Preventive maintenance

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I am extremely grateful to Shri.K.Vasudevan, Prop.Balaji Container
Terminal, Heavy equipment carriers for his kin permission to !ork on this thesis.
I express my profoun respect an sincere thanks to Shri.S.Padmanaban,
"anaging #irector, $%TT&% HIT'CH C()*%+' ,T# - "%)%,I, !ho !as
al!ays .y the sie of me for this thesis to .e complete successfully.
I express my sincere gratitue to Mr.Desigan, /eneral "anager of
$%TT&% HIT'CH C()*%+' ,T# - "%)%,I
I am ine.te an thankful to Shri.Kumar, "aintanence 'nggineer,
$%TT&% HIT'CH C()*%+' ,T# - "%)%,I, !ho !as a staning
inspiration for me 0 I am very much o!ne to him for his valua.le guience.
I am thankful to Shri.Krishnakumar (perations "anager $%TT&%
HIT'CH C()*%+' ,T# - "%)%,I
1inally, I !ish to thank one an all the staff mem.ers !ho have helpe .y
sharing their valua.le time for this thesis.
The iea .ehin thesis is as follo!s. In container hanling operations, the
equipments for stacking 2e3stacking of various containers, stuffing2 e3stuffing
of cargos ,4+each stackers, 1ork lifts, 'scort cranes,566 cranes etc., 7 in operating
conition forms a major part of operations. But the equipments at reay conition
al!ays is an impossi.le task. %s these process is an unavoia.le , !e must .e in a
position to minimi8e these .reako!n times of equipments as much as possi.le
.%t the same time enhancing the life time of the equipments !hich inturn enhances
the prouctivity an the life of the terminal. This inturn epens upon the
effeciency of the maintanence proceure of the concern.
$o it is Highly neee to keep this effeciency of the maintanence proceure
as high as possi.le !hich inturn may lea to many savings such as 497 Increase
prouctivity, 4:7 "oney savings 4;7 !ork quality or !orth fullness for the !ork
etc. Creating a!areness to!ars the improve effeciency 4optimi8ation7 of
maintanence proceure Initiali8ing those measure is the .ackgroun of this case
stuy or thesis.
"aintenance is the corporate effort irecte to!ars upkeep a repair of equipment
an prouction facilities for their trou.le - free operation, throughout its economic li%e.
% concern cannot .e successful to achieve proper prouctivity !ithout proper
It is the only !ay, on effective application the gap .et!een the achieve an
achieva.le prouctivity can .e minimized.
"aintenance varies from plant to plant epening on <
497 $i8e
4:7 Policies
4;7 Technology an
4=7 Prevailing conitions of an iniviual concern.
"ypes o% Maintenance&
Planne >nplanne
$cheule Preictive Preventive 'mergency or Break #o!n
'nplanned Maintenance or #mergency<
The unplanne proceures permit failure to take place .efore any maintenance
!ork is one.
It involves 497 less irect maintenance cost,
4:7 But enhances pro.a.ilities of o!ntime of the machineries.
Planned Maintenance&
Incorporates all functions like, planning, scheuling, 'xecuting or ispatching,
recoring, analysis an controlling or ecision making.
P(A!!#D MA!"#!A!$#
Scheduled Maintenance&
$uch a Type of maintenance is a stitch in time proceure to avoid break down. %
scheule is frame for an instrument 2 machine 2 equipment maintaining.
The instruction of the manufactures an applying the concept gaine through
experience incorporating inspection, lu.rication, repair an (verhaul.
Predictive Maintenance<
$ensing, measuring or monitoring Techniques are follo!e usually to recogni8e
the cause of any change of physical conitions if a system. Toay, a large if
commercial instruments such as vi.ration analy8ing optical evices etc. are availa.le to
conuct tests an to preict use for repairing of any particular component of a system.
*ork Planning
or 'xecuting
#ata +ecoring
Preventive Maintenance&
"aintenance carrie out to keep equipment in satisfactory operational conitions
.y proviing systematic replacement of components .efore they are expecte to fail.
)reakdown Maintenance&
It is suita.le for small scale inustries .ecause of its less irect cost involvement,
The maintenance !ork such as repairing, replacement etc., are performe only !hen
.reak o!n occurs.
*epair $omple+ity<
It is a relative inex to give a comparative of the complexity iea of the machine
an takes into account the mechanical gearings, hyraulic 0 pneumatic units, guie
surface an other Transmission units incorporate in the machine.
