########################################################### phpBookingCalendar - Booking Calendar Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Jeffrey J. Walters Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php For further information visit: http://www.jjwdesign.com/
[email protected] Version: 1.0e Modified: 2011-02-12 Tested against: Apache 2, PHP 5.3.2, MySQL ########################################################### Setup: Setup information & variables can be found in: includes/application_top.php The first thing you will notice about this file is the "testing" server settings. These can be left alone, unless you wish to setup a testing server on your Win32 machine. In that case I would suggest looking towards WAMP5 to accomplish that task. Otherwise, setup the Web server settings where appropriate. http://www.wampserver.com/en/ Much of the 'includes/application_top.php' file is setup constants, which are already defined properly. Web server and file server paths are defined and PHP include paths are extended. MAIL_MYNAME and MAIL_MYEMAIL must be set for the Web server to allow Sendmail to function properly. Make sure to properly set the SQL database connection constants: DB_SERVER, DB_SERVER_USERNAME, DB_SERVER_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE Check with your Hosting Provider if you are not sure of your database connection or how to setup a MySQL Database. Towards the bottom of the 'application_top.php' file are the majority of the booking calendar settings. BOOKING_TIME_INTERVAL: This is an extremely important setting!!!!!!! Once set, it can not be modified. I recommend setting the interval to either '30' or '15' (seconds). This should suffice for most booking calendar situations. MIN_BOOKING_HOUR and MAX_BOOKING_HOUR These two settings are also extremely important! Once set, you can expand the range, but it has not been fully tested yet. Reducing the range would be more challenging and is not yet supported.
location_db_name This array provides the mapping between location key and the schedule MySQL DB table field name. Is you add additional keys, make sure to add the columns to the 'booking_schedule' table. location_display This array provides the mapping between location keys and the display text to be used by the Booking Calendar. Requirements for authentication (login) and user settings can also be found at the end of this script. MySQL: Once you've defined the basic setup parameters it's time to setup your MySQL tables. MySQL SQL setup can be found in includes/sql/mysql.sql I would recommend using phpMyAdmin or some other MySQL tool to execute the setup query. Make sure to add columns for additional locations in the 'booking_schedule' table, if needed. http://www.phpmyadmin.net/ FCK Editor / CKEditor The FCKEditor, now known as the CKEditor, was removed from this package with v1.1 due to lack of need and licensing issues. http://ckeditor.com/ overLIB 4.00: Also integrated into the calendar is the overLIB javascript which handles the creation of the popup information boxes. http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/ CSS/Fonts can be found in the setup file: overlib.js Session Directory: The includes/sessions/ directory must be made writable for the user sessions to be stored. This script is setup not to use the PHP default sessions directory, because of security issues. chmod 775 sessions Log Files and Logs Directory: The Logs Directory and the included files need to also be set to writable and executable.
chmod 775 logs chmod 664 parse_time_log.txt Beta Warning: While this is the first official release of the phpBookingCalendar booking calendar script, I can not guarantee that future versions will be backwards compatible. Indeed, the database location mapping will most likely be integrated into a future administration section. Thank you for reading all the way down here ;) Jeff Walters Feel free to send bugs/comments/corrections/wishes to:
[email protected]