Procure to Pay Germany

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SAP ECC 6.00
July 2006
Procure 2 Pay
Neurottstr. 16
69190 Walldorf
Gerany !aseline Configuration Guide
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

& Co'yright 200( SAP AG. All rights reser)ed.
No 'art of this 'u*li"ation ay *e re'rodu"ed or transitted in any for or for any 'ur'ose +ithout the
e,'ress 'erission of SAP AG. $he inforation "ontained herein ay *e "hanged +ithout 'rior noti"e.
Soe soft+are 'rodu"ts ar#eted *y SAP AG and its distri*utors "ontain 'ro'rietary soft+are "o'onents
of other soft+are )endors.
-i"rosoft. Windo+s. /utloo#. and Po+erPoint are registered tradear#s of -i"rosoft Cor'oration.
0!-. 1!2. 1!2 2ni)ersal 1ata*ase. /S32. Parallel Sys'le,. -4S3ESA. A05. S3690. AS3700. /S3690.
/S3700. iSeries. 'Series. ,Series. 8Series. 83/S. A9P. 0ntelligent -iner. We*S'here. Netfinity. $i)oli. and
0nfori, are tradear#s or registered tradear#s of 0!- Cor'oration.
/ra"le is a registered tradear# of /ra"le Cor'oration.
2N05. 53/'en. /S931. and -otif are registered tradear#s of the /'en Grou'.
Citri,. 0CA. Progra Neigh*orhood. -eta9rae. Win9rae. 4ideo9rae. and -ultiWin are tradear#s or
registered tradear#s of Citri, Systes. 0n".
:$-;. 5-;. 5:$-; and W6C are tradear#s or registered tradear#s of W6C<. World Wide We*
Consortiu. -assa"husetts 0nstitute of $e"hnology.
Ja)a is a registered tradear# of Sun -i"rosystes. 0n".
Ja)aS"ri't is a registered tradear# of Sun -i"rosystes. 0n".. used under li"ense for te"hnology in)ented
and i'leented *y Nets"a'e.
-a,1! is a tradear# of -yS=; A!. S+eden.
SAP. >36. ySAP. ySAP."o. ,A''s. ,A''. SAP NetWea)er. and other SAP 'rodu"ts and ser)i"es
entioned herein as +ell as their res'e"ti)e logos are tradear#s or registered tradear#s of SAP AG in
Gerany and in se)eral other "ountries all o)er the +orld. All other 'rodu"t and ser)i"e naes entioned
are the tradear#s of their res'e"ti)e "o'anies. 1ata "ontained in this do"uent ser)es inforational
'ur'oses only. National 'rodu"t s'e"ifi"ations ay )ary.
$hese aterials are su*?e"t to "hange +ithout noti"e. $hese aterials are 'ro)ided *y SAP AG and its
affiliated "o'anies @ASAP Grou'AB for inforational 'ur'oses only. +ithout re'resentation or +arranty of
any #ind. and SAP Grou' shall not *e lia*le for errors or oissions +ith res'e"t to the aterials. $he only
+arranties for SAP Grou' 'rodu"ts and ser)i"es are those that are set forth in the e,'ress +arranty
stateents a""o'anying su"h 'rodu"ts and ser)i"es. if any. Nothing herein should *e "onstrued as
"onstituting an additional +arranty.
& SAP AG Page 2 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

Icon Meaning
Note or $i'
Typographic Conventions
Type Style Description
Example text Words or "hara"ters that a''ear on the s"reen. $hese in"lude field
naes. s"reen titles. 'ush*uttons as +ell as enu naes. 'aths and
CrossDreferen"es to other do"uentation.
Example text E'hasi8ed +ords or 'hrases in *ody te,t. titles of gra'hi"s and ta*les.
E5A-P;E $E5$ Naes of eleents in the syste. $hese in"lude re'ort naes.
'rogra naes. transa"tion "odes. ta*le naes. and indi)idual #ey
+ords of a 'rograing language. +hen surrounded *y *ody te,t. for
e,a'le. SE;EC$ and 0NC;21E.
Example text S"reen out'ut. $his in"ludes file and dire"tory naes and their 'aths.
essages. sour"e "ode. naes of )aria*les and 'araeters as +ell as
naes of installation. u'grade and data*ase tools.
Eeys on the #ey*oard. for e,a'le. fun"tion #eys @su"h as F2B or the
ENTER #ey.
Example text E,a"t user entry. $hese are +ords or "hara"ters that you enter in the
syste e,a"tly as they a''ear in the do"uentation.
<Example text> 4aria*le user entry. Pointed *ra"#ets indi"ate that you re'la"e these
+ords and "hara"ters +ith a''ro'riate entries.

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SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

Pro"ure 2 Pay% Configuration Guide............................................................................................... C
1 Pur'ose................................................................................................................................... C
2 Pre'aration.............................................................................................................................. C
2.1 PrereFuisites.................................................................................................................. C
2.1.1 !uilding !lo"#s.......................................................................................................... C
6 Configuration........................................................................................................................... C
6.1 $e"hni"al !asi" Settings................................................................................................ C
6.1.1 1efine >9C 2ser....................................................................................................... C
6.1.2 1efine >9C destinations............................................................................................ G
6.1.6 1efine logi"al syste for S>-.................................................................................. 9
6.1.7 -aintain 1istri*ution -odel and 4ie+........................................................................9
6.1.( 1efine !a"#end Systes........................................................................................ 10
6.1.6 1efine !a"#end Syste for Produ"t Category........................................................11
6.1.C Set Control Paraeters........................................................................................... 11
6.1.G S;1 Ca"he entry..................................................................................................... 12
6.1.9 $a*le aintenan"e $WP2>;S4>........................................................................... 16
6.1.10 0nternet Ser)i"es Pu*lishing.................................................................................... 16
6.2 E,e"ution of Essential S>- >e'orts...........................................................................17
6.2.1 >e'orts >egistration................................................................................................ 17
6.2.2 >e'ort run H C/-I:0E>A>C:JI1E;E$EIA;;....................................................1(
6.2.6 >e'ort run H C/-IP>/12C$I1E;E$EIA;;.......................................................1(
6.2.7 >e'ort run D C/-IP>/12C$I2PG>A1E.............................................................1(
6.6 1efine E,ternal We* Ser)i"es..................................................................................... 16
6.6.1 1efine E,ternal Catalog........................................................................................... 16
6.7 -aster 1ata Syn"hroni8ation....................................................................................... 1C
6.7.1 Pre'aratory Ste's for -aster 1ata Syn"hroni8ation...............................................22
6.7.2 A"ti)ate Creation of Post'ro"essing /rders............................................................22
6.7.6 >egistrations of =ueues for !a"#ground 'ro"essing..............................................26
6.7.7 A"ti)ate Syn"hroni8ation /'tions............................................................................ 27
6.7.( A"ti)ate PP/ >eFuests for Platfor /*?e"ts in the 1ialog......................................2(
6.7.6 1efine Nu*er Assignent for 1ire"tion !P to 4endor...........................................2(
6.7.C Set !P >ole Category for 1ire"tion !P to 4endor...................................................26
6.7.G 1efine Nu*er Assignent for 1ire"tion 4endor to !P..........................................26
6.7.9 1efine !P >ole for 1ire"tion 4endor to !P..............................................................2C
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SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

6.7.10 0nitial re'li"ation of "ustoi8ing "o'arison% 'rodu"t.............................................2G
6.7.11 0nitial re'li"ation of -aterial ty'e............................................................................. 2G
6.7.12 0nitial re'li"ation of -aterial grou'........................................................................... 29
6.7.16 0nitial re'li"ation of -aterial data.............................................................................29
6.7.17 0nitial re'li"ation of 4endor data.............................................................................. 60
6.7.1( 0nitial re'li"ation of ;o"ations3Plant.........................................................................60
6.7.16 0nitial re'li"ation of Payent ters.......................................................................... 60
6.( /rgani8ational -anageent........................................................................................ 1C
6.(.1 Create root organi8ation o*?e"t............................................................................... 1C
6.(.2 Change /rgani8ation Plan...................................................................................... 1C
6.(.6 Set u' 0ntegration +ith /rgani8ational -anageent...............................................20
6.(.7 -at"h u' /rgani8ational 2nits and 'ersons +ith !usiness 'artners.......................21
6.(.( S"hedule Periodi" Co'arison............................................................................... 21
6.6 CrossDa''li"ation !asi" Settings................................................................................. 61
6.6.1 1efine Nu*er >anges for Sho''ing Carts and follo+Don 1o"uents...................61
6.6.2 1efine Nu*er >anges 'er *a"#end syste for follo+Don do"uents...................62
6.6.6 1efine Nu*er >ange for ;o"al 0n)oi"es................................................................62
6.6.7 1efine Nu*er >anges for lo"al "onfirations of ser)i"es and good re"ei'ts........66
6.6.( 1efine G3; a""ount for Produ"t "ategory and a""ount assignent "ategory..........66
6.6.6 1efine syste for $a, Cal"ulation...........................................................................67
6.6.C Enter $a, Code........................................................................................................ 67
6.6.G 1efine o*?e"ts in the *a"#end syste.....................................................................6(
6.6.9 Start A''li"ation -onitors........................................................................................ 6(
6.C SAP !usiness Wor#flo+.............................................................................................. 66
6.C.1 -aintain 'refi, nu*ers.......................................................................................... 66
6.C.2 -aintain standard setting for SAP !usiness +or#flo+.............................................66
6.C.6 Set a"ti)e 'lan )ersion............................................................................................ 66
6.C.7 A"ti)ate standard tas#s........................................................................................... 6C
6.C.( E,e"ute >e'ort >:S/!JC:................................................................................... 6C
6.C.6 Perfor $as# S'e"ifi" Custoi8ing......................................................................... 6G
6.C.C 1efine Conditions for Starting Wor#flo+s................................................................6G
6.G Periodi" >e'orting s"heduling..................................................................................... 69
6.G.1 Create 4ariant for >e'ort !!PIGE$IS$A$2SI2....................................................69
6.G.2 S"hedule >e'ort !!PIGE$IS$A$2SI2.................................................................69
6.G.6 Create 4ariant for >e'ort C;EANI>E=>E=I2P...................................................70
6.G.7 S"hedule >e'ort C;EANI>E=>E=I2P................................................................70
7 -aster 1ata........................................................................................................................... 71
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SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

