Our Town June 4, 1937

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,', ,; ,
VOLUME 23, No. 35
Prize Willner at Mercersburg
James E. Meredith, Jr., son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Meredith, Merion, was
awarded the Book Prize in Senior
French at the graduation exercises of
The Mercersburg Academy.
IMenl0rial Grouping
Honoring Veterans
Given to Borough
100 See Prizes Awarded
at Rod alld GUll Outiug
\Vinning three games out of four Iuntil the Fourth includes all home I
played, Narberth's team lost g-aml·";. The date,; and the team to be Frank A. Schrepfer Expresses
t1w i\lain Line League lead and re- played arc: . Hope for Peace at
gained it during the holiday wcek- .J unt' n, Royel',;ford; June I:!, l\Iedw; Presentation
end. .J um' 1:1, Gladwync'; June 19, Upper
Darby; .June 20, Pott,;town; June 26, PARADE IS LARGEST EVER
Downingtown; .June :!7, Coate,;ville;
.July :l, l\ledia.
":\lay this he the last l\lemorial to
On .July 4 Narberth g'oes to Royers-
the soldier dead ever to be
ford, then on .July 5 the Davisl1lcn will
el'el'1l·d in
entertain Paoli in the morning and
Brook] ine in the afternoon at the bor- Thu,; la,;t :\londay Frank A. Schrep-
ough field. fler l'xllI'e,;,;cd tIll' hope for Peace of
t ll' ve1l'l'anS and bOl'ough citizens as-
In la,;t Saturday's game only Fox'i
Ral,;ton, Walker and Eachus were I
able to get a hit off Pot1,;town's!
pitcher, Coecie, who won a grand
pitching duel from Frank Escott,
Villanova College ace.
Winning for the Davismen
wen' AI lIeITmann ag'ain,t Downing-
town and Bud Clancy again,;t Brook-
linl', with Hl'JTmann' l',saying a dunl:
relil'f roll' against Paoli. AI not'
schedule for arberth Continued on Page SIx I
Rev. J. E. Nidecker, 87,1
Author, Linguist, Dies:
Upset Saturday the Pottstown
nine which ,;cored a ,;urprise 2-1 vic-
tory ovel' the Davismen, the latter
ca ml' back to troa ncf' t hI'
hitherto undefeated Downingtown
players 7 to 2, and then on Memorial
Day took undi,puted of
the top rung by win" 5-4 ovpr Brook-
line and 19-!1 over Paoli. Besides
losing to the the Brook-
line Hares a1,;0 ,ufrel'ed a 11-10 de-
fl'at at the hand,.; of GladwYlle and
dropped from tir,t to third place,
The bearded men from the
(If Davi,l will be the opposition this
Saturday afternoon. g-ame is
alway,; keenly conte,;ted and draws a
hig' crowd.
The league
Narberth Regains Lead, Taking
3 of 4 Holiday Weekend Games
Conference on Future 'Ditter Leads Attack
G.O.P. Policies Tues.: on Relief"

:\Iu,ieal Illllnh('I', "Adoration," I,y
BOl'ow,ki, Ih" III'Chl"tI':I.
Addl'(''', "Pia:; at LO\\'l'r :\It-rioll,''
hy :'>IcGarwy.
:\10]'(' than 100 pl'1',On,; altl'ndl'd
'R bl' C S the ,pring outing of thc LOWl'r
Pcnnsy vania Council of Relmb- CIJU Ican on2:J'cssman up· Rctired Ministel' of Old Zion,
:\Ierion Rod and Gun Club ]a,t
lican Womcn Plans Round portcd by Democrats in Ef. at the Ea,tern Countie,; ChUl'ch Was Narberth Resi.
Table Discussions fort to Eliminatc Poli. Gamc and Protcctive dent Since 1914
tics in W. P. A. ground", Paoli. I
CIa,,; Son;.:'. TIlt' futurc policil''; of the Hepub- Prizl''; were awarded to win- TIll' He\'el'l'lll! .Johann E. ::-\idl'eker, I
Awanling' of I'rizl" by Glorgl' II. lican will bl' di,;cu,';l'd at a re- In an !'frort to "political' m'r, in ,;e\'eral evenb a, follow,: D.D.. died on :\Ionday at hi,; home, :!:-;
(;illlt'rt. principal of the Sl'lliol' lIigil giona! nH'l'ting whidl tl1<' rackl'tl·l'rin;.:'" in till' di,tl'ibution or .Junior water boiling', G('orgl'
School. vania Couneil of Rl']1l1hlican Women Fl'dl'J'al rl'1il'f fund,;, .J. William Dit- Stl'ckl'l, ,Jr. aV"nUl', of artl'rio tf) W:11I1''''' till' pn'';I'lItation
Song, "Good Xi,l.dlt. Go"d Xight. will hold TUl',day at the Ritz-Carlton, t('l', :\Ioutgonll'ry CongTl"s- Sl'niol' watl'!' boiling, C. L. at tIll' age of : of till' (;rouping to the
Phl·I,'\(!"!llI11·a. I I . I 'T I' ])r. Xi(!Lockt·r, who wa,; born in I borough.
Beloved," by j'in,uti, the Sl'uinr Chllr- ' man. la, attractl'l WI( I' support m • l'U ,lib. I
al Ensl'mbJe. :\Ii,;,; :\Iargarl't Orr Benade will thl' 1I0u,;1' of Rl'pre,;entati\'(',; for hi,; Plug' cmting, ,I"nkin" Bas"], Switzc'rland, wa, ordained in' In b('lwlf of tIll' Harold D. Speak-
Valedictory addn''''' .Johu Sch,,'ab- I "l'l'\"(' a, chairmau for the Lower propo,al tll purge \Y, P. A. of all par- 87 out of 100. the U'nitl'd States in For one: mall :'Ill'. Schl'l'pfer
:\Il'rioll-Xarl)('rth Council and rl',;erva- ti,;:ln activitie'. , F]y ca,ting, Clan'nce Burn,;idl', ,thl' :\I"!llorial, in till' groupin" of
enland. , year he wa, pa,tor at Chamber,;burg I" t \\' I I \\.. h j
, J I 1 t' f' I' I tioll' for the lunchl'on at $1 should be Thc Opl'U support of influen-' 9n out of 100. ,w IICI1:l \,nlll'\\'OOI aUl 1111 sor
.-,l,( re,;,; au, atll111 0 I I P,,_'. aud then for ,;l'\'('n year,; at \\'ilkes-' ',I\'l'lllll ,,' }11' 1'1,'\'" l)l'I'll Il(,tll ]JI,"lllll'llg
1 :'II B I' mad(' to her at Gn'en HIli Farm,;, tia] Democrat,; ha,; !'uablC'd Ditter, a Surf ca,ting (for distance), '
ma, ly ,1'. ur III ga1l11'. ()\'erbJ'(,ok militant Republican, to expose on the Xorman Dor,ey, :l.J5 fl'et. BanI'. HI' tlH'u cam(' to the Old Zion ('xl)(,l't alld director in charge of op-
SOIlg', "lIail Lo"','r :'IlerioJl," audi- . '. LutlH'ral1 Church, Franklin and Vine nation,.
. . All ull'mlwrs or till' council arc floor oj thl' Hou,e rec('ntly the Pi,tol shooting, A. Donald
;: ,!'.' C 'urged to atll'JH! and bring a young of "political reliC'f" which now pr"-' Ame,bury, 72 out of 100. ,tred" PhilalJto]phia, where he was! Ill' told (If t11P \Vor], that several
>1 nl' IdIOIl. the Re\', Albert . I 'J' St' tl ,. ' T l' C' C till' pa,;tor for 31 yean. '111l·nl1,1·1·.·· of tIll' Il(,.·'t 11,"(1 ,"cclJlnll]I"'hed
Kanziugl'r. Republican gue,;t. Registration fcc' III !'\'l'ry k m 11' UnIOn.; rap s lOotmg, ,rover , - -" :-
will be paid by the council. The con- 11H' of polItIc, ha,; been par-; Th(Jmpson, 24 out of 25. In 1 he l'l,tin'd from the pulpit: in ordl'l' to a,;sl'mble in the beautiful
R hI
' P i ferencl' will ,tart promptly at 11 dt',tructive to genuine relief, Rifle ,hooting (50 yard,;), and came to :\arberth to reside. i pl,:t tIll' org-inal.ly
epu Icans rotest :A. :\1. 'throughout Pl'nn,yh'ania, wlH're the i George Floyd, Jr., 97 out of 100. ,lI,' educated at Ba,;eJ Univers- i budt by a :\aJ'i)('rth Citizens
N A ' B d The Round Table Discu",ions on PL'mocratic State organization has I Switzerland, and was the author: tl'l', the flagpoll' und the pIece of
ew ssessors oar; tin1<'iy ;';Uhjl'Ct,; will bp Ie,! by the managed the ,F,.deral Start Investigation of of hymns, poetry and articles on! ordnancp, Jll' al,;o thanked the bor-
following well-known ,;peakprs. tlon, as a part of the State campaIgn: 1'(·lig-iou, topics. lIe also was a versa- ough who have hellll'd to
Statc Namcs Dcmocratic Trio' "Policil',;," table 1 (Consl'rva- fund. I Main Line Taproonls t i1l' lingui,;t for he could conver,;e in' the co,t of materials used in
b d
tive - Progre",ivl') - Leader,;, :\11',. ":-.Io man in this House 0lllloses the, Gprman, French, Hebrew, Italian,', the grouping.
to Jo s Pai : Hannah :\1. Durham, :'>li,;s S. :\1. R. prineip1l' of gl'nuine relief to the! Grl'l'k, Latin aw] Engli,;h. I A Idll'r to citizen,; has been mailed
by County ,O'Hara. Table 2-":\linority Group,;," nel'dy," Ditter told his colleag-ues,: Chargcs Made After Youths HI' i, ,;ul'\'iwd by his wiff', 1\1rs.! by \\'illiam II. Durbin, chairman of
'''Rl'pJ'(',entation of :\len and \\'on1<'n." "but when forty cen1,; of l'\'ery relief! Are Arrested for :\Iaria Bai,;t Xidecker, whom he ll1ar-1 the eomll1i!tl'e in charge of financing
:'>10ntgomery County's newlv 'tIl I I I . . " "Tpndl'neil'';,'' leader" 2\ln. John \V. dollal' goe, for admini,;trative ex- Galnbling riel Ii:! years ago, and by six chil-, the ml'l1lorial, and gratifying- returns
p"lnll,d J)1'lllocratic Board of A,,;{·,,·I , " 'Coll]lel', :\In. W. \\. L1Vlllg'00d. pl'nses and o\'erhead, thl'n we have I dn·n. They are :\lrs. Hilda Bu,;h, of: have bl'en rl'ported to date,
';llrs tOllk oflice thi, wC'l'k-under ]'1'0- " '" ..' ' ! J I I I
. I' ut U1'(', Tabll' ,3-' Radw and dC'n'loped, not a ,;y,tem of relIef ad-, Agc'nt,; of the Pl'nn,vl\'<lJ1ia State . 0 II1,town; :\ Loui,;e lh'ns]er, Th(' paradl' which pl'f'cl'ded the
tl',;t of the fornH'r Repu ,1Ican mellJ-", ""T I' ,,'" I : . . "1 I I ) ' f' ,'l'W,;papl'r,;, eac lIng Influence ; JUt a cruel and heart-, LIquor COlltrol Board launched an in- .•11'';. Alice Sc l\valH'nland and Paul; prl'';l'ntation of the :\lemorial Group-
. ll';.l'ph 0 \ allpy :\11'';.•John Y. Huber, Jr.,' Continued on Page Six ; \'t'stigation of :\Iain Line taproom, on );id"ck"r, all of )Jarbl'rth; Arnold \V.! illg was the largp,t in the history of
road. :\1"l'lon, tOllk th.p J'lace of an-' ,'II'.'. C. I,'. 'I','lble '-"1'0- I, '-T'I k f' I'l 'l I I !' IE' tl " b I ] h •• oJ , •• Ionda\' of lhi, \\'('1'1, following .,1' "I.' 'pr, 0 11 lH l' P lHl, anI 'man-' ll' .,al' ITt 1 "any of t e
other Liner, WIlliam T. \Va.r"litical Education," kader,;. :\Irs. Sam.' 80 Attend Mulieres' Party by public ofl1cials'and private1ul'l :\idl'ckl'r, of Haddonfield, N.•J. organization,; Wl're repre-
an'nue, Ardmore, III lwl B. l\1:11·tha : Over:-;O women uttendcd the card i citizl'n,; that propril'tors of tho,e I TIll' funl'ral Wa, held this i ,;c·ntl·d. a dl'!t'g-ation wa, prc'';l'nt from
I Table .1-"\\ hat I, Counct!', Con- party by the of till'; plac,es sern: liquor and beer to minors. Iat :!. P. :\1. at Old Church with I thl' Bulloc],-Sa,nderson of Ard-
is l\!,'rion cOlllmittpl'l1l:In trihution to tIll' Rl'llllblican Partv'!" Narhprth F 11'1' Company In II all It lS con';lllered doubtful, hc)\\'p\'er, Itill' 11I1l'r!1H'llt at HIibll!e Cemetery. ; Illon', and LIeutenant Commander
a.nd n·slllen.t secrl'lary of thl' C'Xl'('\.I' I.l','I,ll'I'. :\11"". B. I.(Jnor. 1','l'bll' \\'] It' f ! t I I' I\\. I ()" II' I 1 f h _ .... on el nc'SI ay 0 rUlse UIH s 0 pur-, t lat arre,;ts wIll be made. as tap- u h'r Ivan, mars HI 0 t e
tlve COm11l11tC"e of the J)nJloeratlc r "y II RbI' I' t' tIl' I . f I " R . S . I " • . ,_ 01 Ig epu Icans ar 111 ll' Cw,e a sewlIlg mac lIne or t w "':11'-' r"om operatol''; have had ampk warn- epalr upervisor Tclls About : prOCl'';';lOn, a,;o commanded a com-
county organIzatIOn. \\ anl'n IS Hl'-, Pal.t\.", le,I(!I'r, .:\11'.". H. Tatll',111 I tl B I f tl N II I G I! I' I j" 'J fiN ." wr 1 ranc) 0 le eel pwor, UI', I lng, an, will probably ml'nd their His Life at RotaI' M t' I pany 0 ,Ixty ors rom t le avy
publican cOllJlllittl'I'man in South A1'(!- BI',,\\··ll. 'I' bl '" "II I f C 'I S ]. I d if ! b ' Y ec mg ". ! . I I ,I a l' 1- e 1" or ouncl anc WIS ws an co ee were servl'C y i ways, at least during- the investiga- I 1 arc who t 1(' co or guaru
llJore, pn'cinct l\o.:!. The job, on .. " 1"d t' I 'I ' tIl I b tl ' . , I I'fl I fi .' uca JOna programs, a arge comnllt ee, 1l',l< e( y Ie I tion. I1C'\\'''."t 111"ll11IC'I' L"IJJlal'AI' an' a,;o a 1'1 l' ,quad w 10 lred a
the hoard of asse,;,;ors pay $5000 a " , , " , I
year. president, Mrs. Eberhardt Mueller. I ?harg-es tha,t taprooms were C. GruI;e, supervi,or of outsidp rc-, volle.
