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Data ONTAP® 7.2 Software Setup Guide

Network Appliance, Inc. 495 East Java Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA Telephone: +1 (408) 822-6000 Fax: +1 (408) 822-4501 Support telephone: +1 (888) 4-NETAPP Documentation comments: [email protected] Information Web: Part number 210-03612_A0 Updated for Data ONTAP 7.2.2 on 22 March 2007

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Copyright information

Copyright © 1994–2007 Network Appliance, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. No part of this document covered by copyright may be reproduced in any form or by any means— graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or storage in an electronic retrieval system—without prior written permission of the copyright owner. Portions of this product are derived from the Berkeley Net2 release and the 4.4-Lite-2 release, which are copyrighted and publicly distributed by The Regents of the University of California. Copyright © 1980–1995 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Portions of this product are derived from NetBSD, copyright © Carnegie Mellon University. Copyright © 1994, 1995 Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. Author Chris G. Demetriou. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright notice and its permission notice appear in all copies of the software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS “AS IS” CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. Software derived from copyrighted material of The Regents of the University of California and Carnegie Mellon University is subject to the following license and disclaimer: Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notices, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notices, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display this text: This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER


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IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. This software contains materials from third parties licensed to Network Appliance Inc. which is sublicensed, and not sold, and title to such material is not passed to the end user. All rights reserved by the licensors. You shall not sublicense or permit timesharing, rental, facility management or service bureau usage of the Software. Portions developed by the Apache Software Foundation ( Copyright © 1999 The Apache Software Foundation. Portions Copyright © 1995–1998, Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler Portions Copyright © 2001, Sitraka Inc. Portions Copyright © 2001, iAnywhere Solutions Portions Copyright © 2001, i-net software GmbH Portions Copyright © 1995 University of Southern California. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed by the University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute. The name of the University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. Portions of this product are derived from version 2.4.11 of the libxml2 library, which is copyrighted by the World Wide Web Consortium. Network Appliance modified the libxml2 software on December 6, 2001, to enable it to compile cleanly on Windows, Solaris, and Linux. The changes have been sent to the maintainers of libxml2. The unmodified libxml2 software can be downloaded from Copyright © 1994–2002 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. Software derived from copyrighted material of the World Wide Web Consortium is subject to the following license and disclaimer: Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation, with or without modification, for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby granted, provided that you include the following on ALL copies of the software and documentation or portions thereof, including modifications, that you make: The full text of this NOTICE in a location viewable to users of the redistributed or derivative work. Any pre-existing intellectual property disclaimers, notices, or terms and conditions. If none exist, a short notice of the following form (hypertext is preferred, text is permitted) should be used within the body of any redistributed or derivative code: “Copyright © [$date-of-software] World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights Reserved.” Notice of any changes or modifications to the W3C files, including the date changes were made. THIS SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED “AS IS,” AND COPYRIGHT HOLDERS MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY THIRD PARTY PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR OTHER RIGHTS. Copyright and trademark information iii

COPYRIGHT HOLDERS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ANY USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION. The name and trademarks of copyright holders may NOT be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to the software without specific, written prior permission. Title to copyright in this software and any associated documentation will at all times remain with copyright holders. Software derived from copyrighted material of Network Appliance, Inc. is subject to the following license and disclaimer: Network Appliance reserves the right to change any products described herein at any time, and without notice. Network Appliance assumes no responsibility or liability arising from the use of products described herein, except as expressly agreed to in writing by Network Appliance. The use or purchase of this product does not convey a license under any patent rights, trademark rights, or any other intellectual property rights of Network Appliance. The product described in this manual may be protected by one or more U.S. patents, foreign patents, or pending applications. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.277-7103 (October 1988) and FAR 52-227-19 (June 1987).

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NetApp, the Network Appliance logo, the bolt design, NetApp–the Network Appliance Company, DataFabric, Data ONTAP, FAServer, FilerView, FlexVol, Manage ONTAP, MultiStore, NearStore, NetCache, SecureShare, SnapDrive, SnapLock, SnapManager, SnapMirror, SnapMover, SnapRestore, SnapValidator, SnapVault, Spinnaker Networks, SpinCluster, SpinFS, SpinHA, SpinMove, SpinServer, SyncMirror, Topio, VFM, and WAFL are registered trademarks of Network Appliance, Inc. in the U.S.A. and/or other countries. Cryptainer, Cryptoshred, Datafort, and Decru are registered trademarks, and Lifetime Key Management and OpenKey are trademarks, of Decru, a Network Appliance, Inc. company, in the U.S.A. and/or other countries. gFiler, Network Appliance, SnapCopy, Snapshot, and The evolution of storage are trademarks of Network Appliance, Inc. in the U.S.A. and/or other countries and registered trademarks in some other countries. ApplianceWatch, BareMetal, Camera-to-Viewer, ComplianceClock, ComplianceJournal, ContentDirector, ContentFabric, EdgeFiler, FlexClone, FlexShare, FPolicy, HyperSAN, InfoFabric, LockVault, NOW, NOW NetApp on the Web, ONTAPI, RAID-DP, RoboCache, RoboFiler, SecureAdmin, Serving Data by Design, SharedStorage, Simplicore, Simulate ONTAP, Smart SAN, SnapCache, SnapDirector, SnapFilter, SnapMigrator, SnapSuite, SohoFiler, SpinMirror, SpinRestore, SpinShot, SpinStor, StoreVault, vFiler, Virtual File Manager, VPolicy, and Web Filer are trademarks of Network Appliance, Inc. in the United States and other countries. NetApp Availability Assurance and NetApp ProTech Expert are service marks of Network Appliance, Inc. in the U.S.A. Apple is a registered trademark and QuickTime is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft is a registered trademark and Windows Media is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. RealAudio, RealNetworks, RealPlayer, RealSystem, RealText, and RealVideo are registered trademarks and RealMedia, RealProxy, and SureStream are trademarks of RealNetworks, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. Network Appliance is a licensee of the CompactFlash and CF Logo trademarks. Network Appliance NetCache is certified RealSystem compatible.


Copyright and trademark information

Table of Contents
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

Chapter 1

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Product documentation and media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Default storage system configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 File system overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Licenses and protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Network name services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Host names and interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Chapter 2

Information Gathering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Gathering setup information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Configuration Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Chapter 3

Setting Up Your Storage System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Using the setup command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Using the Setup Wizard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Configuring your storage system for CIFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Post-setup installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Chapter 4

After Setup Is Complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 The verification process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Verifying network connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Verifying host name resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Verifying storage availability and licensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Preparing NFS clients to access the storage system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Preparing CIFS clients to access the storage system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Verifying the configuration for active/active storage systems . . . . . . . . . 66

Table of Contents


Verifying the RLM connections and setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Verifying the RMC connections and setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Administering your storage system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Appendix A

Time Zones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 GMT offset and miscellaneous time zones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Time zones by geographical region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Appendix B

Supported Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87


Table of Contents

About this guide This guide describes how to set up and configure storage systems that run Data ONTAP® software. It covers all supported storage system models.


This guide is for system administrators who are familiar with operating systems, such as the UNIX®, Windows NT®, Windows 2000®, Windows Server 2003 Software®, or Windows XP® operating systems, that run on the storage system’s clients. It also assumes that you are familiar with how to configure the storage system and how Network File System (NFS), Common Internet File System (CIFS), and Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP) are used for file sharing or transfers. This guide doesn’t cover basic system or network administration topics, such as IP addressing, routing, and network topology.

Is this guide right for you?

If you are installing new storage systems, this is the correct guide for you. If you are unsure, use the following table to decide which guide to read. If you are... Configuring a new storage system Read... This guide If you are configuring a new storage system in an FCP or iSCSI environment, see also your Block Access Management Guide for iSCSI and FCP. Upgrading an existing storage system to this version of the Data ONTAP software Converting existing storage systems to an active/active configuration The Data ONTAP Upgrade Guide

The Active/Active Configuration Guide

For a complete listing of Data ONTAP documentation, see the Access and Order Product Documentation page on the NOW™ NetApp® on the Web™ site at, or the Data ONTAP Documentation Roadmap.




Storage systems that run Data ONTAP are sometimes referred to as filers, storage appliances, appliances, or systems. The name of the graphical user interface for Data ONTAP, FilerView, reflects one of these common usages. An active/active configuration is a pair of storage systems configured to serve data for each other if one of the two systems becomes impaired. In Data ONTAP documentation and other information resources, active/active configurations are sometimes referred to as clusters or active/active configurations. In examples that illustrate commands executed on a UNIX workstation, the command syntax and output might differ, depending on your version of UNIX. This guide uses the term “type” to mean pressing one or more keys on the keyboard. It uses the term “enter” to mean pressing one or more keys and then pressing the Enter key, or clicking in a field in a graphical interface and typing information into it.

Where you enter commands

You can enter storage system commands either on the system console or from any client computer that can access the storage system through a Telnet session.

Keyboard conventions

When describing key combinations, this guide uses the hyphen (-) to separate individual keys. For example, Ctrl-D means pressing the Control and D keys simultaneously. Also, this guide uses the term enter to refer to the key that generates a carriage return, although the key is named “Return” on some keyboards.

Typographic conventions

The following table describes typographic conventions used in this guide. Convention Italic font Type of information Words or characters that require special attention. Placeholders for information you must supply. For example, if the guide says to enter the arp -d hostname command, you enter the characters arp -d followed by the actual name of the host. Book titles in cross-references.



Monospaced font

Type of information Command and daemon names. Information displayed on the system console or other computer monitors. The contents of files.

Bold monospaced font

Words or characters you type. What you type is always shown in lowercase letters, unless you must type it in uppercase letters.

Special messages

This guide contains two types of special messages: Note A note contains important information that helps you install or operate the system efficiently. Attention An Attention notice contains instructions that you must follow to avoid a system crash, loss of data, or damage to the equipment.





About this chapter

This chapter provides an overview of how a storage system works and defines specific concepts you should know prior to setting up your system on a network. Review this chapter before performing setup to ensure that you understand how a storage system is configured for use on a network.

Topics in this chapter

This chapter discusses the following topics:
◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

“Product documentation and media” on page 2 “Default storage system configuration” on page 4 “File system overview” on page 5 “Licenses and protocols” on page 8 “Network name services” on page 10 “Host names and interfaces” on page 12

Chapter 1: Overview


Product documentation and media

Product documentation overview

When you receive your storage system, there are several different ways that you can receive product documentation. Product documentation for the storage system is available online on the NOW™ site at, and you can also order printed copies from this Web site. You can also find documentation here:
◆ ◆ ◆

Data ONTAP Software CD-ROM CompactFlash card Data ONTAP man pages (shipped on the Data ONTAP CD-ROM and installed on the system)

See the Data ONTAP® Release Notes for more information about this Data ONTAP release.

