 as
the3 did in the federal trial. >a3 7.8 2ho sa2 7%ssain al-7%ssaini s0eed
a2a3 in the bro2n 0ic)-%08 re0ortedl3 is afraid to testif3 before the
Brand 6%r38 after 0%blicl3 statin- * t2ice * that 7%ssaini 2as the man
she sa2. Bar3 (e2is8 the 6o%rnal Record 0ressman 2ho 2as almost r%n
o1er b3 Mc<ei-h and 6ohn @oe 28 has no2 recanted his stor3. After his
testimon3 before the Co%nt3 Brand 6%r38 +rofessor Ra3 Bro2n of the
$ni1ersit3 of /)lahoma had a chan-e of heart5 DThere's no e1idence in
the Jseismo-ra0hicK bomb si-nals for an3 additional char-es8D Bro2n
told re0orters.
The federal a-ents 2ho mi-ht be s%b0oenaed 2ill no do%bt attem0t to
9%ash them on the -ro%nds of Dnational sec%rit3.D
?t is been r%mored that no -rand N%r3 indictments 2ill e1er be ret%rned.
#aid #te0hen 6ones8 DLa li1in- ni-htmare for the @e0artment of 6%stice
is an /)lahoma state criminal trial8 not onl3 a ni-htmare for them8 b%t
a ni-htmare for the intelli-ence comm%nit38 for the ATF. There isn't
-oin- to be an3 /)lahoma trial.LD
D?f ? tho%-ht the #tate of /)lahoma 2as reall3 interested in the tr%th as
o00osed to N%st some 0olitical side sho28D added 6ones8 D? 2o%ld insist
that Mr. Mc<ei-h ha1e a state trial and demand that he be released to
the state a%thorities. B%t this is all 0olitics.D
DAhat J6ose0h 7artlerK is tr3in- to do is not ha1e 0eo0le learn8D said
Mc<ei-h in an inter1ie2 from his 0rison cell. D7e 2ants to ha1e them
0%t their heads in the sand.D
Ahat Mc<ei-h states ma3 be an %nfort%nate a:iom. Man3 Americans
aren't interested in )no2in- the tr%th. (i)e Becraft said8 the3 2ant it to
-o a2a3. The3 don't 2ant to o0en %0 a ne2 can of 2orms. Man3
0eo0le8 e1en those in /)lahoma8 don't 2ant to belie1e that the
-o1ernment8 or elements 2ithin that -o1ernment8 co%ld or 2o%ld8 do8
or co1er-%08 s%ch an e1il act.
7o2e1er8 D1er3 fe2 2ill co1er %0 the 1iolent deaths of their sons
and da%-hters8 or the children of a close famil3 friend8 no matter 2hat
the 0rice8D ar-%ed a 0oster to an ?nternet ne2s-ro%0 called
#%r0risin-l38 man3 of these 0eo0le * incl%din- a si-nificant n%mber of
bombin- 1ictims * are nai1e8 intellect%all3 la38 and %nreasonabl3
indi-nant. (i)e this 0oster8 these 0eo0le ha1en't done their home2or)
re-ardin- the le-ion of e1il and corr%0tion in this co%ntr38 so the3 don't
ha1e an3 basis for %nderstandin- or challen-in- it. @ri1en solel3 b3
instinct and emotion8 and s0ea)in- from a 0lace of i-norance8 the3
react an-ril3 to those attem0tin- to e:0ose the tr%th8 2hate1er that
tr%th mi-ht be.
#im0l3 stated8 the3 are in denial. #%ch denial absol1es one of the
res0onsibilit3 of ha1in- to do somethin- abo%t the 0roblem * to ta)e a
stand * and8 on an e1en dee0er le1el8 to challen-e their comfortabl3
held belief s3stems. Ahile the 0%blic ser1ants 2ho )no2 the tr%th and
choose to remain silent are -%ilt3 accom0lices after-the-fact8 to den3
that s%ch a tr%th e:ists to be-in 2ith is intellect%al co2ardice. Faced
2ith s%ch a choice bet2een e:aminin- their falsel3 cherished 1al%es
and8 conse9%entl38 themsel1es8 most 0eo0le o0t for the safer
As another />B/MB 0oster obser1ed8 DThe3 2ant their li1es to -o on
as easil3 as 0ossible8 2itho%t bein- harassed b3 the -o1ernment8 b%t
2itho%t admittin- to themsel1es that the3 sold their so%ls for a
contin%ed 0a3chec) and a -ood credit ratin-.D
The a%thor has no res0ect or s3m0ath3 for s%ch indi1id%als8 or for that
matter8 the maNorit3 of Americans 2ho mindlessl3 s%bscribe to the
balef%l fantasies 0er0etrated b3 -o1ernment liars and mainstream
media 2hores. The3 can t2ist in the 2ind.
T2o h%ndred 3ears a-o8 #am%el Adams said5 D?f 3e lo1e 2ealth better
than libert38 the tran9%illit3 of ser1it%de better than the animatin-
contest of freedom8 -o home from %s in 0eace. Ae as) not 3o%r
co%nsels or arms. Cro%ch do2n and lic) the hands 2hich feed 3o%.LD
Fort%natel38 there are eno%-h 0eo0le 2ho 2ant to )no2 the tr%th.
These are the 0eo0le 2orth fi-htin- for. A00ro:imatel3 !.. bombin-
1ictims and their relati1es are be-innin- to see) ans2ers. The3 ha1e
bro%-ht t2o ci1il s%its a-ainst the Federal Bo1ernment. The s%its see)
to 0ro1e be3ond a shado2 of a do%bt that the -o1ernment had
ad1ance )no2led-e of the 0lot b%t failed to sto0 it8 in 2hat amo%nted8
at least on one le1el8 to a stin- o0eration -one 2ron-.
J45 ?n the ori-inal 0rinted edition8 there 2ere both %nn%mbered
footnotes and n%mbered endnotes. ?n this di-ital edition8 all notes ha1e
been con1erted to endnotes and re-n%mbered. The n%mbers of the
0rinted edition endnotes are sho2n in 0arentheses. Footnotes of the
0rinted edition are also sho2n in 0arentheses8 b%t 2ith the format
;`cha0ter n%mbera5`0a-e n%mbera5`footnote s3mbola=. Th%s8 the
footnote TT from Cha0ter "8 0a-e 2"'8 2o%ld be sho2n as ;"52"'5TT=.
#ome endnotes ha1e been added or modified b3 the a%thor or the
di-ital editor8 and these are s%rro%nded in do%ble s9%are brac)ets JJKK8
2ith those of the editor 0refi:ed 2ith D45D.K
1. ;1= @etecti1e 6a3 4inhorn8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
2. ;2= Nanc3 Bibbs8DThe Blood of ?nnocents8D (ime8 !R1R,!.
3. ;3= I&id..
4. ;4= Accordin- to DNo%rnalistD (arr3 M3ers8 Mc<ei-h e:ited the 1ehicle
and met 7an-er bet2een the t2o cars. 7an-er as)ed Mc<ei-h for his
license. 7e then informed the co0 that he 2as mo1in- from Ar)ansas8
at 2hich 0oint 7an-er 2al)ed bac) to his 1ehicle and ran Mc<ei-h's
license. 7an-er's 1ideo camera 2as on8 as 2ell as his micro0hone. As
he 2al)ed bac) to Mc<ei-h8 he noticed a b%l-e %nder his Nac)et8 and as
he handed Mc<ei-h his license8 he 9%ietl3 fli00ed the sna0 on his
holster. 7e as)ed Mc<ei-h if he 2as carr3in- a -%n8 and Mc<ei-h
informed him he 2as8 at 2hich 0oint 7an-er dre2 his 2ea0on8 sho1ed
Mc<ei-h a-ainst the car and s0read his le-s. Mc<ei-h told 7an-er that
he had a concealed carr3 0ermit and sho2ed him is old B%rns #ec%rit3
bad-e. Mc<ei-h sat in the 0assen-er side of the 0atrol car and tal)ed
abo%t the bombin- as it flashed o1er the radio. Ahen he arri1ed at the
Nailho%se8 he as)ed8 D2hen's cho2HD
!. #ee +artin Re0ort and dia-rams in a00endi:.
". ;!= #am Cohen's letter to Re0resentati1e >e38 "R2,R,!8 co03 in
a%thor's 0ossession.
&. ;"= Ailliam 6as0er8 D4:0losi1e 41idence of a Co1er-$08D (he +ew
American8 'R&R,!.
'. ;&= I&id.
,. The Atlas +o2der Co. is in @allas8 Te:as.
1.. ;'= Christine Borman8 DBomb (%r)in- in the Barden #hedD8 (ime
ma-aine8 !R1R,!.
11. ;,= Ric) #herro28 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
12. ;1.= (inda 6ones8 trial transcri0t8 5.). ,. $c2eigh.
13. ;11= )acramento %ee8 4R3.R,!.
14. ;12= Brian Ford8 DMc<ei-h +laced at >ansas #tore8D (ulsa -orld8
1!. ;15!5T= The3 claimed the3 didn't )no2 2here it 2as b%ilt.
1". ;13= $ilitary Explosi,es1 ($ E7<E<=H(! <<A7<7GA8 @e0t. of the Arm3
and the Air Force8 4R14R!!8 0. 121.
1&. ;14= Michele Marie Moore8 !klahoma *ity' ay !ne ;4a-ar8 AY5
7ar1est Tr%st8 1,,"=8 0. 122.
1'. ;1!= >F/R-T<8 4R1,R,!.
1,. ;1"= 5)A (oday8 4R2'R,!.
2.. ;1&= +ew York (imes8 1.R1,R,!.
21. ;1'= Memorand%m to all $# Attorne3s from Actin- Assistant
Attorne3 Beneral 6ohn C. >eene38 1R4R,"8 and letter of Frederic)
Ahiteh%rst8 1R,R," co03 in a%thor's 0ossession.
22. ;1,= D/%tside 4:0erts to Re1ie2 FB? Crime (ab8D-all )treet 0ournal8
,R1,R,!G /?B re0ort8 co03 in a%thor's 0ossession.
23. ;15&5T= DAilliams' re0ort also states that the initiator for the
+rimadet or the detonatin- cord 2as a non-electric detonatorG non-
electric8 b%rnin- t30e f%se of either hobb3 f%se or a commercial safet3
f%se 2as %sed as a safe se0aration and time dela3 s3stemG and the
time dela3 for the b%rnin- f%se 2as a00ro:imatel3 2 min%tes and 1!
seconds.L No e1idence of a non-electric detonator or the named f%ses8
ho2e1er8 2ere fo%nd at the crime scene.L Ailliams also stated in his
re0ort that JaK fertilier base e:0losi1e8 s%ch as ANF/L amon- other
commercial and im0ro1ised e:0losi1es8 has an a00ro:imate </@ of
138... f0s. The statement of the </@ of ANF/8 ho2e1er8 is incom0lete
beca%se ANF/ has a broad </@ ran-e. For e:am0le8 the @%0ont
Blasters' 7andboo) ;@%0ont= sho2s commercial ANF/ 0rod%cts 2ith
</@s in the &8...-1!8".. feet-0er-second ran-e. Ahen Ailliams 2rote
his /)lahoma Cit3 re0ort8 he 2as a2are of this ran-e.LD
24. ;2.= The B%ndersen Re0ort on the Bombin- of the Alfred +. M%rrah
B%ildin-8 /)lahoma Cit38 A0ril 1,8 1,,!8 11R1R,"8 co03 in a%thor's
2!. ;21= I&id.
2". As the /?B re0ort states5 DAhiteh%rst 9%estions Ailliams'
concl%sion that none of the str%ct%ral dama-e e1ident 2ithin the
M%rrah b%ildin- 2as ca%sed b3 secondar3 e:0losi1e de1ices or
2&. ;15'5T= +artin 0ointed o%t that 2hile the tr%c) bomb that dama-ed
the Aorld Trade Center 2as in an enclosed s0ace8 thereb3 creatin- a
m%ch hi-her destr%cti1e force than a bomb o%t in the o0en8 it did not
destro3 the s%00ort col%mn ne:t to it.
2'. ;22= Richard #herro28 DBombast8 Bomb Blasts S Balone38D)oldier o8
Fortune8 "R,!.
2,. ;23= Raba%ch's letter to +artin dated &R1'R,!8 co03 in a%thor's
3.. ;24= CNN Aorld Ne2s8 "R2"R,".
31. ;2!= 6im (oftis8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
32. ;151.5T= The ?sraelis' host in the $.#. 2as /)lahoma Cit3 b%siness
leader Moshe Tal8 an ?sraeli. Accordin- to Ailliam Northro08 another
?sraeli and /)lahoma Cit3 resident8 Tal initiall3 circ%lated the re0ort8
2hich 2as three 0a-es and mentioned the Middle-4astern bomb
si-nat%re. After Tal 2as s%mmoned to ?srael8 he ret%rned den3in- those
as0ects of the re0ort. ?t 2as s%ddenl38 in )ee0in- 2ith the $.#.
Bo1ernment's 0osition8 no lon-er a Middle-4astern bomb8 and the
re0ort itself incredibl3 shran) from three 0a-es to onl3 one.
33. ;2"= (o% >iler and >e1in Fl3nn8 DAere Feds Aarned Before />C
Bomb B%iltHD .ocky $ountain +ews8 2R"R,&. The f%el dealer re0orted
the 0%rchasin- attem0t to the ATF8 b%t the a-enc3 did not follo2 %0.
34. ;2&= Bronnin-'s letter to >e38 dated "R2&R,!8 co03 in a%thor's
3!. ;2'= 6ames (. +ate8 DBlood3 A0ril5 Aaco Anni1ersar3 Tri--ers
/)lahoma Cit3 Atrocit38D )oldier o8 Fortune8 A%-%st8 1,,!.
3". ;2,= (arens ?man3%el8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
3&. ;3.= Engineering +ews8 Ma3 18 1,,!8 0a-e 1.-11.
3'. ;31= The B%ndersen Re0ort on the Bombin- of the Alfred +. M%rrah
B%ildin-8 /)lahoma Cit38 A0ril 1,8 1,,!8 11R1R,"8 co03 in a%thor's
3,. ;32= (arens ?man3%el8DThe Bombin- of the /)lahoma Cit3 Federal
B%ildin-5 Aas a Cr%ise Missile Aarhead @esi-n $sedHD 2eritas8
4.. ;33= Timoth3 Mc<ei-h's +etition for Arit of Mandam%s8 3R2!R,&8
0. 3!.
41. ;34= Ramona Mc@onald8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
42. ;3!= DThe Aorst Terrorist Attac) on $.#. #oil5 A0ril 1,8 1,,!8D CNN8
43. ;15135T= /ther 0eo0le 2ho 2ere 2or)in- in office b%ildin-s at the
time re0orted that s0ar)s fle2 o%t from their com0%ters N%st before the
blast. The mana-er of the 0ournal .ecord 0ar)in- -ara-e8 t2o bloc)s
from the M%rrah B%ildin-8 re0orted that the electronic com0%ters in at
least half a doen cars had malf%nctioned as a res%lt of the blast.
44. ;3"= #am Cohen8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
4!. ;3&= Bene Aheaton8 DThe Co1ert C%lt%re8D Portland Free Press8
Ma3R6%ne 1,,".
4". ;3'= @a1id Noble8 D+rofessors of Terror8D (hird -orld .esurgence
;+enan-8 Mala3sia=8 Febr%ar3-March8 1,,28 0. 348 9%oted in Ramse3
Clar)8 (he Fire (his (ime8 ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5 Th%nder's Mo%th +ress8 1,,2=8
0. 44.
4&. ;3,= Adel @ar2ic) and Bre-or3 Ale:ander8 5nholy %a&ylon8 ;Ne2
Cor)8 NC5 #t. Martin's +ress8 1,,1=8 0. 1.4.
4'. ;4.= 7arr3 M.8 confidential letter to a%thor.
4,. ;41= D?ra9 Also Aor)ed on 73dro-en Bomb8D Associated +ress8
9%oted in (he +ash,ille (ennessean8 1.R,R,18 as 9%oted in Charles T.
7arrison8 D7ell in a 7and Bas)et5 The Threat of +ortable N%clear
Aea0ons8D $ilitary .e,iew8 Ma38 1,,3.
!.. ;42= 4-Mail messa-e to Ton3 #carlattiG ?nter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
!1. ;151!5T= Aithin the last fe2 3ears8 articles ha1e a00eared in the
$.#.8 4%ro0ean8 and e1en R%ssian media dealin- 2ith an e:otic ne2
material )no2n as 'Red Merc%r3' 2hich had been de1elo0ed b3 the
R%ssians and alle-edl3 held 0ro0erties ca0able of 0rod%cin- far more
efficient n%clear fission 2arheads than the con1entional e:0losi1es
de1elo0ed th%s far.D
!2. ;43= 7arrison8 !p *it.
!3. +ew Yorker ma-aine8 date %n)no2n8 9%oted b3 n%clear 0h3sicist
Balen Ainsor on .adio Free America8 3R23R,3.
!4. ;44= 4d2ard Yehr8 DT%rnin- +oint5 Resol1in- The 4ni-ma of
/)lahoma Cit38D -ashington -eekly1 <<H<BHEN.
!!. #ome resc%e 2or)ers8 it 2as also r%mored8 had become ill 2ith
m3sterio%s illnesses. The3 s%ffered from 0h3sical e:ha%stion and co%ld
barel3 dra- themsel1es to 2or)8 it 2as re0orted8 altho%-h these
re0orts ha1e not been s%bstantiated. /f the 43 F4MA do-s that too)
0art in the resc%e effort8 fo%r died and one became ill. R%mors 9%ic)l3
s0read that the do-s had died of radiation 0oisonin-. The bod3 of one
of the deceased do-s8 it 2as claimed8 had been e:h%med8 his l%n-s
fo%nd to be radioacti1e. The c%l0rit 2as s%00osedl3 a radioacti1e
isoto0e called Triti%m. A hea13 form of h3dro-en8 Triti%m is an essential
in-redient in n%clear 2ea0ons. ?n microsco0ic 9%antities it is also %sed
as a DtracerD in medical 0roced%res * inNected into the bloodstream as
an aid in radiolo-3 scannin-. Accordin- to (arr3 6acobson8 4:ec%ti1e
<ise +resident of the National Association of #earch S Resc%e ;NA#R= in
Fairfa:8 <ir-inia8 DAe don't )no2 of an3 do- comin- o%t of the
/)lahoma thin- that had an3 more then c%t 0a2sL it 2as a totall3
baseless r%mor.D Mi)e Noer8 head of the T%lsa8 /)lahoma >-, #earch S
Resc%e team8 2as b%s3 assemblin- his team for the 7eroes of the
7eart 0arade in Bethan3 on A0ril 1,8 1,,". 7e e:0lained that all ei-ht
of his do-s 2ere still acti1e8 in fact 2ere at the 0arade that da3. DM3
do-s 2ere the first ones in the b%ildin-8D said Noer8 2hose team
2or)ed for si: da3s to 0%ll 0eo0le o%t of the 2rec)a-e. D? didn't ha1e
an3 one of m3 do-s do2n d%e to radiation.D Noer also e:0lained that
the Fire @e0artment had s0ra3ed a chemical in the b%ildin- on the
e1enin- of the fo%rth da3 to 0re1ent contamination from deca3in-
bodies still inside. 7o2e1er8 accordin- to Noer8 this 2o%ld not ha1e
affected the do-s. #)i0 7ernande of Miami's Metro @ade Fire
@e0artment8 2or)ed 2ith his do-s in the D0it8D an area li)el3 to ha1e
been contaminated. DBefore 2e allo2 the do-s to -o in8 2e as) certain
9%estions JofK the haardo%s materials -%3s beca%se the do-s 2or)
1er3 lo2 to the -ro%nd8D e:0lained 7ernande. DAll the do-s 2ent
thoro%-h a thoro%-h 0h3sical. None of o%r do-s left there inN%redLAe
2o%ld ha1e )no2n if there 2as radiation in there.D 7ernande also said
that the do- that died 2as an older do-8 2ho died of cancer. The do-
that had died 2as s%00osedl3 from a team in <ir-inia or Mar3land. #-t.
(a1elle of Mar3land Tas) Force 18 told me one do- became sic) from
l3me disease8 b%t he didn't thin) it 2as related to the bombin-. As to
the r%mor of Triti%m 0oisonin-8 he said8 DThat's the first 2e'1e e1er
heard of it.D 6acobson8 2ho 2or)s 2ith the team in <ir-inia8 said
absol%tel3 no do- died as a res%lt of bein- in the M%rrah B%ildin-. ?
as)ed #am%el Cohen abo%t the 0ossibilit3 of Triti%m 0oisonin-. DTriti%m
co%ld ha1e been mi:ed %0 2ith ANF/8D said Cohen. DB%t it seems far-
fetched that the3 co%ld ha1e -otten that m%ch into their s3stems to do
an3 serio%s radiation dama-e. ?t's 1er3 %nli)el3 to do dama-e %nless it
-ets into the s3stem in h%-e doses. The c%l0rit 2o%ld ha1e to steal
more Triti%m than e:ists in an3 sin-le lab on earth. 7e 2o%ld need
0o%nds. And Triti%m is not chea0 st%ff. The last ? chec)ed8 it 2as a fe2
tho%sand dollars a -ram.D B%t 2hether search and resc%e do-s act%all3
died of radiation 0oisonin- is another matter. A Rot2eiler named
Aeinachten Bator <on #cott C@8 2ho li1ed 2ith his o2ner 6acob #cott
in Bro)en Arro28 /)lahoma8 died in 6%ne of 1,,"8 of a bro)en nec) after
a fall. Bator had 0%lled the last s%r1i1or o%t of the M%rrah B%ildin-.
Another do-8 a member of the /)lahoma Co%nt3 #heriff's >-, $nit
named Chita8 2as hit b3 a car after esca0in- from her 0en d%rin- a hail
storm. Ahile some ha1e s%--ested that the do-s 2ere )illed to hide
e1idence of radiation 0oisonin-8 there is no e1idence that either animal
2as s%fferin- from s%ch a malad3. Cet considerin- the e:tent of the
co1er-%0 %nder2a3 at the time8 and the n%mber of 0eo0le 2ho feared
for their Nobs8 the a%to0s3 re0orts on the do-s co%ld ha1e been fa)ed.
Certainl3 an3 re1elation of a n%clear e:0losion 2o%ld not onl3 ca%se
the -o1ernment's alread3 sha)3 0remise to fall a0art8 b%t 2o%ld ca%se
2ides0read 0anic amon- the 0o0%lation.
!". #am Cohen8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
!&. ;4!= #am Cohen8 0ournal o8 *i,il e8ense8 Fall8 1,,!8 9%oted b3 F.R.
#%0lantier in %ehind the Headlines.
!'. Accordin- to demolition e:0erts8 sim0l3 2ra00in- +rimacord aro%nd
the col%mn s%00orts 2& times 2o%ld be eno%-h to destro3 them.
!,. ;151!5TT= A%thorities later bac)trac)ed on the le-8 claimin- that it
belon-ed to Airforce recr%it (a)esha (e13. The3 ori-inall3 said the le-
belon-ed to a li-ht-s)inned male in his 3.s. The3 then said it belon-ed
to a blac) female8 in order to match it 2ith (e13.
".. ;4"= DA classified +enta-on st%d3 determines /)lahoma bombin-
2as ca%sed b3 more than one bomb8D )trategic In,estment +ewsletter8
"1. ;4&= Ailliam 6as0er8 DM%lti0le Blasts5 More 41idence8D (he +ew
American8 date %n)no2n.
"2. ;4'= DThe /)lahoma Cit3 Bombin-5 ?m0ro1ed b%ildin- 0erformance
thro%-h m%lti-haard miti-ation8D F4MA8 9%oted in .ele,ance
ma-aine8 A0ril8 1,,&.
"3. ;4,= Beneral Benton >. +artin8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
"4. ;!.= +ew American8 date %n)no2n.
"!. ;151'5T= @a1id 7all8 mana-er of >+/C-T< in +onca Cit38 2ho has
done considerable in1esti-ation into the bombin-8 told me that t2o
#o%th2estern Bell em0lo3ees called him and claimed the3 had a
s%r1eillance ta0e that sho2ed the M%rrah B%ildin- sha)in- before the
tr%c) bomb detonated.
"". ;!1= #am Cohen8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
"&. ;!2= 6eff Br%ccelari8 /)lahoma Radio Net2or)8 inter1ie2 2ith @r.
Ra3 Bro2n8 2R1'R,&.
"'. ;!3= 6err3 (on-s0a%-h8 *o,er75p in !klahoma *ity 1ideo8 1,,".
",. 4m0hasis mine.
&.. ;!4= Ramona Mc@onald8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
&1. Altho%-h the ta0e 2as confiscated b3 the FB? it 2as later ret%rned8
li)el3 altered8 N%st as the FB? li)el3 altered the famo%s Ya0r%der film of
the 6F> assassination b3 re1ersin- the frames that sho2ed the
0resident's head bein- blo2n bac).
&2. ;!!= Ailliam 6as0er8D#eismic #%00ort8D (he +ew American8 'R&R,!8
&3. ;!"= Nolan Cla38 D#cientists @ebate Meanin- of Bombin-
#eismo-ramsD8 (he aily !klahoman8 11R21R,!.
&4. ;!&= Moore8 !p *it.8 0. 223.
&!. ;!'= Ailliam 6as0er8D#eismic #%00ortD8 (he +ew American8 'R&R,!8
1,,!. Bro2n later added that the one-fo%rth of the b%ildin- colla0sin-
on 4R1, co%ld ha1e created a lar-er 0%lse if it had hel08 sa38 from hi-h-
e:0losi1es8 Dso 3o% 2o%ldn't need 9%ite as m%ch b%ildin- to be
colla0sin- to ca%se the same sied 0%lse that 2e obser1ed on the da3
of the e:0losion.D
&". ;!,= Ailliam 6as0er8 DAere There T2o 4:0losionsHD8 (he +ew
American8 "R12R,!.
&&. ;".= -ashington Post1 AHDGHEF.
&'. ;"1= Moore8 !p *it.8 0. 223.
&,. ;"2= 7assan M%hammad8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
'.. ;"3= DAilliam 6as0er8D />C ?n1esti-ator $nder Attac)8D (he +ew
American8 "R23R,&G 1ideo de0osition of 6ane C. Braham8 &R2.R,&8 co03
in a%thor's 0ossession.
'1. ;"4= D/)lahoma Cit35 Ahat Reall3 7a00enedHD8 1ideo b3 Ch%c)
Allen8 1,,!.
'2. ;"!= $edia %ypass8 6%ne8 1,,!.
'3. ;""= 6as0er8 !p *it.8 "R12R,!.
'4. ;15235T= $nfort%natel38 +artin shot himself in the foot in his first
letter to Con-ress b3 insin%atin- that the bombin- 2as the 2or) of a
Comm%nist cons0irac3 ;The Third #ocialist ?nternational=8 thereb3
0ossibl3 0ortra3in- himself in the e3es of some as a Ri-ht-Ain- D)oo).D
B%t in s0ite of his 0olitics8 his technical credentials are be3ond
'!. ;15235TT= This is reminiscent of the co1er-%0 of the 6F>
assassination8 2here #ecret #er1ice a-ents caref%ll3 2ashed do2n the
0resident's limo immediatel3 after the shootin- 2ith b%c)ets of 2ater
to remo1e all traces of b%llet fra-ments8 and had Bo1ernor Connoll3's
clothes8 b%llet holes and all8 cleaned and 0ressed.
'". ;"&= B%3 R%bsamen8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
'&. ;15245T= #%ch a sit%ation is reminiscent of 6F>'s 1isit to @allas8
2here the 0lotters made s%re the +resident's 0rotecti1e b%bble 2as
remo1ed from his limo%sine8 and made s%re the #ecret #er1ice ne1er
bothered to chec) the man3 o0en 2indo2s aro%nd @eal3 +laa * a
standard sec%rit3 0roced%re in s%ch a sit%ation.
''. ;"'= @r. +a%l 7eath8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
',. ;",= DAitness Acco%nts <ar3 in /)lahoma Cit3 Bombin-8D allas
$orning +ews8 1.R'R,!G Associated +ress8 'R2&R,!G Associated +ress8
,.. ;&.= #tatement of %nidentified 2itness ta)in- b3 Re0. Charles >e38
co03 in a%thor's 0ossession.
J,1K. After 0%blication of this boo)8 6ane Braham 2as sho2n a
0hoto-ra0h of Berman national Andreas #trassmeir8 disc%ssed later8
and identified him as one of the men she sa2.
,2. ;&1= Braham8 !p *it. /ne of the men 2as tall8 late '3.s8 nice-
loo)in-8 1er3 dar) hair8 m%stache8 blac) co2bo3 hat8 Neans. The others
2ere sli-htl3 olderG 2earin- )ha)is8 short slee1es8 all Ca%casians. The
FB? a-ent 2ho inter1ie2ed Braham 2as 6oe #ch2ec)e .
,3. ;&2= ?nter1ie2s 2ith +a%l Renfroe8 /BS4G Thom 7%nter8
#o%th2estern BellG @on #herr38 /)lahoma Nat%ral Bas. ?nter1ie2s 2ith
a00ro:imatel3 2. constr%ction com0anies in1ol1ed 2ith a reno1ation
bid b3 B#A. Contractor list s%00lied b3 B#A to a%thor.
,4. ;&3= @a1id 7all8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
,!. ;&4= 6.@. Cash S 6eff 7ollada38 D#econdar3 4:0losion Re1ealed in
M%rrah Blast8D $c*urtain aily "a#ette8 !R4R,!.
,". ;&!= Allen8 !p *it.
,&. ;&"= 6on Ra00a0ort8 !klahoma *ity %om&ing — (he )uppressed
(ruth ;(os An-eles8 CA5 Bl%e +ress8 1,,!=.
,'. ;&&= 2eritas1 <=HEHEF.
,,. ;152&5T= Accordin- to Arm3 technical man%al on militar3 e:0losi1es8
Merc%r3 F%lminate is onl3 safe to handle if it is Ddead-0ressed.D
1... ;&'= Crai- Roberts8 DThe Bombin- of the M%rrah Federal B%ildin-5
An ?n1esti-ati1e Re0ort8D ;0re0ared for the T%lsa /ffice of the FB?=8
"R4R,!8 co03 in a%thor's 0ossession.
1.1. ;152&5TT= ?t 2as the 0resence of militar3 ordinance that bro%-ht
the "1st 4/@ ;4:0losi1e /rdinance @emolition= team from Fort #ill in to
e:amine and def%se the bombs.
1.2. ;152&5]= The Arm3 had a recr%itin- office in the b%ildin-8 2hich
2o%ld ha1e made the 0resence of militar3 0ersonnel incons0ic%o%s.
The @e0artment of A-ric%lt%re also had an office in the b%ildin-. The
@e0artment of A-ric%lt%re has been %sed as a front for ?R# intelli-ence8
and also the 113th M.?.B. ;Militar3 ?ntelli-ence Bro%0= in Chica-o in
1,&.. Bi1en the eas3 access to militar3 0ersonnel in the b%ildin-8 it
2o%ld ha1e been eas3 for militar3 0ersonnel to -o thro%-h the b%ildin-
1.3. ;&,= Beneral Benton >. +artin8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
1.4. ;'.= >F/R-T<.
1.!. ;152,5T= Accordin- to the #e0tember8 1,,! edition of Firehouse
ma-aine8 there 2ere three bomb scares5 one at 1.5228 one at 1.54!8
and one at 15!1. ;#ee Radio lo-s8 A00endi:=
1.". Ta0ed inter1ie2 of Tiffan3 #mith b3 Re0. Charles >e3.
1.&. ;'1= 6im >eith8 !:%!$% — *onspiracy and *o,er75p ;(ilb%rn8 BA5
?ll%minit +ress8 1,,"=.
1.'. ;'2= 4d2ard Comea%8 DFire ?n1esti-ation Re0ort5 /)lahoma Cit3
Bombin- and Resc%e /0eration8D National Fire +rotection Association8
1.,. ?t 2as r%mored that one of the de1ices 2as ta)en to >ir)land Air
Force Base in Alb%9%er9%e8 NM. Fred #hannon of the Ellis *ounty Press
in Alb%9%er9%e claimed his so%rce is too fri-htened to come for2ard. ?f
this acco%nt is tr%e8 it is c%rio%s to sa3 the least8 2h3 a bomb 2o%ld be
ta)en to a remote militar3 base8 2hen Tin)er Air Force base is less than
1. miles a2a3. ?nterestin-l38 a branch of #andia (abs is located at
>ir)land Air Force Base. The #andia Cor0oration8 head9%artered in
Alb%9%er9%e8 and the (a2rence (i1ermore National (aborator38 located
in Alameda Co%nt38 CA8 ha1e coo0erated on the de1elo0ment of hi-hl3
so0histicated e:0losi1es8 incl%din- n%clear 2ea0ons. #andia often
cond%cts it's tests at the Ahite #ands Missile Test Ran-e8 N%st 2est of
Alama-ordo. Ahite #ands 2as the home to the ATF's D@i0ole Mi-htD
e:0eriments ;see belo2=. Aas the -o1ernment ta)in- one of its bombs
bac) home to MommaH
11.. ;'3= Allen8 !p *it.
111. ;'4= Moore8 !p *it.8 0. 221. Ric)s made this statement the da3 of
the bombin-.
112. ;'!= Beneral Benton >. +artin8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
113. ;'"= Ric) #herro28 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
114. ;153.5T= The T/A missile8 ins0ected b3 the "1st 4/@ team o%t of
Ft. #ill 2as inert8 as re0orted on the /)lahoma Co%nt3 #heriff's
41idenceR/rdinance Acce0tance Form8 dated 4R1,R,!8 co03 in a%thor's
11!. ;'&= BATF RAC @e23 Aebb8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thorG /C+@ /fficer
@on Bro2nin-8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
11". This a%thor re9%ested the #heriff's 1ideo %nder the /)lahoma
/0en Records Act. ? s%bse9%entl3 recei1ed the ori-inal 1ersion from a
friend. ?t seems the #heriff sent me an edited 1ersion8 2ith the
ordinance bein- remo1ed edited o%t.
11&. ;''= 6.@. Cash S 6eff 7ollada38 DAor)er 7el0ed Remo1e M%nitions8
Missile from M%rrah B%ildin-8D $c*urtain aily "a#ette8 &R&R,!.
11'. ;',= I&id.
11,. The BATF lied abo%t the 0resence of a metham0hetamine lab on
the Branch @a1idian com0o%nd in Aaco8 Te:as in order to circ%m1ent
the +osse Comitat%s Act8 2hich 0re1ents the militar3 from bein- %sed
for domestic la2 enforcement. Conse9%entl38 tan)s from the Arm3's
6oint Tas) Force #i: 2ere %sed ;dri1en the FB?= to demolish and -as the
Branch @a1idian com0o%nd. 4i-ht3-si: men8 2omen and children 2ere
either cr%shed to death or b%rned ali1e. The FB?8 l%dicro%sl3 eno%-h8
claimed that the tan)s 2ere there to )noc) holes in the 2alls in order
to allo2 0eo0le to esca0e * an absol%tel3 ridic%lo%s assertion * the3
co%ld ha1e sim0l3 %sed the 2indo2s and doors.
12.. ;,.= .ele,ance ma-aine8 &R,!.
121. ;,1= Moore8 !p *it.8 0. 1.&.
122. ;,2= I&id.
123. ;15335T= This a%thor inter1ie2ed a retired Arm3 criminal
in1esti-ator 2ho com0lained abo%t (ester Mart's stone2allin- a
similar in1esti-ation he 2as in1ol1ed in.
124. ;,3= Allen8 !p *it.M Moore8 !p *it.
12!. ;,4= I&id.8 0. 11".
12". ;,!= Richard (. #herro28 DAftershoc)s and #%bterf%-e5 Clo%d of
@o%bt (in-ers /1er Bo1ernment Co1er-%08D )oldier o8 Fortune8 A0ril8
1,,"G Moore8 0. 1.".
12&. This 2as re0orted briefl3 in the +ew York (imes and the -all
)treet 0ournal. The t2o articles 2ere then 9%ic)l3 b%ried in scra0-hea0
of histor3.
12'. ;,"= (a2rence A. M3ers8 DB%rea% of ANF/ Tr%c)-Bomb
Fabrication8D $edia %ypass8 No1ember8 1,,".
12,. ;,&= DAho Are The3H The /)lahoma Blast Re1eals The +aranoid
(ife and Times of Acc%sed Bomber Timoth3 Mc<ei-h and 7is Ri-ht-
Ain- Associates.D (ime8 !R1R,!.
13.. ;,'= @ale R%ssa)oc) S #er-e >o1ales)i8 DAn /rdinar3 Bo3's
4:traordinar3 Ra-eG After a (on- #earch For /rder8 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h
Finall3 Fo%nd a Aorld 7e Co%ld Fit ?nto8D-ashington Post8 &R2R,!.
131. ;,,= 6ohn >ifner8 D/)lahoma Bombin- #%s0ect5 $nra1elin- a
Fra3ed (ife8D +ew York (imes8 12R31R,!.
132. ;1..= DAn /rdinar3 Bo3's 4:traordinar3 Ra-e8D -ashington Post8
133. ;1.1= Robert @. McFadden8 DTerror in /)lahoma5 The #%s0ect *
/ne Man's Com0le: +ath to 4:tremism8D +ew York (imes8 4R23R,!.
134. ;253"5T= (ori Fortier ori-inall3 told the 0ress8 D?t tr%l3 sic)ens me
2hen ? see m3 friend's face8 3es m3 friend's face8 0ortra3ed on the
co1er of (ime ma-aine as the face of e1il.D
13!. ;1.2= #heffield Anderson8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
13". ;253"5TT= Noble Co%nt3 Assistant Attorne3 Mar) Bibson8 2ho has
0rosec%ted man3 )illers8 said DCo% co%ld N%st feel the e1il in them.D Cet
he said of Mc<ei-h8 D? loo)ed at him and realied ? felt no re0%lsion or
13&. ;1.3= +rime Time (i1e8 !R1.R,!.
13'. ;1.4= DBio-ra0h35 Mc<ei-h8 +art ??8D $edia %ypass8 Ma38 1,,".
M3ers 2o%ld later rescind this statement to me8 sa3in- he tho%-ht
Mc<ei-h 2as the Dmost maniacal terrorist in $.#. histor3.D
13,. ;1.!= DAn /rdinar3 Bo3's 4:traordinar3 Ra-e8D -ashington Post8
14.. ;1."= $edia %ypass. Ma38 1,,".
141. ;254.5T= Real estate a-ent Anne Marie Fit0atric) said Mc<ei-h
2as D1er3 d3namicD and had Da t2in)le in his e3e and a smile.D
;-ashington Post &R2R,!. =
142. ;1.&= DAn /rdinar3 Bo3's 4:traordinar3 Ra-eD8 -ashington Post8
143. ;1.'= $edia %ypass. !R,".
144. ;1.,= -ashington Post8 &R2R,!.
14!. ;11.= $edia %ypass. Ma38 1,,".
14". ;111= Robert @. McFadden8 DTerror in /)lahoma5 A #0ecial Re0ort
* 6ohn @oe No. 18 A (ife of #olit%de and /bsessions8D +ew York (imes8
14&. ;112=-ashington Post8 &R2R,!.
14'. ;113= $edia %ypass. Ma38 1,,".
14,. ;114= (ana +adilla and Ron @el0it8 %y %lood %etrayed8 ;Ne2 Cor)8
NC5 7ar0er Collins8 1,,!=8 0. "3.
1!.. ;25435T= +adilla told me later that the information abo%t Mc<ei-h's
so-called demolitions e:0ertise 2as 0ro1ided b3 co-2riter Ron @el0it.
1!1. ;11!= @a1id 7ac)2orth S +eter Annin8 DThe #%s0ect #0ea)s /%t8D
+ewsweek8 &R3R,!.
1!2. ;11"= +ewsweek8 !R1!R,!.
1!3. ;11&= 6ohn >ifner8 DThe B%n Net2or)5 Mc<ei-h's Aorld * A #0ecial
Re0ortG Bomb #%s0ect Felt at 7ome Ridin- the B%n-#ho2 Circ%it.D +ew
York (imes8 &R!R,!.
1!4. ;11'= FB? 3.2 #tatement of Carl. 4. (ebron8 6r.8 4R22R,!8 co03 in
a%thor's 0ossession.
1!!. ;11,= -ashington Post8 &R2R,!.
1!". ;12.= +ew York (imes8 !R4R,!.
1!&. ;121= $edia %ypass8 March8 1,,!.
1!'. ;122= +ew York (imes !R4R,!.
1!,. ;123= $edia %ypass8 March8 1,,!.
1".. ;124= +ew York (imes8 !R4R,!.
1"1. ;12!= I&id.
1"2. Ahile other soldiers and airmen 2ere 9%oted d%rin- the 2ar
ma)in- statements li)e Dshootin- fish in a barrelD L DAe hit the
Nac)0otD L Da t%r)e3 shoot8D onl3 Mc<ei-h D)illed ?ra9is.D For a detailed
acco%nt of atrocities committed b3 $.#. forces8 see5 Ramse3 Clar)8 (he
Fire (his (ime' 5.). -ar *rimes in the "ul8 8 ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5 Th%nder's
Mo%th +ress8 1,,2=.
1"3. ;12"= $edia %ypass8 March8 1,,!.
1"4. ;12&= D/)lahoma Bombin- #%s0ect5 $nra1elin- a Fra3ed (ife8D
+ew York (imes8 12R31R,!.
1"!. ;12'= +adilla8 @el0it8 !p *it.8 0. 1!3.
1"". ;12,= >eith8 !p *it.8 0. 41.
1"&. ;13.= DMc<ei-h's Arm3 +als 6oin Bid to #a1e 7is (ife8D CNN8 "R,R,&.
1"'. ;131= >enneth #tern8 A Force 5pon the Plain' (he American $ilitia
$o,ement and the Politics o8 Hate8 ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5 #imon and #ch%ster8
1,,"=8 0. 1,.G +ew York (imes8 !R4R,!.
1",. #tern's boo)8 2ritten on behalf of the American 6e2ish Committee
2ith the tacit a00ro1al of the Anti-@efamation (ea-%e ;A@(= of the
B'Nai B'rith8 see)s to com0letel3 discredit all factions of the emer-in-
+atriot and Militia mo1ements. #tern be-ins 2ith the 0remise that
Mc<ei-h is -%ilt38 and then attem0ts to indict the militia mo1ement b3
association. Most all of #tern's so%rces deri1e from mainstream 0ress
acco%nts and A@( and #+(C ;#o%thern +o1ert3 (a2 Center= re0orts.
There is no indication from his so%rce notes that the a%thor e1er
inter1ie2ed an3 of Mc<ei-h's friends or associates8 or did an3
inde0endent research on the bombin- 2hatsoe1er.
1&.. ;254,5T= Rice is 0resident of Ne2 4n-land ?n1esti-ations. 7e
teaches the onl3 accredited co%rse in the s%bNect of 0rofilin-8 and has
testified in state and federal co%rt in re-ards to hand2ritin- anal3sis8
and Moore r%ns an e:ec%ti1e assessment firm in Aashin-ton8 @.C. that
s0ecialies in assessin- 0ersonalit3 traits of a00licants based on
their hand2ritin- sam0les.
