San Diego State University Admission Application Introduction.pdf

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Application Information
A message from the campus:
A message from the campus:
!"#$% '() *(+ '()+ ,$-.+./- ,$ 0#$ 1,.2( 0-#-. 3$,4.+/,-'5
SuSu ls accepung appllcauons for fall 2013 admlsslon from ñrsL-ume
freshmen, upper dlvlslon Lransfer sLudenLs (60 or more semesLer/90 or more
quarLer unlLs compleLed) and sLudenLs seeklng a second bachelor's degree ln
SuSu ls noL Laklng appllcauons from lower dlvlslon Lransfer sLudenLs (1-39 semesLer unlLs compleLed), or
sLudenLs seeklng a second bachelor's degree oLher Lhan Lhe nurslng ma[or.
1he dead||ne for fall 2013 admlsslon appllcauons ls november 30, 2014.
1o be e||g|b|e for fall 2013 admlsslon, all requlremenLs musL be meL by Lhe end of sprlng 2013. Work ln
progress durlng summer 2013 wlll nC1 be consldered. Scroll down for speclñc lnformauon for freshman
and upper dlvlslon Lransfer appllcanLs.
SLudenLs seeklng readmlsslon Lo SuSu should vlslL for readmlsslon crlLerla.
Þayment of the app||canon fee may be done by credlL card or check/money
order. uslng Lhe credlL card meLhod wlll expedlLe Lhe processlng of your
appllcauon. SuSu musL recelve paymenL before your appllcauon wlll be
processed. 1he appllcauon fee ls nonrefundable and may noL be Lransferred
Lo anoLher Lerm.
SDSU commun|cates to app||cants v|a e-ma||. Þ|ease prov|de an accurate e-ma|| address. If you fa|| to
prov|de us w|th a va||d e-ma|| address, you w||| not rece|ve |nformanon cr|nca| to your status as an
app||cant or student at SDSU. Nonces of adm|ss|on are sent by e-ma||.
SLudenLs who have compleLed course work aL lnLernauonal school(s) wlll be
senL deLalled lnsLrucuons ln an e-mall aûer Lhe CSuMenLor appllcauon ls
lor SuSu's adm|ss|on cr|ter|a, vlslL and cllck on ºl
WanL Lo Apply."
Ca||forn|a h|gh schoo| sen|ors should use Lhe pull-down menu Lo lndlcaLe your hlgh school as you compleLe
your appllcauon. 8y dolng Lhls, lL wlll be easler for you Lo compleLe and reduce poLenual errors ln Lhe
College ÞreparaLory course secuon of Lhe appllcauon. Cnly courses oñered by your hlgh school wlll be
avallable ln Lhe College ÞreparaLory pull-down menu.
Courses ||sted as |n progress or p|anned |n your sen|or year musL be compleLed wlLh a grade of ºC" or
hlgher. ?ou musL also malnLaln your reporLed overall Crade ÞolnL Average (CÞA). lf your CÞA and/or
currenL course grades drop below whaL was reporLed on your appllcauon, any oñer of admlsslon may be
lreshmen appllcanLs are requlred Lo Lake Lhe AC1/SA1 8easonlng LesL (regardless of Lhe CÞA) no laLer Lhan
Lhe CcLober 2014 for AC1 LesL and november 2014 for SA1 LesL.
Adm|ss|ons dec|s|ons are made lnlually on Lhe basls of lnformauon reporLed on Lhe appllcauon. lallure Lo
provlde compleLe and accuraLe lnformauon on Lhe admlsslon appllcauon may serlously [eopardlze your
admlsslon sLaLus. 1he mlsreporung of courses, course grades and LesL scores on Lhe appllcauon wlll resulL
ln Lhe cancellauon of admlsslon regardless of when Lhe mlsreporung ls dlscovered.
lf you are accepted for adm|ss|on, you wlll be nouñed Lo submlL your elecLronlc lnLenL Lo Lnroll deposlL,
omclal LranscrlpLs, and any relevanL LesL scores (AC1, SA1, Advanced ÞlacemenL, lnLernauonal
8accalaureaLe, 1CLlL, eLc.). uo noL send LranscrlpLs unul you recelve Lhls nouñcauon (unless you are an
appllcanL wlLh course work from counLrles ouLslde of Lhe unlLed SLaLes).
