We're thrilled to have you join us as we work hard, have fun and make history! Page 1
Table of Contents
Topic 1
Introduction to……………………………………………!
"ur #ission……………………………………………………………!
Who are our customers………………………………………………$
%mportance of the booklet……………………………………………$
Topic &
Roles & Responsibilities of a CSA………………………………………'
(eff )e*os +C,"- Welcome .ote……………………………………'
(ob /escription…………………………………………………………'
Topic 0
Website Overview, Basic Searc & browsin!…………………………'
1ow to create an 2ma*oncom account……………3
.avi4atin4 throu4h 2ma*oncom website…… 3
7pecial 8eatures………………………………………11
9old )o: /eals………………………………………11
Wish ;ists………………………………………………11
9ift Cards………………………………………………1&
<our 2ma*oncom 2ccount…………………………10
Topic !
=lacin4 "rders at 2ma*on………………1'
=lacin4 <our 8irst "rder……………………………………………1'
<our 2ccount =a4e…………………………………………………&&
Topic $
2ma*oncom 1elp at your hands>…………………………………………………&$
"inal Assessment…………………………………………………………&?
,very topic has a knowled4e check to 4et you accustomed with process Test your knowled4e and
win 4oodies!!
%f you have any @uestions in completin4 the tasks, please contact me at aslamshaAama*oncom Page 2
Introduction to
Amazon, a "ortune #$$ compan% based in Seattle, Wasin!ton, is te !lobal leader in e&commerce.
"ounded b% 'eff Bezos, te website started in ())# as a place to bu% boo*s because of te
uni+ue customer e,perience te Web could offer boo* lovers. Bezos believed tat onl% te Internet could
offer customers te convenience of browsin! a selection of millions of boo* titles in a sin!le sittin!.
-urin! te first .$ da%s of business, fulfilled orders for customers in #$ states and /#
countries & all sipped from is Seattle&area !ara!e.
We0re a CustomerBfocused compan%1relentlessl% focused on !ivin! customers more of wat te% want &
low prices, vast selection, and convenience.
"ur #ission> 2o be 3art0s most customer¢ric compan% were people can find and discover an%tin!
te% want to bu% online.
1ereCs one customerCs e:perience with 2ma*oncom
Customer> I purcased a lar!e order of boo*s and -4-s on for a friend5s birtda%. 6e was
in te militar%, stationed in Saudi Arabia durin! te !ulf war. After I pic*ed out a bunc of !reat boo*s
and movies for im, I carefull% entered te address of is militar% base and completed te order. .$ da%s
later, e still adn5t received it, so I contacted Amazon customer service on teir website and told tem
about m% problem. 2e% !ot bac* to me within & hours, and said &
D.o problem, weCll have another order shipped ri4ht awayE
In less tan two wee*s, m% friend emailed me tellin! me te pac*a!e arrived. Amazon ad sipped it wit
priorit% status. A few da%s after e received it, I !ot a tou!tful email from Amazon tellin! me w% m%
first pac*a!e did not !et delivered. 2e% wrote to me sa%in!7 8We wanted to let %ou *now tat %our
replacement order was sipped and delivered successfull%. 9pon investi!atin! %our order, we found w%
te first pac*a!e was not delivered. "or sipments to militar% bases, te countr% sould be 9SA, and not
te actual countr% te militar% base is in.: 2e% went on to sow me an e,ample, and ow tat was
different from wat I entered, and ver% delicatel% su!!ested I *eep tis in mind in te future. Of course
tere was no car!e for m% first order.
2is is ow our replacement polic% wor*s.
We start with the customers and work backwards!!
Who are "ur CustomersF
Our mission is to be 3art0s most customer¢ric compan%. Wo are our customers tat we obsess
about; 2e% are consumers, sellers, developers, and advertisers.
At Amazon <3ver% da% is da% one<. 2is is an e,pression of our obsession to embrace can!e, and te
constant need to invent and improve on our products, processes and services. Page 3
2n e:perience with an 2ma*on =roduct+Gindle 8ire->
I am writin! tis because I reall% want %ou to *now wat a miracle %ou ave performed for me.
