Restore Public Trust Ethics Complaint

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Restore Public Trust Ethics ComplaintViola Davis909 Rays RoadStone Mountain, Ga. 30083March 17, 2014DeKalb County Board of EthicsClark Harrison Building330 W. Ponce de Leon AvenueDecatur, Georgia 30030Dear DeKalb County Board of Ethics:I, Viola Davis with Unhappy Taxpayer & Voter, submit this ethics complaint to restore public trust against Kelvin Walton, Director and Chief Procurement Officer of the Department of Purchasing and Contracting and Nina Hall, Former Assistant to CEO Burrell Ellis, and currently Project Manager with Watershed Department. I presented evidence during an executive meeting of Restore DeKalb on Friday, March 14, 2014 which included the complaints of two vendors, one complaint by a disabled veteran, and a federal complaint filed September of 2013 to the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board. I have received the full support of Restore DeKalb to submit a Restore Public Trust Ethics Complaint against Kelvin Walton and Nina Hall concerning the public corruption case related to purchasing and contracts within the Watershed Department. We agreed that the following actions need to be address to restore public trust in DeKalb County to include:A. Demand Kelvin Walton and Nina Hall be reassigned to other departments until a full criminal investigation and forensic audit of the Watershed Department is completed.B. Demand a forensic audit of the Watershed Department due to a long history of complaints of criminal activity and systematic charges of thievery.C. Demand the GBI lead the investigation as an external neutral third party due to the fact that two-three independent Constitutional officers have made serious accusations against one another to include:a. CEO Burrell Ellis charges against DA Robert James and Interim CEO Lee Mayb. District Attorney Robert James charges under the RICO statue.c. Interim CEO Lee May’s statement of a need for additional evidence before removing Kelvin Walton from the Purchasing and Contract Compliance Department.D. Demand a federal investigation into DeKalb County’s Purchasing and Contracting and Contract Compliance departments and prosecution of people who are found to violate the local, state, and federal laws.If we are to restore public trust, we request that the DeKalb County Ethics Board examine the following evidence submitted and submit an opinion and/or board action to the necessary elected officials and department heads (local and state level) to complete this Restore Public Trust Ethics Complaint:1. Vendor 1 – Hopie Strickland with Strickland and Sons Constructiona. Unhappy Taxpayer & Voter filed a federal complaint with the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, September 2013 concerning a complaint by Hopie Strickland of bid rigging, kickbacks, and false documentation, etc. (See Documentation below)b. Video titled, “DeKalb Corruption against LSBE Vendors” featuring Hopie Strickland.2. Vendor 2 – Alessandro Salvo with GS Constructiona. Link to WSBTV story on Alessandro Salvo complaintb. Link to Video of FBI investigation of Watershed Extortion case (Documentation provided on request of Ethics Board)3. Private Citizen – Disabled Veteran complaint concerning tree removal demonstrates systematic problems and/or corruption that unfairly targets private citizens and lack of executive oversight.4. DeKalb County Special Purpose Grand Jury Report 2012-2013 … Civil Case #12CV1000.In the name of transparency, ethics, and accountability, we submit this ethics complaint to restore public trust.Sincerely,Viola DavisCommunity Missionary




c/o Clerk of the Govfrning Authority Manuel J. Maloof Center . 1300 CommJrce Drive Decatur, Geotgia 30030




Please complete the following information, sign, and mail to the above address. This document must be sibed and received by the Board of Ethics no later than seven (7) days prior to a scheduled meeting in order to be considered at that meeting. . I


Name of the individual fir g the com laint: Name: Address: Daytime phone number: Evening phone number: E-mail address:

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compl.aint is filed:

Name and organization of the membJ


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bf the governing



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authority against whom the




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Ethics violation which is alleged aglinst th! memberl of the governing authority:
~ a~h additiona~ pages

if needed):,

. <'_



Or, request for advisory opinion conc~
(attach additional pages

. g the following issue:

if needed):

I ereby request that the Board of Ethics conside op inion, and certify that the above information is


his complaint or request for an advisory .~d correct to the best of my knowledge.




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Restore Public Trust Ethics Co


909 ~ays Road Stone I Mountain, Ga. 30083 March 17,2014 DeKalb County Board of Ethics Clark Harrison Building 330 W. Ponce de Leon Avenue Decatur, Georgia 30030 Dear DeKalb County Board of Ethics: I, Vi la Davis with Unhappy Taxpayer & ter, submit this ethics complaint to resto public trust against Kelvin Walton, irector and Chief Procurement Officer of the Department of Purchasing and Cont a ting and Nina Hall, Former Assistant to CE Burrell Ellis, and currently Project I anager with Watershed Department. I pres nted evidence during an executive meting of Restore DeKalb on Friday, March 14, 2014 which included the complai ts of two vendors, one complaint by a disab ed veteran, and a federal complaint fil d September of2013 to the Recovery Acco tability and Transparency Board.


I hav received the full support of Restore Ethic Complaint against Kelvin Walton, corru tion case related to purchasing and cr Depaftment. We agreed that the following public trust in DeKalb County to include:

ekalb to submit a Restore Public Trust Nina Hall concerning the public tracts within the Watershed cf'ions need to be address to restore



A. Demand Kelvin Walton and Nina H41llbe rea igned to other departments until a full criminal investigation and forensic audit of the Watershed Department is completed. I B. Demand a forensic audit of the Wat1rshed De artment due to a long history of complaints of criminal activity and system tic charges of thievery. C. Demand the GBI lead the investiga~.lon as an xternal neutral third party due to the fact that two-three independe t Constit tional officers have made serious accusations against one anot er to inc de: a. CEO Burrell Ellis charges ag linst DA obert James and Interim CEO Lee May I b. District Attorney Robert Jam9s charges under the RICO statue. c. Interim CEO Lee May's stater-ent of a eed for additional evidence before removing Kelvin Walton from t e Purchasing and Contract Compliance Department. I D. Demand a federal investigation into peKalb ounty's Purchasing and Contracting and Contract Compliance depart ents and prosecution of people who are found to violate the Iocal, state, and federal laws. Ifwejare to restore public trust, we request that the DeKalb County Ethics Board examine the following evidence submitted and submit an opinion and/or board action to the necessary elected officials an4 department heads (local and state level) to complete this Restore Public Trust Ethics Complaint: 1. Vendor 1 - Hopie Strickland with sLickland and Sons Construction a. Unhappy Taxpayer & Voter flIed a federal complaint with the Recovery Accountability and rransparency Board, September 2013 concerning a complaint by H~p· e Strickland of bid rigging, kickbacks, and false documentation, etc. ( ee Documentation below) b. Video titled, "DeKalb Corrupti n against LSBE Vendors" featuring Hopie Strickland. I 2. Vendor 2 - Alessandro Salvo with 0 Construction a. Link to WSBTV story on Ale~ andro Salvo complaint b. Link to Video of FBI investiga ion of Watershed Extortion case (Documentation provided on ~ uest of Ethics Board) 3. Private Citizen - Disabled Veteran 1 plaint concerning tree removal demonstrates systematic problems af or corruption that unfairly targets private citizens and lack of executive versight. 4. DeKalb County Special Purpose Gr d Jury Report 2012-2013 ... Civil Case #12CV1000. I



In the name of transparency, ethics, and ac ountabili y, we submit this ethics comPlaint to restore public trust.

Viol~IDavis Comiliunity Missionary 1. Evidence A: Hopie Strickland C mplaint and Transparency Board Recovery Accountability


Viola Davis 909 Rays Road Stone Mountain, Ga. 30083 Septerber 30,2013

Recovery Accountability and Transparenc Board Attention: Hotline Operators Office of the Inspector General & Office of the General Counsel P.o. Box 27545 Wash ngton, D.C. 20038-7958 Dear ecovery Accountability and Transp r ncy Board:


I was referred to you by the ReCOVery.go~J gove ent corruption involving the stimur Geor ia. My name is Viola Davis, co-foun gove ent watchdog and community miniI adver ely affects the public involving tax


ebsite to address the issue of s funds allocated to DeKalb County, er of Unhappy Taxpayer & Voter, a :y that addresses anything that rs.