7.1 :> Personnel E)ents and /rgani8ational 2ser Creation............................................71
7.1.1 Create 2sers........................................................................................................... 71
7.1.2 Personnel A"tions.................................................................................................... 72
7.1.6 -aintain :> -aster 1ata for Couni"ation.........................................................76
7.2 Create -aterial -aster G0GAI;AP$/PI01................................................................76
7.6 -aintain the 4endor !usiness Partner........................................................................77
7.7 Create -- 0nfo >e"ord for Catalog Pur"hasing as Sour"e of Su''ly.........................7(
7.7.1 Create 0nfo >e"ord 1 @2/-% PCB for Catalog Pur"hasing as Sour"e of Su''ly......7(
7.7.2 Create 0nfo >e"ord 2 @2/-% EAB for Catalog Pur"hasing as Sour"e of Su''ly......76
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SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

Procure 2 Pay: Configuration Guide
1 Purpose
$his "onfiguration guide 'ro)ides the inforation you need to set u' the "onfiguration of this
*uilding *lo"# anually.
0f you do not +ant to "onfigure anually and 'refer an autoated installation 'ro"ess using !C
Sets and other tools. refer to the installation guide of this *uilding *lo"#.
2 Preparation
2.1 Prereuisites
2.1.1 !uilding !loc"s
!efore you start installing this *uilding *lo"#. the installation of the follo+ing *uilding *lo"#s ust
ha)e *een "o'leted%
!uilding !loc" Description
;ayer 0 All !aseline ;ayer 0 *uilding *lo"#s
Note% $o ena*le this Pro"ure2Pay 'ro"ess. you ust also install the S>- addDon 'a"#age onto
the ECC ser)er. 9or details. 'lease refer to the syste installation guide.
# Configuration
#.1 Technical !asic Settings
#.1.1 Define $%C &ser
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to "reate a >9C user 01 used for S-(9 "onne"tion and one syste
user to e,e"ute s'ooling ?o*.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tion%
Transaction Code S&'1
2. Enter a user nae >9CIKsyste naeL. for e,a'le $%C($S)
& SAP AG Page C of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

6. Choose Create.
7. -aintain the first nae. last nae and 'ass+ord of this user.
(. Choose the Logon data ta* 'age and set the system indi"ator in the User Type s"reen area.
6. Choose the Profiles ta* 'age and assign the follo+ing o*?e"ts%
C. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
G. A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tion%
Transaction Code S&'1
9. Enter a user nae >9CIKsyste naeL. for e,a'le *!P(+,!
10. Choose Create.
11. -aintain the first nae. last nae and 'ass+ord of this user.
12. Choose the Logon data ta* 'age and set the system indi"ator in the User Type s"reen area.
16. Choose the Profiles ta* 'age and assign the follo+ing o*?e"ts%
17. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
#.1.2 Define $%C destinations
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to define a >9C destination.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code S-(9
0-G -enu Supplier Relationship anagement  SR Server 
Te!hni!al "asi! settings  #efine R$C #estinations
2. Choose Create a >9C 1estination
6. Enter the >9C 1estination and the Conne"tion $y'e
>9C 1estination Ksyste naeLC;N$K"lient nu*erL
e.g. !S5C;N$100
Conne"tion $y'e 6 A!AP Conne"tion
• $he systeDnae is a threeDletter +ord. $his is the se"ond 'art of the unders"oreD
se'arated ser)er nae.
• $he "lientDnu*er is the 6Ddigit SAP "lient nu*er.
& SAP AG Page G of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

7. Choose ta* Logon % Se!urity and enter a Client% K"lient nu*erL. User& >9CIKsyste naeL
and Pass'ord% initial
(. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
6. Choose (a!) ($*).
#.1.# Define logical syste- for S$M
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to define the logi"al systes.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu Supplier Relationship anagement  SR Server 
Te!hni!al "asi! settings  +LE Settings (Logi!al System) 
#istri"ution (+LE)  (asi! settings  Logi!al systems 
#efine logi!al systems
2. Choose ,e' Entries
6. Enter the 9ollo+ing logi"al systes
.ogical Syste- /a-e
Ksyste naeLC;N$K"lient nu*erL SAP !est Pra"ti"es
/NEC;N$E>P /ne Client E>P Syste
/NEC;N$S2S /ne Client S2S Syste
/NEC;N$E!P /ne Client E!P Syste
• $he systeDnae is a threeDletter +ord. $his is the se"ond 'art of the unders"oreD
se'arated ser)er nae.
• $he "lientDnu*er is the 6Ddigit SAP "lient nu*er.
• E,a'le% !S5C;N$100
2sing the installation assistant. one of the logi"al syste has *een "reated +ith the
nae M,-,E.. Jou ust re'la"e it to your syste logi"al syste.
7. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
(. Choose (a!) ($*).
#.1.0 Maintain Distri1ution Model and 2ie3
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to define the logi"al systes.
& SAP AG Page 9 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu
Supplier Relationship anagement  SR Server 
Te!hni!al (asi! Settings  +LE
Settings (Logi!al System)  #istri"ution (+LE)  odelling
and /mplementing (usiness
Pro!esses  aintain #istri"ution odel and #istri"ute 0ie's
2. S+it"h to Change ode *y "li"#ing on the MS+it"h "et'een display and edit modeN *utton.
6. Choose Create model vie'
7. Enter. Short $e,t% K!uilding !lo"# 01. e.g. S60LO $e"hni"al nae% Ksyste naeLC;N$K"lient
nu*erL and "ontinue.
(. Sele"t the ne+ly odel )ie+ node.
6. Choose +dd message type
C. Enter. Sender% Ksyste naeLC;N$K"lient nu*erL. >e"ei)er% -,ECL,TERP and -essage
$y'e& ((PC-
G. >e'eat 'oint ( and 6 "hanging -essage $y'e% ((P/0 and +CLP+12
9. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
10. Choose (a!) ($*).
#.1.) Define !ac"end Syste-s
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to define !a"#end Systes.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu Supplier Relationship anagement  SR Server 
Te!hni!al (asi! Settings  #efine (a!)end Systems
2. Choose ,e' Entries
6. Enter follo+ing data
.ogical syste- Descript
$%C Destination Sys. Type $
Directory /a-e
$%C 4Dialog5
;/CA; 5 5 >eal
/NEC;N$E!P /ne
E!PI/NE >eal
& SAP AG Page 10 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

nu*erL nu*erL
/NEC;N$E>P /ne
5 >eal
/NEC;N$S2S /ne
S2SI/NE >eal
7. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
(. Choose (a!) ($*).
#.1.6 Define !ac"end Syste- for Product Category
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to define !a"#end Systes for Produ"t Category.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu Supplier Relationship anagement  SR Server 
Te!hni!al (asi! Settings  #efine (a!)end System for
Produ!t Category
2. Choose ,e' Entries
6. Enter follo+ing data
Category ID Source Syste- Target Syste-
Q KsysteDnaeLC;N$K"lientDnu*erL /NEC;N$E>P
• $he systeDnae is a threeDletter +ord. $his is the se"ond 'art of the unders"oreD
se'arated ser)er nae.
• $he "lientDnu*er is the 6Ddigit SAP "lient nu*er.
• E,a'le% !S5C;N$100
7. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
(. Choose (a!) ($*)
#.1.7 Set Control Para-eters
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to set Control Paraeters.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
& SAP AG Page 11 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

0-G -enu Supplier Relationship anagement  SR Server 
Te!hni!al (asi! Settings  Set Control Parameters
2. Choose ,e' Entries
6. Enter follo+ing data
8ey control record Configuration "ey description 2alue control
SP//;IJ/!I2SE> 2ser that e,e"utes s'ool ?o*. E!PIJ/!
SP//;I;EA1I0N$E>4A;; inter)al *y +hi"h the retry tie in"r. 60
SP//;I-A5I>E$>J -a,. nu*er of retrys for +riting
7. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
(. Choose (a!) ($*)2
#.1.9 S.D Cache entry
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is S;1 Ca"he entry. 0f you ha)e a E,"hange 0nfrastru"ture Syste
;ands"a'e 1ire"tory. you ?ust need to add a *usiness syste @e,a'le !SI>S(201B and it
should autoati"ally u'date this entry in the S;1 Ca"he ta*le +hen you run S;1C:ECE
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
SAP -enu Tools  +(+P 3or)"en!h  -vervie'  #ata (ro'ser
$ransa"tion Code SE16
2. Enter the follo+ing data for ta*le nae% LCRT4CL,TC+C5E
6. Choose Ta"le Contents. 0f the ta*le is e'ty. 'lease 'ro"eed as *elo+.
7. Choose Create Entries @9(B and "reate a entry as *elo+%
S>$91 KsysteDnaeLK"lientDnu*erL
AE1A$ Current date
!SIEEJINA-E KsysteDnaeL IK"lientDnu*erL
!SI>/;E ;/C
!SICAP$0/N KsysteDnaeL IK"lientDnu*erL
• $he systeDnae is a threeDletter +ord. $his is the se"ond 'art of the unders"oreD
se'arated ser)er nae.
• $he "lientDnu*er is the 6Ddigit SAP "lient nu*er.
• E,a'le% !S5C;N$100
(. Choose Save (Ctrl+S)2
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SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