at ..the ," ,
]c,ldel, :\11S. Be.sle Dobson Altl'mus'l ,sellm IInuor to Wf're made 11,'11'). alld t,'llll" \\'ol'k fIJI' til" Bell: OCCUP)ll1g thl honol pOSItIOn 111 the
Appointment of the new board was, 'I .., I
npce,;sitated by the of the . : Brookline Woman Wins Cottage Ila,;t Thursday mOl'l1ing-, following the Telephone Company in this di,;trict, I parade \\:a: Doll, Narberth's
"ripper" bill removing the Nathan B. J.\tlontgomcry Dies : The l!l:l7 Devon Cottage was won: alTe,;t of five youths for petty gamb- the Bala-Cynwyd-Narberth Ionly survIving War Veteran who
old board. Suddenly of Heart Attack by :\Ir,;. J. Elmer Watt,;, of 120811ing neal' a l\lain Line cafe. The Club at the Overbrook Golf on AdmIral Farragut's f1ag-
In addition to Warren thp (lId, IDarby road, Brookline, :'tIl'S. \Vatts, Ifather of onl' of the youth,; during- a Club. ShIP.,
board included Norman ZPIHlt of, Nathan n. Montgomery, 51, dil'd: who,;c' husband is a realtor, bought I hearing before ::\la/ristrate Walter n. Life storips are required of new An thrIll wa,; ?,iven the
Souderton and James Hynes of CI1<'I- suddently at his home at 1] 0 Forn'1« the one chance on the cottage. I charged that flagrant and Rotarians and :\11'. Grupe told how h(' :ehool .chlldren who occupied every
tenham. The other twd of avenue, Narbelih, \Vednesday eve- i According to Mrs. Charles C. Har-, open violations of the liquor laws graduated from Northl'ast High Il1ch of .avallable . ,;pace on t,he fire
the Democratic hoard arc Franci,; ning of a heart attack. 1rison, :lrd, ehairman of the Iwith referenee to minors were being School in 1B16, served briefly with three pIeces of eqUIpment.
Haves of Norristown and Raymond K.: While in ill health for about a: Fair Committee, this the first time i cal'l'ied on. the telephone company and then en- Oil Sunday the Nar-
Me;lsch of Gilbertsville. 'month, he had been able to be about: in years that th: .cottage i Magistrate Lownes explained that listed in the n'r-ular army in 1!l17. 'berth Po,;t and Its AuxllIary heard
Cnder the of the rippPl' the houf;e and was preparing to pay: ,WOIl by anYone hVlllg in thls Ilocal police had nothing to do with ASf;ig-ned to the 58th Balloon Com- A. Senft at, Holy
act, ,;igned la,;t week bv Govprnor a visit to his physician when the fatal: Ithe l!l1forceml'nt of the minor law, it was his job to sel' that the 1 Luthel an Church dehver a
GeorgI' II. Earll' of Ha\:erford, tIll' i attack. came., " i and. was. won but said that he would back up maintained telephone contact sermon on "The Way to God's Peace."
appointment of a ne\\' board of a';';l'';';- He IS surVIved hy hIS wIfe. I Belle :'>latheson, \\ho I movement that would out thl'; WIth ground headquarters. He was
n1l'nt alld revision of taxes in fi\'(': Born in Maryland, he has lived in, Eng·Jj,h at Bpan'r Collegp, JenkllJ-! practice on the Main Line. Sl'nt to France in July of 1!1l7 and Narbcrth Man Drowned on
Penns\'lvania ('ounti('s was transferred Narberth and \'icinity for 25 town. She is the daughter of i\lrs.[ Following this formal complaints was l11usteJ'{'d out of senice :l, I Holiday Outing in Ncw Jersey
from' the county commissioners to' Mr. lIlontgomery was building- su-; K. G. Matheson, of Atlanta, Ga., for-I were made to the office of the State 1919.
tl1l' Stall' auditor 'general, in this ca,,',: perintendent of the Bowman AVl'nUl' ' mel'ly of l\lerion Park. ILiquor Control Board in Philadelphia. Following the war he became asso- Dadt! Stuart, :!27, of Woodbine
'Vanen R. Roberts. ; School, Merion, for the last eight years i .,. The situation was further ag'g-ra- ciated with the Bell Company again, avenue neal' Iona avenue, Narberth,
It is on this T.art of the act that and prior to that time was employed I FIrst FIre 111 31 Days ivated by tl1l' arl'l·,t of a SP\'l'ntel'n- and rose to the ]lost of wire chief fel'l died from drowning in a private lake
tlw Hl'publican protests \\'ere madl'" at the Pen,;hurst Farms, Penn 1\1emhl'rs of the Narherth Fire Com-, Yl'ar-old i\lain Line girl Saturday the Main Lille di,trict, only to have! at \\' l'nonah, N. ,J., l\londay. Unable
and the constitutionality of the pro-' He waf; an omcer of the l\arlll'rth, pany exting'Uishcd a blaze in a ,hel] night, who was found wandering and that joh destroYl·d by tl1<' df'pI·es,;ion.
to ,;wim he wadl·d beyond his depth
ceedings will be tested in the court,;,' Baseball Club. : on the John Albrecht Nurseries at ,creaming Oil a public hig·hway. 1'al,en Al'pointn1l'nt to hi,; p\'(·sent Jlo,;t was and ,;ank ill tl'n feet of water.
Leading Republicans of the county i TIll' fUJ1l'ral will be held Saturday State alll] Woodhinc avenues, Pl'nn to the policl' ,;tation, ,;he W:lS pro- Illade laf;t ycar. A hrother-in-Iaw, Malcolm Stuart,
doubt the power of State officers to i aftl'rnOolI at 2 o'clock at the Stuard' Valley, nooll. Fire Chief nounced (II'unk, and at a hearIng was :\11'. Grupe is 40, married, has an of Ardmore, was nearly drowned in
appoint ml'n to jobs for which the: Funeral Home, 104 Crick.et avenue,; Noel estimated the at about: fined $10 with $7 eosb. eleven-year-old son. At sehool and in attl'lnpting' to re,;CUe him.
county ]lays the salaries. i Ardmor? Interment WIll be at: $10. It was first tll1](, 111 31 days [ the arlllY he played basketball, base- David Stuart',; wi fl', Goldie, and
For a short time last Tuesday: Coatl',;vIile, former home of Mrs. i that the eqUIpment had been called I St. Margaret's Team Wins ball and soccer. their four-year-old daughter, Betty,
afternoon, both boards of assesssors' l\lontgomery. : out. St. Margaret's baseball team won a had accompanied him Oil the outing
claimed the legal rights to the job, i Friends may call at the funeral: 9 to 1 victory over the Annunciation Hcalth Board Takes Recess which resulted in his tragic death.
and occupied the same office. After i home Friday evening from 7 to 9. I Graduate From Villanova nine last Friday at A. No mcetings of Narherth's Board David Stuart formerly lived in
some discussion, however, the mem- Two Narberth men were among Becker struck out eight of the visit- of Health will bl· held in Julv or Au- North Carolina, but for the last year
bel'S of the old Republican board Cubs in Competitions Tonight those receiving degrees at Villanova ors, held them to three hits, and ac- gust, the Board decided Tues{iay night had been employed at the Sunshine
turned over the office to the new- Cubs from the Narberth Pack will ColIegc's 94th annual commencement Icounted for two bingles himself. in Elm Hall. The next session will be IGarage, Iona avenue, Narberth.
comers-under protest. compete with those from the Ardmore exercises this Thursday. September 7.
The new members of the board all Pack this Friday evening in softball Constantine B. Constantine, of 102 Pupils' Recital June 9 New cases of contagious disease re-
were recommended to the auditor gen- and marbles matches. Grayling avenue, received a B.S. in Mildred W. Bailey, teacher of pi- rOlied by Health Officer George B. Su-
eral by a meeting of the executive The competitions will be held at electrical engineering, while Joseph ano and voice, announces a pupils' pice for May included: Scarlet fever,
committee of the party the Wynnewood Road School at 7 C. Shea, of 215 Price avenue, was recital on Wednesday evening at 8 three; German measles, three, and one
of this county held in Norristown last o'clock. Cubs are to meet at the awarded a B.S. in chemical engineer- o'clock at the Holy Trinity Lutheran each of chicken pox, measles and
Friday night. Narberth School at 6.45. ing. Church. The public is invited. whooping cough.
I:"li"\'l'd to hI' tlw pl'rson l'ver
to graduate from the Lower Merion
II ig'h School with a perfect attend-
: allc" r('cord, :\li,;s .Jane C. will
,\'l'l'l'i\',' her diploma this evening at
A I'dmo!'p,
PRIZES TO BE AWARDED: :\'li,;,; Xash, daughtl'l' of l\Jr. and
Holll'rt ,J. of :\al'berth and
Thp lar,!!I',t graduating ela"" in the PriCl' 'l\'I'nues N'lrberth in twelve
of 1.0\\"'1'. Senior Hig'h, \,('ar, at Narberth
School will J'l'Cel\'e lhploma, at thl' i'uh1ic Schoo] ;lI1d the Lower l\lerion
COllJn1l'lIcl'Il1<'lIt eXl'rcisl's ill t]lC, .Juniol'; .Jullior and Senior High Sehoob has
Hig'h School Auditorium this bl'l'n IH'ither tardv nor absellt from
ni"'ht. Thi,; cIa", :l75 .' '.
,.., '. tl1<' rl'ellatlOn room, for e\'en a day.
StUdl'lIt,;, which IS t wenty-se\'ell more: III or,!t-r to keep her record perfect
thall la,;t yl'ar. : during the la,t yl'ar, :'IIi", has
Presentation of the diplomas will be: atll'I)(ll'd ,c!wol ';I'\'l'ral days whilf'
made by E. E. Burlingame, pre,;idellt thr"atl'nl'd with
of thl' LO\\'er :\Il'rjon School Board.' (;eol'g'e JI. Gill)!'rt, principal of thl'
TIll' C0IJ1111l'IlC('IIH'lIt fo]- high ,aid that whill' record,.; of
lows: all p\'l'\'iou, ...ars Wl'l'e not available,
"Coronation :\larch,",}1<' did not helieve otlwr Lower
1I11'ycrhl'I'I', ,;chool orche:,tra. :\h'rion ,tudent had ever completed a
Invocation, thc He\'. Allwrt C. Kall-, perfl'ct attl'ndance.
Continued on Page Six
zinger, pa,tor of :-;t. Paul's Luthl'rau' -..:.. _
Church in ArdlJ1ore.
Salutatory Jl'an
aration for thl' Futur"
Ground," Hall' Pratt,
of the of 1!1:l7.
Record 375 \Borough Girl Neither Tardy Nor
to Receive i Absent During 12 School Years
at Lower Merion High!
Commcnccmcnt Program T 0-
night at Junior High School
Page Two OUR TOWN June 4, 1937
.......... .