We ere approached by a local vendor con . g the issue of bid rigging, kickb cks, and false documentation involv stimulus funds and local contr cts. The gentleman's name is HOPii trickland of Strickland and Son Cons ruction. Mr. Strickland made us aw of federal and local contracts that involved: I

. • BJd' t nggmg
• • • • • • Fjlse documents to acquire funding Kickbacks Eftortion and stealing Oyer billing


Tax Fraud - place employees and equipment thr ugh the subcontractors. Violations of the False Claims Act, etc

We found Mr. Strickland's case to be very interestin due to the amount of documentation and the people informed 0 these ille al activities. To verify some of the claims, we submitted an Open Reco~ds Reque t to DeKalb CEO Lee May, and Kelvin Walton, Director of Purchasing and Con ract, for a copy of the lien releases and utilization reports for approxifately 10 contracts. We received an answer from the CEO's office within two "ours that they did not have the documents and this may involve attomeY-llient priv lege. Mr. Strickland stated that the lien releases rill provi e proof that the prime contractors and workers in the Purchasing find Cont cting Department worked together to defraud the small business owners in the ocal Small Business Enterprise (LSBE) program. Mr. Strickland refused to sign the lien releases after proclaiming the prime contractor had enga~1 ed in ill al activity; however, executive staff ignored his warnings. The e wamin .s went all the way up to CEO Burrell Ellis. Please view the emails listed under the following documents: 1. DeKaib County Corruption against LS.E Vendts - Part I: 171970209/OeKalb-County-Corruption LSBE-Vendors-Part-I?secret assword=d 'zlc80uoabl906f3 n -against-

2. DrKalb County Corruption against LSBE Vendors - Part II:htt ):// .• eKalb-Countv-Corruotion-againstLSBI -Vendors-Part-II?secret password=::.6d13s1zg8ioau82eam

Please also view the video titled, "DeKalblC orruption against LSBE Vendors": http:'!'
,I 4

We a e requesting a federal investigation aed forens Government, Contract Compliance Division, and th Deparment. Weare sending this request and a com Inspelt~or General We h ve also s DeK~lb County District Attorney's office. We wou documents for you to review for a possibl prosecuti law.

c audit of the DeKalb County Purchasing and Contracting laint to the Office of nt some documentation to the like to provide our n for violation of federal

The crmplaint form requested the fOllOWir inform ion on the website: 1) "1hat: Provide details of alleged fra:r' waste, buse or mismanagement.

a) HEpie Strickland with Strickland and Son Const ction worked as a subcontractor on several contracts funded [I der sti ulus funding by the Department of Energy. b) EJergy Efficiency and Conservation Bfck Gran for the sum $6,511,600 through the Department of Energy as part rfthe Am rican Recovery & Reinvestment Act with award date 9/14/2009, awar number EE0000804, and award type - grant. c) Strickland refused to be party to cr minal ac govetpment documentation that he had recfived 20° the pdime contractor back after the fact. Strickland Compliance Director, Sharon Walker, awa e that su "kickback" and is a felony. (View email d ted May Walker)


vity by signing off to federal of the contract and then pay ade DeKalb County Contract h activity is known as 19,2011 at 2:42pm to Ms.

d) Beverly Creagh with M7ven Supportive Housin and Development Group, Inc., documented in an email dated Octobdr 4, 2011 0 DeKalb County administrative staff that the prime contract rs on th stimulus contract were not following the law and refused to pay the 2 % to the subcontractors under the LSBE program. She also made the coun aware of activity in violation of the False Claim Act. S. Garrett and Company was named in the complaint which went to the top elected official, CEO Burrell Ellis.

e) Mr. Strickland provided checks that w1re falsified evidenced by changing the check numbers, placing third party contra9tors and employees under the sUbctntractors, and acts of extortion. TheJe tortion occurred when the subc ntractors refused to sign documents 1\ t stated false information and amounts and e prime contractors with the help of c ~ty workers ~ould hold pay checks and threaten removal from the contracts.



f) The prime contractors and county workers woul decrease the percentage of funding to the shbcontra J threatF of removal from the contract work f the sub emaill_datedMay 19,2011 from Hopie Stri kland to con~ct Compliance.


change the contracts to ors and scope of work with ontractors complained. (View haron Walker with DeKalb changed to defraud the iew email dated May 20,

g) Strickland complained that the contracts we feder 11 government, manufacturer, and the county. 2011 fO Sharon Walker)
I •

h) Mr. Strickland wrote a letter directly to S. Garre and Company warning them ofvidlation of the False Claim Act with D~Kalb Co nty contract number 109020,7 evidenced by contractor requested fick -bac s, creation of false checks and documents, and breach of the original cont act with eKalb County. He I threatened to forward the report to the Deprrtment 0 Energy Inspector Genetal. (View letter the S. Garrett and crmpany d ted June 13,2011 on StricWand & Son letterhead) i) The prime contractors would overbill tljle subcon ractors in an attempt to hide profit margin from the revenue department; The pri e contractors would also run their supplies through the subcontractors t~ hide the rue amount of their profits. j) S. Garrett and Company would submit raIse doc mentation to comply with local county and federal paperwork to ens~re payme ts from the stimulus funding. The prime contractors and work~fs from t e county would falsify documentation to pull money from the federal gove ent despite the subcontractors' refusal to engage in illegal activity. k) Mr. Strickland has an email dated May 5, 2011 ti led, Corrupt Paperwork and Past Due Payment, it details how S. Garre~ and Co pany would submit fraudulent checks and false documentation in an atte pt to extqrt money from subcontractors. htt :// 71970209/DeKalb-Count -Corru tiona ainst-LSBE-Vendors-Part-I?secret assw rd=dfz1c80uoabl906f3 n I) Ptime contractors and workers from the pounty would have change orders that would increase the cost of the contract wo~kIand engage in acts of coercion, false docutents, and kickbacks to make SUbCo~Tctors party to illegal activity. Mr. Strickland wrote an email titled, S. Garrett ~omplaint, to detail this activity. The documentation in this complaint was give ~othe DeKalb County District AttoTey's office. ,
r r


m) S9veral prime contractors with the cooperation 0 an administrator in DeKalb County government would hold the payme ts to sub ontractors in an attempt to put t~e subcontractors out of business if a voiced ny complaint and/or refused to sign fraudulent documentation. 2) Jhen - When did the misconduct occur? The misconduct occurred from the start of~Orking contractors such as S. Garrett and Company and Ski June 1,2010 through December 30, 201l.jTO the p continued to fight for payment of work his company stimulus contracts. If the federal governm .nt has si company, Strickland and Son Construction, then we companies and the county worked together to defra county and federal taxpayers. 3) Where - Where did the misconduct 9ccur? a) DeKalb County Government, Contract nd Com liance Division and Purchasing and Contracting Department at 1300 Co erce Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30030, phone-404-371-2881, an fax-4 -371-7004.

e contract assigned to prime led Builders. The start date is sent date, Mr. Strickland has has performed under these ed lien releases from his ill know that these local small businesses,

b) Garrett and Company, 321 Old Bremel Road, C rrollton, Georgia 30117, phone -770-838-9973. c) Wesley Chapel Library, 2661 Wesley Chapel Ro d, Decatur, Georgia 30034. d) Southeastern Econo Disposal Services, Inc., 985 Georgia 30310. ox Avenue, SW, Atlanta,

e) Diversified Environmental Management, Inc., 3 39 West Hospital Avenue, Chamblee, Georgia 30341, and phone - zr-622-21 93. f) Skilled Builder, Inc., 3154 Grove Vie

g) Lien Claimant on the following properties to include:


Court, D~cula, Georgia 30019.

i) 2161 Wesley C~apel Road, Decatur, Gel rgia 30034-2314. ii) 27,75 Briarcliff Road, NE, Atlanta, Ge1r ia 30329-3250. iii) 4664 Flat Bridge Road, Lithonia, Georg a 30038-4232. iv)


