Response To Show Cause Cause

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Federal District Court of New Hampshire



Leisha Tringali, Civil Action No.: 1:14-cv-124-LM


Hannah Attuso
A! Pitter,
Laurie Mc"rath,
#oug Cofort,
#arrin #avis,
Mar! $llen Le%o
&achel 'a(rielian,
)Mr. Aniliton*,
+n,no-n #efen.ants 1-1/
Pursuant to the Court0s to 2ho- Cause, the un.ersigne. here%! res(on.s to the Court0s to 2ho- Cause. 3n su((ort of this res(onse, (laintiff offers the follo-ing stateent of
facts an. arguent, -ith reference to a((lica%le authorities.
Plaintiff0s onl! guarantee against o((ression an. t!rann! are her fun.aental li%erties the
4ill of &ights -hich shiel. her in ties of nee.. The Court is no- calle. to .eci.e -hether
to u(hol. the (laintiff0s %asic .ue (rocess rights or %o- .o-n to t!rann!.5
A. Hannah Attuso
The .efen.ant Hannah Attuso is an e(lo!ee of the #e(artent of &evenue Chil. 2u((ort
$nforceent Agenc!.
1n 6une 27, 2//2 The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, Hannah Attuso file. notice of a((earance
for #1&8C2$ as counsel -ith the Mi..lese9 Pro%ate an. :ail! Court ; #onnnell!, 6. <.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, Hannah Attuso further otione. the Mi..lese9 Pro%ate an.
:ail! Court to re=uest for financial stateent against Leisha $sh%ach.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, Hannah Attuso violate. statutor! re=uireents an. .esignate. Cha(ter 11>A of the "eneral La-s (ursuant to Title 3? Part # of
the 2ocial 2ecurit! Act.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, Hannah Attuso faile. to affor. the (laintiff notice an. a
hearing %efore atte(ting to enforce a te(orar! chil. su((ort against her (ursuant to
M.".L 11>A s.@ ;4< an. in rule 4;.<;2< of the Massachusetts &ules of #oestic &elations
Those 5constitutionall! a.e=uate (roce.ures5 re=uire notice an. an o((ortunit! to %e hear..
Mullane v. Central Hanover 4an, A Trust Co., @@> +.2. @/B, @1@, C/ 2. Ct. B72, B7B-7C, >4 L.$..
DB7 ;1>7/<
The Euris.ictional rules are set out in Part A of Article 2 of +3:2A, 2ections 2/1 an. 2/2.
2ection 2/1 esta%lishes +3:2A0s %ases for Euris.iction over a nonresi.ent, i.e., long-ar
Euris.iction, %! ( that a state a! e9ercise Euris.iction over an in.ivi.ual if the
in.ivi.ual has %een (ro(erl! serve. in the state.
The Plaintiff %rings this action see,ing re.ress for the illegal acts of the .efen.ant, -hich
have resulte. in a loss of (laintiff0s (ro(ert! an. .enial of her li%erties, an. for .eclarator!
an. inEunctive relief to en. those (ractices an. (revent further losses.
B. Amy Ptt!"
The .efen.ant A! Pitter is an e(lo!ee of the #e(artent of &evenue Chil. 2u((ort
$nforceent Agenc!.
The .efen.ant A! Pitter serves as Coissioner of the #e(artent of &evenue. 2he is
res(onsi%le for overseeing #1& e(lo!ees in offices across the state -ho -or, in chil.
su((ort enforceent.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant A! Pitters failure %! her o-n neglence to .eterine if the
(laintiff ha. incurre. %an, or siilar fees as a .irect result of a.inistrative error %! the 3?-
# agenc! (ursuant to M.".L. 11>A s. 1/A ;c <.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant A! Pitter failure %! her o-n neglence to .eterine if the
3?-# agenc! ha. .istri%ute. a (a!ent to an in.ivi.ual o%ligee that -as not a chil. su((ort
collection on %ehalf of the o%ligee, or that the o%ligee -as other-ise not entitle. to the
(a!ent, (ursuant to M.".L. 11>A s. 1/A ; % <.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant A! Pitter %! her o-n neglence faile. to issue a refun.
to the (laintiff of one! collecte. through eans of frau. (ursuant to M.".L. 11>A s. 1/A
; % <.
The (laintiff alleges %! the .efen.ant A! Pitter0s o-n negligence to a,e that .eterination
has allo-e. har to continue to the (laintiff an. a.e no atte(t to recover an. refun. the
(laintiffs one! in -hich -as ta,en %! eans of frau..
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant A! Pitter ,no-ingl! an. -illfull! a.e use of all false
.ocuents ,no-ing the sae containe. fro a frau.ulent .ocuents (ursuant to 1D +2C 1//1.
1n 6une 21, 2/1@ the (laintiff alleges she sent a .isclosure re=uest to Attorne! 6aes 2-een!
for the .istrict Attorne!0s 1ffice an. car%on co(ie. the .efen.ant A! Pitter of the the
#e(artent of &evenue Chil. 2u((ort $nforceent #ivision. $nclose. (laintiff inserte. a
signe. release for recor.s as (rovi.e. %! the #e(artent of &evenue Chil. 2u((ort
$nforceent #ivision0s -e%site.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant A! Pitter cons(ire. -ith others %! failing to (rovi.e the
(laintiff access to the recor. in -hich their #e(artent ha. her liste. as a client an. in
-hich she is entitle. (ursuant to Title 3? Part # of the 2ocial 2ecurit! Act. 'no-ing the case
file -as %ase. on frau..
The .efen.ant ,no-ingl! an. -illfull! allo-e. others to a,e use of all false .ocuents
,no-ing the sae containe. fro a frau.ulent .ocuents (ursuant to 1D +2C 1//1.
The Plaintiff %rings this action see,ing re.ress for the illegal acts of the .efen.ant, -hich
have resulte. in a loss of (laintiff0s (ro(ert! an. .enial of her li%erties, an. for .eclarator!
an. inEunctive relief to en. those (ractices an. (revent further losses.
C. Lau"! M#$"ath
The .efen.ant Laurie Mc"rath is associate. -ith Massachusetts #e(artent of &evenue -ith
the role of #e(ut! Coissioner.
The (laintiff alleges on 6une 4, 2/1@ the .efen.ant Laurie Mc"rath sent notice to the (laintiff,
Leisha Tringali that her #e(artent ha. issue. a ne- 3ncoe 8 Notice of 2u((ort.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant Laurie Mc"rath intentionall! retaliate. against (laintiff %! such notice ,no-ing that Tringali 3 case -as revie- -ith the first circuit court
of a((eals an. that the (laintiff -as suing her .e(artent for 2!nthetic 3.entit! Theft an.
,no-ing this -oul. cause har to the (laintiff.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, Laurie Mc"rath is a state actor acting the )color of
la-* she shoul. have ,no-n that issuing 3ncoe 1r.er8 Notice of 2u((ort -oul. cause the
(laintiff loss of her (ro(ert!.
The (laintiff alleges %! (lacing the (laintiff0s nae u(on the 3ncoe 8 Notice of
2u((ort. the .efen.ant Laurie Mc"rath %! eans of frau. ,no-ingl! transferre. the (laintiff0s
nae, Leisha Tringali in an effort to collect on a te(orar! chil. su((ort for Leisha
$sh%ach -ithout la-ful authorit! (ursuant to 1D +.2. Co.e F 1/2D.
The .efen.ant, Laurie Mc"rath ,no-ingl! an. -illfull! falsifie. .ocuents an. or a.e use
of all false .ocuents ,no-ing the sae containe. fro a frau.ulent .ocuents (ursuant to
1D +2C 1//1.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant Laurie Mc"rath engage. in unla-ful acts through a (attern
of collection of an unla-ful .e%t to ac=uire or aintain .irectl! or in.irectl! an interest in the
(laintiff0s (ersonal (ro(ert! an. li%erties (ursuant to 1D +2C 1>71.
The Plaintiff %rings this action see,ing re.ress for the illegal acts of the .efen.ant, -hich
have resulte. in a loss of (laintiff0s (ro(ert! an. .enial of her li%erties, an. for .eclarator!
an. inEunctive relief to en. those (ractices an. (revent further losses.
D. Dou% Com&o"t
The .efen.ant, #oug Cofort is an e(lo!ee of the #e(artent of &evenue Chil. 2u((ort
$nforceent Agenc!.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, #oug Coforts E o% .escri(tion is Chil. 2u((ort $nforce
2(ec ; C <. His Eo% .uties inclu.e %ut not liite. to as a first level su(ervisor, a (reliinar!
function as a trainer, an. .oing e9(ert level -or, %e!on. the general co(etencies of the Eo%.
Training 2(ecialist, forulate (olic!, (rovi.e technical consultations on co(le9 assignents, or
(erfor -or, at an e9(ert level. Chil. 2u((ort $nforceent 2(ecialists evaluate an. onitor
chil. su((ort cases to esta%lish (aternit! an. to esta%lish, o.if!, an. enforce chil. su((ort
or.ersG (re(are cases for court actionG ensure co(liance -ith chil. su((ort agreeents an.
court or.ersG con.uct research to locate non-custo.ial (arents an. i.entif! asset8incoe availa%le
to eet chil. su((ort o%ligationsG research cases involving failure to (a! court-or.ere. chil.
su((ortG ensure the accurac! of case inforation %! (erforing revie-s an. a.Eusting case
inforation -hen nee.e.G an. assist custo.ial an. non-custo.ial (arents %! (
inforation to the their chil. su((ort cases through tele(hone calls, in face to face
eetings, or in -riting.
