Now you are ready to add vhdl fıles to your Project. Click Project->Add Files, a window will
be opened for selecting files to be added. Browse to the folder “home/atak/vhdl_sim”, select
the two vhdl files “bitreverse.vhd” and “tt_bitreverse.vhd” and click open. (you can use the
control key for multiple selection).
After adding VHDL files to your Project, the two files will appear in the workspace window.
Click the + sign which is on the left of “library=>my_vhdl_sim…”, the two files will be
shown then.
For each file you will notice an entity and architecture. Double click on the files to see the
vhdl code in the main window. Spend some time to understand the VHDL codes. The
“bitreverse.vhd” files contain a process which performs a bit reversal operation.
“tt_bitreverse.vhd” is the testbench file to test the “bitreverse.vhd”.
Click compile-> compile all, this will compile all vhdl files in the design. you should see the
message “finished compilation session” in the console window of sonata.
Click simulate-> select TopLevel, select “tt_bitreverse(behavioral)” from the window
The sonata’s main window has a field for simulation run time in the middle of the toolbar.
Write “1000ns” and click the arrow left to the field(shown below).
a waveform window will be opened.
Double click on tt_bitreverse in hierarchy window(on the left), you will notice the signals in
the tt_bitreverse module in the scope window(left-bottom window) as shown below.
add all the signals in the scope window to the waveform window (by dragging or right
clicking and then clicking “add selected to waveform”)
restart the simulation by clicking simulate->restart and then click .