1. What is the difference between synchronous motor vs induction
motor?Which one is better and in what respect?(Tata Motors)
2. What is the difference b/w d.c machines and induction motor?
Which one is better and why? (Tata Motors)
3. What is the power factor? ow can u improve power factor and
its app!ications? (Tata Motors)?
". What is re!ay protection? What is distance protection and
differentia! protection? (Tata Motors)
#. What r the diff. types of protection re!ays used in $enerator?
(Tata Motors)
%. &ifferent types of induction motor? (Te!! about doub!e s'uirre!
ca$e motors a!so). (Tata Motors)
(. What is )ucho!* re!ay of transformer? What is the function of the
breather of +,mer? -ee its constructions difference?(./-01)
2. ow to increase the +,mer efficiency?(3104).
5. Why +,mer is rated in 678 whi!e motor $enerator) in 6W?
19. Tor'ue vs s!ip characteristics of 3 phase induction motor?
(Tata Motors)
11. What is the wor:in$ of 1 phase induction motor? (Tata
12. 0apacitor and induction start of 1,ph 3.M?(8;378)
13. ow to improve the power factor of a m/c?(<T=0)
1". Wor:in$ princip!e of dc m/c both of motor and $enerator?
1#. What type of motor is used in Water pumps?
1%. What type of motor is used in in e!ectric trains?(3104)
1(. Why is the $eneratin$ fre'uency in 3ndia is #9 h*? Whi!e
that of /-8 is %9 h*? (3104)
12. What wi!! happen if a m/c of !oad rated at %9 h* is used in
3ndia? (./-01)
15. What is thyristors? 8nd its app!ications? (./-01)
29. Why do we use a diode in para!!e! to thyristor? (./-01)
21. What is free whee!in$ diode? (Tata Motors)
22. What r the necessary conditions " para!!e! operations of +,
mer> a!ternators etc? (Tata Motors)
23. 0ondition of synchroni*ation? (Tata Motors)
2". What is the resistance ran$e of 3 phase windin$ in any
motor? (Tata Motors)
2#. Tor'ue is $reater in which type of 3.M? (Tata Motors)
2%. Which type of 3.M is most!y used an why? (Tata Motors)
2(. ow do we chan$e the speed in 3.M?(T8T8 =1W?;)
22. ow do we chan$e the fre'uency of 3 ph 3.M?(T8T8
25. Whi!e startin$ the motor which type of connections are
$enera!!y used? 8nd why?(T8T8 =1W?;)
39. &e!ta,star connection is used where in the transmission !ine
and why? @ive the advanta$es?(.3<&84)
31. Arom What type of connections do we $et supp!y in our
houses and why?(.3<&84)
32. ?+p!ain reactive and rea! power? 3f the reactive power
consumption of the system increases what happens to the overa!!
efficiency of the system?(.3<&84)
33. Why do we used star,de!ta connection in 3 phase 3.M?
&raw the circuit dia$ram?(4<T)
3". &escribe ThereninBs Theorem?(4<T)
3#. What is s:in effect? What is pro+imity effect?(3104)
3%. What are eddy current !osses? &escribe ysteresis !osses?
3(. &escribe 0orona effect in the transmission !ines?(3104)
32. What happens if we increase or decrease the fre'uency in
the same rated +,mer?(supp!y side)(3104)
35. ow does the wattmeter in the house wor:? ow the
bi!!in$ is done?(T8T8 -T??4)
"9. ow do we do bi!! ca!cu!ation?(.3<&84)
"1. -peed contro! is better in which motor?(.3<&84)
"2. ow does the cho:e wor: in the e!ectric tube?(T8T8
"3. What type of m/c is used in the cei!in$ fan?(T8T8
"". Why de!ta,star connection is used in the end of
transmission !ine?(T8T8 M1T1;-)
"#. What is the ma+imum efficiency a motor can have?(T8T8
"%. What is ma$netic !oc:in$> craw!in$ and huntin$ in the m/c?
"(. What type of m/c is used in !athe m/c?(T8T8 M1T1;-)
"2. Why rotor of the m/c is !aminated?(T8T8 M1T1;-)
"5. What is the ma+ speed that a synchronous motor can attain?
#9. What is the ferranti effect?(3104)
#1. What is the series trippin$ scheme and shunt trippin$
#2. Why open armature windin$s are not used in dc m/c?
#3. &ia$ram of commutation in dc m/c?(<T=0)
#". Why +,mer have more !osses than induction motors?