25 Warren Street, SE, Atlanta, Geo I ia 30317-2201.


h) We request the contract given under the stimulus funding be investigated for illegal activity with other vendors outside JfMr. Str ckland due to the size of this complaint and the fear of retaliation. 4). Who - Identify the primary person .o~entity w 0 engaged in. t~e alleged misconduct. If more than one person IS involved, enter the additional iden1fying information: a) Kelvin Walton, Director of Purchasi I g and C ntracting, at 1300 Commerce Drive Decatur, Georgia 30030. b) ClEO Burrell Ellis, CEO of DeKalb CorI ty, Geo gia, at 1300 Commerce Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30030. c) Sharon Walker, Director of Contract Oomplianc Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30030. d) Felton Williams, 1300 Commerce Driv ,Decat e) Susan Garrett, S. Garrett and Comp ny, 321 Georgia 30117. Division, at 1300 Commerce ,Georgia 30030. ld Bremen Road, Carrollton,

f) Southeastern Econo Disposal Servic s, Inc., 9 5 Cox Avenue, SW, Atlanta, Georgia 30310. g) Diversified Environmental Manage ent, Inc., 3339 West Hospital Avenue, Chamblee, Georgia 30341, and phone -770-622-21 3. h) David Fisher, Director of Facilities Mal gement IDepartment, at 1300 Commerce Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30030. I I i) Jill Garrett, 321 Old Bremen Road, qarrollton, Georgia 30117, phone - 770838-9973. I j) Ricardo Mosby, 1300 Commerce Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30030.


k) ~ina A Hall, Special Assistant to CEP Burrell Ellis, 1300 Commerce Drive,

Decatur, Georgia 30030.


5) Other: Documents and other evidenc ; names and contact information of othe witness: I

a) V ola Davis, Co-Founder of Unhappy T ,payer & Voter, 909 Rays Road, Ston Mountain, Georgia 30083, phone 77 256-0034.


b) Beverly Creagh, Executive Director of Development Group, Inc., website - =htt=:..:...::/r=.:.....:....::=..:::,q:.,~~-====c>-:-:-.:..-=...;::..:::..:...::::.= phone - 404-604-4300. c) Elizabeth S. Cook, Esq, 4840 Roswell Road, N.W., Building B, Suite 100, Atlanta, Georgia 30342. 6) Recovery Act Information: Give info mation hat explains how you know the cemplaint involves Recovery Act FUrl ds; the deral agency that awarded the funds; description of grant, contract loan, or program and other numbers. a) Energy Efficiency and Conservation BI ck Grant or the sum $6,511,600 through the Department of Energy as part of the America Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Date awarded - 9114/2009; Award number EE 000804; Award type - Grant. b) "e have included a diagram titled, Skckland d Son Construction, DeKalb l CountY LSBE Projects Bids and Expen e Repo , which gives details on the contracts, bid dates, and general expense :D r the con act.


c) We have copied the information from the Reco website of two prime contractors identified in this complaint nd the mount of money awarded in stimulus contracts from DeKalb County to include: i) S. Garrett and Company ii) Skilled Builders 7) List any other government entities y u have n tified about this incident (federal, state, and local): a) Office of Inspector General for Depaement


b) Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board c) Office of General Counsel d) DeKalb County Government e) DeKalb County District Attorney
f) United States Attorney General


g) 8)

rl appropriate parties to ensure transp lour information:

TCY, ethics, anf accountability.



a) Viola Davis, 909 Rays Road, Stone Moun ain, Georgia 30083; email [email protected], phone -7 0-256-0 34. 9) R~main ConfidentialNo.

to) I Whistle blower Protection - Yes; please inc ude: a) Hrpie Strickland, Strickland and Son1~~struc on, 6235 Short Road, Unit #B, Fairburn, Georgia 30213, phone 770-780-p. b) B+verlY Creagh, Executive Director of M7ven upportive Housing and Development Group, Inc., htt ://m7vensu ortiveh sin


c) Viola Davis, Co-Founder of Unhappy Taxpayer Mountain, Georgia 30P83; 0034. h ://www.unha ax a erandvo~er.or .

Voter, 909 Rays Road, Stone phone 770-256-

We are due to receive an answer from Kel in Walto ,Director of Purchasing and Cont~acting, by Wednesday, October 2, 2 13, conce ing our Open Records Request for a copy of the lien releases. W~.are sen g our video and complaint to other/vendors on DeKalb's LSBE Vendor' list to a k for vendors to come forth if they ~xperienced corruption. We requeste an exte al auditor; however, we suppdrt an internal auditor for DeKalb County in ho es that this office can help rest0tre public trust. If you have any further question, please cortact us a 770-256-0034 or via email at [email protected]. We will keep you osted as our investigation continues.

Sincerely, Viola Davis
Community Missionary


Evidence B - Hopie Strickland witH Strickland and Sons Timeline

We ask that you review our timeline and make corre tions if needed - Georgia Hydr~nt Services, Inc. at 5830 Centerhill dhurch R d, Loganville, GA 30052; Fire Hydrant Repair and Repl.acement ~eice (Ann al Contract) Invitation No. 300d64. There were three bidders to mclrde: 1. Gefrgia Hydrant Services, Inc. 2. Mreller Services Co. LLC 3. Strickland and Son Construction, LLC. The FiireHydrant Repair and Replacement Service c ntract 3001564 was listed on the May 11, 2010 with 22 pages. Please review the imeline: 1. BOC Agenda - May 11, 2010; Initial B d with 3 ompanies applying for the RFP for the amount of 1,400,000. 2. BOC Agenda - April 27, 2010; BOC v te on the 3. BOC Agenda - December 6, 2011; GA change order on contract ervices place a $300,000

4. BOC Agenda - December 13,2011; G Hydrant Services place a change order worth $300,000 and included and extension to July 1,2012. 5. BOC Agenda - November 13,2012; Hydran Services was given a new contract for fire hydrant repair and replacement wo h $1,600,000. There were two bidders. I 6. Georgia Hydrant Services made a COn4bUtiOn tOICEO Burrell Ellis campaign worth $7500 using three different contriburors per AJC article. 7. The article in the AJC was titled, "DeKalb CEO's calls caught some vendors off guard",by Tim Eberly - Saturday, July 20,2012: -ealls-cau ht-some- vendors-off-


Comfany Geotgia Hydrant Services, Loganville


Fire ydrant repair and replacement in Ge rgia and rve other states contfcts $1.6 illion for fire hydrant repair and rep acement Nov. 13,2012 Contributions $2,500, Oct. 15,2012 from Jody Myers $2,500, Oct. 15,2012 from Kelly Myers $2,50 Oct. 15, from Myers Brothers Ente rises


Please also review the attachments. Sincerely, Viola Davis Unhappy Taxpayer & Voter


Ropie Strickland Video:

Pleasi also view the video titled, "DeKalb Corrupti httP)

against LSBE Vendors":


Alessandro Salvo with GS constrCtion


Alessandro Salvo is a whistleblower who elped send two DeKalb County

employees to prison for extortion. htt :llwww.dallaswhistleblowerla the-mil

retaliation- for-whistleblowin


R~aliation for Whistl ~lowing to the FBI



With e isodes of undercover FBI work, revelation of g vernment official ,this whistleblowinq story is one for Hollywoo .

ibery and retaliation by county '

Wh~>~I,eblo,!"irlg to the FBI



Alessa dro Salvo and his father operate G.S. Constr tion, which as awarded a 2011 contract to replac sidewalks along South Hairston Road in DeK Ib County. hortly after beginning work, the county inspec or Neacacha Joyner made their lives miserablJ with compl ints. When Joyner later asked for a I 'I $500 loan and the Salvos complied, all of the problemp from her s pped. Joyner later approached them with arl overbilling and kickback scheme. The Salvos contacted th FBI and went undercover for one year t~ exp6se the enti~e illegal operati?n, The Salvos pa.idlalmost ~30 . O~ in cash to Joyner and her boss, Fidelis Ogbu. Their work resulted In a 15-count cnmm I grand JUry indictment of DeKalb County CEO Burrell Ellis for. theft by extortion.