41 N. Narberth Avenue
Just send postcard to Krumm's
Stamp Club, 1010 W. Dakota St.,
Philadelphia, Pa. Ask for free
leaflet. Then Save package labels
from Krumm's Macaroni, Spaghet-
ti and Noodles for free stamps
from 30 foreign countries; also 16
page Atlas for stamp collectors and
60 page Album. Write now!
Phone Poplar 3710
Alterations - Installations
• Washers
Vacuum Oeaners
Narberth Electric and Radio Co.
...... ¥' ..
for out.of-thc·ordinarr drug vailles. That is why it
is so well patronized by people who not only insist on
the best-but are particular about their expenditures.
You will find here only drug items of a quality that
we can unhesitatingly recommend-at prices that are
nowhere lower. Come to us for your drug needs.
Make use of our prescription department when you
want prescriptions filled with utmost care.
.... .. .....
((One Grade of Milk Only"
They're most important right now! Come in and let us
show you the new coiffures--one of which will be exactly
what you're looking for.
216 Dudley Avenue Narberth 2J24
National Bank of Narberth
• Deposits Insured under the Government Plan •
• Member of Federal Reserve System •
• Open at 8 A. M. daily for your convenience •
Shea's Pharmacy
.... ..
Ireside on Wynnedale avenue, Nar-l
berth. They will be at home after
August 1.
, For immediate delivery by one of our competent,
courteous salesmen
I '
Kitchen Ablaze in Pencoyd
Wall paper was burned and window
sills and baseboards scorched in the
kitchen at the McCann residence on
Righters Ferry road, Pencoyd, Tues-
day afternoon, when a pan of hot fat
caught fire and ignited the 1'00111•
Damage was confined to the one room.
The Union Fire Association of Cyn-
Iwyd responded. I' - --- -- •- - -- - "
I Round Table Conference U . R- NEXT
I A round table conference of the FOR A REAL
officers and chairmen of the clubs in HAIR CUT
the Montgomery County Federation
of Women's Clubs will be held at
10.15 o'clock June 10 in the auditorium Harold M. Kirscht
of the Strawbridge and Clothier
Store, Jenkintown.
New Hi-¥ Leader

Those who will attend the informal
party and shower which Mr. and
Mrs. George S. Heston of Medford
road will give on Sunday in honor of
Miss Janet Haines, daughter of Mr.
and l\Irs. S. Earle Haines of Earslie,
Merion, whose marriage to J. M. Rus-
sell Wilson will take place on June
16, will be Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
•J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. S. Earle
Haines, Mr. and Mrs. D. Webster
Bell, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Watson,
Mr. and Mrs. Watson Malone, 3d, Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Roberts, Mr. and
Mrs. R. James Wilson, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Pancoast Huey, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Schaefer, Jr., Dr. and Mrs.
Charles L. Deardorff, Miss Katrina I
Welch, Miss Anne T. Brown, Miss
Marcella H. Elliot, Miss Anne Knight,
Richard McLeod, Charles Smith, Wil-
liam Galey, Franklin Hovey, Colson
Hillier, Donald McKinley, William
Crouse and Richard Staley.
Miss Peggy McDevitt of Ballytore
road, will entertain the members of
the graduating class of the Lower
Merion High School on Saturday,
June 5.
Associated with Our Town
Narberth 4100
... Local business houses,
and organizations
will find it mutually ad-
vantageous to calion this
fully equipped communi-
ty service for printing of
any kind -large or small.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Sykes of
Haverford Mansions will leave early
in June for Ocean City where they
will be the guests of Mrs. Sykes par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William N. Tier-
nan of Cynwyd, at their summer
Dr. Caspar Morris of Haverford
has left for Northeast Harbor to
spend the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson C. Wilbur, of
Clovercroft, Rosemont, have moved to
Helen Lafore Becomes Bride
in Mother's Wedding Gown
The marriage of Miss Helen Lafore,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A.
Lafore, of Penn Valley Farms, Penn
Valley, and Mr. Edward Forstall, son
of MI'. Walton Forstall, of Rosemont,
took place on Saturday at the home
of the bride's parents.
The Rev. Gibson Bell, rector of All
Saints' Church, Wynnewood, officiated.
The bride, who was given in mar-
riage by her father, wore her moth-
er's wedding gown of white satin
trimmed with old duchess lace and a
full skirt which ended in a long train.
Her sleeves were puffed and her tulle
veil was fastened to her head with a
coronet of the duchess lace. On her
arm was a bouquet of white orchids,
lilies of the valley and bouvardia tied
with a wide satin ribbon.
Miss Charlotte Salmon, "",ho was
the maid of honor and only attendant,
wore a gown of pink chiffon trimmed
with lavender. Her bouquet was of
lavender lilacs and pink bouvardia.
Mr. Charles Forstall, of Pittsburgh,
brother of the bridegroom, acted as
best man.
A reception followed the ceremony.
Upon their return from a wedding
trip, Mr. Forstall and his bride will
reside at their new home, Windy
Ridge, Penn Valley. They will be at
home after July 1.
Friday, June 4, 1937
. in·
in "The Holy Terror"
This Friday and Saturda>'
Hear Miss Moore sing Schu-
bert's "Serenade" and "Min-
nie the Moocher."
She married a man for his
name only, then decided she
didn't want to part with either.
You're in
ADDED-Saturda>' at P. M.
for the children
Mrs. H. Radclyffe Roberts of Green
Bank Farm, Villanova, will spend the
month of August in Vermont and on
Lake Champlain as the guest of her
mother, Mrs. Stella Worden of New
daughter of Mrs. William O.
i\oIiller, of Perw.rth 1'0ad, Cynwyd,
and the late Mr. Miller, former
Comptroller of the University of
Pcnnsylvania, who recently re-
ceived honors from the Lower
Mel'ion High School. She was
Policeman Hurt in Crash clccted PI'esident of the Girls' I
Hi-Y and chosen a member of
David Robinson, Lower Merion pa-
the National Honor Society.
trolman who lives in West Manayunk,
suffered concussion and a sprained ---------------
Monday when the June 12 Date Set for I
radIO car he was operatmg was struck W ilson-Grau Wedding I,
by a machine driven by Mrs. Mae L. --- 1'1
Sehoul, of Coatesville. The accident The marriage of Miss Anna Kath-
occurred at Montgomery and Bryn
M N b rth
arine Grau, daughter of Mr. and Mrs'l
awl' avenues, ar e . ,
Robinson was taken to Bryn Mawr Harry C. Grau, of Old Gulph road, I
Hospital while the car, badly dam- Penn Valley, and Mr. William H. WiI-
aged, was towed to the rear of the son, of 339 Trevor lane, Cynwyd, for-
township building, Ardmore. merly of Boston, Mass., will take
at four o'clock on June 12 at the II ---- - -.
Engagement is Announced home of the bride's parents and in
Major and Mrs. Matthew Black the presence of the families of the
Carson, of Merion, announce the en- bride and bridegroom. Dr. Herbert\
gagement of their daughter, Miss W. Bieber, pastor of the Presby-
Marjorie Black Carson, to Mr. Rob- terian Church of the Covenant of
ert Wilson Skillen, son of Mr. and Bala-Cynwyd, will officiate.
Mrs. Robert James Skillen, of Phila- Mrs. Harry C. Grau, Jr., sister-in-
delphia. law of the bride, will be the matron
Miss Grace Philler of North of honor and only attendant to the
avenue, Wayne, entertained Philadelphia will welcome a con- bride.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Hamill D. Swing, at a surprise shower, luncheon and vention of the Independent Order of Mr. John Ronan, of Boston, Willi
Jr., of Pennsylvania avenue spent the bridge party last Saturday in honor Odd Fellow of the Grand Lodge of act as best man.
Memorial Day week-end at Fort How- of Miss Marian Miller Powell, daugh- Pennsylvania and the Rebekah Assem- A reception will follow the cere- 109 N. Narberth Avenue Martin V. Case All Work Guaranteed
ard, Md., where they were the guests tel' of Dr. and Mrs. Raymond K. bly on June 6 to 10. Headquarters mony.
of Captain John Rodgers, U. S. A., Powell of Cushman and Lancaster will be in the Benjamin Franklin Upon their return from a wedding
and Mrs. Rodgers. roads. Hotel. trip, Mr. Wilson and his bride will -= T()
Mrs. David M. Ramsey of Old Lan- L 11-/
ca.H road and wn M.
Ramsey, Jr., will leave on Saturday, I With the Philadelphia Y M C A
June 5, for Durham, N. C., where they
i Near Downingtown, Pa., on wooded hills, are four camps--Hilltop, for
will attend the Commencement Exer- \ young men and women; Dwight, for boys 12 to 16; Sunrise, for girls 12 to
cises at Duke University. Mrs. Ram- 16; Castle for boys and girls 8 to 12. Season open July 1st.
sey's son, William H. Ramsey, will I At the seashore in Avalon, N. J., is Camp Avalon for young people 14 to 18.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Paul Ray, Jr., of P R I NTIN G HIGHEST TYPE LEADERSHIP
Winsford road spent the Memorial Write to Camping Executive for illustrated booklet containing
Day week-end in Chestertown, Md., complete information
where they were the guests of Mr. The Philadelp·hia Y M C A Camps
and Mrs. Robert Downs Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. James Herbert Egan 1421 Arch Street Rittenhouse 8100
and their family of Fishers road
spent the week-end at their summer
home in Ocean City, N. J.
Mrs. Charles A. Black has returned
to Montreal, Canada, after visiting I
her father, Mr. Edward B. Smith of
Goughacres, Bryn Mawr.
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Miller of
Roberts road, with their children and
grandchildren, left this week for their
farm ncar Melvin Village, New Hamp-
shire, which they will occupy for the
The Memorial Grouping
i\ar1Jerth is taking" pride in the
Memorial Grouping' whidl has been
presl'nted to the eomIllllnity b.y the
Harold D. Speakman Post. Ameri-
can Legion.
It is a plot of beauty and dig-
nity which adds much to the at-
traetiveness of the borough play-
Fitt ingly it marks a silent tribute
to the men who made the supreme
sacrifice for their country, and is
a mute reminder of the disaster of
That many are pleased with the
simplicity of the presentation and
the sincrrity of those Legionuaires
who have worked hard to make the
memorial a reality, is indicated in
the \,oll1ntar)' contributiolls that
huve heen received toward financ-
ing the expense of the grouping.
In the words of Burgess Hull,
"there it is. There is nothing
more' to say except that \"arberth is
honored in accepting it."
Entered all seconcl-clallS matter October
13 19J.l at the Post Ollice at Narberth.
pli., u,;der the Act of :\[arch 3, 187:1,
SUbscription rate, $2 per year In advance
Office - 209 Haverford Ave., Narberth
Telephone: Narberth 4100
Pili/culf'1phia Rcprcsentutil'es:
12 South 12th Street
A Co-o]lcrative Community NClVSpa])Cr
foundcd in lll.l.!, by tlie No rbe,rth
Civic (Jnd ]il/b/i.shed
eva!! FI'idILY at Narbcrth, Pa,
Philip Alice LlvlnglltoH. Publi,her
l..t. Paxson, l..:ditor
Anne !\IQrgan Robens. Socia.l Ellitor
Ardmore, Pa.
Ardmore 4400
St. Mary's Laundry,
Send your linens and seersuckers; in suits,
knickers or slacks-we wash them a
Send your best cottons, linens, piques and
seersuckers-they will be expertly washed,
dried and ironed.
18 24 C II EST N.U T S T R E E T
24 E. LANCASTEH AVE., Ardmore
222 OLD YOHK HD., Jenkintown
Suburb. n Slore. Open Mon,. Wed. & Fri. E,c•. 7'88:30
Drop into our Ardmore Store - - any time
day or evening - - you will always find a wel-
come. Let us adjust your glasses without cost
or obligation or repair, promptly and at mod-
erate prices, your broken lenses or frames.
Those whom you have "loved and lost awhile"
here find a beautiful quiet resting place. These
rolling hills above the river have perpetual care.
Convenient, just off City Line on Belmont Ave.
29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd
A Corner Cupboard lU
dining room
Bookshelves in the library or
living room
WeJI Framed paintings on the
waJIs (bring in your oils, water colors and
Recreation Room in the basement or attic
All these dreams can become realities if you call us on
Visit Our Ardmore Store
Oub Restaurant Service, beautiful Open Porch and Dance Floor overlooking
pools with floodlight illumination
For Fur/her Par/iculars--eaIl a/ Club House or Write Box 232, Wayne
Shull Lumber Company
The Link Between Forest and Home
"Know where your laundry goes"
Page Three
(5 Miml/es by car Nor/h of Wayne)
Membership Strictly Limited and Every
Application Rigidly Inspected
Swimming Privileges Restricted to Members and
Probably not until there is a
Cedar Closet on the second
or third floor
The present extra-low coal prices
may be increased any day. Save
dollars while you have this
chance - order your coal from
Newton this week!
Ask (lImit', our IJud!tet "1(111
Phone Ardmore 2550
or ALLegheny 8400 - West 5201
Nelson Scott Will Marry
Miss Billy Collins June 12
Merion Notes
Miss Mary Price Griffith, who is
attending Hollins College, Virginia,
returned the end of the week and is
spending the vacation with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace P. Griffith,
of Heath road.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Wood-
bury, of Calvert road, entertained at
a buffet supper Sunday evening.
