Refined Sugar

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Refined Sugar - The Sweetest poison of All...
Why Sugar Is Toxic To The Body
In 1957, Dr. William Coda Martin tried to answer the question: When is a food a food and when is it a poison? is wor!in" definition of #poison# was: #Medi$all%: &n% su'stan$e applied to the 'od%, in"ested or de(eloped within the 'od%, whi$h $auses or ma% $ause disease. )h%si$all%: &n% su'stan$e whi$h inhi'its the a$ti(it% of a $atal%st whi$h is a minor su'stan$e, $hemi$al or en*%me that a$ti(ates a rea$tion.#1 +he di$tionar% "i(es an e(en 'roader definition for #poison#: #to e,ert a harmful influen$e on, or to per(ert#. Dr. Martin $lassified refined su"ar as a poison 'e$ause it has 'een depleted of its life for$es, (itamins and minerals. #What is left $onsists of pure, refined $ar'oh%drates. +he 'od% $annot utili*e this refined star$h and $ar'oh%drate unless the depleted proteins, (itamins and minerals are present. -ature supplies these elements in ea$h plant in quantities suffi$ient to meta'oli*e the $ar'oh%drate in that parti$ular plant. +here is no e,$ess for other added $ar'oh%drates. In$omplete $ar'oh%drate meta'olism results in the formation of .to,i$ meta'olite. su$h as p%ru(i$ a$id and a'normal su"ars $ontainin" fi(e $ar'on atoms. )%ru(i$ a$id a$$umulates in the 'rain and ner(ous s%stem and the a'normal su"ars in the red 'lood $ells. +hese to,i$ meta'olites interfere with the respiration of the $ells. +he% $annot "et suffi$ient o,%"en to sur(i(e and fun$tion normall%. In time, some of the $ells die. +his interferes with the fun$tion of a part of the 'od% and is the 'e"innin" of de"enerati(e disease.#/ 0efined su"ar is lethal when in"ested '% humans 'e$ause it pro(ides onl% that whi$h nutritionists des$ri'e as #empt%# or #na!ed# $alories. It la$!s the natural minerals whi$h are present in the su"ar 'eet or $ane. In addition, su"ar is worse than nothin" 'e$ause it drains and lea$hes the 'od% of pre$ious (itamins and minerals throu"h the demand its di"estion, deto,ifi$ation and elimination ma!es upon one.s entire s%stem. 1o essential is 'alan$e to our 'odies that we ha(e man% wa%s to pro(ide a"ainst the sudden sho$! of a hea(% inta!e of su"ar. Minerals su$h as sodium 2from salt3, potassium and ma"nesium 2from (e"eta'les3, and $al$ium 2from the 'ones3 are mo'ili*ed and used in $hemi$al transmutation4 neutral a$ids are produ$ed whi$h attempt to return the a$id5al!aline 'alan$e fa$tor of the 'lood to a more normal state. 1u"ar ta!en e(er% da% produ$es a $ontinuousl% o(era$id $ondition, and more and more minerals are required from deep in the 'od% in the attempt to re$tif% the im'alan$e. 6inall%, in order to prote$t the 'lood, so mu$h $al$ium is ta!en from the 'ones and teeth that de$a% and "eneral wea!enin" 'e"in. 7,$ess su"ar e(entuall% affe$ts e(er% or"an in the 'od%. Initiall%, it is stored in the li(er in the form of "lu$ose 2"l%$o"en3. 1in$e the li(er.s $apa$it% is limited, a dail% inta!e of refined su"ar 2a'o(e the required amount of natural su"ar3 soon ma!es the li(er e,pand li!e a 'alloon. When the li(er is filled to its ma,imum $apa$it%, the e,$ess "l%$o"en is returned to the

'lood in the form of fatt% a$ids. +hese are ta!en to e(er% part of the 'od% and stored in the most ina$ti(e areas: the 'ell%, the 'utto$!s, the 'reasts and the thi"hs. When these $omparati(el% harmless pla$es are $ompletel% filled, fatt% a$ids are then distri'uted amon" a$ti(e or"ans, su$h as the heart and !idne%s. +hese 'e"in to slow down4 finall% their tissues de"enerate and turn to fat. +he whole 'od% is affe$ted '% their redu$ed a'ilit%, and a'normal 'lood pressure is $reated. +he paras%mpatheti$ ner(ous s%stem is affe$ted4 and or"ans "o(erned '% it, su$h as the small 'rain, 'e$ome ina$ti(e or paral%*ed. 2-ormal 'rain fun$tion is rarel% thou"ht of as 'ein" as 'iolo"i$ as di"estion.3 +he $ir$ulator% and l%mphati$ s%stems are in(aded, and the qualit% of the red $orpus$les starts to $han"e. &n o(era'undan$e of white $ells o$$urs, and the $reation of tissue 'e$omes slower. 8ur 'od%.s toleran$e and immuni*in" power 'e$omes more limited, so we $annot respond properl% to e,treme atta$!s, whether the% 'e $old, heat, mosquitoes or mi$ro'es. 7,$essi(e su"ar has a stron" mal5effe$t on the fun$tionin" of the 'rain. +he !e% to orderl% 'rain fun$tion is "lutami$ a$id, a (ital $ompound found in man% (e"eta'les. +he 9 (itamins pla% a ma:or role in di(idin" "lutami$ a$id into anta"onisti$5$omplementar% $ompounds whi$h produ$e a #pro$eed# or #$ontrol# response in the 'rain. 9 (itamins are also manufa$tured '% s%m'ioti$ 'a$teria whi$h li(e in our intestines. When refined su"ar is ta!en dail%, these 'a$teria wither and die, and our sto$! of 9 (itamins "ets (er% low. +oo mu$h su"ar ma!es one sleep%4 our a'ilit% to $al$ulate and remem'er is lost.

