PhD Dissertation Guide

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Oraduate $chool ot Computer and Intormation $ciences
Nova $outheastern Lniversity
3301 Colle¸e Avenue - Carl De$antis Buildin¸
Fort Lauderdale·Davie, Florida 3331+·7796


©$eptember 2011 Nova $outheastern Lniversity. All ri¸hts reserved.

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$cholars Betore Researchers. Pre·Dissertation Coursework 1
The Dissertation 2
The Five·Chapter Model 3
Writin¸ $kills 3

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Overview +
Initiatin¸ the Dissertation Process +
Workin¸ with Your Potential Dissertation Chair 5
Producin¸ the Dissertation Documents 6
Detendin¸ the Dissertation 8
Printin¸ and Bindin¸ the Dissertation Report 9
$ubmittin¸ the Dissertation to ProQuest Dissertations and Theses 9
Publishin¸ the Dissertation Results 9

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The Doctoral $tudent 10
The Dissertation Chair 11
The Committee Member 11

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The Dissertation Idea Paper 12
The Dissertation Proposal 1+
The Dissertation Report 17

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Reterences and Citations 19
Mar¸ins 20
Line $pacin¸ 20
Para¸raph $pacin¸ 20
Pa¸e Numberin¸ 20
Type $tyle 21
Title Pa¸e 21
The Abstract 21
Chapter Title Headin¸, $ubheadin¸s, and $ub·$ubheadin¸s 21
Tables and Fi¸ures in the Text Body 22
Appendices 22

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Books 23
]ournal Articles 25
Additional Links - Web $ites 25

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A. $ample Dissertation Title Pa¸e 27
B. Dissertation Approval Pa¸e 28
C. $ample First Pa¸e ot Abstract 29
D. $ample $econd Pa¸e ot Abstract 30
E. $ample Acknowled¸ements Pa¸e 31
F. $ample Table ot Contents 32
O. $ample List ot Tables 33
H. $ample List ot Fi¸ures 3+
I. $ample ot the Format tor Headin¸s in the Chapters 35
]. $ample ot Appendix Cover Pa¸e 36
K. $ample ot Appendix Without $eparate Cover Pa¸e 37

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1. From Coursework to Dissertation 2
2. The Dissertation Process +
3. Workin¸ with Your Potential Dissertation Chair 5
+. The Dissertation Documents 7

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The Dissertation Ouide covers the dissertation process as well as the torm ot dissertation
documents tor the Oraduate $chool ot Computer and Intormation $ciences (O$CI$). This ¸uide

what a dissertation is
how to ¸et started
how to tind a dissertation chair
how to torm the dissertation committee
how to prepare and submit each ot the three dissertation documents. the Idea Paper, the
Dissertation Proposal, and the Dissertation Report
what to do it human subjects are involved in the study
where to tind additional dissertation resources

For matters re¸ardin¸ the dissertation that are not covered in the Dissertation Ouide, you should
tollow the advice ot your dissertation chair. Otticial versions ot the Dissertation Ouide will be
posted to the school's website ( The ¸uide posted most recently to the website
supersedes previous Web and printed versions.
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You are expected to have expertise in your selected area includin¸ a solid understandin¸ ot the
literature in your tield betore you delve into solvin¸ a specitic research problem within that tield.
The 700·level courses are desi¸ned tor you to develop as a scholar in your chosen tield. That is, you
will develop knowled¸e in your domain and stren¸then your research skills.

The directed research courses place more emphasis on your role as a researcher and are intended
to continue to prepare you tor dissertation work. We recommend that you take your directed
research courses with protessors with whom you have developed a ¸ood relationship and have
mutual research interests. In these courses, you will work closely with your protessor to identity a
specitic research area and en¸a¸e in activities that will help you identity a specitic research problem
within that area.


Fi¸ure 1 illustrates the process trom coursework to the tinal Dissertation Report. Althou¸h you
will write your Dissertation Report prior the Dissertation Detense, the committee does not si¸n ott
on the report until atter you have successtully detended your dissertation. More intormation about
this process is in $ection 2.

!"#$%& () From coursework to dissertation.
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The dissertation is the most important culminatin¸ requirement tor the Ph.D. de¸ree. It represents
a si¸niticant extrapolation ot new knowled¸e trom a base ot solid experience and knowled¸e in
your area ot concentration. The dissertation must be ot sutticient stren¸th to be able to distill trom
it a paper worthy ot publication in a journal or conterence proceedin¸s, or to use it as the basis tor
a textbook or mono¸raph. Althou¸h publication is not a requirement tor the Ph.D., you are
stron¸ly encoura¸ed to submit your dissertation research work tor publication. In the O$CI$, the
dissertation accounts tor a substantial portion ot the credit hours ot each Ph.D. pro¸ram. You are
encoura¸ed to learn about the dissertation process as early as possible.

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The O$CI$ uses the tive·chapter model as its tramework tor documentin¸ dissertation research.
Any departure trom this model must be approved in advance by your dissertation committee. The
tive chapters include.

Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Review ot the Literature
Chapter 3. Methodolo¸y
Chapter +. Results
Chapter 5. Conclusions, Implications, Recommendations, and $ummary

Additional intormation re¸ardin¸ how these chapters need to be incorporated into each ot the
dissertation documents is presented in $ection + ot this ¸uide.
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You are expected to demonstrate proticiency in the use ot the En¸lish lan¸ua¸e in all work
submitted durin¸ the dissertation process. Dissertation documents that contain ¸rammatical and
spellin¸ errors are unacceptable. Your dissertation committee will not provide remedial help on
writin¸ skills. You are responsible tor prootreadin¸ and editin¸ your work which, in both torm and
content, should be letter·pertect. Reter to $ection 6 tor a listin¸ ot books that contain ¸eneral
¸uidelines tor torm, style, and writin¸. You may use an editor or prooter, however, the editor must
not assist in conductin¸ the investi¸ation or writin¸ the report. Consult with the Pro¸ram Ottice
to help you identity one.


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The dissertation process be¸ins with identityin¸ a suitable research topic and ends with publishin¸
your tinal dissertation research (see Fi¸ure 2). $ection 2 includes ¸eneral ¸uidelines on each phase
in this process. Your dissertation chair will ¸uide you throu¸h specitic steps associated with each

!"#$%& () The dissertation process.

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Althou¸h some students may be¸in the pro¸ram with an idea tor a dissertation, it is the two
Directed Research courses you take where you must be¸in to develop a potential dissertation topic.
Lpon attainment ot candidacy, you should have already established a relationship with a potential
dissertation chair, presumably one ot your instructors tor Directed Research.

Dissertation candidates not on a leave ot absence who do not have an established relationship with
a potential dissertation chair must establish such a relationship. The Pro¸ram Ottice will help
connect you to a potential chair usin¸ intormation you provide about your intended research
areas. Intormation is available on the Pro¸ram Ottice website or by contactin¸ your academic


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The tollowin¸ process describes what happens atter your initial meetin¸ with a protessor re¸ardin¸
your proposed dissertation research problem. Note that the potential dissertation chair does not
become your otticial dissertation chair until the Dissertation Idea Paper is approved.

!"#$%& () Workin¸ with your potential dissertation chair.