Last year, G.S. Construction was the lowest bidder on a project to The Salvos, had a congratulatory letter from the count's workforc befuddlement when the county staff recommended twp other com taxpayers $274,151. The county argued that the Salvds's bid doc l bid. Th1eSalvos recognized and corrected the typogra hical error

eplace water lines in DeKalb County. program to prove it. Their joy turned to anies for the job, costing DeKalb ents had an error that cost them the ontrs before the job was awarded.

It··1 prevai J US~'lce.




Alessa dro Salvo sued the county and Judge Linda H nter restor d the water lines contract to G.S. Constr ction. The county decided not to appeal, but 0 e of the oth r vendors still has the right to appeal.

Georgia's False Claims Act
Georgia's new false claims act, effective July 1,2012, is expansiv False Glaims Act extendswhistleblower protection to ny fraud or govern/nents for a/l Georgia counties, municipalities, shoal distric rewards to whistleblowers of .15 percent to 25 percent f the recov percent to 30 percent of the recovery if the state does not become '. Thl Georgia Taxpayer Protection alse!claims against the state-and local s and hospitals. The act authorizes ry if!the state intervenes and 25 involved. j

j Whistleblowing can be complicated. If you have info ation conce ning bribery, extortion or fraud at any level of government, call a Dallas whistleblower attorn to dtscuss your claim. By Steve Kardell I Published September 23, 2013 IPs ed in Graft and Corruption ' I Taqqed FBI, government bribery, overnment corru i6n I Leave h comment

- See more at: http://www.dallaswhistleblowerlawyer. fbiJ#sthasti.31 ngxYyP.dpuf

c mJblogJret~liatjon-for


Pleas view the following videos:



1. D Kalb County News Sewer Project C rruption: htt II 2.
10 ees-

3. DeKalb special grand jury recommend 12 for c htt eakin alleged-corru/nZYYDI

V. VI.

Private Citizen - Disabled Veter,n docum ntation will be presented during the Board of Ethics hearings and/or upon board request. DeKalb County Special Purpose brand J Report 2012-2013 ... Civil Case #12CV1000: htt -s ecial- u ose- rand-'u -re ort- 012-2013-civil-case-12-cv1000

Ethicr Violations include: • • Give a reasonable basis for the impression th the member may be improperly influenced in the perfo~ance of is/her official duties; Directly or indirectly request, receivfe, or agre to receive anything of value which may influence or be perceive to influe ce, the member's official actions; Disclose or use confidential information acqui ed as a result of the member's position for private gain; Appear on behalf of himself or anotyer conce ing any contract or transaction which may be the subjecf of an official action ofDeKalb County; Use his/her position to secure unwa!anted privileges for himself or others; Render service to any private busin9ss which is adverse to or incompatible with the proper discharge of his/her pfficial duties; Acquire an interest in any contract or transaction at a time when the member may have reason to believe that sue an interest will be affected by his/her official actions or actions of the gov ing authority;

• • • • •



Engage in any activity or transactio that is p lohibited by a law that is applicable to himlher by virtue ofb ing a me i ber of the governing authority; . • Enter into a contract with DeKalb C untyon ehalf of himself or another involving services or property in w ich that [ember has an interest. This prohibition applies while that perso is a me lber of the governing authority, I and for twelve months thereafter. '





c/o Clerk of the Gov~rning Au ority Manuel J. Maloof Center, I1300 Commerce Drive I Decatur, Geotpa 30030




Please complete thefollowing information, sign. and ~ail to the a ve address. This document must be
signed and received by the Board of Ethics no later than[seven (7) days prior to a scheduled meeting in 0'\ er to be considered at that meeting.

L Name: Address:

. g the complaint:





=; ~

Name ~d .org~tion

17~i filed: W111 ~

of the membe,rOf the go~vemm. g authority agamst, . whom the

_ ~


. 07ec~

It I,.



I '


Ethics violation which is alleged a~t

~A0t~(~~,~ II P. Af~6'kv~,sgOf-th1~~;S
(. J.S-

th! member of the governing authority:



1 __

, __


Or, request for advisory opinion
(attach oJdWomd pages if n•• dsJ):

concL I

g the following issue:


I hereby request that the Board of Ethics consf' tmd coIify t/ud1M a1HweinfOl7lUllimll"



this complaint or request for an advisory e and correct to the best of my knowledge.



Office of the Inspector General: DeKalb Coun y GA Corru~ ion Involving Stimulus Funding September 30, 2013


Viola Davis 909 Rays Road Stone Mountain, Ga. 30083 ~eptember 30,2013 Recovery Accountability and Transparency Boar Attention: Hotline Operators Office of the Inspector General & Offi e of the eneral Counsel P.O. Box 27545 I Washington, D.C. 20038-7958


Dear Recovery Accountability

and Transparency


I was referred to you by the ReCOVery.Jov web~itr to address the issue of government corruption involving the stimulus funds allocated to DeKalb County, Georgia. My name is Viola Davis, co-founder of Unhappy Taxpayer & Voter, a government watchdog and community ministry that addresses anything that adversely affejs the public involving tax dollars. VIe were approached by a local vendor concerning the issue of bid rigging, kickbacks, and false documentation in Elving stimulus funds and local contracts. The gentleman's name is Hopie Strickland of Strickland and Son Construction. Mr. Strickland made us aware of federal and local contracts that involved:

Bid rigging

Office of the Inspector General: DeKalb Coun y GA Corru Septembe 30, 2013

ion Involving Stimulus Funding

• False documents to acquire funding

• Kickbacks • Extortion and stealing • Over billing • Tax Fraud - place employees an equrpme t through the subcontractors.
I •

Violations of the False Claims Art, etc.

We found Mr. Strickland's case to be vrry intere ting due to the amount of documentation and the people informed of these ' legal activities. To verify some of the claims, we submitted an ~en Recor s Request to DeKalb CEO Lee May, and Kelvin Walton, DirEctor of'Pi chasing and Contract, for a copy of the lien releases and utilization repo s for approximately 10 contracts. We received an answer fromlthe CEO s office within two hours that they did not have the documents add this ma involve attorney-client privilege.



Mr. Strickland stated that the lien relea es will pr vide proof that the prime contractors and workers in the Purchasing and Co trdcting Department worked together to defraud the small business oWdlerJin the Local Small I Business Enterprise (LSBE) program. Mr. Strickland refused to sign the lien releases after proclaiming the Prim l contract~r had engaged in illegal activity; however, executive staffignor d his warnings. These warnings went all the way up to CEO Burrell Ellis. Please vieW the emails listed under the following documents: I



Office of the Inspector


Del<alb Coun y GA Corru September 30, 2013

ion Involving




lease also view the video titled, "DeK lb Corm: tion Against LSBE Vendors": A8inDAehs

1e are requesting a federal investigati9n and for :nSiCaudit of the DeKalb County Government, Contract Compliarce Divis ,on, and the Purchasing and dontracting Department. Weare send;· g this re est and a complaint to I the Office o!Inspector General of Reco . i We have also sent some dbcumentatlOn to the DeKalb County 111stnctArt; rney's office. We would like to provide our documents for you tr review r a possible prosecution for violation of federal law.