Data ONTAP software CD-ROM

Because the system software is installed at the factory, you don’t need the CDROM that shipped with your system to install or configure a new storage system. For recovery purposes, store this CD-ROM in a safe place. The CD-ROM contains the system software and system boot software in two formats so that it can be read by both UNIX and Windows workstations. If you need to reinstall the system software for any reason, you need this CD-ROM. For full information about the contents of the CD-ROM, see the file named index.htm on the CD-ROM.

CompactFlash card

All storage systems shipped with this release of Data ONTAP use CompactFlash cards as the boot device for setting up a storage system. Data ONTAP writes environmental and persistent variables to the CompactFlash cards, and to the boot files needed to load the software.

Data ONTAP man pages

Man pages describe the Data ONTAP commands for accessing features and functions on the storage system. These pages can be found on either the CDROM that was shipped with your product or the storage system itself.


Product documentation and media

Accessing Data ONTAP man pages

Data ONTAP manual (man) pages are available for the following types of information. They are grouped into sections according to standard UNIX naming conventions. Types of information Commands Special files File formats and conventions System management and services Man page section 1 4 5 8

Man pages can be viewed in the following ways:

At the storage system command line, by entering
man command_or_file_name

◆ ◆

From the FilerView® main navigational page In Commands: Manual Page Reference, Volumes 1 and 2

Chapter 1: Overview


Default storage system configuration

Tasks performed prior to shipment

Before your storage system was shipped to you, a series of tasks was performed to configure your storage system for use. These tasks simplify the setup process for you and ensure that you can run the setup script on your system. The following tasks were performed: 1. Your storage system was configured with a root volume and aggregates based on your needs and the purchase agreement. 2. Licenses for protocols and features (CIFS, NFS, HTTP, controller failover, and so on) you have purchased were installed on your system. 3. Bootloader files and firmware updates, including primary and secondary BIOS images, were installed on the CompactFlash card that shipped with your system.


Default storage system configuration

File system overview


The storage system uses the WAFL® (Write Anywhere File Layout) blocksbased file system to manage file access and storage system performance. The size of your file system is dependent upon the number of disks and configuration of the volume; you can add more disks to your storage system at any time up to a maximum capacity that is supported by your platform.

Default file system configuration

When considering how to configure your storage system for your network, you should first understand the default file system configuration that ships with a storage system. Storage systems with Data ONTAP 7.1 or later installed are configured with one root FlexVol® volume (vol0) and its aggregate. For more information about file system configurations see the Storage Management Guide. Note You can create any combination of aggregates with FlexVol volumes, traditional volumes, qtrees and LUNs, according to your needs.


Aggregates are the physical component of data storage that act as containers for all volumes in storage system, containing files, directories and Snapshot™ copies. To maximize the storage capacity of each volume on your storage system, you should configure large aggregates that contain multiple FlexVol volumes. Note You can create up to 100 aggregates per storage system with these aggregates being configured as traditional volumes or configured to contain one or more flexible volumes.

Chapter 1: Overview



Volumes are logical file systems consisting of files, directories, qtrees, and logical unit numbers (LUNs) that are accessible using one of the licensed protocols on your system (NFS, CIFS, HTTP, etc). There are two types of volumes used in a storage system:
◆ ◆

Traditional volumes - contain a single aggregate; you must add new disks to increase their size. FlexVol volumes - you can configure aggregates, volumes and qtrees based on your specific needs.

Note When you receive your storage system, a root FlexVol volume has already been created for you. Qtree or LUNs can be configured within the flexible root volume. The flexible root volume can be resized. Additional flexible volumes can be created within the containing aggregate based on your needs. For more information about configuring and planning aggregates, volumes, and qtrees for your storage system, see the Storage Management Guide.


Within a volume you have the option of creating qtrees to provide another level of logical file structure, which is especially useful if you are using traditional volumes. Qtrees are logically defined file systems used to partition data within a volume or assign quotas to limit the amount of storage space a user is allowed to use.


File system overview

Security styles

Every qtree and volume has a security style setting that determines whether it can use Windows or UNIX security settings. You can use these security settings to provide discrete zones of security within a volume. The following security styles can be used:

NTFS (Windows-based) For Windows security styles, access is based on the user’s Windows User Name and Windows Group memberships. Data ONTAP always maps the user’s Windows identity to the user’s UNIX identity when access is requested to data with NTFS style security. If a user is accessing data from a Windows host, the user’s Windows User Name and Windows Groups determine NTFS access rights.

UNIX (UNIX-based) For UNIX security styles, access to directories and files is based on the user’s UNIX user ID (UID) and group ID (GID). If a user attempts to access data in a UNIX qtree from a Windows machine, Data ONTAP maps the Windows user name to its corresponding UNIX UID. If there is no corresponding UNIX user, the Windows user is mapped to the default UNIX user.

Mixed (either Windows-based or UNIX-based) For mixed style qtrees, access is based on the security style on the qtree and on the folder and files within the qtree. Particular folders or files within a mixed volume or qtree can have a security style that differs from the root of the volume or qtree.

Chapter 1: Overview


Licenses and protocols


A storage system can be configured with license codes to enable and enhance functionality. A license code is a string of characters unique to a particular system, and these licenses need to be purchased before you can use them on a storage system. You can purchase new licenses at any time by contacting technical support.


A series of protocols is used to enable specific features and functions on a storage system. You must purchase a license for these protocols to enable them on your system. The following protocols are configured during setup:
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The Network File System (NFS) protocol is a widely used file sharing protocol supported on different platforms that allows easy file system recovery in the event of server failure.


The Common Internet File Sharing (CIFS) protocol is an open, cross-platform file sharing protocol for client systems to request file services from server systems over a network. When using the CIFS protocol in an Active Domain (AD) environment, there are specific requirements that must be met prior to setup. These requirements are:

The storage system must be able to contact the Domain Name Service (DNS) server with service records in order to locate Kerberos and/or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). You must assign the storage administrator the privileges needed to join a storage system to the domain.

When you run cifs setup and are joining the storage system to a domain, you must specify the DOMAIN/Administrator account and password when prompted. This account has the necessary privileges to create the storage system computer account and join the storage system to the domain.


Licenses and protocols

If your organization’s security structure does not allow you to use DOMAIN/Administrator, then you need to assign permissions specifically for a designated domain user account to either the built-in “computers” container object or a specific organizational unit (OU) where the storage system account will be created. To use a nondomain administrator account to add the storage system to your AD domain, make sure the following permissions for the user account are set on either the built-in “computers” container object or the specific OU where the storage system account will be created: “Change Password” “Write Public Information” “Create Computer Objects”

Chapter 1: Overview


Network name services

Name services

The Storage System supports several network names services. The /etc/nsswitch.conf file is used to configure which names services are used for each database and to determine the order of databases accessed. Setup asks questions that result in changes to the /etc/nsswitch. conf file, configuring it to offer the name services designated. The following represents a default /etc/nsswitch.conf file, illustrating which name services are supported by the databases used by the storage system:
◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

hosts: files nis dns passwd: files nis ldap netgroup: files nis ldap group: files nis ldap shadow: files nis


All databases support the files name service. With files, information is stored locally in the storage system's /etc directory. By default, setup will add entries to the local /etc/hosts file for all configured storage system interfaces. It is recommended that these entries not be removed. The boot file, /etc/rc, depends on entries within the hosts file to properly configure the interfaces during boot.


The Network Information Service (NIS) client provides information about hosts, user passwords, user groups and netgroups on a network. When your storage system needs to resolve information from any of these databases, the NIS client looks at the /etc/nsswitch.conf file to determine if NIS is a configured name service for that map and determines the order of databases accessed to retrieve this information. NIS enables a user to maintain host information in much the same way that DNS does; therefore, either DNS, NIS, or both may be used to store host name information. User and group information are frequently stored on NIS. The storage system can be configured to enable group caching during setup so that you don’t need to perform group lookups each time. If multiprotocol are licensed on your system, you’ll be asked during CIFS setup if NIS will be used and if group information should be cached locally (group caching lessens network traffic).


Network name services

During setup, only one NIS domain may be specified; however, multiple NIS servers may be configured. The NIS domain and NIS servers may be configured at any time using the options command. There are two ways that you can use NIS to maintain hosts on a storage system:
◆ ◆

You can use a makefile master to create an /etc/hosts file You can use a hostmap, kept as a database on a NIS server, which the storage system accesses to look up a host on the network


During the setup process, you are prompted whether you wish to run DNS resolver to resolve host names. The Domain Name Service (DNS) is used to manage host information centrally, eliminating the need to update the /etc/hosts file every time you add hosts to or delete hosts from the network. Also, host names are used to process NFS mount requests, establish CIFS sessions, and authenticate remote shell protocol sessions to storage systems.


LDAP is a centralized network name services which is supported by the storage system and is supported to provide network name services for the following supported databases: passwd, group, and netgroup. For more information on LDAP name services, see the Network Management Guide.

Chapter 1: Overview


Host names and interfaces

Host name resolution

There are three ways in which host information is maintained:
◆ ◆ ◆

/etc/hosts file on the storage system’s default volume Domain Name Service (DNS) server Network Information Service (NIS) database

Note If you use more than one way to maintain host information, this information is accessed based on the order defined in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file. For more information on host name resolution, see the Network Management Guide.

Network interfaces

You can manually create or modify a network interface in two ways: using the ifconfig command on the command-line interface or using the FilerView graphical user interface. The ifconfig command is in the /etc/rc file on the root volume for each storage system interface specified. Once setup is complete, this command is used to configure the interfaces on subsequent reboots. You can modify interface settings using ifconfig or FilerView by changing the values of parameters. These changes take effect immediately; however, to make them permanent across reboots, you must also add the configuration changes to the /etc/rc file. Add the appropriate ifconfig command to the /etc/rc file for each storage system interface that is manually created or make needed modifications to already existing ifconfig entries. Setup modifies the /etc/rc file, adding the proper ifconfig statements according to the storage administrators input during setup. Once setup is complete, this command is used to configure the interfaces on subsequent reboots. The /etc/rc file may be edited at any time after setup is complete; however, use caution when manually editing the /etc/rc file. An improperly configured /etc/rc file may prevent the storage system from successfully booting. For more information about how to modify these interface settings, see the Network Management Guide.


Host names and interfaces

Virtual network interfaces

Data ONTAP allows you to configure aggregated multiple network interfaces into one logical interface, giving you the ability to provide fault tolerant network connectivity and load balancing across the aggregated links. There are two modes for a virtual interface (vif):

Single In a single-mode vif, only one of the interfaces in the vif is active. The other interfaces are on standby ready to take over if the active interface fails (for example, a connection to the switch has been lost).

Multi Multi-mode vifs are compliant with IEEE 802.3ad (static configuration).In multi-mode, all links are simultaneously active. This mode is only useful if all the links are connected to a switch that supports trunking/aggregation over multiple port connections. The switch must be configured to understand that all the port connections share a common media access control (MAC) address and are part of a single logical interface

Note The switch manages load balancing on a network by controlling incoming traffic, while the storage system controls outbound traffic.

