PIR Sensor Based Security System

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PIR Sensor Based Security System
JULY - 12 - 2011
The circuit of an inexpensive and highly secure electronic security system is explained
below. This electronic security system can be used in banks and other high security areas.
A normal electronic security system will have a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter
sends out an IR laser and this will be received by the receiver. When an intruder walks past
the device, the IR beam is cut and thus the alarm is activated. But, this system has some
major disadvantages like limited range and poor line of sight. These disadvantages are
eliminated through the PIR sensor circuit explained below.
Instead of infrared or laser transmitters and receivers, PIR (Passive Infrared Radial) sensors
are used in this circuit. The sensor is basically a pyroelectric device. When the device is
exposed to infrared radiation, it generates an electric charge. The device is made of
crystalline material. According to the change in the amount of infrared striking the element,
there will be a change in the voltages generated, which is measured by an on-board
The infrared light explained here refers to the light radiating from all objects in its field of
view. The reason for not having a transmitter and receiver is that the device does not emit
one, but only accepts the energy emitted from objects above absolute zero in the form of
radiations. Thus the temperature will be different for a human working past a sensor, and
that of a wall right in front of it. Thus the word “passive” is used in PIR to explain that it
does not emit a radiation and receive it, but instead accepts the incoming infrared radiation
The block diagram of the PIR based security system is given below.

PIR Block Diagram
The device contains a special filter called a Fresnel lens, which focuses the infrared signals
onto the element. As the ambient infrared signals change rapidly, the on-board amplifier
trips the output to indicate motion. We can say that the PIR sensor is a human body sensor
because it is only activated when a human or animal walks past the sensor. The PIR sensor
is the heart of the project. We can design the project in such a manner that as soon as the
burglar or intruder walks past the sensor, the alarms would turn on and the whole lighting
system could turn on.
Circuit Diagram

PIR Sensor Based Security System
 PIR Sensor
D204B PIR sensor is used in this project. The PIR sensor is the heart of the project.
 Two Stage Amplifiers
Two stage OP-amp: LM 324 is used as two stage amplifier. The signal from the PIR sensor is
very low so this signal is amplified by using LM324.LM324 is a quad OP-amp. First two op-
amps act as amplifiers.
 Comparator
The comparator compares the signal from the amplifier and a reference voltage.3
OP-amp of LM 324 act as comparator.
 Transistor Switch
Whenever the output of comparator make HIGH Q1 transistor gets ON and relay will be
energized causing the alarm and lamp to turn ON.
 Power Supply
Power supply converts 230 Volt AC into 12 Volt DC and 5 Volt DC. IC 7812 is used as the 12
Volt voltage regulator and a 5v zener diode act as the 5 Volt voltage regulator.

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