SUGAR !AR"#U$ T% !U"A&S A&' A&I"A$S
1hipwre$!ed sailors who ate and dran! nothin" 'ut su"ar and rum for nine da%s surel% went throu"h some of this trauma4 the tales the% had to tell $reated a 'i" pu'li$ relations pro'lem for the su"ar pushers. +his in$ident o$$urred when a (essel $arr%in" a $ar"o of su"ar was shipwre$!ed in 179;. +he fi(e sur(i(in" sailors were finall% res$ued after 'ein" marooned for nine da%s. +he% were in a wasted $ondition due to star(ation, ha(in" $onsumed nothin" 'ut su"ar and rum. +he eminent 6ren$h ph%siolo"ist 6. Ma"endie was inspired '% that in$ident to $ondu$t a series of e,periments with animals, the results of whi$h he pu'lished in 1<1=. In the e,periments, he fed do"s a diet of su"ar or oli(e oil and water. &ll the do"s wasted and died.; +he shipwre$!ed sailors and the 6ren$h ph%siolo"ist.s e,perimental do"s pro(ed the same point. &s a stead% diet, su"ar is worse than nothin". )lain water $an !eep %ou ali(e for quite some time. 1u"ar and water $an !ill %ou. umans >and animals? are #una'le to su'sist on a diet of su"ar#.@ +he dead do"s in )rofessor Ma"endie.s la'orator% alerted the su"ar industr% to the ha*ards of free s$ientifi$ inquir%. 6rom that da% to this, the su"ar industr% has in(ested millions of dollars in 'ehind5the5s$enes, su'sidi*ed s$ien$e. +he 'est s$ientifi$ names that mone% $ould 'u% ha(e 'een hired, in the hope that the% $ould one da% $ome up with somethin" at least pseudos$ientifi$ in the wa% of "lad tidin"s a'out su"ar. It has 'een pro(ed, howe(er, that 213 su"ar is a ma:or fa$tor in dental de$a%4 2/3 su"ar in a person.s diet does $ause o(erwei"ht4 2;3 remo(al of su"ar from diets has $ured s%mptoms of $ripplin", worldwide diseases su$h as dia'etes, $an$er and heart illnesses. 1ir 6rederi$! 9antin", the $odis$o(erer of insulin, noti$ed in 19/9 in )anama that, amon" su"ar plantation owners who

ate lar"e amounts of their refined stuff, dia'etes was $ommon. &mon" nati(e $ane5$utters, who onl% "ot to $hew the raw $ane, he saw no dia'etes. owe(er, the stor% of the pu'li$ relations attempts on the part of the su"ar manufa$turers 'e"an in 9ritain in 1<A< when the Committee of West India reported to the ouse of Commons that a pri*e of twent%5fi(e "uineas had 'een offered to an%one who $ould $ome up with the most #satisfa$tor%# e,periments to pro(e that unrefined su"ar was "ood for feedin" and fattenin" o,en, $ows, ho"s and sheep.5 6ood for animals is often seasonal, alwa%s e,pensi(e. 1u"ar, '% then, was dirt $heap. )eople weren.t eatin" it fast enou"h. -aturall%, the attempt to feed li(esto$! with su"ar and molasses in 7n"land in 1<A< was a disaster. When the Committee on West India made its fourth report to the ouse of Commons, one Mem'er of )arliament, Bohn Curwin, reported that he had tried to feed su"ar and molasses to $al(es without su$$ess. e su""ested that perhaps someone should tr% a"ain '% snea!in" su"ar and molasses into s!immed mil!. ad an%thin" $ome of that, %ou $an 'e sure the West Indian su"ar mer$hants would ha(e spread the news around the world. &fter this sin"ular la$! of su$$ess in pushin" su"ar in $ow pastures, the West Indian su"ar mer$hants "a(e up. With undaunted *eal for in$reasin" the mar!et demand for the most important a"ri$ultural produ$t of the West Indies, the Committee of West India was redu$ed to a ta$ti$ that has ser(ed the su"ar pushers for almost /AA %ears: irrele(ant and transparentl% sill% testimonials from farawa%, ina$$essi'le people with some !ind of #s$ientifi$# $redentials. While preparin" his epo$hal (olume, & istor% of -utrition, pu'lished in 1957, )rofessor 7. C. M$Collum 2Bohns op!ins uni(ersit%3, sometimes $alled &meri$a.s foremost nutritionist and $ertainl% a pioneer in the field, re(iewed appro,imatel% /AA,AAA pu'lished s$ientifi$ papers, re$ordin" e,periments with food, their properties, their utili*ation and their effe$ts on animals and men. +he material $o(ered the period from the mid51<th $entur% to 19@A. 6rom this "reat repositor% of s$ientifi$ inquir%, M$Collum sele$ted those e,periments whi$h he re"arded as si"nifi$ant #to relate the stor% of pro"ress in dis$o(erin" human error in this se"ment of s$ien$e >of nutrition?#. )rofessor M$Collum failed to re$ord a sin"le $ontrolled s$ientifi$ e,periment with su"ar 'etween 1<1= and 19@A. unhappil%, we must remind oursel(es that s$ientists toda%, and alwa%s, a$$omplish little without a sponsor. +he proto$ols of modern s$ien$e ha(e $ompounded the $osts of s$ientifi$ inquir%. We ha(e no ri"ht to 'e surprised when we read the introdu$tion to M$Collum.s & istor% of -utrition and find that #+he author and pu'lishers are inde'ted to +he -utrition 6oundation, In$., for a "rant pro(ided to meet a portion of the $ost of pu'li$ation of this 'oo!#. What, %ou mi"ht as!, is +he -utrition 6oundation, In$.? +he author and the pu'lishers don.t tell %ou. It happens to 'e a front or"ani*ation for the leadin" su"ar5pushin" $on"lomerates in the food 'usiness, in$ludin" the &meri$an 1u"ar 0efinin" Compan%, Co$a5 Cola, )epsi5Cola, Curtis Cand% Co., Deneral 6oods, Deneral Mills, -estlE Co., )et Mil! Co. and 1unshine 9is$uits5a'out @5 su$h $ompanies in all. )erhaps the most si"nifi$ant thin" a'out M$Collum.s 1957 histor% was what he left out: a monumental earlier wor! des$ri'ed '% an eminent ar(ard professor as #one of those epo$hal pie$es of resear$h whi$h ma!es e(er% other in(esti"ator desirous of !i$!in" himself 'e$ause he ne(er thou"ht of doin" the same thin"#. In the 19;As, a resear$h dentist from Cle(eland, 8hio, Dr. Weston &. )ri$e, tra(eled all o(er the world5from the lands of the 7s!imos to the 1outh 1ea Islands, from &fri$a to -ew Fealand. is