The complaint form requested the follo ing info


ation on the website:

1) What: Provide details of alleged f aud, was e, abuse or

mismanagement. a) Hopie Strickland with Strickland and Son onstruction worked as a subcontractor on several contractr funded der stimulus funding by the Department of Energy. b) Energy Efficiency and Conservatfon Block Grant for the sum $6,511,600 through the Department of Energy as part of the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act wfth award ~ate 911412009, award number EE0000804, and award tYpe- grata, c) Mr. Strickland refused to be party to criminal activity by signing off to federal government documentation that he had received 20% of the contract and then pay the Prii contractor back after the fact. Strickland made DeKalb County ontract Compliance Director, Sharon Walker, aware that such ctivity is known as "kickback" and is a felony. (view email dater May 19,2011 at 2:42pm to Ms. Walker) d} Beverly Creagh with M7ven SUPf0rtive Housing and Development Group, Inp., documented in an e,ail dated October 4,2011 to DeKalb County administrative staff that t prime contractors on the stimulus



i Office of the Inspector General: DeKalb Coun

y GA Corrup ion Involving Stimulus Funding

September 30, 2013







contract were not following the I wand rei sed to pay the 20% to the subcontractors under the LSBE ~rogram. ;he also made the county aware of activity in vi~lation oftfe ~alse .:laim Act. S. Garrett and Company was named in the com laint whil h went to the top elected official, CEO Burrell Ellis. i Mr. Strickland provided checks trat were lsified evidenced by changing the check numbers, plafing third; arty contractors and employees under the subcontractrrs, and a ts of extortion. The extortion occurred when the sub9ontractor refused to sign documents that stated false information and amounts d the prime contractors with the help of county workers *ould hol pay checks and threaten removal from the contracts. The prime contractors and coun~ workers i ould change the contracts to decrease the percentage of fun~ing to the subcontractors and scope of work with threats of ren}oval fro 'the contract work if the subcontractors complained. ew em '.'1dated May 19, 2011 from Hopie Strickland to Sharon alker w th DeKaib Contract Compliance. Mr. Strickland complained that the contrac s were changed to defraud the federal government, manufacturer, and' he county. (viewemail dated May 20,2011 to Sharon Wrlker) Mr. Strickland wrote a letter dire~t1y to S. arrett and Company warning them of violation of the false Claitn ~ct with DeKalb I County contract number 10-9020 7 evidenced by contractor requested kick-backs, creation of false chec~s and documents, and breach of the original contract with DeKalb COFty. He tlrreatened to forward the report to the Department of Ener&y Inspectbr General. (view letter the S. Garrett and Company date~ June 13, on Strickland & Son letterhead) The prime contractors would ove bill the subcontractors in an attempt to hide profit margin from the re~enue department. The prime c~ntractors would also run ~heir ~upplies through the subcontractors to hide the true amount of their prot~ts. S. Garrett and Company would s~bmit false documentation to comply with local county and federal paPfrwork to ensure payments from the stimulrs funding. The prime ntractors and workers from the county would falsify documentati 0 to pull money from the federal government despite the subcontr c ors' refusal to engage in illegal activity.






Office of the Inspector General: DeKalb Coun y GA Corru September 30, 2013

ion Involving Stimulus Funding

k) Mr. Strickland has an email dated May 5, Paperwork and Past Due Payment, it detail Company would submit fraudulent checks an attempt to extort money from subcontra

011 titled, Corrupt how S. Garrett and nd false documentation in tors.

doc 171970209 DeKalb-Count -Corru ti~n-a ainst-L BE-Vendors-Part-I? secret password=dfz1c80uoabl906f3pn

I) Prime contractors and workers from the co nty would have change

orders that would increase the cost of the c ntract work and engage in acts of coercion, fals~ documeF.t~,and ckb~cks to make . subcontractors party to Illegal actrvity. Mr Stnckland wrote an email titled, S. Garrett Complaint, to d~tail this a tivity. The documentation in this complaint was given to the DeKalb ounty District Attorney's office.

m) Several prime contractors with the coopera in DeKalb County government would hold subcontractors in an attempt to put the sub if any voiced any complaint and/or refused documentation. 2) When - When did the misconduct occur?

ion of an administrator the payments to ontractors out of business to sign fraudulent

The misconduct occurred from the start I of working the contract assigned to prime contractors such as S. Garrett fId Comp~myand Skilled Builders. The start date is June 1,2010 through gecember ~O, 2011. To the present date, Mr. Strickland has continued to fi,ht for payment of work his company h~s performed under these stimulus col1jtracts. If the federal government has signed lien releases from his company, Strickland and Son Construction, then we will know that these companie1 and the county worked together to defraud local small businesses, county ,nd federal taxpayers. 3) Where - Where did the misconduJt occur? a) DeKalb County Government, COftract and Compliance Division and Purchasing and Contracting Department at 1300 Commerce Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30030, phone -104-371-2881, and fax - 404-3717004. b) Garrett and Company, 321 Old Bremen Road, Carrollton, Georgia 30117, phone -770-838-9973. c) Wesley Chapel Library, 2661 Wesley Chapel Road, Decatur, Georgia 30034. I


Office of the Inspector


DeKalb Coun y GA Corru September 3D, 2013

' ion involving



d) Southeastern Econo Disposal seIices, Inc:, 985 Cox Avenue, SW, Atlanta, Georgia 30310. e) Diversified Environmental Man ~ement, C., 3339 West Hospital Avenue, Chamblee, Georgia 303t:U, and pone -770-622-2193. f) Skilled Builder, Inc., 3154 Grovd View Co , Dacula, Georgia 30019. I' g) Lien Claimant on the following jiroperties 0 include: i) 2861 Wesley Chapel Road, DEcatur, G orgia 30034-2314. ii) 2775 Briarcliff Road, NE, Atlanta, Geo gia 30329-3250. iii) 4664 Flat Bridge Road, Lithofia, Geor 'a 30038-4232. iv) 25 Warren Street, SE, Atlfta, Geor ia 30317-2201. h) We request the contract given un~er the stii ulus funding be investigated for illegal activity wfth other : ndors outside of Mr. Strickland due to the size of this fomplaint and the fear of retaliation. 4) Who - Identify the primary person or enti who engaged in the alleged misconduct. If more than~1ne perso is involved, enter the additional identifying information a) Kelvin Walton, Director of P chasing and Contracting, at 1300 Commerce Drive, Decatur, Geor 'ia 30030. b)CEO Burrell Ellis, CEO of IDeKalb ounty, Georgia, at 1300 Commerce Drive, Decatur, Geoqha 30030. c) Sharon Walker, Director of C04tract Co pliance Division, at 1300 Commerce Drive, Decatur, Geor~ia 30030. d) Felton Williams, 1300 Commerce Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30030. e) Susan Garrett, S. Garrett and ~ompany, 321 Old Bremen Road, Carrollton, Georgia 30117. I_~ f) Southeastern Econo Disposal Services, Inc., 985 Cox Avenue, SW, Atlanta, Georgia 30310. I g) Diversified Environmental Man gement, ~nc., 3339 West Hospital Avenue, Chamblee, Georgia 303 1, and phone -770-622-2193. h) David Fisher, Director of Facilitifs Management Department, at 1300 Commerce Drive, Decatur, Geor~ia 30030. i) Bill Garrett, 321 Old Bremen Road, Carrollton, Georgia 30117, phone - 770-838-9973. j) Ricardo Mosby, 1300 Commerce Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30030. k) Nina A Hall, Special Assistant to CEO Burrell Ellis, 1300 Commerce Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30030. 5 Other: Doc,ments and other evid ce; names and contact information of other witness:
! I





Office of the Inspector General: DeKalb County GA Corrup ion Involving Stimulus Funding September 30, 2013

a) Viola Davis, Co-Founder ofUnh~ppy Tax ayer & Voter, 909 Rays Road, Stone Mountain, Georgia l0083, ph ne 770-256-0034. b) Beverly Creagh, Executive Dire9tor ofM7 en Supportive Housing and Development Grou~, Inc., w site - http://, phon - 404-604-4300. c) Elizabeth S. Cook, Esq, 4840 Roswell Ro d, N.W., Building B, Suite 100, Atlanta, Georgia 30342. 6) Recovery Act Information: Give informati that explains how you know the complaint involves Recorery Act unds; the federal agency that awarded the funds; description of gra , contract, loan, or program and other numbers. I a)Energy Efficiency and Conservation lock Grant for the sum $6,511,600 through the Departm~nt of Ene gy as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Date a arded - 9/14/2009; Award number EE0000804; Award type - Grant. b) We have included a diagram titlFd, Stric and and Son Construction, DeKalb County LSBE Projects Bids a Expense Report, which gives details on the contracts, bid dates, d general expense for the contract. c) We have copied the informatio from th website of two prime contractors identified I in this cobp~aint and the amount of money awarded in stimulus contrrcts from DeKalb County to include: i) S. Garrett and Company ii) Skilled Builders I 7) List any other government entitie~ you hav I notified about this incident (federal, state, and local): a) Office of Inspector General for :rrepartment of Energy b) Recovery Accountability and TrilDsparency Board c) Office of General Counsel d) DeKalb County Government e) De~alb County District Attorn~y f) Umted States Attorney General g)'\ll appropriate parties to rl nsure transparency, ethics, and accountability . 8t Your information: a) Viola Davis, 909 Rays Road, Sto e Mountain, Georgia 30083; email - [email protected], hone - 770-256-0034. 9 Remain Confidential- No. ll) Whistleblower Protection - Yes; please include:
I i





