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Hasmukh Goswami College of Engineering




MAYUR PATEL[090240116031]

6th Semester

AT Hasmukh Goswami College of


Academic year MARCH-2012

Internal Guide By :Hiren Patel

Submitted By :Pooja Patel [086540307543]

Submitted To:Department of I.T. Engineering 2|Media Shop Management System

VPMP polytechnic Gandhinagar


This is to certify that following students of Diploma C.E. in semester V of V.P.M.P. Polytechnic, Gandhinagar have successfully completed their project work on ”MEDIA SHOP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” under the subject PROJECT under the guidance of the project guide within the four walls of VPMP POLYTECHNIC, GANDHINAGAR IN YEAR 2010-2011.
STUDENT NAMES:Pooja Patel[086540307543] Ashish Patel[086540307531] PROJECT GUIDE:Hiren Patel HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT: MR. A.K.Upadhay

3|Media Shop Management System

[Lecturer In 5th Sem CE]



The best way to have the best idea is to have a lot many good ideas. Perhaps social status is most precious gifting to man provided by the nature. We are greatly thankful for quality of guidance, co-operation inspiration provided by the staff. All kind of care, we got during project work. We are thankful to our project guide “MR. HIREN PATEL”, for being our internal project guide and providing guidelines with all the technical support. He kept faith in me and considered me for this project work to prove our self. They gave their valuable time to provide me moral support, without them this project would have been a dream only. We are also grateful to my friends for providing critical and caustic feedback when we deserved. For providing us very important guidance and useful tips do develop this project.


4|Media Shop Management System


We have tried to complete this project successfully. We are sure that our project will provide a best-computerized way to manager computer center. I will also provide best services for Purchase and IssueReturn process of a shop. It helps us to know role we are going to play in the real world. Suggetion regarding this system are most welcome and will be highly appreciated.

Thank You,

5|Media Shop Management System

1.1 Project Definition 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 Purpose Scope of Work Overview

3.1 Hardware Requirement 3.2 Software Requirement

7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Identify The Investigation] Feasibility Study Data Flow Diagram E-R Diagram Data dictionary Activities Of System[Primary

6|Media Shop Management System

8.4 Form Layout



Technology gets changed day by day. Everyone wants his\her work done speedily without compromising quality.


My Project definition is “MEDIA SHOP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM”. This system is exclusively developed for a Media shop, Which totally computerizes the CD/DVD information in the shop.



The main purpose of this application is automate the existing system’s routine work like maintaining the CD/DVD information, Issues and return register maintenance. This type of system is required when it has to perform a large amount of data. This system is consisting of various features like daily issue and return of CD’s, preparing the report, searching for particular CD for availability.

7|Media Shop Management System


The main scope of our work in any Media shop , which want to computerize their system. This is a single user system so any Media shop located in a city/town it for automating its system.


Media shop includes many transactions like new membership, membership renewal, new arrival CD\DVD, importantly issue and return of various CD. There should be any delay in providing these services to users.

8|Media Shop Management System


 This software use to maintain sells, purchase and stock of shop run by the client.  It can be extended to have a easy to use check out process.  Departments and Categories for various products.  Listing Options for different choise.  This project includes Project Description, Environment Details, Relationship between different entities, prototype of System, Process control diagrams, data flows, Design of Computer Input & output.  Easy to use.  It includes Process of purchase, issue, return.

9|Media Shop Management System

The operating system can be any one from Windows-XP/vista/w-7. For the application development we required at least a Pentium PC with 256 MB of RAM.

3.1 Hardware Requirement:

Processor: Pentium 4 or higher Memory : 256 MB RAM Hard Disk : 40 GB or More
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OS : Windows XP/Vista/7 3.2 Software Specification:

Front-End Of System: VISUAL BASIC.NET

Back End Of System: MICROSOFT ACCESS-2007


 Visual Basic .NET (VB .NET) is a version of Microsoft's Visual Basic that was designed, as part of the company's .NET product group, to make Web services applications easier to develop.  According to Microsoft, VB .NET was reengineered, rather than released as VB 6.0 with added features, to facilitate making fundamental changes to the language.  VB.NET is the first fully object-oriented programming (OOP) version of Visual Basic, and as such, supports OOP concepts such as abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism, and aggregation.

 Problems with VB 6.0:
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1. No capabilities for multithreading. 2. Lack of implementation inheritance and other object oriented features. 3. Poor error handling capabilities. 4. Poor integration with other languages such as C++. 5. No effective user interface for Internet based applications.

