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SWAMY ABEDHANANDHA POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, THELLAR – 604 406 ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT VI SEMESTER / EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LAB PROGRAM 1: Assembly language #include <stdio.h> extern void init_serial (void); #pragma save #pragma arm int ArmAdd (int s1, int s2) { __asm { LDAV R7,R4,s1 LDAV R6,R4,s2 ADD R7,R7,R6 STAV R7,R6,s1 } return (s1); } int ArmSub (int s1, int s2) { __asm { LDAV R7,R4,s1 LDAV R6,R4,s2 SUB R7,R7,R6 STAV R7,R6,s1 } return (s1); } int ArmMul (int s1, int s2) { __asm { LDAV R7,R4,s1 LDAV R6,R4,s2 MUL R7,R6 STAV R7,R6,s1 } return (s1); } int ArmDiv (int s1, int s2) { int lVar;

__asm { LDAV

R7,R4,s1 LDAV R6,R4,s2 MOV R0,#0 DIF: SUBS R7,R7,R6 ADD R0,R0,#1 BHI DIF STAV R0,R6,lVar } return (lVar); } #pragma restore int main (void) { int sum, Diff, Product, Quotient; init_serial(); printf ("Inline-Assembly Example\n"); sum = ArmAdd (10, 20); Diff = ArmSub (25, 13); Product = ArmMul (5, 17); Quotient = ArmDiv (128, 4); printf (" --> ArmAdd (10,20): Sum = %d\n", sum); printf (" --> ArmSub (25,13): Difference = %d\n", Diff); printf (" --> ArmMul (5,17) : Product = %d\n", Product); printf (" --> ArmDiv (128,4): Quotient = %d\n", Quotient); printf ("_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._\n"); while (1); return (0); }

SERIAL.C: #pragma INTERWORK #include <LPC21xx.H> #define CR 0x0D void init_serial (void) { PINSEL0 = 0x00050000; U1LCR = 0x83; U1DLL = 97; U1LCR = 0x03; } int putchar (int ch) { if (ch == '\n') { while (!(U1LSR & 0x20)); U1THR = CR; } while (!(U1LSR & 0x20)); return (U1THR = ch); } int getchar (void) { while (!(U1LSR & 0x01)); return (U1RBR); }

SWAMY ABEDHANANDHA POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, THELLAR – 604 406 ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT VI SEMESTER / EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LAB PROGRAM 2: LED AND SWITCH INTERFACE #include <LPC214x.h> #include <stdio.h> #define LED 24 #define Switch 16 void Delay(int); int main(void) { unsigned char Status=1; PINSEL2 &= 0xFFFFFFF3; IO1DIR = 0x00 << Switch; IO1DIR |= 0xFF << LED; while(1) { Status = 1; IOSET1 = 0xFF << LED; Delay (10); Delay (10); Delay (10); IOCLR1 = 0xFF << LED; Delay (10); Delay (10); Delay (10); while (~Status) { Status = ((IO1PIN & (0xFF << Switch)) >> Switch); IO1PIN = ((~Status) << LED); } } } void Delay(int n) { int p,q; for(p=0;p<n;p++) { for(q=0;q<0x9990;q++); } }

SWAMY ABEDHANANDHA POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, THELLAR – 604 406 ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT VI SEMESTER / EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LAB PROGRAM 3(A): BUZZER INTERFACE #include <LPC214x.h> #include <stdio.h> #define BUZZ1 6 #define BUZZ2 7 void Delay(void); void Delay() { unsigned int i, j; for (i=0; i<500;i++) for (j=0; j<700; j++); } void main() { PINSEL0 = 0x00; IODIR0 = 1 << BUZZ1; IODIR0 |= 1 << BUZZ2; while(1) { IOSET0 = 1 << BUZZ1; Delay(); IOCLR0 = 1 << BUZZ1; Delay(); IOSET0 = 2 << BUZZ1; Delay(); IOCLR0 = 2 << BUZZ1; Delay(); } }