Time service synchronization

It is recommended that the storage system be configured for time service synchronization. Many services and applications depend on accurate time synchronization. During CIFS setup, if the storage system is to be joined to an Active Directory domain, Kerberos authentication is used during the setup process. Kerberosbased authentication requires time synchronization - the storage system’s time must match within 5 minutes of the domain controller’s time. If it does not, setup and subsequent authentication attempts fail. By default, within Active Directory domains, all domain controllers synchronize to the domain controller that is configured as the PDC Emulator Master. Therefore, all storage systems must be configured to synchronize to one of the domain controllers or both the storage systems and the controller must synchronize to a central time server.

Chapter 1: Overview



Host names and interfaces

Information Gathering


This section contains the following sections describing how you should gather required information for performing setup:
◆ ◆

“Gathering setup information” on page 16 “Configuration Worksheet” on page 28

How setup works

When you boot up a storage system for the first time Data ONTAP starts the setup script and prompts you to enter configuration information. After you have entered some basic information, you can choose whether to continue with the command line setup script or use the Setup Wizard. You need to enter information related to basic storage system configuration, network services, network addresses, and protocols.

Active/active configurations

If you are configuring a storage system as part of an active/active configuration, some information types must be unique for each storage system in the configuration, and some information types must be identical on both storage systems. In the tables in the following sections, the description column indicates whether the information type must be unique for each storage system or identical on both storage systems.

Chapter 2: Information Gathering


Gathering setup information

Storage system information

Use the following table as a guide to gather the information you need. Note The alternate names used by the Setup Wizard for the term used in the setup command appear in parentheses.

Information type Host name (Hostname or Storage System Name)

Description The name by which the storage system is known on the network. If the storage system is licensed for the NFS protocol, the name can be no longer than 32 characters. If the storage system is licensed for the CIFS protocol, the name can be no longer than 15 characters. The host name must be unique for each storage system in an active/active configuration.

Password (Administrative Password) Time zone (Timezone)

A password that the storage system requires before granting administrative access at the console, through a Telnet client, or through the Remote Shell protocol. The time zone in which the storage system resides. See Appendix A, “Time Zones,” on page 77 for a list of valid time zones. The time zone must be identical on both storage systems in an active/active configuration.

Storage system location (Location)

A description of the physical location of the storage system. The text you enter during storage system setup process is recorded in the SNMP location information. Use a description that identifies where to find your storage system (for example, “Lab 5, Row 7, Rack B”).


Gathering setup information

Information type Language

Description The language used for multiprotocol storage systems if both the CIFS and NFS protocols are licensed. See Appendix B, “Supported Languages,” on page 85 for a list of supported languages and their abbreviations. The language must be identical on both storage systems in an active/active configuration.

Administration host (Administrative Host)

A client computer that is allowed to access the storage system through a Telnet client or through the Remote Shell protocol.

Chapter 2: Information Gathering


Network information

If your network uses standard Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) interfaces, record the following information for each interface. Information type Network Interface name Description The name of the Ethernet (or GbE) interface, depending on what port the Ethernet card is installed in. Examples include e0 (for Ethernet single); e1 (for GbE); and e3a, e3b, e3c, e3d (for Ethernet quad-port). Network interface names are automatically assigned by Data ONTAP as it discovers them. A unique address for each network interface. The subnet mask for the network to which each network interface is attached. Example: Partner IP address (Interface to Take Over) If your storage system is licensed for controller takeover, record the interface name or IP address belonging to the partner that this interface should take over during an active/active configuration takeover. Examples: e0 or When using vifs, you must specify the vif name in the ifconfig statement rather than the interface IP address. Media type (Network Type) The type of interface:
◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

IP address Subnet mask (Network Mask)

1000fx (Gigabit Ethernet Controller; 1000BaseSX, full-duplex, autonegotiation disabled) auto-1000fx (Gigabit Ethernet Controller; autonegotiate speed, duplex, and flow control) 100tx-fd (100Base-TX, full-duplex) tp-fd (10Base-T, full-duplex) 100tx (100Base-TX, half-duplex) tp (10Base-T, half-duplex) auto (autonegotiate speed and duplex)


Gathering setup information

Default gateway

If your network uses routers, record the following information. Information type Router (Routing Gateway) Description Record the following information for the primary gateway to use for routing outbound network traffic:
◆ ◆

Gateway name IP address of the router

HTTP protocol

If your storage system is licensed for HTTP, record the following information. Information type Location of the HTTP directory Description The directory where the Web files and directories are stored. The default directory is /home/http in the storage system’s root volume.

Chapter 2: Information Gathering


DNS services

To configure your storage system to use DNS services, you must have the following DNS information. Information type DNS domain Description The name of your network’s Domain Name Service (DNS). The DNS domain name must be identical on both storage systems in an active/active configuration. Note The domain name cannot contain an underscore (_) and must consist of alphanumeric characters. If you use an underscore, you receive a “bad domain name” message. DNS servers The IP addresses of your DNS servers. If... Your storage system will not use Active Directory services You need... The IP address for one or more DNS servers that provide host name lookup services to the storage system. The IP address of DNS servers that support your Windows Active Directory domain.

You want to make Active Directory services available to CIFS


Gathering setup information

NIS services

If your network uses NIS services, record the following information. Information type NIS domain name Description The name of your NIS domain. The storage system can use an NIS domain to authenticate users and client computers. The NIS domain name must be identical on both storage systems in an active/active configuration. If multiprotocol is enabled on the storage system, group caching is beneficial for CIFS access as well as NFS access. With multiprotocol access, user mapping of CIFS user to NFS user is performed. When a Windows user requests access to data with UNIX security style, the Windows user is first mapped to the corresponding UNIX user. The UNIX users’ groups must then be ascertained before the storage system can determine appropriate access. Failure to enable these two options together could lead to slow CIFS access to resources due to time spent on NIS group lookups. NIS servers The host names of your preferred NIS servers. If... Your site uses NIS You want NIS to broadcast to find a server You need... The host names of your NIS servers. To enter an asterisk (*) when asked for the NIS server names

Chapter 2: Information Gathering


CIFS protocol

If your storage system is licensed for the CIFS protocol, record the following information. Information type Windows domain Description The name of your Windows domain. If your site uses Windows domains and the storage system belongs to one of these domains, record the name of the domain to which the storage system should belong. Note The Windows domain name value does not need to be identical on both storage systems in an active/active configuration. Each storage system in an active/active configuration can exist in a different domain and/or workgroup from its partner. If you have a multiprotocol environment and use UID to Secure ID (SID) mapping, the UNIX security information must be compatible between the two domains. WINS servers The servers that handle Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) name registrations, queries, and releases. If you choose to make the storage system visible through WINS, you can record up to four WINS IP addresses. Note The WINS server value does not need to be identical on both storage systems in an active/active configuration. Each storage system in an active/active configuration can exist in a different domain and/or workgroup from its partner.


Gathering setup information

Information type Windows domain administrator user name

Description The user name of a Windows domain administrator with sufficient privileges to add this storage system to the Windows domain. Joining a domain requires an administrator user and password. This also applies to NT4 domains. Note This is only required if you are using a Windows domain.

Windows domain administrator password (Windows 2000 administrator password)

The password for the domain administrator user account. Joining a domain requires an administrator user and password. This requirement also applies to NT4 domains. Attention Before you enter the password, be sure to create a secure connection (HTTPS); otherwise, the password is sent to the storage system unencrypted.

Chapter 2: Information Gathering


Information type Active Directory

Description The Windows Active Directory container in which to place storage system accounts. This can be either the default Computers container or a previously created organizational unit (OU) on which you have the necessary permission to join the storage system to the domain. All OU for which you have appropriate permissions will be displayed; the desired OU may be chosen from this list. If the person running setup does not have appropriate rights to the OU which will hold the storage system object, another user who does have the necessary permissions may be designated during the “join” step. Example: CIFS - Logged in as [email protected]. The user that you specified has permission to create the storage system's machine account in several (7) containers. Please choose where you would like this account to be created.
(1) (2) (2) (4) (5) (6) (7) CN=computers OU=java_users OU=Engineer,OU=java_users OU=Market,OU=java_users OU=Filers OU=Domain Controllers None of the above

Choose 7: Selection (1-7)? [1]: 7 The user you specified, '[email protected]', may create the filer's machine account in the container(s) listed above. To use another container, you must specify a user with the appropriate privileges. Enter the name of the Windows user []:"


Gathering setup information

Remote management controller for AutoSupport

If your storage system has a remote management controller (RMC) for enhanced AutoSupport, record the following information. Information type Media Access Control (MAC) address Description If you are using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) service, record the MAC address for the RMC. Locate the MAC address by entering sysconfig -v at the storage system prompt and looking at the output for the RMC in slot 1. Note DHCPv6 servers are not currently supported. IP address Network mask Gateway If you are not using DHCP service, record the IP address for the RMC. If you are not using DHCP service, record the network mask for RMC. If you are not using DHCP service, record the IP address for the RMC gateway.

Chapter 2: Information Gathering


Information type Media type

Description The type of interface for the RMC:

1000fx (Gigabit Ethernet Controller; 1000Base-SX, fullduplex, autonegotiation disabled) auto-1000fx (Gigabit Ethernet Controller; autonegotiate speed, duplex, and flow control) 100tx-fd (100Base-TX, fullduplex) tp-fd (10Base-T, full-duplex) 100tx (100Base-TX, halfduplex) tp (10Base-T, half-duplex) auto (autonegotiate speed, duplex, and flow control)

◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

Mail host

The name or IP address of the preferred mail host. The mail host delivers RMC alerts and local AutoSupport e-mail.


Gathering setup information

Remote LAN module

If your storage system has a remote LAN module (RLM), record the following information. Information type Media Access Control (MAC) address Description If you are using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) service, record the MAC address for the RLM. Locate the MAC address by entering sysconfig -v at the storage system prompt and looking at the output for the RLM in slot 0. Note DHCPv6 servers are not currently supported. IP address Network mask If you are not using DHCP service, record the IP address for the RLM. If you are not using DHCP service, record the network mask for the RLM. If you are not using DHCP service, record the IP address for the RLM gateway. The name or IP address of the preferred mail host. The mail host delivers RLM alerts to the same destination as AutoSupport e-mail.


AutoSupport mail host

Chapter 2: Information Gathering


Configuration Worksheet

How to use this worksheet

Use this worksheet with Chapter 2, “Information Gathering,” on page 15, to record the information you need to set up and configure your storage system or NearStore® system. Gather the information before you begin setting up and configuring your system. Your values MAC address for the storage system’s built-in Ethernet interface Host name Password Time zone Storage system location Language used for multiprotocol storage systems

Types of information Storage system

Administration host

Host name IP address

Virtual interfaces

Link Names (physical interfaces names such as e0, e5a, or e9b) Number of links (number of physical interfaces to include in the vif) Name of virtual interface (Name of vif, such as vif0


Configuration Worksheet

Types of information Ethernet interfaces Interface name IP address Subnet mask Partner IP address Media type (network type) Are jumbo frames supported? MTU size for jumbo frames Router (if used) Gateway name IP address Location of HTTP directory DNS Domain name Server address 1 Server address 2 Server address 3 NIS Domain name Server name 1 Server name 2 Server name 3 Windows domain WINS servers 1 2 3 Windows Active Directory domain administrator user name Windows Active Directory domain administrator password

Your values

Chapter 2: Information Gathering


Types of information Active Directory (command-line setup only) RMC MAC address IP address Network mask (subnet mask) Gateway Media type Mailhost RLM MAC address IP address Network mask (subnet mask) Gateway AutoSupport mailhost AutoSupport recipient(s)

Your values


Configuration Worksheet

Setting Up Your Storage System
About this chapter


This chapter describes two methods for setting up your storage system (the setup command and Setup Wizard), why you might use each method, and what to do once you have chosen a setup method. This section covers the setup processes for both command-line and graphic user interfaces.

