Performance Appraisal

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Human resource is one the most valuable and unique assets of an organization.
According to the term human resource refers to the total knowledge, skills, creative,
ability, talents and aptitudes of an organizations work force as well as values, attitudes
and beliefs of the individuals involved. Management as a process in values planning;
organizing, staffing, leading and controlling activities that facilitates are achievement of
the organization obectives. All thus activities are accomplished through efficient
utilization of physical and financial resource by the companies human resources.
HRM is a management function that helps manager recruit, select, !rain, develop
members for an organization. "bviously, H#M is concerned with the peoples dimension
in organization.
$yers and #ue, say %Human resource management encompasses those activities
designed to provide for and coordinate the human resour&ces of an organization.
'pecifically, the following constitute the core of H#M.
(. "rganization are not mere bricks, mortar, machineries or inventors. !hey are people. )t
is the people who staff and manage organizations.
*. H#M involves the application of management functions and principles the functions
and principles are applied to acquisitioning, developing, maintaining and remunerating
employees in organization.
+. ,ecisions relating to employee must be integrated. ,ecisions on different aspects of
employees must be consistent with other human resources decisions.
-. ,ecisions made must influence the effectiveness of an organization. .ffectiveness of
an organization must result in betterment of services to customers in the form of high/
quality products supplied at reasonable costs.
0. H#M functions are not confined to business establishment only. !hey are applicable
to non/business organizations, too, such as education, health, care, recreation, and the
"bviously, H#M refers to a set of programs, functions and activities
designed and carried out in order to ma1imize both employee as well as organizational
!he scope of HRM is indeed vast. All maor activities in the working life of a
worker/from the time of his or her entry into an organization until he or she leaves/come
under the purview of HRM. 'pecifically, the activities included are/H# planning, ob
analysis and design, recruitment and selection, orientation and placement, training and
development, performance appraisal and ob evaluation and e1ecutive remuneration,
motivation and communication wealth, industrial relations and the like.
!he primary obective of H#M is to ensure the availability of a competent and
willing work force to an organization. $eyond this, there are other obectives, too.
'pecifically, H#M obectives are four fold.
 'ocial obectives
 "rganizational obectives
 2unctional obectives
 3ersonal obectives
.very manager must get things done through people. )ndividual goals and
aspirations have to be in alignment with organizational goals for the successful handing
of a business. An effective manager should be able to utilize human and non/human
resources to bring about this alignment and eventually achieve these goals. A manager5s
handling of the human assets reflects challengers for any manager, for the following

(. )ndividual differ form each other in terms values, attitudes, beliefs and 6ulture. !his
leads to a comple1 situation in an organization conte1t.
*. !he simulating and motivated factors might not be the same for all the employees. )t
is important to understand the individual needs of these employees and cater to these
+. !he e1pectation of employees of today are much greater when compared to the
employees of yesteryears. !hey know they are valuable assets demand of these to be
treated as much.
H#M functions can be broadly classified into two categories4
 Managerial functions
 "perative functions
Managerial fun!i"ns
Managerial functions of the human resources department are planning,
organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. All these functions have an impact on the
operative functions.
3lanning involves formulating the future course of action. 3lanning includes
determining in advance the personnel programs and changes required that would
contribute to the achievement of organization.
"rganization involves establishments an international structure of roles for
people in an organization. 'tructural consideration as the chain of command, division of
labor, and assignment of responsibility are part of the function.
!his is the process of obtaining and maintaining capable and competent personnel
in various positions at all levels. )t broadly encompasses manpower planning
recruitment, selection, placement, induction and orientation, transfer, career progression
and placement.
)t is the process of directing all the available resources towards the common
organizations goals. !hus directions are a vital management function, which ensures
ma1imum employee contribution and also helps in establishing sound industrial and
human relations.
!he measurements and rectification to ensure that events conform to plans is
known as controlling. !his function measure performance against goals and plans,
identifies deviations and by placing the process back and track, helps in the
accomplishment of plans. 3revious e1periences and knowledge sharing help in avoiding
repetitive problems reducing the need for controlling.
O$era!i%e fun!i"ns
!he operative functions of H#M are related to specific activities of H#M, 7)8.,
employment, development, compensation and employee relations. 'ince the human
resource function is unique to each organization, the activities of the H# department
differ from one organization to the both.
.mployment is the first operative functions of H#M. !his involves procuring and
employment individuals with suitable knowledge, skills, e1perience and aptitude
necessary to performance various obs. it includes functions such as
 9ob analysis
 Human resource planning
 #ecruitment
 'election
 3lacement
 )nduction
Hu&an res"ure (e%el"$&en!
H#, is the process of training and development employees to improve and
update their knowledge and skills, so as to help them perform their ob better. !he
process also includes developing the attitude, beliefs and values of the employees to
match organizational needs. H#, has to be a continuous process and should take into
consideration both the present and future organizational requirements.

"nce the employee has been selected trained and motivated he is then appraised
to his performance. 3erformance appraisal is the step where the management find out
effective it has been at hiring and placing employees.
A 3erformance appraisal is a process of evaluating an employees performance of
a ob in terms of its requirements/ :alter ,ill 'cott.
Heyel observes %it is process of evaluating the performance and qualifications of
the employees in terms of be requirements of the ob for which he is employed for
purposes of administration including placement selection for promotions, providing
financial rewards and other actions which require differential treatment among the
members of a group as distinguished from actions affecting all members equally. "thers
regard it is a process of estimating or udging the value, e1cellence, qualities are status of
some obect person or thing. )ndividually and collectively it is a part of all the other
staffing process viz., recruitment, selection, placement and induction.
.mployee appraisal technique is said to have been used for the first during the
2irst :orld :ar when at the distance of :alter ,ill 'cott, the ;.' army adopted the man
< to/ man rating system for evaluating military personnel. ,uring the (=*& < +& period
relational wage structure for hourly paid workers for adopted in industrial unit. ;nder
this system this policy at giving grade wage increments on the basis at merit was
accepted these early employee plans were called merit rating programs which continued
to be so called up to the (=0&. by then most of these plans were of the rating scale type,
where emphasis was given to factors, degrees and points. )n the yearly fifties, however,
attention began to devote to the performance appraisal of technical, professional, and
managerial personnel. 3erformance appraisal various organizations called various types.
!hese are merit rating, behavior assessment, employee evaluation, personnel review,
progress report, staff assessment, service rating and fitness report.
A performance appraisal system facilitates optimization of employee performance and
helps identifying areas for development. )t is also useful for taking administrative
decisions relating to payment of incentives, promotions etc.
 'etting targets and goals as performance standards
 .valuating employee performance
 )dentifying training and development needs
 #ewarding performance
!he first step in the appraisal process is the determination of standards of
performance based on the organizational obectives and the ob description. !he
performance standards and obectives have to be communicated by the employee and the
supervisor together. !hese have to be communicated in a simple and lucid manner to the
!he ne1t step in the process of performance appraisal is the measurement of
employee performance against the pre/determined by goals and standards. At thus stage,
the process of mesureent, namely, how the performance components are to be mesured
has to be determined.
!he ne1t step is the actual process of measurement. 3erformance appraisal has to
be a continuous process and the feedback should be given to the employee at regular
intervals. Making a note of the critical incidents, either posssssitive or negative, helpsthe
manager keep a track of the employee performance. 2eedback has to be given once in */
+months, depending on the need to do so, which would help the employee in meeting his
!he ne1t step is a very critical step and involves communicating the results like
appraisal to the employee concerned. )t is the responsibility of manager to make the
employee feel comfortable with the whole process. 6ontinuous feedback and orientation
would ensure a simple final appraisal discussion, with very few differences of opinion.
"nce the appraisal in finalized after discussing it with the employee, it has to be
put to effective use. !hough most organization link it to the rewards system, some prefer
to restrict it to the development of appraisal has to be effectively and immediately put to
use ensure a better performance during the ne1t appraisal period.
!he ideal way to leisure ma1imum utility of performance appraisal is to link the
performance standards to rewards system and the competency standards to training and
development. !he gaps in competency levels can be identified and necessary training is
imparted to the employee.
!raditionally, appraisal has been .the ob of the supervisor with the employee
himself having on role to play in the process. However, the whole concept has changed
today and the appraisee has an important role in the process. He in coordination with his
superior determines the performance obectives and standards.
)n more recent concepts like +>& degrees feedback, the peers of the employee,
hiss suppliers, his customers and even his subordinate play a role in assessing his
 'elf/appraisal
 'uperiors
 3eers
 6ustomers
 'ubordinates
 +>& degree a
'elf/appraisal is a common practice today, with the employees being given a role
in evaluating their own performance. !he employee himself his best equipped to evaluate
his performance because he understands his strengths and weaknesses the best. He can
easily identify the problem areas that need training and development.
)t is the responsibility of the supervisor to ensure that his subordinates perform
their obs well. Hence, the authority to evaluate the employee performance has
traditionally been with the supervisor has a very important role to play in the appraisal of
his subordinates
3eers evaluation is a very sensitive area as it may lead to false and unhealthy
appraisals, because of the competition among peers. !he organization has to reach an
advanced stage of development before it can handle peer appraisal. 3eer appraisal has to
used to assess the communication and interpersonal skills of the employee, which can
effect the team performance.
!he performance of an employee has a direct and immediate impact on his
customers either internal or e1ternal. )n service organization like banks and hotels,
customer feedback has become the most important to in evaluating employee
performance. )n manufacturing the internal customer evaluate the performance of the
!he concept of the subordinates evaluating the performance of his supervisor is
yet to gain acceptance in most )ndian companies. !he )ndian company dose not
encourages the idea of sub/ordinate appraisal.
,-. (egree fee(+a/:*
+>& degree feedback has grown in popularity. "utsource feedback recognizes that
the sole sources of performance appraisal informance. :hen using +>& degrees feedback
for administration purpose managers must anticipate potential problems. ,ifferences
among raters can present a challenger especially in the use of +>& degree rating for
discipline or pay decisions.
"ne of the steps in designing an appraisal programme is to determine the
evaluation criteria. )t is obvious that the criteria should be related to the ob. !he seven
criteria for assessing performance are.
2uali!':* the degree to which the process or result of carrying out an activity approaches
perfection his terms of either conforming to some ideal way of performing the activity, of
fulfilling the activity5s intended purpose.
2uan!i!':* the amount produced, e1pressed in monetary terms, number of units, or
numbers of completed activity cycles.
Ti&eliness:* the degree to which an activity is completed or a result produced, at the
earliest time desirable from the stand points of coordinating with the outputs of others
and of ma1imizing the time available for other activities.
C"s! effe!i%eness:* the degree to which the use of the organization5s resources is
ma1imized in the sense of getting the highest gain of reduction in loss from each unit or
instance of use of resources.
Nee( "f su$er%isi"n:* the degree to which a ob performer can carry out a ob function
with either having to request supervisory assistance or requiring supervisory intervention
to prevent an adverse overcome.
In!er$ers"nal i&$a!:* the degree to which a performer promotes feeling of self/
esteem, good will and co/operation among co/workers and subordinates.
C"&&uni!' ser%ie:*
2irms are increasingly emphasizing on employees3 community involvement. !his is
particularly true in educational institution.