SWAMY ABEDHANANDHA POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, THELLAR – 604 406 ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT VI SEMESTER / EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LAB PROGRAM 3(B): RELAY INTERFACE #include <lpc21xx.h> #include <stdio.h> #define RLY1 0 #define Switch 24 void Delay(int n) { int p,q; for(p=0;p<n;p++) { for(q=0;q<0x9990;q++); } } void main(void) { unsigned char Status = 0; PINSEL0 = 0; PINSEL2 &= 0xFFFFFFF3; IODIR0 = 0x3F << RLY1; IODIR1 = 0x00 << Switch; Status = 1; while(1) { Status = 1; IOSET0 = 0x01; Delay (10); Delay(10); IOCLR0 = 0x01; Delay (10); Delay(10); IOSET0 = 0x02; Delay(10);Delay(10) IOCLR0 = 0x02; Delay(10);Delay(10); while (~Status) { Status = ((IO1PIN & (0xFF << Switch)) >> Switch); IO0PIN = ((~Status) << RLY1); } } }

SWAMY ABEDHANANDHA POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, THELLAR – 604 406 ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT VI SEMESTER / EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LAB PROGRAM 3(C): STEPPER MOTOR INTERFACE #include <lpc21xx.h> #include <stdio.h> #define SW1 24 #define SW2 25 #define SW3 26 #define COIL_A 0 void motor_cw(void); void motor_ccw(void); void delay(int); unsigned char STEP[] = {0x09, 0x08, 0x0C, 0x04, 0x06, 0x02, 0x03, 0x01}; void delay(int n) { int i,j; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { for(j=0;j<0x3FF0;j++) {;} } } void motor_cw(void) { unsigned int i=0; for (i=0;STEP[i] != '\0';i++) { IOSET0 = STEP[i] << COIL_A; delay(1); IOCLR0 = STEP[i] << COIL_A; delay(1); } } void motor_ccw(void) { int i; for (i=7;i>=0;i--) { IOSET0 = STEP[i] << COIL_A; delay(1); IOCLR0 = STEP[i] << COIL_A; delay(1); } }

void main(void) { unsigned char i = 0; PINSEL0 = 0; PINSEL2 &= 0xFFFFFFF3; IODIR0 = 0x0000FF; IODIR0 &= ~(7<<SW1); while(1) { if (!(IOPIN1 & (1<<SW1))) motor_cw(); else if (!(IOPIN1 & (1<<SW2))) motor_ccw(); else if (!(IOPIN1 & (1<<SW3))) { while (i < 9) { motor_cw (); i++; } } else i = 0; } }

SWAMY ABEDHANANDHA POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, THELLAR – 604 406 ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT VI SEMESTER / EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LAB PROGRAM 4: TIMER #include <LPC214x.H> void T0isr(void) __irq; int main(void) { VPBDIV = 0x00000002; IODIR0 = 0xFF << 16; PINSEL1 |= 0x01; T0MR0 = 14999999; T0MCR = 3; T0TCR = 1; VICVectAddr4 = (unsigned)T0isr; VICVectCntl4 = 0x00000024; VICIntEnable |= 0x00000010; while (1); } void T0isr (void) { IOPIN T0IR VICVectAddr } __irq =~(IOPIN0 & 0x00FF0000); |= 0x00000001; = 0x00000000;