There were eighteen guests.
Mrs. Gregor 1\1arfal'lan, of Anth-
wyn road, will entertain at a lunch-
eon June 21 in honor of Miss Frances
H. Willing, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Willing, of East FaJls, and
Miss Anita N. Harding, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George Mathews Hard-
ing, of Boxwood, Wynnewood, debu-
tantes of the season.
Mr. and Mrs. John Beard, of Cleve-
land, Ohio, and their family, will ar-
rive June 15 to visit Mrs. Beard's
mother, Mrs. W. Shepley Evans, of S.
Highland avenue, Merion. I
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick M. Edens, of
Oak road, are spending a short time
at Pinehurst, N. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Darling-
ton, of Baird road, spent the Mem-
orial week-end at Virginia Beach, Va.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Alden Tifft, of
Baird road, entertained at a buffet
supper at their summer home in Med-
ford Lakes, N. J., on Saturday eve-
Mrs. J. H. Ireland, of Aberdeen,
Scotland, is the guest of her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Charles H. Bergh, of Baird
Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Biddle, of
Sycamore road, attended the family
party which Mr. Biddle's mother,
Mrs. T. M. Biddle, of Drexel Hill,
gave on Sunday at her summer home
at Glen Moore, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Biddle spent last
week-end at the Chalfont-Haddon Hall
in Atlantic City. Mrs. Biddle also
spent several days last week at her
summer home in Ocean City.
I :
with a message from our
extensive line of greeting 1
224 Haverford Ave.
Now is the time to subscribe.
Sizes 12-20.
An average Faucet Leak
(1.32 Inch Orifice) wastes
215 gallons of water every
twenty-four hours .••
21,000 gaIlons in a three-
month period. May we
suggest that you inspect
your plumbing fixtures
••• NOW? •.• If faulty .••
Tailored by a famous
men's shirtmaker,
tucked from neck to
hem, buttoned down
the front. Blue, pink,
. ,
malS, aqua, men s
shirting material.
tt22-24 CHESTtfUT ST
THE FIRESIDE I In the Schools
, 1_-------
MI'. and Mrs. William S. Eichel-I TI hIt I . t II d
. I 1e new sc 00 pa 1'0 was II1S a e
berger and famIly, of Merwyn road, I 20' th d't'
.' . on lav ,In e au I ortUm.
wIll 'leave June 15 for Ocean City" Th' ffi . I d P .d t
N. J.to s end the summel'. I . e 0 cers II1C u e: resl en ,
, p IBlll Brll1er; secretary Betsy Jane
I Mr. W. Brown and his sis-I Shaw, and sergeant at arms, Louis
itel's, the lVlIsses Laura 1\1. and Mabel IKrug. Other members are: Jim Pru-
of enter-I itt, Donald Malochleb, Victor Heath,
at a family reunIOn Deco-j John Engelhardt, Dick Ferguson, Pat
ratIOn Day. There were eIghteen ILillis, Marjorie Havlick, Ann Walker,
guests. Barbara Smedley, Katrina Hoyt.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Fenno, of Essex' ANN WALKER.
avenue, were the guests of Mr. and Last Friday the eighth grade boys
Mrs. Thomas G. Farrell, of Ventnor, played a fast and thrilling game of
N. J., on Decoration Day. baseball. Their opponents were from
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark, Mr. Ashton. Narberth won, 11-4.
and Mrs. Ellsworth B. Clark and This Thursday the eighth grade
family, of Chestnut avenue, spent the girls expect to have their regular
Memorial Day week-end at their cot- softball game between the Reds and
tage in Stone Harbor, N. J. Grays. Last week the score was 7-4
Miss Louise Beaty, of New York, in favor of the Grays.
was the guest of her cousins, Mrs. BETTY McINTIRE.
Walter r. Dothard and Miss Fanny
1 1,005, of Haverford avenue, over the

Memorial Day week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, of
! Shirley road, spent the Memorial Day
week-end at the Flanders in Ocean
/" City.
Mr. Parker Woolmington, will re-: Art Exhibit at Library
turn about June Iii from Wheaton I The annual art exhibit of the pupils
College to spend the summer vacation! of Margery D. Cowin opened this
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- Thursday at the Narberth Community
ence H. Woolmington, of Narbrook Library, Windsor avenue, Narberth.
Park. The children this year received sev-
Major and !\Irs. Matthew Black eral awards for Progress during the
Carson, of Merion, will have as their year. The first prize winner, who
guests, the latter part of the week for showed most progress, was Jane Mor-
an indefinite stay, their daughter and ris, the second award went to Mary
granddaughter, J. W. Zoll and Strumia and two third awards were
Miss Marjorie Zoll, of Toledo, Ohio. won by Bill Floyd and Sheila Sang-
Miss Bina Preble, of New York, meister. Greer Heindel received hon-
was the guest of Mrs. R. J. Dorthard, Ol'able mention and a special award
of Wynnewood road, over the Mem- for excellence of work, went to Bar-
orial Day week-end. bara Flovd. The awards may be seen
I Miss Evelyn .Jefferis, of Dudley at the library.
avenue, entertained her club at bridge The women have some interesting
Tuesday evening. pictures on view this year. The out-
Mr. William Whiting, son of Mr. standing ones are Dog Portraits by
and Mrs. Edmund Allen Whiting, of Mrs. J. Leech, Landscapes by Mrs. W. J.
Narbrook Park, spent the Memorial Sargent, folding screens by Mrs. W.
IDay week-end with his parents. Mr. Megee, Portraits by Mrs. B. Fairman
I Whiting is a student at the Wesleyan and Still Life by Mrs. J. H. McCand- The marriage of Miss Billy Collins,
College, Middletown, Conn. less. daughter of Mr. William D. Collins,
Miss Margaret Jane Stoudt, daugh- The children received several hon- of New York, and the niece of Mrs.
I tel' of Mr., and. Mrs. Charles B. orable mentions awards from the Art Harry B. Maxwell, of Baird road,
avenue, has le.ft and Handicraft _ I Merion, and Mr. J. Nelson Scott, son
fOl Cle\eland, OhIO, where she wIll by the Ledger Youth ActiVIties whICh of Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Scott, of
visit her aunt, Mrs. Ralph Crumb, for are also on exhibit at the library. Beacom lane, Merion, wil1 take place
several weeks, The children's exhibit will be on Saturday, June 12, at four o'clock
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Drew, of changed in a week and other prize in the Community Church at Medford
Moreno road, Penn VaHey, spent the, winners will show their work. Lakes, N. J. The Reverend Dr. Cor-
Memorial Day in Newport, N. J.,! nelius Muste of Brooklyn New York
wh.ere they M.r. I Rush Chapter Garden Party will '.'
1\11. John B. Dle\\, who celebrated hIs J 15 A'd M . B Dr EmIlie L MaxweJl cousm of
83rd birthday that day. une to I ountall1 oy the bride and Miss Jean Collins, sis-
Mr. and 1\ll·s. E. J. Pollock, of Avon tel' of tne bride will be the only
J 6 Tuesday, June 15, is the date of ,
iroad, will .give a dance un: 1 , at the Garden and Card Party to be attendants.
the Brooklllle Country Club JI1 honor Mr. Louis W. Scott, father of the
I 1 N P 1
given by the Ways and Means Com-
of their daug 1ter, 1\ iss ancy 0 - bridegroom, will act as best man and
1_ -:-"Onl'_ %0 ¥ell%."- • I mittel' of the Dr. Benjamin Rush
Experience Knowledge Love of Animals lock. . Chapter of N. S. D. A. R. It wil1 be the ushers wil1 be Mr. Louis W. Scott,
MAIN LINE OFFICES !\Irs. Percy Lyles, of Cleveland, hIS held at the home of the regent, Mrs. Jr., and Mr. Robert Scott, brothers of
25 Ct A B I P Ispending the month of June as t e the bridegroom and Mr. Harrison
1 y ve., a a, a. guest of her niece, Mrs. Kenneth M. Franklin R. Lindsay, 61 Wynnedal
Todd. '
Phone: Cynwyd 1572 I \"1 f D dl road, Narberth, to which the public I

s.on, 0 u .e
avenue. A reception for the immediate fam-
B K k d h f
is cordially invited to attend. There
1\hss etty raus 'op, aug tel' 0 ilies will follow the ceremony.
d i\l
. 0 K k f will be a door prize, a prize for each
i\h·. an 1 rs. \. . raus 'op, 0 Upon their return from a wedding
table and refreshments.
\:'ynnedale avenue: has for Bus - trip, Mr. Scott and his bride will re-
kill Falls, to remalll until after Labor The proceeds are to be devoted to side at Medford Lakes for the sum-
Day. the Scholarship Fund at the Tamas- mer.
Mr. and 1\1rs. A. H. Durboraw and see D. A. R. School. The chapter is
their daughter, Miss Esther Dur- helping a little mountain boy, An-
boraw, of Elmwood avenue, will spend drew Jackson Patten, to secure an
the week-end at Gettysburg, where education. The tickets are 50 cents
they will attend the Commencement and reservations may be made with
Exercises at Gettysburg College. Mrs. Lindsay at Narberth 2494 or
MI'. and Mrs. Burns F. Best and :\lrs. Verna R. \Voodcock, the chair-
family, of Dudley avenue, will leave man of the committee, at Narberth 1
about the middle of June for Eagle 2551.
Lodge, their summer camp at Eagles The chapter officers were in the
Mere, where they \.... ill remain until Memorial Day parade in Narberth on
early fall. Monday, when they were in the sec-
DOn' , I GnORE I Mr. and Mrs. Allen F. Doty of ond automobile gracefully draped
Wynnedale road, have mo....ed to 227 with flags, following the Gold Star
N. Narberth avenue. mothers. Roger Lindsay, the second,
MI'. and 1\1rs. W. G. Briner and the youngest nwmber of the D. A. R.,
family, of Merion avenue, spent the' and grandson of the regent, was also:
i\!emol'ial Day week-end in Elmira, among them.
!\'. Y., where they were the guests of,
Mrs. Briner's brother and sister-in-; Narberth Bridge Club
law, MI'. and Mrs. John R. Dodson. ! 1\1ay 27, individual scores; top, 1\11'5.\
1\11'. and Mrs. Leon of Lev-; Walter J. Scott; Mrs. C. Alfred Pee-
ering Mill road, Cynwyd, formerly i ney tied with Miss Anna V. Foley for'
of Narberth, are receiving congratu- second place.
lations upon the birth of a son, John i 1\1ay 29, top, Mrs. J. H. Baker and
Edward Piercy, 3d, on May 25. I Mrs. Frank X. Purcell; second place"
Mrs. James Tilbury, of the Barrie: Arthur Cooney and Roy Greenwood. I
House, will leave the end of this week: May 31, top score, C. Alfred i
to spend a week at Asbury Park,' and C. A. Hammer; second place, I
N. J. i Walter J. Scott and Allen Shubert. I
Mr. and Mrs. Tilbury will sail the I
end of July for Bermuda to spend a
month visiting their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Friends of Mrs. Heath, will be glad
to leal'11 that she is recovering from a
recent bicycle accident.
Mr. and Mrs. Tilbury's other
daughter, Mrs. LeRoy Nutter, will
attend the graduation exercises at the
Bentley School of Finance and Ac-
counting in Boston on .June 12, when
her husband will graduate. From
there they will go to Bridgeport
Conn., where they will reside.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Drclluan and
family, of Grove place, spent the
Memorial Day week-end in Ocean
City where visited fl·knds.
june 4, 1937

June 4, 1937
The Main Line Store at Ardmore,
and the Old York Road Store at
Jenkintown likewise participate -
youwill find them completely stock-
ed with Anniversary Sale Specials.
The Sole Now Going On
and if you have merchandise
needs, prepare to fill them at this
time, to the great advantage of
your pocketbook.
FROM Fashion Basement Store to
Fourth Floor you will find on dis-
playa tremendous variety of things
which people wear-attire gleaned
from the better makers of America,
secured at a great price ad-
vantage because Strawbridge &
Clothier, one of the larger stores
in all America, wiUl great pur-
chasing power, has requested of its
manufacturers that they make this
Event of the Year a celebration
whose values would win thousands
of new customers and please tens
of thousands of old ones.
Send you. eoneratulationa
by telephone! Rates are
I'edueed on lont} dislanee
ean" of 42 miles 01' more
eyery niehl afle••eYen
and all day Sunday.

Our classified ads are real sales-
men, visiting hundreds of homes each
38 has been granted to Dean Helen Imore, a graduate of Bryn Mawr of the
Taft Manning, to Dr. Grace class of 1921, editor of Fashions of the
Andrus de Laguna, Professor of Phll- H M h 11 F' Id f Ch'
osophy, to Dr. Paul Weiss, Associate oIll', ars a Ie 0 Icago,
Professor of Philosophy and, for the 1922-27; Fashion Editor of the Ladies'
second semester, to Dr. Joseph E. Home Jowrnal, 1927-28; Managing
Gillet, Professor of Spanish. Miss Editor of the Ladies' Home Journal,
Julia Ward, Director of Admissions, 1928-29, has been appointed director
wiII be the acting dean in the absence of publicity.
of Dean Manning and Miss Dorothy
Walsh, Instructor in Philosophy, will
be the acting assistant to the dean.
