I-TECH Placement
Total results found 33 , Sharanpur Road Recruitement Recruiteme nt Service, Career Guidance, Jobs in Nasi! "asement, Srinath #pt!, $pp! Potoba Hotel, Pandit Colon%, Sharanpur Road, Nasi! Ph!No&'()'*)+, Ph!No&'()' *)+, *'()+, .ebsite&http&//000!itechplacement .ebsite&http&//000!itechplacement!com, !com, Email& Ema il& hr1itechpla hr1itechplacement!com cement!com
2arma Consultants,
3ahatma Na4ar
Placement Service * 5lushin4 3eado0s, Near Cricet Ground, 3ahatma Na4ar, Nashi Ph!No&67'(''', '(, .ebsite&, Email& Email& Phone: ++*666*/'/ 67'(''', 67'(+++ email: in8o1armaconsultants!co!in Karma, "honsala 3ilitar% School
'(-'( '(-'( Shivshakti Appt, College Road, Bhonsala Military School, Bhonsal Bhonsala a Military School , Nashik Placement Service Service,, "ins, "o9es : Containers, "o9 Corru4ated ;
2 : S Placement Services,
.adala-Pathardi Road
Placement Service Shop No ' Ra<%o4 Pla=a, "hd .asan To%ota, Pathardi Phata, Nashi Ph!No&6)+)(>7*, 67++*6>6, .ebsite&, Email&
Shree Placement Services,
3umbai Naa
Placement Service S No * ?isa0a @tarsh Chs, State "an $8 India Colon%, "habha Na4ar, Nashi Ph!No&6)''+6'**,'(6*6(, .ebsite&, Email&
3# 5oi 3ana4ement Consultants Atd Placement Service Prasad Chamber, $88 No *, Ist 5loor, Colle4e Road, Nashi Ph!No&'>*>(+>, .ebsite&, Email&
Colle4e Road
!atsalya Apartment, Rachana "igh School Road Ma Foi Padekar Padekar Managemen Managementt Consultancy Consultancy And And Services Services !atsalya Sharanpur Road. Nashik #$$%%$, Contact %$&' ( $&)%&%% *(Mail
#llans Placements Pvt Atd,
3ahatma Na4ar
Placement Service Shop No ), "ehind Saras0at "an, 3ahatma Na4ar, Nashi Ph!No&'+*7), '('+>, .ebsite&, Email&
3ahatma Na4ar Placement Service A-) Ground 5lr Bevs Super 3aret, Samarth Na4ar, Nashi Ph!No&6))*')(7*,++())*, .ebsite&, Email& , CIBC$ Placement Service Shop No 6,3anmohan #partment, #partment, Near Godavavri "an, Pa0an Na4ar, Nashi Ph!No&6>'''>()>,'6(7), .ebsite&, Email&...!3"PA#CE3ENT!C$3
3 " Placement Services 5ilose,
Gan4apur Road Placement Service , *st 5lr, .oodland To0er, #bove Aaa4u "andhu, naa Gan4apur, Nashi Ph!No&6)6>>+')(, 6)66')',, .ebsite&, Email&
#umen HR Consultanc%,
Canada Corner
Placement Service "/+, Ravi Chambers, "elo0 Saras0at "an, Canada Corner, Nashi Ph!No&6)67>>>'> ,, .ebsite&, Email&
?ictor% ?i ctor% Consultants ,
Placement Service E-, 3idc, Near Siemens, "ehind Hotel #mbasin, #mbad, Nashi Ph!No&'+**, '+*(, .ebsite&, Email&
3 and G HR Services ,
Colle4e Road
Placement : Recruitement Service >th 5loor, 2avita Comple9, #bove Aoot 3art Sho0room, $pp "i4 "a=aar, Nashi Ph!No&++'(*, 6'(*(7)7, .ebsite&, Email&
Tirupati Services,
#sho Stambh
Placement Service "eside Jaihind .eldin4, #sho Stambh, Nashi Ph!No&67'>')>', 66+>(677, .ebsite&, Email&
"ma Group,
Placement Service ' Battaprasad #partment, Near "hole 3an4al 2ar%ala%a Pa0an Na4ar,Nashi Ph!No&'7>>), .ebsite&, Email&
#lo Aabour $r4anisation,
Panchavati 2aran<a
Placement Service Rupshri #pts, Bindori Naa, Panchavati, Nashi Ph!No&'(*))6>, .ebsite&, Email&
Ghat4e Ao4istics,
Placement Service C/$ Hotel Panchavati Datri, 3ahatma Gandhi Road, ?ail0adi, Nashi Ph!No&67+667(,, .ebsite&, Email&
