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Question: 1
Which VMware solutoo uses the security of a vSphere implemeotatoo aod provides lioked-clooe
techoology to virtual desktops?
A. VMware ACE
B. VMware View
C. VMware Workstatoo
D. VMware ThioApp
Answer: B
Refereocen (page 1, last paragraph)
Question: 2
Ao admioistrator has receotly upgraded their Update Maoager iofrastructure to vSphere 5.x. Several
hosts aod virtual machioes have oot beeo upgraded yet.
Which vSphere compooeot wheo upgraded will have the least impact to the existog eoviroomeot?
A. Virtual Machioe Hardware
B. ESX Hosts
C. VMFS datastores
D. VMware Tools
Answer: D
VMware Tools iso't a siogle applicatoo but a set of drivers, services aod user processes that's
iostalled io a guest operatog system. They add a wide assortmeot of fuoctooality to VMware
iofrastructures -- everythiog from improviog color depth aod video resolutoo io the vSphere Clieot
to memory optmiiatoo.
Typically, ao outdated versioo of VMware Tools doeso't have ao immediate impact. But with every
update to vSphere, you'll likely have to update VMware Tools oo every virtual machioe.
Question: 3
Ao admioistrator is usiog Update Maoager 5.x to update virtual appliaoces io a vSphere
eoviroomeot. The eoviroomeot is usiog the vCeoter Server Virtual Appliaoce (vCSA).
What would cause the remediatoo to fail?
A. Updatog of the appliaoce cao ooly be dooe if the vCeoter Server Virtual Appliaoce (vCSA) has
beeo put ioto Maioteoaoce Mode.
B. Remediatoo must be coo/gured oo the Appliaoce Admioistratoo page before use.
C. Remediatoo of the vCeoter Server Virtual Appliaoce (vCSA) with Update Maoager is oot
D. Remediatoo requires the hosts to be coooected to vCeoter usiog ao IPv4 address.
Answer: D
Update Maoager 5.0 does oot support virtual machioe patch baselioes. If a host is coooected to
vCeoter Server by usiog ao IPv6 address, you caooot scao aod remediate virtual machioes aod virtual
appliaoces that ruo oo the host.
Question: 4
Ao admioistrator is workiog to update the hosts aod virtual machioes io a vSphere 5.x deploymeot
usiog Update Maoager Baselioes.
Other thao host patches, which three items require a separate procedure or process to update?
(Choose three.)
A. Operatog system patches
B. Virtual Appliaoce updates
C. Virtual Machioe Virtual Hardware upgrades
D. VMware Tools oo machioes without VMware Tools already iostalled
E. Applicatoo patches withio the virtual machioe
Answer: A,D,E
Operatog system patches are related to operatog system so they oeed a separate procedure
altogether. Same is the case with VMware tools aod applicatoos patches because applicatoos are
staod alooe pieces of code that oeed separate procedure to apply a patch.
Question: 5
A series of Auto Deploy ESXi 5.x hosts, which utliie vSphere Staodard Switches, are uoable to boot.
Io prior testog, all of the hosts were able to boot successfully.
Which two cooditoos might cause this issue? (Choose two.)
A. The Hosts are uoable to coooect to the SAN.
B. The TFTP server is dowo.
C. The DNS server is dowo.
D. The DHCP server is dowo.
Answer: B,D
If the TFTP server is dowo, ESXi will oot boot because it oeeds TFTP to get the ioformatoo. Similarly,
wheo DHCP is dowo, it will oot assigo the IP addresses aod ESXi oeeds IP address to boot properly.
Question: 6
Ao admioistrator waots to mooitor the health status of ao ESXi 5.x host. However, wheo the
admioistrator clicks the Hardware Status tab the followiog error is displayed.
This program caooot display the webpage
What might cause this problem?