Mrs. Kimbrough Wrench, of Ard-
Acelebration such as few other large stores in all the world
have reason to hold; the 69th Anniversary of a store which
from a modest beginning on this same comer has progressed
through sixty-nine years, gaining in size, gaining in volume of
business done, gaining in the number of customers served
with each succeeding decade.
How to Celebrate' Our answer, a great Anniversary Sale.
A sale so noteworthy for the character and variety of the values
offered that without any fear of exaggeration we term it liThe
Event of the Year.".J& Household goods are included. Five great
floors here are devoted exclusively to the needs of the house-
hold ... and you will find Anniversary Sale values ranging up
and down the length of their extensive aisles. .J& Wardrobe needs
are included. Every form of attire used by American men,
women, boys, girls, children and infants ... at prices which
are exceedingly low.
Mrs. Chadwick-Collins Elected
to Bryn Mawr College Board
Junior Class Leader at Penn
Miss Doris Price, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert B. Price, of Mer-
wyn road, Merion, has been elected
president of the Junior Class at the
University of Pennsylvania.
Miss Price left on Thursday for
Washington, D. C., to assist in in-
stalling a new chapter of the Alpha
Chi Omega Sorority.
Dr. Abraham Flexner, director of
Institute for Advanced. Study at I
Prlllceton, New Jersey, delivered the,
address at the fifty-second commence- i
ment exercises of Bryn Mawr Col-.
lege held last Wednesday in Goodhart;
Hall. i
Ten girls from this vicinity were:
among those awarded diplomas and
honors by Dr. Marion Edwards Park.;
They include: I
Margaret S. Lippencott, of Wayne,!
B.A. magna cum laude in English; I
Louise S. Colwell, of Cynwyd, B.A.!
in Biology; Betty A. Stainton, of,
Haverford, B.A. in economics; Jo- i
sephine B. Ham, of St. Davids, B.A.!
in English; Eleanor C. Smith, of:
Haverford, B.A. in history of art;:
Alice F. Martin, of Bala-Cynwyd, I
B.A. in mathematics; l\largaret L.;
Stark, of Bala-Cynwyd, B.A. in psy-,
chology. f
Mother Mary Virginia, a teacher i
at Rosemont College, was awarded a'
Mastel' of Arts degree. Eleanor H. I
Yeakel, of Bryn Mawr, was awarded'
the degree of doctor of ph ilosophy, as:
was also Barbara G. Raines, of Bryn:
Wynnewood Delivery Starts Soon i
It 'was announced this week by the:
Postoffice Department at Washington I
that house-to-housemail delivery i
would start in Wynnewood later this I
summer. Plans are now going for-
ward, officials said, to inspect mail
delivery schedules and other data.
The successful climax to the cam-
paign for delivery service came after
inauguration of the fight last spring
by the Wynnewood Civic Association.
It was later taken up by Postmis-
tress Emma L. Eakins, who submit-
ted petitions supporting the plan and
other data to Washington. I
It is understood increasing reve-I
nues of the Wynnewood postoffice [
and a population of more than 2,500 I
qualified the community for the i
service. !
Page Four
Grace Moore plays the part of an President Marion Edwards Park
Australian opera singer in "\Vhen has announced the election of Mrs.
You're in Love," current at the Nar- J Ch d . k C II' s f B n
berth. But don't think it's a high-I ames a WIC - 0 In, 0 ry
brow picture' she also sings "Minnie Mawr, a graduate of Bryn Mawr of
the Moocher.''' The plot has to do i the class of 1905 and from 1921 until
with Miss Moore's efforts to remain II t?e present time Director of Publica-
in the United States after her pass- tlOn at the college, to the Board of
port time has expired. She marries IDirectors of Bryn Mawr College.
Cary Grant as a formality for citizen- Leave of absence for the year 1937-
ship, then decides she wants him aS
well as his name.
Monday and Tuesday will see a re-
turn engagement of Sonja Heinie in
"One in a Million." The ice ballet
scenes with Miss Heinie, the comedy
of Adolph Menjou and Ned Sparks
plus the Three Ritz Brothers combine
to make this one of the out-
standing hits.
"Nancy Steele is Missing" on
Wednesday (Cash Award Night) fea-
tures Victor :\IcLaglen and Walter
Connolly in an exciting mystery drama
not without its fun.
I\ext Thursday there will be a re-
turn engagement of "Dodsworth" with
\Valter Huston in the title role and
with Ruth Chatterton and Mary
Many in This Section Get
Diplomas From Bryn Mawr
Nineteen Boys Graduate
at Montgomery Day School
I\ineteen pupils of the Montgomery
Day School in Penn were
awarded diplomas, and many prizes
were given out at the commencement
day exercises on Wednesday of this
week. The Rev. George E. Barnes,
D.D., of the Overbrook Presbyterian
Church, delivered the commencement I
address. !
Those receiving diplomas included!
Robert W. Ball, Ernest L. Biddle,
John J. Breen, Charles W. Chandlee,
Jr., George J. Gallagher, Jr., Ezra C.
Fitch, David W. Greer, Jr., Clitford
B. Hawley, Jr., William L. Hires,
Howard C. McCall, Thomas J. Mc-
Carthy, Charles W. Jr.,
Sereno Merrill, Trenchard E. New-
bold, Jr., Robert S. Pauxtis, John L.
Pfeffer, Frederick B. Stimson, Jr.,
Alexander C. Stokes and Henry C.
Among the prize winners were
Ernest L. Biddle, Sereno Merrill, G'
Reginald Bishop, Jr., Walter W. L..
Fotterall, Jr., Hugh H. Connett, Doug-!
las MacFarlan, JI' .• Howard C. :\Ic-
Call, Ezra C. Fitch and Frederick B.
Stimson, Jr.
Grace Moore at Narberth
in "When You're in Love"
Page Five
Finest Fur
Directly on 'he Ocean·Front
We offer real hospitality .. selective
clientele .. open and enclosed sun
decks .. 3 open air sea-water pools
.. excellent meals .. 232 outside rooms
with private both .. all outdoor sports.
1937 Season-June 19th to Sept. 13th
J. HOWAlD SlOCllll
Let a Motor
Cut Your Lawn
Adelizzi Bros.
228 Bala Ave. Cynwyd 928
102 Forest Ave. Narb. 2602
Telephone MANayunlc 0166
Moths, ruthless destroyers
of your finest wearing ap·
parel; don't give you a
Make your wardrobe moth.
proof by using our Certified
Cold Storage Vaults.
. • • and before storage, let
us give expert advice on
Cleaning, Repairing and
J. C. Jackson Ballagb
Soil Materials and Equipment
Phone: ARDMORE 5120
Groshon Florists
With an E'l'inrude Lawn.Bo)' you
can mow a large lawn-)'ourself-
without effort. Its low price can
be covered in the saving of one
season's labor cost,
One-hand mowing - closer
trimming - uniform cutting.
Phone for details or demon-
$115 Deli'Yered
Belmont Ava. 4 Leverlnll Mill Rd.
Also other makes and sizes
of Power Mowers
215 CitY Line Merion 1301
- - - - -- ---
Funeral Designs
Situations Wanted
15c a line
for Both Newspapers
Count five words to line
Phone: NARBERTH 4100
-will be accepted up to Wednes-
day. 5 o'clock, tor Frlday's Issues.
-w\l1 be charged only to residents
whose names appear In the teie·
phone directory or to subscribers
to OUR TOWN or the NEWS OF
The improvements thereon are a:
Down Money 5200.00 on each sale
Sheriff's Office. Norristown. Pa.
june I. 1937
2Y. .story stone and frame house 12 leet
Iront by 30 leet deep. with 2·story stone
and frame addition 12 feet by 12 feet WIth
2Y..story stone and Irame addition 4 feet
by 18 feet. with 3 rooms on first floor. 3
rooms and bath on second Roor. 2 rooms
on third floor. cellar, gas. electric, Spring·
field water. heating system. porch front
and rear.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Nathaniel W. Sweeney and to
be sold by
passing through the middle of the partition
wall separating Ihe building on the prem"
ises hereby grunted from the building ad·.
joining on the Northwest 70 feet to a point!
in the middle of a 20 feet wide alley; thence
nlong th" middle line of said Alley South
12 degs. I I mins. E"st 22 feet and thence
South 7i degs. 49 mins. West pussin!!,
through the middle of the partition ,:,,,111
separating the building on the premiseS I
h"reby granted from the building adjoin'
Ing on the Southeast 70 feet to the place
01 beginning. I
TOGETHER WITH and reservi ng the :
Iree right. use. liberty and privilege of an I
alley 20 leet in width along the rear line I'
of the above described premises and other
properties fronting on Narberth Avenue.
10 leet in width on each side thereof. e'"
tending Irom land now or late of Helen B.
Caldwell to the Haverford Road in common I
with the owners and occupiers of other
lands abutting thereon at all times there· I
ofter forever. I
UNDER AND SUBJECT to certain condi· i
lions and building restrictions. I
The improvements thereon are a I
2.story brick store and dwelling 20 leet
front by 42 feet deep. with 2 rooms on first \
floor. 4 rooms and bath on second floof,
cellar. gas. electric lights. Springfield water.
hea ting system. \
Seized and taken in execution as the
property 01 Lawrence R. Davis. and How·
ard S. Stillwagon. jr., Mortgagors. and
john M. Beatty. Trustee 01 Richard j.
Hamilton. Real Owner. and to be sold by
"r. I '. , :.1; . '..
Presents Diploma
You will find helpful hints in the
ads. Read them.
president of the Lower Menon
School Board, who wilt address
the graduating and present
the diplomas at the school's com-
mencement exercises this Friday
ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of
ground with the Buildings and Improve·
· 18""0 h d' a e<! ments thereon erected. SITUATE on Ihe
prece mg I a Incre s Southeast side 01 Merion Avenue at the
from 2827 to only 4886. From 1870, distance of 297ft. 8 in. Northeastward
t 1900 the population increasedIfrom the Northeast side of Wynnewood
o , Avenue in the Borough of Narberth. County
8385 making a total for 1900 of 13,271. of Montgomery. and State 01 Pennsylvania;
Lower Merion has continued its CONTAINING in Iront or breadth on the
. It f th t'k said Merion Avenue 25 ft. and e"tendlng
rapid growth as a resU 0 e s rl - 01 that width in length or depth Southeast·
Iing outward movement of population ward between parallel lines at right angles
f om the city to its suburban ring to said Merion 85 ft. more or les.
r . . to other ground of which thiS was
that has charactenzed the years smce a part.
the turn of the century.
The improvements thereon are a .
I Today, the from an 2>i .story stone and frame house 12 teet
I agricultural commulllty to a subur- front by 30 leet deep. with 2·story stone
I I and frame addition 12 leet by 12 leet with
I ban residential area is a most com- 2Y,.story stone and frame addition 4 leet
plete. In other days, industry was by 18 feet, with 3 rooms on first floor. 3
d b
b f m 11 rooms and bath on second floor, 2 rooms on
represente y anum er 0 s a third floor. cellar. gas. electric. Springfield
mills. Today, the Autocar Factory water. heating system. porch Iront and I
and Pencovd Iron Works are import- rear.
ant plants, but the signifi. Seized and taken in e"ecution as the
cance of Lower Merion is wholly resi- property of Nathaniel W. Sweeney and to be
dentia\. The charm of the township sold by
is in its open character. Wise plan-
ning will help to retain this charm
even though the density of population
is considerably increased.
Anna Virginia Cole
Anna Virginia Cole, wife of James
R. Cole, of 100 Chestnut avenue, who
died at her home on Saturday is sur-
vived by her husband and daughter,
Mrs. Helen Cole Wipf, two sisters,
Mrs. Clifton J. Russell, of Annapolis,
Md., and Mrs. Bessie Berry, of Phila-
delphia, and also a brother, William
,M. Sewell, of Philadelphia.
. Mrs. Cole was a member of the
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and
iFernwood Lodge No. 141, Order East-
I ern Star.
Funeral services were held Tues-
dav at two o'clock at her late resi-
The Rev. Cletus Senft of the
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church as-
sisted by the Rev. Archer Anderson
! of the Narberth Presbyterian Church
I officiated.
The interment was at Odd Fellows'
ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of
11----------------- ground with the Buildings and Improve-
ments thereon erected. SiTUATE on the
Southeast side of Merion Avenue. at the
distance of 322 It. 8 in. Northeastward
from the Northeast side of Wynnewood
Avenue. in the Borough of Narberth.
County of Montgomery, and State 01 Penn·
sylvania. CONTAINING in front or breadth
on the said Merion Avenue 2; ft. and ex·
tending of that width in length or depth
Southeastward between parallel lines at
right angles to the said Merion Avenue
ft. more or less to other ground of whir.h
this was formerly a part.
Howard Ronald Paige, Jr.
Claire Marie Palmer
Margaret Maree Paolone
James Roy Parke
Maud Beatrice Parker
Laurence B. Parker
John Dana Paterson
Mary Holmes Pearce
Rowan Crothers Pearce. Jr.
Anthony Phillips Pennock
John Douglas Perkins, III
Oren Hutchinson Persons. Jr.