-utrition and )h%si$al De"eneration: & Comparison of )rimiti(e and Modern Diets and +heir 7ffe$ts,= whi$h is illustrated with hundreds of photo"raphs, was first pu'lished in 19;9. Dr. )ri$e too! the whole world as his la'orator%. is de(astatin" $on$lusion, re$orded in horrif%in" detail in area after area, was simple. )eople who li(e under so5$alled 'a$!ward primiti(e $onditions had e,$ellent teeth and wonderful "eneral health. +he% ate natural, unrefined food from their own lo$ale. &s soon as refined, su"ared foods were imported as a result of $onta$t with #$i(ili*ation,# ph%si$al de"eneration 'e"an in a wa% that was definitel% o'ser(a'le within a sin"le "eneration. &n% $redi'ilit% the su"ar pushers ha(e is 'ased on our i"noran$e of wor!s li!e that of Dr. )ri$e. 1u"ar manufa$turers !eep tr%in", hopin" and $ontri'utin" "enerous resear$h "rants to $olle"es and uni(ersities4 'ut the resear$h la'oratories ne(er $ome up with an%thin" solid the manufa$turers $an use. In(aria'l%, the resear$h results are 'ad news. #Get us "o to the i"norant sa(a"e, $onsider his wa% of eatin" and 'e wise,# ar(ard professor 7rnest ooten said in &pes, Men, and Morons.7 #Get us $ease pretendin" that tooth'rushes and toothpaste are an% more important than shoe 'rushes and shoe polish. It is store food that has "i(en us store teeth.# When the resear$hers 'ite the hands that feed them, and the news "ets out, it.s em'arrassin" all around. In 195<, +ime ma"a*ine reported that a ar(ard 'io$hemist and his assistants had wor!ed with m%riads of mi$e for more than ten %ears, 'an!rolled '% the 1u"ar 0esear$h 6oundation, In$. to the tune of H57,AAA, to find out how su"ar $auses dental $a(ities and how to pre(ent this. It too! them ten %ears to dis$o(er that there was no wa% to pre(ent su"ar $ausin" dental de$a%. When the resear$hers reported their findin"s in the Dental &sso$iation Bournal, their sour$e of mone% dried up. +he 1u"ar 0esear$h 6oundation withdrew its support. +he more that the s$ientists disappointed them, the more the su"ar pushers had to rel% on the ad men.

SU(R%S) *+UR)* )&)RG, AT A +RI()
When $alories 'e$ame the 'i" thin" in the 19/As, and e(er%'od% was learnin" to $ount them, the su"ar pushers turned up with a new pit$h. +he% 'oasted there were /,5AA $alories in a pound of su"ar. & little o(er a quarter5pound of su"ar would produ$e /A per $ent of the total dail% quota. #If %ou $ould 'u% all %our food ener"% as $heapl% as %ou 'u% $alories in su"ar,# the% told us, #%our 'oard 'ill for the %ear would 'e (er% low. If su"ar were se(en $ents a pound, it would $ost less than H;5 for a whole %ear.# & (er% ine,pensi(e wa% to !ill %ourself. #8f $ourse, we don.t li(e on an% su$h un'alan$ed diet,# the% admitted later. #9ut that fi"ure ser(es to point out how ine,pensi(e su"ar is as an ener"%5'uildin" food. What was on$e a lu,ur% onl% a pri(ile"ed few $ould en:o% is now a food for the poorest of people.# Gater, the su"ar pushers ad(ertised that su"ar was $hemi$all% pure, toppin" I(or% soap in that department, 'ein" 99.9 per $ent pure a"ainst I(or%.s (aunted 99.@@ per $ent. #-o food of our e(er%da% diet is purer,# we were assured. What was meant '% purit%, 'esides the unar"ua'le fa$t that all (itamins, minerals, salts, fi'ers and proteins had 'een remo(ed in the refinin" pro$ess? Well, the su"ar pushers $ame up with a new slant on purit%. #Iou don.t ha(e to sort it li!e 'eans, wash it li!e ri$e. 7(er% "rain is li!e e(er% other. -o waste attends its use. -o useless 'ones li!e in meat, no "rounds li!e $offee.# #)ure# is a fa(orite ad:e$ti(e of the su"ar pushers 'e$ause it means one thin" to the $hemists and another thin" to the ordinar% mortals. When hone% is la'eled pure, this means that it is in its natural state 2stolen dire$tl% from the 'ees who made it3,

with no adulteration with su$rose to stret$h it and no harmful $hemi$al residues whi$h ma% ha(e 'een spra%ed on the flowers. It does not mean that the hone% is free from minerals li!e iodine, iron, $al$ium, phosphorus or multiple (itamins. 1o effe$ti(e is the purifi$ation pro$ess whi$h su"ar $ane and 'eets under"o in the refineries that su"ar ends up as $hemi$all% pure as the morphine or the heroin a $hemist has on the la'orator% shel(es. What nutritional (irtue this a'stra$t $hemi$al purit% represents, the su"ar pushers ne(er tell us. 9e"innin" with World War I, the su"ar pushers $oated their propa"anda with a preparedness pit$h. #Dietitians ha(e !nown the hi"h food (alue of su"ar for a lon" time,# said an industr% tra$t of the 19/As. #9ut it too! World War I to 'rin" this home. +he ener"%5'uildin" power of su"ar rea$hes the mus$les in minutes and it was of (alue to soldiers as a ration "i(en them :ust 'efore an atta$! was laun$hed.# +he su"ar pushers ha(e 'een harpin" on the ener"%5'uildin" power of su$rose for %ears 'e$ause it $ontains nothin" else. Calori$ ener"% and ha'it5formin" taste: that.s what su$rose has, and nothin" else. &ll other foods $ontain ener"% plus. &ll foods $ontain some nutrients in the wa% of proteins, $ar'oh%drates, (itamins or minerals, or all of these. 1u$rose $ontains $alori$ ener"%, period. +he #qui$!# ener"% $laim the su"ar pushers tal! a'out, whi$h dri(es relu$tant dou"h'o%s o(er the top and dri(es $hildren up the wall, is 'ased on the fa$t that refined su$rose is not di"ested in the mouth or the stoma$h 'ut passes dire$tl% to the lower intestines and then$e to the 'loodstream. +he e,tra speed with whi$h su$rose enters the 'loodstream does more harm than "ood. Mu$h of the pu'li$ $onfusion a'out refined su"ar is $ompounded '% lan"ua"e. 1u"ars are $lassified '% $hemists as #$ar'oh%drates#. +his manufa$tured word means #a su'stan$e $ontainin" $ar'on with o,%"en and h%dro"en#. If $hemists want to use these hermeti$ terms in their la'oratories when the% tal! to one another, fine. +he use of the word #$ar'oh%drate# outside the la'orator%5espe$iall% in food la'elin" and ad(ertisin" lin"o5to des$ri'e 'oth natural, $omplete $ereal "rains 2whi$h ha(e 'een a prin$ipal food of man!ind for thousands of %ears3 and man5refined su"ar 2whi$h is a manufa$tured dru" and prin$ipal poison of man!ind for onl% a few hundred %ears3 is demonstra'l% wi$!ed. +his !ind of $onfusion ma!es possi'le the flimflam pra$ti$ed '% su"ar pushers to $onfound an,ious mothers into thin!in" !iddies need su"ar to sur(i(e. +he use of the word #$ar'oh%drate# to des$ri'e su"ar is deli'eratel% misleadin". 1in$e the impro(ed la'elin" of nutritional properties was required on pa$!a"es and $ans, refined $ar'oh%drates li!e su"ar are lumped to"ether with those $ar'oh%drates whi$h ma% or ma% not 'e refined. +he se(eral t%pes of $ar'oh%drates are added to"ether for an o(erall $ar'oh%drate total. +hus, the effe$t of the la'el is to hide the su"ar $ontent from the unwar% 'u%er. Chemists add to the $onfusion '% usin" the word #su"ar# to des$ri'e an entire "roup of su'stan$es that are similar 'ut not identi$al. Dlu$ose is a su"ar found usuall% with other su"ars, in fruits and (e"eta'les. It is a !e% material in the meta'olism of all plants and animals. Man% of our prin$ipal foods are $on(erted into "lu$ose in our 'odies. Dlu$ose is alwa%s present in our 'loodstream, and it is often $alled #'lood su"ar#. De,trose, also $alled #$orn su"ar#, is deri(ed s%ntheti$all% from star$h. 6ru$tose is fruit su"ar. Maltose is malt su"ar. Ga$tose is mil! su"ar. 1u$rose is refined su"ar made from su"ar $ane and su"ar 'eet. Dlu$ose has alwa%s 'een an essential element in the human 'loodstream. 1u$rose addi$tion is somethin" new in the histor% of the human animal.