I am now =# %ears old. Wen I was a!e .> I was dia!nosed wit Retinitis ?i!mentosa @R ?A causin! me
over te %ears to lose all of m% periperal vision.
As an avid reader tis was devastatin! and I resorted to Audio boo*s wic are o* but ow I lon!ed to sit
down and read. B% nepew -avid Sifr% su!!ested tat I tr% Cindle but I *ept resistin! te idea of
electronic boo*s.
Wen The Gindle 8ire was introduced I decided to tr% it. It arrived on Dovember (Et Fust before we
were !oin! on a 2rip to 3n!land and Ireland. % immediately started to e:plore my new toy and found
to my deli4ht that % could reverse the books to white on black ,ureka % could read A small
adFustment to font size made it possible for me to actuall% read a boo*.
% sat on the plane, pulled out my Gindle 8ire and with tears of joy in my eyes % read all the way
across the 2tlantic % wanted you to know that you and your team have chan4ed my life Thank you
I would love it if I could !et wite on blac* for te rest of te Cindle "ire as I can0t read blac* on wite. I
need te contrast. Ba%be tis will be a new feature. 2an* GouHH
%mportance of this booklet>
2is boo*let contains information of policies and procedures. It is an e,cellent resource tat
presents all te information wic %ou need to *now about wor*. 2us, it facilitates te smoot
functionin! of a wor*place. It also elps %ou !ain *nowled!e about %our Fob responsibilities and reduce
te start&up time.
Roles & Responsibilities of a CSA
Welcome to te Amazon "amil%HH
We5ve created an e,ceptional wor* environment tat marries ard&car!in! intensit% wit maFor&lea!ue
fun. As %ou !et to *now te fol*s at Amazon, %ou0ll discover a !roup of diverse, world&class associates
wo treat eac oter wit respect, wor* to!eter as a team, and act li*e wat te% are7 true owners of te
Our overall mission is simple7 we want to be te place were our customers can find,
discover and bu% an%tin! onlineH Watever our customers tell us te% wantI we will find te means to
deliver. In doin! so, we will create te most customer¢ric compan% in te universe && a compan% tat
customers from all over te !lobe will reco!nize, value and trust for bot our products and our service. Page 4
(eff )e*os
8ounder H C,"
Gour core responsibilit% is to identif% and respond to customer needs and related issues trou!
3mailJCat. As a Customer Services A!ent, %ou0ll be part of a team responsible for ma*in! te customer0s
e,perience te best. Answerin! customer0s +ueries ma*e up a lar!e part of %our role. It0s also %our
responsibilit% to *eep %ourself updated wit new products, services and procedures.
Website Overview, Basic avi!ation"
2is section covers7
K Importance of usin! website as a customer service tool
K Searcin! & Browsin!
K Activities
%mportance of usin4 ama*oncom website as a customer service tool
One of te primar% roles of an associate is to assist customers trou! usin! te website. As
suc, it is e,tremel% important to become familiar wit ever% aspect of te website %ourself & if %ou *now
all of te ins and outs, %ou will ave no problem assistin! customers wit teir website problems and
Start off b% accessin! te website7
2%pin! te 9RL7 into te address line of a browser @e.!. I3A. Page 5
Let5s create %our Amazon account. "ollow a few simple steps and %ou5re done.
(. On te omepa!e, clic* on <Dew Customer;, start ere.<
>. On te si!n&in pa!e, select te <Do, I am a new customer.< radio button.
.. 3nter %our email address to create te account.
/. Clic* <Si!n in usin! our secure server.<
#. On te Customer Re!istration form, enter %our name.
E. Re&enter %our e&mail address @or te email address wit wic %ou set up te
=. 3nter %our birtda% onl% if %ou want to do so.
M. 3nter %our password.
). Clic* <Continue.<
($. Cec* at te top of te ne,t pa!e for %our name. If %ou ave set up %our account properl%, te
ne,t pa!e sould !reet %ou b% name.
