Sales or Sales Representative or Sales Executive or Sales Consul

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Sales, Sales Representative, Sales Executive, Sales Consultant with 10 years experience looking for a Middle Management position.



____________________OBJECTIVE____________________ An experienced employment professional with practical expertise, education, and skills to contribute to a private or non- profit organization and will enable me to capitalize on my strong communication, leadership and project management ski lls. ____________________KEY QUALIFICATIONS____________________ * Personal attributes include: good judgment, integrity, empathy, an outgoing pe rsonality and advocacy skills that are second to none * Recognized for long hours, commitment to customers, attention to detail, profe ssionalism, and follow-up. * Resourceful, energetic, competent, multi-task and results-oriented. * Public speaking and presentation experience. * Work well as a team member or independently. ____________________RELATED EXPERIENCE____________________ 2005 - 2011 - Case Manager South Middlesex Opportunity Council-Fresh, Lowell, MA Worked with ex-offenders to secure employment and housing. Performend ongoing c ommunity outreach to businesses, social services and faith based organizations t o assist clients with jobs, food, clothing and the help needed to perform succes sful job searches. Conducted workshops for both clients and other employment sp ecialists on successful job search techniques. Member of the Merrimack Valley W orkforce Investment Board to bring a strategic plan for funding to the Merrimack Valley for training and employment opportunities for ex-offenders.Taught resume writing and interviewing techniques. Initiated agency wide collaberation with all housing and employment within SMOC. Director Women's Programs July 2004 - July 2005 South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Worcester, MA - Managed Wet shelter for women. Supervised Case Managers and daily case manage ment meetings. Counseled clients and referred them to detox, rehab, mental heal th, HIV and? domestic violence programs. Developed and was responsible for day to day operation of daily instructional programs. These programs serviced 30 cl ients per day and gave them access to workshops focused on employment and life s kills, early recovery, domestic violence, anger management and social skills bu ilding opportunities. Introduced myself to various businesses and legislators t o assist in these endeavors. Wrote grants to civic and governmental organizatio ns which procured funding for various programs at the PIP shelter. Educated ci vic groups, colleges and universities by public speaking engagements. Attended and contributed to Board of Director's meetings. Housing and Employment Search Specialist 2002-2004 South Middlesex Opportunity Council Framingham, MA Case management, follow-up and identification of housing and employment opportun ities for over 300 homeless, single adults. Followed and supported individuals with their housing and employment needs. Successfully implemented program to loc ate housing and employment and training for women being released from correctio nal facilities. Developed housing and employment search workshops for an office skills training program at SMOC. Built strong relationships with area busines ses, hiring managers and housing agencies, landlords and within SMOC to ensure delivery of services all of those in need. 2001 - 2002 - Employment Specialist See Program I worked with disabled people to identify areas of employment Easi ly establish rapport with people of all ages, cultures, and beliefs. Designed, d eveloped and implemented tuition-free program with the Red Cross to train people to get CNA certigificates. Dealt tactfully and effectively with difficult clien

ts. 1999 - 2001 - Sales Representative and Office Manager Boos and Chan, CPA's, Wayland, MA Opened over 50 new business accounts for this start-up CPA firm. Sold a full l ine of accounting services to office and business accounts. Responsible for hir ing, training and supervising of telemarketers as well as managing office staff . 1998 - 1999 - Case Manager and Job Coach Justice Resource Institute, Framingham, MA 1995 - 1998 - Sales Representative ARAMARK 1990 - 1995 Sales Manager WLYT, Haverhill, MA

____________________EDUCATION AND CERTIFICATES____________________ Bachelor of Arts, Liberal Arts Bradford College 1982 2007 - Master of Arts, Social Work Almeda University 2007 2003 - Certificate, 40 Hour Vendor Training Massachusetts Department of Corrections 2006 - Certificate, Public Leadership NEAIS, Bridgewater, MA 2010 - Certificate, Offender Employment Specialist Training Federal Bureau of Prisons and the Massachusetts Parole Commission, Federal Train ing Center, Devens, MA Certificate, Introduction to Medication Assisted Recovery ADCARE/Connecticut Certification Board 2010, Marlborough, MA ____________________REFERENCES____________________ References Available Upon Request

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