ROGER N. GOOD (full home address upon request) Cohasset, Massachusetts 02025 Phone:(upon request) SUMMARY: Results driven B-to-B Sales Professional with experience building long term rel ationships in the media, advertising and finance businesses. Diverse areas of e xpertise include print ad sales, digital media, social networking and solution b ased marketing utilizing multi-platform program strategies. Coordinated sales, m arketing, promotion and sponsorships in media companies. Consumer and business p ublishing experience with: Fast Company, Rolling Stone, etc. and major ad agenc ies. Proven history of sales success in the consumer banking industry helping la unch new mortgage units in the Boston market. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE RN GOOD MEDIA SALES CONSULTING, Boston, MA 2007- Present aNew ad sales strategy project for Boston publisheras sports and enthusiast titl es. aNational advertiser sales development project for Boston area metro magazine. aDigital on-line ad sales for specialty magazine. aB-to-B Social media projects. QUAD/GRAPHICS, Boston, MA 2009 New England Sales Manag er aSold a new corporate print sales initiative targeting SIPas (Special Interest Publications) in New England and exceeded Quad Graphics growth objec tives. aProactively strategized and sold new digital edition aflip booka technology to business magazine publishers. CITIBANK , Boston, MA 2006-2007 Lending Consultant aAssisted launch of Boston CitiMortgage retail offices. GUARDHILL FINANCIAL CORP., NY and Boston 2004 - 2006 Loan Officer aImplemented corporate mortgage programs for NY based companies. FAST COMPANY MAGAZINE, New York, NY 1998a"2004 Senior Sales Manager aAssisted launch of Fast Company magazine which initiated an entirely new busin ess magazine category, editorial paradigm and revenue opportunity. a#1 in sales volume for premiere issue and increased revenue by 50% within one y ear. aDesigned the development of marketing driven, multi-platform programs which fue led Fast Companyas revenue growth and generated strong long-term partner ships US NEWS & WORLD REPORT, New York, NY 1991a"1998 Director of Agency Sales Relations Sales team member that moved US NEWS from third place to Number 1 in the newsma gazine category overcoming TIME and NEWSWEEK in advertising page volume in 199293 for the first time ever. aDevised marketing protocol geared to meet advertiser demand for solution based
[email protected]
opportunities within other Zuckerman properties: Atlantic Monthly and The NY Dai ly News. aManaged automotive, financial services, beverage alcohol, apparel and travel ad categories for magazine and doubled sales volume in a96 vs. a95. ADDITIONAL RELEVANT SALES EXPERIENCE: -MENaS LIFE MAGAZINE, New York, NY VP Sales Development Manager -TV GUIDE MAGAZINE, New York, NY New York Advertising Manager -ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE, New York, NY Account Executive AGENCY EXPERIENCE: SAATCHI&SAATCHI ADVERTISING, New York, NY : Account Manager HILL, HOLLIDAY ADVERTISING, Boston, MA: Account Manager . EDUCATION: BS - Syracuse University a" Newhouse School of Public Communications