Real-Time Data Warehousing

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Real-Time Data Warehousing with SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence



HTWG: AK-SWT Treffen 10.11.2006

Real-Time Data Warehousing with SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence
Rainer Uhle, SAP NW BI Produktmanagement

Systemlandschaftsbetrachtung zum Thema Integration



Analyse von Prozessen • FI/CO
• Einkauf, Fertigung, Vertrieb • HR


Stamm- und Prozessdaten Replikation • periodisch
• ETL • Real-time Data Acquisition •… • stetig • EAI •… • sonstig • Direct Access •…

• Entscheidungsunterstützung (DS)
• Planung

SAP Terminologie



Abbildung von Prozessen • FI/CO
• Einkauf, Fertigung, Vertrieb • HR

 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 2

RAS Core Research Note G00130597, Bill Gassman, 30 September 2006

Options Proliferate for ‘Real-Time Data Integration’ Technology • Numerous applications are emerging for real-time or low-latency data integration. Consequently, IT development and operations managers must identify the most cost-effective and appropriate offerings to satisfy on-demand and event-driven needs. • Analysis: Real-time data integration is the technology and process that provides application access to up-to-date information to meet time-sensitive business requirements. • Technology Options • direct access • real-time data acquisition … • publish-subsribe model, change data capture, message exchange • master data centralization • File transfer protocol (FTP) •…

 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 3

Challenges of Real-time Data Warehousing
 Looking beyond traditional ETL expand the concept of data acquisition in order to reduce data latency  Latency – time lag between an activity completion in an ERP environment and the availability of the completed activity data in a state of the art data warehouse environment  Latency = zero demand for tools that enable direct access of data and information without any latency across platforms  SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI capabilities for Real-time Data Warehousing
– Real-time Data Acquisition (RDA) – Direct Access

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ETL, Flavours of ETL, Alternatives ETL (Extraction, Transformation, Load)
 New DataSource Concept with SAP NW2004s BI  DataSource  Transformation  Data Transfer Process (DTP)

Flavours of ETL
 Classical Staging Processes  Real-time Data Acquisition (RDA)

 Direct Access
How does the Implementation of ETL Processes look like in an SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Environment?

 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 5

Real-time Data Warehousing - Introduction Overview NW 2004s BI - ETL Capabilities Real-time Data Warehousing with SAP NW 04s BI Direct Access Real-time Data Acquisition (RDA) Outlook and Summary

Real-time Data Warehousing - Introduction Overview NW 2004s BI - ETL Capabilities Real-time Data Warehousing with SAP NW 04s BI Direct Access Real-time Data Acquisition (RDA) Outlook and Summary

ETL, Flavours of ETL, Alternatives ETL (Extraction, Transformation, Load)
 New DataSource Concept with SAP NW2004s BI  DataSource  Transformation  Data Transfer Process (DTP)

Flavors of ETL
 Classical Staging Processes
– Persistency of transactional and master data in BI – Extraction using DataSources with services like packaging and sequencing, delta handling – Transformations with graphical UI and sophisticated formula builder – Data loads based on batch scheduling – Data loads can even be scheduled hourly – Process Chains for modeling complex load processes using InfoPackages and DTPs – Scheduling options for Process Chains using SAP NetWeaver batch scheduling or Redwood Chronacle (OEM)

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SAP NW2004s BI: Data Flow Concept – Example

SAP NetWeaver BI

Process Chain

Data Transfer Process


DataSource (PSA) InfoPackage

Source System
 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 9

Data Acquisition Layer – Data Source/Source Systems

Create DB Connection and DataSource

DB Connect UD Connect BI Service API File Interface Web Service

Relational Source

MultiDimensional Source
e.g. Hyperion

SAP Source



e.g. MSS, DB2, Teradata

e.g. SAP ERP

 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 10

New BI DataSource concept with NetWeaver 2004s Highlights
 unique look and feel for all of the DataSource Types  direct/remote access is always an option

 preview feature is standard
 automated coversions (e.g. date format detection)  InfoPackages only write into PSA  new Transformation handling

 new Data Transfer Process logic

 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 11

Source System Tree
Source Sytems categorized:
 SAP vs. non SAP  File vs. database  Relational vs. Multidimensional DB  ABAP vs. Java  XML vs. Text/Binary