Aroun. 1cto%er 2//B the (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, #oug Cofort interce(te. an insurance
clai settleent (a!ent fro the (laintiff in the aount of H7,///.//.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, #oug Cofort %! his o-n negligence faile. in his Eo%
.uties to ensure the accurac! of case inforation %! (erforing revie-s an. a.Eusting case
inforation -hen nee.e..
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, #oug Cofort is a state actor acting the )color of
la-* he shoul. have ,no-n that interce(ting an insurance clai settleent (a!ent -oul.
cause the (laintiff loss of her (ro(ert!.
:urtherore the (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, #oug Cofort %! his o-n negligence faile. to
(rovi.e the (laintiff notice of sai. interce(tion of her one! (ursuant to Title 3?, Part # of
the 2ocial 2ecurit! Act, 42 , an. M.".L. c. 11>A. 3n -hich .e(rive. the (laintiff of .ue
Plaintiff is aggrieve. %! the .efen.ant0s actions ta,en in collecting chil. su((ort -ithout notice
to the (laintiff.
The (laintiff clais that (roce.ural .ue (rocess .ean.s that a (art! affecte. %! governent
action %e given notice an. an o((ortunit! to %e hear. %efore %eing .e(rive. of a (ro(ert!
Aroun. 1cto%er 2//B the (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, #oug Cofort interce(te. another
insurance clai settleent (a!ent fro the (laintiff in the aount of H7,///.//.
The (laintiff alleges again the .efen.ant, #oug Cofort is a state actor acting the
)color of la-* he shoul. have ,no-n that interce(ting an insurance clai settleent (a!ent
-oul. cause the (laintiff loss of her (ro(ert!.
:urtherore the (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, #oug Cofort faile. %! his o-n negligence to
(rovi.e the (laintiff notice of sai. interce(tion of her one! (ursuant to Title 3?, Part # of
the 2ocial 2ecurit! Act, 42 , an. M.".L. c. 11>A.
The (laintiff clais -hen (ro(ert! is seiIe. %! a state an. then rean.e. to the custo.! of
the +nite. 2tates, the fe.eral agenc! receiving the (ro(ert! ust (rovi.e notice of the seiIure
to an! intereste. (arties -ithin >/ .a!s of the .ate of the initial seiIure. 1D +.2.C. F >D@;a<;1<
Plaintiff is aggrieve. %! the .efen.ant0s actions ta,en in collecting chil. su((ort -ithout notice
to the (laintiff. Proce.ural .ue (rocess .ean.s that a (art! affecte. %! governent action %e
given notice an. an o((ortunit! to %e hear. %efore %eing .e(rive. of a (ro(ert! interest. 4ar%a.oro .isisse. the (laintiff0s clais against the .efen.ant #oug Cofort on
groun.s that )she Jha.K not (lea.e. sufficient facts to sho- either Cofort (ro9iatle! cause.
the violations she alle.geJ.K or that he has the (o-er to i(leent an granting her
relief she sought* Tringali 3, 2/12 LL 7BD@2@B, at 4.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, #oug Cofort faile. %! his o-n negligence in his Eo%
.uties ensure the accurac! of case inforation %! (erforing revie-s an. a.Eusting case
inforation -hen nee.e.. :urther failing to (rovi.e (laintiff notice.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant #oug Cofort ha. the a%ilit! to o.if! an. to (re(are
cases for court action %ut the .efen.ant %! his o-n neglence faile. to .o so.
The (laintiff alleges -ithin her co(laint sufficient facts to sho- that the .efen.ant, #oug
Cofort cause. .ue (rocess violations an. ha. the (o-er to grant her relief.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant #oug Cofort engage. in unla-ful acts through a (attern
of collection of an unla-ful .e%t to ac=uire or aintain .irectl! or in.irectl! an interest in the
(laintiff0s (ersonal (ro(ert! an. li%erties (ursuant to 1D +2C 1>71.
The Plaintiff %ring this action see,ing re.ress for the illegal acts of the .efen.ant, -hich have
resulte. in a loss of her (ro(ert! an. .enial of her li%erties, an. for .eclarator! an. inEunctive
relief to en. those (ractices an. (revent further losses.
E. Da""n Da's
#arrin #avis is an e(lo!ee of the #e(artent of &evenue Chil. 2u((ort $nforceent
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant #arrin #avis -as assigne. to the case in -hich she is
The .efen.ant #arrin #avis Eo% .escri(tion is Chil. 2u((ort $nforce 2(ec ; A84 <. His Eo% .uties
inclu.e %ut not liite. to Chil. 2u((ort $nforceent 2(ecialists evaluate an. onitor chil. su((ort
cases to esta%lish (aternit! an. to esta%lish, o.if!, an. enforce chil. su((ort or.ersG (re(are cases for
court actionG ensure co(liance -ith chil. su((ort agreeents an. court or.ersG con.uct research to
locate non-custo.ial (arents an. i.entif! asset8incoe availa%le to eet chil. su((ort o%ligationsG
research cases involving failure to (a! court-or.ere. chil. su((ortG ensure the accurac! of case
inforation %! (erforing revie-s an. a.Eusting case inforation -hen nee.e.G an. assist custo.ial
an. non-custo.ial (arents %! ( inforation to the their chil. su((ort cases through
tele(hone calls, in face to face eetings, or in -riting.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant #arrin #avis faile. %! his o-n negligence in his .uties to
ensure the accurac! of the case inforation %! (erforing revie-s an. a.Eusting case
inforation -hen nee.e. an. assist the (laintiff %! ( inforation the chil.
su((ort cases through tele(hone calls, in face to face eetings, or in -riting.
F. Ma"y E((!n L!m)o
The .efen.ant Mar! $llen Le%o is an e(lo!ee of the #e(artent of &evenue Chil. 2u((ort
$nforceent Agenc!.
The (laintiff alleges the &egistration 2tateent -as signe. %! the .efen.ant Mar! $llen
Le%o on 6une 1>, 2/1@ the (enalit! of (erEur! that all inforation an. facts
concerning arrearage accrue. this -ere true to the %est of her , an.
The (laintiff alleges a &egistration 2tateent -as enclose.. 1n this recor. the naes of
Leisha Tringali an. Leisha $sh%ach -ere nae. to i.entif! the other0s inforation.
Attache. -ith the &egistration 2tateent -as the te(orar! chil. su((ort in -hich
Leisha $sh%ach is nae. an. not that of the (laintiff.
The (laintiff alleges the this stateent -as NOT sent (ursuant to a re=uest fro the Ne-
Ha(shire #e(artent of Health an. Huan 2ervices, #ivision of Chil. 2u((ort %ut rather
fro Mar! $llen Le%o to Ne- Ha(shire #e(artent of Health an. Huan 2ervices,
#ivision of Chil. 2u((ort.
The (laintiff alleges on 1cto%er 4, 2/1@ Pegg! &ossing, $s= 2taff Attorne! for the #ivision
of Chil. 2u((ort 2ervices ; Ne- Ha(shire < file. a Motion to Lith.ra- &egistration of
:oreign as the (laintiff (rovi.e. (roof that she has challenge. the! of the
#e(artent ; Massachusetts #1& < atte(te. to register. The Ne- Ha(shire #e(artent .i.
not -ish to (rocee. until the issues -ere resolve. in Massachusetts.
3t is a((ro(riate to the agnitu.e of the (otential har that the .efen.ant0s con.uct
-oul. have cause. to its inten.e. victi if the -rongful (lan ha. succee.e., as -ell as the
(ossi%le har to other victis that ight have resulte. if siilar future %ehavior -ere not
.eterre. - TM1 Pro.uction Cor(. v. Alliance &esources Cor(., 7/> +2 44@ N 2u(ree Court 1>>@
The (laintiff alleges %! (lacing the (laintiff0s nae u(on the &egistration 2tateent the
.efen.ant Mar! $llen Le%o %! eans of frau. ,no-ingl! an. -illingl! transferre. the
(laintiff0s nae -ithout la-ful authorit! (ursuant to 1D +.2. Co.e F 1/2D.
The (laintiff alleges again the .efen.ant, Mar! $llen Le%o is a state actor acting the
)color of la-* he shoul. have ,no-n that filing a &egistration 2tateent -oul. cause the
(laintiff loss of her (ro(ert! an. li%erties.
$. FNU *&"st nam! un+no,n- An(ton
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, Anilton .i. not lift the sus(ension of the (laintiffOs license
an. =uote. M"L 11> s. 1B ;%< as his authorit!. to the #1&8C2$, M.".L. C 11>A, F 1B, gives the the authorit! to sus(en.e. a
in.ivi.uals %usiness, tra.e, (rofessional, recreational or otor vehicle license or virtuall! an!
other license or registration that a (erson has legall! o%taine.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, Anilton state. )1nce !ou have cleare. !our
o%ligation, !ou ust (resent the &egistr! of Motor ?ehicles -ith an official notice fro the
Chil. 2u((ort $nforceent #ivision of the Massachusetts #e(artent of &evenue, stating that
!ou are in co(liance -ith the (a!ent (lan an. are eligi%le or reinstateent*.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, Anilton insinuate. that (laintiff o-e. chil.-su((ort -ith no
(roof fro the #1&8C2$ other then a co(uter generate. letter.
Plaintiff alleges she -as never affor.e. a hearing the sus(ension of her .riverOs
license %ut rather tol. to (resent the &egistr! of Motor ?ehicles -ith an official notice fro
the Chil. 2u((ort $nforceent #ivision of the Massachusetts #e(artent of &evenue, stating
that (laintiff -as in co(liance.
