Caryle Hawkins 5555 Wissahickon Avenue #306 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144 267-304-1453
[email protected] SUMMARY Seasoned professional with a strong track record of excellent customer relations hips and attention to detail. QUALIFICATIONS h Forty years of reliable work history. h Dedicated and hardworking, with an unmatched drive to produce results h A proven history of self-motivation and eagerness to take on new responsibilit ies. I thrive on new knowledge and routine. h An ability to work with others as well as independently. h Good problem solving skills. I think through what is happening, what needs to be done, and try to formulate the best solution. h A pleasant and cheery telephone voice which has always been used to best repre sent the program for which I have worked. h Loyalty and responsibility in whatever my job position. WORK EXPERIENCE 1999 - 2010 Site Director for the Aftercare Program Cheltenham School District Elkins Park, Pa I designed and oversaw the implementation of the after school program in the mid dle school. My duties included directly supervising the site staff, evaluating their performanc e, preparing reports and newsletters,attending program staff meetings and professional development traini ngs, as well as relaying such information as needed to my direct supervisor. I dealt directly wi th the parents of children in attendance. Communication was received by me from parents as well as my immediate supervisor, primarily by phone, email, as well as by written letter. I also acte d as the liaison between the building principal, faculty and our program. It was my responsibility to cre ate a favorable partnership between those who had these children during school hours and the aft er care staff. I achieved this through personal contact, email, and personal attendance at after hours events such as concerts and plays. h I managed team of 1 part-time and 3 full time employees. h Establishing and maintaining a clean , professional and fun after school child care location was my forte. h I often used the computer to research enrichment activities and trip ideas. I was instrumental in finding and bringing a onetime basketball demonstration that incorporated les sons about anti-bullying, respect and self worth. h As one of the charter Site Directors when the C.L.A.S.P.(Cheltenham Landmark A fter School Program) program was first established, I received commendation for ten years of loyal
service. 1969 - 1999 Grade Teacher School District of Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pa To teach the basic skills of reading, writing, arithmetic, as well as science, s ocial studies, art, and health to the various grade levels with which I dealt over the tenure of my care er. I was the front line contact person between the school and the parents. It was also my responsib ility to periodically evaluate students progress and to communicate such progress to parents and admin istrators. I performed all other duties as assigned to me by my administrator. h Initiated leadership of after school programs which were of benefit to the stu dent population. I did after school tutoring and for several years I coached students in writing and delivering oratory. h Worked with parents interested in the improvement of the school programming. h Certificate of Achievement awarded in Recognition of thirty years of service t o the school district. Caryle Hawkins 5555 Wissahickon Avenue #306 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144 267-304-1453
[email protected] 2006 - Current Member and Recording Secretary Montgomery County Chapter Cheyney University Alumni Association Abington, Pa. I have been an active member of this young chapter. I have been the keeper of th e records of our meetings, both General and Executive Board. 1980 - Current Assistant to the Director of the Vacation Bible School Summer Program Zion Baptist Church Philadelphia, Pa Along with teaching when it becomes necessary, I assist the Director in planning the summer program, recruiting teachers and children, distribution and storage of supplies and materials, and researching games and activities. 1980 - Current Board member and Treasurer Zion Community Center Board of Directors Philadelphia, Pa Although my main duties for the past five years have been the managing of the fu nds of the organization as well seeing to the payment of bills, I also participate in plann ing meetings, fund raising activities,and decision and policy making. h I am the first Treasurer to handle the Boards financial records through the us e of a computer. When the initial idea was brought about, it was I who did the intial data entry and have continued since.
h I receive bank statements, bills due, write checks, and I make financial repor ts to the Board at our regularly scheduled meetings. 1990 - 2005 Director of the Saturday Church School Zion Baptist Church Philadelphia, Pa I helped in the original program design and planning before becoming Director. A s director, I managed a team of committed teachers who met every Saturday morning to teach the children who attended. Together we sought and researched lesson plans and outside trip opport unities. EDUCATION 1974 Temple University Masters in Education Philadelphia, Pa 1969 Cheyney University B.A. in Elementary Education Cheyney, Pa