Solutions Advanced test from the first unit answer ket
Answer key: Short tests
Unit 1
Test 1
1 used to come / would come
2 used to park / would park
3 used to build / would build
4 used to love
5 was always asking them
6 opened
7 they always had to / were always
having to
8 used to really enoy / really used
to enoy
! "eel
1# will
11 usually tries
12 would never come / never used
to come
1 hindsight
2 ingrained
3 reminisce
4 disorientated
5 traumatic
6 code
7 trait
8 unnerved
Test 2
1 $% / & 2 & 3 & 4 $% / & 5 &
6 ' 7 & 8 ' ! ' 1# ' 11 &
12 & / $% 13 & / $% 14 & / $%
1 (ike)s planning application has
been turned down by the council*
2 +he allegation will be looked into
by the police*
3 +he complaint was brought up by
the director at the meeting
4 (ost o" the stories about the
singer have been / were made up
by ournalists*
5 +he "amily has been / was let
down by the authorities*
1 loosely
2 resolutely
3 supposedly
4 widely
1 ba""led
2 nervous
3 disillusioned
4 remorse"ul
'olutions ,dvanced +ests 1