KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS : That the MALAYAN INSURANCE CO., INC., a corporation duly organized and existing and by virtue of the laws of the Philippines, with principal office and place of business at 484 Quintin Paredes Street, Binondo, anila, Philippines, duly represented herein by its Paralegal r! "#ST$% &'(S') Q! *)T(+', has na,ed, constituted and appointed and, by this instru,ent, does na,e, constitute and appoint Mr. Ephraim Daniel Lara to be its true and lawful 'ttorney-$n-.act, for it and in its na,e, place and stead, to do and perfor, all or any of the following acts and things, na,ely/ To represent this &o,pany in S,all &lai,s cases that will be filed and handled by her, to consider the following under Section, )ule 01
of the )ules of &ourt, and under '! ! no! 18-8-2-S& a3 b3 to withdraw the co,plaint, for settle,ent of the case4 to enter into alternative ,odes of dispute resolution, or for si,plification or deter,ination of the issues4 the necessity or desirability of a,end,ent to the pleadings4 the possibility of obtaining stipulations or ad,issions of facts and of docu,ents to avoid unnecessary proof4 to negotiate, conclude, enter into and execute a co,pro,ise a,icable settle,ent of the case, under such ter,s and conditions as said attorney-in-fact ,ay dee, proper and beneficial4 such other ,atters as ,ay aid in the pro,pt disposition of the actions, or to prosecute said action thereon, in the &ourt as he dee,s necessary to protect this &o,pany5s interest4
c3 d3
To de,and, collect and receive any and all su,s of ,oney which are or ,ay hereby beco,e due, by reason of an a,icable settle,ent, if any, with full power and authority to execute contracts and6or docu,ents in relations thereof! HEREBY GIVING AND GRANTING unto the said 'ttorney-$n.act full power and authority to do and perfor, every act and thing whatsoever re7uisite and necessary to be done in the pre,ises as fully to all intents and purposes as the undersigned ,ight to do or could be done if personally present, hereby ratifying and confir,ing all that the attorney-in-fact shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of these presents! IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the alayan $nsurance &o!, $nc!, through its )epresentative, JUSTIN CAESAR Q. ORTEGA, has signed this presents this 888888 day of 8888888888, 019: in anila, Philippines! MALAYAN INSURANCE CO., INC. By/ JUSTIN CAESAR Q. ORTEGA
SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF : 88888888888888888888888888888 8888888888888888888888888888
)(P#B;$& *. T<( P<$;$PP$%(S 3 &$T= *. '%$;' 3 S!S! BEFORE ME, a %otary Public for and in the &ity of anila, personally appeared JUSTIN CAESAR Q. ORTEGA, with T$% %o! 4:0909-292-111, in his capacity as )epresentative of alayan $nsurance &o!, $nc!, with &orporate &ertificate %o! 111820>9, issued at anila, on "anuary 1?, 0112 with Tax 'ccount %o! 0:1-111-:::-?:4 @nown to ,e and to ,e @nown to be sa,e person who executed the foregoing instru,ent and ac@nowledged to ,e that the sa,e is his free and voluntary act and deed and the free act and deed of the corporation he represents for the purpose therein set forth! WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this 8888 day of 888888888888, 019:, at anila, Philippines!
Aoc! %o! 88888 Page %o! 88888 Boo@ %o! 88888 Series of 019:!