+epair completely is use to etermine<
497 The percentage .reako!n an hence efficiency etc,
4:7 'stimate the annual repair cost of the machine.
4;7 The si8e of the mechanical maintenance epartment the requirement of staff an
4=7 The materials 0 spares requirement of maintenance !orkers.
For a periodic maintenance to be truly effective, It is necessary to have
good record and report of the system.
"hese reports include&
497 Type of symptoms encountere Ho! they are etecte an ate.
4:7 The escription of replacement of parts, amount of o!ntime an ate.
4;7 +ecors of ates !hen oil !as teste ae or change. #ates of filter change
shoul also .e recore.
There are three istinct failure rate for any component uring its !orking life as
sho!n in fig.
Phase I <3 Higher initial failure rate ue to .uilt in efects, installation errors etc.,
Phase II <3,o!er mi life. 1ailure rate, !hen the only failure may arise from
occasional overloas.
Phase III <3Higher final failure rate ue to !earing out, corrosion, fatigue etc.,
$o, It is important to maintain a equipment .et!een % 0 B, so as to minimi8e the
failure rates.
Advantage o% Preventive Maintenance&
1ollo!ing are some of the important avantages of efficiently planne an !ell
accounte preventive maintenance program.
497 +euction in Prouction o!ntime.
4:7 ,esser over Time pay, for maintenance personal.
4;7 ,esser of stan .y equipments are neee.
4=7 ,ess expeniture on repairs.
467 #ue to planne spare parts replacements lesser spare parts are neee to remain in
store at all the time.
457 /reater safety to employees .ecause of reuce .reako!ns.
1ailure +ate
Time in service
Higher Initial 1ailure
,o!er 1inal 1ailure
Higher 1inal 1ailure
#conomics ,% Preventive Maintenance&
"aintenance $cheule
#lements o% Preventive Maintenance
497 Inspection or check ups
4:7 ,u.rication
4;7 Planning an $cheuling
4=7 +ecors 0 analysis
467 Training to maintenance staff.
457 $torage of spare parts.
mplementation o% Management "echni-ues in Practical case
The follo!ing are the various management techniques !hich may or surely .e
avantageous unlike it is follo!e at our site. The various avantages an isavantages
can .e illustrate !ith a simple current case stuy.
Total Cost
$cheule "aintenance
Break o!n
(ptimum &alue of
$cheule "aintenance
)ackground o% the problem&
%t our existing site there !as a nee for alteration of the floating type t!ist lock
to .e replace !ith fixe type of t!ist lock.
Steps involved&
1or any ne!ly implemente ieas the analysis shoul .e as follo!s<
4i7 ?uality is an important criteria, .ecause quality al!ays has its
imensions such as safety, perfect ness, !orthy@etc.,
Therefore every project shoul unergo a common practice for a quality output
.here !e follo! a technique calle #emingAs !heel of quality, !hich is a very simple one
to .e neglecte for such a alteration process involving safety of the equipment.
Deming.s wheel o% /uality &
/enerally .efore going to plan !e must analyse the efect. *hich may .e easier
for any system .y using relation 0 affinity iagram.
A%%inity Diagram <
P,%) #(

To achieve the right quality these are the steps to .e follo!e<
I st stuy the existing system
II n %naly8e the ra!.ack of the existing system.
III r %vantages of the implementing system.
I&th Ho! much the organi8ation suffers for implementation in various aspects
4i7economical 4ii7safety 4iii7operational efficiency i.e. affecte .y any prouctivity,4iv7
any ne! alteration in originality so that the equipment o not suffer ,4v7 of ays
for implementation .
To %lter
floating type of
lock to .e a fixe
type of lock.
PA*AM#"#*S 0(,A"!1 "2P# 3 04#D "2P# 3
% II 9 Play
There !ill .e a
noticea.le play
&ery minimi8e play or no
%II : )o. of components :; )os., 9; )os.,
% II ;
(r replacements of
1requency is high
1requency comparatively
much lo!er
% II =
+isk if unmaintaine
4 factor influencing safety7
"ore ue to more play
lo! ue to lesser play
% II 6
1ailure of component or
missing of components
High ,o!
