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Democratic Leadership
Under democratic leadership, the people have a more participatory role in the decision making process. One person retains final say over all decisions but allows others to share insight and ideas. This is often a highly effective form of leadership. People are more likely to excel in their positions and develop more skills when they feel empowered, and people are empowered when they are involved in the decision-making process. Although it may take some time to achieve full participation from a group, the end result will be rewarding if you can manage to establish a power-sharing environment in your group project. You will find that democratic practices often lead to a more productive and higher quality work group.

Examples of democratic leadership:
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Asking all group members for ideas and input. Voting on the best course of action in a project. Asking group members to work with their strengths and provide input on how to divide the work. Enabling members to work at their own pace and set their own deadlines.

Pitfalls of Democratic Leadership It doesn¶t take too much imagination to think of ways that democratic leadership could backfire during a group project. As you probably know, some members of a group will work well on their own and complete all work in a timely fashion. But there are other workers who will procrastinate²and that can lead to disaster. If you are a natural democratic leader, it might be necessary to learn some traits of the autocratic or bureaucratic leaders and tap into them as necessary. Always have a backup plan on hand!

REACTION: When I read this I strongly agreed to every point it had given regarding how to lead. What worried me is that I had not given Autocratic or Bureaucratic leadership enough thought. I had always wanted to go with a democratic type of leadership, but I had never thought of having a backup plan on hand so I found another article regarding bureaucratic leaders to read.

Bureaucratic Leadership
This style of leadership follows a close set of standards. Everything is done in an exact, specific way to ensure safety and/or accuracy. You will often find this leadership role in a situation where the work environment is dangerous and specific sets of procedures are necessary to ensure safety. In the working world bureaucratic leadership skills would be best utilized in jobs such as construction work, chemistry-related jobs that involve working with hazardous material, or jobs that involve working with large amounts of money.

Benefits of Bureaucratic Leadership
In school work, you may find that bureaucratic leadership skills are necessary when working on a group project for a science class. Precision is key in a science project, and meticulous notes are essential. A natural bureaucratic leader will tend to create detailed instructions for other members of a group. This type of leader would also be very successful working in student government roles.

REACTION: I agree with a lot of points in the bureaucratic leadership as well. I strongly think I should consider having it as a back up plan. It seems like it needs a lot of practice. I would have to apply it to my practice in order to inculcate it to my future. I also read about charismatic and I found that very applicable to my current sport, volleyball. I feel that in life I need to be aware of several types of leadership styles in order to be as flexible as possible for different types of people and trials I will be encountering.

Submitted by: Tanchuan, Toni Elyzza. H.

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