Con!ratulationsH Gou ave created %our AccountH
.2I%92T%.9 T1J"K91 2#2L".C"#
2e website is desi!ned and functions on te basis of Amazon customer tenet7 8Reduce customer effort:
search for items on the website
One of our 'obs as Customer Service associates is to elp customer in navi!atin! trou! te website.
2ere are two wa%s %ou can searc for items on Amazon.com7
(7 Ce%word Searc7 If %ou want a specific item %ou can do a *e%word searc. 2is elps in !ettin!
specific results as per %our searc.
A !ood *e%word searc is usuall% te +uic*est wa% to find wat %ou are loo*in! for. 2o searc for an item
usin! one or more *e%words on, %ou will need to use te Searc Bo,.
2e Searc Bo, is located in te top left&and corner of eac pa!e. Page 6
Customer as*s7 I0m new on Amazon I am tr%in! to purcase a ?ortable -4- pla%er but unable to locate
it. ?lease elp me wit te searc.
6ow would %ou start %our searc;
Ans7 Gou can searc for 8?ortable -4- ?la%er: and clic* !o, te searc results are displa%ed on te top
left of te ne,t pa!e. Wic is *nown as te 8Searc Results ?a!e;:
2/I2.C,/ 7,2JC1 "=T%".7>
3.!.7 A customer as*s about a boo*.
2e advanced searc options can be used to narrow te searc usin! te publication date, ISBD, Autors
Dame etc.
Gou can also refine %our searc as per %our areas of interest li*e7 "ormat, reader a!e, lan!ua!e etc.
2e advanced searc option can be seen in te below illustration7
Gou can access te Advanced Searc an%were in te Boo*s store b% clic*in! te Searc lin* on te left
side of te top navi!ation bar. 2a*e a moment to locate different Advanced Searc features found on te
website & tr% loo*in! first in te 2o%s and Names and -4- stores.
)rowsin4 is te second wa% items can be searced for on We would searc b%
browsin! wen we are not loo*in! for a specific product.
2ip7 Gou can alwa%s !et top te Amazon omepa!e from an% pa!e b% clic*in! on te 2ma*oncom icon
in te e,treme left upper part of te pa!e %ou0re on. Page 7
2e department&wise pop up tabs on te website elps ease te browsin! e,perience for te customers.
@As sown in te pictureA
Once %our searc is completed %ou can clic* on te product %ou wis to purcase in order to see te
?roduct -etail ?a!e.
3.!. 7
Customer as*s product details for te boo* 86arr% ?otter and te sorcerer5s stone:
Ans7 "rom te searc bo, at te top, t%pe in <arr% potter< and clic* No
2o !et to te detailed information on an item, we ave to clic* on te item name from te Searc Results
?a!e. Clic* on te title <6arr% ?otter and te Sorcerer0s Stone @Boo* (A: O?aperbac*P.
2is is ow te product detail pa!e sould be li*e once %ou select te product from te searc results
What we learntF
Searc used on te website.
2%pes of searces.
Ce%word searc is used for specific searces.
2e searc results lead to a searc results pa!e.
2e product and product detail pa!e can be accessed from te searc results pa!e.
Browsin! is used for an% item %ou wis to purcase after browsin!.
5uick 5ui*>
Let’s find some information on the Product detail pae7 Page !
(. ?rice J availabilit% @if item in stoc* or out of stoc*A
>. Searc InsideH&&If tis is available for a boo*, %ou can clic* on te ima!e and view a few
pa!es of te boo*. Gou can also searc for a prase or word inside a boo* if %ou ave an
account and are lo!!ed in.
.. Wa% to add to re!istr% and J or wislist J add to cart J (&clic* @if turned onA
/. Avera!e Customer Review
#. ?roduct information J description
E. Sippin! info @If te item is available to be sipped outside 9.SA
=. browse similar items J recentl% viewed items J Customers interested in tis title ma% also be
interested in7
M. ISBD & 3ver% sin!le boo*, calendar, audio boo*, etc. on our site as an ISBD to allow precise
). ASID & All oter items ave been assi!ned an ASID&&@Amazon Standard Identification
DumbersA. Gou can searc b% bot numbers.