Topics in this chapter

This chapter discusses the following topics:
◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

“Using the setup command” on page 32 “Using the Setup Wizard” on page 38 “Configuring your storage system for CIFS” on page 42 “Post-setup installations” on page 46

Setup method options

When you power on a storage system for the first time, the setup command begins to run automatically and prompts you for configuration information. After responding to prompts to designate an administration host machine, you can continue setting up your storage system using either of the following methods:
◆ ◆

The setup command You can continue responding to prompts from the command line interface. The Setup Wizard You can choose to respond to further prompts from a Web browser.

Chapter 3: Setting Up Your Storage System


Using the setup command

When to use the setup command

Perform the steps described in this section after you have read and considered the available setup methods described in the previous section. Attention The setup command can be run at any time from the storage system command line; however, it is usually run at initial system configuration when it is invoked automatically. Do not run the setup command unless you want to completely reconfigure your system. For more information about the setup command, see the setup(1) man page.

Sample setup command screens

The following setup screen displays the command line prompts you will need to respond to in order to complete setup for your storage system:


Using the setup command

Chapter 3: Setting Up Your Storage System


Running the setup command

To use the setup command, complete the following steps. Step 1 Action Boot the storage system following the instructions in the Installation and Setup Instructions for your hardware platform. Result: After the storage system boots, Data ONTAP begins discovering devices, interfaces, and licenses installed in the system. Data ONTAP displays messages on the console and starts the setup command, prompting you to enter setup information. Note Storage system components and external switches must be powered up in the correct order. This is especially important the first time you boot your system to ensure that initial configuration is completed correctly. 2
Please enter the new hostname.

You can name this host whatever you wish (i.e. host1). 3
Do you want to configure virtual network interfaces?

You can type either y or n at this prompt. If you type y you are prompted to enter additional configuration information for the virtual interface. These prompts are:
◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

Number of virtual interfaces to configure. Name of virtual interface. Is vif1 a single [s], multi [m] or a lacp [l] virtual interface? Number of links for (virtual interface). Name of link for (virtual interface)

If you type n, you will be directed to the next prompt. 4
Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0.

Enter the correct IP address for the network interface that connects the storage system to your network (i.e.,


Using the setup command

Step 5

Please enter the netmask for Network Interface e0.

After entering the IP address, you need to enter the netmask for your network (i.e. 6
Should interface e0 take over a partner IP address during failover?

If you type y, you must already have purchased a license for controller failover to enable this function. 7
Please enter media type for e0 (100tx-fd, tp-fd, 100tx, tp, auto (10/100/1000)).

Enter the media type that this interface should use. 8
Please enter flow control for e0a {none, receive, send, full} [full]

Enter the flow control that this interface should use. 9
Do you want e0a to support jumbo frames? [n]:

Specify whether you want this interface to support jumbo frames. 10
Would you like to continue setup through the Web interface?

Enter n to continue setup on the command line. 11
Please enter the name or IP address of the default gateway.

Enter the primary gateway that is used to route outbound network traffic. 12
Please enter the name or IP address for administrative host. The administration host is given root access to the storage system’s /etc files for system administration. To allow /etc root access to all NFS clients enter RETURN below.

Attention If you change the name or IP address of an admin host on a storage system that has already been set up and configured, the /etc/exports files will be overwritten on system reboot.

Chapter 3: Setting Up Your Storage System


Step 13

Please enter the IP address for (name of admin host).

Note The name listed here is the name of the host entered in the previous step. Enter the IP address of the admin host you specified earlier (for example, 14
Please enter timezone.

GMT is the default setting. Enter your time zone here. Refer to Appendix B for a list of supported timezone values. 15
Where is the filer located?

This is the actual physical location where the storage system resides (i.e. Bldg. 4, Floor 2, Room 216). 16
What language will be used for multiprotocol files?

Enter the language. Please refer to Appendix C for a list of supported languages. Note You can change the language on a volume by using the command vol


Enter the root directory for HTTP files.

This is the root directory for the files that the storage system will serve through HTTP. 18
Do you want to run DNS resolver?

If you type y at this prompt, you need the DNS domain name and associated IP address. 19
Do you want to run NIS client?

If you type y at this prompt, you will be prompted to enter the name of the NIS domain and the NIS servers.


Using the setup command

Step 20

Would you like to configure the RMC LAN interface?

If you wish to configure the RMC LAN interface, enter y at this prompt. Note The RMC LAN interface is supported on the FAS9xx series platforms, but not supported on the FAS 3000 series (3020 and 30502864-A10 and 2864-A20) and the FAS 6000 series (6030 and 6070) storage systems. If you have RMC LAN installed and want AutoSupport (ASUP) messages, you must configure the RMC LAN interface. 21 When setup is complete, to transfer the information you’ve entered to the storage system, enter the following command, as directed by the prompt on the screen.

Note If you do not enter reboot, the information you entered does not take effect. 22 If you are configuring a pair of storage systems in an active/active configuration and have not configured the other storage system, repeat these instructions to set up the other storage system in the configuration.

Chapter 3: Setting Up Your Storage System


Using the Setup Wizard

When to use the Setup Wizard

If you select y at the Web interface prompt (Step 8 of “Running the setup command” on page 34), a message is displayed with the name and IP address where you can use a Web browser and the FilerView application to properly configure your storage system. A system status screen is then displayed with system information displayed in the center frame, while configuration options are listed in the left frame.

FilerView setup screen

The following screen displays the FilerView administration page that you will see when running setup via a Web-based graphical user interface (GUI):


Using the Setup Wizard

Configuring and running the Setup Wizard

To configure and use the Setup Wizard, complete the following steps. Step 1 Action You need to configure the following information into your DHCP server prior to running the Setup Wizard:
◆ ◆ ◆

Storage system MAC address Storage system fixed IP address Any of the following optional information:
❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Routers Default route DNS domain name DNS servers NIS domain name NIS servers WINS servers SMTP server

Note If you do not configure this information into your DHCP server, the corresponding fields in the Setup Wizard will be empty, and you will need to enter the information manually into the Setup Wizard fields. DHCPv6 servers are not currently supported. 2 Boot the storage system following the instructions in the Installation and Setup Instructions for your hardware platform. Result: After the storage system boots, Data ONTAP begins discovering the devices, interfaces, and licenses installed in the system. Data ONTAP displays messages on the console and starts the setup command, prompting you to enter setup information. 3 4 Answer the prompts using the information you gathered earlier, until you are asked to continue setup using the Web interface. Enter y when you receive the following prompt:
Would you like to continue setup through the Web interface?

Chapter 3: Setting Up Your Storage System


Step 5

Action From a storage system client’s Web browser, enter the following URL:

filer_ip_address is the IP address for your storage system. Example: If the IP address of the onboard Ethernet interface (named e0) is, enter the following:

Result: The browser displays the Setup Wizard startup page. 6 7 8 Fill in the Setup Wizard fields using the information you gathered earlier. After you verify that the configuration information is correct as shown on the last screen, click Finish. If you are configuring a pair of storage systems in an active/active configuration and have not configured the other storage system, set up the other storage system in the active/active configuration now by repeating these instructions.


Using the Setup Wizard

Setup confirmation screen

When you have completed entering the necessary values for storage system setup, the following confirmation screen is displayed:

After confirming that the information displayed is correct, click Finish. Reboot the storage system to complete setup.

Chapter 3: Setting Up Your Storage System


Configuring your storage system for CIFS

When CIFS setup is run

If you have a valid CIFS license, cifs setup is automatically invoked upon completion of the Setup Wizard or the setup command (if it has not been run previously). You can also start the cifs setup command by entering cifs setup on the Data ONTAP command line.

Configuring storage systems for CIFS

To add the storage system to an Active Directory environment, the cifs setup command creates and joins the storage system’s computer account to an Active Directory domain. This requires you to assign permissions on certain domain objects. Complete the following steps to configure your storage system for CIFS.

Step 1 2

Action Enter the cifs setup command and use the information you gathered to answer questions posed by the prompts
Do you want to make the system visible via WINS?

The system will first determine if WINS should be configured. If you want to configure WINS, enter y. 3
(1) Multiprotocol filer (2) NTFS-only filer

You are asked if you wish to configure the storage system for multiprotocols or NTFS. If you have purchased multiprotcol licenses (NFS, CIFS, HTTP, etc), enter 1.


Configuring your storage system for CIFS

Step 4

Should CIFS create default /etc/passwd and /etc/group files?

Enter y here if you have a multiprotocol environment. Default UNIX accounts are created which are used when performing user mapping. As an alternative to storing this information in local file, the generic user accounts may be stored in the NIS or LDAP databases; however, when generic accounts are stored in the local passwd file, mapping of a Windows user to a generic UNIX user and vice versa work better than when generic accounts are stored in NIS or LDAP. If generic accounts are configured, storage administrators should be mindful to not grant these generic accounts undue access to data. Additionally, creation of the local passwd and group file may be desirable if option 4 is selected in step 9 below. If option 4 is chosen, the storage system may use either the local files or NIS/LDAP for storing user information used for CIFS authentication. In this scenario, choosing to store the information in local files allows authentication to continue even during times where NIS and /or LDAP are configured and these services are unavailable. 5
Would you like to enable NIS group caching?

NIS group caching is used when access is requested to data with UNIX security style. UNIX file and directory style permissions of rwxrwxrwx are used to determine access for both Windows and UNIX clients. This security style uses UNIX group information. 6
Enter the hour(s) when NIS should update the group cache [24].

By default, the NIS group cache is updated once a day at midnight. You can update the cache more often or at different times, depending on your preferences. 7
Would you like to specify additional hours?

If you would like to specify other times that the NIS database should be updated, enter this number here. 8
Would you like to change this name?

The default name of the CIFS server is listed. If you wish to specify a different name, you can enter it here.
Chapter 3: Setting Up Your Storage System 43

Step 9

1) Active Directory domain authentication 2) Windows NT4 domain authentication 3) Windows Workgroup authentication using the filer’s local user accounts 4) /etc/passwd and/or NIS/LDAP authentication

There are four different types of authentication available on a storage system. Select the type of authentication you want to use. 10
What is the name of the Active Directory domain?

For Active Directory domains, enter the fully qualified domain name of the domain. Example: This question appears if you select option 1 in Step 9. For more information on CIFS setup if options 2, 3, or 4 are selected, refer to the File Access and Protocols Management Guide. 11
Would you like to configure time services?

