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A Report Presented to the Faculty of College of Criminal Justice Education and Forensic Holy Angel University Angeles City

In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirement for the Subject: Correctional Administration 2 (Non – Institutional Correction)


Submitted By Dela Cruz, Joanne March 20, 2013

Reaction (Group 1)

The report of group 1 was all about community correction. It is easy to understand at first but not in the middle of their report because of sum members of the group did not explain briefly but the group leader helped its members so that the listeners understand what their saying. Only Mr. Bello and Donato reported well in the group. I learned something about their report. Community corrections offer viable alternatives to incarceration for offenders at various stages of the criminal justice process. The following is a brief description of many of the alternatives which may be available to offenders: Bail Supervision Programs, Alternative Measures Programs, Restitution Programs, Fine Options Programs, Community Service Order, Probation, Intensive Supervision Probation, Conditional Sentence of Imprisonment, Attendance Centre Programs and Community-Based Centres: Community-based residential facilities are privately operated, while community correctional centres are operated by the government.

Ancajas Jr.,Lito D. C-301

Correctional Administration II

Reaction (Group 3)

The Report of Group 3 is all about Restorative Justice and Restorative Justice Implemented in PPA etc. at first is interesting to listen and easy to understand because of the energy reporter but in the middle of their reporting is quite boring. but I learned something like How was Restorative Justice adopted in the Philippines The Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice of which the Philippines is a member-country through a draft resolution, recommended in the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations Organization (UNO) the adoption of the “Basic Principles on the UNO of Restorative Justice Programs in Criminal Matters. Restorative Justice A process through which remorseful offenders accept responsibility for

their misconduct, particularly to their victims and to the community for Examples of restorative process include mediation, conferencing, support circle and etc.

Ancajas Jr.,Lito D. C-301

Correctional Administration II

Reaction (Seminar)

We had a seminar last March 7, 2013 at the Holy Angel University Theater. Participated by the different schools offering criminology course in Central Luzon. At first I was Star Struck because the guest speaker is a Chief Superintendent and Head of Police Crime Laboratory. It’s my first time to see a General. By the way the topics of the seminar are advancement in criminal investigation like the Integrated Ballistics Identification System (IBIS) the facial composite sketch and Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) Investigation. In the beginning of the seminar is talked about the advancement and improvement of the policemen in terms of criminal investigation and in crime laboratory in the Philippines. The first lecture was all about facial composite sketch. The second lecture was all about the IBIS or the Integrated Ballistics Identification System discussed by the head of PNP Crime Laboratory Ballistics Division and last but not the list the was the DNA Investigation talked by the head of PNP Crime Laboratory DNA Section. She discussed how DNA can help in investigation. I remembered in her talked that we can use hair fibers, blood, teeth in identifying the cadaver found in the crime scene. While learning the improvement in Criminalistics or advancement in criminal investigation.

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