All these problem with VB 6.0 are solved by VB.NET.  FEATURES OF VB.NET:

1. Full support for object oriented programming. This is a major addition that VB6 and other earlier releases didn’t have. 2. Structured error handling capabilities. 3. Access to .NET Framework. 4. Powerful unified Integrated Development Environment (IDE). 5. Inherent support for XML & Web Services. 6. Better windows applications with Windows Forms. 7. New Console capabilities of VB.NET. 8. New Web capabilities with Web Forms. 9. Immense power of tools & controls (including Server Controls). 10.Better database programming approach with ADO.NET. 11.Scalability of the application to a great extent. 12.Security has become more robust in VB.NET 13.The CLR takes care of garbage collection i.e. the CLR releases resources as soon as an object is no more in use.

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A database is a collection of information related to a particular subject or purpose such as tracking customer order or maintaining a music & video collection. If your database isn’t stored on a computer or only parts of it are you may be tracking information from a variety of sources that you have to coordinate and organize yourself.  Microsoft Office Access, previously known as Microsoft Access, is a pseudo-relational database management system from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools.

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 It is a member of the Microsoft Office suite of applications, included in the Professional and higher editions or sold separately.

 Access stores data in its own format based on the Access Jet Database Engine. It can also import or link directly to data stored in other applications and databases

 Software developers and data architects can use Microsoft Access to develop application software, and "power users" can use it to build simple applications. Like other Office applications.

 Microsoft Office Access provides a highly integrated set tools that can be together to creates tables for data storage, links to external data sources.

 Queries for retrieving and manipulating and data, forms for data entry, reports for aggregating and analyzing data, macros to automate common tasks.

 It allows problem to be solved relatively quickly and effectively by users who understands the problem well. But who often do not have the resources or the times to develop a more extensively architected and engineered solution.

 Microsoft Office Access enables information workers to quickly establish a database application to track the information with increased efficiency. Several dozen database templates are available from Office online to provide models for solving common data-tracking tasks.

 In addition, Access includes wizards and friendly users interface features to ease the creation of relational data structure and the queries, forms and reports needed with the data. 14 | M e d i a S h o p M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m

 Tables:
A Table is collection of data about a specific topic such as products or suppliers. Using as separate table for each topic means you store that data only once, which makes your database more efficient and reduces data entry errors. Tables organize data into columns (Called fields) and rows (Called records). In Table datasheet view, you can add, edit or view the data in a table. You can also check the spelling and print your table’s data, filter or sort records. Change the datasheet’s appearance, or change the table’s structure by adding or deleting columns. In table design view you can create an entire table from scratch or add delete or customize an existing table’s fields.

 Queries:
You use queries to view change and analyze data in different ways. You can also use them as the source of records for forms and reports. The most common type of query is a select query. A select query retrieves data from one or more tables using criteria you specify and then displays it in the order you want.

 Microsoft Access Features:

1. Benefits of Access from a programmer's perspective is its relative compatibility with SQL – queries may be viewed and edited as SQL 15 | M e d i a S h o p M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m

2. 3.



statements, and SQL statements can be used directly in Macros to manipulate Access tables. The report written in Access is capable and up to the task of sophisticated report creation. The Access cut-and-paste functionality can make it a useful tool for connecting between other databases (for example, Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server during data or database conversions). Microsoft Access is easily applied to small projects but scales poorly to large projects owing to weak security and database locking features. All database queries, forms, and reports are stored in the database, and in keeping with the ideals of the relational mode.

 Microsoft Access Advantages:

1. Microsoft Access is available with the Microsoft Office Professional suite of business products therefore no additional database software is required if your company purchases computers with this suite of products already installed. 2. Microsoft Access 2007 database is likely to be available and supported for years to come because Microsoft is the premier software company in the world. 3. MS Access is the most widely used desktop database system in the world. 4. If database support is important to you then Access may be your best choice since Access has more support and development consultants than any other desktop database system. 5. Fairly complex databases can be setup and running in 1/2 the time and cost of other large database systems (the simpler the database the greater the cost advantage). 6. Microsoft Access integrates well with the other members of the Microsoft Office suite of products (Excel, Word, Outlook, etc.). 7. Other software manufacturers are more likely to provide interfaces to MS Access than any other desktop database system. 8. Cost effective tool. 9. Easy to use and learn.

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10.Powerful graphical user interface for creating, manipulation and updating database.