(T8T8 M1T1;-)
##. -ee the v/f contro! of 3.M? (T8T8 M1T1;-)
#%. Why dc series motor is not started at !i$ht !oaded
condition? (T8T8 M1T1;-)
#(. Why dc shunt motor is used in saturated re$ion? (T8T8
#2. What r re!ays> 4i$htnin$ arrestors> iso!ators and circuit
#5. What r diff types of circuit brea:ers? &escribe them?
%9. What is the diff b/w iso!ator and circuit brea:er in terms of
their operation? (<T=0)
%1. Why induction motor runs at a speed !ess than synchronous
speed? (<T=0)
%2. What is synchronous speed? (<T=0)
%3. What is the difference in the se!f e+cited and separate!y
e+cited dc $enerators?(in terms of residua! ma$netism)(T8T8
%". Why termina! vo!ta$e decreases when we increase the !oad
in dc shunt motor? ?+p!ain with $raph?(T8T8 -T??4)
%#. Why termina! vo!ta$e decreases when we increase the !oad
in a!ternator? ?+p!ain with $raph?(T8T8 -T??4)
%%. What type of motor do we have in the cei!in$ fan?
%(. What is the power number?(<T=0)
%2. What is master re!ay/ bac: up re!ay?(T8T8 -T??4)
%5. What are different types of motors? (T8T8 -T??4)
(9. What do u mean by T motor and 4T motor? (T8T8
(1. What is the difference b/w inverter and a!ternator?()?M4)
(2. ow do u char$e battery in the car? ()?M4)
(3. What is the use of dc supp!y in the power p!ant?(<T=0)
(". Why synchronous motor is not se!f startin$?(<T=0)
(#. -:etch the sin$!e !ine dia$ram of re!ay?(<T=)
(%. -:etch the sin$!e !ine dia$ram for +,mer protection?
((. @ive the specifications of re!ay? What one shou!d see
before purchasin$ re!ay?(<T=0)
(2. Why do we connect current transformers in series whi!e
potentia! +,mer in para!!e! with the transmission !ine?(T8T8
(5. Why do we connect !i$htnin$ arrestors near the +,mers?
29. Why do we have path made of pebb!es near hi$h!y char$ed
!ines?(we donBt have concrete path near hi$h!y rated
21. &raw the !ine dia$ram of bucho!* re!ay of transformers?
22. Why transformer core is !aminated? (./-01)
23. What is the difference b/w carBs fan and cei!in$ fan?
(-<3&?; ?4?0T;3084-)
2". What is the wor:in$ princip!e of tube !i$ht?(-<3&?;)
2#. What is the difference b/w tab!e fan and cei!in$ fan?
2%. Why do we have 2# 67 dc !ines in the e!ectric train?
2(. Which motor is used in e!ectric trains? Why? (T8T8
22. What is the supp!y fre'uency of aerop!ane and why?
25. What is the difference b/w power an$!e and power factor?
59. Why do we main !ine supp!y in the mu!tip!e of 1167 i.e
1167>2267>3367 etc?(3<&8401)
51. &efine ohmBs !aw?
52. =40 and -08&8 ?
53. &ifferent types of cab!es? (<T=0)
5". 3nsu!ations used in cab!es? (<T=0)
5#. &raw the s:etch of therma! power p!ant?(<T=0)
5%. What is the speed at which the turbine of the therma! power
5(. What is the ma+imum speed of the synchronous m/c
runnin$ at #9 *?(<T=0)
52. What is the efficiency of transmission !ines?(<T=0)
55. What is M1-A?T> ).T> 3@)T etc?(T0-)
199. What wi!! be the effect if we use ac instead of dc e+citer in
191. Why motor rotates and transformer does not?
192. Why the power factor of an induction motor is !ow?
193. ?+p!ain 7/A contro! of induction motor ?
19". ?+p!ain over,f!u+ contro! of synchronous $enerator(T8T8
19#. What is craw!in$ and co$$in$?(3<&8401)
19%. Mention a!! protection for motors? (3<&8401)
19(. What is sin$!e phasin$? (3<&8401)
192. What is 47&T > differentiate between active and passive
transducers? (3<&8401)
195. ?+p!ain 0T/=T with circuit dia$ram?(7?&8<T8)
119. &ifferent between $raphs of 3,phase and 1,phase induction
111. Why a sin$!e cab!e is !aid over the transmission cab!e ?
112. What is the ro!e of an e!ectrica! en$ineer in an automobi!e
sector?(T8T8 M1T1;-)
113. ?+p!ain swin$ e'uation? (7?&8<T8)
11". What is binary>se!ection sortin$ :eys of rdbms >swappin$
of two numbers?(3)M)
11#. What is )4&0?(7?&8<T8)
11%. Which instrument is used to measure insu!ation ?(M)4)
11(. ?+p!ain the arran$ements of ammeter and vo!tmeter ?
