What Caused It and How We Can Fix It
Leonard Cassuto
“Cassuto presents astute summaries of the history of graduate
education in America as a foundation for specific approaches to
reconceiving it…A thoughtful, clearly written analysis.”
—Elizabeth Hayford, Library Journal
“Cassuto offers a thoughtful and well-researched look at the broader
ills of academia through the lens of graduate education programs.”
—Vanessa Bush, Booklist
2015 2 line illus. 320 pp. $29.95 | £22.95 cloth 9780674728981
Inside Graduate
Merit, Diversity, and
Faculty Gatekeeping
Julie R. Posselt
“Politicians, judges, journalists,
parents and prospective students
subject the admissions policies
of undergraduate colleges
and professional schools to
considerable scrutiny, with much
public debate over appropriate
criteria. But the question of who
gets into Ph.D. programs has
by comparison escaped much
discussion. That may change with
the publication of Inside Graduate
Admissions…While the departments
reviewed in the book remain secret,
the general process used by elite
departments would now appear
to be more open as a result of
Posselt’s book.”
—Scott Jaschik, Inside Higher Ed
2016 12 tables 272 pp.
$35.00 | £25.95 cloth
Lessons in Censorship
How Schools and Courts Subvert Students’ First Amendment Rights
Catherine J. Ross
Concurring Opinions Best Book of the Year
“Ross…makes a compelling case in Lessons in Censorship for
the importance of according students free speech not only as
a constitutional right, but also as a vital democratic practice.”
—Joan Wallach Scott, The Nation
“Turn the pages of Lessons in Censorship and you will discover
what it means for students to think freely and how courts have
fashioned baseless arguments designed to squelch such thinking…
A book that should be read and discussed by school officials at all
levels of education.”
—Ronald K. L. Collins, Concurring Opinions
2015 1 line illus., 1 map 368 pp. $39.95 | £29.95 cloth 9780674057746
Divergent Paths
The Academy and the Judiciary
Richard A. Posner
“A valuable contribution to debates over the future of federal courts
and law schools alike…Posner is, as always, uniformly sensible and
frequently brilliant.”
—Kermit Roosevelt, New York Times Book Review
“A trenchant dissection of both the academy and the judiciary’s flaws…
Equal parts edifying and entertaining.”
—Mark Joseph Stern, Slate
2016 5 tables 432 pp. $29.95 | £22.95 cloth 9780674286030
Cover art:
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800-405-1619 (US only)
Why Torture Doesn’t Work
The Neuroscience of Interrogation
n Irish Examiner Best Book of the Year
Times Higher Education Book of the Week
Shane O’Mara
“A meticulously researched book…As O’Mara shows, torture
techniques are mentally debilitating, affecting memory as well
as mood, and thereby compromise the capacity of victims to
form and deliver a reliable account of any information that they
may be withholding. Not only is torture morally deplorable,
therefore, but its outcome is also entirely unpredictable.”
—Giovanni Frazzetto, Financial Times
2015 336 pp. $29.95 | £22.95 cloth 9780674743908
A Natural History of Human Morality
What Works
Michael Tomasello
Gender Equality by Design
“If you’re after a definitive guide to explain how humans
became an ultra-cooperative and, eventually, moral species,
this must be it.”
Iris Bohnet
—New Scientist
“This is an extremely worthwhile addition to the literature
on the evolution of morality. It is well written and strikes an
excellent balance between easy accessibility and nuanced
and novel ideas.”
—Richard Joyce, author of The Evolution of Morality
2016 6 line illus. 208 pp. $35.00 | £25.95 cloth 9780674088641
Education and the Commercial Mindset
Samuel E. Abrams
“Abrams describes eloquently the disconnect between the optimism underlying for-profit companies’ efforts to improve urban
education and the realities that their schools faced. He also describes the history of KIPP charters, their accomplishments, and
the limits of the KIPP model as a strategy for improving the life
chances of urban children growing up in low-income families.”
—Richard J. Murnane, co-author of Restoring Opportunity
2016 12 charts, 20 tables 432 pp. $39.95 | £29.95 cloth 9780674049178
800-405-1619 (US only)
“Right up to board level, companies
should find in What Works not only
food for thought [about gender
bias], but a guide for effective
practical action as well.”
—Sarah Gordon, Financial Times
“This is a must-have guide for
anyone in charge of a diversity
—Julie Chappell,
Management Today
“Provides a useful introduction to
all the available evidence showing
there is a business, as well as moral,
case for diversity. What Works
speaks to CEOs in a language they
will understand, taking the emotion
out of the argument and making
a pragmatic case for reshaping
workplace norms to make women
feel less alienated.”
—Helen Lewis, New Statesman
Belknap Press
2016 11 halftones 400 pp.
$26.95 | £19.95 cloth
harvard university press 3
The Language Animal
The Full Shape of the Human Linguistic Capacity
Charles Taylor
“Just as Humboldt believed that ‘possessing a language is to be
continuously involved in trying to extend its powers of articulation,’
Charles Taylor’s new book, The Language Animal, demonstrates how
the very study of language over time embodies the evolving human
effort to extend our understanding—not only of language, but of the
very self language helps to describe, propel, and transcend. It is a
deeply thoughtful, historically enriching, and ultimately luminous book.”