+o use the word #su"ar# to des$ri'e two su'stan$es whi$h are far from 'ein" identi$al, whi$h ha(e different $hemi$al stru$tures and whi$h affe$t the 'od% in profoundl% different wa%s $ompounds $onfusion. It ma!es possi'le more flimflam from the su"ar pushers who tell us how important su"ar is as an essential $omponent of the human 'od%, how it is o,idi*ed to produ$e ener"%, how it is meta'oli*ed to produ$e warmth, and so on. tal!in" a'out "lu$ose, of $ourse, whi$h is manufa$tured in our 'odies. owe(er, one is led to 'elie(e that the manufa$turers are tal!in" a'out the su$rose whi$h is made in their refineries. When the word #su"ar# $an mean the "lu$ose in %our 'lood as well as the su$rose in %our Co$a5Cola, it.s "reat for the su"ar pushers 'ut it.s rou"h on e(er%'od% else. )eople ha(e 'een 'am'oo*led into thin!in" of their 'odies the wa% the% thin! of their $he$! a$$ounts. If the% suspe$t the% ha(e low 'lood su"ar, the% are pro"rammed to sna$! on (endin" ma$hine $andies and sodas in order to raise their 'lood su"ar le(el. &$tuall%, this is the worst thin" to do. +he le(el of "lu$ose in their 'lood is apt to 'e low 'e$ause the% are addi$ted to su$rose. )eople who !i$! su$rose addi$tion and sta% off su$rose find that the "lu$ose le(el of their 'lood returns to normal and sta%s there. 1in$e the late 19=As, millions of &meri$ans ha(e returned to natural food. & new t%pe of store, the natural food store, has en$oura"ed man% to 'e$ome dropouts from the supermar!et. -atural food $an 'e instrumental in restorin" health. Man% people, therefore, ha(e $ome to equate the word #natural# with #health%#. 1o the su"ar pushers ha(e 'e"un to per(ert the word #natural# in order to mislead the pu'li$. #Made from natural in"redients#, the tele(ision su"ar5pushers tell us a'out produ$t after produ$t. +he word #from# is snot a$$ented on tele(ision. It should 'e. 7(en refined su"ar is made from natural in"redients. +here is nothin" new a'out that. +he natural in"redients are $ane and 'eets. 9ut that four5letter word #from# hardl% su""ests that 9A per $ent of the $ane and 'eet ha(e 'een remo(ed. eroin, too, $ould 'e ad(ertised as 'ein" made from natural in"redients. +he opium popp% is as natural as the su"ar 'eet. It.s what man does with it that tells the stor%. If %ou want to a(oid su"ar in the supermar!et, there is onl% one sure wa%. Don.t 'u% an%thin" unless it sa%s on the la'el prominentl%, in plain 7n"lish: #-o su"ar added#. use of the word #$ar'oh%drate# as a #s$ientifi$# word for su"ar has 'e$ome a standard defense strate"% with su"ar pushers and man% of their medi$al apolo"ists. It.s their se$urit% 'lan!et.

(%RR)(T #%%' (%"BI&I&G
Whether it.s su"ared $ereal or pastr% and 'la$! $offee for 'rea!fast, whether it.s ham'ur"ers and Co$a5Cola for lun$h or the full #"ourmet# dinner in the e(enin", $hemi$all% the a(era"e &meri$an diet is a formula that "uarantees 'u''le, 'u''le, stoma$h trou'le. unless %ou.(e ta!en too mu$h insulin and, in a state of insulin sho$!, need su"ar as an antidote, hardl% an%one e(er has $ause to ta!e su"ar alone. umans need su"ar as mu$h as the% need the ni$otine in to'a$$o. Cra(e it is one thin"5need it is another. 6rom the da%s of the )ersian 7mpire to our own, su"ar has usuall% 'een used to hop up the fla(or of other food and drin!, as an in"redient in the !it$hen or as a $ondiment at the ta'le. Get us lea(e aside for the moment the !nown effe$t of su"ar 2lon"5 term and short5term3 on the entire s%stem and $on$entrate on the effe$t of su"ar ta!en in $om'ination with other dail% foods.