As we have seen performance evaluation reasons. !he personnel evaluation
system should address the questions who, what, when, where, how of performance
;sually the immediate supervisor must be interest with the task of rating the
absence because he is most familiar with his work supervisor5s ratings are regarded as
the best possible assessment and they are often considered as the %heart of the most
appraisals systemA. Appraisal is also done by the staff specialties the personnel officers.
!hey may advise the supervisor while evaluating their subordinates stressing the need for
evidence. 'ome times self evaluation also employed for evaluating performance but this
approach has his disadvantage that the individual may rate himself e1cessively.
:hat of performance appraisal consist in appraising non supervisors employees
for their current performance and managers for future potentialsB
3romoting to the understanding between the supervisors and his subordinates.
Aiding in decision making for promotions, transfers, lay/offs and discharges. 'o the
appraisal is necessary.
)n most of the organizations employees are formally evaluated once of a year in
other twice in a year. Cew employees are rated more frequently than the older once. !he
ideal thing is that employee should be rated + months and > moths and every > months
!he where indicates the location where an employee may be evaluated. )t is
usually done at the place of work or office of the supervisor.
.very organization must decide what different methods are available which of
these may be used for performance appraisal on the basis of comparative advantages and
disadvantages it is decided which method would suit the best method.

(.'traight ranking method
*.3aired comparison method
+.grading method
-.Draphic rating scales
(.Managementby obectives
*.Assessment center
0.6hecklists method
>.2orced choice description method
?.'election of critical incidents
@.2ree from essay method
=.Droup appraisal
(&.2ield review method
+.Human asset accounting method
-.$ehaviourly anchored rating scale
0.+>&degree performance appraisal
)t is the oldest land simplest method of performance appraisal by which the man and
his performance are considered as an entity by the rater. Co attempt is made to
functionalize the rate or his performance. !he Eworkman5 is compared with the
Ewholeman5 that is the ranking of man in a work group is done against that one of
another. $ut this greatest limitation of this method used for paired comparison
technique. As per the technique every employee to compare a single individual having
various behavioral traits. !he task ranking individuals is difficult when a large number
of persons are rated.
Man/to/Man 6omparison Method
!his technique was used by the ;'A Army during the 2irst :orld :ar. $y this
method certain factors are selected for the purpose of analysis such as leadership
dependability, initiative and a scale is designed rates for each factor. )n other words
comparing a %:holemanA to %:holemanA personnel are compared to the key man in
respect of one factor at a time. !his method is used in a ob evaluation and is known as
the factor comparison method.
;nder this system the rater considers certain features and marks them accordingly
to a scale.
A / "utstanding
$ / 7ery Dood
6 / Dood or Average
, / 2air
. / 3oor and
& 0 (& (0 *& *0

!he selected may be analytical ability, co/cooperativeness, dependability, self/
e1pression, ob knowledge, udgment leadership and organizing ability. !he actual
performance at an employee is then compared with these grade definitions and he is
allotted the grade which describes his performance.
!his is the most commonly used method of performance appraisal. ;nder it, a
printed forms one person to be rated, in this method initiative, attitude leadership,
quality and quantity of work, regularity of attendance towards superiors and
associated veracity.
& 0 (& (0 *& *0
& / Co interest in work
0 / 6arelessness
(& / )nterested in work
(0 / .nthusiastic about ob and fellow workers
*& / .nthusiastic opinions and advises