George M. Peters
Guy B. Peters
Robel·t Lickely Post
Wesley J ames Potter
E. George Powell
Alfred W. Power
J. Hale Pratt
Ambrose Priestley
Samuel Orr Pruitt, Jr.
Johan August Punessen
John Joseph Quinlan
John Ellis Ramsey
Thomas David Ramsey
""'ellington Light Ramsey
Lucy May Rankin
Virginia Irene Rankin
P. Garrison Rebert
John B. Records, Jr.
Donald HuH Reed
Lauretta M. Reed
Jean Louise Reid
Jack H. Reinhart
Josephine Gertrude Rentschler
William E. Rexford, III
Frederick Harvey Reynolds
John Paul Reynolds, Jr.
Robert Arthur Ritchings
Emil H. Roesler
Florence Mildred Rorke
Herbert Emmanuel Roser
Malcolm James Rowe
Edward Raymond Ryder
Anthony Joseph Sacchetti
Joseph P. Salvo
Milton Frank Salvo
Frank J. Sammartino
Anne Jane Scaccialepre
Peter John Scavella
Emily Marie Schembs
Margaret Bernice Schilling
Charlotte Elizabeth Schmunl,
Jane Frances Schneidel'
John Schuster, Jr.
John C. Schwabenland
Dorothy Logan Scott
Bonnie Jean Seals
Harriet Elva Seasholtz
Dorothy Seipel
Newert Victoria S. Shamlian
Clyde Everett Brackon Shewell
Thomas Lester Shippen
Florence M. Siems
J. Melvin Slman
Edward Skey
Andrew P. Skillern
Maris H. Slaughter
Stephen Elmer Slocum, Jr.
E. Virginia Smith
Edward Sinith. Jr.
Ernest Adam Smith
John Frank Smith
Richard D. Smith
Rosetta Solimeo
Margaret C. Spearey
James John Spinelli
Michael Joseph Spinelli
Robert R. Springer
John Edward Staley
William John Stillwagon
Joyce Lorraine Stockett
Eleanor Tindall Stoer
Marion Strong
Anthony R. Stumpo
Marilyn B. Swartz
Alexander J. Taylor
Elmer RusseH Tharan
Clara Viola Thomas
Josephyne Letitiae Thomas
Mildred Clift Thomas
Evelyn B. Thompson
Dorothy M. Thornburg
John Alden Tifft, Jr.
Fred L. Tompkins, II
Donald Fuller Toney, Jr.
Marie Annette Troncelliti
Ralph 1\1. Tyson
Beulah K. Urffer
Dorothea Vick
Linda Whitten Vogel
Frank Munn Walker, Jr.
William H. Wallace, Jr.
Dorothy Walsh
Dave E. Watson
John L. Webb, Jr.
Elizabeth M. Weidemann
Norman Weinstein
Mary Catherine Weir
William Edmunds West
Corinna L. White
Howard C. White
Samuel Knox White, Jr.
Theodore Wolf White
Elsie Jane Whyte
George Williams
Gene Yarnall Wingate
Howard M. Witte-
Marian Kelsey Wood
Polly Sheaffer Wood
Sara Pauline Yoder
Edith Young
Howard Scott Young, Jr.
Margaret Jane Yowell
Wilma E. Zeisler
Howard Edward Ziegler, Jr.
Mary Ruth Gilmore
C. William Glose, Jr.
Harrietta R. Godefroy
Carl DeHaven Grace, Jr.
Andrew J. Graham
John Horace Green
Thelma N. Grossman
Giorgina Elena Grosso
George Crawford Hand, Jr.
Fred Hansell
Leroy Hanson
Eleanor Dorothy Hart
Jonathan Smith Hart
Charles Elwood Heaps
Cecilia M. Henderson
Harold John Hentosh
Jeanne E. Herb
DOI'othy Luise Herbest
Richard Middleton Herndon
Julia M. Hess
Helen Margaret Hewitt
Letitia Lois Hewitt
Nancy Lee Hewitt
Howard Heartly Hickman
Harry W. Hicks, Jr.
Laurence Carroll Higgins, Jr.
Ruth Ivy Hoff
Eleanor H. Hofmann
Lois Jane Hoffman
John Francis Holland
Mildred Holt
Harriet Elaine Holtz
Stephen A. Horvath
Gladys Holt
Barbara J. Howell
Frances Huff
Thomas Robinson Huff
Flora Andrews Hultgren
Beatrice I. Hunsinger
Virginia L. Hunter
Elizabeth A. Jackson
James Dillon Jacoby
Mary Javoronok
Theodore Larose Jefferson
Margaret Zel Johnson
Richard B. Johnson
Kathrine R. Johnston
Nancy W. Jones
Katherine Vroom Jordan
Rogers .Tordan
Anne Emma Jurgens
Carol Alice Jurgens
Jerome E. Kaplan
Daniel Beaver Kase, Jr.
Colette Keast
Phyllis Ruth Kennelly
Robert Gered Keown
Carlile E. King
Marjorie Elizabeth Kirk
Rose Ethel Kitselman
Charles F. Klink
Mary Alice Krauskop
Helen C. Kromer
Lounettie Lamberth
Dominic A. LaPera
Charlotte Dorothy Latch
Frances Peirce Leech
Robert Charles Leech
Alexander G. Leslie
Barbara Levin
Jeanne Warfield Lewis
Patricia Elaine Leopold
Jacques Adele Little
Loretta Violet Long
Ann Longaker
Regina Dolores Love
Elizabeth Eleanor Lukens
Mary Elizabeth Lynn.
Robert William MacClmtock
Nancv Jane Mackenzie
Horace William MacLees
William Mahler, Jr.
Roselyn S. Malickson
Helen Agnes Mariani
Virginia Agnes Mariani
Albert Martin, Jr.
Margaret H. Martin
Constance Ellinore Mason
William Richard Mason
Nellie Mattern
Harry Maxwell, Jr.
Albert A. McAllister
Samuel Jay McCartney, Jr.
Charles John McComb
Betty .T ane McConnell
Mary McCusker
Mary DOI'othy McDermott
Alberta McDevitt
Margaret M. McDevitt
Evelyn McGarvey
James G. McGovern
Janet Knipe McGovern
Edward Michael McKeon
Robert B. McKinney
James R. McLaughlin
Robert Bolland McLaughlin
Martha May McNair
Regina Meeker
Marie Bee Merry
Frederick Barr Miller
Sarah Dorothy Mills
Thelma Eleanor Moody
Eleanor Allison Moore
George J. Morris
Virginia Nack
Malcolm Elliott Nafe
Jane C. Nash
Donald H. Neill
William Jay Neill
Edward A. Newcomb
Elizabeth Louise Nold
John Berchmans O'Brien
Henrv Francis O'Connell
Joseph Lawrence O'Connor, Jr.
Dorothy Miller Ogden
Mary Frances O'Rourke
Lower Merion Graduating Class of 1937
The Schuylkill River was the first
artery of traffic. Large canoes were
used to transport goods. Later, when
the anthracite coal trade flourished, a
canal was built along the river to ac-
commodate the heavy traffic. The
first roads in Lower Merion were but
trails and horses and foot transporta-
tion only were available. The settle-
ment of Lancaster led to a demand for
an adequate highway between that
town and Philadelphia, resulting in
the construction of the first turnpike
in America. Completed in 1794, it
was immediately successful and en-
couraged the building of othel' turn-
pikes in the region. Passing through
Lower Merion, the Lancaster Turn-
pike played a part in the development
of the township. It was over this
Survey and Recommendations
of L. M. Planning Commission
Elizabeth B. Adams
Joseph Marvin Aiken
Blair Robson Albrecht
Edwin Lewis Anderson
Eleanor Anderson
Rhea Apt
Dorothy Armitage
Eileen Armstrong
T. Freeman Awkerman, JI·.
Eileen Bailey
Guy David Jr.
Margaret Woods Baird
Ethel Marie Baker
James Keaton Baker
Tom Bayard Baldridge, Jr.
Eugene W. Baldwin, Jr.
Marjorie Ann Barkman
Achille Francis Barone
Mariano A. Barone
James T. Barrow
Florence Lorraine Bassett
Charles Brandt Bechtold, Jr.
Raymond W. Beck
Melvin Lewis Bernstine
Harrison Morton Berry, Jr.
Gertrude Eleanor Bessex
George H. Blair
John Blair, Jr.
Margaret Ellen Blake
James A. Bleakly
John Wallace Blunt
Louis Edward Bock, Jr.
Crozier William Bodkin
Richard R. Boileau
Virginia Eleanor Bossert
Edmund D. Bossone
Francis Fredric Bossone
Joan Marie Boxman
Francis Wilson Braham
Joseph Thomas Brennen
Daisy Mae Brice
Bernhard Lobel Broocker
Elsie Marie Brown
Walter Thomas Brown, Jr.
Norman Charles Buckles
Beatrice M. Buler
M. Elizabeth Burgess
Ruth Caroline Burkhardt
.Tohn Glasgow Burns
Thomas P. Burns
Helen Louise Busch
Eunice M. Butler
Edith Mildred Byecroft
Septimus A. Cappelli
Edith M. Carr
Robert G. Carroll
.Tohn Doyle Caruso
Dominica M. Casavecchia
William Elliot Cathcart, Jr.
Henry George Challen .
John Binkin Chamberlain
Ada Davenport Chambers
Torrence Harrison Chambers
Helen Mary Chapin
Dorothy Cheney
Estelle B. Ciambrano
Kathleen Patricia Claffey
Esther Elisabeth Clark
Gretchen T. Clay
Dorothy Shirley Cleaver
James Joseph Coddington
Vera W. Collopy
Janice Hunt Connelly
Elizabeth M. Cornelius
A. John Cornish, Jr.
Elizabeth Lowry Cornman
Henry Dennis Cornman, III
John Austin Councilman, Jr.
Mary Elizabeth Creamer
Sarah Margaret Creen
Harry E. Cregier
Leonora Crispin
Edith Roberta Croasdale
Eleanor O. CI'OSS
C. Elizabeth Crown
Carolyn Lenore Custer
Daniel T. Crowley
Grant Seydel Cutler
Dominic Lawrence D'Angelo
Mary Loretta Del Pizzo
Linda Elizabeth DeMarco
Hugh G. Donohue
Marykirk Donaldson
Margaret Mary V. Donnelly
William C. Draper
Zelda Florence Drexler
Paul .J. Drumheller
Mary Evelyn Dunn
Robert C. Dunn
Robert Stewart Durbin, Jr.
Richard Granville Edwards
Edward Louis Englehardt
William Arthur Ensinger
George G. Esslinger
Stanton S. Ettinger
Charlotte Muriel Evans
Horace R. Evans
.Tohn Colt Evans
Edward .J. Farrell
Natalie Dunbar Farrell
Grace Kielty Fear
Edward R. Feicht, Jr.
William V. Fittipoldi
Virginia-Lee Fitzgerald
Barbara Abercrombie Fletcher
Herbert .Tohn Foster
Pammcl Mildred Foster
Robert Holmes Fraser
Richard Zcrn Freemann
1\1. Rita Gallagher
William Gammage
Bernard Gianguilio
Mary Kathryn Gibson
Martin S. D. Gill
Frances Theresa Gilliam
By virtue of various writs. issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery
County, Penna.. to will be sold I
at Public Sale on I
at 12.00 o·c1ock. Noon. Eastern Standard I
Time. in Court Room "A" at the Court
House. in the Borough of Norristown. said II
County. the following described Real ES.\
I ALL THAT CERTAI N lot or piece of
I ground with Ihe buildings and improve· ,I
ments thereon erected. Situate in the Bar·
ough of Narberth. County of Montgomery. I
and S tat e of Penns yIvan ia. bOll nded a nd I
described us follow9. to wit:-
I Helll Wanted
B£Gli'ONING at the point 01 intersection Part-time bookl'cep"... 'Vrite
of the Southeasterly s.de 01 Price Avenue care 01 thi" paper.
I with the South""'esterly side of Essex Ave·
nue. t'hence e"tendin..: South II degs. 30
mins. East along the said side of Essex
Avenue 71 to a point. thence South. 78
degs. 30 mms. West 125 leet to a pomt;
'- "'"' thence North II degs. 30 mins. West 52.39
feet to II point on the afore mentioned
route was along Old Railroad avenue. Southeasterly side of Price Avenue and
, .. thence along the same North 70 degs. 15
\\ hen the PennsylvaIlla Ratlroad took mins. East 126.185 feet to the first men'
COLOHI';D \\'OMA" want" half lime job
over the system,. the old route to Ard-\ tioned point and place 01 beginning. or day'" work. Call Sherwood 07!19.
more was vacated and the line was UNDER AND SUBJECT to certain build·
h'f e<!' . ing restrictions as therein mentioned. For Sale
famous road that the ponderous Con- Sit to Its present locatIOn. The I TOMATO plants. 30c a doz., 4 doz. $1.00.