In Active Directory-based domains, it is essential that the storage system’s time match the domain controller’s time so Kerberos-based authentication system works correctly. If the time difference between the storage system and the domain controllers is more than 5 minutes, CIFS authentication fails. 12
Enter the time server host(s) and/or addresses?

Enter the hostname and IP address of the time server you wish to use. 13
Would you like to specify additional time servers?

You can enter more time servers if you would like to ensure that if one time server is unavailable, you still have other time servers to use. 14
Enter the name of the Windows user.

In order to create an Active Directory machine account for the storage system, supply the name and password of a Windows account with sufficient privileges to add computers to the domain. 15
Enter the password for the domain.

Enter the password of the Windows user you typed in Step 14.
44 Configuring your storage system for CIFS

Step 16

Do you want to create the (name of filer) administrator account?

It is highly recommended that you create a local administrator account for the storage system. This account allows administrative access to CIFS from Windows when domain controllers are not accessible. 17
Enter the new password for (storage system name).

Enter a password for the new account you created in Step 16. 18
Retype the password.

Retype the password you entered in Step 17. 19
Would you like to specify a user or group that can administer CIFS?

You can specify an additional user or group to be added to the storage system’s local administrator’s group, thus giving them administrative privileges as well. After this is completed, CIFS is configured and the name registrations are complete.

Chapter 3: Setting Up Your Storage System


Post-setup installations


After performing initial setup on your storage system (using the setup command or Setup Wizard), you can then configure additional features and functions for your system.

Installation of storage system hardware

For your system’s configuration information, which includes such information as storage capacity, expansion slot assignments, and disk shelf, disk drive, and tape drive support, see the System Configuration Guide. See the hardware guide specific to your storage system for information about installing storage system hardware.

Installation of storage systems in an active/active configuration

If you are installing systems in an active/active configuration, cable the storage systems according to the instructions in the Active/Active Configuration Guide. Note that the systems must have identical or complementary configurations.

Setting up the RLM after running the setup command

Following the setup process, if a remote LAN module (RLM) is installed in your system, you can use rlm setup to configure RLM to monitor the storage system, diagnose error conditions, and take corrective actions. If you have an RLM installed in your system, rlm setup is automatically invoked upon completion of setup. You can terminate rlm setup at any point and run it later by entering rlm setup from the command line of a Telnet client or a serial port console. For more information about using the RLM to manage remote storage systems, see the System Administration Guide.

Setting up CIFS after running the setup command

Following the setup process, you can use cifs setup to configure your storage system exclusively for CIFS client access or for multiple protocols. If you have a valid CIFS license, cifs setup is automatically invoked upon completion of setup (if cifs setup has not been run previously). You can terminate cifs setup at any point and run it later by entering cifs setup from the command line of a Telnet client or a serial port console.
Post-setup installations


Additional software you can install after setup

After you have completed initial setup, you can set up additional software on the storage system to enhance functionality and features on your system. Some of the components you can install are:

SnapDrive® software

SnapDrive is a product that integrates with the Windows Volume Manager so that storage systems can serve as virtual storage devices for application data in Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003 environments. For more specific information about installing SnapDrive components, refer to the SnapDrive® 3.0 Installation and Administration Guide.

SnapManager® software

SnapManager is a comprehensive data management solution that enables nearinstantaneous hot backups and rapid restores. Specific installation instructions for SnapManager can be found in the SnapManager 3.1.1. for Microsoft Exchange Installation and Administration Guide.

SnapVault® software

SnapVault is a disk-based storage backup feature enabling data stored on multiple storage systems to be stored on a central, secondary system as read-only Snapshot copies. For more information on installation, see the Data Protection Online Backup and Recovery Guide.

SnapMirror® software

The SnapMirror feature in the current version of Data ONTAP permits an administrator to mirror snapshot images of the file system either synchronously or asynchronously so that a user can access information about a source or destination volumes. For more information about SnapMirror and installation procedures, see the Data Protection Online Backup and Recovery Guide.

Chapter 3: Setting Up Your Storage System



Post-setup installations

After Setup Is Complete
About this chapter This chapter discusses what you do after setup is complete.


Topics in this chapter

This chapter discusses the following topics:
◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

“The verification process” on page 50 “Verifying network connections” on page 54 “Verifying host name resolution” on page 56 “Verifying storage availability and licensing” on page 57 “Preparing NFS clients to access the storage system” on page 59 “Preparing CIFS clients to access the storage system” on page 63 “Verifying the configuration for active/active storage systems” on page 66 “Verifying the RLM connections and setup” on page 71 “Verifying the RMC connections and setup” on page 73 “Administering your storage system” on page 74

Chapter 4: After Setup Is Complete


The verification process

Complete process

The following table describes the complete process for verifying that your storage system is communicating on the network and is ready to operate. Also included are recommendations for preparing the storage system for use. To make the storage system ready to use, complete all of the following steps that are appropriate for your storage system and the licenses you use with it. Stage 1 What you do Verify the storage system’s network connection. Verify that the storage system can resolve host names. Verify that the storage system is online and has the appropriate volumes and licenses. For NFS, configure clients to access the storage system. For CIFS, configure clients to access the storage system. For details See “Verifying network connections” on page 54.


See “Verifying host name resolution” on page 56.


See “Verifying storage availability and licensing” on page 57.


See “Preparing NFS clients to access the storage system” on page 59.


See “Preparing CIFS clients to access the storage system” on page 63.


The verification process

Stage 6

What you do For HTTP, configure HTTP service.

For details If you purchased a license for the HTTP protocol for your storage system, turn on HTTP service using the FilerView® interface or the console commands described in the File Access and Protocols Management Guide. If you purchased a license for the CIFS protocol and you are not using a Windows domain controller to authenticate users, configure password and group files according to the instructions in the System Administration Guide. If you purchased a license for the CIFS protocol, configure CIFS shares so that users can access directories on the storage system according to the instructions in the File Access and Protocols Management Guide. If you purchased a license for the CIFS protocol, assign access rights using the instructions in the File Access and Protocols Management Guide. If your storage system is licensed for Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP), see the following documents for information about starting and managing the FCP service in a SAN:


For CIFS, set up password and group files.


Configure CIFS shares.


Assign access rights to CIFS users and groups. Start FCP.


Installation and Setup Guide for your FCP Host Attach Kit Block Access Management Guide for iSCSI and FCP The appropriate interoperability matrix for your product, available online on the NOW site at docs/san/fcp_iscsi_config/

Chapter 4: After Setup Is Complete


Stage 11

What you do Start iSCSI.

For details If your storage system is licensed for iSCSI, see the following documents for information about starting and managing the iSCSI service and iSCSI-attached hosts:

Installation and Setup Guide for your iSCSI Host Support Kit Block Access Management Guide for iSCSI and FCP The appropriate interoperability matrix for your product, available online on the NOW site at docs/san/fcp_iscsi_config/


Check the configuration of active/active storage systems. Check the RLM connections. Check the RMC connections. Learn about the Data ONTAP software. Learn about FilerView.

If you configured active/active storage systems, check the active/active configuration information according to “Verifying the configuration for active/active storage systems” on page 66. If your system has an RLM, read the information in “Verifying the RLM connections and setup” on page 71. If your system has an RMC, read the information in “Verifying the RMC connections and setup” on page 73. Read the Documentation Roadmap and other Data ONTAP documentation, as described in Chapter 1, “Product documentation overview,” on page 2. Read the information in “Administering your storage system” on page 74.






The verification process

Stage 17

What you do Install electronic documentation.

For details 1. Obtain the documentation in zip file format from either of the following sources: • • The software download page on NOW ( The CD-ROM: drive:\doc\

2. Use your browser to open the page at http://filer_name/na_admin 3. Select the Install Documentation link. 4. Follow the prompts to locate and install the documentation zip file.

Chapter 4: After Setup Is Complete


Verifying network connections

Verifying connectivity

To verify storage system network connectivity, complete the following steps. Step 1 Action If you want to verify a... Hostname interface IP address of an interface 2 Then... Complete Steps 2 and 3. Complete Steps 4 and 5.

At a client attached to the network, enter the following command:
ping hostname-interface

hostname is the host name that you assigned to the storage system when you ran setup. interface is one of the interface names that the storage system assigned when you ran setup. Example: This command tests the network connections for a storage system that has the host name “toaster” with an interface named e0 installed.
ping toaster-e0


Repeat the test once for each interface that is installed in the storage system.


Verifying network connections

Step 4

Action At a client attached to the network, enter the following command:
ping hostname-IPAaddress

hostname is the host name that you assigned to the storage system when you ran setup. IP_address is the IP address that the storage system assigned to that interface during setup. Example: This command tests the network connections for a storage system with an interface named e0 installed at


Repeat the test once for each interface configured on the storage system.

If interfaces don’t respond

To identify a problem when an interfaces does not respond to a ping command, take the following actions. Step 1 2 3 Action Check to make sure that the interface is securely attached to the network. Check to make sure that the media type is set up correctly if the interface is using a multiport Ethernet card with different port speeds. Check to make sure that the routers function properly with correct routing information if the ping command is issued from a network not directly attached to the interface. If you received a response from the IP address ping but not the hostname ping, there may be a problem with name resolution. See the section “Verifying host name resolution” on page 56.


For more information

For more information about network configuration, see the Network Management Guide.

Chapter 4: After Setup Is Complete

Verifying host name resolution

Automatically generated host names for interfaces require resolution

When you ran setup, the storage system generated a host name for each interface by appending the number of the interface to the storage system host name. You need to make sure that these host names are resolved into IP addresses. For example, the interface name for the first interface on a storage system named “toaster” might be toaster-e0; the second interface might be toaster-e1.

Host name resolution

To ensure host names are resolved into IP addresses, complete the following step. Step 1 Action If you use... DNS or NIS for name resolution Then... Add an entry in your DNS or NIS databases for each of the storage system interfaces. Example: This shows how the entries might look for a storage system with four interfaces: toaster-e0 toaster-e1 toaster-f0 toaster-a5

/etc/hosts files for name resolution

Add an entry in each host’s /etc/hosts file for each of the storage system interfaces.

For more information

For more information about host name resolution, see the Network Management Guide.


Verifying host name resolution

Verifying storage availability and licensing

Verifying that system storage is available

After setup is complete, the storage system is online, and the following entities should exist on the storage system:
◆ ◆

/vol/vol0 (a virtual root path) /vol/vol0/home (a directory)

To verify that these entities exist on your storage system, complete the following step. Step 1 Action At the storage system command line, enter the following command:

Result: You should see a listing that includes lines similar to the following:
/vol/vol0 -sec=sys,rw=admin_host,root=admin_host,nosuid /vol/vol0/home -sec=sys,rw,root=admin_host, nosuid

Note /vol is not a directory—it is a special virtual root path under which the storage system mounts its volumes. You cannot mount /vol to view all the volumes on the storage system; you must mount each storage system volume separately. For NFS: /vol/vol0 is exported to the administration host for root access; /vol0/home is exported to the administration host for root access and to all clients for general access. For CIFS: By default, /vol/vol0 is shared as C$ and /vol/vol0/etc/ is shared as $ETC. These two shares are created with “Full Control” given to the “Builtin Administrators” group and with no access given to any other users or groups. By default, the “Builtin Administrators” group members are the local administrator account, the Domain Administrator’s group (if the storage system belongs to a domain), and any user or group that you configured with Administrative access during CIFS setup. The /vol/vol0/home directory is shared as HOME with “Full Control” access granted to the group “Everyone.”

