2012 Walkathon for
Hunger in Hernando
Our Town-Our Goal-Stop Hunger
To support Our Father’s Food Pantry
4157 Mariner Blvd. Spring Hill, FL 34609
See us on Facebook: /WalkathonHungerinHernando
Phone: (352) 346-8628 Dee or (352) 428-9273 Val
Our company is pleased to support the following Walkathon for Hunger in Hernando by a sponsorship
grant at the level indicated below.
Sponsoring Company _____________________________________________
Contact name ___________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________
Phone _________________________ Fax ___________________________
Email __________________________________________________________
Please indicate the sponsorship level:
$ 250
[ ] GOLD
$ 500
$ 100
Platinum Sponsors: Choice of Banner Placement __Start Line __Finish Line __1/4 Line
__1/2 Line __3/4 Line.
Gold Sponsors: Choice of: __ Start-line booth __ ¼ mile booth, __ ½ mile booth, __¾ mile booth
Please choose the form of payment:
[ ] Check
[ ] Bank Transfer
[ ] Credit Card
Will you have a group participating in the GROUP WALK section? ___Yes ___No
Group walkers compete for the 1st place trophy, which is given to the Group that raises the most
Sponsors. Group walkers are allowed to wear Company shirts with their logo on. (Same color please)
If by credit card, provide this information:
Card number: _________________________________________________________
Expiration date: ___________
Holder's Name: ________________________ Holder’s Signature: _________________
Credit Card billing address:
Street address: ________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________ State: ___________________________
Zip code/Postcode _____________________ Country: ________________________
Please send Corporate Logo to: Dee Neide,
[email protected]