1&1. ;132= D?nside the Mind of Mc<ei-h.D Media B30ass8 A0ril8 1,,".
1&2. ;133= DBio-ra0h35 Mc<ei-h8 +art ??8D $edia %ypass8 Ma38 1,,".
1&3. ;134= +ew York (imes8 12R31R,!.
1&4. ;13!= -ashington Post8 &R2R,!.
1&!. ;13"= +ew York (imes8 12R31R,!.
1&". ;13&= +ew York (imes8 !R4R,!.
1&&. ;13'= +ew York (imes8 &R!R,!.
1&'. ;13,= -ashington Post8 &R2R,!.
1&,. ;14.= DThe #%s0ect #0ea)s /%t8D +ewsweek. &R3R,!.
1'.. ;141= Released b3 Mc<ei-h's attorne3 #te0hen 6ones to the
-ashington Post.
1'1. ;142= +ewsweek8 &R3R,!.
1'2. ;143= -ashington Post8 &R2R,!.
1'3. ;144= $edia %ypass8 March8 1,,!.
1'4. ;14!= Re0ort of ?n1esti-ation8 @a1id B. Fechheimer8 12R13R,"8
addressed to #te0hen 6ones8 co03 in a%thor's 0ossession.
1'!. ;14"= Released b3 Mc<ei-h's attorne3 #te0hen 6ones to the
-ashington Post.
1'". ;14&= +ew York (imes8 !R4R,!.
1'&. ;25!25T= Mc<ei-h himself admitted that it D2as dela3ed in m3
1''. ;14'= -ashington Post8 &R2R,!8 4R23R,!.
1',. ;25!25TT= This 2as confirmed to me b3 Terr3 Nichols' e:-2ife8 (ana
+adilla5 DTerr3 told me that. Terr3 N%st said that 2hen he 2as in the B%lf
Aar8 the3 had im0lanted that to )ee0 trac) of him.D
1,.. ;14,= Blenn >ra2c)8 DMind Control and the Ne2 Aorld /rder8D
+exus ma-aine8 Feb-March8 1,,38 9%oted in >eith.
1,1. ;1!.= I&id.8 0. 1,".
1,2. ;25!35T= The firm does classified research for both NA#A and the
Air Force8 and is a ran)in- s%bcontractor for #entar8 ?nc.8 an ad1anced
science and en-ineerin- firm ca0able8 accordin- to com0an3 literat%re8
of creatin- artificial intelli-ence s3stems. #entar's c%stomers incl%de
the $.#. Arm3 #0ace and #trate-ic @efense Command8 the Ad1anced
Research +roNects A-enc3 ;see disc%ssion of AR+A later in this cha0ter=8
Roc)2ell ?nternational8 Teled3ne8 Nichols Research Cor0. and TRA.
Their sales literat%re boasts a lar-e ener-3 shoc) t%nnel8 radar
facilities Da radio-fre9%enc3 ;RF= sim%lator facilit3 for e1al%atin-
electronic 2arfare techni9%es.D ;Constantine=
1,3. ;1!1= Constantine8 !p *it.
1,4. ;1!2= +exus8 Feb-March8 1,,38 9%oted in >eith.
1,!. ;1!3= The $.#. Beneral Acco%ntin- /ffice iss%ed a re0ort on
#e0tember 2'8 1,,48 2hich stated that bet2een 1,4. and 1,&48 @/@
and other national sec%rit3 a-encies st%died h%ndreds of tho%sands of
h%man s%bNects in tests and e:0eriments in1ol1in- haardo%s
s%bstances. BA/ stated that some tests and e:0eriments 2ere
cond%cted in secret. Medical research in1ol1in- the testin- of ner1e
a-ents8 ner1e a-ent antidotes8 0s3chochemicals8 and irritants 2as
often classified. Additionall38 some 2or) cond%cted for @/@ b3
contractors still remains classified toda3. For e:am0le8 the Central
?ntelli-ence A-enc3 ;C?A= has not released the names of 1! of the
a00ro:imatel3 '. or-aniations that cond%cted e:0eriments %nder the
M>$(TRA 0ro-ram8 2hich -a1e 0s3chochemical dr%-s to an
%ndetermined n%mber of 0eo0le 2itho%t their )no2led-e or consent.
Accordin- to the BA/ re0ort8 the C?A has not released this information
beca%se the or-aniations do not 2ant to be identified. ;D?s Militar3
Research 7aardo%s To <eterans' 7ealthH (essons #0annin- 7alf A
Cent%r38D The Roc)efeller Re0ort ;#enator 6a3 Roc)efeller=8 12R'R,4.=
1,". ;25!!5T= After his arrest8 Br3ant said that he had been D-otten to8D
and Dhad been 0ro-rammed.D D#lee0ersD s%ch as Br3ant 2ere most
li)el3 0ro-rammed to )ill their 1ictims in order to 0reci0itate la2 and
order crac)-do2ns8 s%ch as occ%rred in the aftermath of the A%stralian
melee8 2here the -o1ernment recentl3 o%tla2ed almost all t30es of
1,&. DA Ca%tion From @o2n $nder8D Portland Free Press8 6%l3R/ctober8
1,'. ;1!4= DA B3 the Boo) /fficer8 '#%s0icio%s B3 Nat%re8' #0ots Tro%ble
and acts fast8D +ew York (imes8 4R23R,!.
1,,. ;1!!= @ic) R%ssell8 (he $an -ho :new (oo $uch8 ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5
Carroll S Braf=8 1,,28 0. "&,.
2... ;1!"= +roNect M>$(TRA8 The C?A's +ro-ram of Research in
Beha1ioral Modification8 6oint 7earin- Before the #enate Committee on
?ntelli-ence8 'R3R&&. $.#. Bo1ernment +rintin- /ffice8 1,&&.
2.1. ?n fact8 accordin- to Ted B%ndersen8 Aest did indeed e:amine
Mc<ei-h. Ahen 0ressed on the acc%rac3 of his so%rce8 B%ndersen
insisted he 2as D1.. 0ercent reliable.D
2.2. R%ssell8 !p *it.8 0. 211-212.
2.3. Martin A. (ee and Br%ce #hlain8 Acid reams' (he *IA1 3)1 and
the )ixties .e&ellion ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5 Bro1e +ress8 1,'!=8 00. 228 1',-,.G
Bordon Thomas8 0ourney Into $adness8 Bantam Boo)s8 1,',.
2.4. The 1,!& American +s3chiatric Association roster notes that 182!3
of its &81.4 members came from Berman3 and the 4astern 4%ro0ean
2.!. Tim >else38 DThe /)lahoma #%s0ect A2aits @a3 of Rec)onin-8D
3ondon )unday (imes8 date %n)no2n.
2.". ;1!&= Thomas8 !p *it.8 0. 11".
2.&. ;1!'= R%ssell8 !p *it.8 0. "&3.
2.'. ;1!,= Ailliam M. T%rner and 6ohn B. Christian8 (he Assassination
o8 .o&ert F. :ennedy' A )earching 3ook at the *onspiracy and *o,er7
5p <ENB7<EKB8 ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5 Random 7o%se8 0. 1,&=8 W%oted in
Constantine8 0. 12.
2.,. ;1".= R%ssell8 !p *it.8 0. "'1.
21.. ;1"1= I&id.8 0. "&!.
211. ;1"2= I&id.8 0. "&3. ;Aarren Commission Re0ort8 <ol. !8 0. 1.!.=
212. Ale: Constantine8 Psychic ictatorship in the 5.).A.8 ;+ortland8 /R5
Feral 7o%se +ress=8 1,,!8 0. ".
213. 7%-h Mac@onald8 Appointment in allas8 Yebra8 00. 1.&-1.'8
9%oted in Constantine8 0. ".
214. /n Febr%ar3 &8 1,&"8 Ambassador Aalter 6. #toessel8 6r. told some
of the 12! members of his staff that the R%ssians 2ere %sin-
micro2a1es beams to listen in on con1ersations inside the embass38
and that s%ch radiation co%ld be haardo%s to their health. ;+a%l
Bro%de%r8 (he Oapping o8 America8 ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5 A.A. Norton= 1,&&8
0. ,!.
21!. I&id.8 0. ,!.
21". ;1"3= I&id.8 0. 1,.
21&. ;1"4= Art Ford S (incoln (a2rence8 -ere -e *ontrolled8 ;Ne2
Cor)8 NC5 $ni1ersit3 Boo)s=8 1,"&8 9%oted in R%ssell.
21'. ;1"!= Robert /. Bec)er8 M.@. and Bar3 #elden8 (he %ody Electric'
Electromagnetism and the Foundation o8 3i8e8 ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5 Ailliam
Morro2 S Co.=8 0. 1.'!8 9%oted in DBioeffects of Micro2a1e Radiation8D
5nclass8ied8 <ol. ?<8 No. 38 6%neR6%l38 1,,28 National Association of
#ec%rit3 Al%mni.
21,. ;1""= T%rner and Christian8 !p. *it.8 Anthon3 #am0son8 (he Arms
%asaar' From 3e&anon to 3ockheed ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5 <i)in- +ress8 1,&&=8
0. 2&"8 9%oted in Constantine8 0. 12.
22.. ;25".5T= A00arentl38 Mc<ei-h 2as not there the entire time. +hone
records indicate he made stead3 calls %ntil the &th of A0ril8 2hen he
2as seen at a bar in T%lsa8 /)lahoma. The 0hone calls res%me on A0ril
221. +ew York (imes8 !R4R,!.
222. I&id.
223. ;1",= #herman #)olnic)8 *onspiracy +ation8 6%ne8 1,,".
224. ;1&.= Constantine8 DThe Bood #oldier.D
22!. I&id.
22". I&id.
22&. ?n 1,'&8 0olice in Tallahassee8 Florida disco1ered si: small
children li1in- in a 1an dri1en b3 t2o men dressed in s%its. The
children 2ere na)ed8 br%ised and dirt38 and actin- li)e animals. The3
2ere %na2are of the f%nction and 0%r0ose of tele0hones8 tele1isions or
toilets. The3 2ere not allo2ed to li1e indoors8 and 2ere onl3 -i1en food
as a re2ard. The case 2as t%rned o1er to $.#. C%stoms a-ents8 2ho
2ere contacted b3 detecti1es from the Aashin-ton8 @.C. Metro0olitan
+olice @e0t.8 then in1esti-atin- a c%lt )no2n as the DFinders.D Ahen
officers searched the their 0remises8 the3 disco1ered instr%ctions for
)idna00in- and 0%rchasin- children8 a1oidin- 0olice detection8
information on the %se of e:0losi1es and terrorism8 and the
international transfer of c%rrenc3. The officers also fo%nd a 0hoto
alb%m sho2in- 0orno-ra0hic 0hotos of children8 ad%lts and children
0artici0atin- in blood rit%als in1ol1in- the disembo2elment of -oats8
and an alter s%rro%nded 2ith Nars of %rine and feces. Formerl3 called
the D#ee)ers8D the Dc%ltD 2as r%n b3 Marion @a1id +ettie. An
%nconfirmed memo states that +ettie 2as trained in
co%nterintelli-enceG his C?A handler 2as Colonel (eonard N. Aei-ner8 a
career Air Force and C?A o0erati1e. Ahen C%stoms a-ents
attem0ted to follo2 %0 on the M+@ in1esti-ation8 the3 2ere told that
Dthe acti1it3 of the Finders had become a C?A internal matter. The M+@
re0ort has been classified secret and 2as not a1ailable for re1ie2.D
Martine 2as s%bse9%entl3 Dad1ised that the FB? had 2ithdra2n from
the in1esti-ation se1eral 2ee)s 0rior and that the FB? Forei-n Co%nter
?ntelli-ence @i1ision had directed M+@ not to ad1ise the FB?
Aashin-ton Field /ffice of an3thin- that had trans0ired.D Ahat 0olice
and C%stoms a-ents 2ere describin- 2as %ndo%btled3 0art of
/0eration DMonarch8D a 0ro-ram of C?A mind control in1ol1in- the %se
of small children raised in ca0ti1it3 to res0ond to 1ario%s stim%li
in1o)ed b3 their C?A ca0tors. /ne of the chief field o0erati1es of
/0eration Monarch 2as none other than Michael A9%ino. ;$.#. C%stoms
Re0ort5 @etecti1e 6im Bradle3 of the Aashin-ton8 @.C. Metro0olitan
+olice @e0t. @aniel Brandt8 +ame %ase +ewsline8 No. !8 A0ril-6%ne
1,,45 DC%lts8 Anti-C%ltists8 and the C%lt of ?ntelli-ence.D @e0artment of
the Treas%r38 $nited #tates C%stoms #er1ice5 Re0ort of ?n1esti-ation.
#%bNect5 DFinders.D 2R12R'&. A-ent Ra3mond 6. Martine.=
+robabl3 the best )no2n case is 6onesto2n8 a c%lt of o1er ,.. follo2ers
in B%3ana 2ho committed Dmass s%icideD in 1,&'. led b3 the Re1erend
6im 6ones. 6onesto2n 2as a 1eritable 0rison 2here all the classic mind
control techni9%es 2ere %tilied. Ahile little more than a s2am08 it
ne1ertheless contained a modern hos0ital8 from 2hich massi1e
9%antities of beha1ioral modification dr%-s 2ere reco1ered. /ne of
6ones' to0 aides8 Beor-e +hili0 Bla)el38 2ho recr%ited mercenaries for
the C?A in An-ola8 2as the son-in-la2 of @r. (a2rence (a3ton8 a former
Arm3 biochemical 2arfare s0ecialist. Researchers ha1e s0ec%lated that
6onesto2n 2as 0art of the C?A's M>$(TRA e:0eriments. ;6oe 7olsin-er8
D#tatement to the For%m 4ntitled '+s3cho-#ocial ?m0lications of the
6onesto2n +henomenon8'D 23 Ma3 1,'.8 Mi3a)o 7otel8 #an Francisco8
9%oted in Brandt8 +ame %ase +ewsline8 No. !8 A0ril-6%ne 1,,45 DC%lts8
Anti-C%ltists8 and the C%lt of ?ntelli-ence.D= DB%3anese troo0s
disco1ered a lar-e cache of dr%-s8 eno%-h to control the entire
0o0%lation of Beor-eto2n8 B%3ana ;0o0. 2..8...=8 for o1er a 3ear. /ne
footloc)er contained 118... doses of Thoraine8 a dan-ero%s
tran9%ilier8 and others s%ch as sodi%m 0entothal ;tr%th ser%m=8 chloral
h3drate ;a h30notic=8 demerol8 Thalli%m ;conf%ses thin)in-=8
halio0areael and (ar-atil ;0o2erf%l tran9%iliers= and man3 others. ?t
2as 1er3 e1ident that 6onesto2n 2as a ti-htl3-r%n concentration cam08
com0lete 2ith medical and 0s3chiatric e:0erimentation.D Bo Brit8
*alled to )er,e. The members of 6onesto2n 2ere re0orted to ha1e died
from c3anide-laced 0%nch8 b%t man3 2ere fo%nd shot-to-death b3 the
com0o%nd's -%ards. The militar3 0%r0osef%ll3 too) o1er a 2ee) to
remo1e the bodies8 ens%rin-8 as in the Aaco case8 that no a%to0sies
co%ld be 0erformed. National #ec%rit3 Ad1isor Breins)i's office
ordered that Dall 0oliticall3 sensiti1e 0a0ers and forms of identificationD
be remo1ed from the bodies8 and 6onesto2n's m3sterio%s financial
reso%rces 2ere fo%nd scattered in ban)s and in1estments8 estimated
to be from F2" million to F 2 billion. ;>enneth Aooden8 The Children of
6onesto2n ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5 McBra2-7ill8 1,'1=8 0. 1,"8 9%oted in
Another 2ell-)no2n case is the Tem0le of #et8 a satanic c%lt in #an
Francisco r%n b3 former Arm3 0s3cholo-ical 2arfare s0ecialist (t.
Colonel Michael A9%ino8 2ho has 2ritten abo%t the control of mass
0o0%lations. A9%ino 2as acc%sed b3 an Arm3 Cha0lain of molestin-
se1eral 3o%n- children at the +residio. The case 2as in1esti-ated b3
the #F+@8 then t%rned o1er to the Arm3's C.?.@. ;Criminal ?n1esti-ations
@i1ision=8 2here it 2as s%bse9%entl3 dro00ed. Freedom of ?nformation
Act re9%ests ? made abo%t A9%ino's in1esti-ation 2hile editor of the
Free Press 2ere stone2alled. A9%ino himself 0ic)ed %0 on m3 interest
and be-an bombardin- me 2ith letters both dismissin- these and all
related alle-ations as Dmass-h3steria8D 2hile bac)in- %0 his claims 2ith
the threat of a libel s%it. ;A9%ino once anno%nced that he is the @e1il
incarnate. ? still 2onder to this da3 2h3 the @e1il needed to ta)e me to
M%nici0al Co%rt to e:tract his 1en-eance.=
22'. @e0osition of anon3mo%s Na1al ?ntelli-ence officer8 co03 in
a%thor's 0ossession.
22,. ;1&1= Brandon #tic)ne38 All American $onster' (he 5nauthori#ed
%iography o8 (imothy $c2eigh ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5 +romethe%s Boo)s8
1,,"=8 0. 22".
23.. For an e:cellent acco%nt of the 0otential of h3nosis and its %se in
militar3 a00lications8 see )cience igest8 A0ril 1,&18 D730nosis Comes
of A-e8D b3 B.7. 4stabroo)s.
231. Marchetti and Mar)s8 !p *it.8 0. 2&,.
232. ;1&2= #cott Anderson8 D"lo&e 0%blishers' <iet to%r in mind
2arfare8D +ow $aga#ine8 Toronto8 Canada8 !R2"R,48 W%oted in >eith8 0.
233. ;25"25T= Former intelli-ence o0erati1e Bene DChi0D Tat%m
described a recent massi1e heroin and cocaine sm%--lin- o0eration
bein- r%n b3 ro-%e elements of the $.#. Bo1ernment across the
Canadian border into Montana 2ith the com0licit3 of local officials.
DThese officials 2ere recr%ited to assist in the sm%--lin- o0erations8
thin)in- the3 2ere 0art of a -o1ernment-sanctioned co1ert o0eration.D
;4:cer0t of a letter from Tat%m to the Montana #enate 6%diciar3
Committee8 3R22R,&=.
234. ;1&3= Bene Aheaton8 memo8 co03 in a%thor's 0ossessionG
inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
23!. +iter 2as later fo%nd Ds%icidedD li)e Admiral Boorda8 shot in the
chest 2ith a .4!. The left-handed +iter 2as fo%nd holdin- the -%n in
his ri-ht hand. As Crai- Roberts 2rites in 0F:' (he ead -itnesses8
D+iter8 a cons%mmate note ta)er and ma)er8 left no s%icide note8
and no a%to0s3 re0ort 2as e1er released to either the 0%blic or the
famil3.L all references to +iter bein- 0resent at the a%to0s3 of 6ohn F.
>enned3 ha1e been remo1ed from -o1ernment records.D Neither does
+iter's famil3 belie1e he committed s%icide.
23". ;1&4= 6a3 Arolstad8 D#mo)in- B%n5 @oes @an Mar1in 7a1e
41idence of a >enned3 Assassination Cons0irac3HD (he Ithaca (imes8
'R22R,"G Fran)lin Cra2ford8 D(ocal Man Tells 6F> #tor38D (he Ithaca
0ournal8 11R1"R,!G @aniel Mar1in8 DBits S +ieces5 A Breen Beret on the
+eri0her3 of the 6F> Assassination8D (he Fourth ecade8 Ma38 1,,!G
Colonel @aniel Mar1in8 inter1ie2 on Te: Marrs' Aorld of +ro0hec38
AACR short2a1e8 4R2.R,". Mar1in's a%thenticit3 and credibilit3 ha1e
been established b3 res0ected >enned3 researchers8 as 2ell as
+rofessor (. +earce Ailliams of Cornell $ni1ersit38 and 6ac9%eline
+o2ers8 former mana-in- editor of the Ithaca 0ournal8 2ho said DJCol.
Mar1inK had e1idence to bac) %0 2hat he 2as claimin-. ? belie1e him.
41er3thin- he has said to me has been tr%eG he's 2illin- to tell 2hat he
)no2s8 2hich can't be eas3 for him.D
23&. Ca0tain @a1id <. <ane)8 2ho too) the assassination co%rse 2ith
Mar1in8 2as alle-edl3 as)ed b3 the C?A to assassinate +iter after
Mar1in ref%sed. <ane) denied the alle-ations in an affi1a1it.
23'. ;1&!= 6onathan >2itn38 (he *rimes o8 Patriots ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5
#imon S #ch%ster8 1,'&=8 0. 1.3G Affida1it of Colonel 4d2ard +. C%tolo8
commander of the 1.th #0ecial Forces Bro%0 ;Airborne=8 1st #0ecial
Forces8 3R11R'.8 co03 in a%thor's 0ossession.
23,. ;1&"= 7o003 7eidelber-8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
24.. ;1&&= DThe B%ndersen Re0ort on the Bombin- of the Alfred +.
M%rrah Federal B%ildin-8 /)lahoma Cit38 /)lahoma8 A0ril 1,8 1,,!8
co03 in a%thor's 0ossession.
241. ;1&'= R%ssell8 !p *it.
242. ;1&,= D#omethin- Bi- is Boin- to 7a00en8D (ime $aga#ine8
243. ;1'.= -ashington Post8 !R4R,!.
244. ;25""5T= The term Dshee0-di00edD is best clarified b3 former C?A-
@e0artment of @efense liaison (. Fletcher +ro%t38 in his classic 2or) on
the C?A8 (he )ecret (eam ;+rentice 7all=. D?t is an intricate Arm3-
de1ised 0rocess b3 2hich a man 2ho is in the ser1ice as a f%ll career
soldier or officer a-rees to -o thro%-h all the le-al and official motions
of resi-nin- from the ser1ice. Then8 rather than act%all3 bein-
released8 his records are 0%lled from the Arm3 0ersonnel files and
transferred to a s0ecial Arm3 intelli-ence file. #%bstit%te b%t
nonetheless real-a00earin- records are then 0rocessed8 and the
man Dlea1esD the ser1ice.D
24!. ;1,!= +ew York (imes8 4R23R,!.
24". ;1,"= DTerror in /)lahoma5 The #%s0ectG Ariona Nei-hbors Recall
a Man's (o1e of Aea0onr3 and '+oor Attit%de'D8 +ew York (imes8
24&. ;1,&= -ashington Post8 &R2R,!.
24'. ;1,'= Mar3lin 7art8 ?nter1ie2 2ith a%thor8 1R1!R," S 4R1R,".
24,. ;1,,= Rob Ran-in8 ?nter1ie2 2ith a%thor8 4R1R,".
2!.. ;2..= 6ohn >ifner8 DAriona Trailer +ar) /2ner Remembered the
Aron- Man8D +ew York (imes8 4R2!R,!.
2!1. ;2.1= Mar3lin 7art8 ?nter1ie2 2ith a%thor8 1R1!R,".
2!2. ;2.2= +ew York (imes8 4R23R,!.
2!3. ;2.3= #te1e Ailmsen and Mar) 4dd38 DAho bombed the M%rrah
B%ildin-HD en,er Post8 date %n)no2n.
2!4. ;2.4= FB? 3.2 of (ebron8 !p *it.
2!!. ;2.!= +atric) 4. Cole8 D?'m 6%st (i)e An3one 4lse8D (ime8 4R1!R,".
2!". ;2."= DAn /rdinar3 Bo3's 4:traordinar3 Ra-eD8 -ashington Post8
2!&. ;2.&= +ew York (imes8 4R24R,!.
2!'. ;2.'= Mar) #chaffer8 DB%n Class #heds Ne2 (i-ht /n Mc<ei-h8D
(he Ari#ona .epu&lic8 !R2'R,!8 9%oted in >eith.
2!,. ;2.,= +ew York (imes8 12R31R,!.
2".. ;21.= >e1in Fl3nn and (o% >iler8 D6ohn @oe 2 Remains a M3ster35
/>C Bombin- Case's $n)no2n #%s0ect Co%ld be More Than /ne Man8
?n1esti-ators Belie1e8D .ocky $ountain +ews8 3R3R,&.
2"1. ;211= +ew York (imes8 4R24R,!.
2"2. ;T= The child 0rotecti1e ser1ices 2ent to the com0o%nd8 )noc)ed
on the door8 2al)ed in8 and inter1ie2ed the children. The3 fo%nd no
e1idence of ab%se and left.
2"3. ;T= This 2ill be e:0lored more f%ll3 in <ol%me T2o.
2"4. ;212= $edia %ypass8 March8 1,,!.
2"!. ;213= +ew York (imes8 &R!R,!.
2"". ;214= Tim >else38 DThe /)lahoma #%s0ect A2aits @a3 of
Rec)onin-8D 3ondon )unday (imes1 AHD<HEN.
2"&. ;21!= Robert <ito8 DThree #oldiers8D CNN Ne2s8 'R,R,!.
2"'. ;21"= Trial of Timoth3 Mc<ei-h.
2",. ;21&= /0enin- statement of lead 0rosec%tor 6ose0h 7artler at
Timoth3 Mc<ei-h's trial.
2&.. ;21'= 7o2ard +an)art and Beor-e (ane8 D#ister Testifies A-ainst
Brother8D en,er Post8 !R"R,&.
2&1. ;21,= Beor-e (ane8 D(etters +ro1ide @ama-in- 41idence8D en,er
Post1 FHNHEKM D#ister's Role #een as +i1itol8D en,er Post8 !R"R,&.
2&2. ;22.= (ime8 !R1R,!.
2&3. ;221= +ew York (imes8 !R4R,!.
2&4. ;222= D/)lahoma Bombin- +lotted for Months8 /fficials #a38 b%t
#%s0ect ?s Not Tal)in-8D +ew York (imes8 4R2!R,!8 9%oted in >eith8 0.
2&!. ;T= Nichols' dischar-e in the s0rin- of 1,', for Dhardshi0D reasons
is also interestin-. Another 0arallel is that of Thomas Martine8 the FB?
infiltrator 2ithin the radical ri-ht #ilent Brotherhood8 2ho 2as -i1en an
honorable dischar-e d%rin- basic trainin-. The Arm3 choose not to
e:0lained 2h3. ;>eith8 !p *it.=
2&". ;223= 4mma Bilbe38 DBrothers in Arms 2ith a @estr%cti1e 7obb38D
3ondon )unday (elegraph8 3R24R,!.
2&&. ;224= Affida1it of FB? A-ent +atric) A. Aease.
2&'. ;22!= +ewsweek8 !R1!R,!.
2&,. ;22"= Robert 6erlo28 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
2'.. ;T= The letter to the -irlfriend a00arentl3 2as indicati1e of 0lans to
bomb other locations. ?nterestin- that the s%s0ect 2o%ld lea1e s%ch an
c%rio%sl3 incriminatin- trail of e1idence.
2'1. ;22&= +ew York (imes8 &R!R,!.
2'2. ;22'= @ateline8 NBC8 2R13R,".
2'3. ;22,= -ashington Post8 &R2R,!.
2'4. ;23.= +ew York (imes8 &R!R,!.
2'!. ;231= I&id.M -ashington Post8 &R!R,!.
2'". ;232= (he )potlight8 !R2"R,&.
2'&. ;T= Catina told 3ondon )unday (elegraph re0orter Ambrose 41ans-
+ritchard that the man 2as Dal2a3sD there. D7e seemes o%t of 0lace8
b%t he 2as al2a3s aro%nd.D
2''. ;233= 6im Barrison8 !n the (rail o8 the Assassins8 ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5
Aarner Boo)s8 1,''=8 0. 1!&.
2',. ;T= ?n a rather 0ro0hetic statement8 Michael Fortier's mother 2as
heard to remar) that Mc<ei-h led Da do%ble life.D
2,.. ;234= $edia %ypass8 3R,!G +ew York (imes8 &R!R,!.
2,1. ;23!= Beth 7a2)ins8 DThe Michi-an Militia Breet the Media Circ%s8D
etroit $etro (imes8 3R2"R,!.
2,2. ;23"= @a1id <an Biema8 (ime8 "R2"R,!.
2,3. ;T= ?n 2hat ma3 a00ear to be an omino%s coincidence8 America in
Peril made its deb%t N%st as the ATF and FB? 2ere ma)in- their o2n
a0ocal30tic 0lans for the Branch @a1idians in Aaco8 Te:as.
2,4. ;TT= The Michi-an Militia has officiall3 diso2ned him.
2,!. ;23&= -ashington Post8 &R2R,!.
2,". ;23'= >en Armstron-8 +o Amateur id (his ;A0tos8 CA5 Blac)e3e
+ress8 1,,"=8 0. 1&.
2,&. ;T= ?nterestin-l38 6ennifer 2as fo%nd b%rnin- 0a0ers on an o%tdoor
-rill 2hen the FB? sho2ed %0 on A0ril 23.
2,'. ;23,= 6.@. Cash8 DMc<ei-h's #ister (a%ndered Ban) Robber3
+roceeds5 ATF #%r1eillance Confirmed b3 ?nformant8D $c*urtain aily
"a#ette8 1R2'R,&.
2,,. ;T= ?nterestin-l38 a%thorities 2o%ldn't find an3 traces of
ammoni%m nitrate in these loc)ers.
3... ;T= As 0ointed o%t 0re1io%sl38 FB? chief chemist Frederic)
Ahiteh%rst8 2ho tested Mc<ei-h's clothes8 said no e:0losi1e resid%e
2as fo%nd. Ahiteh%rst has since -one on to 0%blicl3 acc%se the FB? of
man%fact%rin- and taintin- e1idence in doens of cases.
3.1. ;24.= Arnold 7amilton8 DBombin- Acco%nts are <aried8D allas
$orning +ews8 1.R'R,!.
3.2. ;241= Connie #mith8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor. These acco%nts
a00eared in the $c*urtain "a#ette8 (he +ew American8 and the
en,er Post8 amon- other 0laces.
3.3. ;242= @r. +a%l 7eath8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
3.4. ;243= 7o003 7eidelber-8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
3.!. ;244= Trish Aood8 The Fifth 4state8 Canadian Broadcastin-
Cor0orationG 6.@. Cash8 D?s a <ideota0e From a T%lsa To0less Bar the
'#mo)in- B%n' in /)lahoma Cit3 Bombin-HD $c*urtain aily "a#ette8
3.". ;24!= Ton3 Boller8 Assistant +roNect Mana-er8 Bood2ill ?nd%stries8
inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
3.&. ;24"= 6ane Braham8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor. Braham is a friend and
co-2or)er of 6oan's.
3.'. ;24&= 6.@. Cash8 $c*urtain aily "a#ette8 &R14R,".
3.,. ;24'= #herie8 confidential inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
31.. ;T= #he sa2 the tr%c) at "5.. a.m. at the diner8 then it left before
&5.. a.m. #he then sa2 it at Bear3 (a)e in the afternoon on her 2a3 to
6%nction Cit38 then sa2 it there on ret%rn tri0 aro%nd 35..-45.. 0.m.
The mainstream-0ress ori-inall3 said Ahittenber- sa2 the tr%c) on
T%esda38 0arrotin- the FB?'s line that Mc<ei-h had rented the tr%c) on
the 1&th.
311. ;24,= @an +ar)er8 DMc<ei-h @efense W%estions Co-@efendant's
Claim8D aily !klahoman8 date %n)no2nG #te1e Ailmsen and Mar)
4dd38 DAho bombed the M%rrah B%ildin-HD en,er Post8 date %n)no2nG
Timoth3 Mc<ei-h's +etition for Arit of Mandam%s8 3R2!R,&8 0. 3".
312. ;2!.= (inda >%hlman and +h3liss >in-sle38 inter1ie2s 2ith a%thor.
313. ;2!1= Mar) 4dd38 DAitnesses tell a different stor38D en,er Post8
314. ;T= Ahat is interestin- is that Mc<ei-h's friend 6ames Nichols said
that Mc<ei-h ne1er 2ore a baseball ca08 m%ch less bac)2ards. 7e said
Mc<ei-h onl3 2ore an Arm3-iss%e ca0.
31!. ;2!2= Ch%c) Allen8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
31". ;2!3= I&id.
31&. ;2!4= 6ane Braham8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor. Braham is a friend
and co-2or)er of 6ohnston's.
31'. ;T= ?t is interestin- that Mc<ei-h 2o%ld choose to han- aro%nd the
scene of the crime8 alon- 2ith his easil3 identifiable 3ello2 Merc%r3
Mar9%is8 min%tes after it occ%rred. 6ohnston described the 6ohn @oe 2
as shorter and dar)er than Mc<ei-h.
31,. ;2!!= DFeds Char-e Terr3 Nichols in Bombin-8D 3os Angeles (imes8
!R1.R,!8 9%oted in >eith8 0. 1'!.
32.. ;2!"= FB? F@-3'3 ;FB? Facial ?dentification Fact #heet= of Tom
>essin-er8 dated 4R2.R,!8 co03 in a%thor's 0ossession.
321. ;2!&= 3ondon )unday (imes8 4R21R,".
322. ;2!'= Affida1it of FB? #0ecial A-ent 7enr3 C. Bibbons8 4R21R,!8
co03 in a%thor's 0ossession.
323. ;2!,= Barrison8 !p *it.8 0."!8 &&.
324. ;2".= %id8 0."".
32!. ;2"1= I&id.8 0. &,.
32". ;2"2= 6%lie @elCo%r8 D?nformant #a3s T%lsan Tal)ed Abo%t (ocal8 /C
Bombin-s8D (ulsa -orld8 2R,R,&.
32&. ;2"3= DTNT8 F! a stic). Need more. Call after 1 Ma38 see if ? can
-et some more.D
32'. ;2"4= Ailliam +e00er8 !rders to :ill' (he (ruth %ehind the $urder
o8 r. $artin 3uther :ing8 ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5 Carol S Braf=8 1,,!8 0.1!".
32,. ;2"!= 3ondon )unday (imes8 4R21R,".
33.. ;2""= >e1in 6ohnson8 DMc<ei-h (a23er #a3s FB? A-ents $sin-
Tric)er38D 5)A (oday8 'R14R,!8 9%oted in >eith8 !p *it8 0. !&.
331. ;2"&= (ana +adilla8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
332. ;2"'= Bob +a0o1ich8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
333. ;2",= DA (oo) at Terr3 Nichols8D Associated +ress8 4R!R,".
334. ;2&.= (ana +adilla8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor8 @iane #a23er8 ABC
Ne2s +rime Time (i1e8 !R1.R,!.
33!. ;2&1= +adilla and @el0it8 !p *it.8 0. 3".
33". ;2&2= Associated +ress8 4R!R,".
33&. ;2&3= #te1e Ailmsen and Mar) 4dd38 DAho bombed the M%rrah
B%ildin-HD en,er Post8 date %n)no2n.
33'. ;2&4= #er-e F. >o1ales)i8 D?n a Mirror8 Nichols #a2 a <ictim8D
-ashington Post8 &R3R,!.
33,. ;2&!= DA loo) at Terr3 Nichols8D Associated +ress8 4R!R,".
34.. ;2&"= $edia %ypass8 date %n)no2n.
341. ;2&&= I&id.
342. ;2&'= >o1ales)i8 !p *it.
343. ;2&,= +adilla and @el0it8!p *it.8 0. 1"'.
344. ;2'.= >eith8 !p *it.8 0. 1&,.
34!. ;2'1= >o1ales)i8 !p *it.
34". ;T= ?n /ctober of 1,!,8 (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald a00eared s%ddenl3 at
the American 4mbass3 in Mosco28 and dramaticall3 handed o1er his
$.#. +ass0ort and a letter reno%ncin- his American citienshi0.
34&. ;2'2= Associated +ress8 4R!R,".
34'. ;2'3= >o1ales)i8 !p *it.
34,. ;2'4= (ana +adilla8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
3!.. ;2'!= 4liabeth Bleic)8 DAho Are The3H The /)lahoma blast
re1eals the 0aranoid life and times of acc%sed bomber Timoth3
Mc<ei-h and his ri-ht-2in- associates.D (ime8 !R1R,!.
3!1. ;2'"= I&id.
3!2. ;2'&= Barbara Ahittenber-8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
3!3. ;2''= -ashington Post8 &R3R,!.
3!4. ;2',= en,er Post8 date %n)no2n.
3!!. ;2,.= >o1ales)i8 !p *it..
3!". ;2,1= +adilla and @el0it8 !p *it.8 0.3.
3!&. ;T= Ahen ? 9%estioned her abo%t this a00arent contradiction8
she told me her later statement 2as correct8 and the boo)'s acco%nt
2as 2ron-.
3!'. ;2,2= (ana +adilla8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
3!,. ;TT= Nichols became interested in sellin- militar3 s%r0l%s in
@ecember of ,3' to A0ril of ,4' accordin- to +adilla.
3".. ;2,3= +adilla and @el0it8 !p *it.8 0. "G inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
3"1. ;2,4= >F/R inter1ie2 2ith (ana +adilla. ?nter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
3"2. ;2,!= +adilla8 !p *it.8 0.!8 ,.
3"3. ;2,"= (ana +adilla8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
3"4. ;2,&= +adilla8 !p *it.8 0. 12.
3"!. ;2,'= (ana +adilla8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
3"". ;2,,= (o% >iler and >e1in Flo3d8 DMc<ei-h Team Tries A-ain for
@ela38D .ocky $ountain +ews8 3R2"R,&G Timoth3 Mc<ei-h's +etition for
Arit of Mandam%s8 3R2!R,&.
3"&. ;3..= Tele0hone records of Terr3 Nichols8 co03 in a%thor's
3"'. ;T= 4arlier8 Mc<ei-h had told +adilla8 D?'ll 2rite to him ;Nichols=8 b%t
? -%ess ?'d better do it in code8 beca%se there are a lot of nos3 0eo0le.D
3",. ;3.1= @a1id 6ac)son8 (innet M3ers8 Fl3nn McRoberts8 *hicago
(ri&une8 !R11R,!.
3&.. ;3.2= +adilla and @el0it8 !p *it.8 0. 2.1.
3&1. ;T= Nichols' attorne3 Michael Ti-ar claimed his client's %se of
aliases 2hile rentin- the stora-e loc)ers 2as to 0re1ent the credit card
com0anies from comin- after him.
3&2. ;T= Mc<ei-h @efense attorne3 Christo0her Tritico 9%estioned the
anal3sis8 notin- the FB? laborator3 isn't accredited b3 an3 a-enc3 for
s%ch a test. Tritico also %sed 0hoto-ra0hs of a test hole drilled into lead
b3 the bit to ar-%e that -roo1es and scratches didn't resemble those in
the hole closel3 eno%-h to call them a match.
3&3. ;3.3= 6.@. Cash8 $c*urtain "a#ette8 date %n)no2n.
3&4. ;3.4= DMc<ei-h A00eals Con1iction8 #entence8D Re%ters8 1R1"R,'.
3&!. ;3.!= Barbara Ahittenber-8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
3&". ;3."= Nolan Cla38 Robb3 Trammell8 @iana Bald2in and Rand3 4llis8
DNichols8 Bomb Materials (in)ed8D aily !klahoman8 date %n)no2n.
3&&. ;3.&= 6erri-(3nn Bac)ho%s8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
3&'. ;3.'= @orinda 6. DAend3D 7ermes8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
3&,. ;T= B%tler and #nell also re0ortedl3 had connections to 6ac)
/li0hant of >in-man8 Ariona.
3'.. ;3.,= +ew York (imes8 !R2.R,!.
3'1. ;31.= 4d2ard Yehr8 D/)lahoma Cit3 Co1er-%0 4:0osed5 B%t the
Mainstream Media are #till in @enial8D -ashington -eekly8 2R1&R,&.
3'2. ;311= DThe Com0an3 The3 >ee08D Transcri0t of the Canadian
Broadcastin- Com0an3 DFifth 4stateD 0iece on /)lahoma Cit38 ori-inall3
broadcast on 22 /ctober 1,,"8 7ost8 Bob /:le38 <oice-/1er
Anno%ncer8 Trish Aood8 Francine +elletierG B%est8 Robert Millar8 (eader8
4lohim Cit3G >err3 Noble8 Formerl3 /f C#AG #te1en 6ones8 Timoth3
Mc<ei-h's (a23erG 6oe Adams8 BailiffG Ross Mcleod8 #ec%rit3 A-enc3
3'3. ;312= Aarren Botcher8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
3'4. ;313= Anthon3 Thornton8 DBomb +lans Fo%nd in @efendant's
7ome8 FB? A-ent Testifies8D (he aily !klahoman8 4R3R,". DAnthon3
Thornton8 DThree @efendants Fo%nd B%ilt3 in Bomb +lot8 (he aily
!klahoman. date %n)no2n.
3'!. ;314= 6%d3 Thomas8 DAe Are Not @an-ero%s8 (eader of #e0aratists
#a3sD :ansas *ity )tar8 3R1&R,".
3'". ;31!= Mar) Falollah8 Michael Mata8 Ma%reen Braham and (arr3
>in-8 DFB?5 7eist Trail (ed to Ahite #%0remacists8D Philadelphia In;uirer8
3'&. ;T= Mathe2s himself 2as the North2est re0resentati1e of Ailliam
+ierce's National Alliance.
3''. ;31"= DBan) Bandits Tied to Ri-htists8D Associated +ress8 1R21R,"G
6.@. Cash 2ith 6eff 7ollada38 DRebels Aith a Ca%se8 +art 35 The Ar3an
Re0%blican Arm38 $c*urtain aily "a#ette8 12R2,R,".
3',. ;31&= Bill Morlin8 D@e1oted to Ma)in- Nation '$n-o1ernable'5
Bro%0 +atterns its /r-aniation After ?rish Re0%blican Arm38D
)pokesman7.e,iew8 12R2,R,".
3,.. ;31'= 6.@. Cash8 DThe #03 Aho Came in From the Cold8D
$c*urtain aily "a#ette8 2R11R,&.
3,1. ;31,= 6.@. Cash 2ith 6eff 7ollada38 DRebels Aith a Ca%se8 +art Fo%r5
An 4:-Aife's #%s0icions ?n The />B/MB Case8D $c*urtain aily
"a#ette8 12R31R,".
3,2. ;32.= Andreas #trassmeir8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
3,3. ;321= 6%d3 (. Thomas8 DMan Tar-et of Ban) Robber3 ?n9%ir38D
:ansas *ity )tar8 1R2,R,&.
3,4. ;322= Ambrose 41ans-+ritchard8 (he )ecret 3i8e o8 %ill *linton' (he
5nreported )tories ;Aashin-ton8 @C5 Re-ner3=8 0. '..
3,!. ;T= ?t ma3 be tellin- that 0art of #trassmeir's trainin- in1ol1ed
feedin- 0eo0le disinformation.
3,". ;323= +ritchard8 !p *it.M Ailliam 6as0er8 DMore +ieces to the />C
+%le8D (he +ew American8 "R24R,".
3,&. ;324= Febr%ar38 1,," 0ress release from the Ca%se Fo%ndation8
9%oted in (he +ew American.
3,'. ;T= Aro%nd the same time8 the caller tele0honed the National
Alliance office in Ariona. The National Alliance is the or-aniation
formed b3 Ailliam +ierce8 2ho 2rote (he (urner iaries.
3,,. ;32!= (a%ra Fran)8 D/)lahoma Cit3 +robe Ma3 To%ch Tennessee8D
(he (ennessean8 "R3.R,".