56 ."*/&*%01 2%33/#*0*%"& 4+0%# 78/&3 9&*#: %& 2;<= The dissertation relationship is
considered established when you are linked with the potential chair in the school's
Dissertation Trackin¸ $ystem (DT$). From that point on, all communication pertainin¸ to
your dissertation will be communicated via the DT$. Notice that initially your relationship
is with a potential dissertation chair. The protessor becomes your otticial dissertation chair
only atter your Dissertation Idea Paper has been approved (by the dissertation committee).
You may have only one dissertation chair, potential or otherwise, at a time. You should not
pursue two ideas simultaneously, nor should you try to pursue the same idea with multiple
protessors (unless specitically constructed as a team·advised approach). Reter to
https.´´¸´studentdts´index.ctm tor more intormation about the

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the potential dissertation chair is comtortable with the pro¸ress bein¸ made, he or she will
torm the dissertation committee. Lsually membership on the committee is decided
mutually by you and your potential chair. Because the committee works directly with the
chair, he or she makes the tinal decision re¸ardin¸ the committee members. The approval
ot each committee member will be required tor tormal approval ot the three primary
dissertation deliverables. the Dissertation Idea Paper, the Dissertation Proposal, and the
Dissertation Report.

Dissertation committees usually include the chair and two other members. At least one ot
the committee members must be a tull·time O$CI$ taculty member. A qualitied person
who is not a tull·time O$CI$ taculty member may be considered to serve as a committee
member. $uch appointments must be approved by the committee chair and the dean prior
to committee tormation. As a ¸eneral rule, outside committee members cannot serve as
committee chairs. Exceptions to this rule must be approved by the dean and will be ¸ranted
only in extraordinary circumstances.

!" #$%&'%()* ,(--&.%)%($' /0)(. 1&&2- /$33(%%&& 4'5$.3&67 The dissertation committee
operates under the leadership ot the committee chair. Your chair will be your point ot
contact tor your dissertation work. The chair will keep the committee intormed about your
pro¸ress and will ensure that the committee, as a unit, provides the ¸uidance, evaluation,
and consultation necessary to mentor your study. You should avoid takin¸ or assumin¸
direction trom a committee member or other resource unless coordinated and approved by
your dissertation committee chair.

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re¸istered tor a dissertation section, you will complete a status report on your dissertation
pro¸ress. Ten days prior to the end ot the term, you will receive an auto·¸enerated notice
that the status report is open in the DT$ tor you to complete. You will have those ten days
to complete the status report. $tudents who do not complete the status report will receive a
¸rade ot I (Incomplete) tor the dissertation re¸istration.

Your potential or actual dissertation chair will also evaluate your pro¸ress at the end ot the
term. In addition to assi¸nin¸ a ¸rade ot PR (Pro¸ress) or NPR (No Pro¸ress), the chair will
use a rubric to summarize where you have made pro¸ress durin¸ the term.

B" ;)<:*%= C&&% %$ A&D(&E ,(--&.%)%($' 9%:6&'% #.$F.&--. Atter the close ot each term, the
taculty in each discipline will meet to discuss the pro¸ress ot that discipline's students. This
meetin¸ provides the venue tor the taculty to discuss and propose a variety ot student
actions, most commonly resultin¸ in a ¸roup·composed status letter to the student.

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There are three major deliverables that are part ot the dissertation process includin¸ the
Dissertation Idea Paper, the Dissertation Proposal, and the Dissertation Report (see Fi¸ure +).
Each time you submit one ot the three dissertation documents in the DT$, you will receive a
prompt to certity authorship ot your dissertation work. The Certitication ot Authorship
acknowled¸es the tollowin¸ three statements are true.

1. I am the author ot the document submitted and that any assistance received in its
preparation is tully acknowled¸ed and disclosed in the document,

2. I cited all sources trom which data, ideas, or words that are copied directly or paraphrased
in the document were obtained, and
3. I prepared the document tor the stated purpose.

Followin¸ is a briet description ot each document. $ections + and 5 include additional
intormation about the contents and torm and style ot each document.

!"#$%& () The dissertation documents.

!" #$%%&'()($*+ -.&) /)0&'1 The Dissertation Idea Paper presents your proposed dissertation
research. This document must have tull committee approval betore you can pro¸ress to the
Dissertation Proposal.

2" #$%%&'()($*+ /'*0*%)3 )+. -45 600'*7)31 The Dissertation Proposal builds on the
intormation presented in the Dissertation Idea Paper and tunctions as a detailed blueprint
tor conductin¸ the proposed research. The Dissertation Proposal must receive tull
committee approval betore you be¸in your research and collect data. It your study entails
the use ot human participants in any tashion, you must obtain permission trom the
Institutional Review Board (IRB). When IRB approval is required, it must be obtained
betore the Dissertation Proposal can be approved. More intormation about IRB is available
at. http.´´´pro¸ram´irb.html

8" #$%%&'()($*+ 4&0*'(1 The Dissertation Report is a detailed, accurate, and cohesive account
ot an investi¸ation accomplished to investi¸ate a problem and reveal new knowled¸e. At
the close ot the Dissertation Detense (see next subsection), it the committee unanimously
approves the Dissertation Report, it will be torwarded to the pro¸ram director and dean tor
tinal approval. Without unanimous approval, the Dissertation Report is returned to the
student with comments trom the committee.


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The three deliverables mark the major phases ot your dissertation research. You should complete
the tirst phase, idea paper approval, within 18 months ot attainin¸ candidacy.

You should have a committee·approved proposal within 12 months ot securin¸ an approved idea

Time required to complete the dissertation research will vary dependin¸ on the nature ot your
research. Thus the time needed to secure an approved dissertation report can vary tremendously.
You will work with your dissertation chair to make sure that your pro¸ress is adequate.

Time spent on tormal leave does not count toward these expectations. Ot course, pro¸ram time
limits as stated in the Oraduate Catalo¸ still apply.

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Prior to the committee approvin¸ your Dissertation Report, you will prepare and present a
Dissertation Detense. The detense is an oral presentation ot the results ot your study and serves
three purposes. First, it tultills the institution's responsibility ot examinin¸ your dissertation work.
$econd, it provides you with a unique opportunity to present your dissertation, to discuss the work
with thou¸httul people who are tamiliar with it, and to address questions and issues tor turther
thou¸ht and study. Last, it is the culminatin¸ experience tor you as a doctoral candidate, providin¸
closure to an intensive period ot study.

For the detense, you should prepare a presentation that includes.

Identitication ot the problem
Explanation ot the research methodolo¸y and its rationale
Discussion ot the tindin¸s and their interpretation, the contribution to knowled¸e and
protessional practice, and su¸¸estions tor tuture research

You should be prepared to address questions that arise durin¸ the detense. Typically, a detense
runs about one hour, the tirst 30·35 minutes are devoted to your presentation, and the rest ot the
time is open to questions. Your committee chair will serve as moderator and will be prepared to
raise questions and issues it the need arises.

Detenses are ideally scheduled within six weeks ot the completion ot the Dissertation Report. They
are preterentially scheduled on the third Monday ot the month, althou¸h the committee retains
the tlexibility to schedule at a ditterent time out ot necessity or convenience. A schedule ot
dissertation detenses (alon¸ with abstracts) is available on the O$CI$ Web site. $tudents and
taculty are invited to attend and asked to R$VP.

