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Nerona, Myka Karissa H. July 5, 2011 FM3A FINA104
REACTION PAPER Last, June 3, 2011, a seminar was held at the Mabini Hall entitled “Be your Own Boss” that leads by the group 1 of OM4A. The guest speaker was Ms. Gail Ang who is the owner of Simply Pie. She was an employee of Nike Philippines and 3 years after working, she found out that her really own interests was cooking pastries that is why she enrolled on a culinary arts and started exploring what she really does best. As the guest speaker started her speech, she presented us her key to success in starting up your own business and being a boss of your own. First is you need a capital. A capital doesn’t really mean money. Instead it may be your own talent and skills that you have. It also may be having your own good products and building your own community through networks. Second is having motivation. Despite of all difficulties, never think that you can do whatever you can. You must be open that you might have big risk to take yet; you can accomplish it if you have motivation on yourself. If you're paying attention to your life at all, the things you are passionate about won't leave you alone. They're the ideas, hopes, and possibilities your mind naturally gravitates to, the things you would focus your time and attention on for no other reason than that doing them feels right. That is having passion, information and commitment. Training and experience are also important because these tests your imagination on something you would like to do and learning new things on whatever you are in to. Building relationships on your employees, customers and also suppliers adds key to your successful business. You must be selfless and not implanting some new ideas in a selfish way. Being challenged makes you motivated and by doing research, you gain knowledge. Having faith in God is the best key to accomplish these obstacles and never forget to innovate and might as well discover things to be in progress. All these are great positives and well worth having.

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