petroleum engineering interview

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B. Tech. Petroleum Engineering Mr. Nitesh Jain 1. What is Neutron Log, Gamma-Ray Log, and Image Log? What are the advanced Logs? 2. What is reservoir cycle? 3. What is the difference between planning of development of oil field and the development of gas field? 4. Which one you will prefer Bg or Eg? 5. What are Enhance Oil Recovery (EOR) technologies, and the economics of EOR Technology? What are the targets for doing EOR? 6. What are PVT properties? What are the methods to calculate them? 7. What are the parameters we get from PVT analysis? What are their uses? 8. What are the kinds of Water-Flood pattern? 9. What are the various patterns of Injection wells? 10. What is Capillary number? What is its significance with chemical EOR? 11. What is the difference between Cyclic Steam Stimulation (CSS) and Steam Flooding? 12. What is IPR curve: 13. When reservoir is above bubble point 14. When reservoir is below bubble point. 15. Interpretation of Capillary Pressure curve for water saturation (Sw)? 16. What are the main objectives of Well Test Analysis (WTA)? 17. What are the reasons for doing WTA? 18. What are the parameters you get from WTA? 19. Name of Chief Ministers of states and central ministers? 20. Name of president of SPE? 21. Rules of volleyball? 22. India’s problems? 23. Values of your life? 24. What is team work? Mr. Varun Yadav Que1. Tell me about yourself. Q 2. What is Arpan? What does it do? Q3. The government provides free education to all the students. Then how is your initiative (Arpan) helping the cause? Q4. If you got an invitation from Akhilesh Yadav to join his education manifesto, would you care to join? Why or why not? Q5. Why do you think Congress was defeated in the elections so badly? Q6. Tell me about your internship, what you did and what you learnt? Q7. What are the advantages of coiled tubing over wireline? Q8. What is the composition of LPG? Q9. What are different types of storage tanks? Q10. What are different types of separators and where they are used? Q11. What are different types of EOR? Q12. What are the basic parameters in casing selection? Q13. Whom do you consider as your competitors in general and OBC category? Q14. What is your preference-Drilling or production?

Q15. How would you rate your interview? Q16. Who is the CMD of ONGC? Q17. What is the yearly production of ONGC? Mr. Abhishek Mandal 1. The MWD tools 2. The bent sub 3. Casing design 4. The weight on bit importance and its uses 5. Drilling design methods (directional drilling via softwares designing ) Mr. Nitesh Kumar Saxena 1. What are your 3 strength and 3 weakness? 2. What are your hobbies? 3. What is material balance and how it is different from simulation? 4. Which is more productive between water wet rock and oil wet rock? 5. What is well test analysis of heterogeneous reservoir? 6. How 3d seismic survey is done and how its instrument is laid down? 7. What are new generation logs? Pd. Vikrant Daksh 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. What is done in formation density, neutron porosity and gamma ray log. name the tools of neutron porosity log What is the frequency of gamma ray. Why gamma rays is detected not alpha or beta. what is the frequency of alpha and beta ray What is formation factor? Can value of formation factor be less than 1.why or why not What you have read in reservoir. what is fractional flow and write the equation derive fraction flow equation Draw fractional flow curve. what is the effect of mobility on fractional flow curve what is significance of mobility in fraction flow equation what is significance of capillary gradient in fractional flow how mobility is controlled what are the another work of polymer how displacement efficiency is increased Name different types of flood pattern.

Anup Kumar Anand 1. How will you bring a drilling rig in middle of forest when there is a conformation that oil is there? Explain chronologically. What will you do if you encounter a river in your path? 2. How many types of method to kill a well? Explain them? 3. How Drillers Method is different from Wait and Weight Method? 4. What are the safety equipment installed in and on the well?

5. 6. 7.


A) How many types of casing are there? B) Surface Casing is installed to a length of? C) How Casings are being hanged before cementing? E) What is the sequence of Casing installation in casing head? Define Primary, Secondary and Tertiary recovery (From my project)? Difference between Secondary and Tertiary recovery? When will you ensure that there is a need for Tertiary recovery in a given field? A) How many types of Tertiary recovery are there? B) Sub-Classify the types you mentioned for Tertiary recovery? C) Draw combustion front for Cyclic Steam Stimulation (CSS) and Steam Injection? D) Describe different zones formed in Steam Injection and draw it? What do you mean by Wet and Dry Injection? Hoe Wet Injection is different from Dry Injection? Which one is better? Draw combustion front for both the cases?

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