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Atter the committee, pro¸ram director, and dean have approved your Dissertation Report, you will
receive specitic instructions trom the Pro¸ram Ottice on how to prepare, print, and submit it tor
bindin¸. Do not print or submit the tinal copies until you are instructed to do so by the Pro¸ram
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You must submit your Dissertation Report to ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (PQDT) in order
to ¸raduate. Once your Dissertation Report has been approved by your committee, the pro¸ram
director, and the dean, you will receive an email trom the pro¸ram ottice on the submission
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Publication ot dissertation results is not required but is encoura¸ed. Publication promotes
protessional reco¸nition and is valuable to the new ¸raduate's protessional career and also to
O$CI$. Consider publishin¸ with your dissertation chair. He or she is tamiliar with the publishin¸
process and can recommend several appropriate protessional or scholarly journals tor submission
ot your work. Publication in a retereed journal is the best way to validate the value ot your work.

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The tollowin¸ intormation is provided to help you understand your role as a dissertation student
and the roles ot your chair and committee members.
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Throu¸hout the dissertation process, you are expected to.

1. Be continuously re¸istered in coursework, Dissertation I, II, or Continuin¸ Dissertation in
order to receive advisin¸ and other dissertation services.
2. Abide by the O$CI$ Oovernin¸ Documents includin¸ the N$L $tudent Handbook and
Oraduate Catalo¸. You must tollow the hi¸hest standards ot scholarly and intellectual
inte¸rity and honesty throu¸hout the dissertation process. To this end, you should submit
only ori¸inal, scholarly work that contorms to O$CI$ policies on pla¸iarism and ori¸inal
work and to applicable laws and re¸ulations (e.¸., copyri¸ht laws).
3. Communicate and submit dissertation documents to your chair via the Dissertation
Trackin¸ $ystem (DT$). You are also expected to document in the DT$ a summary ot tace·
to·tace meetin¸s and phone conversations it directed by your chair.
+. $ubmit work that contorms to the O$CI$ ¸uidelines tor tormat and style as described in
the O$CI$ Dissertation Ouide.
5. Document and maintain a reasonable timeline tor completin¸ your research and provide
updates on your pro¸ress in the DT$ as required by your chair.
6. Be willin¸ to receive constructive teedback trom your chair and committee members and
clearly document how you will incorporate the teedback in your dissertation.
7. Put torth your best work each and every time. $ubmit work that is tree ot typos and
¸rammatical errors, retlects teedback provided on earlier iterations ot the document, and
represents clearly written, lo¸ical, and caretully edited work. $ubmittin¸ work that contains
¸rammatical errors, tormat errors, or that does not address previous su¸¸estions trom the
committee, could severely slow down your pro¸ress and extend the review process.
8. Intorm your dissertation chair about any chan¸es in your position, address, and other
contact intormation, as well as protessional and personal chan¸es that mi¸ht attect your
9. Follow the policies and procedures established by N$L's Institutional Review Board (IRB)
tor research with human subjects and the re¸ulations that your own a¸ency or institution
may have concernin¸ the protection ot human subjects in research.
10. Be current with the Collaborative Institutional Trainin¸ Initiative's (CITI) certitication
course in the protection ot human subjects ($ee http.´´´irb´trainin¸.html).
11. Take personal responsibility tor your dissertation and ¸ettin¸ the work done.


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Throu¸hout the dissertation process, the dissertation chair will encoura¸e you and ¸ive you
support. $pecitically, the chair will.

1. Challen¸e your thinkin¸ and rationale tor conductin¸ the dissertation research both durin¸
verbal and written communications. The chair will critically challen¸e your ideas, analysis,
lo¸ic, and ar¸uments.
2. Evaluate and provide constructive written teedback as you move torward in completin¸ the
Dissertation Idea Paper, Dissertation Proposal, and Final Dissertation Report.
3. Provide timely teedback.
+. Maintain a protessional and collaborative relationship with you.
5. Lse the DT$ tor all dissertation·related correspondence.
6. Monitor your pro¸ress toward completion ot the dissertation.
7. Be your advocate.
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Dissertation committee members support the dissertation chair in reviewin¸ dissertation
documents, providin¸ timely and constructive teedback, and ensurin¸ dissertation quality. They do
not interact directly with you unless directed by your chair. Your chair will coordinate
communication trom committee members and provide committee teedback to you.

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Followin¸ are ¸eneral ¸uidelines tor each ot the three dissertation documents. the Dissertation
Idea Paper, Dissertation Proposal, and Dissertation Report. 6.738/ #&'/,.$ 7%$9 8&,1 -%//"1$3$%&'
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Althou¸h these are three distinct documents, they are not unrelated. The Dissertation Idea Paper
serves as the core upon which the Dissertation Proposal is built, and the Dissertation Proposal,
with updates and adjustments, constitutes the tirst three chapters ot the Dissertation Report.
Check with your dissertation chair tor ¸uidance on how to mi¸rate content trom the Dissertation
Idea Paper to the Dissertation Proposal and the Dissertation Proposal to the Dissertation Report.
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In the Dissertation Idea Paper you present an idea alon¸ with a preliminary plan tor your research
and convince the taculty that the proposed research is worthy ot a dissertation. This document is
not intended to be a one·time or static document. As your dissertation work proceeds, ¸oals and
approaches may evolve, and the ori¸inal Dissertation Idea Paper may have to be updated in order
tor it to accurately track the dissertation study, independent ot the state ot the study. The
Dissertation Idea paper is approximately 25·+0 pa¸es and is written in the tuture tense. It includes
the tollowin¸ elements.


The abstract tor the idea paper is sin¸le·spaced and includes a summary ot the proposed research
and how it constitutes ori¸inal contribution in your respective tield (i.e., computer science,
computer intormation systems, computin¸ technolo¸y in education, computer science, and
intormation systems). An abstract is a stand·alone document and theretore, should not include
citations because it would need reterences.

In this section, present enou¸h intormation about the proposed work that the reader understands
the ¸eneral context or settin¸. It is also helptul to include a summary ot how the rest ot this
document is or¸anized.

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In this section, present a concise, literature·supported statement ot a research·worthy problem to
be addressed (i.e., why the work should be undertaken). Follow the statement ot the problem with
a well·supported discussion ot its scope and nature. The discussion ot the problem should include.
what the problem is, why it is a problem, how the problem evolved or developed, and the issues
and events leadin¸ to the problem.

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Next, include a concise detinition ot the ¸oal ot the work (i.e., what the work will accomplish).
Aim to detine a ¸oal that is measurable.

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Research questions are developed to help ¸uide you throu¸h the literature tor a ¸iven problem
area. Three to tive open·ended questions are usually adequate. As your research evolves, it is likely
your research questions will too. Dependin¸ on the desi¸n ot your study, you may also develop a

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This section provides the necessary support tor both the problem statement and ¸oal ot your
dissertation study. Consider the tollowin¸ questions and support your discussion by citin¸ the
research literature.

Why is there a problem. What ¸roups or individuals are attected.
How tar·ran¸in¸ is the problem and how ¸reat is its impact. What's the benetit ot solvin¸
the problem.
What has been tried without success to correct the situation. Why weren't those attempts
successtul. What are the consequences ot not solvin¸ the problem.
How does the ¸oal ot your study address the research problem and how will your proposed
study otter promise as a resolution to the problem.
How will your research add to the knowled¸e base.
What is the potential tor ¸eneralization ot your results.
What is the potential tor ori¸inal work.

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In this section, it is important to clearly identity the major areas on which you will need to tocus
your research in order to build a solid toundation tor your study in the existin¸ body ot
knowled¸e. The literature review is the presentation ot quality literature in a particular tield that
serves as the toundation and justitication tor the research problem, research questions or
hypothesis, and methodolo¸y. You will develop a more comprehensive review ot the literature as
part ot your Dissertation Proposal.

