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1) In a company if a public holiday falls on Saturday it will be rolled out to Monday. How to configure this? A) In scal, go to Gurrented option select the Radio button Saturday/Sunday, then check for the drop down list in the right. There u find the options such as 1. Move to previous day 2. Move from sat/sun to previous/next day 3. Move to next day after weekend sat/sun 4. Move to next day after Fri/sat 2) Can i run a report to list the cost centres from IT0001 and WBS from IT0027 A)Use SQ02 to create a query in standard area, consisting of PA0000 for PERNR and active employees, PA0001 for IT0001 info, and PA0027 for IT0027 info, make sure you choose all fields you need under it on the RHS. then assign an appropriate user group using SQ03, then create a final selection screen from SQ01 setting any variants and so on. 3) We have two types of Holidays i.e., National Holidays & Festival Holidays. A) I wanted some of the holidays to be excluded from counting quota deduction, 1. For National holidays (Jan 26, May 1, Aug 15 & Oct 2) should not be counted any of the quotas 2. For Festival holidays should be counted for PL & SL 3. For Festival holidays should not be counted for CL 4) Could anybody help me in configuration? A) a)For the National hol, create them with a hol cl which is not used by other holidays; say cl 9. b)For Festival hol, make hol cl as say 2 c)In counting rules

-c1)for PL & SL:- Select hol cl 2 and any other hol cl assigned to those hol which should be counted for these absence types. Do not select hol cl 9. -c2)For CL:- Do not select hol cl 2 & 9. Select other hol cl values which should be counted. 4) I just want to find out wanna find out how to figure out which employees bank details are missed. I mean IT 0009 was not entered, is there a report of some kind or something. I tried the report S_PH9_46000156 but it does not help. As i want to see the people for whom that IT itself is missing. Ans: Hi - you can run the ad hoc query - S_PHO_48000513 or you can have a programmer dump table PA0000 and get all of the active employees, then dump table PA0009 and get the bank detail records with an end date of 12/31/9999 and he/she can then match then in MS Access - either option takes 5 minutes tops to do. Hope this helps. tom 5) I have a situation where we are trying to correct the A 008 relationships. While doing so, when i m trying to delete a holder from a position, the system does not allow me to do so and says "too far back in the past". Have checked the Payroll status and all the relevant fields under Payroll/Retro Accounting have been left blank, but still no success. It's giving me this error only for some employees Ans: The reason for the message 'too far in past' is due to one of the following a) IT 3 shows that the retro payroll allowed or retro time eval allowed for the person is later than the transaction date of the relationship. b) payroll area control record shows the retro pay period allowed is after the transaction date. Check both of these. You may be able to delimit the relationship so that the end date is within the allowed limit. Issue resolved. Recreated the control record with the retro date allowed as back as 01-2000. And released it for correction. Copied the first record (BEGDA - 01012010) and changed the start date to 01052005. Then the system allowed me to delete the wrong A 008 and create the new record for the same.

Thanks a lot sir for the support and advice. 6) Hi all, While posting payroll results to FI for Dec 2011 a failure of our Production Server resulted in erroneous posting of payroll results. Posting run no: 1756 did not get posted at all though the run status shown was "document posted". The issue was resolved by resorting to manual posting of entries. Now we are unable to post payroll results for Jan 2012 for the same range of employee numbers for whom the manual posting was made for Dec 2011. No posting documents are getting created. Kindly suggest how to resolve the issue. Ans: I raised an OSS for the issue. SAP support has provided a solution for my issue. It involves cancelling the reversal and re posting run no 1756. Our manual posting entries had to be reversed. The solution is given below. Please follow these steps: - Select the posting run 1756 - Menu => Edit => Reversal => Reset after termination - After last step the status of the posting run should appear as 'documents posted' - Go to transaction SM13 - Select by user 8273 and date 02.01.2012 - You should see an entry like this: 400 8273 02.01.2012 15:26:57 @07\QEnqueues released@ Error - Select the entry and press the button 'Single test' - In case the system shows an error, please send the message back to us - In case the system shows no errors => press button 'Repeat update' - Then check in PCP0 and FI is the document has been correctly posted.

