Reference Material SAP Getting Started IS SAP Support Overview Account Administration Troubleshooting User Information System A. Role Owner Matrix B. SAP Roles-Course Matrix C. Contacts
Getting Started
Getting Started with SAP
Getting Started: Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this topic you will be able to:
Logon and identify the parts of an SAP R/3 Window Navigate the menu structure Identify icons Create sessions Use SAP R/3 Online Help Use On-Demand Help Create Favorites Use Match codes
About SAP R/3 Access
"Only those who have been specifically authorized to use the system, meaning that they have been assigned a login ID, are permitted to use the system. These individuals have been trained/certified in its use. Due to the highly regulated nature of our business, we require that logon ID's only be used by those to whom they have been specifically assigned. This permits us to maintain audit trails of what has been done in the system, and by whom, while ensuring that those using the system are adequately trained. Sharing Login ID's is strictly forbidden". Jack Kay, COO Apotex Inc.
Log On and Log Off
Training: 340 LIVE: 400
Training ID: xxxxxxxx LIVE: First Initial+Last Name (i.e. bsherman)
Secret Password
µE¶nglish Leave blank for English.
R/3 Window
Enter Icon Customizing Display Options
Command Field Icons Bar
Status Bar
Session Number
System Number
Working With Sessions (1)
I need to check another account for additional information Click the System option then click Create Session
Session Number
Working With Sessions (2)
Great here is the information I need! I¶ll go back to my other session.
Session number
Icon Bar
Enter Save/Post Back Exit Cancel Help
Execute Find Sort Print Display/Change Page
SAP R/3 Online Help
Access Application Help
Access SAP Library
Access Glossary
Field Level Help
Create Favorites
2. Select the Favorites option and click on add
1. Locate the menu
path to place in your Favorites.
Access Favorites
You can now access your Favorites by clicking on the appropriate transaction
Match Codes
Match code Search Results
Getting Started: Summary
You should now be able to: Logon and identify the parts of an SAP R/3 Window Navigate the menu structure Identify icons Create sessions Use SAP R/3 Online Help Create Favorites Use Match codes
IS SAP Support Overview
IS SAP Support Overview
SAP Support Overview: Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: Understand the functions of business process owners and role owners. Understand the support structure in place for SAP R/3 Understand how support is provided to the business by the support personnel
How SAP Support is Structured
Four levels of support exist
Level 0 - Role Owners/Lead Users Level 1 - Support Centre using SAP Admin Tools Level 2 - Application Services & Affiliates (supported by level 3) Level 3 - Consulting Services & IS Lab (backed up by SAP Consultants, SAP Support Review Mgmt, software vendors, etc.)
Levels of Support - Descriptions
Level 0 (Role Owners/Lead Users)
First point of contact for users Calls are passed to Level 1 Support Centre only if the Role Owner cannot resolve the problem, or cannot be found using Phone / Email / Web
Levels of Support - Descriptions
Level 1 (Support Centre)
Log the support calls into Service Center & set priority Answer FAQs, set passwords, create new SAP users and troubleshoot account access issues Place in appropriate queue if not resolved
Levels of Support - Descriptions
Level 2 (Application Services & Affiliates)
Review the Apps Queue and modules Affiliates to review their Queues & modules Accept calls in call track system Log all updates in call track system Resolve & record solution if possible Move call to Consulting queue if not resolved, otherwise close
Levels of Support - Descriptions
Level 3 (Consulting Services)
Review the Consulting Queue and modules Accept calls in call track system Log all updates in call track system Resolve & record solution if possible Contact appropriate external expert for assistance if required Log updates into call track system Close call in Call Track system immediately
PP-PI Production Planning Process Industry
Level 2 Myra Eastwood
Level 2 Mike Colella Joe Di Blasi
Level 3 Amir Ladak
Level 3 Nicu Belcin
Level 3 Ronald Pan Mike Stecher
Level 3 Marius Sinclair Michael Hesse
Application/Consulting Services
Level 2/3 Support
PM Plant Maintenance
Level 2 Tony Ng Level 3 Johanny Moreno as
PS Project Systems
HR Human Resources as
Level 2 Nelya Popova
QM Quality Management
Level 2 Tony Ng
Level 2 Wilfredo Reyes
Level 3 Jeffrey Thompson
Level 3 Ravi Moturi
Level 3 Johanny Moreno
Data Center/Consulting Services
Level 2/3 Technical Support
Level 2 Tech Support
Saud Ahmad Pradeep Pradhan
Level 3 Tech Support
Weidong Wang Terry Seun
Call Track System
IS uses Peregrine Service Center to log and track SAP issues reported by end users. The Support Center logs all calls (inquiries, problems, requests) upon initial contact. Level 0 Support will have passed on the issue to IS when this occurs. If possible the Support Center resolves and closes the call. An IS Work Queue called Business Apps is set up in Service Center for the assignment of SAP calls that are not resolved by the Support Center. Level 2/3 Support personnel will find their calls by viewing their queues.
