Senior Claims Adjuster

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DONALD KURTH 1095 S. Lorraine Rd, Wheaton, IL 60189 Home (630) 517-8742 Cell (630) 765-0866 [email protected] STRENGTHS: Satisfaction of employer needs, oral and written communication skills, negotiati on skills, team building, leadership by example. Pride in work and professional approach: thorough, organized, and dependable. EXPERIENCE: * Construction Defect litigation * Premises Liability, Products Liability, General Liability, Auto liability * Serious injuries including fatalities * Contractual Liability, Coverage and Additional Insured issues * Coverage B claims CAREER: 01/08 - 11/08 Claims Consultant (contract), Kelly Financial Services: Reinsur ance claim reporting and database management on Special Project, for CNA Insuran ce, Chicago, IL. 02/07 - 12/07 Claim Representative, (contract), Insurance Placement Solutions: GL and auto c laims for Walgreens, through Sedgwick Claims Mgt 12/07, and for Ace Insurance, C hicago 2/07-5/07. 09/06 - 12/06 Senior Claim Representative (contract), Kelly Financial Services: Investigated and settled GL and auto liability claims, including serious injuries, for Firema n's Fund Insurance - Western Region. Settled broken hip claim with represented elderly woman. 02/06 - 05/06 Senior Claim Specialist, Investigated, defended and settled Con struction Defect litigation for developers and general contractors, for American Claims Management, San Diego, as TPA for American Safety Insurance and Ace Insu rance. Worked effectively from home as one of only two Northern California repr esentatives for ACM. 03/97 - 01/06 Senior Claim Representative, Construction Defect litigation, se rious injuries and Additional Insured issues, for Ward N.A. / HDR Insurance Serv ices, Sacramento, as TPA for INSCORP (Insurance Corp. of New York). Settled $75 0K Las Vegas lawsuit for $124K, to the amazement of our defense attorneys. Was considered the best writer on staff. 03/93 - 12/96 Claim Representative, GL, auto liability, and Construction Defec t claims and litigation, with Aetna Casualty & Surety, Sacramento. Served on te am to introduce new computer claim-evaluation system. 07/85 - 09/92 Claim Supervisor, 88-92, USF&G Insurance, San Jose - Sacramento, CA. Managed case load while supervising 12 people, including performance revie ws. Promoted from Claim Representative, multiline, including Surety bonds, 19 85-88, while obtaining MBA degree at night. EDUCATION:

CCLA: American Educ. Inst. Legal Principles and Liability courses MBA, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA B.S., Communications, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL


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