Real Time data Collection

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Real Time ShopFloor Data Collection System
The crucial sewing production data is the backbone for balancing line, but calculating
data in sewing floor is an arduous task. Traditional manual job ticket or recording
systems cannot produce critical production related data on time. Manual data collection
is also labourious and error prone. A Real Time Production Control System is a
mechanism for getting complete control of your apparel manufacturing unit. It operates
on the basis of putting the emphasis of your information collection systems where it
matters, at the needlepoint. Using Real Time means collecting and accessing labour
cost and work in progress information at the time it is most relevant, when it happens.
The system has hardware and software components. Though real time data collection is
integrated part of all automatic material transport systems (read UPS systems), here we
will review the solutions available for non-UPS environment in sewing.

G-PRO System

The G-PRO System from Malaysia is a real-time shop floor data collection and
feedback system designed specifically to meet the production control and management
needs of the apparel/garment industry. The system automates data collection and
enables real-time production status feedback and online analysis. G-PRO is marketed
as a solution and not only a set of hardware and software. The G-PRO System replaces
conventional job tickets with the SmartTag (more robust and holds more memory at
lower cost), a read/write tag. The G-PRO System allows users to have real-time
information at their fingertips. Every operator has a SmartTerm terminal that captures
vital production data at source in real-time and transmits the data through the computer
network. Data can then be accessed through the G-PRO Infomaster Software suite,
which presents live production data on demand in the form of user-friendly graphics and
reports. G-PRO System can be used to monitor geographically remote/distributed
production centers. G-PRO System keeps you in the know and enables you to be in
control. The G-PRO System consists of the following components:

An industrial grade reusable read/write tag replacing the traditional job ticket. Stores all
relevant cutpiece/bundle information and operation status.
A microprocessor based terminal mounted on every workstation to capture job flow
data. Reads and validates job claim on Smart Tag with an easy touch. Transmits real
time job transaction to G-PRO server. Memory buffer stores approximately up to two
days transactions. Powers by a safe 12V power supply.
SmartBase & SmartTray
A semi-automated device used by the cutting department to download new cut lot
bundle information into SmartTag SmartTray holds ten SmartTag at a time.
Benefits of using G-PRO System
• Production Line Balancing
• On-line Production Status
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• Cut Piece Tracking
• Worker Skill Database
• Real-time Information
• Quality Control
• Machine Operators' Time Management
• Remote Branch Monitoring
• Machine Operators' Performance Feedback
• Cost Control


The Sabre Real Time System from Sabre Technologies, Srilanka is a complete
production monitoring system, which collects information from the shop floor in real
time. The system is designed around a coded Touch Tag, which travel with the bundle
through the factory.

A Tag Reader called the Odyssey is fixed to every sewing machine. The operator tags
in when the starts work on a bundle and tags out when she has completed it. All the
details related to performance, work in progress, downtime and bonus earnings are
automatically captured. The operator can view her details on the screen of the Tag
Reader. The system has a built in skills - matrix to record the performance history of
each operator. This information can be used for line balancing and allocating operators
in the case of absenteeism. The system has a powerful report generator called Sabre
Informer, which relays custom designed information to designated staff automatically.
There is also Sabre Alert, which can be configured to send an alert if a certain process
exceeds predefined limits. For example, if a mechanic has not responded to machine
breakdown within 15 minutes a message can be sent via e-mail or SMS to the Head

XeBusiness Real Time Production Control
The real time data capture is achieved using a Capnet (Captor Network), which consists
of 4 primary components:
Host Computer - any computer, which can connect to the Communications controller
via a RS-232-C bi-directional link. It can control up to 255 terminals.
Communications controller or Capdrive - the central point of the network. Its primary
function is to control the network and interface with the host computer. It also delivers
the power necessary to operate the Captor terminals.
Wiring and T-Boxes - The standard network wiring is a daisy-chain configuration
where the wiring extends from the Communications controller to the first terminal and
then from terminal to terminal until the last terminal is connected. The network can be
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split into up to 4 independent channels with a maximum overall length of over 1800
meters. The T-Box interfaces the network wiring to the Captor terminals.
Captor Terminals - plug into the network via the T-Boxes. They should be located at
the work place and are the operator interface with the system.
Machinists at every operation directly enter information onto the system through captor
terminals. Upon arrival at work the machinist clocks on at their work place. As they
complete each bundle they record its completion via the entry of the bundle number in
to the Real Time Terminal. The system automatically informs them of, their performance
to date, predicted pay, etc., on an up to the second basis.
The system automatically tracks work in progress down to bundle/operator level for
detailed progress chasing, as well as informing management and supervisors of
summary throughput, bottleneck and WIP Stock information. All information can be
presented to management and supervisors using easy to use screen enquiries and
The system is fully interactive and integrates with the complete range of Distribution,
Materials and Capacity Planning, Manufacturing and Financial Systems of XeBusiness
system the most comprehensive Apparel ERP solution on the market today.
Benefits offered by the system include savings on overheads, increases in productive
hours and enhanced motivation. Access to constantly changing direct costs in terms of
labour will allow more accurate job costing and allow companies to ensure the correct
product mix is flowing through their factories.