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In this section, identity how the problem is inherently ditticult to solve. You should also show how
the solution you propose on ettectin¸ is likewise ditticult. You should show the study you propose
is ot adequate ditticulty to warrant dissertation·level work and reward.


Describe how you plan to address your research problem and accomplish your stated ¸oal. List the
major steps that must be taken to accomplish the ¸oal and include a preliminary discussion ot the
methodolo¸y and specitic research methods you plan to implement. Althou¸h specitic details are
not required at this point, you must provide adequate discussion ot the ¸eneral process you will
tollow to implement your research methodolo¸y.


Identity the major steps tor your dissertation development. In the Approach section you discuss
only the steps you will tollow in implementin¸ your research methodolo¸y. In this section, you
discuss the steps necessary to complete the dissertation and the timetrame.


Include all resources you will need, such as hardware, sottware, networks, data communications,
access to students, access to experts in the tield, access to peers, and standardized tests, surveys, or
other torms ot instrumentation. Indicate whether you have the resources and it not, how you plan
to obtain them.


Follow the most current version ot APA to tormat your reterences. However, each reterence
should be sin¸le·spaced with a double space in between each entry. Make sure that every citation is
reterenced and every reterence is cited.

!"# %&''#()*)&+, -(+.+'*/
The Dissertation Proposal provides the tramework within which your research will be conducted
and presents evidence ot your qualitications to pursue the research. You must articulate the
concepts and theories underlyin¸ the study, clearly state the problem, specity ¸oals that are
measurable, present a thorou¸h review ot the literature, delineate the methods tor conductin¸ the
research, and present a strate¸y to achieve the ¸oals. The Dissertation Proposal is written in the
tuture tense and includes the tollowin¸ elements.

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The tront matter includes the tollowin¸.

Title Pa¸e

Table ot Contents
List ot Tables
List ot Fi¸ures


Chapter 1. Introduction

This chapter is an expansion ot the Dissertation Idea Paper and ¸enerally includes the tollowin¸

Problem $tatement
Dissertation Ooal
Research Questions and´or Hypotheses
o Note. $ome studies have research questions and hypotheses while others have one
or the other.
Relevance and $i¸niticance
Barriers and Issues
Assumptions, Limitations and Delimitations. Assumptions are the unprovable tactors that
are accepted as true within the context ot the study. Limitations are tactors that are beyond
your control and potentially impact the internal validity ot the study. Delimitations are
tactors that you intentionally impose to constrain the scope ot the study to make it
mana¸eable. Delimitations impact the ¸eneralizability ot the results ot the study.
Detinition ot Terms

Chapter 2. Review ot the Literature

In Chapter 2, you will expand and develop the review you presented in your Dissertation Idea
Paper. The review can include covera¸e ot.

]ustity the criteria tor what is included and excluded as part ot the review.
Identity what has been done betore includin¸ the stren¸ths and weaknesses ot existin¸
Find and discuss ¸aps in the literature.
Place your research problem within the broader context ot the tield and scholarly
Analyze research methods that are used in similar studies and determine whether these
methods were valid and reliable.
$ynthesize the literature and present it in a way that helps the reader ¸ain a new perspective
on the literature.


Chapter 3. Methodolo¸y

In Chapter 3, you will delineate, in detail, how the investi¸ation will be conducted. This chapter
requires si¸niticant enhancement over the scope described tor the Approach section in the Idea
Paper. Enou¸h detail should be provided to enable replication ot your work by other researchers.
The tollowin¸ topics are intended to serve as a ¸uide.

Overview ot research methodolo¸y
$pecitic research method(s) to be employed
Instrument development and validation
Formats tor presentin¸ results
Resource requirements

!"#$ &"''()

The back matter includes the tollowin¸.


*+( ,-! .//01#"'123 4-(5(")#+ ,36206137 89:"3 ;9<=(#'5>

It you plan to conduct surveys (email, telephone, re¸ular mail), interviews, testin¸, or any other
type ot assessment involvin¸ human subjects as part ot your dissertation, the instruments and
protocols must be reviewed and approved by the university's Human Research Oversi¸ht Board
(Institutional Review Board or IRB) prior to be¸innin¸ the research. The mission ot the IRB is to
protect human subjects involved in research and ensure appropriate practices are bein¸ carried out
at N$L. It is recommended that you initiate the IRB review process atter you have received
approval ot your Dissertation Idea Paper and you are instructed by your chair.

The school has a taculty representative to the IRB who can help you with the review process. There
are three levels ot review. center·level, expedited, and tull review. The O$CI$ representative can
¸uide you re¸ardin¸ the level ot review required and can assist with any paperwork and procedures
that mi¸ht be required. Most research at O$CI$ talls into the center·level review cate¸ory, which
requires a simple process, but it must be lo¸¸ed appropriately. More intormation is available online
at. http.´´´pro¸ram´irb.html. $tudents may obtain additional intormation
trom the IRB's home pa¸e. http.´´´irb´index.html. You should check the websites
trequently in order to ensure that you use the most current version ot the required IRB
documents. A si¸ned, approved IRB torm must be tiled with the IRB and the pro¸ram ottice
betore the Dissertation Proposal is approved.


!"# %&''#()*)&+, -#.+()

The Dissertation Report should be a complete but concise document that establishes your
credentials as an expert in the domain ot your study. Althou¸h the Dissertation Proposal serves as
the core ot the tirst three chapters ot the Dissertation Report, you must do more than just chan¸e
the verb tense ot the proposal to mi¸rate it to the report. In almost all cases, a len¸thy period ot
time has elapsed between the literature review developed tor the proposal and the completion ot
the dissertation study, it is vital that you continue to stay current in the literature ¸ermane to the
study you are conductin¸ and update your Review ot the Literature chapter accordin¸ly. It is also a
very rare study that is executed exactly as planned, trequently chan¸es to the research questions
and the methods proposed to derive answers to them must be made as the study pro¸resses. These
chan¸es must be discussed with your dissertation chair betore bein¸ implemented and, it
approved, must be retlected in the applicable sections ot Introduction and Methodolo¸y chapters.
Followin¸ is the ¸eneral structure ot the Dissertation Report. $ample pa¸es and templates are in
$ection 5.

!"#$% '(%%)"

The tront matter includes the tollowin¸.
Title Pa¸e
Approval´$i¸nature Pa¸e
Table ot Contents
List ot Tables
List ot Fi¸ures


Written in the past tense, the Dissertation Report includes the tirst three chapters as described in
the Dissertation Proposal. These chapters must be updated to accurately retlect your actual
dissertation work activities. In addition, tollowin¸ is a briet description ot elements that should be
included in Chapters + and 5 ot the Dissertation Report.

Chapter +. Results

Chapter + includes an objective description and analysis ot the tindin¸s, results or outcomes ot the
research. Limit the use ot charts, tables, ti¸ures to those that are needed to support the narrative.
Most ot these illustrations can be included as part ot the appendices.


The tollowin¸ topics are intended to serve as a ¸uide.

Data analysis
$ummary ot results · It the research has been ¸uided by hypotheses, make a statement as to
whether the data supported or rejected these hypotheses.

Chapter 5. Conclusions, Implications, Recommendations, and $ummary

In this chapter, interpret, examine, and quality the results ot the investi¸ation and draw interences
trom them.

The tollowin¸ topics are intended to serve as a ¸uide.