MAICkS w|th spec|a| |nstrucnons for freshman app||cants:
Adverns|ng, Þub||c ke|anons and Med|a Stud|es Ma[ors - Þrograms ln
adveruslng, publlc relauons and medla sLudles are housed ln Lhe School of
!ournallsm & Medla SLudles. lf you are lnLeresLed ln ma[orlng ln adveruslng,
Contact Us
San Diego State University
Office of Admissions
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-7455
Telephone: (619) 594-6336
To complete this online application, type
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publlc relauons, or medla sLudles, Lhe drop down menu ln Lhe lnLended Ma[or
ñeld of Lhe appllcauon. Lach program wlll be llsLed under Lhe !ournallsm
ma[or. lor example: !ournallsm: Adveruslng.
Mus|c & Dance Ma[ors LhaL meeL Lhe CSu admlsslons requlremenL musL
successfully pass an audluon for accepLance Lo Lhe ma[or and Lhe unlverslLy.
Audluons wlll be held ln lebruary 2013 for fall admlsslon.
Nurs|ng Ma[or - lreshman appllcanLs who requesL Lhe nurslng ma[or and
meeL Lhe CSu admlsslons requlremenLs wlll be ranked by Lhelr college
preparaLory courses CÞA, and sub scores ln Crlucal 8eadlng/Lngllsh and
maLhemaucs of Lhe SA1 8easonlng and AC1 LesLs. Þlease noLe Lhls ma[or has a
hlghly selecuve admlsslons process. AL a mlnlmum, appllcanLs musL have
earned a 8 or beuer grade ln hlgh school lnLermedlaLe algebra, blology and
chemlsLry wlLh lab. lf AÞ or l8 level courses were Laken ln Lhese areas, you
musL earn a 8 or beuer grade ln Lhe course.
1heatre Arts (Þerformance: Acnng and Mus|ca|) Ma[ors LhaL meeL Lhe CSu
admlsslons requlremenL musL successfully pass an audluon for accepLance Lo
Lhe ma[or and Lhe unlverslLy. Audluons wlll be held ln lebruary 2013 for fall
1kANSILkS (upper dlvlslon Lransfers)
lor SuSu's admlsslon crlLerla, vlslL and cllck on ºl
WanL Lo Apply."
1ransfer sLudenLs musL have compleLed 60 transferab|e semester, or 90 transferab|e quarter un|ts by the
end of spr|ng 201S ln order Lo be consldered for admlsslon. SuSu does noL accepL appllcauons from lower
dlvlslon Lransfers (1 - 39 semesLer unlLs).
Ca||forn|a Commun|ty Co||ege transfer app||cants who wlll earn an approved AssoclaLe uegree for 1ransfer
(AA-1 and AS-1) by Lhe end of Sprlng 2013 based on SenaLe 8lll 1440 ( should refer Lo Lhe
SuSu Web page for ma[ors LhaL are deemed slmllar Lo Lhe communlLy
college AA-1/AS-1 degree.
1ransfer students should use Lhe pull-down menu whlle compleung Lhe appllcauon Lo lndlcaLe Lhelr
prevlous school auended raLher Lhan Lyplng Lhe names of Lhe schools. 1o locaLe Mesa College ln San ulego
on Lhe pull-down menu, search for San ulego Mesa College and for Mlramar College, search for San ulego
Mlramar College.
