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insurance coverages, what types of insurance coverage ia available, the rights of the insured (i.e. ability to cancel the policy within 30 days and only having to pay the risk premium, to expect to get a detailed explanation of what the policy covers, expected cash values – policy cost illustrations, what the exclusion are in the policy) and questions that the proposed insured should ask the insurance agent/company . By regulation, with the insurance proposal the insured is given a detailed explanation in writing of the policy benefits and provisions. (Policy cost illustrations). This would enable a comparison of insurance policies. The Commissioner enacted regulations which deal with the required disclosure to the proposed insured as well as the prior insurance company in the event of the replacement of insurance policies. In this case the insured is presented with details of what he has in the old policy and what he will have in the new policy to afford some basis of comparison. There are monthly reports to the media of the yields of Participating policies, Provident funds and pension funds. These reports are also maintained on the commissioner's internet site. A list of authorized insurance agents appears in the Insurance departments internet site so that the prospective insured can verify the sales person is an authorized insurance agent. Bachar - Clear definitions of the responsibilities of insurance agents, broker and investment advisors For Motor Bodily Injury coverage (No-fault) there Commissioner's internet site allows the insured to compare the rates for the coverage for all the companies in Israel. The Commissioner's internet site has an interactive application which allows comparison of the yield obtained by provident funds on a monthly or cumulative basis for the last 7 year period. This allows the prospective insurer/saver to better manage his savings and if he desires transfer between provident funds. · Are there financial education programmes targeted to specific types of individual policyholders, such as car/home owners, owners of a small business, etc. or to particular types of insurance such as life insurance, health insurance, liability, annuities, etc.? 1. There are not general educational programs. However the commissioner is attempting to increase the consumer awareness of the need for "shopping" for the best coverage by periodic advertisement of the need to use the comparative data available on Commissioner's internet site. The commissioner tracks the amount of usage of the site in an attempt to study its effectiveness. We are witness to an increased in the use of the site especially when combined with advertising the site on the media (mainly radio). 2. In the near future, the Commissioner internet site will include a calculator which will compare the prices for risk insurance for all the companies. · Has the government in your country undertaken programmes to address these issues or is this the concern of the private sector? If the private sector is involved, what are the extent and respective roles of insurance companies, mutual funds, brokers, or other insurance intermediaries, as well as corporations in the case of group contracts? How involved are other private sector groups such as community organizations and industry associations? 1. Most of the programmes to increase awareness, have been initiated by the government however the private sector has placed extensive information on its internet sites. In the past the data was not uniform in its level of detail and not all of

the regulated bodies had an internet site. . To increase the level of information and transparency the Commissioner has required the companies to place extensive amount of information on their internet sites for example: a. Policies which are being used for individual and group insurance

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