When Drandma warned that su"ared $oo!ies 'efore meals #will spoil %our supper#, she !new what she was tal!in" a'out. er e,planation mi"ht not ha(e satisfied a $hemist 'ut, as with man% traditional a,ioms from the Mosai$ law on !osher food and separation in the !it$hen, su$h rules are 'ased on %ears of trial and error and are apt to 'e ri"ht on the 'utton. Most modern resear$h in $om'inin" food is a la'ored dis$o(er% of the thin"s Drandma too! for "ranted. &n% diet or re"imen underta!en for the sin"le purpose of losin" wei"ht is dan"erous, '% definition. 8'esit% is tal!ed a'out and treated as a disease in /Ath5$entur% &meri$a. 8'esit% is not a disease. It is onl% a s%mptom, a si"n, a warnin" that %our 'od% is out of order. Dietin" to lose wei"ht is as sill% and dan"erous as ta!in" aspirin to relie(e a heada$he 'efore %ou !now the reason for the heada$he. Dettin" rid of a s%mptom is li!e turnin" off an alarm. It lea(es the 'asi$ $ause untou$hed. &n% diet or re"imen underta!en with an% o':e$ti(e short of restoration of total health of %our 'od% is dan"erous. Man% o(erwei"ht people are undernourished. 2Dr. . Curtis Wood stresses this point in his 1971 'oo!, 8(erfed 9ut undernourished.3 7atin" less $an a""ra(ate this $ondition, unless one is $on$erned with the qualit% of the food instead of :ust its quantit%. Man% people5do$tors in$luded5assume that if wei"ht is lost, fat is lost. +his is not ne$essaril% so. &n% diet whi$h lumps all $ar'oh%drates to"ether is dan"erous. &n% diet whi$h does not $onsider the qualit% of $ar'oh%drates and ma!es the $ru$ial life5and5death distin$tion 'etween natural, unrefined $ar'oh%drates li!e whole "rains and (e"eta'les and man5refined $ar'oh%drates li!e su"ar and white flour is dan"erous. &n% diet whi$h in$ludes refined su"ar and white flour, no matter what #s$ientifi$# name is applied to them, is dan"erous. Ji$!in" su"ar and white flour and su'stitutin" whole "rains, (e"eta'les and natural fruits in season, is the $ore of an% sensi'le natural re"imen. Chan"in" the qualit% of %our $ar'oh%drates $an $han"e the qualit% of %our health and life. If %ou eat natural food of "ood qualit%, quantit% tends to ta!e $are of itself. -o'od% is "oin" to eat a half5do*en su"ar 'eets or a whole $ase of su"ar $ane. 7(en if the% do, it will 'e less dan"erous than a few oun$es of su"ar. 1u"ar of all !inds5natural su"ars, su$h as those in hone% and fruit 2fru$tose3, as well as the refined white stuff 2su$rose35tends to arrest the se$retion of "astri$ :ui$es and ha(e an inhi'itin" effe$t on the stoma$h.s natural a'ilit% to mo(e. 1u"ars are not di"ested in the mouth, li!e $ereals, or in the stoma$h, li!e animal flesh. When ta!en alone, the% pass qui$!l% throu"h the stoma$h into the small intestine. When su"ars are eaten with other foods5perhaps meat and 'read in a sandwi$h5 the% are held up in the stoma$h for a while. +he su"ar in the 'read and the Co!e sit there with the ham'ur"er and the 'un waitin" for them to 'e di"ested. While the stoma$h is wor!in" on the animal protein and the refined star$h in the 'read, the addition of the su"ar pra$ti$all% "uarantees rapid a$id fermentation under the $onditions of warmth and moisture e,istin" in the stoma$h. 8ne lump of su"ar in %our $offee after a sandwi$h is enou"h to turn %our stoma$h into a fermenter. 8ne soda with a ham'ur"er is enou"h to turn %our stoma$h into a still. 1u"ar on $ereal5whether %ou 'u% it alread% su"ared in a 'o, or add it %ourself5almost "uarantees a$id fermentation. 1in$e the 'e"innin" of time, natural laws were o'ser(ed, in 'oth senses of that word, when it $ame to eatin" foods in $om'ination. 9irds ha(e 'een o'ser(ed eatin" inse$ts at one period in the da% and seeds at another. 8ther animals tend to eat one food at a time. 6lesh5eatin" animals

ta!e their protein raw and strai"ht. In the 8rient, it is traditional to eat %an" 'efore %in. Miso soup 2fermented so%'ean protein, %an"3 for 'rea!fast4 raw fish 2more %an" protein3 at the 'e"innin" of the meal4 afterwards $omes the ri$e 2whi$h is less %an" than the miso and fish34 and then the (e"eta'les whi$h are %in. If %ou e(er eat with a traditional Bapanese famil% and %ou (iolate this order, the 8rientals 2if %our friends3 will $orre$t %ou $ourteousl% 'ut firml%. +he law o'ser(ed '% 8rthodo, Bews prohi'its man% $om'inations at the same meal, espe$iall% flesh and dair% produ$ts. 1pe$ial utensils for the dair% meal and different utensils for the flesh meal reinfor$e that ta'oo at the food.s sour$e in the !it$hen. Man learned (er% earl% in the "ame what improper $om'inations of food $ould do to the human s%stem. When he "ot a stoma$h a$he from $om'inin" raw fruit with "rain, or hone% with porrid"e, he didn.t rea$h for an anta$id ta'let. e learned not to eat that wa%. When "lutton% and e,$ess 'e$ame widespread, reli"ious $odes and $ommandments were in(o!ed a"ainst it. Dlutton% is a $apital sin in most reli"ions4 'ut there are no spe$ifi$ reli"ious warnin"s or $ommandments a"ainst refined su"ar 'e$ause su"ar a'use5li!e dru" a'use5did not appear on the world s$ene until $enturies after hol% 'oo!s had "one to press. #Wh% must we a$$ept as normal what we find in a ra$e of si$! and wea!ened human 'ein"s?# Dr. er'ert M. 1helton as!s. #Must we alwa%s ta!e it for "ranted that the present eatin" pra$ti$es of $i(ili*ed men are normal?... 6oul stools, loose stools, impa$ted stools, pe''l% stools, mu$h foul "as, $olitis, hemorrhoids, 'leedin" with stools, the need for toilet paper are swept into the or'it of the normal.#< When star$hes and $omple, su"ars 2li!e those in hone% and fruits3 are di"ested, the% are 'ro!en down into simple su"ars $alled #monosa$$harides#, whi$h are usa'le su'stan$es5nutriments. When star$hes and su"ars are ta!en to"ether and under"o fermentation, the% are 'ro!en down into $ar'on dio,ide, a$eti$ a$id, al$ohol and water. With the e,$eption of the water, all these are unusa'le su'stan$es5poisons. When proteins are di"ested, the% are 'ro!en down into amino a$ids, whi$h are usa'le su'stan$es5nutriments. When proteins are ta!en with su"ar, the% putref%4 the% are 'ro!en down into a (ariet% of ptomaines and leu$omaines, whi$h are nonusa'le su'stan$es5poisons. 7n*%mi$ di"estion of foods prepares them for use '% our 'od%. 9a$terial de$omposition ma!es them unfit for use '% our 'od%. +he first pro$ess "i(es us nutriments4 the se$ond "i(es us poisons. Mu$h that passes for modern nutrition is o'sessed with a mania for quantitati(e $ountin". +he 'od% is treated li!e a $he$! a$$ount. Deposit $alories 2li!e dollars3 and withdraw ener"%. Deposit proteins, $ar'oh%drates, fats, (itamins and minerals5'alan$ed quantitati(el%5and the result, theoreti$all%, is a health% 'od%. )eople qualif% as health% toda% if the% $an $rawl out of 'ed, "et to the offi$e and si"n in. If the% $an.t ma!e it, $all the do$tor to qualif% for si$! pa%, hospitali*ation, rest $ure5an%thin" from a da%.s pa% without wor!in" to an artifi$ial !idne%, $ourtes% of the ta,pa%ers. 9ut what does it profit someone if the theoreti$all% required $alories and nutrients are $onsumed dail%, %et this random eat5on5the5run, sna$!5time $olle$tion of foods ferments and putrefies in the di"esti(e tra$t? What "ood is it if the 'od% is fed protein, onl% to ha(e it putref% in the "astrointestinal $anal? Car'oh%drates that ferment in the di"esti(e tra$t are $on(erted into al$ohol and a$eti$ a$id, not di"esti'le monosa$$harides. #+o deri(e sustenan$e from foods eaten, the% must 'e di"ested,# 1helton warned %ears a"o. #+he% must not rot.# 1ure,