($. 9sed and Dew7 2ese items are sold b% our tird part% sellers.
((. Loo* for similar items b% cate!or%
<ou should now be familiar with all the information listed about a specific product %f not, 4o
throu4h the above mentioned details a4ain
M7pecial 8eatures on 2ma*on
2oda%0s -ealsJNold Bo, -eals
Nift Cards
Gour Account
9old )o: /eals>
It0s eas% to access Nold Bo, deals. 'ust clic* te Nold Bo, at te top of most pa!es on our website.
Customers wit an Amazon account will see all four Nold Bo, features. Dew customers will see Nold
Bo, Quic* ?ic*s a few da%s after teir first purcase. Clic* on te lin*s below to learn more about te
t%pes of Nold Bo, deals.
• -eal of te -a%
A sin!le item or small set of closel% related items discounted for one da% onl%.
• Our Best -eals
A selection of discounted items and on!oin! promotions from across
• Li!tnin! -eals
A sin!le item paired wit a limited +uantit% of e,tra savin!s coupons, available for te time
period stated or until all coupons are used.
• Quic* ?ic*s
?roducts selected ever% da% especiall% for %ou, paired wit limited&time coupons tat offer
additional savin!s.
• Combinin! -eals
Gou can purcase items featured in different Nold Bo, sections on te same da%. Page "
Wish ;ists>
Wis Lists are a !reat soppin! tool for *eepin! trac* of wat %ou wis to own && even items tat aren0t
listed on te websiteH
Gou can create multiple Wis Lists for ever%one in %our famil%, for special events, or to *eep trac* of
tin!s %ou want b% cate!or%. 3ac list can ave a different privac% settin! to allow oters to see wat %ou
want for birtda%s, anniversaries, and olida%sI wile *eepin! oter lists to %ourself.
2o ensure tat an% !ifts !et sent to te ri!t place, %ou can also add a confidential sippin! address.
Ceen on creatin! %our own wis list; 'ust loo* for te Add to Wis List button on ever% product pa!e on
our website.
Dow create %our own wislist on Clic* on 9ifts H Wish ;ists option at te top of pa!e and tap Gour Wis List option on te left side of te pa!e.
Gou would now see an option called 8Create Gour Wis List.:
Complete te tas* of creatin! Wis List b% openin! te account tat %ou5ve created wit
9ift Cards Page 1#
GENESIS Nift Cards never e,pire and carr% no fees. Our !ift cards can be used towards millions of
items at and at our affiliate website Gou can print %our !ift cards from ome or
send tem b% e&mail or p%sical mail.
2o !et a closer loo* visit Nift Cards pa!e.
2o learn more about Nift Cards, please visit elp pa!es.
<our 2ma*oncom 2ccount
Net to Gour pa!e b% clic*in! 8<our 2ccount: at te top of te ome pa!e.
Dow ta*e time out to e,plore wat %ou ave learnt. Wile %ou are e,plorin!, find a cate!or%, feature, etc.
tat asn0t been covered %et.
2rou! tis lesson, %ou will be able to7
reco!nize te importance of te website as a customer service tool
searc and browse te website
narrow *e%word searces
differentiate a searc results pa!e from a product detail pa!e
find and interpret information on a searc results pa!e
find and interpret information on a product details pa!e
recall some of te website0s special features Page 11
Dow it5s time for a *nowled!e cec*. Complete te activit% and upload te same ere.