4... ;32"= 6.@. Cash8 D?s a <ideota0e From a T%lsa To0less Bar the
'#mo)in- B%n' in /)lahoma Cit3 Bombin-HD $c*urtain aily "a#ette8
4.1. ;32&= 6%d3 Thomas8 :ansas *ity )tar8 3R1&R,".
4.2. ;32'= @ennis Mahon8 inter1ie2 2ith Ailliam 6as0er.
4.3. ;32,= Timoth3 Mc<ei-h's +etition for Arit of Mandam%s8 3R2!R,&8
00. 44-4!.
4.4. ;33.= 6eff #teinber-8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
4.!. ;331= The members8 Bene #chroder8 Al1in 6en)ins8 and 4d
+etr%s)i8 met 2ith ?ra9i Ambassador Mohammed Mashat before the
start of @esert #torm. The ?ra9is too) notice of the -ro%0's 0atriotic
acti1ities8 and in1ited them to Aashin-ton. DThe3 2ere ho0in- to o0en
%0 ne-otiations 2ith America8D e:0lained #chroder8 a farmer and
1eterinarian from Cam0o8 Colorado. DThe3 )ne2 that 2e'd meet 2ith
them and 0%sh the iss%e some 2ith o%r Re0resentati1es and
Con-ressmen.D The entire affair 2as com0letel3 le-itimate and 2ell-
0%blicied8 ha1in- been re0orted in at least one local ne2s0a0er in
Colorado. The Constit%tionalists and anti-2ar acti1ists also had the
s%00ort of #enators 7an) Bro2n and Bob @ole. DAe called the #tate
@e0artment and e1er3thin- 2as cleared8D the3 e:0lained. Cet it
seemed 6ones' 2as tr3in- to 0ortra3 the meetin- as 0art of a broader
cons0irac3 bet2een ?ra9is and American dissidents. The attorne3
referred to the three men as +osse Comitat%s members * a ta:-0rotest
or-aniation of the mid-''.s 2ith anti-#emitic o1ertones and
connections to 2hite s%0remacist -ro%0s. All three denied belon-in- to
the -ro%0. 6ones then mentioned that +etr%s)i li1ed an ho%r's dri1e
from bombin- defendant Terr3 Nichols' ho%se. +etr%s)i denied )no2in-
Nichols. ;4%-ene #chroder8 Al1in 6en)ins8 and 4d +etr%s)ie8 inter1ie2s
2ith a%thorG Timoth3 Mc<ei-h's +etition for Arit of Mandam%s8
4.". ;T= Altho%-h 6ones onl3 refers to D#%s0ect ?8D it is 2ell-)no2n that
he is referrin- to Nichols8 beca%se he sa3s he 2as DA s%bNect of the FB?
and Brand 6%r3 in1esti-ation.LD There 2ere onl3 t2o 0eo0le
in1esti-ated b3 the Federal Brand 6%r35 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h and Terr3
4.&. ;332= +ritchard8 !p *it.8 3R3.R,&.
4.'. ;333= ?n-o 7asselbach 2ith Tom Reiss8 Fuhrer7Ex' $emoirs o8 a
Former +eo7+a#i ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5 Random 7o%se8 1,,"=8 0. 21!G 6ohn
Michael 6ohnston8 D?n1esti-ati1e Re0ort Concernin- Fact-Findin- Tri0 to
Berman38D !R1!R,"8 co03 in a%thor's 0ossession.
4.,. ;T= The 4l R%)n case is doc%mented in the Federal Re0orter in
5nites )tates ,. $cAnderson8 ,14 F. 2d ,34 ;&th Cir. 1,,.=. DThe 4l
R%)ns so%-ht to im0ress the (ib3ans and to demonstrate the de0th of
their commitment b3 disc%ssin- s0ecific terrorist acts8 amon- them
destro3in- a -o1ernment b%ildin-8 0lantin- a bomb8 blo2in- %0 an
air0lane8 and sim0l3 committin- a 2anton ')illin- here and a )illin-
there' to -et the (ib3ans' attention. 41ent%all38 the leader of the 4l
R%)ns decided that the (ib3ans 2o%ld onl3 be im0ressed b3 the %se of
0o2erf%l e:0losi1es.D ;6ones8 Arit of Mandam%s8 0. '!=
41.. ;334= DBlac) 7istor3 and the Class #tr%--le8D (he )eparatist
3eague8 No. 118 A%-%st8 1,,4. ?n a letter to his follo2ers concernin- his
stran-e alliance 2ith the N/?8 Roc)2ell 2rote5 D? 2as amaed to learn
ho2 m%ch the3 and ? a-ree on thin-s5 the3 thin) that blac)s sho%ld -et
o%t of this co%ntr3 and -o bac) to Africa or to some other 0lace and so
do 2e. The3 2ant to -et blac) men to lea1e 2hite 2omen alone8 and
2hite men to lea1e blac) 2omen alone8 and so do 2e. The 7onorable
4liNah M%hammad and ? ha1e 2or)ed o%t an a-reement of m%t%al
assistance in 2hich the3 2ill hel0 %s on some thin-s and 2e 2ill
hel0 them on others.;D
411. ;33!= -ashington (imes8 ,R3.R'!.
412. ;33"= Ambrose 41ans-+ritchard8 D?RA s%00lied detonator for
/)lahoma terror bomb8D 3ondon )unday (elegraph8 3R3.R,&.
413. ;T= British officials no do%bt too) the im0lications serio%sl3. 6ones
had s0ent considerable time cons%ltin- 2ith British e:0losi1es e:0erts
2ho 0lanned to testif3 on behalf of the defense8 as 2ell as officials
from M?!8 Britain's domestic intelli-ence ser1ice and e1en an %nnamed
?RA member.; ;Associate +ress8 3R3.R,&.=
414. ;33&= Tom Conlon and 7elen C%rtin8 u&lin )unday (imes8
&R13R,&8 9%oted in $c*urtain aily "a#ette8 &R1!R,&.
41!. ;33'= Rita Cosb3 re0ortin-8 >/>78 F/E8 4R2R,&G Andreas
#trassmeir8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
41". ;T= ?nformation obtained from the Militar3 Records Center b3
Ambrose 41ans-+ritchard re1eals that +etr%s)i ser1ed in the Air Force
/ffice of #0ecial ?n1esti-ations ;/#?=8 retirin- in 1,&!. 7is dalliance
2ith the militar3 incl%ded a stint as a Forei-n ?ntelli-ence /fficer in
<ietnam8 then #0ecial +roNects /fficer8 #0ecial Acti1ities Branch8
Co%nterintelli-ence @i1ision in Aashin-ton8 @.C. 7e 2as reacti1ated
2ith a Dsensiti1eD assi-nment d%rin- the B%lf Aar.
41&. ;33,= D#trassmeir8 />C8 And The C?A8D (he +ew American8
41'. ;34.= +hil Bacharach8 DCastin- @o%bts5 Aere /thers ?n1ol1ed in
the Federal B%ildin- Bombin-HD !klahoma "a#ette8 2R13R,&.
41,. ;T= C%rio%sl38 2hen the FB? 9%eried 1ario%s federal la2-
enforcement and intelli-ence a-encies to determine if #trassmeir 2as
a coo0eratin- 2itness or a confidential informant8 onl3 the C?A
re0orted that it held an3 records on him. These records 2ere t%rned
o1er to 0rosec%tors8 b%t not made a1ailable to Mc<ei-h's defense
team8 des0ite a co%rt order com0ellin- their disclos%re.
42.. ;341= 6.@. Cash8 2ith 6eff 7ollada3 DAee)s Before />C Bombin-8
ATF 7ad 'Aanted' +osters /n #trassmeir8D $c*urtain *ounty "a#ette8
421. ;342= 6.@. Cash8 DA-ents +robe />C Bombin- (in)s To Ban)
Robberies8D $c*urtain aily "a#ette8 &R1"R,".
422. ;T= ?nterestin-l38 cases in1ol1in- 1iolence or 0lanned 1iolence
b3 militias from aro%nd the $.#. sho2 a rec%rrin- theme of -o1ernment
0enetration and infiltration of militia -ro%0s. For e:am0le8 testimon3 in
the M%s)o-ee bombin- case sho2ed that the FB? 2as literall3 0a3in-
the o0eratin- e:0enses8 incl%din- the 0hone bills for the Tri-#tate
423. ;T= /7+ 0ilot >en #tafford8 ATF technician +at Mc>inle38 and actin-
ATF #AC Tomm3 Aittman fle2 o1er 4lohim Cit3 on Febr%ar3 &8 1,,!8
and re0orted to Finle3-Braham.
424. ;T= BATF re-ional director (ester Mart denies that the B/(/ 2as
0%t o%t b3 the ATF.
42!. ;343= T%lsa +olice ?ntelli-ence8 confidential inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
42". ;344= An ?N# memo of 6an%ar3 1. stated5 D+er 3o%r note8 ? tal)ed
to An-ela Finel38 ATF. ?t ma3 be a2hile before the s%bNect is contacted
or arrested8 b%t 2e 2ill 0robabl3 be called to assist.D
42&. ;T= ?t seems the ATF and FB? 2ere also concerned abo%t the
0ossiblit3 of an Dintram%ral fire fi-htD bet2een their res0ecti1e
a-encies at 4lohim Cit3.
42'. ;34!= Cash8 !p *it.
42,. ;T= 7o2e's alle-ations of federal malfeasance do1etailed 2ith
those of federal informant Car3 Ba-an8 2ho 2as inside the Middle
4astern cell tied to the bombin-.
43.. ;34"= +ritchard8 !p *it.
431. ;34&= I&id.M The /7+ officer 2ho made the arrest 2as <ernon
432. ;34'= 6.@. Cash8 $c*urtain aily "a#ette8 &R14R,". @ennis Mahon
also admitted that #trassmeir 2or)ed for the B#B-,.
433. ;T= The FB? didn't -o to an3 -reat len-ths to 9%estion #trassmeir8
nor his roommate Michael Brescia. Months after the bombin-8 the FB?
0laces a leis%rel3 call to #trassmeir's home in Berlin. The3 made no
attem0t to 9%estion or arrest Brescia.
434. ;TT= Ahen Middle 4astern s%s0ect 7%ssain al-7%ssaini came %nder
scr%tin3 b3 >F/R and other in1esti-ators for his role in the bombin-8
the FB? Ddeb%n)edD the Dr%morsD abo%t him8 too. Aas he also an
a-entH ;#ee Cha0ter "=
43!. ;34,= 6.@. Cash and 6eff 7ollida38 DAee)s Before Bombin-8 ATF
7ad /%t DAantedD +osters8 $c*urtain "a#ette8 &R2,R,"8 9%oted in
American Freedom8 #e0tember8 1,,".
43". ;T= The ostensible 0%r0ose of the raid 2as to reco1er bomb-
ma)in- materials * materials 2hich had been obtained b3 7o2e at the
re9%est of her ATF handler * Finle3-BrahamI
43&. ;3!.= 6.@. Cash8 DContro1ers3 /1er 7o2e's Tr%e (o3alties Become
Foc%s of 7er Trial8D $c*urtain aily "a#ette8 &R3.R,&.
43'. ;3!1= 6.@. Cash8 $c*urtain "a#ette8 &R14R,". The so%rce claimed
that classified com0%ter records of the ATF contained e1idence that
#trassmeir 2as indeed a )e3 com0onent in the a-enc3's es0iona-e
o0eration at 4lohim Cit38 and n%mero%s neo-Nai -ro%0s thro%-ho%t
the co%ntr3.
43,. ;3!2= 3ondon )unday (elegraph. date %n)no2n.
44.. ;3!3= D7ate and the (a25 >ir) (3ons8 4s9.D Anti-@efamation
(ea-%e8 )pecial Edition8 6%ne8 1,,1.
441. ;3!4= (3ons had this to sa3 abo%t Mahon in an inter1ie2 2ith
2olkstreue8 a Berman Neo-Nai ma-aine5 D? ha1e -reat res0ect for the
>lan historicall3 b%t sadl38 the >lan toda3 is ineffecti1e and sometimes
e1en destr%cti1e. There are man3 s0ies in it and most of its best
leaders ha1e left the >lan to do more effecti1e 2or) 2ithin the
mo1ement. ?t 2o%ld be -ood if the >lan follo2ed the ad1ice of former
>lansman Robert Miles5 'Become in1isible. 7an- the robes and hoods in
the c%0board and become an %nder-ro%nd or-aniation.' This 2o%ld
ma)e the >lan stron-er than e1er before.D
442. ;3!!= Ambrose 41ans-+ritchard S Andre2 Bimson8 D@id A-ents
B%n-le $# Terror BombHD8 date %n)no2n. #ome of the dialo-%e 2as
added from +ritchard's 1,,& release8 (he )ecret 3i8e o8 %ill
*linton;Aashon-ton8 @C5 Re-ner3=8 0. ,..
443. ;T= DAhen (he +ew American as)ed 41ans-+ritchard if he belie1ed
#trassmeir 2as referrin- to himself 2hen s0ea)in- in the third 0erson
of the 'informant8' he re0lied8 '/f co%rse8 there's no do%bt that is
e:actl3 2hat he meant to con1e3. 7e 2as statin- it as 0lainl3 as he
co%ld' 2itho%t admittin- criminal c%l0abilit3 on his o2n 0art.D ;Ailliam
6as0er8 D4lohim8 Terror and Tr%th8D (he +ew American1 GHG<HEK.?
444. ;3!"= Andreas #trassmeir8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
44!. ;3!&= Ale: Constantine8 DThe Naification of the Citien's Militias
and the Transformation of Timoth3 Mc<ei-h from 730er-Militar3 'Robot'
to Mad Bomber8D 12R,R,!.
44". ;3!'= +etition for Arit of Mandam%s of Timoth3 Mc<ei-h8
3R2!R,&8 0. 44.
44&. ;3!,= Constantine8 !p *it.
44'. ;3".= I&id.
44,. ;3"1= Ailliam 6as0er8 D4lohim8 Terror8 and Tr%th8D +ew American8
4!.. ;3"2= Charles8 !p *it. ?n her re0ort of #e0tember 2"8 1,,48 Finle3-
Braham indicates that Mahon D-a1e 1'3 a00ro:imatel3 2 feet of -reen
safet3 f%se8 a can of -%n 0o2der and a 0lastic f%nnel8D and said he
2o%ld Dinstr%ct 1'3 ho2 to assemble hand -renades.D
4!1. ;3"3= 6ames Rid-e2a38 D(one AssassinsH5 A #eries of Arrests Ma3
(in) the /)lahoma Cit3 Bombin- #%s0ects to a (ar-er +lot8D 2illage
2oice8 2R!R,&G Mar) 4dd38 D/thers 43ed in Bomb +robeHD en,er Post8
4!2. ;3"4= Cash8 !p *it.
4!3. ;3"!= Yehr8 !p *it.
4!4. ;T= Accordin- to re0orts8 it 2as Cash 2ho D0ers%adedD Mahon to
ma)e the recordin-.
4!!. ;3""= ATF R/? !32&.-,4-.124-B8 1R11R,!.
4!". ;3"&= I&id.
4!&. ;3"'= (etter read into testimon3 at 7o2e's trial.
4!'. ;3",= ATF R/?8 ,R2"R,4. DAnd3 also told 1'3 that there e:ists a
blac) mar)et dealer 2ho can -et -renades8 C-4 and a ran-e of
4!,. ;T= @a2son 2as also a 0aid informant for the Breensboro +olice
4".. ;TT= Aith a ma0 of the 0arade ro%te s%00lied b3 Breensboro +olice
@e0artment @etecti1e 6err3 Coo0er8 @a2son8 B%t)o1ich8 and their >>>
and neo-Nai comrades 2ere able to select the most ad1anta-eo%s
site for their amb%sh. Altho%-h Coo0er and other officers s%r1eilled the
ho%se 2here the )illers had assembled and too) do2n license
n%mbers8 the3 ine:0licabl3 decided to ta)e a l%nch brea) less then 4!
min%tes before the march. B3 the time the shootin- started8 the
tactical s9%ad assi-ned to monitor the demonstration 2as still o%t to
l%nch. 41en more ine:0licabl38 t2o officers res0ondin- to a domestic
call at the Mornin-side 0roNects8 the site of the CA+ march8 noted the
s%s0icio%s absence of 0atrol cars %s%all3 assi-ned to the area. /ne
of the co0s8 /fficer Aise8 later re0orted recei1in- a biarre call from
0olice dis0atch8 ad1isin- him to Dclear the area as soon as 0ossible.D
The incident res%lted in an ATFRFB?-led co1er-%0 similar in most
res0ects to the /)lahoma Cit3 2hite2ash8 2ith most of the s%s0ects
bein- ac9%itted of first de-ree m%rder char-es. 4choin- the factitio%s
rants of federal officials in /)lahoma8 FB? @irector Ailliam Aebster
called the char-es of federal com0licit3 D%tterl3 abs%rd.D Altho%-h the
)illers had been recr%ited8 or-anied and led on their m%rdero%s
ram0a-e b3 ATF and FB? o0erati1es8 none e1er ser1ed a da3 of Nail-
time. ;;T= Fran) @onner8 Protectors o8 Pri,ilege' .ed );uads and Police
.epression in America1 ;Ber)ele3 and (os An-eles8 CA8 $ni1ersit3 of
California +ress5 1,,.=8 0. 3".G Michael No1ic)8 DBl%e b3 @a38 Ahite b3
Ni-ht5 /r-anied Ahite #%0remacist Bro%0s in (a2 4nforcement
A-encies8D +eo0le A-ainst Racist Terror8 2R3R,38 0. 3.=
4"1. ;3&.= ?1o @a2na38 D?nformant Acc%ses FB? /1er /)lahoma Bomb8D
Electronic (elegraph8 &R2.R,&.
4"2. ;T= 6%st as federal informant Car3 Ba-an 0ro1ided the FB? and $.#.
Marshals 2ith 2arnin-s.
4"3. ;3&1= >a3 Clar)e8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor. #nider's half-sister8 >a3
Clar)e8 testified that she dre2 the com0osite s)etch of the man #nider
4"4. ;3&2= @iana Bald2in and 4d Bodfre38 D#e0aratist As)s for
?mm%nit3 * Aitness Ta)es the Fifth Before Brand 6%r38D aily
!klahoman8 &R1&R,&.
4"!. ;3&3= Ambrose 41ans-+ritchard8 D'Master of @is-%ise' Read3 to
R%n8D 3ondon )unday (elegraph8 3R3.R,&.
4"". ;3&4= @iana Bald2in8 DFormer >lansman ?dentifies Ar3an (eader as
6ohn @oe 28D aily !klahoman8 1.R'R,&.
4"&. ;3&!= Cash8 !p *it.
4"'. ;T= Ahen Mc<ei-h's defense team as)ed federal 0rosec%tors for
7o2e's re0orts in 0re-trial disco1er38 the3 2ere informed the records
didn't e:ist. Ahen it 2as sho2n that the records did indeed e:ist8 an
an-r3 6%d-e Matsch ordered the records deli1ered to the defense and
threatened the 0rosec%tors 2ith remo1al from the case if the3 lied one
more time.
4",. ;T= Finle3-Braham admitted d%rin- 7o2e's s%bse9%ent trial that
she 2as listed as an Dacti1e informantD thro%-h @ecember 1'8 1,,"8
b%t offered an interestin- e:0lanation for that stat%s. Both Finle3-
Braham and federal 0rosec%tors claimed that remo1in- her from the
official listin- mi-ht ha1e led to the destr%ction of records re-ardin-
the bombin-. DThat 2as es0eciall3 intri-%in- and tro%blin-8D 2rites
+ew American editor Bill 6as0er8 Dbeca%se it left %nans2ered 2ho
2o%ld ha1e destro3ed 2hich records8 and 2h3 an3 records concernin-
the deadliest terrorist attac) on American soil 2o%ld ha1e been
destro3ed8 es0eciall3 2hile the in1esti-ation is on-oin- and a trial is
4&.. ;3&"= Ailliam F. 6as0er8 D$nderco1er5 The 7o2e Re1elations8D (he
+ew American8 ,R1!R,&.
4&1. ;T= 7er li1e-in neo-Nai bo3friend8 6ames <iefha%s 6r.8 had been
arrested earlier for alle-edl3 0romotin- a call-in messa-e ad1ocatin-
the bombin- of federal b%ildin-s in 1! different cities. The messa-e8
re0ortedl3 connected to the National #ocialist Alliance of /)lahoma8
also endorsed the A0ril 1,th bombin-. The FB? claimed to ha1e
disco1ered bomb-ma)in- materials in <iefha%s' home.
4&2. ;3&&= D4:-?nformant ?ndicted on Char-es8D Associated +ress8
3R13R,&8 ?ndictment No. ,&-CR-.!-C8 Northern @istrict of /)lahoma8
4&3. ;3&'= Richard (eib38 D7o2 a Aheaton >id Became a Neo-Nai
Ban) Robber8 and /ne Conf%sed 7%man8D -ashington Post8 2R13R,&.
4&4. ;3&,= 6ames Rid-e2a38 2illage 2oice8 &R23R,"G Cash8 !p *it.
4&!. ;3'.= Falollah8 et al.8 !p *it.
4&". ;3'1=I&id.
4&&. ;3'2= (eib38 !p *it.
4&'. ;3'3= Morlin8 !p *it.
4&,. ;3'4= (eib38 !p *it.
4'.. ;T= Che1ie and Che3ne >ehoe8 t2o brothers 2ho o0ened fire on
0olice in /hio in Febr%ar3 of 1,,& d%rin- a ro%tine traffic sto08 also
li1ed at 4lohim Cit3. Aere the3 some of the 0eo0le trained in 2ea0onr3
b3 #trassmeirH
4'1. ;3'!= +a%l W%ear38 DBombin- ?nformant R%ffles Case8D Associate
+ress8 2R23R,&.
4'2. ;3'"= Robert 7eibel8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
4'3. ;3'&= Aalter Boodman8 DTerror in /)lahoma Cit35 T< Critics'
Noteboo)G Aar3 Net2or) Anchors Battle @%bio%s #coo0s8 +ew York
(imes8 4R2.R,!.
4'4. ;3''= Crai- Roberts8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
4'!. ;T= (i0)in also told Roberts that #tin-er missiles ha1e been
sm%--led into the co%ntr3. A #tin-er is tho%-ht to ha1e been
res0onsible for the attac) on TAA fli-ht '...
4'". ;3',= Arnold 7amiltion8 D/)lahoma Cit3 Car bomb >ills at (east
31G #cores Missin- in R%bble of /ffice B%ildin-8D allas $orning +ews8
4'&. ;3,.= 7%-h @a1ies8 DRental Car is >e3 Cl%e on Trail of Terrorists8D
3ondon )unday (elegraph8 4R21R,!. Abd%l Casin8 another ?ra9i8 2as
released and ret%rned to ?ra9. Abd%l Basit is Co%sef's real name.
4''. ;T= No e1idence 2as 0rod%ced for the so-called assassination
attem0t. The alle-ations 2ere reminiscent of the tale of ?ra9i soldiers
0%llin- babies o%t of inc%bators8 2hich t%rned o%t to be a lie.
4',. ;3,1= +atric) Coc)b%rn8 D@efector 4:0oses #addam's (ies on
Chemical Aea0ons8D (he Independent8 !R&R,". DBeneral #ammara'i
sa3s that the committee in char-e of sabota-e on 2hich he ser1ed8
and 2hich %ses a s0ecial "..-stron- militar3 %nit called ''' to carr3
o%t o0erations8 still e:ists and he s%s0ects it 2as in1ol1ed in -i1in-
s%00ort to the bombers.
4,.. ;3,2= +a%l Anderson8 Metro Corres0ondent Chica-o8 ?( DThreat of
Terrorism F%rther ?ncreases8D +et +ews )er,ice 8 .&R.&R,3.
4,1. ;3,3= I&id.8 Center for National #ec%rit3 +olic38 No. ,!-@23 11 A0ril
1,,! @ecision Brief.
4,2. ;3,4= Ailliam Carle38 DA Trail of Terror8D -all )treet 0ournal8
"R1"R,38 0. A18 9%oted in 6ames +hilli0s8 DThe Chan-in- Face /f Middle
4astern Terrorism8D 7erita-e Fo%ndation Re0ort8 1.R"R,4.
4,3. ;3,!= 6ac) Anderson8 @ale <an Atta8 D?ra9 Re0orted to #end
Terrorists to $.#.8D -ashington Post8 1R2'R,1.
4,4. ;T= A note on #te1en 4merson5 Altho%-h there is no e1idence
contradictin- these claims8 it sho%ld be noted that 4merson has8 in the
0ast8 ser1ed as an official mo%th0iece for the $.#. -o1ernment8 as a
cons%ltant to the +enta-on. 7e 0la3ed a lar-e role in co1erin- %0 the
tr%th of the +an Am 1.3 bombin-8 b3 attac)in- and smearin- (ester
Coleman8 6%1al A1i18 and an3 others 2ho tried to brin- forth the tr%th.
4merson also 2ent on the 7eraldo Ri1era sho2 in 6%ne of 1,,& and
attem0ted to bash >e1in Fl3nn of the .ocky $ountain +ews 2ho had
%nco1ered connections bet2een Terr3 Nichols and s%s0ects in the
+hili00ines. The a%thor attem0ts in this instance merel3 to re0ort a fe2
basic facts as related b3 4merson8 2ho does ha1e some e:0erience in
Middle 4ast terrorism. The a%thor8 ho2e1er8 holds 4merson's
d%bio%s connections 2ith elements of the -o1ernment in 9%estion.
4,!. ;3,"= The bombin-s incl%ded a 6e2ish comm%nit3 center in
B%enos Aires and the ?sraeli embass38 the do2nin- of a comm%ter
0lane in +anama8 and a 6e2ish charit3 or-aniation in (ondon. ?t is
ass%med that the 6%l38 1,,4 attac)s b3 7ibollah * 2hich coincided
2ith >in- 7%ssein's 0eace-ma)in- tri0 to Aashin-ton * 2ere 0rimaril3
to disr%0t the ?sraeliR+(/ 0eace tal)s.
4,". ;3,&= Accordin- to +hilli0s5 D?slamic radicals also often ha1e a
different a%dience in mind than +alestinian nationalists. ?nstead of
%sin- terrorism to infl%ence Aestern 0o2ers to chan-e their 0olicies8
the3 often %se terrorism to 0%nish Aestern 0o2ers and ins0ire other
M%slims to rise %0 a-ainst the Aest. This foc%s on the M%slim a%dience
rather than an American a%dience hel0s e:0lain ho2 the bombers of
the Aorld Trade Center co%ld rationalie their blood3 actions. The
bombin- 2as meant to demonstrate the 0o2er of ?slamic radicals and
the 1%lnerabilit3 of the $.#.8 not to lead the $.#. to rethin) its Middle
4ast 0olic3.D
4,&. ;3,'= Confidential re0ort of Ailliam Northro0 to >F/R8 !R1.R,".
Co03 in a%thor's 0ossession.
4,'. ;3,,= +hilli0s8 !p *it. DBet2een 1,'. and 1,', o1er 4.. terrorist
actions s0illed o1er from the Middle 4ast to other re-ions8 2ith '&
0ercent of these actions occ%rrin- in Aestern 4%ro0e.D +a%l Ail)inson8
DTerrorism8 ?ran and the B%lf Re-ion8D 6ane's ?ntelli-ence Re1ie28 Ma3
1,,28 0. 222.
4,,. ;4..= D6ihad in America8D +B# @oc%mentar38 11R21R,4.
!... ;T= #himon 7a1it8 an ?sraeli Beneral attached to the +rime
Minister's office8 also told Mc<ei-h @efense Attorne3 #te0hen 6ones
that the ?sraelis had iss%ed a 2arnin- to the Americans.
!.1. ;4.1= Cehi)el Yado)8 DThe FB? is Cond%ctin- a #earch for 'Three
Middle 4asterners8'D Yediot Arhonot8 4R2.R,!.
!.2. ;4.2= Re0ort of Ailliam Northro08 and inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
!.3. ;4.3= Timoth3 Mc<ei-h's +etition for Arit of Mandam%s8 3R2!R,&8
0. '1. 6ones 0oints o%t8 -i1en the iss%e of the credibilit3 of the
information8 that the head of #a%di ?ntelli-ence is the >in-'s o2n son.
!.4. ;T= 6ones said that (i0)in met 2ith his $.#. Dco%nter0art8D +hil
Ailco:8 the $.#. #tate @e0artment's coordinator for terrorism8 after the
bombin- to Dcom0are notes.D The reader 2ill also recall that t2o ?sraeli
bomb e:0erts tra1eled to /)lahoma Cit3 after the bombin- to anal3e
the bomb si-nat%re.
!.!. ;T= 6ones ori-inall3 said that the meetin- too) 0lace in
>in-man8 AY. Accordin- to Ba-an8 that 2as incorrect8 and 2as to
0rotect Ba-an's information.
!.". ;T= Ba-an had intermittent contact 2ith the #o1iets thro%-ho%t
the mid-''.s. ?n 1,'28 Ba-an met a #o1iet s03 named 4d2ard
Bodena3er 2hile in +%erto <allerta. Bodena3er had been e:0ortin-
classified technolo-3 to R%ssia thro%-h his im0ortRe:0ort b%siness. 7e
2as e1ent%all3 arrested as a res%lt of a Noint FB?RC%stoms
co%nterintelli-ence stin- o0eration )no2n as /0eration As0en (eaf.
!.&. ;4.4= Car3 Ba-an8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
!.'. ;4.!= @e0osition of Car3 6ames Ba-an8 &R14R,!. Co03 in a%thor's
!.,. ;T= Ba-an later seemed to 2a1er on this 0oint5 D? don't care 2hat
the3 sa3 * 2here he 2as s%00osedl3 * he 2as there.D 7e later said5
D?'m not s%re8 b%t it s%re loo)ed li)e him. 7e N%st didn't fit.D
!1.. ;TT= Ba-an recalls that /mar thre2 somethin- in the trash. Ba-an
later fished it o%t. The3 2ere technical dia-rams in #0anish that
a00eared to be bomb 0lans.
!11. ;T= Accordin- to Ba-an8 his Arab friends 2ere interested in b%3in-
the +ostal Center8 and as)ed Ba-an to 0ro0ose a cash deal to
Colombo. The3 2ere a00arentl3 interested in its mail and tr%c) rental
!12. ;4."= Mi)e (e1ine8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
!13. ;4.&= Re0ort of Crai- Roberts8 !R'R,!8 co03 in a%thor's 0ossession.
Roberts is the a%thor's 0artner on the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-
!14. ;T= Ahat is interestin-8 considerin- the FB?'s lac) of res0onse8 is
that the T%lsa office of the FB? had commissioned Roberts to 0ro1ide a
re0ort on the bombin-.
!1!. ;TT= Ba-an co3l3 admitted to )no2in- ?ran-Contra dr%- r%nner
and 0ilot Barr3 #eal.
!1". ;4.'= Ba-an contacted @a1e Flo3d at the $.#. Marshals /ffice. 7e
said 'Ae'1e -ot to -et mo1in- on this ri-ht a2a3.' ? said8 'Aell8 ?'1e -ot
to ha1e imm%nit3.'D
!1&. ;T= Ba-an 2as referrin- to a Middle 4astern man 2ho fle2 in from
/)lahoma Cit3. Ba-an had ne1er seen him before.
!1'. ;T= Ba-an -a1e acc%rate and s0ecific descri0tions of street
addresses he had been in >in-man8 and 0ro1ided recei0ts for his
tra1els to the Ariona to2n. 7e also 0ro1ided recei0ts for hotel rooms
in 2hich he claims bomb 0lannin- meetin-s 2ere held. 7e said the
ori-inal 0lot in1ol1ed blo2in- %0 a 6e2ish con1ention center in @en1er
2here +resident Clinton 2as s0ea)in-.
!1,. ;4.,= FB? A-ent Mar) 7oltsla28 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
!2.. ;41.= 7and-2ritten letter from Ba-an to Tina Ro2e8 co03 in
a%thor's 0ossession.
!21. ;T=
6a3na @a1is8 >F/R-T< broadcast8 6%ne8 1,,!. $.#. Marshals #er1ice head Tina Ro2e said8 re-ardin- Car3
Ba-an's hand-deli1ered letter5 D? 2or) in a federal b%ildin- and all m3 friends 2or) in federal b%ildin-s8 and it's not
somethin- that an3one 2or)in- in that en1ironment 2o%ld e1er o1erloo).D >F/R then %nco1ered a co03 of Ba-an's
en1elo0e8 on 2hich the matchin- si-nat%re of a Marshals #er1ice em0lo3ee 2as fo%nd. The Marshals #er1ice claimed it
2as s%s0icio%s8 beca%se it's office 0olic3 to si-n both the first and last name8 and to stam0 all incomin- mail.
!22. ;TT= The 6%d-e 2ho sent Ba-an to the mental hos0ital8 6ohn +.
Batel38 2as later termed incom0etent and disbarred d%e to brain
!23. ;411= >e1in Fl3nn8 DRomer8 Norton -et Bomb Threats5 CB?
?nformant's Reliabilit3 in W%estionG 7e Also Aarned of Federal B%ildin-
Blast8D .ocky $ountain +ews8 'R12R,!. Ba-an 2as 2orried abo%t 2hat
had ha00ened in Me:ico 2ith the #o1iets8 and didn't 2ant to acce0t a
0lea bar-ain.
!24. ;412= Federal +%blic @efender8 confidential inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
!2!. ;T= A 1oice stress anal3sis the a%thor ran on Ba-an's inter1ie2
ta0es sho2ed he 2as tellin- the tr%th.
!2". ;TT= Re0orts indicatin- that Ba-an had been of assistance to the
@4A 2ere ille-all3 remo1ed from his informant file in an attem0t to
discredit him.
!2&. ;413= (etter of ?mm%nit3 from $.#. 6%stice @e0t. si-ned b3 7enr3
#olano8 to Bar3 6ames Ba-an8 co03 in a%thor's 0ossession.
!2'. ;414= DFB? F%ror8D 5nclassi8ied8 #%mmer8 1,,&.
!2,. ;41!= Bail Bibson8 DThe #tran-e M%rder-For-7ire Trial of Ch%c)
7a3es Bot 41en #tran-er Cesterda38D 3exington Herald73eader8
1R1"R,&. M3ers claimed that 7a3es8 a former C?A o0erati1e8 had tried
to hire a hit-man 2ith a mere F!8...8 %sin- an o0en 0hone line.
!3.. ;41"= Former Arm3 C.?.@. in1esti-ator8 confidential inter1ie2 2ith
!31. ;41&= @ic) R%ssell8 D#0oo) Aars ?n C3bers0ace5 ?s the FB?
Railroadin- Charles 7a3esHD High (imes1 6%ne8 1,,&.
!32. ;T= Ba-an sa3s the (etter of ?mm%nit3 2as not filed 2ith the co%rt8
in 1iolation of standard 0roced%re. 7e also asserts that Allison's
si-nat%re 2as si-ned b3 his secretar38 and is no -ood.
!33. ;41'= Florida 0olice detecti1e8 confidential inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
!34. ;T= Ba-an claims that on 6an%ar3 1!8 1,,&8 as he 2as 2aitin- for a
b%s at 1st and (incoln in do2nto2n @en1er8 a dar) fo%r-door B%ic)
came careenin- aro%nd the corner8 firin- at him 2ith a silenced
a%tomatic 2ea0on. A chec) 2ith @o%- +ac)ston at the Colorado Transit
A%thorit3 re1ealed a b%llet hole in the b%s shelter and -lass that had
been re0laced.
!3!. ;T= ?t is %nli)el3 that Ba-an co%ld ha1e )no2n abo%t >in-'s stor38
2hich 2as not 2idel3 re0orted.
!3". ;TT= The Florida 0olice detecti1e ? s0o)e 2ith told me that the FB?
and state a%thorities Ddidn't 2ant to in1esti-ate this8D referrin- to the
connections he %nco1ered bet2een Arab-Americans8 the +(/8 and the
Cali Cartel8 in the mid-'.s. 7e belie1es the FB?'s head of
Co%nterintelli-ence came to Florida dis-%ised as an a-ent8 fo%nd o%t
2hat the3 2ere 2or)in- on8 and too) off. As he said8 DThin-s 2eren't
ri-ht.L ?t 2as as if someone 2ere loo)in- at this and sa3in- 'sta3 a2a3
from it.'D 7is e:0erience ties into that of an Arm3 C.?.@. officer 2ho
in1esti-ated the brother of one of the Middle-4asterners alle-edl3
in1ol1ed in the bombin-8 2ho 2as in1ol1ed in militar3 es0iona-e in
7%nts1ille8 Alabama in the mid-'.s. 7e said the FB? Dstone2alledD the
case. ;More on this later=
!3&. ;41,= /C+@ @is0atch of 4R1,R,!.
!3'. ;42.= @a1id 7ar0er8 D6%st 2ho is Carol 7o2eH 6%rors Aill 7a1e To
@ecide Aho the Real Aoman ?s8D (ulsa -orld8 &R2'R,&. D7o2e said she
heard a '0o2erf%l m%rm%r' in the fall of 1,,! that T%lsa co%ld be the
tar-et of a maNor bombin- in the s0rin- of 1,,". 7o2e said Th%rsda3
she left messa-es in 1,,! b%t that her calls 2eren't ret%rned.D
!3,. ;T= A s0ecific 2arnin- re-ardin- fli-ht 1.3 2as also 0assed on
from a Mossad A-ent 2or)in- at the Fran)f%rt air0ort.
!4.. ;TT= Ahat is interestin- is that /li1er DB%c)D Re1ell8 former
Co%nter-Terrorism chief of the FB?8 0%lled his son and da%-hter-in-la2
off +an Am 1.3 min%tes before the fli-ht. @id Re1ell )no2 somethin-
the rest of %s did notH ;#te1en 4merson doesn't bother mentionin- that
little fact in his 0s3o0 0iece entitled (he Fall o8 Pan Am <=G 8 2hich8
incidentall38 lea1es o%t the entire C?ARdr%- connection that man3 feel
2as lin)ed to the bombin-.
!41. ;TT= Aas #olano 0ress%red to i-nore Ba-an's 2arnin-H The
@en1er $.#. Attorne3 had earlier intended to 0roceed 2ith an
in1esti-ation into corr%0tion b3 to0 $.#. officials connected 2ith
Bo%lder +artnershi0s8 (td.8 T2in Cities Ban) of (ittle Roc)8 and M@C
7oldin-s of @en1er8 %ntil he realied 2ho 2as in1ol1ed * friends of Bill
Clinton and Beor-e 7erbert Aal)er B%sh.
!42. ;421= Robert R%dol0h8 D(a2men Bet Aarnin- of +lot on $.#.
Tar-ets8D +ewark )tar 3edger8 3R22R,!.
!43. ;422= Aend3 7olden and @a1id Mill2ard8 D/)lahoma Bomb
#%s0ect #eied at 7eathro28D 3ondon )unday (elegraph. date
!44. ;423= I&id.
!4!. ;424= I&id.
!4". ;42!= #te1en 4merson and Brian @%ff38 (he Fall o8 Pan Am <=G8
;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5 B.+. +%tnam's=8 1,,.8 0. 1&"G also see DThe Maltese
@o%ble Cross8D a British T< doc%mentar3 on +an Am 1.3.
!4&. ;T= Ahmed's detention 0rod%ced a fl%rr3 of res0onses from the
AC($ ;American Ci1il (iberties $nion=8 2ho 2ere notified b3 Ahmed's
friend #am >halid. The AC($ has lon- been f%nded ;some sa3 ta)en
o1er= b3 the Ro-er Bald2in Fo%ndation8 a C?A front. +erha0s the3
2anted their man Ahmed released8 N%st as the C?A 2anted 6ordanian
Mar2an >reeshat released.
!4'. ;TT= 7aider Al #aiidi8 one of >halid's 2or)ers8 had a 2ife 2ho
miscarria-ed after the bombin- d%e to harassment. Ahen 7aider made
that 0%blic8 >halid fired him. ?f Clear's theor3 is tr%e8 it is c%rio%s 2h3
>halid fired him.
!4,. ;42"= +olice Re0ort of arrest of 7%ssain Al-7%ssaini. #haron T2ille3
also stated she belie1ed she had seen Mc<ei-h in a bar on NA 1.th
#treet8 and had seen 7%ssaini and other >halid em0lo3ees in the same
bar at different times.
;T Ahat m%st be 0ointed o%t a-ain is that the
FB? is claimin- Mc<ei-h rented the R3der tr%c)
the follo2in- Monda38 A0ril 1&8 2hich he did.
This acco%nt indicates that t2o R3der tr%c)s
2ere in1ol1ed in the o0eration8 not one8 as the
FB? claims.
!!.. ;T
!!1. ;T
!!2. ;42&= Crai- Freeman and @ennis 6ac)son8 inter1ie2s 2ith a%thor.
!!3. ;42'= #haron Cohen8 Associated +ress8 4R2"R,!.
!!4. ;42,= R%b3 Foos8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thorG @a1ies8 !p *it.8 4R21R,!.
!!!. ;43.= 6im +ol)8 CNN8 4R2.R,!G #haron Cohen8 Associated +ress8
!!". ;431= Ailliam 6as0er8 DThe Trial of 6ohn @oe No. 28D (he +ew
American8 !R13R,".
!!&. ;432= 6.@. Cash8 D(ose Co%r ?ll%sion8D $edia %ypass8 Febr%ar38
!!'. ;433= Mar-aret 7ohmann and Ann @omin8 inter1ie2s 2ith a%thor.
!!,. ;434= @ebra B%rdic)8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
!".. ;43!= 6a3na @a1is8 >F/R8 shado2 inter1ie2 2ith >a3 7.8 "R1&R,!.
!"1. ;43"= @a1id #nider8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
!"2. ;43&= />+@ @is0atch of 4R1,R,!.
!"3. ;43'= @a1id 7all8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
!"4. ;T= A so%rce in the #heriff's /ffice inter1ie2ed b3 6a3na @a1is said
the FB? ref%sed to e:0lain 2h3 it had cancelled the A+B. @a1id 7all said
the A+B 2as canceled b3 an FB? a-ent named Aebster. Cet accordin- to
/C+@ officer @on Bro2nin-8 the FB? later DadmittedD to Dfabricatin-D
the A+B.
!"!. ;TT= Both 4rnie Cranfield and nei-hbors sa2 the bro2n 0ic)-%0 at
#ahara +ro0erties.
!"". ;43,= 4rnie Cranfield8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
!"&. ;T= 7eather >halid also told Cranfield in a secretl3-ta0ed inter1ie2
that she had not been able to find an3 time record on 7%ssaini for A0ril
1,8 so she made one %0 and -a1e it to @a1e Bal%t8 a re0orter for >AT<.
>halid em0lo3ee Terr3 7ollida38 told a re0orter at >/C/-T< that
7%ssaini had been 0aintin- the ho%se at NA 31st #treet on A0ril 1,8
then later told Cranfield that 7%ssaini had not act%all3 been there on
the 1,th. 7eather claimed that she had ta)en some s%00lies to
7%ssaini that mornin-8 b%t 7ollida3 claimed she had ne1er been there.
>halid 2or)er Barnab3 Mach%ca also re0eatedl3 chan-ed his stor3
re-ardin- 7%ssaini's 2hereabo%ts.
