Sponsor Form 2

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The Samuel Dustin Clark Foundation, Inc.
9114 Brooks Crossing, Mount Juliet, TN 37122 www.samssprint.org (615)773-7302

Dear Prospective Sponsor, Our precious son, Sam, passed away on October 31, 2007, with a diagnosis of SIDS at 5 months old. In honor of Sam and in efforts to keep his memory alive, we have created the Samuel Dustin Clark Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. This year the Samuel Dustin Clark Foundation is hosting the 2nd annual ³Sam¶s Sprint,´ a 5K run/walk & Kid¶s Run which will begin and end at Charlie Daniel¶s Park in Mount Juliet. The race will take place on October 15, 2011, with festivities/registration beginning at 7A.M., and the race beginning at 9. Each year a donation is made post-race in Sam¶s honor to a community project or other charitable cause. Proceeds from the race will benefit the building expansion project at Mount Juliet Public Library, which will house a certain area specifically honoring Sam. We are deeply appreciative for all participation to raise money in memory of our sweet baby boy. This year we are offering four levels of sponsorship for Sam¶s Sprint. Every sponsor¶s name will be on the race day T-shirt, on our organization¶s website, and in a Mount Juliet paper ad after the event. This alone will reach many, many homes! Sponsors will also be announced the day of the event. This is a great opportunity to help the community AND get your business the recognition it deserves! Sincerely, Herby and Tatum Clark The Samuel Dustin Clark Foundation, Inc. [email protected]

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------****2011 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES****
_______PLATINUM SPONSORSHIP ($1000) Includes: Booth advertising day of event, business name AND logo on race participant Tshirt, link of business website on www.samssprint.org, bag stuffer, business name listed in paper ad, and 4 race day vouchers (e-mail logo in .jpg format to [email protected] by 10/1/11) _______GOLD SPONSORSHIP ($500) Includes: Business name on race participant T-shirt, link of your business website on www.samssprint.org, bag stuffer, business name listed in paper ad, and 2 race day vouchers _______SILVER SPONSORSHIP ($250.00) Includes: Bag stuffer, business name on participant T-shirt & website, business name listed in newspaper ad, and one race day voucher _______BRONZE SPONSORSHIP ($150.00) Includes: Bag stuffer, business name on T-shirt and website Business Name & Address______________________________________________________________ Phone Number/Contact Person__________________________________________________________ Please make all donation checks payable to The Samuel Dustin Clark Foundation, and send in prior to October 1st, 2011 to have business names on printed material. Thank you!

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