#.1.: Ta1le -aintenance T;P&$.S2$
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is a#e entry for +e* ser)ers for logi"al systes.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using follo+ing na)igation o'tion%
$ransa"tion Code S-60
2. Enter the follo+ing data for )ie+ nae% T3PURLS0R
6. Choose aintain
7. Continue (Enter) the 0nforation
62 Choose ,e' Entries
6. $y'e in +e* ser)er. +e* 'roto"ol. Gui start ser)er. Gui start 'roto"ol for logi"al systes
@e,a'leB for the 2 logi"al systes as *elo+%
.ogical sys. ;e1 server ;e1
G&I start Server G&I start
C;N$ "lientD
1ou !an use transa!tion S/C7 under menu 8oto 9: Servi!es (Shift+$;) to find out the
server and port value
C. Proto"ol entries are ty'i"ally :$$P
#.1.1' Internet Services Pu1lishing
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to 'u*lish the :$-; te'lates to the 0nternet $ransa"tion Ser)er
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using follo+ing na)igation o'tion%
$ransa"tion Code SE6G
2. Enter the follo+ing data for )ie+ nae% 3*4PU(L/S54SER0/CES
6. Choose Exe!ute ($<)2
7. /n the WA!% Pu*lish Ser)i"es Chosen. "hoose Exe!ute ($<)2
(. Sele"t the follo+ing "o'onents *y dou*le "li"#ing on it%
& SAP AG Page 16 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

4endor ;ist
0ntegration of Catalogs. Partner 1ire"tories @/C0. /P0B
Enter'rise !uyer
Sho''ing Cart
Enter'rise3!usiness Partner -anageent
Contra"t -anageent
Content -anageent
CrossDA''li"ation 9un"tions
SAP G20 for :$-;
6. Ad?ust the 3or)"en!h settings $< for your 'u*lishing.
C. Cli"# Pu"lish ($=).
#.2 *<ecution of *ssential S$M $eports
#.2.1 $eports $egistration
Jou need SAPIA;; authori8ation and to register the re'orts that need to *e e,e"uted.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tion%
$ransa"tion Code SE16
2. Enter C/-CIP>I$//;I>EG for $a*le Nae.
6. Choose ,e' Entries.
• P>/G>A-INA-E D Nae of the 'rogra3re'ort you +ant to run as *elo+%
• C/-I:0E>A>C:JI1E;E$EIA;;
• 2SE>INA-E D 2ser +ith +hi"h you are logged on
• E5ECI1A$E D 1ate on +hi"h you +ould li#e to run this re'ort
7. Cli"# Save (Ctrl+S) for ea"h 'rogra entry ade.
(. >e'eat ste's 6 to 7 for the re'orts *elo+ as +ell%
• C/-IP>/12C$I1E;E$EIA;;
• C/-IP>/12C$I2PG>A1E
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SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

#.2.2 $eport run = C,M(>I*$?$C>@(D*.*T*(?..
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to run re'ort C/-I:0E>A>C:JI1E;E$EIA;;.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
SAP -enu Tools  +(+P 3or)"en!h  #evelopment  +(+P Editor
$ransa"tion Code SE6G
>2 Enter the follo+ing data at 'rogra% C-45/ER+RC514#ELETE4+LL
*2 Cli"# Exe!ute ($<)2
?2 Ans+er the Fuestion to delete all hierar"hies +ith 1ES and Exe!ute.
#.2.# $eport run = C,M(P$,D&CT(D*.*T*(?..
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to run re'ort C/-IP>/12C$I1E;E$EIA;;.
;2 A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
SAP -enu Tools  +(+P 3or)"en!h  #evelopment  +(+P Editor
$ransa"tion Code SE6G
>2 Enter the follo+ing data at 'rogra% C-4PR-#UCT4#ELETE4+LL
*2 Cli"# Exe!ute ($<)2
?2 Ans+er the Fuestion to delete all 'rodu"ts +ith 1ES. un"he"#ed Simulation @ ,o deletion and
#.2.0 $eport run A C,M(P$,D&CT(&PG$?D*
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to run re'ort C/--IP>/12C$I2PG>A1E.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
SAP -enu Tools  +(+P 3or)"en!h  #evelopment  +(+P Editor
$ransa"tion Code SE6G
2. Enter the follo+ing data at 'rogra% C-4PR-#UCT4UP8R+#E
6. Cli"# Exe!ute ($<)2
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SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

#.# Define *<ternal ;e1 Services
#.#.1 Define *<ternal Catalog
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to define an e,ternal We* Catalog @e.g. Cor'orate E,'ressB to allo+
'ur"hasing of des"ri'ti)e ite dire"tly fro an e,ternal ser)i"e 'ro)ider "atalog.
;2 A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu Supplier Relationship anagement  SR Server  aster #ata
 #efine External 3e" Servi!es (Catalogs7 0endor Lists et!2)
>2 Cli"# on the ,e' Entries *utton.
*2 Enter MC-RPEAPRESS. as the 3e" Servi!e /#.
?2 Enter MC-RP-R+TE EAPRESS CatalogN as the #es!ription.
62 Sele"t M01 Produ"t CatalogN as the (us2 Type of a 3e"Servi!e.
B2 Cli"# Enter.
=2 Enter the Cvendor for P>P s!enario: e2g2 C6>D6 for 8ermany "aseline7 (L+CE3--#S for
+ustralia (aseline7 et!2 in the (usiness Partner field.
/f you have personaliFed the vendor num"er7 please repla!e it 'ith the personaliFed
<2 9lag the Use Error Log "he"#*o,.
G2 1ou*le "li"# on the Standard Call Stru"ture node.
;D2 Cli"# on the ,e' Entries *utton.
;;2 Enter the follo+ing line entries%
Se. Para-eter /a-e Para-eter 2alue Type
10 htt's%33order."or'oratee,' 2>;
60 usernae SAP/C01E-/ 9i,ed 4alue
70 'ass+ord 1E-/CCC/C0 9i,ed 4alue
(0 ://EI2>; >eturn 2>;
60 T/#Code A110 9i,ed 4alue
C0 Ttarget Ito' 9i,ed 4alue
G0 T"aller C$;G 9i,ed 4alue
;>2 Cli"# the Save (Ctrl+S) *utton.
& SAP AG Page 16 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

#.0 ,rganiBational Manage-ent
#.0.1 Create root organiBation o1Cect
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to "reate the organi8ation root.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/ 3 PP/CAI!!P
0-G -enu
Supplier Relationship anagement  SR Server  Cross9
appli!ation (asi! Settings  -rganiFational anagement 
Create -rganiFational Plan
2. Enter the 0alid from and 0alid to #ate
6. Enter your /rgani8ation unit nae and des"ri'tion. e.g. (PR--T for nae and (est
Pra!ti!es Root -rganiFation for des"ri'tion te,t.
7. Choose Save (Ctrl+S) to sa)e the organi8ational o*?e"t.
#.0.2 Change ,rganiBation Plan
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to aintain the organi8ation stru"ture.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/ 3 PP/-AI!!P
0-G -enu
Supplier Relationship anagement  SR Server  Cross9
appli!ation (asi! Settings  -rganiFational anagement 
Change -rganiFational Plan
2. Sear"h for ne+ly "reated root organi8ational unit.
6. Choose Create and "li"# on /s line supervisor of.
7. Enter the follo+ing data in the !asi" 1ata ta*.
/e3 org unit /e3 organiBational unit
!P01 SAP !est Pra"ti"es@Co'any CodeB
(. Change the ta* to fun"tion. $i"# "o'any and ty'e in Co'any "ode @e,a'le !P01B and
Co'any Code @e,a'le /NEC;N$E>PB.
6. Cli"# on the "reated Co'any Code le)el and "hoose Create and "li"# on /s line supervisor
C. Enter the follo+ing data in the !asi" data ta*.
/e3 org unit /e3 organiBational unit
!P01I1EP$ SAP !est Pra"ti"es @1e'artentB
& SAP AG Page 1C of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

