Performance Appraisal Templates

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performance appraisal templates



Performance appraisal templates

This article help you how to design forms that are used for job performance evaluation. Periodical Appraisal: From:...../...../......... to:...../...../......... Name of the Employee: Title: Employee Number: Department/Office: Date of the Labor Contract: Type of contract: I/ Job Description: State the list of current tasks and the importance accordingly of each task. II/ Job Performance Appraisal 1. Job Performance (80 points) f. List of completed tasks - 30 g. Quality of Work - 20 h. Ability to deal with the difficulties - 10 i. Innovation - 10 j. Future Plan - 10 2. Working Attitude: 10 points c. Sense of Saving and Responsibility - 5 d. Group work ability - 5 3. Personal Development Plan - 10 points a. Training courses registration

b. Result c. Future Training Program 4. Movement activities - 10 5. Reward & Discipline a. Reward 5 points plus for special contribution to the department/office and 10 points plus for special contribution to the Company. b. Discipline 5 points minus for any departmental disciplinary action and 10 points for Company discipline. III/ Appraisal summary 1. Self-appraisal by the Employee 2. Appraisal by the Line-manager 3. Appraisal by the HR Department Employee's signature: date: Manager's signature: date: HR department's signature: date: This Appraisal Form must be forwarded to the departments and individuals: The appraised employee, line manager, board of directors, and HR department (the original). Apart form above you can use types of form as follows:
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Employee self evaluation form. 360 degree evaluation.... Manager performance evaluation form Employee performance evaluation form Essay evaluation form Forced Choice form Weighted checklist form Rating scale form : Over 200 ebooks, templates, forms for performance appraisal.

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