The (laintiff clais that for the .efen.ant, Anilton to i(licate an. enforce M.".L. c 11>A, F
1B, in the anner in -hich he chose to enforce against the (laintiff, -oul. -ith no .ou%t
have to violate her rights the 7
, C

an. 14

Aen.ents of the +nite. 2tates
The (laintiff alleges again the .efen.ant, Aniliton is a state actor acting the )color of
la-* he shoul. have ,no-n that enforcing M.".L. c 11>A, F 1B -oul. cause the (laintiff loss
of her li%erties.
H. Ra#h!( .a/"!(an
1n 6une 2@, 2/11 the (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, &achel 'a(rielian, &egistrar of the
Coon-ealth of Massachusetts $9ecustive 1ffice of Trans(ortation &egistr! of Motor
?ehicles sent Leisha Tringali a notice of sus(ension effective on 6ul! @, 2/1/.
The (laintiff clais that for the .efen.ant &achel 'a(rielian to i(licate an. enforce M.".L. c
11>A, F 1B, in the anner in -hich she chose to enforce against the (laintiff, -oul. -ith no
.ou%t have to violate her rights the 7
, C
an. 14

Aen.ents of the +nite. 2tates
Although to the Coon-ealth of Massachusetts having a .rivers license is a
(rivilege, the sus( of a license -ithout a vali. court or a hearing on an allegation
is a clear violation of oneOs .ue (rocess.
The .efen.ant, &achel 'a(rielian sus(en.e. the (laintiffOs .river license %! a re=uest fro the
#1&8C2$ -ith no vali. court violate. (laintiffOs .ue (rocess the :ifth an.
:ourteenth Aen.ent of the +nite. 2tate Constitution.
The :ifth Aen.ent ;(art of the )4ill of &ights*< statesG
)No (erson shall %e hel. to ans-er for a ca(ital, or other-ise infaous crie, nor %e
.e(rive. of life, li%ert!, or (ro(ert!, -ithout .ue (rocess of la-G nor shall (rivate
(ro(ert! %e ta,en for (u%lic use, -ithout Eust co(ensation.*
Lhile the :ourteenth Aen.ent section one statesG
)All (ersons %orn or naturaliIe. in the +nite. 2tates an. su%Eect to the Euris.iction
thereof, are citiIens of the +nite. 2tates an. of the 2tate -herein the! resi.e. No 2tate
shall a,e or enforce an! la- -hich shall the (rivileges or iunities of
citiIens of the +nite. 2tatesG nor shall an! 2tate .e(rive an! (erson of life, li%ert!, or
(ro(ert!, -ithout .ue (rocess of la-G nor .en! to an! (erson -ithin its Euris.iction the
e=ual (rotection of the la-s.*
The (laintiff alleges again the .efen.ant, &achel 'a(rielian is a state actor acting the
)color of la-* he shoul. have ,no-n that enforcing M.".L. c 11>A, F 1B -oul. cause the
(laintiff loss of her li%erties.
I. 0ohn Do!s 1 2 3
The (laintiff asserte. that the #TA ; 6ohn #oe 1 < create. a s!nthetic i.entit! of Leisha
$sh%ach an. the #1&8C2$ ; 6ohn #oe 2 < -ithout the e9(ress authoriIation of the (laintiff
transferre. her (ersonal i.entif!ing inforation ; 2ocial 2ecurit! Nu%er < to o%tain chil.
su((ort (a!ents in -hich the (laintiff is not nae..
The (laintiff alleges %! 6ohn #oe 1 %! eans of frau. ,no-ingl! an. -illingl! transferre. the
(laintiff0s nae to a s!nthetic i.entit! the! create. -ithout la-ful authorit! (ursuant to 1D +.2.
Co.e F 1/2D.
The (laintiff alleges %! 6ohn #oe 2 %! eans of frau. ,no-ingl! an. -illingl! transferre. the
(laintiff0s social securit! nu%er to a s!thentic i.entit! -ithout la-ful authorit! (ursuant to 1D
+.2. Co.e F 1/2D.
0. 0ohn Do! 4
The (laintiff alleges -hile e(lo!e. at C2$ on March 24, 2//@, 6ohn #oe @ 5levie. H4C7.>D5
fro (laintiff0s %an, account.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, 6ohn #oe @ is a state actor acting the )color of
la-* an. shoul. have ,no-n that issuing a lev! -oul. cause the (laintiff loss of her
:urtherore the (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, 6ohn #oe @ o-n negligence to (rovi.e the
(laintiff notice of sai. lev! of her one! (ursuant to Title 3?, Part # of the 2ocial 2ecurit!
Act, 42 , an. M.".L. c. 11>A. 3n -hich .e(rive. the (laintiff of .ue (rocess.
Lhen (ro(ert! is seiIe. %! a state an. then rean.e. to the custo.! of the +nite. 2tates, the
fe.eral agenc! receiving the (ro(ert! ust (rovi.e notice of the seiIure to an! intereste.
(arties -ithin >/ .a!s of the .ate of the initial seiIure. 1D +.2.C. F >D@;a<;1<;A<;iv<.
Plaintiff is aggrieve. %! the .efen.ant;s< actions ta,en in collecting chil. su((ort -ithout
notice to the (laintiff.
Plaintiff clais (roce.ural .ue (rocess .ean.s that a (art! affecte. %! governent action %e
given notice an. an o((ortunit! to %e hear. %efore %eing .e(rive. of a (ro(ert! interest.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant engage. in unla-ful acts through a (attern of collection of
an unla-ful .e%t to ac=uire or aintain .irectl! or in.irectl! an interest in the (laintiff0s
(ersonal (ro(ert! an. li%erties (ursuant to 1D +2C 1>71.
The Plaintiff %ring this action see,ing re.ress for the illegal acts of the .efen.ant, -hich have
resulte. in a loss of her (ro(ert! an. .enial of her li%erties, an. for .eclarator! an. inEunctive
relief to en. those (ractices an. (revent further losses.
.. 0ohn Do! 5
The (laintiff alleges -hile e(lo!e. at C2$ on A(ril 2B, 2//@, 6ohn #oe 4 interce(te. an
insurace-clai (a!ent .irecte. to (laintiff in the aount of [email protected]/.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, 6ohn #oe 4 is a state actor acting the )color of
la-* an. shoul. have ,no-n that issuing a lev! -oul. cause the (laintiff loss of her
:urtherore the (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, 6ohn #oe 4 o-n negligence to (rovi.e the
(laintiff notice of sai. lev! of her one! (ursuant to Title 3?, Part # of the 2ocial 2ecurit!
Act, 42 , an. M.".L. c. 11>A. 3n -hich .e(rive. the (laintiff of .ue (rocess.
Plaintiff clais -hen (ro(ert! is seiIe. %! a state an. then rean.e. to the custo.! of the
+nite. 2tates, the fe.eral agenc! receiving the (ro(ert! ust (rovi.e notice of the seiIure to
an! intereste. (arties -ithin >/ .a!s of the .ate of the initial seiIure (ursuant to 1D +.2.C. F
Plaintiff is aggrieve. %! the .efen.ant0s actions ta,en in collecting chil. su((ort -ithout notice
to the (laintiff.
Plaintiff clais (roce.ural .ue (rocess .ean.s that a (art! affecte. %! governent action %e
given notice an. an o((ortunit! to %e hear. %efore %eing .e(rive. of a (ro(ert! interest.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant engage. in unla-ful acts through a (attern of collection of
an unla-ful .e%t to ac=uire or aintain .irectl! or in.irectl! an interest in the (laintiff0s
(ersonal (ro(ert! an. li%erties (ursuant to 1D +2C 1>71.
The Plaintiff %ring this action see,ing re.ress for the illegal acts of the .efen.ant, -hich have
resulte. in a loss of her (ro(ert! an. .enial of her li%erties, an. for .eclarator! an. inEunctive
relief to en. those (ractices an. (revent further losses.
L. 0ohn Do! 6
The (laintiff alleges -hile e(lo!e. at C2$ on 2e(te%er 1@, 2//@, 6ohn #oe 7 5levie.
H1>/B.//5 fro (laintiff0s %an, account.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, 6ohn #oe 7 is a state actor acting the )color of
la-* an. shoul. have ,no-n that issuing a lev! -oul. cause the (laintiff loss of her
:urtherore the (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant, 6ohn #oe 7 o-n negligence to (rovi.e the
(laintiff notice of sai. lev! of her one! (ursuant to Title 3?, Part # of the 2ocial 2ecurit!
Act, 42 , an. M.".L. c. 11>A. 3n -hich .e(rive. the (laintiff of .ue (rocess.
Plaintiff clais -hen (ro(ert! is seiIe. %! a state an. then rean.e. to the custo.! of the
+nite. 2tates, the fe.eral agenc! receiving the (ro(ert! ust (rovi.e notice of the seiIure to
an! intereste. (arties -ithin >/ .a!s of the .ate of the initial seiIure (ursuant to 1D +.2.C. F
Plaintiff is aggrieve. %! the .efen.ant0s actions ta,en in collecting chil. su((ort -ithout notice
to the (laintiff. Proce.ural .ue (rocess .ean.s that a (art! affecte. %! governent action %e
given notice an. an o((ortunit! to %e hear. %efore %eing .e(rive. of a (ro(ert! interest.
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant engage. in unla-ful acts through a (attern of collection of
an unla-ful .e%t to ac=uire or aintain .irectl! or in.irectl! an interest in the (laintiff0s
(ersonal (ro(ert! an. li%erties (ursuant to 1D +2C 1>71.
The Plaintiff %ring this action see,ing re.ress for the illegal acts of the .efen.ant, -hich have
resulte. in a loss of her (ro(ert! an. .enial of her li%erties, an. for .eclarator! an. inEunctive
relief to en. those (ractices an. (revent further losses.