!"'. ;T= N%mero%s FB? and la2 enforcement so%rces @a1is contacted
a-reed that 7%ssaini resembled the s)etch of 6ohn @oe 28 and belie1ed
there 2as a Middle 4astern connection to the bombin-8 0ossibl3
connected to the Aorld Trade Center bombin-. ;>F/R's Res0onse to
+laintiff's ?nterro-atories8 7%ssaini 1s. >F/R=.
!",. ;44.= /C+@ @.$.?. re0ort8 co03 in a%thor's 0ossession.
!&.. ;T FB? s0o)esman #te1e M%llins 2o%ldn't confirm or den3 2hether
7%ssaini 2as a s%s0ectG FB? a-ent 6ames #tric)land8 2ho 2o%ld later
in1esti-ate >halid's alle-ed shootin- of his secretar38 #haron T2ille38
also declined to comment on 2hether 7%ssaini 2as a s%s0ect.
!&1. ;441= Beor-e (an-8 D/%t on a (imb8D date %n)no2n.
!&2. ;442= @a1e Bal%t re0ortin-8 >AT<8 1.5.. 0.m. ne2scast8 "R1"R,!.
!&3. ;443= #am >halid8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
!&4. ;T= Ailliam Northro0 is an e:-?sreali intelli-ence officer 2ho 2as
indicted b3 former $.#. Attorne3 R%dol0h B%lianni8 and testified a-ainst
?srael's role in ?ran-Contra. A friend of the late C?A @irector Ailliam
Case38 Northro0's name 2as re0ortedl3 fo%nd in Case3's diar3 %0on his
!&!. ;T; >halid8 s0ea)in- on behalf of 7%ssaini8 claimed his ?N# records
2ere Dstolen.D
!&". ;T= Co%sef arri1ed in Ne2 Cor) on #e0tember 18 1,,2. Man3 Ne2
Cor) la2 enforcement officials re0ortedl3 belie1e that ?ra9 2as in1ol1ed
Jin the Trade Center bombin-K8 altho%-h the3 can not 0ro1e it. ;(a%rie
M3lroie8 DAorld Trade Center Bombin- * The Case of #ecret C3anide8D
The Aall #treet 6o%rnal8 6%l3 2"8 1,,48 0. A1".=8 9%oted in 6ames
+hilli0s8 The Chan-in- Face of Middle 4astern Terrorism8D (he Heritage
Foundation1 %ackgrounder8 O1..!8 1.R"R,4.
!&&. ;444= M3lroie8 !p *it. Co%sef8 2ho -re2 %0 in >%2ait8 2as also
identified b3 >%2aiti ?nterior Minister #hei) Ali al #abah al #alim as an
?ra9i collaborator d%rin- ?ra9's 1,,. in1asion of >%2ait. ;Charles
Aallace8 DAea1in- a Aide Aeb of Terror8D 3os Angeles (imes8 !R2'R,!.=
!&'. ;T= 7%ssain al-7%ssaini mo1ed to 7o%ston after -oin- 0%blic and
s%in- >F/R.
!&,. ;44!= (o%is Cham0on8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor. Accordin- to
Cham0on8 2ho is s%in- the federal -o1ernment8 +eter >a2aNa8 2ho 2as
head of sec%rit3 for Cham0on's 0lant8 hired Aac)enh%t. >a2aNa 2as
later -i1en imm%nit3 to act as an informant. #aid Robert Bic)el8 a
C%stoms informant and in1esti-ator familiar 2ith the case5 D7ell8
Barbo%ti 2as treated more li)e a damn state bird than a terrorist.D
!'.. ;T= (o%is Cham0on said he sa2 Barbo%ti meet 2ith #ecord at the
Fo%ntain Bl%e 7otel in Miami in 1,''.
!'1. ;44"= Mi)e 6ohnston8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor. 6ohn Conall38 D?nside
the #hado2 C?A8D )py ma-aine8 #e0tember8 1,,2G #aid (o%is
Cham0on8 DThe3 are so 2ell-0rotected b3 an entit3 in o%r o2n
-o1ernment8 that the3 ha1e 0%t %0 a 2all.LD
!'2. ;T= Cet accordin- to Cham0on's former head of sec%rit3 +eter
>a2aNa8 and ?ra9-ate in1esti-ator Robert Bic)el8 Cham0on himself isn't
so innocent. DCham0on had to )no2 abo%t the c3anide lea1in- the
0lant8D said Bic)el. D7e 2as there e1er3 da38 2hile the 0lant 2as bein-
b%ilt and o0erated.D Ne1ertheless8 Cham0on 2ent 0%blic8 and 2as
threatened and sh%t do2n b3 $.#. C%stoms and the ?.R.#.
!'3. ;44&= T>-& is a chemical com0an3 in /)lahoma Cit3 o2ned b3
Moshe Tal8 an ?sraeli. Barbo%ti had attem0ted to 0%rchase a form%la
from them that co%ld e:tend the ran-e of roc)et f%el for the ?ra9i #C$@
!'4. ;T= Ahile ?shan Barbo%ti alle-edl3 DdiedD of heart fail%re in (ondon
in 6%l3 of 1,,.8 he 2as re0ortedl3 seen after2ards ali1e and 2ell fl3in-
bet2een Aman8 6ordan and Tri0oli8 (ib3a. /ther acco%nts indicate that
he is li1in- safe and 2ell in Florida.
!'!. ;44'= Clar)8 !p *it8
!'". ;44,= I&id.8 00. &.-&28 W%oted in Ailliam Bl%m8 :illing Hope' 5.).
$ilitary and *IA Inter,entions )ince -orld -ar II ;Common Co%ra-e
+ress8 1,,"=8 0. 33!G DThe B%lf Aar and its Aftermath8D (he <EED
In8ormation Please Almanac ;Boston8 1,,2=8 0. ,&48 W%oted in Bl%m8 0.
!'&. ;4!.= (a%rie Barrett ;medical 2riter for +ewsday=8 DThe @ead8D
*olum&ia 0ournalism .e,iew8 Ma3R6%ne8 1,,18 0. 328 9%oted in Bl%m8 0.
!''. ;4!1= +eedless eaths !p. *it.8 0. 13!8 9%oted in Bl%m8 0.33!.
!',. ;4!2= I&id.8 00. 2.1-24G Clar)8 00. &2-4G 3os Angeles (imes8
1R31R,1G 2R3R,18 9%oted in Bl%m8 0. 33".
!,.. ;4!3= Bill Mo3ers8 P%) )pecial .eport' A8ter the -ar8 #0rin-8 1,,18
9%oted in Clar)8 0. !3.
!,1. ;4!4= DBio-ra0h35 Mc<ei-h8 +art T2o8 $edia %ypass8 March8 1,,!.
!,2. ;T= Aorld Trade Center bomber Mahm%d Abo%halima told
4-30tian intelli-ence that the Aorld Trade Center bombin- had been
a00ro1ed b3 ?ranian intelli-ence.
!,3. ;4!!= Cossef Bodans)38 (error' (he Inside )tory o8 the (errorist
*onspiracy in America ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5 #+? Boo)s8 1,,4=8 9%oted in
>eith8 !p *it.8 0. 1!4.
!,4. ;4!"= I&id.8 0. 1!3.
!,!. ;4!&= ?ndeed8 a maNor terrorism s%mmit s0onsored b3 Tehran in
6%ne of 1,," sa2 dele-ates from Af-hanistan8 +a)istan8 ?ra98 #a%di
Arabia8 and other Mid-4ast and African states8 as 2ell as Bosnia-
7ere-o1ina8 Berman38 France8 Britain8 Canada8 and the $.#. come
to-ether to form a Noint 2or)in- committee %nder the command of the
ne2 7ibAllah ?nternational * transformin- that -ro%0 into Dthe
1an-%ard of the re1ol%tionD of the M%slim 2orld.
!,". ;4!'= e8ense 6 Foreign A88airs8 !p *it.
!,&. ;4!,= I&id.
!,'. ;4".= Ronald A. (e2is8 D$nci1il Air AarD ;The #hootdo2n of TAA
Fli-ht '..=8D Air Forces $onthly8 No. 1.48 No1ember 1,,"8 0osted b3
).A.F.A.+. Internet +ewsletter8 No. 2138 @ecember 218 1,,".
!,,. ;4"1= @r. (a%rie M3lroie8 [email protected] DTerrorism in /%r Face8D American
)pectator8 A0ril8 1,,&.
"... ;T= This 2ill be e:0lored more f%ll3 in <ol%me T2o.
".1. ;4"2= +hilli0s8 !p *it. ?t is re0orted that h%ndreds of them are also
bein- trained b3 ?ranian Re1ol%tionar3 B%ards in #%danese trainin-
".2. ;4"3= #ee 4d2ard Bar-an8 DAhere Arab Militants Train and Aait8D
+ew York (imes8 'R 11R,3G Tim Aeiner8 DBlo2bac) From the Af-han
Battlefield8D +ew York (imes Ma-aine8 3R13R,4G @aniel >laidman and
Bre-or3 (. <istica8 D?n #earch of a >iller8D +ewsweek8 'R11R,&.
".3. ;4"4= DThe Ne2 4ra of Blobal Terrorism8D $)A +ews8 date
%n)no2n8 0osted on ?nternet. The leaders of Ab% #a33af are5 Abd%raNa)
Ab%ba)r 6anNalani8 Amilh%ssin 6%maani8 4d2in An-eles8 Asmad Abd%l.
".4. ;4"!= D$.#. Forces in B%lf on 7i-h #ec%rit3 Alert8D Re%ter8 4R&R,&.
".!. ;4""= +atric) Coc)b%rn8 D@efector e:0oses #addam's (ies on
Chemical Aea0ons8D (he Independent8 !R&R,". DBeneral #ammara'i
sa3s that the committee in char-e of sabota-e on 2hich he ser1ed8
and 2hich %ses a s0ecial "..-stron- militar3 %nit called ''' to carr3
o%t o0erations8 still e:ists and he s%s0ects it 2as in1ol1ed in -i1in-
s%00ort to the bombers.
".". ;T= Abd%l Rahman Cassin8 an ?ra9i indicted for his 0art in the Aorld
Trade Center bombin- fled to Ba-hdad. 7is brother8 M%sab Casin8
0ro1ided a safeho%se for the later 0lots. Ahile the Ne2 Cor) office of
the FB? 2anted to arrest him8 c%rio%sl38 the Aashin-ton office obNected.
Another ?ra9i 2ith a +h.@. in microbiolo-38 c%rrentl3 li1in- in Ne2
6erse38 is Aalied #amarrai.
".&. ;4"&= Charles Aallace8 DAea1in- a Aide Aeb of Terror8D 3os
Angeles (imes8 !R2'R,!G Robert @. McFadden8 DNine #%s0ected of
Terrorism are Arrested in Manila8D +ew York (imes8 12R3.R,".
".'. ;T= The nine s%s0ects are5 Co%sef's brother8 Adel Anonn ;alias Adel
Bani=G Abd%l >areem 6assim Bida2iG 7aleem 6assim Bida2iG 6amaal
6alo%dG ?brahim AbidG and NaNim Nasser ;?ra9is=G 4mad Alm%bara)
;#%danese=G #aleh Al W%%2a3e8 and Yaid Al Amer ;#a%dis=.
".,. ;TT= An-eles told 6ones that there are lin)s to +hili00ine mail-
order-bride b%sinesses and criminalRterrorist acti1it3. ?t 2as not clear
from 6ones' brief e:actl3 2hat this entailed.
"1.. ;4"'= I&id.8 0.3.
"11. ;4",= (ana +adilla8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
"12. ;TT= Referrin- to the 0lace in @a1ao8 An-eles said8 D?t 2as also the
0lace 2here M%slims 2ere ta%-ht in bomb ma)in-.D
"13. ;4&.= (o% >iler and >e1in Flo3d8 DMc<ei-h Team Tries A-ain for
@ela38D .ocky $ountain +ews8 3R2"R,&G Timoth3 Mc<ei-h's +etition for
Arit of Mandam%s8 3R2!R,&.
"14. ;4&1= (ana +adilla8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
"1!. ;4&2= D+etition For Arit of Mandam%s of +etitioner-@efendant8
Timoth3 6ames Mc<ei-h and Brief in #%00ortD8 Case No. ,"-CR-"'-M8
"1". ;T= A so%rce close to 6ones said that attorne3 6im 7an)ins act%all3
0re0ared the Arit.
"1&. ;T= Northro0 claims that 2hen he tried to r%n the information
do2n in >in-man he came %0 em0t3. 7is so%rce in the $.#. Marshals
#er1ice8 2ho 2as loo)in- into the matter8 recei1ed a call from the
6%stice @e0artment8 and 2as 0rom0tl3 stone2alled8 he said.
"1'. ;T= Casinos ha1e been %sed to la%nder mone3. A dr%- dealer or
other criminal enters the casino 2ith dirt3 mone38 b%3s lar-e 9%antities
of chi0s8 -ambles a bit8 then cashes in the chi0s for clean mone3.
R%ssbacher told #tich that the 0rocess also 2or)s in re1erse. 7e
e:0lained in one case ho2 the C?A8 thro%-h #hamroc) /1erseas
@isb%rsement Cor0oration8 -a1e mone3 to the casino8 2ho in t%rn
2o%ld -i1e -amblin- chi0s to the reci0ients 2hen the3 arri1ed8 then
the chi0s 2ere cashed in. R%ssbacher named three (as <e-as casinos
alle-edl3 in1ol1ed in the o0eration8 incl%din- the Frontier8 #tard%st8
and Bin3on's 7orseshoe.
"1,. ;] Considerin- the re0orts from dancers at t2o stri00er bars *
one in T%lsa and one in 6%nction Cit3 * Mc<ei-h and Nichols had a
0enchant for these t30es of 0laces.
"2.. ;4&3= As interro-ator3 ans2ers filed b3 >F/R in its defense
a-ainst al-7%ssaini state5 J(anaK +adilla said that her son8 6osh8 2ent to
(as <e-as abo%t once a month8 2here he 2as 2ith Tim Mc<ei-h8 Terr3
Nichols8 and Middle-4astern men. +adilla e:0ressed the o0inion that
there 2as a Middle-4astern connection to the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-.
"21. ;4&4= D/mar >halif 2as one of the aliases listed on >halid's 1,,.
federal indictment.
"22. ;4&!= Melissa >linin-8 former >F/R ne2s director8 inter1ie2 2ith
"23. ;TT= After @a1is 9%estioned se1eral em0lo3ees at the MBM8 t2o
2ere fired.
"24. ;4&"= (o%is Cro%sette and 6a3na @a1is8 transcri0t in a%thor's
"2!. ;4&&= Bordon No1el8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
"2". ;T= Ba-an reco-nied Abraham Ahmed bein- 2ith >halid. Ba-an
said he sa2 Ahmed ;b3 another name= in (as <e-as 2ith /mar->halid
in the #%mmer or Fall of 1,,4. 7e said he also sa2 7%ssain al-7%ssaini
in /)lahoma Cit3 2hen he 2as here in A0ril.
"2&. ;TT= Al #aiidi8 incidentall38 2as the man 2ho's 2ife 2ho had a
miscarria-e after stones 2ere thro2n thro%-h his 2indo2. Ahen Al
#aiidi 2ent before ne2s cameras to com0lain abo%t the incident8 >halid
fired him.
"2'. ;4&'= 4rnie Cranfield8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
"2,. ;T= The #tate Ta: Commission also 2anted Cranfield to testif3
a-ainst >halid. ?nstead8 >halid 0aid a fine. DThat co1ered %0 for his e:-
2ife -ettin- )illed8D said Cranfield.
"3.. ;] At the same time8 interestin-l38 t2o Middle 4astern residents
of the Aoodsca0e a0artments s)i00ed o%t 2itho%t 0a3in- their rent. ?t
sho%ld also be noted that t2o hea13-set Arabs 2or) for #am >halid.
"31. ;4&,= >eith8 !p *it8 0. 14'.
"32. ;4'.= 6oe Ro3er8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor. The FB? a-ent 2ho
inter1ie2ed the co%0le told them that one <?N n%mber 2as left intact8
and fin-er0rints 2ere fo%nd.
"33. ;4'1= Re: Carmichael8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
"34. ;T= Aas the bro2n 0ic)-%0 0ainted at Ro%te ""8 or else2hereH
Accordin- to information obtained b3 Aill Northro08 7aider al-#aiidi
2as hired b3 Ali >hoddami at ?nternational A%to 2or)s8 a bod3 sho0
located at 1"th and Blac)2ielder8 after he 2as fired b3 >halid. An
?ranian8 >hoddami is re0ortedl3 a friend of >halid's. #harbat >han8 a
+a)istani and Ri2an A. #hai)h 2ere re0ortedl3 -oin- to b%3
?nternational A%to Aor)s from >hoddami.
"3!. ;4'2= Tom's is r%n b3 Tom Bres)e8 2ho Carmichael described as
Dbad ne2s.D
"3". ;4'3= Confidential inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
"3&. ;4'4= Michael Reed8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
"3'. ;TT= @on Bro2nin-8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor. >amal had been 2or)in-
2ith the FB? to trac) >halid and others 2ho 2ere in1ol1ed in ins%rance
fra%d scams. Altho%-h he definitel3 )ne2 >halid8 he dis0%ted that he
said DThis is the MossadD to Bro2nin-. Bro2nin- s2ears he did. Cet
6a3na @a1is said Bro2nin- told her that >amal said that >halid 2as a
member of D7amas8D a far cr3 from the Mossad8 the ?sraeli intelli-ence
a-enc3. Another 0ossible e:0lanation is that there 2ere Mossad a-ents
0osin- as members of 7amas8 b%t it seems %nli)el3 that >amal 2o%ld
)no2 that.
"3,. ;4'!= Bob 6erlo28 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
"4.. ;4'"= /C+@ detecti1e8 confidential inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
"41. ;T= Ahen 6erlo2 as)ed an FB? so%rce if >F/R 2as on the ri-ht
trac)8 he 2as told D>ee0 doin- 2hat 3o%'re doin-.D C%rio%sl38 an /C+@
contact of @a1is' 2as told b3 his FB? so%rce8 Dsta3 a2a3.D
"42. ;T= Mac3 and #tate Attorne3 Beneral @re2 4dmondson had also
0%shed certain as0ects of the Anti-Terrorism Bill8 %sin- the bombin- as
a 0latform.
"43. ;TT= This is do%bl3 interestin-8 since Richardson 2as the $.#.
Attorne3 2ho 0rosec%ted >halid for ins%rance fra%d in 1,,..
Richardson Dcommitted s%icideD in 6%l3 of 1,,& o1er D2or)-relatedD
"44. ;T= Ahile >halid's attorne3 claimed that onl3 F1!8... dollars or so
2as in1ol1ed in the scams8 the $.#. Attorne3's re0ort is more
incriminatin-. >halid 2as also acc%sed d%rin- his arson case of
em0lo3in- false #ocial #ec%rit3 n%mbers. /ne of them is re-istered to
a 2oman in /)lahoma Cit3G the other to a 2oman in Miami.
"4!. ;TT= /ne of the a-ents8 6ames #tric)land8 2o%ld later be assi-ned
to the T2ille3 assa%lt case.
"4". ;] 7e later told in1esti-ati1e No%rnalist Ailliam 6as0er he
emi-rated from (ib3a.
"4&. ;4'&= $.#. 1s. #am >halid8 Res0onse to +resentence Re0ortG #am
>halid8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
"4'. ;T= Accordin- to a local 7$@ re0resentati1e ? chec)ed 2ith8 >halid
0aid cash for most of his 0ro0erties8 a1oidin- the scr%0%lo%s
bac)-ro%nd chec)s and the t30ical 0a0er trail 2hich accom0anies
them. Additionall38 none of >halid's three com0anies8 2hich em0lo3
n%mero%s em0lo3ees8 are re-istered 2ith the #tate or ha1e Federal Ta:
?.@. n%mbers.
"4,. ;T= 4m0hasis in ori-inal.
"!.. ;4''= FB? s0o)esman Charles #teinmet said the information he
-a1e B%rnes came from former FB? @e0%t3 Assistant @irector Bob
"!1. ;4',= >aren B%rnes8 D+alestinians5 @irt3 B%siness8D CB# Aest !&
#treet Ne2s ma-aine8 !R2R',8 Citd in 7o2ard Rosenber-8 D'+alestinian
Net2or)'5 A F%ll Re0ortH8 3os Angeles (imes8 "R1R',.
"!2. ;T= DBefore the bombin-8 2e co%ldn't -et the $.#. Attorne3's office
interested8D said 0ri1ate in1esti-ator Ben 6acobson. DAfter the bombin-8
the3 N%st 2anted %s to )ee0 o%r mo%ths sh%t.D
"!3. ;4,.= Northro08 !p *it.
"!4. ;4,1= ?n federal co%rt filin-s8 A?#4 2as described as Da front %sed
to brin- international terrorists to the $nited #tates.D
"!!. ;T= ?t seems the reference to D?raniansD as %sed b3 this C?@ officer
is a -eneric term meant to refer to Middle-4asterners in -eneral8
altho%-h some ?ranians 2ere definitel3 in1ol1ed.
"!". ;TT= Accordin- to Mi)e 6ohnston8 the head of sec%rit3 for &&&
+ost /a) Cor0oration ;a hi-h-rise office com0le: in 7o%ston affiliated
2ith ?B?8 ?shan Barbo%ti's com0an3= had a son in the $.#. militar3
intelli-ence. The father8 2ho 2as later 2anted for im0ersonatin- a C?A
a-ent8 2o%ld call his son at the MaNor Command Assi-nments Center at
Bollin- Air Force in Aashin-ton8 @.C. aro%nd A%-%st 1,,.8 N%st 0rior to
the ?ra9's in1asion of >%2ait. #ome of the calls a00arentl3 in1ol1ed the
%se of a modem to ta0 into the command center's com0%ters.
"!&. ;4,2= Retired $.#. Arm3 C?@ in1esti-ator8 ?nter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
"!'. ;4,3= Beneral Robert (. Moore ;Ret.=8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
"!,. ;T= Tom Aeisman 2as the FB? #AC of the 7%nts1ille office.
"".. ;TT= This detecti1e also said that the chief of the FB?'s
co%nterintelli-ence di1ision mas9%eraded as a 0olice officer and
tra1eled to Florida to collect data on the their in1esti-ation.
""1. ;] Braelton didn't ret%rn calls.
""2. ;T= 7ad it act%all3 come from Me:ican dr%- )in--0in 6%an Barcia
Abre-o8 2ho is lin)ed to the Cali Cartel8 and had re0ortedl3 sent t2o
ba--men %0 to /)lahoma Cit3 to finance the bombin-H
""3. ;TT= >in-man has also been called the DBolden Trian-leD of #0eed
;Metham0hetamine=8 and Mc<ei-h had )no2n Clar) <olmer8 a
0ara0le-ic dr%- dealer and loan shar) in to2n. /n /ctober 1,8 si:
months to the da3 of the bombin-8 Ba-an 2as directed b3 a man he
describes as D7ibollahD to ta)e a b%s from (as <e-as to >in-man8 to
deli1er a lar-e ba- of mone3 * estimated to be bet2een F2..8... and
F3..8... to an indi1id%al 2ho 2as Dmilitia loo)in- in a00earance.D
""4. ;] Mc+ea) hired Mc<ei-h in 1,,3 to do sec%rit3 2or) at a local
shelter. Ahen his -irlfriend 2as arrested in (as <e-as on a bad credit
char-e8 Clar) <ollmer8 a 0ara0le-ic dr%- dealer in >in-man8 hel0ed bail
her o%t. ?n Febr%ar3 of ',!8 Mc+ea) claims8 <ollmer as)ed him to ferr3
some dr%-s. 7e ref%sed. #hortl3 thereafter8 an ANF/ bomb e:0loded
%nder a chair o%tside Mc+ea)'s home. Ahen he 2ent to <ollmer's
ho%se to confront him8 he fo%nd Timoth3 Mc<ei-h8 alon- 2ith another
man he didn't reco-nie.
""!. ;4,4= DFB? Finds +ossible 41idence in />C Bombin-8 CNN8 &R2.R,!.
""". ;4,!= 7%-h @ellios8 DFederal Marshals Arrest Chemist8D *hicago
(ri&une8 !R13R,!G Mar) #chaffer8 D+robe Nets 2nd Man in /atman8D
Ari#ona .epu&lic8 !R14R,!8 9%oted in >eith8 0. !2G >atherine Ma%ro8
/atman Minin- Co.8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thorG Records of the Federal
B%rea% of +risons.
""&. ;4,"= @iane #a23er8 D+rime Time (i1e8D 4R2!R,!.
""'. ;4,&= Mi)e 6ohnston8 D?n1esti-ati1e Fact Findin- Tri0 to Berman38D
1,,!8 co03 in a%thor's 0ossessionG 6onathan <an)in8 *onspiracies1
*o,er75ps 6 *rimes' From allas to -aco8 ;(ilb%rn8 BA5 ?ll%minit +ress8
1,,"=8 0. 211.
"",. ;T= #)oren3 2as at the ne:%s of the s%r1i1in- elements of the
Nai mo1ement8 and hel0ed or-anie its tentacles after AA??.
"&.. ;4,'= 6ohnston8 !p. *it.M <an)in8 !p *it.8 0. 22"G Martin A. (ee and
>e1in Coo-an8 D>illers on the Ri-ht5 ?nside 4%ro0e's Fascist
$nder-ro%nd8D $other 0ones8 Ma38 1,'&.
"&1. ;4,,= er )peigel 2riter Martin >illian8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor. (ib3a
also re0ortedl3 f%nded the ?rish Re0%blican Arm3.
"&2. ;!..= 6ohnston8 !p. *it.
"&3. ;!.1= Mi)e (e1ine8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
"&4. ;!.2= Tom 6arriel8 ABC 2.R2.8 6an%ar3 1,8 1,,".
"&!. ;!.3= 6effre3 A. B%ilta8 D4:tremist Bro%0s8D /ffice of ?nternational
Criminal 6%stice8 Chica-o8 date %n)no2n. The connection is re0ortedl3
thro%-h +a)istani Bri-adier Beneral ?mtia.
"&". ;!.4= Terrorist Bro%0 +rofiles8 @%dle3 >no: (ibrar38 Na1al
+ost-rad%ate #chool8 date %n)no2n.
"&&. ;!.!= B%ilta8 !p *it.
"&'. ;T= The B%rea% of +risons had Dno recordD of 4d2ard Flinton8
e1entho%-h he ser1ed time in federal 0rison. $s%all3 this means the
indi1id%al is %nder the D2itness 0rotection 0ro-ram.D
"&,. ;!."= >e1in Fl3nn8 DRomer8 Norton Bet Bomb Threats5 CB?
?nformant's Reliabilit3 in W%estionG 7e Also Aarned of Federal B%ildin-
Blast8D .ocky $ountain +ews8 .'R12R,!. Ba-an said he met 2ith Al
F%9ra members on different occasions bet2een /ctober8 1,,! and
Febr%ar3 1,,".
"'.. ;!.&= 6%d-e (e2is Babcoc) and 6ohn #trader8 inter1ie2 2ith
a%thor. Ba-an said he met 2ith $.#. Marshal 6a)e Aarner at Broo)l3ns
resta%rant on /ctober 2&8 1,,!. D?n all the 3ears that ?'1e )no2n
JBa-anK8 he's ne1er met 2ith a 0air of 0eo0le in s%its8D said the
mana-er in an inter1ie2 2ith the a%thor.
"'1. ;T= Ba-an said he sa2 @aniel 2ith /mar and Ahmed in Me:ico. /n
No1ember 2&8 Ba-an sa3s he 2as instr%cted b3 his D7ibollahD contact
to rent a room at the (a <ista Motel in @en1er in 0re0aration for
another meetin-. Ba-an said his attem0ts to ha1e the FB? sta)e o%t
the room 2ere i-nored. The informant claims he learned of 0lans to
bomb sim%ltaneo%s tar-ets in +hoeni: and @en1er on or abo%t
Febr%ar3 '8 1,," * the s0ecific tar-ets bein- the ATF office in the Mile
7i-h Center at 1&.. Broad2a3 in @en1er8 and the @4ARC%stoms office
at 11! ?n1erness @ri1e in 4n-le2ood8 Colorado.
"'2. ;!.'= 7am0ton's alias 2as Abd al-Rashid Abdallah8 and Bant's
2as Abd Rashid.
"'3. ;T= A 1oice stress anal3sis r%n on the caller indicated he 2as
tellin- the tr%th.
"'4. ;T= This claim 2as alle-edl3 based on @NA tests and foot0rint
"'!. ;!.,= 6im >illac)e38 D(e- Confirmed as 1",th <ictim's8D aily
!klahoman8 date %n)no2nG D(e- (ost in Blast #till a M3ster38D allas
$orning +ews8 1.R1,R,!G D/)lahoma Bomb <ictim 4:h%med8D 3R1!R,"8
Associated +ressG Bar3 T%chman8 D@oes se1ered le- 0ro1e Mc<ei-h's
innocenceH8D CNN8 'R&R,!.
"'". ;!1.= Ailliam 6as0er8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor. Mahon stated this to
6as0er on /ctober 18 1,,"8
"'&. ;!11= DRise of 7ibAllah ?nternational8D e8ense 6 Foreign A88airs8
"''. ;!12= FB? 3.2 statement of Mohammad Abd%l 7a--a-8 9%oted in
M3lroie8 !p *it.
"',. ;!13= Timoth3 Mc<ei-h's Arit of Mandam%s8 3R2!R,"8 co03 in
a%thor's 0ossession8 also 9%oted in Ailliam 6as0er8 D @efense Cits
Mideast Connection8D (he +ew American8 !R12R,&.
",.. ;!14= +hilli0s8 !p *ite.
",1. ;!1!= #he said that her father had also met Casser Afafat8 and had
his 0hoto-ra0h on his 2all.
",2. ;T= Michele also said she o1erheard her father tal) abo%t
a00roachin- neo-Nais thro%-h the National #ocialist +art3. @id 7irram
Torres tr3 to contact National #ocialist leader Bar3 (a%c)H A00arentl38
#trassmeir 2as on to (a%c)8 as he 2as arrested on his 2a3 to
@enmar). #trassmeir had learned abo%t (a%c)'s tra1el 0lans from AAR
leader @ennis Mahon8 a friend of Brescia and #trassmeir8 2ho8 as
mentioned 0re1io%sl38 2as bein- 0aid b3 the ?ra9is.
",3. ;!1"= >eith8 !p *it.8 0. 1!1.
",4. ;TT= Ae ran Torres' ta0es thro%-h a 1oice stress anal3er. The3
indicated she 2as bein- tr%thf%l.
",!. ;!1&= There 2ere no 0%r-es in the Comm%nist intelli-ence
ser1ices in the former #o1iet $nion JF#$K. @oc%ments and records8 as
Beneral #eNna 0oints o%t8 2ere transferred from 4astern 4%ro0e to
Mosco2. Those 2ho ran the >BB still r%n the #<R8 and a doen other
ser1ices in R%ssia and the F#$.
",". ;!1'= Michael 7ed-es8 D#enate Resol%tion As)s Clinton to Bloc)
Resettlement of ?ra9is8D -ashington (imes8 ,R14R,3G D?ra95 Admission of
Ref%-ees into the $nited #tates8D Con-ressional Research #er1ice
Re0ort for Con-ress8 (ibrar3 of Con-ress8 1.R2'R,3G (etter from #enator
@a1id Boren to Crai- Roberts8 3R14R,48 co03 in a%thor's 0ossessionG
@enmar)8 Nor2a38 #2eden8 the $.>.8 A%stralia8 +a)istan8 and #3ria
absorbed the remainin- ref%-ees.
",&. ;T= The Federal Bo1ernment allocated F"8... 0er ref%-ee for
resettlement 0%r0oses8 at the same time that 1eterans 2ho s%ffered
from B%lf Aar illness 2ere bein- i-nored b3 the <eterans
",'. ;!1,= I&id.
",,. ;T= /n @ecember 48 1,'18 +resident Rea-an iss%ed an 4:ec%ti1e
/rder 0ermittin- the C?A to cond%ct co1ert o0erations inside this
co%ntr3. Not that the3 didn't alread3.
&... ;T= (i)e Andreas #trassmeir8 7%ssaini 2as %nable to come %0 2ith
his ?N# records. >halid claimed the3 2ere stolen b3 >F/R8 a claim that
6a3na @a1is N%st la%-hed at.
&.1. ;T= The -o1ernment's ref%sal to admit the terrorist missile shoot-
do2n of TAA fli-ht '.. ma3 1er3 2ell ha1e as its basis the need to
maintain the abilit3 of the cr%cial airline ind%str3 to contin%e
&.2. ;T= As Aashin-ton insider No%rnalist #ara McClendon told me8
DB%sh has a hold on the Clinton administration8 and ? don't )no2 2hat
it is.L Beor-e B%sh starts these thin-sL he's 0%shin- Mena8 Ar)ansas
off on Clinton.L Most of the 0eo0le don't )no2 that B%sh is
mani0%latin- the administration.D
&.3. ;!2.= Mc<ei-h 2as indicted on 11 co%nts5 cons0irac3 to %se a
bomb to destro3 the Federal B%ildin-8 detonatin- the bomb8 destro3in-
a federal b%ildin-8 and m%rderin- ei-ht federal la2 enforcement
&.4. ;!21= Brandon M. #tic)ne38 All American $onster' (he
5nauthori#ed %iography o8 (imothy $c2eigh ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5
+romethe%s Boo)s8 1,,"=8 0. 1&&G DRichard #errano8 DCl%es #o%-ht
in @etails from Mc<ei-h's Arrest8D 3os Angeles (imes8 ,R1.R,!8 9%oted
in Armstron-8 !p *it. 0. 11'.
&.!. ;T= Mc<ei-h 2as ta)en o1er to 7an-er's 0atrol car8 2here he heard
radio broadcasts abo%t the bombin-8 and cas%all3 chit-chated 2ith
/fficer 7an-er. ; Ahen he arri1ed at the Nailho%se8 he sim0l3 as)ed8
D2hen's cho2DH
&.". ;!22 Col. @a1id 7ac)2orth and +eter Anninn8 NDAnd Ae're Boin- to
Bo to Trial8D +ewsweek8 &R3R,!.
&.&. ;!23= Richard A. #errano8 DCl%es #o%-ht in @etails from Mc<ei-h's
Arrest8D ,R1.R,!8 9%oted in I&id.
&.'. ;!24= A00lication and Affida1it FB? #0ecial A-ent 7enr3 C.
&.,. ;!2!= 4liabeth Bleic)8 DAho Are The3HD (ime8 !R1R,!.
&1.. ;!2"= +ew York (imes8 4R22R,!.
&11. ;T= For that matter8 2h3 2o%ld he rent an easil3 traceable tr%c)8
a00l3 for Nobs at the Federal B%ildin- %sin- his real name8 allo2 himself
to be filmed b3 n%mero%s sec%rit3 cameras8 sto0 to as) directions
min%tes before the bombin-8 han- aro%nd t2o bloc)s from the crime
scene min%tes after the blast8 s0eed a2a3 2itho%t a license 0late8 and
fail to shoot the co0 2ho sto00ed himH
&12. ;!2&= $nited #tates 1. Timoth3 6ames Mc<ei-h8 direct testimon3 of
FB? A-ent 6ames 4lliott8 4R2'R,&. The com0lete confidential 1ehicle
identification n%mber 2as 1F@NF&264+<A2".&&.
&13. ;T= The a%thor sa2 a close-%0 1ideota0e of the a:le ta)en b3
@e0%t3 #heriff Mel1in #%mter8 2hich clearl3 sho2s the serial n%mber
on the differential ho%sin-8 2hich is 0art of the rear a:le assembl3. ?t
2as not8 as some amate%r researchers claimed8 on the a:le itself.
&14. ;!2'= FB? F@-3'3 ;FB? Facial ?dentification Fact #heet= of Tom
>essin-er8 dated 4R2.R,!8 co03 in a%thor's 0ossession. Tim >else38 DThe
/)lahoma #%s0ect A2aits @a3 of Rec)onin-8D 3ondon )unday (imes8
&1!. ;!2,= Cash8 !p *it.
&1". ;!3.= 4d2ard Yehr8 DThe Mc<ei-h Trial Bets $nder2a35
Mainstream Media Miss The Real #tor38D -ashington -eekly8 !R!R,&.
&1&. ;T= 4lliott stated in his FB? 3.2 that a second man accom0anied
D>lin-D on A0ril 1&8 and tho%-ht he sa2 Dfair sieD li-ht bl%e sedan.
&1'. ;T= ?n fact8 4lliott testified that he met 2ith the 0rosec%tion for
t2o ho%rs8 se1eral da3s 0rior to the his a00earance at trial.
&1,. ;!31= Affida1it of Richard Ren3a8 6%l3 !8 1,,!
&2.. ;!32= +ewsweek re0orter8 confidential inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
&21. ;T= An anon3mo%s informant 2ho contacted #tate Re0resentati1e
Charles >e3 se1eral times stated8 DLthe ATF re-%larl3 %ses leased
R3der tr%c)s to mo1e ordinance. And 3o% )no2 it's a-ainst ?CC
re-%lation and e1er3thin- b%t he said the3 secretl3 do it.D ?n1esti-ator
Crai- Roberts said the Arm3 also has Do0en contractsD 2ith R3der.
&22. ;!33= D+hone Records (in) #%s0ects Before Blast8D aily
!klahoman8 !R3R,".
&23. ;!34= Testimon3 of /+$# Telecom e:0ert 6ohn >ane8 $.#. 1.
&24. ;!3!= >e1in Fl3nn8 DCom0%ter Records #ho2 Calls Made B%t Aren't
Clear Aho Made Them8D .ocky $ountain +ews8 date %n)no2n.
D+rosec%tors ha1e 0ress%red /+$# re0resentati1es not to disc%ss this
iss%e 2ith the Ne2s8 e1en as)in- them not to 1erif3 ho2 their
com0%ter s3stems 2or)8 the em0lo3ees said.D
&2!. ;!3"= #te1e Ailmsen8 DRecords +oint to 6ohn @oe 28D en,er Post8
date %n)no2nG #te1en >. +a%lson8 Associated +ress8 2R1!R,&. ?n a later
r%lin-8 6%d-e Matsch stated that Mannin- denied 0rosec%tors did
an3thin- 2ron- to elicit his testimon3.
&2". ;!3&= 6.@. Cash8 inter1ie2 2ith 6ames #ar-eant8 $edia %ypass8
6%l38 1,,".
&2&. ;!3'= Barbara Ahittenber-8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
&2'. ;T= ?nterestin-l38 McBo2n did not state on his FB? 3.2 2ho 2as
dri1in- the tr%c) on A0ril 1"8 2hen his mother had as)ed him to
re9%est that the dri1er mo1e it.
&2,. ;!3,= ?n1esti-ation on !R&R,! at 6%nction Cit38 >ansas File O 1&4A-
/C-!"12.-@-'1! b3 #A Mar) M. Bo%ton -A#A8 date dictated !R'R,!.
&3.. ;!4.= Robert <ito8 D/)lahoma Bombin- ?n1esti-ators 7it
Tro%blesome #na-s8D CNN8 11R24R,!.
&31. ;!41= +ewsweek re0orter8 confidential inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
&32. ;!42= 7o003 7eidelber-8 ?nter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
&33. ;!43= 6ose0h <ind%s)a and @ennis 4%2er are t2o 2itnesses
2ho sa2 the tr%c) at the la)e on the 1'th.
&34. ;!44= #te1e Ailmsen and Mar) 4dd38 DAho bombed the M%rrah
B%ildin-HD en,er Post8 date %n)no2n.
&3!. ;!4!= 6ac) @o%-las 6r. DBomb lin) to la)e re0ortedl3 scra00ed8 Fort
-orth )tar7(elegram8 3R2!R,&.
&3". ;!4"= 41an Thomas8 DThis @oesn't 7a00en 7ere8D +ewsweek8
!R1R,!G $.#. 1. Mc<ei-h.
&3&. ;!4&= $.#. 1. 6ames @o%-las Nichols and Terr3 Nichols8 Criminal
Com0laint8 statements of FB? #0ecial A-ent +atric) Aease.
&3'. ;!4'= D#ome Aitnesses (eer3 /f Bombin- Brand 6%r38D aily
!klahoman8 'R1.R,&G Bar3 Antene8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
&3,. ;!4,= $.#. 1. Mc<ei-h8 testimon3 of Richard Chambers.
&4.. ;!!.= DFB? ?n1esti-ates +ossible Mc<ei-h (in) to F%el B%38D .ocky
$ountain +ews8 4R11R,&.
&41. ;T= 7o2e1er8 the indictment named (ib3an Abdel Basset Ali al-
Me-rahi as the c%stomer. A%thorities' second 2itness8 Abd% Ma-ed
6iacha8 a (ib3an intelli-ence officer 2ho defected to the $.#.8 2as 0%t
into the Federal Aitness +rotection +ro-ram and -i1en a F4 million
dollar re2ard for his testimon3 a-ainst Me-rahi.
&42. ;!!1= 4d 7%es)e8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
&43. ;!!2= Fran) #hiller and Ma: Co%rtne38 inter1ie2s 2ith a%thor.
&44. ;!!3= (o% >iler and >e1in Fl3nn8 DAere Feds Aarned Before />C
Bomb B%iltHD .ocky $ountain +ews8 2R"R,&.
&4!. ;!!4= Testimon3 of >e1in Nicholas8 $.#. 1. Mc<ei-h.
&4". ;!!!= +adilla and @el0it8 !p *it.8 0. 2.,G @a1id 6ohnson8 DA-ents in
>ansas 7%nt for Bomb Factor3 as #ense of Fr%stration Be-ins to B%ild8D
+ew York (imes8 4R3.R,!8 9%oted in >eith8 0. 3&.
&4&. ;!!"= 6ames. @. Nichols8 Freedom9s End' *onspiracy in !klahoma8
self 0%blished8 1,,&8 0. 1"4.
&4'. ;!!&= DMc<ei-h's Fin-er0rints Not on >e3 ?tems8D CNN8 !R1!R,&.
&4,. ;T= As the Associated +ress recentl3 re0orted8 0olice in %0state
Ne2 Cor) had been falsif3in- e1idence8 incl%din- fin-er0rints8 for 3ears.
&!.. ;!!'= 6im Barrison8 !n (he (rial o8 the Assassins ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5
Aarner Boo)s8 1,''=8 0. 113.
&!1. ;!!,= Ahiteh%rst contended the 0roblems in the FB?'s lab had
been occ%rrin- since at least 1,',.
&!2. ;!".= @a1id 6ohnston and Andre2 C. Re1)in8 DRe0ort Finds FB? (ab
#li00in- From +innacle of Crime Fi-htin-8D +ew York (imes8 1R2,R,&.
&!3. ;!"1= DRe0ort5 FB? (ab Botched /)lahoma Bombin- 41idence8D
CNN8 3R22R,&.