SWAMY ABEDHANANDHA POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, THELLAR – 604 406 ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT VI SEMESTER / EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LAB PROGRAM 5: EXTERNAL INTERRUPT #include <lpc214x.h> #include <stdio.h> int volatile EINT1 = 0; int volatile EINT2 = 0; void ExtInt_Serve1(void)__irq; void ExtInt_Serve2(void)__irq; void ExtInt_Init2(void) { EXTMODE |= 4; EXTPOLAR = 0; PINSEL0 |= 0x80000000; VICVectCntl1 = 0x20 | 16; VICVectAddr1 = (unsigned long) ExtInt_Serve2; VICIntEnable |= 1<<16; } void ExtInt_Init1(void) { EXTMODE |= 2; EXTPOLAR = 0; PINSEL0 |= 0x20000000; VICVectCntl0 = 0x20 | 15; VICVectAddr0 = (unsigned long) ExtInt_Serve1; VICIntEnable |= 1<<15; } void Serial_Init(void) { PINSEL0 |= 0X00000005; U0LCR = 0x00000083; U0DLL = 0x00000061; U0LCR = 0x00000003; } void DelayMs(unsigned int count) { unsigned int i,j; for(i=0;i<count;i++) { for(j=0;j<1000;j++); } }

void main(void) { Serial_Init(); ExtInt_Init1(); ExtInt_Init2(); putchar(0x0C); printf ("***************** External Interrupt Demo ***********************\n\n\r"); DelayMs(100); printf (">>> Press Interrupt Keys SW2(INT1) and SW3(INT2) for Output... \n\n\n\r"); DelayMs(100); while(1) { DelayMs(500); printf("INT1 Generated : %d | INT2 Generated : %d \r", EINT1, EINT2); DelayMs(500); } } void ExtInt_Serve1(void)__irq { ++EINT1; EXTINT |= 2; VICVectAddr = 1; } void ExtInt_Serve2(void)__irq { ++EINT2; EXTINT |= 4; VICVectAddr = 0; } SERIAL.C #include <LPC21xx.H> #define CR 0x0D int putchar (int ch) { if (ch == '\n') { while (!(U0LSR & 0x20)); U0THR = CR; } while (!(U0LSR & 0x20)); return (U0THR = ch); } int getchar (void) { while (!(U0LSR & 0x01)); return (U0RBR); }

SWAMY ABEDHANANDHA POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, THELLAR – 604 406 ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT VI SEMESTER / EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LAB PROGRAM 6: SINGLE DATA DISPLAY ON A 7 SEGMENT #include <stdio.h> #include <LPC214x.H> #define SEG1 1<<16 #define SEG2 1<<17 #define SEG3 1<<18 #define SEG4 1<<19 unsigned int n=1; unsigned char a[10]={0xc0,0xf9,0xa4,0xb0,0x99,0x92,0x82,0xf8,0x80,0x90}; unsigned int thou,hun,ten,single; unsigned int x; void DelayMs(unsigned int count) { unsigned int i,j; for(i=0;i<count;i++) { for(j=0;j<3000;j++); } } void Segment_Disp(int single) { if(n==1) { IOPIN1 = SEG1; IOPIN1 &= (~(0xFF << 24)); IOPIN1 |= a[single] << 24; n=1; DelayMs(15); } } void main(void) { PINSEL2 &= 0x0000000C; IODIR1 |= 0xFFFF << 16 while(1) { n = 1; if(x == 300) { x=0; single++;

} x++; Segment_Disp(single); if (single > 9) { single = 0;




SWAMY ABEDHANANDHA POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, THELLAR – 604 406 ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT VI SEMESTER / EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LAB PROGRAM 7: 4X4 MATRIX KEYPAD #include <LPC214x.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "Keypad.h" extern void Delay(void); unsigned char Row_Data, Col_Data; unsigned char Msg[4][4] = { '0','1','2','3', '4','5','6','7', '8','9','A','B', 'C','D','E','F' }; void Delay(void) { unsigned int i,j; for(i=0;i<35;i++) for(j=0;j<1234;j++); } void main(void) { U0LCR = 0x83; U0DLL = 0x61; U0LCR = 0x03; PINSEL0 |= 0x05; PINSEL2 |= 0x0; U0THR = 'A'; while (1) { Delay(); Delay(); KeyScan(&IOPIN1,16, &Row_Data,&Col_Data); if (Row_Data < 4 && Col_Data < 4) { U0THR = Msg[Row_Data][Col_Data]; Delay(); Delay(); U0THR = '\n'; } } }

