sales asst/administrative asst/executive asst

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sales asst/administrative asst/executive asst with 25 years experience looking for a Administrative Support position.



Gwenn Syd Stillman 6320 NW 41st Place Coconut Creek, Florida 33073 Home Number - (954)426-2616 Cell Number - (954)650-6091 _______________________________________________________________________________ EXPERIENCE _______________________________________________________________________________ June 2007 - June 2010 Welcome Funds, Inc. Boca Ra ton, Fl Registered Sales Assistant Worked for a life insurance settlement company assisting th e largest producer in the office handling all cases that come in via e-mail or over night mail. Reviewing and writing up all cases by making sure all appropriate paper work is received with the case such as a correct maturity illustration, updated med ical records, policy information, owner and insured's information and m ost importantly, a HIPAA, which is needed for every case before it is sent out to institutional funders. Daily follow-up of cases which have been sent ou t to funders including: ensuring the receipt of life expectancy reports, maturity illustrations if not initially received with the case, medical records if they are not c urrent enough; they must be from the past year otherwise life expectancy reports cannot be obtained which are crucial for funders to make offers on a case and additional requests that come in from the funders. Weekly follow-up of cases that have come in from life insurance agents that cannot go out since documentation was missing upon receipt. Handle all closin gs once signed contracts come back from the client to ensure the closing gets completed on a timely basis since most closings take 2 to 3 months from the time the offer is made to when the client gets paid. Lastly, h eavy phone contact with the underwriting department to make sure all cases are sent o ut quickly and accurately. January 2003 - February 2004 Focus Financial Services Boc a Raton, Fl Registered Sales Assistant Worked for an independent life insurance agent whose main f ocus was selling annuities and universal life insurance policies. Most of the business was generated

by monthly seminars or referrals from his current client base. In charge of setting up the seminars and making appointments for him after the se minars. Since most of his client base was seniors, his appointments were meeting fa ce to face with them in their homes. Additionally, handled all administrative and operational problems. March 2004 - May 2007 Springs, Fl Financial Services Representative Handled all financial services for the office which include s Banking, Mutual Funds, Long Term Care, Disability Income, Mortgage Disability In come, Annuities and Life Insurance. Monthly marketing campaigns which are fo llowed up weekly and follow-up daily on any operational problems and pending b usiness. September 1999 - January 2003 Boca Raton, Fl. Registered Service Associate Assisted three financial consultants, one of which was a Certified Financial Planner whose assets under management were in excess of f ifty million and where most of my everyday work was concentrated. Handled all f inancial responsibilities which included daily trading of equities, options, mutual funds, corporate and municipal bonds, opening of new accounts including money managed accounts, date of death evaluations, acat transfers and all support ing documentation that was needed to complete these transactions. Daily followup of pending business and operational problems in addition to heavy phone conta ct with clients. January 1996 - August 1999 Merrill Lynch World Financial Ctr New York, NY Sales Assistant Assisted three institutional brokers whose combined client base had assets under management in excess of one hundred million. Daily buyin g and selling of corporate and municipal bonds, new issue equities and opt ion trading. Daily interaction with corporate, municipal and option traders. Handled opening of all institutional accounts which included banks and co rporations and all documentation that was needed to open these accounts. June 1992 - January 1996 ork, NY Smith Barney New Y Raymond James Financial State Farm Insurance Coral

Sales Assistant Assisted one broker whose client base was in excess of th ree hundred clients. Daily phone interaction with clients, opening of all new accounts, letters of authorization, fed funds, date of death evaluations, acat transfers, daily checking of the money line, buying and selling of equities, corpor ate and municipal bonds, closed end and mutual funds. Follow-up on daily operatio nal problems and pending business. November 1986 - April 1992 Raton, Fl Cashier Worked in a branch office which had approximately forty b rokers. Handled all monies that came in daily, all operational problems and t ransactions such as the daily bank deposit, certificate receipt and deposit, tran sfers between accounts, fed funds, issuance of checks from the clients' account, inte raction with the home office and daily follow-up of all pending transactions. PaineWebber Boca

EDUCATION_________________________________________________ ___________ January 1985 Staten Island, NY B.S., Majored in Accounting Series 7 & 63 - May 1993 Life, Health & Variable Annuity License (215 ) - June 2004 REFERENCES_________________________________________________ ___________ Available Upon Request College of Staten Island

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