% II 5
+eplacement or !ear 0
Comparatively higher
ue to large of
Comparatively lo!er ue
to lo!er
% II C +econitioning !orks
)ot so simple as fixe
type .ecause of
complexity in structure
$imple !hen compare to
that of floating type
% II D 'conomy Initial coast is higher
Cheaper than the floating
% I E #esign avantage
It easily guie though
the pocket of container
so that easy locking is
It also guie through
pocket .ut there is some
ifficulty only !here there
is a pro.lem in guiing
.ase or su.components
% II 9F
%lteration, assem.ling time
It involves
comparatively complex
!ork in inspection,
assem.ling, servicing
0 time taken is higher
Comparatively lo!er time
for assem.ling, inspection
0 the time for the process
is lo!er
$omparison statement&
These are just 9F points since it is a simple stuy an more 0 more parameters
can .e stuie if require epening on the case complexity.
(ut of these regaring fixe type, !e foun something useful from point 9 to 9F
except point E.
But this can also .e useful on the other sie .ecause !henever there is a small
pro.lem in guiing, the spreaer fin ifficult to seat on the container, hence it can easily
.e rectifie rather leaing to an emergency !hen unnotice.
%s far as our concern is consiere.
The same process !hile analy8ing for the floating lock
97 The play generally is more as it is its nature
:7 "aintenance shoul .e of perioical check up for the system so as to rectify
unlike present system.
;7 'ven though maintenance can .e one, it involves some complexity 0 time3
consuming operation
=7 $ince !e have more ups 0 o!ns on the surface the play !ill erratically
increase 0 on inspection the outlook may fin satisfactory, .ut result !ill eviate.
Hence risk is more.
67 There shoul .e pucka maintenance each 0 every time for a single component
missing, !ithout !hich it may lea to the emergency conition. $ince there is a
time factor inclusion in replacement of each component for ays together. This is
to .e note. There is al!ays a chance for the III r level pro.lem.
I3inspection, II3 rectification, III3emergency.
$onclusion statement
Comparing all the a.ove statement !e can prefer fixe type of lock rather floating
This #(I)/ (+, Implementation of any ne! concept or alteration requires some
technique to .e follo!e, unlike our site. *ithout these techniques 0 analysis if any
alternations one, may lea to one or more of the follo!ing a
9. 'rratic, unnotice loss
:. 'mergency
;. Highly enhance o!ntime,
=. *orkloa to employees,
6. 1inancial eployment,
5. To the extreme % crisis management, .oth .y maintenance as !ell as operations
Implementation Involves concurrent checking & immediate feedback & Analysis.
497 There shoul .e a proper perioical recor for any equipmentAs parts so as to
an to give any fee.ack for analysis. In simple, ata maintenance.
4:7 Inventory control 4%s there is any shortage of testing components, it can .e
immeiately replace.
$ince, this is a simple one !e can explain an effective inventory control as
!V#!",*2 $,!"*,(
The spare inventory in maintenance falls uner : iscrete vi8., +evenue
spares an the Capital spares. +evenue spares are .rought .y unit purchase for
requirements !here as Capital spares are orere along !ith the machine.
9. 1rom the vie! of finance<
It involves performing %BC %)%,G$I$ for the given regaring
:. 1rom the vie! of maintenance<
It involves oing &'# %)%,G$I$ for spares maintenance stores.
A)$ $(ASS0$A",! M#"5,D
The main o.jective of inventory control is to minimi8e the Inventory
Carrying Cost. % small of important items account for the ominant part
of total inventory investment !hile a large of items constitute so small a
value that they have little effects on the results. Therefore much greater control is
require on the first type of items than on the others. The stocks of items, !hich
are expensive, have to .e kept at minimum or nearly 8ero. These are classifie as
H%I items. Item, !hich are voluminous .ut relatively inexpensive, are to .e kept
in large stocks, as frequent orering of such items is costlier. It is classifie as HCI
items. The items falling mi!ay .et!een these t!o are put into HBI category.
"aximum attention is focuse on items in category % as they constitute the most
important class of inventory, items in class B receive moerate attention as they
constitute an intermeiate position. Items in class C have negligi.le importance
an, therefore, minimum attention is pai to them. This selective inventory control
is calle %BC %)%,G$I$.

%BC 4or7 Pareto analysis is a systematic 0 structure approach to istinguishing
.et!een the H&italI fe! 0 the HTrivialI many. In our concern materials account for
some percentage 4xJ7 of annual Turnover in terms of Cost. Hence, maintaining optimum
level of inventory 0 thus reucing inventory cost is .ecome inevita.le.
A)$ $(ASS0$A",!