 Reason of selecting MS Access as Back End:

1. Access is easy to use and not require any server. 2. Not take any more process as taken by Oracle and MS SQL server. 3. Easy to create, insert and delete table and records. 4. Easy connectivity with VB.NET. 5. Easy to Maintain and Backup the data on other disk.

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 MANUAL SYSTEM:Existing system is based on manual work and all the process are done manually. So they maintain registers and files for recording all the details of the system. Shop keeper handles for keeping information on paper. In manual system the insertion, updating of the record on the paper. In the Existing system the CD\DVDs are issued and gathered from the customers manually the system consist of the predefine procedure for issuing the CD. In the issue procedure if the customer wishes to issue or return the CD then he/she has to fill a CD issue form, which is provided by concerned authority. In the form the customer has to specify his\her name, address, contact number, date, etc. He\She also has to specify the name of the CD which he\she wants to issue, quantity of the selected CD\DVDs which is provided by concerned authority. If the customer who wants to issued the CD fulfill the criteria than authorized person issues him\her required CD if that CD is available in Shop. After this customer has to make the entry of the CD\DVD issued in muster in which he\she has to specify the name of the CDs, it’s quantity and date. In the return procedure the customer simply return the CDs to the authorized person and he checks the issued date for that CD.

 Manual System: Features

 System based on paper information.  Manual insertion updating of the record on the paper.  Voluminous registers are maintained. 18 | M e d i a S h o p M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m

 Search of particular information of CD is done through scanning every page.  Report of information of CD is not prepaid.  Preparation of CD availability sheet is done manually.

 Manual System: Problems

 Manual system requires more time for processing.  Many register have to be maintained.  Insertion updating of record is timed consuming.  Search for any information is done manually. So it is time consuming.  Different reports may not be up to date always.  Human error in calculation and other task make the information improper. As a result the system becomes complex.  System is costly as it requires more manpower and other sources.

The main drawback of the existing system is that manual work leads time consumption. It affects the all person of management and also the department. There is number of day-to-day transaction and hence the large numbers of documents are in circulation, which have to store. Also large numbers of register have to be kept to the store this document is required 19 | M e d i a S h o p M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m

more storing space, more manpower and job become tedious. Some time gathering of all documents is a tedious job. In this system process of summary reports is main part. Using the computerized system this process is become simple and small. You can immediately getting the report for the query. You can get this all report or summary for the previous year. Various details have to be providing to the management at any time. “Computing and automating Media shop management system, such that system provides accurate services to users and various reports to managements as and when required with a few moments.”

 Proposed System: Advantage

 Computer stores all the information and insertion, updating is also done through it.  It is paperless system easy to operate.  Different tables instead of registers.  Easier searching options.  Automatically generated reports on demand.  Inconsistency removed.  Faster searching facility from software database.  Faster and accurate analysis of data reduce paper work.  Compact storage of data.  Redundancy largely eliminated.  Security can be maintained.

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A receive the information of the system can be made for many reasons. We check it according to us three steps:  Request Clarification  Feasibility Study  Request approval

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Above three steps will identify that system is feasible or not. The last step of preliminary investigation is request approval on the basis of feasibility report the project.



This is the most important aspect in the analysis part of the system-designing phase is generally dependent upon the feasibility study. The feasibility study enables us to determine weather, it is feasible to go for computerization so keeping this aspect in view the new computerized system has also undergone through many checks and then only it was decide to develop this system. The feasibility study is needed to  Determine the potential of new system is to be installed or not?  Improve the existing system.  Know what should be embedded in to new system.  Define the problems and objectives involved in a project.  Avoid crash implementation of a new system.  Avoid costly repairs at later larger stage when the system is implemented.

There are different types of feasibility study of them are explained below:

 Economical Feasibility:

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For declaring the system is economical feasible, the benefits obtained from the system has to be rated the cost incurred to actually developed the system. The whole system was developed in Visual Basic.NET and MS Access. The store’s has its own software so there were no overheads generated in marking the system available system are user friendly less overheads was entered on project.

 Technical Feasibility:

The system needs Pentium 4. The necessary technology i.e. front end development tools, back end development tools to develop the system are already exist in the organization. The front end Visual Basic.NET is easily compatible with existing hardware configuration. As back end is Microsoft Access there is no requirement of extra installation. Here the system is technical feasible.

 Operational Feasibility:

Proposed project are beneficial only if they can be turned into information system that will meet the organization’s operating requirements. The following areas have been probed to declare the proposed project is operationally feasible.  There is sufficient support to the project from the management and from the intended users of the system.  The system will not work when it is developed and install and there are no major barriers to its implementation within the organization.