M. 0ohn Do! 7
Plaintiff alleges she re=ueste. an 5a.inistrative revie-5 of the seiIures of her one! fro
C2$, 6ohn #oe B never gave (laintiff 5(ro(er notice of the outcoe . . .5
The (laintiff alleges the .efen.ant 6ohn #oe B faile. to (rovi.e the (laintiff notice of her
re=uest for an a.inistrative revie- of the 3?-# agenc!Os actions in collecting of chil. su((ort
(ursuant to M.".L 11>A s. 1C.
Plaintiff is aggrieve. %! the .efen.ant0s o-n negligence to (rovi.e notice of the outcoe as
(laintiff is (rohi%ite. fro see,ing Eu.icial revie- -ithout ( the court -ith the
agencies final .eterination (ursuant to M.".L 11>A s. 1C.
A. C(ams Ba""!8 )y th! E(!'!nth Am!n8m!nt Immunty
I. Wa'!" o& Immunty s Not A)so(ut!
The Coon-ealth of Massachusetts, %! virtue of Articles ? an. M3 of the Massachusetts
#eclaration of &ights, has a.e itself accounta%le* for suit in :e.eral Court, (
iunit! the $leventh Aen.ent of the +nite. 2tates Constitution.
Article ?. All (o-er originall! in the (eo(le, an. %eing .erive. fro the, the several
agistrates an. officers of governent, veste. -ith authorit!, -hether legislative, e9ecutive, or
Eu.icial, are their su%stitutes an. agents, an. are at all ties accounta%le to the.
Article M3. $ver! su%Eect of the coon-ealth ought to fin. a certain ree.!, %! having
recourse to the la-s, for all inEuries or -rongs -hich she a! receive in her (erson, (ro(ert!,
or character. 2he ought to o%tain right an. Eustice freel!, an. -ithout %eing o%lige. to (urchase
itG co(letel!, an. -ithout an! .enialG (ro(tl!, an. -ithout .ela!G confora%l! to the la-s.
33. S!#ton 19:4 /"o'8!s a &!8!"a( #aus! o& a#ton &o" th! 8!/"'aton; un8!" #o(o" o&
(a,; o& a #t<!n's "%hts; /"'(!%!s; o" mmunt!s s!#u"!8 )y th! Consttuton an8
(a,s o& th! Unt!8 Stat!s.
Plaintiff clais that her rights the .ue (rocess clause -ere violate. %!
.efen.ants neglegance to give her notice or an o((ortunit! to %e hear..
Plaintiff allege. sufficient facts to state a clai that -ithout notice, the .efen.ant;s< ha.
.e(rive. (laintiff of her li%ert! an. (ro(ert! interest -ithout .ue (rocess.
)2ection 1>D@ ( a fe.eral cause of action for the .e(rivation, color of la-, of a
citiIen0s rights, (rivileges, or iunities secure. %! the Constitution an. la-s of the +nite.
2tates.* 2ee Mc'a! v. #allas 3n.e(en.ent 2chool #istrict, ;2//><
)2ection 1>D@ ( a (rivate right of action against an! (erson -ho, acting the color
of state or territorial la-, a%ri.ges 5rights, (rivileges, or iunities secure. %! the Constitution
an. la-s5 of the +nite. 2tates.* 2ee Penns!lvania Pharacists Ass0n v. Houstoun, 2D@ :. @.
7@1- Court of A((eals, @r. Circuit, ;2//2<
5JTKhe F 1>D@ ree.! %roa.l! enco(asses violations of fe.eral statutor! as -ell as
constitutional rights.5- 2ee 4re-er v. Cantrell, B22 :. 2u((. 1@2/ - #ist. Court, L# ?irginia,
5 PLe .o not lightl! conclu.e that Congress inten.e. to (reclu.e reliance on F 1>D@ as a
ree.!0 for the .e(rivation of a fe.erall! secure. right. 5 2ee #oe 4! :ein v. #istrict of
Colu%ia, >@ :. @. DB1 - Court of A((eals, #ist. 1f Colu%ia Circuit, ;1>>B<
3n a F 1>D@ action, .efen.ant has the %ur.en of .eonstrating 5%! e9(ress (rovision or other
s(ecific evi.ence fro the statute itself that Congress inten.e. to foreclose such (rivate
enforceent. PLe .o not lightl! conclu.e that Congress inten.e. to (reclu.e reliance on F
1>D@ as a ree.!0 for the .e(rivation of a fe.erall! secure. right. 5- 2ee 4H v. 6ohnson, C17
:. 2u((. 1@DC - #ist. Court, N# 3llinois, ;1>D><
III. Stat! o&&#a(s may )! su!8 &o" 8ama%!s n th!" n8'8ua( #a/a#ty
&o" 'o(atons o& &!8!"a( #onsttutona( o" statuto"y "%hts
#ommtt!8 n th! #ou"s! o& o&&#a( 8ut!s
The .efen.ants are Eointl! an. severall! res(onsi%le an. lia%le for .isgorging all one! that
the! -rongfull! o%taine. through their illegal con.uct, an. for restoring such one! to the
The (laintiff argues the .efen.ant;s< an. their agents shoul. %e co(elle. to a,e restitution
for all (rivate (ro(ert! illegall! seiIe. an. ta,en in violation of constitutionall! (rotecte. an.
guarantee. rights to .ue (rocess of la- an. 8 or in violation of a((lica%le an.
(roce.ures i(ose. %! statute an. court rule.
The .efen.ant;s< -ho aintain such inforation in the noral course of %usiness have a legal
.ut! to reasona%l! safeguar. that inforation fro %eing use. for an illegitiate (ur(ose.
This clai is analogous to a (reises lia%ilit! clai for negligent securit! resulting in criinal
activit!. The (laintiff clais, the .efen.ant;s< are allege. to have faile. to ta,e reasona%le
(recautions to (rotect the (laintiff fro foreseea%le inEuries cause. %! the agenc! in -hich the
.efen.ant;s< -or, or %! a thir. (art!.
All (ersons have a .ut! to e9ercise reasona%le care not to su%Eect others to an unreasona%le
ris, of har. See Lalls v. 19for. Manageent Co., 1@C NH B7@ - NH: 2u(ree Court 1>>@
Lhether a .efen.ant0s con.uct creates a ris, of har to others sufficientl! foreseea%le to charge
the .efen.ant -ith a .ut! to avoi. such con.uct is a =uestion of la-, 147 N.H. 1>/, 1>@ ;2///<,
%ecause 5the e9istence of a .ut! .oes not arise solel! fro the relationshi( %et-een the (arties,
%ut also fro the nee. for (rotection against reasona%l! foreseea%le har.514@ N.H. 2/D, 211
;1>>D< ;=uotation oitte.<. Thus, in soe cases, a (art!0s actions give rise to a .ut!. 1@C N.H.
at B7B. Parties o-e a .ut! to those thir. (arties foreseea%l! en.angere. %! their con.uct -ith
res(ect to those ris,s -hose li,elihoo. an. agnitu.e a,e the con.uct unreasona%l!
.angerous. 14@ N.H. at 211.
Lhen (ro(ert! is seiIe. %! a state an. then rean.e. to the custo.! of the +nite. 2tates, the
fe.eral agenc! receiving the (ro(ert! ust (rovi.e notice of the seiIure to an! intereste.
(arties -ithin >/ .a!s of the .ate of the initial seiIure. 1D +.2.C. F >D@;a<;1<;A<;iv<.
The .efen.ant;s< acte. color of la- %ut contrar! to la-, an. intentionall! an.
unreasona%l! .e(rive. Leisha Tringali of rights , (rivileges, an. iunities secure. %! the
Constitution, la-s of the +nite. 2tates, an. 42 +.2.C. F 1>D@.
:e.eral courts have su((leental Euris.iction to hear state la- clais against state officials
sue. in their in.ivi.ual ca(acit! if the fe.eral clais arise fro the sae su%Eect atter an.
(rovi.e the fe.eral court -ith Euris.iction. 2ee $9 (arte Qoung, 2/> +.2. 12@.
3n.ivi.ual ca(acit! suits against the .efen.ant;s< arises out of official acts a! %e liite. to
suits 42 +.2.C. F 1>D@.
A. 3n ratif!ing the :ourteenth Aen.ent, Congress a%rogate. sovereign iunit! in actions
involving state violations of fun.aental constitutional rights.
:ourteenth Aen.ent.
The first clause of the :ourteenth Aen.ent states: All (ersons %orn or
naturaliIe. in the +nite. 2tates, an. su%Eect to the Euris.iction thereof, are citiIens of the
+nite. 2tates an. of the 2tate -herein the! resi.e. No 2tate shall a,e or enforce an! la-
-hich shall the (rivileges or iunities of citiIens of the +nite. 2tatesG nor shall an!
2tate .e(rive an! (erson of life, li%ert!, or (ro(ert!, -ithout .ue (rocess of la-G nor .en! to
an! (erson -ithin its Euris.iction the e=ual (rotection of the la-s.
+.2 . Const ., aen.. ?3M. An., the +nite. 2tates 2u(ree Court has
s(ecificall! hel. that the enforceent (rovision of the :ourteenth Aen.ent liits state
4ut -e thin, that the $leventh Aen.ent, an. the (rinci(le of state
sovereignt! -hich it e%o.ies, are necessaril! liite. %! the enforceent (rovisions of s 7 of
the :ourteenth Aen.ent. 3n that section Congress is e9(ressl! grante. authorit! to enforce
)%! a((ro(riate legislation* the su%stantive (rovisions of the :ourteenth Aen.ent, -hich
theselves e%o.! significant liitations on state authorit!. Lhen Congress acts (ursuant to s
7, not onl! is it e9ercising legislative authorit! that is (lenar! -ithin the ters of the
constitutional grant , it is e9ercising that authorit! one section of a constitutional
Aen.ent -hose other sections %! their o-n ters e%o.! liitations on state authorit!. Le
thin, that Congress a!, in.eterining -hat is )a((ro(riate legislation* for the (ur(ose of
enforcing the (rovisions of the :ourteenth Aen.ent, (rovi.e for (rivate suits against 2tates
or state officials -hich are constitutionall! i(erissi%le in other conte9ts.