Class J (f items J (f total cost
% items
B items
C items
This analysis pertains to the classification of items enoting the egree of
essentiality for maintaining stock. H&I stans for vital items, !hich if not availa.le
in stock, !ill .ring the prouction to a halt. H'I stan for essential items, !hich if
not availa.le might cause temporary losses in prouction. H#I enotes esira.le
items !hich are necessary .ut o not cause any immeiate effect on prouction in
case of stock out.
A!A(2SS ,0 $,!S'MP",!
The quantity consume of ifferent items is analy8e to ientify non3
moving an slo! moving items. >sually, slo! moving items are those !here stock
hel is more than one yearAs requirement. )on3moving items are those, !hich
have not move for more than I year from the ate of receipt. $tatements of such
slo! moving an non3moving items shoul .e prepare an compile in
escening orer of value so that proper attention is focuse on large value items
an ecision taken to utili8e such items or to eclare them as surplus for initiating
isposal action.
$(ASS0$A",! ! "#*MS ,0 VA('# ,0 "#M
The classification is one .y or A)$ analysis or Pareto
Total cost of an item epens upon the cost of the item an the of that item. But
the cost of an item an the quantity of the item, .oth have great significance.
9. *hen the cost of the item is large 0 quantity use is less
i.e. +s. :,6FF K 9F
:. *hen the cost of the item is small 0 quantity use is more
i.e. +s. :6 K 9FFF
Hence consieration must .e taken !hen the total cost is etermine using .oth .y the
cost an the quantity issue. The term may .e coine as usage value for the total cost.
9. "aterials are to .e orere only !hen the re3orer level is reache an only +(?
must .e orere.
:. $afety stock shoul .e optimum for H%I an HBI value items.
;. )on3moving items shoul .e moifie an use for other purposes.
=. Ientify the frequency of .reako!n for H%I value spares.
6. TP" activities shoul .e implemente.
,ea time shoul .e reuce through proper communication
$>BT>ITI)/ THI$C%$' 1(+ I)&')T(+G C()T+(,
Here, the follo!ing falls uner the given classification
Class J of items J of Total
Base 0 pin
Bushes 0 spacers
t!ist lock Turning pin
key!ays ,pins etc.,
>sage &alue<
497 *hen cost of item is large 0 quantity use is less.
4i.e.7 +s. C,6FF K 9F 4for entire assem.ly7
4:7 *hen the cost of items is small 0 quantity use in more.
4i.e.7 +s. C6 K 9FFF 4for smaller components7
This is a .riefly classifie usage value.
Checking 0 %cting<
497 This process of checking al!ays nees to .e one to a satisfactory extent 0
analy8ing shoul .e to an fully satisfactory level so that the en result must
al!ays .e nearly 9FFJ correct.
This analysis shoul .e one is such !ay that our alteration never fails easily 0
this failure analysis may .e one for any equipment as follo!s
Consier the follo!ing fig for
1ailure +ate %nalysis
1ailure +ate %nalysis
There are three istinct failure rate for any component uring its !ork life as
sho!n in figure.
Phase I < Higher initial failure rate, ue to .uilt in efects, installation errors etc.
Phase II < ,o!er mi life failure rate, !here any failures may arise from occasional
Phase III < Higher final failure rate ue to !earing out, corrosion fatigue, etc.
$o, it is al!ays important for economical, safe 0 Highly !ork reucing efficient
operation to maintain the equipment .et!een % 0 B. $o as to minimi8e the failure rates.
We can always substitute the case of lock assembly of Indital for the above graph
& a brief view may be as follows.
,ock Inital 4or7 %ny equipment
1rom F To % $mall, pin, t!ist lock pins,
guies 4or7 any loose
$mall repairs such as ne!ly
assem.le inaequate
1ailure +ate
Time in service
Higher Initial 1ailure
,o!er 1inal 1ailure
Higher 1inal 1ailure
% to B
B - C
packing !hich
may .e reuce .y
inspection .y appropriate
Bushes !hich are the main
items preventing irect
amage to .ase 0
0 pin so that increasing life
time of the apart
from other smaller
)aturally !hen IIn point
is overlooke the victim is
the .ase failure
!hich involve final failure
0 ens up in full life ening
4or7 maximum initial cost
torque for any fasteners etc.
4setting of ne!ly assem.le
gears - correlation of
cyliner hoses etc.