Conclusions. Clearly state the conclusions ot the study based on the analysis pertormed
and results achieved. Indicate by the evidence or lo¸ical development the extent to which
the specitied objectives have been accomplished. Discuss alternative explanations tor the
tindin¸s, it appropriate. Delineate stren¸ths, weaknesses, and limitations ot the study.
Implications. Discuss the impact ot the work on the tield ot study and its contributions to
knowled¸e and protessional practice. Discuss implications tor tuture research.
Recommendations. Present recommendations tor tuture research or tor chan¸es in
research methods or theoretical concepts. As appropriate, present recommendations tor
chan¸es in academic practice, protessional practice, or or¸anizational procedures, practices,
and behavior.
$ummary. Present a summary ot the entire paper, written so that it could serve as a stand·
alone document. It should be about tour or tive pa¸es in len¸th.

!"#$ &"''()

The back matter includes the tollowin¸.

!"#$%&' )* +&#,-"'$ ./"01/1$%&' 2 3&/- 1'4 !$56"

Form and style ¸uidelines tor a dissertation serve a number ot purposes. to ease adaptation ot the
document tor publication in whole or part, to ensure a level ot protessional appearance, and ease
the burden on the readers ot the document by presentin¸ material in a lo¸ical, consistent tashion.
Nevertheless, torm and style ¸uidelines should not be burdensome tor either the student or the
dissertation committee. The bulk ot the ettort in developin¸ and mentorin¸ a dissertation should
certainly be directed toward the quality ot the thou¸hts bein¸ presented, not the appearance ot
that presentation.

The current edition ot the Publication Manual ot the American Psycholo¸ical Association serves as
the primary ¸uide tor tormat and style. $ince that manual tocuses primarily on publication in
journals, some exceptions are necessary tor a dissertation report. The tollowin¸ sections detail
those exceptions to the torm and style ¸uidelines applicable to the three major dissertation
products. the Dissertation Idea Paper, Dissertation Proposal, and Dissertation Report. These
¸uidelines are amplitied with examples ot.

$ample Dissertation Title Pa¸e (Appendix A)
Dissertation Approval Pa¸e (Appendix B)
$ample First Pa¸e ot Abstract (Appendix C)
$ample $econd Pa¸e ot Abstract (Appendix D)
$ample Acknowled¸ement Pa¸e (Appendix E)
$ample Table ot Contents (Appendix F)
$ample List ot Tables (Appendix O)
$ample List ot Fi¸ures (Appendix H)
$ample ot the Format tor Headin¸s in the Chapters (Appendix I)
$ample ot Appendix Cover Pa¸e (Appendix ])
$ample ot Appendix Without $eparate Cover Pa¸e (Appendix K)

7"8"/"'#"9 1'4 :%$1$%&'9

One ot the most important tasks in writin¸ a dissertation is to reterence other works and sources
in the text body. You must provide a tormal reterence citation tor each idea or statement taken
trom the work ot an individual or or¸anization (see the section Creditin¸ the Words or Ideas ot
Others in the O$CI$ Oraduate Catalo¸). Failure to provide a reterence citation, when one is
appropriate, is pla¸iarism, which is a violation ot the university's Code ot $tudent Conduct and
Academic Responsibility. An act ot pla¸iarism will subject the student to disciplinary action
includin¸ suspension or expulsion trom the university (see the section $tandards ot Academic
Inte¸rity in the O$CI$ Oraduate Catalo¸). Always err on the side ot caution when writin¸ any
tormal paper. As you conduct your work, keep accurate records that indicate which portions ot
your dissertation are not your own words and ideas. It you attempt to do this as an atterthou¸ht,
you run the risk ot losin¸ the source ot the intormation and committin¸ pla¸iarism.

Reterence citations in the text should use the author·date citation system specitied in the current
edition ot the Publication Manual ot the American Psycholo¸ical Association. All reterence
citations must be listed alphabetically in the Reterences section at the end ot the document, a¸ain
tollowin¸ the tormat specitied in the current edition ot the Publication Manual ot the American
Psycholo¸ical Association. However, each reterence should be sin¸le·spaced with a double space in
between each entry. Make sure that every citation is reterenced and every reterence is cited.
The lett·hand mar¸in must be 1.5 inches (+ cm.). Mar¸ins at the ri¸ht, top, and bottom ot the pa¸e
should be 1.0 inch. ($ee exception tor chapter title pa¸es below.) The dissertation text may be lett·
ali¸ned (leavin¸ a ra¸¸ed ri¸ht ed¸e) or may be both lett· and ri¸ht·ali¸ned (justitied).
)%&* +,"-%&$
Double·spacin¸ is required tor most ot the text in documents submitted durin¸ the dissertation
process. Pa¸es tor the abstract, acknowled¸ments, and parts ot the table ot contents, however, must
be sin¸le·spaced in the Dissertation Proposal and the Dissertation Report. $in¸le·spacin¸ also can
be used tor table titles and headin¸s, ti¸ure captions, reterences (but double·spacin¸ is required
between reterences in the list), tootnotes, and lon¸ quotations. Lon¸ quotations may be indented
tive spaces. ]udicial triple· or quadruple·spacin¸ can improve appearance and readability and is
appropriate atter chapter titles, betore major subheadin¸s, betore tootnotes, and betore and atter
tables in the text, however, avoid open white spaces.
."#"$#",/ +,"-%&$
The text ot the document is double·spaced. There should be no extra spaces between para¸raphs in
sections, however, indent the tirst line ot para¸raphs tive spaces. Chapters must be¸in on new
."$* 0123*#%&$
Pa¸e numbers tor the tront matter, startin¸ with the Table ot Contents, should be lowercase
roman numerals, centered at the bottom ot the pa¸e. All pa¸es tollowin¸ the tront matter should
have pa¸e numbers in Arabic numerals in the upper ri¸ht·hand corner. The pa¸e order and
numberin¸ tor the tront matter is.

1. Title pa¸e is pa¸e i, but the pa¸e number is not printed.
2. Approval $i¸nature pa¸e (Dissertation Report only) is pa¸e ii, but the pa¸e number is not
3. Abstract is pa¸e ii (Dissertation Proposal) or iii (Dissertation Report), but the pa¸e number
is not printed.
+. Acknowled¸ements (Dissertation Report only) is pa¸e iv (it could be pa¸e v, when the
Abstract extends beyond a sin¸le pa¸e), but the pa¸e number is not printed.