;nder this method does not evaluate employee performance, he supplies reports
about it and the final rating is done by the personnel dept. a series of questions are
presented concerning employee to his behavior. !he rather than checks to indicate if
the answer to question about an employee is yes or no.
;nder this method the rating elements are several sets of paid phrases adectives
relating to ob proficiency or personnel qualification. !he method has certain such
as while choosing statements from each series. !he rates are unable to introduce
personnel bias on hallo effect as only one of the favorable phrases in each series is
related to success of failure on the ob.
!he method was developed and conducted by the armed forces in the ;nited
'tates during :orld :ar )). !he essence of this system is that if attempt to measure
workers performance in terms of certain events or episodes that occur in the performance
of the rates ob. !hese events are known as critical incidents.
!he supervisor keeps a written record of the events Feither good or badG that can
easily be recalled and used in the courses of a periodical or formal appraisal. 2eed back
is provided about the incident during performance review session.
!he critical incident is discovered after a through study of the personnel working
on a ob. !he collected incidents are than tanked in a order of frequency and
importance. %!his approach reduces the Erecency5 effect of most performance ratings.A
;nder this method the supervisor makes a free from open/ended appraisal of an
employee in his own words and puts down his impression about the employee. !here are
several advantages of this method, an essay can provide a good deal of information,
especially, if the supervisors asked, for instance, to give two or three e1amples of each
udgment he makes. !he e1planation will give specific information about the employee
and can reveal even more about the supervisor.
;nder this method, employees are rated by an appraisal group, consulting of their
supervisor and three or four other supervisors who have some knowledge of their
performance. !he supervisor e1plains to the group the nature of subordinates duties.
!he group then discusses standards of performance for that ob. !he actual performance
of ob/holder and the causes of their particular level of performance and others
suggestions for future improvement. !he advantage of this method is that if is through
very simple and divide at any bias for it involves multiple udges. $ut it is very time
;nder this method a trainer employee from the personnel department interviews line
supervisors to evaluate their respective subordinates. !he appraiser is fully equipped
with definite test questions. ;sually memorized in advance, which he put to the
supervisor. !he supervisor is received to give his opinion about the progress of his
subordinates. !he levels of the performance of each subordinate his weaknesses. Dood
point outstanding ability, promo ability and the possible plans of action in cases require
further consideration. !he questions are asked and answered verbally. !he appraiser
takes detailed notes of the answers placed in the employee5s personal folder.
!he success of this system is depends up on his toes by this evaluation and
minimize bias and preudice on his part. !his system is useful for large organizations.
6>. Manage&en! +' "+?e!i%es @MBO>:
!he main aspects of M$" are clear and well < defend goals, a definite time span
to achieve the goals, an action plan and finally, timely and constructive feedback. Also
called the goal < setting approach, M$" is more commonly used for managers and
professionals. !he goals are set with the active participation of the employee and his
supervisor. !hese goals have to be in alignment. :ith the organizational goals and have
to contribute to their achievement. 2or successful implementation of M$", the following
are required.
 Huantifiable and measurable goals that are neither too easy not too difficult to
 A well < laid out action plan providing for contingencies
 .mployees who are suitably equipped ad motivated to achieve these goals.
 6ontinuous and constructive feedback and guidance
 "bective evaluation of the performance
 )dentification of areas for improvement and corrective action
8> Assess&en! en!er &e!A"(:
;nder this method, many evaluators oin together to udge employees
performance in several situations the use of variety of criteria. )t is used mostly to help
select employees for the first level supervisory positions. Assessment is made to
determine employee potential for purpose of promotion. !he assessment is generally
with the help of a couple of employees and involve a paper < and <pencil test, interviews
and situational e1ercises, like in basket e1ercises, business game, role playing incident
and leader less group discussions.
Pur$"se "f assess&en! en!er:
 !o measures potential for first level supervision, sales and upper
management positions; and also for higher levels of management for
development purposes.
 !o determining individual training and development needs of employees.
 !o select recent college students for entry level positions.
 !o provide more accurate human resource planning information.
 !o make an early determination of potential.
 !o assist in implementing affirmative action goals.
Hu&an asse! a"un!ing &e!A"(:
!he human asset accounting method refers to activity devoted to attaching money
estimate to have the value of firm5s internal human organization and its e1ternal
customer goodwill.
!he current value of human organization can be appraised by developed
procedures by undertaking periodic measurements of %key casualA and %intervening
enterpriseA variables. !he key casual variables include the structure of organization
management policies, decisions business leader ship strategies, skill and behavior.
BeAa%i"ral anA"re( ra!ing sales:
!his is a new appraisal technique, which recently been developed. )ts supporters
claim that it provides better more equitable appraisals as compared to other techniques
the procedure for $A#' is usually five stepped.
6> 5enera!e ri!ial ini(en!s: persons with the knowledge of the ob to be
appraised are asked to describe specific illustration of an effective performance
8> De%el"$ $erf"r&ane (i&ensi"ns: !hese people then cluster the incidents into
a small set of performance dimensions each cluster is then defined.
,> Reall"a!e ini(en!s: Any group of people who also know the ob then
reallocate the original critical incidents. !hey are given the cluster s definitions in
best describes. !ypically a critically incident is retained with some percentage of
these group assigns it to the same cluster as the previous group did.
9> Sale "f ini(en!s: !he second group is generally asked to rate the behavior
described in the incident as to how effectively in effectively it represents
performance on the appropriate dimension.
:> De%el"$ final ins!ru&en!: A subset of incidents are used as %behavior anchorsA
for the performance dimensions.
-> ,-. (egree a$$raisal:
A +>&/degree appraisal system aims at comprehensive and obective appraisal of
employee performance. )n a +>&/degree appraisal system, the employees performance is
evaluated by his supervisor, his peers, his internal and e1ternal customers, his e1ternal
and e1ternal suppliers and his subordinates. !his system reduce the subectively of
traditional supervisor appraisal. )t is also most comprehensive because the feedback is
given by the peers, customers, suppliers and subordinates of the employee, who are more
directly affected by his behavior and performance, apart from the boss. More
organizations are trying to implement the system of appraisal in )ndia.
!he moral taught us we need to measure the performance not mere activities. :hat
then his performanceB 3erformance is essentially what an employee does or does not do
employee performance common to most obs include the following elements.
 Huantity of output
 Huality of output
 !imeliness of output
 3resence at work
 6ooperativeness
)n addition to these, other elements that deserve assessment are ob knowledge,
leadership abilities, udgments, supervisions, versatility and health. Assessment should
also include one5s potential to perform and not ust actual performance.
3erformance appraisal provides feedback about the ob performance getting feedback
is not enough. !hree more activities need to be undertaken to complete the process;
performance interview, archiving performance data and use of appraisal data. !hese three
activities constitute the core of performance management.
!he appraisal interview plays a prominent role in the success of performance
appraisal system. A well/designed appraisal system also needs to be implemented well.
!he appraisal procedure in most modern organizations starts with the employee himself.
He evaluated his own performance on the various factors mentioned in the appraisal
from and assesses his strengths and weaknesses. !hese will help him identify the areas
that need training and development inputs. !hen he discusses his appraisal from with his
supervisor, who give his own inputs and the together finally reach an agreement on the
future course of action. However some organizations still follow the traditional method
of appraisal where the supervisor evaluates the performance of his subordinates during
the appraisal period.
"rganizations need to archive or store the appraisal data so that at any point in
the future, the information can be retrieved and used. 2or e.g., if an employee has been
told that heIshe was not promoted because of below average performance and heIshe
would be considered favorably for a ump in status and remuneration provided the
performance improved. !he H.# manager should have those details to convince the
employee concerned when heIshe oins issue with the management on matter relating to
!he data and informance generated through performance evaluation must be used by H.#
)t may be recollected that the most significant rewards employers offer to
employees are4
(G !he opportunity to use innate and learned skills and talents in productive manner
that the individual and his or her manager and coworkers recognized as valuable.
*G "pportunities to interact with the other people in a favorable working environment.
+G "pportunities to learn grow and make full use of their potential.
-G A sense of performance and stability through the continuing e1istence of the
organization and the ob.
'pecially, the data and informance will be useful in the following areas of H.#.M.
 .#emuneration administration
 7alidation of selection programmers
 .mployee training and development programs
 3romotions transfer and lay < off decisions
 Drievance and discipline programs
 H.# planning.
 6reate a culture of e1cellence that inspires every employee to improve and lend
him or herself to be assessed.
 Align organizational obectives to individual aspirations
 6lear growth paths for talented individuals
 3rovide new challenges to reuvenate careers that have reached the plateau stage
 2orge a partnership with people for managing their careers
 .mpower employees to make decisions without the fear of failing
 .mbed teamwork in all operational processes
 ,ebureaucratise the organization structure for ease of flow of information.
!he performance appraisal system in any organization has to face some maor
challenges. !he lead to potential errors individual appraisals. )t is the responsibility of
the manager in general and the human resources function in particular to take correction
actions and avoid these pitfalls. 'ome of the factors that affect the factors that affect the
appraisal process at an individual level4
Hal" effe!:
!hre appraisal allows a single characteristic of the appraisee to dominate his
udgment of the employee performance. !his can result in either a positive report of
negative report on the performance of the employee.
)enien' effe!:
!hese refer to the situation where the appraise tends to give high ratings and only
positive feedback to the appraisee, irrespective of his actual performance.
S!ringen' effe!:
!his is the ust opposite or the leniency effect. An appraisal who feels that
dominates of the organization are not strict enough, tries to be very strict in rating his
appraisees. !his might lead to dissatisfied and unfair.
Pri&a' effe!:
!he performance of the appraisee at the beginning of the appraisal period
dominates the evaluation. !he appraiser tends to be influenced by the behavior for
outcomes e1hib@ited in the early stage of the appraisal period and this lead to a distorted
Cen!ral !en(en' effe!:
6entral tendency is the tendency of the appraised to rate most of the appraisees in the
middle of the performance scale. !he appraiser gives neither high nor low ratings and
tends to give ratings in the middle of the scale to all the appraises. !his is one of the most
common errors in employee performance rating.
E!Ais "f $erf"r&ane a$$raisal:
.very performance management system needs the support of top management
and the acceptance of the work force for its success. :ithout these, any system will be a
failure, the employees of the organization have to be convinced about the effectiveness
and unoirtabce if the aoorausak system. !hey should have trust in the process of
implementation of the system.
3erformance appraisal system turnout to be infective due complementation
errors. However as for the international errors concerned, more organization level steps
have to be taken some of them are4
 Making the ratings more measurable and quantifiable
 #educing subectivity by using multi<rater feedback
 ;sing instrumentsImethods which have hidden weights or keys attached to them
 Having the feedback evaluated by a third party like the H# department
 !raining appraisers on how to provide negative feedback
 Assuring and maintaining the confidentiality of the appraisal is a maor
responsibility of the H# function.
!he organizational culture has to be open and transparent, and
'upport the employees in delivering a better performance. Attaching pay and rewards to
performance management has to be handling with care, as it is a very sensitive issue. )f
the performance is measured through quantifiable targets and goals, unhealthy
competition and some of the related problems can be eliminated.
!he following are the obectives of the present study in !empus
infrastructure Hyderabad. !hose are
 !o study the performance appraisal system in !empus infrastructure.
 !o know the relationship between performance appraisal and training
and development in !empus infrastructure
 !o know the methods used for employee performance appraisal.
 !o know the rewards given by the superior to the subordinates for
good performance.
 !o identify the merits and demerits of performance appraisal in
!empus infrastructure.
 !o effect promotion based on performance and competence.
 !o improve communication
 !o decide upon pay raise when regular pay scale have not been fi1ed
 !o test the effectiveness of H# activities like recruitment, selection,
placement and training.
!o effect promotion based on competence J performance.
 !o assess the training J development needs of the employees.
 !o bridge the gap between the e1isting performance and desired
 !o help each employee to understand his own strengths J weaknesses.
 )t provides legally defensible reasons for making promotion, transfer,
 !hey can assist in a variety of personnel decisions by generating data
about each employee periodically.
 ,evelop inter personal relationship.
 !o help in salary increments.
 !o prevent grievance and in/disciplinary activities.
 3rovide information about the performance rank.
!he importance of performance appraisal is as follows4
 )t helps management in making various H# decisions such as
recruitment, promotion, transfer, demotion, layoff, termination,
succession planning etc;
 )t facilitates in identification of training and development needs of the
 )t is a unified system and thus avoids the errors of nepotism, self/
interest and discrimination;
 )t makes known the performance standing to the employee himself
and provides opportunity for improvement through constructive
criticism and guidance for their development;
 )t improves communication between managers and their employees;
 )t helps in improving quality of supervision by highlighting
inefficiencies in supervision; and
 )t helps in evaluating the effectiveness on recruitment, selection,
induction, placement, compensation, etc.
!his study is useful to provide information about the performance
ranks based on which decision regarding salary fi1ation, confirmation,
promotion, transfer and demotion are taken. )t provides feedback
information about the level of achievement and behavior of subordinate.
!his study is useful to provide information which helps to council the
subordinate. )t helps the company knowing whether the performance
appraisal techniques are used to the full e1tent or not. !here by researcher
can understand the effective implementation of the performance appraisal