Chapter 4: After Setup Is Complete


Verifying licensing

Use the license command at the storage system command line to verify that the appropriate protocol and service licenses are installed on your system, or configure additional licenses. Enter this command at the storage system prompt...

If you want to... View existing licenses

Result: You see a list of licenses and license codes. Add a license
license add license_code

Result: The new protocol or service is enabled and added to the list of licenses. Remove a license
license delete service_name

Result: The protocol or service is disabled and removed from the list of licenses. For more information about storage system licensing, see the System Administration Guide and the license(1) man page.


Verifying storage availability and licensing

Preparing NFS clients to access the storage system

How to make storage system data available

To make storage system data available to NFS clients, you need to do the following tasks:
◆ ◆ ◆

Export the storage system’s file system Create a directory on the NFS client to act as a mount point Mount the storage system’s file system

Exporting NFS clients

You must export the storage system’s file systems before NFS clients can mount them. All security styles of file systems, UNIX, NFS, and NTFS are available for exporting and can be mounted by NFS clients. However, when accessing a volume with NTFS effective security style (NTFS volume or mixed volume with NTFS effective security style), file access is granted based on NTFS permissions. In order to properly ascertain file permissions, the UNIX user is mapped to their Windows user and access is granted based on NTFS permissions granted to the mapped Windows user. To export the storage system’s file systems, complete the following steps. Step 1 Action Determine valid path names for directories by entering the following command at the storage system prompt:

Sample output:
Volume -----vol0 vol1snap vol2eng vol2mkt Tree ---home qtree1 team1 nt Style ----unix unix mixed ntfs Oplocks ------enabled enabled enabled enabled Status ------normal normal normal normal


From the sample output, convert the first two entries into valid path names. To do this, use this format: /Volume/Tree. For example:
/vol0/home /vol1snap/qtree1 /vol2eng/team1

Chapter 4: After Setup Is Complete


Step 3 4

Action Use a text editor from an NFS client to open the /etc/exports file. Add the storage system directories to the /etc/exports file to export them. For information about specifying entries and access permissions, see the chapter about file access using NFS in the File Access and Protocols Management Guide to find out how /etc/exports works. Example:
/vol/vol0/home -sec=sys, rw, root=admin_host /vol/vol1snap/qtree1 -sec=sys, rw, root=admin_host /vol/vol2eng/team1 -sec=sys, rw=,root=admin_host /vol/vol2mkt/nt -sec=sys, rw=netgroup1:netgroup2,root=admin_host:

5 6

Save the file and exit the text editor. To make any changes to the /etc/exports file effective, issue the exportfs command with reload option.
exportfs -r

Mounting NFS client file systems

You can mount the storage system’s file system by using one of the following methods:

Add entries for the directories exported from the storage system for each client in the /etc/vfstab file (for Solaris clients) or /etc/fstab file (for nonSolaris clients) Use the UNIX mount command Use the UNIX automounter tool

◆ ◆

To mount the storage system’s file systems by adding entries to the /etc/vfstab file, complete the following steps. Step 1 Action Use a text editor from an NFS client to open the /etc/vfstab (or /etc/fstab) file.


Preparing NFS clients to access the storage system

Step 2

Action Add the entries for the directories exported from the storage system for each client in the /etc/vfstab file (or /etc/fstab) file. Example 1: Vfstab example
toaster:/vol/vol0/home - /home nfs - yes rw toaster:/vol/vol1snap/qtree1 - /opt/snap1 nfs - yes rw,bg,hard toaster:/vol/vol2eng/team1 - /team1 nfs - yes rw,bg,hard toaster:/vol/vol2mkt/nt -/opt/toaster_nt nfs - yes ro

Example 2: Fstab example
toaster:/vol/vol0/home /home nfs rw 0 0 toaster:/vol/vol1snap/qtree1 /opt/snap1 nfs rw toaster: /vol/vol2eng/team1 /team1 nfs rw,rwsize=32768,wsize=32768 toaster:/vol/vol2mkt/nt /opt/toaster_nt nfs ro

Note The /vol/vol0/home directory is used as a sample storage system directory in this procedure. You should use a path that exists on your storage system. 3 Save the file and exit the text editor. Result: After you edit the NFS clients’ /etc/vfstab file (or /etc/fstab file), the clients mount the file systems automatically when they boot.

Creating a mount point directory on an NFS client

To create a mount point directory on the NFS client, complete the following step. Step 1 Action At the NFS client, create a directory to act as a mount point. Example: mkdir /n/toaster/home

Chapter 4: After Setup Is Complete


Mounting a storage system directory on an NFS client

To mount the storage system’s directory on the NFS client, complete the following steps Step 1 Action To mount the /vol/vol0/home directory without a client reboot, enter the following command at the NFS client:
mount storage_system-e1:/vol/vol0/home /n/storage_system/home

Result: The file system is mounted immediately, but unless the appropriate entry is added to the vfstab or fstab, this mount will not be available upon reboot.

For more information

For more information about NFS configuration, see the File Access and Protocols Management Guide.


Preparing NFS clients to access the storage system

Preparing CIFS clients to access the storage system

How storage system data is visible to CIFS clients

Once setup is complete, the storage system establishes CIFS client visibility by automatically registering with the master browser on its local network. Note Although CIFS visibility has been established, you need to configure shares with CIFS access permissions before any storage system data can become accessible to CIFS clients. For information about how to make a test share available to CIFS clients, see the File Access and Protocols Management Guide. If cross-subnet browsing is configured correctly, the storage system is now visible to all CIFS clients. For more information about cross-subnet browsing, refer to Microsoft networking documentation.

Creating a storage system DNS “A” record for CIFS client access

In Active Directory domains, a storage system DNS “A” record must be created on the DNS server prior to CIFS client access. This can be done manually or the storage system’s DNS “A” record can be registered dynamically. To enable dynamic DNS, set the dns.update.enable option to on or secure. (Use secure if your DNS supports secure updates.) To disable dynamic DNS, set the dns.update.enable option to off.

CIFS client connection methods

The following table enumerates and describes the methods by which CIFS clients can connect to the storage system, depending on the client operating system. For more information about commands and windows mentioned in the table, see the operating system manual for your computer. Client operating system Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4.0 Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 Command or window Network Neighborhood My Network Places

Method Method 1: Clicking the storage system icon

Chapter 4: After Setup Is Complete


Method Method 2: Connecting to the storage system as a network drive (Windows 95, 98, ME)

Client operating system Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME Windows NT 4.0 Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003

Command or window Map Network Drive window— available according to Workgroup or domain membership Map Network Drive window (from NT Explorer) Map Network Drive Connect Network Drive window (from the File Manager)

Method 3: As a network drive, connect to the storage system (Windows NT, Windows for Workgroups) Method 4: Mapping a share to a drive letter on the command line

Windows NT 3.51, Windows for Workgroups

Operating systems that support the DOS command-line interface and support the net use command, including Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003

net use drive_letter:\\path

net use f:\\toaster\home

Information users need for accessing the storage system

To inform users about how to access the storage system, complete the following steps. Step 1 Action Determine the connection methods that are correct for your CIFS clients.


Preparing CIFS clients to access the storage system

Step 2

Action If your CIFS clients can... Use methods 2, 3, or 4 to connect to the storage system. See “CIFS client connection methods” on page 63. Then... Inform your users of the storage system’s Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path. The UNC path consists of a computer name and a share name in the following format:

Example: If the storage system is named toaster and the directory for users’ directories has the share name “home,” the UNC path is \\toaster\home. Result: After you provide users with information about how to access the storage system, they can connect to the storage system, view directories, and read and write files. Use method 1 to connect to the storage system. See “CIFS client connection methods” on page 63. Inform your users of the storage system name so that they can locate the storage system in Network Neighborhood.

Configuring storage system storage options

Once you have verified the storage system is configured, you need to configure it for your storage needs. For information about storage configuration, see the Storage Management Guide.

Chapter 4: After Setup Is Complete


Verifying the configuration for active/active storage systems

How you check your active/active configuration

There are two ways you can check your active/active configuration prior to placing your cluster online:
◆ ◆

Running the Cluster Configuration Checker script Manually, through the command line

Values that need to match between active/active configured storage systems

When you configure your storage systems in an active/active configuration, the following configuration information need to be the same on both systems:
◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

Parameters Network interfaces Configuration files Licenses and option settings

Note The values for domain controllers and WINS servers no longer need to be identical on both storage systems in an active/active configuration. You can have each storage system exist in a different domain or a different workgroup, or both. However, if you have a multiprotocol environment and use UID-to-SID mapping, the UNIX security information must be compatible between the two domains. For example, if you have a UID of 119, it must map to the same Windows account for both storage systems.

Checking options with the Cluster Configuration Checker

The Cluster Configuration Checker is a script that runs under UNIX or as a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) script from a UNIX Web server. It detects the following configuration problems:
◆ ◆ ◆

Different versions of Data ONTAP on the local and partner storage systems Incorrectly configured network interfaces Mismatched licenses and option settings

Note The Cluster Configuration Checker script does not verify matching configuration files. To verify matching configuration files, see “Matching configuration files” on page 69.


Verifying the configuration for active/active storage systems

You can download the Cluster Configuration Checker script from the NetApp on the Web (NOW) site at Look for the Cluster Configuration Checker (cf-config-check.cgi) file. To run this script from the command line, complete the following steps. Step 1 2 3 Action Collect the IP addresses and login information for the local and partner storage systems. Download the Cluster Configuration Checker script ZIP archive file from the NOW site and extract the script file. Run the script, as described in the online instructions on the script Web page. You can run the script either from the command line or through a Web browser that can access both storage systems. Examine the script output and correct any errors or differences identified in the output.


Manually checking active/active configured storage system settings

The following sections provide information required to manually verify active/active storage system configurations.

Matching network interfaces

The network interfaces must have identical values on both storage systems in an active/active configuration. For information about how to manually check the network interfaces, see the ifconfig(1) man page.

Matching storage system options and licenses

To check options on the local and partner storage systems, complete the following steps.