5. Table ot Contents (Dissertation Proposal and Dissertation Report) is pa¸e v (or vi), and the
pa¸e number is printed, bottom center.
6. List ot Tables (Dissertation Proposal and Dissertation Report) (only present it the
document contains tables) is ¸iven the next number in sequence, printed bottom center.
7. List ot Fi¸ures (Dissertation Proposal and Dissertation Report) (only present it the
document contains tables) is ¸iven the next number in sequence, printed bottom center.
!"#$ &'"($
For body text, you should use 12·point Times New Roman. Text tor the cover pa¸e may be lar¸er
but should not exceed 1+·point size. Text tor the chapter title text should be 1+·point size. Be
consistent in your use ot typetaces throu¸hout the document. Do not use a compressed typetace or
any settin¸s on your word processor that would decrease the spacin¸ between letters or words. $ans
serit typetaces such as Helvetica or Arial may be used tor relatively short blocks ot text such as
chapter headin¸s and captions but should be avoided in lon¸ passa¸es ot text as they impede
!)'($ *+,$
Every document that is submitted, trom the Dissertation Idea Paper throu¸h the Dissertation
Report, must have a title pa¸e. The title pa¸e includes the exact title ot the dissertation, date ot
submission, your name, and name ot your Ph.D. pro¸ram. Lse the tormat ot the $ample
Dissertation Title Pa¸e provided in Appendix A.
!-$ ./0'1+2'
The abstract (see Appendices C and D) is sin¸le spaced. The second pa¸e ot the abstract, it needed,
carries your name as a top ri¸ht side headin¸. An abstract is a stand·alone document and theretore,
should not include citations because it would then need reterences. Note that the abstract must
meet the len¸th standard ot LMI Dissertation Abstracts International, which requires abstracts to
be tewer than 350 words. Abstracts are published in Dissertation Abstracts International, which is
published by Lniversity Microtilm Incorporated (LMI).
3-+#'$1 !)'($ 4$+5)6,7 &8/-$+5)6,07 +65 &8/9&8/-$+5)6,0
It is preterred that dissertations use no more than three levels ot headin¸s in the body text. All
headin¸s should have only the tirst letter ot each word capitalized except that non·major words
shorter than tour letters have no capital letters. $ee Appendix I tor a sample pa¸e tor a tirst pa¸e ot
a chapter. Instructions tor headin¸ levels tollow.
!"#"$ &' ()*+,"- ./,$" 0"*1/23
This headin¸ starts two inches trom the top ot the pa¸e, is centered on the pa¸e, and is set in 1+·
point type. The tirst line contains the chapter number (e.¸., Chapter +). The second line is blank.
The third line displays the chapter title, is centered on the pa¸e, and is set in 1+·point type.

!"#"$ &' ()*+",-./0
$tart the subheadin¸ at the lett mar¸in ot the pa¸e, tour spaces (i.e., two returns when your
document is set tor double·spacin¸) down trom the title, set in bold 12·point type. Double·space
(one return) to the subheadin¸ body text. Indent the tirst line ot the body text tive spaces.
!"#"$ 1' ()*2()*+",-./0
$tart the sub-subheadin¸ at the lett mar¸in ot the pa¸e, double·spaced (i.e., one return when your
document is set up tor double·spacin¸) trom the subheadin¸, set in 12·point italics. Double·space
(one return) to the sub·subheadin¸ body text. Indent the tirst line ot the body text tive spaces.
!"#$%& "() *+,-.%& +( /0% !%1/ 23)4
Charts, ¸raphs, dia¸rams, ti¸ures, and summary tables that si¸niticantly enhance readin¸ ot the
dissertation should be placed in the text body. Only include material in the text body that is
needed by the reader to understand the point(s) you are tryin¸ to make. Other material should be
placed in appendices. Tables that summarize lar¸e amounts ot data are best placed at the end ot
the dissertation. It you have included data in your text related to some point, then the tull table
containin¸ such data belon¸s in an appendix. When usin¸ tables and ti¸ures in the body ot the
paper, remember that the horizontal center ot the body is not at the center ot the paper. It is 0.25"
to the ri¸ht ot center due to the 1.5" lett bindin¸ mar¸in. All tables and ti¸ures that are less than
body width must be centered properly.
Place in appendices all analytical tables, evaluation instruments, and other material important in
the determination, evaluation, analysis, and description ot your research that is not contained in
the text body (see section above). Lse an appendix to present material that supplements the text or
may be ot interest to readers but is too detailed or distractin¸ tor inclusion in the main body ot the
text. $urveys, evaluation instruments, ori¸inal data, complicated mathematical tables, new
computer pro¸rams, computer printouts, and data collection torms are examples ot materials that
are most appropriately appended. Do not exclude material that would be necessary tor another
researcher to replicate your work and that is not available elsewhere. Include copies ot IRB
permission trom the sponsorin¸ or¸anization and trom the study site. Present copies ot all letters
and e·mails that allow you to use and modity materials belon¸in¸ to others. It appropriate, you may
use a titled cover sheet tor an appendix. $amples ot appendices appear in Appendices ] and K.

!"#$%&' )* +,,%$%&'-. /"0&12#"0

Followin¸ are additional resources that mi¸ht be helptul in tormulatin¸ and writin¸ your


American Psycholo¸ical Association (2010). !"#$%&'(%)* ,'*"'$ )- (./ 0,/1%&'* !23&.)$)4%&'$
022)&%'(%)*. (6
ed.). Washin¸ton, D.C.. Author.

Booth, W., Colomb, O., e Williams (200+). 5./ &1'-( )- 1/2/'1&. (2nd ed.). Chica¸o, IL. The
Lniversity ot Chica¸o Press.

Bryant, M. T. (200+). 5./ 6)1('#$/ 7%22/1('(%)* '78%2)1. Thousand Oaks, CA. Corwin Press.

Cresswell, ].W. (2007). 9"'$%('(%8/ %*:"%13 ; 1/2/'1&. 7/2%4*< =.))2%*4 ',)*4 -%8/ '661)'&./2. (2
Thousand Oaks, CA. $a¸e.

Davis, O. B., e Parker, C. A. (1997). >1%(%*4 (./ 7)&()1'$ 7%22/1('(%)*< 0 232(/,'(%& '661)'&.? (2
Hauppau¸e, NY. Barrons Educational $eries.

Fowler, F.]. ]r. (2009). @"18/3 1/2/'1&. ,/(.)72? (+
ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA. $a¸e.

Oay, L. R., Mills, O. E., e Airasian, P. (2009). A7"&'(%)*'$ 1/2/'1&.< =),6/(/*&%/2 -)1 '*'$32%2 '*7
'66$%&'(%)*2? (9th ed.). Lpper $addle, N]. Pearson Education, Inc.

Hart, C. (2005). B)%*4 ' $%(/1'("1/ 1/8%/C< D/$/'2%*4 (./ 2)&%'$ 2&%/*&/ 1/2/'1&. %,'4%*'(%)*. Thousand
Oaks, CA. $a¸e Publications.

Kamler, B., e Thomson, P. (2006). E/$6%*4 7)&()1'$ 2("7/*(2 C1%(/< !/7'4)4%/2 -)1 2"6/18%2%)*. New
York, NY. Routled¸e.

Krathwohl, D., e $mith, N. (2005). E)C () 61/6'1/ ' 7%22/1('(%)* 61)6)2'$< @"44/2(%)*2 -)1 2("7/*(2 %*
/7"&'(%)* '*7 (./ 2)&%'$ '*7 #/.'8%)1'$ 2&%/*&/2. $yracuse, NY. $yracuse Lniversity Press.

Locke, L., $pirduso, W. W., e $ilverman, $. (Eds.). (2007). !1)6)2'$2 (.'( C)1F< 0 4"%7/ -)1 6$'**%*4
7%22/1('(%)*2 '*7 41'*( 61)6)2'$2? (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA. $a¸e Publications.

Lovitts, B. (2001). G/'8%*4 (./ %8)13 ()C/1< 5./ &'"2/2 '*7 &)*2/:"/*&/2 )- 7/6'1("1/ -1), 7)&()1'$ 2("73.
Lanham, LK. Rowman e Littletield Publishers, Inc.

Lovitts, B. (2007). H'F%*4 (./ %,6$%&%( /I6$%&%(< =1/'(%*4 6/1-)1,'*&/ /I6/&('(%)*2 -)1 (./ 7%22/1('(%)*.
$terlin¸, VA. $tylus Publishin¸, LLC.