the 'od% $an "et rid of poisons throu"h the urine and the pores4 the amount of poisons in the urine is ta!en as an inde, to what.s "oin" on in the intestine. +he 'od% does esta'lish a toleran$e for these poisons, :ust as it ad:usts "raduall% to an inta!e of heroin. 9ut, sa%s 1helton, #the dis$omfort from a$$umulation of "as, the 'ad 'reath, and foul and unpleasant odors are as undesira'le as are the poisons#.9

SUGAR A&' ")&TA$ !)A$T!
In the Dar! &"es, trou'led souls were rarel% lo$!ed up for "oin" off their ro$!er. 1u$h $onfinement 'e"an in the &"e of 7nli"htenment, after su"ar made the transition from apothe$ar%.s pres$ription to $and%ma!er.s $onfe$tion. #+he "reat $onfinement of the insane#, as one historian $alls it,1A 'e"an in the late 17th $entur%, after su"ar $onsumption in 9ritain had *oomed in /AA %ears from a pin$h or two in a 'arrel of 'eer, here and there, to more than two million pounds per %ear. 9% that time, ph%si$ians in Gondon had 'e"un to o'ser(e and re$ord terminal ph%si$al si"ns and s%mptoms of the #su"ar 'lues#. Meanwhile, when su"ar eaters did not manifest o'(ious terminal ph%si$al s%mptoms and the ph%si$ians were professionall% 'ewildered, patients were no lon"er pronoun$ed 'ewit$hed, 'ut mad, insane, emotionall% distur'ed. Ga*iness, fati"ue, de'au$her%, parental displeasure5an% one pro'lem was suffi$ient $ause for people under twent%5fi(e to 'e lo$!ed up in the first )arisian mental hospitals. &ll it too! to 'e in$ar$erated was a $omplaint from parents, relati(es or the omnipotent parish priest. Wet nurses with their 'a'ies, pre"nant %oun"sters, retarded or defe$ti(e $hildren, senior $iti*ens, paral%ti$s, epilepti$s, prostitutes or ra(in" lunati$s5an%one wanted off the streets and out of si"ht was put awa%. +he mental hospital su$$eeded wit$h5huntin" and heres%5houndin" as a more enli"htened and humane method of so$ial $ontrol. +he ph%si$ian and priest handled the dirt% wor! of street sweepin" in return for ro%al fa(ors. Initiall%, when the Deneral ospital was esta'lished in )aris '% ro%al de$ree, one per $ent of the $it%.s population was lo$!ed up. 6rom that time until the /A $entur%, as the $onsumption of su"ar went up and up5espe$iall% in the $ities5so did the num'er of people who were put awa% in the Deneral ospital. +hree hundred %ears later, the #emotionall% distur'ed# $an 'e turned into wal!in" automatons, their 'rains $ontrolled with ps%$hoa$ti(e dru"s. +oda%, pioneers of orthomole$ular ps%$hiatr%, su$h as Dr. &'ram offer, Dr. &llan Cott, Dr. &. Cher!in as well as Dr. Ginus )aulin", ha(e $onfirmed that mental illness is a m%th and that emotional distur'an$e $an 'e merel% the first s%mptom of the o'(ious ina'ilit% of the human s%stem to handle the stress of su"ar dependen$%. In 8rthomole$ular )s%$hiatr%, Dr. )aulin" writes: #+he fun$tionin" of the 'rain and ner(ous tissue is more sensiti(el% dependent on the rate of $hemi$al rea$tions than the fun$tionin" of other or"ans and tissues. I 'elie(e that mental disease is for the most part $aused '% a'normal rea$tion rates, as determined '% "eneti$ $onstitution and diet, and '% a'normal mole$ular $on$entrations of essential su'stan$es. 1ele$tion of food 2and dru"s3 in a world that is under"oin" rapid s$ientifi$ and te$hnolo"i$al $han"e ma% often 'e far from the 'est.#11 In Me"a(itamin 9; +herap% for 1$hi*ophrenia, Dr. &'ram offer notes: #)atients are also ad(ised to follow a "ood nutritional pro"ram with restri$tion of su$rose and su$rose5ri$h foods.#1/ Clini$al resear$h with h%pera$ti(e and ps%$hoti$ $hildren, as well as those with 'rain in:uries and learnin" disa'ilities, has shown: #&n a'normall% hi"h famil% histor% of dia'etes5that