. Philadelphia and Reading Railroad The improvements thereon are
estoga wagons carried merchandise l' t . d' 1833 b 'It . '1 'II-story stone church 34 leet front by 48 Also Asters, Scarlet Sage, Snapdragons
• • C lar el e In ,was UI pnman y leet deep. with I.story stone addition 8 Ilnd other plants. 339 Dudle>' a.venue.
and settlers bound for the 1I1terlOr. to carry anthracite coa\. Though it Ifeet by 10 feet. cellar. electric lights. Narbel·th. Phone Narb. 3983-R. (39)
With the coming of the railroads, passes through the township alongI Seized and taken in e",ecution as the At Your Service
turnpike traffic declined and, after a the Schuylkill, it has played but a property 01 Narberth Methodist Episcopal RELIABLE CARPENTER. alterallonB.
varied history, Lancaster Pike was small part in the development of the IChurch. a corporation: 01 the Common' screenings. Gottlieb Esslinger. 122 Con-
h d b h St H
· h D I I . wealth 01 Pennsylvanm. Mortgagor and way a.venue. Call Narberth 3748-R. (to
purc ase y t e ate Ig way e- towns Hp. Real Owner. and to be sold by DRAPERIES, Slip Covers. VeneElan
partment in 1917 and made a free MODERN GROWTH AS A blind., Awnlnge, Furniture, UphoIBt.r.
d SUBURBAN RESIDEN A REA EDWIN H. BELLIS. Sheriff. Ing. Beddings. Rugs cleaned. repaired
roa . TI L A and stored. Challenger. 281 Monlgomery
The Philadelphia and Columbia The Pennsylvania Railroad, in a re-I ALL THAT cERTAIN lot or piece of avenue. cynwYd. [-hone. cynwyd 85.
Railroad was the first railroad location through Humphreysville' ground with the buildings and improve- Formerly with John Wanamaker. (tf)
through Lower Merion and formed a (Bryn Mawr) found it advisable to ments thereon erected. situate in the Bar· i UPHOLSTERING and rep. Springe ot
, ough of Narberth. Count>· 01 Montgomery. I 3-plece suites repa.lred, $10; Chair reo
part of the "Main Line of Public buy a number of properties. After and State of Pennsylvania. bounded and covered, $5. Go anywhere. Ca.1I Lewle,
\Vorks of Pennsylvania," a remark- reserving a right of way, the remain- described according to a and plan, 227 E. Lancaster ave. Wayne 1496.
of .and der of the property was utilize<! for Ithereol mude. as follows. to w.t:- i ,
rallways from Philadelphia to PlttS- a real estate development. This Op-II . BE?INNING ut a point on the attended to. Leander ·Wickman. 305 Con- i
burgh. Opened for use as far as eration plotted about 1870 ontained SIde Ime.ol Narberth Avenue (50 leet WIde) : way ave. Narberth 3888. (to
'. ., • '. ' C ut Ihe dIstance of 36.82 leet North 12 degs'l
Paoh m 1832, the Philadelphia and restrictIOns as to use, setback, and II mlns. West Irom the junction of the R I E f R t
C. olumbia Railroad wound through cost and may be considered as the be- Northeast side line or. Narberth AvenueI. ea state or en I
h t I . II I' M t .. f h d I with the Northwest side line of Haverford OC1·;A" CITY GAHDl<;NS, Ocean
e owns up para e lllg on gomery gmnll1g 0 t e eve opment of Lower Road: thence from said point of beginning I N. .T.-67 Atlantic blvd.. 7 hedroom". i
avenue to Athensville (Ardmore). Merion as a suburban residential along the Northeast side line of Narberthl3 baths. electric 2-c"," ga-:
From Haverford to Rosemont the area. The population in the thirty .
June 4, 1937
.. '.
. ,!."'. f ',; ",
Page Six
OUR TOWN June 4, 1937
LOC 0119
814 Lancaster Ave.
Bryn Mawr
RitlenhOllse 9090
1714 Walnut Strcet
I"di,'idllally Designed
at the
Aaeratum. Asters, Ocuonias. DOlCh·
cIon Buttons. Cannas. Coleus,
Fuchsin" Geraniums, Heliotrope. llln·
tanas. larkspur. Marigolds. Piltunl ••,
Phlox. SnllpdragOnl, SClrlet Sa(Jil. v.....
bena... Zinnlal. and many others.
529 Market St.. Dept. H. Phil..

This Directory appears In Five
Main Line newspapers-The "Main
I.lner" In Ardmore, "The News"
ot Bala-Cynwyd, "The News" of
Haverford Township. "Our Town"
Our Philadelphia Representatives.
St., will furnish tull Information,
Specializing in Children's Corrective
Shocs. Foot heallh is important to
thc normal growth of children.
Ollr book Otl
gratis all reqllesl
gave an interesting talk on the his-
tory of the inn.
Following, the members went to
the Merion l\Ieeting House and the
Entel·tains at Commcnccment
At coml11enc('lllent exercises of the'
Pennsylvania College of Optometry,
held Tuesday evening in the Academy
of l\lusic, Dr. and Mrs. William G.
Walton, of Anthwyn road, Merion,
were hosts to Dr. and I\1rs. 'VilJiam
A. Pear80n, 1\11', and 1\11'';. George B.
Spang-IeI' and MI'. and Mrs. George
Dr. \Valtoll is one of the founders
of the coj!l'g-e and is a membcr of its
Board of Trustees.
Our adYel'tisers are reliable mer-
chants-deal with thC111.

,:" ..
• I face, ann., leg. or any part of tho
• "body. Call and have u' remove It
,the M!·lUTA Way. Safe aud Sura.
1U1t0 802-ReaJ Eltate T""t Bid,.
.. Cor. Broad A Chfitnut-KIJ!p'o, e11Q
27 So. 17th Strcl't
1623 Chestnut SI. RIT 857l.'
Rltten house 9803
1031 Chestnut Street
1714 \lVAI.NUT ST.
store tllrs" PEN 05 I0
Your pictures deserve Ihe care and
attenlion our laboratory will give
of Narberth. .. SUblirban" In Wayne.
Neville & Hitchings, Inc" 12 So. 12th
telephone Walnut 0900.

Past Presidents in Mecting
The Past Presidents' Club of Mont-
g-omery County ]leld a -luncheon meet-
i ng Wednesday at the General 'Vayne
Inn, Narberth. The president, 1\1rs.
\\'illiam White, presided and Mrs.
David Noble Patterson, of Cynwyd,
You can now to::l ''W.
own a New :,. L \J
Accordion per week
Saxophone Pay for Both-
Xylophone a Brand New
Banjo Instrument and
or any Musical 55 Private Les-
t nstrument sons.
.. .........
Serving the Mai n I.lne for 35 Years Diamolld ,Ucrchall/5 and Jewelers
\1i.'M. SHEWELL ELLIS STUDIOS We specialize in Longines and Hamilton
Watch Repairing
1425 C1.estnut Street All Work Guaranteed
Since 1840
I.uggage That Lasts
are bringing their
134 So. 15th St., Phila.
......... :;: ...
Sail the con's of Captaill hUllt for
his huried (l6!J!I) treasure! ::inuth .Id'sey
bp:lch. Lsual :-:port:-:. flO boys. Director
trained in !lsyc!lo)ng'y aJH] llygielle.
,ell Ho!':elalld, Associate, lJool<let. :llalll
Line refereucL's.
W. M. LUTZ, M.A.
Penn A. C. Rittenhouse Square, Phila. ",,'e
I.eather Goods
For three-quartcrs of a Hntury the first
choicc of discriminating Philadelphians
NOl'elties and Favors
World-Wide Travel Service
1700 Walnut Strcet Philadelphia
Cruis6?s Steamship Tickets
Foreign o"ld Domeslic Tours
Summer Vacation Trips
Independent Tra't'el Anangements
O 0 M I N I C
Chartered by the ConHnonwcalth or
I'cnnsylvlLnla since 1870 ]. E. LIMEBURNER CO.
1721 WAI.NUT STREET ZECKWER·HAHN Opticiam lor 44 Years
TAILORED SUITS 1617 Spruce Street
TAILORED SUITS $95 (A full season's credits)
Fur over a third or a century Dominic 51 W Ch I A
has becn cutting, tittin!; and persoll' Regular FALL TERM begins Sept. 13 . e ten vc.
'lilY slllJerintellding the making or (Registration, week of Sept. 7) Germanlown
each Rnd every garment.
1525 Walnut Strcet RIT 3680
Fo/mtain - - Tea - - Luncheon
A Modern and Complete Chimney.
We correct your chimney worries.
Chimneys Scraped, Brushed and
Vacuum Cleaned
Estimates Cheerfully Given
33rd and Arch Sts. EVE 1680
The finest and widcst selection of
all foreign and domestic cameras Art: COFtUJne D('sig-n; DI'cRslllaldng;
24·Hollr Ddil'ery and Home Illterior DecorR-
MacCALLUM STORES Mail Service tion: :lliliinery: ilrl,]es' Classes,
El'er"lhing Photographic 110 So. 161h RIT 9200 Broad and Spring Garden Streets
, El'erything Photographic pOP 3106 Philadelphia
___________I__ __
-----------------1---- -------
Jerrll"'lIn f¥oEJ
Qrfi/i#/ IlGG Ad-
.artl..clln G
School Board Elects Two
Teachers to Fill Vacancies Church Notes
Highest Prices Paid For
lYe ",ill call anywhere-any lime
at YOllr convelliellce
Wholesale - - Retail
Dally 7 A. M. to 5,30 P. M.
N. W. Cor. 56th and Vine SiS.
New Deal Junk Co.
For 42 years We have supplied many S--"_._L.=_I r __L. • __
PYROFAX GAS prominent Main Line families with
"Complele Gas Cooking Service If your hat need" ('all on us Ind.."d""II....h'1lClIon
Pastor. for Homes Beyond the Gas ,'Hains" alld we will sen'e yuU as we sen'ell your !:lay SIB-Monthly-Night $6
D.45 A... :\I.-Bible school. parents. PHILADELPHIA SECRfT4RIAL SCHOOL
11 A. :\I.-:\lorlling- worship. Dr, PHILADELPHIA FURNACE CO. L. T. MUENCH 17
1813 San"Onl St. RIT 8763 29 So. 17th St. Spruce 1540 Cit t II T I I
A will preach t he last of a 1 ,:":,,:,,:,-=,,::,,,-_0=--=-
student graduate;;.
11 A. 1\L-The junior church, con-
ducted by Mrs. Digby and Mrs. Cooke.
11 A, l\I.-Children's Jlursery, un-
der the supervision of Mrs. Gilfillan.
GAS P. l\1.-The three Christian
Endeavor groups.
i.4ii P. happy Bible
hour. Sermon by the pastor.
S P. :\l.-Prayer meeting.
Gi\,('\1 Surprise Party
Alonzo :\Iarsh, who has sectll'('d
coloJ'l'd people positions along
the :'Ilain Line, was g-iven a surprise
at his apartnlt'nt on the estate
of :III'S. Elsie R. Chew, in :\lerion,
last W evening in apprecia-
tion of his help, There were eig-hteen
Deli'Veries to All Parts oj Main Line
Boy Scout Notes
Women's Grovps Hold Meetings
The new Executive Board of the
\Vomen's Community Club of Nar-
N b h
M'1 I d' E' I Two teachers have been elected by
The Valley Forg'e Council, Boyar ert II', et ,0 1st pucopa bel·th met Tucl;day morning at the
Rev. W. Vernon ;',fiddleton, Minister the Narberth School Board to fill home of the presidcnt, Mrs. Edward
Scouts of America, will hold a Green vacancies in the puhlic school faculty. 'V II 81' I I PI
Sunda\.', June u: . 'eymann, 011 111' ey roa(. ans
Bar Training' Conference at Camp Miss !llargaret H. ,Vhite, of Ship- wel'c discussed iOI' the club work of
Delll1ont, SUll1neytO\\'n, the week-end !l. 45 A. :It.-Church school. pel,ls,burg-, .is tak.·ing the place of ,Miss !next season.
11 A. :It.-:'Ilorning' worship. Holy I'J I F I h t 1
of Junc 5-1" j(J:n. This training con- . c, cn , Olce, \\ 10 as accep e( :1 pO-I A meeting of the chairmen of the
Communion. sltlOn m her home town of Mlddle-', '" ,
fercnce will he opcn to all the Boy G,45 P. 1\1.-Intermediate Epworth f t 1\1' \Vh' . varIOus committees IS bemg- held thiS
Scout., that are .Junior Leaders, in the town or nex year. • ISS Ite IS Friday afternOOJ1 at 2 o'clock at the
L('ague. a graduate of the Shippensburg State I . f' 'I II
various trooll;; of Delaware and :llont- - 4- l' U E ' orsl11' lOme 0 n rs. 'cymann.