&!4. ;T= As Ahiteh%rst stated5 DLMr. Th%rman8 in m3 estimation does
intentionall3 misre0resent e1idence and is8 absol%tel38 2itho%t a do%bt8
be3ond an3 0ossible other e:0lanation's -ras08 res%lt oriented. 7e
2ants the ans2er that 2ill 0ro1e -%ilt.LD
&!!. ;TT= Ahiteh%rst testified that he 2as told not to 0ro1ide an3
information or e1idence8 s%ch as alternate theories to the %rea-nitrate
theor38 that co%ld be %sed b3 the defense to challen-e the 0rosec%tors'
h30othesis of -%ilt in the Aorld Trade Center case. ;R3an Ross8
DBlastin- the FB?8D igital *ity en,er8 1,,&=
&!". ;!"2= 6ohn >ell38 DFB?5 Mc<ei-h Contradictions8D 5nclassi8ied8 date
%n)no2nG Memorand%m to All $.#. Attorne3s from 6ohn >eene38 Actin-
Assistant Attorne3 Beneral8 1R4R,"8 co03 in a%thor's 0ossessionG
D/%tside 4:0erts to Re1ie2 FB? Crime (ab8D -all )treet 0ournal8
,R1,R,!G DTeam to ?n1esti-ate FB? Chemist's Bias Claims8D Associated
+ress8 date %n)no2nG +ierre Thomas8 DFB? (ab A%dit Finds #ome
@iscre0ancies8D -ashington Post8 ,R1!R,!.
&!&. ;TT= DMr. AilliamsL re2rote m3 re0orts in an %na%thoried
re2ritin-8 iss%ed these re0orts8 %na%thoried8 chan-es bein- in them8
and chan-ed the meanin- of the re0orts ? thin)8 2itho%t realiin- it8D
Ahiteh%rst later testified.
&!'. ;!"3= Memorand%m to #cientific Anal3sis Chief 6ames >earn38
co03 in a%thor's 0ossession8 date %n)no2n.
&!,. ;!"4= Barrison8 !p *it.8 +. 11".
&".. ;!"!= DFB? F%ror8D5nclassi8ied8 #%mmer8 1,,&.
&"1. ;!""= R3an Ross8 DBlastin- the FB?8D igital *ity en,er8 1,,&.
&"2. ;!"&= Nolan Cla38 DMc<ei-h ?tems #eied From 7ome8 Brief #a3s8D
aily !klahoman8 "R11R,"G $.#. 1. Mc<ei-h8 testimon3 of #0ecial A-ent
#te1en B%rmeister.
&"3. ;!"'= >aren Abbott8 D@efense #a3s FB? Tainted Resid%e5
41idence W%estionedG British 4:0ert TestifiesG The Tables T%rn Toda38
.ocky $ountain +ews8 !R21R,&. B%rmeister said he 0hoto-ra0hed the
cr3stals before the3 disa00eared.
&"4. ;!",= @e0%t3 #heriff Clint Boehler8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
&"!. ;!&.= R3an Ross8 igital *ity en,er8 1,,&. Reno 2o%ld later
comment8 D?t is %nfair8 it is %nreasonable8 it is a lie to s0read the 0oison
that the -o1ernment 2as res0onsible at Aaco for the m%rder of
innocents. That )ind of lan-%a-e is %nacce0table in a societ3 that
1al%es tr%th.D
&"". ;!&1= $.#. 1. Mc<ei-h.
&"&. ;T= Mc<ei-h selected /)lahoma Cit3 for the fact that the a-ents
and the orders that came o%t of that b%ildin- 2ere res0onsible for the
tra-ed3 at Aaco8 Fortier alle-ed at trial.
&"'. ;!&2= The -%n * a R%-er Mini-3. rifle8 #erial No. 1',!&42! * 2as
act%all3 0%rchased b3 Terr3 Nichols on No1ember 1.8 1,,38 from
Rand3's 7%ntin- and #0ort in Bad A:e8 Michi-an.
&",. ;!&3= 7o003 7eidelber-8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
&&.. ;!&4= Co03 of letter in a%thor's 0ossession.
&&1. ;!&!= @a1id Maranise8 +ierre Thomas8 D/fficials #ee Cons0irac3 of
at (east Fo%r in BlastG +robe Foc%ses on #%s0ect's Ri-ht-Ain- Ties8
-ashington Post8 4R23R,!.
&&2. ;!&"= I&id.
&&3. ;!&&= allas $orning +ews8 "R1!R,!.
&&4. ;!&'= +eter Carlson8 -ashington Post8 3R23R,&.
&&!. ;T= 7artler's letter8 6ones said in his brief8 Dindicates that the
6%stice @e0artment is still searchin- for 6ohn @oe No. 2 and ma3 be
releasin- disinformation to lessen 0%blic 0ress%re to find JhimK.D
&&". ;!&,= Nolan Cla3 and 6ohn +ar)er8 D6ohn @oe 2 #till #o%-ht8 (etter5
#a3s +rosec%tors @o%bt Aitnesses Mista)en8D (he aily !klahoman8
date %n)no2n.
&&&. ;!'.= Ailliam 6as0er8 +ew American8 date %n)no2n.
&&'. ;!'1= Nolan Cla3 and +enn3 /2en8 D'Aac)3 Theories' $nfair8
Mc<ei-h Attorne3 #a3s8D aily !klahoman81.R2,R,". DAe ha1e an
obli-ation to in1esti-ate e1er3thin-8D 7artler told a -ro%0 of bombin-
1ictims. DAnd if 2e find some r%mor or 2hate1er it is8 it ma)es it
into an FB? re0ort.D
&&,. ;!'2= 6ohn Bibson8 inter1ie2 2ith Charles >e3 and <.Y. (a2ton8
M#NBC8 4R2!R,&G <.Y. (a2ton8 inter1ie2s 2ith a%thor.
&'.. ;!'3= +ew York (imes8 12R3R,!.
&'1. ;T= The federal 0rosec%tors' lame e:c%se for confinin- the
e1idence to Mc<ei-h and Nichols 2as to maintain a DdeadlineD set b3
federal -%idelines on 0ro1idin- s0eed3 trials.
&'2. ;!'4= 7arr3 Aallace8 CB# This Mornin-8 1.R1"R,!.
&'3. ;!'!= 6on Ra00a0ort is the a%thor of (he !klahoma %om&ing' (he
)uppressed (ruth ;#anta Monica5 Bl%e +ress8 1,,!=.
&'4. ;!'"= 7o003 7eidelber-8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
&'!. ;!'&= 6.@. Cash8 DNe2 ?n1esti-ation ?nto /)lahoma Cit3 Bombin-
@emanded8D 0u&ilee8 No1R@ec8 1,,!. ?n the Ahite2ater affair8 a s0ecial
federal N%d-e 0anel8 b3 stat%te8 a00ointed an ?nde0endent Co%nsel8
>enneth #tarr8 s%00osed to be se0arate and a0art from the 6%stice
@e0artment. $nder the la28 this 2as s%00osed to ass%re the 0%blic
that there 2o%ld be an Dinde0endentD in1esti-ation of 0ossible hi-h-
le1el criminalit38 not a 2hite-2ash. Mi-%el Rodri-%e 2as re0ortedl3
bloc)ed b3 #tarr and others from 0robin- and callin- inde0endent
2itnesses8 not necessaril3 FB? nor forensic e:0erts beholden to a
0olitical a-enda. All this8 in res0ect to s%s0icions that Ahite 7o%se
de0%t3 co%nsel <incent Foster8 Nr. 2as not reall3 a s%icide b%t
m%rdered. DAhite2ater And The 'R%na2a3' Federal Brand 6%r3D8
#herman 7. #)olnic). *onspiracy +ation8 <ol. !8 No. 3..
&'". ;T= ?t seemed that the 6ohn @oe 2 lead 2as officiall3 dro00ed in
earl3 Ma3. An FB? memo re-ardin- a 6ohn @oe 2 lead instr%cts all FB?
offices5 D?n 1ie2 of the fact that the /)lahoma Command +ost has
directed all offices to hold %ns%b O2 leads in abe3ance8 #an Francisco
2ill cond%ct no f%rther in1esti-ation re-ardin- this lead.D ;1&4A-/C-
!"12. T+R5t0r8 in1esti-ation 2as cond%cted b3 #0ecial A-ent ;#A=
Thomas +. Ra1enelle re-ardin- Richard @ehart8 @/B "R21R"!8 as a
+hoeni: resident and a 0ossible loo)- ali)e for %ns%b O28 dated !R3R,!.=
&'&. ;!''= Redd3 and Ailmsen8 !p *it.
&''. ;!',= @r. +a%l 7eath8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
&',. ;!,.= #haron Cohen8 Associated +ress8 4R2&R,!8 9%oted in
Armstron-8 !p *it8 0. 2&.
&,.. ;T= ?t sho%ld be noted that Mc<ei-h 2as s%00osedl3 on the road
on A0ril 128 tra1elin- from >in-man to 6%nction Cit3.
&,1. ;!,1= Barbara Ahittenber-8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
&,2. ;!,2= 6a3na @a1is8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
&,3. ;!,3= (inda >%hlman and +h3liss >in-sle38 inter1ie2s 2ith a%thor.
&,4. ;!,4= Connie 7ood8 inter1ie2 b3 Blenn Ailb%rn and 6.@. CashG
>eith8 !p *it.8 0. 14&.
&,!. ;!,!= I&id.
&,". ;!,"= Ton3 Boller8 Assistant +roNect Mana-er8 Bood2ill ?nd%stries8
inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
&,&. ;!,&= 6erri-(3nn Bac)ho%s and @orinda 7ermes 8 inter1ie2s 2ith
&,'. ;!,'= >e1in Fl3nn8 DB%ard sa2 2nd tr%c) at b%ildin-5 #tor3 Mirrors
Bombin- Trial Aitness' Acco%nt of Blast @a38D .ocky $ountain +ews8
&,,. ;!,,= Arnold 7amilton8 allas $orning +ews8 11R2&R,!.
'... ;"..= Brian Ford8 DMc<ei-h +laced at >ansas #tore8D (ulsa -orld8
'.1. ;".1= 7amilton8 !p *it.
'.2. ;T= This is the same thin- that Brian Marshall8 the 6ohnn3's Tire
#tore em0lo3ee8 said.
'.3. ;T= @a1id #nider8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor. #nider a00eared to be a
credible 2itness.
'.4. ;".2= Mar) 4dd38 DAitnesses Tell a @ifferent #tor38D en,er Post8
'.!. ;".3= Rodne3 6ohnson8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
'.". ;".4= D#ome Aitnesses (eer3 /f Bombin- Brand 6%r38D aily
!klahoman8 'R1.R,&.
'.&. ;".!= $onterey *ounty Herald8 4R2,R,!8 9%oted in Armstron-8 !p
*it8 0. '.
'.'. ;"."= 6%d3 >%hlman and @iana Bald2in8 DAitnesses #a3
Mc<ei-h Not Alone * Testimon3 +laces 6ohn @oe 28 Another Man Aith
Bomber8D aily !klahoman8 ,R11R,&.
'.,. ;".&= DFB? #earchin- for Third Man in /)lahoma Cit3 Bombin-8D
CNN8 3R1.R,&.
'1.. ;T= DReference lead O1.822.5 Referenced lead O1.822.8 #an
Francisco 2as directed to locate and inter1ie2 (4#T4R #CAN(/N
concernin- his )no2led-e of #T4<4N C/(B4RN. ?n 1ie2 of the fact that
C/(B4RN has been eliminated as a s%s0ect in this matter8 #an
Francisco 2ill cond%ct no f%rther in1esti-ation concernin- lead
O1.822..D ;FB? memo dated !R3R,!.=
'11. ;".'= Cash8 $edia %ypass8 Febr%ar38 1,,"8 !p *it.
'12. ;T= As the 3egal (imes noted5 DAithin ho%rs of landin-8 J@e0%t3 A.
B. Merric)K Barland 2as hit b3 a barra-e of le-al concerns.L ?n
s%bse9%ent da3s8 Barland met 2ith /)lahoma Co%nt3 @istrict Attorne3
Robert Mac38 -entl3 notif3in- him of the 6%stice @e0artment's desire
not to ha1e a local in1esti-ation -oin- on sim%ltaneo%sl3.D
'13. ;".,= Forei-n +olic3 ?nstit%te e:0ert8 confidential inter1ie2 2ith
'14. ;T= The Brad3 R%le and Federal R%le of Criminal +roced%re
1";a=;1=;C= 0ro1ides5 D$0on re9%est of the defendant the -o1ernment
shall 0ermit the defendant to ins0ect and co03 and 0hoto-ra0h8 boo)s8
0a0ers8 doc%ments8 0hoto-ra0hsL 2hich are 2ithin the 0ossession8
c%stod3 or control of the -o1ernment8 and 2hich are material to the
0re0aration of the defendant's defense.LD
'1!. ;"1.= $.#. 1. Mc<ei-h8 Timoth3 Mc<ei-h's +etition for Arit of
Mandam%s8 3R2!R,&.
'1". ;"11= Ambrose 41ans +ritchard8 D<ictims #%e in /)lahoma5 Fi-ht
for Tr%th8D 3ondon )unday (elegraph8 3R23R,&.
'1&. ;"12= 6.@. Cash and 6eff 7ollada38 D@a3 of Blast 'an Amain-
Coincidence8'D $c*urtain "a#ette8 12R1R,!.
'1'. ;"13= +at Brile38 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
'1,. ;T= 6%d-e Matsch 2as not im0ressed 2ith this e1idence. 7e
commented d%rin- trial that there m%st be half a million bl%e BMC
0ic)-%0s 2ith cam0er to0s.
'2.. ;"14= >en Armstron-8 inter1ie2 2ith /)lahoma 7i-h2a3 +atrol8
A%-%st 3.8 1,,!.
'21. ;"1!= Amber McBla%-hlin8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
'22. ;"1"= >en Armstron-8 +o Amatuer id (his ;A0tos8 CA5 Blac)e3e
+ress8 1,,&=.
'23. ;T= The assertion 2as that Mc<ei-h 2as demonstratin- ho2 to
ma)e a Dsha0ed char-e8D 2hich 2o%ld ha1e been im0ossible to ma)e
%sin- !!--allon barrels of ANF/.
'24. ;"1&= Testimon3 of @eborah Bro2n8 $.#. 1. Mc<ei-h. The a%thor
has had 0ersonal e:0erience 2ith metham0hetamine %sers8 and can
1o%ch for the dr%-'s abilit3 to ind%ce 0s3chotic states.
'2!. ;T= ?n fact8 Fortier 2as 1er3 intent d%rin- testimon3 on im0ressin-
%0on the N%r3 that the -%ns from the Moore Drobber3D 2ere stolen8
sa3in- in res0onse to 6ones' cross-e:amination5 DNo8 noI ?'m con1inced
those -%ns 2ere stolenID As 6.@. Cash obser1ed8 Fortier's s%ccessf%l
0lea-bar-ain 2as 0artl3 de0endent on carr3in- that fact for2ard.
'2". ;"1'= 7o003 7eidelber-8 inter1ie2 2ith 6on Ra00a0ort.
'2&. ;T= 41en 6%d-e Matsch 2as forced to tell the N%r35 DCo% sho%ld bear
in mind that a 2itness 2ho has entered into s%ch an a-reement has an
interest in this case different from an3 ordinar3 2itness. A 2itness 2ho
realies that he ma3 be able to obtain his o2n freedom or recei1e a
li-hter sentence b3 -i1in- testimon3 fa1orable to the 0rosec%tion has a
moti1e to testif3 falsel3. Therefore8 3o% m%st e:amine his testimon3
2ith ca%tion and 2ei-h it 2ith -reat care.D
'2'. ;"1,= (he Fi8th Estate8 Fall8 1,,"8 <ol. 318 O2.
'2,. ;"2.= en,er Post8 !R"R,&.
'3.. ;"21= D6%ror's 4motions Aith Cr3in- Aitnesses8D (he )potlight8
'31. ;"22= DNichols' Aife #a3s #he @idn't $nderstand FB? Consent
Form8D CNN8 "R2'R,"
'32. ;"23= >eith8 !p *it.8 0. 3!.
'33. ;"24= Chris 7ansen8 D7is Brother's >ee0er8D @ateline8 1,,!8
9%oted in >eith8 0. 3"G Bob +o0a1itch8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
'34. ;T= Most noticeabl3 the (ulsa -orld8 2hich earned the )nic)-name8
(he (ulsa Pra,da." The aily !klahoman has been called the "aily
0oke7la7homan" b3 locals.
'3!. ;TT= (e1ine also -racio%sl3 re0resented Re0resentati1e >e3 and
se1eral in1esti-ators8 incl%din- the a%thor8 2ho had set %0 a charitable
tr%st to in1esti-ate the bombin-8 for free8 and bro%-ht Chic)en so%0
to the a%thor 2hen he 2as sic).
'3". ;] >eatin- told Bar3 7ar0er d%rin- one of his 2ee)l3 citien chat
sessions that >e3 2as slee0in- 2ith a N%d-e's 2ife. >eatin- also
%ns%ccessf%ll3 tried to find a 0olitical candidate to r%n a-ainst the
0o0%lar !-term Re0resentati1e. As Portland Free Press 0%blisher Ace
7a3es 2rites8 DJ>eatin-K is a 0%re de1otee of ?m0erial #tate 0o2er and
his a00roach is8 'to hell 2ith free s0eech8 free tho%-ht or free
association.' 7e 2ill 0rotect the rich b3 attac)in- 0eo0le no matter
2hat fine 2ords he s2ears an oath to.LD
'3&. ;"2!= Robb3 Trammel and Rand3 4llis8 DCall For Bomb
?n1esti-ation @ebated8D aily !klahoman8 "R2,R,!.
'3'. ;"2"= As 2e ar-%ed 2hen >e3 first set o%t on this co%rse8 the
(e-islat%re and its staff had no b%siness in1esti-atin- the bombin-. ?t
2as8 and is8 0oorl3 e9%i00ed to do so. The same can be said of a 0anel
of local citiens 2ho 2o%ld be as)ed to in1esti-ate one of the most
com0licated cases e1er to come before the co%rts. Cet as (he +ew
American 0ointed o%t8 state le-islat%res are re-%larl3 tas)ed on
im0ortant and sensiti1e in1esti-ations. And the Co%nt3 Brand N%r3H ?s
that not Da 0anel of local citiens8D the same as the Federal Brand N%r3
that ori-inall3 Din1esti-atedD the bombin-H
'3,. ;TT= ?t is interestin- to e:amine the attit%des of the (ulsa -orld
and aily !klahoman in li-ht of their sister 0a0ers in Nebras)a and
Ar)ansas8 t2o other corr%0tion-ridden states. Former Nebras)a #tate
#enator 6ohn @eCam0 in1esti-ated a shoc)in- 0attern of financial
im0ro0rieties8 child ab%se8 and m%rder in his home state. ?n his boo)8
(he Franklin *o,er75p8 @eCam0 e:horts the media to honestl3 re0ort
the facts. B%t8 as @eCam0 notes8 DLthe -orld7Herald9s lon--standin-
0attern of beha1ior is N%st the o00osite. ?f it has an editorial attit%de on
a stor38 its ne2s co1era-e and e1er3 other as0ect of the ne2s0a0er
are m%stered to accent%ate the 0referred side of the iss%e and
s%00ress o00osin- 1ie2s.L DAh3 all this effortH Beca%se8 tra-icall38
the 0eo0le 2ho control the -orld7Herald a00ear to ha1e a stron-
1ested interest in s%00ressin- the tr%th.LD As (he *linton *hronicles
notes 2ith re-ard to Ar)ansas5 DFirst8 the Clintons ha1e 1er3 cle1erl3
mani0%lated and com0romised the 0ress in Ar)ansas8 a small state
2ith onl3 one maNor ne2s0a0er8 the Ar)ansas @emocrat-Baette....
@es0ite re1elations of scandal after scandal re-ardin- the Clintons8 the
Ar)ansas 0ress has been in a state of denial8 0ortra3in- most of the
re1elations as attac)s on the 0eo0le of Ar)ansas themsel1es.D J6ohn A.
@eCam08 (he Franklin *o,er7up' *hild A&use1 )atanism1 and $urder in
+e&raska ;(incoln8 N45 AAT8 ?nc.8 1,,"=8 0.,!G +atric) Matrisciana8 (he
*linton *hronicles8 ;7emet8 CA5 6eremiah Boo)s8 1,,4=8 0. 21.K
'4.. ;"2&= Nolan Cla3 and +enn3 /2en8 D'Aac)3 Theories' $nfair8
Mc<ei-h Attorne3 #a3s8D aily !klahoman81.R2,R,".
'41. ;T= #hortl3 after >e3 and Ailb%rn dre2 %0 their 0etition to
im0anel the -rand N%r38 a bill 2as introd%ced in the #tate (e-islat%re to
chan-e the -rand N%r3 0etitionin- 0rocess.
'42. ;"2'= Mar) #anford8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
'43. ;"2,= 41en +almer admitted that the stat%tes 2ere limited as to
2hat 6%d-e /2ens co%ld do or ho2 he co%ld inter0ret the la2.
'44. ;T= The Co%nt3 didn't 0ossess the reso%rces and f%nds8 +almer
re0lied8 to 0%rs%e s%ch a bi- case. Besides8 she 0leaded8 the
Din1esti-ationD 2as alread3 Dcom0lete8D bein- a Dthoro%-h
in1esti-ationD from Dse1eral different federal a-encies.D; +almer
claimed a Co%nt3 Brand 6%r3 2o%ld DNeo0ardie the Federal case.D The
federal -a- order 0re1ents inter1ie2in- 0ros0ecti1e 2itnesses8 she
claimed. #anford co%ntered that there 2o%ld be no interference 2ith
the federal case as lon- as the3 2ere inter1ie2in- 2itnesses and
s%s0ects that federal 0rosec%tors i-nored8 2hich seem to be in
'4!. ;"3.= Moore8 !p *it.8 0. 14..
'4". ;"31= @istrict Attorne3 Bob Mac38 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
'4&. ;"32= Re0. Charles >e38 inter1ie2s 2ith a%thor.
'4'. ;"33= @iana Bald2in and 6%d3 >%hlman8 DCo%rt Filin-s #to0
Bombin- Testimon3 of +ostal Aor)er8D aily !klahoman8 ,R,R,&.
'4,. ;"34= Rita Cosb38 F/E Ne2s8 4R4R,&.
'!.. ;"3!= ?nter1ie2 2ith 6a3na @a1is. Mac3's Assistant @As 2ho
handled that case 2ere 6ohn Farel3 and 6ane Bro2n.
'!1. ;"3"= aily !klahoman8 'R14R,&.
'!2. ;TT= DThe3're comin- %0 2ith a s%bstit%te for 0roof8D said @en1er
defense attorne3 (arr3 +oner. DThe3're softenin- the N%r3 %0 2ith
emotional testimon3 abo%t the bombin- and Mc<ei-h's 0olitics. The3're
sa3in-8 'Ae'll -i1e 3o% e1er3 reason in the 2orld to hate Tim Mc<ei-h.'D
;>e1in Fl3nn8 D#oftenin- the 6%r38D .ocky $ountain +ews8 !R'R,&.=
'!3. ;"3&= DThe C?A S The Media8D .olling )tone8 1.R2.R&&8 cited in
Mar) Ye0ea%er8 (he *IA9s "reatest Hits8 1,,4.
'!4. ;"3'= Mar) #anford8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thorG Ailliam 6as0er8 D/>C
?n1esti-ator $nder Attac)8 D +ew American8 "R23R,&.
'!!. ;"3,= Brian Ford8 DF%nd-Rasin- +robed5 6%r3 (oo)s into 4fforts
of Re0. Charles >e38D (ulsa -orld8 !R"R,&.
'!". ;"4.= 6as0er8 !p *it.
'!&. ;T= 6%st as the letter is a sham mas9%eradin- as an honest
res0onse from bombin- s%r1i1ors8 @re2 4dmondson Jand Fran)
>eatin-K are s%b-h%man 0ieces of effl%1ia mas9%eradin- as h%man
'!'. ;T= Nor the re2ards of 0olitical office and bribes.
'!,. ;"41= I&id.
'".. ;"42= Brian Ford8 DMc<ei-h +laced at >ansas #tore8D(ulsa -orld8
'"1. ;T= Fort%natel38 the smear tacticians 2eren't s%ccessf%l at
dis%adin- e1er3one from the tr%th. ?n a CNNR$#A T/@ACRBA(($+ 0oll
cond%cted in A0ril of 1,,"8 "' 0ercent of those s%r1e3ed said the3
didn't a-ree that all of the s%s0ects ha1e been ca0t%red.
'"2. ;T= The b%ildin- 2as demolished beca%se officials claimed it 2as
an e3esore8 an errie reminder of that tra-ic da3. Cet a%thorities made
no effort to remo1e the charred8 t2isted8 -%tted remains of the
Athenian Resta%rant directl3 across the street8 2hich to this da3 still
stands as a shoc)in- mon%ment to the br%talit3 of the bombin-.
'"3. ;T= Accordin- to a 1,'' BA/ ;Beneral Acco%ntin- /ffice= re0ort8
the Federal B%ildin- 2as not a DsafeD 0lace to install a da3 care center.
Alle-edl3 based on the 1,'3 0lot b3 2hite s%0remacist Richard Aa3ne
#nell ;C#A member and friend of Robert Millar= to bomb the facilit38 the
re0ort concl%ded that a da3 care center sho%ld not be 0laced inside
the M%rrah B%ildin-. DNo federal la2 enforcement a-ents 2ho 2or)ed
in the b%ildin-8 incl%din- the BATF8 #ecret #er1ice8 and the @4A8 e1er
had an3 of their children in the M%rrah's da3 care centerL e1er8D said
'"4. ;T= #mith com0lained that 2hen she a00ears on local radio sho2s8
it seems to her that Dmore 0eo0le aro%nd here no2 hate me than li)e
me... +eo0le that don't 2ant to thin) that the -o1ernment 2o%ld do
s%ch a thin-.D
'"!. ;"43= Blenn Ailb%rn8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
'"". ;"44= >ath3 Ailb%rn and 4d3e #mith8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
'"&. ;"4!= DTested b3 Fire8D People ma-aine8 date %n)no2n8 9%oted in8
Bene Aheaton8 DAnother B%sh Bo38D Portland Free Press1 0uly <EEF.
>eatin- stated8 DThe leftists ? dealt 2ith 2o%ld ne1er consider
themsel1es 0atriots8 and the3 had contem0t for the -o1ernment.
The ri-ht-2in- cro2d has contem0t for the -o1ernment8 and 3et see
themsel1es as 0atriots. ?t's a c%rio%s anomal38 b%t both of them are
1er3 similar.D
'"'. ;T= DBeca%se of m3 3o%thf%l a00earance8 ? did %nderco1er 2or) on
the Ber)ele3 cam0%s8D >eatin- said. The assi-nment dissol1ed shortl3
after >eatin- attended a Blac) +anther rall3. A federal informant 2ho
later identified 0eo0le at the 0rotest too) one loo) at a 0hoto of
>eatin- and m%ttered8 DThat's a 0i-.D ;!klahoma "a#ette8 ,R2"R,&=
'",. ;T= >eatin- also 0resided o1er the federal 0rison s3stem. 7is 2ife8
Cath38 is a cons%ltant to 5.). +ews 6 -orld .eport8 a ma-aine that
often ser1es as an or-an of blac) 0ro0a-anda.
'&.. ;"4"= Bene Aheaton8 DAnother B%sh Bo38D Portland Free Press8
6%l3 1,,!.
'&1. ;"4&= Ace 7a3es8 letter to a%thor.
'&2. ;"4'= @e0osition of Ailliam C. @%ncan8 co03 in a%thor's
'&3. ;T= ?nterestin-l38 MenaR?ran-Contra 0la3er Ra3mond DB%dd3D
Co%n-8 the former Ar)ansas #tate +olice Ca0tain 2ho told A@FA director
(arr3 Nichols he 2as a Ddead manD if he did not dro0 his s%it a-ainst
Clinton8 2as a00ointed director of F4MA's ;Federal 4mer-enc3
Mana-ement A-enc3= Re-ion ?< 0ost b3 Clinton. F4MA 0la3ed a
si-nificant coordination role in the aftermath of the /)lahoma Cit3
bombin-. Aas Co%n- -i1en the F,.8...-a-3ear Nob to )ee0 his mo%th
'&4. ;TT= ?n fact8 Aheaton s%--ested that >eatin- is bein- -roomed for
the 2... 0residential Jor 1ice-0residentialK candidac3.
'&!. ;] The same reason for demolishin- the Federal B%ildin- 2as
-i1en for demolishin- the b%ildin-s at Aaco5 D#afet3 concerns.D Cet the
Aaco b%ildin-s 2ere miles from an32here. F%rthermore8 an architect
2ho ins0ected the Federal B%ildin- soon after the bombin- said there
2as no immediate dan-er. B%t8 accordin- to @a1id 7all8 o2ner of >+/C-
T< in +onca Cit38 /)lahoma8 this architect 2as later D0ers%adedD to
chan-e his o0inion.
'&". ;"4,= Ailliam 6as0er8 +ew American8 date %n)no2n.
'&&. ;"!.= Affida1it of Neil 7artle3.
'&'. ;"!1= Melissa >linin-8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
'&,. ;"!2= Ann @omin8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
''.. ;"!3= Ra00a0ort8 !p *it.
''1. ;"!4= 7o003 7eidelber-8 inter1ie2 2ith 6on Ra00a0ort.
''2. ;T= ?n fact8 man3 times that ? ha1e s0o)en to 7eidelber-8 ? co%ld
hear the distincti1e clic)s of a ta00ed 0hone.
''3. ;TT= DThe3 sent another team o%t on /ctober 2.8D added
7eidelber-. DA-ents Marr3 6%dd and @a1e #2anson. DThe3 said 'do 3o%
)no2 ho2 m%ch tro%ble 3o%'re inH'8 and ? said '2ell8 a00arentl3 not8'
and ? N%st la%-hed at them li)e ?'m la%-hin- no2 ;b%rsts o%t la%-hin-=.
And the3 don't )no2 2hat the hell to do 2ith that. Ahat do 3o% do 2ith
a -%3 that N%st la%-hs at 3o%HD
''4. ;"!!= 7o003 7eidelber-8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
''!. ;"!"= Timoth3 Mc<ei-h's +etition for Arit of Mandam%s8 3R2!R,&8
00. &1-&2.
''". ;T= 6im Barrison8 !n the (rail o8 the Assassins ;Aarner Boo)s8
1,''=8 0.2!2. ?n 1,,38 shortl3 before <ince Foster's bod3 2as fo%nd at
Fort Marc3 +ar)8 +atric) >no2lton sa2 a car 2ith a s%s0icio%s loo)in-
character. 7e informed the FB?8 b%t later com0lained that the their
renderin- of his testimon3 2as inacc%rate. After he 2as s%b0oenaed b3
>enneth #tarr's Ahite2ater committee8 he 2as stal)ed and intimidated
b3 cars 2ith license 0lates re-istered to the $.#. -o1ernment.
''&. ;"!&= +ewsweek re0orter8 confidential inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
'''. ;"!'= @ebra B%rdic)8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
'',. ;"!,= @e0osition of 6ane C. Braham8 &R2.R,&G #tatement of 6ane
Braham8 11R1!R,".
',.. ;"".= #haron Cohen8 Associated +ress8 4R2"R,!G Brian @%ff38 DThe
Manh%nt5 T2istin- Trail8D 5.). +ews 6 -orld .eport8 !R'R,!.
',1. ;""1= Bill 6as0er8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
',2. ;T= Mac)e3 also acc%sed @a1is of tellin- a bartender in @en1er
that Mc<ei-h 2as in the room. @a1is denied it.
',3. ;""2= Testimon3 of 6ohn 6effre3 @a1is8 $.#. 1. Mc<ei-h.
',4. ;""3= Timoth3 Mc<ei-h's +etition for Arit of Mandam%s8 3R2!R,"8
0. 3".
',!. ;T= @%rin- the +an Am 1.3 in1esti-ation8 a%thorities attem0ted to
coerce a ci1ilian searcher into si-nin- a statement that he had
disco1ered a 0iece of microchi0 on 2hich the -o1ernment's theor3
hin-ed. ?n fact8 the searcher 2as bro%-ht a ba- of 1ario%s
%nidentified com0onents and as)ed to si-n the statement8 e1entho%-h
he 2asn't s%re he had fo%nd the items.
',". ;""4= 6.@. Cash8 $c*urtain "a#ette8 9%oted in B.C. #0echt8
DMinistr3 of '#lic) 6%stice' #cores Bi- Co%08D 0osted on ?nternet8
',&. ;""!= R3an Ross8 DFinal Aitness Before 4:0losion * T2o Men in
Tr%c)8 Neither 2as Mc<ei-hHD igital *ity en,er +ews8 !R23R,&G Adrian
Croft8 D/)lahoma Cit3 Bombin- Trial Ta)es @ramatic T2ist8D Re%ter8
','. ;"""= @iana Bald2in and 4d Bodfre38 D#i-htin- Acco%nts @iffer *
Brand 6%r3 Aitnesses +%t Bomber in 2 +laces8D aily !klahoman8
',,. ;""&= Re0. Charles >e38 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor8 acco%nt of
inter1ie2 2ith Bar3 (e2is.
,... ;T= 7eath called the a-ent's s%0er1isor and com0lained8 then8
2hen he as)ed ho2 he co%ld fill o%t a Freedom of ?nformation Act
re9%est to see 2hat the FB? had said abo%t him8 2as told the3 didn't
)no2 2here he co%ld -et one. Ahen he 2ent to the FB? office8 he 2as
reb%ffed once a-ain. After he finall3 -ot the F/?A filled o%t8 he recei1ed
2ord ". da3s later that his re9%est 2as denied.
,.1. ;""'= @r. +a%l 7eath8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
,.2. ;"",= @a1id >een and Connie 7ood8 inter1ie2 b3 6.@. Cash8 ta0e
transcribed b3 a%thor.
,.3. ;T= This 2as ori-inall3 re0orted on the maNor net2or)s8 then
retracted as a Dradar anomal3.D
,.4. ;"&.= Roberts8 !p *it.8 0. 311. +art of Roberts' c%rrent assi-nment
as a liaison officer to an Air Force Reser1e fi-hter s9%adron entails
anal3in- s%rface-to-air threats.
,.!. ;"&1= ABC Aorld Ne2s #%nda38 .&R21R,".
,.". ;"&2= +ew York aily +ews8 11R.,R,"8 9%oted in I&id.
,.&. ;"&3= El8therotypia8 Athens8 .'R23R,". ?an Ailliams Boddard8 DThe
<eracit3 of the R%ssell Re0ort8D 11R2.R,"8 0osted on ?nternet. Boddard
is the a%thor of the boo)8 (he owning o8 (-A Flight B==.
,.'. ;"&4= I&id.
,.,. ;"&!= @a1id F%l-h%m8 DANB +ilot5 6et b3 /bNect8D A,iation -eek
6 )pace (echnology8 3R1.R,"8 9%oted in Boddard8 DTAA '.. Missile
Theor35 #ton-er Than 41er8D b 1,,&.
,1.. ;"&"= DRe0ort5 +ilot #a2 +roNectile Near 6et8D Associated +ress8
,11. ;"&&= 4. +hilli0s8 +. Mann8 DTerrorist Fears @ee0en 2ith &4&'s
@estr%ction8D A,iation -eek 6 )pace (echnology8 &R22R,"8 9%oted in
Boddard8 !p *it.
,12. ;"&'= Associated +ress8 &R2.R,&8 9%oted in Ailliam F. 6as0er8 DAhat
7a00ened to TAA '..HD (he +ew American8 1.R'R,".
,13. ;"&,= @a1id F%l-h%m8 DANB 43e2itnesses ReNect Missile Theor38D
A,iation -eek 6 )pace (echnology8 &R2,R,"8 9%oted in Boddard8 !p
,14. ;"'.= 6oe #e:ton8 DBehind a Calm Facade ?n1esti-ation 4mbodied
Chaos8 @istr%st8 #tress8D +ew York (imes8 'R23R,"8 9%oted in Boddard8
,1!. ;T= (t. Comdr. Rob Ne2ell8 a Na13 s0o)esman at the +enta-on8
said the Na13's onl3 aircraft in the area 2as a +-3 /rion anti-s%bmarine
0lane8 2hich does not carr3 missiles.
,1". ;"'1= (etter to @a1id 7endri:8 Ri1erside8 CA8 Press Enterprise from
C?NC(ANTF(T ;Commander in Chief Atlantic Fleet=8 +%blic Affairs office8
'R3.R,"8 9%oted in Roberts8 !p *it.8 0. 324-2!.
,1&. ;"'2= +at Milton8 D#alin-er #tic)s B3 Missile Theor3 Ahile Feds
#hoot ?t @o2n8D Associated +ress8 11R,R,".
,1'. ;"'3= Minton8 !p *it.
,1,. ;"'4= Bo Brit8 *enter For Action $onthly +ewsletter 8<ol. " No 118
6%ne8 1,,&.
,2.. ;"'!= D#onar Finds $nder2ater Arec)a-e8D 3exington Herald7
3eader8 &R21R,"8 9%oted in ?an Ailliams Boddard8 DTAA '..
?n1esti-ation Co1er-$05 The +roof8D &R2"R,&8 0osted on ?nternet.
,21. ;"'"= Ronald A. (e2is8 D$nci1il Air AarD ;The #hootdo2n of TAA
Fli-ht '..=8D Air Forces $onthly8 No. 1.48 No1ember 1,,"8 9%oted in
).A.F.A.+. Internet +ewsletter8 No. 2138 12R21R,".
,22. ;T= Another stor3 that circ%lated amon- the 0ress for a time
re0orted that the @4A8 alon- 2ith C%stoms8 the National B%ard8 and
the Coast B%ard8 2ere 0racticin- ho2 to shoot do2n dr%--sm%--lin-
0lanes 2ith #AMs ;s%rface-to-air missiles=. The +-3's Nob 2as to dro0
2hite 0hos0horo%s flares8 called Aillie +eters8 to %se as tar-ets.
Accordin- to some re0orts8 the C-13. 2as seen dro00in- 2hite
0hos0horo%s 0arach%te flares before TAA '.. 2ent do2n. ?f this is
tr%e8 2ere the flares bein- dro00ed as 0art of a tar-et e:ercise for
heat-see)in- missilesH /r had C-13. been alerted to a 0ossible missile
threat and dro00ed flares to di1ert missiles from tar-etin- it and other
aircraft in the areaH
,23. ;"'&= 6as0er8 !p *it.
,24. ;"''= A. Michael +itcher8 DFa: Bi1es Blim0se of Crash
?n1esti-ation8D(he )outhampton Press8 &R24R,&8 9%oted in ?an Ailliams
Boddard8 DNa13 Missile @rone @ebris Fo%nd at TAA Crash #iteHD
.&R2'R,&8 0osted on ?nternet.
,2!. ;"',= ?ndeed8 a maNor terrorism s%mmit s0onsored b3 Tehran in
6%ne of 1,," sa2 dele-ates from Af-hanistan8 +a)istan8 ?ra98 #a%di
Arabia8 and other Mid-4ast and African states8 as 2ell as Bosnia-
7ere-o1ina8 Berman38 France8 Britain8 Canada8 and the $.#. come
to-ether to form a Noint 2or)in- committee %nder the command of the
ne2 7ibAllah ?nternational * transformin- that -ro%0 into Dthe
1an-%ard of the re1ol%tionD of the M%slim 2orld.
,2". ;",.= M%rra3 Aeiss8 DTAA +robers5 Missile Aitnesses 'Credible8'D
+ew York Post8 ,R22R,".
,2&. ;",1= Michael @. To2le8 DMissile $nli)el38 b%t not R%led /%t in
Crash8D Fort -orth )tar7(elegram8 &R2.R,".
,2'. ;",2= D$.#. Aorries /1er Missiles it Ba1e Af-han Rebels5 $.#.
Concerned that #tin-er Anti-aircraft Missiles Co%ld Bet into the Aron-
7ands8D +ew York (imes8 4R2&R,2G DAs Af-han Aar F%ndin- @ries $08
Aea0ons Flood +a)istani Mar)et8D *hristian )cience $onitor8 1R'R,2G
DAf-han Rebel Bars Ret%rn of $.#. #tin-ersD ;?slamic +art3 of C%nis
>halis=8 +ew York (imes8 3R14R',G n%mero%s other articles re0orted
,2,. ;",3= (etter from Rodne3 #tich to #enator Arlen #0ecter8
1.R2.R,!8 0osted on ?nternet.
,3.. ;",4= ?n the late 1,&.s8 t2o Rhodesian airliners 2ere re0ortedl3
shot do2n b3 R%ssian #A-&s. ?n 1,'"8 a #%dan Air2a3s Net 2as shot
do2n b3 a #AM. And in #e0tember of 1,,38 Ab)haian se0aratists of
the e:-#o1iet re0%blic of Beor-ia shot do2n three T%-134 and T%-1!4
airliners %sin- sho%lder-fired #AMs from boats o%t on the Blac) #ea.
The FB? 2as ad1ised that small missiles s%ch as the R%ssian #A-14
Bremlin8 #A-1" Bimlet and #A-1' Bro%se8 are e9%i00ed 2ith
D0ro0ortional con1er-ence lo-icD s3stems sensiti1e eno%-h to home in
on airframe radiation once it nears its tar-et.
,31. ;",!= To2le8 !p *it.
,32. ;","= 6as0er8 !p *it.
,33. ;",&= Aeiss8 !p *it.
,34. ;",'= -ashington (imes8 12R1&R,".
,3!. ;",,= Allen8 !p *it.
,3". ;&..= Ailliam 6as0er8 +ew American8 date %n)no2n.
,3&. ;&.1= I&id.
,3'. ;T= 7e said the3 made %0 a bo-%s com0laint abo%t him
threatenin- a re0orter. ? s0o)e to that re0orter and disco1ered the
com0laint 2as false.
,3,. ;&.2= +a%l W%ear3 D/)lahoma 7ero Commits #%icide8D Associated
+ress8 !R13R,".
,4.. ;T= Accordin- to Ri1era8 the recalcitrant 0olice officer 2as forced
into ma)in- a 0%blic ser1ice anno%ncement 2ith Bo1ernor >eatin-. D7e
2as told he'd ma)e that or he 2as fired8D said Ri1era. The officer the3
sent to Aashin-ton to acce0t an a2ard on behalf of the /C+@8 he told
Ri1era8 2asn't e1en at the siteI
,41. ;T= Cea)e3 2as also an-r3 beca%se he co%ldn't -et access to his
o2n re0ort abo%t the bombin- ;2hich n%mbered bet2een ,-1. 0a-es=.
D7e 2as in a f%ll-fled-ed ram0a-e o1er the re0ort8D said Ri1era8 2hom
he 2o%ldn't e1en sho2 it to.
,42. ;&.3= C0t. Ted Carlton8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
,43. ;T= ?nterestin-l38 Cea)e3's s%0eriors8 MaNor $0ch%rch and (t.
Randall8 accordin- to Ri1era8 2ere claimin- Cea)e3 2as Ddel%sionalD
from the bac) inN%r3 he s%stained d%rin- his fall in the M%rrah B%ildin-
on A0ril 1,.
,44. ;&.4= /)lahoma Cit3 Medical 4:aminer's Re0ort8 co03 in a%thor's
0ossessionG @r. (arr3 Baldin- and @r. Fred 6ordan8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
The3 said the dr%- test costs bet2een F4.. and F!.. dollars.