is, parents and "randparents who $annot handle su"ar4 an a'normall% hi"h in$iden$e of low 'lood "lu$ose, or fun$tional h%po"l%$emia in the $hildren themsel(es, whi$h indi$ates that their s%stems $annot handle su"ar4 dependen$e on a hi"h le(el of su"ar in the diets of the (er% $hildren who $annot handle it. #Inquir% into the dietar% histor% of patients dia"nosed as s$hi*ophreni$ re(eals the diet of their $hoi$e is ri$h in sweets, $and%, $a!es, $offee, $affeinated 'e(era"es, and foods prepared with su"ar. +hese foods, whi$h stimulate the adrenals, should 'e eliminated or se(erel% restri$ted.#1; +he a(ant5"arde of modern medi$ine has redis$o(ered what the lowl% sor$eress learned lon" a"o throu"h painsta!in" stud% of nature. #In more than twent% %ears of ps%$hiatri$ wor!,# writes D0 +homas 1*as*, #I ha(e ne(er !nown a $lini$al ps%$holo"ist to report, on the 'asis of a pro:e$ti(e test, that the su':e$t is a normal, mentall% health% person. While some wit$hes ma% ha(e sur(i(ed dun!in", no .madman. sur(i(es ps%$holo"i$al testin"...there is no 'eha(ior or person that a modern ps%$hiatrist $annot plausi'l% dia"nose as a'normal or ill.#1@ 1o it was in the 17th $entur%. 8n$e the do$tor or the e,or$ist had 'een $alled in, he was under pressure to do somethin". When he tried and failed, the poor patient had to 'e put awa%. It is often said that sur"eons 'ur% their mista!es. )h%si$ians and ps%$hiatrists put them awa%4 lo$! .em up. In the 19@As, D0 Bohn +intera redis$o(ered the (ital importan$e of the endo$rine s%stem, espe$iall% the adrenal "lands, in #patholo"i$al mentation#5or #'rain 'o""lin"#. In /AA $ases under treatment for h%poadreno$orti$ism 2the la$! of adequate adrenal $orti$al hormone produ$tion or im'alan$e amon" these hormones3, he dis$o(ered that the $hief $omplaints of his patients were often similar to those found in persons whose s%stems were una'le to handle su"ar: fati"ue, ner(ousness, depression, apprehension, $ra(in" for sweets, ina'ilit% to handle al$ohol, ina'ilit% to $on$entrate, aller"ies, low 'lood pressure. 1u"ar 'luesK D0 +intera finall% insisted that all his patients su'mit to a four5hour "lu$ose toleran$e test 2D++3 to find out whether or not the% $ould handle su"ar. +he results were so startlin" that the la'oratories dou'le5$he$!ed their te$hniques, then apolo"i*ed for what the% 'elie(ed to 'e in$orre$t readin"s. What m%stified them was the low, flat $ur(es deri(ed from distur'ed, earl% adoles$ents. +his la'orator% pro$edure had 'een pre(iousl% $arried out onl% for patients with ph%si$al findin"s presumpti(e of dia'etes. Dorland.s definition of s$hi*ophrenia 29leuler.s dementia prae$o,3 in$ludes the phrase, #often re$o"ni*ed durin" or shortl% after adoles$en$e#, and further, in referen$e to he'ephrenia and $atatonia, #$omin" on soon after the onset of pu'ert%#. +hese $onditions mi"ht seem to arise or 'e$ome a""ra(ated at pu'ert%, 'ut pro'in" into the patient.s past will frequentl% re(eal indi$ations whi$h were present at 'irth, durin" the first %ear of life, and throu"h the pres$hool and "rammar s$hool %ears. 7a$h of these periods has its own $hara$teristi$ $lini$al pi$ture. +his pi$ture 'e$omes more mar!ed at pu'es$en$e and often $auses s$hool offi$ials to $omplain of :u(enile delinquen$% or undera$hie(ement. & "lu$ose toleran$e test at an% of these periods $ould alert parents and ph%si$ians and $ould sa(e innumera'le hours and small fortunes spent in loo!in" into the $hild.s ps%$he and home en(ironment for malad:ustments of questiona'le si"nifi$an$e in the emotional de(elopment of the a(era"e $hild. +he ne"ati(ism, h%pera$ti(it% and o'stinate resentment of dis$ipline are a'solute indi$ations for at least the minimum la'orator% tests: urinal%sis, $omplete 'lood$ount, )9I determination, and the fi(e5hour "lu$ose

toleran$e test. & D++ $an 'e performed on a %oun" $hild '% the mi$ro5method without undue trauma to the patient. &s a matter of fa$t, I ha(e 'een ur"in" that these four tests 'e routine for all patients, e(en 'efore a histor% or ph%si$al e,amination is underta!en. In almost all dis$ussions on dru" addi$tion, al$oholism and s$hi*ophrenia, it is $laimed that there is no definite $onstitutional t%pe that falls pre% to these affli$tions. &lmost uni(ersall%, the statement is made that all of these indi(iduals are emotionall% immature. It has lon" 'een our "oal to persuade e(er% ph%si$ian, whether oriented toward ps%$hiatr%, "eneti$s or ph%siolo"%, to re$o"ni*e that one t%pe of endo$rine indi(idual is in(ol(ed in the ma:orit% of these $ases: the h%poadreno$orti$.15 +intera pu'lished se(eral epo$hal medi$al papers. 8(er and o(er, he emphasi*ed that impro(ement, alle(iation, palliation or $ure was #dependent upon the restoration of the normal fun$tion of the total or"anism#. is first pres$ri'ed item of treatment was diet. 8(er and o(er a"ain, he said that #the importan$e of diet $annot 'e o(eremphasi*ed#. e laid out a sweepin" permanent in:un$tion a"ainst su"ar in all forms and "uises. While 7"as Moni* of )ortu"al was re$ei(in" a -o'el )ri*e for de(isin" the lo'otom% operation for the treatment of s$hi*ophrenia, +intera.s reward was to 'e harassment and houndin" '% the pundits of or"ani*ed medi$ine. While +intera.s sweepin" impli$ation of su"ar as a $ause of what was $alled #s$hi*ophrenia# $ould 'e $onfined to medi$al :ournals, he was let alone, i"nored. e $ould 'e tolerated5if he sta%ed in his assi"ned territor%, endo$rinolo"%. 7(en when he su""ested that al$oholism was related to adrenals that had 'een whipped '% su"ar a'use, the% let him alone4 'e$ause the medi$os had de$ided there was nothin" in al$oholism for them e,$ept a""ra(ation, the% were satisfied to a'andon it to &l$oholi$s &non%mous. owe(er, when +intera dared to su""est in a ma"a*ine of "eneral $ir$ulation that #it is ridi$ulous to tal! of !inds of aller"ies when there is onl% one !ind, whi$h is adrenal "lands impaired...'% su"ar#, he $ould no lon"er 'e i"nored. +he aller"ists had a "reat ra$!et "oin" for themsel(es. &ller"i$ souls had 'een entertainin" ea$h other for %ears with tall tales of e,oti$ aller"ies5 e(er%thin" from horse feathers to lo'ster tails. &lon" $omes someone who sa%s none of this matters: ta!e them off su"ar and !eep them off it. )erhaps +intera.s untimel% death in 19=9 at the a"e of fift%5se(en made it easier for the medi$al profession to a$$ept dis$o(eries that had on$e seemed as far out as the simple oriental medi$al thesis of "eneti$s and diet, %in and %an". +oda%, do$tors all o(er the world are repeatin" what +intera announ$ed %ears a"o: no'od%, 'ut no'od%, should e(er 'e allowed to 'e"in what is $alled #ps%$hiatri$ treatment#, an%pla$e, an%where, unless and until the% ha(e had a "lu$ose toleran$e test to dis$o(er if the% $an handle su"ar. 1o5$alled pre(enti(e medi$ine "oes further and su""ests that sin$e we onl% thin! we $an handle su"ar 'e$ause we initiall% ha(e stron" adrenals, wh% wait until the% "i(e us si"ns and si"nals that worn out? +a!e the load off now '% eliminatin" su"ar in all forms and "uises, startin" with that soda pop %ou ha(e in %our hand. +he mind trul% 'o""les when one "lan$es o(er what passes for medi$al histor%. +hrou"h the $enturies, trou'led souls ha(e 'een 'ar'e$ued for 'ewit$hment, e,or$ised for possession, lo$!ed up for insanit%, tortured for mastur'ator% madness, ps%$hiatrised for ps%$hosis, lo'otomised for s$hi*ophrenia. ow man% patients would ha(e listened if the lo$al healer had told them that the onl% thin" ailin" them was su"ar 'lues?