Mittelbach, F., Ooossens, M., Braams, ]., Carlisle, D., e Rowley, C. (200+). !"# %&!#' ()*+&,-),.
!))/0 &,1 2#(",-34#0 5)6 ()*+42#6 27+#0#22-,89 (2
ed.). Readin¸, MA. Addison·Wesley.

Newman, I. Benz, C., Weis, D., e McNeil, K. (1997). !"#0#0 &,1 1-00#62&2-),0. : 84-1# 2) ;6-2-,8 -,
2"# 0)(-&/ 0(-#,(#09 Lniversity Press ot America.

Punch, K. F. (2006). <#=#/)+-,8 #55#(2-=# 6#0#&6(" +6)+)0&/0 (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA. $a¸e

Roberts, C. M. (200+). !"# 1-00#62&2-), >)46,#7. : +6&(2-(&/ &,1 ()*+6#"#,0-=# 84-1# 2) +/&,,-,8? ;6-2-,8
&,1 1#5#,1-,8 7)46 1-00#62&2-),. Thousand Oaks, CA. Corwin Press.

Rocco, T., e Hatcher, T. (Eds.). (2011). !"# "&,1@))A )5 0(")/&6/7 ;6-2-,8 &,1 +4@/-0"-,8. $an
Francisco, CA. ]ossey·Bass.

Truss, L. (2003). Eats? 0")20 B /#&=#0. !"# C#6) 2)/#6&,(# &++6)&(" 2) +4,(24&2-),. New York. NY.
Pen¸uin Oroup (L$A) Inc.

Tutte, E.R. (2001). !"# =-04&/ 1-0+/&7 )5 34&,2-2&2-=# -,5)6*&2-),. (2
ed.). Cheshire, CT. Oraphics

Walker, M., e Thomson (Eds.). (2010). !"# D)42/#18# 1)(2)6&/ 0241#,2E0 ()*+&,-),. F4++)62-,8 #55#(2-=#
6#0#&6(" -, #14(&2-), &,1 2"# 0)(-&/ 0(-#,(#0. New York, NY. Routled¸e.

Won¸, D. (2010). !"# G&// F26##2 H)46,&/ 84-1# 2) -,5)6*&2-), 86&+"-(0. !"# 1)0 &,1 1),E20 )5 +6#0#,2-,8
1&2&? 5&(20? &,1 5-846#0. New York, NY. W.W. Norton e Company.

Yin, R. (Ed.). (200+). !"# (&0# 02417 &,2")/)879 Thousand Oaks, CA. $a¸e.

Yin, R. (2009). I&0# 02417 6#0#&6(". <#0-8, &,1 *#2")109 (+th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA. $a¸e.

Zinsser, W. (2006). J, ;6-2-,8 ;#//. !"# (/&00-( 84-1# 2) ;6-2-,8 ,),5-(2-),9 (7
ed.). New York, NY.
Harper·Collins Publishers, Inc.


!"#$%&' )$*+,'-.

Boote, D., e Beile, P. (2005). $cholars betore researchers. On the centrality ot the dissertation
literature review in research preparation. !"#$%&'()%* ,-.-%/$0-/1 23(6), 3·15.

Ellis, T. ]., e Levy, Y. (2008). Framework ot problem·based research. A ¸uide tor novice
researchers on the development ot a research·worthy problem. 4)5(/6')7 8$'-)$- 9(#/)%*1 ::,

Ellis, T. ]., e Levy, Y. (2009). Towards a ¸uide tor novice researchers on research methodolo¸y.
Review and proposed method. 9(#/)%* (5 4..#-. ') 4)5(/6')7 8$'-)$- %)" 4)5(/6%&'()
;-$0)(*(7<1 =1 323·337.

Kennedy, M. M. (2007). Detinin¸ a literature. !"#$%&'()%* ,-.-%/$0-/1 2=(3), 139·1+7.

Levy, Y., e Ellis, T. ]. (2006). A systems approach to conduct an ettective literature review in
support ot intormation systems research. 4)5(/6')7 8$'-)$- 9(#/)%*1 >, 181·212.

Lovitts, B. (2005). Bein¸ a ¸ood course·taker is not enou¸h. A theoretical perspective on the
transition to independent research. 8&#"'-. ') ?'70-/ !"#$%&'()1 2@(2), 137·15+.

)//+*+"%&' 0+%1. 2 3-4 5+*-.

APA $tyle Ouide · http.´´writin¸´Handbook´DocAPA.html
International ]ournal ot Doctoral $tudies - http.´´www.ijds.or¸´
MI$Q's 'livin¸ document' ot intormation systems constructs and classical intormation systems
studies · http.´´people.ucal¸´¯newsted´constructs.htm

PhinishED (www.phinished.or¸). An international discussion torum tor students who are workin¸
on their dissertation or thesis as well as those who have already 'been there.'

Purdue Lniversity Online Writin¸ Lab (OWL) http.´´owl.en¸´. Free resources on
writin¸, ¸rammar, research, E$L, job searches, and protessional writin¸.

Lniversity ot Indiana Writin¸ Center · http.´´´writin¸center´index.ctm

Lniversity ot Wisconsin·Madison writin¸ center writer's handbook ·

York Lniversity's wiki on list ot theories used in intormation systems research ·




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Note: This is page i but the number should not be printed.

!""#$%&' )* !""+,-./ 0.1#

Do not provide this pa¸e. It will be ¸enerated by the Pro¸ram Ottice.

Note: This is page ii but the number should not be printed.

!""#$%&' )* +,-".# /&012 3,4# 56 !7120,82

An Abstract ot a Dissertation $ubmitted to Nova $outheastern Lniversity
in Partial Fultillment ot the Requirements tor the De¸ree ot Doctor ot Philosophy

Dissertation Title

Kelly A. Doe
]une 2011

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscin¸ elit. Curabitur vitae metus vel telis iaculis
molestie. Donec et sapien. In sed elit scelerisque ipsum aliquet mollis. $ed vel nisi sed lectus
lacinia sa¸ittis. $ed teu¸iat. Vestibulum diam turpis, placerat rutrum, elementum e¸et, aliquam ut,
velit. Maecenas laoreet lorem non leo. Nullam li¸ula au¸ue, tempus sed, consectetuer et,
malesuada ut, li¸ula. Vivamus ac purus id ante porttitor placerat. Nulla lorem. Pellentesque vel
libero. Nulla tacilisi. Nulla tacilisi. Donec venenatis. Etiam sem lectus, interdum e¸et, tristique id,
taucibus nec, lacus. Duis lacinia mauris in tortor.

Inte¸er in au¸ue vel nisi vehicula vehicula. Phasellus ut arcu sit amet eros vehicula volutpat. $ed
telis nisi, auctor nec, luctus e¸et, ultrices e¸et, telis. Cras vestibulum posuere arcu. Vestibulum
ultrices dolor at ante. Aliquam est li¸ula, posuere at, aliquet in, eleitend non, ma¸na. Nulla e¸et
au¸ue. Proin semper tempus neque. Proin mauris lectus, ornare sed, porta sed, mattis ut, dolor.
Pellentesque rhoncus tortor sit amet lacus. Vestibulum trin¸illa vestibulum nunc. Donec vel justo.
Nullam tincidunt viverra est. Aenean lacus ante, elementum in, venenatis e¸et, euismod a, neque.
Donec scelerisque, dolor et dictum trin¸illa, nulla mi teu¸iat purus, vitae interdum odio enim quis
massa. Nam vel sem. Lt nisi lectus, bibendum non, porta quis, semper ac, neque. Fusce quis leo in
lacus e¸estas sa¸ittis. Lt di¸nissim li¸ula dapibus ipsum. Donec euismod li¸ula quis enim. Lt id
ante. Lt aliquam tellus. $uspendisse pharetra lectus quis est. In sit amet elit ut nulla venenatis
tempor. Aliquam nibh velit, tempor et, elementum in, tempus non, ante.