—Maryanne Wolf, Tufts University
Belknap Press 2016 368 pp. $35.00 | £25.95 cloth 9780674660205
Self and Soul
A Defense of Ideals
Mark Edmundson
n Art of Manliness Best Book of the Year
n Artery Best Book of the Year
“[Edmundson’s] bold and ambitious new book is partly a demonstration of
what a ‘real education’ in the humanities, inspired by the goal of ‘human
transformation’ and devoted to taking writers seriously, might look like…
[It] quietly sets out to challenge many educational pieties, most of the
assumptions of recent literary studies—and his own chosen lifestyle.”
—Mathew Reisz, Times Higher Education
2015 304 pp. $29.95 | £22.95 cloth 9780674088207
Evolution and Human Sexual Behavior
Peter B. Gray • Justin R. Garcia
“A very good book…A strong case can be made that real sex
education would go beyond Plumbing 101 and emulate this
book—actually teaching about sexual behavior from an
evolutionary perspective.”
—David P. Barash, Chronicle of Higher Education
2016; 2013 376 pp. $21.95 | £16.95 paper 9780674660007
Ruling Minds: Psychology
in the British Empire
Erik Linstrum
2016 320 pp.
$39.95 | £29.95 cloth
Triumphs of Experience:
The Men of the Harvard
Grant Study
George E. Vaillant
Belknap Press
2015 480 pp.
$17.95 | £13.95 paper
4 harvard university press
The Prime of Life:
A History of Modern
Steven Mintz
Belknap Press
2015 432 pp.
$35.00 | £25.95 cloth
A Natural History of
Human Thinking
Michael Tomasello
2014 192 pp.
$37.00 | £27.95 cloth
800-405-1619 (US only)
Paying for the Party
How College Maintains Inequality
Elizabeth A. Armstrong • Laura T. Hamilton
istinguished Scholarly Book Award, American Sociological Association
utstanding Publication Award, American Educational Research Association
cholarly Achievement Award, North Central Sociological Association
“Focusing on the pathways leading to the college experience, the authors
reveal an honest, if at times unflattering, look at the reality of the academic
experience for women of both high and low socioeconomic status.”
—Rachel Wadham, Library Journal (starred review)
2015; 2013 2 line illus., 15 tables 344 pp. $18.95 | £14.95 paper 9780674088023
How Economics Shapes Science
Paula Stephan
“Economist Paula Stephan takes an exhaustive look at how publicly
funded science pays [its] bills, and how this affects research, researchers
and the economy. She argues that expanding universities and stagnant
budgets have made funders and scientists more risk-averse, and stunted
the development of young investigators.”
2015; 2012 13 line illus., 7 tables 384 pp. $21.95 | £16.95 paper 9780674088160
Minds Online
Teaching Effectively with Technology
Michelle D. Miller
“An outstanding book that provides a road map for truly effective online
teaching. What distinguishes [Miller’s] book from much of the research
available on teaching with technology, and pushes it beyond arguments
about improving access, is her emphasis on the ways in which online
teaching tools can actually improve learning for all students—not just
those who have no access to traditional face-to-face classrooms.”
—James Lang, Chronicle of Higher Education
2016; 2014 2 line illus., 2 tables 296 pp. $17.95 | £13.95 paper 9780674660021
On the Battlefield of Merit:
Harvard Law School,
the First Century
Daniel R. Coquillette •
Bruce A. Kimball
2015 688 pp.
$39.95 | £29.95 cloth
Redesigning America’s
Community Colleges:
A Clearer Path to
Student Success
Thomas R. Bailey •
Shanna Smith Jaggars •
Davis Jenkins
2015 304 pp.
$35.00 | £25.95 cloth
800-405-1619 (US only)
Make It Stick:
The Science of
Successful Learning
Peter C. Brown •
Henry L. Roediger III •
Mark A. McDaniel
Belknap Press
2014 336 pp.
$27.95 | £20.00 paper
The Seven Pillars of
Statistical Wisdom
Stephen M. Stigler
2016 240 pp.
$22.95 | £16.95 paper
harvard university press 5
Forthcoming in Fall 2016
Practice for Life
Making Decisions in College
The Vicarious Brain,
Creator of Worlds
Lee Cuba • Nancy Jennings •
Alain Berthoz
Suzanne Lovett • Joseph Swingle
Translated by Giselle Weiss
Next Gen PhD
In His Time and Ours
A Guide to Career Paths in Science
Élisabeth Roudinesco
Melanie V. Sinche
Translated by Catherine Porter
Wisdom Won from Illness
Becoming Who I Am
Essays in Philosophy and Psychoanalysis
Young Men on Being Gay
Jonathan Lear
Ritch C. Savin-Williams
Insanity and Sanctity
in Byzantium
How Law Affects Behavior
Lawrence M. Friedman
The Ambiguity of Religious Experience
Youval Rotman
6 harvard university press
800-405-1619 (US only)
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Nick Sousanis
ROSE Award for Excellence in Humanities,
Association of American Publishers
ROSE Award, Media & Cultural Studies,
Association of American Publishers
Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year
Forbes Best Graphic Novel of the Year
n Independent Best Graphic Novel of the Year
New York Observer “Ten Best Books on Innovation” Selection
Print Best Design Book of the Year
“If you prefer your mind-melt, dimension-bending comics with less
costumes and melodrama, Nick Sousanis’ cerebral exploration of
psychology and perspective offers a refreshing palate cleanser…
Presented with a visual vocabulary that will blow readers minds in
the most scholarly way possible.”
—Sean Edgar, Paste
2015 164 pages of illus. 208 pp.
$22.95 | £16.95 paper 9780674744431