7) After 10 months payroll run, client wants to change the Date of joining for few employees. The date of joining was wrongly entered by the time of implementation phase. Now client wants to rectify the Joining date. Is it possible to change the joining date as the payroll had been run and posted to FI also? Ans: Please take a look at the info-type "Date specifications". As you can see SAP delivers date type 01 "Technical date of entry" and date type 25 "Adjusted Hire Date" for exactly those cases. Do NOT (!) manipulate the date on IT0003 Payroll status! You received the error message (employee already accounted for) in PA41 for a reason! Follow these 2 scenarios, Actual Entry Date after the Incorrect Entry Date: Run two actions for the same emp. no. one with incorrected entry and another with corrected entry. Set the emp. status as 0 for incorrected and 3 for the corrected one. Perform retro if you want to deduct the pay from employees. Actual Entry Date is earlier than the Incorrect Entry Date: First, delete the date of the last payroll run in the Payroll Status 0003 info type. You can only bring the entry date forward using the Change entry/leaving date function after you have deleted the date of the last payroll run. P.s: The function used to change entries in the Payroll Status infotype (0003) is subject to special authorization controls. You can only delete the date of the last payroll run if you are authorized to use the change function, and are authorized to maintain the infotype. You can only correct the entry date if the date has been deleted. Select Utilities--> Change payroll status. Delete the entry in the Accounted to field & Choose save Select Utilities---. Change entry/leaving date. The system displays the Actions (0000) infotype screen. The From field denoting the begin date for the record’s validity is ready for you to process & choose save.

After you have saved this entry, the system works in the background and automatically changes all of the employee’s infotype records, whose start date corresponds to the old entry date, to the new entry date. These infotype records are then changed in the payroll past. In addition, retroactive accounting is triggered for this period to ensure that the employee receives the missing amount when payroll is next performed. If errors occur in individual infotypes (for example, incorrect organizational assignment data), you will branch automatically into the infotype concerned after saving. Correct the error. Hope this will helps you :) 7) Can anyone please let us know the Transaction code for finding out the payroll posting result for one particular employee? Ans: PC_PAYRESULT will display this in the various tables. Try using the "RT" table and see the specific result. For the PP, PM and TP posting number, use the PCALAC table. 8)I configured dynamic action for an PA infotype as the specification mentioned below but during hiring the infotype is called it is by default showing and saving system date but the record should have hiring date. If I am trying to change the start date manually and saving the record still record is saving as system date not hiring date. Please suggest. IType- 9030 STy.-01 Field N- Blank FC-06 No-1 S-I Variable function Part- INS,9070,,,(9030-BEGDA),(9030-ENDA) Ans:In the INS line use PA9030-BEGDA not 9030-BEGDA; similarly for endda.

9) Employee joins the Organization in 14.12.2011 by that time user did not maintained the IT 0009. Paid the salary for Dec. 2011 now for Jan. 2012 they maintained the IT 0009 from 14.12.2011.By running the payroll for Jan. 2012 the net amount reflects both months salary(Salary for Dec. 2011plus salary for Jan. 2012). My question is how can I nullify the last month Retro effect. Do I need to do anything with technical wage type /566. Ans: If the only reason it is retroing is because of the change to IT0009 then delete current payroll result and reset IT0003 for this employee. 10)I am trying to change Master Data record before ERA date (Change Father DOB) but getting error, please suggest how I can change the record. Not able to delete and create 0003 so changed the EA date & Earl. pers. rec. date for the employee. Still getting error: Change before earliest retro. date 01.04.2006 acc. to control rec. to py area A1 DOB of father: 23.05.1950 BEGDA of record: 24.11.2000 Please suggest so that DOB can be changed. Ans: 11) On 14th Jan. 2012, User run off cycle for few employees. The process ends with no log updates. Now it seems that some of the emp. got the offcycle payment and some are not. So my question is whether there is any off cycle payroll log in system to trap the missing details. Ans: Ask your user to check / run Wagetype reporter with selected pernr / list of employee PC00_M99_CWTR or individually he may check from PC_PAYRESULT. By running wage type reporter PC00_M99_CWTR. By displaying payroll result PC_PAYRESULT 12) I have error message saying "the posting date for the period for payroll area is not maintained" I have the ID No. for holding the error. Could anyone let me know what is the solution? Ans: Check Table T549S for the period and payroll area.