#esearch methodology is a way to systematically solve the research
problems. )t may be understood as a science of studying how research is done
scientifically. )n this research we study various steps that are generally adopted
by a researcher in studying his research problem along with logic behind them. )t
is necessary for researcher to design his methodology for his problem as the
same differ from problem to problem. !he research methodology has a many
dimensions and research methods do constitute a part for the research
methodology, the scope of research methodology than that of research methods.
!he research methodology concerns a research problem or study.
!he study was taken place of employees to know the process of
performance appraisal in their organization.
Da!a C"lle!i"n:
!o get information about the satisfaction level of employees from
performance appraisal system and its effectiveness a simple random
sampling survey was conducted. 2or the present study the data has been
collected by the following ways.
 3rimary ,ata
 'econdary ,ata
Primary Data :-
,ata observed or collected directly from first/hand e1perience is
called primary data.
 #esponses through questionnaires.
 6onducted 3ersonal interviews with the respondents.
 !elephone interview.
Secondary Data:
3ublished ,ata and the data collected in the past or other parties are
called 'econdary data.
'econdary data is collected through the
 6ompany :ebsites
 Cews papers
 9ournals
 !e1tbooks
 #ecords
Sa&$le Uni!:
!he e1ecutives and employees at !empus infrastructure constitute the
entire universe of the present study. A part of its is taken as sample unit for
the present study. )t includes senior e1ecutives, e1ecutives, other employees
and workers of !empus infrastructure
Sa&$le Si#e:
'amples are taken (&& only.
Sa&$ling TeAniBues:*
'imple #andom sampling !echnique is used in this proect.
!he following are the limitations of the present study4
 !ime is the maor limitation. !he whole study was conducted within a
period of >& days. !his period is not enough to gather the information
relating to all aspects of the study.
 !he study does not cover non/e1ecutives and some other e1ecutive staff
 )t is due to time constraint a sample of only(&& respondent5s opinion is
 because of the small size survey may or may not reflect the ideas and
opinions of all employees in !empus infrastacture
 !he informationIdata which is gathered from the study is not reliable
because of personal bias of employees.
6onstruction activity is an integral part of a country5s infrastructure
and industrial development. )t includes hospitals, schools, townships,
offices, houses and other buildings; urban infrastructure Fincluding water
supply, sewerage, drainageG; highways, roads, ports, railways, airports;
power systems; irrigation and agriculture systems; telecommunications
etc. 6overing as it does such a wide spectrum, construction becomes the
basic input for socio/economic development. $esides, the construction
industry generates substantial employment and provides a growth
impetus to other sectors through backward and forward linkages. )t is,
essential therefore, that, this vital activity is nurtured for the healthy
growth of the economy.
 :ith the present emphasis on creating physical infrastructure,
massive investment is planned during the !enth 3lan. !he
construction industry would play a crucial role in this regard and has
to gear itself to meet the challenges. )n order to meet the intended
investment targets in time, the current capacity of the domestic
construction industry would need considerable strengthening.
 !he construction sector has maor linkages with the building material
industry since; these include cement, steel, bricksItiles,
sandIaggregates, fi1turesIfittings, paints and chemicals, construction
equipment, petro/products, timber, mineral products, aluminum, glass
and plastics.
 )n (===/*&&&, it employed (?.>* million workers, a rise of > million
over (==+/=-. !he sector also recorded the highest growth rate in
generation of obs in the last two decades, doubling its share in total
 !he main advantage of the construction sector in employment
generation lies in the fact that it FiG absorbs rural labor and unskilled
workers Fin addition to semi/skilled and some skilled; FiiG provides
opportunity for seasonal employment thereby supplementing
workers5 income from farming; and FiiiG permits large/scale
participation of women workers.
SAare "f C"ns!ru!i"n Se!"r in 5r"ss D"&es!i Pr"(u!
@5DP> an( 5r"ss Ca$i!al F"r&a!i"n @5CF>:*
 !he share of construction sector in gross domestic product FD,3G,
which was 0.-K in (=?&/?(, came down to -.- percent in (==&/=(.
'ubsequently it picked up and stood at 0.( per cent in (===/*&&&.
 !he share of the construction sector in total gross fi1ed capital
formation FD62G came down from >& per cent in (=?&/?( to +- per
cent in (==&/=(. !hereafter, it increased to -@ per cent in (==+/=- and
stood at -- per cent in (===/*&&&.
 6learly, there has been a decline in the share of construction sector in
the D,3 and capital formation. !he main reason for this was reduced
Dovernment spending on physical infrastructure in the last decade
due to fiscal constraints. !hough there has now been an increasing
emphasis on involving the private sector in infrastructure
development through public/private partnerships and mechanisms as
$uild/"wn/"perate F$"!G, private sector investment has not reached
the e1pected levels.
!he Dovernment is now providing substantial fiscal stimuli by way
of programmers like the Cational Highways ,evelopment 3roect
FCH,3G, 3radhan Mantri Dram 'adak Loana F3MD'LG, power pro/
ects etc. which would provide necessary impetus to the construction
 6onsidering the significance of the construction sector, it is necessary
to identify the maor issues affecting the efficiency of the sector and
take corrective action.
I&$r"%e&en! in $r"(u!i%i!':*
 !here is a need to enhance productivity through appropriate
mechanization to meet the physical targets set in the 3lans. !here is a
clear case for encouraging mechanization to build up the sector5s
capacity to deliver the critical infrastructure needed for economic
 !he poor state of technology adopted by the construction sector
adversely affects its performance. ;pgrading of technology is
required both in the manufacturing of construction material and in
construction activities.
 6onstruction materials are manufactured in the unorganized sector,
effective monitoring and regulation of the production of these
materials to ensure proper quality becomes difficult.
 )ntroduction of new technology in the construction sector is entirely
owner/driven. )t is only when they demand quality and is prepared to
pay the price that the contractors would have the incentive to adopt
better technology. )t may, therefore, be necessary to introduce higher
specification and technical conditions in the bid documents in order to
encourage adoption of superior technology.
In"r$"ra!ing TeAn"l"g' in C"n!ra! C"n(i!i"ns C
MSRDC3s 0a':*
 )n an effort to improve the traffic and transport infrastructure of
Mumbai, the Maharashtra 'tate #oad ,evelopment 6orporation
FM'#,6G built many flyovers in the city. )n its bid document, the
M'#,6 laid out specific technical conditions that the bidding
contractors were required to meet. 'ome of these included hi/tech
construction equipment and techniques. 'uch steps taken by proect
owners would go a long way in modernizing the construction activity
in )ndia
)a+"ur an( Hu&an Res"ure De%el"$&en!:*
 !he construction industry is characterized the predominance of
migratory and unskilled labour. !herefore, there is need to e1pand the
training and skill certification programmes, both in terms of content
as well as geographical reach. !o encourage such training, incentives
may be provided contractors for funding the skill up gradation of
construction workers. However, there is no institutional framework to
impart training at the worker5s level, barring a few initiatives taken by
the 6onstruction )ndustry ,evelopment 6ouncil F6),6G and some
companies. !here is need to involve the )ndustrial !raining )nstitutes
F)!)sG in a big way with training for the construction sector to bridge
the demand/supply gap for skilled labour force.
 )n addition, schemes for registering construction labour and providing
them with a permanent registration number could be considered. !his
would help in maintaining a databank on them. $esides, contract
conditions could carry a stipulation that a minimum percentage of
trainedIcertified workers would need to be employed.
Nee( !" Re(ue C"s! "f C"ns!ru!i"n:*
 !he high cost of operation has been identified as one of the maor
problems that not only affects the construction industry directly but
also the overall economy indirectly, as high input and process costs
are reflected in high cost of infrastructure, which, in turn, translates
into higher user charges. !his also reduces the surplus that can be
ploughed back into construction technology up gradation and labour
 )nstituting more competition and transparency among contractors. As
part of the process of standardization and improving efficiency in the
construction sector, harmonized bidding conditions and standard
bidding documents for domestic construction contracts have been
developed and circulated to all Dovernment agencies and public
sector organizations as guidelines.
 !here is need for an appropriate dispute resolution mechanism in the
construction sector .A substantial amount of money is locked up due
to disputes between contractors and clients, leading to cost and time
overruns. Any comprehensive dispute resolution mechanism needs to
address all these issues. At present, the Arbitration and 6onciliation
Act, (==> is the basis for all dispute resolutions. )n sectors like
Cational Highways, provisions are made in the contract
 ,ocument for a ,ispute #eview .1pert F,#.G and ,ispute #eview
$oards F,#$sG. )t is necessary to review the functioning of ,#.s and
 An important factor in time and cost overruns has been the lack of
proper proect preparation. ,etails are often ignored at the
preparatory stage, leading to problems later on. 3roect planning
needs to be strengthened through adequate field investigation, data
collection and its analysis.
Fl"D "f Ins!i!u!i"nal Cre(i!:*
 At present, the high resource requirements of the construction
industry are not matched by the availability of finance. !he high cost
of raising finance also translates into high costs, which again has a
cascading effect on the economy. Appropriate measures and
instruments should be formulated and implemented to reduce
financing costs and ease the flow of funds to the industry.
 !he deployment of gross bank credit indicates that the share of
construction sector in total bank credit available to the industry sector
went down from *.(+ per cent in (==& to (.+? per cent in*&&&. )n
order to increase the flow of institutional credit to the construction
sector, it was declared as an industrial concern under the )ndustrial
,evelopment $ank of )ndia Act in March *&&&. :hile this step was
in the right direction, it is necessary now to encourage banks and
lending institutions to develop lending norms and special funding
instruments that could address both the requirements of the
construction industry as well as the concerns of the bankers. !he need
for specialized financial institutions like the Marnataka 6ontractors5
6redit 6ooperative 'ociety may also be considered.
Asse! Manage&en! an( Main!enane:*
 !he creation of physical assets is an important outcome of
construction activity. $uilding )nfrastructure is a continuous activity,
which, apart from improving the quality of life of the citizens, also
creates wealth and sustains the growth of the economy. However, it is
also essential to ensure that such assets are maintained properly.
 3olicies relating to ownership, management and maintenance of
assets, therefore, need to evolve.
Pr"?e! EE$"r!:*
 !he )ndian construction industry has been very active in the overseas
markets, especially in the Dulf during the (=?&s and (=@&s when
)ndian companies ventured there to meet the demand of construction
activities generated by the oil boom. $etween (=?0 and (=@&, )ndian
companies handled construction work amounting to nearly ;' N0
billion. $ut this trend did not last and by the late (=@&s, the volume of
contracts secured fell sharply. )n (==>/=?, the value of proect e1port
was #s. ++@ crore F;'N =0.* millionG, which increased to #s.
(,0&&crore F;'N +->.* millionG in (===/*&&&.
 Action needs to be taken to streamline the functioning of the
construction sector to get a larger share of the global business. 'uch
action would include formulation of business/friendly policies,
development of insurance instruments to mitigate the business risks
and adoption of aggressive marketing of the )ndian construction
industry abroad.
 4 ;pgrade technology to improve productivity and quality as also to
ensure the timely completion of proects.
 )nvest in human capital to improve the quality of labour. !his must be
done through more training and certification institutes to augment the
supply of skilled labour; stipulating the widespread use of trained
labouras a prequalification condition for bidding. !he percentages
stipulated could be increased over time.
 #eview of the procurement and dispute resolution mechanism to
reduce the cost of construction so that infrastructure services could be
provided at competitive costs.
7arna!a/a C"n!ra!"rs3 Cre(i! C""$era!i%e S"ie!':*
 !he Marnataka 6ontractors5 6redit 6ooperative 'ociety Otd. is one of
the success stories of providing institutional support to construction
industry. )t was established in (=@- as a society under the 'tate
Dovernment5s urisdiction to provide credit facilities to contractors
against their works. )t was started with an initial share capital of #s. *
lakh. )t improved its position from year to year and by the time it was
converted into a cooperative bank in March (==? as Marnataka
6ontractors5 'ahakara $ank Ciyamitha it5s paid up share capital was
#s. *0>.*+ lakh and it had deposits to the tune of #s. (,>-0.-> lakh.
!he area of operation e1tends to all urban and semi/urban areas in
Marnataka and a (&/km periphery around them. !he bank is governed
by the #eserve $ank of )ndia rules.
 ,evelop lending norms and special fund/ing instruments so as to
increase the flow of credit to the construction sector.
 ,evelop a policy framework relating to ownership, management and
maintenance of assets so as to ensure the proper upkeep of the assets
already created.
 2ormulate a business/friendly policy, develop insurance instruments
to mitigate business risks and adopt aggressive marketing of )ndian
construction industry so as to increase proect e1ports.
!empus )nfra 3roects 3vt. Otd. is an infrastructure company pioneered by highly
e1perienced professionals in the construction industry. !empus is involved in the design
and construction of high/rise residential towers, gated housing communities, commercial
buildings, hotels, power plants, maor irrigation works, integrated townships, hospitals,
etc. !empus currently owns a large fleet of the latest plant and machinery equipment and
employs +0- people with e1tensive national and international e1perience.
:e believe in performing to the highest quality of work and providing the most
innovative solutions on a wide range of demanding and high/profile proects. :ithin a
span of three years, we have reached a personal milestone in implementing )'" =&&(,
)'" (-&&( J )'" (@&&( to ensure that the standards for quality, environment and safety
are in place. 3lease clickhere to view some of the proects is currently e1ecuting.
Business Prini$les
!empus aims to be a leading construction company, devoting its resources to deliver
superior products and services. )n addition, !empus has defined a set of business
principles, outlining the conduct e1pected from its employees4
3rinciple (4 :e value our shareholders, customers and fellow employees.
3rinciple *4 :e maintain a transparent organizational culture.
3rinciple +4 :e comply with laws and ethical standards.
3rinciple -4 :e are committed to the health and safety of our employees.
3rinciple 04 :e are socially and environmentally responsible.
!hese guidelines enable !empus employees to complete their tasks with honesty and
integrity, ensuring that !empus is always recognized for its commitment to high quality
Ca$a+ili!ies F EE$er!ise
!he team at !empus consists of highly skilled professionals having e1tensive industry
knowledge and international e1perience.
"ur multi/disciplinary teams work with our clients to create world/class designs, state/
of/the/art engineering and customized solutions for new developments Fcommercial,
residential or mi1ed/useG
:e commission the world5s leading architects to prepare innovative concepts in
coordination with specialist consultants for the following areas4 'tructural, Mechanical J
.lectrical, Oandscaping, etc
Our S!reng!As Inlu(e:
• 'ite .valuation
• Material Management
• ,esign Management
• 6ost Management
• 7alue .ngineering
• 2ield 3rocurement
• 6onstruction Management
• 6ost and 2ield Administration
• !ime 'cheduling and Management
• "perations, Maintenance and 3lanning
:e intend to design and construct all our proects using green concepts, and in
compliance with )'" (-&&(/*&&& for environmental management4
 :aste is minimised at every stage during construction and operation, reducing
 .nvironmentally/friendly materials are used in the design, construction, operation
and maintenance of the proect.
!he techniques associated with the PDreen conceptQ include4/
• Measures to prevent erosion of soil
• #ainwater harvesting
• Oandscaping to reduce heat
• #eduction in usage of potable water
• #ecycling of waste water
• Ma1imum utilisation of sunlight
• ;se of world class energy efficient practices.
!his concept encompasses the efficient use of resources for the benefit of our future
!o be a world/class value/driven infrastructure company, building success through
innovation and e1perience.
!o deliver unsurpassed quality and value to our customers.
C"re Values
 !empus is inspired by the spirit of innovation and the power of ideas
 !empus is driven by a desire to add value and to make a difference to all we
Our "re %alues are:*
• Ooyalty to customers and employees
• :illingness to adapt
• 6o/prosperity
• )ntegrity
• "penness and transparency
• Huality and safety
• 'ocial responsibility
)ea(ersAi$ !ea&