,4!. ;&.!= Re0ort of M4 in1esti-ator 6effre3 A. (e--8 CM4-1 Re0ort8
co03 in a%thor's 0ossession.
,4". ;T= #e1eral Medical 4:aminers e:0lained that it is not %ncommon
for an indi1id%al to attem0t s%icide b3 one method8 then contin%e to
ta)e additional meas%res %ntil the3 are dead. #an Francisco's M4 told
me abo%t a man 2ho8 %0on disco1erin- he had A?@#8 tried to han-
himself8 then thre2 himself off the balcon3. +erha0s Terrance Cea)e3
2as not satisfied 2ith his alle-ed attem0ts to slash himself. As @r. Fred
6ordan8 /)lahoma's Chief Medical 4:aminer e:0lained8 D?t h%rts8 and
nothin- m%ch is ha00enin-.D
,4&. ;&."= This 2as 1erified b3 school officials.
,4'. ;&.&= The harassment and s%r1eillance on Ri1era and the rest of
the famil3 2as confirmed b3 <ic)i 6ones8 and her h%sband8 Re1erend
Blenn 6ones. Re1erend 6ones told me that Ri1era had come to them
se1eral times DfranticD that she 2as bein- tailed and harassed. <ic)i
sa2 e1idence of the brea)-ins at Ri1era's a0artment.
,4,. ;&.'= Ta3lor recalled the incident for this a%thor. DThere's onl3 a
fe2 times in m3 life that ? remember that somebod3 had done
somethin- 2eird li)e that8 and that's 2h3 ? 2rote it do2n.D
,!.. ;&.,= Tonia-Ri1era Cea)e38 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor. The3 had at one
time been friends8 she e:0lained8 b%t had a fallin--o%t in 1,,28 and
had remained a0art e1er since. Ri1era attem0ted to hire an attorne3 to
brin- a #lander s%it a-ainst 6im Ramse38 based on the false alle-ations
of his death. No local attorne3 2o%ld acce0t it.
,!1. ;&1.= /C+@ @etecti1e M%lline:8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
,!2. ;&11= Re-ardin- Ri1era's so%rce8 she claimed he )ne2 thin-s
abo%t her that no one co%ld 0ossibl3 ha1e )no2n. D7e sat there and
told me abo%t st%ff ? hadn't told an3bod38D 2hich incl%ded brea)-ins at
her a0artment.
,!3. ;&12= /fficer Mi)e Ramse38 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
,!4. ;&13= This findin- is based on the testimon3 of a former 0olice
officer and Marine sni0er.
,!!. ;T= This f%neral home8 c%rio%sl3 eno%-h8 has been mi:ed %0 in
some rather stran-e incidents.
,!". ;&14= >aren <on T.8 letter to a%thor.
,!&. ;&1!= The a%thor )no2s the name of this indi1id%al8 b%t cannot
release it at this time.
,!'. ;&1"= #ha%n 6ones8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
,!,. ;&1&= FAA re0ort8 co03 in a%thor's 0ossession. ?n1esti-ators and
0ilots ?'1e tal)ed to indicated 1ario%s 2a3s a 0lane can be ri--ed to
crash8 incl%din- tam0erin- 2ith the f%el -a%-e so it reads f%ll 2hen
em0t38 and 0%ttin- a corrosi1e acid on the control cables.
,".. ;&1'= Mi)e 41ett8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
,"1. ;&1,= Clint Boehler8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor. ?nterestin-l38 Boehler
2o%ld later disco%nt the m%rder scenario of 0olice officer Terrance
Cea)e38 des0ite o1er2helmin- e1idence that Cea)e3 2as m%rdered.
,"2. ;&2.= Christo0her C. (3ons8 DThe Ahite2ater FAW5 @eaths S
?nN%ries8D 1,,"8 0osted on ?nternet.
,"3. ;&21= 6ohn @e Cam08 (he Franklin *o,er75pM FAA re0ort8 co03 in
a%thor's 0ossession.
,"4. ;&22= Medical 4:aminer's re0ort8 'R!R,&8 b3 @r. Fred 6ordan8 co03
in a%thor's 0ossession.
,"!. ;T= 7e 2as 2earin- a t-shirt inscribed5 DNameless #aints Ae Bi1e
/%r Than)s * The h%ndreds of 0eo0le that -i1e it their all 2itho%t
0ersonal indi1id%al ac)no2led-ment8 A0ril 1,8 1,,!8 /)lahoma Cit38
,"". ;&23= @an Richardson8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
,"&. ;TT= 7is 0artner 2as ATF a-ent 7arr3 4berhardt.
,"'. ;&24= 6ohn Michael 6ohnston8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
,",. ;&2!= Al Martin on the Tom <alentine sho28 date %n)no2n. The
a%thor has inter1ie2ed Martin e:tensi1el3.
,&.. ;&2"= Crai- Roberts and 6ohn Armstron-8 0F:' (he ead -itnesses
;T%lsa8 /)lahoma5 Consolidated +ress ?nt'l8 1,,!=8 00. iii-1ii8 1&3-&".
,&1. ;&2&= @'Ferdinand Carone8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor. Carone 2as
s%bse9%entl3 threatened b3 anon3mo%s tele-ram after ? inter1ie2ed
her on m3 radio sho28 >7NC8 @en1er8 American Freedom Net2or).
,&2. ;T= The onl3 mainstream media 2ho ha1e made some effort to
re0ort the tr%th ha1e been CNN8 the allas $orning +ews8 the en,er
Post8 F/E Ne2s8 and ABC 2.R2.. $nfort%natel38 the information 2.R2.
0resented onl3 co1ered limited as0ects of 0rior )no2led-e b3 the
-o1ernment. >F/R8 the onl3 station that has co1ered the Middle
4astern connection8 ceased their re0ortin- 2hen the3 2ere bo%-ht o%t
b3 the Ne2 Cor) Times Broadcastin- Com0an3.
,&3. ;T= +otts 2as later ta)en off the case d%e to the heat from the
R%b3 Rid-e incident.
,&4. ;T= As a sideline8 the FB? and @/6 occasionall3 arrest and
0rosec%te real criminals.
,&!. ;&2'= Rael 6ean ?saac8 DAb%si1e 6%stice5 6anet Reno's @irt3
#ecret8D +ational .e,iew8 "R3.R,&.
,&". ;T= ?n 1,'48 Reno 0rosec%ted Brant #no2den8 Miami's 1,'3 +olice
/fficer of the Cear8 2hose 2ife ran a da3-care center. #no2den had
threatened to re0ort a father 2hose son sho2ed %0 2ith br%ises. The
man retaliated b3 acc%sin- #no2den of the ab%se. The case 2as finall3
dro00ed 2hen the 0s3chiatrist e:aminin- the bo3 re1ealed that the
father had coerced the child into 0erN%r3. Reno 0er1ser1ered8 ho2e1er8
brin-in- in t2o self-st3led child-ab%se e:0erts * 6ose0h and (a%rie
Bra-a * to elicit the re9%ired testimon3 from the latest 1ictim that
Reno's office had t%rned %0. #no2den 2as ac9%itted. Ma)in- -ood on
her 0romise to tr3 #no2den one child at a time %ntil there 2as a
con1iction8 Reno 0%shed ahead. Ahile the latest child 2as not e1en
able to identif3 #no2den in co%rt8 the N%d-e allo2ed the testimon3
from the 0re1io%s t2o children ;e1entho%-h #no2den 2as fo%nd to be
innocent=8 e:cl%ded testimon3 of #no2den's fla2less record8 and
sentenced him to sec%re fi1e consec%ti1e life sentences.; These cases8
altho%-h hi-hl3 mani0%lated b3 -o1ernment 0rosec%tors8 sho%ld not
be ta)en as an inference that child-ab%se8 incl%din- rit%al child ab%se8
does not occ%r8 as some media 0%ndits ha1e tried to s%--est.
,&&. ;TT= Reno had 0re1io%sl3 dis0la3ed her concern for children 2hen
se1eral da3s earlier8 t2o men 2ho had dri1en all da3 and all ni-ht from
?ndiana to brin- bab3 food to the children at Aaco 2ere arrested.
,&'. ;&2,= Thom0son8 !p *it.
,&,. ;TT= (etter from Re0. 6ames Traficant to members of Con-ress8
4R1!R,&8 co03 in a%thor's 0ossession. Traficant introd%ced a bill ;7.R.
",2= that see)s the a00ointment of an inde0endent co%nsel to
in1esti-ate cases of @/6 miscond%ct. The bill is 0endin- as of this
,'.. ;T= As the Con-ressional committee 0robin- the ?nsla2 affair later
2rote5 DThe enhanced +R/M?# soft2are 2as stolen b3 hi-h le1el 6%stice
officials and distrib%ted internationall3 in order to 0ro1ide financial -ain
to @r. Brian and to f%rther intelli-ence and forei-n 0olic3 obNecti1es of
the $nited #tates.D
,'1. ;&3.= Ratiner 2as then 0aid F12.8... o1er the ne:t fi1e 3ears on
the condition that he not 0ractice la2 d%rin- that time. Former Mossad
a-ent Ari Ben-Menashe claimed he 0ersonall3 sa2 a cable from ?srael's
6oint Committee to the $.#.8 re9%estin- that F"..8... be transferred
from the C?A-?sraeli sl%sh f%nd to 7adron to 0a3 Rariner. Former
National #ec%rit3 Ad1isor Robert DB%dD McFarlane had sold +R/M?# to
the ?sraelis.
,'2. ;&31= Rodne3 #tich8 e8rauding America ;Alamo8 CA5 @iablo
Aestern +ress8 1,,4=8 00. 3&1-,&.
,'3. ;&32= %arron9s8 3R21R''. As 6%d-e Bason 2rote8 D? ha1e come to
belie1e that m3 non-rea00ointement as ban)r%0tc3 N%d-e 2as the
res%lt of im0ro0er infl%ence from 2ithin the 6%stice @e0artment 2hich
the c%rrent a00ointment 0rocess failed to 0re1ent.D
,'4. ;&33= #tich8 !p *it.8 00. 3&&-&'.
,'!. ;T= I&id.8 00. 3,4-,!. #herman #)olnic) and Mar) #ato of Chica-o's
Citiens Committee to Clean $0 the Co%rts filed a la2s%it a-ainst B%a
and >ni-ht8 char-in- them 2ith obstr%ction of 6%stice. The3 informed
B%a that the3 2ere -oin- to circ%m1ent the s0ecial 0rosec%tor and
0resent e1idence to the -rand N%r3 themsel1es. B%a re0lied that he
2o%ld hold them in contem0t. D? do not intend to 0rosec%te an3one8D
he told them.
,'". ;T= Those 2ithin the @/6 2ho had an interest in co1erin- %0
Casolaro's death 2ere 9%ic) to 0oint o%t that the in1esti-ati1e re0orter
s%ffered from M%lti0le #clerosis8 and 2as therefore des0ondent.
?nterestin-l38 7artler also s%ffers from M%lti0le #clerosis. ?n his letter
to @2ire8 he adds5 DThe more the im0licit connection bet2een Mr.
Casolaro's M%lti0le #clerosis and his s%icide ma3 create too dire a
0ict%re of M%lti0le #clerosis. That lin)a-e in1ites readers to cl%c) 2ith
0it3 and nod )no2in-l3 abo%t the 0res%mabl3 de1astatin- effect of
M%lti0le #clerosis.L ? tr%st that if Ms. Reno8 Ms. Borlic) and Mr. #mith
are not alread3 familiar 2ith M#8 3o% 2ill offer them this note of
balance and ass%re them that M%lti0le #clerosis flo%rishes e1en in the
6%stice @e0artment and e:0ects no 0it3.D
,'&. ;&34= Robert #chmidt8 D(o2 >e38 7i-h +ress%re8D 3egal (imes8
,''. ;T= (ei-hton 2as the secret attorne3 for (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald.
,',. ;&3!= DAn ?rrestibale Case8D +ewsweek8 'R14R,!.
,,.. ;&3"= #chmidt8 !p *it. 6%stice @e0artment officials sa3 7artler's
disabilit3 0la3ed no role in his selection.
,,1. ;&3&= I&id.
,,2. ;&3'= #herman #)olnic)8 *onspiracy +ation8 date %n)no2n.
,,3. ;T= ?t has also been s0ec%lated that Richardson 2as the Assistant
$.#. Attorne3 2ho 2as 0ro1idin- information to Tonia Ri1era-Cea)e3
abo%t the m%rder of her e:-h%sband8 thro%-h an intermediar3.
Accordin- to Richardson's brother @an8 Ted had a stable8 lo1in-
relationshi0 2ith his 2ife8 6%lie8 and adored his children. @an told me
his brother had no reason to commit s%icide. 7e 2as alle-edl3
s%fferin- from D2or) 0ress%re.D
,,4. ;&3,= The committee noted5 DRiconosci%to stated that a ta0e
recordin- of the tele0hone threat 2as confiscated b3 @4A a-ents at the
time of Riconosci%to's arrest.L the timin- of the arrest8 co%0led 2ith
Mr. Riconosci%to's alle-ations that ta0es of a tele0hone con1ersation
he had 2ith Mr. <idenie)s 2ere confiscated b3 @4A a-ents8 raises
serio%s 9%estions concernin- 2hether the @e0artment's 0rosec%tion of
Mr. Riconosci%to 2as related to his coo0eration 2ith the committee.
,,!. ;&4.= The -o1ernment also attem0ted to destro3 Ailliam Chase38
a%thor of (he 3ocker&ie *o,er75p.
,,". ;&41= I&id.
,,&. ;&42= 6ohn Ashton8 D$# Bo1ernment #till on Ro0es /1er
(oc)erbie8D (he $ail on )unday8 "R,R,".
,,'. ;&43= >e1in Fl3nn8 DTestimon3 Bloc)ed at Trial of Mc<ei-h8D .ocky
$ountain +ews8 &R14R,&.
,,,. ;T= DM3 tho%-ht 2as that it 2as o%r -o1ernment8D said Carone. D?
honestl3 belie1e that.D Accordin- to one acco%nt of the con1ersation8
#hac)le3 2as elated.
1.... ;&44= @'Ferdinand Carone8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
1..1. ;&4!= +a%l 7%dson8 head of $.#. +an Am s%r1i1ors -ro%08
inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
1..2. ;T= North contacted Meese thro%-h Admiral +oinde:ter. Meese
informed Re1ell8 2ho called @e0%t3 Assistant Attorne3 Beneral for the
Criminal @i1ision Mar) Richard8 and told him5 DJ0Klease -et on to0 of
thisG 6ensen is -i1in- a heads %0 to the N#C. @e0osition of Mar) M.
Richard before the 6oint Con-ressional Committees8 'R1,R'&8 9%oted in
Christic8 !p *it.M 6ensen is @e0%t3 Attorne3 Beneral (o2ell 6ensenG
>ellner is Attorne3 Beneral (eon >ellner. The rest of the con1ersation
2ent as follo2s5 DCall >ellner8 find o%t 2hat is %08 and ad1ise him that
decision sho%ld be r%n b3 3o%DG Coc)b%rn8 !p *it.8 0. 13".
1..3. ;T= As in1esti-ati1e No%rnalist 6oel Bainerman 2rites5 /fficials said
that Al->assar maintained offices in Aarsa2 and 2as a maNor bro)er of
the +olish-o2ned 2ea0ons com0an38 Cenin. The first arms 0%rchase
b3 North from al->assar totalin- F1 million 2as sent b3 boat to an
%nidentified Caribbean 0ort in the Fall of l,'! and 2as later distrib%ted
to the Contra fi-hters. ?n A0ril of that 3ear8 a second shi0ment of +olish
arms 2as sold to the C?A as 0art of this transaction. ;3os Angeles
(imes8 &R1&R'&8 9%oted in 6oel Bainerman8 DB%sh Administration's
?n1ol1ement in Bombin- +an Am 1.38D Portland Free Press8 Ma3R6%ne8
1,,&. #ee Bainerman's boo)8 (he *rimes o8 a President8 #+? Boo)s8
1,,28 re-ardin- the ille-al deals of Beor-e B%sh=. ?n another 0art of
the deal8 more than F42 million 2as la%ndered thro%-h BCC? acco%nts
in the Ca3man ?slands. Al->assar earned more than F1 million. Pri,ate
Eye8 1.R2!R,l8 9%oted in I&id.=
1..4. ;&4"= Administration officials 2ho disc%ssed these deals said Al-
>assar had clear b%siness lin)s 2ith Ab% Nidal's or-aniation8 3os
Angeles (imes8 &R1&R'&.
1..!. ;TT= These 2ere the same hosta-es that s0ar)ed the ?ran-Contra
arms-for-dr%-s scandal.
1..". ;&4&= 6im Ber2ic)8 a +an Am sec%rit3 cons%ltant in (ondon8 told
Franco1ich8 DAn 7M C%stoms officer in1ol1ed in the in1esti-ation of
narcotics8 left a messa-e for me. ? s%bse9%entl3 contacted him and
met 2ith him and he ad1ised me that he had been in Fran)fort and had
been at a meetin- of dr%- enforcement a-ents in Berman38 America
and Britain8 and that it 2as 2ell )no2n and disc%ssed at that meetin-
that +an Am 2as the airline that 2as bein- %sed as a dr%- cond%it.D
1..&. ;] As former ?ranian 0resident Ab%lhassan Bani #adr obser1ed8
DThe 0eo0le of ?ran sa2 this as a crimeL shootin- do2n an air0lane8
)illin- almost 3.. 0eo0le is a crime.L 7ad it in1ol1ed another co%ntr38
there 2o%ld ha1e been le-al 0roceedin-s. A lot of f%ss 2o%ld ha1e
been made all aro%nd the 2orld. B%t here the3 destro3ed the aircraft8
and then con-rat%lated themsel1es.D; ;Allan Franco1ich8 (he $altese
ou&le7*ross8 1,,2=
1..'. ;T= $.#. in1esti-ators traced a 2ire transfer of se1eral million
dollars from Teheran to a ban) acco%nt in <ienna controlled b3 the
+F(+-BC. ;5.). +ews 6 -orld .eport8 11R2!R,l=.
1..,. ;&4'= /ne interestin- 0iece of e1idence 2as a call to @amasc%s8
#3ria8 interce0ted b3 a%thorities8 in 2hich >hreesat stated5 D? ha1e
made some chan-es to the medicine. ?t is better and stron-er.D
1.1.. ;&4,= +ritchard8 !p *it.
1.11. ;T= This also raises the iss%e of 2hether Abraham Ahmed8 2ho
2as released from c%stod3 after his m3sterio%sl3-timed de0art%re from
the $.#. after the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-8 2as an o0erati1e of the $.#.
1.12. ;&!.= Accordin- to a s0ecial re0ort in (ime ;A0ril 2&8 1,,2=8
C/R4A %sed the follo2in- front com0anies for its o1erseas o0erations5
#e1ens Mantra Cor0.8 AMA ?nd%stries8 Ailder2ood <ideo and Condor
Tele1ision (td. The re0ort re1ealed that Condor did its ban)in- thro%-h
the First American Ban)8 a s%bsidiar3 of BCC?. ;Bainerman8 !p *it. =
1.13. ;&!1= @onald Boddard and (ester Coleman8 !n the (rail o8 the
!ctopus ;(ondon8 Bloomsb%r3 +%blishin-8 ([email protected] 1,,3=8 00. 1438 2.1.
1.14. ;T= +B# Frontline in1esti-ators belie1e that the intelli-ence
officers 2ere Da stron- secondar3 tar-et.D
1.1!. ;TT= A1i1 belie1es the ori-inal tar-et of the attac) 2as American
Airlines. Ahen a Mossad a-ent ti00ed off the airline8 the tar-et 2as
s2itched to +an Am.
1.1". ;T= Also aboard fli-ht 1.3 2as Bernt Carlsson8 the #2edish $N
di0lomat 2ho had N%st com0leted ne-otiatin- the Namibian
inde0endence a-reement 2ith #o%th Africa. 7e 2as d%e in Ne2 Cor)
the ne:t da3 to si-n the a-reement.
1.1&. ;&!2= T2o se0arate e3e2itnesses remember Beneral Crosb3
orderin- the Dimmediate b%lldoin- of the crash site.D
1.1'. ;T= The 0assen-ers 2ere members of the 1.1st Airborne
@i1ision8 0art of a $N 0eace)ee0in- force ;MF/= in the 4-30tian #inai.
Ahile officials so%-ht to bamboole the 0%blic 2ith claims of D2in-
icin-8D fo%r members of the Canadian A1iation #afet3 Board disa-reed.
The fli-ht en-ineer and -ro%nd ref%eller sa2 no si-ns of ice on the
2in-s moments before the 0lane too) off and crashed. Aith the hel0 of
/li1er North8 <ince Cannistraro8 and C?A @e0%t3 @irector Jfor 4%ro0ean
/0erationsK @%ane D@e23D Clarrid-e ;alon- 2ith B%d McFarlane and
Richard #ecord= North had been ne-otiatin- 2ith ?ran for the release of
the hosta-es. ?n e:chan-e8 North 2as sellin- the ?ranians T/A anti-
tan) missiles and other e9%i0ment for %se in its 2ar 2ith ?ra9. $0on
deli1er3 and testin- of one of the 7AA>s8 the ?ranians realied the3
had recei1ed an older 1ersion8 and felt do%ble-crossed. North 2as told
b3 one of his ad1isors that there 2as a D-ood chance of condemnin-
some or all of the hosta-es to death in a rene2ed 2a1e of ?slamic
6ihad.D North's inso%ciant res0onse5 the deaths of the hosta-es 2o%ld
be o%r Dminim%m losses.D Bi1en 2hat ha00ened ne:t8 his 2ords ma3
ha1e 0ro1ed 0ro0hetic. Ahile the 0lane 2as bein- loaded8 the ca0tain
noticed that the 4-30tian -%ard stationed on the -ro%nd o%tside the
aircraft 2o%ld Ddisa00ear from his 0ost se1eral times8 sometimes for as
lon- as an ho%r.D The ba--a-e handlers also -ot into a fist fi-ht8 2hich
str%c) him as odd since Arabs rarel3 to%ch one another d%e to reli-io%s
beliefs. Finall38 someone 0%lled a 0o2er cord on the tarmac8 c%ttin- all
li-ht aro%nd the 0lane. 7ad someone %sed these di1ersions to 0lant a
bombH Bi1en the s%s0icio%s train of e1ents8 it seems hi-hl3 li)el3. Cet if
the do2nin- of the 0lane 2as a sim0le act of terrorism8 2h3 the
elaborate co1er-%0H Another 9%estion that has ne1er been
satisfactoril3 ans2ered is 2h3 there 2ere a00ro:imatel3 2. members
of an elite #0ecial Forces %nit )no2n as Tas) Force 1". on the 0lane.
This is si-nificant8 considerin- that the role of the MF/ is
0eace)ee0in-. ?n contrast8 Tas) Force 1".'s main obNecti1es are co1ert
missions and resc%es. 7ad North8 realiin- his 0osition after do%ble-
crossin- the ?ranians8 0lanned a co1ert resc%eH North re0ortedl3
)ne2 the e:act 0osition of the hosta-es8 do2n to the 1er3 room the3
2ere bein- held. ?f the resc%e attem0t failed8 did the 2. m3sterio%s
coffin-sied bo:es on the 0lane contain dead ser1icemenH /r did the3
contain the 1' reNected 7AA>sH @es0ite attem0ts to identif3 the car-o
thro%-h Arm3 files8 no records of the bo:es has e1er been fo%nd. 4ither
2a38 the ?ranians 2ere s%re to be an-ered. A bomb on board a militar3
trans0ort 2o%ld send a messa-e to the Americans that the arm of
?slamic 6ihad had a lon- reach.
1.1,. ;T= This assertion 2as bac)ed %0 b3 NBC Ne2s 2hen it re0orted8
on /ctober 3.8 l,,.8 that the @4A 2as in1esti-atin- a Middle 4ast
based heroin o0eration to determine 2hether it 2as %sed b3 the
terrorists to 0lace a bomb on the fli-ht 1.3. Nat%rall38 the @4A denied
an3 connection to the stin- o0eration ;%arron9s8 12R1&R,.=. /ri-inal
9%ote8 Franco1ich8 !p *it.
1.2.. ;TT= +ol3-ra0hs cond%cted on ba--a-e handler Tilin- >%c% b3
6ames >eefe8 a 0ol3-ra0h e:aminer 2ith 3. 3ears e:0erience 2ith the
Arm3's [email protected] re1ealed that >%c% 2as not tellin- the tr%th 2hen he
stated that he did not )no2 2ho s2itched the s%itcase8 and f%rther
2hen he stated that he did not s2itch the s%itcases himself. 7e also
lied 2hen he said that Roland /'Neill8 the loadmaster8 had not told him
to s2itch the ba-s. /'Neill also failed his 0ol3-ra0h. A second
0ol3-ra0h e:aminer bro%-ht in to re1ie2 the res%lts a-reed 2ith the
findin-s concernin- >%c%8 b%t tho%-ht the res%lts on /'Neill 2ere
1.21. ;&!3= ?nterfor re0ort8 co03 in a%thor's 0ossessionG +B# Frontline
belie1es the s%itcase belon-in- to Bannon 2as s2itched in (ondon.
Accordin- to their in1esti-ators8 Bannon's 2as the onl3 0iece of
l%--a-e not acco%nted for from the fli-ht.
1.22. ;] The fact that the team 2as onboard made it8 in the 2ords of
+B# Frontline8 Da stron- secondar3 tar-et.D The fact that the team 2as
onboard made it8 in the 2ords of +B# Frontline8 Da stron- secondar3
1.23. ;T= As British No%rnalist @a1id Ben-Ar3eah re0orted5 D<er3 stran-e
0eo0le 2ere at 2or) 1er3 earl3 on. Aithin a matter of three ho%rs there
2ere American accents heard in the to2n. /1er that ni-ht there 2ere
lar-e n%mbers8 b3 2hich ? mean t2ent38 t2ent3-fi1e8 thirt3 0eo0le
arri1ed.LD ;Franc)o1ich8 !p *it.=
1.24. ;TT= As in1esti-ator and former la2-enforcement officer Crai-
Roberts 0oints o%t in (he $edussa File' DThe %n%s%al acti1it3 of this
alle-ed DFB?D a-ent is stri)in-8 b%t not 9%ite as odd as the fact that
(oc)erbie is o1er 3!. miles from (ondon8 2hich is the nearest 0oint an
American FB? a-ent mi-ht be. To reach (oc)erbie that ni-ht from
(ondon8 e1en if tra1elin- b3 air8 2o%ld ha1e ta)en far more than one
ho%r considerin- the se9%ence of e1ents that 2o%ld ha1e had to
occ%r. Ass%min- a timel3 notification8 an American a-ent in (ondon
2o%ld ha1e had to ha1e been trac)ed do2n considerin- the late ho%r8
notified to 0ac) %0 for an in1esti-ation8 r%sh to 7eathro28 board a
2aitin- air0lane8 fl3 immediatel3 to the nearest air0ort that co%ld land
a Net trans0ort8 obtain -ro%nd trans0ortation from there to (oc)erbie8
then locate the command center. An effort that 2o%ld re9%ire fo%r to
si: ho%rs at the minim%m.D
1.2!. ;&!4= @ebra B%rdic)8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
1.2". ;&!!= 6.@. Reed8 DAednesda38 A0ril 1,8 1,,!5 A Blac) @a3 for All
of $s8D -orkin9 Interest8 <ol. ,"8 ?ss%e No. 3.
1.2&. ;&!"= I&id.
1.2'. ;&!&= I&id.
1.2,. ;&!'= I&id.
1.3.. ;&!,= Allen8 !p *it.
1.31. ;&".= The 6affar clan had been at the center of the o0i%m
0rod%ction in the Be))a <alle3 for 3ears.
1.32. ;&"1= DFiles Before <ictims8D +ew York aily +ews8 !R1R,!.
1.33. ;&"2= T%lsa Fire Ca0tain8 confidential inter1ie2 2ith Crai-
1.34. ;T= Ahile #heriff @e0%t3 Mel1in #%mtner told me he had fo%nd
the a:le8 an /)lahoma Cit3 +oliceman8 Mi)e Mc+herson8 claimed that
he had in fact disco1ered it8 as did an FB? a-ent. These three acco%nts
2ere contradicted b3 Bo1ernor Fran) >eatin-8 2ho claimed that he had
act%all3 fo%nd the a:le.
1.3!. ;T= Altho%-h Thatcher ac)no2led-ed the con1ersation too)
0lace8 she denied that she and B%sh so%-ht to interfere 2ith the
1.3". ;T= ?nterestin-l38 some of these same 0la3ers 2or)ed 2ith C?A
@irector Bill Case3 and <ice +resident Beor-e B%sh to b%ild ?ra9 ;2hose
0resident8 #addam 7%ssein8 B%sh called D2orse than 7itlerD= into a
maNor militar3 0o2er. This 0olic3 0erfectl3 ill%strated the Rea-anRB%sh
administration's 0ro0ensit3 to c%ddle %0 to 2hate1er dictator or
terrorist 2as in fa1or at the time.
1.3&. ;T= Cet the3 2ere still left 2ith the 0roblem of 0ro1in- ho2 the
microchi0 had been traced to Al-Me-rahi and Fhima. The FB? claimed it
had traced the chi0 to Mebo8 a #2iss man%fact%rin- firm in Y%rich r%n
b3 4d2in Bollier. A-ents sho2ed Bollier a 0hoto-ra0h of the chi08
and as)ed if it 2as from their M#T-13 /-series. D? immediatel3
reco-nied from the 0hoto that the fra-ment fo%nd in (oc)erbie 2as
2itho%t a do%bt from a timer that 2e o%rsel1es had made8D stated
Bollier.Cet the3 still hadn't 0ro1en is ho2 the timer had come to be in
the 0ossession of Fhima and al-Me-rahi. #tasi ;4ast Berman secret
0olice= files sho2ed that Bollier had not onl3 sold timers to the (ib3ans8
b%t to the +alestinians8 the Red Arm3 Faction8 and Arabs in both
Bermanies. The #tasi concl%ded that Bollier 2as a tri0le a-ent8
0robabl3 2or)in- for the C?A as 2ell8 since he seemed to easil3 be able
to -et 1er3 s0ecial American e9%i0ment for them.Cet 2hen Bollier
as)ed the FB? to see the act%al fra-ment8 the3 said the3 didn't ha1e itG
the #cottish 0olice had it. Ahen Bollier a00roached the #cottish 0olice8
the3 ref%sed to sho2 it to him. Nor 2as he 2as -i1en a satisfactor3
e:0lanation of ho2 either the FB? or the #cotts mana-ed to trace it to
the (ib3ans.
1.3'. ;T= /llie North ser1ed on the 0lannin- committee that selected
the tar-ets for the (ib3an raid.
1.3,. ;T= Ahen the ne2 alle-ations 2ere first made 0%blic8 (ib3a
formall3 offered to s%bmit the matter to the ?nternational Co%rt of
6%stice8 or to an international arbitration trib%nal. Their 0lea fallin- on
deaf ears8 (ib3a finall3 in1o)ed Article 14 of the Montreal #abota-e
Con1ention8 2hich states that in the e1ent of a dis0%te o1er the
inter0retation or a00lication of the con1ention that cannot be resol1ed
b3 means of ne-otiation8 an3 0art3 has the ri-ht to s%bmit the matter
to an international arbitration trib%nal. All of the offers 2ere N%st
reNected %nilaterall3 and s%mmaril3 b3 the $.#. and the $.>.8 2hich
s%bse9%entl3 rammed a $N #ec%rit3 Co%ncil resol%tion thro%-h that
2as hi-hl3 critical of (ib3a.
1.4.. ;T= $.#. officials also tried to blame the m%rder of three ?B4E
e:ec%ti1es in A%-%st of 1,&" on D(ib3an-trained ?slamic Mar:ist
1.41. ;&"3= 6effre3 #teinber-8 DC?A Man5 ?ran8 #3ria Bombed +an Am
1.38D (he +ew Federalist8 &R2R,3.
1.42. ;T= $.#. Attorne3 Beneral Robert M%eller told the 0%blic8 DAe
ha1e no e1idence to im0licate another co%ntr3 ;other than (ib3a= in
this disaster.D Bene Aheaton described it as D/+#4CD ;o0eration
sec%rit3=8 0ro1idin- la3ers of deniabilit3 and disinformation8 false leads
and stories.
1.43. ;&"4= ?n A%-%st l,,18 (arr3 Cohler8 a 2riter for the -ashington
0ewish -eek8 re0orted on a set of secret ne-otiations 2hich too) 0lace
bet2een #3ria and the $.#. o1er the release of the hosta-es and 2hich
led to a n%mber of co1ert tri0s b3 B%sh to @amasc%sG Re-ardin- the
anno%ncement of the (ib3an theor38 see5 +ew York (imes8 11R1!R,1G
(ime8 4R2&R,2.
1.44. ;&"!= ColemanRBoddard8 !p *it.8 00. 2.18 2!"8 2&!G 6ames
#ha%-hness3 said that he Dhad also been ad1ised se0aratel3 b3 fo%r
in1esti-ati1e No%rnalistsD that the3 had De1idenceD of these interce0ts8
one ha1in- claimed to ha1e act%all3 heard the ta0es. DFinall38 ? 2as
told that Mr. (o1eNo3 %sed a n%mber of aliases8 incl%din- Michael
1.4!. ;&""= This 2asn't diffic%lt8 as the Mc>ee team ;1ia Bannon= had
made its tra1el arran-ements thro%-h the @4A's tra1el a-ent in
1.4". ;&"&= A Ma3 l,', re0ort in the Arabic ne2s0a0er Al7ustur
re0orted on the sit%ation in1ol1in- (o1eNo3RFran)sR#chafer. (ester
Coleman8 a trained @?A a-ent8 claims he 2arned 7%rle3 re0eatedl3
abo%t the com0romised sit%ation. 7%rle3 2o%ld later see) to dismiss
Coleman's claims as %ns%bstantiated8 and see) to discredit Coleman.
1.4&. ;T= /ne 0erson familiar 2ith the case belie1es it 2as #hac)le3
1.4'. ;T= ?n 1,'48 Cannistraro8 ne2l3 transferred to the N#C8 o1ersa2
co1ert assistance to the M%Nahadeen.
1.4,. ;&"'= @a1e 4mor38 +acifica Radio Net2or)8 ABA?-FM8 date
1.!.. ;&",= Mi)e (e1ine8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
1.!1. ;T= DNBC Ne2s on Febr%ar3 & carried a some2hat different
1ersion of the re1elations that later a00eared in the $c*urtain aily
"a#ette8 ambi-%o%sl3 s%--estin- that altho%-h 7o2e -a1e the
-o1ernment information re-ardin- 'alle-ed threats' 0rior to the
bombin-8 there is 'no e1idence' that she re0orted 's0ecific threats'
a-ainst the M%rrah B%ildin- %ntil t2o da3s after the bombin-.D ;4d2ard
Yehr8 D/)lahoma Cit3 Co1er-%0 4:0osed5 B%t the Mainstream Media are
#till in @enial8D -ashington -eekly8 2R1&R,&.=
1.!2. ;T= ? mana-ed to 0artiall3 confirm this b3 s0ea)in- to 6%d-e
Babcoc)8 and his nei-hbor8 both of 2hom said that e:tra sec%rit3 2as
0ro1ided the N%d-e at that time.
1.!3. ;&&.= @a1e 7o-an8 D?f 7e'd Been at Aor)L Former +ortlander
#a3s8D Portland !regonian8 4R2.R,!.
1.!4. ;&&1= Blenn Ailb%rn8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
1.!!. ;&&2= +ress conference8 1R14R,'.
1.!". ;&&3= 6.@. Cash and 6eff 7ollada38 D@a3 of Blast 'an Amain-
Coincidence8'D $c*urtain "a#ette8 12R1R,!.
1.!&. ;&&4= Tom 6arriel8 ABC 2.R2.8 1R1&R,&.
1.!'. ;&&!= ?an Ailliams Boddard8 DFederal Bo1ernment +rior
>no2led-e of the /)lahoma Cit3 Bombin-8D !R2"R,&8 0osted on
1.!,. ;&&"= #herr3 >oonce8 Panola -atchman8 4R23R,&.
1.".. ;&&&= Allen8 !p *it.
1."1. ;&&'= >F/R8 6a3na @a1is re0ortin-8 11R21R,"G ANBC 4:tra8 Brad
Boode re0ortin-8 3R1,R,&.
1."2. ;&&,= 6.@. Reed8 DAednesda38 A0ril 1,8 1,,!5 A Blac) @a3 for All
of $s8D -orkin9 Interest8 <ol. ,"8 ?ss%e No. 3.
1."3. ;&'.= I&id.
1."4. ;&'1= ABC 4ETRA5 +rior >no2led-e8 11R2.R,".
1."!. ;&'2= D?ndictment5 ?nside the /)lahoma Cit3 Brand 6%r38 The
7o003 7eidelber- #tor38D 49%ilibri%m 4ntertainment8 1,,".
1."". ;T= As 0re1io%sl3 mentioned8 B%3 R%bsamen8 the Federal
+rotecti1e #er1ices -%ard on d%t3 that ni-ht8 said that nobod3 had
entered the b%ildin-. Cet R%bsamen too) off at 25.. a.m.8 and claimed
that nobod3 2as -%ardin- the b%ildin- from 25.. a.m. to "5.. a.m.
1."&. ;&'3= <.Y. (a2ton8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thorG D@iana Bald2in and
6%d3 >%hlman8 D4le1ator Acco%nts W%estioned * ?ns0ector Tal)s of
Bomb's 4ffect8D aily !klahoMman8 &R1"R,&.
1."'. ;&'4= Ailliam 6as0er8 D+rior >no2led-e5 +o2erf%l 41idence 4:ists
that Federal A-ents 2ere not #%r0rised b3 />C Blast8D +ew American8
1.",. ;&'!= D#ince his stor3 2as made 0%blic8 #ha2 said he and his
2ife ha1e ta)en a lot of fla) o1er it8 and it has created a hardshi0 for
them. 'There's %s that )no2s the tr%th and those 2ho hate %s. The
ones that hate %s are the ones tr3in- to co1er it %08' #ha2 said.D
;D#ome Aitnesses (eer3 /f Bombin- Brand 6%r38D aily !klahoman8
1.&.. ;&'"= Ailliam 6as0er8 +ew American8 date %n)no2n.
1.&1. ;&'&= 6.@. Cash8 DATF's 4:0lanation @is0%ted8D $c*urtain
)unday "a#ette and %roken %ow +ews8 &R3.R,!. #chic)edan 2on the
National +oliceman of the Cear A2ard for his DheroicD role.
1.&2. ;T= The a%thor confirmed the stor3 2ith /scar 6ohnson8 o2ner of
the ele1ator com0an3. Accordin- to 6ohnson8 the frei-ht ele1ator's
doors 2ere blo2n outward. ?f the sole blast had come from outside the
b%ildin-8 ho2 co%ld this beH
1.&3. ;&''= 4d Bodfre3 and @iana Bald2in8 DBombin- Brand 6%r3
Callin- " Aitnesses This Aee)8 D aily !klahoman8 &R13R,&.
1.&4. ;&',= D@iana Bald2in and 6%d3 >%hlman8 D4le1ator Acco%nts
W%estioned * ?ns0ector Tal)s of Bomb's 4ffect8D aily !klahoMman8
1.&!. ;&,.= Ric) #herro28 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
1.&". ;&,1= @a1id 7all8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
1.&&. ;&,2= Bordon 2o%ld not ret%rn the a%thor's calls. The inter1ie2
cond%cted b3 the other re0orter 2as earl3 on8 before the co1er-%0 -ot
into hi-h -ear.
1.&'. ;&,3= Ames Cates8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
1.&,. ;&,4= Ric) #herro28 inter1ie2 2ith a%thorG @on Aebb8 inter1ie2
2ith a%thor.
1.'.. ;&,!= (etter of Terrance Cea)e3 to Ramona Mc@onald8 co03 in
a%thor's 0ossession.
1.'1. ;&,"= Federal a-ent8 confidential inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
1.'2. ;&,&= (ist of attendees of #heriff's -olf to%rnament8 co03 in
a%thor's 0ossession.
1.'3. ;T= ?n )ind of a biarre t2ist to the stor38 the3 said that at one
0oint one of the men rolled a hoo0 across the road to the team on the
other side. A 2itness 2ho sa2 the blac)--arbed team o0eratin- hoo0s
b3 the M%rrah b%ildin- called the FB?'s s0ecial '.. n%mber to re0ort
2hat he sa2. After2ards he be-an noticin- that his 0hone clic)ed
constantl38 and a m3sterio%s blac) car be-an a00earin- o%tside his
ho%se. B3 the time #tate Re0resentati1e >e3 and ? dro1e to @allas to
inter1ie2 him8 he 2as too afraid to tal)8 and 2e had to -et the
information thro%-h a friend.
1.'4. ;&,'= +ritchard8 !p *it.8 0. ,..
1.'!. ;T= #trassmeir told the a%thor in an inter1ie2 from his home in
Berlin that +ritchard mis9%oted him * that #trassmeir rela3ed the
0recedin- statement from another BATF a-ent. +ritchard disa-rees8
and stands b3 his stor3.
1.'". ;&,,= 4d2ard Yehr8 DT%rnin- +oint5 Resol1in- The 4ni-ma of
/)lahoma Cit38D -ashington -eekly1 <<H<BHEN.
1.'&. ;'..= 6.@. Cash8 DA-ents +robe />C Bombin- (in)s To Ban)
Robberies8D $c*urtain aily "a#ette8 &R1"R,".
1.''. ;'.1= +ritchard8 !p *it.8 0. ,..
1.',. ;'.2= 7arr3 4berhart inter1ie2ed b3 Tom 6arriel8 ABC 2.R2.8
1.,.. ;'.3= @e23 Aebb8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
1.,1. ;T= As for 4berhardt8 his name sho2ed %0 on an ATF re0ort
concernin- Carol 7o2e's acti1ities at 4lohim Cit3. The re0ort indicated
that an DirateD 4berhardt e:0ressed his concern that 7o2e's co1er had
been Dse1erel3 com0romisedD d%e to the release of a re0ort b3 FB?
a-ent 6ames R. Blanchard ??. Altho%-h the re0ort 2as 0re0ared almost
a 3ear after the bombin-8 the fact that 4berhardt's name a00eared
0rominentl3 on the re0ort s%--ests that his office 2as in1ol1ed8 alon-
2ith the T%lsa office8 on the 4lohim Cit3 in1esti-ation.
1.,2. ;'.4= Richard #herro28 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
1.,3. ;'.!= Charles8 !p *it.M Ailliam F. 6as0er8 D$nderco1er5 The 7o2e
Re1elations8D (he +ew American8 ,R1!R,&.
1.,4. ;'."= @a1id 7all8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thorG Ric) #herro28 inter1ie2
2ith a%thor.
1.,!. ;T= (%)e Frane3 claimed at Mc<ei-h's trial that the onl3 stin-
the3 2ere 2or)in- on in1ol1ed a narcotics case 2ith the Norman +olice
@e0artment. Cet Norman +olice Chief +hil Cotten co%ld -i1e me no
details of that o0eration8 nor co%ld an3one there remember an3
s0ecifics as to 2hich ATF a-ents 2ere 2or)in- on that case. Cotten
said most of the officers had retired.
1.,". ;'.&= @a1id 7all8 inter1ie2 2ith Tom <alentine.