C#ec$ %our score wit# Amazon trainer and !rab a !ift&&
2is will ta*e %ou a few minutesI enFo% it and all te bestHH
27%.N%7). =roduct 27%.N%7). =roduct
<Love 6urts< C- b%
blac* conair infinit% ceramic
a (&%ear subscription to
<Interview< ma!azine
<6arr% ?otter and te 6alf&
Blood ?rince< paperbac*
<Boonli!t Serenade< C-
b% Carl% Simon
Bitc Albom0s boo* about
eaven @ardcoverA
<2e World Is "lat< Cindle
6arr% ?otter ?aperbac* Bo, Set
@Boo*s (&=A
#t season of
<Supernatural< on -4-
ASID7 $##2&0
Dintendo!s Ciuaua !ame
ASID7 $###
=roduct 27%.N%7). =roduct 27%.N%7).
newest model of te i?od
()*%+ $##"7$
Orville Redenbacer !ourmet
microwave popcorn
ISBD )=M&$=E.E$EM$$
Burger Wuss
Paperback –
sout par* season E ASID7
.. Page 12
January 1,
Wei4ht or
=roduct Wei4ht or /imensions
Animal Crossin! Cit%
"ol* for te Wii
7.5 9 5.2 9 #.!
inches : 6.1 ounces
3ure*a /M=$-2
31 9 17 9 16 inches :
21 pounds
Sole "M$ 2readmill
!5 9 37 9 17 inches :
2"5 pounds
Queen Anne 4anit%
45 9 17 9 22.5 inches
ma!ellan roadmate
wit te bi!!er screen
#.6 9 7.5 9 4.2 inches:
"rin!e7 2e Complete
"irst Season @Blura%A
weedeater !as powered
14.3 9 !.4 9 11.2
inches : 1#.3 pounds
weber bab% + portable
2#.5 9 27 9 23.5
?ower Weels -ora
33 9 3#.5 9 47 inches
wic*ed witc of te
west costume
12 9 1! 9 4 inches
Rec#ec$ %our answers, '(() score will !et %ou a !ift&& Page 13
*lacin! Orders at Amazon
=lacin4 <our 8irst "rder
9oal> Davi!ate te website to place orders. B% te end of tis lesson, %ou sould be able to7
?lace an order
Identif% te steps @in orderA of te order form
List te pa%ment metods we accept
Lo! in and out of te website
-ifferentiate between (&clic* and soppin! cart orderin! metods
Davi!ate te pa%ment pa!e of te order form
Davi!ate te sippin! pa!e of te order form
Davi!ate te final pa!e of te order form
=lease .ote> <ou can proceed to the checkout pa4e with the below mentioned details but D/" ."T
=;2C, 2. "J/,JE
3ssentiall% te purpose of te website is to allow customers to place orders online. 2o place
an order, %ou will ave to create an account. Once an order as been placed, te account will allow %ou to
use self& service features to modif% teir account information and orders.
Loo* at te ima!es carefull% and place an order @demo purposeA usin! below details.
9se %our account details to si!n into and add te followin! details.
7hippin4 2ddress7 6%dT2rainin!
(./#, 6a%le%0s Ct
Bempis, 2D .M($(
9nited States
?one7 )$(.>/#=>#
=ayment details> Card Type> Baster Card, Card .umber> 5555555555554444; Exp: #3<2#14
Card .ame> Gou can add %our full name as card owner
2e first tin! %ou ave to searc for an item %ou are interested in purcasin!.
6ow to searc for an item; 2e first topics sould be of elp. Page 14
."T,> =lease donCt chan4e the payment and shippin4 details
Once %ou add items, %ou can edit %our soppin! cart to add more itemsJdelete itemsJ increase
+uantit% etc.
.ow your task is to find out various options +e4 chan4in4 the @uantity, addin4 more items, savin4
items for future purchase etc- available in shoppin4 cart ;ist out all the options and try e:ecutin4
at least $
Once %ou5re done wit editin! %our order, clic* on 8=roceed to checkout.: Page 15
Gou will need to si!n into %our account once a!ain before %ou proceed furter.
3nter te sippin! address wic is provided at te be!innin! of tis activit%. Page 16
Coose a sippin! metod
Gou can mar* te purcase as a !ift order @If desiredA.