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Data flow diagram is a graphical tool used to describe and analyses the movement of data through a system-manual or automated-including the process stores the data, and delay in the system. Data flow diagrams are the central tool and basis from which other components are developed. The transformations of the data from input to output through the processes may be described logically and independently of the physical components Associated with the system. They are termed logical data flow diagrams. In contrast, physical data flow diagrams show the actual implementation and the movement of data between people departments and workstations. The simple notations are easily understood by users and business persons who are part of the process being studied. Therefore analysts can 24 | M e d i a S h o p M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m

work with users and actually involve them in the study of data flow diagrams. Users can make suggestions for modifications of the diagrams to more accurately describe the business activity. They can also examine the charts and spot problems quickly so that they can be corrected before other design work begins. If problems are not found early in the development process they will be very difficult to correct when they are noticed avoiding mistakes early may even prevent system failure. Data flow analysis permits analysts to isolate areas of interest in the organization and study them by examining the data that enter the process and seeing how they are changed when they are changed when they leave the process. As analyst gather acts and details their increased understanding of the process leads them to ask questions about specifications of the process which leads to still additional investigation as the area of investigation is broken into successively lower level details until all the essential components and their interrelations can be understood. A comprehensive system investigation produces sets of many data flow diagrams some providing overviews of major processes and others going into great details to show data elements, data stores, and processing steps for specific components of a larger system. If analysts want to review the overall system later, they use the higher-lever overview diagrams. However if they are interested in studying one particular they use the data flow diagram for that lower process. The data flow diagrams are pictorial or graphical representation of the outline of the system study. The data flow diagram covers all the processes and data storage area which takes place during any transaction in the system. The data flow diagrams are functionally divided into context level, Zero level, and first level data flow diagrams.


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Data Store

External Interactor

Data Flow

A Data Flow diagram needs to be simple because to has to go through it, understanding it, and suggest correction and changes. A Data Flow Diagram uses only four element are:  External Entities  Process  Dataflow  Data Stores External Entities: An External Entity is a source and/or destination of data for the system under consideration. As the name suggest, it lines outsides the context of system it is represented by a solid square. 26 | M e d i a S h o p M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m

Process: A process represents some amount of work being performed on data. A process does transformation of data from to another. Data Flow: Data Flow represents the path of data as it flows through a system. An arrow represents it, the arrow head point in the direction in which data moves. Name of data flow in written along the line.

Data store: If there is a logical requirement for the data to be stored, it is held in the data store. A data store, therefore, is a repository of data. It is represented by an open edged rectangle. A number and a name identify each data like a process.


Customer, Project Details

Media View

27 | M e d i a S h o p M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m



Media Shop

Login Feedback

Select Details Check the Details








CD Selection

Select CD Details

Check CD Details

Selected CD


Member Details

28 | M e d i a S h o p M a n a gCDm e n t S y s t e m e Verification


Check Member Details M_ID,CD

1.3 Issuing CD M_Name,Issue CD

Update the Data



Zero FineStatus


1.1.1 Check Fine

1.1.2 Return CD

29 | M e d i a S h o p M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m

Name, Media_Type

Return CD

Update the Data


Customer Details

1.2.1 CD Selection PURCHASE

Selected CD,

Check CD Details



30 | M e d i a S h o p M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m

1.2.2 Selling CD

Update the Data


7.4 E-R DIAGRAM:Password UserName


Language Dealer_Name Company_Name Media_Type

Has Total_Price



M_Name Has Media_Type Care_Of



31 | M e d i a S h o p M a n a gCare_Of e n t S y s t e m em


Total_Price Deposit Has






MRP M_Return Bill_Type




A Data Dictionary is a catalog a repository of the element in a system. As the name suggest these element centers around data and the way they are structured list of the entire element composing the data flowing through a system. The major elements are data flows, data store, and processes. The data dictionary stores details and decrypting of these elements. If analysis want to know how many characters are in data item, by what other name it is referenced in the system, or where it is used in the system, they should be able to find the answer in a properly developed data dictionary. The dictionary is developed during data flow analysis and assists the analysis involved in determining systems requirement.