G. Cli"# on the "reated Co'any Code le)el and "hoose Create and "li"# on /s line supervisor
9. Enter the follo+ing data in the !asi" data ta*.
/e3 org unit /e3 organiBational unit
!P01IP>/G SAP !est Pra"ti"es @Pur"hasing /rgB
10. Change the ta* to fun"tion. $i"# Pur"hasing /rgani8ation and ty'e in Corres'onds$o
@e,a'le !P01B and Co'any Code @e,a'le /NEC;N$E>PB.
11. Cli"# on the "reated Pur"hasing /rg and "hoose Create and "li"# on /s line supervisor of.
12. Enter the follo+ing data in the !asi" data ta*.
/e3 org unit /e3 organiBational unit
!P01IPG>P SAP !est Pra"ti"es @Pur"hasing Gr'B
16. Change the ta* to fun"tion. $i"# Pur"hasing Grou' and ty'e in Corres'onds$o @e,a'le 001B
and Co'any Code @e,a'le /NEC;N$E>PB.
17. Go to SAP !est Pra"ti"es @1e'artentB. right "li"# and "reate a 'osition. Choose in"or'orate
a 'osition.
/e3 Position ID /e3 Position
-anager -anager
E'loyee E'loyee
9or the -anager 'osition. 'lease also flag the 5ead of o'n organiFation unit "he"#*o,
under the (asi! data ta*.
1(. 9or ea"h of the organi8ational unit o*?e"ts you ha)e "reated. "li"# on the Address ta* and
aintain the "o'lete address data. An e,a'le as *elo+%
Address su''l SAP !est Pra"ti"es
:ouse no3street SAP !est Pra"ti"es
City SAP !est Pra"ti"es
Country SAP !est Pra"ti"es Country !aseline
Postal Code Enter a 'ostal Code
16. 2nder Attri*utes ta* at the "o'any "ode le)el. "hoose Chg2 +ttri"ute and sele"t the s'e"ifi"
attri*ute as *elo+ entry to aintain. 2se i"on to add ore lines +hen needed.
?ttri1ute /a-e ?ttri1ute Id ?ttri1ute 2alue Default Source Syste-
A""ount Assignent
CC 5
A""ount Assignent
EN$ 90
A""ount Assignent
A""ount Assignent
& SAP AG Page 1G of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

A""ount Assignent
A""ount Assignent
A""ount Assignent
EN$ S/
A""ounting syste for
t nu*erL
Catalog 01 CA$ C/>PE5P>ESS
Co'any Code !2E !P01 @e,a'leB /NEC;N$E>P
Cost "enter CN$ 1201 @e,a'leB /NEC;N$E>P
1eli)ery address A11>IS:0
Ksele"t for the
address nu*er
in ta*le A1>CL
1o"uent $y'e in >36 !SA N! @e,a'leB /NEC;N$E>P
0n)oi"e >e"i'ient
Ksele"t for the
address nu*er
in ta*le A1>CL
;o"al Curren"y C2> E2>
-o)eent $y'e !WA 201 @e,a'leB /NEC;N$E>P
Syste Alias SJS /NEC;N$E>P
Syste Alias for
a""ounting systes
Syste alias for )endor 4EN1/>IS
2ser role >/;E SAPI!!PIS$A;
Current 0$S of 2ser 0$SI1ES$ 0$S 2>;Q
HThe /TS URL is "uild up li)e follo'ing definition&
'roto"ol +ill usually *e htt's
ser)er :ostnae of the a''li"ation ser)er.
$his is the first 'art of the unders"oreDse'arated ser)er nae.
$his arguent is not "aseDsensiti)e.
'ort Port on +hi"h the J2EE ser)er is installed
$or example& https&IIld!i"sx2'df2sap2!orp&??*=;IsapI"!IguiIsapIitsI""pstartI
1ou !an use transa!tion S/C7 under menu 8oto 9: Servi!es (Shift+$;) to find out the
server and port value
1ou must also ensure that the reJuired virtual host and servi!es are a!tivated using the S/C$
transa!tion2 $or details7 please refer to the -SS note 6;=?<?2
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SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

1C. Enter the follo+ing under the Extended +ttri"utes ta*
1G. Sele"t Produ!t Categories radio *utton.
a. Enter Q in the 'rodu"t "ategory field and Ksyste naeLC;N$K"lient nu*erL as
the sour"e syste.
*. Sele"t 'rodu"t "ategory D; Katerial group ;. and Ksyste naeLC;N$K"lient
nu*erL as the sour"e syste.
Sele!t the #efault !he!)"ox to indi!ate that D; material group 'ill al'ays "e
used as the default produ!t !ategory if not spe!ify 'hen !reating shopping !art in
19. Sele"t Lo!ations radio *utton and a#e entries for the lo"ations @i.e. PlantB li#e an e,a'le
*elo+. Jou should sele"t the Plant under your defined Co'any "ode.
Partner 01 Plant Co'n Code 1es"ri'tion Sr". Syste
0000000112 !P01 !P01 Produ"tion Plant /ne Client E>P
0000000116 !P02 !P01 1istri*ution Center /ne Client E>P
0000000117 !P06 !P01 >egional Warehouse /ne Client E>P
000000011( !P05 !P05 0nter Co'any
Pro"essing Plant
/ne Client E>P
20. Sele"t Storage Lo!ations radio *utton and a#e entries for the storage lo"ations li#e an
e,a'le *elo+% Jou should sele"t the Storage ;o"ation under your defined Plant.
Stor. ;o". 1es"ri'tion Sr". Syste
0002 'rodu"tion /ne Client E>P
0006 finished 'rodu"t /ne Client E>P
0007 ra+ aterial /ne Client E>P
000( lean W-U:2 /ne Client E>P
0010 std. +arehouse /ne Client E>P
#.0.# Set up Integration 3ith ,rganiBational Manage-ent
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to setu' integration *et+een :> and S>- organi8ational stru"ture
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu
Supplier Relationship anagement  SR Server  Cross9
appli!ation (asi! Settings  -rganiFational anagement 
/ntegration (usiness Partner9-rganiFational anagement 
& SAP AG Page 20 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

Set Up /ntegration 'ith -rganiFational anagement
2. Ensure the follo+ing entries are ade%
Grou' Se. A**r. 4alue a**r.
:>A;5 :>AC 5
:>A;5 /A1>E 5
:>A;5 /!P/N /N
P;/G0 P;/G0 01
6. Cli"# Save (Ctrl9S) #ey if "hanges are *eing ade.
#.0.0 Match up ,rganiBational &nits and persons 3ith !usiness
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to re'air any in"onsisten"y *et+een the /rgani8ational 2nits and
'ersons +ith the *usiness 'artner data.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu
Supplier Relationship anagement  SR Server  Cross9
appli!ation (asi! Settings  -rganiFational anagement 
/ntegration (usiness Partner9-rganiFational anagement 
at!h Up -rganiFational Units and Persons 'ith (usiness
2. Cli"# the (ran!h from -rganiFational Unit "he"#*o,.
6. Enter or sear"h for all the organi8ational units that you +ould need to 'erfor the at"hing.
7. Sele"t the /n!lude all -"Le!t Types radio *utton.
(. 9lag the Run +ttri"ute Che!) "he"#*o,.
6. Cli"# Save as 0ariant (Ctrl+S) *utton to sa)e the setting into a )ariant @e.g. />GD-A$C:B
C. Cli"# Exe!ute ($<) to run the re'ort no+.
G. 0f any error o""urs on any of the organi8ational roots. sele"t the node and "hoose the Start
Repair *utton.
#.0.) Schedule Periodic Co-parison
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to 'lan a 'eriodi" "he"# and u'date for *usiness 'artner addresses
fro organi8ational units
& SAP AG Page 21 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu
Supplier Relationship anagement  SR Server  Cross9
appli!ation (asi! Settings  -rganiFational anagement 
/ntegration (usiness Partner9-rganiFational anagement 
S!hedule Periodi! Comparison
2. Enter a ?o* nae @e.g. /-D!P Co'arisonB.
6. Cli"# Enter Eey.
7. Enter A!A! 'rogra nae +ith 5R+LAS1,C +ith the )ariant @e.g. />GD-A$C:B you
"reated in ste' 6.(.7.
(. Cli"# Save (Ctrl+S) *utton.
6. Cli"# (a!) ($*) *utton.
C. Cli"# Start !ondition ($6) *utton to define the start tie and date as you reFuired and
ensuring that it is s"heduled as a 'eriodi" daily ?o*. Cli"# Save (Ctrl9S) *utton to sa)e the
G. Cli"# Save (Ctrl+S) *utton again to sa)e the s"heduled ?o*.
#.) Master Data SynchroniBation
#.).1 Preparatory Steps for Master Data SynchroniBation
$he 'ur'oses of this a"ti)ity are the Pre'aratory Ste's for -aster 1ata Syn"hroni8ation
;2 A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu Cross9+ppli!ation Components  aster #ata
Syn!hroniFation  Preparatory Steps for aster #ata
2. Cli"# on the /8 a!tivity do!umentation to read and follo+ the a"ti)ities.
+s a developer in the system7 you are li)ely to "e granted 'ith all the ne!essary
authoriFation o"Le!ts from the S+P4+LL profile
#.).2 ?ctivate Creation of Postprocessing ,rders
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to a"ti)ate "reation of 'ost'ro"essing orders.
& SAP AG Page 22 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu Cross9+ppli!ation Components  8eneral +ppli!ation
$un!tions  Postpro!essing -ffi!e  (usiness Pro!esses 
+!tivate Creation of Postpro!essing -rders
2. Enter the follo+ing data% +P9# and 'ress !ontinue
6. Choose ,e' Entries.
7. Enter the follo+ing data%
!usiness Process ?ct.
C40I01 5
C40I02 5
C40I06 5
C40I07 5
P>/1I01 5
P>/1I02 5
P>/1I06 5
P>/1I07 5
P>/1I0( 5
P>/1I06 5
P>/1I0C 5
P>/1I11 5
P>/1I12 5
(. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
#.).# $egistrations of Gueues for !ac"ground processing
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is the >egistration of =ueues for !a"#ground 'ro"essing.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu Cross9+ppli!ation Components  aster #ata
Syn!hroniFation  Syn!hroniFation Control  Preparatory
Steps for Syn!hroniFation Control
& SAP AG Page 26 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