112. What wi!! happen if they are connected in para!!e! and
series respective!y?(3-=8T)
115. @ive practica! e+amp!es of c!osed and open !oop systems?
129. ?+p!ain curves of over> under> critica!!y damped
121. What parameters/specifications wi!! you consider for a
motor?(T8T8 M1T1;-)
122. &ifferent types of protection ?(T8T8 M1T1;-)
123. Which motor is used in train and why? (T0-)
12". ?+p!ain types of switches (!eve! contro! switches)?
12#. What is ;0 fuses?(T8T8 M1T1;-)
12%. ?+p!ain capacitance ca!cu!ation for power factor
improvement ?(800)
12(. ow wi!! you bui!d a nuc!ear power p!ant?(T0-)
122. Whci motor is used for !iftin$ operations ?(T0-)
125. 8 p!ate has three ho!es throu$h which passes ; >C >)
phases to an 3M >what wi!! be effect of motor runnin$ on p!ate?
(the answer is heatin$ >3 $uess ).What wi!! you do to reduce
139. ow wi!! you set,up a power p!at from scratch? ?+p!ain in
terms of technica! terms?(M83<&;8)
131. ?+p!ain the wor:in$ of a power p!ant in !ay man !an$ua$e
e+p!ain everythin$ from $eneration in power p!ant to
transmission to your house?(<3T3? Mumbai)
132. &ifferent between washin$ machine and hand washin$
w.r.t c!osed and open !oop system concepts? Which is better?
133. 1f which materia! is the core of a transformer made up of?
13". ?+p!ain the circuit dia$ram of tube !i$ht?(3<&8401)
13#. What is 7,curve and inverted 7,curve?(3<&8401)
13%. What wi!! happen if ac supp!y is fed to a &0 motor and
13(. 0an we reverse the connections of armature windin$ and
fie!d windin$ of dc motor and dc $enerator? 3f yes what wi!!
happen in the $iven four cases?(T8T8 M1T1;-)
132. What is =40?(<T=0)
135. What is over !oad temperature protection in induction
motor? which temperature is measured for this?(<T=0)
1"9. Mention advanta$es of 7&0?(<T=0)
1"1. Which motor is used in fan ? ?+p!ain its startin$?(T8T8
1"2. Which supp!y is used in train traction system? Why?
(T8T8 -T??4)
3M=1;T8<T @/3&?43<?-D..
1. Cou wonBt find the names of many companies in here> but these
'uestions cover a!most the entire !ist of companies.
2. &onBt $enera!i*e the nature of any company w.r.t the :ind of
'uestions as:ed in the previous yearE )e prepared with the entire
3. =repare the ; part very we!!.( !i:e Fte!! me somethin$ about
". &onBt hesitate to use pen and paper to e+p!ain anythin$ to the
pane!. 3t !eaves a $ood impression and shows your confidence .
(My persona! e+perience)
#. -ome 'uestions may seem weird. -o Hust i$nore them but be
prepared for themE
%. &onBt hesitate to contact your seniors re$ardin$ 'uestions> Hob
profi!e of any company or anythin$.
(. &o not mention phrases !i:e F 3 donBt remember > 3 read it !ast
2. -tudy hard this summer .
Some important topics!
1. Machines(=.-.)himbra or ).4. TheraHa)(must)
2. =ower system(7.6. Mehta.)(must)
3. -witch $ear and protection()adrinath).(must)
". &rives >topics !i:e brea:in$> motor speed contro!(Hust an overview)
#. 3nverters and basics of -0;.
Some HR questions generally asked…..
1. Te!! me somethin$ about yourse!f ? (most important)
2. Cour stren$th and wea:ness.
3. Te!! me about your fami!y bac:$round?
". Why have you pic:ed up e!ectrica! en$ineerin$?
#. What is your area of interest?
%. Why is a year $ap in your academics?
(. 0ase study can be as:ed (in companies !i:e 4<T > de!!oite
><oumura > @-achsD..)
2. Why do you want to Hoin this company?
5. What wi!! you do to deve!op .har:hand?(M8;/T3 )
19. 0urrent affairs !i:e 3=4D(M8;/T3).
11. &o you want to do M)8/M-?(@sach >&e!!oiteD.)
Wishing best of luck ….
For 2k7 EEE batch from the entire 2k6 EEE batch.
piled by:-
Navneet kumar
(!C" #EEE 2k6$