PSM Newletter

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Participants of the First PSM Education Caravan held at the Miriam College last September 10, 2010.

The PSM’s first Education Caravan draws EDUCATOR’S to improve their craft
PSM members from various institutions and universities located in Northern Luzon down to Bicol attended and participated in the very 1st PSM Education Caravan held at Miriam College last September 10, 2010. Both the young and experienced educators coming from their respective academic institution partake in the seminar. Dr. Anthony Lee started the session by presenting the issues governed by educators now who are teaching Microbiology. This was followed by the very 1st recipient of the William L. Fernandez Excellence in Teaching Microbiology award, Dr. Esperanza Cabrera who enlightened the participants how to equip their syllabi and effectively teach the subject by proper decorum and appropriate student-interaction inside the classroom. Moreover, Dr. Supachai A. Basit presented alternative teaching strategies so that students can appreciate Microbiology. He showed exemplars of various websites that educators can utilize in presenting topics under Microbiology. Prof. Howell T. Ho, on the other hand, imparted his experience and know-how on how educators can foster and validate their questions during examinations. He presented the acronym EARTH APT so that educators can easily assess the questions they develop. Lastly, Prof. Thaddeus M. Carvajal expressed what could be the positive outcomes that educators should look for in order to evaluate their performance in teaching Microbiology. Overall, the seminar was very informative and fruitful to every participant who attended including the organizers as well. Because of the limited time allotted for the session, many expressed that such
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Dr. Michael Madigan leads line-up of distinguished speakers for APBC
The 6th Asia Pacific Biotechnology Congress and 40th Philippine Society for Microbiology, Inc. Annual Convention and Scientific Meeting set for May 11-13, 2011 promises to be a very exciting event with a line-up of very distinguished speakers and talks. Dr. Michael Madigan, one of the authors of the famous book, Brock the Biology of Microorganisms, leads the list of renowned speakers. Arrangements are underway so that the newest edition of the book can be launched on Philippine soils during the convention. Dr. Peter Rogers, who has devoted his life’s work on bioethanol research will talk about bioethanol and higher value fermentation products from lignocellulosic raw materials. Attorney Lawrence Ilag, who also holds a PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology,
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Madigan leads... from page 1
will speak on Intellectual Property considerations in product development. Other speakers during the convention are Dr. Leopold Ilag, director of the Stockholm University Proteomics Facility, who is an expert in molecular neurobiology, medical biochemistry and biophysics from the University of Stockholm, Sweden, Dr. Daniel Porro, Professor of fermentation chemistry and industrial microbiology, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy, and Dr. Chris Griffith from South Africa, an expert in food safety. JFS

The 6th Asia Pacific Biotechnology Congr PRE-REGISTRATION EXTENDED to MARCH
Guidelines for Submission of Papers for Oral Presentation a. The main focus of the paper is microbiology. It should not have been published or presented in other national or international meetings. b. Submission of full papers is encouraged. The full paper should contain the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion and Literature Cited. An extended abstract of two (2) pages with the above sections must be submitted for the proceedings. c. Submitted papers will be reviewed for adherence to established rules, scientific content and presentation by the appropriate Division Representatives and experts in the field who may recommend acceptance or rejection. The Technical Committee will have the final decision. d. Accepted papers will be grouped according to the Division indicated by the author in the Registration form, subject to the final approval of the Committee. e. Plenary Paper Presentations will be of 30 minutes duration followed by 10 minutes open forum. For the Lead Papers, 25 minutes will be allotted for the presentation followed by a 10-minute open forum. Contributed oral papers in technical sessions will be given 20 minutes for presentation and 5-minute discussion. Audiovisual equipment will be available. Deadline: March 15, 2011 For more information, please contact: Dr. Supachai A. Basit.
Chair, Technical Sessions Committee. Emilio Aguinaldo College, School of Medical Technology, Paco, Manila Tel.No.:(02)-5212710 loc. 5347/5391/5422 email: [email protected]


The PSM’s First ... from page 1
activity should be conducted longer or probably a hands on workshop ought to be added. Small discussions after the session suggested potential areas that educators can focus on in order to teach Microbiology effectively to our students. Rest assured that these suggestions will be taken into consideration and as such, can be the next themes of future Education Caravan. In behalf of PSM, we would like to thank the participants who made this activity successful and indeed, inspired us to propel to do it once more and even better next year! TMC

One of the highlights of every PSM Annual Convention is a scientific session for the Best Oral Paper Competition which aims to recognize excellence in microbiological research. Research papers that qualify for the competition based on preliminary screening are scheduled for oral presentations. The best oral paper award is then given to the paper (s) that obtain (s) the highest rating from selected board of judges. The winner (s) is (are) awarded with a plaque of recognition and cash prize. General guidelines for the submission of Competing Oral Papers for Presentation: a. Only the submissions or entries with all the required documents will be considered for the preliminary screening. b. Papers must be co-authored by at least one PSM member to qualify for competition. c. Two copies of the manuscript (of not more than 15 pages, double spaced, Font: Arial and size 12, and including publication