"ain pins holing
frames 0 .ooms,
chasses etc. 0 main
items like nylon pas,
.ushes, oil seals, an
.earings etc !hich are
provie for protection
of metals from irect
contact so as to increase
the life time.
Simply replacing these
items the cost & the service
Time may be kept in A!
Here initial cost !hen
failure rate is more is very
High that !hatever the
concern may .e 4small or
cottage industry7 the
investment cost is high that
even gives !ay for
comparing !ith new
e"uipment replacement.
Thus, after a satisfactory %naly8e result !e may finally give a ecision for the lock to
.e altere may .e fix type. 'ven a management or an (rinary person !ith small I? may
.e possi.le to select after the analysis. Ho!ever the o.taine result also is a highly
prLcise, economic, safe 0 Tangi.le to our concernAs requirement nearly to EFJ.
Implementing $ost3)ene%it Analysis %or practical cases&3
In practical, as far as this concern is consiere there are certain principles 0
practices follo!e in a vie! of value engineering 4or7 any of such practices !hich has
.een totally practice in a !rong !ay, !hich !hen even at least practice in a logical
convention metho !oul have .een a .etter !ay in all aspects. 497 $afer, 4:7 'conomic,
4;7 Time management. 'tc.
In the past recor of 9 month ranging ;F.9F.:FF= to :9.9:.:FF=. There are certain
Typical cases, !hich !hen vie!e closer !ill reveal this clearly.
!eed %or mplementation o% Planned Maintenance
In a cycle of 4i7Planning, $cheuling, 'xecuting, recoring, analysis an
control or ecision making. *e may fin on etaile analysis !hat may .e the
ra!.ack !e are unergoing etc. $o that any changes can .e one as require.
Here, on an overvie!, there are some ne! policies to .e incultivate !ithin
the maintenance proceures, so as to follo! a planne maintanance.
Though, all the steps are precently .eing follo!e, a truly planne
maintanance can .e over vie!e only .y analysing the ata.
1or 'xample < Interpretation of ata
Consiering all the a.ove cases <
4i7 In all the a.ove cases, the continuation or frequency of
pro.lem occuring often is o.vious.
4ii7 1or cost .enefit, consier, the cost involve as
497 %ctual repair cost
4:7 Time consume for every Breako!n
4Prouctivity ,ost7
4;7 'ffective Time of "aintanence Personal
4;7 ,ater !hen the same pro.lem is continuing, the cost of repairing shoul .e
ae to the Initial repair cost
Total +epair Cost - 4Case I M IIn M IIIr7
4=7 *hen compare !ith the final 0 permanent repair, the total repair cost !ill .e
comparitively more, that even preventive maintenance !oul .e suita.le !hich
!ill enchance
4a7 'ffective prouctivity Time 4uninterrupte operation Time7
4.7 'ffective service perio of the 'quipment
4c7 'ffective usage of "aintanence staff
47 Higher relia.ility of 'quipment
4e7 $afety
4f7 >sage of the maintenance team effectively
4g7 *orthfulness of repair
4h7 Controlle maintenance proceure etc.
!"*,D'$",! P(A!!!1 6 $,!"*,(
9. Introuction 3 a. Brief
.. Prouction
:. Basic o.jective 3 c. Planning
. Control
;. )ee for PPC
=. 'ffects of PPC
6. %vantages of PPC
5. 1unctions of PPC
C. Computer %ssiste PPC
!"*,D'$",! &
Inustrial /iant 1ranklin /."oore compares prouction planning 0 co.ol
!ith HBrain in Human .oyI implying that PPC co3orinates all activities of a
In recent years, ho!ever, it has .ecome more 0 more apparent that PPC
systems are one of .asic activities that etermine the effective here of a prouction
HThe highest effeciency in prouction is o.taine .y manufacturing the
require quantity of prouct, of require quality, at the require time, .y .est 0
cheapest methoI. To attain this target, management employs PPC, the tool that
co3orinates all manufacturing activities.
The factors quantity, quality, time, space 0 price encompass the prouction
system of !hich PPC is HBrainI.
Then in this Pro plan 0 control the !or prouction is efine as
P*,D'$",! &
Prouction is any process or proceure to transform inputs into erive proucts.
I)P>T P+(C'$$ (>TP>T
Prouction $ystem
P(A!!!1 M#A!S &
%nalysis of given ata, on the .asis of !hich a scheme for utili8ation of the firmAs
resources can .e outline. $o as the esira.le target may .e most efficiently attaine.