3nter te credit card details !iven above @tis is not a valid ccI onl% to be used for demonstrational
purposesA. Once %ou enter te credit card details, te information !ets encr%pted and is now
available for use. Dote %ou will ten onl% te see last / di!its and e,piration of te card, %ou will
never be able to see full credit card number. Page 17
/o not share the dummy account details with anyone This is for 2ma*on trainin4 purpose
Billin! address is same as %our sippin! address. No aead and clic* te button 89se tis address:
2is is te last step of an orderin! procedure. Ba*e sure %ou review all te information before %ou
clic* on 8=lace <our "rder.: Page 1!
Gou would !et a Thank <ou screenHH
Customer would receive two emails from us durin! te life of te order. 2e first email is wen te order
is placed. 2e second email customer receives is wen te order sips out from our fulfillment center.
2s this is just for demo purpose, please 4o ahead and cancel the order which you have placed
immediately To cancel the order, @uickly 4o throu4h <our 2ccount pa4e
<our 2ccount =a4e>
Click on OIiew open ordersC link Page 1"
Click on OCancel %temsC button
,lse you can use O2vailable 2ctions' drop down to cancel itemsNorder Page 2#
Check the item you want to cancel and select the reason for cancellation +from the drop
Click on OCancel checked itemsC yellow button Page 21
<ou will the itemNorder cancellation confirmation pa4e
Once an order as been placed, customers ave te abilit% to access teir accounts and ma*e can!es to
teir orders and account information. 2is is called account self&service, and we li*e to encoura!e our
customers to elp temselves.
2o !et to Gour Account, simpl% clic* on <<our 2ccount< at te top ri!t&and corner of an% pa!e on te
web site.
2e Gour Account pa!e is divided into # maFor sections.
-i!ital Content
2ese sections allow customers to do lots of tin!s to can!e and update teir orders and teir Amazon
account in !eneral. 2r% performin! some of te can!es on %our amazon account and complete te
activit% below. +elp at %our #ands"
Often, te first place tat customers !o to find information on or about our site is te 6elp ?a!es.
Let5s !o ere, clic* on 86elp: on te top ri!t and corner of an% pa!e on te website
2is section covers te below topics7
Browse te elp pa!es for information.
"ind te answer to specific +uestions usin! te elp pa!es.
Calculate sippin! costs usin! te elp pa!es
Open elp pa!es b% clic* on 86elp: on top ri!t corner of ome pa!e. Page 22
2ere are two wa%s to find information on elp pa!es.
)rowsin4> Browse b% topics. All cate!ories are found on te left&and side under 6elp 2opics.
7earchin4> *e%word searc for topics.
Let0s ta*e a closer loo* at ow customers contact us usin! te 6elp pa!es.
Q7 6ow to be!in;
A7 Ri!t and side of te elp pa!es7 under self&service tools
Customers ten ave a coice of several cate!ories to address teir problem. Let0s pretend tat we need
elp placin! an order.
3,press & for +uic* elp wit recent orders
Q7 Wic cate!or% sould we select;
A7 <?lacin! or Can!in! Orders<
1elp pa4es are awesome!! It elps to answer te customer0s concern witout tem avin! to contact
customer service. Dotice tat tere is a section tat addresses <6ow to ?lace an Order<.
Q7 Wat if te listed cate!ories do not address te customer0s +uestion or te% still want to contact
customer service; Customers can contact us via e&mail or pone. Can an%one locate tis lin* on te 6elp
B% clic*in! on <Contact 9s.< 2is is ow customers send us an e&mail messa!e.
Customers will7
Select a subFect
Clic* Continue
"ill in e&mail address
"ill in name
3nter order number if relevant
3nter comments for customer service
Wen te customer clic*s <Send an email< & it will do Fust tat. An e&mail is sent to our customer
service +ueues.