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SAP NW2004s BI: Data Flow Concept – Example

SAP NetWeaver BI

Process Chain

Data Transfer Process


DataSource (PSA) InfoPackage

Source System 1
 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 13

Transformation – Graphical UI

Source fields

Target fields

Note: Key figures, characteristics and date fields are shown on the same level (transformation group)
 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 14

Rules per group

Transformation - Rules

 Information on
– Rule type – Currency/ Unit Conversion – Source fields – Target fields

 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 15

Data Transfer Process: Complex Example SAP Netweaver BI

Process Chain
Process Chain

DataStore Object 3



TR DataStore Object 1



DataStore Object 2 DTP


TR DataSource (PSA)

DataSource (PSA)



Source System 1
 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 16

Source System 2

Complex Implementation Example

 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 17

Real-time Data Warehousing - Introduction Overview NW 2004s BI - ETL Capabilities Real-time Data Warehousing with SAP NW 04s BI Direct Access Real-time Data Acquisition (RDA) Outlook and Summary

Two given Options for real-time Data Warehousing
ETL (Extraction, Transformation, Load)
 New DataSource Concept with SAP NW2004s BI  DataSource  Transformation  Data Transfer Process (DTP)

Flavours of ETL
 Classical Staging Processes  Realtime Data Acquisition (RDA)
– Integrated in data flow concept – DataSources with specific Adapter Types like ‚WebService Push‘ and ‚Real-time Extraction from SAP System‘ – DTP Type ‘Real-time Data Acquisition‘ – Daemon based processing with modified Request Handling

 Direct Access
– – – – Modeling based on VirtualProvider DataSources are Direct Access enabled DTP Type ‘for Direct Access‘ Driven by Query handling

 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 19

Real-time Data Warehousing - Introduction Overview NW 2004s BI - ETL Capabilities Real-time Data Warehousing with SAP NW 04s BI Direct Access Real-time Data Acquisition (RDA) Outlook and Summary

Direct Access: Simple Example


DataTransfer Process for Direct Access


DataSource for direct access


 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 21

Direct Access - Implementation

Create VirtualProvider

Create Transformation and DTP

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Direct Access: Complex Example



Remote Characteristic as InfoProvider

DTP for Direct Access



DTP for Direct Access

DataSource (direct access)

DataSource (direct access)

Source System

Transactional Data

Master Data

 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 23

Implementation - Overview

Verify master data handling during Reporting

Create Remote Characteristic as InfoProvider
 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 24

Final Query Result with Remote Master Data Texts

Customer Remote names from Customer external source Names

 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 25

Direct Access Scenarios
BI DataSource Types with Direct Access capabilities File DataSource
 Access file system of application server or local workstation

DB Connect DataSource
 Access SAP NetWeaver DB platforms using ODBC technique

UD Connect DataSource
 Based on the Universal Data Integration (UDI) concept  Access to any source system using SAP J2EE Connection Framework based on BI Java Connectors
– JDBC Connector for any DB providing JDBC (MS Access, Teradata, …) – ODBO Connector for any multi dimensional providing OLE DB for OLAP (Hyperion, …) – XML/A Connector for sources providing XML for Analysis (SAP NW BI, …)

BI Service API DataSources
 Access to SAP ERP source systems

 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 26

Real-time Data Warehousing - Introduction Overview NW 2004s BI - ETL Capabilities Real-time Data Warehousing with SAP NW 04s BI Direct Access Real-time Data Acquisition (RDA) Outlook and Summary

Strategic vs. Tactical Decision-Making

Standard Data Acquisition Goal Strategic decisionmaking (long term planning) Request oriented (nightly batch job) 1/day … 1/week After a certain period

Real-time Data Acquisition Tactical decision-making (day-to-day decisions) Stream oriented (always active batch job) 1/min … 1/hour Close to real-time

Data Staging Upload frequency Availability for reporting Computing Power

Usually done at night (load balancing)

Permanent resource consumption

 Use Real-time Data Acquisition only if necessary.