13) how can i calculate amount which is taken from another wagetype in IT table? example : in IT table : wagetype = 7000, number = 7 wagetype = 7001, amount = 1000 (input from infotype 8) Q) what i need to do is update the amount of wagetype 7000 to be 1000 * 7 = 7000 Ans: 14) Our requirement is to deduct employer's PF contribution i.e. 12% also from monthly gross itself along with employee's contribution and altogether it will be 24% which would be displayed in monthly payslip too.Please advise, how to configure the same. Ans: f you r sure about this requirement then u just need to find out all wage types which are making monthly gross and then enter t-code sm30 in table/view: v_512w_d make changes in cumulation class 11 for EPF Basis for the all your applicable wage types Alongwith what Shalini has suggested, you can also try this option - set processing class 5 as 4 for /3F3 and the employer contribution will be subtracted from monthly gross. Also what you should check with user is whether this employer contri will be part of chapter VIA deduction as since employee is paying, it may be part of employer exemption (by section 80/80C) and impact on tax calculation. If that is the case then none of these 2 solutions will work and you need to figure out something else so i will suggest you to explore that point before going for solution 15) ust now we got Development system for our implementation.Kindly let me know what are basic settings and nodes (Integration and others) to check regading OM and PA. ANS: Try checking the tbale V_T77s0 for below integration switches Integrations between OM & PA PLOGI ORGA --> Should be X PLOGI PLOGI --> Should be 01 PLOGI PERLI --> Should be 99999999

Integration Reports RHINTE10 uses for integration between OM & PA. (OM should install going for PA) RHINTE00 uses for integration between PA & OM.(PA should install going for OM) RHINTE20 uses to run consistency check between OM & PA. RHINTE30 uses for integration between PD & PA.(PD should install going for PA). Feature PLOGI feature if it is "X" then it means OM AND PA are integrated. 17) I have created subtypes for the PA infotypes e.g. 0105 . I am asked a question by the user, if it is possible to create a subtype under IT1002-Description called Applicant Number? Or is this an ABAP job. I noticed, I could not find the exisiting subtypes for IT1002 in the table V_T591A. And could find in table T778U. Why subtypes for IT1002 are in different table not V_T591A? Is it becasue it is an OM IT not PA. ANS: Why not utilize IT1001 and relationship A/048 on the position. This is where we store our applicant number V_T591A - For PA Infotypes T778U - For OM Infotypes. 18) i want to configure infotype 0025 and Infotype 0024 want to know how does it work in the payroll Run . Ans: First you need to check whether Customozation of Personnel development is done only then you can undergo Appraisal process. check the below path in IMG for the customozation. 1.) IMG>Personnel Management>Personnel Development>Master Data-edit scales 2.) IMG>Personnel Management>Personnel Development>Master Data> Edit Qualification Catalogue 3.) IMG>Personnel Management>Personnel Development>Functions> Set up control parameters 4.) IMG>Personnel Management>Personnel Development>Functions> Acivate/Deactivate "Vacancy Infotype