!he team at !empus 3roects consists of highly professional personnel having deep
industry knowledge and vast e1perience with companies, not ust in )ndia but across the
Mr. 4. MaAee(Aar Re(('
Managing ,irector
A highly qualified and vastly e1perienced M, J 6." of the company.
 M.. F'tructural .nggG, )ndian )nstitute of 'cience, $angalore
 M.'c. F6ivil .nggG, Cational ;niversity of 'ingapore
 An illustrious career spanning *= years
 ,irector, 'uana 3roects Otd, Hyderabad.
 73 / 3roects, Ascendas F'ingapore J )ndiaG.
 (0 years in 'ingapore with companies such as Ascendas, Meinhardt and 3J!.
 = years with !ata 6onsulting .ngineers.
Mr. M. 7. Ra%i Sai
.1ecutive ,irector
M.!ech, ))! Madras
 Has over +* years e1perience in the field of construction
 6ompleted the Oead and )nternal quality, 'afety and .nvironmental Auditing
 Has conducted several )nternal and e1ternal audits to check the effective
implementation of the HA J H'. systems
 Has independently developed H'., HA management systems confirming to )'"
=&&(, (-&&( And "H'A' (@&&( 'tandards
Maor 3roects
 +*&,&&& sq. m. of built up area consisting of + levels of 'hopping Malls, = levels
of Apartments, 'ervice Apartments, "ffices and + levels of $asement car parking
combined with (* levels of Multi level car park , first of its kind in "man.
Mr. N. Ma(Ausu(Aan Re(('
$achelor of .ngineering < .lectronics J 6ommunications from $angalore ;niversity
 Has over *0 years of e1perience in )! )ndustry
 Headed the .nterprise 'oftware $; at 'ymphony 'ervices 6orp with complete
3JO responsibility for about @&Mn revenue from global )'7 F)ndependent
'oftware 7endorG clients.
 .stablished the )ndia development center for .volving 'ystems, )nc., FCA',AH4
.7"OG a ,enver based telecom software company.
 .stablished and headed Hughes 'oftware 'ystems5 Fnow AricentG $angalore
6enter and setup multiple offices across )ndia.
 Handled the overall facilities and admin operations for $angalore and distributed
delivery teams in )ndia, ;' and 6hina.
 His core e1periences are 3roect Management, Deneral Management, ,elivery
Management, Acquisitions, 6lient #elationships and #isk Management.
Mr. 4. V. Prasa( Re(('
 Has "ver +& years of e1perience in 2inance, $anking J .#3 consulting out of
which (+ years of ;'A e1perience.
Mr. P. Srini%asan
'r. 7ice 3resident F3roectsG
 3D ,iploma in 6onstruction Management from ;M
 $. !ech 6ivil .ngineering
 "ver *0 years of e1perience in construction management, with over *& years in
international e1perience
 :ell 7ersed in 6onstruction management for various types of buildings like
)ndustrial, commercial, residential and malls
 )nfrastructure construction management for refineries and oil fields
 3roects varied in size from (&& m. tall buildings to - sq. km. area of land
Mr. 4. V. Ranga Re(('
7ice 3resident F3roectsG
 "ver +@ years of rich e1perience with construction e1posure.
 ,edicated, resourceful, and innovative 3rofessional years e1perience in
managing 6onstruction 3roects in various organizations in different capacities
like bridges, ,ams, #oads and $uilding.
 6ore 'trength in construction of $uilding, #oads and bridges.
 .1cellent man/management, time management and leadership skills.
Mr. N. Anan( Re(('
7ice 3resident F3roectsG
 $. !ech / 6ivil J )nternational .ffective Management 3rogram
"ver *> years of e1perience in 6ivil, $uilding )ndustry FHotels, 6ommercial J
#esidential ,evelopmentsG as well as 3ower and ,esalination 3roects.
.1pertise 4
 :ell versed in 6onstruction Management, HAIH6 competence J 'afety
 "verall Management of 3lanning, .1ecution and monitoring of construction
activities including procurement, liaising with 6lient representative and
coordination with subcontractors and other departments.
2uali!' O+?e!i%es
Te&$us A"l(s !Ae ISO =..6*8..< er!ifia!e f"r Buali!' &anage&en!.
 :e believe in the significance of client satisfaction, quality/based management
and a culture of progressive development within the company. 2or sustainable
success in the construction sector, !empus bases its quality policy on the
following values4
 !o provide the most appropriate solutions to clients, through assessment of their
needs and demands, and consultation with our e1perience and e1pertise.
 !o conform to every valid standard within the conte1t of proect 4
R 6ontract agrement conditions
R Oegal arrangementsIlaws of the stateIcountry
R "ther compulsory rules
R All ethical standards
 !o be a sector leader in utilization of modern and valid techniques, material and
management systems, and to maintain the sustainable development in every area.
 .fficient and effective management of company human resources that helps the
realization of proects in advance of set deadlines, conforming to every quality
standard prescribed.
 !o transfer successively company corporate culture and values to its employees .
 !o run an e1cellent info/sharing management system and communication link
among client, construction site and headquarter offices.
 !o prioritize and value the most valuable asset of !empus, company employees,
and to contribute to their technical and self development through company5s
continuous learning environment, and to provide social securities .
 !o create permanent relations with subcontractors, suppliers and proect partners
based on good intentions and trust, and accordingly to contribute also to their
progress within the sector.
En%ir"n&en!al O+?e!i%es
 !empus holds the )'" (-&&(/*&&- certificate for environmental management.
 .nvironmental targets and obectives are set for our businesses that are checked
by regular management and supervisory actions together with independent
internal and third party auditsIsurveillances.
 :e believe and promote that all our directly employed personnel together with
any specialist sub/contractors and suppliers are responsible for the adherence to
environmental targets, obectives and management programmes.
 "ur people will receive the appropriate levels of training and awareness to ensure
that due emphasis is placed on the protection of the .nvironment and site
 #ecycling and re/use of materials will be carried out where possible and where
not, due care will be e1ercised in respect of waste disposal in accordance with
current guidelines and legislation.
 !his 3olicy is communicated and made available to all company personnel,
supply chain, members of the public and other interested third parties.
Safe!' O+?e!i%es
!empus holds the OSHA 6<..6*8..; certificate for occupational health and safety
management. .ffective management of worker safety and health protection is a decisive
factor in reducing the e1tent and severity of work/related inuries and illnesses and
related costs. )n (=@*, "'HA began to approve worksites with e1emplary safety and
health management programs for participation in 7oluntary 3rotection 3rograms F733G.
!empus believe in the below si1 point rule where Management and .mployees share the
safety obectives.
 Management J .mployee commitment to safety.
 :eekly tool bo1 safety meetings at all obsites with engineers and supervisors.
 .ffective ob safety training for all categories of employees.
 9ob hazard analysis provided to all employees.
 Audio and 7isual presentations given at obsites by responsible persons.
 7arious incentive awards for e1emplary safety performance.
Mile s!"nes:
 April *&(-4 !empus 'igned 6ontract with 'ri Mausalya 6onstructions Oimited for
its commercial development i.e. )nfinite !ower at Duindy, 6hennai.
 2eb *&(-4 'uccessfully handed over the proect for SA$! .1pansion 3roect,
,upontS at 'hamirpet.
 9an *&(-4 'uccessfully obtained %2ire C"6 J $uilding "ccupancy certificateA
for FAscendas Multi !enanted $uilding M!$*G at :hite 2ield, $angalore.
 Cov *&(+4 !empus 'igned 6ontract with !A!A 7alue Homes Oimited for its
#esidential development )ndustrial at Mambakkam, 6hennai.
 "ct *&(+ !empus celebrates its >
Anniversary on *0
"ctober, *&(+.
 Aug *&(+ !empus has celebrated an remarkable mile stone on @
August, *&(+
by achieving S=Oakh 'afe Man HoursS at one of our proect SA$! .1pansion
3roect, ,upontS 'hamirpet. !he event was conducted by our H'. !eam and the
!empus Management in asscoiation with S,upontS 3roect 'taff.
 "ct *&(* !empus celebrates its 0
Anniversary on *0
"ctober, *&(*.
 May *&(* 'uccessfully handed over the proect for $randi1 )ndia Apparel )ndia
Oimited at Atchutapuram, 7ishakapatnam comprises of 6ivil J M.3 works for
an Hostel 3roect.
 April *&(* !empus 'igned 6ontract with )nformation !echnology 3ark Otd FA 97
$etween Ascendas J M)A,$G for its ,esign J $uild commercial proect i.e.
Ascendas M!$* at $angalore.
 March *&(* !empus 'igned 6ontract with ,;3"C! for its ;tility $uilding
3roect at Hyderabad.
 "ct *&(( !empus celebrates its -
Anniversary on *0
"ctober, *&((
 'ep *&(( !empus 'igned 6ontract with 3rime ,evelopers for its #esidential
3roect at !irupur, !amilnadu F2ull ,etails will be addressed soonG.
 9ul *&(( !empus signed contract with Q,;3"C! 3roect.
 May *&(( !empus signed the contract with :ipro !echnologiesI$ombay stock
e1change for its ,ata #ecovery 6entre.
 May *&(( 'uccessfully handed over the proect for $randi1 )ndia Apparel )ndia
Oimited, 7izag comprise of 6ivil J 2inishing :orks for Hostel 3roect.
 May *&(( 'uccessfully handed over the proect at %MaithonA, 9harkhand
comprise of 6ivil :orks for 6oal Handling 3ackage.
 A3# *&(( !empus signed the contract with Cuziveedu 'eeds 3vt.Otd. for its
'ushaanta proect.
 !empus signed the contract with $randi1 )ndia Apparel city for its 'eeds hostels
 MA# *&(( !empus signed the contract with !A!A Housing ,evelopment
6ompany Otd. for its 'mart 7alue Homes Otd. proect.
 9an *&(( !empus signed the contract with "ragadam 6ity ,evelopers for its )nno
Deocity proect.
 ,ec *&(& !empus signed the contract with .mami #ealty 3vt Otd for its 'wan
Oake proect.
 !empus has finished the structural topping up of two of seven towers at its 3:'
proect site on ,ec (
, *&(& in Carsingi, Hyderabad. !he casting of the roof slab
on the AT$ tower and $ tower FDround plus *& storeys and + basementsG was
completed within the span of a year. !empus e1pects to finish topping up another
four towers by the end of ,ecember.
 "ct *&(& !empus celebrates its +rd Anniversary on *0
"ctober, *&(&.
Design an( Buil(
As a design and build firm, we strive to bring together design and construction
professionals in a collaborative environment, so as to complete all construction tasks
more efficiently.
)nstead of having several contractors and consultants, an owner has ust one entity to deal
with. ,esign revisions, proect feedback, budgets, permits, construction issues, change
orders and bills can all be routed through the design and build firm. !his single point of
contact allows a greater degree of fle1ibility for the owner.
!empus will leverage that fle1ibility for the benefit of the owner by continually refining
the construction program, so as to ma1imize the value for the owner at the end of the
proect. !his system also allows the owner to track progress of the proect with greater
Buil( !" sui!
$uild/to/suit properties are designed to satisfy the specific requirements of particular
clients. !he facilities offer the highest level of technical infrastructure and ma1imum
fle1ibility for customisation of spatial and technical requirements to meet even the most
demanding needs of the client.
:e custom design a facility that precisely reflects the clients operational, financial and
technical needs. "ur architects, engineers, and designers work side by side with the
construction team to deliver a build/to/suit proect on time and on budget by paying
careful attention to the details and monitoring the proect at every stage.
!he build/to/suit option is attractive to a customer with unique or specialised needs.
C"ns!ru!i"n &anage&en!
:e plan and manage the construction of turnkey proects, both in urban and in core
infrastructure. 'ome of the areas we are focused on are4/
• High/#ise #esidential J 6ommercial $uildings
• Hotels
• Hospitals
• '.8s
• 3ower 3lants
• #oads J $ridges
• )ndustrial $uildings
• )! 3arks
• )rrigation :orks
• #esidential 7illas
.quipped with the required knowledge of engineering and management principles, we
engage in the following operations4
• ,esign of structures
• Huality assurance and Huality control FHAIH6G
• $uilding and site layout surveys
• "n/site material testing
• 6oncrete mi1 design
• 6ost estimating
• 3lanning and scheduling
• 'afety engineering
• Materials procurement
• 'election of equipment
• 6ost engineering
• $udget control
Pr"?e! Manage&en!
3roect Management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to
proect activities to meet proect requirements. !his includes planning, monitoring and
control of all aspects of the proect and the motivation of all those involved in it to
achieve the proect obectives on time and to the specified cost, quality and performance.
As proect managers, we represent the client to determine and implement their e1act
needs, based on knowledge of the firm. :e have the ability to adapt to the various
internal procedures of the contracting party, and to form close links with the nominated
representatives. !his is essential in ensuring that the key issues of cost, time, quality of
work and client satisfaction can be realized. )n short we plan, organise, and manage
resources to ensure the successful completion of specific proect goals and obectives.
As proect managers, we envision the entire proect from start to finish and ensure that
this vision is realized.
Faili!' Manage&en!
2acilities Management is a line of work that covers multiple disciplines and ensures
functionality of the constructed environment by integrating people, places, processes and
2acilities Management is not ust limited to the management of buildings and services. )t
is the integration of processes within an organisation to maintain and develop the agreed
services which support and improve the effectiveness of its primary activities.
En(*!"*En( Ser%ies
:ith almost -&& highly skilled employees, !empus can offer a variety of end/to/end
services to meet the needs of our clients.
'ome of these services are listed below4
• 'ite .valuation
• 6onceptual 6onstruction
• Market #esearch
• Material Management
• 3roect 2easibility and .conomic Analysis
• .ngineering 6ontract Cegotiations
• Master planning and ,esign
• "perations, Maintenance and 3lanning
• ,esign Management
P"Der 0elfare S"ie!'G NarsingiG H'(era+a(.
 #esidential development at Carsingi, Hyderabad.
 !otal built/up area4 *> lakh sq.ft.
 ? buildings spread over ?.0 acres.
 + basements and up to *0 floors per building.
 6ontract 7alue4 )C# *&* 6r.
NeD Ha%en Ri++"+ 0al/G Ma&+a//a&G CAennai.
 #esidential development at Mambakkam, 6hennai.
 !otal built/up area4 (( lakh sq.ft.
 !hree !owers of $T'T(? floors.
 'pread over ((.0 acres.
 6ontract 7alue4 )C# =(.0 6r.
Nu#i%ee(u See(s P%!.)!(. 7u/a!$all'G H'(era+a(.
 #esidential development 'ushaanta at Mukatpally, Hyderabad.
 !otal built/up area4 +.*@lakh sq. ft.
 6onsists of * blocks of (I* 6ellars T Dround T ? floors.
 3roect 6ost4 )C# -@ 6r.
RRC Hea(Buar!ersG Ju+ilee HillsG H'(era+a(.
 A design and build office comple1 at 9ubilee Hills, Hyderabad
 !otal built/up area4 -&,&&& sq. ft
 $uilding consists of - storeys and + basements
 3roect cost4 )C# (*.(0 6r
B"&+a' S!"/ EEAange Da!a Re"%er' Cen!reG Nana/ra&gu(aG H'(era+a(.
 An )! ,ata #ecovery 6entre for the $ombay 'tock .1change located at
Canakramguda, Hyderabad
 !otal built/up area4 @>,&&& sq. ft
 $uilding consists of - storey5s and ( basement
 3roect cost4 )C# ++ 6r
Su?ana T"DersG Tur/Aala/Aana$urG Me(a/.
 6onstruction of prefabricated steel building for factory at !urkhalakhanapur,
 .1ecution of civil works for Administration, Duest house and other ancillary
 6ontract 7alue4 )C# @.(0 6r
Han(u& In(us!riesG SAeri B"llara&G Jinnara&G Me(a/.
 6onstruction of factory and warehouse at 'heri $ollaram, 9innaram, Medak
 6ontract 7alue4 )C# ?.*+ 6r
C)T A$$arel In(ia Pri%a!e )i&i!e( G In(us!rial Buil(ing
 6onstruction of 2actory J 2acility $uilding for 6O! Apparel )ndia 3rivate
 !otal $uilt < up area4 (,*&,&&& 'q. 2t.
 3roect 6ost4 #s. )C# (> 6r
(. Are you aware about the organization performance Appraisal systemB
!he above graph indicates that most of the respondents are i.e.
(&&K of employees are e1pressed the performance appraisal system is
essential in an organization. 'o from the above analysis the performance
appraisal system is the aware about the organization.
YES 100 100
NO 0 0
TOTAL 100 100
*.Are you satisfied with the annual performance appraisalB
TAB)E: 8
'A!)'2)., ?> ?>
(0 (0
,)''A!)'2)., = =
TOTA) (&& (&&
!he above graph indicates that most of the respondents i.e.
?>K of respondents are e1pressed satisfying with the annual performance
appraisal. :here as (0K of employees are partially satisfied and =K of
employees are dissatisfied about annual performance appraisal.
+.:hat is your satisfaction level with the performance appraisal system in
.U6.OO.C! >& >&
D"", *+ *+
A7.#AD. (? (?
TOTA) (&& (&&
2rom this above graph indicates that >&K of respondents are
e1pressed the satisfaction level is e1cellent in the organization. :here as
*+K of respondents are good and (?K of respondents are e1pressed average
to the performance appraisal in the M.O 6ompany.
-. ,o you think performance appraisal is essentialB
!he above graph indicates that most of the respondents i.e.
@?K of respondents are e1pressed that the performance appraisal system is
essential where as (+K of respondents are the responded that the
performance appraisal system is some e1tent not essential in the
YES 87 87
NO 13 13
TOTAL 100 100
0.,o you think that performance appraisal conducted periodicallyB
!he above graph indicates that most of the respondents i.e. ?&K
of respondents are e1pressed the performance appraisal is conducted
periodically. :here as +&K of employees are feel that the performance
appraisal is not to be conducted periodically.
YES 70 70
NO 30 30
TOTAL 100 100
>. 3eriodicity of performance appraisal should be on
H;A#!.#OL $A')' (+ (+
HAO2/L.A#OL $A')' (( ((
ACC;AO $A')' ?> ?>
TOTA) (&& (&&
2rom the above graph indicates that (+K of respondents
are feeling performance should be on quarterly basis. :here as ((K of
respondents feel about half/yearly basis. And most of the respondents i.e.,
?>K of respondents are e1pressed their interest to annul basis of the
performance appraisal.
?.:hat is your opinion regarding performance appraisal system helps in
identifying strengths and weaknesses of an individual on his obB