The story behind sugar William Duffy 01/11/2003 ‘Refined'. Of a higher quality. The result of conscious improvement. Not so with sugar. Refined sugar has been depleted of its vitamins and minerals. What is left consists of pure refined carbohydrates. ‘Refined'. Of a higher quality. The result of conscious improvement. Not so with sugar. Refined sugar has been depleted of its vitamins and minerals. What is left consists of pure refined carbohydrates. !ac"ing the natural minerals present in sugar beet or cane it drains and leaches the body of precious vitamins and minerals because of the demand its digestion deto#ification and elimination ma"e upon one's entire system. No wonder then that in the $%&'s (r William )oda *artin called sugar a poison. The sudden shoc" of a heavy inta"e of sugar disrupts the delicate balance that is essential to our bodies' healthy functioning. The body then mobilises neutral acids and minerals such as sodium +from salt, potassium and magnesium +from vegetables, and calcium +from the bones, in an attempt to return the acid-al"aline balance factor of the blood to a more normal state. .ating sugar every day e#acerbates the problem / producing a continuously overacid condition which means that more and more minerals are required from deep in the body to rectify the imbalance. 0ltimately so much calcium is ta"en from the bones and teeth that decay and general wea"ening begin. .#cess sugar eventually affects every organ in the body. 1nitially it is stored in the liver in the form of glucose +glycogen,. 2ince the liver's capacity is limited a daily inta"e of refined sugar +above the required amount of natural sugar, soon ma"es the liver e#pand li"e a balloon. When the liver is filled to its ma#imum capacity the e#cess glycogen is returned to the blood in the form of fatty acids. These are ta"en to every part of the body and stored in the most inactive areas3 the belly the buttoc"s the breasts and the thighs. When these comparatively harmless places are completely filled fatty acids are then distributed among active organs such as the heart and "idneys. These begin to slow down4 finally their tissues degenerate and turn to fat. The whole body is affected by their reduced ability and abnormal blood pressure is created. The parasympathetic nervous system is affected4 and organs governed by it such as the small brain become inactive or paralysed. +Normal brain function is rarely thought of as being as biologic as digestion., The circulatory and lymphatic systems are invaded and the quality of the red corpuscles starts to change. 5n overabundance of white cells occurs and the creation of tissue becomes slower. Our body's tolerance and immunising power

becomes more limited so we cannot respond properly to e#treme attac"s whether they be cold heat mosquitoes or microbes. .#cessive sugar has a strong mal-effect on the functioning of the brain. The "ey to orderly brain function is glutamic acid a vital compound found in many vegetables. The 6 vitamins play a ma7or role in dividing glutamic acid into antagonistic-complementary compounds which produce a ‘proceed8 or ‘control8 response in the brain. 6 vitamins are also manufactured by symbiotic bacteria which live in our intestines. When refined sugar is ta"en daily these bacteria wither and die and our stoc" of 6 vitamins gets very low. Too much sugar ma"es one sleepy4 our ability to calculate and remember is lost. The ‘quic"8 energy we feel after eating sugar is based on the fact that refined sucrose is not digested in the mouth or the stomach but passes directly to the lower intestines and thence to the bloodstream. The e#tra speed with which sucrose enters the bloodstream does more harm than good. 2ugars of all "inds tend to arrest the secretion of gastric 7uices and have an inhibiting effect on the stomach's natural ability to move. When ta"en alone they pass quic"ly through the stomach into the small intestine. When sugars are eaten with other foods / perhaps meat and bread in a sandwich / they are held up in the stomach for a while. The sugar in the bread and the )o"e sit there with the hamburger and the bun waiting for them to be digested. While the stomach is wor"ing on the animal protein and the refined starch in the bread the addition of the sugar practically guarantees rapid acid fermentation under the conditions of warmth and moisture e#isting in the stomach. When starches and comple# sugars +li"e those in honey and fruits, are digested they are bro"en down into simple sugars called ‘monosaccharides8 which are usable substancesnutriments. When starches and sugars are ta"en together and undergo fermentation they are bro"en down into carbon dio#ide acetic acid alcohol and water. With the e#ception of the water all these are unusable substances / poisons. When proteins are digested they are bro"en down into amino acids which are usable substances / nutriments. When proteins are ta"en with sugar they putrefy4 they are bro"en down into a variety of ptomaines and leucomaines which are nonusable substances - poisons. .n9ymic digestion of foods prepares them for use by our body. 6acterial decomposition ma"es them unfit for use by our body. The first process gives us nutriments4 the second gives us poisons.

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