5.) IMG>Personnel Management>Personnel Development>Appraisal systems> Edit form of appraisal 6.) IMG>Personnel Management>Personnel Development>Appraisal systems> Edit appraisal catalogue after completing the above steps you can maintain IT0025 for the employees in PA30. 19) Explain what is 1st,2nd and 3rd level support in sap Ans: Typically support levels are defined at SAP operations for organizing & streamlining the support activity.. usually the 1st level support is provided by key users (you may identify the smart users from within your user-community); generally support at this level is at transactional level.. the 2nd level support mostly deals with system changes, for instance, system need to be configured for particular transaction, it'll be at this level.. The highest level in the support mechanism is 3rd level support which sometime is referred as Expert Level support as well.. at this level, consultants / experts analyze the issue in broader context and propose solutions from system design & integration perspective.. consultants at this level are more experienced, more knowledgeable and are capable of identifying the root-causes of issues.. 20) When processing changes in PA40, IT0033 and IT9801 are editing the IT instead of copying therefore it is erasing historical data. please advice to fix this. Ans: What is the operation assigned against those infotypes in the particular infogroup ( V_T588D ) . If anything other than COP pleasechange operation to COP You will need to make the change in DEV and transport up. The IMG path is as follows: Personnel Management > Personnel Administration > Customizing Procedures > Actions > Definie infogroups > Infogroup 21) n the personnel actions PA40 and the HR master data PA30 (Maintain HR master Data) or PA20 (Display HR Master Data) as we take the personnel number ,we should be able to see the employee details like which EG, ESG, Personnel Area, Personnel Sub Area etc in the Header Screen under the personnel number field. To get the desired result , I am working on the Tables

V_582A_B- Header Structure V_T588I Header Modifier and T588j Header Definition Tables. But am not able to see the required data on the screen. a) Does this have any country specifications ? Am working in Saudi Arabia for the client b) Am i missing any tables for the configurations Ans: As per my knowledge you have maintained the required tables but once check your UGR as the screen header fields varies from country to country. 22) We are using negative time management and are recording 2006 and 2001. The Leave and financial year the same - from Jan to December. I need to configure for quota compensation for Annual leave - the balance at the year end will be paid off in the beginning of the new financial year.Please help me with a step-by-step sequence.Do I need a compensation rule or do i directly used the quota type. Would the subtype for this would be 'free compensation"?It would help if you could guide me through the sequence.We are not using Time Evaluation. Ans: Please check config table for your requirement PA - payrollData - leave compensationV_T556U, copy WT,VV_52D7_B_0416_AL0,CHECK wt char and in num/unit give days and remaning all column shld be empty, V_T512Z,VV_T556W_A__AL0. Add your WT in PE51 and go to table v_512w_b and give 800 under %rate by giving remaning input in valuation base and save and check pa30 Here 800 is nothing but 8hrs in a day 23) Can anybody tell me how Role Authorization can be done in SAP HR? Ans: Creating role & giving authorizations is a work of Security Consultant(Basis). Still with PFCG you can create a role or copy a standard role & maintain the authorizations.

With SU01 you can maintain users & their authorizations. 24) I am facing one issue wrong amount is getting deducted of ESIC while seperation, Actual ESI to be deducted in payslip Gross Earning = Rs.11354.57 ESIC to be deducted Rs.199/- from Payslip but payslip shows Rs.287/-. On which basis ESIC deducted Ans: Delimit the ESI subtype on the date of leaving. 25) Indian client: The statutory bonus amount should be less than Rs3,500 if an employee was on unpaid leave / LWP for 20 days in that financial year. I think we have to wirte a PCR for this ANS: * AMT<3500 Form minimum RTE=TASOLL Set RTE-TAAU** Subtraction RTE/TASOLL Division MULTI RAA Multipl.amt/no/rate ADDWT 9BON OT Output table ADDWTE9BON RT Results table 26) How to remove '-' sign for deduction wage type, all calculation or getting correct, but my client want to remove negative sing for wage type which were getting in the right side of the payslip under the deduction. Salary Advance Recovery 1,000.00Canteen Recovery 100.00-