>2 Cli"# on the /8 a!tivity do!umentation.
*2 Cli"# on syn!hroniFation pro!esses hy'erlin#.
?2 Enter ta*le3)ie+ nae #S04CTRL4-PT.
62 Choose #isplay2
B2 Co'y the first Fueue nae and go *a"# to the 0-G a"ti)ity do"uentation and sele"t Jueue
pro!essing hy'erlin#.
=2 Choose Registration and ty'e in the first "o'ied Jueue name and add a Q to the end of ea"h
Fueue nae for Mueue ,ame field.
<2 >e'eat ste's 6 H C until all the Fueues are registered.
/t is also possi"le to open > S+P sessions 'ith one running the S*D (ta"le
#S04CTRL4-PT) and the other running the SMR transa!tion to refer and !omplete the Jueue
registration pro!esses2
#.).0 ?ctivate SynchroniBation ,ptions
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to a"ti)ate o*?e"ts for -aster 1ata Syn"hroni8ation.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu Cross9+ppli!ation Components  aster #ata
Syn!hroniFation  Syn!hroniFation Control 
Syn!hroniFation Control  +!tivate Syn!hroniFation -ptions
2. Choose ,e' Entries.
6. Enter the follo+ing data if the follo+ing entries are not in the ta*le%
Source ,1Cect Target ,1Cect ?ct. Ind.
!P C2S$/-E> 5
!P 4EN1/> 5
C2S$/-E> !P 5
ECC-A$ P>/1-A$ 5
ECC-A$G>P P>/1CA$ 5
ECC-A$$JP P>/1CA$ 5
ECCP0N9>EC P>/1-A$
ECCSE>4 P>/1SE>4 5
ECCSE>4$JP P>/1CA$ 5
P>/1-A$ ECC-A$ 5
P>/1-A$ ECCP0N9>EC
P>/1SE>4 ECCSE>4 5
& SAP AG Page 27 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

4EN1/> !P 5
7. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
#.).) ?ctivate PP, $euests for Platfor- ,1Cects in the Dialog
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to a"ti)ate o*?e"ts for -aster 1ata Syn"hroni8ation.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu Cross9+ppli!ation Components  aster #ata
Syn!hroniFation  Syn!hroniFation Control 
Syn!hroniFation Control  +!tivate PP- ReJuests for
Platform -"Le!ts in the #ialog
2. Choose ,e' Entries.
6. Enter the follo+ing data%
SBn. ,1Cect PP, ?ctive
P>/1-A$ 5
!P 5
7. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
#.).6 Define /u-1er ?ssign-ent for Direction !P to 2endor
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to assign the *usiness 'artner grou'ings to the a""ount grou's for
the )endor aster re"ords to ensure that +hen you 'ro"ess )endors as 'art of )endor integration
the syste also u'dates the *usiness 'artner at the sae tie. With this assignent you "an
"hoose +hether the )endor aster re"ord is to *e "reated +ith an a""ount grou' +ith internal or
e,ternal nu*er assignent.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu Cross9+ppli!ation Components  aster #ata
Syn!hroniFation  CustomerI0endor /ntegration (usiness
Partner Settings Settings for 0endor /ntegration  $ield
+ssignment for 0endor /ntegration  +ssign Eeys  #efine
,um"er +ssignment for #ire!tion (P to 0endor
2. Che"# that the follo+ing entries e,ist in ta*le. 0f not "li"# on the ,e' Entries ($6) *utton to
"reate it%
Group Grp. Sa-e /o
& SAP AG Page 2( of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

0001 E>E1
0002 ;0E9 5
,ote& /f you are not using the standard setting7 you need to ma)e your o'n assignment
for the (usiness Partner 8rouping and 0endor +!!ount 8roup2
6. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
#.).7 Set !P $ole Category for Direction !P to 2endor
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to define +hi"h !P role "ategories ena*le )endor integration in the
dire"tion fro the *usiness 'artner to the )endor. Jou "an deterine ho+ the syste "reates a
"orres'onding )endor in 9inan"ial A""ounting +hen you 'ro"ess a *usiness 'artner.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu Cross9+ppli!ation Components  aster #ata
Syn!hroniFation  CustomerI0endor /ntegration (usiness
Partner Settings Settings for 0endor /ntegration  Set (P
Role Category for #ire!tion (P to 0endor
2. Che"# that the follo+ing entries e,ist in ta*le. 0f not "li"# on the ,e' Entries ($6) *utton to
"reate it%
$ole Cat. Description
!!P000 4endor
!!P001 !idder
!!P006 0n)oi"ing Party
9;4N00 !usiness Partner 90 4endor @9S% !PB
9;4N01 !usiness Partner 4endor @9S% !PB
6. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
#.).9 Define /u-1er ?ssign-ent for Direction 2endor to !P
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to assign the *usiness 'artner grou'ings to the a""ount grou's for
the )endor aster re"ords to ensure that +hen you 'ro"ess )endors as 'art of )endor integration
the syste also u'dates the *usiness 'artner at the sae tie. With this assignent you "an
"hoose +hether the )endor aster re"ord is to *e "reated +ith an a""ount grou' +ith internal or
e,ternal nu*er assignent.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
& SAP AG Page 26 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

0-G -enu Cross9+ppli!ation Components  aster #ata
Syn!hroniFation  CustomerI0endor /ntegration (usiness
Partner Settings Settings for 0endor /ntegration  $ield
+ssignment for 0endor /ntegration  +ssign Eeys  #efine
,um"er +ssignment for #ire!tion 0endor to (P
2. Che"# that the follo+ing entries e,ist in ta*le. 0f not "li"# on the ,e' Entries ($6) *utton to
"reate it.
Group Grp. Sa-e /o
0001 0001
E>E1 0001
;0E9 0002 5
/f you are not using the standard setting7 you need to ma)e your o'n assignment for the
0endor +!!ount 8roup and (usiness Partner 8roup2
6. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
#.).: Define !P $ole for Direction 2endor to !P
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to assign !P roles to the a""ount grou' for the )endor aster
re"ord in +hi"h the *usiness 'artner is to *e "reated +hen 'ro"essing the )endor.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu Cross9+ppli!ation Components  aster #ata
Syn!hroniFation  CustomerI0endor /ntegration (usiness
Partner Settings Settings for 0endor /ntegration  #efine
(P Role for #ire!tion 0endor to (P
2. Che"# that the follo+ing entries e,ist in ta*le. 0f not "li"# on the ,e' Entries ($6) *utton to
"reate it%
Group !P $ole
0001 !!P000
0001 !!P001
0001 !!P006
0001 9;4N00
0001 9;4N01
E>E1 !!P000
E>E1 !!P001
E>E1 !!P006
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SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

E>E1 9;4N00
E>E1 9;4N01
;0E9 !!P000
;0E9 !!P001
;0E9 !!P006
;0E9 9;4N00
;0E9 9;4N01
/f you are not using the standard setting7 you need to ma)e your o'n assignment for the
0endor +!!ount 8roup and (P Role2
6. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
#.).1' Initial replication of custo-iBing co-parison: product
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is the initial re'li"ation of "ustoi8ing for 'rodu"t re'li"ation.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu Cross9+ppli!ation Components  aster #ata
Syn!hroniFation  Syn!hroniFation of ass #ata Exe!ute
Syn!hroniFation Co!)pit
2. 0n the VCustomiFing Syn!hroniFationW +indo+. "hoose the >e'ort title% CustomiFing
Comparison& Produ!t +ith the Progra Nae% -S0I-APP0NGIP>/12C$IC2S$ and
dou*le "li"# it.
6. Sele"t *oth ,um"er9/# Conversion U essage Control "he"#*o,es.
7. Choose Exe!ute ($<).
#.).11 Initial replication of Material type
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is the initial re'li"ation of aterial ty'e.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu Cross9+ppli!ation Components  aster #ata
Syn!hroniFation  Syn!hroniFation of ass #ata Exe!ute
Syn!hroniFation Co!)pit
& SAP AG Page 2G of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

2. 0n the VSyn"hroni8ation Pro"essW +indo+. "hoose for Sour"e /*?e"t% aterial Type and for
$arget /*?e"t% Produ!t Category and dou*le "li"# on the entry.
6. Press Start Syn!hroniFation ($<).
1ou !an !he!) the repli!ation status "y !li!)ing on the NonitorN ta" and you should see the
progress status in green2 /f this is not the !ase for 'hatever reason7 please exe!ute transa!tion
SM> (JR$C onitor 9 /n"ound Jueue) to !he!) if the Jueues are indeed held in Ready Status2
To release the Jueue7 dou"le9!li!) on the Jueue name and !li!) on the N+!tivate Mueue ($B)N i!on
to release it2
#.).12 Initial replication of Material group
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is the initial re'li"ation of aster grou'.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu Cross9+ppli!ation Components  aster #ata
Syn!hroniFation  Syn!hroniFation of ass #ata Exe!ute
Syn!hroniFation Co!)pit
2. 0n the VSyn"hroni8ation Pro"essW +indo+. "hoose for Sour"e /*?e"t% aterial 8roup and for
$arget /*?e"t% Produ!t Category and dou*le "li"# on the entry.
6. Press Start Syn!hroniFation ($<).
1ou !an !he!) the repli!ation status "y !li!)ing on the NonitorN ta" and you should see the
progress status in green2 /f this is not the !ase for 'hatever reason7 please exe!ute transa!tion
SM> (JR$C onitor 9 /n"ound Jueue) to !he!) if the Jueues are indeed held in Ready Status2
To release the Jueue7 dou"le9!li!) on the Jueue name and !li!) on the N+!tivate Mueue ($B)N i!on
to release it2
#.).1# Initial replication of Material data
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is the initial re'li"ation of -aster data.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu Cross9+ppli!ation Components  aster #ata
Syn!hroniFation  Syn!hroniFation of ass #ata Exe!ute
Syn!hroniFation Co!)pit
2. 0n the VSyn"hroni8ation Pro"essW +indo+. "hoose for Sour"e /*?e"t% aterial and for $arget
/*?e"t% Produ!t& aterial and dou*le "li"# on the entry.
6. 0n sele"tion "riteria. sele"t the aterial +hi"h you +ould li#e to re'li"ate%
& SAP AG Page 29 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