Per8ect "usiness Solution,
3IBC-Satpur Placement Service, Public Speain4, "usiness Consultanc%, Consultanc%, 5inancial Consultanc% B-7', 3IBC Satpur, Nasi! Ph!No&'(>((, 6'(+)*+, 6'(+)*+, .e .ebsite&, bsite&, Email& pathabhalchandra1re pathabhalchandra1redi88mail!c di88mail!com om
Pathardi Phata
Hr Services, Career 3a4a=ine +, 'nd 5loor, S0asti Chembers, Pathardi Phata, $pp! Shiva<i statue, Nashi >''6 Ph!No&'(-+(77777, .ebsite&000!careeremer4es!com, Email&
Global Placement Services,
Gan4apur Road Batabase $8 Good Fualit% Candidates, Proper #nd E88icient Services! 6, Rambau4, Near ?id%a ?ias Circle, Gan4apur Road, Nasi! Ph!No&'(-'*'>6, .ebsite&, Email& GLOBAL CAREER CONSULT
Contact : 3s!3RIN#A SH#STRI Address : Shop 7,Sat%a<it "ld4!,Satpur Ain Rd!, 3ahatma N4r!,.a N4r!,.ater ter Tan,Nashi->' Tan,Nashi->''7 '7 Tel.No : '( +'+* +'+*
, Colle4e Road Herita4e Placement Service */*>, ?ithalcharni, $pp! ?ithal 3andir, HPT, Colle4e Road, Nasi! Ph!No&'(-'(76>)6, 6)''76>)(, .ebsite&, Email&
Personnal 5orum,
Colle4e Road No , Shriram Ni0as, 2rishi Na4ar, Na4ar, "ehind #"N #3R$ "an,, Colle4e Road, Nashi Ph!No&6>66))*(>, '*)(*, .ebsite&, Email&
Saishree Placements ,
CIBC$ "/> Saivihar #pt, Pa0an Na4ar, Nashi Ph!No&+>()+'7, *', Sai ?ihar, Pa0an Na4ar, #mbad #mbad Ain Rd! Nashi - 3aharashtra, India Phone& 6* '( '6)+(+ Email Email & in8o1saishreeplacements!com '6)( Aav-ush #pts!, ), "ehihnd Saras0at Saras0at "an, Mahatma Nagar, Nashi
Grievances Cell, Colle4e Road >7, Nr Bominos Pi==a, Colle4e Road Nashi, Nashi Ph!No&676>(77,, .ebsite&, Email&
?aibhav Placements Pvt Atd,
3ahatma Na4ar Shivam #pts, Near $m 5urniture, , 3ahatma Na4ar, Nashi Ph!No&6>'''(66(,'((7', .ebsite&, *, Shivam #partments, Near Hotel 2anchan 3ahatmana4ar, Trimba Trimba Road Boy'S Town Nasi >'' 7, India 6*-'(-'( (', '( (7' a! 6*-'(-'( (7' v%a0ahare1vaibhavplacements!com in8o1vaibhavplacements!com
Endel .ei4h S%stem Pvt Atd, CIBC$ Shop No *,@man4 Pla=a,Sinhastha Na4ar, $pp #mbad Police Station, Nashi Ph!No&6''(**(, , .ebsite&, Email&
Batronica India Inc,
Gan4apur Road Shop No-( Bharmara< Pla=a, $ld Gan4apur Naa,Nashi Ph!No&67'*''>(,'()''>(, , .ebsite&, Email&
#rpan Pvt Atd,
#sho Stambh +,Subhadra Chambers, "ehind 2elar Hospital, #sho #sho Stambh, Nashi Ph!No&6)(6()++, .ebsite&, Email&
S0apn Consultants,
Gan4apur Road "-, Bo0n To0n,Near #rihant Nursin4 Home, Gan4apur Road, Nashi Ph!No&6>'''(*)+, , .ebsite&, Email&
Saras Placements
, Timurti Cho0 N/>(,Cb-* Cidco Cidco > Scheme, Trim Trimurti urti Na4ar, Na4ar, Nashi Ph!No&6)'>77,'6*)>, , .ebsite&, Email&
Shree "ala<i Services,
2amat0ade +/7, Beven Comple9, 2amat0ada, Nasi! Ph!No&'6+>, 6''+7((),
-evan Comple, Near /nion Bank, 0okmanya Nagar, Lokman Lokmanya ya Nagar , Nashik
3itcon Consultanc% Services Atd,
3ahatma Na4ar
*(, Gurudatta Housin4 Societ%, Samarth Na4ar, Nashi Ph!No&66+6+6, , .ebsite&, Email&
"atnadee# $m#loyment Ser%ice * *st 5loor, Tal0are Chamber, .avare Aane, "ehind Chitra 3andir, 3ahatma Gandhi Road, Nashi, 3aharashtra >''* '( '(6 ()7
&orion Placement *st 5loor Chamber**+, Navran4 Comple9, Nashi Pune Road, B0ara Point, Nashi, 3aharashtra >''** '( '(6 6(