Office of the Inspector General: DeKalb Coun y GA Corru September 30, 2013

ion Involving Stimulus Funding


a) Hopie S~ricklan~, Strickland .land Son Construction, 6235 Short Road, Umt #B, Fairburn, Georglr 30213, : one 770-780-4928. b) Beverly Creagh, Executive Dir9ctor of M: ven Supportive Housing and Development Gro p, Inc., http:// m7vensupportivehousing. webs.cbm. c) Viola Davis, Co-Founder of Urlhappy T payer & Voter, 909 Rays Road, Stone Mountain, Georgia 30083; pone 770-256-0034. http:// www.unha tax a erandvoter.or .

e are due to receive an answer from I elvin W ton, Director of urchasing and Contracting, by Wednesday, Octe ber 2,2013, concerning qu Open Records Request for a copy 0rthe lien eleases. We are sending 9ur video and complaint to other vendors on De alb's LSBE Vendor's l~stto ask for vendors to come forth if they expe enced corruption. We requested an external auditor; however, we supp an internal auditor for DeKalb County in hopes that this officd can help estore public trust.

If you have any further question, Pleas~1 contact u. at 770-256-0034 or via email We wil keep you posted as our investigation continues.


Viola Davis Community Missionary


Office of the Inspector


DeKalb Coun y GA Corru September

ion Involving



30, 2013

DeKalb county Government was awarded an Energy Efficiency and onservation Block Grant for the sum $6,511,600 through the Department of Energy as part of the Am rican Recovery and Reinvestment Apt. The grant will be used to accomplish various energy initiatives in ounty buildings including, but not I~·r;nited to, installation of energy efficient roofs, replacement of an old, nefficient chiller with a new, energy e icient chiller, installation of new building control systems to help mo itor and manage energy usage and i stallation of sensors that will automatically shut-off lig~ts when a ro is unoccupied. A portion of the grant 1ill be used to perform a county-wide and comprehensiye energy and sustainability study that will measure current performance, establish improvement goals and pffer options f r achieving these goals. These p~ojects will lead to the creation and retention of jobs across our com unity. Upon completion of the EECBG p~ogram, it is envisioned that the County will realize en rgy savings r suiting from these improvements as w II as effectively enhancing building occupants? Comf rt, reduce co ling and heating costs, and will help to itigate Urban Heat Island effect thus deriving benefit t surrounding icro-climates.

April 1 - June 30, 2013

AWARD OVERVIEW Award Number Total Award Amount Award Date Project Status Jobs Reported Project Location Country EEOOO0804 $6,511,600 09114/2009 More than 50% Completed 5.43 US Funding Agency Project Location City Project Location State I Project LOCI ation Zip Congressi nal District


Recipient Information (Grants)

DEKALB, COUNTY OF 06142p535 1300 COMMERCE DR DECATUR Georgia 30030-3222 05 USA No


Recipient Name Recipient DUNS Number Recipient Address Recipient City Recipient State Recipient Zip Recipient Congressional District Recipient Country Required to Report Top 5 Highly Compensated Officials



Office of the Inspector General: DeKalb County GA Corruptf September 3 / 2013

n Involving Stimulus Funding

Projects and Jobs Information Project Title Project Status Final Project Report Submitted Project Activities Description Quarterly Activities/ Project Description Jobs Created Description of Jobs Created 2004350-EE Conservation Block Grant Pre gram More than 50% Completed No Architectural Services Courthouse weatherprOOfirng project progress. Grant extension pproved. Gr until 8/13/13. 5.43 , Laborers, painters, water proofers, glaziers

rk is in t extended

Purchaser Information Contracting Office ID Contracting Office Name Contracting Office Region TAS Major Program Not Reported ot Available ot Available 89-0331

Award Information Award Date Award Number Order Number Award Type Funding Agency ID Funding Agency Name Funding Office Name Awarding Agency ID Awarding Agency Name Amount of Award Funds Invoiced/Received Expenditure Amount °fi1412009 EE0000804

~epartment of Energy ~ot Available


$6,511,600 $f,314,447 $F' 14,447


gepartment of Energy

Infrastructure Expe6diture Amount
Infrastructure Purpose and Rationale Infrastructure Point of Contact Name Infrastructure Point of Contact Email Infrastructure Point of Contact Phone Infrastructure Point of Contact Address Infrastructure Point of Contact City ~o ~o

$P ~

ported ported

~o Reported ~o Reported ~o Reported o Rjeported


I Office of the Inspector General: DeKalb Count September
~ward Information fnfrastructure Point of Contact State Not reported Not Reported

n Involving Stimulus Funding 0, 2013

I"frn"ru,,"~ Point of Contact ZJp

541310 Architec

( RANTS) :

Product or Service Information Primary Activity Code Activity Description


al Services



Sub-Awards Information Sub-awards to Organizations Sub-award Amounts to Organizations Sub-Awards to Individuals Sub-Award Amounts to Individuals Number of Sub-awards less than $25,000/award Amount of Sub-awards less than $25,000/award Number of payments to vendors greater than $25,000 Total Amount of payments to vend.ors greater than $25,o~oo/award Number of payments to vendors less than $25,OOO/awar Total Amount of payments to vendors less than $25,000 ward ; 2,200


$212,780 112/0112009 f204,345.00 Eecatur FA ~0030-0000 05 b46903845 ~099 Washington Rd ~tlanta Feorgia r0344-4455 05

Sub-Award 09-901570 - Brown Design Group, Inc. Sub-Award Amount Sub-Award Date Sub-Awards Disbursed Project Location - City Project Location - State Project Location - Zip Code Project Location - Congressional District Sub-Recipient DUNS Number Sub-Recipient Address Sub-Recipient City Sub-Recipient State Sub-Recipient Zip Code Sub-Recipient Congressional District Required To Report Top 5 Highly Compensated Officials sur-Award

10-01935 - Eastern



rporation 105,390

Sub-Award Amount


'I 11

Office of the Inspector General: DeKalb Count GA Corrupti n Involving Stimulus Funding September
Sub-Award Date Sub-Awards Disbursed rroject Location - City Project Location - State project Location - Zip Code I Project Location - Congressional District

a, 2013

05~01201O $1,035,301.00 Debatur


30130_0000 05 02 889175

lb· -Recipient . DUNS Number fU
Sub-Recipient Address Sub-Recipient City Sub-Recipient State fub-Recipient Zip Code fub-Recipient Congressional District

12j Franklm Park
Yorgsville Nor Carolina 27596-9400 13 No


required To Report Top 5 flighly Compensated Officials Sub-Award 747635 - Matrix Engineering Group Sub-Award Amount Sub-Award Date Sub-Awards Disbursed Project Location - City Project Location - State Project Location - Zip Code Project Location - Congressional District Sub-Recipient DUNS Number Sub-Recipient Address Sub-Recipient City Sub-Recipient State Sub-Recipient Zip Code Sub-Recipient Congressional District

$94,&40 12101112009 $94,rO.00 Decrtur GA ~~O 10-0000 939t85820 435j Chamblee TU~ker Rd

I. G eorgra
300 4-2138 06



Required To Report Top 5 No Highly Compensated Officials Sub-Award 10-901917, 10-901918 - QUEEN CAPITAL Sub-A ward Amount Sub-Award Date Sub-Awards Disbursed Project Location - City Project Location - State Project Location - Zip Code



$63,858.00 Decatur GA 30030-30f,3 05 61103208 5031 B U B fMAN DR STE 100 BUFORD Georgia

Project Location - Congressional District Sub-Recipient DUNS Number Sub-Recipient AddJess Sub-Recipient City Sub-Recipient State Sub-Recipient Zip Code

30518i5841 '


Office of the Inspector General: DeKalb count)