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 Table Name: User_Master





FirstName LastName Username Password Dateu

Text Text Text Memo Date/time

15 15 10 10 10

Null Null Primary key Primary key Null

FirstName of user LastName of user Login id of System user Password of user Current Date

 Table Name: Purchase





Datep Timep ID M_Name Dealer_Name Company_Name Media_Type Language No_Of_Disk Quantity Purchase_Price M.R.P Total_Price

Date/Time Date/Time Number Text Text Text Text Text Number Number Number Number Number

10 10 5 50 50 50 10 10 10 5 5 5 5

Null Null Primary Key Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null

Purchase Date Purchase Time ID of media Disk Name of Media Disk Name of the Dealer Name of Company Type of Disk Language of Disk No of disks Quantity Of Disk Purchase price of Disk Original Price of Disk Total price

33 | M e d i a S h o p M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m

 Table Name: Rent




Dater Timer C_ID C_Name Care_of Address Contact_no M_ID M_Name Media_Type Language No_Of_Disk Rent_Rate Deposit

Date/Time Date/Time Number Text Text Text Number Number Text Text Text Number Number Number

10 10 10 50 50 100 10 5 50 10 10 10 5 5

Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null

Rent Date RentTime Customer no Customer Name Reference for customer Customer Address Customer’s contact no. ID of Media Disk Name of Media Disk Type of Media Language ofMedia Disk No. Of Disk Rent for any media Disk Deposit of Customer

 Table Name: Sell




sDate C_ID C_Name ID M_Name Media_Type Language Quantity Price Total_Price

Date/Time Number Text Number Text Text Text Number Number Number

10 5 50 5 50 10 10 5 5 5

Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null

Date of sell Customer’s ID Name of Customer ID of Media Disk Name of Media Disk Type of Media Language of Disk Quantity of Media Disk Price of Media Disk Total amount of bill

 Table Name: Purchase_sell

34 | M e d i a S h o p M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m

ID M_Name Media_Type Language Company_Name Quantity No_Of_Disks M.R.P

Number Text Text Text Text Number Number Number

5 50 10 10 50 5 4 5

Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null

ID of media Disk Name of Media Disk Type of Disk Language of Disk Name of Company Quantity Of Disk No Of Disk Original Price of Disk

 Table Name: Account

Date Time M_No Name Address Contact_No Bill_Type

Date/Time Date/Time Number Text Text Number Text

10 10 5 50 100 10 5

Null Null Primary Key Null Null Null Null

Date of rent Time of rent Member No Name of member Address of member Contact no of member Bill_Type of Rent

 Table Name: Member_Rent

Datem Timem ID M_Name Contact_no M_ID Media_Name Media_Type Language No_Of_Disk Quantity Rent_Rate

Date/Time Date/Time Number Text Number Number Text Text Text Number Number Number

10 10 50 50 10 5 50 10 10 10 5 5

Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null

Date Time Member ID Member Name Customer’s contact no. ID of Media Disk Name of Media Disk Type of Media Language of Media Disk No. Of Disk Quantity of Media Disk Rent for any media Disk

 Table Name: Mem_Return
35 | M e d i a S h o p M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m




Datem Timem ID M_Name Contact_no M_ID Media_Name Media_Type Language No_Of_Disk Quantity Rent_Rate M_Return

Date/Time Date/Time Number Text Number Number Text Text Text Number Number Number Number

10 10 50 50 10 5 50 10 10 10 5 5 5

Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null

Date Time Member ID Member Name Customer’s contact no. ID of Media Disk Name of Media Disk Type of Media Language ofMedia Disk No. Of Disk Quantity of Media Disk Rent for any media Disk Return Media disk

 Table Name: Return




Dater Timer C_ID C_Name M_ID M_Name Media_Type Language No_Of_Disk

Date/Time Date/Time Number Text Number Text Text Text Number

10 10 50 50 5 50 10 10 10

Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null

Date Time Customerr ID Customerr Name ID of Media Disk Name of Media Disk Type of Media Language ofMedia Disk No. Of Disk

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This form shows front page of the System. In this form user can login on the system using valid Username & Password.

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This is a Purchase Form of the system, that contain information about the CD/DVDs purchased by Shop.

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This is a Rent form of the system for customer not Member. This form shows the detail of the customer that rent the CD/DVD from the shop.

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This is a rent form of the system for the member. This form shows the details of the member that rent the CD/DVD from the shop.

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This form is Sell form of the System. This form shows the details of selling CD/DVD.

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This form is Account form of the system. This form shows the account facility for member of the shop.

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This form shows the facility of updating any field of account for member.

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This form shows facility of searching any available category of the shop.

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This is System form for which we can create a new Username & Password for the System that used to login to the system.

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This Figure shows the report of Purchased CD/DVD.

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This figure shows the report for customer rent.

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This figure shows the report for member rent.