KEYPAD Utility File.C

#include <LPC214x.h> extern void Delay(); unsigned char M,N; void DelayMs() { unsigned int i,j; for(i=0;i<300;i++) for(j=0;j<2000;j++); } void KeyScan (unsigned long *KeysPort, unsigned char D0, unsigned char *R, unsigned char *C) { Delay(); *(KeysPort+2) = (0x0F << D0); *(KeysPort) = (0xF0 << D0); while ((((*KeysPort)>>D0)&0x00F0) == 0xF0); M = (*KeysPort) >> D0; if (M == 0xE0) { *R = 0; } else if (M == 0xD0) { *R = 1; } else if (M == 0xB0) { *R = 2; } else if (M == 0x70) { *R = 3; } else *R = 4; Delay(); Delay(); *KeysPort = 0x0F << D0; *(KeysPort+2) = (0xF0 << D0); *(KeysPort) = (0x0F << D0); while ((((*KeysPort)>>D0)&0x000F) == 0x0F); N = ((*KeysPort) >> D0); if (N == 0x0E) { *C = 0; } else if (N == 0x0D)

{ *C = 1; } else if (N == 0x0B) { *C = 2; } else if (N == 0x07) { *C = 3; } else *C = 4; DelayMs(); *KeysPort = DelayMs(); }

0xF0 << D0;


#include <stdio.h> #include <LPC214x.H> #define SEG1 1<<16 #define SEG2 1<<17 #define SEG3 1<<18 #define SEG4 1<<19 unsigned int n=1; unsigned char a[10]={0xc0,0xf9,0xa4,0xb0,0x99,0x92,0x82,0xf8,0x80,0x90}; unsigned int thou,hun,ten,single; unsigned int x; unsigned char D0; void DelayMs(unsigned int count) { unsigned int i,j; for(i=0;i<count;i++) { for(j=0;j<3000;j++); } } void Segment_Disp(int thou,int hun,int ten,int single) { if(n==1) { IOPIN1 = SEG1; IOPIN1 &= (~(0xFF << D0)); IOPIN1 |= a[single] << D0; n=2; DelayMs(5); } else if(n==2) { IOPIN1 = SEG2; IOPIN1 &= (~(0xFF << D0)); IOPIN1 |= a[ten] << D0; n=3; DelayMs(5); }

else if(n==3) { IOPIN1 = SEG3; IOPIN1 &= (~(0xFF << D0)); IOPIN1 |= a[hun] << D0; n=4; DelayMs(5); } else if (n==4)

{ IOPIN1 = SEG4; IOPIN1 &= (~(0xFF << D0)); IOPIN1 |= a[thou] << D0; n=1; DelayMs(5); } } void main(void) { PINSEL2 &= 0x0000000C; D0 = 24; IODIR1 |= 0xFFFF << 16; while(1) { thou = 0; hun = 1; ten = 2; single = 3; Segment_Disp(thou, hun, ten, single); } }


void lcd_cmd(unsigned char); void lcd_data(unsigned char); extern void LCD_Write_Animate (void); const unsigned char msg[] = ("PS-ARM TYRO KITS"); const unsigned char msg1[] = (" ::LCD DEMO:: "); const unsigned char cmd[4] = {0x38,0x0c,0x06,0x01}; void lcd_initialize(void) { int i; for(i=0;i<4;i++) { IOCLR0 = 0xFF000000; lcd_cmd(cmd[i]); delay(15); } } void lcd_cmd(unsigned char data) { IOPIN1 = data << 24; IOCLR1 |= 0x10000; IOCLR1 |= 0x20000; IOSET1 |= 0x40000; delay(15); IOCLR1 |= 0x40000; } void lcd_data(unsigned char data) { IOPIN1 = data << 24; IOSET1 |= 0x10000; IOCLR1 |= 0x20000; IOSET1 |= 0x40000; delay(15); IOCLR1 |= 0x40000; } void lcd_display(void) { char i; IOCLR1 = 0xFF000000; lcd_cmd(0x80); delay(15); i=0; while(msg[i]!='\0') { IOCLR1 = 0xFF000000; lcd_data(msg[i]); i++; delay(15); } delay(15); lcd_cmd(0xc0); delay(15);