Notice Pay Recovery 5,000.00ANS: Hope you are using PE51 form. In that case go that field on the form. Double click on the amount field. You will see a pop-up screen. In that screen there is field called 'Conversion' in Print Options. In that Select 'No Sign'. In form editor copy "Change line layout" -"02" as "99" then click on details (f2) for new "99" for "BETRG" you can get new screen for input, Give conversion as"19- no+/- sign" in print option. Use 99 in windows for wage type inserting instead of "01 or "02". save the form and test it. 27) how to define holiday calendar and payroll calender? and what's the difference ANS: Holiday Calendars are used to record statutory holidays for employees. The Holiday Calendar forms the reference upon which the Work Schedules are created. It is possible to have different holiday calendars for different state within a company based on distinct regional holidays. In order to create a new Public Holiday, there are 5 options AND we will creat in tcode SCALwith fixed date with fixed day from date distance to Easter Easter Sunday floating Public Holiday Pay Roll Calendar is used to pay salary on what date client want to pay Please check the node in SPRO- Payroll Payroll:-Your Country -Basic Options -Payroll Organisation 28) Indian Payroll I wanted to display "Father Name"(Infotype 0021) in the Payslip,

I am using Form Editor (PE51), i tried with following ways but NOT displaying "Father Name" 1. in single Field Create "Table"P0021 and in Table field put "FAVOR" 2. in single Field Create "Table"P0021 and in Table field put "FANAM" 3. in single Field Create "Table"P0021 and in Table field put "SUBTY" 4. in single Field Create "Table"P0021 and in Table field put "T591S" Pls guide me how do i can deal with this. Father Name is mandatory for Client. ANS: Try using PE51_CHECKTAB transaction to map table P0021 and then in fields required as from P0021. If it does not work then request developer to debug payslip program and verify structure where you can fetch these structure fields from. 29) Can any one please let us know the Transaction code for finding out the payroll posting result for one particular employee. ANS: check pc_payresult If you want to see GL Posting results check PCP0 You will get employee wise report through the report RPCIP_DOCUMEDNT_ANALYSE ,in second tab of the screen there is an option evaluate detail with personnel number. 30) I need you guidance while doing intial hiring action, i need that the COST center should be defaulted in Organization infotype(IT0001) but its coming blank. i have hired already 4 employees without cost center. now want to assign the costcenter for those employees as well as newly hiring employees i tried assign through OM that is through O 1001 and subtype A001 and type of related object is given as COST CENTER. so getting an error saying "ENTRY IS NOT ALLOWED DUE TO K ***** AND P *****

ANS: Go to PP01 and maintain for S (position) for relationship A011 for K (cost center). Enter that position in It0001 and Cost center will be defaulted or maintain for O (org unit) for relationship A011 for K (cost center). Enter that org unit in It0001 and Cost center will be defaulted. Please make sure PLOGI ORGA in table T77S0 is having X and also RHINTE10 report is run for OM to PA for integration. 31) While posting payroll results to FI for Dec 2011 a failure of our Production Server resulted in erroneous posting of payroll results. Posting run no: 1756 did not get posted at all though the run status shown was "document posted". The issue was resolved by resorting to manual posting of entries.Now we are unable to post payroll results for Jan 2012 for the samerange of employee numbers for whom the manual posting was made for Dec 2011. No posting documents are getting created. ANS: I raised an OSS for the issue. SAP Support provided a solution for the problem. The solution involved cancelling a reversal which we had tried and failed followed by re posting the run no 1756. Our manual entries had to be reversed. The solution is given below. Please follow these steps: - Select the posting run 1756 - Menu => Edit => Reversal => Reset after termination - After last step the status of the posting run should appear as 'documents posted' - Go to transaction SM13 - Select by user 8273 and date 02.01.2012 - You should see an entry like this: 400 8273 02.01.2012 15:26:57 @07\QEnqueues released@ Error - Select the entry and press the button 'Single test'

