Sept October Newletter

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Vo l um e 9 I ss ue 2 Se p t . / Oc t . 2 01 0

————-The Electronic Version of Our School Newsletter————198 School Drive Yale, Michigan 48097 Joseph Haynes, Principal Robert Keefe, Assistant Principal Shari Muxlow, Counselor Telephone (810)387-3231 Fax (810) 387-9207

November 1st Picture Re-Take Day

The recycling program started a few years ago with cardboard boxes in the classroom with a few teachers collecting old worksheets and other discarded paper. Two years ago, the Student Council became involved Karli Klocke, Madison Sokacz, Natalie and took the recycling program to the next level. Hoist, and Joey Moza Container boxes were Stand next to the new recycling dumpster that was donated by Jeff’s purchased for each Rubbish classroom. One box was for paper products and one for plastic. Larger recycling containers were housed outside of the building in a retainment area for student counsel members to dump the paper and plastic until it was picked up for recycling. This year, Jeff’s Rubbish, our school local recycling contractor, donated a large metal recycling dumpster to the junior high school for our program. Jeff’s Rubbish painted the dumpster “Yale Blue and White” and added graphics of our bulldog mascot to the sides. The dumpster is on wheels which make the process of recycling large amounts of paper and plastic easier. The students and staff of Yale Junior High School would like to thank Jeff’s Rubbish for their donation of a “first class” dumpster and personalizing it for our school.

2nd Full Day Teacher In-ServiceNO STUDENTS 11th Board Meeting – 7:00 12th First Marking Period Ends 18th Parent / Teacher Conferences 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. 22nd Parent / Teacher Conferences 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. 23rd Students ½ Day of School Parent / Teacher Conferences 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. 24th NO SCHOOL 25/26th Thanksgiving – NO SCHOOL 29th Student Council Lansing Trip

Picture Retake Day Is November 1st
Spirit Week Photos

Yale Junior High School Fall Sports Teams View The Team Rosters and Various Photos On Page 4 & 5

Congratulations 6th Graders
“Class of 2017”

Parent Teacher Conference
November 18th 5-8 PM November 22nd 5-8 PM November 23rd 12-3 PM In the Gymnasium

Yale Junior High School’s 2010 Homecoming Spirit Week Winners The Spirit Key is Yours!

Pag e 2 Thank you to all student government officers and representatives. Student Council Members 2010/2011
Student Council Officers President:

Vo l um e 9 I ss ue 2 6th Grade Staff

On October 15th, Yale Junior High School students and staff participated in their first ever “Pink Out”. In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, students and staff wore pink clothing, pins and buttons to school. Over 350 students and staff participated in the event.

Karli Klocke

Vice-Pres: Madison Sokacz Secretary: Joey Moza Treasurer: Natalie Hoist

7th Grade

8th Grade


Austin Gentner Garrett Bondy Tyler McCormick Jill Biskner Vincent Campbell Emily Deiotte Shyanne Radatz Kaycee Reid Tom Tesluck (Alt.) Sydney Reno Sarah Wiczorek (Alt.) Scott Donnellon Lauren Steen (Alt.) Brooke Jonseck Jeffrey Matese (Alt.) Jared Ramsey Alicia Munro (Alt.) Emily Kaatz CJ Gerlach (Alt.) Morgan Goulding Cade Smeznik (Alt.)

Yale Public Schools are Smoke and Alcohol Free
All school buildings and school property are alcohol and smoke free environments. The Yale School Board established a policy that states: “ no person, at any time, shall smoke, chew, or otherwise use tobacco products, of any kind, on School District property, on property under control of the school district, nor in school district vehicles.” The adopted school district policy involving alcohol states: “no alcoholic beverages, of any kind, nor any “look-a-like” alcoholic beverages, shall be used by any person in District buildings or on District property, nor in connection with any District sponsored activity, either on or off District property, at any time.” Signs prohibiting the use of alcohol, tobacco, or tobacco products are posted on school grounds. General public violations will be handled in accordance with State Law. Any student involved with either alcohol, drugs or tobacco are subject to our student code of conduct related to the offense. Alcohol and tobacco related incidents would result in suspension from school and police involvement including the issue of a citation for minor in possession. Drug related incidents, including look-a-like drugs, would include a ten day suspension from school, followed by a possible recommendation for expulsion as well as police involvement.

Information is your tool for empowerment! Action is your opportunity for resiliency! You can help decide how much an emergency may impact you and your family. By being ready, the deviation of your daily routine during an emergency, may be significantly less during a power outage, for example. Having a plan, knowing what to do for different incidents, and preparing for variable emergencies will better ready you and your family. Having emergency kits, stocked with essential items for your entire family, including pets, for AT LEAST 72 hours, may help keep your daily routine closer to the norm. Remember, you are now more empowered to take action; to ready you and your family for emergencies. For more information go to:

Seventh and Eighth Grade Class Officers and Photos are on Page 7

B u ll d og Pr id e

Pag e 3 Inclement Weather On very stormy or foggy days, school and bus information is announced on the radio and television. Below are stations that announce information concerning Yale Public Schools WHLS (1450 AM) WMIC (660 AM) WPHM (1380 AM) WQSA (1170 AM) WFIN (1590 AM) WNFA (88.3 FM) CHANNEL 2 (TV) CHANNEL 7 (TV) In particular on fog days, the announcement will state the length of time morning pick ups are delayed. You are encouraged to have a plan to care for your child / children returning home when school is dismissed early due to severe weather conditions.

