Pediatric Resuscitation Supplies

Published on January 2017 | Categories: Documents | Downloads: 30 | Comments: 0 | Views: 232
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Pediatric Resuscitation Supplies* Based on Color-Coded Resuscitation Tape Equipment Pink Newborn/Small Infant (3 5 kg) Child Newborn Infant/small child 0-1 straight Premature infant 2.5 Term infant 3.0 3.5 10-10.5 6 6-8 Newborn/infant 22-24 23-25 5-8 5-8 Infant paddles Red Infant (6-9 kg) Child Newborn Infant/small child 1 straight 3.5 uncuffed Purple Toddler (10-11 kg) Child Pediatric Small child 1 straight 4.0 uncuffed Yellow Small Child (12-13 kg) Child Pediatric Child 2 straight 4.5 uncuffed White Child (15-18 kg) Child Pediatric Child 2 straight or curved 5.0 uncuffed Blue Child (18-22 kg) Child Pediatric Child/small adult 2 straight or curved 5.5 uncuffed Orange Large Child (24-28 kg) Child/adult Adult child/small adult 2-3 straight or curved 6.0 cuffed Green Adult (30-36 kg) Adult Adult Medium adult 3 straight or curved 6.5 cuffed

Resuscitation bag O2 Mask Oral airway Laryngoscope blade (size) Tracheal tube (mm)

Endotracheal tube Style (F) Suction catheter (F) BP cuff IV catheter (G) Butterfly (G) Nasogastric tube (F) Urinary catheter (F) Defibrillation/cardioversion

10-10.5 11-12 12.5-13.5 14-15 15.5-16.5 17-18 18.5-19.5 6 6 6 6 14 14 14 8 8-10 10 10 10 10 12 Newborn/infant Infant/child Child Child Child Child/adult Adult 22-24 20-24 18-22 18-22 18-20 18-20 16-20 23-25 23-25 21-23 21-23 21-23 21-22 18-21 5-8 8-10 10 10-12 12-14 14-18 18 5-8 8-10 10 10-12 10-12 12 12 Infant paddles Adult paddles Adult paddles Adult paddles Adult paddles Adult paddles Adult paddles until 1 year or when 1 year when 1 year 10 kg or 10 kg or 10 kg Chest tube (F) 10-12 10-12 16-20 20-24 20-24 24-32 28-32 32-40 *Adapted from the 2002 Broselow Pediatric Resuscitation Tape, with permission from Armstrong Medical Industries, Lincolnshire III. Modified from Hazinski MF, ed. , Manual of Pediatric Critical Care. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby-Year

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