Courses ||sted as |n progress or p|anned for fall 2014/wlnLer 2013/sprlng 2013 musL be compleLed wlLh a
grade of ºC" or hlgher (some lmpacLed ma[ors requlre grades hlgher Lhan ºC" ln speclñc ma[or preparauon
courses). ?ou musL also malnLaln your reporLed overall Crade ÞolnL Average (CÞA). lf your CÞA and/or
currenL course grades drop below whaL was reporLed on your appllcauon, any oñer of admlsslon may be
Supp|ementa| App||canon kequ|red: All Lransfer appllcanLs (excepL for nurslng ma[or) musL submlL an
addluonal onllne supplemenLal appllcauon. Aûer you have applled Lo SuSu and recelved your 8edlu
number, you wlll need Lo creaLe your SuSu WebÞorLal accounL aL 1he supplemenLal
appllcauon wlll be avallable ln your WebÞorLal ln uecember 2014 and musL be compleLed by Ianuary 23,
201S. SLudenLs LhaL are requlred Lo submlL an lnLernauonal Lvaluauon Servlce 8eporL are not requlred Lo
compleLe Lhe supplemenLal appllcauon. Cn Lhe supplemenLal appllcauon you wlll be asked Lo verlfy your
self-reporLed CÞA and Lhe number of unlLs you wlll compleLe by Lhe end of sprlng 2013. ?ou musL also
provlde lnformauon abouL all lower dlvlslon CL courses and preparauon for Lhe ma[or courses you have
Laken, lncludlng course uLles, number of unlLs, and grades earned. 1o ensure accuracy, obLaln a personal
copy of your LranscrlpLs prlor Lo ñlllng ouL Lhe supplemenLal appllcauon.
lf you are accepted for adm|ss|on, you wlll be nouñed Lo submlL your elecLronlc lnLenL Lo Lnroll deposlL,
omclal LranscrlpLs, and any relevanL LesL scores (AC1, SA1, Advanced ÞlacemenL, lnLernauonal
8accalaureaLe, 1CLlL, eLc.). uo noL send LranscrlpLs unul you recelve Lhls nouñcauon (unless you are an
appllcanL wlLh course work from counLrles ouLslde of Lhe unlLed SLaLes).
MAICkS w|th spec|a| |nstrucnons for transfer app||cants:
Adverns|ng, Þub||c ke|anons and Med|a Stud|es Ma[ors - Þrograms ln
adveruslng, publlc relauons and medla sLudles are housed ln Lhe School of
!ournallsm & Medla SLudles. lf you are lnLeresLed ln ma[orlng ln adveruslng,
publlc relauons, or medla sLudles, Lhe drop down menu ln Lhe lnLended Ma[or
ñeld of Lhe appllcauon. Lach program wlll be llsLed under Lhe !ournallsm
ma[or. lor example: !ournallsm: Adveruslng.
Ath|enc 1ra|n|ng Ma[ors Lransferrlng from 2-year or 4-year
colleges/unlverslues musL submlL a separaLe appllcauon Lo Lhe School of
Lxerclse & nuLrluonal Sclences ln addluon Lo Lhe CSuMenLor appllcauon.
Addluonal admlsslon crlLerla are requlred for accepLance Lo Lhe ALhleuc
1ralnlng ma[or and Lhe unlverslLy. lor more lnformauon, vlslL Lhe School of
Lxerclse & nuLrluonal SLudles Web slLe aL hup://
Mus|c & Dance Ma[ors LhaL meeL Lhe CSu admlsslons requlremenL musL
successfully pass an audluon for accepLance Lo Lhe ma[or and Lhe unlverslLy.
Audluons wlll be held ln lebruary 2013 for fall admlsslon.
Nurs|ng Ma[ors Lransferrlng from 2-year or 4-year colleges/unlverslues, or
Lhose seeklng a second bachelor's degree musL submlL a separaLe appllcauon
Lo Lhe School of nurslng ln addluon Lo Lhe CSuMenLor appllcauon. 1he
deadllne for boLh Lhe CSuMenLor appllcauon and appllcauon Lo Lhe School of
nurslng ls november 30, 2014. Addluonal admlsslon crlLerla are requlred
from Lransfer sLudenLs for Lhe ma[or. lor more lnformauon, vlslL Lhe School of
nurslng Web slLe aL hup://
1heatre Arts (Þerformance: Acnng and Mus|ca|) Ma[ors LhaL meeL Lhe CSu
admlsslons requlremenL musL successfully pass an audluon for accepLance Lo
Lhe ma[or and Lhe unlverslLy. Audluons wlll be held ln lebruary 2013 for fall
IMÞLkIAL VALLL¥ CAMÞUS aL (720 Peber Ave, Calexlco, CA 92231)
1he SuSu lmperlal valley Campus (lvC) ls a Lwo-year upper-dlvlslon campus locaLed ln lmperlal counLy, whlch ls 120
mlles easL of San ulego, 60 mlles wesL of ?uma Arlzona and 120 mlles souLh of Þalm Sprlngs. 1o apply Lo lvC, selecL
ºCñ Campus CenLer" on Lhe appllcauon.