:itI(atric, v. 4itIer, 42C +.2. 447 ;1>CB<G Tennessee v. Lane, 741 +.2. 7/>;2//4<
3n :itI(atric,, su(ra., the +.2. 2u(ree Court .ealt .eci.e. the issue of -hether Congress ha.
a%rogate. the 2overeign 3unit! of the 2tates as to Title ?33 clais. The! rule. the
Congress ha. .one so (ursuant to their (o-er enuerate. in 2ection 7 of the :ourteenth
Aen.ent. Here, the Court .oes not nee. to loo, for congressional action ta,en (ursuant to
2ection 7. 3nstea., 2ection 1 of the :ourteenth Aen.ent, itself, e9(licitl! contains the
a%rogation language.
RJ3Kt is -ell - settle. that 0JtKhere is no longer a nee. to %ring official - ca(acit! actions against
local governent officials, for Monell Jv. #e(t. of 2ocial 2ervices, 4@B +.2. B7D, B>/ n.
77, >D 2. Ct. 2/1D,7B L. $.. 2. B11 ;1>CD<K . . . local governent units can %e sue. .irectl! for
.aages an. inEunctive or .eclarator! relief.0 5
Monell, 4@B +.2. at B>/->1 An., the i(ortance of those governent entities is
un.erscore. %! the lac, of ree.ies availa%le to those -ronge. %! the governental entit!:
&e(resentative 4ingha, for e9a(le, in .iscussing F 1 of the %ill, e9(laine. that he ha.
.rafte. F 1 of the :ourteenth Aen.ent -ith the case of 4arron v. Ma!or of 4altiore,
C Pet. 24@, D L.$.. BC2;1D@@<, es(eciall! in in.. )3n JthatK case the cit! ha. ta,en (rivate
(ro(ert! for (u%lic use, -ithout C1MP$N2AT31N . . . , AN# TH$&$ LA2 N1 &$#&$22
:1& TH$ -rong.. . . . ..* glo%e A((. D4 ;e(hasis a..e.<. 4ingha0s further rear,s clearl!
in.icate his vie- that such ta,ings %! cities, as ha. occurre. in 4arron, -oul. %e re.ressa%le F 1 of the %ill. 2ee "lo%e A((. D7.
More generall!, an. as 4ingha0s rear,s confir, F 1 of the %ill -oul. logicall! %e the
vehicle %! -hich Congress (rovi.e. re.ress for ta,ings, since that section (rovi.e. the onl!
civil ree.! for :ourteenth Aen.ent violations an. that Aen.ent une=uivocall!
(rohi%ite. unco(ensate. ta,ings. "iven this (ur(ose, it %eggars reason to su((ose that
Congress -oul. have e9e(te. unici(alities fro suit, insisting instea. that co(ensation
for a ta,ing coe fro an officer in his in.ivi.ual ca(acit! rather than fro the governent
unit that ha. the %enefit of the (ro(ert! ta,en.
Monell, 4@B +.2. at BDB-DC ;e(hasis a..e.<. Thus, 2ection 1 of the :ourteenth Aen.ent -as
s(ecificall! .rafte. to (rovi.e a ree.! -here none other e9iste..
he reasons for ratif!ing the :ourteenth Aen.ent su((ort (laintiffOs contention that 2ection 1
of the :ourteenth Aen.ent (erit this action to (rocee. against the .efen.ant;s<.
)the #ue Process Clause full! incor(orates (articular rights containe. in the first eight
Aen.ents*. Mc#onal., 1@/ +.2. at 17. An., states ust res(ect fun.aental constitutional
rights. 2ee #uncan, @>1 +. 2., at 14>, an. n. 14 .
:ollo-ing this vie-, the cases -hich have incor(orate. (arts of the 4ill of &ights essentiall!
-ere court or.ers enEoining the state to follo- the la- as it al-a!s ha. %een since the
ratification of the :ourteenth Aen.ent.
3n the (rocess of a.o(tion, the :ourteenth Aen.ent -as ratifie. %! %oth houses of
Congress, %! a t-o-thir.s aEorit! in each. 2ee Article :ive of the +nite. 2tates Constitution.
Therefore, at the tie of the ratification of the :ourteenth Aen.ent, Congress a%rogate. the
$leventh Aen.ent sovereign iunit! of the states in regar.s to clais involving violations
of fun.aental constitutional rights ; #ue Process< as those rights have al-a!s e9iste.
since the a.o(tion of the %ill of rights.
Accor.ingl!, this Court is not .e(rive. of Euris.iction to enforce t.ue (rocess violations via
the :ourteenth Aen.ent as Congress inten.e..
4. 2tate officials a! %e sue. for .aages in their in.ivi.ual ca(acit! for violations of fe.eral
constitutional or statutor! rights coitte. in the course of official .uties
#efen.ant;s< are a((ro(riate in this action for at least t-o reasons.
:irst, -here inEunctive relief is sought, a state official acting in his or her official ca(acit! is a
)(erson* for the (ur(oses of 2ection 1>D@ actions. Lill, 4>1+.2. At C1, n. 1/ ;citing 'entuc,! v.
"raha, 4C@ +.2. at 4C@, n. 14<G $9 (arte Qoung, 2/> +. 2. 12@. 17>N1B/ ;1>/D< ;...official - ca(acit!
actions for (ros(ective relief are not treate. as actions against the 2tate.< ;citations oitte.<.
Plaintiff has (lainl! sought inEunctive relief in her Co(laint.
2econ., #efen.ant;s< a! not rel! on sovereign iunit! to %ar this action. 3n $9 (arte Qoung,
2/> +. 2. 12@ ;1>/D<, the +nite. 2tates 2u(ree Court create. an e9ce(tion to the general
(rinci(le that a 2tate official, sue. in their official ca(acit!, is the sae entit! as the 2tate.
2(ecificall!, -here a Plaintiff challenges the constitutionalit! of a state official0s action in
enforcing state la-, that official is not consi.ere. the 2tate.
Plaintiff challenges the constitutionalit! of a state official0s action in enforcing state la-, that
official is not consi.ere. the 2tate. 3n $9 Parte Qoung, su(ra., the #efen.ant conten.e. that he
-as erel! acting for the state of Minnesota -hen he sought to enforce its la-s. The Court
s(ecificall! reEecte. that arguent, that -hen a state official .oes soething that is
unconstitutional, the official is not acting in the nae of the state. 3.. At 17>. This is %ecause
the 2u(reac! Clause of the +nite. 2tates Constitution o(erates to invali.ate an!
unconstitutional state la-s:
The ans-er to all this is the sae as a.e in ever! case -here an official clais to
%e acting the authorit! of the 2tate. The act to %e enforce. is allege. to %e
unconstitutional, an., if it %e so, the use of the nae of the 2tate to enforce an
unconstitutional act to the inEur! of co(lainants is a ( -ithout the authorit!
of, an. one -hich .oes not affect, the 2tate in its sovereign or governental ca(acit!. 3t
is si(l! an illegal act u(on the (art of a 2tate official in atte(ting, %! the use of the
nae of the 2tate, to enforce a legislative enactent -hich is voi. %ecause
unconstitutional. 3f the act -hich the state Attorne! "eneral see,s to enforce %e a
violation of the :e.eral Constitution, the officer, in ( such enactent,
coesinto conflict -ith the su(erior authorit! of that Constitution, an. he is, in that
case, stri((e. of his official or re(resentative character, an. is su%Eecte. in his (erson to
the conse=uences of his in.ivi.ual con.uct. 3. at 1B/
Thus, this suit, insofar as it naes #efen.ant;s<, is no against the 2tate, %ut erel! against
the in.ivi.ual officer, -ho is not acting as the 2tate -hen enforcing an unconstitutional la-.
Therefore, #efen.ant;s< are %oth a re(resentative of the state an. an in.ivi.ual (erson -ho can
have suit %rought against the.
This conclusion is inevita%le follo-ing )0straight for-ar. in=uir! into -hether JtheK co(laint
alleges an ongoing violation of fe.eral la- an. see,s relief (ro(erl! characteriIe. as
(ros(ective.50 ?eriIon Mar!lan., 3nc. v. Pu%lic 2ervice Coission of Mar!lan., 7@7 +.2. B@7,
B47 ;2//2<.
+nless the :ourteenth Aen.ent is to %e ignore., it is clear that this co(laint fulfills the
$9Parte Qoung an. avoi.s the $leventh Aen.ent %ar to suit.
Plaintiff is entitle. to have #efen.ant;s< enEoine. fro enforcing the unconstitutional la-s at
issue in this case.

I=. P(ant&& s!!+s a /!"man!nt n>un#ton an8 a 8!#(a"ato"y >u8%m!nt
Plaintiff see,s a (eranent inEunction an. a .eclarator! against each .efen.ant in his
8 her oficial ca(acit! (ursuant to :e.. &. Civ. P. B/;%<.
2uch a frau. suffices as a %asis to set asi.e the te(orar! chil. su((ort :.&.C.P.
A (eranent inEunction an. a .eclarator! -ill serve the (laintiff0s interest in (utting
an en. to the .efen.ant;s< frau.ulent con.uct, -here the!, ,no-ingl!, intentionall! an.