GA Corrupti September 30, 2013

n Involving Stimulus Funding

ub-Recipient Congressional District

equired To Report Top 5 No ighly Compensated Officials -Award 10-90182, 10-901925, 10-901962 - RYCAR Sub-Award Amount Sub-Award Date Sub-Awards Disbursed Project Location - City Project Location - State Project Location - Zip Code Project Location - Congressional District Sub-Recipient DUNS Number Sub-Recipient Address Sub-Recipient City Sub-Recipient State Sub-Recipient Zip Code Sub-Recipient Congressional District

CONSTRU $2,802,371


$2,207,157.82 Decatur GA 30030-0000 05 015953024 503 COLEM KENNER Louisiana 70062-7166 02 PL

Required To Report Top 5 No Highly Compensated Officials Su -Award 10-902039, 10-902017 - S GARRETT& CO NC Sub-Award Amount Sub-Award Date Sub-Awards Disbursed Project Location - City Project Location - State Project Location - Zip Code Project Location - Congressional District Sub-Recipient DUNS Number Sub-Recipient Address Sub-Recipient City Sub-Recipient State Sub-Recipient Zip Code Sub-Recipient Congressional District Required To Report Top 5 Highly Compensated Officials Sub·Award 10-902049· S L Kiing Technologies Inc.

$1,288,173 08Vl3/2010 $7 6,865.19 Djcatur


~tI030-0000 05 090287603 3~I;L~LD BREMEN RD CFOLLTON Giorgia 3 117-8737 03 N,

Sub-Award Amount Sub-Award Date Sub-Awards Disbursed Project Location - City Project Location - State Project Location - Zip Code Project Location - Congressional District 08/16/2010 $213,54l.80 Decatur GA 3 030-0000 o I


Office of the Inspector General: DeKalb

countl GA Corrupt

n I volving Stimulus Funding

September 30, 2013

ub-Recipient DUNS Number ub-Recipient Address ub-Recipient City ub-Recipient State Sub-Recipient Zip Code

12 2512711 61

Ch ttanooga Te essee . 37103-4023 03 No


E ML King B vd

Congressional District

equired To Report Top 5

ighly Compensated Officials Sub-Award 093375723 - Shumate Mechanical, llC Sub-Award Amount Sub-Award Date Sub-Awards Disbursed Project Location - City Project Location - State


$300,323.00 Decatur GA 30030-0000 05 093375723 2805 Premiere Duluth Georgia 30097-4902 07 kwy

Project Location - Zip Code
Project Location - Congressional District Sub-Recipient DUNS Number Sub-Recipient Address Sub-Recipient City Sub-Recipient State Sub-Recipient Zip Code Sub-Recipient Congressional District

Required To Report Top 5 No Highly Compensated Officials Su -Award 010554145 - Sizemore, Sayre, Berrios, De taubin & Da~mer, lLC Sub-Award Amount Sub-Award Date Sub-Awards Disbursed Project Location - City Project Location - State Project Location - Zip Code Project Location - Congressional District Sub-Recipient DUNS Number Sub-Recipient Address Sub-Recipient City Sub-Recipient State Sub-Recipient Zip Code Sub-Recipient Congressional District Required To Report Top 5 Highly Compensated Officials S b-Award 09-901573
1 -

$71,010 12/09f2009 $66,922.50 Deca GA 3003 -0000 05




1700 Commerce Dr NW Fmt Atlan1a Geor ia 3031 -3119 05 No

Skilled Builders $159,200


Sub-Award Amount Sub-Award Date


Office of the Inspector General:

DeKalb coun,! GACorrupt; n Involving Stimulus Funding
September 30, 2013

fub-Awards Disbursed rroject Location - City roject Location - State roject Location - Zip Code roject Location - Congressional District ub-Recipient DUNS Number ub-Recipient Address Sub-Recipient City ub-ReciPient State ub-Recipient Zip Code ~ ub-Recipient Congressional District Required To Report Top 5 Highly Compensated Officials

$149,572.00 Decatur

30030-0000 05 146288985 494 W Crogan St Lawrenceville Georgia 30045-4722 07 No

BROWN DESIGN GROUP, INC. - Award Number EEO 00804 - BRO Award Number Sub-Award Number Vendor DUNS Number Vendor HQ Zip Code + 4 Vendor Name Product and Service Description EE0000804 N/A 046903845 30344-4455 BROWN DE,GN Architectural GROUP, INC. N DESIGN GROUP, INC.

Engineering S?rvices

Payment Amount $202,405 Eastern Corporation - Award Number EE0000804 - E stern Corporation Award Number Sub-Award Number Vendor DUNS Number Vendor HQ Zip Code +4 Vendor Name Product and Service Description EE0000804 N/A 026889175 27596-9400 Eastern Corporation Energy Star Roof Replaceme tat Redan=Troti Library, Mental Service Retardation enter

Payment Amount $1,035,301 Matrix Engineering Group· Award Number EE00008 4 - Matrix Engineering Group Award Number Sub-Award Number Vendor DUNS Number Vendor HQ Zip Code + 4 Vendor Name Product and Service Description

EE00008 N/A 93978582f 300S4-2BS


Matrix E~gineering Group provide E gineering Services

Payment Amount


Office of the Inspector General: DeKalb Countv GA Corruption Involving Stimulus Funding September
Q een Capital Gmup Award Number Sub-Award Number Vendor DUNS Number Vendor HQ Zip Code + 4 Vendor Name Product and Service Description



u,c - Award

Numbe, EE00008t - Queen caplta



611032082 30043-2841 Queen Capital Group LL9


Occupancy Sensor Installation at Maloof and Clark Harrison Building.




Payment Amount


Construction, LLC • Award Number EE0000804 . Rycars Construction, LLC EE0000804 N/A 015953024 70062-7166 Rycars Construction, LLC Energy Star RoofReplacemenf at Memorial Drive office Park, Maloof Administration Building.

Award Number Sub-Award Number Vendor DUNS Number Vendor HQ Zip Code +4 Vendor Name Product and Service Description

Payment Amount $2,207,158 S GARrett& Co Inc - Award Number EE0000804 . S G Rrett& Co Inc Award Number Sub-Award Number Vendor DUNS Number Vendor HQ Zip Code + 4 Vendor Name Product and Service Description Payment Amount EE0000804 N/A 090287603 30117-8737 S GARrett& Co Inc Energy Star Roof Replacemept at Pole Bridge Water & Sewer, Wesley Chapel Librar $706,865


S L King Technologies lnc- Award Number EE00008~4 • S L King Technologies Inc Award Number Sub-Award Number Vendor DUNS Number Vendor HQ Zip Code + 4 Vendor Name Product and Service Description Payment Amount EE0000804 N/A 121251271 37403-4023 S L King Technologies nc

Professional Service fo Comprehensive Strategic Energy $213,542

Shumate Mechanical, LLC • Award Number EE0000814 . Shumate Mechanical, LLC Award Number Sub-Award Number Vendor DUNS Number EE0000804 N/A 093375723


Office of the Inspector General: DeKalb count) GA Corruption I~VOIVingStimulus Funding September 30, 2013
~endor HQ Zip Code + 4 ~ endor Name Oduct and Service escription 30097-4902 Shumate Mechanical, LLC Replace Chiller System at Building I

w~est Exchange



umber EE0000804 -

Award Number Sub-Award Number Vendor DUNS Number Vendor HQ Zip Code + 4 Vendor Name Product and Service Description

EE0000804 N/A 010554145 30318-3119 SIZEMORE, SAYRE, B,RRIOS, DARMER, LLC.