vlslL Lhe Cmce of Admlsslons lrequenLly Asked Cuesuons Web slLe aL ?ou may also
conLacL Lhe SuSu Cmce of Admlsslons aL (619) 394-6336, or e-mall admlsslons[
Last updated: 10/3/2014 10:57AM PST
General Instructions
We think you will find this application to be an easy way to apply. To make your electronic
filing easier, please have your Social Security number (SSN) handy. If you don't have one,
leave the entry blank. If you are or will be applying for a Social Security number (SSN),
please contact the campus(es) you apply to when your SSN is issued so we can update
our records.
How to Apply to San Diego State University
1. Collect the following materials for completing the application
Your high school and/or college transcripts
Your test scores: SAT, ACT, AP, TOEFL (whichever is/are required or
The application fee of $55 (check, money order, or credit/debit card)
UNLESS you qualify for an application fee waiver (see screen 12)
2. Complete the application
CSUMentor will be available for students to submit fall 2015 applications on
October 1, 2014. You may pay:
with a credit or debit card
submit a check
complete the application fee waiver on CSUMentor (the application
fee for up to four campuses may be waived)
Check the application filing dates of the campus you are interested in to be
sure applications are still being accepted. For impacted campuses or
programs, you must submit your fall application during the month of October
or November for the following year. August is the initial filing month for
spring terms. Example: October and November 2014 will be the initial filing
period for fall 2015; August 2015 will be the initial filing month for spring
To find out what other CSU campuses are currently accepting applications,
refer to the Application Filing Status Report.
First-time Freshman Admission
Transfer Admission Requirements
International Student Admission
Financial Aid Information
Costs of Attendance
Educational Opportunity Program
Other Programs and Services
Housing Information
Immunization Requirements
Test of English as a Foreign Language
Impacted Programs – Major vs. Campus
Residency Information
Initial Filing Periods
CSU Transfer Road Maps
Services to Students with Disabilities
3. Apply for financial aid, if needed
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) can be accessed
through You may also authorize CSUMentor to begin
your FAFSA application after January 1 by providing data from your
electronic admission application.
Fall term applicants applying for financial aid should apply between January
1 and March 2 to receive priority processing. Applicants applying for a
spring term should apply as soon as possible.
4. Arrange to take the English Placement Test (EPT) and/or Entry Level
Mathematics Test (ELM) unless exempt
CSU placement tests (EPT & ELM), if required, must usually be taken by
the first Saturday in May of senior year in secondary school. All students
admitted to the CSU must satisfy the EPT and ELM requirements to enroll
in college level English and math courses. To understand these
requirements, find out who must take them, and to learn how to satisfy the
requirements, please visit the EPT and ELM Information Bulletin, the CSU
Math Success Website, and the CSU English Success Website.
What happens next?
You will receive an application acknowledgement from the campus to which you applied.
Read it carefully and follow any instructions about when to send in documents or when to
take placement tests.
You will receive notification of your admission status.
When you are admitted to the campus, you will receive information about orientation,
registration, and other activities for new students.
Important note: E-mail is a primary means of communication with applicants. CSU
campuses will send important messages to you using the e-mail address that you list on
this application. It is your responsibility to check this e-mail account regularly and read
your messages from the CSU. Be sure to notify the campus(es) if this e-mail address
Admissions Information
Click on the following to see additional information:
Browser Popup Window Notice
Please be aware that this online application makes use of popups to display information,
instructions, or for answering questions on certain screens. If your browser is set to block
popups, or you are using a third-party popup blocking tool, please configure your system
to allow popups on CSUMentor. For more information regarding making these browser
changes, please consult your software's documentation or help for instructions.
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