/. <> ,'H.-· venmg w p. Teachcrs' College, holds a B.S. degree,
gomcry Count ies who havc had pre- 'I ) J -
;, OIH ay, une I: laught a rural school in Cumberland
\'ious training' hy th('ir o\\'n Scout- P '1 'I t' f t] Offi' I
10( • ,,' .-,' ee 1Ilg' 0 Ie cIa County for one year, and for the last
)11a5ter8. There will he .Junior As-
Board. six years has been an i11structor at
sistunt Scoutmasters, Quartermasters,: \V ! J ().'
ednes( ay, une" Fallsington. She will teach the fifth
Scrihe,.:, Patrol Leaders, Assistant Pa-: P' L)'" 'd SocI'ety busI'-
, '. nl.- a( les ,..,,1 grade with departmcntal \\'ork in
trol Leadcrs and other ,JUllIor Ll'ad- ne-s meetinO' I! I . tl
" , . s. "'. geograp 1y an( nature stU( y m 1e
ers present and they \\ III he g'1\ cn Thul'sdav June 10' h I fift] d
, "] I ' .,. fourt ant ,1 gra es.
many new Ideas which WIll 1e1p t 1(')11 2 1', :\I.-Women's Missionary So-, "
to lJl'tter sen'c their rcs!leC'tivc troollO, , ] I f 1\'< \V :lllss Eleanor G. Ranck, of Nor-
, ,,' " clety meetlllg at t 1e lome 0 :<rs... , ,
A !)ractical demonstration of l'l'C-· C ".' Ii I . '303 Cl t "". ,wood, Will succeed Mrs. LCl)S \\'under-
• (>1 If 1t 1S, ' 1es nut avenue. lHISS II' I Z' I l' " f
l'cation'J1 IC'II!C'rshil) will he giv('n hv!, I K,', 't d t f th IC 1 "leg, er, w 10 IS retlrm,g rom,
< < <, , • ' Rl')a elser superm en en 0 e . :'I ' "
Rt'S(]Oll K Field Scout: D II' 'II b tl k !cachlllg" Ilss Ranck 1S a graduate
"" ", ' , ' eacon('ss 'ome, WI e 1e spea 'cr.. _ , :
'vccutivc of :lhin Line 'Ind D!lllcr,)' l' "I J ' ]. 01 the \\ est Chester State Teachers:
" ' < , (;,:)0 • i, .- unlOr c lOU'. • :
'h\' DI' -tl'icts P 'I CI' ,l I Co!leg-e, WIth postgraduate work at·
• , ' , . 8 . n ,- lOU' 1'(' 1earsa . ' , "
TI1I' V'111(,\' Forn'c Council of Dcla- the UniversIty of and I
'1 :II' ,.. C t' B I I E l is now studYing for h('r bachelor's de-:
anI , olltg'?)11C'r
, oun ]es, oY, Baptist C /IIrc" 01 tIe vange 'rec at State. For the last six I
Scouts of Amel'lca wl11 conduct all: R(lbel·t E. Keigilton, Minister g 1 I 1 h GIld I
, " years s Ie laS taug'lt at t e J eno en
outdoor tl,'allllng- course thc wcek-end i Stanley T. Reiff, Organist' h 1 Sh '] I h '
l' Iementarv sc 00. e WI I teal' 1 tel
of June at Camp Delmont, Sum- SUl1da.\·, June 1,: ' 'h . d I 'I I
tourt g-ra e lOme room Wit 1 (epart-i
n('ytown. BAiiA. :ll.-The church school. mel1tal work in reading and lit('ratul'e.:
]1 A, :U,-:'Ilorning worship. Ob- The Narberth Public School will!
Borough Girl Neither ,.:('ryanc(' of Communion, Theme: close June 18. Mill Road, Brookline Hilltop 1600
Nor Absent ,"Discipleship."
ina Twelve School Years i i P. :'11.- Young- people's meeting.
/:) i W('dnpsday, JUlle 9:
Continued rrom Pa!':e One ! 8 P. :\1.-!lIid-week meeting of the
:IIi,s :"\ash won high scholastic I church.
marks hoth in the grades and high: Sunday, June 1:3:
"chool. During her year she! '10,:30 A. :\l.-Children's Day serv-I
was ]Ht'sidt'nt of the Girls' Hi- Y and: icl'. A cOlllhim'd seryice of the church I
was nwnagl'r of the GiJ'ls' Basketball: and sehool. Please note the hour.
team. i
SIll' plalls this fall to enter William i
alld :lla 1':-' Co]]('!!" whl're Ill'r sisler, i
Gc']'I';.', also a Lower :'Ilerion graduate, I
will he a :'enior.
Hoi)' T,.i,lity LIIt1Jeran Church
Rev. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor
2\IargaJ'et Squier, Organist
.Tune G, H137: I
!i,.lS A, :'II.-Bible school. I
Narberth Regains League '11 A. :'I1.-The moming' serYice,
Lead, Taking Three of Four i "Hated hy the World."
H I'd =r kEd G I f)"j;} P. l\I.-Luther Leag-ue.
01 ay '- 11 ames: Saturday, June 12, Bible School
I Picnic at Darlingtoll Park, West
Continue<] froIn l'ag-c One
I'elil'wd Lyons of the pitching
dutil'S, but m,lll<- thn'l' hib and as
111;111,\' run" for bi" tea'm.
jlllring tIll' fOUl' games Tanny Rab-
t tin, ,"l'cond baseman, made ten
Mrs. Elsie R. Chew, of Beacom
lane and Wynnewood road, returned
on 'Vednesday from a several days'
stay in Martin's Ferry, Ohio, where
she visited her son-in-law and daugh-
ter, Dr. and Mrs. R. N. Wilson.
1\11'. and :III'S. F. 1\Iilward-Oliver,
of St. David". announce the marriage
of th(,ir daughter, 1\Iiss Frances Mil-
ward-Oliver, to Dr..John Scott Miller,;
.Jr., which took place at 12,30 o'clock ALL eghny 0132
011 l\Iay 2i, at the home of
thl! bl'ide's parents. Dr. and 1\hs.
:'Ililll'l' wiII be at home after July 1,
at Idlewild lane, l\Ioylan.
An out of town marriagc of inter-
to on the Main Line will be
that of ;\Iiss Nancy lI. Vane, daughter,
of :Ill'. and :Mrs. Augustus S. Vane of
Scarsdalc, N. Y., formcrly of Merion,
and II m'erfoI'll , to Edward Charles I
Winn, son of :\11'. and :\Irs. Gilbert i
P. Winn of ;\i. Y" which will
take place on Saturday, June 5, at one
o'clock in the presence of the immedi-
ate families.
'I'll!' maniage of :II iss Elizah('th
Staph'S, daug'htc'r of :Ill'. and :III'S. AI-
I'xand,'r R, Stap]('s, of On'hard \Vay,
\rayne, to :III'. Edwin T. Bruc(', .Jr,.
son of :'III'S. Edwin T. Bruce, of Gcr-
mantown, tnnk ]1lace on
a ftl'l'Ij()on , on the lawn of tll!' hridc'"
home, the Cl')'('mony heing' pt'donlled
hy ne\-. Xathan :'Ildhorn.
Tht, hride. who wa,; g'iven in mar-
Itl'l' father, wore a g'own of
\\'hite satin. made on long lines, IlPr
tulle H,il b,'ing anangc'd with a halo
of orange hlos:'OI11S. Sh(' ca nied a
bouqllPt of white roses and
tIH'.valI<-y. :'>Iiss Jt',lll Staph'S, her sis-
t,'r's attelldallt, wore a frock of
blue marquis!'!\<' with matching' tur-
han of till' sanl!' material, allll carried
a htluqul't of spring flowers. The
hridegroom was attc'nd('d hy :\1 J'.
Gl'orge :\IcCartney, of Pittshurgh, as
h('st mall. Mrs. Stap1l's wore a gown,
of bW'Jlder marquisettc with corsage:
of orchids, 1\11':'. Timson blaC'k;
chifroll with insc'rts of cream lace and
corsage of orC'hids.
A rl'ceptioll followed the ceremony.
:'Ill'. and :\Irs, Bruce, who are
mooning at \'irg-inia Beach and Old·
Point Comfort, will make their home'
in Louisville, Ky,
Ralph Ross, former track star at
Lower !llerion, ha,.; set a new rc'cord
at 'Vest Point in the pole vault. Ralph
is a plebe at the Point hut he has
already topped the varsity mark of 1:1
feet :3 inches with a vault of 1:3 fed
5 inches, Another former Lower
Merion vaulter is doing- well at Dul;l'
University. .Joe Leidy who hrol,e the
Suhurhan, District and P. 1. A, A.
records while at Lower l\Il'rion, i,.: tlV'
fir,.:t string- vaulter for the );ol'th
Carolina School.
Lower :lIerion dropped the hig' gal11l'
with I-Ia\'l'l'fol'd High School In,.:t wl'l'k
on Pennypacker Field. The South
Ardmore clan g-ot revengc for thc'ir
former licking hy defeating .John Fd-
ters' hitless wandel'''; 1 to 0 in a bl'au-
tifully played game, Hay Rydl'r
hurled anothel' one of his tine (,xhibi-
tions, hut his work went for naught
when his mates failed to hring' any
runs home. This was the fifth pitch-
ers' battle in a row for the :lIarlllln
team. They won two of thc'l11, lIll"
from Xonistown and OIH' 1'1'0111 lIa';'
erfanI-dropping nne ('ach 10 ill(' sallJl'
schools and the odd ganw tll A billg·
Ditter Leads Attack
on "Political Relief"
:'lIt n':ZI'r I'l'cei\,,'d "uitl' a bit I';
publicity as a pick('r IIf wil1J]('rs iii
the Suhurhan Championships last :-'al
urday. It'8 a shamc to take the buni;
out, but all Ray needed \\'a:, tlw nH'l1l-
orv of for ('\'I'ry single, til'st
pl;lce Illan was a cinch flit, tIl(' placl',
Thc winncrs have been stand-outs aU
\,ear and finished exacth' aCl'lIl'ding' tl'
Hovlc. How about to pick a
at the III' the
Derby, 'You gl'l paid for that.
Continued rrom Pa!':e One
I('ss political ral'ket, manipulated by
ambitious political g'entlemen for the
and of the precinct
So has sentiment grown
in th(' Home during the last two
w('eks. that the Roosev('lt proposal for
an addit ion'll $1,500,000,000 for re-
lief nl'xt year has struck a danp;erous
legislative snag. The Presidc'nt sent
his bill to Congress with a demand it
be enacted quickly.
But the relief scandals which come
to light almost daily throughout thc
countrY have been aired on the floor
for than a week, as a result of i ;',11', and :III'S. George R. Park, Sr"
which some Democratic leaders t]]('m- announl'e the malTiag'e on June 2 of:
selves have launched a demand for their daug'htcr, Mrs. Dorothy Park I
the ear-marking of one-third the ap- Adams, to 1\11'. Clarence E. Sup1<'e, of I
propriation, for roads, flood-control Paoli. 1\Ir. and :'III'S, Suplee have Icft:
projects, and public building'S. on a thrce weeks' cruise to l\1('xico, I
"Several of our great industries are and will be at home at Old Lancas-
employing' more men than they tel' road, Devon, after July 1.
did at the \'ery peak 'of otlr boom
prosp('rily in 1929, and we still
are carrying- almost 5,000,000 people
on relief," Ditter continued. "And
we have voluminous evidence of thl'
refusal of relief workers to accept
regular elllployment in industry. It
has been that this is due in
some degl'ee to the desire of political
bosses to keep their relief armies
intact. But whatever the cause, it
has hat! a demoralizing effect upon
our people and had retarded to a
great extent the resumption of normal
industrial relations."
Further vigorous attack upon the
Roosevelt-Hopkins of political
relief is anticipat€d when the bill
reaches the Senate, next week.
Lower :l1('rion faikd In show too
much up at Penn State in the Statl'
Championship track n1l'd, Of coursl'
Coach Drumm did n'lt have many
outstandillg stars thi,.: ,,'ason. "'hik
his hoys wc're away doing' tlll'il' Li!
in tlH' 1'. 1. A. A, nwd, the Low,'r
i\Ierion .Jullior High squad w('nt to
town on l'ennypackl'r Fil'ld in tIl!'
Suburhan Conf(,l't'n'c' chal11]lionshi!I,-,
The local lads almost douhl<'d th;
SC01'<, on lIa\'('rfonl Hi,l:h Sch,",1
whil'h tinislwd s('('"n,!. CI'!,('r
canl(' third, Bill :-'tron,!!,'. IIolnws, :'110-
Donald and the 'lll'lnhl'rs "f thc J 1,1-
] 10l1l1 c! 1'<'la:; :,':\:11 :,t,,,,,1 ',ut a," ,1:11'
pl'rfOl'nH'r, foJ' tIll' :'Ilain Linn,c,
JIodgl' was mainstay f"r th(, 'l'l'IIIl,1
place IlaH'J'fllj',1 ":1!Uarl,
It is pleasing' to not" tll:lt IIaITI ':
BUl'k, forn]('r Low('r :'I11'I';"n ,Tullil<i'
lIil:'h alld High :,:hl.,j", Ilil!
captain thl' \':lla11O\'a track squad Ilt':'\
Buck was a record man in tIl<' hul'-
dl<'8 at hoth the Lowcr :lll'rion school,
while a student t 1](' l't' and aft(,J' f"lIt
hall practice was o\"l'1' this yeai' h,
\\'('nt out and ran hunll,'" r",
Villanova. In thn'c n]('(\," 1](' \\'1111 li\'"
fir:,t places, in th" liP
and hurdles,
Buel, is a fine athlete and
do well as a backfield ae;' at thl' ('III
lege next fall.

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