2ctivity> Page 23
=roduct /etail =a4e 5uestions>
Let0s loo* up %7). 66'''&6!&& usin! te searc bo, at te top of te pa!e and answer te below
Q(7 Wat is te title of tis boo*;
Q>7 Wo is te autor of tis boo*;
;ookin4 at D<our 2ccountE pa4e, what types of thin4s can customers do themselvesF
Q.7 Wat would a customer clic* on to can!e teir e&mail address and password;
Q/7 2o return an item;
5K%L +Check 1elp pa4es-
5$> 6ow do I enter a !ift messa!e;
5'> Wat t%pe of refund is issued for an undeliverable pac*a!e;
53> Can I pa% wit a cec* card;
Take a look at the domestic shippin4 chart +Check 1elp pa4es-
QM7 Wat are te tree metods of domestic sippin!;
Q)7 Accordin! to te information on tis pa!e, ow are sippin! costs calculated;
Q($7 6ow muc does it cost to sip two boo*s via two&da% deliver%;
,inal Assessment
Let5s do a +uic* recap on all te topics learnt trou! tis boo*let and attempt te test.
All 2e BestHH
(. Wic of te followin! product cate!or% is available on our website; C
a. Boo*s
b. 'ewelr%
c. Industrial & scientific
d. All te above Page 24
>. Wat pa%ment metods are accepted on; a,c
a. American 3,press, BasterCard, 3uro card, 4isa, !ift cards etc.
b. ?a% ?al
c. Cec*
d. All te above
.. 6ow muc does it cost to Foin ?rime;c
a. U ()
b. U (=)
c. U=)
d. It5s free
/. Wat is te transit time for standard domestic sippin! for an sold and sipped
a. -eliver% witin . to # business da%s
b. -eliver% witin (. to (# business da%s
c. -eliver% witin ( to > business da%s
d. -eliver% witin = to ) business da%s
#. Nift Cards cannot be used to purcase
a. Bercant items
b. Nrocer%
c. Oter !ift cards
d. All te above
E. Wat are te two main wa%s to searc for items on; d
a. Ce%word
b. Noo!le
c. Browsin!
d. a & c
=. Wat is ASID; b
a. Amazon Sippin! international numbers
b. Amazon Standard Identification Dumbers
c. Amazon Standard Individual Dumbers
d. Done of te above
M. Were can we locate te Sippin! Wei!t information on te product detail pa!e;
a. 9nder te title of te item
b. 9nder te ?roduct -etails
c. De,t to te ima!e of te item
d. Do Sippin! wei!t is displa%ed Page 25
). Wat will be te sip cost for ( boo* to Australia via standard;
a. ).)M
b. M.)M
c. ).//
d. /.))
($. Can ASID7 B$$>E#B)2B be returned to
a. Ges, it can be returned
b. It cannot be returned after .$ da%s
c. 2is item cannot be returned to
d. It can be returned, if unopened.
((. 6ow do I +ualif% for free Super Saver Sippin!;
a. Gou ave to pa% U =) for membersip.
b. 2ere is no free sippin! on our website.
c. ?roceed to cec*out wit at least U># of eli!ible items in %our Soppin! Cart.
d. Binimum U ($$ wort of items will !et free sippin!.
(>. Wat are some of te account related can!es we can perform as a customer;
a. 9pdatin! te Address Boo*
b. turnin! (&Clic* onJof
c. can!e teir name, e&mail address or password
d. All te above.
(.. 6ow do I *now if a particular item is available on website or not; c
a. Order te item and find out if it5s available.
b. We do not ave tis information.
c. We can locate availabilit% information on product detail pa!e.
d. We ave to contact te manufacturer for tis information.
C#ec$ %our score wit# Amazon trainer and !rab a !ift&&
Course ,eedbac$"
?lease rate te followin! aspects of te trainin! course.
3,cellent Nood Avera!e ?oor
(. Or!anization Page 26
3.!. were %ou informed as to wen and wat te subFects would be completed
>. Relevance
3.!. were te subFects relevant to %our Fob
.. Supportin! Baterial
3.!. were appropriate e,amples J activitiesJmaterials provided;
/. 6ow well did te course meet %our e,pectations
*lease send %our assessments in a separate s#eet to"
[email protected] Page 27