-illfull!, frau.ulentl! collecte. an. continue to atte(t to collect fun.s an. sus(ension of an!
t!(e of license fro the (laintiff.
A (eranent inEunction an. a .eclarator! -ill serve that the (laintiff -ill not %e
su%Eecte. to the #efen.antsO unla-ful con.uct an. -ill not %e .e(rive. of her (ersonal
(ro(ert! or li%ert!.
The .efen.antsO unla-ful con.uct, if allo-e. to (revail, -ill cause the (laintiff (eranent
irre(ara%le inEur!
B. C(ams Ba""!8 )y th! Statu! o& Lmtatons
Plaintiff clais that her rights the .ue (rocess clause -ere violate. %! .efen.ants
neglegance to give her notice or an o((ortunit! to %e hear..
Plaintiff alleges the .efen.ant;s< have an. continue to violate statutor! re=uireents an. .esignate. Cha(ter 11>A of the "eneral La-s (ursuant to Title 3? Part # of
the 2ocial 2ecurit! Act.
Plaintiff alleges that the #efen.ants .e(rive. her of the value of her (ersonal (ro(ert!, raising
clais the &ac,eteer 3nfluence. an. Corru(t 1rganiIations Act, 1D +.2.C. F 1>B2 ;5&3C15<
Continuit! is 5%oth a close.- an. o(en - en.e. conce(t, referring either to a close. (erio. of
re(eate. con.uct, or to (ast con.uct that %! its nature (roEects into the future -ith a threat of
re(etition.5 in "3NT1LT v. TL ?$NT+&$2, 2//4
Plaintiff alleges the .efen.ants, violate. (laintiffOs (rotecte. .ue (rocess rights %! a (attern
an. (ractice of criinall! e.iting, falsif!ing, an. ani(ulating a te(orar! chil. su((ort %! creating a s!nthetic i.entit! then .enie. (laintiff the a%ilit! to con.uct an
a.inistrative revie- to .e(rive her of an! eaningful ree.!.
The so - calle. )continuit!5 re=uireent can %e satisfie. either %! sho-ing a 5close. - en.e.5
(attern -a series of relate. (re.icate acts over a su%stantial (erio. of tie - or %!
.eonstrating an 5o(en - en.e.5 (attern of rac,eteering activit! that (oses a threat of
continuing criinal con.uct %e!on. the (erio. .uring -hich the (re.icate acts -ere (erfore..
in M3'HL3N v. H24C, 2//>
The (laintiff clais continue. har to the (laintiff still e9sists an. as to .ate there has %een
no ree.! for relief affor.e. to her in -hich she has an. -ill continue to see,.
Plaintiff alleges the .efen.ants are Eointl! an. severall! res(onsi%le an. lia%le for .isgorging
all one! that the! -rongfull! o%taine. through their illegal con.uct, an. for restoring such
one! to the Plaintiff
The .efen.ant;s< -ho aintain such inforation in the noral course of %usiness have a legal
.ut! to reasona%l! safeguar. that inforation fro %eing use. for an illegitiate (ur(ose.
This clai is analogous to a (reises lia%ilit! clai for negligent securit!. The (laintiff
clais, the .efen.ant;s< are allege. to have faile. to ta,e reasona%le (recautions to (rotect the
(laintiff fro foreseea%le inEuries cause. %! the agenc! in -hich the .efen.ant;s< -or, or %!
a thir. (art!.
3n Agenc! Cor(. v. Malle! - #uff A Associates, 3nc., the 2u(ree Court rule. that a
unifor statute of liitations, %orro-e. fro the Cla!ton Act, 17 +.2.C. F 17;%<, shoul. %e
a((lie. to civil actions the &ac,eteer 3nfluence. an. Corru(t 1rganiIations Act
;5&3C15<, 1D +.2.C. F 1>B4. The Court note. that a clear aEorit! of the Court ha. reEecte.
the notion that the ost analogous state statute of liitations ust 5al-a!s5 %e a((lie. -hen
a fe.eral statute is silent on the (ro(er liitations (erio.. 4D@ +.2. at 14B, 1/C 2.Ct. at 2CB2.
The Court state.:
that JgKiven our long (ractice of %orro-ing state la-, an. the congressional a-areness
of this (ractice, -e can generall! assue that Congress inten.s %! its silence that -e %orro-
state la-. 3n soe liite. circustances, ho-ever, our characteriIation of a fe.eral clai has
le. the Court to conclu.e that 5state statutes of liitations can %e unsatisfactor! vehicles for
the enforceent of fe.eral la-. 3n those instances, it a! %e ina((ro(riate to conclu.e that
Congress @7CS@7C -oul. choose to a.o(t state rules at o..s -ith the (ur(ose or o(eration of
fe.eral su%stantive la-.5 .... Lhile the ere fact that state la- fails to (rovi.e a (erfect
analog! to the fe.eral cause of action is never itself sufficient to Eustif! the use of a fe.eral
statute of liitations, in soe circustances the Court has foun. it ore a((ro(riate to %orro-
liitation (erio.s foun. in other fe.eral, rather than state, statutes:
5JAKs the courts have often .iscovere., there is not al-a!s an o%vious state -la- choice for
a((lication to a given fe.eral cause of actionG !et resort to state la- reains the nor for
%orro-ing of liitations (erio.s. Nevertheless, -hen a rule fro else-here in fe.eral la-
clearl! ( a closer analog! than availa%le state statutes, an. -hen the fe.eral (olicies at
sta,e an. the (racticalities of litigation a,e that rule a significantl! ore a((ro(riate vehicle
for interstitial la-a,ing, -e have not hesitate. to turn a-a! fro state la-.5
I.. 4D@ +.2. at 174, 1/C 2.Ct. At 2CBB ;=uoting &e(ort of the A. Hoc Civil &3C1 Tas, :orce of
the A4A 2ection of Cor(oration, 4an,ing an. 4usiness La- @>2 ;1>D7<<.
Most recentl!, in &ee. v. +nite. Trans(ortation +nion, the Court reiterate. that
the general rule JisK that statutes of liitation are to %e %orro-e. fro state la-. Le .ecline t
o %orro- a state statute of liitations onl! 5-hen a rule fro else-here in fe.eral la- clearl!
( a closer analog! than availa%le state statutes, an. -hen the fe.eral (olicies at sta,e
an. the (racticalities of litigation a,e that rule a significantl! ore a((ro(riate vehicle for
interstitial la-a,ing.5
Aong the thees to %e .istille. fro the 2u(ree Court0s recent %orro-ing .iscussions are
that selection of a unifor fe.eral liitations (erio. a! %e -arrante. ;1< -here the statutor!
clai in =uestion covers a ulti(licit! of t!(es of actions, to the (ossi%le a((lication
of a nu%er of .ifferent t!(es of state statutes of liitations, ;2< -here the fe.eral clai .oes
not (recisel! atch an! state -la- clai, ;@< -here the challenge. action is ultistate in nature,
(erha(s to foru sho((ing an. inor.inate litigation e9(ense, an. ;4< -here a fe.eral
statute ( a ver! close analog!.
The (laintiff further clais the .iscover! rule %ecause of false .ocuents an. her ina%ilit! to
o%tain recor.s or notification.
Lhen (laintiff %ecae a-are of hars she a.e atte(ts to rectif! the hars an. she
continues to see, a ree.!.
:urtherore the (laintiff argues the statue of liitations shoul. %e tolle. as the hars are on
going as the .efen.ants continue to har (laintiff as to the current .ate. $ach action cause. %!
the .efen.ant0s shoul. toll the statutue of liitations.
C. Du! P"o#!ss C(ams
The (laintiff asserts violation of rights s(ecificall! i.entifie. in the 4ill of &ights or (rotecte. su%staintive co(onet of the #ue Process Clause, the violation is co(lete at the tie of
the challenge. con.uct.
I. Stan8a"8 o& R!'!,
A. Du! P"o#!ss? Su)stant'! an8 P"o#!8u"a(
The #ue Process Clause of the :ourteenth Aen.ent ( 5nor shall an! 2tate .e(rive
an! (erson of life, li%ert!, or (ro(ert!, -ithout .ue (rocess of la-....5 +.2. Const. aen.. M3?,
F 1. The #ue Process clause ( t-o .ifferent ,in.s of constitutional (rotection:
(roce.ural .ue (rocess an. su%stantive .ue (rocess. Tineron v. 4urch,4>4 +.2. 11@, 127, 11/
2.Ct. >C7, >D@, 1/D L.$..2. 1// ;1>>/<GMc'ine! v. Paten,2/ :.@. 177/, 1777 ;11th Cir.1>>4< ;en
%anc<,cert. .enie.,UUU +.2. UUU, 117 2.Ct. D>D, 1@/ L.$..2. CD@ ;1>>7<. A violation of either of
these ,in.s of (rotection a! for the %asis for a suit 2ection 1>D@.
4. Su)stant'! Du! P"o#!ss
The su%stantive co(onent of the #ue Process Clause (rotects those rights that are
5fun.aental,5 that is, rights that are 5i(licit in the conce(t of or.ere. li%ert!. 5Pal,o v.
Connecticut, @/2 +.2. @1>, @27, 7D 2. Ct. 14>, 172, D2 L.$.. 2DD ;1>@C<. The 2u(ree Court has
.eee. that ost V %ut not all V of the rights enuerate. in the 4ill of &ights are
fun.aentalG certain unenuerate. rights also erit (rotection.. See Planne. Parenthoo. v.
Case!, UUU +.2. UUU, UUU, 112 2. Ct. 2C>1, 2D/C, 12/ L.$..2. BC4 ;1>>2<.