Title I Services at Yale Junior High School
Title I is a federal supplemental program designed to help students reach high academic standards. Yale Junior High, Yale Elementary, and Avoca Elementary all receive Title I services. In receiving funds for these programs, Yale Public School has a requirement to provide information to parents regarding your child’s classroom teacher’s professional qualifications upon request. Information will be provided to you upon request of the following: Whether your child’s teacher has met Michigan qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction. Whether your child’s teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which Michigan qualifications or licensing have been waived. The baccalaureate degree major of your child’s teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree. Whether your child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications. You will also receive timely notice if your child is, for whatever reason, assigned, or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified. A highly qualified teacher would be defined as a teacher that meets Michigan’s qualifications and licensing criteria for the grade level or subject in which the teacher is providing instruction. You may also request additional information on the level of achievement of your child in each of Michigan’s assessments. Michigan uses the Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) to determine levels of achievement. Information on your child’s MEAP assessment will be available at the school your child attends in late Jan. or Feb. Information on teacher qualifications can be obtained for the Central Administration Office at 200 School Drive, Yale MI.

Merit activities were designed to reward Yale Junior High School students for doing their best academically and following our school code of conduct. Students who are passing all of their classes and have not been issued a discipline referral, been suspended from school or bus service are eligible to participate in our merit activity for that marking period. Throughout the year, approximately four to six merit activities are scheduled for the students. Each activity has a marking period as the qualifying time frame. If a child is ineligible for one activity, they automatically are eligible for the next activity unless they fail a class or receive a discipline referral during that qualifying time period. The activities are exciting and most all students who qualify for the activity participate. Some activities have a cost attached to them. Yale Junior High School attempts to off-set the cost of the merit activities by hosting one fundraiser at the beginning of the school year. All funds raised in our Great Lakes Promotions fundraiser go directly into the students’ activities accounts at our school. The merit activities are announced in advance and are listed on our building calendar.

Just a reminder that student lockers are property of the school district. School representatives have the right to inspect lockers if there is a concern regarding student safety. If students abuse their lockers (destroy, jam, or allow other students to use without consent from their teacher), they may forfeit their right to that locker or any other locker.

Pag e 4 Football Team Roster
Steven Jordan Garrett Bondy Scott Beem Brendan Moyer Felipe Macias Zane Smeznik Aaron Korotko Hunter VanHevel Tyler Bundon Gunner Nolan Joshua McClelland James Fuhrman Galen Wood Austin Snider Jaedon Johnson Lucas Radtke Jacob Gleason Brett Barr Tyler McCormick Brent Schweiger Matthew Roberts David Hyde Max Wittner Collin Kain James Dunn Darren Davis Jacob Gleason Nicholas Salski Brendan Wells Garrett Wells Kyle Danielkiewicz Justin Evola Austin Reno Spencer French Tim Donnellon Jacob Radclif Cheerleaders Hannah Ainsworth April Timlin Armonni Hicks Heather Blanton Holly Koglin Madison Pearl Michelle Painter Sabrina Wicker Kenzie MacDonald Alyssa Troia Jasmine Schuette Alexandra Kerswell Halley O’Connell Dakota Starks Kathryn Myers

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B u ll d og Pr id e

Pag e 5 8th Grade Team Roster Annie Taylor Alyssa Stern Jessica Marks Alex Jedrzejczak Allison Fleming Allison Cowhy Natalie Hoist Alison Bastianelli Mariel Kincaid Kim Charney Amber Glavach Tessa Palmateer



7th Grade Team Roster Karli Klocke Kaylee Schiffelbine Alysia Edgerton Allison Terpening Megan Ripenbark Alaina Kersten MacKenzie Burns Rachel Stawecki Jill Biskner Madison Sokacz Mylissa Atkinson Alexandria Leenknegt Delani Porrett Kristen Bosman Alex Moran Miranda Schoof (Manager)

Check-Out for information about YPS Basketball

Lauren Steen Kayla LaFleure Anne Duckert Emily Kaatz Lauryn Zisler Ashley Webb Madalyn Ketchum Kayla Ostrander Rebecca Reagin Libby Huston

Brooke Jonseck Penny Nichols Taylor Dorsey Devon Ponke Gabi Smith Claire Vincent Matthew Buckmaster Scott Donnellon Joey Mitch William Johnson

Jeff Matese Brett Bastianelli Brandon Gieleghem Remington Martin Erik Heidt Cody Hemmi Bobby Zuniga William Johnson Anthony Lada Riley MacDonald