%ield /a-e InclF*<cl ,ption .o3er .i-it &pper .i-it
0 Sele"t
s'e"ified )alues
E=% EFual Single
7. Press Start Syn!hroniFation ($<).
1ou !an !he!) the repli!ation status "y !li!)ing on the NonitorN ta" and you should see the
progress status in green2 /f this is not the !ase for 'hatever reason7 please exe!ute transa!tion
SM> (JR$C onitor 9 /n"ound Jueue) to !he!) if the Jueues are indeed held in Ready Status2
To release the Jueue7 dou"le9!li!) on the Jueue name and !li!) on the N+!tivate Mueue ($B)N i!on
to release it2
#.).10 Initial replication of 2endor data
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is the initial re'li"ation of 4endor data.
;2 A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu Cross9+ppli!ation Components  aster #ata
Syn!hroniFation  Syn!hroniFation of ass #ata Exe!ute
Syn!hroniFation Co!)pit
>2 0n the VSyn"hroni8ation Pro"essW +indo+ "hoose for Sour"e /*?e"t% 0endor and for $arget
/*?e"t% (usiness Partner and dou*le "li"# on the entry.
*2 0n sele"tion "riteria. sele"t the )endor +hi"h you +ould li#e to re'li"ate%
%ield /a-e InclF*<cl ,ption .o3er .i-it &pper .i-it
0 Sele"t
s'e"ified )alues
E=% EFual Single
?2 Press Start Syn!hroniFation ($<).
#.).1) Initial replication of .ocationsFPlant
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is the initial re'li"ation of lo"ations
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
SAP -enu Tools  +(+P 3or)"en!h  #evelopment  +(+P Editor
$ransa"tion Code SE6G
2. Enter the follo+ing data at 'rogra% ((P4L-C+T/-,S48ET4+LL
6. Cli"# Exe!ute ($<)2
Run transa!tion SL8; to !he!) for any appli!ation error during the repli!ation2
& SAP AG Page 60 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

#.).16 Initial replication of Pay-ent ter-s
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is the initial re'li"ation of 'ayent ters.
;2 A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu Cross9+ppli!ation Components  aster #ata
Syn!hroniFation  Syn!hroniFation of ass #ata Exe!ute
Syn!hroniFation Co!)pit
>2 0n the V"ustoi8ing syn"hroni8ationW "hoose 'rogra ((P4UPL-+#4P+1E,T4TERS
and dou*le "li"#
*2 0n the ne,t s"reen enter data transfer syste as -,ECL,TERP
?2 Exe!ute the 'rogra *y Pressing @9GB.
Run transa!tion SL8; to !he!) for any appli!ation error during the repli!ation2
#.6 CrossAapplication !asic Settings
#.6.1 Define /u-1er $anges for Shopping Carts and follo3Aon
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to aintain nu*er ranges for 'ur"hasing do"uents
;2 A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu
Supplier Relationship anagement  SR Server Cross9
appli!ation (asi! Settings  ,um"er Ranges  SR server
num"er ranges  #efine ,um"er Ranges for Shopping Carts
and follo'9on #o!uments
>2 Choose !hange intervals
*2 Choose /nsert /nterval (Shift + $;) and aintain follo+ing entries using your reFuired nu*er
ranges. An e,a'le *elo+%
/, %ro- /u-1er To /u-1er Current
*<t Description
@not in the ta*leB
01 0010000000 0019999999 Sho''ing "art
;/ 0020000000 0029999999 9aulty lo"al P/
& SAP AG Page 61 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

P/ 7100000000 7199999999 !a"#end P/
>= 0090000000 0099999999
!a"#end Pur"hase
>S 9600000000 9999999999 !a"#end >eser)ation
SE 0200000000 0209999999 !a"#end Ser)i"e P/
?2 Press Enter
62 Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
0f you ha)e a#e ad?ustent to the e,ternal nu*er ranges for the )arious --
do"uents in *a"#end. you ust ada't the nu*er range in S>- a""ordingly.
#.6.2 Define /u-1er $anges per 1ac"end syste- for follo3Aon
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to aintain nu*er ranges for follo+ on do"uents
;2 A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu
Supplier Relationship anagement  SR Server  Cross9
appli!ation (asi! Settings  ,um"er Ranges  SR server
num"er ranges  #efine ,um"er Ranges per "a!)end
system for follo'9on do!uments
>2 Choose ,e' entries ($6) aintain the follo+ing entries.
.ogical Syste- /u-1er
$ange P,
$ange P$es
/u-1er $ange
Ksyste naeLC;N$K"lient nu*erL
E,a'le @/NEC;N$E>PB
>= >S
• $he systeDnae is a threeDletter +ord. $his is the se"ond 'art of the unders"oreD
se'arated ser)er nae.
• $he "lientDnu*er is the 6Ddigit SAP "lient nu*er.
*2 Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
#.6.# Define /u-1er $ange for .ocal Invoices
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to aintain nu*er ranges for in)oi"es
& SAP AG Page 62 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

;2 A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu Supplier Relationship anagement  SR server  Cross9
appli!ation (asi! Settings  ,um"er Ranges  SR server
num"er ranges  #efine ,um"er Range for Lo!al /nvoi!es
>2 Choose !hange intervals
*2 Choose /nsert /ntervall (Shift + $;) and aintain follo+ing entries%
/, %ro- /u-1er To /u-1er Current
*<t Description
@not in the ta*leB
01 1000000000 1999999999 0n)oi"es
?2 Press Enter
62 Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
#.6.0 Define /u-1er $anges for local confir-ations of services
and good receipts
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to aintain nu*er ranges for "onfirations
;2 A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu Supplier Relationship anagement  SR server Cross9
appli!ation (asi! Settings  ,um"er Ranges  SR server
num"er ranges  #efine ,um"er Range for Lo!al
Confirmations of Servi!es and 8oods Re!eipts
>2 Choose !hange intervals
*2 Choose /nsert /nterval (Shift + $;) and aintain follo+ing entries%
/, %ro- /u-1er To /u-1er Current
*<t Description
@not in the ta*leB
01 1000000000 1999999999 Pro".
7. Press Enter
(. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
#.6.) Define GF. account for Product category and account
assign-ent category
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to define a""ounting assignent
& SAP AG Page 66 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu
Supplier Relationship anagement 
SR Server  Cross9+ppli!ation (asi! Settings  +!!ount
+ssignment  #efine 8IL a!!ount for Produ!t Category and
+!!ount +ssignment Category
2. A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
6. Choose ,e' Entries
7. -aintain the follo+ing entries as an e,a'le%
Category id Source Syste- ?ccount ?ssign-ent
GF. account
Q Ksyste
CC 616100
• $he systeDnae is a threeDletter +ord. $his is the se"ond 'art of the unders"oreD
se'arated ser)er nae.
• $he "lientDnu*er is the 6Ddigit SAP "lient nu*er.
(. Choose Save (Ctrl+S)2
#.6.6 Define syste- for Ta< Calculation
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to define the syste for $a, "al"ulation
;2 A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu
Supplier Relationship anagement 
SR Server  Cross9+ppli!ation (asi! Settings  Tax
Cal!ulation  #etermine system for Tax !al!ulation
>2 Choose the o'tion reFuired.
*2 Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
?2 Choose (a!) ($*B.
The default !onfiguration is ,o Tax Cal!ulation2 To !hange it7 please repla!e it manually2
#.6.7 *nter Ta< Code
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SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to define the ta, "odes
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu
Supplier Relationship anagement 
SR Server  Cross9+ppli!ation (asi! Settings  Tax
Cal!ulation  Enter Tax !ode
2. Enter the ne"essary ta, "odes +hi"h you ha)e used for 'ro"ureent.
6. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
7. Choose (a!) ($*B.
The default !onfiguration is tax !ode PD (,o Tax)2 #epending on your system setup7 you
must in!lude the other tax !odes manually or even to repla!e the default one2
#.6.9 Define o1Cects in the 1ac"end syste-
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to define o*?e"ts in the *a"#end syste
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu
Supplier Relationship anagement 
SR Server  Cross9+ppli!ation (asi! Settings  #efine
-"Le!ts in (a!)end System (Pur!h2 ReJs7 Reservations7
Pur!h2 -rders)
2. Choose ,e' Entries
6. -a#e the follo+ing entries @E,a'leB
Source Syste- Int. Proc *<ternal
grou's you
Q Ksyste
Choose /'tion
MAl+ays E,ternal
Choose o'tion
MPur"hase order if ite
data "o'lete else
'ur"hase reFN
• $he systeDnae is a threeDletter +ord. $his is the se"ond 'art of the unders"oreD
se'arated ser)er nae.
• $he "lientDnu*er is the 6Ddigit SAP "lient nu*er.
7. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
& SAP AG Page 6( of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