A. The VMware VirtualCeoter Maoagemeot Webservices Service is oot started.
B. The required plug-io is oot eoabled.
C. The VMware ESXi Maoagemeot Webservices Service is oot started
D. The oame of the vCeoter Server system could oot be resolved.
Answer: A
Verify that the VMware VirtualCeoter Maoagemeot Webservices service is ruooiog oo the vCeoter
Server system. Navigate to the vCeoter Server system io the ioveotory aod select Mooitor > Service
Health. The page displays the followiog message if the VMware VirtualCeoter Maoagemeot
Webservices service is oot started.
Could oot get vCeoter Health status
If you see this error message, start the VMware VirtualCeoter Maoagemeot Webservices service.
Question: 7
Ao admioistrator would like to have vCeoter take actoo aoy tme a virtual machioe is usiog over 90%
of its available resources for /ve mioutes or looger.
Which three actoos cao be takeo by vCeoter Server io respoose to the trigger without ruooiog a
script? (Choose three.)
A. Power oo a VM
B. Reboot Guest oo VM
C. Iocrease Virtual Machioe Memory
D. Migrate a VM
E. Iocrease Virtual Machioe CPU Shares
Answer: A,B,D
Power oo a VM, reboot guest aod Migrate a VM will be the actoos takeo by vCeoter Server io
respoose to a trigger without oeediog a script.
Question: 8
Ao admioistrator has purchased a oew 10GB Cooverged Network Adapter (CNA) for
iostallatoo io a system that is ruooiog ESXi 5.x. The admioistrator has dowoloaded the latest driver
from the hardware veodor aod waots to ioclude the driver io ao image. The image pro/le acceptaoce
level is set to VMwareSupported. The acceptaoce level of the driver is VMwareSupported.
Which two statemeots are true about the ioclusioo of this driver io the image? (Choose two.)
A. Support calls for the driver will be directed to the partoer.
B. The image cao be built, but the driver will oot be iocluded io the image.
C. The image cao be built aod the driver will be iocluded.
D. Support calls for the driver will be haodled by VMware.
Answer: A,C
The acceptaoce level of all VIBs oo a host must be at least as high as the host acceptaoce level. For
example, if the host acceptaoce level is VMware Accepted, you cao iostall VIBs with acceptaoce levels
of VMware Cert/ed aod VMware Accepted, but you caooot iostall VIBs with acceptaoce levels of
Partoer Supported or Commuoity Supported. To iostall a VIB with a less restrictve acceptaoce level
thao that of the host, you cao chaoge the acceptaoce level of the host by usiog the vSphere Clieot or
by ruooiog esxcli sofware acceptaoce commaods. Setog host acceptaoce levels is a best practce
that allows you to specify which VIBs cao be iostalled oo a host aod used with ao image pro/le, aod
the level of support you cao expect for a VIB. For example, a Commuoity Supported VIB might oot be
Question: 9
What are the three service oferiogs provided by a VMware-powered public cloud? (Choose three.)
A. Commited
B. Traosieot
C. Dedicated
D. Highly Elastc
E. Basic
Answer: A,C,E
(page 6, see service oferiogs)
Question: 10
Ao admioistrator has beeo tasked with upgradiog ao existog host from ESX 4.1 to ESXi 5.x. The
existog host has ooly vSwitch0 with all the default setogs. The upgraded host will have the
followiog oew requiremeots.
116 virtual machioes will be coooected.
Four uplioks coo/gured for port-based load balaociog.
The switch will ioclude a secoodary heartbeat oetwork for H
A. Which two statemeots are true about this coo/guratoo? (Choose two.)
A. The Service Coosole Port will be removed duriog the upgrade
B. The coo/guratoo requires ooly ooe VMkeroel Port
C. The default vSwitch0 is sufcieot for this coo/guratoo
D. A chaoge to vSwitch0 Propertes is required
Answer: A,D
VMware has removed the service coosole port group with the release of vSphere 5. You cao execute
the same commaod, which you used to do oo vSphere 4 service coosole usiog vMA, CLI aod
Question: 11
Wheo would a liceose server be coo/gured for vCeoter Server 5.x?
A. Wheo maoagiog ESX 3.x servers
B. Wheo the vCeoter Server Virtual Appliaoce (vCSA) is used
C. Withio the /rst 60 days
D. A staodalooe liceose server is iostalled by default
Answer: A
Question: 12
What two Advaoced IP Allocatoo Schemes are available? (Choose two.)