Role owners and lead users are assigned to provide departmental or 0 level support for SAP. When a department cannot solve an issue the end user will call the Support Centre to have the issue logged and resolved. Three tiers of IS support exist: Level 1 - Support Centre Level 2 - Application Services/Tech Support Level 3 - Consulting Services/Tech Support All calls not resolved by the Support Centre are assigned to the Business Applications Queue. Level 2/3 Support personnel find their calls by viewing their incident queues.
Account Administration
SAP Account Administration
Account Administration Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: Create a new user and attach roles. Copy a user profile in SAP Understand the purpose of roles and profiles. Reset passwords. Be familiar with password requirements. Understand user maintenance functions. Terminate an SAP Account
Process for Creating New R/3 Users
Form Form
Notify User, trainer and SAT Department
Approved Request and Training Roster to Create new SAP User Assign Roles Create a New User Set Password
Creating a New User
Userid should match NT Userid
Copying A Profile (1)
2. Copy 1. Userid to be copied
Copying A profile (2)
New user, should match NT Userid
Address Tab
Employee information
Logon Data - Setting An Initial Password
Enter initial password twice
Make sure these two items are selected
Assigning User Roles
Assigning User Roles
Roles Tab
Use Match codes
Resetting Passwords (1)
2. Change Password icon 1. Enter User id
3. Change password to ³Apotex´, repeat and click ³Enter´
Resetting Passwords (2)
Users can change their own passwords from the initial SAP Logon screen.
Disabling an SAP Account (1)
Need picture of SAP login showing a regular account. µNO LONGER WITH COMPANY¶ in the Function box.
Disabling an SAP Account (2)
Click on µGenerate Password Wizard¶ to generate a new password for the account
Enter a µValid to¶ date to disable the account as of that day
Disabling an SAP Account (3)
Click on the Lock/Unlock button
Account is not locked
Account is locked by Administrator
User Maintenance Functions
Change Password
New users are created by copying from a template or by creating a new SAP User ID. The template has all of the default settings. Roles have to be assigned to the user. The roles already have the appropriate profiles or authorizations assigned to them. If a user forgets his or her password, the Help Desk can quickly reset their password. Besides creating a user and resetting passwords, you can also lock & unlock users, display and edit existing users and add/delete roles. You can terminate an SAP Account by using transaction SU01 when a user leaves the company. NEVER delete an SAP account.
Troubleshooting Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: Identify the transaction code for a particular screen. Understand common sources of logon errors. Lock/Unlock User¶s out of R/3 Understand how to look up ABAP dumps. Understand how user defaults are maintained. Understand the Print function in R/3. Understand how to create, save and access variants
Identify the Transaction Code
Logon Errors
Logon Errors could be caused by any of the following: 1. Wrong client 2. Wrong Password 3. User Account expired or does not exist 4. System is down 5. User is locked out
Users Locked out of R/3
After 6 Attempts to log in, the user is locked out.
ABAP Short Dump
SU3 - Maintaining User Defaults and Options
Address Logon Language User data Defaults Printer Spool Control Date Format Decimal Format
Changing Printers
2. Remove ³Local printer´
1. Use Matchcode
3. Select printer
Create Variants
Variants can be used to save parameters in commonly used transactions for future use.
Enter required information on screen
Create Variants (2)
Click the Goto option. Click Variants. Click Save as variant
Save Variants
Enter in variant name and description and click the Save icon.
Access Variants
Go to the input screen you require. Click the Goto option. Click Variants. Click Get
Access Variants (2)
You will see a list of variants. Double click the one you want.
You can use System Status to find the transaction code for a particular screen. Common sources of logon errors include wrong client, wrong password, user account expired or does not exist, system is down, user is locked out. If a user attempts to log in unsuccessfully 6 times, the system will lock them out. Unlocking users is done through the transaction SU01. You can look up ABAP dumps when GUI crashes occur to determine what happened. User defaults are maintained by users or administrators. The Print function in R/3 piggybacks on NT, a default printer can be changed by the user or an administrator A Variant allows you to specify certain transaction information parameters and save them for future use.
User Information System
User Information System
User Information System: Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this topic you will be able to use the User Information System to perform the following tasks : Look up transactions by role Look up roles by transactions Look up transactions executable by users Look up changes done to user accounts Look up the Last Logon and Password change by user
User Information System (SUIM)
Transaction Code
Insert picture Expanded SUIM
Transactions by Role (1)
Transactions by Role (2)
Search Results
Roles by Transaction (1)
Roles by Transaction (2)
List of Roles containing Transaction ME21N
Transactions executable by user (1)
Transactions executable by user (2)
Search Results
Change Documents (1)
Change Documents (2)
User was created
Last modified
Slide of Last Login and Password change
Need Saud to get this and explain results
Slide of Last Login and Password change results
Need Saud to get this and explain results
The SAP User Information System (SUIM) is a reporting tool which assists account administrators with different methods of looking up information related to users, roles, transactions and profiles. The different options available are; looking up transactions by role or roles by transactions SUIM also allows you to look up all transactions executable by a user and any changes made to a user¶s account