3t is in this frae-or, that fun.aental rights are incor(orate. in the :ourteenth Aen.ent
(rohi%itions against the states. A that a right erits su%stantive .ue (rocess (rotection
eans that the right is (rotecte. 5againstP certain governent actions regar.less of the fairness
of the (roce.ures use. to i(leent the. 05Collins v. Cit! of Har,er Heights, 7/@ +.2. 117,
127, 112 2. Ct. 1/B1, 1/BD, 11C L.$..2. 2B1 ;1>>2< ;=uoting #aniels v. Lillias, 4C4 +.2. @2C, @@1,
1/B 2.Ct. BB2, BB4-B7, DD L.$..2. BB2 ;1>DB<<.
C. P"o#!8u"a( Du! P"o#!ss
The 2u(ree Court has a.e clear that, although the (reliinar! =uestion of -hether a
(ro(ert! right e9ists a! %e one of state la-, fe.eral la- governs the anal!sis of -hether the
(roce.ures %! -hich the (ro(ert! right or interest -as .e(rive. co(ort -ith the re=uireents
of (roce.ural .ue (rocess. Lou.erill, 4C/ +.2. At 741, 1/7 2. Ct. at 14>2->@.
The right to .ue (rocess is conferre., not %! legislative grace, %ut %! constitutional guarantee.
Lhile the legislature a! elect not to confer a (ro(ert! interest in J(u%licK e(lo!ent, it a!
not constitutionall! authoriIe the .e(rivation of such an interest, once conferre., -ithout
a((ro(riate (roce.ural safeguar.s. Lou.erill, 4C/ +.2. at 741, 1/7 2. Ct. at 14>@ ;internal
=uotations an. citations oitte.<.
The #ue Process Clause 5is the source of three .ifferent ,in.s of constitutional (rotection.
5#aniels 4C4 +.2. at @@C, 1/B 2. Ct. at BCC. :irst, it ( a 5guarantee of fair (roce.ure, ...
referre. to as P(roce.ural .ue (rocess,05 in connection -ith an! .e(rivation of life, li%ert! or
(ro(ert! %! a state. This is 5the ost failiar office5 of the Clause. Collins v. Har,er Heights,
UUU +.2. UUU, UUU, 112 2. Ct. 1/B1, 1/BD, 11C L.$..2. 2B1 ;1>>2<.
2econ., the Clause contains a su%stantive co(onent 5that (rotects in.ivi.ual li%ert! against
Pcertain governent actions regar.less of the (roce.ures use. to i(leent the. 05;=uoting
#aniels, 4C4 +.2. at @@1, 1/B 2. Ct. at BB7<. This su%stantive co(onent is referre. to as
su%stantive .ue (rocess.
Thir., the Clause incor(orates the s(ecific (rotections of ost of the 4ill of &ights against the
states. These, too, are referre. to as 5su%stantive5 rights, an. are co(rise. -ithin the 5li%ert!5
(rovision of the Clause. Planne. Parenthoo. of 2.$. Pa. v. Case!, UUU +.2. UUU, UUU, 112 2. Ct.
2C>1, 2D/4, 12/ L.$..2. BC4 ;1>>2<. 2ee #aniels, 4C4 +.2. at @ @C, 1/B 2. Ct. at BCCG "riffin v.
2trong, >D@ :.2. 1744, 174B ;1/th Cir. 1>>@<G Miller v. Ca(%ell Count!, >47 :.2. @4D, @72 ;1/th
Cir. 1>>1<, cert. .enie., UUU +.2. UUU, 112 2.Ct. 11C4, 11C L.$..2. 41> ;1>>2<.
D. Th"!! &a#to"s a"! to )! #ons8!"!8 n 8!t!"mnn% ,h!th!" a /a"t#u(a"
/"o#!8u"! sats&!s 8u! /"o#!ss?
5J#Kue (rocess is fle9i%le an. calls for such (roce.ural (rotections as the (articular situation
.ean.s, 5Mathe-s v. $, 424 +.2. @1>, @@4, >B 2.Ct. D>@, >/2, 4C L.$..2. 1D ;1>CB< ;citation
Three factors are to %e consi.ere. in .eterining -hether a (articular (roce.ure satisfies .ue
:irst, the (rivate interest that -ill %e affecte. %! the official actionG secon., the ris, of an
erroneous .e(rivation of such interest through the (roce.ures use., an. the (ro%a%le
value, if an!, of a..itional or su%stitute (roce.ural safeguar.sG an. finall!, the
"overnent0s interest, the function involve. an. the fiscal an. a.inistrative
%ur.ens that the a..itional or su%stitute (roce.ural re=uireent -oul. entail.
II. Du! P"o#!ss C(aus! R!@u"!s
Not#! an8 an O//o"tunty to )! H!a"8
The #ue (rocess Claus entitles a (erson to an i(artial an. .isintereste. tri%unal in %oth civil
an. criinal cases. This re=uireent of neutralit! in a.Eu.icative (rocee.ings safeguar.s the
t-o central concerns of (roce.ural .ue (rocess, the (revention of unEustifie. or ista,e
.e(rivations an. the (rootion of (artici(ation an. .ialogue %! affecte. in.ivi.ual in the
.ecision a,ing (rocess.
The neutralit! re=uireent hel(s to guarantee that life, li%ert!, or (ro(ert! -ill not %e ta,en on
the %asis of an erroneous or .istorte. conce(tion of the facts or the la-.
At the sae tie, it (reserves %oth the a((earance an. realit! of fairness, )generating the
feeling, so i(ortant to a (o(ular governent, that Eustice has %een .one,* %! ensuring that no
(erson -ill %e .e(rive. of his intereste. in the a%sence of a ( in -hich he a!
(resent his case -ith assurance that the ar%iter is not ( to fin. against hi. P1&T$&
v. 23N"L$TA&Q 4> :.@
14D@ ;11th Cir. 1>>7< Wuoting Marshall v. 6errico, 3nc. 44B +.2. 2@D,
1// 2. Ct. 1B1/, B4 L.$. 2n. 1D2 ;1>D/<.
As the 2u(ree Court so a(tl! -rote: 5The (oint is straightfor-ar.: the #ue Process Clause
( that certain su%stantive rights V life, li%ert!, an. (ro(ert! cannot %e .e(rive. e9ce(t
(ursuant to constitutionall! a.e=uate (roce.ures.* Tulsa Professional Collection 2ervices v. Po(e
4D7 +.2. 4CD, 1/D 2. Ct 1@4/, 1@44, >> L.$..2. 7B7 ;1>DD<5
Clevelan. 4oar. of $.ucation v. Lou.erill, 4C/ +.2. 7@2, 741, 1/7 2. Ct. 14DC, 14>@, D4 L.$..2.
4>4 ;1>D7<.
Those 5constitutionall! a.e=uate (roce.ures5 re=uire notice an. an o((ortunit! to %e hear..
Mullane v. Central Hanover 4an, A Trust Co., @@> +.2. @/B, @1@, C/ 2. Ct. B72, B7B-7C, >4 L.$..
DB7 ;1>7/<G see also . Notice ust %e 5reasona%l! calculate., all the circustances, to
a((rise intereste. (arties of the (en.enc! of the action an. affor. the an o((ortunit! to
(resent their o%Eections.5 Mullane, 1/72S 1/72 @@> +.2. at @14, C/ 2. Ct. At B7C.
3n to sustain a cause of action 42 +.2.C. F 1>D@, a (laintiff ust sho- ;i< that
she suffere. a violation of rights (rotecte. %! the Constitution or create. %! fe.eral statute,
an. ;ii< that the violation -as (ro9iatel! cause. %! a (erson acting color of state la-.
2ee Cru(ton v . "ates, >4C :.2. 141D, 142/ ;>th Cir. 1>>1<.
The causation re=uireent of F 1>D@ is satisfie. onl! if a (laintiff .eonstrates that a
.efen.ant .i. an affirative act, (artici(ate. in another0s affirative act, or oitte. to (erfor
an act -hich he -as legall! re=uire. to .o that cause. the .e(rivation co(laine. of. Arnol.
v. 34M, B@C :.2. 1@7/, 1@77 ;>th Cir. 1>D1< ;=uoting 6ohnson v. #uff!, 7DD :.2. C4/, C4@-44 ;>th
Cir. 1>CD<<.
Plaintiff argues the .efen.ants failure to (rovi.e the -ritten notice re=uire. %! &2A 7/D- 4:2
shall o(erate to toll the a((lica%le statute of liitations fro the tie of such a.vance or until
such -ritten notice is actuall! given.
D. R#o C(am
4! (lacing the (laintiff0s nae u(on the &egistration 2tateent the .efen.ant Mar! $llen
Le%o %! eans of frau. ,no-ingl! an. -illfull! transferre. the (laintiff0s nae -ithout
la-ful authorit! (ursuant to 1D +.2. Co.e F 1/2D.
The .efen.ant, Laurie Mc"rath ,no-ingl! an. -illfull! falsifie. .ocuents an. or a.e use
of all false .ocuents ,no-ing the sae containe. fro a frau.ulent .ocuents (ursuant to
1D +2C 1//1.
The .efen.ant;s< engage. in unla-ful acts through a (attern of collection of an unla-ful .e%t
to ac=uire or aintain .irectl! or in.irectl! an interest in the (laintiff0s (ersonal (ro(ert! an.
li%erties (ursuant to 1D +2C 1>71.
Plaintiffs clai against the #efen.ants for violation of &3C1 section 1>B2;%<, -hich (
;%< 3t shall %e unla-ful for an! (erson through a (attern of rac,eteering activit! or through
collection of an unla-ful .e%t to ac=uire or aintain, .irectl! or in.irectl!, an! interest in or
control of an! enter(rise -hich is engage. in, or the activities of -hich affect, interstate or
foreign coerce.