i=0; while(msg1[i]!='\0') { IOCLR1 = 0xFF000000; lcd_data(msg1[i]); i++; delay(15); } delay(15); } void delay(unsigned int n) { int i,j; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { for(j=0;j<0x2700;j++); } } void main(void) { PINSEL0 = 0; PINSEL1 = 0; PINSEL2 &= 0X0000000C; IODIR1 = 0XFFFF0000; delay(10); lcd_initialize(); delay(10); while(1) { delay(15); lcd_display(); delay(15); while(1); } } SWAMY ABEDHANANDHA POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, THELLAR – 604 406 ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT VI SEMESTER / EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LAB PROGRAM 10: TEMPERATURE SENSOR #include <LPC214x.h> #include <stdio.h> #define DONE0x80000000 #define START 0x01000000 #define PRESET 0x00230600 void Delay () { unsigned int i,j;

for (i=0;i<50;i++) for (j=0;j<500;j++); } void Serial_Init () { PINSEL0 |= 0x00050000; U1LCR = 0x83; U1DLL = 195; U1LCR = 0x03; } void main () { unsigned long Val; VPBDIV = 0x02; Serial_Init (); PINSEL1 = 0x01 << 24; AD0CR = PRESET | 0x02; AD0CR |= START; while (1) { do { Val = AD0GDR; } while ((Val & DONE) == 0); Val = ((AD0GDR >> 6) & 0x3FF); printf (">> Current Temperature : %4d ", Val); printf ("°F \r"); } }

SWAMY ABEDHANANDHA POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, THELLAR – 604 406 ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT VI SEMESTER / EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LAB PROGRAM 11: I2C INTERFACE- 7 SEGMENT #include <LPC214x.h> #include <stdio.h> #define MAX6 #define AA 2 #define SI 3 #define STO 4 #define STA 5 #define I2EN 6 void I2C_ISR(void)__irq; void Wait (unsigned int);

void I2C_Init (void); int I2C_Start (void); int I2C_Write (unsigned char *Buff, unsigned int Count); unsigned char Buff[] = {0x00,0x27,0x3F/*0*/,0x06/*1*/,0x5B/*3*/,0x4F/*4*/}; unsigned char index = 0; void Delay(void) { unsigned int i,j; for(i=0;i<20;i++) for(j=0;j<200;j++); } void Wait (unsigned int Delay) { while(Delay--); } void I2C_Init (void) { I2C0SCLH = 150; I2C0SCLL = 150; I2C0CONSET = 1 << I2EN; } int I2C_Start (void) { I2C0CONCLR = 1 << STO; I2C0CONCLR = 1 << AA; I2C0CONSE = 1 << STA; return 0; } int I2C_Write (unsigned char *Buff, unsigned int Count) { while(Count--) { I2C0DAT = *Buff++; } return 0; } void main() { unsigned int i; VPBDIV = 0x02; PINSEL0 = 0x00000055; U0LCR = 0x83; U0DLL = 97; U0DLM = 0x00; U0LCR = 0x03; VICIntSelect = 0<<9; VICVectCntl0 = 0x020 | 9 ; VICVectAddr0= (unsigned long)I2C_ISR; VICIntEnable = 1<<9; I2C_Init();

I2C_Start (); for (i=0;i<30;i++) Wait(10000); I2C0CONCL = 1 << SI; while(1) { for (i=0;i<20;i++) Wait(10000); } } void I2C_ISR(void) __irq { if (I2C0CONSET & 0x08) { switch (I2C0STAT) { case (0x08) case (0x10) case (0x18)


