Sales or Sales Representative or Sales Executive or Sales Consul

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OBJECTIVE To secure a rewarding and challenging sales or sales management position with a forward thinking, progressive organization, where I can utilize my experience an d talents to the fullest degree. QUALIFICATIONS * I have been involved in sales and marketing across various disciplines and mar kets for over 25 years, rising to management level, and bring a wealth of releva nt experience to the table * I have extensive experience with business to business sales across differing p roduct lines, specializing in software, deplyoyment of data and internet related technologies * I am an intelligent, positive, & personable employee, I am a very effective co mmunicator both written and oral, and consider myself to be an asset to any orga nization I work for EMPLOYMENT Application Consultant - 2009 - Present Appiction LLC, Austin, Texas My role with Appiction was working with potential clients who wished to create s martphone applications for iPhone, Android, Blackberry & other platforms. The da y to day role was helping clients with their ideas and presenting them with our services and selling them on a scope of work process that would help map out the application development, and from there taking them into the development and de ployment cycle. Scopes started at $3K and went into the $20-30K range. Applicati on development was from $10K to 250K+ Sales Consultant - 2008 - 2009 The Internet Marketing Center, Austin, Texas My role at IMC was direct sales of advanced Internet Marketing Training packages typically in a B2C environment. Working with incoming inquires my role is to es tablish contact, interview and evaluate prospective candidates for our various p rograms that run in the 4k - 10K range. Part of my role involves being fluent an d knowledgeable in Copywriting, SEO, PPC & CPA Advertising, Advanced Traffic Gen eration Strategies etc. Account Manager - 2006 - 2008 MicroMain Corporation, Austin, Texas My role at MicroMain was account management and sales of high end CMMS/CAFM & CA PM software to organizations worldwide. The role is an internal sales position t hat involves extensive telephone, e-mail and written communications, and making online presentations and demonstrations of the software to potential buyers. Our Client base was varied and includes Fortune 500 customers, public sector, non p rofits, healthcare and hospitality. As part of my day to day activities I also m anaged a client base and worked with them on license upgrades, vertical sales an d training and support issues. Sales & Marketing Manager - 2004 - 2006 Project A, Ashland, Oregon I was responsible for all sales activity for the company, securing accounts for website and custom software deployment to both business and government clients, I was also responsible for marketing ventures, including advertising placement a nd trade show activities. I handled various internal and external projects at an y given time, including trade fairs and exhibitions, product deployment and vari ous board and committee membership activities. Sales & Marketing Manager - 1998 - 2004 InternetCDS, Medford, Oregon My position with InternetCDS was a multi faceted role. I was responsible for all business to business sales for the company, securing accounts for broadband dep

loyment, from DSL to T1 and complex VPN solutions. I also supervised and managed internal sales activity from support personnel, and administered the domain dep artment. I was also responsible for marketing ventures, overseeing an annual mar keting budget of $250,000. I handled various internal and external projects at a ny given time, including trade fairs and exhibitions, product deployment such as rural wireless broadband, and internal operations management. Sales & Marketing Manager - 1996 - 1997 Action Images, London, England Action Images is the world's largest Soccer photographer, and is second in gener al sports behind Getty images/Allsport. My role was to market their sports photo graphic services to magazines and publications world wide. I also liaised with r egulating bodies such as FIFA, UEFA and handled client relations for the marketi ng bodies for these organizations. During my tenure with Action Images I secured their position as Official Photographers for FIFA for the 1998 Soccer World Cup . I was also tasked with deploying their first web/internet based ventures and t raveled world wide selling and training clients on the use of the internet to do wnload and view live images that were previously mailed or delivered by courier service. Assistant Director of Admissions - 1993 - 1996 College America, Portland, Oregon Display Advertising Representative - 1992 - 1993 Grants Pass Daily Courier, Grants Pass, Oregon Advertising Sales - 1987 - 1991 Thomson Directories, London, England Operations Manager - 1983 - 1987 Konnekt Marketing Services, London, England REFERENCES Supplied Upon Request.

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