- In case the system shows an error, please send the message back to us - In case the system shows no errors => press button 'Repeat update' - Then check in PCP0 and FI is the document has been correctly posted. 32) In payroll results ie EDLI Contribution shows as 3,500/- to the 100 employees, but in posting document it shows EDLI Contribution amount as 5,000/-(G/L account). Why the difference amount occured? What is the solution for this? Please guide me ! ANS) Please see following points. 01. V_T7INF1 all techenical wage code. 02. V_T7INF5 Check the rates 03. Last month retro C/F in the current month 04. Check the symbolic account. 05. Take Live Run hope you are problem will solve 33) I'm running Hiring Action through PA40 in IDES Server and i configured infogroup in this particular order. i.e 0000, 0002, 0001, 0006, 0007, 0008. Issue:1. After saving IT0002 my session is jumping to user login page and after providing login details its coming back to again to next Infotype. Its happening same for the rest of the infotypes as well and after saving IT0007, my action is completing, but i need to get IT0008 which i'm not getting. 2. When i'm trying to create IT0008 in PA30, i'm getting an Run Time Error "Offset in WRITE TO in program "SAPFP500" is too large. Kindly guide me how to solve this Error.

ANS: solution 1: Might be the chance employee is in some other Employee Group and featuer is maintained for some different one. solution 2: This problem is usually caused by feature LGMST being configured. you might have given the LGMST feature as only wage type model example: ABCD where as you have to give 30/ABCD and activate it then try maintaining the infotype 0008. 34) My payroll is runningt fine,but when i check the Pay Slip in the extrem right hand side i foundPerks/Other income/Exemptions/Rebates Agg of Chapter VI 5,760.00 i want only the Earings & Deductions on the pay slip, how to remove this particular area. ANS: Go to pe51 and from select background and delet from there. Best practice is first do modification on testing form if it is success then do it in original one bze as you may work firsttime on form so may be chance form going outof shape in size and column 35) We are having the requirement of displaying designation in payslip. We are using PE51,standard payslip. Now problem is when i configured a single field based on IT0001 PLANS field, its only picking Position ID not text, for that is used again IT528T table field PLSTX field. But its showing no output ANS: Use table: P00001 and Table filed : PLANS...In Print Options give Output Lenght and Convertion as 01(Replace Key with Text).. Please maintain like this In Print Options Output length Conversion 01 Replace key with text Rule

Printing offset 36) When running payroll all my wage types are shown in pisas.. please let me know how to round off them. my net pay is getting round off but other WTwhich appear in remunaration statement are shown in pisas. i have done the following config In table T511 i have maintained Rounding type B Rounding Divi 100 In table V_T7INY1 AA1 1.00 No recovery Nearest INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 AA2 1.00 No recovery Nearest INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 AA3 1.00 No recovery Nearest INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 but still my WT are not getting round off ANS: Table V_T7INY1 is for round off net payment, In case of round off each wage type amount try with V_T7INA9. Better check with client is it require each wage type or not. have solved the problem by using operation ROUND in PCR XVAL in main schema INAP....then all the wage types will get round off.I got the source from other threads. 37) Can any body guide me what all are the Technical wagetypes those are needed to be mapped to the SYMb Acc & to G/L for posting the Payroll Results. Do we need to make the assignment for Tech.WageTypes As well or only for the Custome Wagetypes. ANS: Please specify for which country payroll, you are asking about. If it is for India below are the tech WT which are to be mapped along with custom wage types for FI postings.