18th Anniversary Celebration of PSM Visayas Coincides with MasskaraFestival
The PSM Visayas Chapter held its 18th Annual Regional Convention and Scientific Meeting held last October 15-16, 2010 at the Bacolod Pavillion Resort Hotel, Reclamation Area, Bacolod City. With the theme: Global Alert: Microbes at Work, Dr. Saturnina Halos , a PAM fellow, served as the keynote speaker who highlight the impact of organic agriculture, biotechnology and microbiology in our lives. Plenary speakers from the PSM National Board namely Dr. Anthony Lee, Dr. Jessica Simbahan
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ress and the 40th PSM Annual Convention and Scientific Meeting. H 31, 2011; ABSTRACT SUBMISSION EXTENDED to MARCH 15, 2011
quality figures and tables) from a completed research that is original, not previously published or is not accepted for presentation or publication elsewhere will be required. A diskette of the manuscript in Microsoft Word should likewise be submitted. d. The contact number (s) or E-mail address of the corresponding author (s) will also be required. e. The manuscript should be submitted to the chairman of the Committee on Best Oral Paper Competition on or before March 15, 2011. The following form and style of the manuscript will be required: a. The title of the article, the full names(s) of author(s) and their affiliations, and complete mailing address should be given. For the name of presenting author, all letter must be capitalized or in upper case. b. The extended abstract should be a brief summary of contents a

led Guidelines for the Participants:

A Poster Paper Session will also showcase current research endeavours in microbiology and biotechnology, within the Poster Session, the Best Poster Paper Competition will be undertaken. The presenting author should indicate upon submission if the paper is for competition, and in such case, one of the co-authors must be a PSM member. General guidelines for the submission of Poster Papers for Presentation: a. The main focus of the paper is microbiology. It should

inches (W) x 40 inches (H) in. with at least one (1) inches for border on each side. For more information and submission of papers, please contact:
Chair, Poster Paper Committee BIOTECH, UP Los Baños, Laguna Telefax: (49) 5360587 Email: [email protected]


Call for Nominations for PSM AWARDS

Deadline: March 15, 2011
not have been published nor presented in other national or international meetings.

b. A condensed abstract with a maximum of 250 words is required. c. For competing poster paper and for the proceedings, an Extended Abstract of at least two pages with a brief description of the Introduction, Methodology. Include appropriate figures and tables along with the Results and Discussion and Conclusion are required. d. Submission of extended abstracts of non-competing poster papers is encouraged. Poster Paper Format: The poster should be organized into the following sections: Introduction, Objectives, Methodology, Results and Discussion and Conclusion. Please ensure readability from a distance of 2 meters. Poster dimensions are as follows: 30


Deadline: March 15, 2011
nd conclusions of the research.


Deadline: March 15, 2011
Please contact below for the guidelines and needed documentations for nominations. Send your nominations to:

c. The text of the Manuscript should include the Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, and Literature Cited. References should be listed in alphabetical order. For more information and submission of papers, please contact:



Chair, PSM Best Oral Competition College of Arts and Sciences, Miriam College, Katipunan Road, Quezon City Tel. No. (02) 580 5400 Telefax: (02) 435 9232 Email: [email protected]

Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences University of the Philippines Manila Padre FauraStreet, Ermita, Manila [email protected] or [email protected] For more details please visit:

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The Society for decades, have kept the membership fees and dues constant despite the sharp blows of economic inflation. Due to the rapid rise in the cost of running the organization, the PSM Board deemed it necessary to increase its dues, so as to continually serve its members. The PSM Board is proposing a 50% increase on its membership fees and annual dues to cover expenses such as office maintenance and communication expense as well as convention and seminar fees subsidies for its members. The proposed rates are as follows: Regular Membership Fee: from PhP 200.00 to PhP 300.00; Life Membership Fee: from PhP 2,000.00 to PhP 3,000.00; and Annual Due: from PhP 200.00 to PhP 300.00. The new rates will be effective by June 2011 pending approval by the General Assembly during the Business Meeting of the 40th Annual Convention on May 2011. (A.Lee)

The New Face of PSM Website in 2011
A new face of the PSM website is already underway and will be launching it early 2011. Preparations and discussion about revamping the PSM website started last August 2010. In fact, PSM has already moved to its new website domain, ph , thus signifying the organization’s professional appearance. What is in store for the new PSM website? Primarily, the first step is getting the “look” correct and its “capability” likable. What does it mean? The content and information inside the website will be organized in such a way that members or guests visiting on it will have an easier time to browse needed information such as downloading of convention flyers and registration forms. Also, a webpage is dedicated for recent activities, cluster symposia and convention events and highlights. This will include a photo gallery of the said event so that members can invigorate the occasion. Current news and updates are added that will showcase not only what is happening to PSM but achievements made by PSM members. Furthermore, the website will integrate itself with leading social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. The new website will also cater the PSM Regional Chapters with their own webpage. A specific domain name (e.g. www.bicol.psm. for each chapter will be created under the new PSM website. This will enable our regional chapters to promote and inform the Philippine scientific community about their activities. There is actually more to say however, it will be best for you, dear members of PSM, to log in and see it for yourself. (TMC)

18th Anniversary... from page 2
and Dr. Marian Pulido-De Leon as well as from the PSM Visayas Chapter Board, Dr. Luisito Conducta served as plenary speakers to the said event. The Electric Masskara Festival dovetailed this two day affair which was marked with street dancing and merry-making, underscoring that Bacolod City is the City of Smiles. This momentous event was attended by more than 200 participants from the various provinces within the Visayas region.

Philippine Society for Microbiology (PSM), Inc. Room C11 EC Arcade, Demarces Compound, College, Laguna Tel. No.: (+63) 49 536 5794 email: [email protected] website:


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