Sales force automation

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Sales force automation (SFA)
Sales force automation (SFA) is a tool that automates business tasks such as inventory control, sales processing, and tracking of customer interactions, as well as analyzing sales forecasts and performance. SFA tools are designed to improve field sales . productivity Sales Force Automation offers you the most powerful and advanced CRM solution to empower your sales force team. Combined with major e-Marketing features for today’s highly competitive e-Business marketplace, this powerful sales automation tool will give your team a .strong edge over competitors

.Sales force automation attributes Cutomer contact management
Customer contact Management would be that it encompasses all the systems, processes and applications needed to manage the customer relationship. the heart of customer contact management is the customer database. Customer Data is an extremely valuable asset of any business. A business that has clean, correctly formatted and accurate data will .be able to provide a good level of service as well as saving time and money . Information collected for customer acquisition NAME-1 PLACE OF BUSINESS-2 COMPLETE ADDRESS-3 .MOBILE NO-4 .EMAIL-5 PRODUCT MIX-6 .BUYING POTENTIAL PER MONTH-7 Existing customer development

Existing customers data base will only work effectively if maintained and used appropriately .it is an excellent marketing tool that can be used for a varity of reasons .A company can develop their existing customers .through consistant folloe up and bu giving value added services Monitoring the sales targets Managers must evaluate not only selling systems but also the end results .this will require monitoring and assessing the departmental sales . targets and any individual targets To measure the sales force targets the following key performance .indicators used market penetration-1 sales turnover-2 buying rates-3 customer visit-4 core range sales-5 average turnover per customer-6

Sales forecast

A sales forecast is a prediction based on past sales performance and an analysis of expected market conditions. The true value in making a forecast is that it forces us to look at the future objectively. The company that takes note of the past stays aware of the present and precisely analyzes that information to see into the future. Conducting a sales forecast will provide your business with an evaluation of past and current sales levels and annual growth, and allow you to compare your company to industry norms. It will also help you establish your policies so that you easily can monitor your prices and operating costs to guarantee profits, and make you aware of minor problems before they become major problems.

Inventory management Inventory management systems help businesses order inventory by accurately recording consumer sales. Electronic inventory systems can track sales in a real-time format, ordering inventory automatically when current stock hits a predetermined minimum level. Electronic ordering, known as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), allows companies to maintain the proper amount of stock by not increasing costs through over-ordering of inventory. EDI also ensures that orders are placed immediately, ensuring short amounts of lead time to receive new inventory.

Profit and loss statement
A Profit and Loss Statement is a standard financial document that summarizes a company's revenue and expenses for a specific period of time, usually one quarter of a fiscal year and the entire fiscal year.

MICRO AND MACRO FACTOORS Micro factors are the fectors outside the organization that effect the sales force performance .e.g electricity prices ,gase prives ,flood in country. Macro factors are the factor inside the organization .e.g motivational level of employee.

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