Pag e 6

Vo l um e 9 I ss ue 2

Parent Page
The greatest influence in a child's life is their parents. When a child becomes a teenager, the power of influence adjusts slightly to peers, role models and other adults. Parents need to stay involved in every aspect of their child’s development and growth whether the teenager wants them to or not. For this reason, the staff at Yale Junior High School has decided to dedicate one page per newsletter to parents in an attempt to better understand development of a teenager. If you any information that you think would benefit parents in our school, please feel free to share your ideas with Joe Haynes, Building Principal.
Did You Know? Research shows that when teenage girls are asked to write about a topic, they write to an adult audience. However, boys write as if their audience were other boys their age. Parents may want to remind their children about the audience they are writing to the next time your child has a writing assignment. Studies Show… The most consistent predictors of children’s academic achievement and social adjustment are parent expectations of the child’s academic ability and satisfaction with their child’s education at school. -Help your child set high achievable goals!-

Sure gossip seems innocent. After all, what’s wrong with your child passing along juicy playground news? The answer is plenty. Gossip isn’t just rude, it is also destructive (and often leads to bigger problems in school that sometimes results in school discipline). To help your child see the difference between gossip and “information sharing”, ask, “would you tell me this if the person you’re talking about were standing right here?” If the answer is no, it’s probably gossip. Most of the discipline referrals involving two or more students at our school start as a result of a rumor. Please help us teach students that rumor spreading is wrong and that it hurts other students.

Listen to What Your Child Has to Say Want your preteen or teenager to open up? Use active listening. Here’s how:

• • •

Pay attention. When your child is ready to talk, put down what you’re doing and focus on them. Acknowledge their words. Don’t chime in with advice, but give a simple nod or response to show you’re listening. Name the emotion. Are they struggling to express a feeling? Help them. Asking, “were you frustrated when you didn’t get called on?” for instance, may encourage them to share even more. Family Dinner Time - - - - - It’s What Kids Need!

Something as simple as eating dinner together as a family can be beneficial to your child. Meals around the dinner table promote communication, build family bonds and allow families to connect. Kids get food (and most teenagers love to eat), parents can get up to speed on their child’s schooling, friendships, social events and calendar items. Who knows, your child may even want your opinion on a situation in their lives. Do what you can to schedule as many family dinners together as possible. If you have to, a meal together at a fast food restaurant between soccer practice and dance practice is better then nothing.




Michigan offers two health insurance programs, MIChild and Healthy Kids for children up to their 19th birthday who qualify. The cost is $10 per family per month or no cost, depending on child’s eligibility. The comprehensive health insurance coverage includes: - regular checkups - immunizations - emergency care - dental care - pharmacy - hospital care - laboratory/X-ray services - vision and hearing - mental health & substance abuse services and other services MIChild/Healthy Kids applications are available at your school and through the Outreach Program, St. Clair County Health Department at (810) 987-5300. You can also apply online at:

B u ll d og Pr id e

Pag e 7

Student Government
Eighth Grade Class Officers 20102010-2011 President: Felipe Macias Vice-President: Zane Smeznik Treasurer: Spencer French Secretary: Nathan Kaatz Sgt. At Arms: Riley Koepf Sgt. At Arms: Steven Jordan Seventh Grade Class Officers 20092009-2010 President: Megan Dunsmore Vice-President: Megan Ripenbark Treasurer: MacKenzie Burns Secretary: Jeffrey Schutt Sgt. At Arms: Natalie Keith Sgt. At Arms: Brendan Macias

Front row left to right: Spencer French, Riley Koepf, Steven Jordan Standing: Felipe Macias, Nathan Kaatz, Zane Smeznik Student Council Officers 20102010-2011 President: Karli Klocke Vice-President: Madison Sokacz Treasurer: Natalie Hoist Secretary: Joey Moza

Front Row left to right: Brendan Macias, Natalie Keith, MacKenzie Burns Standing: Megan Dunsmore, Jeffrey Schutt, Megan Ripenbark

Front: Madison Sokacz, Natalie Hoist Back: Karli Klocke, Joey Moza


Y al e J u n i o r H ig h S c h oo l
198 School Drive Yale, MI 48097 Joseph Haynes, Principal Bob Keefe, Assistant Principal Shari Muxlow, Counselor Michelle Manger, Secretary Joann Sabada, Secretary Deona Ellis, Attendance Clerk Telephone: (810)-387-3231 Fax: (810)-387-9207 Email:

Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 14 Yale, MI

Address Labels

Excellence in Education

d ar s ur Calen Mark Yo eacher Parent T ces Conferen PM r 18th 5 -8 Novembe -8 PM r 22nd 5 Novembe -3 PM r 23rd 12 Novembe

Yale Junior High School

Did You Know? Every School in the Yale Public School District Received an “A” A on the State of Michigan’s Report Card

Bulldog Pride

Volume 9 Issue 2

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