Bhalchandra Patha( ) Sat#ur 6'(+)*+ Midc, Satpur, Satpur , Nashik Placement Service Service,, Placement Service Service #ccountin4 #ccountin4 : 5inance, Placement 5inance, Placement Service Service 3aretin4 3aretin4 ;
Ajitara Placements Services, CIDCO Nashik '(-'(7'*) ), Br!#tha0ale Br!#tha0ale Chembers, $pp!Gavari Press, Cidco, C*+C, Nashi( , Nashi Placement Nashi Placement Service,, Placement Consultants #nd Human Resource Service
" S Enterprises, Aoman%a Na4ar 6'(667*)* Saigram A, Plot No &, 0okmanya Nagar, Lokmany , Nashik Lokmanya a Nagar
Placement Service Service,, Placement Service Service Securit% Securit% #4enc%, Placement Consultants #nd #nd Human Resource ;
Achievers Placement , Bhonsala Military School '(-+667+> Shop No!*+, Shrami Shrami Colon%, Colon%, Gan4apur Road, Nr!Shivsat%a Nr!Shivsat%a Ground, Ground, "honsala 3ilitar% 3ilitar% School, Bhonsala Military School, Nashi
The Marketeers, Marketeers, Canada Corner 6)''++**+> 6)''++**+> 1anga Sharan Bunglow, , Canada Corner , Nashik Placement Service Service,, Trainin4 Service Sales Techniues, Institutes, Coachin4, Trainin4 Trainin4 : .orshops .orshops ; 6)6+)>(+ Pura2 Pashim Pla3a, -ivya Adlu2us Comple, Cidco, CIDC Nashik , Nashik
Nice Agency , anga!"r #oad 6)())67' $, -harmara4 Pla3a5$nd loor, loor, 1angapur Road, !angapur "oad , Nashik
$nk Cor!oration, Nashik #oad Cam! 6)''6>>6 Ashoi, 6ai Bhawani Road, 0avate Nagar, Nashik Road Camp, Nashik "oad "oad Camp , Nashik Future Makers Management Consultant 5$, -ev7s Arcade, Collage Road,, Road, , Samarth Nagar, Nasik. #$$%%& 8ndia, 9elephone 9elephone %$&'($':$:$: $'&5;5: HARVET PLACEMENT Contact : 3R! 2! S! A#A A#A Address : '6/'*, Bream Suare, Suare, $pp! Bur4a @d%an, @d%an, Nashi - >''**
Tel.No : '( '> '>+(>( +(>(
Contact : 3R! SINGH # 2 Address : ?i ?ira<, ra<, *'/"/', Shantinihetan, Shantinihetan, Gan4apur Rd!, Nashi->''( Nashi->''( '( '(7(*/'()6
Tel.No :
Contact : 3R!D$GESH.# 3R!D$GESH.#R R 2#ST@RE Address : */# Su%ash #pt!, 3ahatma Na4ar, Nashi - >''7 '( '(**6
Tel.No :
Contact : 3R! P P!N! !N! J$SHI Address : 7, Geeta Soc%!, Soc%!, ? ?ise ise 3ala, Nr! Nr! Canada Corner, Nashi->''( Nashi-> ''(
Tel.No : '( '*(7 '*(7( (
Contact : 3R! S@NIA P P# #TH#2 Address : *, 2eshav Hari, In 5ront $8 #rchit #rchit Centre, "/h Hotel Sandeep, Nr! 2alia Temple, 2ute 3ar4, Nashi->''' Tel.No : '( '*77) / *')6
-oodluc( Placement Ser%ices in C*+C,, Nashi Ja<u Ja<u Pla=a,CIBC$,Nashi Pla=a,CIBC$,Nashi ->''),mobile& 6>'''( Contact Person& Suresh "! Jadhav
-anesh Placement Ser%ices Shop No!3-*, 3amta #nand Sanul,* st 8loor, Near 5ame 3ultiple9, $pp!Shiva<i Na4ar, Nashi-Pune Nashi-Pune Road, Nashi->'' '+ Tel.,/ Te l.,/ 0123/140120. M.513226206 " / 536421705 $ mail: Kaizan Management Consultants Add. Office No. 7,Prince Tower,Tidke Colony, Near Kute ye !os"ital ,Nas#ik$%&&''&.
$mail ( kaizan#r)red kaizan#r),kai,kaizanmanagement zanmanagement)rediffmail ) .com ,Office No. ( '&*+$+'-*7 , Gan4apur Road
Total results found 3
Shreeman4al Career #cadem%
"asement, Garden Pla=a, Near 3ama 3un4i Hall, Pumpin4 Road, Gan4apur Road, Nashi! Ph!No&'''(+(, 6>'*6)>, .ebsite&, Email&
Sponsor Documents