/3E1,/3E2,/3F1,/3F2,/3F3,/3F4,/3OE,/3OF,/3P1,/3RH,/3RI,/3S3,/3W1,/3W2,/460,/551,/552,/557,/559,/5 61,/563,/565,/566,/LID. 38) When I am trying to maintain positions/orgs in OM module, it is asking for a transport request.How to resolve it? I understand that Organisations/positions is master data and not Configurable item, so ideally, teh system should not prompt for a transport when trying to maintain this. ANS: Try table T77S0 TRSP CORR X Transport Switch (X = No Transport) There must be X in the group TRSP and sem. abbr. CORR Hope this solves your problem. Check view V_TVDIR - go to view table V_T5U28 and V_T5U28_D - double click to detail screen - make sure 'Indv.transport' flag is checked . We had similar problem before. 39) I need to run a report just displaying employee name, number and overtime hours worked for the month. There is no integration between payroll and time and time evaluation is also not being used. Overtime hours are input manually into a wage type for payroll calculation. 2005 is not being used. Is there any standard report which can be modified or do we need to develop a custom report for this? ANS: We decided to go in for a custom report. The Wage type reporter was very useful though. The customer however wanted a template which included fields not in the reporter. Hence went in for a custom report 40) Plz do let me know the process to transfer Holiday calender and factory calender from Dev client to production client. ANS: Changes to factory calendar data are not automatically included in a transport request (correction request). If you want to create a transport request for your changes. You have to go back to the first screen of transaction SCAL then you will find the transport icon, the the truck icon (or select calendar → transport).

System will display the pop box “All public holidays, public holiday and factory calendarswill be transported. All public holidays, public holiday and factory calendars will first be deleted in the target system” When you do this, keep in mind that: 1. all public holidays, public holiday and factory calendars existing in the target system are deleted. 2. When you create transport request all the Changes which are carried out will be moved into next system (development – QA – production), Apart from this all the calendars will be over wriiten in the next system. 3. In the Target sytem all Calendars will be deleted and the Changes in the transport request will be Copied into the Target sytem ( This will include the Calendars which are already exitsing) 4. The transports are done between systems (development – QA – production) not between clients, one system can have several clients. all clients share some common settings, while others are client specific. Once new transport request is created, release this TR by using transaction SE09/SE10 and inform your BASIS team for transporting. Anyway, to transport the factory calendar changes or creation from development to production system, you should do this in production system directly with opening client (if possible). If this is first time and all factory calendars are new in SAP system then you can go ahead with creating workbench request and do the transport. It is because when you do the transport of the workbench request, all table data will be transported, it is not only the changes what you have done so this could be dangerous that some other plants factory calendar might changed with this request. Also check this thread: 41) How are symbolic accounts created in SAP HR? are they system generated? ANS: We need to create Symbolic accounts in SAP HR. we have two types of symbolic accounts in payroll, 1) expense account: it is denoted by C, which will be

created by going to T.CODE OBYE, 2) balance sheet/ liable account: which is denoted by F, it is created by going T.CODE OBYG. You can go through the below forum, Extra information Symbolic accounts are the link between the payroll and finance sections of SAP. Every wage type which posts from payroll to the finance section of SAP, needs to do so via a symbolic account that has been defined in table T52EK. So every posting wage type must be assigned to a symbolic account. Table T52EL_COMP is very useful when maintaining the mapping between wage types and symbolic accounts, it shows every wage type and where it points to. Wage types will only appear in this table if they are first entered into table T52EZ, which specifies which wage types should post to the finance section using date parameters. A symbolic account can have limitless wage types pointing at it, this means that if, for example, you have 3 wage types that post to the same GL account, they could all point to the same symbolic account. A wage type can point at more than one GL account, this is necessary when posting wage types such as Employer’s NIC and Employer’s Pension Contributions for example. The way to handle such cases is to have the same wage type posting to one GL account as a debit and another as a credit, hence not affecting the overall balance of the posting document. When specifying the link between symbolic accounts and GL accounts in the relevant IMG step, selecting ‘Rules’ at the top of the screen gives you various options for your symbolic accounts. • By selecting the check box ‘Employee group’, it is possible to use the same symbolic account to point at different GL accounts according to the Employee Grouping. This means that the same wage type can post to different GL accounts according to the Groupings specified in table T52EM and the rules specified in feature PPMOD. N.B. Only wage types that have the ‘MOMAG’ (Account determination dependent on employee grouping) box selected in table T52EK will be dependent on Employee Grouping.