'xample < "aruthi
The prouction plan sets su.3targets for the various epartments in terms of
preetermine time perios, an these su.3targets are so efine that in achieving
then the over3all aim is reali8e.
This planning is .ase on scaler reports, market research 0 evelopment,
equipments, policy, ne! process 0 materials layout 0 !orkflo!.
1inally simplification of proucts, materials 0 methos controll iritiates
an supervises operations !ith the ai of a control mechanism that fee .ack
information a.out the progress of !ork. This is also responsi.le for su.sequently
ajusting, moifying 0 reefining plans 0 targets, in orer to ensure the
attainment of goal.
7. $ontrol Means
9. Control of Inventories
:. Control of $craps
;. Control of Transportation
=. %nalysis of !ork3in3program.
:. )asic ,b8ective &
9. PPC system shoul satisfy customer eman
:. 'conomic one
;. !eed %or PP$
IniaAs eveloping economy nees PPC <
The main intension .ehin inustrial planning is to accelerate prouctivity
so that our service may fin suita.le market !ith in the nation 0 also a.roa.
:. PPC is factoryAs nervous system. It co3orinates the activities of a plant.
"eaning is
If suppose customer emans iffer in quantities an elivery scheules, it !ill
lea to large fluctuations in prouction level.
'xample < a. Procurement of "anufacturing Inputs
.. $kille man po!er
c. (ver time requirement
. Builing up inventories
=. 'ffects of PPC <
It is groupe uner : main 1actors
:. "aterial 1actor
;. Human 1actor
a7 "aterial 1actor <
:. ?uality of output
;. Plant utilisation
=. >se of $ervices - m2c
6. Process 'fficiency
5. $tanar of $afety
C. *ork Cleanliness
.7Human 1actors <
9. 'ffectiveness of !ork
:. Interest in !ork
;. *aiting Time
=. )ee for supervision
6. Ieas for ne! methos
5. Team $pirit
6. %vantages of PPC <
In terms of
9. CompanyAs point of vie!
:. $hare Holers point of vie!
;. 'mployeeAs point of vie!
=. society point of vie!
1rom CompanyAs point of &ie! <
a. Cost per prouct reuces
.. Company nee more profit
c. %ministration 0 "anagement task
shoul go ahea smoothly 0 efficiently
This is acheive .y <
9. Prouction Control
:. ?uality Control 0 *aste +euction
;. #ecrease "aintenance cost
=. #ecrease +eplacement
6. Having goo marketing "anagement
1rom !orkerAs point of vie! <
a. +euce efforts of !orker
.. +euce of hanling
c. +euce 1atique
. No. $atisfaction
e. +euce no of accients
f. High earnings to raise stanar of living
1rom $hare HolerAs Point of &ie!
a. High #iviens
.. +euce $peculation in $hares
1rom consumerAs point of &ie!
a. +euce cost per piece
.. 'xcellent ?uality
1rom society point of &ie!
a. Higher national income - Hyunai, Hona, 1or
.. >nemployment pro.lem - Gouth
c. )ational progress to!ars prospectus programme
. $ta.ility 0 $ecurity of )ation
1unction of PPC <
"ain 1unctions of PPC are
9. "aterials
:. "ethos
;. "achines 0 'quipment
=. +outing
6. 'stimating
5. ,oaing 0 $cheuling
C. #espatching
D. 'xpeiting
E. Inspection
9F. 'valuating
$onclusion &
#risis maintenance is important
$roductivity based maintanence is more important.
$roductivity and e"uipment life based maintanence is most important

This is a triangle sho!ing the relationship .et!een Prouctivity, 'quipment life
an "aintanence.
If any one of the triangle sie is foun efective, the entire cycle !ill .e affecte.
Therefore from the management an maintenance point of vie!, maintenance is one,
!hich shoul .e forming the .rige .et!een the prouctivity an equipment 2 plant life.
%n to maintain the consistency of the cycle, there shoul .e some control over the cycle.
This theseis is an effort taken to create the a!areness for a quality maintenance of the
concern an its necessity for the enhance prouctivity through maintenance.
In simple !ors A9A*#!#SS ",9A*DS ,P"M:A",! ,0
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HI1 *' %+' 1%I,I)/ T( P,%)
*' %+' P,%))I)/ T( 1%I,I is a famous saying
%n this thesis .y creating a!areness, !ill surely intiate the planning attitue of the
Terminal activities.
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Titopuvingaame &ijaikalaar.B

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