I2C0CONCLR= I2C0DAT break; : I2C0CONCLR= I2C0DAT = break; : I2C0CONCLR I2C0DAT index++; break; : I2C0CONCLR I2C0DAT index++; break;

1 << STA; = 0x70; 1 << STA; 0x70; = = 0x20; Buff[index];

case (0x20)

= =

0x20; Buff[index];

case (0x28)

: I2C0CONCLR = 0x20; if (index < MAX) { I2C0DAT = Buff[index]; index++; } else { index = 0; I2C0CONSET = 0x10; } break;

case (0x30)

: I2C0CONCLR if (index < MAX) = 0x20;

{ I2C0DAT index++; } else { Index = 0; I2C0CONSET = 0x10; I2C_Start(); } break; case (0x38) } } I2C0CONCLR= VICVectAddr } : I2C0CONSET = break; 1 << SI; = 0x00; 0x20; = Buff[index];

SWAMY ABEDHANANDHA POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, THELLAR – 604 406 ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT VI SEMESTER / EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LAB PROGRAM 12: I2C INTERFACE - EEPROM #include <LPC214x.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "UART.h" #define SW3 1<<24 #define SW4 1<<25 #define SW5 1<<26 #define SW6 1<<27 #define SW7 1<<28 #define MAX 10 #define AA 2 #define SI 3 #define STO 4 #define STA 5 #define I2EN 6

void I2C_ISR(void)__irq; void Wait (unsigned int); void I2C_Init (void); int I2C_Start (unsigned int Slave_Addr); int I2C_Write (unsigned char *Buff, unsigned int Count); char ReLoad[MAX] = {0x00,0x00,'A','R','M','7','T','Y','R','O'}; char Buff[MAX] = {0x00,0x00,'A','R','M','7','T','Y','R','O'}; unsigned char Rec[MAX] = {"NO-DATA!"}; unsigned char index = 0; unsigned char flag = 0, ii, Ready=0; unsigned char Erase = 0; void Delay(void) { unsigned int i,j; for(i=0;i<150;i++) for(j=0;j<900;j++); } void Wait (unsigned int Delay) { while(Delay--); } void I2C_Init (void) { PINSEL0 = 0x00000055; I2C0SCLH = 150; I2C0SCLL = 150; I2C0CONSET = 1 << I2EN; } int I2C_Start (unsigned int Slave_Addr) { I2C0CONCLR = 1 << STO; I2C0CONSET = 1 << AA; I2C0CONSET = 1 << STA; return 0; } int I2C_Write (unsigned char *Buff, unsigned int Count) { while(Count--) { I2C0DAT = *Buff++; } return 0; } int main() { unsigned int i; VPBDIV = 0x02; PINSEL0 = 0x00000055; PINSEL2 = 0xFFFFFFF3; IO1DIR = 0x00 << SW3;

UART0_Init (9600); VICIntSelect = 0<<9; VICVectCntl0 = 0x020 | 9 ; VICVectAddr0 = (unsigned long)I2C_ISR; VICIntEnable = 1<<9; I2C_Init(); UART0_PutS ("********* ARM Tyro LPc2148 I2C EEPROM Demo **********\n\n\r"); UART0_PutS (">>> Connect I2C Add-On Card to J11 on ARM Tyro Board .. \n\n\r"); UART0_PutS ("[~] Turn SW3 ON to Write default data to EEPROM! \n\r"); UART0_PutS ("[~] Turn SW4 ON to Read and Display data from EEPROM! \n\r"); UART0_PutS ("[~] Turn SW5 ON to Erase data from EEPROM \n\r"); while (1) { if ((IOPIN1 & SW3) == 0) { ii = 0; while (ii < MAX) { Buff [ii] = ReLoad [ii]; ii++; } Wait (5000); flag = 'W'; I2C_Start (0x70); Erase = 0; for (i=0;i<30;i++) Wait(10000); I2C0CONCLR= 1 << SI; while (!(IOPIN1 & SW3)); Wait (5000);Wait (5000); } else if ((IOPIN1 & SW4) == 0) { flag = 'R'; I2C_Start (0x70); for (i=0;i<30;i++) Wait(10000); I2C0CONCLR= 1 << SI; while (Ready == 'F'); if (Ready == 'T') { ii=0; UART0_PutS ("\n\r The Read Data are: \t"); while (ii<MAX) { //U0THR = '\n'; Wait (1000); U0THR = Rec[ii]; Wait (1000); ii++; } UART0_PutC ('\n');