2rom the above graph most of the respondents, i.e. @&K of
respondents are feel the performance appraisal system helps the identifying
the strengths and weaknesses of an individual on his ob. :here as *&K of
employees are feel about the performance appraisal system is not fully
identifying the strengths and weaknesses of individual on the ob.
YES 80 80
NO 20 20
TOTAL 100 100
@.:hat is the present appraisal system which is used in your organizationB
D#A,)CD M.!H", >& >&
6H.6M O)'! M.!H", *& *&
$"!H *& *&
TOTA) (&& (&&
!he above graph indicates that most of the respondents, i.e. >&K
of respondents are e1pressed that the present appraisal system using grading
method. And where as *&K of respondents are e1pressed about check list
method is used and *&K of respondents are e1pressed that both the grading
and check list methods are used in the organization.
=.:hat is the previous performance appraisal system in your organizationB
D#A,)CD M.!H", +& +&
6H.6M O)'! M.!H", *& *&
$"!H 0& 0&
TOTA) (&& (&&

!he above graph indicates that +&K of employees are said that
previously the organization used grading method and *&K of respondents
are e1pressed check list method. Most of the respondents are 0&K of
respondents are e1pressed both the grading method and check list methods
of performance appraisal used in the organization
(&. )n your opinion what is the basis of performance appraisal systemB
'!#"CDOL AD#.. ?0 ?0
AD#.. (0 (0
,)' AD#.. (& (&
TOTA) (&& (&&

