Free world wide communication tool
Used to share experiences with others
What is Skype (History)
Founders: Niklas Zennstrom & Janus Friss
What is Skype (History)
Founded in Luxembourg First public release August 29,2003
Sky peer to peer -> Skyper -> Skype
Skype’s Free features
Video calling Instant Messaging
File Sharing
Group Chats Conference calls (up to 25 people)
Skype Premium features
Group Video Calls Group Screen Sharing
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Getting Started
Webcam Internet Connection Computer/Mobile Device Microphone & Speakers or Headset
Skype Application
The Appeal of Skype
Free service Solution to long distance communication Free world wide communication tool
Used to share experiences with others
Using Skype
Meeting with family, friends, loved ones Remote activity monitoring
Business conferences
Cheap means of communication Socialization
Skype Contribution
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Contribution to society
Connecting Classrooms Aid workers
Keeping Families connected
Skype Ownership
Date Buyer Amount
Sept 12, 2005
$2.5 Billion
Sept 1, 2009
May 10, 2011
Silver Lake
Microsoft Corp
$2.75 Billion
$8.5 Billion
eBay’s plans for Skype
Communication is Key
eBay + PayPal + Skype
Creating a powerful business environment
eBay breaks up with Skype
eBay users preferred anonymity Skype was trying to impacting communication
eBay kept communication to a minimum
Result: Sales transactions placed Skype with Microsoft
Microsoft’s interest in Skype
Move into the IP communications A boost in the enterprise collaboration market, Working relationship with carriers Create Must-have app/service
Microsoft’s interest in Skype
Touch Skype's users for product sales Peer to peer video
Current Plans of Improvement
Battery Consumption Messaging Convenience
User Friendly
Platform capabilities
Pioneer in VOIP Created free long distance communication
Contained many free/ low cost features
Contribution: Education & Business Started with eBay, Ended with Microsoft
Communication with anyone anywhere around the world.
Work Cited
Yeung, K. (n.d.). Skype is 10 years old, and in the past decade its helped transform the way that we communicate. TNW Network All Stories RSS. Retrieved November 25, 2013, from Unuth, N. (n.d.). What is Skype?. Voice Over IP. Retrieved November 27, 2013, from Microsoft details Skype's future, fast yet familiar across different platformsBy Ron on Sunday, Jun 30th, 2013 at 11:07AM. Ron (n.d.). WinBeta RSS. Retrieved November 28, 2013, from Malik, O. (n.d.). Why Microsoft Is Buying Skype for $8.5 Billion — Tech News and Analysis. Gigaom. Retrieved November 22, 2013, from Rosoff, M. (n.d.). Microsoft Insider: Here's Why We Bought Skype. Business Insider. Retrieved November 28, 2013, from