Chapter 4: After Setup Is Complete


Step 1

Action View the options set on the local storage system by entering the following command at the storage system’s console:

Result: The current option settings on the storage system are listed. You should see output similar to the following:
autosupport.doit autosupport.enable dns.domainname takeover) dns.enable takeover) ftpd.enable DONT on filer1 off off

(might be overwritten in (might be overwritten in


Note the values of storage system options with comments. (Comments appear in parentheses.) The comments for storage system options are:
◆ ◆ ◆

(value might be overwritten in takeover) (same value required in local+partner) (Same value in local+partner recommended)

3 4

Verify that options with comments are set to the same value for both storage systems. Correct any mismatched options using the following command:
options option_name option_value


Check the license settings on both storage systems using the following command:


Correct mismatched license settings using the following command:
license option code

license add xxxxxxxxx license remove cifs


Verifying the configuration for active/active storage systems

Matching configuration files

Certain configuration files in the root volume of the storage system (not the UNIX administration host) need to be identical on storage systems in an active/active configuration. Verify that the contents of the configuration files shown in the following table are identical for both storage systems in the active/active storage system configuration, referred to as Storage System 1 and Storage System 2. When you have verified that the contents are identical, place a check mark in both columns for each file. File /etc/resolv.conf /etc/httpd.mimetypes /etc/dgateways /etc/nsswitch.conf Storage System 1 Storage System 2

Matching parameters

Ensure that the parameters shown in the following table have identical values on both storage systems in the active/active storage system configuration, referred to as Storage System 1 and Storage System 2. When you have verified that the contents are identical, place a check mark in both columns for each parameter. Parameter
ARP table date ndmp nfs route table routed timezone

Storage System 1

Storage System 2

Chapter 4: After Setup Is Complete


For more information

For more information about configuring and managing storage systems in an active/active configuration, refer to the Active/Active Configuration Guide. If you are configuring systems in an FCP or iSCSI environment, also refer to your Block Access and Management Guide for iSCSI and FCP.


Verifying the configuration for active/active storage systems

Verifying the RLM connections and setup

Verifying connections and setup

To verify the remote LAN module (RLM) connections and setup, complete the following steps. Step 1 Action To verify that AutoSupport is enabled and AutoSupport options are valid, enter the following command:
options autosupport

Result: The AutoSupport options should be set as follows:
autosupport.enable on on autosupport.mailhost name or IP address of mailhost name or email address of alert recipient(s) autosupport.content complete


Enter the following command:
rlm setup

Note It might take a few minutes for the new network settings for the RLM to take effect. 3 Enter the following command to verify the configuration of the RLM interface:
rlm status


To test RLM mail delivery, enter the following command:
rlm test autosupport

Result: The RLM should send e-mail within a few minutes. If the test fails, you should verify storage system connectivity, and check whether the mailhost and recipients are valid.

Chapter 4: After Setup Is Complete


About the RLM network interface

The RLM network interface is not used for serving data so it does not show up in the output for the ifconfig command.

For more information

For more information about using the RLM to manage remote storage systems, see the System Administration Guide.


Verifying the RLM connections and setup

Verifying the RMC connections and setup

Verifying connections and setup

To verify the remote management controller (RMC) connections and setup, complete the following steps. Step 1 Action Enter the following command:
rmc setup

Note It might take a few minutes for the new network settings for the RMC to take effect. 2 Enter the following command to verify the connection from the storage system to the RMC interface:
ping rmc_interface

rmc_interface is the IP address of the RMC. 3 To verify that AutoSupport is enabled and AutoSupport options are valid, enter the following command:
options autosupport

Result: The AutoSupport options should be set as follows:
autosupport.enable on on autosupport.mailhost name or IP address of mailhost


To test RMC mail delivery, enter the following command:
rmc test email TESTMSG

Result: The RMC should send e-mail within a few minutes. If the test fails, you should verify storage system connectivity and check whether the mailhost is valid.

About the RMC network interface

The RMC network interface is not used for serving data so it does not show up in the output for the ifconfig command.

Chapter 4: After Setup Is Complete

Administering your storage system

Methods of administration

This section provides a brief overview of the methods you can use to administer your storage systems. For more information about storage system access and administration, see the System Administration Guide.

Administration from the command line

You’ve already been using the command-line interface by entering commands at the storage system prompt. You can set the privilege level that determines what commands are available to you by using the priv command. All the commands are documented online as UNIX-style manual pages, and most commands provide online help for syntax. For more information about entering commands at the command line, see the System Administration Guide.

Administration from FilerView

FilerView is a Web-based administration tool for Data ONTAP that enables you to perform most administration tasks from any client on your network that has a compatible Web browser. Through FilerView, you can perform tasks that otherwise require you to enter commands at the storage system prompt or to edit configuration files. You can use FilerView even if you did not purchase a license for the HTTP. For information on how to launch FilerView and use its features, see the System Administration Guide.

Software updates

Software updates are regularly made available to customers who purchase software support agreements. When you register, you can configure your account to receive e-mail regarding software updates. For more information about software updates, see the Upgrade Guide.

Custom Management Information Base

You may want to configure the custom Management Information Base (MIB) with SNMP, to retrieve runtime and configuration information about storage system operation such as statistics, Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID), file systems, and protocols. For more information about custom MIB groups, see the Network Management Guide.


Administering your storage system

AutoSupport feature

The AutoSupport feature is automatically enabled when you run the setup process on a storage system for the first time. AutoSupport sends event messages and weekly reports to technical support. This can significantly decrease the time it takes to assess and resolve problems that might occur on your system. If you do not want any AutoSupport messages to be sent, you can disable AutoSupport by entering the command options off. AutoSupport does not send any messages until at least 24 hours after you complete the setup process. For more information about AutoSupport, see the System Administration Guide.

For additional information

For pointers to more product information about Data ONTAP platforms or related technology, see the Documentation Roadmap.

Chapter 4: After Setup Is Complete



Administering your storage system

Time Zones
About this section

This appendix provides valid times zones you can enter when the setup command prompts you to enter a time zone. Time zones are divided into two sections:

“GMT offset and miscellaneous time zones” on page 78 Time zones by offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), and miscellaneous time zones that are not grouped by region.

“Time zones by geographical region” on page 80 Time zones grouped by geographical region, in alphabetical order.

If you need to change your selected time zone after setup is complete, see the timezone(1) man page.

Time zone aliases

Use the following aliases to represent their corresponding time zone descriptions:
◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

GMT — Greenwich Mean Time, UCT, UTC, Universal, Zulu CET — MET (Middle European Time) US/Eastern — Jamaica US/Mountain — Navajo

Appendix A: Time Zones


GMT offset and miscellaneous time zones

About time zones listed in this section

This section contains the following valid Data ONTAP time zones:
◆ ◆ ◆

Time zones defined by GMT offset Time zones that are not associated with a geographical region Regional time zones that are not grouped by major land mass


Etc/GMT Etc/GMT+0 Etc/GMT+1 Etc/GMT+2 Etc/GMT+3 Etc/GMT+4 Etc/GMT+5 Etc/GMT+6 Etc/GMT+7 Etc/GMT+8 Etc/GMT+9 Etc/GMT+10

Etc/GMT+11 Etc/GMT+12 Etc/GMT0 Etc/GMT-0 Etc/GMT-1 Etc/GMT-2 Etc/GMT-3 Etc/GMT-4 Etc/GMT-5 Etc/GMT-6 Etc/GMT-7 Etc/GMT-8

Etc/GMT-9 Etc/GMT-10 Etc/GMT-11 Etc/GMT-12 Etc/GMT-13 Etc/GMT-14 Etc/Greenwich Etc/UCT Etc/Universal Etc/UTC Etc/Zulu



GMT+9 GMT+10 GMT+11 GMT+12 GMT+13 GMT-1 GMT-2 GMT-3 GMT-4

GMT-5 GMT-6 GMT-7 GMT-8 GMT-9 GMT-10 GMT-11 GMT-12


GMT offset and miscellaneous time zones


Arctic/Longyearbyen CET CST6CDT Cuba EET Egypt Eire EST EST5EDT Factory GB GB-Eire Greenwich Hongkong

HST Iceland Iran Israel Japan Kwajalein Libya MET MST MST7MDT Navajo NZ NZ-CHAT Poland

Portugal PRC PST8PDT ROC ROK Singapore Turkey UCT Universal UTC WET W-SU Zulu

System V

SystemV/AST4 SystemV/AST4ADT SystemV/CST6 SystemV/CST6CDT SystemV/EST5

SystemV/EST5EDT SystemV/HST10 SystemV/MST7 SystemV/MST7MDT SystemV/PST8

SystemV/PST8PDT SystemV/YST9 SystemV/YST9YDT

Appendix A: Time Zones


Time zones by geographical region

About time zones listed in this section

This section contains valid Data ONTAP time zones, grouped alphabetically by geographical region.


Africa/Abidjan Africa/Accra Africa/Addis_Ababa Africa/Algiers Africa/Asmera Africa/Bamako Africa/Bangui Africa/Banjul Africa/Bissau Africa/Blantyre Africa/Brazzaville Africa/Bujumbura Africa/Cairo Africa/Casablanca Africa/Conakry Africa/Dakar Africa/Dar_es_Salaam

Africa/Djibouti Africa/Douala Africa/Freetown Africa/Gaborone Africa/Harare Africa/Johannesburg Africa/Kampala Africa/Khartoum Africa/Kigali Africa/Kinshasa Africa/Lagos Africa/Libreville Africa/Lome Africa/Luanda Africa/Lumumbashi Africa/Lusaka Africa/Malabo

Africa/Maputo Africa/Maseru Africa/Mbabane Africa/Mogadishu Africa/Monrovia Africa/Nairobi Africa/Ndjamena Africa/Niamey Africa/Nouakchott Africa/Ouagadougou Africa/Porto-Novo Africa/Sao_Tome Africa/Timbuktu Africa/Tripoli Africa/Tunis Africa/Windhoek


America/Adak America/Anchorage America/Anguilla America/Antigua America/Aruba America/Asuncion America/Atka America/Barbados America/Belize America/Bogota America/Boise America/Buenos_Aires America/Caracas America/Catamarca America/Cayenne

America/Grenada America/Guadeloupe America/Guatemala America/Guayaquil America/Guyana America/Halifax America/Havana America/Indiana America/Indianapolis America/Inuvik America/Iqaluit America/Jamaica America/Jujuy America/Juneau America/Knox_IN

America/Noronha America/Panama America/Pangnirtung America/Paramaribo America/Phoenix America/Port_of_Spain America/Port-au-Prince America/Porto_Acre America/Puerto_Rico America/Rainy_River America/Rankin_Inlet America/Regina America/Rosario America/Santiago America/Santo_Domingo
Time zones by geographical region


America/Cayman America/Chicago America/Cordoba America/Costa_Rica America/Cuiaba America/Curacao America/Dawson America/Dawson_Creek America/Denver America/Detroit America/Dominica America/Edmonton America/El_Salvador America/Ensenada America/Fort_Wayne America/Fortaleza America/Glace_Bay America/Godthab America/Goose_Bay America/Grand_Turk

America/La_Paz America/Lima America/Los_Angeles America/Louisville America/Maceio America/Managua America/Manaus America/Martinique America/Mazatlan America/Mendoza America/Menominee America/Mexico_City America/Miquelon America/Montevideo America/Montreal America/Montserrat America/Nassau America/New_York America/Nipigon America/Nome