!he above graph indicates that (&K of respondents are e1pressed the
ir view about the behavior is basis for performance appraisal and -&K of
respondents are feeling the performance of employee is basis for
performance appraisal system. :here as most of the respondents i.e. 0&K of
respondents are e1pressed the both behavior and performance are basis for
performance appraisal system.
((.,o you think performance appraisal system plays a role in advanced
work planB
!he above graph indicates that most of the respondents i.e. ?0K
of respondents are strongly agree to the performance appraisal system plays
a key role in advanced work plan. :hereas (0K of respondents are feel
agree and (&K of respondents are e1pressed disagree about performance
appraisal system plays a role in advanced work plan.
(*.:hat is your opinion regarding there is a link between organization goals
and performance appraisal systemB
2rom the above graph @&K of respondents are e1pressed
that the appraisal is linked to the organization goal. *&K of respondents are
e1pressed that there is no link between the performance appraisal system
and organization goals.
YES 80 80
NO 20 20
TOTAL 100 100
(+.3erformance feed back allows employees to improve their efficiencyB
2rom the above graph most of the respondents i.e. =0K of
respondents are e1pressed performance feedback allows the employees to
improving efficiency. :here as 0K of employees are e1pressed the
feedback is not allowed improving efficiency of individual.
YES 95 95
NO 5 5
TOTAL 100 100
(-.,o you think counseling is essential for employees in connection with
performance appraisalB
YES 100 100
NO 0 0
TOTAL 100 100
2rom the above graph all of the respondents i.e. (&&K of
respondents e1pressed that counseling is essential in connection with
performance appraisal system in the !empus infrastacture.
(0.:hat kind of counseling should be occurring in an organizationB
FORMAL 80 80
TOTAL 100 100
2rom the above graph @&K of respondents are e1pressed
their interest about formal counseling is essential. :hereas *&K of
respondents are e1pressed )nformal counseling should be occur in an
(>.,oes the organization provide training J development programs after
appraising periodB
YES 100 100
NO 0 0
TOTAL 100 100