Wait (1000); Ready = 'F'; } while (!(IOPIN1 & SW4)); Wait (5000);Wait (5000);Wait (5000);Wait (5000); } if ((IOPIN1 & SW5) == 0) { ii = 2; while (ii < MAX) { Buff[ii]= ii++; } flag = 'W'; Erase = 1; I2C_Start (0x70); for (i=0;i<30;i++) I2C0CONCLR=


Wait(10000); 1 << SI;

while (!(IOPIN1 & SW5)); Wait (5000);Wait (5000);Wait (5000);Wait (5000); } } } void I2C_ISR(void) __irq { if (I2C0CONSET & 0x08) { switch (I2C0STAT) { case (0x08)

: if (flag == 'W') { I2C0CONCLR= I2C0CONCLR= I2C0DAT = I2C0CONCLR = } else if (flag == 'R') { I2C0DAT I2C_Start (0xA1); = 0xA0;

1 << STO; 1 << STA; 0xA0; 1 << SI;

I2C0CONCLR= } index = break; case (0x10) : I2C0CONCLR = if (flag == 'W') I2C0DAT = else if (flag == 'R') { I2C0CONCLR I2C0CONCLR I2C0DAT I2C0CONCLR index = 0; } break; case (0x18) : 0;

1 << SI;

1 << STA; 0xA0; = = = = 1 << STA; 1 << STO; 0xA1; 1 << SI;

I2C0CONCLR= 0x20; I2C0CONCLR= 0x38; I2C0DAT = Buff[index]; index++; break; case (0x20) : I2C0CONCLR = 0x20; I2C0CONCLR = 0x38; I2C0DAT = Buff[index]; index++; break; case (0x28) : if (index < MAX) { if (flag == 'W') { I2C0DAT = Buff[index]; I2C0CONCLR = 0x20; I2C0CONCLR = 0x38; } else if ((index > 1) && flag == 'R') { I2C0CONCLR = 0x18; I2C0CONSET = 1 << STA; } else

{ I2C0DAT I2C0CONCLR I2C0CONCLR } index++; } else { index = 0; flag = 'R'; I2C0CONSET = 1 << STO; if (Erase == 1) { UART0_PutS ("\n\r Memory Erase Successfull.....!\n"); } else { UART0_PutS ("\n\r Data Successfully Written on Memory!\n"); } I2C0CONCLR= 1 << STA; I2C0CONCLR= 1 << SI; } break; case (0x30) : I2C0CONCLR= if (index < MAX) { if (flag == 'W') { I2C0DAT } index++; } else { index = 0; flag = 0; I2C0CONSET I2C0CONCLR } break; case (0x38) : I2C0CONSET = break; 0x20; 0x20; = = = Buff[index]; 0x20; 0x38;



= =

0x10; 1 << SI;

case (0x40)

: I2C0CONSET I2C0CONCLR= I2C0CONCLR= I2C0CONCLR= break; = 1 << AA; 1 << STA; 1 << STO; 1 << SI;

case (0x48)

: I2C0CONSET break; = 1 << STA;

case (0x50)

: I2C0CONSET if (index < MAX) { Rec [index] index++; } else { I2C0CONSET I2C0CONCLR index = 0; Ready } break; = = 1 << AA; I2C0DAT;

= = =

1 << STO; 1 << SI; 'T';

case (0x58)

