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Mykie Marie T. De Guzman The Blind Side


We all have a blind side in our lives, whether it’s that person whom you never really noticed in your life until he passed away or that other vehicle which almost crashed into your car while you’re driving – we never really saw it coming. We focus so much on other things like jobs, money, and ourselves and often forget that there are people in our surroundings who are not as lucky, as wealthy, as smart or as happy as we are. Michael Oher was one of those other people; he led a very unfortunate past and grew up in one of the worst and vicious place in the city. He was what you will normally perceive as a bully because of his size and considering the place where he lived but He’s not and that’s what makes him different from the others. He resents violence and even gets distracted by just balloons floating by. As the story unfolds in the film, I found out that he doesn’t even have a home and he has been separated from his family when he was little. He was blinded just as we are by the problems in our lives that it just takes a small help from a person to change everything and make his life a lot better. He was transferred to a private Christian high school because of his excellent athletic skills but no one really gave him a time of their day and even his teachers judge him by his IQ alone and regarded him as somewhat stupid. It was disappointing that people can be that selfish and judgmental at times and to think that they the educated ones who are suppose to know better than just simply looking at a person by his capabilities. The good thing is someone saw much more than that and offered her home when Michael only needs a pair of shorts. She was Leigh Anne Tuohy, a wife and mother to children of two who led the opposite life of Michael. What made her help Michael is truly unanswerable and a blessing not only to Michael but to her family as well. It wasn’t because she wants to become famous or that she wanted to be praised and regarded by people as a very generous person, She didn’t ask for anything but got a lot in return, which is irreplaceable by anything this world has to offer. Out of the cruelness that Michael experienced for most of his life, it took an unknown person, not a friend nor a relative to help him and realize that there is so much more to gain in helping another rather than just by obsessing about the problems that we experience and blaming the world for it. Leigh Anne was just like us, she led a seemingly normal life and one day this boy changed her life and taught her the best lesson which can never be learned from school or anywhere else, which is the act of kindness and love. She loved Michael like she was her own son and treated him with great respect and care like a true mother. She never saw him as a burden instead she was able to see right through his inabilities and decided to aid his broken heart. Michael never expected how much Leigh Anne would influence his life. She gave him what others could not give and that is a true family. Michael was able to feel the sense of belonging in Leigh Anne’s family without the discrimination and judgment that he was not good enough. It was asked at the end of the film, if Michael thought that this sudden change in his life was odd or that he was in an odd predicament. I would have answered that Michael’s opportunity to fix and live a better life was never an odd predicament but a blessing in disguise. A blessing that could change the way of life and the way others look at life.

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