 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 28

Example: RDA using SAP ERP Service API

SAP NetWeaver BI

Operational Data Store
DataStore Objects Daemon Pull ~ 1/min
Data Transfer Process for Real-time Data Acquisition

Service API-based real-time data acquisition is a two-stage process:
 Data is pulled into PSA by Realtime InfoPackage  Data is transferred to DataStore Object using Real-time DTP

PSA DataSource
InfoPackage for Real-time Data Acquisition

In both cases the process of data movement is initiated by the system daemon

Delta Queue Service API

Real-time Update


SAP Source System
 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 29

Real-time Data Acquisition (RDA) - Processing Daemon
 Originally stands for Disk And Execution MONitor in the UNIX world  System process to initiate data loads at regular intervals: from one minute to hourly  The BI Daemon data load includes three steps:
– Initiate BI Service-API data pull using InfoPackage for RDA into PSA (SAP source systems) – Track status of data transfer from source system

– Initiate update of DataStore Object using DTP

 Successful execution of each step is tracked in a control table
– Allows restarting – Restart can be initiated so it starts at the next step after the last successfully executed step

 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 30

Daemon Monitoring

How to check the status of RDA daemon?
 Call transaction RSRDA or press
– Is the daemon (batch job) still running?

Refresh in RSRDA

 The status of the daemon is indicated by one of the following icons:
– Daemon active and running – Daemon not active – Daemon stopped with an error – Daemon stopped by user (will change to “not active” or “erroneous”)

 Display runtime information about the daemon (context menu in RSRDA)
 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 31

RDA using SAP ERP Service API

SAP NetWeaver BI

Daemon Process

RDA-Data Transfer Process


DataSource (PSA) RDA-InfoPackage

 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 32

RDA using SAP ERP Service API - Modelling View

Create InfoPackage and DTP for RDA

 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 33

RDA Example Using Service API – Administration View

Create a Daemon in the RDA Monitor generating an open request waiting for transactional SAP ERP PO data
Monitor: Real-time Data Acquisition

Run SAP ERP Purchasing to push a data record into BI using this chanel
 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 34

RDA – Implementation Scenario


Enhance established Data Flow with RDA capabilities
DataStore Object
DataStore Object

 Implement additional DataStore Object for operational reporting  Replace standard delta InfoPackage by RDA InfoPackage  Regular data loads can be scheduled after closing the RDA InfoPackage Request using appropriate Process Chain feature





 Typically data is deleted regularly from the DataStore Object supplied using RDA  Standard reporting can be enhanced by operational reporting using the report-report interface


real-time Update


Delta Queue

 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 35

Real-time Data Warehousing - Introduction Overview NW 2004s BI - ETL Capabilities Real-time Data Warehousing with SAP NW 04s BI Direct Access Real-time Data Acquisition (RDA) Outlook and Summary

Real-time Data Integration with SAP NW BI



Analyse von Prozessen • FI/CO
• Einkauf, Fertigung, Vertrieb • HR


Stamm- und Prozessdaten Replikation • periodisch
• SAP NW BI ETL • SAP NW BI RDA •… • stetig • EAI (SAP NW Process Integration) •… • sonstig • SAP NW BI Direct Access •…

• Entscheidungsunterstützung (DS)
• Planung

Complete SAP SAP Terminologie Solution



Abbildung von Prozessen • FI/CO
• Einkauf, Fertigung, Vertrieb • HR

 SAP AG 2006, HTWG AK SWT 101106 / 37

Real-Time Data Warehousing with SAP NetWeaver BI Keypoints to take home  Rich standard ETL capabilities

 Direct Access
– allows querying data without data replication – any source system type (e.g. JDBC)

 Real-time Data Acquisition
– reduces data latency in the operational data store to ~ 1 min – Daemon based data loading

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