The system incorporates the following essential features, developed specifically
for Apparel Companies: -
• Products Database – By Colour, Length, Size
• Work Study Database – Manual entry or import synthetics (eg; GSD, CME, Ideal
Line Balancing)
• Cutting Instruction – Over colour, length and size
• Production Scheduling – Against completion dates, decides priorities
• Work Ticket Production
• Shop Floor Data Capture – Single entry point for WIP and Piecework Payroll
• On Screen Enquiries – WIP summary, lagging bundles, etc.
• Management Reports – Cut exceptions, WIP in/through operation, WIP in/through
• WIP Stock Control – Complete transaction audit trail
• Piecework Payroll – Attended minutes, down time, SMS, on & off standard, earned
pay, off standard pay, overtime premium
• On Screen Graphs – Of work in progress
• WIP valuation reporting

Your Company benefits from: -
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• Reduced paperwork, administration Costs – Single input for both Payroll and
• Reduced Clerical Errors
• Faster Access To Information – Immediate on screen access to Production Orders
and their progress. Immediate on screen access to related Production Plans.
Immediate on screen access Operator and Payroll information.
• Reduced WIP Stock Levels and improved line balancing
• Reduced Stock Take Costs – Accurate WIP reduces the need for stock taking
• Reduced Excess Costs
• Reduced Garment Losses
• Increased Production – Through operator incentivisation
• Improved Morale – Improved payroll accuracy, improved information to operators

VERTEX Plus System
VERTEX Plus for Windows is designed to help you manage piece-work payment and
monitor production in your factory. You can record information on operations, products
or styles; orders and bundle quantities, then print the required worktickets - each ticket
with unique miniature barcodes on its peel-off coupons - identifying every operation in
product assembly. Operators collect and save the coupons for their work on paysheets,
which are returned for reading with a CCD scanner at a linked PC. Payment, bundle
tracking and Work in Progress records are updated automatically.
The system builds your data into a comprehensive performance, tracking and
management reporting system. It provides a fast, secure and accurate gross payroll
with full analysis of progress to order and excess costs. It can be used on a stand-alone
PC or across a network giving users access whether in work-study, the cutting room or
the pay office. VERTEX can be with GSD to add more accuracy to measured work, and
also with the proven CheckMate system to maximise incentives at the workface.
VERTEX Plus includes the user-installed software package and a CCD Barcode
Scanner. Users processing large amounts of data should note that VERTEX Plus can
utilise up to six CCD Scanners reading simultaneously.

With VERTEX Plus for Windows you can
• Maintain the latest operation values and build a data bank of products or styles
made in unlimited departments or sections.
• Raise production orders, make and monitor progress on each order through the
• Enter your cutting plan to automatically calculate the bundle tickets required.
• Re-define bundle sizes lay by lay to match 'real world' situations.
• Maintain customer details for sorted production analysis.
• Print customised, barcoded work tickets on standard self-adhesive stock in
continuous and laser patterns.
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• Maintain a detailed employee file tailored for piecework, timework, outwork and
• Fast-scan collected coupons with data verification and quantity adjustments.
• Automatically calculate payroll to gross with daily and weekly analysis across up to
20 pay bands, or use an incentive yield-rate table.
• Use up to 12 off-standard categories for comprehensive performance and excess
costs analysis.
• Track each batch or bundle in work through every operation in a department.
• Monitor batch/bundle status identifying all operators and dates to check work
standards and overdue or 'straggling' batches.
• Record and automatically monitor the production through up to 10 progress points
for any product/style.
• Report on workload levels by operation or operation type to facilitate line balancing
and planning.
• Define, record and analyse defect arisings in up to 12 categories during production.
• Design your own production and pay reports using inbuilt report generators. Output
these to screen, printer or file, sorted and sub-totalled on demand.
• Output your gross payroll as a CSV formatted data file which can be imported by
suitable software, such as Pegasus Opera, to convert Gross to Nett payroll.
• Secure your system and data through full network controls and conditions of user
access set up by your 'master user'.

Eildon's PCCM System
Eildon's PCCM System captures and displays in both graphic and text format the actual
and target unit output, and calculates in real time the efficiency of individual production
lines, sections or modular/quick response work groups. A summary of plant efficiency
is also available. This can be used with Individual production lines, Sections and
Modular/Quick Response work groups
The system displays real-time production efficiency informations such as ‘Actual units
produced, ‘Target units, Efficiency’ and Standard minute value’ of lines,sections,work
groups etc. in both graphic and text format. The terminals are linked to a suitable PC in
the production office which uses dynamic colour coding to highlight where problems
exist or are developing, enabling management and supervision to take timely corrective
action. The system allows ASCII interface with existing management systems, printouts
and automatic control of terminals, as determined by management, of, start times, lunch
breaks, hours worked,overtime and much more as well as scheduled automatic
printouts. In a traditional plant one PCCM Terminal located at the end of each
production line, section and/or key operations will allow management to monitor the
current real time effectiveness of the plant.

CaptureIT Apparel
CaptureIT Apparel from The Vizual Time & Attendance Real-Time System is a low-cost,
out-of-the-box solution for apparel manufacturers that provides the following features:
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All of the time and attendance features provided by CaptureIT.
The ability to create shop floor orders - which each order containing any number of
'batches' (bundles).
Production of bar-coded work tickets.
Up to 999 operations per order, each with its own Standard Minute Value (SMV).
Unlimited number of three-level splits (Colour, Length & Size) per order.
The ability for employees to 'claim' bundles of work via small terminals (Microcap)
located on their work bench.
Real-time feedback to the employee of current pay and performance.
Real-time updating of the current work-in-progress status of each order.
Real-time updating of the position in the factory of every bundle.
Full audit trial of all bundles claims against each employee, bundle and order.
Monitoring of rejects and seconds.
Automatic calculation of employees pay, including down-time, overtime and
Real-time production control enables you to track the position of bundles in the factory
in real-time. You can also view in real-time the work-in-progress and the performance of
each operator.

Up to 3000 shop floor data collection terminals can be
connected to the CaptureIT Server.


The Checkmate from Eildon Sysyems is an important input device cum data analyzer
that provides motivation to individual operators. Ckeckmate is available in different
models suitable for monitoring production machinewise or in a bundle or batch unit of
production. This is simple to install, easy to use, increase performance, reduce training
time, reduce downtime, increase production and improve overall efficiency

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