This figure shows the report of the selling cd/dvd.

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This figure shows the report of Customer whose return the cd/dvd.

This figure shows the report of member whose return the cd/dvd.

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Testing one of the major parts in software development. i. Testing Plan ii. Testing Strategy iii. Testing Methods iv. Testing case

i] TESTING PLAN:“Correctness is the degree to which a software system performs its required function.” “Correctness is the extend to which a software system is free from fault.” Software testing is the critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate review of specifications, design and coding. Testing represents an interesting analogy for the software. The testing phase involves testing of the system using various test data. Preparation of the data plays a vital role in the system testing. After preparing the test data, the system under study is tested using those data. Errors found were corrected and corrections were recorded for future references. Thus, a series of testing is performed on the system before it is ready for implementation. The development of the software system involves a series of production activities where opportunities for injection of human fallibility are enormous. Errors may begin to occur at very inception of the process where the objectives may be erroneously or imperfectly specified as well as in the later design and development stages. Because of human inability to perform and communicate with perfection, software development is followed by a quality assurance activity. 51 | M e d i a S h o p M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m

Testing was done on a regular basis during the coding phase itself. Also a separate session was kept for testing. Both Alpha and Beta tests were performed. Some errors were uncovered and the code was modified to ensure the removal of the error. Extensive testing was done to ensure the correctness of the project. Also a list of desired outputs was made and the code was tested to see if the outputs are consistent. A large amount of situations were simulated and the inputs generated were provided to the project to see whether the desired output is available or not.

ii] TESTING STRATEGY:Testing strategies is a general approach to the testing process rather than a method of devising particular system or components tests. Different testing strategies may be adopted depending on the type of system to be tested and the development process used. So considering functional oriented nature of this software we adopted mixture of following strategies.  Top down testing: Testing starts with most abstract components and works downwards. The higher levels of our system we checked before testing its detailed components. The program is represented as a single abstracted component with sub-components represented by stubs. Reasons for choosing these strategies: 1] Unnoticed design errors may be detected at early stages in the testing process. 2] Another advantage is that a limited, working system is available at an early stage in the development. Result: results of these testing find out many flows in our software particularly which are based on module interaction.  Back-to-Back testing:

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Which is used when version of a system are available. The system ate tested together and their outputs are compared. The same tests are presented to both version of the system and the tests are compared. Differences between these test results highlight potential system problems. Solving the equation we implemented two different mathematically different formulae to tackle the same problem. So we developed two different programs based on these formulae. Result: providing the same test cases to both the programs, we got the same outputs. That indicates programs do not have any errors.

iii] TESTING MEDHODS: Unit Testing-module Testing In this testing individual components and modules are tested to ensure that they operate correctly. We had tested each module such as submit listing and administrative features.  Integration Testing Thai testing is a systematic technique for constructing the program structure while at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated with interfacing. All the modules testing in the unit testing are integrated and are tested for their inter-dependency. There are several models for testing module some of them are as follows: Black Box Testing Graph Based Testing White Box Testing


 Purpose 53 | M e d i a S h o p M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m

The purpose of the test cases is to test the various input and see the output produce any error or not. There are different test cases according to the system. A correct system must accomplish the following:  Compute accurate results.  Operate safely, and cause the system containing the software to operate safely.  Perform the tasks required by the system containing the software, as explained in software applications.  Achieve these goals for all inputs.  Recognize inputs outside its domain. We shall see satisfying these pre-requisites depends on a variety of things. One of these things is to provide clear and correct software specification.

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 Media shop system could be used or enhanced for rent and sell calculation purpose.

 It could be enhanced for the Shop purpose.

 Customer’s rent and other activities of Buying or selling can be reported.

 As entirely different module for analysis can improve by developing more and more reports using this software. Here because of the time limitation we have been able to develop the software with certain limitations.

 It is also be very useful for the management.

 User can easily see first, last and other records.

 User can easily Update, delete the records.

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 User can easily see view of records.

 User can quickly generate the different types of records.



The design of “Media shop system” done by taking into consideration of all the user requirement. The intension of this whole system is to computerize the entire operation of the existing system. Actually, we are able to understand what procedure is in the developing computerized system for educational organization. Overall, it was a nice experience to learn software engineering and develop such a complex system. I also got knowledge of a totally new topic related to commerce field i.e. Job. Finally, we again thank to all the college staff and Project guide for their support.

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 Visual Basic. NET Black Book By Steven Holzner  System Analysis And Design By Jemes a sen     

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