1.,&. ;T= Frane3 claims that a-ent @arrell 4d2ards 2as at home8
tal)in- on the 0hone to Frane3. Br%ce Anderson 2as on his 2a3 to a
com0liance ins0ection8 and a-ent Mar) Michalic8 2ho had 2or)ed late
2ith Frane3 the ni-ht before8 2as on his 2a3 to the office.
1.,'. ;'.'= @a1id 7all8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
1.,,. ;'.,= @a1id 7all8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
11... ;'1.= 6on Ra00o0ort8 !klahoma *ity %om&ing' (he )upressed
(ruth ;#anta Monica8 CA5 Bl%e +ress8 1,,!=8 00. &!-&".
11.1. ;'11= Con1ersation bet2een informant and Re0. Charles >e38
co03 in a%thor's 0ossession. A 1oice stress anal3sis 2e ran on this
indi1id%al's inter1ie2 ta0e indicated he 2as bein- tr%thf%l.
11.2. ;'12= @a1id 7all8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
11.3. ;'13= +ritchard8 !p *it8 0.,..
11.4. ;T= Notice ho2 the caller de0icts Mc<ei-h as the sole tar-et of
the stin-8 and attem0ts to distance himself from the o0eration b3
tal)in- of it in the third tense.
11.!. ;'14= #tatement of 6ane Braham8 11R1!R,".
11.". ;T= Recall that #heriff's @e0%ties @on 7ammons and @a1id
>achendofer si-ned s2orn affida1its that Re0. ?stoo) told them of the
-o1ernment's 0rior )no2led-e of the attac). ?stoo) told bombin-
in1esti-ator +at Brile3 that he 2as 1er3 close to the FB?'s in1esti-ation
of the bombin-8 and made it his b%siness to )no2 the details. DThere is
nothin- 3o% can tell me and the FB? abo%t the bombin- that 2e don't
alread3 )no28D ?stoo) said.
11.&. ;'1!= Bill 6as0er8 (he +ew AmericanM The a%thor also heard one
of the Cancemi ta0es8 b%t 2ith a sli-htl3 different acco%nt.
11.'. ;'1"= (ana +adilla8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
11.,. ;T= Accordin- to former C.?.@. in1esti-ator Bene Aheaton8 #alem
2or)ed for the TR@ * 4-30t's 1ersion of the C?A8 controlled b3 the C?A.
#alem admitted to bein- a do%ble-a-ent for the $.#. and 4-30t.
111.. ;'1&= Ral0h Bl%menthal8 DTa0es @e0ict +ro0osal to Thra2r Bomb
$sed in Trade Center Blast8D +ew York (imes8 1.R2'R,3. The transcri0ts8
2hich are stam0ed DdraftD and com0iled from &. ta0es recorded
secretl3 d%rin- the last t2o 3ears b3 #alem8 2ere t%rned o1er to
defense la23ers8 in the second bombin- case8 b3 the -o1ernment
%nder a N%d-e's order barrin- la23ers from disseminatin- them. A lar-e
0ortion of the material 2as made a1ailable to the +ew York (imes.
1111. ;'1'= Aaldman and McMorris8 !p *it.
1112. ;'1,= 6im @23er8 @a1id >ocienie2shi8 @eidre M%r0h38 and +e-
T3re8 (wo )econds 5nder the -orld8 1,,48 9%oted in Ailliam 6as0er8
D41idence of +rior >no2led-e8D +ew American8 !R13R,".
1113. ;'2.= 6.@. Cash8 DThe Re1. Robert Millar ?dentified As FB?
?nformant8D $c*urtain aily "a#ette8 &R1R,&.
1114. ;T= Crai- Roberts8 a 2.-3ear T%lsa 0olice officer8 conc%rrs5 DJThe
T%lsa ATF officeK did s%r1eillance8 too) 0hotos8 %sed informants ;7o2e=
and 3et no matter 2hat the3 did8 the3 co%ldn't -et an3 coo0eration o%t
of @.C. The3 )ne2 somethin- 2as 2ron-8 b%t co%ldn't -et a handle on
it. ? thin) it's beca%se #trassmeir 2as 2or)in- as an infiltrator at the
@.C. le1el8 and the3 2ere 0rotectin- him 2itho%t ti00in- off the local
office * 2hich the3 ob1io%sl3 didn't tr%st to )ee0 a secret from the
local 0olice. This in not %n%s%al. ?n fact8 the field a-ents 2ith the ATF
and FB? often do not -et alon- 2ell 2ith the @.C. officials * and
111!. ;'21= Citiens Research and ?n1esti-ations Committee and (o%is
Tac)2ood8 (he "lass House (apes ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5 A1on +ress8 1,&3=8 0.
!8 9%oted in Ale: Constantine8 %lood1 *arnage1 and the Agent
Pro,acateur8 1,,38 0. 13G D>in- Aftermath Re)indles +olice #03in-
Contro1ers38 3os Angeles (imes8 "R1'R,18 9%oted in I&id.8 00. 1"-1'.
111". ;'22= I&id.
111&. ;'23= ?n fact8 the +e0si bottlin- 0lant in Marseilles 2as %sed as a
co1er for heroin 0rod%ction.
111'. ;T= Beneral 6ohn #in-la%b8 a former /## a-ent8 has the
distinction of bein- the first $.#. officer to 0a3 his indi-eno%s 0ersonnel
at >inmin-8 China 2ith fi1e 0o%nd ba-s of o0i%m. Ra3 Cline ;?ran-
Contra= 2as a member of #in-la%b's team at the time. ;-all )treet
0ournal8 4R1'R'.=
111,. ;T= After the Contra tort%re man%al scandal8 McFarlane 2as fired8
then )ic)ed %0stairs to the N#C to become Armita-e's @e0%t3. Amon-
those 2ho 0artici0ated in the ori-inal to 0lan D0ri1atieD the Contra
o0eration 2ere5 Ben. 6ohn #in-la%b ;Ret.=8 Andre2 Messin-8 then of the
Conser1ati1e Ca%c%s8 Ted #hac)le38 7arr3 ;7einie= Aderholt8 4d2ard
(%tt2a)8 Ben. 4d2ard (ansdale ;Ret.=8 #eal @oss8 and Col. 6ohn
Aa-helstein8 former head of the $.#. militar3 -ro%0s in 4l #al1ador.
112.. ;'24= Andre2 4i1a8 former Breen Beret8 0art of lobb3 effort for
M%Nahadeen8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thorG Christic8 !p *it. Rea-an's March8
1,'1 decision 2as formalied in No1ember as National #ec%rit3
@ecision @irecti1e 1&8 and hidden from Con-ress.
1121. ;'2!= (e1ine8 !p *it.
1122. ;'2"= Roberts8 !p *it.
1123. ;'2&= Bo Brit8 *alled to )er,e8 1,,1.
1124. ;T= The real reason that Britain 2ent to 2ar a-ainst the
Chinese ;The Bo:er Rebellion= 2as to 0re1ent the em0eror of China *
concerned abo%t the s0read of dr%- %se amon- his 0eo0le * from
destro3in- China's o0i%m cro0. The British8 2ho 2ere ma)in- h%-e
0rofits from the o0i%m trade8 had +arliament declare 2ar a-ainst the
Chinese for interferin- 2ith their 0rofitable Dcommerce.D /ne of the
s0oils of that 2ar 2as that 7on- >on- became British territor38
res%ltin- in a 0ort controlled b3 4n-land for the transshi0ment of
112!. ;'2'= #0eech -i1en to the Ariona Brea)fast Cl%b in +hoeni: in
1,',8 9%oted in Crai- Roberts8 (he $edussa File' *rimes and *o,er7
5ps o8 the 5.). "o,ernment ;T%lsa8 />5 Consolidated +ress8 1,,"=8 0.
112". ;'2,= 6ac) Colho%n8 DThe Famil3 That +re3s To-ether8D *o,ert
Action 4uarterly8 date %n)no2n. +resident B%sh later a00ointed former
Florida Bo1ernor Bob Martine as head of the $.#. /ffice of National
@r%- Control +olic3. Martine had acce0ted cam0ai-n donations from
dr%- traffic)er (eonel Martine ;no relation=. B%sh's son 6eb also had
lin)s 2ith the Contra dr%- s%00l3 line thro%-h (eonel MartineG ?n
No1ember 1,'48 t2o 3ears after Rea-an anno%nced his Dbold8
confident 0lanD 0romisin- to Dbe on the tailD of dr%- traffic)ers8 cocaine
im0orts had N%m0ed !. 0ercent and heroin 2as more 0lentif%l than at
an3 other time since the late 1,&.s. An estimated "3 tons of cocaine
-l%tted the $.#. mar)et in 1,'4. ;6ames Mills8 (he 5nderground Empire8
112&. ;'3.= @ennis Bernstein and Robert >ni-ht8 D@4A A-ent's @ecade
(on- Battle To 4:0ose C?A-Contra-Crac) #tor38D +acific Ne2s #er1ice8
1.R,"G DAill Ahite2ash /f C?A-Cocaine Connection Contin%eH
Re1elations /f C?A's Connection To Crac) #ho%ldn't Come As A
#%r0rise8D (he %irmingham +ews8 ,R2,R,". DRichard Bre-orie8 one of
the co%ntr3's to0 narcotics 0rosec%tors in MiamiL had a--ressi1el3
0%rs%ed bi--time cocaine bosses and dr%--corr%0ted officials in and
o%t of the $nited #tates. B%t as he be-an -oin- %0 the dr%--b%siness
chain of command8 he tar-eted forei-n officials friendl3 2ith the $.#.
-o1ernment8 and the #tate @e0artment started interferin- 2ith his
in1esti-ations8 tellin- him to sta3 a2a3 from certain sensiti1e areas.
Bre-orie's o0erations 2ere s%bse9%entl3 sto00ed at the re9%est of the
#tate @e0artment and he 9%it in 0rotest.D -+roNect Censored8 1,',. N#C
memos disco1ered d%rin- the ?ran-Contra in1esti-ation re1ealed that
B%sh's N#C ad1isor @onald Bre-- 2as a2are earl3 on of Contra
in1ol1ement in the dr%- trade. Co%ld e:-C?A chief Beor-e B%sh8 at that
0oint <ice +resident and @r%- Car8 be %na2are of s%ch -oin-s-on
2hen his re0ortin- s%bordinate 2as 9%ite a2are of Contra in1ol1ement
in the dr%- tradeH
112'. ;'31= Celerino Castillo ??? and @a1e 7armon8 Powder&urns'
*ocaine1 *ontras and the rug -ar ;/a)1ille8 /ntario5 Mosaic +ress=8
1,''. As e:-C?A field officer 6ohn #toc)2ell noted5 DAe cannot for-et
the #enate >err3 Committee findin-s of cocaine sm%--lin- on
C?ARContra aircraft8 the @4A re0orts on the n%mber of 0rosec%tions in
2hich the C?A has inter1ened to bloc) 0rosec%tion of dr%- sm%--lers8
the note that esca0ed (t. Col. /li1er North's shredder that F14 million
of dr%- mone3 had -one to the Contras8 or the C?A's 2.-odd 3ear
relationshi0 2ith Man%el Norie-a.D; ;Austin American7)tatesman8 o0-
ed editorial=
112,. ;'32= Mi)e (e1ine8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
113.. ;T= #hac)le3's main contact 2as Richard Armita-e.
1131. ;T= 4d2ard B. (ansdale8 2or)in- 2ith #hac)le38 headed a s%bset
of 6MRAA<4 called D/0eration Moon-oose.D The assassination team 2as
called D/0eration 4..D #hac)le3's later 0artners in the D4nter0rise8D
Tom Clines and 4d2in +. Ailson8 also 2or)ed on 6MRAA<4 and /0eration
4.. Roselli and Biancana 2ere m%rdered onl3 da3s before the3 2ere to
testif3 before Con-ress re-ardin- their alle-ed roles in the >enned3
1132. ;T= #hac)le3 and Clines also directed an assassination 0ro-ram
to eliminate <an- +ao's heroin com0etition. A C?A officer addressin- a
-ro%0 of Breen Berets in <ietnam claimed that #hac)le3 had been
res0onsible for 2!. 0olitical m%rders in (aos. #hac)le3 2o%ld later
become C?A #tation Chief of #ai-on.
1133. ;'33= -all )treet 0ournal8 March8 1,'3G 9%oted in Coc)b%rn8 0.
1.3. Michael 6on 7and 2as a $.#. Breen Beret 2ho ser1ed %nder
#hac)le3 in (aos.
1134. ;TT= ?n fact8 N%-an 7and rented adNoinin- offices 2ith the @4A in
its Chian- Mai8 Thailand branch8 e1en sharin- the same secretar3I The
o1erall o0eration res%lted in the h%-e heroin e0idemic that s2e0t the
co%ntr3 in the late 1,".s and '&.s8 not to mention the $.#. troo0s in
<ietnam 2ho became addicts.
113!. ;'34= Altho%-h Con-ress declared +hoeni: %nla2f%l in 1,&18 and
ordered the militar3 to 0rosec%te the -%ilt3 0arties8 the assassinations
contin%ed %ntil 1,&!. /ne o0erati1e * a Mr. Rea%: * 2as %ltimatel3
arrested and h%n- o%t to dr3.
113". ;T= As Marchetti stated re-ardin- Ailliam Colb38 DColb3 is a 1er3
dan-ero%s man. ? thin) he's -ot the mentalit3 of a 7einrich 7immler.
7e 2o%ld ha1e made * and mi-ht still from the 2a3 he's -oin- * a
1er3 -ood Comm%nist. ? mean that he's the )ind of -%3 2ho is best
9%alified to r%n a concentration cam08 not an a-enc3 li)e the C?A.D
113&. ;'3!= Michael +arenti8 In,enting .eality' (he Politics o8 the
$ass $edia ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5 #t. Martin's +ress8 1,'"=8 0. 1&'. Also
res0onsible for the s9%elchin- of trade %nions in Chile 2as the
American ?nstit%te for Free (abor @e1elo0ment ;A?F(@=8 a C?A front8
s%00orted b3 cor0orations li)e A.R. Brace and ?TT.
113'. ;T= Col. 7. Norman #ch2ar)o0f8 #r.8 the father of '#tormin'
Norman #ch2ar)o0f8 2as an intelli-ence o0erati1e in ?ran in the
1,4.s and !.s8 and hel0ed set %0 the dreaded #a1a).
113,. ;T= ?t is r%mored that he 2as loo)in- for2ard to inheritin- the
?talian Fascist +2 acco%nt.
114.. ;TT= ?t is interestin- to note that B%sh had been im0licated in
D/ctober #%r0rise8D the bac)door deal 2ith ?ranian terrorists to hold the
"" American hosta-es seied b3 0ro->homeini forces %ntil after
Carter's defeat. ?t is therefore not s%r0risin- that #hac)le3 and B%sh *
both -roomed for C?A directorshi0s8 b%t forced to resi-n * 2o%ld 2or)
to-ether on co1ert and ille-al deals s%ch as /ctober #%r0rise and ?ran-
1141. ;'3"= Aeiner8 !p *it.
1142. ;'3&= Bene Aheaton8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
1143. ;T= <ictor Marchetti a0tl3 s%mmed %0 this 0hiloso0h3 b3
e:aminin- former #ecretar3 of #tate 7enr3 >issin-er5 D7e's 0o2er-mad8
a mani0%lator of e1ents. ? don't thin) he does it for an3 ideolo-ical
reason8 N%st o%t of instinct. ? don't thin) he %nderstands 2hat this
co%ntr3 is all abo%t. To him8 e1er3thin- is a dealLD
1144. ;T= As Al Martin8 an ?ran-Contra 0la3er8 said8 D/)lahoma Cit3
be-ins 2ith ?ran-Contra. ?f 3o% 2ant to %nderstand /)lahoma8 start
2ith ?ran-Contra.D
114!. ;'3'= Affida1it of Colonel 4d2ard +. C%tolo8 commander of the
1.th #0ecial Forces Bro%0 ;Airborne=8 1st #0ecial Forces8 3R11R'.8 co03
in a%thor's 0ossession.
114". ;'3,= Maas8 0. 2'". The C-4 came from 6.#. Bro2er S Associates.
114&. ;TT= /n 6%l3 38 1,&"8 ?sraeli commandos raided the $-andan
air0ort at 4ntebbe after one of their airliners had been hiNac)ed b3 the
+(/. Mc>enie 2as instr%mental in hel0in- the ?sraelis8 2ho had %sed
>en3a as a sta-in- area. ?n his boo)8 $anhunt8 +eter Maas describes
2hat Mc>enie -ot for his efforts5 DAltho%-h he had been co%nseled
not to8 Mc>enie 2ent to $-anda as 0art of a >en3a trade mission to
0atch %0 relations 2ith ?di Amin. The 2arnin-s seemed %nnecessar3.
Amin himself 2as on hand to bid Mc>enie -ood-b3e8 0resentin- him
2ith the traditional $-andan friendshi0 -ift8 an African Antelo0e's
head. #oon after Mc>enie's 0lane too) off8 it ble2 %0. ?nside the
Antelo0e head 2as a bomb8 0laced there b3 Fran) Ter0il.D
114'. ;] Bene Aheaton8 ?B4EGs s%bse9%ent director of sec%rit3 2ho
in1esti-ated the m%rders8 claims #hac)le38 Clines8 7a)im8 Rafael DChi
ChiD W%intero8 and #ecord are all lin)ed to the m%rders. 6ohn 7ar0er
2o%ld later sho2 %0 in 7ond%ras trainin- the Contras in the %se of
114,. ;'4.= >2itn38 !p *it.8 0. 1.3.
11!.. ;'41= 7o003 7eidelber- and Ted B%ndersen8 inter1ie2s 2ith
a%thor. Recall that 7eidelber- heard Mc<ei-h's sister 6ennifer read the
letter into testimon3.
11!1. ;T= @e23 Clarrid-e and /li1er North 2ere in char-e of the harbor
minin- o0eration. Moore's friend @on Arano28 o2ner of Ma-n%m
Marina8 2hich had the ori-inal contract to b%ild the boats8 -a1e the
contract to Moore. Arano2 2as )illed one da3 before he 2as to testif3
at the ?ran-Contra hearin-s.
11!2. ;TT= M3 so%rce told me that Moore's FB? contact 2as Tom Ross
o%t of 7ot #0rin-s8 Ar)ansas8 one of /llie North's Ddama-e controlD
men. D
11!3. ;'42= Nolan Cla38 DRobber3 <ictim's Alliances +romise @rama in
Nichols' Trial8D aily !klahoman8 11R,R,&.
11!4. ;'43= A4? articles of incor0oration. The 0resident of A4?8 7arr3
7%-e8 2as a 0artner in the la2 firm of Ro-o1in8 7%-e8 and #chiller.
11!!. ;'44= Cliff (e2is8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor. M%Neeb Cheema8
inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
11!". ;T= ?nterestin-l38 some of >halid's 2or)ers 2ere s0otted in a
T%lsa ni-htcl%b8 The /cean Cl%b8 2hich is c%rio%s8 since T%lsa is 1..
miles from /)lahoma Cit3. McFarlane 2o%ld not ret%rn re0eated calls.
11!&. ;'4!= ?ndeed8 a maNor terrorism s%mmit s0onsored b3 Tehran in
6%ne of 1,," sa2 dele-ates from Af-hanistan8 +a)istan8 ?ra98 #a%di
Arabia8 and other Mid-4ast and African states8 as 2ell as Bosnia-
7ere-o1ina8 Berman38 France8 Britain8 Canada8 and the $.#. come
to-ether to form a Noint 2or)in- committee %nder the command of the
ne2 7ibAllah ?nternational * transformin- that -ro%0 into Dthe
1an-%ard of the re1ol%tionD of the M%slim 2orld.
11!'. ;'4"= Timoth3 Mc<ei-h's +etition for Arit of Mandam%s8 3R2!R,&8
0. '1. 6ones 0oints o%t8 -i1en the iss%e of the credibilit3 of the
information8 that the head of #a%di ?ntelli-ence is the >in-'s o2n son.
11!,. ;T= As former hi-h-ran)in- C?A official <ictor Marchetti
e:0lained8 DThe3're smart eno%-h al2a3s to 2or) thro%-h other
0arties. Benerall38 the dirtier the 2or) is8 the more li)el3 it is to be
farmed o%t.D
11".. ;TT= #ome of the members of YRRR?F(48 s%ch as Feli: Rodri-%e
;A>A5 Ma: Bome=8 and the leader of C/R$8 Fran) Castro8 2o%ld -o on
to form the n%cle%s of the Contra dr%-s-for--%ns o0eration.
11"1. ;'4&= #cott and Marshall8 !p *it.8 0. 1".
11"2. ;'4'= @eirdre Bris2old DC%ba @efended ?tself8 Aashin-ton ?s The
Terrorist8D -orkers -orld8 3R&R,"G 6ac) Calho%n8 DThe Famil3 that +ra3s
To-ether8D *o,ert Action 4uarterly8 #%mmer8 1,,2G also see Thomas S
11"3. ;T= This is not s%r0risin-8 as it has been alle-ed b3 former C?A
a-ents that B%sh allo2ed the A-enc3 to %se his off-shore oil drillin-
com0an38 Ya0ata /il8 as a front for n%mero%s C?A o0erations8 incl%din-
the Ba3 of +i-s in1asion.
11"4. ;'4,= Friedman8 !p *it.
11"!. ;'!.= I&id.
11"". ;'!1= Mar3 Ann Aea1er8 DBlo2bac)8D (he Atlantic $onthly8 Ma38
11"&. ;T= Recall that another one of the C?A's D1al%able assets8D Mir
Aimal >ansi8 o0ened fire 2ith an A>-4& o%tside of C?A head9%arters in
6an%ar38 1,,38 )illin- t2o A-enc3 em0lo3ees. (i)e Aorld Trade Center
bomber Rami Co%sef8 he fled to +a)istan.
11"'. ;'!2= Friedman8 !p *it.
11",. ;T= 4-30tian +resident 7osani M%bara) claimed that #hei)
Rahman 2as connected to the C?A. ;3as 2egas )un8 'R1R,3=
11&.. ;'!3= +eter Aaldman and Frances A. McMorris8 DThe /ther Trial5
As #hei) /mar Case Nears 4nd8 Neither #ide (oo)s (i)e a Ainner8D -all
)treet 0ournal8 ,R22R,!.
11&1. ;TT= As Ailliam Norman Bri--8 2ritin- in the +ew American
0oints o%t8 DThe FB? en-a-ed in a c%rio%sl3 timed fit of incom0etence
2hen the o00ort%nit3 arose for a 0reem0ti1e stri)e a-ainst #hei)
/mar's net2or). Follo2in- the shootin- of Rabbi Meir >ahane in
No1ember 1,,.8 the FB? seied and im0o%nded 4, bo:es of doc%ments
from Nosair's Ne2 6erse3 a0artmentG the cache incl%ded bomb-ma)in-
instr%ctions8 a hit list of 0%blic fi-%res ;incl%din- >ahane=8 0aramilitar3
trainin- materials8 detailed 0ict%res of famo%s b%ildin-s ;incl%din- the
Aorld Trade Center=8 and sermons b3 #hei) /mar %r-in- his
follo2ers to 'destro3 the edifices of ca0italism.D'
11&2. ;'!4= +ational .e,iew8 &R1.R,!8 9%oted in I&id.M C%rt Bentr38 0.
Edgar Hoo,er' (he $an and the )ecrets ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5 A.A. Norton8
1,,1=8 0. 4'4.
11&3. ;T= Not onl3 2as Ro2e ne1er 0rosec%ted8 the FB? 0aid his medical
bills and -a1e him a F12! bon%s for Dser1ices rendered.D
11&4. ;'!!= @onner8 !p *it.8 0. 3"!
11&!. ;'!"= Fran) @onner8 Protectors o8 Pri,ilege' .ed );uads and
Police .epression in America8 ;Ber)ele3 and (os An-eles8 CA8
$ni1ersit3 of California +ress5 1,,.=8 0. 3".
11&". ;'!&= Aard and Ch%rchill8 !p *it.8 0. 1'1G -ashington Post8
&R1!R'.G +ew York (imes9 !R1!R'.8 9%oted in I&id.
11&&. ;'!'= Bene Aheaton8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
11&'. ;T= $sin- s%ch indi1id%als 2o%ld also 0ro1e far easier than
attem0tin- to recr%it American o0erati1es8 e1en hardened )illers. The
0otential recr%its 2illin- to )ill American men8 2omen and children
2o%ld be far more n%mero%s amon- forei-ners 2ith a 1endetta a-ainst
the $.#.
11&,. ;'!,= Intelligence +ewsletter ;France=8 A0ril 1,,3G 5nclass8ied8
National Association of #ec%rit3 Al%mni8 date %n)no2n.
11'.. ;T= >ansi's ori-inal tar-et 2as belie1ed to ha1e been C?A @irector
Robert Bates.
11'1. ;'".= Ben Mac?ntr3e8 3ondon (imes8 4R21R,!8 9%oted in >eith8 !p
*it.8 0. 1!4.
11'2. ;TT= C%rio%sl38 Robert 6erlo28 >F/R's 0ri1ate in1esti-ator8 s0otted
the FB? 2atchin- al-7%ssaini at the same time he 2as. Ao%ld this
s%bs%me that 7%ssaini 2as not 0art of an FB?-sanctioned o0erationH
11'3. ;TT= ?t is also c%rio%s 2h3 one 0rominent alternati1e in1esti-ator
i-nored the Middle 4astern lead alto-ether8 foc%sin- solel3 on 4lohim
Cit3. Ahat this alle-ed re0orter consistentl3 missed is the
dismembered militar3 le- fo%nd in the r%bble8 the n%mero%s 2itnesses
2ho sa2 Middle 4astern s%s0ects8 and the A+B on the bro2n 0ic)-%0
dri1en b3 al-7%ssaini. This re0orter e1en 2ent so far as to s%--est that
the men in the 0ic)-%0 2ere @ennis Mahon and his comrades dressed
%0 as ArabsI Bi1en the scenario of a Dsecond-le1el dama-e-controlD
o0eration steerin- critics of the -o1ernment's case solel3 onto 4lohim
Cit38 it can be s%rmised that at least some of the real bombers 2ere
0art of the Middle 4astern contin-ent8 and 2ere C?ARFB? controlled8
s%00lied and acti1ated. This 2o%ld e:0lain 2h3 Ba-an's in1ol1ement in
the Middle 4astern cell 2as a00arentl3 i-nored b3 the FB?. ?t 2o%ld
e:0lain 2h3 Ba-an 2as as)ed b3 an co1ert o0erati1e to deli1er a (el3
mi:er to 6%nction Cit3. And it 2o%ld e:0lain 2h3 the FB? cleared 7%ssain
al-7%ssaini8 and 2h3 #am >halid acted so non-chalant 2hen confronted
2ith e1idence of his in1ol1ement.
11'4. ;'"1= #tatement of 6ane Braham8 11R1!R,".
11'!. ;'"2= 6ane Braham8 1ideo de0osition of 'R2.R,& and inter1ie2
2ith a%thor.
11'". ;T= As 0re1io%sl3 mentioned8 re0resentati1es of the electric8
tele0hone and -as com0anies8 as 2ell as local contractors biddin- ona
B#A reno1ation 0roNect8 all denied ha1in- 2or)men 2ho fit the mens'
descri0tion at that location.
11'&. ;TT= Also recall that on the same da3 or the follo2in- Monda38 <A
em0lo3ees @ennis 6ac)son and Crai- Freeman sa2 a s%s0icio%s -ro%0
of Arabs inside the b%ildin- after ho%rs. /ne of them closel3 matched
the descri0tion of the s%s0ect seen 2ith DMc<ei-hD b3 +h3liss >in-sle3
at the 7i-Aa3 Brill that #%nda3. The3 e:ited8 said Freeman8 to2ards the
%nder-ro%nd 0ar)in- -ara-e.
11''. ;] Moreo1er8 2h3 2o%ld he do it so cons0ic%o%sl38 r%nnin- a red
li-ht8 attractin- the attention of the 0oliceH This ma)es abo%t as m%ch
sense as fl3in- do2n the hi-h2a3 at '. m0h 2itho%t a license 0late.
11',. ;'"3= 6ane Braham8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor. Braham is a friend
and co-2or)er of 6ohnston's.
11,.. ;T= 7o2 interestin- that Mc<ei-h and his co-cons0irator 2o%ld be
loiterin- aro%nd the scene of s%ch a heino%s crime8 ri-ht ne:t to his
readil3 identifiable 3ello2 Merc%r3.
11,1. ;'"4= #tatement of 6ane Braham8 11R1!R,".
11,2. ;TT= Ahen Francis Bar3 +o2ers' $-2 s03 0lane 2as disco1ered
and shot do2n o1er #o1iet air s0ace8 he failed to 0%ll the destr%ct rin-.
+o2ers s%s0ected that the C?A had it hoo)ed to a ero-dela3 f%se * so
he bailed o%t 2itho%t acti1atin- the self-destr%ct. $nfort%natel38 he
had a fatal helico0ter crash the 2ee) before he 2as s%00osed to testif3
before the 7o%se #elect Assassination Committee.
11,3. ;T= ?t has been 2ell-doc%mented that the FB? and ATF ille-al3
le1eled the crime scene at Aaco8 2hich 2as s%00osed to be %nder the
N%risdiction of Te:as Ran-ersG destro3in- e1idence that ATF helico0ters
had indiscriminatel3 fired into the roofs of the b%ildin- at the be-innin-
of the raid )illin- se1eral 0eo0leG had fired at the front door 2ell before
an3 shots had been fired in ret%rn8 and had set e:0losi1e char-es on
to0 of a concrete 1a%lt in 2hich 2omen and children 2ere hidin- to
esca0e the fire set. The front door ;a metal door= 2hich 2o%ld ha1e
0ro1ed the second alle-ation 2as later fo%nd to be m3sterio%sl3
11,4. ;'"!= Tim Aeiner8 DA-in- #ho0 of 7orrors5 The C.?.A. (im0s to
!.8D +ew York (imes8 &R2.R,&. As Milt Bearden8 the A-enc3's last chief
of #o1iet o0erations8 said8 DThe colla0se of o%r enem3 ens%red o%r o2n
demise.D DAe're a conf%sed -ro%08 d3in- for stabilit38D the A-enc3's
?ns0ector Beneral8 Fred 7it8 said in a Ma3 s0eech.
11,!. ;T= ?t is interestin- to e:amine this from the 0ers0ecti1e of the
Berman BN@8 the intelli-ence or-aniation fo%nded b3 Reinhard
Behlen at the behest of the C?A after AA??. Behlen had been 7itler's
senior intelli-ence officer on the 4astern Front8 commandin- the
Fremde Heere !st or DForei-n Armies 4ast.D The $.#. Bo1ernment
absorbed the "ehlen !rg into its emer-in- intelli-ence a00arat%s ;the
C?A= in its entiret38 in the belief that Behlen's still lar-el3 intact net2or)
of s0ies 2o%ld 0ro1e in1al%able in America's fi-ht a-ainst the #o1iets.
Aalter #chellenber-8 e:-head of Nai forei-n intelli-ence8 claimed to
a%thor Ailliam #te1enson that Behlen's or-aniation 2as 0rimaril3 a
front for esca0in- Nai 2ar criminals. ?t 2as %ltimatel3 0ro1ed that
a00ro:imatel3 ,. 0ercent of the Dintelli-enceD comin- o%t of the
"ehlen !rg re-ardin- the #o1iet threat8 2hich led to the rise of the
Cold Aar8 2as false8 b%t 2as %sed b3 Behlen and his Nai comrades to
0er0et%ate his or-aniation.
11,". ;T= ?ron Mo%ntain is s%00osedl3 a n%clear cor0orate hideo%t in
7%dson8 NC8 similar to Mt. Aeather in <ir-inia. ?t is also a reference to
the to2n of 7%dson8 N.C. 2here8 at the 7%dson ?nstit%te8 2ar -ames
and st%dies on f%t%re life 2ere de1elo0ed %nder the direction of
7erman >ahn for -o1ernmental and 0ri1ate a-encies. >ahn did not
claim a%thorshi0 ho2e1er. As for (eonard (e2in8 2ho finall3 claimed
a%thorshi0 of the re0ort in 1,&28 Das a hoa:8D said that his intent 2as
Dto caricat%re the ban)r%0tc3 of the thin)-tan) mentalit3 b3 0%rs%in-
its st3le of scientistic thin)in- to its lo-ical ends.D ?nterestin-l38 the
+ew York (imes 2rote DMan3 anal3sts belie1e that the re0ort reflects a
-ras0 of the Aashin-ton scene as 2ell as an %nderstandin- of social
0s3cholo-38 ecolo-38 economics and sociolo-3 that is be3ond the
abilit3 of most satirists.D Arth%r ?. Aas)o2 of the ?nstit%te for +olic3
#t%dies told the (imes he 2as s%r0rised to see one of his 0ri1atel3
circ%lated re0orts mentioned in the boo). Aas)o2 added that onl3
abo%t ". 0eo0le in Aashin-ton sa2 the re0ort8 DJsoK if it's a hoa:8 it
m%st in1ol1e somebod3 hi-h %08D he said. ;+ew York (imes8 11R1R"&=
11,&. ;'""= (eonard C. (e2in8 .eport 8rom Iron $ountain on the
Possi&ility and esira&ility o8 Peace ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5 #imon S
#ch%sterRFree +ress8 1,,"=G <ictor Na1as)38 DAnatom3 of a 7oa:8D (he
+ation8 "R12R,!G Robert Tomsho8 DA Ca%se for FearG Tho%-h Called a
7oa:8 '?ron Mo%ntain' Re0ort B%ides #ome Militias8D -all )treet
0ournal8 !R,R,!8 9%oted in DRe0ort from ?ron Mo%ntain5 A Fra%dHD
*onspiracy +ation8 <ol. ! No. '.
11,'. ;TT= ?n m%ch the same 2a3 as Beor-e /r2ell's 1,'4 seems to be
comin- to 0ass toda3.
11,,. ;T= 4m0hasis mine.
12... ;'"&= (e2in8 !p *it.8 00.,4-,".
12.1. ;T= 4m0hasis mine.
12.2. ;'"'= Foreign A88airs8 6%neR6%l38 1,,!.
12.3. ;'",= Ra00a0ort8 !p *it.
12.4. ;'&.= @eCam08 !p *it.8 0. 3'..
12.!. ;T= As .eport 8rom Iron $ountain states5 DAar s%00lies the basis
for the -eneral acce0tance of 0olitical a%thorit3D 2hich Dhas enabled
societies to maintain necessar3 class distinctions8D and Dens%red the
s%bordination of the citien to the stateL.D
12.". ;'&1= Noam Choms)38 Alternati,e Press .e,iew8 Fall8 1,,3.
12.&. ;'&2= @a1id +. 7amilton and Bill #0indle8 DTo)3o's Threat Aas 6%st
in 6est8 B%t #ome Call ?t a $.#. Bac)lash8D (he -all )treet 0ournal8
"R2!R,&. As the 0ournal noted5 Dofferin- to sell e1en a 0ortion of that
amo%nt 2o%ld li)el3 send the Treas%r3 mar)et into a free fall.LD
12.'. ;'&3= The maNorit3 of militia members are non1iolent and some
ha1e assisted the b%rea% in its in1esti-ations8 he said.
12.,. ;'&4= Ailliam 6as0er8 D4nemies of Aorld /rder8D (he +ew
American8 "R23R,&.
121.. ;'&!= @eCam08 !p *it.8 0. 3'2.
1211. ;T= As another famo%s 0olitician once declared5 DThe streets of
o%r co%ntr3 are in t%rmoil. The %ni1ersities are filled 2ith st%dents
rebellin- and riotin-. Comm%nists are see)in- to destro3 o%r co%ntr3.
R%ssia is threatenin- %s 2ith her mi-ht. And the Re0%blic is in dan-er.
Ces8 dan-er from 2ithin and 2itho%t. Ae need la2 and order. Aitho%t
la2 and order o%r nation cannot s%r1i1e.D The 0olitician 2ho made that
famo%s statement 2as Adol0h 7itler.
1212. ;TT= Beor-e Minter8 the director of criminal in1esti-ations of the
$.#. #o%thern @istrict Attorne3's /ffice from 1,2" to 1,318 maintained
files on o1er 328... Ds%b1ersi1eD Americans at the behest of his boss8
Treas%r3 #ecretar3 7enr3 Mor-entha%8 a man 2ho had close lin)s
2ith the A@(. Minter's files 2ere made a1ailable to the /ffice of Na1al
?ntelli-ence8 the #tate @e0artment8 and to the FB?. ?n the mid-1,!.s8
Ne2 Cor) 0%blisher (3le #t%art e:0osed ho2 the A@( 2as act%all3
financin- a ra--ta- Dneo-NaiD -ro%08 2hich 2o%ld en-a-e in lo%d
demonstrations o%tside s3na-o-%es at 0recisel3 the same time that
the A@( 2as en-a-in- in anti-Nai f%nd-raisin- efforts. Ahat is also
interestin- is that the A@( 0la3ed a lar-e role in 0rotectin- Mob fi-%res
s%ch as Me3er (ans)38 smearin- 0otential la2 enforcement o00onents
as DAnti-#emetic.D ;ope1 Inc.' (he %ook (hat ro,e :issinger *ra#y8
;Aashin-ton @C5 4:ec%ti1e ?ntelli-ence Re1ie28 1,,2=. 0. !'2G (he
)potlight8 !R2"R,&=
1213. ;'&"= DThe Tr%th #te0s /%t5 4nd of Blind Tr%st in the Media8D
.ele,ance8 A0ril8 1,,&.
1214. ;'&&= @aniel Brandt8 DThe 1,".s and C/?NT4(+R/5 ?n @efense of
+aranoia8D +ame%ase +ews3ine8 No. 1.8 6%l3-#e0tember 1,,!.
121!. ;T= A recent #cri00s 7o2ard Ne2s #er1ice and #cri00s #chool of
6o%rnalism 0oll of Dcons0irac3 fearsD re1ealed that 4.P of Americans
thin) it is 1er3 li)el3 or some2hat li)el3 that the FB? deliberatel3 set
the fires at AacoG !1P belie1e federal officials 2ere res0onsible for the
>enned3 assassinationG !2P belie1e that it is 1er3 or some2hat li)el3
that the C?A 0%shes dr%-s in the inner-citiesG 3,P belie1e it is 1er3
li)el3 the $.#. Na13 accidentall3 or 0%r0osef%ll3 shot do2n TAA Fli-ht
'... '.P belie1e that the militar3 is 2ithholdin- e1idence of ?ra9i %se
of ner1e -as or -erm 2arfare d%rin- the B%lf Aar. Cet in the 2a)e of
the /)lahoma Cit3 bombin-8 !' 0ercent of Americans s%r1e3ed b3 the
3os Angeles (imes indicated the3 2o%ld trade some ci1il liberties if it
2o%ld hel0 th2art terrorism. Another 0oll8 ta)en after the bombin- b3
the Associated +ress8 re1ealed that !4 0ercent of Americans 2ere
2illin- to trade off some of their ri-hts to 0re1ent more /)lahoma Cit3-
st3le attac)s. A 0oll ta)en d%rin- the B%sh administration re1ealed that
". 0ercent of the 0o0%lation said that the3 2o%ld -i1e %0 their ri-hts
to 2in the dr%- 2ar
121". ;'&'= Re0. #te1e #toc)man8 letter to Attorne3 Beneral 6anet
Reno8 3R22R,!8 co03 in a%thor's 0ossession.
121&. ;'&,= I&id.
121'. ;T= Foster had alle-edl3 %sed +ollard8 a lo2-le1el na1al
intelli-ence anal3st8 on behalf of Rea-an8 B%sh8 and Cas0er
Aeinber-er8 to con1e3 data to the ?sraelis. The fa1or 2as in ret%rn for
?srael's hel0 in trans-shi00in- $.#. 2ea0ons to ?ran8 as a 0a3-off for
dela3in- the release of the American hosta-es8 thereb3 defeatin-
6imm3 Carter's bid for re-election. That scandal 2as )no2n as D/ctober
#%r0rise.D A federal N%d-e8 a Clinton cron38 has )e0t the indictment
sealed to this da3.
121,. ;T= The C-21 (ear 6et is a hi-hl3 reliable aircraft. This
0artic%lar 0lane 2as 0art of the 0residential fleet based at Andre2s Air
Force base. Accordin- to militar3 so%rces8 the 0ilots 2ho fl3 them are
the best of the best. Clar) Fiester8 an assistant Air Force secretar3 for
ac9%isitions8 ser1ed on the N#A ad1isor3 board. /ther ran)in-
0ersonnel 2ere MaN. Ben. Blenn +rofitt ??8 and Col. 6ac) Clar) ??.
;DResc%ers Find Recorders in Militar3 Crash8D -ashington Post
;Re%ters=8 4R1'R,!G DThe 4i-ht Aho died in Ala. Crash8D Air Forces
$onthly8 date %n)no2nG Alexander *ity !utlook8 4R1'R,!G 6oe (. 6ordan8
National <ietnam +./.A. #tri)e forceG other information from
confidential so%rces.=
122.. ;TT= The do2nin- 2as s%s0icio%sl3 similar to the $.#. Air Force
0lane carr3in- Commerce #ecretar3 Ron Bro2n that crashed in Bosnia
on A0ril 38 1,,"8 )illin- all 3! 0eo0le. Ahile the maNor ne2s media
attrib%ted the crash to fo%l 2eather8 the Air Force in1esti-ation re0ort
concl%ded that Dthe 2eather 2as not a s%bstantiall3 contrib%tin- factor
to this misha0.D The 0ilot had nearl3 38... fli-ht ho%rs8 and the co-0ilot
had e1en more. Fi1e other 0lanes had landed at the air0ort 2itho%t
diffic%lt3 in the min%tes before the crash8 and none e:0erienced
0roblems 2ith the na1i-ation beacons. The Air Force also s)i00ed the
first ste0 of its in1esti-ati1e 0rocess8 )no2n as a safet3 board8 in 2hich
all crashes are treated as s%s0icio%s8 and 2ent imediatel3 to the
second 0hase8 an accident in1esti-ation. T2o militar3 0atholo-ists at
the Armed Forces ?nstit%te of +atholo-3 ;AF?+= * Air Force (t. Col.