America/Sao_Paulo America/Scoresbysund America/Shiprock America/St_Johns America/St_Kitts America/St_Lucia America/St_Thomas America/St_Vincent America/Swift_Current America/Tegucigalpa America/Thule America/Thunder_Bay America/Tijuana America/Tortola America/Vancouver America/Virgin America/Whitehorse America/Winnipeg America/Yakutat America/Yellowknife


Antarctica/Casey Antarctica/Mawson Antarctica/DumontDUrville Antarctica/McMurdo

Antarctica/Palmer Antarctica/South_Pole


Asia/Aden Asia/Alma-Ata Asia/Amman Asia/Anadyr Asia/Aqtau Asia/Aqtobe Asia/Ashkhabad Asia/Baghdad Asia/Bahrain Asia/Baku Asia/Bangkok Asia/Beirut Asia/Bishkek Asia/Brunei Asia/Calcutta Asia/Chungking Asia/Colombo

Asia/Irkutsk Asia/Ishigaki Asia/Istanbul Asia/Jakarta Asia/Jayapura Asia/Jerusalem Asia/Kabul Asia/Kamchatka Asia/Karachi Asia/Kashgar Asia/Katmandu Asia/Krasnoyarsk Asia/Kuala_Lumpur Asia/Kuching Asia/Kuwait Asia/Macao Asia/Magadan

Asia/Qatar Asia/Rangoon Asia/Riyadh Asia/Saigon Asia/Seoul Asia/Shanghai Asia/Singapore Asia/Taipei Asia/Tashkent Asia/Tbilisi Asia/Tehran Asia/Tel_Aviv Asia/Thimbu Asia/Tokyo Asia/Ujung_Pandang Asia/Ulan_Bator Asia/Urumqi

Appendix A: Time Zones

Asia/Dacca Asia/Damascus Asia/Dubai Asia/Dushanbe Asia/Gaza Asia/Harbin Asia/Hong_Kong

Asia/Manila Asia/Muscat Asia/Nicosia Asia/Novosibirsk Asia/Omsk Asia/Phnom_Penh Asia/Pyongyang

Asia/Vientiane Asia/Vladivostok Asia/Yakutsk Asia/Yekaterinburg Asia/Yerevan


Atlantic/Azores Atlantic/Bermuda Atlantic/Canary Atlantic/Cape_Verde

Atlantic/Faeroe Atlantic/Jan_Mayen Atlantic/Madeira Atlantic/Reykjavik

Atlantic/South_Georgia Atlantic/St_Helena Atlantic/Stanley


Australia/ACT Australia/Adelaide Australia/Brisbane Australia/Broken_Hill Australia/Canberra Australia/Darwin Australia/Hobart

Australia/LHI Australia/Lindeman Australia/Lord Howe Australia/Melbourne Australia/NSW Australia/North Australia/Perth

Australia/Queensland Australia/South Australia/Sydney Australia/Tasmania Australia/Victoria Australia/West Australia/Yancowinna


Brazil/Acre Brazil/DeNoronha




Canada/Atlantic Canada/Central Canada/EastSaskatchewan

Canada/Eastern Canada/Mountain Canada/Newfoundland

Canada/Pacific Canada/Saskatchewan Canada/Yukon





Europe/Amsterdam Europe/Andorra

Europe/Kiev Europe/Kuybyshev

Europe/San_Marino Europe/Sarajevo
Time zones by geographical region


Europe/Athens Europe/Belfast Europe/Belgrade Europe/Berlin Europe/Bratislava Europe/Brussels Europe/Bucharest Europe/Budapest Europe/Chisinau Europe/Copenhagen Europe/Dublin Europe/Gibraltar Europe/Helsinki Europe/Istanbul

Europe/Lisbon Europe/Ljubljana Europe/London (BST) Europe/Luxembourg Europe/Madrid Europe/Malta Europe/Minsk Europe/Monaco Europe/Moscow Europe/Oslo Europe/Paris Europe/Prague Europe/Riga Europe/Rome

Europe/Simferopol Europe/Skopje Europe/Sofia Europe/Stockholm Europe/Tallinn Europe/Tirane Europe/Vaduz Europe/Vatican Europe/Vienna Europe/Vilnius Europe/Warsaw Europe/Zagreb Europe/Zurich

Indian (Indian Ocean)

Indian/Antananarivo Indian/Chagos Indian/Christmas Indian/Cocos

Indian/Comoro Indian/Kerguelen Indian/Mahe Indian/Maldives

Indian/Mauritius Indian/Mayotte Indian/Reunion






Pacific/Apia Pacific/Auckland Pacific/Chatham Pacific/Easter Pacific/Efate Pacific/Enderbury Pacific/Fakaofo Pacific/Fiji Pacific/Funafuti Pacific/Galapagos Pacific/Gambier Pacific/Guadalcanal Pacific/Guam Pacific/Honolulu

Pacific/Johnston Pacific/Kiritimati Pacific/Kosrae Pacific/Kwajalein Pacific/Majuro Pacific/Marquesas Pacific/Midway Pacific/Nauru Pacific/Niue Pacific/Norfolk Pacific/Noumea Pacific/Pago_Pago Pacific/Palau Pacific/Pitcairn

Pacific/Ponape Pacific/Port_Moresby Pacific/Rarotonga Pacific/Saipan Pacific/Samoa Pacific/Tahiti Pacific/Tarawa Pacific/Tongatapu Pacific/Truk Pacific/Wake Pacific/Wallis Pacific/Yap

Appendix A: Time Zones



Time zones by geographical region

Supported Languages
Language choices The following table lists the languages supported by Data ONTAP on multiprotocol storage systems, and the corresponding language code abbreviations you enter during setup.


You can also view this list by entering vol lang at the storage system prompt. Language Arabic Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English English (U.S.) Finnish French German Hebrew Hungarian Italian Japanese euc-j Japanese PCK (sjis) Korean Abbreviation ar hr cs da nl en en_US fi fr de he hu it ja ja_JP.PCK ko Language Norwegian Polish Portugese POSIX Romanian Russian Simplified Chinese Simplified Chinese (GBK) Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Traditional Chinese euc-tw Traditional Chinese Big 5 Turkish Abbreviation no pl pt C ro ru zh zh.GBK sk sl es sv zh_TW zh_TW.BIG5 tr

Appendix B: Supported Languages


Specifying the language code

To specify the language appropriate to your organization, complete the following step. Step 1 Action When prompted during setup, enter the code that corresponds to the appropriate language. Note To use UTF-8 as the NFS character set, append .UTF-8 to the abbreviation. Example: ko.UTF-8


Supported Languages

/etc/dgateways file, active/active configuration requirements 69 /etc/fstab file 60 /etc/hosts, verifying hostname resolution 56 /etc/httpd.mimetypes file, active/active configuration requirements 69 /etc/nsswitch.conf file, active/active configuration requirements 69 /etc/resolv.conf file, active/active configuration requirements 69 /etc/vfstab file 60 /vol directory, about 57 /vol/vol0 directory NFS access 57 verification 57 /vol/vol0/home directory NFS access 57 verification 57 automounter tool 60 AutoSupport remote LAN module (RLM) 27 remote management controller (RMC) 25

CIFS access privileges 51, 63 Active Directory domain administrator 23 domain configuration 42 client connectivity 63 configuration requirements 22 groups 51 passwords 51 setup command 46 shares 51 user privileges 51 verification 51 Windows Domain 22 WINS servers 22 CIFS clients about 63 access privileges 63 browsing across subnets 63 Connect Network Drive connections 64 connection methods 63 Map Network Drive connections 64 My Network Places connections 63 net use connections 64 Network Neighborhood connections 63 preparing to access storage 63 cifs setup command 46 Cluster Configuration Checker 66 configuration worksheet 28 Connect Network Drive, CIFS client connections 64

Active Directory configuration requirements 24 domain administrator 23 domain configuration 42 active/active configurations /etc/dgateways requirements 69 /etc/httpd.mimetypes requirements 69 /etc/nsswitch.conf requirements 69 /etc/resolv.conf requirements 69 command parameter requirements 69 configuration requirements 15, 66 installing 12, 47 licensing requirements 67 network interface requirements 67 options requirements 67 administration hosts configuration requirements 17 administration methods 74 administrative passwords, configuration requirements 16

DNS configuration requirements 20

verifying hostname resolution 56 documentation, installing 53 Domain Name Service (DNS) 11 domains, Active Directory administrator requirements 23 configuration 42

iSCSI service 52

languages configuration requirements 16, 17 supported by Data ONTAP 85 license command 58 licenses active/active configuration requirements 67 managing 58 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 11

Ethernet interfaces, configuration requirements 18 exportfs command, verifying storage availability 57

FCP service 51

Map Network Drive, CIFS client connections 64 matching command parameters, active/active configurations 69 configuration files, active/active configurations 69 network interfaces, active/active configurations 67 options and licenses, active/active configurations 67 media type, configuration requirements 18 mount command 60 mount points, NFS clients 61 mounting file systems 60 My Network Places, CIFS client connections 63

gateway, default. See routing GbE interfaces, configuration requirements 18 groups, CIFS 51

hardware, installing storage system 46 host names configuration requirements 16 hostnames automatically generated 56 resolution /etc/hosts 56 automatically generated hostnames 56 DNS 56 NIS 56 verifying 54 HTTP services configuration requirements 19 verification 51

name service Domain Name Service (DNS) 11 files 10 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 11 Network Information Service (NIS) 10 net use command, CIFS client connections 64 Network Information Service (NIS) 10 network interfaces configuration requirements 18 troubleshooting 55 Network Mask. See subnet mask Network Neighborhood, CIFS client connections

Interface to Take Over. See Partner IP address IP addresses configuration requirements 18 verifying 54

63 Network Type. See media type NFS /vol/vol0 access 57 /vol/vol0/home access 57 client privilege requirements 59 mounting storage on clients 62 NFS clients exporting data to 59 mount point directories 61 mounting file systems 60 mounting storage 62 preparing to access storage 59 NIS configuration requirements 21 verifying hostname resolution 56

setup about 31 overview 1 verification 50 setup command running 34 Setup Wizard running 39 shares, CIFS 51 storage system location, configuration requirements 16 subnet mask, configuration requirements 18 subnets, CIFS client browsing 63

options, active/active configuration requirements 67 organizational units (OU) configuration requirements 24 time zones 16, 77

UID-to-SID mapping, active/active configuration requirements 66 users, CIFS 51

partner IP address configuration requirements 18 passwords administrative, configuration requirements 16 CIFS 51

verification complete process 50 hostname resolution 56 network connections 54 RLM connections and setup 71 RMC connections and setup 73 storage availability and licensing 57

remote LAN module. See RLM remote management controller. See RMC RLM configuration requirements 27 verifying 71 rlm command 71 RMC configuration requirements 25 verifying 73 rmc command 73 routing, configuration requirements 19

Windows Active Directory. See Active Directory Windows domain, configuration requirements 22 WINS servers, configuration requirements 22 worksheet, configuration 28

zones, time 16, 77




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