• By selecting the check box Debit/Credit, it is possible to have the same symbolic account pointing at a separate GL accounts for debits and credits. A word of warning however, if you are changing the rules for your symbolic accounts you will lose all your current entries mapping symbolic accounts to GL accounts, so be very sure of what you are doing and do not play around with this IMG step. A very useful tool when customizing the settings for the Payroll and FI integration is the ‘Check Consistency of Customizing’ step of the IMG. This report shows which GL account each wage type will post to, if there are any wage types that are not pointing at a GL account via a symbolic account then the report will show ‘??????’.If ‘??????’ appears, then there is an error in the customizing and you will receive an error when you try and post the wage type. A common reason for ‘??????’ appearing in the report when the configuration has been finished is that a symbolic account has been specified as an expense account in table T52EK, for example, but has been pointed at a balance sheet account in relevant step of the IMG. 42) ZCON Calculate Contract Allowance * **** ADDWT * OT Output table 1 **** ADDWT * OT Output table 2 **** ADDWT * OT Output table 3 ****

WGTYP? ****

Query wage type

ADDWT * OT Output table 2014 OUTWPPERSG EE group in v.key * AMT=0 Set

ADDWT * OT Output table C RTE=KZCON Set MULTI RAA Multipl.amt/no/rate ROUND K100 Round AMT to next ZERO= R AmtNumRteTime = 0 ADDWT * OT Output table T AMT=0 Set

ADDWT * OT Output table Hello There is a PCR before it where I am coping Basic Pay WT amount into WT 2014. With the above PCR I want the amount of WT 2014 to become Zero when Employee is other than C, and multipled by constant ZCON when the Employee Group is C. Currently, the system is unable to read the PCR and just passes Basic Pay WT amount into WT 2014 unprocessed. Any ideas where I have gone wrong?

ANS: I tried multiple things including calling PCR with ACTIO. But finally it worked with following: ZCON Calculate Contract Allowance * **** ADDWT * OT Output table 2014 Contract Allowance OUTWPPERSG EE group in v.key * AMT=0 Set

ADDWT * OT Output table C NUM=KZCON Set MULTI ANA Multipl.amt/no/rate ROUND K100 Round AMT to next ADDWT * OT Output table 3 **** ADDWT * OT Output table 2014 Contract Allowance OUTWPPERSG EE group in v.key *



ADDWT * OT Output table C NUM=KZCON Set MULTI ANA Multipl.amt/no/rate ROUND K100 Round AMT to next ADDWT * OT Output table I called this PCR in ZAL9 (Copy of XAL9) as after PIT XVAL P10 Valuate pay elements: PIT ZCON It worked smoothly. 43) Number ranges are not saved in Transport request.They will be manually maintained in each server or client. If you want to transport the number ranges then go to the T-code OONR select the subgroup which you created and click on number range maintenance then go to interval and select the transport then save it in Transport request. 44) HRA Exemption amount is based on 3 conditions 1) HRA which is some % on Basic Salary which is maintained in IT0008. 2)Rent paid by the employee which is maintained in IT0581 3)Actuval rent paid minus 10% on the Basic. Out of these 3 which ever is lesser is tax exemption amount for HRA 45) In my Org structure, when I delimit a position to the past date, i notice the position is being detached from the Org structure. Eg: "Y" Position has a start date of 01.10.2007 till 31.12.9999. The HR representative realised that this position should have been delimited on 01.08.2011.

As of today if we go the transaction ppome and delimit the end date to 01.08.2011, then the position is detached from the org structure and doesnt reflect. My question is what makes this position gets detached from the org structure and where does this archived or the vacant positions are maintained ( Please note that we are not maintaining vacancy infotype 1007)? Appreciate all your help.... ANS: Alll the positions wl store over here...V_528B_C, but it is not possible to change the end date.... For changing the end date you need to use the report code RE_RHGRENZ4 and start date RE_RHBEGDA0. Hope this suffice your req 46) Is in sap a table where I can see which employees leave the company? ANS: there is a report to check the entered and left employees details S_PH9_46000223 if you are asking for the employees who are in notice period, you have to maintain it in IT0019. And you can get the report

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