: Rec [index] I2C0CONCLR= I2C0CONCLR= break; = I2C0DAT; 1 << STA; 1 << STO;

} } I2C0CONCLR= VICVectAddr } UTILITY.C #include <LPC213x.h> #include "UART.h" #define _PCLK 30000000 void DelayMS(void) { unsigned int i,j; for(i=0;i<20;i++) for(j=0;j<300;j++);

1 << SI; = 0x00;

} void UART1_Init(unsigned int _baudrate) { unsigned short u1dl; u1dl = _PCLK/(16*_baudrate); PINSEL0 |= 0x00050000; U1LCR = 0x00000083; U1DLL = u1dl & 0xFF; U1DLM = (u1dl>>8); U1LCR = 0x00000003; } void UART1_PutC(char c) { while(!(U1LSR & 0x20)); U1THR = c; DelayMS(); } void UART1_PutS(char *p) { while(*p) { UART1_PutC(*p++); } } void UART0_Init(unsigned int _baudrate) { unsigned short u0dl; u0dl = _PCLK/(16*_baudrate); PINSEL0 |= 0x00000005; U0LCR = 0x00000083; U0DLL = u0dl & 0xFF; U0DLM = (u0dl>>8); U0LCR = 0x00000003; } void UART0_PutC(char c) { while(!(U0LSR & 0x20)); U0THR = c; DelayMS(); } void UART0_PutS(char *p) { while(*p) { UART0_PutC(*p++); } }


#define CR 0x0D #include <LPC21xx.H> void init_serial (void); int putchar (int ch); int getchar (void); unsigned char test; int main(void) { char *Ptr = "*** UART0 Demo ***\n\n\rType Characters to be echoed!!\n\n\r"; VPBDIV = 0x02; init_serial(); while(1) { while (*Ptr) { putchar(*Ptr++); } putchar(getchar()); } } void init_serial (void) { PINSEL0 = 0x00000005; U0LCR = 0x00000083; U0DLL = 0x000000C3; U0LCR = 0x00000003; }

int putchar (int ch) { if (ch == '\n') { while (!(U0LSR & 0x20)); U0THR = CR; } while (!(U0LSR & 0x20)); return (U0THR = ch); } int getchar (void) { while (!(U0LSR & 0x01)); return (U0RBR); } SWAMY ABEDHANANDHA POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, THELLAR – 604 406 ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT VI SEMESTER / EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LAB

#include <LPC214x.H> #include <stdio.h> void PWM0_isr(void) __irq { PWMIR |= 0x00000001; VICVectAddr = 0x00000000; } void init_PWM (void) { VICVectAddr8 = (unsigned)PWM0_isr; VICVectCntl8 = 0x00000028; VICIntEnable = 0x00000100; VPBDIV = 0x02; PINSEL0 |= 0x00008008; PWMPR = 0x00000000; PWMPCR = 0x00000C0C; PWMMCR = 0x00000003; PWMMR0 = 0x400; PWMMR1 = 0; PWMMR2 = 0x200; PWMMR3 = 0x100; PWMLER = 0xF; PWMTCR = 0x00000002; PWMTCR = 0x00000009; } void Delay () {

unsigned int i,j; for (i=0;i<250;i++) for (j=0;j<700;j++); } int main (void) { unsigned long val; unsigned long oldval = 0; VPBDIV = 0x02; PINSEL0 |= 0x00050000; PINSEL1 = 0x15400000; init_PWM(); U1LCR = 0x83; U1DLL = 0xC3; U1LCR = 0x03; AD0CR = 0x00230608; AD0CR |= 0x01000000; while (1) { do { val = AD0GDR; } while ((val & 0x80000000) == 0); AD0CR &= ~0x01000000; val = ((val >> 6) & 0x3FF); Delay (); Delay(); if (val != oldval) { PWMMR2 = val; PWMLER = 0xF; oldval = val; printf ("Val : %4d \n\r", val); } } }

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