1D +.2.C. F 1>B2;%<. is a clai against #efen.ants for violation of &3C1 2ection 1>B2;c<,
-hich (
;c< 3t shall %e unla-ful for an! (erson e(lo!e. %! or associate. -ith an! enter(rise
engage. in, or the activities of -hich affect, interstate or foreign coerce, to con.uct
or (artici(ate, .irectl! or in.irectl!, in the con.uct of such enter(rise0s affairs through a
(attern of rac,eteering activit! or collection of unla-ful .e%t.
1D +.2.C. F 1>B2;c<. is a clai against all #efen.ants for violation of &3C1 2ection 1>B2;.<,
-hich (
;.< 3t shall %e unla-ful for an! (erson to cons(ire to violate an! of the (rovisions of
su%section ;a<, ;%<, or ;c< of this section.
1D +.2.C. F 1>B2;.<. ia a clai against all #efen.ants for coon la- frau. an. negligent
isre(resentation, res(ectivel!.
E. C(am that D!&!n8ants Commtt!8 I8!nty Th!&t
Plaintiff clais for negligent securit! of (ersonal inforation are %ase. on the theor! that
accurate (ersonal i.entif!ing inforation is the ,e! that allo-s access to a (erson0s financial
accounts an.
Plaintiff alleges the .efen.ant;s< -ho aintain such inforation in the noral course of
%usiness have a legal .ut! to reasona%l! safeguar. that inforation fro %eing use. for an
illegitiate (ur(ose.
This clai is analogous to a (reises lia%ilit! clai for negligent securit! resulting in criinal
activit!. The (laintiff clais, the .efen.ant;s< are allege. to have faile. to ta,e reasona%le
(recautions to (rotect the (laintiff fro foreseea%le inEuries cause. %! the agenc! in -hich the
.efen.ant;s< -or, or %! a thir. (art!.
All (ersons have a .ut! to e9ercise reasona%le care not to su%Eect others to an unreasona%le
ris, of har. See Lalls v. 19for. Manageent Co., 1@C NH B7@ - NH: 2u(ree Court 1>>@
Lhether a .efen.ant0s con.uct creates a ris, of har to others sufficientl! foreseea%le to
charge the .efen.ant -ith a .ut! to avoi. such con.uct is a =uestion of la-, 147 N.H. 1>/, 1>@
;2///<, %ecause 5the e9istence of a .ut! .oes not arise solel! fro the relationshi( %et-een
the (arties, %ut also fro the nee. for (rotection against reasona%l! foreseea%le har.514@ N.H.
2/D, 211 ;1>>D< ;=uotation oitte.<. Thus, in soe cases, a (art!0s actions give rise to a .ut!.
1@C N.H. at B7B. Parties o-e a .ut! to those thir. (arties foreseea%l! en.angere. %! their
con.uct -ith res(ect to those ris,s -hose li,elihoo. an. agnitu.e a,e the con.uct
unreasona%l! .angerous. 14@ N.H. at 211.
Lhen (ro(ert! is seiIe. %! a state an. then rean.e. to the custo.! of the +nite. 2tates, the
fe.eral agenc! receiving the (ro(ert! ust (rovi.e notice of the seiIure to an! intereste.
(arties -ithin >/ .a!s of the .ate of the initial seiIure. 1D +.2.C. F >D@;a<;1<;A<;iv<.
Plaintiff alleges the .efen.ant;s< acte. color of la- %ut contrar! to la-, an. intentionall!
an. unreasona%l! .e(rive. Leisha Tringali of rights, (rivileges, an. iunities secure. %! the
Constitution, la-s of the +nite. 2tates, an. 42 +.2.C. F 1>D@.
Plaintiff alleges as a .irect an. (ro9iate result of the acts an. 8 or oissions of all
.efen.ant;s< as state. -ithin the co(laint, the (laintiff, Leisha Tringali suffere. fro loss of
(ersonal (ro(ert! an. her li%erties.
The (laintiff alleges that the .efen.ant;s< oitte. to (erfor act;s< -hich the! -as legall!
re=uire. to .o that cause. the .e(rivation %! failing to (rovi.e notice or given the (laintiff an
o(ortunit! to %e hear..
F. C(ams that a"! F"'o(ous
A. T!(!/hon# an8 W"tt!n Commun#atons
Tele(honic an. -ritten counications serves the (ur(ose to sho- that the .efen.ant;s< in
their o-n neglegence faile. in their e(lo!ent .uties to ree.! the frau. %ut rather %! their
o-n neglence conceale. frau. against the (laintiff in -hich allo-s the hars to continue.
B. Issu!s /"!s!nt!8 &o" "!'!,
;3<. Lhether #efen.ant;s< have an. continue to violate the (rovisions of the +.2. constitutions
in connection -ith enforceent of collection of chil. su((ortG an., s(ecificall!, the illegal
sus(ension of licenses an. the illegal seiIure an. ta,ing of (rivate (ro(ert! -ithout .ue
(rocess of la-.
;33< Lhether #efen.ant;s< have an. continue to violate statutor! re=uireents an. in
connection -ith the enforceent of collection of chil. su((ortG an., s(ecificall!, the illegal
sus(ension of licenses an. the illegal seiIure an. ta,ing of (rivate (ro(ert! -ithout .ue
(rocess of la-.
;333< Lhether #efen.ant;s< have an. continue to violate the re=uireents an. of
a((lica%le Court &ules in connection -ith enforceent of collection of chil. su((ortG an.,
s(ecificall!, the illegal sus(ension of licenses an. the illegal seiIure an. ta,ing of (rivate
(ro(ert! -ithout .ue (rocess of la-.
;3?< Lhether #efen.ant;s< ,no-, have reason to ,no-, or, rec,lessl! .isregar. a((lica%le
constitutional, statutor! an. rule, gui.elines, (rotections, an., re=uireents in the
course of collection of chil. su((ortG an., s(ecificall!, the illegal sus(ension of licenses an.
the illegal seiIure an. ta,ing of (rivate (ro(ert! -ithout .ue (rocess of la-.
;?< Lhether #efen.ant;s< an. their agents shoul. %e co(elle. to account for an. .isgorge
illegal (rofits, (a!ents an. revenues generate. fro an. 8 or in the course of these illegal
an. unconstitutional actionsG an., s(ecificall!, the illegal seiIure an. ta,ing of (rivate (ro(ert!
-ithout .ue (rocess of la-.
;?3< Lhether #efen.ant;s< an. their agents shoul. %e
co(elle. to a,e restitution for all (rivate (ro(ert! illegall! seiIe. an. ta,en in
violation of constitutionall! (rotecte. an. guarantee. rights to .ue (rocess of la- an. 8
or in violation of a((lica%le an. (roce.ures i(ose. %! statute an. court rule.
$. Stat! La, C(ams
3n to sustain a cause of action 42 +.2.C. F 1>D@, a (laintiff ust sho- ;i< that she
suffere. a violation of rights (rotecte. %! the Constitution or create. %! fe.eral statute, an. ;ii<
that the violation -as (ro9iatel! cause. %! a (erson acting color of state la-. 2ee
Cru(ton v . "ates, >4C :.2. 141D, 142/ ;>th Cir. 1>>1<.
The .efen.ant;s< acte. color of la- %ut contrar! to la-, an. intentionall! an.
unreasona%l! .e(rive. Leisha Tringali of rights , (rivileges, an. iunities secure. %! the
Constitution, la-s of the +nite. 2tates, an. 42 +.2.C. F 1>D@.
)2ection 1>D@ ( a fe.eral cause of action for the .e(rivation, color of la-, of a
citiIen0s rights, (rivileges, or iunities secure. %! the Constitution an. la-s of the +nite.
2tates.* 2ee Mc'a! v. #allas 3n.e(en.ent 2chool #istrict, ;2//><
3n to sustain a cause of action 42 +.2.C. F 1>D@, a (laintiff ust sho- ;i< that
she suffere. a violation of rights (rotecte. %! the Constitution or create. %! fe.eral statute,
an. ;ii< that the violation -as (ro9iatel! cause. %! a (erson acting color of state la-.
2ee Cru(ton v . "ates, >4C :.2. 141D, 142/ ;>th Cir. 1>>1<.
Those 5constitutionall! a.e=uate (roce.ures5 re=uire notice an. an o((ortunit! to %e hear..
Mullane v. Central Hanover 4an, A Trust Co., @@> +.2. @/B, @1@, C/ 2. Ct. B72, B7B-7C, >4 L.$..
DB7 ;1>7/<G see also . Notice ust %e 5reasona%l! calculate., all the circustances, to
a((rise intereste. (arties of the (en.enc! of the action an. affor. the an o((ortunit! to
(resent their o%Eections.5 Mullane, 1/72S 1/72 @@> +.2. at @14, C/ 2. Ct. At B7C.
LH$&$:1&$, for all the reasons state. in the foregoing stateent of facts an. arguent, an.
in consi.eration of the interests of Eustice an. the (u%lic interest . Plaintiff re=uest this court
allo- her co(laint to (rocee.. for-ar.. .
#ate: UUUUUUUUUUUUUU Leisha Tringali, Pro 2e
2 Holl! Lane
Lon.on.err!, Ne- Ha(shire /@/7@
3, Leisha Tringali, here%! certif! that a true co(! of the a%ove &es(onse to 2ho- Cause -as
aile. u(on the follo-ing to the Attorne! 6aes A. 2-een!, #e(ut! #ivision Chief at 1ne
Ash%urton Place, 4oston, Massachusetts /21/D on this the UU .a! of UUUUUUUUUUU, 2/14.

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