2rom the above graph all of respondents are e1pressed that
the organization is providing the training and development programs after
performance appraisal period.
(?.)s !raining J ,evelopment programs improving the quality work of the
YES 70 70
NO 30 30
TOTAL 100 100
!he above graph indicates that most of the respondents i.e.
?&K of respondents are e1pressed that the training and development
programs improve the quality work of employee. :here as +&K of
respondents are e1pressed there is no any improvement of the quality of
employee with the !J, programs.
(@.How is the present performance appraisal system in the organizationB
.U6.OO.C! >& >&
D"", *0 *0
M",.#A!. (0 (0
TOTA) (&& (&&
2rom the above graph >&K of respondents are e1pressed that
the present performance appraisal system is e1cellent and *0K of
respondents are e1pressed Dood. :here as (0K of respondents are feeling
present appraisal system is moderate in the organization.
(=.,oes your company giving a greater feedback after apprising of
employee performanceB
YES 90 90
NO 10 10
TOTAL 100 100
!he above graph indicates that the most of the respondents
i.e. =&K of respondents are e1pressed that the organization giving a greater
feedback after appraising. :here as (&K of respondents are e1pressed that
the company has not giving a greater feedback after appraising of employee
*&.:hat is your satisfaction level with the feed back of appraiser regarding
your performanceB
.U6.OO.C! >& >&
D"", +& +&
$.!!.# (& (&
TOTA) (&& (&&
!he above graph indicates that most of the respondents i.e. >&K
of respondents are e1pressed their satisfaction level is e1cellent with the
feedback. :here as +&K of respondents are e1pressed their satisfaction
level about feedback is good. And (&K of respondents are e1pressed their
satisfaction level with the feedback of appraiser regarding performance is
better in the organization.
 )t was observed that most of the employees in Te&$us
infras!ru!ure have the full awareness about performance appraisal
 )t was observed that most of the employees have satisfied with annual
performance appraisal.
 )t was observed that most of the employees feeling the performance
appraisal system is very essential for identifying strengths and
 )t was observed that the Te&$us infras!ru!ure has conducting
performance appraisal system on annual basis
 )t was observed that the Te&$us infras!ru!ure is being used both
the grading and check list method of performance appraisal.
 )t was observed that most of the employees feel about counseling is
essential for employee in connection with performance appraisal
 )t was observed that for conducting of performance appraisal system.
!he organization is considered not only the performance of the
employee and also behavior aspects of the employee.
 )t was observed that the performance appraisal helps in assessing the
training needs of the subordinates.
 )t was observed that the employee strongly believed that the training
and development programs will improve the quality of their works.
 )t was observed that most of the employees have satisfied with the
present Fcheck list method and grading methodG performance
appraisal system.

$ased on the findings of the study the following suggestions are
recommended for improving the performance of the employees and
 !here is a need to modify the performance appraisal system in
Te&$us infras!ru!ure
 !he company should conduct performance appraisal system
periodically like twice or trice in a year.
 !he company should encourage participation of employees in their
 !he Te&$us infras!ru!ure must concentrate on personal counseling
programs in addition to formal counseling.
 )t is better to take another performance appraisal like +>& degree
performance appraisal.
 !he organization need to increase the satisfaction level in giving of
feedback to employees regarding their performance.
 !he employees need to get the idea about the performance appraisal
system helps in identifying strengths and weaknesses of themselves
on their work.
 )n the organization with help of performance appraisal the training
helps to the employee.
 )n this method training and development is useful to workers for the
sake of development.
 )n this method the employees are satisfied in the overall performance
appraisal system.

!he 3erformance appraisal system plays an important role in the
development of human resource in every organization. !he study reveals
that maority of the employees are having awareness about the performance
appraisal conducted in their organization and they felt that performance
appraisal is helpful for the organization growth. !he organization evaluates
the performance of the employees regarding their ob knowledge and the
quality of work. !he maority of employees are greater feedback on their
!he Te&$us presently following for appraising 3erformance of
the employees is 5RADIN5 AND CHEC7 )IST METHODS and
maority of the employees are satisfied with the present appraisal system.
Maority of the employees felt that the performance appraisal system is
useful for identifying their abilities, strengths and weaknesses. 2rom the
study it is suggested that the company has to provide proper mechanism to
convey the employee suggestions to top management. )t is better to evaluate
the performance of the employees for frequently. !hen there is a probability
of employees to improve their skills and knowledge in their working

Came 4
Age 4
Dender 4
Hualification 4
.1perience 4
'alary 4
6ode Co 4
Mobile Co 4
Questionnaire Analysis
Please tick appropriate one as it is an applicale to
(. Are you aware about the organization performance appraisal systemB
aG Les bGCo
*. Are you satisfied with the annual performance appraisalB
aG 'atisfied bG 3artially 'atisfied cG ,issatisfied
+. :hat is your satisfaction level with the performance appraisal system
in !empusB
aG .1cellent bG Dood cG Average
-. ,o you think performance appraisal is essentialB
aG Les bG Co
0. ,o you think that performance appraisal should be conducted
aG Les bG Co
>. 3eriodicity of performance appraisal should be on
aG Huarterly $asis bG Half/Learly $asis cG Annual $asis
?. :hat is your opinion regarding the performance appraisal system
helps in identifying strengths and weaknesses of an individual on his
aG Les bG Co
@. :hat is the present appraisal system which is used in your
aG Drading method bG 6heck list method cG $oth
=. :hat is the previous performance appraisal system in your
aG Drading method bG 6heck list method cG $oth
(&. )n your opinion what is the basis of performance appraisal systemB
aG $ehavior bG 3erformance cG $oth
((. ,o you think performance appraisal system plays a role in advanced
work 3lanB
aG 'trongly agree bG Agree cG ,isagree
(*. :hat is your opinion regarding there is a link between organization
goals and performance appraisal systemB
aG Les bG Co
(+. 3erformance feedback allows employees to improve there efficiencyB
aG Les bG Co
(-. ,o you think counseling is essential for employees in connection with
performance appraisalB
aG Les bG Co
(0. :hat kind of counseling should occur in an organizationB
aG 2ormal bG )nformal
(>. ,oes the organization provide training J ,evelopment programsB
aG Les bG Co
(?. )s training J development programs improving the quality of work of
the employeesB
aG Les bG Co
(@. How is the present performance appraisal system in the organizationB
aG .1cellent bG Dood cG Mode
(=. ,oes your company giving a greater feedback after appraising of
employee performanceB
aG Les bG Co
*&. :hat is your satisfaction level with the feedback of appraiser
regarding your performanceB
aG .1cellent bG Dood cG $etter
,ynamics of industrial relations in
6.$. Mamiaria, '. Mamoria.
)ndustrial Oabour social security
and industrial peace in )ndia,
Memoria and
Mitab Mahal
Oabour welfare trade unionism
)ndustrial relations.
3unckar ,codhar
3ublishing House.
3ersonal Management and
industrial relations
!ripathi 'ultan 6hand J
sons educational

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