Architectural & Enginee . g Services

Payment Amount $66,923 Skilled Builders - Award Number EE0000804 - Skilled Builders Award Number Sub-Award Number Vendor DUNS Number Vendor HQ Zip Code +

EE0000804 N/A 146288985 30045-4722
Skilled Builders

Vendor Name Product and Service Description Payment Amount

Energy Star RoofReplace~ent at Tobie Grant Recreation Center and Libr . $149,572

S Garrett& Co Inc.
DUNS Number: 090287603 Carrollton, Georgia 30117 Congressional District: 03


Total Funds Awarded Awards
See All Awards

As Prime Recipient
Number of Awards To al Funds Awarded



Office of the Inspector General: DeKalb counti September

GA Corruption 110lving Stimulus Funding OJ 2013

As Sub Recipient
Nu ber of Awards To al Funds Awarded


As a Vendor
Nu ber of Awards To al Funds Awarded


as of September



2004350-EE Conservation Block, Grant Program 2004350-EE


Conservation Block
Grant Program


Skilled Builders
DUNS Number: 146288985 Lawrenceville, Georgia 30045 Congressional District: 07


Total Funds Awarded Awards
See All Awards

As Prime Recipient
Number of Awards Total Funds Awarded


AsS sub Recipient
Number of Awards Total Funds Awarded 1 $159,200

As a Vendor


Office of the Inspector General: DeKalb count~ GA Corruption Involving Stimulus Funding September
Nu,mberof Awards Total Funds Awarded 1 $149,572

iO' 2013

as of September 2013

To: I CEO Lee May and Kelvin ralton Restore DeKalb, Unhappy Taxpayer and Voter, District Attorney Robert


James, Atlanta FBI, Office of General Counsel, Office of the Inspector General and all appropriate parties From: Date: Re: Viola Davis 9/26/2013


Open Records Request for the Federal and Local Lien Releases and Utilization I Reports on Several DeKalb County (Contracts

Open Records Request for t~e Federal and Local Lien Releases and Utilization ReP10rtson Several DeKalb County Contracts Pursuant to the Georgia Open Re90rds Law (O.C.G.A 50-18-70 et seq.) (the Law) and/or Freedom of Information Act, you are here by requested to make available for review and copying all files, , records, and other documents in y~ourpossessions that refer or relate to the information concerning the request for the federal and local lien releases and utilization report on the following DeKalb County contracts: 1. 09-100151, bid date ~/28/10, S Garrett Company, contract with Energy Star Roof ReplHicement at Recorder's Court.


Office of the Inspector General:

DeKalb County GA Corruption September 30, 2013

Involving Stimulus Funding

2. 09-100154, bid date ~28/10, S Garrett Company, contract with Energy Star Roof Replacement Various Project, Pole Bridge AWTP, DeKa1b/Atll~nta Senior Center, Briarcliff Library, and Wesley Chapel Libra


3. 09-100152, bid date 1125/10, Skilled Builders Inc., contract with Energy Star Roof Replacement at Tobie Grant Library and Recreation Center. 4. 3001650, bid date 312/10, Peek Pavement Marking LLC, contract for pavement marfg of roads and parking lots. 5. 09-100153, bid date ~/20/10, various primes, contracts with Energy Star Roof Replacement at Memorial Drive Office Park. 6. 09-100150, bid date 1128/10, various primes, contracts with Energy Star Roof Replacement at Maloof Building and Maloof Annex Building.


7. 09-100149, bid date 1/26110, various primes, contracts with Energy Star Roof Replacement at Chamblee Library and Courthouse (upper). I 8. 09-100148, bid date 1126/10, various primes, contracts with Energy Star Roof Replacement at Redan-Trotti Library. 9. 3001476, bid date 9117/09, Southern Econo Disposal contract for portable toilets (rental). 10. 10-100225, bid date 6r1l2010, S Garrett and Company, contract on Decatur Library roof. If this request is denied in whole or in part, we ask that you cite in writing the specific statutory exemption upon which you have relied, as required by law. We also ask thatlYoUrelease all separate portions of otherwise exempt material. Please waive any costs associated with this request, or first inform us about such costs as required by Georgia law.

As you know, the Law requires a ~esponse by you within three business
days of your receipt of this letter and provides sanctions for noncompliance. I look forward to hearing from you. We can be reached at770-256-0034 or via email [email protected].


Office of the Inspector General:

GA Corruption Involving Stimulus Funding



Viola Davis Community Missionary



Office of the Inspector General: DeKalb County GA Corruption Involving Stimulus Funding September •0, 2013


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DeKalb County Government 2nd Floor, The Maloof Center, 1300 Commerce Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30030 September VIA EMAIL: [email protected] Unhappy T xpayer & Voters Attn: Viola ~avis 5300 Memorial Drive, Suite 224G Stone Mountain, Georgia 30086 Dear Ms. DfviS: We received your open records request for: documents concerning the request for the federal and local lien rJ(eases and utilization reports on the following DeKalb County contracts: • • • • • • 09-100151 ITB Contract with Energy Star Roof R~Placement at Records' Court 09-100154ITB Contract with Energy Star Roof Replacement Various Project 09-100152 ITB Contract with Energy Star Roof Replacement at Tobie Grant Library and Recreation Center. I 09-100153 ITB Contract with Energy Star RoofrePlacement at Maloof Building and Maloof Annex Building. 09-100149ITB Contact with Energy Star Roof Replacement at Chamblee Library and Courthouse (upper) 09-100148ITB Contract with Energy Star Roof1ePIacement at Redan-Trotti Library

a •
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After reviewing your request, it has been determined that the requested documents are subject to release under the 9pen Records Act. Purchasing and Contracting does not possess the requested federal and local lien release~ for the above contracts. Utilization .; five (5) out of the six (6) requested contracts are available for review. The requested documents are available for revie . As provided in O.C.G.A § 50-18-71, the cost to search, retrieve, and copy the requested documents is esbmated to be approximately $5.03. consisting of 10 pages at $0.10 per page, and approximately 30 minutes ~t a charge of $16.1 0 per hour (no charge for the first 15 minutes), or you can receive electronic copies at nol cost except for time. Payment is due by check or money order within 10 business days after you have received the requested documents. Our office is located at The Maloof Center, noo Commerce Drive, 2nd Floor, Decatur, Georgia 30030 and bur business h?UfS are 8:30al~ to 5:00pm, I Monday through Friday. P~ease contact ~ynethia Langley (414) 687-3943 Iflyou would like to order c1'Ples or schedule an appointment to review the documents]

The County and its officials and departments do ot produce documents or records that are protected by attorneylclient privilege or the attorney work product under Georgia or federal law or that otherwise exempt from production under the Georgia Open Records Act. The County expressly reserves and does not waive any Istatutoryexemptioll from disclosure provided by a.c.G.A. § 50-18-72, et seq. and other applicable laws. I. Sincerely,

cJCA-A' en %Y.... -fOr!

Kelvin L. Walton, CPPB Director & Chief Procurement Officer Department of Purchasing & Contracting KLW:YB:sl

--------r-------.-----------------+---.---------------------------blic Trust Action Plan
-r-----.-----------1 Viola Davis < [email protected]> Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 9:28 AM To: Viola Davis <[email protected]>, [email protected], '[email protected]

Restore Public Trust Action Plan By Restore DeKalb


I. Board of Ethics:

The DeKalb Board of Ethics was created to pro-ide impartial oversiqht of the conduct of our elected officials.


Board serves without compensation.

We believe: •



The DeKalb Board of Ethics should be independent of


officials that appoint them.

• The DeKalb Board of Ethics should be well trained in order to serve the public interest well and evaluate elected officials fairly. I • The DeKJlb Board of Ethics should have adequate staff to gi\ie advice on legal matters, investiqate
administer their responsibilities.



The DeKaib Board of Ethics has proposed a budget of $62 500 for 2013 and $119,040 for 2014 to cover Legal Counsel, Board Training, lnvestlqatlve and Administrative lpenses. We strongly urge the DeKalb CEO and

Board of Commissioners to fully fund their budget request. I


II. Internal Auditor:

The position of Intemal Auditor was created to provide the public and their elected representative's expert and unbiased evaluation of the operation of the DeKalb County po\iemment and the expenditure of public funds. The position has never been filled by the Board of Commissioners. Recent revelations from a Special Grand Jury make a strong case that ovsrsiqh! by an independent Internal Auditor is badly needed to uncover weaknesses, and to restore public trust in county Government.

We urge the Board of Commissioners to immediately search for and appoint a well-credentialed and experienced Internal Auditor to develop a program of work and budget for implementation in 2014.

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