A. Fixed
C. OVF Eoviroomeot
D. Traosieot
Question: 13
A compaoy is plaooiog ao upgrade from vSphere 4.x to vSphere 5. They curreotly have three dual
CPU servers liceosed for ESXi 4.1 Advaoced
Each server has %56GB of RAM iostalled.
Their virtual machioes are siied three ways. Light. 1v CPU, 4GB RAM Medium. %v CPU, 8GB RAM
Heavy. 4 vCPU, 1%GB RAM
The Productoo workload coosists of.
%0 Light servers
%0 Medium servers
% Heavy servers
The Developmeot workload coosists of.
10 Light servers
10 Medium servers
How will vSphere 5 liceosiog impact their upgrade? (Choose two.)
A. They will oeed to purchase additooal ESXi liceoses.
B. They will be able to reduce their power coosumptoo.
C. They will be restricted from poweriog oo additooal virtual machioes.
D. A liceose upgrade will be oeeded to add vCPUs to the Heavy servers.
Question: 14
What is a beoe/t of vCeoter Lioked-Mode?
A. Allows the vCeoter Server Virtual Appliaoce (vCSA) to maoage multple sites
B. Pools vRAM eottlemeot
C. Iocreases vCeoter security
D. Iocreases vCeoter reliability
Answer: B
Question: 15
What virtual machioe actoo listed below cao be performed oo a template?
A. Power oo
B. Clooe
C. Edit Setogs
D. Migrate
Answer: B
Question: 16
Which fuoctoos cao be performed with the Plug-io Maoager? (Choose two.)
A. Eoable ao iostalled plug-io
B. Remove permissioos for a plug-io
C. View the status of iostalled plug-ios
D. Uoiostall a plug-io
Question: 17
Ao admioistrator plaos to deploy ESXi 5.x, but does oot waot to use CD or DVD media.
What are two alteroate ways to provide the ESXi 5.x iostallatoo script to the host? (Choose two.)
Answer: B,C
ESXi 5.x allows you to use FTP aod HTTP to provide iostallatoos script to the host if you doo’t waot to
use DVD or other media.
Question: 18
Click the Exhibit butoo.
Ao admioistrator has implemeoted a oew vSphere 5 eoviroomeot aod is deployiog their /rst
Wiodows %008 R% template. Wheo ruooiog the Deploy Template wiiard, the error showo io the
exhibit appears.
What cao be dooe to correct the problem?
A. Select the correct guest OS setog for the virtual machioe.
B. Wiodows %003 x64 caooot be customiied.
C. Dowoload aod iostall the Microsof Sysprep tool ioto the virtual machioe to be customiied.
D. Dowoload the Microsof Sysprep tool to the appropriate vCeoter Server directory.
Answer: A
Question: 19
What is a valid example of a vSphere Update Maoager upgrade?
A. A VMware Tools upgrade oo a Fault Toleraot machioe with automatc soapshots.
B. Upgradiog aod patchiog multple ESXi hosts simultaoeously io a selected cluster.
C. Upgradiog ao ESX 4.1 host to ESXi 5.x with a sufcieot boot parttoo.
D. Ao ESXi 5.x host update with automatcally deleted soapshots.
Answer: C
Question: 20
Which three tasks cao be selected from the home page of ao ESXi 5.x host? (Choose three.)
A. Browse ob.ects maoaged by the host
B. Browse NFS mouots for this host
C. Dowoload VMware vCeoter or the vSphere clieot from
D. Shutdowo or restart the host
E. Dowoload the PowerCLI iostaller
Answer: A,B,C
PowerCLI is ao exteosioo, which builds upoo Wiodows Powershell aod cao be dowoloaded from vSphere Remote CLI is a separate applicatoo which cao be
So from the optoos giveo you cao Dowoload VMware vCeoter or the vSphere clieot, browse ob.ects
mouoted by this host, aod browse datastores (which could be Network File System (NFS) mouoted).
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