The abstract must be single-spaced, fewer than 350 words
and should not exceed two pages in length.

Note: This is page iii but the number should not be printed.


!""#$%&' )* +,-".# +#/0$% 1,2# 03 !4567,/6 8&3 $##%#%9
Kelly A. Doe

Vivamus nec erat nec purus consectetuer mollis. Nam nibh pede, bibendum adipiscin¸,
e¸estas nec, porta at, lorem. $ed vitae telis. Vivamus ullamcorper tellus consequat ma¸na.
Donec mattis adipiscin¸ libero. Fusce tortor. Inte¸er eu arcu. Maecenas bibendum. Nulla
dolor. Nullam porta, quam non con¸ue vehicula, lacus neque con¸ue tortor, ac ultrices
ante eros quis li¸ula. Fusce eleitend, elit ut porta volutpat, risus tortor sodales mi, vitae
tempus arcu dolor sed est. Nam accumsan commodo ma¸na. Phasellus ac dolor non tellus
porttitor trin¸illa. $ed leo ipsum, auctor in, luctus e¸estas, vestibulum id, sapien.
Pellentesque ornare erat non libero. Vestibulum porta libero ut ante. $ed nec ma¸na.

On the second page of the Abstract, the author’s
name should be spaced in from the right hand
margin as a right-aligned side header

Note: If needed, this will be page iv but the number should not be printed.

!""#$%&' )* +,-".# !/0$12.#%3#-#$45 6,3#


$uspendisse sollicitudin velit. Nam nunc. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et ma¸nis dis parturient
montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam sed turpis non erat auctor cursus. $ed scelerisque auctor
pede. Nulla ac tellus non nibh adipiscin¸ rhoncus. Proin aliquam vulputate justo. Quisque
lobortis. Proin lobortis, nibh in e¸estas bibendum, arcu ma¸na cursus diam, sit amet rutrum ante
elit sit amet enim. Aenean pulvinar lacus non leo. Nam porta enim ut nibh. Proin auctor
adipiscin¸ tellus. Curabitur sa¸ittis. Nulla aliquet leo at velit. Phasellus non mi. Maecenas eleitend
viverra tellus.

Nam laoreet diam. Fusce lobortis telis quis enim. Quisque at est e¸et est blandit volutpat.
Vestibulum blandit, arcu eu tincidunt porta, sapien eros interdum tellus, cursus dapibus nisi justo
sit amet nulla. Etiam au¸ue. Aliquam vestibulum di¸nissim ma¸na. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla
venenatis metus sit amet erat. Vivamus elit. Curabitur nunc. Nulla ac metus sit amet purus
porttitor trin¸illa.

Acknowledgments should be in good taste and
should not exceed one page in length.

Note: Count as the next Roman numeral, but do not print the number.


!""#$%&' )* +,-".# /,0.# 12 31$4#$45
/,0.# 12 31$4#$45

!0546,74 iii
8&54 12 /,0.#5 (it necessary) viii (your actual pa¸e number may be ditterent)
8&54 12 )&9:6#5 (it necessary) ix (your actual pa¸e number may be ditterent)


<= >$461%:74&1$ <
Back¸round 1
Problem $tatement +

?= @#A&#B 12 4;# 8&4#6,4:6# <C
Context 16
The theory and research literature specitic to the topic 18

D= E#4;1%1.19F DD
Overview 33
Research Methods Employed 35

G= @#5:.45 CH
Data Analysis 60
Findin¸s 78

I= 31$7.:5&1$5J >-".&7,4&1$5J @#71--#$%,4&1$5J ,$% +:--,6F <HK
Conclusions 108
Implications 123

!= xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1+0
L= xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1+8

@#2#6#$7#5 <MK

Note: Count and print the number of this page centered here in lowercase Roman.

!""#$%&' )* +,-".# /&01 23 4,5.#0

/&01 23 4,5.#0


1. MPC 2.0 $tandard tor a Multimedia PC 20

2. $ummary ot Experimental Desi¸ns Lsed tor XYZ 21

3. Results ot Alpha Evaluation 96

+. Results ot Beta Evaluation 101



!""#$%&' )* +,-".# /&01 23 4&567#0

/&01 23 4&567#0


1. XYZ Conceptual Framework 52

2. OLC Desi¸n Model 76

3. Contirmatory Factor Analysis 100

+. Or¸anization Flowchart 121


Note: Count and print the number of this page centered here in lowercase Roman.


!""#$%&' )* +,-".# /0 12# 3/4-,1 0/4 5#,%&$67 &$ 12# 82,"1#47
82,"1#4 9


<#7#,4=2 :#12/%7 >-"./;#%

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscin¸ elit. Curabitur vitae metus vel telis iaculis
molestie. Donec et sapien. In sed elit scelerisque ipsum aliquet mollis. $ed vel nisi sed lectus
lacinia sa¸ittis. $ed teu¸iat. Vestibulum diam turpis, placerat rutrum, elementum e¸et, aliquam ut,
velit. Maecenas laoreet lorem non leo. Nullam li¸ula au¸ue, tempus sed, consectetuer et,
malesuada ut, li¸ula. Vivamus ac purus id ante porttitor placerat. Nulla lorem. Pellentesque vel
libero. Nulla tacilisi. Nulla tacilisi. Donec venenatis. Etiam sem lectus, interdum e¸et, tristique id,
taucibus nec, lacus. Duis lacinia mauris in tortor.
Donec scelerisque, dolor et dictum trin¸illa, nulla mi teu¸iat purus, vitae interdum odio enim
quis massa. Nam vel sem. Lt nisi lectus, bibendum non, porta quis, semper ac, neque. Fusce quis
leo in lacus e¸estas sa¸ittis. Lt di¸nissim li¸ula dapibus ipsum. Donec euismod li¸ula quis enim.
Lt id ante.
!"#$%&'"% )#" !*+, -%", .*"% /#"01%& 2*&3% 4'33
Aliquam nibh velit, tempor et, elementum in, tempus non, ante. Pellentesque eu mi. Nam
commodo lobortis tortor. Nulla iaculis dictum libero. Lt aliquam tellus. $uspendisse pharetra
lectus quis est. In sit amet elit ut nulla venenatis tempor.


!""#$%&' )* +,-".# /0 !""#$%&' 1/2#3 4,5# 678#$ 9:#%;

$%%&'()* +



!""#$%&' )* +,-".# /0 !""#$%&' 1&23/42 +#",5,2# 6/7#5 8,9#
Appendix Q

Otticials Orantin¸ Permission to Lse Facilities

$uspendisse sollicitudin velit. Nam nunc. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et ma¸nis dis parturient
montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam sed turpis non erat auctor cursus. $ed scelerisque auctor
pede. Nulla ac tellus non nibh adipiscin¸ rhoncus. Proin aliquam vulputate justo. Quisque
lobortis. Proin lobortis, nibh in e¸estas bibendum, arcu ma¸na cursus diam, sit amet rutrum ante
elit sit amet enim. Aenean pulvinar lacus non leo. Nam porta enim ut nibh. Proin auctor
adipiscin¸ tellus.

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