#te1e Co-s2ell and Arm3 (t. Col. @a1id 7a%se * 2ere 9%oted in the
J+ittsb%r-K (ri&une7.e,iew as sa3in- Bro2n s%ffered a head 2o%nd that
co%ld ha1e been ca%sed b3 a -%nshot. D4ssentiall3L Bro2n had a .4!-
inch in2ardl3 be1elin- circ%lar hole in the to0 of his head8 2hich is
essentiall3 the descri0tion of a .4!-caliber -%nshot 2o%nd8D said
Co-s2ell. Co-s2ell said that the ori-inal E-ra3 of Bro2n's head sho2ed
metal fra-ments in Bro2n's brain consistent 2ith a disinte-ratin-
b%llet. Forensic 0atholo-ist @r. C3ril Aecht concl%ded there 2as Dmore
than eno%-hD e1idence that Bro2n 2as assassinated. No a%to0s3 2as
cond%cted8 and all of the ori-inal head E-ra3s of Bro2n are no2
Dmissin-D from Bro2n's case file. The sole s%r1i1or8 ste2ardess #hell3
>ell38 2ho had onl3 minor c%ts and br%ises8 m3sterio%sl3 bled to death
from a neat 3D incision abo1e her femoral arter3 %0on arri1al at the
hos0ital ;the official stor3 2as that she died of a bro)en nec)=. Bro2n's
la2 0artner at +atton8 Bo--s and Blo2 died in a m3sterio%s car 2rec)
2ithin one ho%r of the crash. Three da3s later8 Ni)o 6er)%ic8 the
maintenance chief at the T%lsa air0ort8 2ho had -%ided the 0lane to its
fatal rende1o%s8 Dcommitted s%icide.D Bro2n8 2ho 2as %nder
in1esti-ation for briber3 at the time Jlin)ed to the @NC and the (i00o
Bro%08 in t%rn lin)ed to +resident ClintonK8 re0ortedl3 0ossessed
sensiti1e information that co%ld ha1e im0licated Clinton in a lon- list of
criminal acts8 and had threatened to blo2 the 2histle. Con-ress2oman
Ma:ine Aaters and >2eisi Mf%me8 head of the NAAC+8 ha1e called for
an in1esti-ation into the matter. ;Christo0her R%dd3 and 7%-h #0r%nt8
DW%estions lin-er abo%t Ron Bro2n 0lane crash8D 11R24R,&G Christo0her
R%dd38 D4:0erts differ on Ron Bro2n's head 2o%nd8D (ri&une7
.e,iew8 12R3R,&G DRon Bro2n cons0irac3 0rotest toda38D $+?8 12R24R,&.=
1221. ;T= A con1ersation 2ith former ?R# in1esti-ator Bill @%ncan ;2ho8
alon- 2ith Ar)ansas 7i-h2a3 +atrol in1esti-ator R%ssell Aelch8 first
%nco1ered the acti1ities at Mena= shed little li-ht on the matter.
@%ncan said he 2as %na2are of an3 files remo1ed from Ar)ansas to
/)lahoma8 altho%-h @%ncan and Aelch 2ere %nder intense scr%tin3 for
their co%ra-eo%s efforts. ;An attem0t on R%ssell's life 2as later made
b3 0oisonin- him.= C%rio%sl38 lon--time Aashin-ton corres0ondent
#ara McClendon re0orted that the C?A 2as also seen remo1in- lar-e
9%anties of files from their offices on A0ril 1,.
1222. ;''.= Carol Moore8 DRe0ort on 1,,! 7o%se Aaco 7earin-s8D
re1ised8 Ma38 1,,".
1223. ;TT= Altho%-h FB? s%0er1isor (arr3 +otts claimed there 2as one.
1224. ;''1= +eter >a2aNa8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
122!. ;] #ecretar3 of #tate Aarren Christo0her had %n1eiled a similar
0lan fo%r months earlier. D?nternational terrorists8 criminals and dr%-
traffic)ers 0ose direct threats to o%r 0eo0le and to o%r nation's
interests8D Christo0her stated8 as tho%-h he 2as referrin- to elements
2ithin o%r o2n -o1ernment.
122". ;''2= Ambrose 41ans-+ritchard8 D?RA 's%00lied detonator for
/)lahoma terror bomb8'D 3ondon )unday (elegraph8 3R3.R,&.
122&. ;''3= Theodore #hac)le38 (he (hird !ption' An Expert9s
Pro,ocati,e .eport on an American 2iew o8 *ounterinsurgency
!perations8 ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5 @ell +%blishin-8 1,'1=8 0.1&.
122'. ;''4= Bene Aheaton8 DC?A5 The Com0anies The3 >ee08D Portland
Free Press8 6%l3-/ctober8 1,,".
122,. ;T= As (a1enti Beria8 #talin's chief of sec%rit38 stated in a s0eech
at <. ?. (enin $ni1ersit3 re-ardin- 2hat he called D+s3cho0olitics8D D/%r
fr%its are -ro2n in chaos8 distr%st8 economic de0ression8 and scientific
t%rmoil. At last a 2ear3 0o0%lace can see) 0eace onl3 in o%r offered
Comm%nist #tateG at last onl3 Comm%nism can resol1e the 0roblem of
the masses.D
123.. ;''!= Portland Free Press8 6%neR6%l38 1,,&.
1231. ;''"= Ailliam #hirer8 (he .ise and Fall o8 the (hird .eich8
1232. ;''&= #%anne 7arris8 [email protected] DFrom Terrorism to T3rann35 7o2
Bo1ernments $se @omestic Terrorism to +romote Totalitarian Chan-e8D
The (a2 (oft8 (os An-eles8 CA8 1,,!.
1233. ;'''= #hirer8 !p *it.
1234. ;'',= /r1ille R. Ae3rich8 6r.8 DReichsta- Fire8D Ae3rich Com0%ter
Cons%ltin-8 1,,!G Ailliam 6as0er8 DA +ost-/)lahoma >ristallnacht8D (he
+ew American8 !R12,R,!.
123!. ;',.= 6onas Bernstein8 D$.#.8 R%ssia #i-n Anti-Ban-ster +act8D
-ashington (imes8 &R"R,4G 9%oted in +ame&ase +ewsline8 D/r-anied
Crime Threatens the Ne2 Aorld /rder8D 6an-March8 1,,!G DFB? Chief5
$.#. '$nder Attac)' b3 Terrorists8D 5.). +ews 6 -orld .eport8 'R1R,".
123". ;',1= 5)A (!AY8 3R11R,3.
123&. ;',2= MT<8 3R22R,4.
123'. ;',3= The Bill a00ro0riates F114 million dollars for the FB? for
fiscal 3ear 1,,& and F1"" million for 1,,'. The Ahite 7o%se8 +ress
Briefin- B3 $nder #ecretar3 of the Treas%r3 For 4nforcement Ron
Noble8 @e0%t3 Attorne3 Beneral 6amie Borelic)8 and @e0%t3 Assistant
to the +resident for @omestic +olic3 Br%ce Reed8 4R2"R,!.
123,. ;',4= Ace R. 7a3es8 DB-Men Co0 +lea on R%b3 Rid-e8D Portland
Free Press8 #e0temberR/ctober8 1,,!. DThe third s%b-%nit of this
di1ision is the D#0ecial @etail $nitD 2hich is desi-nated to )ee0 Ben.
Reno from harm.D
124.. ;',!= 7R ,&'s s0onsor is Re0. Barbara >ennell3 ;@-CT=. The
#enate's 1ersion is #. 1!'18 introd%ced in 1,,3 b3 #enator 6ose0h
(ieberman ;@-MA=. +a-e ! of the bill states5 Members of the Ra0id
@e0lo3ment Force 2ho are de0lo3ed to a N%risdiction shall be de0%tied
in accordance 2ith #tate la2 so as to em0o2er s%ch officers to ma)e
arrests and 0artici0ate in the 0rosec%tion of criminal offenses %nder
#tate la2. D/n The Fast-trac) To Fascism8D .ele,ance ma-aine8
Febr%ar38 1,,!.
1241. ;',"= 6oe 7endric)s8 Chief of +olice8 Aindsor8 Misso%ri8 D+olice
Chief ReNects Trend To2ard National +olice8D (he Idaho !&ser,er8 6%ne8
1242. ;T= Recent r%les in certain co%nties in A3omin- ha1e chan-ed
this 0olic38 and le-islation is 0endin- as of this 2ritin- in Montana to
re9%ire federal a-ents to see) a%thoriation of the local sheriff before
cond%ctin- a raid.
1243. ;',&= ?n a nation2ide s%r1e3 of ",. 0olice de0artments in cities
2ith 0o0%lations of !.8... or more8 researchers fo%nd that ,. 0ercent
no2 ha1e acti1e #AAT teams8 com0ared to ". 0ercent in the earl3
1244. ;','= )oldier o8 Fortune8 A%-%st8 1,,!.
124!. ;',,= Ailliam Booth8 -ashington Post8 "R1&R,&.
124". ;,..= To obtain a co03 of these hearin-s call ;2.2= 224-3121 and
as) for the 7o%se 6%diciar3 #%bcommittee on Crime and Criminal
6%stice8 or call 3o%r Con-ressman.
124&. ;,.1= Associated +ress8 12R24R,4.
124'. ;,.2= D7ard (andin- b3 Arm3 Co0ter 7%rts T2o8D Houston
*hronicle8 1.R2,R,".
124,. ;,.3= Mi)e Blair8 (he )potlight8 11R14R,4G Miller8 !p *it.
12!.. ;,.4= (ori-Anne Miller8 DBombin- #o%nds Rattle Nei-hborhood8D
(he etroit +ews8 1.R2R,4G Mar) #0encer8 0osted on A4N Ne2s-ro%08
12!1. ;T= ?t seems that +resident Clinton s%s0ended the la2 restrictin-
the %se of militar3 force 2ithin $.#. borders in a little-)no2n codicil of
+@@-2!8 a +residential @ecision @irecti1e that is an Do0en secretD in the
militar3 and Con-ress8 b%t is lar-el3 %n)no2n to the American citiens.
12!2. ;,.!= DThe +enta-on Brin-s its Aars 7ome8D #o%rces 4No%rnal8
<ol%me 28 ?ss%e 18 6an%ar38 1,,&. Arm3 (t. Ben. 6.7. Binford +ea3 0oints
o%t in an Arm3 0%blication titled8 Tomorro2's Missions8 that Dmilitar3
forces Jtoda3K are re9%ired to 0ro1ide domestic national assistance8
s%ch as internal 0eace-)ee0in- and anti-dr%- o0erations and s%00ort of
ci1il a%thorities to maintain stabilit3 in a ra0idl3 chan-in- America.D
12!3. ;,."= 6onathan <ol)e8 D$rban Combat Trainin-5 Marines 7it the
Roofto0s8D !range *ounty .egister8 3R1,R,38 9%oted in Terr3 Coo)8 (he
$ark o8 the +ew -orld !rder ;#0rin-dale8 +A8 Ahitac)er 7o%se8 1,,"=8
0. '1.
12!4. ;,.&= MaNor Beneral Ma: Barat8 DNe2 sha0e of Arm3 Reser1e
#%00orts Ne2 Missions8D Army .eser,e8 #%mmer8 1,,4.
12!!. ;,.'= Ailliam F. 6as0er8 DFact and Fiction5 #iftin- Realit3 from
Alarmist R%mors8D +ew American8 1.R31R,4.
12!". ;T= No28 2ith the Crime Bill8 the FB? can be Dde0%tiedD in local
areas to enforce local la2s %0on demand b3 the FB?. ?n other 2ords8 if
the FB? 2ants to 2or) locall3 and %se state and local la2s8 the3 can
demand the local sheriff de0%tie them * then the3 are not
constrained b3 federal limitations.
12!&. ;T= ?n Febr%ar38 1,'2 +resident Ra3-B%n si-ned a series of
National #ec%rit3 @ecision @irecti1es ;N#@@s=8 2hich 0ro1ided for
increased domestic co%nterintelli-ence efforts and the maintenance of
la2 and order in a 1ariet3 of emer-encies8 incl%din- terrorist
incidents8 ci1il dist%rbances8 and n%clear emer-encies.
12!'. ;,.,= DCo%ld ?t 7a00en 7ereHD $other 0ones8 A0ril8 1,''.
D+ac)ard's directi1e sa3s t%rnin- o1er la2 enforcement to the arm3 2ill
'normall3' re9%ire a +residential 4:ec%ti1e /rder8 b%t that this
re9%irement can be 2ai1ed in 'cases of s%dden and %ne:0ected
emer-encies... 2hich re9%ire that immediate militar3 action be ta)en.'D
12!,. ;,1.= >eenen +ec)8 DThe Ta)e-Char-e Ban-8D (he Progressi,e8
Ma38 1,'!G Re3nolds8 !p *it.
12".. ;T= Former Attorne3 Ailliam French #mith bloc)ed the e:0ansion
of F4MA's N%risdiction in 1,'48 b%t after #mith left office8 North and his
F4MA cronies came %0 2ith the @efense Reso%rce Act8 desi-ned to
s%s0ended the First Amendment b3 im0osin- censorshi0 and bannin-
12"1. ;,11= Michael (e1ine 2ith (a%ra >a1ana%8 (riangle o8 eath8
;Ne2 Cor)5 @elacorte +ress8 1,,"=8 0. 3!3.
12"2. ;,12= Mi)e (e1ine8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
12"3. ;T= The (os An-eles riots res%lted in 118113 fires8 283'3 inN%ries8
and !4 deaths. There 2ere 138212 arrests. The dama-e 2as estimated
at F&1& million.
12"4. ;,13= D+olice Ma3 7a1e ?-nored Basic Riot +lan8D +ew York (imes8
!R&R,28 9%oted in I&id.
12"!. ;,14= DRiot Fo%nd +olice in @isarra3 * /fficers >e0t from Flash
+oint @es0ite +leas8D 3os Angeles (imes8 !R"R,28 9%oted in Constantine8
0. 33.
12"". ;T= ?n 1,&,8 fi1e Comm%nist Aor)ers +art3 members 2ere
m%rdered b3 neo-Nais and >lansmen in Breensboro8 NC d%rin- a
0rotest march. The >>> and Nai -ro%0s 2ere infiltrated and led b3 FB?
0ro1ocate%r 4d2ard @a2son and ATF informant Bernard B%t)o1ich.
?nterestin-l38 t2o 0olice other officers res0ondin- to a domestic call in
the area N%st 0rior to the shootin-s noted a s%s0icio%s lac) of 0atrol
cars in the area. /fficer Aise s%bse9%entl3 re0orted bein- as)ed b3
0olice dis0atch ho2 lon- the3 antici0ated bein- at their call8 and 2ere
then ad1ised to Dclear the area as soon as 0ossible.D ;#ee Cha0ter 1!=
12"&. ;TT= Ale: Constantine >%lood1 *arnage1 and the Agent
Pro,ocateur?8 2ho inter1ie2ed local residents8 disco1ered that some of
the arsonists 2ere clearl3 not locals.
12"'. ;,1!= +ar)er and Bradle3 Clash at Riot ?n9%ir38 3os Angeles
(imes8 ,R1!R"!8 9%oted in I&id.8 00. "!-""G I&id.8 0. !3.
12",. ;,1"= I&id.8 0. ",. McCone testified before the Aarren
Commission that (ee 7ar1e3 /s2ald's connections to the A-enc3 2ere
12&.. ;,1&= DThe >ent #tate #hootin-s8D >+F>-FM8 (os An-eles8 !R3R',8
9%oted in Constantine8 0. 2!.
12&1. ;,1'= Tac)2ood8 !p *it.8 9%oted in I&id.8 0. "1.
12&2. ;,1,= Ailliam Mendel8 Colonel8 $#A8 ;retired=8 DCombat in Cities5
The (A Riots and /0eration Rio8D Forei-n Militar3 #t%dies /ffice8 Fort
(ea1en2orth8 >#8 6%l3 1,,".
12&3. ;,2.= Ace R. 7a3es8 DB-Men Co0 +lea on R%b3 Rid-e8D Portland
Free Press8 #e0temberR/ctober8 1,,!.
12&4. ;,21= Mar) Rieblin-8 -edge' (he )ecret -ar %etween the F%I
and *IA8 0.42,.
12&!. ;T= @%rin- the 1,,4 elections8 7o%se 6%diciar3 Committee chair
6ac) Broo)s 2as o1erheard No)in- abo%t the massacre5 D7orrible
0eo0le. @es0icable 0eo0le. B%rnin- to death 2as too -ood for them.
The3'd li)e a slo2er method.D
12&". ;T= +B# Frontline did a 0iece in 1,,! sho2in- 1ictims of tort%re
2hich occ%rred in one Chica-o 0olice district. ?t 2as claimed that
tort%re 2as often %sed on s%s0ects in that district so as to obtain
12&&. ;,22= #hac)le38 !p *it.8 0. 13.
12&'. ;TT= $.#. Arm3 0s3cholo-ical 2arfare e:0ert (t. Col. Michael
Ac9%ino8 2ho 2rote a man%al on mind control for mass 0o0%lations8
2as fascinated b3 the Nais and their relationshi0 to the occ%lt.
Ac9%ino tra1eled to Aeiselsb%r- Castle in Berman3 2here 7itler and
7immler 0erformed their occ%lt rit%als in order to control their ##
0%00ets to sla3 the 0o0%lation.
12&,. ;T= Ac9%ino is the leader of the Tem0le of #et. 7e 2as acc%sed b3
a +residio Arm3 Cha0lain of molestin- the Cha0lain's 3-3ear-old
da%-hter8 and 2as in1esti-ated b3 #an Francisco 0olice. The Arm3
b%ried the case8 and m3 Freedom of ?nformation Act re9%ests 2ent
%nheeded. Ac9%ino8 his satanic 0o2ers a00arentl3 on the 2an8
threatened to s%e the a%thor.
12'.. ;,23= ?1an #har08 D+residio #atanist a #care3 4ni-ma8D )an
Francisco Examiner8 11R2R,'.
12'1. ;,24= (he +ew American8 3R1'R,"8 <ol. 128 No. ". A00arentl38
#ch%mer felt that Militia hearin-s 2ere more im0ortant than an
in1esti-ation of the m%rder of '2 innocent 0eo0le b3 the Federal
Bo1ernment at Aaco. Fort%natel38 most of his fello2 Con-ressmen did
not a-ree.
12'2. ;T= 4m0hasis in ori-inal.
12'3. ;,2!= Marchetti8 ! p *it.
12'4. ;,2"= Fran) @onner8 (he Age o8 )ur,eillance' (he Aims and
$ethods o8 America9s Political Intelligence )ystem1 ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5
<inta-e Boo)s8 1,'1=8 9%oted in Connoll38 !p *it.
12'!. ;T= Nichols had arran-ed a Noint 1ent%re bet2een Aac)enh%t and
the Cabaon reser1ation in ?ndio8 California to man%fact%re
machine-%ns8 ni-ht-1ision -o--les8 f%el-air e:0losi1es8 0oison -as8 and
biolo-ical 2ea0ons8 some of 2hich 2ere ille-all3 shi00ed to the
Contras. Aac)enh%t %sed the tribe's stat%s as a so1erei-n nation to
e1ade the Boland Amendment 0rohibitin- aid to #omoa's so-called
Dfreedom fi-hters.V 6imm3 7%-hes8 Nichols' former Aac)enh%t
bod3-%ard8 claims to be in 0ossession of doc%mentation lin)in-
Cabaon o0erati1es to a hit list of 0olitical tar-ets8 incl%din- #2edish
+rime Minister /lof +alme8 m%rdered in 1,'"8 re0ortedl3 for interferin-
in a similar co1ert arms o0eration in his co%ntr38 in1ol1in- ?sraeli
intelli-ence a-ent Amiram Nir8 and C3r%s 7ashemi8 both hi-h-le1el
o0erati1es in the Rea-anRB%sh arms-for-hosta-es-for-dr%-s net2or).;
;Thomas and >eith8 !p *it.8 00. 2'-34.=
12'". ;,2&= @aniel Brandt8 D/r-anied Crime Threatens the Ne2 Aorld
/rder8D +ame%ase +ews3ine8 No. '8 6an%ar3-March 1,,!.
12'&. ;T= ?nterestin-l38 Ailliam Northro0 is a -ood friend of Beor-e
+etrie's8 and acted as a middle-man bet2een the C?A8 the ?sraelis8 and
the Contras in ille-al arms deals. 7e 2as 0rosec%ted b3 former $.#.
Attorne3 for the #o%thern @istrict of Ne2 Cor) ;no2 Ma3or= R%dol0h
B%lliani8 2ho described him as one of the DMerchants of @eath.D
12''. ;,2'= Fran) Bre1e8 Matthe2 +%rd38 and Mar) Falollah8 DFirm
#a3s $.#. $r-ed Co1ert +lots8D Philadelphia In;uirer8 4R2"R'&8 9%oted in
Christic8 !p *it.8 and Rodne3 #tich8 e8rauding America ;Alamo8 CA5
@iablo Aestern +ress8 1,,4=8 0. ".4. DRichard Meado2s ser1ed for a
time as +ere-rine's 0resident. Charles /dorio and Ailliam +atton8
2or)ed for the -ro%0. +ere-rine's )e3 contacts 2ere retired Arm3 (t.
Ben. #am%el Ailson ;former @irector of the @?A= and (t. Col. Aa3ne 4.
(on-8 2ho as of A0ril 1,'& 2or)ed as a senior officer in the Forei-n
/0erations Bro%08 2hich is a 0art of the Arm3's intelli-ence s%00ort
acti1it3 office.D
12',. ;,2,= #tich8 !p *it.8 0. ".4G AN< had a contract 2ith $.#. Militar3
Central Command8 the infl%ential connection comin- thro%-h $#MC
MaNor Beneral Aesle3 Rice of the +enta-on 6oint #0ecial /0erations
A-enc3. Rice 2as a close friend of B%sh8 7elms8 and #hac)le38
Aheaton8 !p *it.M @e0osition of #am 7all8 ,R,R'&8 9%oted in Christic8
!p *it.
12,.. ;T= 4m0hasis in ori-inal.
12,1. ;,3.= Bene Aheaton8 D#ecret ?sland #03 Base8D Portland Free
Press8 6%l3-/ctober8 1,,". Aheaton and 7%nt both claims that an ABC
ne2s helico0ter 2as shot do2n o1er the island in 1,'!8 )illin- a female
re0orter. The incident 2as co1ered %0 for reasons of Dnational sec%rit3.D
12,2. ;,31= @eclaration of +laintiff's Co%nsel8 $.#. @istrict Co%rt8
#o%thern @istrict of Florida8 Ton3 A1ir-an and Martha 7one3 1. 6ohn
7%ll8 et al.8 Ci1il Case No. '"-114"-C?<->?NB8 filed 3R31R'' b3 the
Christic ?nstit%teG ?t seems Ahitlam 2as abo%t to anno%nce the tr%th of
+ine Ba0 at a 0ress conference. B3 No1ember &8 1,&!8 the co1ers of
three more C?A a-ents had been blo2n in the 0ress.
12,3. ;T= This 2ill be e:0lored more f%ll3 in <ol%me T2o.
12,4. ;,32= (%i-i @iFono8 )t. Peter9s %anker8 ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5 Fran)lin
Aatts8 1,'3=G +ame%ase +ews3ine8 No. !8 A0ril-6%ne 1,,4. Accordin-
to *onspiracy +ation 0%blisher Brian Redman8 Belli attended Ronald
Rea-an's ina%-%ration and the accom0an3in- ball in 1,'1G Mar)
Aarons and 6ohn (oftons8 .atlines ;(ondon8 7einemann8 1,,1=8 0. ',8
9%oted in +exus8 Febr%ar3RMarch8 1,,".
12,!. ;,33= I&id.
12,". ;,34= D#ta3in- Behind5 NAT/'s Terror Net2or)8D Arm (he )pirit8
/ctober8 1,,!8 ;#o%rce5 Fighting (alk - ?ss%e 11 - Ma3 1,,!G Thomas S
>eith8 !p *it.8 0.&&. Accordin- to 6onathan <an)in8 ?talian 6o%rnalist
Mino +ercorelli claimed the C?A 0%lled +2's strin-s. 7e 2as )illed after
0%blishin- the article.
12,&. ;T= /ne earl3 res%lt of this fear on the Ri-ht 2as a failed co%0
attem0t in 1,&. b3 Na13 Commander +rince <alerio Bor-hese8 a
s%00orter of the main ?talian Fascist 0art3 M#?.
12,'. ;,3!= #t%art Christie8 )te8ano elle *hiaie' Portrait o8 a %lack
(errorist ;(ondon5 @ar) horse +ress8 1,'4=8 0. 32.
12,,. ;,3"= I&id.
13... ;,3&= Christie8 !p *it.
13.1. ;,3'= #t%art Christie8 D#tefano @elle Chiaie5 +ortrait of a Blac)
Terrorist8D ;(ondon5 Anarchy $aga#ine8 Refract +%blications8 1,'4=8 0.
13.2. ;,3,= I&id.
13.3. ;T= This is similar to the release of C%ban terrorist /rlando Bosch
b3 Beor-e B%sh.
13.4. ;,4.= @a1id Callo08 In "od9s +ame ;(ondon5 Cor-i Boo)s8 1,'!=8
0. 1&2G D?l Bladio8D BBC e:0osX8 6%ne8 1,,!8 9%oted in I&id.
13.!. ;,41= #te1e Mirach8 DM%rder in the <aticanH The attem0t on the
life of 6ohn +a%l ??8D 0osted on ?nternet.
13.". ;,42= Christie8 !p *it.
13.&. ;,43= 4d2ard #. 7erman8 (he (errorism Industry ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5
+antheon8 1,',=8 0. 22".
13.'. ;T= ?t 2as also disco1ered b3 the Bel-ian 0ress that Aac)enh%t
-%ards had been l%rin- immi-rant children into basements and beatin-
13.,. ;,44= Re%ter8 &R14R,".
131.. ;,4!= +ew American1 !p *it.
1311. ;,4"= Ari Ben-Menashe8 Pro8its o8 -ar' Inside the )ecret 5.).7
Israeli Arms +etwork8 ;Ne2 Cor)5 #heridan #9%are +ress8 1,,2=8 0. 122.
4itan 2as res0onsible for collectin- scientific and intelli-ence
information from other co%ntries thro%-h es0iona-e. ;Art >%n)in5 DThe
/cto0%s Cons0irac3D=.
1312. ;,4&= +atric) #eale8 A&u +idal' A "un 8or Hire8 ;Ne2 Cor)8 NC5
Random 7o%se8 1,,2=8 0. 1!'.
1313. ;,4'= I&id.8 0. 1!38 214.
1314. ;,4,= I&id.8 00. 2"!-"".
131!. ;T= Ab% Nidal did b%siness at the Ban) of Credit and Commerce
?nternational ;BCC?=8 a C?A 0ro0rietar3 2hich la%ndered dr%- 0roceeds
for the NorthR#ecord D4nter0rise8D the M%Nahadeen8 and catered to the
li)es of Man%el Norie-a8 #addam 7%ssein8 and Ferdinand Marcos.
131". ;,!.= Mi)e (e1ine8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
131&. ;,!1= Ailliam 6as0er8 DThe +rice of +eace8D The +ew American8
131'. ;,!2= $ri @an and @ennis 4isenber-8 A )tate *rime' (he
Assassination o8 .a&in8 ;+aris5 Belfond8 1,,"=8 9%oted in *onspiracy
+ation8 <ol. ' N%m. .2.
131,. ;,!3= +ew American8 12R2!R,!.
132.. ;,!4= Roberts8 !p *it.8 0. 3,!.
1321. ;,!!= I&id.8 0. 3",.
1322. ;,!"= I&id.8 0. 4.2.
1323. ;T= ?n fact8 #in-la%b is )no2n to control at least one airfield in
1324. ;,!&= DFB? accidentall3 fa:es memo on Amtra) s%s0ect8D
Associated +ress8 ,R4R,&.
132!. ;T= Chief #%0erintendent 6ob Ma3o8 head of the National Ca0ital
Re-ion Command of the 0olice claimed a -ro%0 called the +aracale
Ban- a00arentl3 did the bombin-s after failin- to rob the Citiban) on
+aseo de Ro:as in #alcedo <illa-e8 Ma)ati.
132". ;,!'= DBrenade blast Roc)s Ma)ati * 4 2o%nded5 Re0 Arro3o
Acc%ses Militar3 of Bombin- to 6%stif3 Anti-Terrorist Bill8D so%rce5 Manila
132&. ;,!,= 7%sa3n Al->%rdi8 D(ib3a5 The +er0et%al Tar-et8D +ews
International Press )er,ice8 date %n)no2n. Re-ardin- America's
reaction to (ib3an inde0endence8 >%rdi notes5 DThe idea that
emanci0ation from 2ant8 i-norance and inN%stice 2as to be act%all3
im0lemented some2here is %nacce0table to an entit3 that foments
0o1ert3 and de0endence e1er32here.D
132'. ;,".= $nder the a%thorit3 of the 1,&& ?nternational 4mer-enc3
4conomic +o2ers Act
132,. ;,"1= 6ohn Boet8 DTen Cears (ater5 (a Belle @isco Bombin-8D
*o,ert Action 4uarterly8 #0rin-8 1,,". ;a%thor's note5 The (os An-eles
Times re0orted that D?sraeli intelli-ence8 not the Rea-an
administration8 2as a maNor so%rce of some of the most dramatic
0%blished re0orts abo%t a (ib3an assassination team alle-edl3 sent to
)ill +resident Rea-an and other to0 $.#. officials... ?srael8 2hich
informed so%rces said has 2anted an e:c%se to -o in and bash (ib3a
for a lon- time8' ma3 be tr3in- to b%ild American 0%blic s%00ort for a
stri)e a-ainst Waddafi.D=
133.. ;,"2= #e3mo%r 7ersh8 DTar-et Waddafi8D +ew York (imes
$aga#ine8 2R22R'&8 9%oted in *o,ert Action 4uarterly8 date %n)no2n.
1331. ;,"3= I&id.
1332. ;,"4= Boet8 !p *it. Fa3sal testified8 sa3in-5 D? am not of the
o0inion that the attac) a-ainst (a Belle 2as done b3 those (ib3ans
2hom ? )no2 Jthe N%ri -ro%0K8 b%t rather b3 a different -ro%0 Man3
of the (ib3ans beha1ed s%s0icio%sl3. That 2as to hide the -ro%0 that in
realit3 did the attac).D
1333. ;,"!= Ric) At)inson8 D$# @ela3s $nderlined As @isco Bombin-
#%s0ect Freed in (ebanon8D -ashington Post8 'R3R,4G 9%oted in I&id.
1334. ;,""= Boet8 !p *it. DA 2ee) after the bombin-8 Manfred
Banscho28 chief of the anti terrorist 0olice in Berlin8 DreNected the
ass%m0tion that s%s0icion is concentrated on (ib3an c%l0rits.D
133!. ;T= +ose3 denied the alle-ations in an inter1ie2 2ith the a%thor.
?n an inter1ie2 2ith the a%thor8 Federal +%blic @efender 6ohn Mattes
felt the 0lot 2asn't bein- serio%sl3 considered.
133". ;,"&= Christic8 !p *it.M 6ac) Terrell8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor. ;Also5
#ee the 2illage 2oice8 ,R2,R'&8 and 13R3.R'".=
133&. ;T= #tatements of 6es%s Barcia to Federal +%blic @efender 6ohn
MattesG The 0lot is briefl3 mentioned in 6ac) Terrell's boo)8 isposa&le
Patriot ;Bethesda8 M@8 National +ress Boo)s8 1,,2=8 0. 321G Terrell also
confirmed the 0lot in an inter1ie2 on NBC ni-htl3 ne2sG +eter Blibber38
a mercenar3 o0eratin- in Contra cam0s near 7%ll's ranch8 recalled
attem0tin- to trans0ort e:0losi1es from the ranch to 6ones' ranch8 and
bein- told it 2as needed Dfor the embass3 Nob.D
133'. ;,"'= 6ac) Terrell8 NBC transcri0t8 9%oted in Christic8 !p *it. The
/cto0%s 2o%ld attem0t to silence Terrell b3 informin- the FB? that he
had threatened the life of the +resident.
133,. ;T= Accordin- to 6ac) Terrell8 Contra leader Adolfo Calero
com0lained that +astora had described the F@N ;Contras= as
Dhomicidal8 #omicista sons of bitches.D
134.. ;,",= Coc)b%rn8 !p *it.
1341. ;,&.= @e0osition of Bene AheatonG @e0osition of 4den +astoraG
testimon3 of 6ac) Terrell8 9%oted in Christic8 !p *it.
1342. ;T= /n 6%ne 228 1,'48 +astora met 2ith @e23 Clarrid-e and <ince
Cannistraro8 2ho offered to hel0 +astora find the )illers. ;#%re.=
7ar0er's e:0losi1es trainin- 2as alle-edl3 co%rtes3 of 6ohn #in-la%b
and Robert >. Bro2n ;0%blisher of )oldier o8 Fortune =.
1343. ;,&1= Coc)b%rn8 !p *it.8 00. !"-!&G Christic8 !p *it.
1344. ;T= BArcia and his famil3 2ere later threatened 2ith a li1e
1.!mm mortar ro%nd 0laced on their front la2n.
134!. ;,&2= I&id.8 6ohn Mattes8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
134". ;,&3= 6ac) Terrell8 isposa&le Patriot ;Aashin-ton8 @.C5
National +ress Boo)8 1,,2=.
134&. ;,&4= As Col. @an Mar1in notes8 that statement8 2ritten b3 Ahite
in a letter to a friend8 2as broadcast on ABC T< in 1,&, in a
doc%mentar3 0rod%ced b3 6ohn Mar)s.
134'. ;,&!= #ara McClendon8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thorG @ebra <on Tra008
inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
134,. ;,&"= <.Y. (a2ton8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
13!.. ;T= Marone3's 2ife also told me Mic)e3 2as seconded to the @4A
and FB? in C30r%s8 2ho 2ere in1esti-atin- a co%nterfeitin- rin-
;0robabl3 ?ranian=. As disc%ssed 0re1io%sl38 C30r%s is 2here @?A a-ent
(ester Coleman 2or)ed 2ith the @4A8 and 2here he learned abo%t
>halid 6affer8 the co%rier 2ho alle-edl3 carried the bomb onboard +an
Am fli-ht 1.3. Marone3 2or)ed in C30r%s in 1,,3.
13!1. ;,&&= aily !klahoman8 'R14R,&.
13!2. ;,&'= Mi)e (e1ine8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
13!3. ;,&,= Ace R. 7a3es8 D#acrificial Boat8D Portland Free Press8
6%l3R/ctober8 1,,&.
13!4. ;T= DThe 0rosec%tors m%st 0are do2n their case so that it does
not bore the N%r38D le-al anal3st >enneth #tern recommended in the
American 6e2ish Committee's recent 2hite 0a0er on the trial. D?n cases
s%ch as these8 0rosec%tors too often 0resent a 'Cadillac' 2hen a
'Che1rolet' 2o%ld do m%ch better.D ;Associated +ress8 .4R1'R,&=
13!!. ;,'.= #te1en >. +a%lson8 DMedia /bNect to #ealed @oc%ments in
/)lahoma Cit3 Bombin- Case8D Associated +ress812R13R,".
13!". ;T= Also recall that former C?A o0erati1e B%nther R%ssbacher
claimed that se1eral (as <e-as casinos8 incl%din- Bin3on's 7orseshoe8
are sl%sh-f%nd 0a3-off 0oints thro%-h #hamroc) @e1elo0ment Cor0.
The reci0ients collect their mone3 in the form of -amblin- chi0s8 2hich
the3 then cash in. ?t is 2orth notin- that the C4/ of #hamroc)8 @onald
(%t8 2as on the mana-ement staff of #il1erado #a1in-s S (oan. D4.
Trine #tarnes8 6r.8 the third lar-est #il1erado borro2er8 2as a maNor
donor to the National 4ndo2ment for the +reser1ation of (ibert3
;N4+(=8 directed b3 Carl D#0itD Channell8 2hich 2as a 0art of /li1er
North's Contra f%ndin- and arms s%00ort net2or). Aa3ne Reeder8
another Beebe associate8 a bi- borro2er from #il1erado8 defa%lted on a
F14 million loan. Reeder 2as in1ol1ed in an %ns%ccessf%l arms deal
2ith the Contras. ;6ac) Colho%n8 DThe Famil3 That +re3s To-ether8D
*o,ert Action 4uarterly8 date %n)no2n.=
13!&. ;T= As 6ones e:0lained in the Arit5 DThis iss%e arri1es before
the Co%rt at this late date sim0l3 beca%se the defense has re0eatedl3
-one to the -o1ernment 2ith information and re9%ests8 had to then
see) inter1ention from the district co%rt8 and the last district co%rt
order has been iss%ed 2ithin the last t2o 2ee)sL.D
13!'. ;,'1= 6ones' defense team member8 confidential inter1ie2 2ith
13!,. ;T= As Mc<ei-h later e:0lained to his hometo2n ne2s0a0er5 D?n
the instant conte:t8 3o% co%ld ta)e Jthe statementK to reflect on the
death 0enalt3 and the char-es le1eled a-ainst me. ? 2as acc%sed and
con1icted of )illin- * the3 sa3 that's 2ron-8 and no2 the3're -oin- to
)ill me.D
13".. ;,'2= Associated +ress S The 7a3s @ail3 Ne2s8 'R14R,&.
13"1. ;,'3= Bill 7e2itt and Nic)ie Bane8 D7%mbleH For-et ?t8D People8
13"2. ;T= #enior 0artner Brendon #%lli1an re0resented /li1er North
d%rin- the ?ran-Contra hearin-s.
13"3. ;,'4= 6anet 4lliott8 Mar) Ballard8 Robert 4lder 6r.8 Bordon 7%nter8
DNichols' (a23ers5 The /dd Co%0le8D (exas 3awyer8 3R22R,"G Robert
#chmidt8 DRe0resentin- the Acc%sed Bomber8D 3egal (imes8 !R22R,!G
Constantine8 DThe Bood #oldier8D !p *it.
13"4. ;,'!= 6im Bellin-ham8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
13"!. ;,'"= 6ohn @eCam08 (he Franklin *o,er75p ;(incoln8 N45 AAT8
?nc.8 1,,"=8 00. 34!-4".
13"". ;,'&= (etter from #te0hen 6ones to a%thor8 4R21R,&.
13"&. ;T= As Mc<ei-h's a00eal brief stated5 DBeca%se the -o1ernment's
co%nsel attrib%ted Mr. Mc<ei-h's cond%ct to his an-er at the Federal
Bo1ernment o1er Aaco8 Mr. Mc<ei-h sho%ld ha1e been entitled to
sho2 that the -o1ernment had some c%l0abilit3 in 0ro1o)in- that
an-er8D his attorne3s said. DThis e1idence and ar-%ment 2o%ld ha1e
0ro1ided a miti-atin- e:0lanation for the other2ise ine:0licable
transformation of Mr. Mc<ei-h from the tho%-htf%l8 res0onsible and
0la3f%l 0erson described b3 Mr. Mc<ei-h's childhood friends8 teachers
and familiesL to someone 2ho a00eared bent on destr%ction.'D ;A+8
13"'. ;,''= Beneral Benton >. +artin8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
13",. ;,',= #te0hen 6ones8 letter to a%thor8 ,R,R,&.
13&.. ;,,.= I&id.
13&1. ;T= DJ7o2eK said she sa2 Mc<ei-h 2al)in- 2ith 4lohim Cit3
sec%rit3 chief Andreas #trassmeir8 2ho had ad1ocated 1iolence a-ainst
the -o1ernment. /ne N%ror didn't at first e1en recall 7o2e's testimon3.
Another8 JN%ror ChrisK #eib8 said8 D? don't )no2. Ae felt there 2as
somethin- there. Co% )no28 2e )ind of s)immed thro%-h that 0rett3
13&2. ;,,1= Nolan Cla38 D#ome 6%rors Con1inced /thers ?n1ol1ed *
Nichols Trial Rene2s #0ec%lation Concernin- 6ohn @oe 28D aily
!klahoman8 1R11R,'.
13&3. ;,,2= #te1en >. +a%lson8 D6%rors lea1e bombin- sentence to
N%d-e8 criticie 0rosec%tion's case8 DAssociated +ress8 1R'R,'.
13&4. ;,,3= I&id.
13&!. ;,,4= I&id.
13&". ;,,!= Nolan Cla38 D#ome 6%rors Con1inced /thers ?n1ol1ed *
Nichols Trial Rene2s #0ec%lation Concernin- 6ohn @oe 28D aily
!klahoman8 1R11R,'.
13&&. ;T= The first man (B6 met 2ith on No1 2,th8 after he had cleared
the forei-n di-nitaries o%t of Aashin-ton 2as Aa--oner Carr8 Te:as
Attorne3 Beneral8 to tell him. DNo trial in Te:as... e1er.D ;+ro%t3=
13&'. ;,,"= 6ohn Breiner8 DCo%rt As)ed to 4ns%re Mac3 4:0lores All
Bombin- An-les8D aily !klahoman8 "R2'R,&.
13&,. ;T= >e3's attorne3 Mar) #anford said the #%0reme Co%rt 2as
2illin- to bac) >e3 %08 b3 forcin- Mac3 to do his Nob 0ro0erl3.
13'.. ;,,&= @istrict Attorne3 Bob Mac38 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
13'1. ;,,'= Beor-e 7ansen8 inter1ie2 2ith a%thor.
13'2. ;T= Accordin- to /)lahoma #tat%tes8 Title 228 #ection 331
;Beneral 0o2ers and d%ties of -rand N%r3=8 Notes of @ecisions5 DBrand
N%r3 f%nctions as an in9%isitorial bod3G once it is con1o)ed b3 the co%rt8
its d%t3 is to in1esti-ate la2 1iolations JT2eed3 1. /)lahoma Bar Ass'n8
/)l. "24 +.2d 1.4, ;1,'1=K... ?n1esti-ation b3 -rand N%r3 or a
0reliminatr3 e:amination b3 ma-istrate is not a trial8 and the r%les of
e1idence are not to be a00lied as ri-idl3 as in trial of case before co%rt.
JMa-ill 1. Miller8 /)l. Cr.8 4!! +.2d &1! ;1,",=KL.D
13'3. ;T= ?n a letter hand-deli1ered to the Brand 6%r38 Re0resentati1e
>e3 as)ed to testif3 a second time to 0resent e1idence that the @A's
office ref%sed to allo2 a 1ideo of Dcontem0oraneo%s ne2s acco%ntsD
beca%se it 2as considered to be hearsa3. As Mi)e 6ohnston8 >e3's
attorne38 stated in the letter8 DThe obNection or contention that a -rand
N%r3 cannot %se hearsa3 e1idence is not 2ell fo%nded.D Mor-an
res0onded b3 thereafter ref%sin- to comm%nicate 2ith >e3 e:ce0t
thro%-h his attorne3. #o m%ch for coo0eration.
13'4. ;,,,= DBrand 6%r3 Told #eismic Readin-s $nclear in Bombin-8D
aily !klahoman8 ,R1,R,&.
13'!. ;1...= I&id.
13'". ;1..1= >AT< Channel , broadcast8 ."R1"R,&.
13'&. ;1..2= (3nn Aallace8 0osted on />B/MB mailin- list.
13''. ;1..3= Michael Ri1ero8 0osted on />B/MB mailin- list.
13',. ;1..4= 4d3e Ann #mith8 ?ndi1id%all3 and on Behalf of 7er Minor
Children8 Chase #mith8 @eceased8 and Colton #mith8 @eceased8
+laintiffs8 1s. Timoth3 6ames Mc<ei-h8 Michael Brescia8 Michael Fortier
and Andreas Carl #trassmeir and /ther $n)no2n ?ndi1id%als8
@efendants8 Case No. C6-,"-1'.
13,.. ;1..!= >F/R's information is c%rrentl3 in 0ossession of the
Con-ressional Tas) Force on Terrorism and $ncon1entional Aarfare. As
of this 2ritin-8 Re0. 6ames Traficant ;@-/7= dis0la3ed an interest
inholdin- />B/MB hearin-s.
13,1. This statement b3 Ben Menache abo%t Mohammed Radi Abd%llah
2as 0ro1en to be libelo%s. #ee the doc%ments to that effect.

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