#.6.: Start ?pplication Monitors
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to start the a''li"ation onitor
;2 A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu
Supplier Relationship anagement 
SR Server  Cross9+ppli!ation (asi! Settings  Start
+ppli!ation onitors
>2 Exe!ute the a"ti)ity.
#.7 S?P !usiness ;or"flo3
#.7.1 Maintain prefi< nu-1ers
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to aintain internal nu*er assignent for tas#s and +or#flo+s
;2 A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu
Supplier Relationship anagement  SR Server  Cross9
appli!ation (asi! Settings  S+P (usiness 3or)flo' 
aintain prefix num"ers
>2 S+it"h to Change ode.
*2 Choose "reate and aintain the follo+ing entries
Prefi< /u-1er S?P Syste- Client
6 digit nu*er for
e,a'le M999N
Ksyste naeL
e,a'le M!S5N
Client for e,a'le M100N
6. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
7. Sa)e ;o"al.
#.7.2 Maintain standard setting for S?P !usiness 3or"flo3
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to set all standard settings ne"essary for the +or#flo+ anageent
& SAP AG Page 66 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu
Supplier Relationship anagement  SR Server  Cross9
appli!ation (asi! Settings  S+P (usiness 'or)flo' 
aintain Standard Settings for S+P (usiness 3or)flo'
2. E,e"ute *y 'ressing *utton i"on for Perform automati! 'or)flo' !ustomiFing on ea"h of
the node.
#.7.# Set active plan version
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to set all standard settings ne"essary for the +or#flo+ anageent
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu
Supplier Relationship anagement  SR Server  Cross9
appli!ation (asi! Settings  S+P (usiness 'or)flo'  Set
a!tive plan version
2. -aintain the follo+ing entry if not already aintained.
Group Se-. a11r 2alue. a11r
P;/G0 P;/G0 01
6. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
#.7.0 ?ctivate standard tas"s
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to a"ti)ate the standard tas#s
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu
Supplier Relationship anagement  SR Server  Cross9
appli!ation (asi! Settings  S+P (usiness 'or)flo' 
+!tivate standard tas)s
2. $y'e in you reFuest and !ontinue2
6. 0t ay *e ne"essary to 'ress "ontinue Fuite often.
#.7.) *<ecute $eport $>S,!+C>
& SAP AG Page 6C of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to run re'ort if S/!J is in"onsisten"y. 0t is ne"essary if VA"ti)ate
standard tas#sW is dis'laying error essages.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
SAP -enu Tools  +(+P 3or)"en!h  #evelopment  +(+P Editor
$ransa"tion Code SE6G
2. Enter the follo+ing data at 'rogra% R5S-(OC5 and E,e"ute.
6. Sele"t all of the o*?e"ts.
?2 Perform a re!on!iliation "y !hoosing List 9: Update sele!tion
(. After the o*?e"t list has *een re"on"iled. ta*le /!JS is "onsistent
#.7.6 Perfor- Tas" Specific Custo-iBing
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to do the e)ent lin#age for different tas#s
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu
Supplier Relationship anagement  SR Server  Cross9
appli!ation (asi! Settings  S+P (usiness 'or)flo' 
Perform tas) spe!ifi! !ustomiFing
2. E,'and the S>- folder.

0f the S>- folder does not e,ist. run the 'rogra >SIAPP;I>E9>ES: using the
transa"tion se6G.
6. E,'and the S>-DE!P folder.
7. Go to S>-DE!PDW9; folder and "li"# on +!tivate event lin)age.
(. ;o"ate the follo+ing +or#flo+s in the ta*le *elo+ and "arry out ste' 6 to G for ea"h of the%
;or"flo3s 4tas"s F events5
1elonging to !usiness o1Cect
*vent lin"age activated
!2S2121 SA4E1 WS10000060 A"ti)e
!2S2121 SA4E1 WS10000129 A"ti)e
!2S2206 SA4E1 WS10700010 A"ti)e
!2S2206 SA4E1 WS10700002 A"ti)e
!2S220( SA4E1 WS10700016 A"ti)e
& SAP AG Page 6G of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

!2S220( SA4E1 WS1070001C A"ti)e
6. Cli"# on #etail vie'.
C. Sele"t Event lin)age a!tivated "he"#*o, and "li"# Save data ($6).
G. Choose Continue and go on in the list.
#.7.7 Define Conditions for Starting ;or"flo3s
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to define the +or#flo+ starting "onditions
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SP>/
0-G -enu
Supplier Relationship anagement  SR Server  Cross9
appli!ation (asi! Settings  S+P (usiness 'or)flo' 
#efine !onditions for starting 'or)flo's
2. Sele"t the *usiness o*?e"t a*o)e. 9or e,a'le (US>;>; EC ReJuirement Coverage
ReJuest in !ase of shopping !art. Jou "an sear"h for the o*?e"ts using the i"on.
6. Cli"# on the Change start !onditions ($6) *utton.
7. A"ti)ate the start "ondition for the reFuired +or#flo+ for e,a'le WS10000060 and
WS10000129 in the "ase for Sho''ing "arts *usiness o*?e"t. Cli"# on the red dot on the left
side of the s"reen to turn it to green re'resenting a"ti)ation of the start "ondition. 9or other
+or#flo+ start "ondition that you do not +ant to a"ti)ate. 'lease ensure that the dot reains
as red.
(. Jou "an either #ee' the standard start "onditions deli)ered or "hange it.
6. Continue +ith the other !usiness o*?e"ts listed in ste' 6.C.6.
#.9 Periodic $eporting scheduling
#.9.1 Create 2ariant for $eport !!P(G*T(ST?T&S(2
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to "reate a )ariant for re'ort !!PIGE$IS$A$2SI2.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SA6G
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SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

2. $y'e in 'rogra nae @e,a'le !!PIGE$IS$A$2SI2B. then Exe!ute ($<).
6. $y'e in logi"al syste /NEC;N$E>P.
7. Cli"# on the enu% Goto  4ariants  Sa)e As 4ariant.
(. $y'e in 4ariant Nae and -eaning and Sa)e.
#.9.2 Schedule $eport !!P(G*T(ST?T&S(2
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to s"hedule re'ort !!PIGE$IS$A$2SI2 'eriodi"ally to u'date the
status of the do"uent "reated. We "reate a )ariant first *efore s"heduling the re'orts
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
SAP -enu Tools  CCS  (a!)ground Pro!essing  #efine Oo"
$ransa"tion Code S-66
2. $y'e in Jo* Nae and "hoose Start "ondition.
6. Choose iediate.
7. $i"# 'eriodi" Jo* and Period )alues @9(B.
(. Choose other 'eriod. $y' in 2 inutes and sa)e and sa)e and sa)e.
6. Choose 1efine ste's @96B and A!AP 'rogra. $y' in Nae% ((P48ET4ST+TUS4>.
C. Sele"t to "hoose the 4ariants and then Save (Ctrl+S).
G. Choose (a!) ($*) and then Save (Ctrl+S).
#.9.# Create 2ariant for $eport C.*?/($*G$*G(&P
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to "reate a )ariant for re'ort C;EANI>E=>E=I2P.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing o'tions%
$ransa"tion Code SA6G
2. $y'e in 'rogra nae @e,a'le C;EANI>E=>E=I2PB. then E,e"ute @9GB.
6. $y'e in logi"al syste /NEC;N$E>P.
7. Cli"# on the enu% Goto  4ariants  Sa)e As 4ariant.
(. $y'e in 4ariant Nae and -eaning and Sa)e.
#.9.0 Schedule $eport C.*?/($*G$*G(&P
& SAP AG Page 70 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to s"hedule re'ort C;EANI>E=>E=I2P 'eriodi"ally to "he"#
+hether the do"uents ha)e *een "reated in the *a"#end. We "reate a )ariant first *efore
s"heduling the re'orts 'eriodi"ally.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
SAP -enu Tools  CCS  (a!)ground Pro!essing  #efine Oo"
$ransa"tion Code S-66
2. $y'e in Jo* Nae and "hoose Start "ondition.
6. Choose iediate.
7. $i"# 'eriodi" Jo* and Period )alues @9(B.
(. Choose other 'eriod. $y' in 2 inutes and sa)e and sa)e and sa)e.
6. Choose 1efine ste's @96B and A!AP 'rogra. $y' in Nae% CLE+,4REMREM4UP.
C. Sele"t to "hoose the 4ariants and then Save (Ctrl+S).
G. Choose (a!) ($*) and then Save (Ctrl+S).
0 Master Data
0.1 >$ Personnel *vents and ,rganiBational &ser
0.1.1 Create &sers
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to "reate user 01. 0n this "ase for t+o users% E-P;/JEE and
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
SAP -enu Tools  +dministration  User aintenan!e  Users
$ransa"tion Code S201
2. /n the User aintenan!e% /nitial s"reen enter E-P;/JEE in the User field and "hoose
6. /n the aintain User s"reen. +ddress ta* a#e follo+ing entries%
%ield na-e Description
;ast nae E'loyee
9irst nae !P 1eo 2ser
& SAP AG Page 71 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

