One Tier Extra Wide Vented Metal Lockers
Every athlete needs a safe place to store his/her personal items. Vented equipment lockers are ideal in any locker room or gym. They keep the room tidy and give the athlete a personal place to keep their valuables. Heavy duty metal lockers that are extra wide and single tier are essential for grade school athletic departments all the way to major league sports. These vented metal sports lockers are made from 16 gauge steel and are known for their durability and need in locker rooms, shower rooms, and gyms. They come in two finishes which are tan and gray. These single tiered vented lockers can come assembled or unassembled at your desire and are 25% wider than the average locker. Imagine how much more equipment you can fit into a wider locker! Some of us can probably remember having to share a locker with a teammate or having to put all of our athletic equipment into one large locked bin due to the lack of lockers in the dressing room. Today, every student/athlete should be able to store their personal items in their own lockable compartment-a locker! Better yet, these lockers are vented which allows athletic equipment or other stored items to be “aired out.” Not only can these extra wide vented metal lockers be used in athletic departments worldwide but they can be used in other recreational establishments as well. Roller skating rinks, ice rinks, and pools are all places where heavy duty extra wide lockers can be used. Hauling equipment from home to the gym or recreational facility can be the one thing that keeps you from the gym all together. Vented single tiered lockers offer people an acceptable and temporary/permanent place to store their athletic gear. Because they’re extra wide they offer the maximum amount of equipment to be stored. Vented one tier lockers are great because they keep you from storing equipment in your home or car. Take a look in a person who exercises regularly or is part of a city sports league and you will find that their equipment normally stays in their car. The car eventually develops a stench. At least vented single tier lockers offer maximum airflow for ventilation and a place to lock up your sporting equipment until you return to it at the next practice or game. Trust your spouses and kids, your sports equipment will be better off in a locker! Thankfully these lockers are much wider and store a greater amount of sporting goods. Large heavy duty metal lockers are essential to those who play sports that involve equipment such as baseball bats, hockey sticks, golf clubs, or other sporting goods with longer measurements. These heavy duty single tier-extra wide lockers are a necessity for any school or athletic department gym. They’re easy to use and measure 6ft high - 15in. wide, and come in ample depths of 15, or 18 inches. The lockers which are 18” in depth come with a coat rod so that garments can be hung. They are also capable of locking with a combination lock, key lock, or pad lock. These single tier wide sporting equipment lockers can come assembled or unassembled at your desire and for your convenience. The necessity of space is given to those using the locker. Let’s admit it, the more we workout or the longer we’ve been a part of a sports league-the more equipment we tend to collect and carry with us. These lockers offer us the much needed space we need. So, the next time your in a gym, dressing room, spa or generally any athletic department, look around and observe whether or not extra-wide single-tiered vented metal lockers are offered to use. Don’t hesitate to make recommendations to the facility if they don’t offer a locker that is vented and allows equipment to be “aired out” or aren’t big enough to store all of your items.
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