Sales Manager or Sales Representative or Territory Sales Manager

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Sales Manager, Sales Representative, Territory Sales Manager with 20 years experience looking for a Direct Contributor position.



THOMAS R. COWPERTHWAIT 8273 Mellon Drive Cincinnati, OH 45242 513.703.3633 [email protected] "Tom has a proven track record in a difficult market. He exhibits an inner conf idence that is nurtured by a smart, entrepreneurial mindset... He is honest, tru stworthy and personable ... Simply put, people like to see Tom walk in the door ... Progressive, forward-thinking companies build their teams around individuals like Mr. Cowperthwait." Excerpts from Recommendation Letters PROFILE Top-performing sales executive with outstanding record of achievements in divers e industries and markets -from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. Aggressive i n pursuing new business while providing world class customer service to establis hed accounts. Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills. Significant ex perience in the sale of medical devices and surgical equipment. Adaptable to mee t changing business needs. Work well under pressure; highly skilled in providing clinical support in the OR and procedure rooms. Key strengths: entrepreneuria l style, exceptional work ethic, and sincere commitment to customer retention th rough superior service, plus: Relationship Management - Intuitive in reading prospects and choosing the best a pproach ... quickly developing rapport ... earning trust and maintaining custome r loyalty by providing value-added service and consistently delivering as promis ed. Building Business - Recognizing and seizing market opportunities ... identifying decision-makers, cold-calling and networking ... understanding the customer, th e market and the competition ... launching new products ... consistently surpass ing customer expectations to increase sales volume and earn referrals. Communication - Assessing needs ... asking the right questions and using active listening techniques ... engaging all stakeholders ... influencing and persuadi ng ... presenting technical product features and services in a way that enables customers to perceive their value ... consultative selling ... solution selling ... negotiating and closing. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2TRG/ TECHNOLOGY RECYCLING GROUP, Cincinnati, OH 2010 Business Development Associate Introduced the concept of electronic waste recycling to hundreds of Greater Cinc innati-Northern Kentucky companies, while increasing name recognition and market awareness of 2TRG. Performed extensive cold-calling to develop database of 1,0 00 qualified prospects. Utilized to optimize database accessibili ty by entire 2TRG sales team. Call points: IT managers, facility managers, offic e managers in industries ranging from legal firms to manufacturing facilities. Significantly expanded active account base. Landed new business with national c ompanies such as US Playing Card. Doubled business volume. Brought in over 40,000 lbs. of electronic waste, an in crease of ~ 20,000 lbs. over same period last year. ABBOTT MEDICAL OPTICS (AMO), Cincinnati, OH 2008 - 2009

Sales Territory Manager Educated physicians on the benefits of AMO surgical products, including Tecnis i ntraocular lens (IOL), the Healon family of viscoelastics, and Signature Phaco s urgical equipment. Used persuasive skills to differentiate the value and benefi ts of these products for patients' vision and quality of life. Presented physic ian/staff training and technology updates. Provided post-op support, including chart reviews and investigations when necessary. Strategically introduced new su rgical product to set the stage for long-term growth. Call points: ophthalmolo gists, hospitals, surgery centers. Territory: Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana. Sales volume: $2.3M Achieved 10% sales growth within first year. Turned around failing territory tha t had been neglected by prior rep for several years. Rebuilt relationships with accounts that had been lost to the competition. Delivered double-digit sales increase in Healon sales, Jan.-July 2009 vs. same p eriod previous year. Cultivated relationships and laid the groundwork for conversions of Owensboro Su rgery Center (1,000 procedures/ year) and Downing McPeak Surgery Center (2,000 p rocedures/year) from competitors' products. SENO RX, INC., Cincinnati, OH 2005 - 2007 Sales Territory Manager Introduced new MRI technology in the highly competitive breast biopsy industry. Championed sales growth in a saturated territory dominated by the national mark et share leader. Developed solid relationships with decision-makers while incre asing market demand in territory spanning 4 states. Focused on high-volume cent ers - introduced the company and its products, including new MRI technology and a cordless gamma probe device for sentinel node surgery. Placed equipment for e valuations and negotiated purchase agreements. Provided clinical education for (physicians, surgeons, surgical technicians) while demonstrating the value of ne w technology, i.e., increasing surgeon efficiency during procedures. Call point s: radiologists, surgeons, hospitals, breast centers, imaging centers. Displaced top competitor in several high-volume teaching hospitals, including: U niversity Hospital (UC Barrett Center, Cincinnati), University of Kentucky, Cabe ll Huntington Hospital (Marshall University), Mt. Carmel East Hospital (Columbus , OH). Produced double-digit sales growth. Increased market share in territory by 11% for new MRI procedure. Ranked among out of 6 in #1 in region #2 in region #2 in region top sales producers in the company. Consistently placed 1st or 2nd region. for breast biopsy equipment placements. for overall sales of disposables. for sales of diagnostic equipment.

BAUSCH & LOMB SURGICAL (STORZ OPHTHALMICS), Cincinnati, OH 1995 - 2005 Sales Territory Manager Sold medical devices and equipment used in ophthalmic surgery, including refract ive (LASIK) business. Demonstrated equipment, showcased features and benefits; e ducated/supported physicians on device usage during patient procedures. Territo ry included Kentucky, West Virginia, southern Ohio and southern Indiana. Gained market share in cataract, retina and refractive segments. Earned new cus tomers in portions of territory with no pre-existing market share. Won dozens o

f sales contests; recognized with numerous bonuses for outstanding sales perform ance. "Tom has effectively worked an extremely competitive territory and turned in very positive results." Jack Barefield - Director, Strategic Corporate Acco unts Forged solid relationships with physicians that were instrumental in saving seve ral key accounts and protecting market share in highly competitive market, despi te challenges and business restrictions due to product failures and recalls. Ma intained business by persistently resolving back-orders and other issues that ar ose following B&L acquisition of Storz and subsequent partnership with LCA. Key member of SWOT team. One of only five sales managers selected from among 100 + nationwide to assess strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the o phthalmic surgical market. Advised corporate teams on what was required in orde r to improve products and gain market share. Examples: (1) Recommended developm ent of a new lens insertion device that was led to market share of 2%+. (2) Ini tiated improved quality control procedures at manufacturing plant that reduced r ecalls. Recruited by senior management to participate on Sales Advisory Teams and work o n special projects. Provided sales training and motivation during regional and national sales meetings. Appointed Field Sales Trainer - coached and mentored n ew sales reps. "Tom has approached all of these appointments with effectiveness , creativity, and positive motivation." Jack Barefield - Director, Strategic Co rporate Accounts MENTOR O&O, Los Angeles, CA Ophthalmic diagnostic and surgical equipment 1989 - 1994 Sales Territory Manager/Field Sales Trainer Transformed a seriously declining territory; propelled territory from #13 to #2 nationally, FY1992. Rebuilt strained relationships and secured new business wit h the UCLA Eye Institute and the #1 distributor in Southern California. Ranked among top 5 sales producers, 3 out of 5 years. Recognized with 6 top sales awa rds. Managed distributor reps. Developed reputation for a customer-focused app roach "What was considered going above and beyond the call of duty by others, To m considered part of his commitment to his customers." Robert E. Grant, Western Regional Manager, Mentor O&O EDUCATION THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA, Washington, DC Bachelor of Science/BS - Business Administration

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