9un"tion !P 1eo 2ser E'loyee
1e'artent !P 1eo 2ser
Co'any !P Co'any
7. Choose Enter.
(. /n the Logon data ta*. enter the initial 'ass+ord initial t+i"e.
6. Sa)e your entries.
C. >e'eat ste' 2 to 6. "hanging E-P;/JEE for -ANAGE>. At the end you "reated 2 ne+
,o' that you have !reated the user7 you !an test it "y logging on 'ith your initial
pass'ord2 3hen you do this7 you 'ill "e prompted to enter a ne' pass'ord2
G. Go to transa"tion P$C8 to generate the single role assigned +ithin the "o'osite role%
• S+P4EC4((P4EPL-1EE
• S+P4EC4((P4+,+8ER
• S+P4EC4((P4+#/,/STR+T-R
9. Assign the follo+ing "o'osite roles to the users%
2ser >oles Profile
E'loyee SAPI!!PIS$A;IE-P;/JEE XGenerated ProfileY
-anager SAPI!!PIS$A;I-ANAGE>
XGenerated ProfileY
$he standard roles ha)e to *e a"ti)ated for assignent
0.1.2 Personnel ?ctions
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to 'erfor a hiring 'ersonnel a"tion for the :> user.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
SAP -enu 5uman Resour!es  Personnel anagement 
+dministration  5R aster #ata  Personnel +!tions
$ransa"tion Code PA70
2. Enter a Personal ,o. ar# the 5iding line @:iring A"tion Ser)i"esB and "hoose Exe!ute.
& SAP AG Page 72 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

6. Create A"tions% Enter starting date. Position @E,a'le -anagerB. Personal area. E'loyee
grou'. E'loyee su*grou' and "hoose Save and sele"t ne,t re"ord.
7. Co'lete the fields reFuired in the :> infoty'es as 'ro'ted on s"reen. Soe of the
infoty'es are /rgani8ational Assignent. Personnel 1ata. Addresses. Planned Wor#ing
$ie. !asi" Pay. !an# 1etails. $ra)el Pri)ileges. $ie Sheet 1efaults. et" de'ending on the
"onfiguration you ha)e ade in syste.
(. $he ost i'ortant infoty'e +hi"h you need to ta#e "are is the /rgani8ational Assignent
+hi"h is reFuired for the 'ersonnel assignent to the S>- organi8ational stru"ture. 0n the
Position field. sele"t the organi8ational o*?e"t @i.e. PositionB you ha)e "reated earlier in ste'
6. 9or ea"h infoty'e. 'lease also ree*er to "li"# Save (Ctrl+S) after entry to sa)e the re"ord.
C. >e'eat ste' 1 to 6 for "reating the rest of the 'ersonnel a"tion @e.g. E-P;/JEE. et".B
2se transa"tion PP-S+4((P to dis'lay the organi8ation stru"ture and you should *e
a*le to see the :> 'erson *eing assigned ea"h of the 'osition in the organi8ation stru"ture.
0.1.# Maintain >$ Master Data for Co--unication
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to aintain the :> aster data for "ouni"ation in syste for the
logon 2serD01.
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using the follo+ing na)igation o'tion%
$ransa"tion Code PA60
2. Eey in e'loyee Personal Nu*er.
6. Enter 0nfoty'e% 010( @Couni"ationB. Sty % 0001
7. Cli"# Create ($6).
(. Enter the 2serD01 @e.g. -ANAGE>B "reated in ste' 7.1.1 in the /#Inum"er field. Jou ay
ad?ust the Start date if reFuired.
6. Choose Save.
C. >e'eat ste' 1 to 6 for assigning the all the "reated userDid.
0.2 Create Material Master GIG?(.?PT,P('1
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to "reate the aterial G0GAI;AP$/PI01 @using e,ternal nu*er
assignentB. 0f you ha)e 'erfored 'ersonali8ation on the aster data setu'. 'lease ree*er
to re'la"e the default field )alue +ith your o+n )alue.
& SAP AG Page 76 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
SAP -enu Logisti!s  aterials anagement  aterial aster 
aterial  Create (8eneral)  /mmediately
$ransa"tion Code --01
2. /n the Create aterial @/nitial s"reenB a#e follo+ing entries.
-aterial G0GAI;AP$/PI01
0ndustry se"tor Plant engine.3"onstru"tion
-aterial $y'e Pa"#aging
6. Choose Enter
7. Sele"t 4ie+@sB% !asi" data 1O !asi" 1ata 2O Pur"hasingO Pur"hase /rder $e,tO A""ounting 1O
A""ounting 2. 9or ea"h ta* enter as follo+.
(. 9irst enter Plant% !P01. "hoose enter
6. Enter the follo+ing in the !asi" data 1 ta*%
-aterial% 8/8+ Travelate Laptop
!ase 2nit of -easure% PC
-aterial Grou'% 18;D;;D
1i)ision% D;
C. Sele"t the Pur"hasing ta* and enter the follo+ing%
Pur"hasing Grou'% DD;
G. Sele"t the A""ounting 1 ta* and enter the follo+ing%
Pri"e "ontrol% 0
-o)ing 'ri"e% ;DDD
9. Choose Save (Ctrl+S) to "reate the aterial.
0.# Maintain the 2endor !usiness Partner
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is aintained the )endor *usiness 'artner a''ing the logi"al syste
to the )endor "ode +hi"h has *een re'li"ated into the S>- ser)er.
1. ;ogon the S>- ser)er using the -ANAGE> 2ser01 using the +e* interfa"e.
9or the logon. the 'ath +ill *e htt'%33X+e* ser)erY%X'ortY3sa'3*"3gui3sa'3its3**'start
@e.g. htt'%33 ;1C0!S5.W19.SAP.C/>P%(00C13sa'3*"3gui3sa'3its3**'startB.
& SAP AG Page 77 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

2. 9ro the enu. sele"t anage (usiness Partners.
6. Sear"h for your )endor *usiness 'artner using the *ino"ular i"on *eside the field (usiness
Partner #ata and "li"# on the Edit *utton.
7. Sele"t on the 0endor #ata ta*.
(. S+it"h to Change ode *y "li"#ing on the #isplay I Change *utton.
6. 2nder the se"tion ;in# to !a"#end Syste. enter the a''ing of logi"al syste to the )endor
"ode as an e,a'le *elo+%
;ogi"al syste 4endor Code
/NEC;N$E>P C(20(
/f you have personaliFed the vendor num"er7 please repla!e it 'ith the personaliFed
C. Choose Save2
0.0 Create MM Info $ecord for Catalog Purchasing as
Source of Supply
$he 'ur'ose of this a"ti)ity is to "reate t+o info re"ords for use during the 'ur"hasing of ite fro
the e,ternal "atalog 'ur"hasing. Sin"e +e are not using "ontra"t do"uent for this Pro"ure2Pay
s"enario setu'. the sho''ing "art +ill result in a Pur"hase >eFuisition @P>B "reated dire"tly in the
>36 syste. See also /SS Note =<=D?6.
We "an then use this info. >e"ord to "on)ert the P> into a P/ dire"tly.
0f you ha)e 'erfored 'ersonali8ation on the aster data setu'. 'lease ree*er to re'la"e the
default )endor field )alue +ith your o+n )alue.
0.0.1 Create Info $ecord 1 4&,M: PC5 for Catalog Purchasing as
Source of Supply
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
SAP -enu Logisti!s  aterials anagement  Pur!hasing  aster
#ata  /nfo Re!ord  Create
$ransa"tion Code -E11
2. Enter the follo+ing fields%
4endor X)endor for P2P s"enarioY e.g. C(20( for Gerany.
!;ACEW//1S for Australia. et".
Pur"hasing /rg !P01
Plant !P01
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SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

0nfo "ategory Standard
6. Choose Enter.
7. Enter the follo+ing fields on the 8eneral #ata ta*%
0nfo >e"ord 1es"ri'tion 0nfo. >e"ord for Catalog @2/- % PCB
-aterial Grou' 01
/rder 2nit PC
Sort $er P2PD1
(. Choose Enter.
6. Enter the follo+ing fields on the Pur!h2 -rg2 #ata ; ta*%
P0 1eli). $ie 1
Pur"h Grou' 001
Standard =ty 1
Net Pri"e 1
G>D!sd 04 5
$a, Code 41
C. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
/f you have personaliFed the system setup7 please repla!e the pur!hasing group and tax
!ode 'ith the personaliFed value2
0.0.2 Create Info $ecord 2 4&,M: *?5 for Catalog Purchasing as
Source of Supply
1. A""ess the a"ti)ity using one of the follo+ing na)igation o'tions%
SAP -enu Logisti!s  aterials anagement  Pur!hasing  aster
#ata  /nfo Re!ord  Create
$ransa"tion Code -E11
2. Enter the follo+ing fields%
4endor X)endor for P2P s"enarioY e.g. C(20( for Gerany.
!;ACEW//1S for Australia. et".
Pur"hasing /rg !P01
Plant !P01
& SAP AG Page 76 of 7C
SAP Best Practices !uilding !lo"# $itle% Configuration Guide

0nfo "ategory Standard
6. Choose Enter.
7. Enter the follo+ing fields on the 8eneral #ata ta*%
0nfo >e"ord 1es"ri'tion 0nfo. >e"ord for Catalog @2/- % EAB
-aterial Grou' 01
/rder 2nit EA
Sort $er P2PD2
(. Choose Enter.
6. Enter the follo+ing fields on the Pur!h2 -rg2 #ata ; ta*%
P0 1eli). $ie 1
Pur"h Grou' 001
Standard =ty 1
Net Pri"e 1
G>D!sd 04 5
$a, Code 41
C. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
/f you have personaliFed the system setup7 please repla!e the pur!hasing group and tax
!ode 'ith the personaliFed value2
& SAP AG Page 7C of 7C

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